adammsg.dll.mui AD LDS 44a7f7bb73b431fa466570ff51d59016

File info

File name: adammsg.dll.mui
Size: 996864 byte
MD5: 44a7f7bb73b431fa466570ff51d59016
SHA1: f3f2e077dc3b8a899af9f4290d82686d1fe054cb
SHA256: 7866a84cf9d21194829b6f8940fedaa248b40e24270d8591b3d207e645e31fe3
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Spanish (Modern) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Spanish (Modern) English
0x1Comprobador de coherencia de la información Knowledge Consistency Checker
0x2Seguridad Security
0x3Interfaz ExDS ExDS Interface
0x4Interfaz MAPI MAPI Interface
0x5Replicación Replication
0x6Recolección de elementos no usados Garbage Collection
0x7Configuración interna Internal Configuration
0x8Acceso al directorio Directory Access
0x9Procesamiento interno Internal Processing
0xARendimiento Performance
0xBInicialización o terminación Initialization/Termination
0xCControl de servicios Service Control
0xDResolución de nombres Name Resolution
0xECopia de seguridad Backup
0xFIngeniería del campo Field Engineering
0x10Interfaz LDAP LDAP Interface
0x11Programa de instalación Setup
0x12Catálogo global Global Catalog
0x13Mensajes entre sitios Intersite Messaging
0x14Caché de grupo Group Caching
0x15Replicación de valor vinculado Linked-Value Replication
0x16Cliente de RPC DS DS RPC Client
0x17Servidor de RPC DS DS RPC Server
0x18Esquema de Servicios de directorio DS Schema
0x19Motor de transformación Transformation Engine
0x1AControl de acceso basado en notificaciones Claims-Based Access Control
0x320Severidad: %1%nCategoría: %2%n%3 Severity: %1%nCategory: %2%n%3
0x400003E8Inicio de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de Microsoft completado Microsoft Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services startup complete
0x400003E9No se pudo iniciar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Consulte la entrada del registro de eventos anterior para obtener más detalles. %n%nDatos adicionales%nCódigo de error:%n%1%nIdentificador interno (DSID):%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not be started. See previous event log entry for details.%n%nAdditional Data%nFailure code:%n%1%nInternal ID (DSID):%n%2
0x400003ECActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services se cerró correctamente. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was shut down successfully.
0x400003EDInternal event: Started to remove deleted objects that have expired (garbage collection). Internal event: Started to remove deleted objects that have expired (garbage collection).
0x400003EEInternal event: Finished removing deleted objects that have expired (garbage collection). Number of expired deleted objects that have been removed: %1. Internal event: Finished removing deleted objects that have expired (garbage collection). Number of expired deleted objects that have been removed: %1.
0x400003EFInternal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) successfully initialized. Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) successfully initialized.
0x400003F1Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has started updating the replication topology for the directory service. Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has started updating the replication topology for the directory service.
0x400003F5Internal event: The replication topology update task terminated normally. Internal event: The replication topology update task terminated normally.
0x400003F7Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) successfully updated the replication topology after the directory service was shut down or restarted. Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) successfully updated the replication topology after the directory service was shut down or restarted.
0x40000415Internal event: The directory replication agent was prompted to modify the repsFrom attribute with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource UUID:%n%2%nSource address:%n%3%nReplica-Flags:%n0x%4%nModify-Fields:%n0x%5%nOptions:%n0x%6 Internal event: The directory replication agent was prompted to modify the repsFrom attribute with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource UUID:%n%2%nSource address:%n%3%nReplica-Flags:%n0x%4%nModify-Fields:%n0x%5%nOptions:%n0x%6
0x40000423Internal event: The invocationID attribute of the directory system agent object has been set to the following parameter.%n%nInvocationID attribute:%n%1 Internal event: The invocationID attribute of the directory system agent object has been set to the following parameter.%n%nInvocationID attribute:%n%1
0x40000424Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed.
0x40000426Ya no se realizan instancias del dominio %1 en el servidor %4 en la dirección %2,o bien ya no es compatible con el dominio en el equipo local. Este dominio ya noes replicado a partir de este origen.%n%nHa comenzado la eliminación del contenido de este dominio a partir del servidorlocal. Se eliminará progresivamente el resto de estos objetos en la siguienteejecución del comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC). Domain %1 is no longer instantiated on server %4 at address %2, or is no longercompatible with the domain on the local machine. This domain is no longerreplicated from this source.%n%nRemoval of the contents of this domain from the local server has begun.Progress will be made in removing the remainder of these objects on the nextexecution of the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC).
0x40000427Este controlador de dominio ya no es un catálogo global. Ya no replicará la siguiente partición de dominio desde el controlador de dominio en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador de dominio:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nHa comenzado la eliminación de la partición de directorio. El progreso en la eliminación del resto de estos objetos tendrá lugar en la siguiente actualización del comprobador de coherencia de la información. This domain controller is no longer a global catalog. It will no longer replicate the following directory partition from the domain controller at the following network address.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDomain controller:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nRemoval of the directory partition has begun. Progress in removing the remainder of these objects will occur at the next Knowledge Consistency Checker update.
0x40000428Este controlador de dominio ya no replicará la siguiente partición de directorio desde el controlador de dominio en la siguiente dirección de red. Esto se debe a que la partición de directorio se quitó de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador de dominio:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nSe inició la eliminación de la partición de directorio. El progreso en la eliminación del resto de estos objetos tendrá lugar en la siguiente actualización del comprobador de coherencia de la información. This domain controller will no longer replicate the following directory partition from the domain controller at the following network address. This is because the directory partition has been removed from Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDomain controller:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nRemoval of the directory partition on this domain controller has begun. Progress in removing the remainder of these objects will occur at the next Knowledge Consistency Checker update.
0x4000042AInternal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3 Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3
0x4000042BInternal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3 Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3
0x4000042CInternal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3 Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3
0x4000042DSe ha realizado un progreso incremental para eliminar el resto de los objetos de la siguiente partición de directorio en este controlador de dominio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nLos objetos adicionales se eliminarán en la próxima actualización del comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC). Incremental progress has been made in removing the remainder of the objects from the following directory partition on this domain controller.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nAdditional objects will be removed at the next Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) update.
0x4000042EInternal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3%nActive ReplicaSync sessions:%n%4 Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3%nActive ReplicaSync sessions:%n%4
0x40000430Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nNetwork address:%n%1%nUpdate sequence number:%n%3%nFlags:%n0x%4%nSensitivity:%n%5%nOperation:%n%6%nDirSync Control Flags:%n0x%7%nActive GetNC sessions:%n%8 Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nNetwork address:%n%1%nUpdate sequence number:%n%3%nFlags:%n0x%4%nSensitivity:%n%5%nOperation:%n%6%nDirSync Control Flags:%n0x%7%nActive GetNC sessions:%n%8
0x40000431Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.%n%nTotal number of objects:%n%1%nTotal bytes:%n%2%nUpdate sequence number:%n%3%nExtended return:%n%4%nTime Taken (msec):%n%5%nRemaining GetNC sessions:%n%6 Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.%n%nTotal number of objects:%n%1%nTotal bytes:%n%2%nUpdate sequence number:%n%3%nExtended return:%n%4%nTime Taken (msec):%n%5%nRemaining GetNC sessions:%n%6
0x40000434Unused message Unused message
0x4000043FInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.%nRegistry key:%n%1 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.%nRegistry key:%n%1
0x40000441Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized.
0x40000446La memoria caché de escritura de software para la siguiente unidad de disco se deshabilitó para evitar posibles pérdidas de datos durante errores de sistema, como interrupciones del suministro eléctrico o errores de componentes de hardware que pueden causar un apagado repentino del sistema. La unidad de disco que almacena los archivos de registro de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services es la única unidad que se ha visto afectada por este cambio.%n%nUnidad de disco:%n%1 Software write caching for the following disk drive has been disabled to prevent possible data loss during system failures such as power outages or hardware component failures that can cause a sudden shutdown of the system. The disk drive that stores Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services log files is the only drive affected by this change.%n%nDisk drive:%n%1
0x4000044DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services actualizó el siguiente objeto con los cambios de atributo después de revertir uno o varios de los cambios de atributo incorrectos.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nGUID del objeto:%n%2%n%nAl revertir este cambio de atributo, se cancelarán los cambios. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following object with attribute changes after reversing one or more of the failed attribute changes.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%n%nThis attribute change reversal will have the effect of cancelling the changes.
0x4000044EInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.%n%nMessage size:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nSource directory service:%n%3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.%n%nMessage size:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nSource directory service:%n%3
0x4000044FInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.%n%nMessage size:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nDestination directory service:%n%3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.%n%nMessage size:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nDestination directory service:%n%3
0x40000450El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) ha terminado correctamente las siguientes notificaciones de cambio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nDirección de red de destino:%n%2%nServicio de directorio de destino (si está disponible):%n%3%n%nEste evento puede ocurrir si este servicio de directorio o el servicio de directorio de destino se han movido a otro sitio. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) successfully terminated the following change notifications.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDestination network address:%n%2%nDestination directory service (if available):%n%3%n%nThis event can occur if either this directory service or the destination directory service has been moved to another site.
0x40000454Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.%n%nCandidate connections:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nSite:%n%3 Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.%n%nCandidate connections:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nSite:%n%3
0x40000455El atributo invocationID de este servidor de directorio cambió. El número de secuencia de actualización mayor en el momento de crear la copia de seguridad es el siguiente.%n%nAtributo invocationID (valor anterior):%n%1%nAtributo invocationID (valor nuevo):%n%2%nNúmero de secuencia de actualización:%n%3%n%nEl atributo invocationID cambia cuando un servidor de directorio se restaura desde medios de copia de seguridad, se configura para hospedar una partición de directorio de aplicaciones de escritura, se reanuda después de aplicar una instantánea de máquina virtual, después de una operación de importación de máquina virtual o después de una operación de migración en vivo. Los controladores de dominio virtualizados no deberían restaurarse mediante instantáneas de máquina virtual. El método admitido para restaurar o revertir el contenido de una base de datos de Servicios de dominio de Active Directory consiste en restaurar una copia de seguridad del estado del sistema realizada con una aplicación de copia de seguridad compatible con Servicios de dominio de Active Directory. The invocationID attribute for this directory server has been changed. The highest update sequence number at the time the backup was created is as follows:%n%nInvocationID attribute (old value):%n%1%nInvocationID attribute (new value):%n%2%nUpdate sequence number:%n%3%n%nThe invocationID is changed when a directory server is restored from backup media, is configured to host a writeable application directory partition, has been resumed after a virtual machine snapshot has been applied, after a virtual machine import operation, or after a live migration operation. Virtualized domain controllers should not be restored using virtual machine snapshots. The supported method to restore or rollback the content of an Active Directory Domain Services database is to restore a system state backup made with an Active Directory Domain Services-aware backup application.
0x40000456La promoción de este controlador de dominio a catálogo global se retrasará en el intervalo indicado.%n%nIntervalo (minutos):%n%1%n%nEste retraso es necesario para que las particiones de directorio requeridas puedan prepararse antes de que se anuncie el catálogo global. En el Registro, puede especificar el número de segundos que el agente de sistema de directorio esperará antes de ascender el controlador de dominio local a catálogo global. Para obtener más información acerca del valor del Registro correspondiente al anuncio de retardo del catálogo global, vea la Guía de sistemas distribuidos del Kit de recursos. Promotion of this domain controller to a global catalog will be delayed for the following interval.%n%nInterval (minutes):%n%1%n%nThis delay is necessary so that the required directory partitions can be prepared before the global catalog is advertised. In the registry, you can specify the number of seconds that the directory system agent will wait before promoting the local domain controller to a global catalog. For more information about the Global Catalog Delay Advertisement registry value, see the Resource Kit Distributed Systems Guide.
0x40000457Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%nObjects received:%n%3%nObjects applied:%n%4%nValues received:%n%6%nTotal objects at source (approx.):%n%5%nTotal values at source (approx.):%n%7 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%nObjects received:%n%3%nObjects applied:%n%4%nValues received:%n%6%nTotal objects at source (approx.):%n%5%nTotal values at source (approx.):%n%7
0x4000045ALa replicación entrante ha sido habilitada por el usuario. Inbound replication has been enabled by the user.
0x4000045CLa replicación de salida ha sido habilitada por el usuario. Outbound replication has been enabled by the user.
0x4000045FEl controlador de dominio ahora es un catálogo global. This domain controller is now a global catalog.
0x40000460Este controlador de dominio ya no es un catálogo global This domain controller is no longer a global catalog.
0x40000462El controlador de dominio local no completó la replicación porque se detectó un objeto primario eliminado para el siguiente objeto entrante en una partición de directorio de solo lectura.%n%nObjeto entrante:%n%1%n%nDeben corregirse los controladores de dominio en los que este objeto es de escritura.%n%nAcción del usuario%nMueva este objeto al contenedor LostAndFound mediante Sitios y servicios de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. The local domain controller has not completed replication because a deleted parent for the following incoming object has been detected on a read-only directory partition.%n%nIncoming object:%n%1%n%nThe domain controllers for which this object is writeable must be corrected.%n%nUser Action%nMove this object into the LostAndFound container using Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Sites and Services.
0x40000463El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) ha eliminado el siguiente objeto de conexión porque el servicio de directorio de origen al que hace referencia se ha eliminado.%n%nObjeto:%n%1 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) deleted the following Connection object because the source directory service that it referenced has been deleted.%n%nObject:%n%1
0x40000464Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to receive a remote procedure call (RPC) binding handle for the following directory service.%n%nDirectory service:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to receive a remote procedure call (RPC) binding handle for the following directory service.%n%nDirectory service:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2
0x40000468Se creó una conexión de replicación desde el siguiente servicio de directorio de origen al servicio de directorio local.%n%nServicio de directorio de origen:%n%1%nServicio de directorio local:%n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nCódigo de motivo:%n0x%3%nId. interno de punto de creación:%n%4%n A replication connection was created from the following source directory service to the local directory service.%n%nSource directory service:%n%1%nLocal directory service:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nReason Code:%n0x%3%nCreation Point Internal ID:%n%4%n
0x40000469Para mejorar la carga de replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, se eliminó una conexión de replicación del siguiente servicio de directorio de origen al servicio de directorio local.%n%nServicio de directorio de origen:%n%1%nServicio de directorio local:%n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nCódigo de motivo:%n0x%3%nIdentificador interno de punto de eliminación:%n%4%n To improve the replication load of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, a replication connection from the following source directory service to the local directory service was deleted.%n%nSource directory service:%n%1%nLocal directory service:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nReason Code:%n0x%3%nDeletion Point Internal ID:%n%4%n
0x4000046CInternal event: The Directory Service removed the expired, deleted object %1 from the database. Internal event: The Directory Service removed the expired, deleted object %1 from the database.
0x4000046DInternal event: This directory service is the intersite topology generator for the following site.%n%nSite:%n%1 Internal event: This directory service is the intersite topology generator for the following site.%n%nSite:%n%1
0x40000471Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services creó correctamente un índice para el siguiente atributo.%n%nIdentificador de atributo:%n%1%nNombre de atributo:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services successfully created an index for the following attribute.%n%nAttribute identifier:%n%1%nAttribute name:%n%2
0x40000472Internal event: Function %1 entered.%n SID: %2%n Source IP: %3%n Operation identifier: %4%n Data1: %5%n Data2: %6%n Data3: %7%n Data4: %8%n Internal event: Function %1 entered.%n SID: %2%n Source IP: %3%n Operation identifier: %4%n Data1: %5%n Data2: %6%n Data3: %7%n Data4: %8%n
0x40000473Internal event: Function %1 exited.%n Elapsed time (ms): %2%n SID: %3%n Source IP: %4%n Operation identifier: %5%n Data1: %6%n Data2: %7%n Data3: %8%n Internal event: Function %1 exited.%n Elapsed time (ms): %2%n SID: %3%n Source IP: %4%n Operation identifier: %5%n Data1: %6%n Data2: %7%n Data3: %8%n
0x4000047FInternal event: A new database column was created for the following new attribute.%n%nDatabase column:%n%1%nAttribute identifier:%n%2%nAttribute name:%n%3 Internal event: A new database column was created for the following new attribute.%n%nDatabase column:%n%1%nAttribute identifier:%n%2%nAttribute name:%n%3
0x4000048AInternal event: The Address Book hierarchy table has been rebuilt. Internal event: The Address Book hierarchy table has been rebuilt.
0x4000048EInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services might use the following index to optimize a query. The approximate record count for using this index is as follows.%n%nIndex:%n%1%nRecord count:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services might use the following index to optimize a query. The approximate record count for using this index is as follows.%n%nIndex:%n%1%nRecord count:%n%2
0x4000048FInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will use the following index as the optimal index for this query.%n%nIndex:%n%1 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will use the following index as the optimal index for this query.%n%nIndex:%n%1
0x40000494Internal event: A client process has connected to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services with the following RPC binding.%n%nRPC binding:%n%1 Internal event: A client process has connected to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services with the following RPC binding.%n%nRPC binding:%n%1
0x40000496Internal event: A privileged operation (rights required = 0x%1) was successfully performed on object %2. Internal event: A privileged operation (rights required = 0x%1) was successfully performed on object %2.
0x40000497Internal event: A privileged operation (rights required = 0x%1) on object %2 failed because a non-security related error occurred. Internal event: A privileged operation (rights required = 0x%1) on object %2 failed because a non-security related error occurred.
0x40000498Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected.
0x40000499Se modificaron los atributos de seguridad del objeto %1. The security attributes on object %1 were modified.
0x4000049CActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo eliminar la siguiente columna de la base de datos. Esta columna ya no se usa. Anteriormente la usaba el siguiente atributo, que se eliminó.%n%nColumna:%n%1%nAtributo:%n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not delete the following column from the database. This column is no longer used. It was previously used by the following attribute, which has been deleted.%n%nColumn:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4
0x4000049DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo eliminar la siguiente columna de la base de datos porque se está usando como índice. Anteriormente esta columna la usaba el siguiente atributo, que se eliminó.%n%nColumna:%n%1%nAtributo:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not delete the following column from the database because it is being used by an index. This column was previously used by the following attribute, which has been deleted.%n%nColumn:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2
0x4000049EActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services eliminó correctamente la siguiente columna de la base de datos. Anteriormente esta columna la usaba el siguiente atributo, que se eliminó.%n%nColumna:%n%1%nAtributo:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services successfully deleted the following column from the database. This column was previously used by the following attribute, which has been deleted.%n%nColumn:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2
0x400004A1Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services eliminó correctamente el índice para el siguiente atributo.%n%nNombre de atributo:%n%1%nIdentificador de atributo:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services successfully deleted the index for the following attribute.%n%nAttribute name:%n%1%nAttribute ID:%n%2
0x400004A6Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.%n%nException:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.%n%nException:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4
0x400004A7Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.%n%nWarning:%n%1%n%2 Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.%n%nWarning:%n%1%n%2
0x400004A8Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNew source directory service:%n%2%nReplica flags:%n%3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNew source directory service:%n%2%nReplica flags:%n%3
0x400004A9Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0x400004AAInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services fully synchronized the following directory partition from a source directory service.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services fully synchronized the following directory partition from a source directory service.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1
0x400004ABInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has completed a full synchronization of all directory partitions on the local domain controller. Completion however does not guarantee that these synchronizations were successful.%n%nThe directory service will not be accessible by clients until the following additional conditions are satisfied ?%n%n- The domain directory partition must have successfully completed at least one full synchronization from a single source domain controller since the domain controller was installed.%n%n- If this domain controller is a global catalog, all of the read-only directory partitions must have successfully completed at least one full synchronization since this domain controller was promoted to a global catalog. Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has completed a full synchronization of all directory partitions on the local domain controller. Completion however does not guarantee that these synchronizations were successful.%n%nThe directory service will not be accessible by clients until the following additional conditions are satisfied ?%n%n- The domain directory partition must have successfully completed at least one full synchronization from a single source domain controller since the domain controller was installed.%n%n- If this domain controller is a global catalog, all of the read-only directory partitions must have successfully completed at least one full synchronization since this domain controller was promoted to a global catalog.
0x400004ADInternal event: The directory partition has the following number of full-replica sites and partial-replica sites.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nFull-replica sites:%n%2%nPartial-replica sites:%n%3 Internal event: The directory partition has the following number of full-replica sites and partial-replica sites.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nFull-replica sites:%n%2%nPartial-replica sites:%n%3
0x400004AFInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not delete the following localized language index. This index is no longer needed.%n%nLocalized language index:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not delete the following localized language index. This index is no longer needed.%n%nLocalized language index:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0x400004B0Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following localized language index. This index was no longer needed.%n%nLocalized language index:%n%1 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following localized language index. This index was no longer needed.%n%nLocalized language index:%n%1
0x400004B1Internal event: An intersite replication message has been compressed.%n%nOriginal size (bytes):%n%1%nCompressed size (bytes):%n%2 Internal event: An intersite replication message has been compressed.%n%nOriginal size (bytes):%n%1%nCompressed size (bytes):%n%2
0x400004BBInternal event: An LDAP client connection was closed because the directory service is shutting down. Internal event: An LDAP client connection was closed because the directory service is shutting down.
0x400004BCInternal event: The directory service received a UDP packet that did not contain a complete LDAP request.%n%nUDP packet length:%n%1%n%nLDAP requests sent over UDP must be contained in a single packet. This packet will be ignored. Internal event: The directory service received a UDP packet that did not contain a complete LDAP request.%n%nUDP packet length:%n%1%n%nLDAP requests sent over UDP must be contained in a single packet. This packet will be ignored.
0x400004BDInternal event: An LDAP client connection was closed because it was disconnected on the client side.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%1 Internal event: An LDAP client connection was closed because it was disconnected on the client side.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%1
0x400004BFInternal event: An LDAP client connection was closed because the client closed the connection. Internal event: An LDAP client connection was closed because the client closed the connection.
0x400004C5Ahora está disponible LDAP por medio de la Capa de sockets seguros (SSL). LDAP over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is now available.
0x400004C9Se ha cambiado el nombre del siguiente objeto en un servicio de directorio remoto por un nombre de objeto que ya existe en el servicio de directorio local.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nGUID del objeto:%n%2%nNuevo nombre del objeto:%n%3%nGUID del objeto existente:%n%4%n%nSe cambiará el nombre del objeto con el siguiente GUID porque el otro objeto tenía este nombre con anterioridad.%n%nGUID del objeto:%n%6%nNombre del objeto con el nuevo nombre:%n%5 The following object was renamed on a remote directory service with an object name that already exists on the local directory service.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nNew object name:%n%3%nExisting object GUID:%n%4%n%nThe object with the following GUID will be renamed since the other object had this name more recently.%n%nObject GUID:%n%6%nRenamed object name:%n%5
0x400004CASe ha creado el siguiente objeto en un servicio de directorio remoto con un nombre de objeto que ya existe en el servicio de directorio local.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nGUID del objeto:%n%2%nGUID del objeto existente:%n%3%n%nSe cambiará el nombre del objeto con el siguiente GUID porque el otro objeto tenía este nombre con anterioridad.%n%nGUID del objeto:%n%5%nNombre del objeto con nuevo nombre:%n%4 The following object was created on a remote directory service with an object name that already exists on the local directory service.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nExisting object GUID:%n%3%n%nThe object with the following GUID will be renamed since the other object had this name more recently.%n%nObject GUID:%n%5%nRenamed object name:%n%4
0x400004CBMensaje no usado Unused message
0x400004D7Internal event: The attribute of the following object was not sent to the following directory service because its up-to-dateness vector indicates that the change is redundant.%n%nAttribute:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%ndirectory service GUID:%n%4 Internal event: The attribute of the following object was not sent to the following directory service because its up-to-dateness vector indicates that the change is redundant.%n%nAttribute:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%ndirectory service GUID:%n%4
0x400004D8Internal event: The attribute of the following object was sent to the following directory service.%n%nAttribute:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%ndirectory service GUID:%n%4 Internal event: The attribute of the following object was sent to the following directory service.%n%nAttribute:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%ndirectory service GUID:%n%4
0x400004DFLa entidad de seguridad %1 no está en el dominio local y no puede ser transferido. Security principal %1 is not in the local domain and cannot be transferred.
0x400004E9Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task is processing a propagation event starting from the following container.%n%nContainer:%n%1 Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task is processing a propagation event starting from the following container.%n%nContainer:%n%1
0x400004EAInternal event: The security descriptor propagation task has finished processing a propagation event starting from the following container.%n%nContainer:%n%1%nNumber of objects processed:%n%2 Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has finished processing a propagation event starting from the following container.%n%nContainer:%n%1%nNumber of objects processed:%n%2
0x400004EBInternal event: The security descriptor propagation task has started. Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has started.
0x400004ECInternal event: The security descriptor propagation task is waiting for a propagation event. Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task is waiting for a propagation event.
0x400004EDInternal event: The security descriptor propagation task has been notified of waiting propagation events. Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has been notified of waiting propagation events.
0x400004EFInternal event: The security descriptor propagation task has successfully completed its task. Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has successfully completed its task.
0x400004F0El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) agregó correctamente un acuerdo de replicación para la siguiente partición de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nServicio de directorio de origen:%n%2 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) successfully added a replication agreement for the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2
0x400004F2El reintento para completar la eliminación local de objetos del dominio %1 ha sido correcto. The retry to complete the local removal of objects from domain %1 was successful.
0x400004F3El intento de completar la eliminación de objetos del dominio %1, terminó con el siguiente estado:%n%n%3%n%nSe volverá a intentar esta operación.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 The attempt to complete the removal of objects from domain %1 terminated with the following status:%n%n%3%n%nThis operation will be retried.%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%4
0x400004F4El controlador de dominio local ya no es un catálogo global. Como resultado, ya no se replica la siguiente partición de directorio desde el controlador de dominio de origen en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador de dominio de origen:%n%3%nDirección de red:%n%2 The local domain controller is no longer a global catalog. As a result, the following directory partition is no longer replicated from the source domain controller at the following network address.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource domain controller:%n%3%nNetwork address:%n%2
0x400004F5El controlador de dominio local ya no es un catálogo global. Ha habido un error del comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) al intentar detener más replicación entrante de la siguiente partición de directorio desde el controlador de dominio de origen en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador de dominio de origen:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo en la siguiente actualización del KCC.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %3 The local domain controller is no longer a global catalog. An attempt by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to stop further inbound replication of the following directory partition from the source domain controller at the following network address failed.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource domain controller:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the next KCC update.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %3
0x400004F6Se ha quitado la siguiente partición de directorio del conjunto de configuración. Como resultado, ya no se replica la siguiente partición de directorio desde el servidor de directorio de origen en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nServidor de directorio de origen:%n%3%nDirección de red:%n%2 The following directory partition has been removed from the configuration set. As a result, the following directory partition is no longer replicated from the source directory server at the following network address.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory server:%n%3%nNetwork address:%n%2
0x400004F7La siguiente partición de directorio se ha quitado del conjunto de configuración. Error del comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) al intentar detener las replicaciones entrantes de esta partición de directorio desde el servidor de directorio de origen en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nServidor de directorio de origen:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nSe intentará esta operación de nuevo en la siguiente actualización de KCC.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %3 The following directory partition has been removed from the configuration set. An attempt by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to stop further inbound replication of this directory partition from the source directory server at the following network address failed.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory server:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the next KCC update.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %3
0x400004F8La siguiente partición de directorio ya no se replica desde el servicio de directorio de origen en la siguiente dirección de red porque no hay un objeto de conexión para el servicio de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nServicio de directorio de origen:%n%3%nDirección de red:%n%2 The following directory partition is no longer replicated from the source directory service at the following network address because there is no Connection object for the directory service.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%3%nNetwork address:%n%2
0x400004F9Error del comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) al intentar detener la replicación entrante de la siguiente partición de directorio desde el servicio de directorio de origen en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nServicio de directorio de origen:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nEsta operación volverá a intentarse en la próxima actualización de KCC.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %3 An attempt by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to stop further inbound replication of the following directory partition from the source directory service at the following network address failed.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the next KCC update.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %3
0x400004FAActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo replicar la partición de directorio %1 desde la instancia remota %2 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not replicate the directory partition %1 from the remote Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %2.
0x400004FBActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear la partición de directorio %1 en la instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Asegúrese de que el nombre sea único. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not create the directory partition %1 on the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance. Ensure that this name is unique.
0x400004FCActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear el objeto %1. Compruebe el registro de eventos para encontrar posibles errores de sistema. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not create the object %1. Check the event log for possible system errors.
