File name: | authui.dll.mui |
Size: | 15360 byte |
MD5: | 699ed844af8e36ec25c2bb9f49f91102 |
SHA1: | 84e12b325ae2a67a50656717fc2fcabc9400ea7a |
SHA256: | c0eee4f6e59a1c99ced653882c8b5eae8a48ef5d2166326f52efaaed48bf0d9f |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Maltese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Maltese | English |
3000 | Għażliet għall-Attivazzjoni | Power Options |
3002 | Bħalizza m’hemm ebda għażliet għall-attivazzjoni disponibbli. | There are currently no power options available. |
3003 | Agħżel raġuni li tiddeskrivi l-aħjar għaliex tixtieq tagħlaq dan il-PC | Choose a reason that best describes why you want to shut down this PC |
3004 | Xi ħadd ieħor għadu qed juża dan il-PC. Jekk tagħlaq issa, jistgħu jitilfu xogħol mhux issejvjat. | Someone else is still using this PC. If you shut down now, they could lose unsaved work. |
3005 | Jekk tagħlaq issa, inti u nies oħrajn li qed jużaw dan il-PC tistgħu titilfu xogħol mhux issejvjat. | If you shut down now, you and any other people using this PC could lose unsaved work. |
3006 | Xi ħadd ieħor għadu qed juża dan il-PC. Jekk tirristartja issa, jistgħu jitilfu xogħol mhux issejvjat. | Someone else is still using this PC. If you restart now, they could lose unsaved work. |
3007 | Jekk tirristartja issa, inti u nies oħrajn li qed jużaw dan il-PC tistgħu titilfu xogħol mhux issejvjat. | If you restart now, you and any other people using this PC could lose unsaved work. |
3008 | Kompli | Continue |
3009 | Xorta agħlaq is-sistema | Shut down anyway |
3010 | Irristartja xorta waħda | Restart anyway |
3011 | 11;semibold;none;segoe ui | 11;semibold;none;segoe ui |
3012 | 11;semilight;none;segoe ui | 11;semilight;none;segoe ui |
3013 | Agħlaq is-sistema | Shut down |
3014 | &Agħlaq is-Sistema | Sh&ut down |
3015 | Jagħlaq l-applikazzjonijiet kollha u jitfi l-PC. | Closes all apps and turns off the PC. |
3016 | Irristartja | Restart |
3017 | &Irristartja | &Restart |
3018 | Agħlaq l-applikazzjonijiet kollha, itfli l-PC, u mbagħad erġa’ ixegħlu. | Closes all apps, turns off the PC, and then turns it on again. |
3019 | F’sospensjoni | Sleep |
3020 | &F’sospensjoni | &Sleep |
3021 | Il-PC jibqa’ mixgħul iżda juża enerġija baxxa. L-applikazzjonijiet jibqgħu miftuħin biex meta l-PC iqum, tkun tista’ tkompli fil-pront b’dak li kont qed tagħmel. | The PC stays on but uses low power. Apps stay open so when the PC wakes up, you’re instantly back to where you left off. |
3022 | Ibernizza | Hibernate |
3023 | Ibe&rnizza | &Hibernate |
3025 | Jitfi l-PC iżda l-applikazzjonijiet jibqgħu miftuħin. Meta l-PC jinxtegħel, tkun tista’ tkompli b’dak li kont qed tagħmel. | Turns off the PC but apps stay open. When the PC is turned on, you’re back to where you left off. |
3026 | Aġġorna u agħlaq | Update and shut down |
3027 | Aġġorna u ag&ħlaq | Update and sh&ut down |
3029 | Jagħlaq l-applikazzjonijiet kollha, jaġġorna l-PC, u mbagħad jitfih. | Closes all apps, updates the PC, and then turns it off. |
3030 | Aġġorna u rristartja | Update and restart |
3031 | Aġġorna u &rristartja | Update and &restart |
3033 | Jagħlaq l-applikazzjonijiet kollha, jaġġorna l-PC, jitfih, u mbagħad jerġa’ jixegħlu. | Closes all apps, updates the PC, turns it off, and then turns it on again. |
3034 | Oħroġ | Sign out |
3035 | Jagħlaq l-applikazzjonijiet kollha u joħorġok. | Closes all apps and signs you out. |
3038 | Skonnettja | Disconnect |
3039 | Itemm il-kumnikazzjoni tiegħek ma’ dan il-PC remot. | Ends your connection to this remote PC. |
3040 | &Skonnettja | &Disconnect |
3041 | O&ħroġ | S&ign out |
3042 | Illokkja | Lock |
3043 | I&llokkja | L&ock |
3044 | Isakkar il-kont tiegħek fuq dan il-PC. | Locks your account on this PC. |
3045 | Aqla' mill-istazzjon tal-iddokkjar | Undock |
3046 | A&qla' mill-istazzjon tal-iddokkjar | U&ndock |
3047 | Ineħħi l-laptop jew in-notebook kompjuter minn stazzjon tal-iddokkjar. | Removes your laptop or notebook computer from a docking station. |
3050 | L-amministratur tas-sistema tefa xi stati tal-enerġija għal dan il-kont tal-utent. | The system administrator has disabled some power states for this user account. |
