1 | Ime |
Name |
2 | Velikost |
Size |
3 | Vrsta |
Type |
4 | Datum |
Date |
5 | Pot |
Path |
12 | Izberite mesto, kamor želite ekstrahirati izbrane elemente. Nato kliknite »Ekstrahiraj«. |
Select the place where you want to extract the selected item(s). Then click the Extract button. |
13 | Izberite mapo, v kateri je naslednja kabinetna datoteka »%hs«. |
Select the folder containing the next cabinet file '%hs'. |
14 | Ali ste prepričani, da želite iz računalnika odstraniti pregledovalnik kabinetnih datotek? |
Are you sure you want to remove the Cabinet File Viewer from your computer? |
15 | Pregledovalnik kabinetnih datotek |
Cabinet File Viewer |
17 | po %s |
by %s |
18 | Na disku »%hs« izberite mapo, ki vsebuje to kabinetno datoteko »%hs«. |
Select the folder containing the next cabinet file '%hs' from disk '%hs'. |
19 | Pregledovalnik kabinetnih datotek potrebuje manjkajočo datoteko CABINET.DLL. |
The Cabinet File Viewer requires the missing file CABINET.DLL. |
20 | Kabinetna datoteka |
Cabinet File |
21 | Vsebuje stisnjene datoteke |
Contains compressed files |
32 | Prikaže elemente z velikimi ikonami. |
Displays items by using large icons. |
33 | Prikaže elemente z malimi ikonami. |
Displays items by using small icons. |
34 | Prikaže elemente na seznamu. |
Displays items in a list. |
35 | Prikaže informacije o vsakem elementu v oknu. |
Displays information about each item in the window. |
36 | Kopira izbrane predmete v odložišče. Kliknite »Prilepi«, da jih postaviti na novo mesto. |
Copies the selected items to the Clipboard. Use Paste to put them in the new location. |
37 | Izbere vse elemente v oknu. |
Selects all items in the window. |
38 | Preobrne izbiro, tako da so po operaciji izbrani tisti predmeti, ki pred tem niso bili. |
Reverses which items are selected and which are not. |
39 | Razvrsti predmete v okno po %s. |
Sorts items in the window by %s. |
40 | Razporedi ikone v mrežo. |
Arranges icons in a grid. |
41 | Samodejno razporedi ikone. |
Arranges the icons automatically. |
64 | Velike ikone |
Large Icons |
65 | Male ikone |
Small Icons |
66 | Seznam |
List |
67 | Podrobnosti |
Details |
68 | Kopiraj |
Copy |
69 | Izbira cilja |
Select a Destination |
70 | Ekstrahiraj |
Extract |
71 | Kabinetne datoteke ni mogoče odpreti. |
Cannot open the cabinet file. |
72 | Ekstrahiraj ... |
Extract... |