0x400004FDActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear el objeto de configuración NTDS %1. Asegúrese de que el nombre de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services sea único en el sitio. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not create the NTDS Settings object %1. Ensure that the name of this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is unique within the site.
0x400004FEActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear el objeto de partición de directorio del dominio %1. Asegúrese de que el nombre NetBIOS de este dominio sea único en el bosque. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not create the domain directory partition object %1. Ensure that the NetBIOS name of this domain is unique within the forest.
0x400004FFNo se pudo inicializar la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (error %1). Compruebe el registro de eventos para obtener más información. The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database failed to initialize (error %1). Check the event log for more information.
0x40000500No se pudo instalar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not install.
0x40000501No se pudo establecer una conexión LDAP con la instancia %1 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. An LDAP connection could not be established with the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %1.
0x40000502El asistente no pudo autenticarse en la instancia %1 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services con las credenciales proporcionadas. The wizard could not authenticate to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %1 using the supplied credentials.
0x40000503Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo determinar el sitio donde debe instalarse este servidor. Asegúrese de que la configuración de sitio esté establecida correctamente. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not determine the site in which to install this server. Ensure that the site configuration is correctly set.
0x40000504Los valores de configuración indican que esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services debe instalarse en el sitio %1, pero ese sitio no existe. Asegúrese de que la configuración de sitio esté establecida correctamente. Configuration settings indicate that this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance should be installed in site %1, but this site does not exist. Ensure that the site configuration is correctly set.
0x40000505Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo determinar si el nombre de este servidor de directorio %1 es único en el servidor de directorio remoto %2. Si este nombre no es único, cambie el nombre de este servidor de directorio. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not determine if this directory server name %1 is unique on the remote directory server %2. If this name is not unique, rename this directory server.
0x40000506El servidor de directorio %1 no pudo eliminar el servidor de directorio %2. The attempt at remote directory server %1 to remove directory server %2 was unsuccessful.
0x40000507Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo determinar si el nombre de dominio %1 es único en el controlador de dominio remoto %2. Si el nombre no es único, cambie el nombre del dominio. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not determine if the domain name %1 is unique on the remote domain controller %2. If this name is not unique, rename the domain.
0x40000508El servidor de directorio %1 no pudo eliminar la partición %2. The attempt at remote directory server %1 to remove the partition %2 was unsuccessful.
0x4000050AEl asistente no pudo obtener acceso al Registro. The wizard could not access the registry.
0x4000050CActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo cargar la base de datos del Administrador de cuentas de seguridad (SAM). Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not load the security account manager (SAM) database.
0x4000050DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear la información de la nueva cuenta. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not create new account information.
0x4000050EActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo inscribir automáticamente este servidor para un certificado. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not auto-enroll this server for a certificate.
0x4000050FActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo agregar una opción de modo de restauración de servicios de directorio al menú de inicio. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not add a Directory Services Restore Mode option to the startup menu.
0x40000510Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services ya están instalado o este controlador de dominio se encuentra en el modo de restauración de servicios de directorio. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is already installed or this domain controller is in Directory Services Restore Mode.
0x40000511Error desconocido al instalar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. An unknown error occurred while installing Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
0x40000512El asistente no pudo leer los atributos de funcionamiento desde la instancia remota %1 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services mediante LDAP. The wizard could not read operational attributes from the remote Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %1 using LDAP.
0x40000513La comprobación de la validación de esquema no se realizó correctamente. The schema validation check was not successful.
0x40000514Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo determinar un DN válido para el nombre DNS %1. Elija otro nombre DNS. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not determine a valid DN for the DNS name %1. Choose another DNS name.
0x40000515Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo agregar entidades de seguridad a la base de datos de AD LDS. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not add security principals to the AD LDS database.
0x40000516Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo agregar objetos a la base de datos de AD LDS. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not add objects to the AD LDS database.
0x40000517Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo determinar si la instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services es la última instancia de AD LDS en su partición. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not determine if the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance is the last AD LDS instance in its partition.
0x40000518Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no se pudo quitar en esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services porque es la última instancia de AD LDS en la partición y el dominio tiene un dominio secundario. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not be removed on this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance because this is the last AD LDS instance in the partition and the domain has a child domain.
0x40000519Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo cerrarse para realizar una eliminación. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not be shut down for removal.
0x4000051AEl comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) no pudo eliminar una conexión de replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de un servicio de directorio de origen a un servicio de directorio de destino.%n%nServicio de directorio de origen:%n%1%nServicio de directorio de destino:%n%2%n%nEsta operación volverá a intentarse en la próxima actualización del KCC.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3%nIdentificador interno de punto de eliminación:%n%4%n An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication connection from a source directory service to a destination directory service could not be deleted by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC).%n%nSource directory service:%n%1%nDestination directory service:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the next KCC update.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3%nDeletion Point Internal ID:%n%4%n
0x40000524Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is preserving all intersite connections due to a failure to generate complete intersite topologies for one or more directory partitions.%n%nThis condition will persist until a complete spanning tree is generated for all directory partitions. Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is preserving all intersite connections due to a failure to generate complete intersite topologies for one or more directory partitions.%n%nThis condition will persist until a complete spanning tree is generated for all directory partitions.
0x40000525Internal event: The directory service has disconnected the LDAP connection from the following network address due to a time-out.%n%nNetwork address:%n%1 Internal event: The directory service has disconnected the LDAP connection from the following network address due to a time-out.%n%nNetwork address:%n%1
0x40000526Preparando el Administrador de cuentas de seguridad (SAM) y Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services para la degradación... Preparing the security account manager (SAM) and Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services for demotion...
0x40000527Validando la eliminación de esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services... Validating the removal of this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance...
0x40000528Autenticando las credenciales proporcionadas Authenticating supplied credentials
0x40000529Creando nueva información de cuenta local... Creating new local account information...
0x4000052ACreando una nueva base de datos del Administrador de cuentas de seguridad (SAM) local... Creating a new local security account manager (SAM) database...
0x4000052BEstableciendo la información de cuentas de la autoridad de seguridad local (LSA) nueva... Setting the new Local Security Authority (LSA) account information...
0x4000052CQuitando de la instancia remota %1 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services los objetos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services que hacen referencia a la instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services... Removing Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services objects that refer to the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance from the remote Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %1...
0x4000052DQuitando todos los roles de maestro de operaciones que son propiedad de la instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services... Removing all operations master roles owned by the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance...
0x4000052EQuitando el acceso de LDAP y de la llamada a procedimiento remoto (RPC) de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services... Removing LDAP and remote procedure call (RPC) access to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services...
0x4000052FCompletando la eliminación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, SAM y LSA... Completing removal of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, SAM and LSA...
0x40000530Iniciando la instalación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Starting Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services installation
0x40000531Validando las opciones de usuario proporcionadas Validating user supplied options
0x40000532Determinando un sitio para la instalación Determining a site in which to install
0x40000533Examinando un conjunto de configuración existente... Examining an existing configuration set...
0x40000537Configurando el equipo local para hospedar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Configuring the local computer to host Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services
0x40000539Creando un identificador de seguridad (SID) para la nueva partición... Creating a security identifier (SID) for the new partition...
0x4000053AReplicando la partición de directorio de esquema Replicating the schema directory partition
0x4000053BCreando la partición de directorio: %1; %2 objetos restantes. Creating directory partition: %1; %2 objects remaining
0x4000053CReplicando la partición de directorio de configuración Replicating the configuration directory partition
0x4000053EReplicando información de partición crítica... Replicating critical partition information...
0x40000540Creando objetos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en la instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Creating Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services objects on the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance
0x40000541Moviendo los objetos de usuario, grupo y equipo existentes a Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Moving existing users, groups, and computer objects to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services
0x40000542Creando nuevos usuarios, grupos y objetos de equipo de la partición Creating new partition users, groups, and computer objects
0x40000543Completando la instalación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Completing Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services installation
0x40000544Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nSearch scope:%n%2%nBase object:%n%3%nFilter:%n%4%nRequired attributes:%n%5%nCommon Args:%n%6%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nSearch scope:%n%2%nBase object:%n%3%nFilter:%n%4%nRequired attributes:%n%5%nCommon Args:%n%6%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x40000545Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.%n%nFilter:%n%2%nIndexes:%n%3%nSearch Sub-operations:%n%4%nReturned Results:%n%5%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.%n%nFilter:%n%2%nIndexes:%n%3%nSearch Sub-operations:%n%4%nReturned Results:%n%5%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x40000546Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%n%nThis event is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%n%nThis event is generally used for event tracing.
0x40000547Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x40000548Internal event: The DirRemove operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirRemove operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x40000549Internal event: The DirRemove operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirRemove operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x4000054AInternal event: The DirModify operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n1%nObject:%n2%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirModify operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n1%nObject:%n2%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x4000054BInternal event: The DirModify operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n%1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirModify operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n%1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x4000054CInternal event: The DirModifyDN operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nParent object:%n%2%nNew parent object:%n%3%nRelative DN:%n%4%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirModifyDN operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nParent object:%n%2%nNew parent object:%n%3%nRelative DN:%n%4%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x4000054DInternal event: The DirModifyDN operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n%1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirModifyDN operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n%1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x4000054EInternal event: The DirCompare operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nObject:%n%3%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirCompare operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nObject:%n%3%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x4000054FInternal event: The DirCompare operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n%1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirCompare operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n%1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x40000550Internal event: The ReplicaSync operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n%1%nTime Taken (msec):%n%2%nRemaining ReplicaSync sessions:%n%3%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The ReplicaSync operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n%1%nTime Taken (msec):%n%2%nRemaining ReplicaSync sessions:%n%3%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x40000552Replicando la partición de directorio de dominio... Replicating the domain directory partition...
0x40000553Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has updated the up-to-dateness vector for the directory server with the following GUID.%n%nDSA GUID:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%4%nOld update sequence number (USN):%n%2%nNew USN:%n%3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has updated the up-to-dateness vector for the directory server with the following GUID.%n%nDSA GUID:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%4%nOld update sequence number (USN):%n%2%nNew USN:%n%3
0x40000554Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has updated the update sequence number (USN) vector for the directory service with the following GUID.%n%nDSA GUID:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%6%nOld object USN:%n%2%nNew object USN:%n%4%nOld property USN:%n%3%nNew property USN:%n%5 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has updated the update sequence number (USN) vector for the directory service with the following GUID.%n%nDSA GUID:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%6%nOld object USN:%n%2%nNew object USN:%n%4%nOld property USN:%n%3%nNew property USN:%n%5
0x40000555Internal event: The following object was created.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2 Internal event: The following object was created.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2
0x40000556Internal event: The following object was updated.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2 Internal event: The following object was updated.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2
0x40000557Replicando %1: se han recibido %2 de aproximadamente %3 objetos Replicating %1: received %2 out of approximately %3 objects
0x4000055AInternal event: The Intersite Messaging service successfully sent data to a service at the following network address through the following transport.%n%nData (bytes):%n%1%nService:%n%2%nNetwork address:%n%3%nTransport:%n%4%nMessage subject:%n%5 Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service successfully sent data to a service at the following network address through the following transport.%n%nData (bytes):%n%1%nService:%n%2%nNetwork address:%n%3%nTransport:%n%4%nMessage subject:%n%5
0x4000055CInternal event: The Intersite Messaging service received data for the following service through the following transport.%n%nData (bytes):%n%1%nService:%n%2%nTransport:%n%3%nMessage subject:%n%4 Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service received data for the following service through the following transport.%n%nData (bytes):%n%1%nService:%n%2%nTransport:%n%3%nMessage subject:%n%4
0x40000563Internal event: A message is pending for the following service using the following transport.%n%nService:%n%1%nTransport:%n%2 Internal event: A message is pending for the following service using the following transport.%n%nService:%n%1%nTransport:%n%2
0x40000568El controlador de dominio local ha adquirido un certificado DomainController X.509.%n%nPuede reanudarse la replicación entre sitios usando el protocolo de transporte SMTP entre el controlador de dominio local y controladores de dominio en otros sitios. The local domain controller has acquired a DomainController X.509 certificate.%n%nIntersite replication using SMTP transport between the local domain controller and domain controllers in other sites can resume.
0x40000570No se pudo quitar esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance could not be removed.
0x40000572Se solucionaron todos los problemas que impedían la actualización de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.Las nuevas actualizaciones de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services se están realizando correctamente. Se reinició el servicio de Net Logon. All problems preventing updates to the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database have been cleared.New updates to the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database are succeeding. The Net Logon service has restarted.
0x40000573Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo transferir los roles de maestro de operaciones de todo el dominio a otra instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de esta partición. Motivos posibles: no hay otra instancia de AD LDS disponible para recibir un rol de maestro de operaciones o AD LDS tiene un registro de una instancia de AD LDS que ya no existe. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to transfer the domain-wide operations master roles to another Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance in this partition. Possible causes include: No other AD LDS instance is available to receive an operations master role, or AD LDS has a record of a AD LDS instance that no longer exists.
0x40000575Transfiriendo los roles de maestro de operaciones de todo el dominio de la instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services a otra instancia de AD LDS del bosque... Transferring domain-wide operations master roles on the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance to other AD LDS instance in the forest...
0x40000576Transfiriendo los roles de maestro de operaciones de esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services a otra instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services... Transferring operations master roles on this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance to another Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance...
0x40000579Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.%n%nSource site:%n%1%nDestination directory service:%n%2%nSource directory service:%n%3%nTransport:%n%4 Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.%n%nSource site:%n%1%nDestination directory service:%n%2%nSource directory service:%n%3%nTransport:%n%4
0x4000057ALa base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services se volcó correctamente en el siguiente archivo.%n%nArchivo:%n%2%nNúmero de registros:%n%1 The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database was successfully dumped to the following file.%n%nFile:%n%2%nNumber of records:%n%1
0x4000057CEste servicio de directorio ahora es el generador de topología entre sitios y ha asumido la responsabilidad de generar y mantener las topologías de replicación entre sitios para este sitio. This directory service is now the intersite topology generator and has assumed responsibility for generating and maintaining intersite replication topologies for this site.
0x40000580El servicio de mensajes entre sitios que usa el protocolo de transporte SMTP ha autoconfigurado una dirección de correo para el controlador de dominio local. Se eligió usar la siguiente dirección de correo con SMTP.%n%nDirección de correo:%n%1 The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has auto-configured a mail address for the local domain controller. The following mail address was chosen for use with SMTP.%n%nMail address:%n%1
0x40000582Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo cambiar el rol de este servidor porque hay un valor que no es correcto en la clave del Registro para el tipo de producto. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not change the role of this server because of an incorrect product type registry key value.
0x40000584Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database.%n%nProperty:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%nRemote version:%n%4%nRemote timestamp:%n%5%nRemote Originating USN:%n%6 Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database.%n%nProperty:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%nRemote version:%n%4%nRemote timestamp:%n%5%nRemote Originating USN:%n%6
0x40000585Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.%n%nProperty:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%nLocal version number:%n%4 Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.%n%nProperty:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%nLocal version number:%n%4
0x4000058DInternal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.%n%nQueried phantom references:%n%1%nPhantom references that exist on the local domain controller:%n%2%nUpdated phantom references:%n%3%n%nThe infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.%n%nInterval (seconds):%n%4 Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.%n%nQueried phantom references:%n%1%nPhantom references that exist on the local domain controller:%n%2%nUpdated phantom references:%n%3%n%nThe infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.%n%nInterval (seconds):%n%4
0x4000058EInternal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.%n%nInterval (seconds):%n%1 Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.%n%nInterval (seconds):%n%1
0x4000058FEl Administrador de cuentas de seguridad (SAM) determinó que el identificador de seguridad (SID) para este equipo ya se está usando en el bosque al que desea unirse. Esto puede suceder al restaurar una instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services con una copia de seguridad incorrecta. Vuelva a instalar el sistema operativo en la instancia local de AD LDS para obtener un nuevo SID. The security account manager (SAM) has determined that the security identifier (SID) for this computer is already in use in the Forest you want to join. This can happen when restoring an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance with an improper backup. Reinstall the operating system on the local AD LDS instance to obtain a new SID.
0x40000590Iniciando un ciclo de réplica entre %1 y el maestro de RID (%2), de tal forma que la nueva réplica podrá crear objetos de usuario, grupos y equipos... Starting a replication cycle between %1 and the RID operations master (%2), so that the new replica will be able to create users, groups, and computer objects...
0x40000594Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.%n%nSource object DN:%n%1%nDestination object DN:%n%2 Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.%n%nSource object DN:%n%1%nDestination object DN:%n%2
0x40000599Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.%n%nRegistry key:%n%1%nDefault registry value:%n%2 Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.%n%nRegistry key:%n%1%nDefault registry value:%n%2
0x4000059ASe detectó un cambio del nombre de unidad y se ha modificado la ruta especificada por la siguiente clave del Registro.%n%nClave del Registro:%n%1%nRuta anterior:%n%2%nRuta nueva:%n%3 A disk drive name change was detected and the path specified by the following registry key was changed.%n%nRegistry key:%n%1%nOld path:%n%2%nNew path:%n%3
0x400005A0Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear el objeto de configuración NTDS para la instancia %1 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en la instancia remota %2 de AD LDS. Asegúrese de que las credenciales de red suministradas tengan permisos suficientes. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not create the NTDS Settings object for this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %1 on the remote AD LDS instance %2. Ensure the provided network credentials have sufficient permissions.
0x400005A1Creando en la instancia remota %1 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services el objeto de configuración NTDS para esta instancia de AD LDS... Creating the NTDS Settings object for this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance on the remote AD LDS instance %1...
0x400005A2Durante la operación de limpieza de una instalación errónea de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, no pudo eliminarse del servicio de directorio remoto el siguiente objeto de configuración NTDS para el servicio de directorio local.%n%nServicio de directorio local:%n%1%nServicio de directorio remoto:%n%2%n%nAcción del usuario%nElimine manualmente este objeto.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 During the cleanup operation of a failed Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services installation, the NTDS Settings object for the local directory service could not be deleted from the remote directory service.%n%nLocal directory service:%n%1%nRemote directory service:%n%2%n%nUser Action%nDelete this object manually.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4
0x400005A3Durante la operación de limpieza de una instalación errónea de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, no pudo eliminarse del servicio de directorio remoto el siguiente objeto.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nServicio de directorio remoto:%n%2%n%nAcción del usuario%nElimine manualmente este objeto.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 During the cleanup operation of a failed Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services installation, the following object could not be deleted from the remote directory service.%n%nObject:%n%1%nRemote directory service:%n%2%n%nUser Action%nDelete this object manually.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4
0x400005A4Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear el objeto %1 en la instancia remota %2 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Esto puede deberse a que los derechos son insuficientes o a un comportamiento transitorio de la red. Cree manualmente el objeto o intente de nuevo la operación. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not create the object %1 on the remote Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %2. This could be a result of either insufficient rights or transient network behavior. Create the object manually or try this again.
0x400005A5Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no encontró la cuenta de equipo para este servidor en la instancia remota %1 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the computer account for this server on the remote Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %1.
0x400005A9La tarea de propagación de descriptores de seguridad ha encontrado que el siguiente objeto tenía el siguiente Id. de clase. Esta clase no se ha encontrado en el esquema.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nId. de clase:%n%2 The security descriptor propagation task found that the following object had the following class ID. This class was not found in the schema.%n%nObject:%n%1%nClass ID:%n%2
0x400005ADLa tarea de propagación de descriptores de seguridad ha vuelto a intentar una operación, que no se realizó correctamente.%n%nNúmero de reintentos:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3 The security descriptor propagation task retried an operation without success.%n%nNumber of retries:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0x400005AEBuscando una instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services para replicar los cambios de salida... Searching for a Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance to replicate outgoing changes...
0x400005AFActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no encontró una instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services para replicar los cambios de salida. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find a Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance to replicate outgoing changes.
0x400005B0Replicando los cambios de salida en la instancia remota %1 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services... Replicating outgoing changes to the remote Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %1...
0x400005B1Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo replicar los cambios de salida realizados en la instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not replicate outgoing changes made on the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.
0x400005B2El rol de maestro de operaciones que representa el siguiente objeto se ha transferido al siguiente servicio de directorio a solicitud de un usuario.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nServicio de directorio:%n%2%nPropietario de la función de maestro de operaciones anterior:%n%3 The operations master role represented by the following object has been transferred to the following directory service at the request of a user.%n%nObject:%n%1%nDirectory service:%n%2%nPrevious operations master role owner:%n%3
0x400005B3Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nAttribute ID: 0x%2%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nAttribute ID: 0x%2%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x400005B4Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n%1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n%1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x400005B5Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called.%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called.%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x400005B6Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n%1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n%1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x400005B8Mientras buscaban un índice, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó que se necesita un nuevo índice para el siguiente atributo.%n%nAtributo:%n%1%nNuevo nombre de índice:%n%2%n%nSe creará un nuevo índice automáticamente.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 While searching for an index, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detected that a new index is needed for the following attribute.%n%nAttribute:%n%1%nNew index name:%n%2%n%nA new index will be automatically created.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4
0x400005BEEl servicio de mensajes entre sitios que usa el protocolo de transporte SMTP ha configurado automáticamente el siguiente dominio de enrutamiento SMTP para el siguiente controlador de dominio.%n%nDominio de enrutamiento:%n%2%nControlador de dominio:%n%1%n%nEl dominio de enrutamiento recibirá correo en esta carpeta de buzón.%n%nCarpeta de buzón:%n%3 The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has automatically configured the following SMTP mail routing domain for the following domain controller.%n%nRouting domain:%n%2%nDomain controller:%n%1%n%nThe routing domain will receive mail in this drop folder.%n%nDrop folder:%n%3
0x400005C5El servicio de directorio registró correctamente los contadores de rendimiento NTDS. The Directory Service has successfully registered the NTDS performance counters.
0x400005C6Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to DirectoryService %3. Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to DirectoryService %3.
0x400005CALa siguiente partición de directorio ya no está disponible en el servicio de directorio en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nServicio de directorio:%n%3%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nComo resultado, el servicio de directorio local ya no replicará esta partición de directorio desde este servicio de directorio. The following directory partition is no longer available on the directory service at the following network address.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDirectory service:%n%3%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nAs a result, the local directory service will no longer replicate this directory partition from this directory service.
0x400005CBLa siguiente partición de directorio ya no está disponible en el siguiente servidor de directorio de origen. Como resultado, el comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) ha intentado eliminar el vínculo de replicación en el servicio de directorio local, pero ha habido un error en el intento.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nServicio de directorio de origen:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nSe intentará de nuevo esta operación en la siguiente actualización de KCC.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %3 The following directory partition is no longer available on the following source directory server. As a result, the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) attempted to delete the replication link on the local directory service, but the attempt failed.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the next KCC update.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %3
0x400005CCActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo establecer contacto con el maestro de nomenclatura %1. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not contact the naming master %1.
0x400005CDInternal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) task has started. Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) task has started.
0x400005CEInternal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) task has ended. Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) task has ended.
0x400005CFInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory system agent address:%n%2%nSource directory system agent GUID:%n%3%nFlags:%n%4 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory system agent address:%n%2%nSource directory system agent GUID:%n%3%nFlags:%n%4
0x400005D0Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to begin inbound replication.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to begin inbound replication.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x400005D1Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request for outbound changes with the following parameters.%n%nDestination directory system agent:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nObject update sequence number (USN):%n%3%nAttribute filter USN:%n%4%nFlags:%n%5%nObject limit:%n%6%nByte limit:%n%7%nExtended operation:%n%8 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request for outbound changes with the following parameters.%n%nDestination directory system agent:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nObject update sequence number (USN):%n%3%nAttribute filter USN:%n%4%nFlags:%n%5%nObject limit:%n%6%nByte limit:%n%7%nExtended operation:%n%8
0x400005D2Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request for outbound changes with the following results.%n%nObject update sequence number (USN):%n%1%nAttribute filter USN:%n%2%nObject count:%n%3%nByte count:%n%4%nExtended operation result:%n%5%nStatus:%n%6%nCompressed byte count:%n%7%nInstance name:%n%8%nDestination directory system agent:%n%9%nDirectory partition:%n%10%nTotal execution time(msec):%n%11%nTime wait for thread slot(msec):%n%12%Time spent to prepare package(msec):%n%13 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request for outbound changes with the following results.%n%nObject update sequence number (USN):%n%1%nAttribute filter USN:%n%2%nObject count:%n%3%nByte count:%n%4%nExtended operation result:%n%5%nStatus:%n%6%nCompressed byte count:%n%7%nInstance name:%n%8%nDestination directory system agent:%n%9%nDirectory partition:%n%10%nTotal execution time(msec):%n%11%nTime wait for thread slot(msec):%n%12%Time spent to prepare package(msec):%n%13
0x400005D3Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to update the list of directory servers to which it sends change notifications with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDestination directory service address:%n%2%nDestination directory service GUID:%n%3%nFlags:%n%4 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to update the list of directory servers to which it sends change notifications with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDestination directory service address:%n%2%nDestination directory service GUID:%n%3%nFlags:%n%4
0x400005D4Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to update the list of directory servers to which it sends change notifications.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to update the list of directory servers to which it sends change notifications.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x400005D5Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to add an inbound replication agreement with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%nIntersite transport DN:%n%3%nSource directory service address:%n%4%nFlags:%n%5 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to add an inbound replication agreement with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%nIntersite transport DN:%n%3%nSource directory service address:%n%4%nFlags:%n%5
0x400005D6Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to add an inbound replication link.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to add an inbound replication link.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x400005D7Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to modify an inbound replication agreement with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service GUID:%n%2%nSource directory service address:%n%3%nAgreement flags:%n%4%nAgreement fields to update:%n%5%nFlags:%n%6 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to modify an inbound replication agreement with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service GUID:%n%2%nSource directory service address:%n%3%nAgreement flags:%n%4%nAgreement fields to update:%n%5%nFlags:%n%6
0x400005D8Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to modify an inbound replication link.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to modify an inbound replication link.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x400005D9Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to remove an inbound replication agreement with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service address:%n%2%nFlags:%n%3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to remove an inbound replication agreement with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service address:%n%2%nFlags:%n%3
0x400005DAInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove an inbound replication agreement.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove an inbound replication agreement.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x400005DBInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to verify the following number of names with these flags.%n%nNumber of names:%n%1%nFlags:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to verify the following number of names with these flags.%n%nNumber of names:%n%1%nFlags:%n%2
0x400005DCInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to verify names.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to verify names.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x400005DDInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to accept a cross-domain move with the following parameters.%n%nSource domain controller:%n%1%nFrom DN:%n%2%nTo DN:%n%3%nTo directory partition:%n%4 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to accept a cross-domain move with the following parameters.%n%nSource domain controller:%n%1%nFrom DN:%n%2%nTo DN:%n%3%nTo directory partition:%n%4
0x400005DEInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to process a cross-domain move.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to process a cross-domain move.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x400005DFInternal event: The Directory Service has been asked to create %1 objects fora remote DSA:%n%n%2%n%3 Internal event: The Directory Service has been asked to create %1 objects fora remote DSA:%n%n%2%n%3
0x400005E0Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to create objects. The following number of objects was created.%n%nNumber of objects:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to create objects. The following number of objects was created.%n%nNumber of objects:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0x400005E1Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to process the following Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) task.%n%nTask:%n%1%nFlags:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to process the following Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) task.%n%nTask:%n%1%nFlags:%n%2
0x400005E2Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to process a Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) task.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to process a Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) task.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x400005E3Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request for the following replication state information with the following parameters.%n%nInformation type:%n%1%nObject DN:%n%2%nSource directory service GUID:%n%3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request for the following replication state information with the following parameters.%n%nInformation type:%n%1%nObject DN:%n%2%nSource directory service GUID:%n%3
0x400005E4Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request for replication state information.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request for replication state information.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x400005E5Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request for replication information to support domain controllers running Windows NT 4.0 or earlier with the following parameters.%n%nFlags:%n%1%nPreferred maximum length:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request for replication information to support domain controllers running Windows NT 4.0 or earlier with the following parameters.%n%nFlags:%n%1%nPreferred maximum length:%n%2
0x400005E6Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request for replication information to support domain controllers running Windows NT 4.0 or earlier.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request for replication information to support domain controllers running Windows NT 4.0 or earlier.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x400005E7Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to resolve names with the following parameters.%n%nNumber of names:%n%1%nCode page:%n%2%nLocale ID:%n%3%nFormat offered:%n%4%nFormat desired:%n%5%nFlags:%n%6 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to resolve names with the following parameters.%n%nNumber of names:%n%1%nCode page:%n%2%nLocale ID:%n%3%nFormat offered:%n%4%nFormat desired:%n%5%nFlags:%n%6
0x400005E8Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to resolve names with the following results.%n%nNumber of names:%n%2%nNumber resolved:%n%3%nNumber not resolved:%n%4%nLast status:%n%5 %7%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %6 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to resolve names with the following results.%n%nNumber of names:%n%2%nNumber resolved:%n%3%nNumber not resolved:%n%4%nLast status:%n%5 %7%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %6
0x400005E9Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has received a request to update SPNs with the following parameters.%n%nAccount:%n%1%nOperation:%n%2%nNumber of SPNs:%n%3%nFlags:%n%4 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has received a request to update SPNs with the following parameters.%n%nAccount:%n%1%nOperation:%n%2%nNumber of SPNs:%n%3%nFlags:%n%4
0x400005EAInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to update SPNs.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to update SPNs.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x400005EBInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request for directory service information for the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nInformation level:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request for directory service information for the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nInformation level:%n%2
0x400005ECInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request for directory service information.%n%nAdditional Data%nStatus:%n%1 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request for directory service information.%n%nAdditional Data%nStatus:%n%1
0x400005EDInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request for group memberships with the following parameters.%n%nNumber of names:%n%1%nOperation type:%n%2%nLimiting domain:%n%3%nFlags:%n%4 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request for group memberships with the following parameters.%n%nNumber of names:%n%1%nOperation type:%n%2%nLimiting domain:%n%3%nFlags:%n%4
0x400005EEInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request for group memberships.%n%nAdditional Data%nStatus:%n%1 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request for group memberships.%n%nAdditional Data%nStatus:%n%1
0x400005F4Internal event: The following LDAP request operation was called by a client at the following network address using the following protocol.%n%nOperation:%n%1%nClient network address:%n%2%nProtocol:%n%3%n%nThis event is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The following LDAP request operation was called by a client at the following network address using the following protocol.%n%nOperation:%n%1%nClient network address:%n%2%nProtocol:%n%3%n%nThis event is generally used for event tracing.
