100 | Windows Remote Assistance |
Windows Remote Assistance |
103 | Hari |
Days |
104 | Jam |
Hours |
105 | Menit |
Minutes |
106 | Please enter a value between 1 and 99 |
Please enter a value between 1 and 99 |
107 | The maximum expiry period is 30 days only. Select a value less than 30 days. |
The maximum expiry period is 30 days only. Select a value less than 30 days. |
1604 | Enter the password provided to you by the person you are trying to help. |
Enter the password provided to you by the person you are trying to help. |
1605 | Masukkan sandi: |
Enter password: |
1607 | Pengeditan Sandi |
Password Edit |
2000 | Sambungan terakhir pada %s |
Last connected on %s |
2001 | Membantu orang baru |
Help someone new |
2002 | Gunakan pilihan ini untuk terhubung ke seseorang yang tidak ada dalam daftar |
Use this option to connect to someone not on the list |
2003 | Undang seseorang untuk membantu Anda. |
Invite someone to help you. |
2004 | Gunakan pilihan ini untuk terhubung ke seseorang yang belum pernah dihubungi |
Use this option to connect to someone you have not contacted |
2005 | Komputer: %s |
Computer: %s |
2020 | Masukkan sandi untuk menyambung ke komputer jauh |
Enter the password to connect to the remote computer |
2021 | Anda dapat memperoleh sandi ini dari orang yang meminta bantuan. Sesi Remote Assistance akan dimulai setelah Anda mengetik sandi dan mengklik OK. |
You can get this password from the person requesting assistance. A Remote Assistance session will start after you type the password and click OK. |
2022 | Masukkan sandi Easy Connect |
Enter the Easy Connect password |
2023 | Masukkan sandi 12 karakter Easy Connect yang Anda dapatkan dari orang yang meminta bantuan. |
Enter the 12 character Easy Connect password that you got from the person requesting assistance. |
2024 | Sandi salah. Verifikasikan sandi dengan orang yang dibantu, lalu coba lagi. |
The password is not correct. Please verify the password with the person you are helping, and then try again. |
2025 | Jika sandi dimasukkan dengan benar, mungkin perlu beberapa detik hingga Anda terhubung menggunakan Easy Connect. Jika Anda masih memiliki masalah, klik Pemecahan Masalah untuk mengakhiri Remote Assistance, lalu coba identifikasi masalahnya dan atasi masalah jaringan. |
If the password is entered correctly, it might take a few seconds before you can connect using Easy Connect. If you still have problems, click Troubleshoot to stop Remote Assistance and try to identify and resolve network problems. |
2026 | Try Again |
Try Again |
2027 | Remote Assistance |
Remote Assistance |
2028 | Atasi masalah |
Troubleshoot |