1 | Dikgetho tša maatlamohlagase |
Power Options |
2 | Šomiša enetši goba oketša mošomo ka go kgetha ka moo khomphutha ya gago e laolago maatlamohlagase. |
Conserve energy or maximize performance by choosing how your computer manages power. |
3 | E šomiša peteri |
On battery |
4 | E pholakilwe |
Plugged in |
5 | Boloka diphetošo |
Save changes |
6 | Khansela |
Cancel |
9 | Ka tlase ga motsotso o 1 |
Less than 1 minute |
10 | Motsotso o 1 |
1 minute |
11 | Metsotso e %2!u! |
%2!u! minutes |
12 | Iri e 1 |
1 hour |
13 | Diiri tše %1!u! diiri |
%1!u! hours |
14 | Diiri tše %1!u! metsotso e %2!u! metsotso |
%1!u! hours %2!u! minutes |
15 | Le gatee |
Never |
16 | %1!u! %2 |
%1!u! %2 |
17 | Iri e 1 motsotso o 1 |
1 hour 1 minute |
18 | %1!u! diiri motsotso o 1 |
%1!u! hours 1 minute |
19 | iri e 1 %2!u! metsotso |
1 hour %2!u! minutes |
20 | Ditirišo tše dingwe di laolwa ke molaodi wa khomphutha ya gago. Naa goreng nka se kgone go fetoša ditirišo tše dingwe? |
Some settings are managed by your system administrator. Why can't I change some settings? |
21 | Dipeakanyo tše dingwe di laolwa ke molaodi wa khomphutha ya gago. Naa goreng nka se kgone go fetoša dipeakanyo tše dingwe? |
Some settings are managed by your system administrator. Why can't I change some settings? |
25 | Windows ga e kgone go boloka tše dingwe tša diphetošo tša gago go ditirišo tše tša peakanyo ya maatlamohlagase. |
Windows can't save some of your changes to this plan's power settings. |
26 | Windows ga e kgone go dira dipeakanyo tša maatlamohlagase tše o di kgethilego gore di šome. Kgetha peakanyo e nngwe. |
Windows can't make the power plan that you selected active. Choose a different plan. |
27 | Windows ga e kgone go thomiša lenaneo leo le latelago %1!s! %2!s! |
Windows can't start the following program: %1!s! %2!s! |
28 | %s (%s) |
%s (%s) |
30 | Fetoša ditirišo tšeo di sego gona gabjale |
Change settings that are currently unavailable |
31 | Dipeakanyo tše di ka se fetošwe |
These settings can't be changed |
35 | Thobatšo |
Sleep |
50 | Laola Dipeakanyo tša maatlamohlagase |
Manage Power Plans |
51 | Hlama Peakanyo ya maatlamohlagase |
Create a Power Plan |
52 | Rulaganya Ditirišo tša Peakanyo |
Edit Plan Settings |
54 | Ditirišo tša Khomphutha |
System Settings |
70 | Phanele ya Taolo ya Dikgetho tša maatlamohlagase |
Power Options Control Panel |
100 | Kgetha goba o khastamaese leano la maatlamohlagase |
Choose or customize a power plan |
101 | Leano la maatlamohlagase ke kgoboketšo ya hatwere le dipeakanyo tša tshepedišo (tša go swana le go tagafatša sekerini, thobatšo, bjalobjalo) tše di laolago ka fao khomphutha ya gago e šomišago maatlamohlagase. Mpotše tše ntši ka ga maano a maatlamohlagase |
A power plan is a collection of hardware and system settings (like display brightness, sleep, etc.) that manages how your computer uses power. Tell me more about power plans |
104 | Leano le le kgethilwego |
Selected plan |
105 | Thušo |
Help |
106 | %s |
%s |
110 | Kgetha seo dikonope tša maatlamohlagase di se dirago |
Choose what the power buttons do |
111 | Kgetha seo konope ya maatlamohlagase e se dirago |
Choose what the power button does |
112 | Kgetha seo go tswalela sekhurumelo go se dirago |
Choose what closing the lid does |
114 | Hlama peakanyo ya maatlamohlagase |
Create a power plan |
120 | Kgetha gore o tla tima sebontšhi neng |
Choose when to turn off the display |
121 | Fetoša ge khomphutha e robala |
Change when the computer sleeps |
123 | Go kganya ga sekrine: |
Screen brightness: |
124 | Change screen brightness |
Change screen brightness |
131 | Senthara ya Tshepetšo ya Windows |
Windows Mobility Center |
132 | Boitšhupo bja moswananoši |
Personalization |
133 | Diakhaonte tša Bašomiši |
User Accounts |
150 | Dipeakanyo tša go ratwa |
Preferred plans |
151 | Dipeakanyo tše di bontšhitšwego mmithareng wa peteri |
Plans shown on the battery meter |
152 | Bontšha dipeakanyo tša peteri |
Show additional plans |
153 | Fihla dipeakanyo tša kgetho |
Hide additional plans |
155 | bophelo bja peteri: |
Battery life: |
156 | Go boloka enetši: |
Energy savings: |
157 | Mošomo: |
Performance: |
160 | Rata mošomo go feta bophelo bja peteri |
Favors performance over battery life |
161 | Battery life and performance are on par |
Battery life and performance are on par |
162 | Favors battery life over performance |
Favors battery life over performance |
165 | Fetoša ditirišo tša peakanyo |
Change plan settings |
166 | Fetoša ditirišo tša peakanyo tša peakanyo ya %s |
Change plan settings for the %s plan |
170 | %s (šišintšwego) |
%s (recommended) |
180 | Your power plan information isn't available. %s Why can't Windows retrieve this information? |