0x400005F5Internal event: The following LDAP request operation completed with the following status.%n%nOperation:%n%3%nExit ID:%n%1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %4 Internal event: The following LDAP request operation completed with the following status.%n%nOperation:%n%3%nExit ID:%n%1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %4
0x400005F6Se ha actualizado la programación del siguiente objeto de conexión. Este objeto representa una conexión de replicación entre los siguientes servidores de directorio.%n%nObjeto de conexión:%n%1%nServicio de directorio de origen:%n%2%nServicio de directorio de destino:%n%3 The schedule on the following Connection object has been updated. This object represents a replication connection between the following directory servers.%n%nConnection object:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%nDestination directory service:%n%3
0x400005FAInternal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message of the following size.%n%nLength of message (bytes):%n%1%nMessage description:%n%2 Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message of the following size.%n%nLength of message (bytes):%n%1%nMessage description:%n%2
0x400005FDInternal event: The transport type for the following Connection object has been updated. This object represents replication between the following directory servers.%n%nConnection object:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%nDestination directory service:%n%3%nNew transport type:%n%4 Internal event: The transport type for the following Connection object has been updated. This object represents replication between the following directory servers.%n%nConnection object:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%nDestination directory service:%n%3%nNew transport type:%n%4
0x400005FFInternal event: The LDAP server returned an error.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1
0x40000604No se pudo agregar un identificador de seguridad (SID) al objeto siguiente.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4%nId. interno:%n%2 A security identifier (SID) could not be added to the following object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4%nInternal ID:%n%2
0x40000605Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.%n%nObject:%n%1%nSID:%n%2 Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.%n%nObject:%n%1%nSID:%n%2
0x40000606Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.%n%nConnection object:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nTransport:%n%3%nSite:%n%4%n%nNo new connections will need to be created for this site. Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.%n%nConnection object:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nTransport:%n%3%nSite:%n%4%n%nNo new connections will need to be created for this site.
0x40000607Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.%n%nConnection object:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nTransport:%n%3%nSite:%n%4%nConnection reason code:%n0x%5%nGlobal catalog topology flag:%n%6%n%nThis existing connection will be preserved. Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.%n%nConnection object:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nTransport:%n%3%nSite:%n%4%nConnection reason code:%n0x%5%nGlobal catalog topology flag:%n%6%n%nThis existing connection will be preserved.
0x40000608Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.%n%nDirectory service:%n%1%nSite:%n%2%nDirectory partition:%n%3%nTransport:%n%4 Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.%n%nDirectory service:%n%1%nSite:%n%2%nDirectory partition:%n%3%nTransport:%n%4
0x4000060CDurante la replicación, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encontró el siguiente objeto o su objeto primario en una partición de directorio del controlador de dominio local distinta de la siguiente partición de directorio desde la que se están replicando los cambios. Esto puede ocurrir cuando el objeto o su objeto primario se han movido entre particiones. Sin embargo, debido a la latencia de replicación, uno de los servidores de directorio no ha recibido aún notificación del movimiento.%n%nObjeto:%n%2%nGUID del objeto:%n%3%nGUID del objeto primario (si está disponible):%n%4%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nServidor de directorio de origen:%n%5%n%nLa replicación de esta partición de directorio desde este servidor de directorio de origen no puede continuar por el momento. Se trata de una condición transitoria. Más tarde se intentará de nuevo replicar esta partición de directorio. During replication, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services found the following object or its parent object in a directory partition on the local domain controller that is different from the following directory partition from which changes are being replicated. This can occur when the object or its parent object has been moved across partitions. However, due to replication latency, one of the directory servers has not yet received notification of the move.%n%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%nParent object GUID (if available):%n%4%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory server:%n%5%n%nReplication of this directory partition from this source directory server cannot continue at this time. This condition is transient. An attempt to replicate this directory partition will be tried again later.
0x4000060FInternal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services installation.%n%nThe local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services installation.%n%nThe local domain controller can now be accessed by clients.
0x40000610Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients.
0x40000611Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1 Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1
0x40000613Este servidor de directorio no está disponible para los clientes hasta que haya completado una sincronización inicial de cada partición de directorio de escritura que contenga. En este momento, estas sincronizaciones iniciales no se han completado.%n%nLas sincronizaciones continuarán. This directory server will not be available to clients until it has completed an initial synchronization of each writeable directory partition that it holds. At this time, these initial synchronizations have not been completed.%n%nThe synchronizations will continue.
0x40000614Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1 Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1
0x40000615Este servidor de directorio no completó una sincronización total de la siguiente partición de directorio. Este servidor de directorio no está disponible para los clientes hasta que se complete esta tarea.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nSe intentará de nuevo completar una sincronización total de esta partición de directorio. This directory server has not completed a full synchronization of the following directory partition. This directory server will not available to clients until this task is completed.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nAn attempt to complete a full synchronization of this directory partition will be tried again later.
0x40000616El controlador de dominio local se ha seleccionado para ser un catálogo global. Sin embargo, el controlador de dominio nunca ha completado una sincronización total de la siguiente partición de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nUna condición previa para ser un catálogo global es que todas las particiones de directorio que hospeda el controlador de dominio local deben completar al menos una sincronización total. Si el controlador de dominio local fue hace poco un catálogo global y se degradó, es posible que la copia anterior de la partición de directorio se esté quitando.%n%n%nSe intentará completar una sincronización total de esta partición de directorio de nuevo más tarde. The local domain controller has been selected to be a global catalog. However, the domain controller has never completed a full synchronization of the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nA precondition to become a global catalog is that every directory partition hosted by the local domain controller must complete at least one full synchronization. If the local domain controller was recently a global catalog and was demoted, it is possible that the previous copy of the directory partition is in the process of being removed.%n%n%nAn attempt to complete a full synchronization of this directory partition will be tried again later.
0x40000617El controlador de dominio local se ha seleccionado para ser un catálogo global. No obstante, el controlador de dominio no hospeda una réplica de solo lectura de la siguiente partición de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nUna condición previa para convertirse en un catálogo global es que un controlador de dominio debe hospedar una réplica de solo lectura de todas las particiones de directorio en el bosque. Es posible que este evento haya ocurrido porque no se ha completado una tarea del comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) o porque el controlador de dominio no puede agregar una réplica a la partición de directorio debido a que no hay controladores de dominio de origen disponibles.%n%nSe intentará agregar la réplica de nuevo en el siguiente intervalo del KCC. The local domain controller has been selected to be a global catalog. However, the domain controller does not host a read-only replica of the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nA precondition to becoming a global catalog is that a domain controller must host a read-only replica of all directory partitions in the forest. This event might have occurred because a Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) task has not completed or because the domain controller is unable to add a replica of the directory partition due to unavailable source domain controllers.%n%nAn attempt to add the replica will be tried again at the next KCC interval.
0x40000618Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3 Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3
0x40000619Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3 Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3
0x4000061AInternal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3 Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3
0x4000061CActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no realizó sincronizaciones iniciales porque están deshabilitadas en la siguiente clave del Registro.%n%nClave del Registro:%nHKLM\\%1%nValor del Registro:%nRepl Perform Initial Synchronizations%n%nSeguirá comprobándose si cada partición de directorio se sincronizó correctamente al menos una vez. Este servidor de directorio se sincronizará con sus asociados de replicación en una programación periódica normal, pero no efectuará una sincronización inicial cada vez que se reinicie. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services did not perform initial synchronizations because the following registry key has been set to disable them.%n%nRegistry key:%nHKLM\\%1%nRegistry value:%nRepl Perform Initial Synchronizations%n%nVerification that each directory partition has successfully synchronized at least once will still be performed. This directory server will synchronize with its replication partners on a normal periodic schedule, but it will not perform an initial synchronization each time it is restarted.
0x40000621Se canceló la instalación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services installation was cancelled.
0x40000622El servicio de mensajes entre sitios que usa el protocolo de transporte SMTP ha autoconfigurado una carpeta de buzón de correo SMTP para este controlador de dominio y para usarla en los mensajes de replicación basados en correo. Se eligió usar la siguiente carpeta con el servicio SMTP.%n%nCarpeta de buzón de correo SMTP:%n%1 The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has auto-configured a SMTP mail drop folder for this domain controller to be used for mail-based replication messages. The following folder was chosen for use with the SMTP service.%n%nSMTP mail drop folder:%n%1
0x40000627Uno o más atributos nuevos han sido agregados al grupo de atributos parcial para la siguiente partición de directorio. Se realizará una sincronización completa desde el controlador de dominio origen en el siguiente ciclo de sincronización.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador de dominio origen:%n%2 One or more new attributes has been added to the partial attribute set for the following directory partition. A full synchronization will be performed from the source domain controller on the next replication cycle.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource domain controller:%n%2
0x40000629Internal event: The following object has inherited the security identifier (SID) of an object that is now deleted.%n%nObject:%n%2%nDeleted object:%n%1 Internal event: The following object has inherited the security identifier (SID) of an object that is now deleted.%n%nObject:%n%2%nDeleted object:%n%1
0x4000062ALa promoción de este servidor a catálogo global ha sido retrasada ya que no se han cumplido los requerimientos de espacio de la partición. El nivel de requerimiento de espacio y el nivel de controlador de dominio actual son los siguientes.%n%nNivel de requerimiento de espacio:%n%1%nNivel de controlador de dominio:%n%2%n%nEl valor de la siguiente clave del Registro define el nivel de requerimiento de espacio de la partición de directorio.%n%nValor de clave del Registro:%nHKeyLocalMachine\\System\\ CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NTDS\\Parameters\\Global Catalog Partition Occupancy%n%nLos niveles de requerimiento de espacio superiores incluyen a los niveles inferiores. Los niveles son los siguientes:%n%n(0) Indica que no hay requerimientos de espacio.%n(1) Indica que al menos una partición de solo lectura fue agregada al sitio por el comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC).%n(2) Indica que al menos una partición del sitio está sincronizada completamente.%n(3) Indica que todas las particiones de solo lectura del sitio fueron agregadas por el KCC (al menos una está sincronizada).%n(4) Indica que todas las particiones en el sitio están sincronizadas completamente.%n(5) Indica que todas las particiones de solo lectura del bosque fueron agregadas por el KCC (al menos una está sincronizada).%n(6) Indica que todas las particiones están totalmente sincronizadas en el bosque. Promotion of the local domain controller to a global catalog has been delayed because the directory partition occupancy requirements have not been met. The occupancy requirement level and current domain controller level are as follows.%n%nOccupancy requirement level:%n%1%nDomain controller level:%n%2%n%nThe following registry key value defines the directory partition occupancy requirement level.%n%nRegistry key value:%nHKeyLocalMachine\\System\\ CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NTDS\\Parameters\\Global Catalog Partition Occupancy%n%nHigher occupancy requirement levels include the lower levels. The levels are defined as follows:%n%n(0) Indicates no occupancy requirement.%n(1) Indicates at least one read-only directory partition in the site has been added by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC).%n(2) Indicates at least one directory partition in the site has been fully synchronized.%n(3) Indicates all read-only directory partitions in the site have been added by the KCC (at least one has been synchronized).%n(4) Indicates all directory partitions in the site have been fully synchronized.%n(5) Indicates all read-only directory partitions in the forest have been added by the KCC (at least one has been synchronized).%n(6) Indicates all directory partitions in the forest have been fully synchronized.
0x4000062CInternal event: A long-running Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services inbound replication task has finished with the following parameters.%n%nElapsed time (minutes):%n%1%nOperation:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3%nParameter 1:%n%5%nParameter 2:%n%6%nParameter 3:%n%7%nParameter 4:%n%8%n%nA long-running replication task may also occur when a system has been unavailable or a directory partition has been unavailable for an extended period of time. A long running replication task may indicate a large number of updates, or a number of complex updates occurring at the source directory service. Performing these updates during non-critical times may prevent replication delays.%n%nA long running replication task is normal in the case of adding a new directory partition to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. This can occur because of a new installation, global catalog promotion, or a connection generated by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC).%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 Internal event: A long-running Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services inbound replication task has finished with the following parameters.%n%nElapsed time (minutes):%n%1%nOperation:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3%nParameter 1:%n%5%nParameter 2:%n%6%nParameter 3:%n%7%nParameter 4:%n%8%n%nA long-running replication task may also occur when a system has been unavailable or a directory partition has been unavailable for an extended period of time. A long running replication task may indicate a large number of updates, or a number of complex updates occurring at the source directory service. Performing these updates during non-critical times may prevent replication delays.%n%nA long running replication task is normal in the case of adding a new directory partition to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. This can occur because of a new installation, global catalog promotion, or a connection generated by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC).%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4
0x4000062EInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema cache has been updated successfully. Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema cache has been updated successfully.
0x40000631Internal event: The Windows NT 4.0 or earlier replication checkpoint with the PDC emulator master was successful. Internal event: The Windows NT 4.0 or earlier replication checkpoint with the PDC emulator master was successful.
0x40000633Este servicio de directorio se ha restaurado o se ha configurado para hospedar una partición de aplicación.Como resultado, su identidad de replicación ha cambiado. Un asociado ha solicitado cambios de replicaciónusando nuestra identidad antigua. Se ha ajustado el número de secuencia de inicio.%nEl servicio de directorio de destino que corresponde al siguiente GUID del objeto ha solicitado cambios, empezando por un USN que precede al USN donde se restauró el servicio de directorio local desde el medio de copia de seguridad.%n%nGUID del objeto:%n%1%nUSN en el momento de la restauración:%n%2%n%nComo resultado, el vector de actualización del servicio de directorio de destino se ha configurado con la siguiente configuración.%n%nGUID de la base de datos anterior:%n%3%nUSN del objeto anterior:%n%4%nUSN de propiedad anterior:%n%5%nGUID de la nueva base de datos:%n%6%nUSN del nuevo objeto:%n%7%nUSN de nueva propiedad:%n%8 This directory service has been restored or has been configured to host an application directory partition.As a result, its replication identity has changed. A partner has requested replication changesusing our old identity. The starting sequence number has been adjusted.%nThe destination directory service corresponding to the following object GUID has requested changes starting at a USN that precedes the USN at which the local directory service was restored from backup media.%n%nObject GUID:%n%1%nUSN at the time of restore:%n%2%n%nAs a result, the up-to-dateness vector of the destination directory service has been configured with the following settings.%n%nPrevious database GUID:%n%3%nPrevious object USN:%n%4%nPrevious property USN:%n%5%nNew database GUID:%n%6%nNew object USN:%n%7%nNew property USN:%n%8
0x40000638get changes%0 get changes%0
0x4000063Cunused unused
0x40000644Internal event: The following client called the NspiUpdateStat operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiUpdateStat operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x40000645Internal event: The following client called the NspiUpdateStat operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiUpdateStat operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x40000646Internal event: The following client called the NspiCompareDNTs operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiCompareDNTs operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x40000647Internal event: The following client called the NspiCompareDNTs operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiCompareDNTs operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x40000648Internal event: The following client called the NspiQueryRows operation to read the following rows.%n%nClient:%n%1%nRows:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiQueryRows operation to read the following rows.%n%nClient:%n%1%nRows:%n%2
0x40000649Internal event: The following client called the NspiQueryRows operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiQueryRows operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x4000064AInternal event: The following client called the NspiSeekEntries operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiSeekEntries operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x4000064BInternal event: The following client called the NspiSeekEntries operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%n%nStatus code:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiSeekEntries operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%n%nStatus code:%n%2
0x4000064CInternal event: The following client called the NspiGetMatches operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetMatches operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x4000064DInternal event: The following client called the NspiGetMatches operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetMatches operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x4000064EInternal event: The following client called the NspiResolveNames operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiResolveNames operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x4000064FInternal event: The following client called the NspiResolveNames operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiResolveNames operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x40000650Internal event: The following client called the NspiDNToEph operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiDNToEph operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x40000651Internal event: The following client called the NspiDNToEph operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiDNToEph operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x40000652Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetHierarchyInfo operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetHierarchyInfo operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x40000653Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetHierarchyInfo operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetHierarchyInfo operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x40000654Internal event: The following client called the NspiResortRestriction operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiResortRestriction operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x40000655Internal event: The following client called the NspiResortRestriction operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiResortRestriction operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x40000656Internal event: The NspiBind operation was requested. Internal event: The NspiBind operation was requested.
0x40000657Internal event: The following client called the NspiBind operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiBind operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x40000658Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetNamesFromIDs operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetNamesFromIDs operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x40000659Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetNamesFromIDs operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetNamesFromIDs operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x4000065AInternal event: The following client called the NspiGetIDsFromNames operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetIDsFromNames operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x4000065BInternal event: The following client called the NspiGetIDsFromNames operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetIDsFromNames operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x4000065CInternal event: The following client called the NspiGetPropList operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetPropList operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x4000065DInternal event: The following client called the NspiGetPropList operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetPropList operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x4000065EInternal event: The following client called the NspiQueryColumns operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiQueryColumns operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x4000065FInternal event: The following client called the NspiQueryColumns operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiQueryColumns operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x40000660Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetProps operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetProps operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x40000661Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetProps operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetProps operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x40000662Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetTemplateInfo operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetTemplateInfo operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x40000663Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetTemplateInfo operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiGetTemplateInfo operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x40000664Internal event: The following client called the NspiModProps operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiModProps operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x40000665Internal event: The following client called the NspiModProps operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiModProps operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x40000666Internal event: The following client called the NspiModLinkAtt operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiModLinkAtt operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x40000667Internal event: The following client called the NspiModLinkAtt operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiModLinkAtt operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x40000668Internal event: The following client called the NspiDeleteEntries operation.%n%nClient:%n%1 Internal event: The following client called the NspiDeleteEntries operation.%n%nClient:%n%1
0x40000669Internal event: The following client called the NspiDeleteEntries operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2 Internal event: The following client called the NspiDeleteEntries operation. The operation completed with the following status.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStatus:%n%2
0x4000066BInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.%n%nTime interval (hours):%n%1%nNumber of search operations:%n%2%n%nDuring this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.%n%nExpensive search operations:%n%3%nInefficient search operations:%n%4 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.%n%nTime interval (hours):%n%1%nNumber of search operations:%n%2%n%nDuring this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.%n%nExpensive search operations:%n%3%nInefficient search operations:%n%4
0x4000066CInternal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.%n%nClient:%n%5%nStarting node:%n%1%nFilter:%n%2%nSearch scope:%n%6%nAttribute selection:%n%7%nServer controls:%n%8%nVisited entries:%n%3%nReturned entries:%n%4%nUsed indexes:%n%9%nPages referenced:%n%10%nPages read from disk:%n%11%nPages preread from disk:%n%12%nClean pages modified:%n%13%nDirty pages modified:%n%14%nSearch time (ms):%n%15%nAttributes Preventing Optimization:%n%16%nUser:%n%17 Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.%n%nClient:%n%5%nStarting node:%n%1%nFilter:%n%2%nSearch scope:%n%6%nAttribute selection:%n%7%nServer controls:%n%8%nVisited entries:%n%3%nReturned entries:%n%4%nUsed indexes:%n%9%nPages referenced:%n%10%nPages read from disk:%n%11%nPages preread from disk:%n%12%nClean pages modified:%n%13%nDirty pages modified:%n%14%nSearch time (ms):%n%15%nAttributes Preventing Optimization:%n%16%nUser:%n%17
0x4000066EInternal event: The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.%n%nFree hard disk space (megabytes):%n%1%nTotal allocated hard disk space (megabytes):%n%2 Internal event: The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.%n%nFree hard disk space (megabytes):%n%1%nTotal allocated hard disk space (megabytes):%n%2
0x40000671Agregar réplica%0 Add Replica%0
0x40000672Eliminar réplica%0 Delete Replica%0
0x40000673Sincronizar réplica%0 Synchronize Replica%0
0x40000674Actualizar referencias%0 Update References%0
0x40000675Modificar réplica%0 Modify Replica%0
0x4000067AEste servicio de directorio ya no está configurado para hospedar la siguiente partición de directorio. Como resultado, los objetos de esta partición de directorio se quitarán de la base de datos local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nNúmero de objetos que se quitarán (aproximadamente):%n%2%nNúmero de valores de nombre que se quitarán (aproximadamente):%n%3%n%nHasta que se hayan quitado completamente estos objetos, este servicio de directorio no podrá volver a configurarse para hospedar esta partición de directorio. This directory service is no longer configured to host the following directory partition. As a result, the objects in this directory partition will be removed from the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNumber of objects to be removed (approximately):%n%2%nNumber of name values to be removed (approximately):%n%3%n%nUntil these objects are completely removed, this directory service cannot be reconfigured to host this directory partition.
0x4000067BSe reanudó la eliminación de la siguiente partición de directorio de la base de datos local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nNúmero de objetos que quedan por quitar (aproximadamente):%n%2%nNúmero de valores de nombre que quedan por quitar (aproximadamente):%n%3 The removal of the following directory partition from the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database has resumed.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNumber of objects remaining be removed (approximately):%n%2%nNumber of name values remaining be removed (approximately):%n%3
0x4000067CSe completó correctamente la eliminación de la siguiente partición de directorio de la base de datos local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1 The removal of the following directory partition from the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database completed successfully.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1
0x4000067DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no quitó objetos de la siguiente partición de directorio de la base de datos local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nEsta operación volverá a intentarse más adelante.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services did not remove objects of the following directory partition from the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0x40000681Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users.%n%nNumber of users:%n%1 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users.%n%nNumber of users:%n%1
0x40000682Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services processed the group memberships of the requested users.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services processed the group memberships of the requested users.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1
0x40000689Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nValue:%n%3%nDeletion Time:%n%4%n%nThe absent value will be changed to a present value. Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nValue:%n%3%nDeletion Time:%n%4%n%nThe absent value will be changed to a present value.
0x4000068BInternal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nValue:%n%3%nDeletion Time:%n%4%n%nThe absent value will be changed to a present value. Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nValue:%n%3%nDeletion Time:%n%4%n%nThe absent value will be changed to a present value.
0x4000068DInternal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nValue:%n%3%nDeletion Time:%n%4 Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nValue:%n%3%nDeletion Time:%n%4
0x4000068EInternal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%3%nDeletion time:%n%4%n%nThe value was marked as absent. Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%3%nDeletion time:%n%4%n%nThe value was marked as absent.
0x4000068FInternal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value.%n%nTime created:%n%1%nVersion:%n%2%nSource directory service GUID:%n%3%nSource directory service USN:%n%4%nTime changed:%n%5%nUSN changed:%n%6 Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value.%n%nTime created:%n%1%nVersion:%n%2%nSource directory service GUID:%n%3%nSource directory service USN:%n%4%nTime changed:%n%5%nUSN changed:%n%6
0x40000690Internal event: A change was filtered because the attribute was not a part of the partial attribute set.%n%nDirectory service USN:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%nAttribute:%n%4%nAttribute value:%n%5 Internal event: A change was filtered because the attribute was not a part of the partial attribute set.%n%nDirectory service USN:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%nAttribute:%n%4%nAttribute value:%n%5
0x40000691Internal event: A change was filtered because of the object's group type.%n%nDirectory service USN:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%nAttribute:%n%4%nAttribute value:%n%5 Internal event: A change was filtered because of the object's group type.%n%nDirectory service USN:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%nAttribute:%n%4%nAttribute value:%n%5
0x40000692Internal event: A change was filtered because it was not needed by the destination directory service.%n%nDirectory service USN:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%nAttribute:%n%4%nAttribute value:%n%5%nDestination directory service direct USN:%n%6%nDestination directory service UTD USN:%n%7 Internal event: A change was filtered because it was not needed by the destination directory service.%n%nDirectory service USN:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%nAttribute:%n%4%nAttribute value:%n%5%nDestination directory service direct USN:%n%6%nDestination directory service UTD USN:%n%7
0x40000693Internal event: A change was sent with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory service USN:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%nAttribute:%n%4%nAttribute value:%n%5%nDestination directory service direct USN:%n%6%nDestination directory service UTD USN:%n%7 Internal event: A change was sent with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory service USN:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%nObject GUID:%n%3%nAttribute:%n%4%nAttribute value:%n%5%nDestination directory service direct USN:%n%6%nDestination directory service UTD USN:%n%7
0x40000694Internal event: An attribute value change was not applied because the following object has been recycled.%n%nObject GUID:%n%1 Internal event: An attribute value change was not applied because the following object has been recycled.%n%nObject GUID:%n%1
0x40000695Internal event: An attribute value change was not applied because the following object was not found.%n%nObject GUID:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%3%n%nThis operation will be tried again later. Objects will be reordered to increase the chance that this object will be included in the packet. Internal event: An attribute value change was not applied because the following object was not found.%n%nObject GUID:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%3%n%nThis operation will be tried again later. Objects will be reordered to increase the chance that this object will be included in the packet.
0x40000696Internal event: An attribute value change was not applied because the attribute value was not needed.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nAttribute:%n%3%nAttribute value:%n%4%nAttribute value GUID:%n%5 Internal event: An attribute value change was not applied because the attribute value was not needed.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nAttribute:%n%3%nAttribute value:%n%4%nAttribute value GUID:%n%5
0x40000697Internal event: The following metadata was retrieved from an attribute value.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%3%nDeletion time:%n%4 Internal event: The following metadata was retrieved from an attribute value.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%3%nDeletion time:%n%4
0x40000698Internal event: The following remote metadata is associated with the following attribute value.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%3%nTime created:%n%4%nVersion:%n%5%nSource directory service GUID:%n%6%nSource directory service USN:%n%7%nTime changed:%n%8 Internal event: The following remote metadata is associated with the following attribute value.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%3%nTime created:%n%4%nVersion:%n%5%nSource directory service GUID:%n%6%nSource directory service USN:%n%7%nTime changed:%n%8
0x40000699Internal event: The following attribute value change was applied.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nAttribute:%n%3%nAttribute value:%n%4%nAttribute value GUID:%n%5%nPresent:%n%6 Internal event: The following attribute value change was applied.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nAttribute:%n%3%nAttribute value:%n%4%nAttribute value GUID:%n%5%nPresent:%n%6
0x4000069AInternal event: A timestamp conflict occurred between an attribute value created on the local directory service and an incoming attribute value created on the source directory service.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nAttribute:%n%3%nAttribute value:%n%4%nAttribute value GUID:%n%5%nTime the value was created on the source directory service:%n%6%nTime the value was created on the local directory service:%n%7%n%nWhen this directory service replicated with the other directory service, this conflict was detected. Both values were identical. As a result, the attribute value that was created later will be applied on the local directory service. Internal event: A timestamp conflict occurred between an attribute value created on the local directory service and an incoming attribute value created on the source directory service.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nAttribute:%n%3%nAttribute value:%n%4%nAttribute value GUID:%n%5%nTime the value was created on the source directory service:%n%6%nTime the value was created on the local directory service:%n%7%n%nWhen this directory service replicated with the other directory service, this conflict was detected. Both values were identical. As a result, the attribute value that was created later will be applied on the local directory service.