3052 | Aqleb l-utent | Switch user |
3053 | Jaqleb l-utenti mingħajr ma jagħlaq l-applikazzjonijiet. | Switch users without closing apps. |
3054 | Aql&eb l-utent | S&witch user |
3100 | Agħżel raġuni li tiddeskrivi l-aħjar għaliex tixtieq tagħlaq dan il-kompjuter | Choose a reason that best describes why you want to shut down this computer |
3101 | Xi ħadd ieħor għadu qed juża dan il-kompjuter. Jekk tagħlaq is-sistema issa, jistgħu jitilfu xogħol mhux issejvjat. | Someone else is still using this computer. If you shut down now, they could lose unsaved work. |
3102 | Jekk tagħlaq is-sistema issa, inti u persuni oħrajn li qed jużaw dan il-kompjuter tistgħu titilfu xogħol mhux issejvjat. | If you shut down now, you and any other people using this computer could lose unsaved work. |
3103 | Xi ħadd ieħor għadu qed juża dan il-kompjuter. Jekk tirristartja issa, jistgħu jitilfu xogħol mhux issejvjat. | Someone else is still using this computer. If you restart now, they could lose unsaved work. |
3104 | Jekk tirristartja issa, inti u persuni oħrajn li qed jużaw dan il-kompjuter tistgħu titilfu xogħol mhux issejvjat. | If you restart now, you and any other people using this computer could lose unsaved work. |
3105 | Jagħlaq l-applikazzjonijiet kollha u jitfi l-kompjuter. | Closes all apps and turns off the computer. |
3106 | Jagħlaq l-applikazzjonijiet kollha, jitfi l-kompjuter, u mbagħad jerġa’ jixegħlu. | Closes all apps, turns off the computer, and then turns it on again. |
3107 | Il-kompjuter jibqa’ mixgħul iżda juża enerġija baxxa. L-applikazzjonijiet jibqgħu miftuħin biex meta l-kompjuter iqum, tkun tista’ tkompli fil-pront b’dak li kont qed tagħmel. | The computer stays on but uses low power. Apps stay open so when the computer wakes up, you’re instantly back to where you left off. |
3108 | Jitfi l-kompjuter iżda applikazzjonijiet oħrajn jibqgħu miftuħa. Meta kompjuter jinxtegħel, terġa’ tmur lura għal dak li kont qed tagħmel. | Turns off the computer but apps stay open. When the computer is turned on, you’re back to where you left off. |
3109 | Jagħlaq l-applikazzjonijiet kollha, jaġġorna l-kompjuter, u mbagħad jitfih. | Closes all apps, updates the computer, and then turns it off. |
3110 | Jagħlaq l-applikazzjonijiet kollha, jaġġorna l-kompjuter, jitfih, u mbagħad jerġa’ jixegħlu. | Closes all apps, updates the computer, turns it off, and then turns it on again. |
3111 | Iwaqqaf il-kumnikazzjoni tiegħek ma’ dan il-kompjuter remot. | Ends your connection to this remote computer. |
3112 | Isakkar il-kont tiegħek fuq dan il-kompjuter. | Locks your account on this computer. |
3120 | Żerżaq biex tagħlaq is-sistema | Slide to shut down |
3121 | Żerżaq biex tagħlaq is-sistema tal-PC tiegħek | Slide to shut down your PC |
3122 | Se jiġu installati aġġornamenti kritiċi. | Critical updates will be installed. |
3123 | Se jiġu installati aġġornamenti kritiċi. Kull min qed juża dan il-PC se jitlef ix-xogħol mhux issejvjat. | Critical updates will be installed. Anyone else using this PC will lose unsaved work. |
3124 | Se jiġu installati aġġornamenti kritiċi. Inti jew kull min qed juża dan il-PC se jitlef ix-xogħol mhux issejvjat. | Critical updates will be installed. You or anyone else using this PC will lose unsaved work. |
3125 | Kull min qed juża dan il-PC se jitlef ix-xogħol mhux issejvjat. | Anyone else using this PC will lose unsaved work. |
3126 | Inti jew kull min qed juża dan il-PC se jitlef ix-xogħol mhux issejvjat. | You or anyone else using this PC will lose unsaved work. |
3127 | Biex tagħlaq is-sistema tal-PC tiegħek, agħfas l-ispacebar. Biex tmur lura għal dak li kont qed tagħmel, agħfas kwalunkwe tast ieħor. | To shut down your PC, press the spacebar. To go back to what you were doing, press any other key. |
3128 | Ikkanċella għeluq is-sistema | Cancel shutdown |
3129 | ▼ | ▼ |
3130 | 12;semilight;none;Segoe UI | 12;semilight;none;Segoe UI |
3131 | 20;semilight;none;Segoe UI | 20;semilight;none;Segoe UI |
3132 | 20;Light;none;Segoe UI | 20;Light;none;Segoe UI |