Your power plan information isn't available. %s Why can't Windows retrieve this information? |
181 | Tshedimošo ya peakanyo ya gago ya maatlamohlagase ga e hwetšagale. %s Naa goreng Windows e sa kgone go ntšha tshedimošo ye? |
Your power plan information isn't available. %s Why can't Windows retrieve this information? |
200 | Fetoša ditirišo tša peakanyo: %s |
Change settings for the plan: %s |
201 | Kgetha dipeakanyo tša go robatša le tša sebontšhi tše o nyakago gore khomphutha ya gago e di šomiše. |
Choose the sleep and display settings that you want your computer to use. |
210 | Tima sebontšhi: |
Turn off the display: |
211 | Bea khomphutha go thobatšo: |
Put the computer to sleep: |
212 | Hibernate the computer: |
Hibernate the computer: |
213 | Beakanya go kganya ga sebontšhi: |
Adjust plan brightness: |
220 | &Fetoša ditirišo tše di gatetšego pele tša maatlamohlagase |
&Change advanced power settings |
221 | Phu&mola peakanyo ye |
De&lete this plan |
222 | Na o na le bonnete bja gore o nyaka go Phumola peakanyo ye? |
Are you sure you want to delete this plan? |
223 | Peakanyo ye e ka se bušetšwe ka morago ga ge o e tlošitše. |
This plan can't be restored after you delete it. |
224 | &Bušetša dipeakanyo tša boitaolelo tša leano le |
&Restore default settings for this plan |
225 | Na o na le bonnete bja gore o nyaka go bušetša dipeakanyo tša tirelwa tša peakanyo ye? |
Are you sure you want to restore this plan's default settings? |
226 | Ge o klika 'Ee' ka bjako go bušetša dipeakanyo ka moka tša tirelwa ya peakanyo. |
Clicking 'Yes' immediately restores all of the plan's default settings. |
227 | Fetoša ditirišo tše di gatetšego pele tša maatlamohlagase |
Change advanced power settings |
228 | Delete this plan |
Delete this plan |
229 | Bušetša dipeakanyo tša boitaolelo tša leano le |
Restore default settings for this plan |
230 | Hlama |
Create |
300 | Hlaloša konope ya maatlamohlagase gomme o gotetše tšhireletšo ya leina la sephiri |
Define power buttons and turn on password protection |
301 | Kgetha dipeakanyo tša maatlamohlagase tše o di nyakago gore di šome khomphutheng ya gago. Diphetošo tše o di dirago go ditirišo mo letlakaleng le di diragala dipeakanyong tša gago ka moka tša maatlamohlagase. |
Choose the power settings that you want for your computer. The changes you make to the settings on this page apply to all of your power plans. |
310 | Dikonope tša maatlamohlagase le tša thobatšo le ditirišo tša sekhurumelo |
Power and sleep buttons and lid settings |
311 | Ditirišo tša konope ya maatlamohlagase le ya thobatšo |
Power and sleep button settings |
312 | Ditirišo tša konope ya maatlamohlagase |
Power button settings |
313 | Ditirišo tša konope ya maatlamohlagase le ya sekhurumelo |
Power button and lid settings |
320 | Ge ke kgotla konope ya maatlamohlagase: |
When I press the power button: |
321 | Ge ke kgotla konope ya thobatšo: |
When I press the sleep button: |
322 | Ge ke tswalela sekhurumelo: |
When I close the lid: |
349 | Tima dipeakanyo |
Shutdown settings |
350 | Shutdown settings |
Shutdown settings |
351 | Gotetša thomišo ya ka pejana (šišintšwe) |
Turn on fast startup (recommended) |
353 | Se se thušo go thomiša Khomphutha ya gago ka potlako ka morago ga go e tima. Go thomiša leswa ga go amege. Ithute tše Ntši |
This helps start your PC faster after shutdown. Restart isn’t affected. Learn More |
354 | Se se thuša go thomiša Khomphutha ya gago ka potlako ka morago ga go e tima. Go thomiša leswa ga go amege. Ithute tše Ntši. |
This helps start your PC faster after shutdown. Restart isn’t affected. Learn More. |
357 | Bontšha ka menyung wa Maatla. |
Show in Power menu. |
358 | Totomala |
Hibernate |
360 | Notlela |
Lock |
361 | Bontšha ka menyung wa seswantšho sa akhaonte. |
Show in account picture menu. |
401 | Thomiša ka leano le le lego gona gomme o le fe leina. |
Start with an existing plan and give it a name. |
425 | Leina la leano: |
Plan name: |
430 | Plan description (optional): |
Plan description (optional): |
440 | The name that you entered is used by another power plan. Choose a different name for this plan. |
The name that you entered is used by another power plan. Choose a different name for this plan. |
441 | Ge o hlama peakanyo ya maatlamohlagase, o swanetše go e fa leina. Tlanya leina ka lepokisaneng. |
When you create a power plan, you must name it. Type a name in the box. |
450 | Peakanyo ya ka ya Mošomiši %1!u! |
My Custom Plan %1!u! |
460 | Latelago |
Next |
0x10000031 | Response Time |
Response Time |
0x30000001 | Start |
Start |
0x30000002 | Stop |
Stop |
0x50000004 | Information |
Information |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-PowerCpl |
Microsoft-Windows-PowerCpl |