0x4000069BInternal event: An incoming attribute value on the following source object refers to a target object that has been recycled.%n%nSource Object DN:%n%1%nSource Object GUID:%n%2%nAttribute:%n%3%nTarget Object DN:%n%4%nTarget Object GUID:%n%5%n%nThe incoming attribute value change will be ignored. Internal event: An incoming attribute value on the following source object refers to a target object that has been recycled.%n%nSource Object DN:%n%1%nSource Object GUID:%n%2%nAttribute:%n%3%nTarget Object DN:%n%4%nTarget Object GUID:%n%5%n%nThe incoming attribute value change will be ignored.
0x4000069CInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services cannot apply an incoming attribute value change during replication because the following object is not present in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database.%n%nObject GUID:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%3%n%nAn attempt was made to reorder the objects according to their parent objects, but this did not resolve the problem. The incoming attribute value change will not be applied. The source directory service may have replicated with the local directory service within a tombstone lifetime. Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services cannot apply an incoming attribute value change during replication because the following object is not present in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database.%n%nObject GUID:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%3%n%nAn attempt was made to reorder the objects according to their parent objects, but this did not resolve the problem. The incoming attribute value change will not be applied. The source directory service may have replicated with the local directory service within a tombstone lifetime.
0x4000069DInternal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%3%nDeletion time:%n%4%n%nThe value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%3%nDeletion time:%n%4%n%nThe value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created.
0x4000069FEste servicio de directorio admite ahora replicación de valor de vínculo. Cada valor de un atributo multivalor ahora se replica individualmente para reducir el ancho de banda de la red y ofrecer un grado más preciso de resolución de conflictos. This directory service now supports linked-valued replication. Each value of a multivalued attribute now replicates individually to reduce network bandwidth and to provide a finer degree of conflict resolution.
0x400006A0Replicando los datos %1: se recibieron %2 de aproximadamente %3 objetos y %4 de aproximadamente %5 valores de nombre distintivo (DN)... Replicating data %1: Received %2 out of approximately %3 objects and %4 out of approximately %5 distinguished name (DN) values...
0x400006A1Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.%n%nObject:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%1 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.%n%nObject:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%1
0x400006A6El catálogo global completó la sincronización del grupo de atributos parcial para la siguiente partición de directorio desde el siguiente controlador de dominio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador de dominio:%n%2%n%nEste es un ciclo especial de replicación debido a la adición de uno o más atributos al grupo de atributos parcial. The global catalog completed synchronization of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following domain controller.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDomain controller:%n%2%n%nThis is a special replication cycle due to the addition of one or more attributes to the partial attribute set.
0x400006A7El catálogo global ha iniciado una sincronización completa para la siguiente partición de directorio. Es un ciclo de replicación especial debido a la adición de uno o más atributos al grupo de atributos parcial.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nEsto podría resultar en un tráfico de red considerable. The global catalog initiated a full synchronization for the following directory partition. This is a special replication cycle due to the addition of one or more attributes to the partial attribute set.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nThis might result in substantial network traffic.
0x400006A8El catálogo global inició la replicación de un miembro del conjunto de atributos parcial para la siguiente partición de directorio del siguiente controlador de dominio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador de dominio:%n%2%n%nSe trata de un ciclo de replicación especial debido a la adición de uno o varios atributos al conjunto de atributos parcial. The global catalog initiated replication of a member of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following domain controller.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDomain controller:%n%2%n%nThis is a special replication cycle due to the addition of one or more attributes to the partial attribute set.
0x400006A9Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.%n%nDomain controller:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2%n%nThe previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.%n%nDomain controller:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2%n%nThe previous replication attempt was unsuccessful.
0x400006AAInternal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.%n%nDomain controller:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2 Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.%n%nDomain controller:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2
0x400006ABError en el catálogo global al encontrar un asociado de réplica para la replicación delgrupo de atributos parcial de la siguiente partición de directorio.%n%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1 The global catalog has failed to find a replica partner for replication ofthe partial attribute set for the following directory partition.%n%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1
0x400006ACInternal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.%n%nSource domain controller:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2 Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.%n%nSource domain controller:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2
0x400006ADInternal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.%n%nSource domain controller:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2 Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.%n%nSource domain controller:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%2
0x400006AFInternal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.%n%nSource domain controller:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%1 Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.%n%nSource domain controller:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%1
0x400006B1Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.%n%nAttribute:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.%n%nAttribute:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index.
0x400006B2Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%3%nDeletion time:%n%4 Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%3%nDeletion time:%n%4
0x400006B4Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.%n%nObject:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%1 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.%n%nObject:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%1
0x400006BASe actualizó el nivel funcional del objeto de configuración NTDS para la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services local.%n%nNivel funcional anterior:%n%1%nNuevo nivel funcional:%n%2 The functional level on the NTDS Settings object for the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance has been updated.%n%nOld functional level:%n%1%nNew functional level:%n%2
0x400006C2El servicio de directorio ya no está configurado para hospedar la siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones. Esta partición de directorio de aplicaciones ya no se replica desde el servicio de directorio en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%npartición de directorio de aplicaciones:%n%1%nControlador de dominio:%n%3%nDirección de red:%n%2 The directory service is no longer configured to host the following application directory partition. This application directory partition is no longer replicated from the directory service at the following network address.%n%nApplication directory partition:%n%1%nDirectory Service:%n%3%nNetwork address:%n%2
0x400006C3El servicio de directorio ya no está configurado para hospedar la siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones. Como resultado, el comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) ha intentado detener la replicación de esta partición de directorio de aplicaciones desde el servicio de directorio en la siguiente dirección de red, pero ha habido un error.%n%npartición de directorio de aplicaciones:%n%1%nServicio de directorio:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo en el siguiente intervalo de KCC.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %3 The Directory Service is no longer configured to host the following application directory partition. As a result, the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) attempted to stop replication of this application directory partition from the Directory Service at the following network address, but the attempt failed.%n%nApplication directory partition:%n%1%nDirectory Service:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the next KCC interval.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %3
0x400006C4El servicio de directorio ya no está configurado para hospedar la siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones. Se consiguió transmitir sus actualizaciones y transferir sus roles de maestro de operaciones (si las hubiera) al siguiente servicio de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio de aplicaciones:%n%1%nServicio de directorio:%n%2%n%nLos objetos de esta partición de directorio se quitarán de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en el servicio de directorio. The Directory Service is no longer configured to host the following application directory partition. An attempt to transmit its updates and transfer its operations master roles (if any) to the following Directory Service succeeded.%n%nApplication directory partition:%n%1%nDirectory Service:%n%2%n%nThe objects in this directory partition will be removed from the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database on the Directory Service.
0x400006C5El servicio de directorio ya no está configurado para hospedar la siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones. Se produjo un error al intentar transmitir sus actualizaciones y transferir sus roles de maestro de operaciones (en su caso) al siguiente servicio de directorio.%n%npartición de directorio de aplicaciones:%n%1%nServicio de directorio:%n%2%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3 The Directory Service is no longer configured to host the following application directory partition. An attempt to transmit its updates and transfer its operations master roles (if any) to the following Directory Service failed.%n%nApplication directory partition:%n%1%nDirectory Service:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0x400006C6El controlador de dominio local ahora está configurado para hospedar una réplica de escritura de la siguiente partición de directorio. Anteriormente tenía una réplica de solo lectura de esta partición de directorio. Esta partición de directorio ya no se replicará desde el controlador de dominio en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador de dominio:%n%3%nDirección de red:%n%2 The local domain controller is now configured to host a writeable replica of the following directory partition. It previously had a read-only replica of this directory partition. This directory partition will no longer replicate from the domain controller at the following at network address.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%ndomain controller:%n%3%nNetwork address:%n%2
0x400006C7El controlador de dominio local ahora está configurado para hospedar una réplica de escritura de la siguiente partición de directorio. Ha habido un error al intentar detener la replicación de esta partición de directorio del controlador de dominio en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador de dominio:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo en el siguiente intervalo del comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC).%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %3 The local domain controller is now configured to host a writeable replica of the following directory partition. An attempt to stop replication of this directory partition from the domain controller at the following network address failed.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%ndomain controller:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the next Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) interval.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %3
0x400006C8El controlador de dominio local ahora está configurado para hospedar una réplica de escritura de la siguiente partición de directorio. Anteriormente tenía una réplica de solo lectura de esta partición de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nLos objetos de la réplica de solo lectura de esta partición de directorio se quitarán del controlador de dominio local. The local domain controller is now configured to host a writeable replica of the following directory partition. It previously had a read-only replica of this directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nThe objects in the read-only replica of this directory partition will be removed from the local domain controller.
0x400006C9El controlador de dominio local ahora está configurado para hospedar una réplica de escritura de la siguiente partición de directorio. Anteriormente tenía una réplica de solo lectura de esta partición de directorio. Se produjo un error al quitar los objetos de esta partición de directorio desde el controlador de dominio local.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3 The local domain controller is now configured to host a writeable replica of the following directory partition. It previously had a read-only replica of this directory partition. An attempt to remove the objects in this directory partition from the local domain controller failed.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0x400006CAEl controlador de dominio local ahora está configurado para hospedar una réplica de solo lectura de la siguiente partición de directorio. Anteriormente tenía una réplica de escritura de esta partición de directorio. Esta partición de directorio ya no se replicará desde el controlador de dominio en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador de dominio:%n%3%nDirección de red:%n%2 The local domain controller is now configured to host a read-only replica of the following directory partition. It previously had a writeable replica of this directory partition. This directory partition will no longer be replicated from the domain controller at the following network address.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%ndomain controller:%n%3%nNetwork address:%n%2
0x400006CBEl controlador de dominio local ahora está configurado para hospedar una replicación de solo lectura de la siguiente partición de directorio. Ha habido un error al intentar detener la replicación de este directorio desde el controlador de dominio en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador del dominio:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %3 The local domain controller is now configured to host a read-only replica of the following directory partition. An attempt to stop replication of this directory partition from the domain controller at the following network address failed.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%ndomain controller:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %3
0x400006CCEl controlador de dominio local ahora está configurado para hospedar una réplica de solo lectura de la siguiente partición de directorio. Anteriormente tenía una réplica de escritura de esta partición de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nLos objetos de esta réplica de escritura de esta partición de directorio se quitarán del controlador de dominio local. The local domain controller is now configured to host a read-only replica of the following directory partition. It previously had a writeable replica of this directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nThe objects in the writeable replica of this directory partition will be removed from the local domain controller.
0x400006CDEl controlador de dominio local ahora está configurado para hospedar una réplica de solo lectura de la siguiente partición de directorio. Anteriormente tenía una réplica de escritura de esta partición de directorio. Se produjo un error al intentar quitar los objetos de esta partición de directorio desde el controlador de dominio local.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3 The local domain controller is now configured to host a read-only replica of the following directory partition. It previously had a writeable replica of this directory partition. An attempt to remove the objects in this directory partition from the local domain controller failed.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0x400006CEEl controlador de dominio local hospeda una réplica de escritura de la siguiente partición de directorio; sin embargo, el controlador de dominio de origen de la siguiente dirección de red hospeda una réplica de solo lectura de esta partición de directorio. Las particiones de directorio de réplica de escritura no pueden replicarse desde réplicas de solo lectura porque dichas réplicas no contienen todos los atributos necesarios para llenar las réplicas de escritura.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador de dominio de origen:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nComo resultado, la partición de directorio ya no se replicará desde este controlador de dominio de origen. The local domain controller hosts a writeable replica of the following directory partition; however, the source domain controller at the following network address hosts a read-only replica of this directory partition. Writeable replica directory partitions cannot replicate from read-only replicas because read-only replicas do not contain all of the attributes required to populate writeable replicas.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource domain controller:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nAs a result, the directory partition will no longer be replicated from this source domain controller.
0x400006CFEl controlador de dominio local hospeda una réplica de escritura de la siguiente partición de directorio; sin embargo, el controlador de dominio de origen de la siguiente dirección de red hospeda una réplica de solo lectura de esta partición de directorio. Se produjo un error al intentar detener la replicación de esta partición de directorio desde este controlador de dominio. Las particiones de directorio de réplica de escritura no pueden replicarse desde particiones de directorio de replicación de solo lectura porque dichas particiones no contienen todos los atributos necesarios para llenar las particiones de directorio de réplica de escritura.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador de dominio de origen:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %3 The local domain controller hosts a writeable replica of the following directory partition; however, the source domain controller at the following network address hosts a read-only replica of this directory partition. The attempt to stop replication of this directory partition from this domain controller failed. Writeable replica directory partitions cannot replicate from read-only replica directory partitions because read-only replica directory partitions do not contain all of the attributes required to populate writeable replica directory partitions.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource domain controller:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %3
0x400006D0El controlador de dominio local ya no es un catálogo global. Como resultado, la partición parcial del directorio de solo lectura del siguiente dominio se está quitando del controlador de dominio local.%n%nDominio:%n%1%n%nEl controlador de dominio local no puede volver a configurarse para convertirse en un catálogo global hasta que se haya quitado completamente esta partición parcial del directorio de solo lectura. The local domain controller is no longer a global catalog. As a result, the partial, read-only directory partition of the following domain is being removed from the local domain controller.%n%nDomain:%n%1%n%nThe local domain controller cannot be reconfigured to become a global catalog until this partial, read-only directory partition is completely removed.
0x400006D2Se ha quitado el siguiente dominio del bosque y los objetos de dominio se quitarán del catálogo global.%n%nDominio:%n%1 The following domain has been removed from the forest and the domain objects will be removed from the global catalog.%n%nDomain:%n%1
0x400006D6La siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones se ha eliminado.%n%npartición de directorio de aplicaciones:%n%1%n%nLos objetos de esta partición de directorio de aplicaciones se quitarán de este servidor de directorio. The following application directory partition has been deleted.%n%nApplication directory partition:%n%1%n%nThe objects in this application directory partition will be removed from this directory server.
0x400006D7La siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones se ha eliminado. Error al intentar quitar los objetos de este servidor de directorio.%n%npartición de directorio de aplicaciones:%n%1%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3 The following application directory partition has been deleted. An attempt to remove the objects from this directory server failed.%n%nApplication directory partition:%n%1%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0x400006D8La siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones se ha eliminado y ya no se replica desde el servidor de directorio en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%npartición de directorio de aplicaciones:%n%1%nControlador de dominio:%n%3%nDirección de red:%n%2 The following application directory partition has been deleted and is no longer replicated from the directory server at the following network address.%n%nApplication directory partition:%n%1%nDirectory server:%n%3%nNetwork address:%n%2
0x400006D9La siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones se ha eliminado. Error al intentar detener la replicación de esta partición de directorio desde el servidor de directorio en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%npartición de directorio de aplicaciones:%n%1%nServidor de directorio:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %3 The following application directory partition has been deleted. An attempt to stop replication of this directory partition from the directory server at the following network address failed.%n%nApplication directory partition:%n%1%nDirectory server:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %3
0x400006DALa siguiente partición de directorio ya no está configurada para hospedar mediante catálogos globales. Como resultado, esta partición de directorio ya no se replica desde el controlador de dominio en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador del dominio:%n%3%nDirección de red:%n%2 The following directory partition is no longer configured for hosting by global catalogs. As a result, this directory partition is no longer replicated from the domain controller at the following network address.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDomain controller:%n%3%nNetwork address:%n%2
0x400006DBLa siguiente partición de directorio ya no está configurada para hospedar mediante catálogos globales. Error al intentar detener la replicación de esta partición de directorio desde el controlador de dominio en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador del dominio:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo en el siguiente intervalo del comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC).%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %3 The following directory partition is no longer configured for hosting by global catalogs. The attempt to stop replication of this directory partition from the domain controller at the following network address failed.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDomain controller:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the next Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) interval.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %3
0x400006DCLa siguiente partición de directorio ya no está configurada para hospedar mediante catálogos globales. Como resultado, la réplica parcial y de solo lectura se está quitando del controlador de dominio local.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nEsta partición de directorio no puede volver a configurarse para hospedar mediante un catálogo global hasta que se haya quitado completamente. The following directory partition is no longer configured for hosting by global catalogs. As a result, the partial, read-only replica of this directory partition is being removed from the local domain controller.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nThis directory partition cannot be reconfigured for hosting by a global catalog until it is completely removed.
0x400006DDLa siguiente partición de directorio ya no está configurada para hospedar mediante catálogos globales y ha habido un error al intentar quitar la réplica parcial y de solo lectura de esta partición de directorio del controlador de dominio local.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3 The following directory partition is no longer configured for hosting by global catalogs and the attempt to remove the partial, read-only replica of this directory partition from the local domain controller failed.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0x400006DETransfiriendo los roles de maestro de operaciones que son propiedad de esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en la partición de directorio %1 a la instancia %2 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services... Transferring operations master roles owned by this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance in directory partition %1 to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %2...
0x400006DFCompletando la limpieza de la referencia DN... Completing DN reference scavenging...
0x400006E0Replicando las actualizaciones que quedan en la partición de directorio %1 a la instancia %2 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services... Replicating remaining updates in directory partition %1 to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %2...
0x400006E1Buscando otras réplicas de la partición de directorio %1 en la red... Searching for other replicas of directory partition %1 on the network...
0x400006E2Transfiriendo los datos que quedan en la partición de directorio %1 a la instancia %2 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services... Transferring remaining data in directory partition %1 to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %2...
0x400006E3Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo transferir los datos que quedan en la partición de directorio %1 a la instancia %2 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not transfer the remaining data in directory partition %1 toActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %2.
0x400006E4Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services transfirió correctamente los datos que quedan en la partición de directorio %1 a la instancia %2 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services successfully transferred the remaining data in directory partition %1 to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %2.
0x400006E5Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no encontró otra instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services para transferir los datos que quedan en la partición de directorio %1. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find another Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance to transfer the remaining data in directory partition %1.
0x400006E6Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear un índice para el atributo de idioma con el siguiente identificador de configuración regional.%n%nIdentificador de atributo:%n%1%nNombre de atributo:%n%2%nIdentificador de configuración regional:%n%3%n%nEsta operación volverá a intentarse más adelante.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %5 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not create an index for the language attribute with the following localeID.%n%nAttribute ID:%n%1%nAttribute name:%n%2%nLocaleID:%n%3%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %5
0x400006F0Internal event: The group membership cache task is starting. Internal event: The group membership cache task is starting.
0x400006F1Internal event: The group membership cache task has finished. The completion status was%1, and the exit Internal ID was %2. Internal event: The group membership cache task has finished. The completion status was%1, and the exit Internal ID was %2.
0x400006F2Internal event: The group membership cache task will run again in %1 minutes. Internal event: The group membership cache task will run again in %1 minutes.
0x400006F3Internal event: The Global Catalog Domain Controller %1, in site %2, domain %3 will be used toupdate the group memberships. Internal event: The Global Catalog Domain Controller %1, in site %2, domain %3 will be used toupdate the group memberships.
0x400006F4Internal event: No Global Catalog was located because %1. The group membership cache task is exitingand will reschedule itself. Internal event: No Global Catalog was located because %1. The group membership cache task is exitingand will reschedule itself.
0x400006F5Internal event: By examining the published connectivity information, the group membership cachetask has determined site %1 is a site with a low network cost to contact. Thetask will schedule itself based on the schedule of network connectivity to thissite. Internal event: By examining the published connectivity information, the group membership cachetask has determined site %1 is a site with a low network cost to contact. Thetask will schedule itself based on the schedule of network connectivity to thissite.
0x400006F6Internal event: By examining the published connectivity information, the group membership cachetask cannot find an efficient site to obtain group membershipinformation. The task will run using the Global Catalog that is closest, asdetermined by the NetLogon locator and will schedule itself based on a fixedperiod. Internal event: By examining the published connectivity information, the group membership cachetask cannot find an efficient site to obtain group membershipinformation. The task will run using the Global Catalog that is closest, asdetermined by the NetLogon locator and will schedule itself based on a fixedperiod.
0x400006F7Internal event: The attempt to retrieve the group memberships for a batch of users failed. Theerror is %1. The attempt will be retried. Internal event: The attempt to retrieve the group memberships for a batch of users failed. Theerror is %1. The attempt will be retried.
0x400006F8Internal event: The group membership cache task determined that site %1 does not have a Global Catalog. Internal event: The group membership cache task determined that site %1 does not have a Global Catalog.
0x400006F9Internal event: Site %1 has a Global Catalog, but a valid schedule does not exist (error, %2). Internal event: Site %1 has a Global Catalog, but a valid schedule does not exist (error, %2).
0x40000701Internal event: Task queue invoking function %1 with parameter %2. Internal event: Task queue invoking function %1 with parameter %2.
0x40000702Internal event: Task queue completed function call %1 with parameter %2, error code = %3.Next call is scheduled at +%4 seconds, parameter %5. Internal event: Task queue completed function call %1 with parameter %2, error code = %3.Next call is scheduled at +%4 seconds, parameter %5.
0x4000070AEl comprobador de coherencia de la información no construirá la topologíapara la partición %1 porque aún no se ha replicado el GUID del objeto de la partición en este servicio de directorio. The Knowledge Consistency Checker will not construct the topologyfor partition %1 because knowledge of the partition's objectGuidhas not yet replicated to this directory service.
0x4000070CSe transfirieron al servidor %2 los roles de maestro de operaciones propiedad de este servidor en la partición %1. Transferred Operation Master roles owned by this server in partition %1 to server %2.
0x4000070DSe replicaron en la instancia %2 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services las actualizaciones restantes de la partición %1. Replicated off remaining updates in partition %1 to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %2.
0x4000070ESe ha replicado el contenedor de esquema. Replicated the schema container.
0x4000070FSe ha replicado el contenedor de configuración. Replicated the configuration container.
0x40000710Se ha replicado los objetos en el contenedor de dominio. Replicated the critical objects in the domain container.
0x40000711El catálogo global no tiene orígenes entre sitios para al menos una partición.La replicación en el catálogo global está limitada a la replicación programadadesde orígenes entre sitios. The Global Catalog has no intra-site sources for at least one partition.Replication to the Global Catalog is limited to scheduled replicationfrom inter-site sources.
0x4000072CInternal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.%n%nNumber of messages:%n%1%nSMTP mail drop folder:%n%2 Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.%n%nNumber of messages:%n%1%nSMTP mail drop folder:%n%2
0x40000730Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.%n%nSubstring index:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nAttributeID:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.%n%nSubstring index:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nAttributeID:%n%2
0x40000732Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.%n%nSite link:%n%1 Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.%n%nSite link:%n%1
0x40000736Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is ignoring the following deactivated schema object.%n%ndeactivated schema object:%n%1 (%2, %3) Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is ignoring the following deactivated schema object.%n%ndeactivated schema object:%n%1 (%2, %3)
0x4000073FInternal event: The following attribute for the following schema class has been reactivated because it is the rdnAttid attribute for the class.%n%nAttribute:%n%1 (%2, %3)%nClass:%n%4 (%5) Internal event: The following attribute for the following schema class has been reactivated because it is the rdnAttid attribute for the class.%n%nAttribute:%n%1 (%2, %3)%nClass:%n%4 (%5)
0x40000741Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar la memoria caché del esquema después de replicar la siguiente partición de directorio de esta instancia remota de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nServicio de directorio remoto:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to update the schema cache after replicating the following directory partition from this remote Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nRemote directory service:%n%2
0x40000742Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services actualizó la memoria caché del esquema. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the schema cache.
0x40000744Internal event: The instanceType attribute of the following object has been set to the following value.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute value:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%3 Internal event: The instanceType attribute of the following object has been set to the following value.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute value:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%3
0x4000074CLa conexión al siguiente catálogo global se cerró porque el catálogo global está en un sitio remoto.%n%nCatálogo global:%n%1%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services usará el servicio de ubicador de controlador de dominio a fin de buscar un catálogo global disponible en un sitio más próximo para la siguiente operación que requiera uno. The connection to the following global catalog has been closed because the global catalog is in a remote site.%n%nGlobal catalog:%n%1%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will use the domain controller locator service to find an available global catalog in a closer site for the next operation that requires one.
0x4000074DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services localizó un catálogo global en el siguiente sitio.%n%nCatálogo global:%n%1%nSitio:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has located a global catalog in the following site.%n%nGlobal catalog:%n%1%nSite:%n%2
0x40000750La replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó que en esta partición de directorio falta un objeto primario para el siguiente objeto de salida. El objeto huérfano se movió al contenedor LostAndFound.%n%nObjeto de salida:%n%1%nGUID del objeto de salida:%n%2%nPartición de directorio:%n%3%n%nEsta condición errónea ocurre si se elimina un objeto primario y se envía al sistema de recopilación de elementos no usados cuando aún tiene objetos secundarios activos. Como resultado, el objeto huérfano se mueve al contenedor LostAndFound. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication detected a missing parent object for the following outgoing object in this directory partition. The orphaned object was moved to the LostAndFound container.%n%nOutgoing object:%n%1%nOutgoing object GUID:%n%2%nDirectory partition:%n%3%n%nThis erroneous condition occurs when a parent object is deleted and sent to garbage collection when it still has active child objects. As a result, the orphaned object is moved to the LostAndFound container.
0x40000751Copiando archivos restaurados de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de %1 a %2... Copying restored Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services files from %1 to %2...
0x4000075AActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services está apagando el sistema para completar la operación de cambio de nombre de dominio. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is shutting down the system to complete the domain rename operation.
0x4000075CInternal event: As part of running a script, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is checking the instanceType flag of the following object.%n%nOperation type: %n%1%nObject: %n%2%nMatch result: %n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%4 %5 Internal event: As part of running a script, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is checking the instanceType flag of the following object.%n%nOperation type: %n%1%nObject: %n%2%nMatch result: %n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%4 %5
0x4000075DInternal event: As part of running a script, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is checking the cardinality (number of children) of the following object.%n%nObject: %n%1%nCardinality: %n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%3 %4 Internal event: As part of running a script, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is checking the cardinality (number of children) of the following object.%n%nObject: %n%1%nCardinality: %n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%3 %4
0x4000075EInternal event: As part of running a script, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is comparing values of the following object.%n%nObject: %n%1%nResult of compare: %n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%3 Internal event: As part of running a script, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is comparing values of the following object.%n%nObject: %n%1%nResult of compare: %n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%3
0x4000075FInternal event: As part of running a script, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is updating the values of the following object.%n%nObject: %n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%2 Internal event: As part of running a script, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is updating the values of the following object.%n%nObject: %n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%2
0x40000760Internal event: As part of running a script, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is moving the following object.%n%nSource object: %n%1%nDestination object: %n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%3 Internal event: As part of running a script, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is moving the following object.%n%nSource object: %n%1%nDestination object: %n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%3
0x40000761Internal event: As part of running a script, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is creating the following object.%n%nObject: %n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%2 Internal event: As part of running a script, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is creating the following object.%n%nObject: %n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%2
0x40000763Internal event: The crossRef object has a reference to a directory partition (nCName attribute) with the following conflicting name.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%nConflicting name: %n%2%nRenamed directory partition: %n%3%n%nThe directory partition previously holding this name has been removed. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has renamed the conflicting partition. Internal event: The crossRef object has a reference to a directory partition (nCName attribute) with the following conflicting name.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%nConflicting name: %n%2%nRenamed directory partition: %n%3%n%nThe directory partition previously holding this name has been removed. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has renamed the conflicting partition.
0x40000767Internal event: A conflict occurred between two attributes for the same Attribute ID. The following attribute will be used.%n%nAttribute name:%n%1%nAttribute Internal ID:%n%2%nAttribute External ID:%n%3 Internal event: A conflict occurred between two attributes for the same Attribute ID. The following attribute will be used.%n%nAttribute name:%n%1%nAttribute Internal ID:%n%2%nAttribute External ID:%n%3
0x40000768Internal event: A conflict occurred between two attributes for the same LDAP display name. The following attribute will be used.%n%nAttribute name:%n%1%nAttribute Internal ID:%n%2%nAttribute External ID:%n%3 Internal event: A conflict occurred between two attributes for the same LDAP display name. The following attribute will be used.%n%nAttribute name:%n%1%nAttribute Internal ID:%n%2%nAttribute External ID:%n%3
0x40000769Internal event: A conflict occurred between two attributes for the same MAPI ID. The following attribute will be used.%n%nAttribute name:%n%1%nAttribute Internal ID:%n%2%nAttribute External ID:%n%3%nMAPI-ID: %n%4 Internal event: A conflict occurred between two attributes for the same MAPI ID. The following attribute will be used.%n%nAttribute name:%n%1%nAttribute Internal ID:%n%2%nAttribute External ID:%n%3%nMAPI-ID: %n%4
0x4000076AInternal event: The following schema object was modified.%n%nSchema object: %n%1 Internal event: The following schema object was modified.%n%nSchema object: %n%1
0x4000076BInternal event: The following schema object was added.%n%nSchema object: %n%1 Internal event: The following schema object was added.%n%nSchema object: %n%1
0x4000076EInternal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator.
