100 | Stjórnun notandareikninga |
User Account Control |
102 | Virkt |
On |
103 | Óvirkt |
Off |
104 | Breyta stillingum |
Change settings |
105 | Veldu stig notandareikningsstýringar |
Choose your UAC level |
106 | Endurræsa þessa tölvu |
Restart this computer |
107 | Tölvan er öruggust ef kveikt er á stjórnun notendareikninga. |
Your computer is safest with User Account Control turned on. |
108 | Endurræstu tölvuna til að kveikja á stjórnun notendareikninga |
You must restart your computer to turn on User Account Control |
109 | Endurræstu tölvuna til að slökkva á stjórnun notendareikninga |
You must restart your computer to turn off User Account Control |
110 | Smelltu til að endurræsa tölvuna |
Click to restart this computer |
111 | &Change UAC settings |
&Change UAC settings |
112 | Restart this &computer |
Restart this &computer |
200 | Endurræsa núna |
Restart Now |
201 | Endurræsa seinna |
Restart Later |
202 | Öryggi og viðhald |
Security and Maintenance |
203 | Endurræsa tölvuna til að kveikja á stjórnun notendareikninga |
Restart this computer to turn on User Account Control |
204 | Endurræsa tölvuna til að slökkva á stjórnun notendareikninga |
Restart this computer to turn off User Account Control |
205 | Áður en þú endurræsir skaltu vista opnar skrár og loka öllum forritum. |
Before restarting, save any open files and close all programs. |
206 | You don't have permission to restart this computer. |
You don't have permission to restart this computer. |
300 | Stjórnun notendareikninga lætur vita um breytingar á tölvunni eða stillingum Windows og biður þig að samþykkja þær. |
UAC will notify you and ask you to approve changes to your computer or Windows settings. |
301 | UAC will always notify. |
UAC will always notify. |
302 | UAC lætur vita þegar forrit reyna að breyta tölvunni. |
UAC will notify you when apps try to make changes to the computer. |
303 | UAC lætur aldrei vita þegar forrit reyna að breyta tölvunni. |
UAC will never notify you when apps try to make changes to the computer. |
1400 | Disable apps to help improve performance |
Disable apps to help improve performance |
1402 | You have 3 or more new apps that start automatically and run in the background. This might slow down your PC. Open Task Manager to review your startup apps and disable any that you don't use. |
You have 3 or more new apps that start automatically and run in the background. This might slow down your PC. Open Task Manager to review your startup apps and disable any that you don't use. |
1403 | You have 3 or more new apps that start automatically and run in the background. This might slow down your PC and reduce battery life. Open Task Manager to review your startup apps and disable any that you don't use. |
You have 3 or more new apps that start automatically and run in the background. This might slow down your PC and reduce battery life. Open Task Manager to review your startup apps and disable any that you don't use. |
1404 | Gera forrit óvirk til að bæta afköst |
Disable apps to help improve performance |
1406 | Þú ert með þrjú eða fleiri ný forrit sem ræsast sjálfkrafa og ganga í bakgrunni. Þetta getur hægt á tölvunni þinni. Opnaðu Verkstjórnun til að sjá hvaða forrit eru ræst sjálfkrafa og gerðu þau forrit óvirk sem þú ert ekki að nota. |
You have 3 or more new apps that start automatically and run in the background. This might slow down your PC. Open Task Manager to review your startup apps and disable any that you don't use. |
1408 | On |
On |
1409 | Off |
Off |
1410 | Opna Verkstjórnun |
Open Task Manager |