If an error occurred or the following message in Cornish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id |
Cornish |
English |
1024 | Sgaradair |
Separator |
1025 | + |
+ |
1026 | Chan eil gin |
None |
4160 | Dùin |
Close |
4161 | Ceart ma-thà |
OK |
4162 | Roghainnean %s |
%s Properties |
4163 | An-diugh: |
Today: |
4164 | &Rach gu an-diugh |
&Go to today |
4165 | /.,-: |
/.,-: |
4166 | MMMM |
4167 | MMMM yyyy |
MMMM yyyy |
4176 | Cuir a-steach teacsa an-seo |
Enter text here |
32768 | Atharraichidh seo meud na h-uinneige. |
Resizes this window. |
32784 | Gluaisidh seo an uinneag seo. |
Moves this window. |
32800 | Co-theannachaidh seo an uinneag seo na ìomhaigheag. |
Collapses this window to an icon. |
32816 | Meudaichidh seo an uinneag gus an lìon e an sgrìn. |
Expands this window to fill the screen. |
32832 | Gluaisidh seo air adhart dhan ath-uinneag MDI. |
Switches to the next MDI window. |
32864 | Dùinidh seo an uinneag seo. |
Closes this window. |
33056 | Aisigidh seo meud àbhaisteach na h-uinneige. |
Restores this window to normal size. |
33072 | Gluaisidh seo air adhart gu saothair eile. |
Switches to another task. |
36848 | Tha àitheantan na lùib airson uinneagan a làimhseachadh. |
Contains commands for manipulating windows. |
36849 | Slaod gun taobh chlì no deas gus meud nan colbhan atharrachadh. |
Drag to the left or right to resize columns. |
36850 | Atharraichidh seo meud nan colbh leis na saighdean is iuchraichean taba. |
Resizes columns using the arrow and tab keys. |
36851 | Cuiridh seo ris, gluasaidh e 's bheir e air falbh putain on bhàr-inneal. |
Adds, moves, and removes buttons on the toolbar. |