0x4000076FActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services agregó un vínculo de replicación para la siguiente partición de directorio de escritura del siguiente servicio de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio de escritura: %n%1%nServicio de directorio: %n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a replication link for the following writable directory partition from the following directory service.%n%nWritable directory partition: %n%1%ndirectory service: %n%2
0x40000770Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm.
0x40000771Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.%n%nCurrent intersite topology generator: %n%1%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.%n%nCurrent intersite topology generator: %n%1%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator.
0x40000772Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.%n%nCurrent intersite topology generator: %n%1%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.%n%nCurrent intersite topology generator: %n%1%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator.
0x40000773Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.%n%nCurrent intersite topology generator: %n%1%nLast update: %n%2 Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.%n%nCurrent intersite topology generator: %n%1%nLast update: %n%2
0x40000774Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.%n%nCurrent intersite topology generator: %n%1%nLast update: %n%2 Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.%n%nCurrent intersite topology generator: %n%1%nLast update: %n%2
0x40000775Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.%n%ndirectory service: %n%1 Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.%n%ndirectory service: %n%1
0x4000077DLa copia de seguridad de la instantánea de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services se realizó correctamente. The shadow copy backup for Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was successful.
0x40000780La restauración de la instantánea de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services se realizó correctamente. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services shadow copy restore was successful.
0x40000784Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.%n%nDirectory partition: %n%1%ndirectory service: %n%2 Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.%n%nDirectory partition: %n%1%ndirectory service: %n%2
0x40000787El servicio de ubicador del controlador de dominio seleccionó el controlador de dominio local para que fuera un catálogo global. No obstante, el controlador de dominio solo completó una sincronización parcial de la siguiente partición de directorio. Se requiere una sincronización total para que el controlador de dominio sea un catálogo global.%n%nPartición de directorio: %n%1%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%2%nTransporte: %n%3%nSincronización USN correcta: %n%4%nÚltima sincronización realizada: %n%5%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services seguirá sincronizando la partición de directorio.%n%nUna condición previa para convertirse en un catálogo global es que todas las particiones de directorio que se hospedan en el controlador de dominio local deben completar al menos una sincronización total. Si el controlador de dominio local era recientemente un catálogo global y se degradó su nivel, es posible que la copia anterior de la partición de directorio se esté quitando.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n6 %7 The local domain controller has been selected by the domain controller locator service to be a global catalog. However, the domain controller has only completed a partial synchronization of the following directory partition. A full synchronization is required for the domain controller to be a global catalog.%n%nDirectory partition: %n%1%nSource domain controller: %n%2%nTransport: %n%3%nSuccessful USN Sync: %n%4%nLast sync performed: %n%5%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will continue to synchronize the directory partition.%n%nA precondition to become a global catalog is that every directory partition hosted by the local domain controller must complete at least one full synchronization. If the local domain controller was recently a global catalog and was demoted, it is possible that the previous copy of the directory partition is in the process of being removed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n6 %7
0x40000789RPC%0 RPC%0
0x4000078AEl controlador de dominio no completó una sincronización inicial de todas las particiones del directorio de solo lectura que contiene.%n%nEsto podría retrasar la promoción de catálogo global pero las sincronizaciones continuarán. The domain controller has not completed an initial synchronization of every read-only directory partition that it holds.%n%nThis could delay the global catalog promotion but the synchronizations will continue.
0x4000078CInternal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.%n%nDirectory partition DN: %n%1%nDirectory partition GUID: %n%2%nCalling site: %n%3 Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.%n%nDirectory partition DN: %n%1%nDirectory partition GUID: %n%2%nCalling site: %n%3
0x4000078DInternal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.%n%nDirectory partition DN: %n%1%nDirectory partition GUID: %n%2%nCalling site: %n%3 Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.%n%nDirectory partition DN: %n%1%nDirectory partition GUID: %n%2%nCalling site: %n%3
0x4000078EInternal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%nDirectory partition DN: %n%2%nDirectory partition GUID: %n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%4 Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%nDirectory partition DN: %n%2%nDirectory partition GUID: %n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%4
0x4000078FInternal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%nDirectory partition DN: %n%2%nDirectory partition GUID: %n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%4 Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%nDirectory partition DN: %n%2%nDirectory partition GUID: %n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%4
0x40000790Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2
0x40000791Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services inició la eliminación de objetos persistentes en el controlador de dominio local. Se comprobará la existencia de todos los objetos de este controlador de dominio en el siguiente controlador de dominio de origen.%n%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%1%n%nLos objetos eliminados y recopilados durante la recopilación de elementos no usados en el controlador de dominio de origen que aún existan en este controlador de dominio se eliminarán. Todos los objetos eliminados se mostrarán en las entradas posteriores del registro de eventos. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has begun the removal of lingering objects on the local domain controller. All objects on this domain controller will have their existence verified on the following source domain controller.%n%nSource domain controller: %n%1%n%nObjects that have been deleted and garbage collected on the source domain controller yet still exist on this domain controller will be deleted. Subsequent event log entries will list all deleted objects.
0x40000792Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services inició la comprobación de objetos persistentes en modo de asesoría en el controlador de dominio local. Se comprobará la existencia de todos los objetos de este controlador de dominio en el siguiente controlador de dominio de origen.%n%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%1%n%nLos objetos eliminados y recopilados durante la recopilación de elementos no usados en el controlador de dominio de origen que aún existan en este controlador de dominio se mostrarán en las entradas posteriores del registro de eventos. Para eliminar permanentemente los objetos persistentes, reinicie este procedimiento sin usar el modo de asesoría. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has begun the verification of lingering objects in advisory mode on the local domain controller. All objects on this domain controller will have their existence verified on the following source domain controller.%n%nSource domain controller: %n%1%n%nObjects that have been deleted and garbage collected on the source domain controller yet still exist on this domain controller will be listed in subsequent event log entries. To permanently delete the lingering objects, restart this procedure without using the advisory mode option.
0x40000793Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completó la eliminación de objetos persistentes en el controlador de dominio local. Se comprobó la existencia de todos los objetos de este controlador de dominio en el siguiente controlador de dominio de origen.%n%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%1%nNúmero de objetos eliminados: %n%2%n%nLos objetos eliminados y recopilados durante la recopilación de elementos no usados en el controlador de dominio de origen que aún existían en el controlador de dominio local se eliminaron de éste. Los objetos eliminados se muestran en las anteriores entradas del registro de eventos. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has completed the removal of lingering objects on the local domain controller. All objects on this domain controller have had their existence verified on the following source domain controller.%n%nSource domain controller: %n%1%nNumber of lingering objects deleted: %n%2%n%nObjects that were deleted and garbage collected on the source domain controller yet existed on the local domain controller were deleted from the local domain controller. Past event log entries list these deleted objects.
0x40000794Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has completed the removal of a subset of lingering objects on the local domain controller. All objects in this subset on this domain controller have had their existence verified on the following source domain controller.%n%nSource domain controller: %n%1%nNumber of objects deleted: %n%2%n%nThe subset of objects that were deleted and garbage collected on the source domain controller yet existed on the local domain controller were deleted. Past event log entries list these deleted objects.%n%nThe lingering object removal process will continue. Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has completed the removal of a subset of lingering objects on the local domain controller. All objects in this subset on this domain controller have had their existence verified on the following source domain controller.%n%nSource domain controller: %n%1%nNumber of objects deleted: %n%2%n%nThe subset of objects that were deleted and garbage collected on the source domain controller yet existed on the local domain controller were deleted. Past event log entries list these deleted objects.%n%nThe lingering object removal process will continue.
0x40000795Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo quitar todos los objetos de este subconjunto de objetos persistentes en el controlador de dominio local. Se comprobó la existencia de todos los objetos de este subconjunto del controlador de dominio en el siguiente controlador de dominio de origen.%n%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%1%nNúmero de objetos de este subconjunto no eliminados: %n%2%n%nEl proceso de eliminación de objetos persistentes continuará en el próximo subconjunto de objetos. En las anteriores entradas del registro de eventos se muestran los objetos persistentes que no pudieron eliminarse.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%3 %4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to remove all objects in this subset of lingering objects on the local domain controller. All objects in this subset on this domain controller have had their existence verified on the following source domain controller.%n%nSource domain controller: %n%1%nNumber of objects in this subset that were not deleted: %n%2%n%nThe lingering object removal process will continue on the next subset of objects. Past event log entries list the lingering objects that could not be deleted.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%3 %4
0x40000796Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completó la comprobación de objetos persistentes en modo de asesoría en el controlador de dominio local. Se comprobó la existencia de todos los objetos de este controlador de dominio en el siguiente controlador de dominio de origen.%n%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%1%nNúmero de objetos persistentes examinados y comprobados: %n%2%n%nLos objetos eliminados y recopilados durante la recopilación de elementos no usados en el controlador de dominio de origen que aún existan en este controlador de dominio se enumeran en las anteriores entradas del registro de eventos. Para eliminar permanentemente los objetos persistentes, reinicie este procedimiento sin usar el modo de asesoría. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has completed the verification of lingering objects on the local domain controller in advisory mode. All objects on this domain controller have had their existence verified on the following source domain controller.%n%nSource domain controller: %n%1%nNumber of lingering objects examined and verified: %n%2%n%nObjects that have been deleted and garbage collected on the source domain controller yet still exist on this domain controller have been listed in past event log entries. To permanently delete the lingering objects, restart this procedure without using the advisory mode option.
0x4000079AActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services identificó el siguiente objeto persistente en el controlador de dominio local en modo de asesoría. El objeto se eliminó y recopiló durante la recopilación de elementos no usados en el siguiente controlador de dominio de origen, pero aún existe en el controlador de dominio local.%n%nObjeto: %n%1%nGUID del objeto:%n%2%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has identified the following lingering object on the local domain controller in advisory mode. The object had been deleted and garbage collected on the following source domain controller yet still exists on the local domain controller.%n%nObject: %n%1%nObject GUID: %n%2%nSource domain controller: %n%3
0x400007A0Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.%n%nConnection object 1: %n%1%nConnection object 2: %n%2%n%nConnection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superseded by connection object 2. Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.%n%nConnection object 1: %n%1%nConnection object 2: %n%2%n%nConnection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superseded by connection object 2.
0x400007A1El propagador de descriptores de seguridad inició una fase de propagación completa The security descriptor propagator has started a full propagation pass
0x400007A2El propagador de descriptores de seguridad completó una fase de propagación completa. The security descriptor propagator has completed a full propagation pass.
0x400007A3Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encontró un conflicto de escritura al aplicar los cambios replicados al siguiente objeto.%n%nObjeto: %n%1%nTiempo en segundos: %n%2%nReintentos: %n%3%nret:%n%4%n%nLas entradas del registro de eventos anteriores a esta indicarán si la actualización se aceptó o no.%n%nUn conflicto de escritura puede deberse a cambios simultáneos en el mismo objeto o en otros objetos cuyos atributos hagan referencia a este objeto. Esto suele ocurrir cuando el objeto representa un grupo grande con muchos miembros y el nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración está establecido en Windows 2000. Este conflicto desencadenó reintentos adicionales de actualización. Si el sistema funciona lentamente, puede deberse a que se está realizando la replicación de estos cambios.%n%nAcción del usuario%nUse grupos más pequeños para esta operación o aumente el nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración a Windows Server 2003. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered a write conflict when applying replicated changes to the following object.%n%nObject: %n%1%nTime in seconds: %n%2%nRetries: %n%3%nret:%n%4%n%nEvent log entries preceding this entry will indicate whether or not the update was accepted.%n%nA write conflict can be caused by simultaneous changes to the same object or simultaneous changes to other objects that have attributes referencing this object. This commonly occurs when the object represents a large group with many members, and the functional level of the configuration set is set to Windows 2000. This conflict triggered additional retries of the update. If the system appears slow, it could be because replication of these changes is occurring.%n%nUser Action%nUse smaller groups for this operation or raise the configuration set functional level to Windows Server 2003.
0x400007A4Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.%n%nDirectory partition DN: %n%1%nDirectory partition GUID: %n%2%nName changed (0 or 1): %n%3%nGarbage collect immediate (0 or 1): %n%4%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID: %n%5 Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.%n%nDirectory partition DN: %n%1%nDirectory partition GUID: %n%2%nName changed (0 or 1): %n%3%nGarbage collect immediate (0 or 1): %n%4%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID: %n%5
0x400007A5Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%nPartition name: %n%2%nGUID: %n%3 Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%nPartition name: %n%2%nGUID: %n%3
0x400007ADActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services está inicializando los archivos de base de datos restaurados. Esta operación puede tardar varios minutos. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is initializing the restored database files. This might take several minutes.
0x400007AEEl propagador de descriptores de seguridad completó una fase de propagación completa.%n%nEspacio asignado (MB): %n%1%nEspacio disponible (MB): %n%2%n%nEs posible que esto haya aumentado el espacio disponible en la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nAcción del usuario%nConsidere la posibilidad de desfragmentar la base de datos sin conexión para recuperar el espacio disponible que exista en la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. The security descriptor propagator has completed a full propagation pass.%n%nAllocated space (MB): %n%1%nFree space (MB): %n%2%n%nThis may have increased free space in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database.%n%nUser Action%nConsider defragmenting the database offline to reclaim the free space that may be available in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database.
0x400007B0Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services elevó el nivel funcional de la partición de este dominio para que sea compatible con el nivel funcional actual del conjunto de configuración.%n%nPartición: %n%1%nNivel funcional actual del conjunto de configuración: %n%3%nNivel funcional de partición anterior: %n%2%nNivel funcional de partición actual: %n%3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has raised the partition functional level for this domain to be compatible with the current configuration set functional level.%n%n partition: %n%1%nCurrent configuration set functional level: %n%3%nPrevious partition functional level: %n%2%nCurrent partition functional level: %n%3
0x400007B3Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo asignar memoria suficiente para quitar la partición de directorio de aplicaciones %1. Intente quitarla manualmente. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not allocate enough memory to remove the application directory partition %1. Try removing the application directory partition manually.
0x400007B4Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentó agregar un objeto crossRef, pero la referencia de nombre de la partición de directorio (atributo nCName) entra en conflicto con otro objeto. Esto pudo ocurrir al agregar o eliminar el objeto crossRef, eliminar la partición de directorio y volver a agregar el objeto crossRef.%n%nObjeto crossRef: %n%1%nNombre anterior de la partición de directorio: %n%2%nNombre nuevo de la partición de directorio: %n%3%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services corrigió correctamente el nombre del objeto de la partición de directorio. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services attempted to add a crossRef object, but the directory partition name reference (nCName attribute) conflicts with another object. This could have occurred when the crossRef object was added or deleted, the directory partition was deleted, and the crossRef object was added again.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%nOld directory partition name: %n%2%nNew directory partition name: %n%3%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services has successfully corrected the name of the directory partition object.
0x400007B5Internal Event: The request for changes completed at the following destination directory service.%n%ndirectory service: %n%1%nDirectory partition: %n%2%nObject update USN: %n%3%nProperty update USN: %n%4%nFlags: %n%5%nExtended FSMO operation code: %n%6%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%7 %8 Internal Event: The request for changes completed at the following destination directory service.%n%ndirectory service: %n%1%nDirectory partition: %n%2%nObject update USN: %n%3%nProperty update USN: %n%4%nFlags: %n%5%nExtended FSMO operation code: %n%6%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%7 %8
0x400007B6Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) did not update the schedule for the following connection object because the connection has a user-defined schedule.%n%nConnection object: %n%1 Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) did not update the schedule for the following connection object because the connection has a user-defined schedule.%n%nConnection object: %n%1
0x400007B7Internal event: Schedule staggering is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will automatically stagger the schedules for any intersite connections that replicate from this site.%n%nSite: %n%1 Internal event: Schedule staggering is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will automatically stagger the schedules for any intersite connections that replicate from this site.%n%nSite: %n%1
0x400007B8Internal event: Random bridgehead selection is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will randomly choose bridgehead servers for any new intersite connections that replicate to or from that site.%n%nSite: %n%1 Internal event: Random bridgehead selection is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will randomly choose bridgehead servers for any new intersite connections that replicate to or from that site.%n%nSite: %n%1
0x400007C0El Asistente para la instalación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo recuperar la información en caché de las particiones de directorio de aplicaciones o sus objetos crossRef de AD LDS. Reinicie esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services y vuelva a ejecutar el asistente. The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Installation Wizard could not retrieve cached information of the application directory partitions or their crossRef objects from AD LDS. Restart this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance and run the wizard again.
0x400007C1Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo eliminar el objeto crossRef %1 para la partición de directorio %2. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not delete the crossRef object %1 for the directory partition %2.
0x400007C2Es necesario eliminar la partición de escritura %1 del directorio aunque el usuario no la haya seleccionado. La existencia de esta partición de directorio impide que se complete la operación de disminución de nivel. Elimine la partición de directorio manualmente. The writable directory partition %1 must be deleted even though the user did not select it to be deleted. The existence of this directory partition prevents the demotion operation from completing. Delete the directory partition manually.
0x400007C3Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no se pudo quitar de esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services porque es la última instancia de AD LDS de la partición y el dominio tiene una partición de directorio secundaria %1. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not be removed on this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance because this is the last AD LDS instance in the partition, and the domain has a child directory partition %1.
0x400007C5Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo quitar la partición de directorio de aplicaciones %1 porque esta partición tiene una o varias particiones secundarias o referencias cruzadas. Quite primero las particiones secundarias o las referencias cruzadas. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not remove the application directory partition %1 because this partition has one or more child partitions or cross-refs. Remove the child partition or partitions or cross-refs first.
0x400007C6Internal event: Notifications to the following directory service have been failing for a long period of time.%n%ndirectory service GUID: %n%1%nDirectory partition: %n%2%nFailure period in seconds: %n%3%n%nNotifications will no longer be sent to that directory service. Internal event: Notifications to the following directory service have been failing for a long period of time.%n%ndirectory service GUID: %n%1%nDirectory partition: %n%2%nFailure period in seconds: %n%3%n%nNotifications will no longer be sent to that directory service.
0x400007C7Quitando objetos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services del maestro de nomenclatura %1... Removing Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services objects from the naming master %1...
0x400007CBInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information.
0x400007CCEsta instalación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services requiere cambios de configuración de dominio. Ejecute el comando adprep /domainprep en la instancia %1 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services para realizar estos cambios y, después, prosiga con la instalación de AD LDS. This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services installation requires domain configuration changes. Run the adprep /domainprep command on Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %1 to make these changes and then proceed with the AD LDS installation.
0x400007CDEsta instalación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services requiere cambios de configuración de dominio. No obstante, los cambios de configuración aún no se han replicado en la instancia %1 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Una vez completada la replicación, intente instalar de nuevo AD LDS. This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services installation requires domain configuration changes. However, configuration changes have not yet replicated to the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %1. After replication has completed, try the AD LDS installation again.
0x400007CEEsta instalación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services necesita comprobar que se hayan realizado los cambios de configuración de dominio requeridos, pero no pudo establecer contacto con la instancia %1 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services para determinar si se realizaron los cambios. El proceso de instalación se cerró. Este error puede ocurrir si se asigna el rol de maestro de infraestructura a un objeto eliminado, si hay problemas de red o si no tiene permisos suficientes para leer los datos requeridos del directorio. %2. This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services installation needs to verify that necessary domain configuration changes have occurred, but it could not contact Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %1 to determine whether these changes have been made. The installation process has quit. This error can occur if the infrastructure master role is assigned to a deleted object, if there are networking issues, or if you do not have sufficient permissions to read the required data in the directory. %2.
0x400007CFEl servicio de directorio de origen ha optimizado el número de secuencia de actualización (USN) presentado por el servicio de directorio de destino. Los servicios de directorio de destino y de origen tienen un asociado de replicación en común. El servicio de directorio de destino está actualizado con el asociado de replicación común y el servicio de directorio de origen se instaló usando una copia de seguridad de este asociado. %n%nId. de servicio de directorio de destino: %n%1%nId. de servicio de directorio común: %n%2%nUSN de la propiedad común:%n%3%n%nComo resultado, el vector de actualización del servicio de directorio de destino se ha configurado de la siguiente forma.%n%nUSN del objeto anterior:%n%4%nUSN de la propiedad anterior:%n%5%nGUID de la base de datos:%n%6%nUSN de objeto:%n%7%nUSN de la propiedad:%n%8 The source directory service has optimized the update sequence number (USN) presented by the destination directory service. The source and destination directory services have a common replication partner. The destination directory service is up to date with the common replication partner, and the source directory service was installed using a backup of this partner.%n%nDestination directory service ID: %n%1%nCommon directory service ID: %n%2%nCommon property USN:%n%3%n%nAs a result, the up-to-dateness vector of the destination directory service has been configured with the following settings.%n%nPrevious object USN:%n%4%nPrevious property USN:%n%5%nDatabase GUID:%n%6%nObject USN:%n%7%nProperty USN:%n%8
0x400007D0Se aplicó la configuración de seguridad NTFS predeterminada a las carpetas de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, tal y como solicitó el usuario. The default NTFS security settings have been applied to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services folders as requested by the user.
0x400007D5Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%nDirectory partition: %n%2%nDirectory partition GUID: %n%3%nParent directory partition: %n%4%n%nThe directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%nDirectory partition: %n%2%nDirectory partition GUID: %n%3%nParent directory partition: %n%4%n%nThe directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required.
0x400007D6Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.%n%nContainer: %n%1%nNumber of objects processed so far: %n%2 Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.%n%nContainer: %n%1%nNumber of objects processed so far: %n%2
0x400007D7Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.%n%nContainer: %n%1%nNumber of objects processed so far: %n%2 Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.%n%nContainer: %n%1%nNumber of objects processed so far: %n%2
0x400007DCPara instalar una instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en este conjunto de configuración de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, es necesario preparar previamente el conjunto de configuración actualizando el esquema para que coincida con la nueva versión del sistema operativo. Para obtener más información, vea la Ayuda de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. To install a Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance into this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services configuration set, you must first prepare the configuration set by upgrading the schema to match the new Operating System version. See Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services help for more information.
0x400007DDActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services está volviendo a generar el siguiente número de índices como parte del proceso de inicialización.%n%nNúmero de índices: %n%1%nÍndices: %n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is rebuilding the following number of indices as part of the initialization process.%n%nNumber of indices: %n%1%nIndices: %n%2
0x400007DEActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services volvió a generar correctamente el siguiente número de índices.%n%nÍndices: %n%1 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services successfully completed rebuilding the following number of indices.%n%nIndices: %n%1
0x400007E1Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to compute the costs between a set of sites. Only the first seven destination sites are reported below.%n%nSource site: %n%1%nDestination sites:%n%2%n%3%n%4%n%5%n%6%n%7 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to compute the costs between a set of sites. Only the first seven destination sites are reported below.%n%nSource site: %n%1%nDestination sites:%n%2%n%3%n%4%n%5%n%6%n%7
0x400007E2Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to compute the costs between a set of sites.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to compute the costs between a set of sites.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x400007E4Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services successfully created an object on a remote computer.%n%nComputer (blank = local computer): %n%1%nObject: %n%2%nObject GUID: %n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID: %n%4 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services successfully created an object on a remote computer.%n%nComputer (blank = local computer): %n%1%nObject: %n%2%nObject GUID: %n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID: %n%4
0x400007F5Internal event: While replicating a superior partition, a change to an inferior partition head wasdetected. The inferior partition head already exists locally. The change will not be applied sothat the partition head attributes may be replicated with that partition at a later time. However,the instance type and partition membership of the local inferior partition head have been adjusted.%n%nObject:%n%1%nOld Attribute value:%n%2%nNew Attribute value:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%4 Internal event: While replicating a superior partition, a change to an inferior partition head wasdetected. The inferior partition head already exists locally. The change will not be applied sothat the partition head attributes may be replicated with that partition at a later time. However,the instance type and partition membership of the local inferior partition head have been adjusted.%n%nObject:%n%1%nOld Attribute value:%n%2%nNew Attribute value:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%4
0x400007F6Internal event: A partition head has changed its SUBREF status. Its partition membership hasbeen adjusted.%n%nObject:%n%1%nOld partition DNT: %n%2%nNew partition DNT: %n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%4 Internal event: A partition head has changed its SUBREF status. Its partition membership hasbeen adjusted.%n%nObject:%n%1%nOld partition DNT: %n%2%nNew partition DNT: %n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%4
0x400007F7El nivel funcional de esta partición se actualizó.%nDominio: %1%nNuevo nivel funcional de partición:%2%n The functional level of this partition has been updated.%nDomain: %1%nNew partition functional level:%2%n
0x400007F8El nivel funcional de este conjunto de configuración se actualizó.%nNuevo nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración:%1%n The functional level of this configuration set has been updated.%nNew configuration set functional level:%1%n
0x400007F9Se suprimieron las entradas del registro de eventos duplicadas.%n%nConsulte la entrada anterior del registro de eventos para obtener más información. Una entrada se considera duplicadasi el código de evento y todos sus parámetros de inserción son idénticos. El tiempopara esta ejecución de duplicados va desde el momento del evento anterior al de éste.%n%nCódigo de evento:%n%1%nNúmero de entradas duplicadas: %n%2 Duplicate event log entries were suppressed.%n%nSee the previous event log entry for details. An entry is considered a duplicate ifthe event code and all of its insertion parameters are identical. The time period forthis run of duplicates is from the time of the previous event to the time of this event.%n%nEvent Code:%n%1%nNumber of duplicate entries: %n%2
0x40000801El número de conexiones solicitadas superó el límite administrativo %1 veces en los últimos cinco minutos. The number of connections requested exceeded the administrative limit %1 times in the last five minutes.
0x40000802No se pudo restaurar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services porque los archivos de copia de seguridad se tomaron de una compilación diferente del sistema operativo.%n%nAcción del usuario%nUse una copia de seguridad de la misma compilación del sistema operativo e intente realizar de nuevo la operación de restauración.%n Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not be restored, because the backup files were taken on a different build of the operating system.%n%nUser Action%nUse a backup of the same build of the operating system and retry the restore operation.%n
0x4000080BActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo resolver un conflicto de nombre de cuenta SAM para %1 en el objeto %2. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not resolve a SAM account name conflict for %1 on object %2.
0x40000810Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó que falta la tabla de seguimiento de cuotas o que no está completamente generada. La tabla volverá a generarse en segundo plano (reanudando el proceso de cualquier generación anterior, si es posible). Hasta que se complete esta operación, la aplicación de cuotas no tendrá efecto. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has detected that the quota-tracking table is either missing or not completely built. The table will be rebuilt in the background (resuming the progress of any previous rebuild, if possible). Until it has completed, quota enforcement will not be in effect.
0x40000811Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completó la generación de la tabla de seguimiento de cuotas. Ahora, la aplicación de cuotas surtirá efecto. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has completed rebuilding the quota-tracking table. Quota enforcement is now in effect.
0x40000813Se ha creado el contenedor de cuotas de NTDS(%1).%n The NTDS Quotas(%1) container has been created.%n
0x40000819No se pudo crear un objeto porque el solicitante superó la cuota asignada.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales:%nNCDNT: %2 Creation of an object failed due to the requestor exceeding assigned quota.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nAdditional data:%nNCDNT: %2
0x4000081ANo se pudo cambiar la propiedad de un objeto porque el solicitante superó la cuota asignada.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales:%nNCDNT: %2 Change-ownership of an object failed due to the requestor exceeding assigned quota.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nAdditional data:%nNCDNT: %2
0x4000081BNo se pudo recuperar un objeto porque el solicitante superó la cuota asignada.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales:%nNCDNT: %2 Undelete of an object failed due to the requestor exceeding assigned quota.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nAdditional data:%nNCDNT: %2
0x4000081CSe produjo un error en la promoción porque el nombre del equipo local es el nombre de un identificador de seguridad predefinido. Cambie el nombre del equipo. The promotion failed because the name of local computer is the name of a predefined security identifier. Please rename the computer.