12900 | Input Indicator | Input Indicator |
12901 | 12pt;Bold;;Segoe UI | 12pt;Bold;;Segoe UI |
12902 | 11;semilight;none;Segoe UI | 11;semilight;none;Segoe UI |
25467 | %s %s Biex taqleb il-metodi tal-input, agħfas it-tast Windows+Space. |
%s %s To switch input methods, press Windows key+Space. |
0x10000031 | Response Time | Response Time |
0x30000000 | Info | Info |
0x30000001 | Start | Start |
0x30000002 | Stop | Stop |
0x50000002 | Error | Error |
0x50000003 | Warning | Warning |
0x50000004 | Information | Information |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Authentication User Interface | Microsoft-Windows-Authentication User Interface |
0x90000002 | Microsoft-Windows-Authentication User Interface/Operational | Microsoft-Windows-Authentication User Interface/Operational |
0x90000003 | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AuthUI-CredUI/Diagnostic | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AuthUI-CredUI/Diagnostic |
0x90000004 | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AuthUI-Logon/Diagnostic | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AuthUI-Logon/Diagnostic |
0x90000005 | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AuthUI-Common/Diagnostic | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AuthUI-Common/Diagnostic |
0x90000006 | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AuthUI-Shutdown/Diagnostic | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AuthUI-Shutdown/Diagnostic |
0x90000007 | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AuthUI-CredentialProviderUser/Diagnostic | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AuthUI-CredentialProviderUser/Diagnostic |
0x90000008 | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AuthUI-BootAnim/Diagnostic | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AuthUI-BootAnim/Diagnostic |
0x90000009 | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AuthUI-LogonUI/Diagnostic | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AuthUI-LogonUI/Diagnostic |
0xB0001389 | Logon user interface creation failed. Details: %1 | Logon user interface creation failed. Details: %1 |
0xB000138A | Logon user interface RPC server startup failed. Details: %1 | Logon user interface RPC server startup failed. Details: %1 |
0xB000138B | The username/password credential provider failed to enumerate tiles. | The username/password credential provider failed to enumerate tiles. |
0xB000138C | Autologon failed. Details: %1 | Autologon failed. Details: %1 |
0xB000138D | The autologon password could not be loaded. | The autologon password could not be loaded. |
0xB000138E | The autologon password could not be loaded. Details: %1 | The autologon password could not be loaded. Details: %1 |
0xB000138F | The OEM background could not be loaded for resolution %2 x %3. Details: %1 | The OEM background could not be loaded for resolution %2 x %3. Details: %1 |
0xB0001390 | The OEM background %1 was loaded but its aspect ratio does not match the primary display resolution %2 x %3. | The OEM background %1 was loaded but its aspect ratio does not match the primary display resolution %2 x %3. |
0xB0001391 | The OEM background %1 was not loaded because the file is larger than %2 bytes. | The OEM background %1 was not loaded because the file is larger than %2 bytes. |
0xB0001392 | The credential provider thread creation failed. Details: %1 | The credential provider thread creation failed. Details: %1 |
0xB0001393 | User enumeration failed. Details: %1 | User enumeration failed. Details: %1 |
0xB0001394 | The first run task for package %1 exceeded the maximum runtime alotted and has been cancelled. | The first run task for package %1 exceeded the maximum runtime alotted and has been cancelled. |
File Description: | Awtentikazzjoni tal-Windows UI |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | AUTHUI |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Kull Dritt Riżervat. |
Original Filename: | AUTHUI.DLL.MUI |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x43A, 1200 |