File name: | dialer.exe.mui |
Size: | 15360 byte |
MD5: | 7acb819e245681197f248ff951e026f0 |
SHA1: | 6d6f7bd75cff3954f2e66efab52fbe5e5a929696 |
SHA256: | 5d8a29050ecae27862f3d3a952253574d938182a02b401c56f005e2febbeb0bf |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
In x64: | dialer.exe Microsoft Windows telefonsko pozivanje (32-bitno) |
If an error occurred or the following message in Croato-Serbian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Croato-Serbian (Latin) | English |
901 | Dialer | Dialer |
902 | Telefonsko pozivanje | Phone Dialer |
940 | Došlo je do interne pogreške u telefonskom pozivanju. Zatvorite i ponovno pokrenite telefonsko pozivanje. |
An internal error occurred in Phone Dialer. Quit and restart Phone Dialer. |
941 | Nije bilo dovoljno memorije za nastavak. Zatvorite neke programe i pokušajte ponovno. |
There was not enough memory to continue. Quit one or more programs, and then try again. |
942 | Telefonija u sustavu Windows ne može dovršiti postupak zatražen telefonskim pozivanjem. Zatvorite i ponovno pokrenite telefonsko pozivanje. |
Windows Telephony was unable to complete an operation requested by Phone Dialer. Quit and restart Phone Dialer. |
943 | Telefonsko pozivanje ne može pronaći telefonski uređaj ili modem koji treba koristiti za biranje glasov. poziva. Na upr. ploči dvokliknite Modemi i instalirajte modem ili instalirajte neki drugi telefonski uređaj koji će se koristiti za biranje poziva. |
Phone Dialer was unable to find a telephone device or modem to use to dial voice calls. In Control Panel, double-click the Modems icon to install a modem, or install another telephone device to use for dialing calls. |
945 | Navedeni telefonski broj sadrži nevaljane znakove ili je nepravilna oblika. Za dodatne informacije desnom tipkom miša kliknite okvir s brojem. |
The specified phone number either contains invalid characters, or is incorrectly formatted. Click on the number box with the right mouse button to see more information. |
949 | Neki upravljački programi za telefonske uređaje nisu kompatibilni s datotekom TAPI.DLL. Instalirajte ažuriranu verziju. |
One or more telephone device drivers are incompatible with TAPI.DLL. Install an updated version. |
950 | Navedeni telefonski broj nije moguće birati na uređaju odabrane linije jer je ona blokirana na telefonskoj centrali. | The specified phone number cannot be dialed on the selected line device because it is blocked at the telephone switch. |
952 | Informacije o naplati navedene kao dio telefonskog broja su odbijene. Provjerite jeste li ih točno unijeli, a zatim pokušajte ponovno. |
The billing information specified as part of the phone number has been rejected. Check to make sure you've entered it correctly, and then try again. |
956 | Neki drugi program koristi odabrani telefonski uređaj. Pokušajte ponovno kada taj drugi program završi. |
Another program is using the selected Telephony device. Try again after the other program completes. |
977 | Upozorenje | Warning |
978 | Uz trenutne izbore na kartici mjesta i pozivanja poziv na ovaj broj mogao bi uputiti poziv hitnoj službi na broj 911. Jeste li sigurni da želite birati ovaj poziv? | Using your current location and calling card selection, dialing this number could result in a emergency services call to 911. Are you sure you want to dial this call ? |
979 | Odabir preferiranog uređaja nije dostupan. Zadano se odabire novi uređaj. Ako želite promijeniti taj odabir, koristite mogućnost "Poveži se pomoću" na izborniku Alati | Your preferred device selection is not available. A new device has been selected by default. If you wish to change the selection use the 'Connect Using' option under the 'Tools' menu |
1013 | Čini se da su podaci o konfiguraciji koji se odnose na telefonske usluge oštećeni. Na upravljačkoj ploči provjerite konfiguraciju telefonskih uređaja. |
Configuration information relating to Telephony services appears to be corrupt. Please check the configuration of telephone devices in the control panel. |
1014 | Nema jedne od komponenti upravljačkog programa za telefonski uređaj. Postavite valjani upravljački program na upravljačkoj ploči. |
One of the components of the Telephony device driver is missing. Use the Control Panel to set up the driver properly. |
1016 | Odabrani je uređaj uklonjen s računala. Odaberite neki drugi uređaj za biranje. | The selected device has been removed from your computer. Please select a different device for dialing. |
1020 | Instalirane su dvije kopije istog upravljačkog programa za telefoniju. Uklonite jednu od njih na upravljačkoj ploči. |
You have two copies of the same Telephony driver installed. Use the Control Panel to remove one of the copies. |
1545 | Poziv je odbijen s biranog broja. | The call was rejected by the called party. |
1546 | Birani je broj zauzet. | The called number is busy. |
1547 | Nema odgovora. | There was no answer. |
1548 | Biranom se broju ne može uputiti poziv. Provjerite je li broj točan i koristite li odgovarajući uređaj |
The call cannot be completed as dialed. Check the number is correct and you are using the right device |
1549 | Poziv nije uspio zbog zagušenja mreže. | The call failed due to network congestion. |
1550 | Oprema na pozvanom broju nije kompatibilna s vašom opremom. | Equipment at the called number is incompatible with your equipment. |
1551 | Upravljački program za telefonski uređaj trenutno ne može odgovoriti na vaš zahtjev. | The Telephony device driver is unable to respond to your request at this time. |
1552 | Telefonsko pozivanje nije moguće pokrenuti. Zatvorite sve druge programe za telefoniranje i pokušajte ponovno. |
Phone Dialer cannot successfully start. Quit all other telephony programs, and then try again. |
1553 | Poziv je prekinut jer je upravljački program telefonskog uređaja zatvorio liniju. | Your call was cancelled because the Telephony device driver closed the line. |
1554 | Nije otkriven zvuk slobodne linije. Provjerite kabelske veze telefona i pobrinite se da liniju ne koristi netko drugi. | A dial tone was not detected. Please check your telephone cable connections, and be sure the line is not in use by someone else. |
1555 | Pozivni broj države nije valjan. Ponovno provjerite telefonski broj. |
The country code you entered is invalid. Please check the phone number again. |
File Description: | Microsoft Windows telefonsko pozivanje |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | DIALER.EXE |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana. |
Original Filename: | DIALER.EXE.MUI |
Product Name: | Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows® |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x41A, 1200 |