0x4000081DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó que falta un objeto primario o un bucle en una cadena primaria del siguiente objeto. El objeto se ha movido.%n%nGUID del objeto:%n%1%nNuevo DN del objeto:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has detected a missing parent or a loop in parent chain for the following object. The object has been moved.%n%nObject GUID:%n%1%nNew object DN:%n%2
0x4000081EInternal event: Connection object was retained because of the redundant servers topology.%n%nConnection object 1: %n%1%nConnection object 2: %n%2%n Internal event: Connection object was retained because of the redundant servers topology.%n%nConnection object 1: %n%1%nConnection object 2: %n%2%n
0x4000081FInternal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.%n%nSite: %n%1 Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.%n%nSite: %n%1
0x40000833Internal event: The following attribute value change was applied. A value key conflict was resolved.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nAttribute:%n%3%nAttribute value:%n%4%nAttribute value GUID:%n%5%nPresent:%n%6 Internal event: The following attribute value change was applied. A value key conflict was resolved.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nAttribute:%n%3%nAttribute value:%n%4%nAttribute value GUID:%n%5%nPresent:%n%6
0x4000083DLa vigencia de objetos de desecho se estableció en %1 días. Esto afectará el tiempo dealmacenamiento de sus copias de seguridad y el tiempo en que las réplicas pueden desconectarseantes de que deban reinstalarse. The forest tombstone lifetime has been set to %1 days. This will affect the shelf-life ofyour backups and also affect the time that replicas can be disconnected before they mustbe reinstalled.
0x4000083EInternal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.%n%nIndexes:%n%1 Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.%n%nIndexes:%n%1
0x4000083FInternal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2%n Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2%n
0x40000840Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1%nFollowing are the details of the bind operation:%nPeer Address: %2%nCode page: %3%nSid of the user: %4%nDNT of the GAL chosen: %5%nDNT of the Template chosen: %6%nBind Number: %7%n Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1%nFollowing are the details of the bind operation:%nPeer Address: %2%nCode page: %3%nSid of the user: %4%nDNT of the GAL chosen: %5%nDNT of the Template chosen: %6%nBind Number: %7%n
0x40000841Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.%nThe entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3%nThe index used to create the sort table is %1.%nThe locale used for sorting is %4.%nSort order is ascending: %5%nSort is Forward only sort: %6%nSort is for a VLV search: %7%n%n Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.%nThe entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3%nThe index used to create the sort table is %1.%nThe locale used for sorting is %4.%nSort order is ascending: %5%nSort is Forward only sort: %6%nSort is for a VLV search: %7%n%n
0x40000842Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.%nThere are %2 entries in the sort table.%n Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.%nThere are %2 entries in the sort table.%n
0x40000847Este servidor de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services admite ahora la característica opcional Papelera de reciclaje. Cuando todos los servidores admitan la característica opcional, los objetos podrán recuperarse sin perder datos. This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services server now supports the Recycle Bin optional feature. When all servers support the optional feature, objects may be undeleted without loss of data.
0x40000848Este servidor de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no admite la Papelera de reciclaje. Los objetos eliminados pueden recuperarse; no obstante, al recuperar un objeto pueden perderse algunos de sus atributos. Además, también pueden perderse los atributos de otros objetos que hacen referencia al objeto que se recupera. This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services server does not support the Recycle Bin. Deleted objects may be undeleted, however, when an object is undeleted, some attributes of that object may be lost. Additionally, attributes of other objects that refer to the object being undeleted may also be lost.
0x40000849Este servidor de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services está deshabilitando la Papelera de reciclaje. Es posible que los objetos eliminados no puedan recuperarse en este momento. This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services server is disabling the Recycle Bin. Deleted objects may not be undeleted at this time.
0x4000084CInternal event: The DirRemove (recycle) operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirRemove (recycle) operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x4000084DInternal event: The DirRemove (recycle) operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirRemove (recycle) operation completed with the following status.%n%nStatus:%n1%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x4000084EEl objeto fantasma %1 existe en la base de datos local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, pero no existe en la base de datos de otra recolección de elementos no usados. Esto puede indicar que no se completó la replicación o que la base de datos AD_TERM local contiene un fantasma persistente. Si se mantiene este estado, significa que hay un fantasma persistente. The phantom object %1 exists in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database, but doesn't exist in the database of another GC. This may indicate that replication has not completed, or may indicate that the local AD_TERM database contains a lingering phantom. If this state persists, it indicates a lingering phantom.
0x40000855Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services realizó una llamada a procedimiento remoto (RPC) en el siguiente servidor para comprobar los nombres de los objetos que no existen en la base de datos local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. El valor devuelto 0 indica que la llamada RPC se realizó correctamente.%n%nServidor:%n%1%nValor devuelto:%n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nIdentificador interno:%n%3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made a remote procedure call (RPC) to the following server in order to verify the names of objects that do not exist in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database. A return value of 0 indicates the RPC call succeeded.%n%nServer:%n%1%nReturn value:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%3
0x40000858Evento interno: se habilitó una característica opcional.%n%nNombre de la característica opcional:%n%1%nGUID de la característica opcional:%n%2%nÁmbito de la característica opcional:%n%3 Internal event: An optional feature has been enabled.%n%nOptional feature name:%n%1%nOptional feature guid:%n%2%nScope of optional feature:%n%3
0x40000859Evento interno: se deshabilitó una característica opcional.%n%nNombre de la característica opcional:%n%1%nGUID de la característica opcional:%n%2%nÁmbito de la característica opcional:%n%3 Internal event: An optional feature has been disabled.%n%nOptional feature name:%n%1%nOptional feature guid:%n%2%nScope of optional feature:%n%3
0x4000085AEl procesamiento interno de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services todavía no actualizó completamente el seguimiento que Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services realiza del estado de los objetos eliminados. No se podrán recuperar los objetos eliminados hasta que se complete este procesamiento. Además, no se podrá habilitar la característica Papelera de reciclaje. Este procesamiento sigue en curso. Internal processing of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database has not yet completely updated the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services's tracking of the state of deleted objects. Until this processing completes successfully, objects may not be undeleted. Additionally, the Recycle Bin feature may not be enabled. This processing is continuing.
0x4000085BEl procesamiento interno de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completó la actualización del seguimiento que Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services realiza del estado de los objetos eliminados. Internal processing of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database has completed the update of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services's tracking of the state of deleted objects.
0x40000864Internal event: The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has found an object that conflicts with a reference to a directory partition (nCName attribute). The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has renamed the object to correct this problem.%n%nConflicting partition: %n%1%nObject: %n%2%nRenamed object name: %n%3 Internal event: The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has found an object that conflicts with a reference to a directory partition (nCName attribute). The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has renamed the object to correct this problem.%n%nConflicting partition: %n%1%nObject: %n%2%nRenamed object name: %n%3
0x40000865Internal event: The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has found a crossRef object whose directory partition name reference (ncName attribute) was renamed because it conflicted with a local object. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has successfully corrected the problem.%n%nFixed partition name: %n%1 Internal event: The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has found a crossRef object whose directory partition name reference (ncName attribute) was renamed because it conflicted with a local object. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has successfully corrected the problem.%n%nFixed partition name: %n%1
0x40000870La instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encontró un archivo de configuración de clonación de controlador de dominio virtual.%n%nEl archivo de configuración de clonación de controlador de dominio virtual se encontró en: %n%1%nLa existencia del archivo de configuración de clonación de controlador de dominio virtual indica que el controlado de dominio virtual local es un clon de otro controlador de dominio virtual. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services iniciará su propia clonación. The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has found a virtual domain controller cloning configuration file.%n%nThe virtual domain controller cloning configuration file is found at: %n%1%nThe existence of the virtual domain controller cloning configuration file indicates that the local virtual domain controller is a clone of another virtual domain controller. The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will start to clone itself.
0x40000871La instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no encontró el archivo de configuración de clonación de controlador de dominio virtual. La máquina local no es un controlador de dominio clonado. The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services did not find the virtual domain controller cloning configuration file. The local machine is not a cloned DC.
0x40000873Se inició el servicio DsRoleSvc para clonar el controlador de dominio virtual local. DsRoleSvc service was started to clone the local virtual domain controller.
0x40000878El controlador de dominio se está ejecutando en un hipervisor admitido. Se detectó el identificador de generación de VM.%n%nValor actual del identificador de generación de VM: %1 The DC is running on a supported hypervisor. VM Generation ID is detected.%n%nCurrent value of VM Generation ID: %1
0x40000879No se detectó un identificador de generación de VM. El controlador de dominio está hospedado en una máquina física, una versión de nivel inferior de Hyper-V, o un hipervisor que no es compatible con el identificador de generación de VM.%n%nDatos adicionales%nCódigo de error devuelto al comprobar el identificador de generación de VM:%n%1 There is no VM Generation ID detected. The DC is hosted on a physical machine, a down-level version of Hyper-V, or a hypervisor that does not support the VM Generation ID.%n%nAdditional Data%nFailure code returned when checking VM Generation ID:%n%1
0x4000087BNo se detectó ningún cambio de identificador de generación.%n%nIdentificador de generación almacenado en caché en DS (valor anterior):%n%1%nIdentificador de generación actualmente en VM (valor nuevo):%n%2 No Generation ID change has been detected.%n%nGeneration ID cached in DS (old value):%n%1%nGeneration ID currently in VM (new value):%n%2
0x4000087CSe leyó el atributo msDS-GenerationId del objeto de equipo del controlador de dominio.%n%nValor de atributo de msDS-GenerationId:%n%1 Read the msDS-GenerationId attribute of the Domain Controller's computer object.%n%nmsDS-GenerationId attribute value:%n%1
0x4000087DNo se puede leer el atributo msDS-GenerationId del objeto de equipo del controlador de dominio. Esto puede deberse a un error de transacción de la base de datos o a que no existe el identificador de generación en la base de datos local. El atributo msDS-GenerationId no existe durante el primer reinicio después de ejecutar dcpromo o el controlador de dominio no es un controlador de dominio virtual.%n%nDatos adicionales%nCódigo de error:%n%1 Failed to read the msDS-GenerationId attribute of the Domain Controller's computer object. This may be caused by database transaction failure, or the generation id does not exist in the local database. The msDS-GenerationId does not exist during the first reboot after dcpromo or the DC is not a virtual domain controller.%n%nAdditional Data%nFailure code:%n%1
0x4000087EEl controlador de dominio no es un clon de controlador de dominio virtual ni una instantánea de un controlador de dominio virtual restaurado. The DC is neither a virtual domain controller clone nor a restored virtual domain controller snapshot.
0x40000880Se cambió el nombre del archivo de configuración del clon de controlador de dominio virtual.%n%nDatos adicionales%nNombre de archivo anterior:%n%1%nNombre de archivo nuevo:%n%2 Renamed virtual domain controller clone configuration file.%n%nAdditional Data%nOld file name:%n%1%nNew file name:%n%2
0x40000882Se detectó el archivo de configuración del clon de controlador de dominio virtual, pero no se cambió el identificador de generación de VM. El controlador de dominio local es el controlador de dominio de origen del clon. Cambie el nombre del archivo de configuración del clon. Detected virtual domain controller clone configuration file, but VM Generation ID has not been changed. The local DC is the clone source DC. Rename the clone configuration file.
0x40000883El atributo msDS-GenerationId del objeto de equipo del controlador de dominio se estableció en el parámetro siguiente:%n%nAtributo GenerationID:%n%1 The msDS-GenerationId attribute of the Domain Controller's computer object has been set to the following parameter:%n%nGenerationID attribute:%n%1
0x40000885The transaction was aborted due to the virtual machine being reverted to a previous state. This occurs after the application of a virtual machine snapshot, after a virtual machine import operation, or after a live migration operation. The transaction was aborted due to the virtual machine being reverted to a previous state. This occurs after the application of a virtual machine snapshot, after a virtual machine import operation, or after a live migration operation.
0x40000886Internal event: The Directory Service has been asked to clone a remote DSA%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %1 Internal event: The Directory Service has been asked to clone a remote DSA%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %1
0x40000887Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to clone the remote Directory System Agent.%n%nOriginal DC name:%n%3%nRequest clone DC name:%n%4%nRequest clone DC site:%n%5%nCreated clone DC name:%n%7%nCreated clone DC site:%n%8%n%nAdditional Data%nClone Id: %6%nError value:%n%1 %2%n%nPlease see for more information. Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to clone the remote Directory System Agent.%n%nOriginal DC name:%n%3%nRequest clone DC name:%n%4%nRequest clone DC site:%n%5%nCreated clone DC name:%n%7%nCreated clone DC site:%n%8%n%nAdditional Data%nClone Id: %6%nError value:%n%1 %2%n%nPlease see for more information.
0x40000889Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detuvo el servicio FRS o DFSR usado para replicar la carpeta SYSVOL.%n%nNombre de servicio:%n%1%nActive Directory detectó que la máquina virtual que hospeda el controlador de dominio se revirtió a un estado anterior. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services debe inicializar una restauración no autoritativa en la réplica de SYSVOL local. Para ello, se debe detener el servicio FRS o DFSR que se usa para replicar la carpeta SYSVOL e iniciarlo con los valores y las claves del Registro adecuados para desencadenar la restauración. Se registrará el evento 2187 cuando se reinicie el servicio FRS o DFSR. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services stopped the FRS or DFSR service used to replicate the SYSVOL folder.%n%nService name:%n%1%nActive Directory detected that the virtual machine that hosts the domain controller was reverted to a previous state. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services must initialize a non-authoritative restore on the local SYSVOL replica. This is performed by stopping the FRS or DFSR service used to replicate the SYSVOL folder and starting it with the appropriate registry keys and values to trigger the restore. Event 2187 will be logged when FRS or DFSR service is restarted.
0x4000088BActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services inició el servicio FRS o DFSR usado para replicar la carpeta SYSVOL.%n%nNombre de servicio:%n%1%nActive Directory detectó que la máquina virtual que hospeda el controlador de dominio se revirtió a un estado anterior. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services necesitó inicializar una restauración no autoritativa en la réplica de SYSVOL local. Para ello, se tuvo que detener el servicio FRS o DFSR que se usa para replicar la carpeta SYSVOL e iniciarlo con los valores y las claves del Registro adecuados para desencadenar la restauración. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services started the FRS or DFSR service used to replicate the SYSVOL folder.%n%nService name:%n%1%nActive Directory detected that the virtual machine that hosts the domain controller was reverted to a previous state. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services needed to initialize a non-authoritative restore on the local SYSVOL replica. This was done by stopping the FRS or DFSR service used to replicate the SYSVOL folder and starting it with the appropriate registry keys and values to trigger the restore.
0x4000088DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services estableció los siguientes valores del Registro para inicializar la réplica de SYSVOL replica durante una restauración no autoritativa:%n%nClave del Registro:%n%1%nValor del Registro: %n%2%nDatos del valor del Registro: %n%3%nActive Directory detectó que la máquina virtual que hospeda el controlador de dominio se revirtió a un estado anterior. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services necesita inicializar una restauración no autoritativa en la réplica de SYSVOL local. Para ello, se debe detener el servicio FRS o DFSR que se usa para replicar la carpeta SYSVOL e iniciarlo con los valores y las claves del Registro adecuados para desencadenar la restauración. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services set the following registry values to initialize SYSVOL replica during a non-authoritative restore:%n%nRegistry Key:%n%1%nRegistry Value: %n%2%nRegistry Value data: %n%3%nActive Directory detected that the virtual machine that hosts the domain controller was reverted to a previous state. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services needs to initialize a non-authoritative restore on the local SYSVOL replica. This is done by stopping the FRS or DFSR service used to replicate the SYSVOL folder and starting it with the appropriate registry keys and values to trigger the restore.
0x4000088FActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services estableció los siguientes valores del Registro para deshabilitar las actualizaciones de DNS.%n%nClave del Registro:%n%1%nValor del Registro: %n%2%nDatos del valor del Registro: %n%3%nDurante el proceso de clonación, la máquina local podría tener durante un corto período de tiempo el mismo nombre de equipo que la máquina de origen clonada. Los registros A y AAAA de DNS están deshabilitados durante este período para que los clientes no puedan enviar solicitudes a la máquina local que se está clonando. El proceso de clonación habilitará las actualizaciones de DNS de nuevo una vez que finalice la clonación. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services set the following registry value to disable DNS updates.%n%nRegistry Key:%n%1%nRegistry Value: %n%2%nRegistry Value data: %n%3%nDuring the cloning process, the local machine may have the same computer name as the clone source machine for a short time. DNS A and AAAA record registration are disabled during this period so clients cannot send requests to the local machine undergoing cloning. The cloning process will enable DNS updates again after cloning is completed.
0x40000891Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services estableció los siguientes valores del Registro para habilitar las actualizaciones de DNS.%nClave del Registro:%n%1%nValor del Registro: %n%2%nDatos del valor del Registro: %n%3%nDurante el proceso de clonación, la máquina local podría tener durante un corto período de tiempo el mismo nombre de equipo que la máquina de origen clonada. Los registros A y AAAA de DNS están deshabilitados durante este período para que los clientes no puedan enviar solicitudes a la máquina local que se está clonando. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services set the following registry value to enable DNS updates.%nRegistry Key:%n%1%nRegistry Value: %n%2%nRegistry Value data: %n%3%nDuring the cloning process, the local machine may have the same computer name as the clone source machine for a short time. DNS A and AAAA record registration are disabled during this period so clients cannot send requests to the local machine undergoing cloning.
0x40000898%nActive Directory detectó que la máquina virtual que hospeda el controlador de dominio se revirtió a un estado anterior. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services inicializa la replicación para actualizar el controlador de dominio. Se registrará el evento 2201 cuando finalice la replicación.%n %nActive Directory detected that the virtual machine that hosts the domain controller was reverted to a previous state. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services initializes replication to bring the domain controller current. Event 2201 will be logged when the replication is finished.%n
0x40000899%nActive Directory detectó que la máquina virtual que hospeda el controlador de dominio se revirtió a un estado anterior. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services ha finalizado la replicación para actualizar el controlador de dominio.%n %nActive Directory detected that the virtual machine that hosts the domain controller was reverted to a previous state. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has finished replication to bring the domain controller current.%n
0x4000089CActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó un cambio de id. de generación de la máquina virtual. El cambio significa que el controlador de dominio virtual se revirtió a un estado anterior. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services realizará las siguientes operaciones para proteger el controlador de dominio revertido contra una posible divergencia de datos y para proteger la creación de entidades de seguridad con SID duplicados:%nCrear un id. de invocación%nInvalidar el grupo RID actual%nLa propiedad de los roles FSMO se validará en la próxima replicación de entrada. Durante este intervalo, si el controlador de dominio tuvo un rol FSMO, dicho rol no estará disponible.%nInicie la operación de restauración del servicio de replicación de SYSVOL.%nInicie la replicación para actualizar el controlador de dominio revertido al estado más actual.%nSolicite un nuevo grupo RID. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has detected a change of virtual machine generation ID. The change means that the virtual domain controller has been reverted to a previous state. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will perform the following operations to protect the reverted domain controller against possible data divergence and to protect creation of security principals with duplicate SIDs:%nCreate a new invocation ID%nInvalidate current RID pool%nOwnership of the FSMO roles will be validated at next inbound replication. During this window if the domain controller held a FSMO role, that role will be unavailable.%nStart SYSVOL replication service restore operation.%nStart replication to bring the reverted domain controller to the most current state.%nRequest a new RID pool.
0x4000089DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services invalidó el grupo RID actual después de que el controlador de dominio virtual se revirtiera a un estado anterior. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services invalidated current RID pool after virtual domain controller was reverted to previous state.
0x400008A0Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services eliminó las bases de datos de DFSR para inicializar una réplica de SYSVOL durante una restauración no autoritativa.%nActive Directory detectó que la máquina virtual que hospeda el controlador de dominio se revirtió a un estado anterior. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services debe inicializar una restauración no autoritativa en la réplica de SYSVOL local. Para DFSR, se debe detener el servicio DFSR, eliminar las bases de datos de DFSR y reiniciar el servicio. Una vez reiniciado, DFSR volverá a generar las bases de datos e iniciará la sincronización inicial. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted DFSR databases to initialize SYSVOL replica during a non-authoritative restore.%nActive Directory detected that the virtual machine that hosts the domain controller was reverted to a previous state. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services needs to initialize a non-authoritative restore on the local SYSVOL replica. For DFSR, this is done by stopping the DFSR service, deleting DFSR databases, and re-starting the service. Upon restarting DFSR will rebuild the databases and start the initial sync.
0x400008A3Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services ha creado objetos para el controlador de dominio clonado.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nId. de clon: %3%nNombre del controlador de dominio clonado: %1%nBucle de reintentos: %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has created objects for clone domain controller.%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %3%nClone domain controller name: %1%nRetry loop: %2
0x400008A4Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services ha comenzado a crear objetos para el controlador de dominio clonado.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nId. de clon: %1%nNombre del clon: %2%nSitio del clon: %3%nRODC del clon: %4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services started to create objects for the clone domain controller.%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %1%nClone name: %2%nClone site: %3%nClone RODC: %4
0x400008A5Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services creó un nuevo objeto KrbTgt para la clonación de controladores de dominio de solo lectura.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nId. de clon: %1%nGUID del nuevo objeto KrbTgt: %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services created a new KrbTgt object for Read-Only domain controller cloning.%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %1%nNew KrbTgt Object Guid: %2
0x400008A6Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services creará un objeto de equipo para el controlador de dominio clonado.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nId. de clon: %1%nControlador de dominio original: %2%nControlador de dominio clonado: %3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will create a computer object for the clone domain controller.%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %1%nOriginal domain controller: %2%nClone domain controller: %3
0x400008A7Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services agregará el controlador de dominio clonado al sitio siguiente.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nId. de clon: %1%nSitio: %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will add the clone domain controller in the following site.%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %1%nSite: %2
0x400008A8Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services creará un contenedor de servidores para el controlador de dominio clonado.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nId. de clon: %1%nContenedor de servidores: %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will create a servers container for the clone domain controller.%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %1%nServers Container: %2
0x400008A9Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services creará un objeto de servidor para el controlador de dominio clonado.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nId. de clon: %1%nObjeto de servidor: %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will create a server object for the clone domain controller.%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %1%nServer Object: %2
0x400008AAActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services creará un objeto de configuración de NTDS para el controlador de dominio clonado.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nId. de clon: %1%nObjeto: %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will create a NTDS Settings object for the clone domain controller.%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %1%nObject: %2
0x400008ABActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services creará objetos de conexión para el controlador de dominio de solo lectura clonado.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nId. de clon: %1 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will create connection objects for the clone Read-Only domain controller.%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %1
0x400008ACActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services creará objetos SYSVOL para el controlador de dominio de solo lectura clonado.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nId. de clon: %1 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will create SYSVOL objects for the clone Read-Only domain controller.%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %1
0x400008AFActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services establece correctamente la contraseña de la cuenta de equipo para el controlador de dominio clonado .%n%nDatos adicionales:%nId. de clon: %1%nNombre del controlador de dominio clonado: %2%nNúmero total de reintentos: %3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services successfully set machine account password for the cloned domain controller.%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %1%nClone domain controller name: %2%nTotal retry times: %3
0x400008B1Los secretos en caché de la siguiente entidad de seguridad se han quitado correctamente del controlador de dominio local:%n%1%nDespués de clonar un controlador de dominio de solo lectura, los secretos previamente guardados en caché en el controlador de dominio de solo lectura de origen de la clonación se quitarán del controlador de dominio clonado. The cached secrets of the following security principal have been successfully removed from local domain controller:%n%1%nAfter cloning a read-only domain controller, secrets which were previously cached on the cloning source read-only domain controller will be removed on the cloned domain controller.
0x40000961Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services removed the following expired link history value:%n%nSource Object:%n%2%nTarget Object:%n%1 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services removed the following expired link history value:%n%nSource Object:%n%2%nTarget Object:%n%1
0x40000964Este servidor de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services admite ahora la característica opcional \"%1\". This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services server now supports the \"%1\" optional feature.
0x40000965Este servidor de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no admite la característica opcional \"%1\". This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services server does not support the \"%1\" optional feature.
0x40000966Este servidor de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services está deshabilitando la compatibilidad con la característica opcional \"%1\". This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services server is disabling support for the \"%1\" optional feature.
0x400009C8Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services creó la clave de control de acceso de VSS para permitir que los servicios de copia de seguridad de instantánea se registren correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario:%nNinguna.%nLa clave del Registro puede quitarse con seguridad si el usuario desinstalatodos los servicios que requieren un valor del Registro en esta clave.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nNombre de la clave:%n%1 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has successfully created the VSS's Access Control key, to allow theshadow copy backup services to be properly registered.%n%nUser Action:%nNone required.%nIf the user uninstalls all services that require a registry value underthis key, then the registry key may be safely removed.%n%nAdditional Data:%nKey Name:%n%1
0x400009CAActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services se agregó correctamente a la clave del Registro del control de acceso de VSS.%n%nAcción del usuario:%nNinguna.%nLa clave del Registro puede quitarse con seguridad si el usuario desinstalatodos los servicios que requieren que esta cuenta de servicio tenga servicios de copia de seguridad de instantánea.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nClave del Registro:%n%1%n%nNombre del valor del Registro:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services succeeded in adding itself to the VSS Access Control registry key.%n%nUser Action:%nNone required.%nIf the user uninstalls all services that require this service account to haveshadow copy backup services, this registry value may be safely removed.%n%nAdditional Data:%nRegistry Key:%n%1%n%nRegistry Value Name:%n%2
0x400009CFSe creó el siguiente nombre de entidad de seguridad de servicio, que es adecuado para la autenticación mutua, para el siguiente servicio de directorio.%n%nNombre de entidad de seguridad de servicio: %n%2%nDSA: %n%1%n The following service principal name, which is suitable for mutual authentication, was created for the following Directory Service.%n%nService Principal Name: %n%2%nDSA: %n%1%n
0x400009D5El DSA escribió correctamente los nombres de entidad de seguridad de servicio para las siguientes cuentas, necesarias para que la autenticación mutua se establezca correctamente en conexionesde entrada.%n%nAccount:%n%1 This DSA successfully wrote the service principal names for the following account which are needed for mutual authentication to succeed on inboundconnections.%n%nAccount:%n%1
0x400009E0El servidor de directorio detectó que la cuenta de servicio usada para ejecutarlo ha cambiado.El servidor de directorio actualizó las estructuras internas.%n%nEs posible que este servidor de directorio no pueda replicar cambios de otras instancias hasta que el cambiode cuenta de servicio se replique.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi se requiere de autenticación mutua para la replicación en este conjunto de configuración, puede que seanecesario quitar los SPN del registro de la cuenta de servicio anterior, y registrar los SPN para la nueva cuenta de servicio. The directory server has detected that the service account used to run this service has been changed.The directory server has updated the internal structures accordingly.%n%nThis directory server may be unable to replicate in changes from other instances, until the serviceaccount change is replicated around.%n%nUser Action%nIf mutual authentication is required for replication in this configuration set, then it may be necessary tounregister the SPNs from the old service account, and register the SPNs for the new service account.
0x400009E1El servidor de directorio detectó que el host y/o los puertos han cambiado. Si éste es el únicoservidor de directorio en el conjunto de configuración, esta información se actualizará en la base de datos local. De lo contrario,esta información se actualizará en un servidor de directorio remoto. Este mensaje se repetirá hasta que este cambiose replique al servidor de directorio local.%n%nADatos adicionales%nHost DNS anterior: %1%nHost DNS actual: %2%nNombre NetBIOS anterior: %3%nNombre NetBIOS actual: %4%nPuerto LDAP anterior: %5%nPuerto LDAP actual: %6%nPuerto SSL anterior: %7%nPuerto SSL actual: %8 The directory server has detected that the host name and/or ports have been changed. If this is the onlydirectory server in the configuration set, then this information will be updated in the local database. Otherwise, this informationwill be updated on a remote directory server. This message will repeat until this change is replicated to the localdirectory server.%n%nAdditional Data%nOld DNS host name: %1%nCurrent DNS host name: %2%nOld NetBIOS name: %3%nCurrent NetBIOS name: %4%nOld LDAP port: %5%nCurrent LDAP port: %6%nOld SSL port: %7%nCurrent SSL port: %8
0x400009E2El servidor de directorio actualizó correctamente la información del host y/o de los puertos para este servicio en el siguiente servidor remoto.Los demás servidores de directorio en este conjunto de configuración (si existen) no podrán replicar loscambios de este servidor de directorio hasta que este cambio les sea replicado .%n%nDatos adicionales%nObjeto DSA de destino: %1 The directory server has successfully updated the host name and/or ports information for this service on the following remoteserver. Other directory servers in this configuration set (if any) will be unable to replicate changes from thisdirectory server until this change is replicated to them.%n%nAdditional Data%nTarget DSA object: %1
0x400009E4El servidor de directorio ha actualizado correctamente el nombre de host y/o la información de puertos para este servicio en la base de datos local. The directory server has successfully updated the host name and/or ports information for this service in the local database.
0x400009E6El servidor de directorio actualizó correctamente el objeto serviceConnectionPoint de AD LDS en Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nDatos adicionales%nDN del objeto SCP:%n%1 The directory server has successfully updated the AD LDS serviceConnectionPoint object in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nAdditional Data%nSCP object DN:%n%1
0x400009E7El servidor de directorio creó correctamente el objeto serviceConnectionPoint de AD LDS en Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nDatos adicionales%nDN del objeto SCP:%n%1 The directory server has successfully created the AD LDS serviceConnectionPoint object in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nAdditional Data%nSCP object DN:%n%1
0x400009FCRecopilando información sobre esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services para la desinstalación... Collecting information about this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance for uninstall ...
0x400009FDDesinstalando Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services... Uninstalling Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services...
0x400009FEInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin the removal process.%n%nFlags:%n%1 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin the removal process.%n%nFlags:%n%1
0x400009FFInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x40000A00Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nFlags:%n%2%nHelper DSA GUID:%n%3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nFlags:%n%2%nHelper DSA GUID:%n%3
0x40000A01Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x40000A04Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.%n%nFlags:%n%1%nHelper DSA GUID:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.%n%nFlags:%n%1%nHelper DSA GUID:%n%2
0x40000A07Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.%n%nAdditional Data%nOperations Done: %1%nFailed Operation: %2%nError value:%n%3 %4 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.%n%nAdditional Data%nOperations Done: %1%nFailed Operation: %2%nError value:%n%3 %4
0x40000A0EEl servicio de directorio ha comenzado una desinstalación.%nAcción del usuario:%nSi este servicio de directorio permanece en el administrador de control de servicios o en el registro de eventos, ejecute adamuninstall con la opción /force. The directory service has begun an uninstall.%nUser Action:%nIf this directory service remains in the Service Control Manager or the Event Log, try running adamuninstall with the /force option.
0x40000A0FEl servicio de directorio se ha comprometido a desinstalar la base de datos. Este servicio de directorio no podrá iniciarse de nuevo.%nAcción del usuario:%nSi este servicio de directorio permanece en el administrador de control de servicios o en el registro de eventos, ejecute adamuninstall con la opción /force. The directory service has committed the uninstall to the database. This directory service will not be able to start up again.%nUser Action:%nIf this directory service remains in the Service Control Manager or the Event Log, try running adamuninstall with the /force option.
0x40000A11El servicio de directorio quitó su servidor de metadatos del conjunto de configuración%n%nDatos adicionales:DN de DSA: %1%n The directory service has removed its server metadata from the configuration set%n%nAdditional Data:DSA DN: %1%n
0x40000A12La desinstalación no puede leer la configuración del servicio del Registro para el servicio: %1!S!. Uninstall could not read the service settings from the registry for the service: %1!S!.
0x40000A13El programa de desinstalación no puede conectarse a Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en %1. La desinstalación no puede continuar sin información de AD LDS. Reinicie AD LDS o ejecute ADAMUnInstall /force. Uninstall cannot connect to the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services at %1. Uninstall cannot continue without information from the AD LDS. Please either restart the AD LDS or run ADAMUnInstall /force.
0x40000A14Preparando la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services para la desinstalación... Preparing the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance for uninstall ...
0x40000A15El programa de desinstalación no pudo contactar al maestro de nombres (%1) para quitar las particiones de directorio y referencias cruzadas no deseadas.%nError: %2!d!%nSi ignora este paso, los metadatos (referencias cruzadas) de la partición de directorio se quedarán en el conjunto de configuración. Uninstall could not contact the Naming Master (%1) to remove unwanted directory partitions and cross references.%nError: %2!d!%nSkipping this step will leave directory partition meta data (cross-refs) in the configuration set.
0x40000A16Eliminando los metadatos para la partición de directorio %1. Deleting the metadata for the directory partition %1.
0x40000A17Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo quitar la partición de directorio de aplicaciones %1 porque esta partición tiene una o varias particiones secundarias o referencias cruzadas. Quite las particiones secundarias o las referencias cruzadas e inténtelo de nuevo. Puede usar Dsmgmt.exe para quitar los metadatos de la partición.%nSi omite este paso, la jerarquía de particiones de directorio quedará en un estado irreparable para este conjunto de configuración. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not remove the application directory partition %1 because this partition has one or more child partitions or cross-refs. Remove the child partition or cross-refs first and retry. Dsmgmt.exe can be used to remove partition metadata.%nSkipping this step will result in an irreparable directory partition hierarchy for this configuration set.
0x40000A18Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo quitar la partición de directorio de aplicaciones %1 debido al siguiente error: %2!d!.%nAdvertencia: si omite este paso, la jerarquía de particiones de directorio quedará en un estado irreparable para este conjunto de configuración si la partición de directorio tiene particiones de directorio secundarias. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not remove the application directory partition %1 because of the following error %2!d!.%nWarning: Skipping this step will result in an irreparable directory partition hierarchy for this configuration set if the directory partition has child directory partitions.
0x40000A19Transfiriendo los datos que quedan en la partición de directorio %1 a otra instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services... Transferring the data remaining in the directory partition %1 to another Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance...
0x40000A1AActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo transferir los datos restantes de la partición de directorio %1 a otra instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services debido al siguiente error: %2!d!. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not transfer the data remaining in the directory partition %1 to another Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance because of the following error: %2!d!.
0x40000A1BError crítico al intentar obtener la intervención del usuario. Critical failure attempting to get user input.
0x40000A1CActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo conectarse a la instancia %1 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Si omite este paso, el programa de desinstalación no guardará los cambios de datos recientes en otra réplica, y los metadatos no se quitarán del conjunto de configuración. Esto no es recomendable. Error de conexión:%n %2!d! Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not connect to the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %1. Skipping this step will cause uninstall to not save recent data changes to another replica, and metadata will not be removed from the configuration set. This is not suggested. The connection failed with the following error:%nError %2!d!
0x40000A1DConectado a la versión %1 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Connected to version %1 of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
0x40000A1EConectado al servidor %1 como %2\\%3 Connecting to server %1 as %2\\%3
0x40000A1FConectándose al servidor %1 como el usuario que inició sesión. Connecting to the server %1 as the logged on user.
0x40000A20Se ignoró la eliminación de metadatos para la partición de directorio %1. Skipped deleting the metadata for directory partition %1.
0x40000A21Eliminar los metadatos/referencias cruzadas para la partición de directorio %1. Delete the metadata/cross-ref for directory partition %1.
0x40000A22Se eliminó correctamente la referencia cruzada (metadatos) %2 para la partición de directorio %1. Successfully deleted the cross-ref (metadata) %2 for the directory partition %1.
0x40000A23Se confirmó correctamente la desinstalación de la base de datos; Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (%1!S!) no se iniciará de nuevo. Successfully committed the uninstall to the database; this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (%1!S!) will not start again.
0x40000A24El objeto DSA se eliminó correctamente: %1 Successfully deleted the DSA Object: %1
0x40000A25Todos los SCP se eliminaron correctamente de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (%1). Successfully deleted all SCPs for this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (%1).
0x40000A26Todos los SPN se eliminaron correctamente de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (%1). Successfully deleted all SPNs for this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (%1).
0x40000A27Se ignoró el compromiso local. Skipped the local commit.
0x40000A28Se ignoró la eliminación de metadatos de la instancia: objeto DSA: %1. Skipped deleting the instance metadata: DSA Object: %1.
0x40000A29Use dsmgmt.exe para eliminar los metadatos del servidor (%1). Use dsmgmt.exe to delete the server's metadata (%1).
0x40000A2ASe omitió la eliminación de los puntos de conexión de servicio (SCP) del dominio al que pertenece esta cuenta de servicio. Servicio: %1!S! Skipped deleting the service connection points (SCPs) in the domain this service account belongs to. Service: %1!S!
0x40000A2BBusque los puntos de conexión de servicio (SCP) del objeto de cuenta de servicio que tengan una palabra clave que coincida con \"%1\" y elimínelos. Find the Service Connection Points (SCPs) under the service account object that have a keyword matching \"%1\", and delete them.
0x40000A2CSe omitió la eliminación de los nombres de entidad de seguridad de servicio (SPN) del objeto de cuenta de servicio. Skipped deleting the service principal names (SPNs) from the service account object.
0x40000A2DHacer que un administrador de dominio ejecute los scripts de SPN en el directorio %1. Have a domain administrator run the SPN scripts in the directory %1.
0x40000A2EActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services transfirió correctamente los datos restantes de la partición de directorio %1 a otra instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services successfully transferred the remaining data in directory partition %1 to another Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.
0x40000A2FLa desinstalación ignoró guardar los cambios no replicados a la partición de directorio %1. Todos los cambios no replicados con anterioridad para esta partición de directorio se han perdido. Uninstall skipped saving unreplicated changes to the directory partition %1 as requested. All previously unreplicated changes for this directory partition are lost.
0x40000A30Recuperando todas las referencias cruzadas en el conjunto de configuración... Retrieving all cross-refs in the configuration set ...
0x40000A33Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo conectarse a una instancia auxiliar de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services con propósitos de eliminación. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not connect to a helper Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance for removal purposes.
0x40000A34Completando la eliminación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services... Completing removal of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services...
0x40000AF0Se denegó la solicitud de almacenamiento en caché de la replicación realizada por el autor de la llamada para una entidad de seguridad en la partición de directorio de escritura.%n%nPartición de directorio: %n%1%nEntidad de seguridad solicitada: %n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3%n The caller made a replication-caching request for a security principal in the writable directory partition that has been denied.%n%nDirectory partition: %n%1%nSecurity Principal requested: %n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3%n
0x40000AF1No se encontró un PDC grabable de LH para el dominio. Couldn't find a LH writable PDC for the domain.
0x40000AF2Las opciones de configuración indican que este controlador de dominio de solo lectura debe instalarse en el sitio %1, pero este sitio no contiene un objeto de configuración de sitio. Configuration settings indicate that this Read-only Domain Controller should be installed in site %1, but this site doesn't contain a site settings object.
0x40000AF3Durante la promoción de DC de solo lectura, se produjo un error al establecer las opciones en el objeto de sitio %1. During read only DC promotion setting options on site object %1 failed.
0x40000AF4Creando objetos de estados para el controlador de dominio de solo lectura. Creating state objects for Read-only Domain Controller.
0x40000AF5Replicando secretos para el controlador de dominio de solo lectura. Replicating secrets for Read-only Domain Controller.
0x40000AF6Durante la promoción del controlador de dominio de solo lectura, se produjo un error al crear los objetos de estados. While promoting Read-only Domain Controller, failed to create the state objects.
0x40000AF7Durante la promoción del controlador de dominio de solo lectura, no se pudieron actualizar los SPN en el objeto de equipo. While promoting Read-only Domain Controller, failed to update the SPNs on the computer object.
0x40000AF8Durante la promoción del controlador de dominio de solo lectura, no se pudo crear la cuenta krbtgt secundaria. While promoting Read-only Domain Controller, failed to create secondary krbtgt account.
0x40000AF9Durante la promoción del controlador de dominio de solo lectura, no se pudo crear el vínculo krbtgt. While promoting Read-only Domain Controller, failed to create krbtgt link.
0x40000AFADurante la promoción del controlador de dominio de solo lectura, no se pudieron replicar los secretos desde la instancia auxiliar de AD LDS. While promoting Read-only Domain Controller, failed to replicate the secrets from the helper AD LDS instance.
0x40000AFBNo se pudo almacenar en caché una lista de referencia de escritura en un DC de solo lectura.Valor de error: %n %1 %2 Failed to cache a write referral list on Read Only DC.Error Value: %n %1 %2
0x40000AFCSe recibió una solicitud de escritura en el DC de solo lectura. No se pudo generar la referencia de escritura en un DC grabable.Solicitud de escritura recibida del cliente %3Valor de error: %n %1 %2 A write request was received at the Read Only DC. Failed to generate write referral to a writable DC.Write request received from client %3Error Value: %n %1 %2
0x40000AFDSe recibió una solicitud de escritura en el DC de solo lectura. El DC de solo lectura generó una referencia al DC grabable %1.Solicitud de escritura recibida del cliente %2 para el objeto %3. La solicitud de escritura la realizó el usuario %4. A write request was received at the Read Only DC. The Read Only DC has generated a referral to writable DC %1.Write request received from client %2 for object %3. The write request was made by the user %4.
0x40000AFENo se pudo replicar un único objeto de PDC a la instancia auxiliar de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Failed to replicate single object from PDC to Helper Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance
0x40000AFFNo se pudo replicar un único secreto de objeto de PDC a la instancia auxiliar de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Failed to replicate single object secret from PDC to Helper Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance
0x40000B00No se pudo almacenar en caché una lista de referencia de escritura para PDC en un DC de solo lectura.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 (%2)%nCódigo de error de base de datos: %3 Failed to cache a write referral list for PDC on Read Only DC.%n%nAdditional Data%nError Value:%n%1 (%2)%nDatabase error code: %3
0x40000B01El servicio de directorio abrió correctamente un extremo UDP.%nNúmero de puerto:%n%1%nDirección IP%n %2 The Directory Service has successfully opened an UDP endpoint.%nPort number:%n%1%nIP Address%n %2
0x40000B03Error en la validación del límite máximo de conexiones NSPI.%n%nValor de error:%n%1%nUsuario: %n%2 Validating NSPI Max connection limit failed.%n%nError Value:%n%1%nUser: %n%2
0x40000B04Se alcanzó el límite máximo de conexiones NSPI del usuario.Para poder realizar nuevas conexiones, debe cancelar el enlace NSPI en las conexiones anteriores.%n%n Datos adicionales%n Número máximo de conexiones NSPI por usuario: %n%1%n Usuario: %n%2 NSPI max connection limit for the user has reached.You need to do NSPI unbind on old connections before making new connections.%n%n Additional Data%n Max NSPI connections per user: %n%1%n User: %n%2
0x40000B05Se inició la evaluación del filtro transitivo.%n%n Datos adicionales%n Identificador del vínculo base: %n%1%n Tipo de vínculo:%n%2%n Atributo:%n%3 Started evaluating transitive filter.%n%n Additional Data%n Base link id: %n%1%n Link type:%n%2%n Attribute:%n%3
0x40000B06Finalizó la evaluación del filtro transitivo.%n%n Datos adicionales%n Objetos visitados: %n%1 Finished evaluating transitive filter.%n%n Additional Data%n Objects visited: %n%1
0x40000B07Durante la promoción del controlador de dominio de solo lectura, no se pudieron establecer los grupos para mostrar a petición y/o no mostrar nunca. While promoting Read-only Domain Controller, failed to set the reveal on demand and/or never reveal groups.
0x40000B08Comprobando los objetos de estados para el controlador de dominio de solo lectura. Checking state objects for Read-only Domain Controller.
0x40000B09No se encontró el objeto de servidor esperado para esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. The expected server object for this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance could not be found.
0x40000B0ANo se encontró el objeto de configuración NTDS esperado para esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. The expected NTDS Settings object for this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance could not be found.
0x40000B0BLa instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no encontró el objeto de configuración NTDS para esta instancia de AD LDS %1 en la instancia remota %2 de AD LDS. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance could not find the NTDS Settings object for this AD LDS instance %1 on the remote AD LDS instance %2.
0x40000B0DDurante la promoción del controlador de dominio de solo lectura, no se encontraron los objetos de estados esperados. While promoting Read-only Domain Controller, the expected state objects could not be found.
0x40000B0ENo se pudo actualizar el identificador de invocación del objeto de configuración NTDS. The invocation ID on the NTDS Settings object could not be refreshed.
0x40000B0FEl servicio de directorio ya no está configurado para hospedar la siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones de solo lectura. Se produjo un error al intentar quitar la partición.%n%nPartición de directorio de aplicaciones:%n%1%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 The Directory Service is no longer configured to host the following read-only application directory partition. An attempt to remove the partition failed.%n%nApplication directory partition:%n%1%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0x40000B10El servicio de directorio ya no está configurado para hospedar la siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones de solo lectura.%n%nPartición de directorio de aplicaciones:%n%1%n%nLos objetos de esta partición de directorio se quitarán de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en el servicio de directorio. The Directory Service is no longer configured to host the following read-only application directory partition.%n%nApplication directory partition:%n%1%n%nThe objects in this directory partition will be removed from the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database on the Directory Service.
0x40000B11Existe un índice de nombres para mostrar fonéticos localizados.%n%n Datos adicionales%n Nombre de índice: %n%1 Localized phonetic displayname index exists.%n%n Additional Data%n Index name: %n%1
0x40000B15Durante la promoción del controlador de dominio de solo lectura, no se pudo actualizar el nombre de host DNS en el objeto de servidor. While promoting a Read-only Domain Controller, failed to update the DNS hostname on the server object.
0x40000B16Durante la promoción del controlador de dominio de solo lectura, no se pudo actualizar la información de versión del SO en el objeto de equipo. While promoting a Read-only Domain Controller, failed to update the OS version information on the computer object.
0x40000B1EEl comprobador de coherencia de la información localizó una conexión de replicación para el servicio de directorio local de solo lectura, pero la programación de la conexión no era precisa. Se encontró una nueva programación de un asociado de replicación actual. Se actualizará en el bosque.%n%nDatos adicionales%nConexión: %n%1%nConexión del asociado actual: %n%2%n The Knowledge Consistency Checker located a replication connection for the local read-only directory service, but the connection's schedule is not accurate. A new schedule was found from a current replication partner. It will be updated in the forest.%n%nAdditional Data%nConnection: %n%1%nCurrent Partner Connection: %n%2%n
0x40000B42Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo configurar notificaciones de replicación para la partición de directorio %1 la instancia remota %2 de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not setup replication notifications for the directory partition %1 on the remote Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %2.
0x40000B48%nDurante el último período de 24 horas, algunos clientes intentaron realizar enlaces LDAP del siguiente tipo:%n(1) Un enlace LDAP de tipo SASL (Negotiate, Kerberos, NTLM o Digest) que no solicitó ninguna firma (comprobación de integridad), o bien%n(2) Un enlace LDAP simple que se realizó en una conexión de texto no cifrado (sin cifrado SSL/TLS)%n%nEste servidor de directorio está configurado para rechazar este tipo deenlaces. Se trata de la opción de configuración recomendada y mejora de forma notable la seguridad de este servidor. Para obtener más detalles, vea continuación, se muestra información de resumen sobre el número de enlaces de este tipo recibidos durante las últimas 24 horas.%n%nPuede habilitar un registro adicional para registrar un evento cada vez que uncliente realice un enlace de este tipo que incluya información sobre el clienteque realizó el enlace. Para ello, aumente el valor de la categoría de registro de eventos \"Eventos de interfaz LDAP\" al nivel 2 o a un nivel superior.%n%nNúmero de enlaces simples rechazados por realizarse sin SSL/TLS: %1%nNúmero de enlaces Negotiate/Kerberos/NTLM/Digest rechazados por realizarse sin firma: %2 %nDuring the previous 24 hour period, some clients attempted to perform LDAP binds that were either:%n(1) A SASL (Negotiate, Kerberos, NTLM, or Digest) LDAP bind that did not request signing (integrity validation), or%n(2) A LDAP simple bind that was performed on a clear text (non-SSL/TLS-encrypted) connection%n%nThis directory server is configured to reject such binds. This is the recommend configuration setting, and significantlyenhances the security of this server. For more details, please see information on the number of such binds received within the past 24 hours is below.%n%nYou can enable additional logging to log an event each time a client makes such a bind, including informationon which client made the bind. To do so, please raise the setting for the \"LDAP Interface Events\" event logging categoryto level 2 or higher.%n%nNumber of simple binds rejected because they were performed without SSL/TLS: %1%nNumber of Negotiate/Kerberos/NTLM/Digest binds rejected because they were performed without signing: %2
0x40000B49El siguiente cliente realizó un enlace LDAP de tipo SASL (Negotiate/Kerberos/NTLM/Digest) sinsolicitar ninguna firma (verificación de integridad) o realizó un enlace simple en una conexión LDAP de texto no cifrado (sin cifrado SSL/TLS).%n%nDirección IP del cliente:%n%1%nIdentidad como la que se intentó autenticar el cliente:%n%2%nTipo de enlace:%n%3 The following client performed a SASL (Negotiate/Kerberos/NTLM/Digest) LDAP bind without requestingsigning (integrity verification), or performed a simple bind over a clear text (non-SSL/TLS-encrypted)LDAP connection.%n%nClient IP address:%n%1%nIdentity the client attempted to authenticate as:%n%2%nBinding Type:%n%3
0x40000B4BActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services recibió una solicitud de actualización de los SPN. La solicitud no pudo realizarse en este controlador de dominio de solo lectura y se reenvió a un controlador de dominio grabable. La operación finalizó correctamente en el controlador de dominio grabable y el cambio se replicó en este controlador de dominio de solo lectura.%n%nCuenta:%n%1%nOperación:%n%2%nNúmero de SPN:%n%3%nMarcadores:%n%4%nControlador de dominio remoto:%n%5 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has received a request to update SPNs. The request could not be accomplished on this read-only domain controller, and was forwarded to a writable domain controller. The operation was finished successfully on the writable domain controller, and the change has been replicated to this read-only domain controller.%n%nAccount:%n%1%nOperation:%n%2%nNumber of SPNs:%n%3%nFlags:%n%4%nRemote domain controller:%n%5
0x40000B4CActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services recibió una solicitud de actualización de los SPN. La solicitud no pudo realizarse en este controlador de dominio de solo lectura y se reenvió a un controlador de dominio grabable. Se produjo un error en la operación en el controlador de dominio grabable.%n%nCuenta:%n%1%nOperación:%n%2%nNúmero de SPN:%n%3%nMarcadores:%n%4%nControlador de dominio remoto:%n%5%nValor de error: %n%6 %7 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has received a request to update SPNs. The request could not be accomplished on this read-only domain controller, and was forwarded to a writable domain controller. The operation failed on the writable domain controller.%n%nAccount:%n%1%nOperation:%n%2%nNumber of SPNs:%n%3%nFlags:%n%4%nRemote domain controller:%n%5%nError value: %n%6 %7
0x40000B4DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services recibió una solicitud de actualización de los SPN. La solicitud no pudo realizarse en este controlador de dominio de solo lectura y se reenvió a un controlador de dominio grabable. La operación finalizó correctamente en el controlador de dominio grabable. Sin embargo, el cambio no pudo replicarse en este controlador de dominio de solo lectura. El campo se replicará en este controlador de dominio de solo lectura durante la próxima replicación correcta con un controlador de dominio grabable.%n%nCuenta:%n%1%nOperación:%n%2%nNúmero de SPN:%n%3%nMarcadores:%n%4%nControlador de dominio remoto:%n%5%nValor de error: %n%6 %7 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has received a request to update SPNs. The request could not be accomplished on this read-only domain controller, and was forwarded to a writable domain controller. The operation was finished successfully on the writable domain controller. However, the change failed to replicate to this read-only domain controller. The change will be replicated to this read-only domain controller during the next successful replication with a writable domain controller.%n%nAccount:%n%1%nOperation:%n%2%nNumber of SPNs:%n%3%nFlags:%n%4%nRemote domain controller:%n%5%nError value: %n%6 %7
0x40000B4EThe destination Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance logging this event processed a link value update on the source object below. The change was not applied because the source object is in the recycled state on the destination Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.%nTo correct this condition, the destination Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance will re-request a re-ordered list of updates from the source Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.%n%nSource Object GUID:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nTarget Object DN:%n%3%n The destination Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance logging this event processed a link value update on the source object below. The change was not applied because the source object is in the recycled state on the destination Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.%nTo correct this condition, the destination Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance will re-request a re-ordered list of updates from the source Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.%n%nSource Object GUID:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%nTarget Object DN:%n%3%n
0x40000B51No se están iniciando las sincronizaciones de replicación periódicas porque todavía no han finalizado las sincronizaciones iniciales. Periodic replication synchronizations are not being started since initial synchronizations have not finished yet.
0x40000B52Internal event: The LDAP server has reached the limit of the number of page tokens it will cache for a single LDAP connection. Each page token in this cache corresponds to an on going LDAP page search on this connection. The oldest page token will be discarded and the corresponding LDAP paged search will not be able to continue.%n%nMaximum number of Result Sets allowed per LDAP connection: %n%1%nCurrent number of Result Sets for this LDAP connection: %n%2%n%nUser Action%nPlease use multiple LDAP Connections to conduct paged searches or increase the limit for Maximum Result Sets per Connection. Please refer to this web page for more inforamtion: Internal event: The LDAP server has reached the limit of the number of page tokens it will cache for a single LDAP connection. Each page token in this cache corresponds to an on going LDAP page search on this connection. The oldest page token will be discarded and the corresponding LDAP paged search will not be able to continue.%n%nMaximum number of Result Sets allowed per LDAP connection: %n%1%nCurrent number of Result Sets for this LDAP connection: %n%2%n%nUser Action%nPlease use multiple LDAP Connections to conduct paged searches or increase the limit for Maximum Result Sets per Connection. Please refer to this web page for more inforamtion:
0x40000B53Internal event: The LDAP server page token cache size has exceeded the maximum limit. Each page token in this cache corresponds to an ongoing LDAP page search. The oldest page token will be discarded and the corresponding LDAP paged search will not be able to continue.%n%nNumber of result sets currently stored: %n%1%nCurrent Result Set Size: %n%2%nMaximum Result Set Size: %n%3%nSize of single Result Set being discarded: %n%4%n%nUser Action%nIncreasing the Maximum Result Set Size will allow LDAP server to expand the page token cache. Please refer to this web page for more inforamtion: Internal event: The LDAP server page token cache size has exceeded the maximum limit. Each page token in this cache corresponds to an ongoing LDAP page search. The oldest page token will be discarded and the corresponding LDAP paged search will not be able to continue.%n%nNumber of result sets currently stored: %n%1%nCurrent Result Set Size: %n%2%nMaximum Result Set Size: %n%3%nSize of single Result Set being discarded: %n%4%n%nUser Action%nIncreasing the Maximum Result Set Size will allow LDAP server to expand the page token cache. Please refer to this web page for more inforamtion:
0x40000B54La búsqueda paginada de LDAP continuada tiene argumentos de búsqueda distintos a los de la solicitud de búsqueda paginada inicial.%n%nCliente:%n%1%nNodo inicial:%n%2%nFiltro:%n%3%nÁmbito de búsqueda:%n%4%nSelección de atributos:%n%5%nControles de servidor:%n%6%nComprobación estricta de argumentos de búsqueda paginada deshabilitada: %n%7 A continued LDAP paged search has different search argument than the initial paged search request.%n%nClient:%n%1%nStarting node:%n%2%nFilter:%n%3%nSearch scope:%n%4%nAttribute selection:%n%5%nServer controls:%n%6%nStrict paged search argument check disabled: %n%7
0x40000B57Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services identificó incorrectamente el siguiente objeto en la instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services como persistente. No se encontraron los metadatos de objetos en el vector de actualización y se tuvo que comprobar su existencia manualmente. Se encontraronen la instancia de origen de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nObjeto: %n%1%nGUID de objeto: %n%2%nInstancia de origen de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: %n%3%n%nContinuará el proceso de eliminación del objeto persistente y este objeto no se eliminará. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services incorrectly identified the following object on the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance as lingering. The objects metadata was not found in the up-to-dateness vector and had to be manually checked for existence. It wasfound to exist on the source Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.%n%nObject: %n%1%nObject GUID: %n%2%nSource Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance: %n%3%n%nThe lingering object removal process will continue, this object will not be deleted.
0x40000B5AEl objeto se recuperó localmente y se recicló en la instancia de origen de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. El objeto recuperado se está reciclando.%n%nNombre de objeto reciclado: %n%1%nGUID de objeto: %n%2 The object was undeleted locally, and recycled on the source Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance. The undeleted object is being recycled.%n%nRecycled object name: %n%1%nObject GUID: %n%2
0x40000B61La instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de destino que está registrando este evento procesó una actualización de valor de vínculo en el objeto de origen indicado más abajo. El valor de vínculo hace referencia a un objeto de destino que se encuentra en el estado reciclado en la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de destino.%nPara corregir esta condición, la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de destino volverá a solicitar una lista reordenada de las actualizaciones de la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de origen. Si esta medida correctiva no funciona, se registrará el evento [Task Category: Replication, EventId: 2914] haciendo referencia a los mismos valores de DN y GUID del objeto de origen y destino que se muestran a continuación.%n%nDN de objeto de origen:%n%1%nGUID de objeto de origen:%n%2%nAtributo:%n%3%nDN de objeto de destino:%n%4%nGUID de objeto de destino:%n%5%nInstancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de origen:%n%6%n The destination Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance logging this event processed a link value update on the source object below. The link value refers to a target object that is in the recycled state on the destination Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.%nTo correct this condition, the destination Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance will re-request a re-ordered list of updates from the source Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance. If this corrective step fails, event [Task Category: Replication, EventId: 2914] will be logged, referencing the same source and target object DN's and GUIDS's as below.%n%nSource Object DN:%n%1%nSource Object GUID:%n%2%nAttribute:%n%3%nTarget Object DN:%n%4%nTarget Object GUID:%n%5%nSource Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance:%n%6%n
0x40000B66Evento interno: el servicio de directorio recicló el objeto eliminado y expirado %1 de la base de datos. Internal event: The Directory Service recycled the expired, deleted object %1 from the database.
0x40000B67Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services está encontrando un gran número de objetos al procesar objetos eliminados. No es una condición de error, pero puede retrasar la finalización de la tarea de recopilación de elementos no utilizados. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is encountering a large number of objects while processing deleted-objects. This is not an error condition, but may delay the completion of the garbage collection task.
0x40000B6FActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services procesó todos los tipos de notificaciones correctamente.La información de resumen se encuentra a continuación.%n%nTipos de notificaciones procesados: %1%n%nNOTA: los tipos de notificaciones se procesan durante el inicio de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services y duranteel primer inicio de sesión después de cualquier cambio de tipo de notificación.%n Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services successfully processed all Claim Types.Summary information is below.%n%nClaim Types processed: %1%n%nNOTE: Claim Types are processed during Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services startup and duringthe first log on following any Claim Type changes.%n
0x40000B80Se van a diferir los cambios de índice asociados a un cambio de esquema. Any index changes that are associated with a schema change are being deferred.
0x40000B82Un autor de llamada capturó la contraseña de una cuenta de servicio administrada de grupo.%n%nObjeto de cuenta de servicio administrada de grupo: %n%1%nSID del autor de llamada: %n%2%nIP del autor de llamada: %n%3 A caller successfully fetched the password of a group managed service account.%n%nGroup Managed Service Account Object: %n%1%nCaller SID: %n%2%nCaller IP: %n%3
0x40000B87El contenedor conocido para el nombre de DS que se muestra a continuación falta o no está correctamente configurado. Pida a un administrador que lo reconfigure o que vuelva a crear el contenedor.%n%nNombre de DS: %n%1%nEstado: %n%2 The well-known container for the DS name shown below is misconfigured or missing. Please have an administrator reconfigure or recreate the container.%n%nDS Name: %n%1%nStatus: %n%2
0x40000B88Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services está intentando eliminar de forma recursiva la clave del Registro %1 (DeleteRoot=%2). Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is attempting to recursively delete the %1 registry key (DeleteRoot=%2).
0x40000B89Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services eliminó correctamente la clave del Registro %1 (DeleteRoot=%2). Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services successfully deleted the %1 registry key (DeleteRoot=%2).
0x40000B91Creando %1 índices de sistema opcionales.%n Creating %1 optional system indices.%n
0x40000B92Se crearon %1 índices de sistema opcionales. Created %1 optional system indices.
0x40000B94El objeto siguiente se actualizó con los siguientes SPN:%nNombre del objeto:%n%1%nSPN:%n%2%nIdentificador interno (DSID):%n%3 The following object was updated with the following SPNs:%nObject Name:%n%1%nSPNs:%n%2%nInternal ID (DSID):%n%3
0x40000B99Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services leyó y aplicó correctamente una directiva de replicación.%n%nDirectiva de replicación: %1%nConfiguración de directiva: %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services successfully read and applied a replication policy.%n%nReplication Policy: %1%nPolicy Settings: %2
0x40000B9AActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services encontró una directiva de replicación no válida.%n%nDirectiva de replicación: %1 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services found an invalid replication policy.%n%nReplication Policy: %1
0x40000B9BLa replicación no pudo aplicar un paquete de replicaciones de un elemento primario, antecesor o destino de vínculo que falta. La directiva de replicación se ha definido para que use la marca de antecesores para el resto del ciclo de replicación.%n%nObjeto: %1 Replication failed to apply a replication packet because of a missing parent, ancestor or link target. Replication policy has been defined to use the ancestors flag for the rest of the replication cycle.%n%nObject: %1
0x40000B9CSe completó un ciclo de replicación con elementos primarios que faltan. Los siguientes ciclos de replicación no exigirán la obtención de antecesores.%n A replication cycle with missing parents has completed. Further replication cycles won't force to get ancestors.%n
0x40000B9DNo se creó un objeto porque faltaba el elemento primario del objeto.%n%nObjeto: %1%nSe intentará de nuevo esta operación más tarde. Se reordenarán los objetos para aumentar la probabilidad de que este objeto se incluya en el paquete. An object was not created because the object's parent was missing.%n%nObject: %1%nThis operation will be tried again later. Objects will be reordered to increase the chance that this object will be included in the packet.
0x40000B9FLDAP aplicó la nueva directiva QOS.Id. de directiva QOS: %1LdapQosPolicyTrigger: %2LdapQosPolicyMaxCpu: %3IsReplicationPolicy: %4%n LDAP will apply new QOS policy.QOS Policy ID: %1LdapQosPolicyTrigger: %2LdapQosPolicyMaxCpu: %3IsReplicationPolicy: %4%n
0x40000BA0LDAP aplicó la directiva QOS actualizada.Id. de directiva QOS: %1LdapQosPolicyTrigger: %2LdapQosPolicyMaxCpu: %3IsReplicationPolicy: %4%n LDAP will apply updated QOS policy.QOS Policy ID: %1LdapQosPolicyTrigger: %2LdapQosPolicyMaxCpu: %3IsReplicationPolicy: %4%n
0x40000BA1LDAP ya no aplicará la directiva QOS.Id. de directiva QOS: %1IsReplicationPolicy: %4%n LDAP will no longer apply QOS policy.QOS Policy ID: %1IsReplicationPolicy: %4%n
0x40000BA4El índice compuesto se creó correctamente.Atributo principal: %1Nombre del índice: %2%n Compound index creation succeeded.Primary Attribute: %1IndexName: %2%n
0x40000BA5El índice compuesto se eliminó correctamente.Nombre del índice: %1%n Compound index deletion suceeded.IndexName: %1%n
0x40000BA9Se van a diferir todos los cambios del índice compuesto asociados a un cambio de esquema. Any compound index changes that are associated with a schema change are being deferred.
0x40000BAAInternal event: This directory service applied changes in a packet with the following information.%n%nNaming Context:%n%1%nTotal number of objects:%n%2%nTotal number of links:%n%3%nreturn::%n%4%nExtended return:%n%5%nTime Taken (msec):%n%6 Internal event: This directory service applied changes in a packet with the following information.%n%nNaming Context:%n%1%nTotal number of objects:%n%2%nTotal number of links:%n%3%nreturn::%n%4%nExtended return:%n%5%nTime Taken (msec):%n%6
0x40000BABInternal event: This directory service applied object changes in a packet with the following information.%n%nNaming Context:%n%1%nTotal number of threads:%n%2%nTotal number of objects:%n%3%nreturn::%n%4%nMissing parent retries%n%5%nBusy retries%n%6 Internal event: This directory service applied object changes in a packet with the following information.%n%nNaming Context:%n%1%nTotal number of threads:%n%2%nTotal number of objects:%n%3%nreturn::%n%4%nMissing parent retries%n%5%nBusy retries%n%6
0x40000BACInternal event: This directory service applied link changes in a packet with the following information.%n%nNaming Context:%n%1%nTotal number of threads:%n%2%nTotal number of links:%n%3%nreturn::%n%4 Internal event: This directory service applied link changes in a packet with the following information.%n%nNaming Context:%n%1%nTotal number of threads:%n%2%nTotal number of links:%n%3%nreturn::%n%4
0x40000BAFInternal event: A new column was created in link table for the following new attribute.%n%nDatabase column:%n%1%nAttribute identifier:%n%2%nAttribute name:%n%3%nTable type:%n%3 Internal event: A new column was created in link table for the following new attribute.%n%nDatabase column:%n%1%nAttribute identifier:%n%2%nAttribute name:%n%3%nTable type:%n%3
0x40000BB2La creación del índice Dirsync se realizó correctamente.Nombre de índice: %1%n Dirsync index creation succeeded.IndexName: %1%n
0x40000BB4La replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó que falta un objeto principal para el objeto principal de esta partición de directorio. El objeto huérfano se movió al contenedor LostAndFound.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nGUID del objeto:%n%2%nGUID del objeto principal:%n%3%n%nEsta condición errónea ocurre cuando falta un objeto principal para el objeto secundario de la replicación entrante. Como resultado, el objeto secundario huérfano se mueve al contenedor LostAndFound. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication detected a missing parent object for the parent object in this directory partition. The orphaned object was moved to the LostAndFound container.%n%nobject:%n%1%nobject GUID:%n%2%nParent object GUID:%n%3%n%nThis erroneous condition occurs when a parent object is missing for the child object in the inbound replication. As a result, the orphaned child object is moved to the LostAndFound container.
0x40002737Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nCaller provided correlation ID:%n%2%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing. Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.%n%nCaller type:%n%1%nCaller provided correlation ID:%n%2%n%nThis information is generally used for event tracing.
0x800003F6El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) no pudo actualizar la topología de replicación para el servicio de directorio local. El KCC intentará actualizar la topología de replicación en el siguiente intervalo programado.%n%nIntervalo de actualización del KCC:%n%4%n%nDe forma predeterminada, las actualizaciones tienen lugar cada 15 minutos.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi esto sigue ocurriendo, reinicie el servicio de directorio local.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %1%nId. interno:%n%2 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) failed to update the replication topology for the local directory service. The KCC will attempt to update the replication topology at the following scheduled interval.%n%nKCC update interval:%n%4%n%nBy default, updates occur every 15 minutes.%n%nUser Action%nIf this continues to occur, restart the directory service.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %1%nInternal ID:%n%2
0x80000425Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x80000429El controlador de dominio ya no replicará la siguiente partición de directorio desde el controlador de dominio en la siguiente dirección de red. No existe un objeto de conexión para la replicación entrante para el siguiente controlador de dominio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nControlador de dominio:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2 The domain controller will no longer replicate the following directory partition from the domain controller at the following network address. This is because no Connection object exists for inbound replication for the following domain controller.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDomain controller:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2
0x80000432Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nUser Action%nIf this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1 Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nUser Action%nIf this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1
0x80000433Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nUser Action%nIf this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1 Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nUser Action%nIf this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1
0x80000437Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.%n%nUser Action%nIncrease the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.%n%nUser Action%nIncrease the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer.
0x80000438Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nNetwork address:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nNetwork address:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0x80000439Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0x8000043AInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0x8000043BActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar el siguiente objeto con los cambios recibidos del servicio de directorio en la siguiente dirección de red porque estaba ocupado procesando información.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nEsta operación se intentará más adelante. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not update the following object with changes received from the directory service at the following network address because Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was busy processing information.%n%nObject:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.
0x8000043DInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not synchronize the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nIf this error continues, the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will reconfigure the replication links and bypass the directory service.%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the network address can be resolved with a DNS query.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not synchronize the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nIf this error continues, the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will reconfigure the replication links and bypass the directory service.%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the network address can be resolved with a DNS query.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0x80000440Internal event: The following tombstone lifetime registry value is too low or incompatible with the following garbage collection interval specified in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Configuration object. As a result, the following default registry values for the tombstone lifetime and garbage collection will be used.%n%nCurrent tombstone lifetime (days):%n%1%nCurrent garbage collection interval (hours):%n%2%nDefault tombstone lifetime (days):%n%3%nDefault garbage collection interval (hours):%n%4 Internal event: The following tombstone lifetime registry value is too low or incompatible with the following garbage collection interval specified in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Configuration object. As a result, the following default registry values for the tombstone lifetime and garbage collection will be used.%n%nCurrent tombstone lifetime (days):%n%1%nCurrent garbage collection interval (hours):%n%2%nDefault tombstone lifetime (days):%n%3%nDefault garbage collection interval (hours):%n%4
0x80000443El siguiente objeto de conexión del servicio de directorio local está configurado para replicarse desde sí mismo. Como resultado, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo replicar el objeto de conexión.%n%nObjeto de conexión:%n%1%n%nEsta configuración no es válida y se omitirá. The following Connection object on the local directory service is configured to replicate from itself. As a result, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not replicate the Connection object.%n%nConnection object:%n%1%n%nThis is an invalid configuration, and it will be ignored.
0x80000444Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar el siguiente objeto con cambios de atributo porque los cambios entrantes hicieron que el objeto superara el tamaño máximo del registro de objeto. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentó deshacer o invertir de uno en uno los cambios de atributo entrantes incorrectos.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nGUID del objeto:%n%2%n%nEn este momento, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services agotó todos los candidatos para la eliminación de atributos de la actualización. Esta actualización no se efectuó correctamente y la replicación con el servicio de directorio de origen quedará bloqueada hasta que se corrija el problema.%n%nLa replicación con el servicio de directorio de origen se intentará durante la siguiente replicación programada.%n%nAcción del usuario%nExamine el objeto en la partición de directorio local y compruebe si hay atributos con muchos valores. Reduzca el número de valores o quite el atributo. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not update the following object with attribute changes because the incoming changes caused the object to exceed the maximum object record size. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services attempted to back out or reverse the failed incoming attribute changes one at a time.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%n%nAt this time, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has exhausted all candidates for attribute removal from the update. This update has failed and replication with the source directory service is blocked until the problem is corrected.%n%nReplication with the source directory service will be tried again at the next scheduled replication.%n%nUser Action%nExamine the object on the local directory partition and verify if there are any attributes with a large number of values. Reduce the number of values or remove the attribute.
0x80000445Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar el siguiente objeto con cambios de atributo porque el cambio entrante hizo que el objeto superara el tamaño máximo del registro de objeto. El cambio entrante al siguiente atributo se invertirá para intentar completar la actualización.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nGUID del objeto:%n%2%nAtributo:%n%3%n%nEl valor actual (sin cambios) del atributo en la partición de directorio local se replicará en todos los demás servicios de directorio. Esto contrarrestará el cambio en el resto de los servicios de directorio. Los valores cambiados pueden reconocerse por los siguientes datos:%nVersión:%n%4%nFecha del cambio:%n%5%nNúmeros de secuencias actualizadas:%n%6 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not update the following object with attribute changes because the incoming change caused the object to exceed the maximum object record size. The incoming change to the following attribute will be reversed in an attempt to complete the update.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nAttribute:%n%3%n%nThe current value (without changes) of the attribute on the local directory partition will replicate to all other directory services. This will counteract the change to the rest of the directory services. The reversal values may be recognized as follows:%nVersion:%n%4%nTime of change:%n%5%nUpdate sequence number:%n%6
0x80000448Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.%n%nUser Action%nIf this condition continues, restart this directory service.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.%n%nUser Action%nIf this condition continues, restart this directory service.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1
0x80000449Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDomain controller:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDomain controller:%n%2
0x8000044AInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource domain controller:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource domain controller:%n%2
0x8000044CInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDirectory service:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDirectory service:%n%2
0x80000451El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) intentó terminar las siguientes notificaciones de cambio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nDirección del agente del servicio de directorio de destino:%n%2%nNombre distintivo del agente del servicio de directorio de destino (en su caso):%n%4%n%nEsta advertencia puede ocurrir si este servicio de directorio o el servicio de directorio de destino se ha movido a otro sitio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %3 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) attempted to terminate the following change notifications.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDestination directory service agent address:%n%2%nDestination directory service agent distinguished name (if available):%n%4%n%nThis warning can occur if either this directory service or the destination directory service has been moved to another site.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %3
0x80000459La replicación entrante ha sido deshabilitada por el usuario. Inbound replication has been disabled by the user.
0x8000045BLa replicación saliente ha sido deshabilitada por el usuario. Outbound replication has been disabled by the user.
0x8000045DSe han deshabilitado todas las conexiones de la replicación entrante para la partición %1. No se puede realizar la replicación entrante de esta partición. All inbound replication connections for the partition %1 are disabled. Inbound replication of this partition cannot be performed.
0x8000046ELos siguientes objetos de conexión están configurados para los mismos servicios de directorio de origen y destino. Como resultado, se omitirá un objeto de conexión.%n%nObjeto de conexión omitido:%n%1%nObjeto de conexión:%n%2%n%nAcción del usuario%nElimine uno de estos objetos de conexión. The following Connection objects are configured for the same source and destination directory services. As a result, one Connection object will be ignored.%n%nIgnored Connection object:%n%1%nConnection object:%n%2%n%nUser Action%nDelete one of these Connection objects.
0x8000047AInternal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nStructural class identifier:%n%1%nStructural class name:%n%2%nClass identifier:%n%3%nClass name:%n%4%n%nThis error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nStructural class identifier:%n%1%nStructural class name:%n%2%nClass identifier:%n%3%nClass name:%n%4%n%nThis error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway.
0x8000047BInternal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.%n%nAttribute:%n%1%n%nThe attribute will be ignored. Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.%n%nAttribute:%n%1%n%nThe attribute will be ignored.
0x8000047CInternal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.%n%nAttribute:%n%1%n%nThe attribute will be ignored. Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.%n%nAttribute:%n%1%n%nThe attribute will be ignored.
0x8000047DInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.%n%nAttribute identifier:%n%1%nAttribute name:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.%n%nAttribute identifier:%n%1%nAttribute name:%n%2
0x80000480Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.%n%nClass identifier:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%n%nInheritance was ignored. Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.%n%nClass identifier:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%n%nInheritance was ignored.
0x80000481Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.%n%nClass identifier:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%nSuperclass identifier:%n%3%n%nInheritance was ignored. Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.%n%nClass identifier:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%nSuperclass identifier:%n%3%n%nInheritance was ignored.
0x80000482Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.%n%nClass identifier:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%nRDN attribute identifier:%n%3%n%nThe class definition was ignored. Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.%n%nClass identifier:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%nRDN attribute identifier:%n%3%n%nThe class definition was ignored.
0x80000483Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.%n%nClass identifier:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%nMandatory attribute:%n%3%n%nThe attribute was ignored. Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.%n%nClass identifier:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%nMandatory attribute:%n%3%n%nThe attribute was ignored.
0x80000484Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.%n%nClass identifier:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%nOptional attribute:%n%3%n%nThe attribute was ignored. Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.%n%nClass identifier:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%nOptional attribute:%n%3%n%nThe attribute was ignored.
0x80000485Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.%n%nAttribute name:%n%2%nAttribute identifier:%n%1 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.%n%nAttribute name:%n%2%nAttribute identifier:%n%1
0x8000048BInternal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.%n%nMemory requested (bytes):%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIncrease the amount of available physical or virtual memory. Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.%n%nMemory requested (bytes):%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIncrease the amount of available physical or virtual memory.
0x8000048CMientras se procesaban invalidaciones del registro de eventos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, el número de invalidaciones encontradas superó el número máximo de invalidaciones.%n%nValor máximo de invalidaciones del registro de eventos:%n%1%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services solo procesará valores de invalidación del registro de eventos hasta alcanzar el valor máximo. While processing Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services event logging overrides, the number of overrides located exceeded the maximum override value.%n%nMaximum event logging override value:%n%1%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will only process event logging override values up to the maximum override value.
0x80000493Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully.
0x80000495Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.%n%nException:%n%1%nParameter:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2%nInternal ID:%n%4 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.%n%nException:%n%1%nParameter:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2%nInternal ID:%n%4
0x8000049AInternal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.%n%nLanguage identifier:%n%1%nRegistry key:%n%2%n%nLocalized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.%n%nLanguage identifier:%n%1%nRegistry key:%n%2%n%nLocalized language indices will not be created for this language identifier.
0x8000049BInternal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.%n%nCodepage:%n%1%n%nAs a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.%n%nCodepage:%n%1%n%nAs a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server.
0x800004A0Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo eliminar el índice del siguiente atributo.%n%nNombre de atributo:%n%1%nId. de atributo:%n%2%n%nEste índice ya no es necesario.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to delete the index for the following attribute.%n%nAttribute name:%n%1%nAttribute ID:%n%2%n%nThis index is no longer needed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4
0x800004A2El controlador de dominio local ha recibido un mensaje de replicación entre sitios con un número de versión de mensaje incompatible.%n%nEl mensaje se omitirá.%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe que los controladores de dominio estén ejecutando la misma versión del sistema operativo. The local domain controller received an intersite replication message with an incompatible message version number.%n%nThe message will be ignored.%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system.
0x800004A3Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.%n%nThis message will be ignored.%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.%n%nThis message will be ignored.%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system.
0x800004A4Un subproceso de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services espera a que se complete una llamada RPC efectuada al siguiente servicio de directorio.%n%nServicio de directorio:%n%1%nOperación:%n%3%nId. subproceso:%n%2%nTiempo de espera (minutos):%n%4%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentó cancelar la llamada y recuperar el subproceso.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi esta situación continúa, reinicie el servicio de directorio. A thread in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is waiting for the completion of a RPC made to the following directory service.%n%nDirectory service:%n%1%nOperation:%n%3%nThread ID:%n%2%nTimeout period (minutes):%n%4%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services has attempted to cancel the call and recover this thread.%n%nUser Action%nIf this condition continues, restart the directory service.
0x800004B3El servicio de directorio no pudo replicar el siguiente objeto desde el servicio de directorio de origen en la siguiente dirección de red porque el esquema de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no coincidía.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentará sincronizar el esquema antes de intentar sincronizar la siguiente partición de directorio.%nPartición de directorio:%n%3 The directory service could not replicate the following object from the source directory service at the following network address because of an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch.%n%nObject:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will attempt to synchronize the schema before attempting to synchronize the following directory partition.%nDirectory partition:%n%3
0x800004BELa tarea de propagación de descriptores de seguridad encontró un descriptor de seguridad nulo (NULL) o dañado en el siguiente objeto y aplicó un descriptor de seguridad predeterminado.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%n%nComo resultado, la seguridad de este objeto en el servicio de directorio local podría ser distinta de la de otros servicios de directorio.%n%nAcción del usuario%nPara garantizar la uniformidad, agregue el descriptor de seguridad correcto para este objeto para que se replique en otros servidores de directorio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3 The security descriptor propagation task found a NULL or corrupt security descriptor on the following object andapplied a default security descriptor.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nAs a result, the security for this object on the local directory service might be different than on other directory services.%n%nUser Action%nTo ensure uniformity, add the correct security descriptor for this object so that it is replicated to other directory servers.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0x800004C0Internal event: An LDAP client connection was closed because of an error.%n%nClient IP:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %4%nInternal ID:%n%2 Internal event: An LDAP client connection was closed because of an error.%n%nClient IP:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %4%nInternal ID:%n%2
0x800004C1Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo inicializar la autenticación NTLM.%n%nComo resultado, NTLM no se usará como método de autenticación de seguridad. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to initialize NTLM authentication.%n%nAs a result, NTLM will not be used as a security authentication method.
0x800004C2Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo inicializar la autenticación mediante Negociación protegida simple (SPNEGO).%n%nComo resultado, no se admitirán enlaces de autenticación SPNEGO en esta interfaz LDAP. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to initialize Simple Protected Negotiation (SPNEGO) authentication.%n%nAs a result, SPNEGO authentication binds against this LDAP interface will not be supported.
0x800004C3Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo inicializar la autenticación de enlace simple.%n%nComo resultado, la autenticación de enlace simple en esta interfaz LDAP hará que los enlaces se realicen como un usuario no autenticado. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to initialize simple bind authentication.%n%nAs a result, simple bind authentication against this LDAP interface will result in binding as an unauthenticated user.
0x800004C4LDAP por medio de la Capa de sockets seguros (SSL) no estará disponible por el momento ya que el servidor no puede obtener un certificado.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 LDAP over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) will be unavailable at this time because the server was unable to obtain a certificate.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x800004C8El controlador de dominio local no pudo actualizar automáticamente información en el objeto de equipo, el de configuración o el de servidor.%n%nEsta operación volverá a intentarse en el siguiente intervalo.%n%nIntervalo (minutos):%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4%n%5%nIdentificador interno:%n%2 An attempt by the local domain controller to automatically update information on one or more of the Computer object, the Settings object, or the Server object failed.%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the following interval.%n%nInterval (minutes):%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4%n%5%nInternal ID:%n%2
0x800004D0Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentó realizaruna llamada a procedimiento remoto (RPC) al siguiente servidor. La llamadaagotó el tiempo de espera y se canceló.%n%nServidor:%n%2%nTiempo de espera de la llamada (en minutos):%n%3%nIdentificador de subproceso:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nIdentificador interno:%n%4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services attempted to perform a remote procedure call (RPC) to the followingserver. The call timed out and was cancelled.%n%nServer:%n%2%nCall Timeout (Mins):%n%3%nThread ID:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%4
0x800004F1Error del comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) al intentar agregar un acuerdo de replicación para la partición de directorio y el servicio de directorio de origen siguientes.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nServicio de directorio de origen:%n%4%nDirección de red:%n%2%nTransporte entre sitios (si existe):%n%5%n%nEsta operación volverá a intentarse en la próxima actualización de KCC.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%6 %3 An attempt by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to add a replication agreement for the following directory partition and source directory service failed.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%4%nNetwork address:%n%2%nIntersite transport (if any):%n%5%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the next KCC update.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%6 %3
0x8000051BEl comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) ha detectado numerosos errores en los intentos para establecer un vínculo de replicación con el siguiente servicio de directorio.%n%nIntentos:%n%1%nServicio de directorio:%n%2%nPeríodo de tiempo (minutos):%n%3%n%nSe omitirá el objeto de conexión para este servicio de directorio y se establecerá una nueva conexión temporal para garantizar que la replicación continúe. Cuando se reanude la replicación con este servicio de directorio se quitará la conexión temporal.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %4 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has detected that attempts to establish a replication link with the following directory service has consistently failed.%n%nAttempts:%n%1%nDirectory service:%n%2%nPeriod of time (minutes):%n%3%n%nThe Connection object for this directory service will be ignored, and a new temporary connection will be established to ensure that replication continues. Once replication with this directory service resumes, the temporary connection will be removed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %4
0x8000051CEl comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) ha detectado numerosos errores en los sucesivos intentos de replicación con el siguiente servicio de directorio.%n%nIntentos:%n%1%nServicio de directorio:%n%2%nPeríodo de tiempo (minutos):%n%3%n%nSe omitirá el objeto de conexión para este servicio de directorio y se establecerá una nueva conexión temporal para garantizar que la replicación continúe. Una vez que se reanude la replicación con este servicio de directorio, se quitará la conexión temporal.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %4 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has detected that successive attempts to replicate with the following directory service has consistently failed.%n%nAttempts:%n%1%nDirectory service:%n%2%nPeriod of time (minutes):%n%3%n%nThe Connection object for this directory service will be ignored, and a new temporary connection will be established to ensure that replication continues. Once replication with this directory service resumes, the temporary connection will be removed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %4
0x8000051EActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo usar la siguiente secuencia del protocolo RPC.%n%nSecuencia del protocolo RPC:%n%1%n%nAunque la secuencia del protocolo RPC parece estar instalada, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no puede usarla para comunicarse.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not use the following RPC protocol sequence.%n%nRPC protocol sequence:%n%1%n%nAlthough the RPC protocol sequence appears to be installed, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services cannot use this protocol sequence for communication.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0x80000521El valor parámetro de configuración del Registro actual es demasiado bajo y se omitirá.%n%nParámetro de configuración del Registro:%n%1%nValor actual:%n%2%nValor mínimo:%n%3%n%nSe usará el valor mínimo en su lugar. The current registry configuration parameter is set too low and will be ignored.%n%nRegistry configuration parameter:%n%1%nCurrent value:%n%2%nLowest value:%n%3%n%nThe lowest value will be used instead.
0x80000522El valor parámetro de configuración del Registro actual es demasiado alto y se omitirá.%n%nParámetro de configuración del Registro:%n%1%nValor actual:%n%2%nValor máximo:%n%3%n%nSe usará el valor máximo en su lugar. The current registry configuration parameter is set too high and will be ignored.%n%nRegistry configuration parameter:%n%1%nCurrent value:%n%2%nHighest value:%n%3%n%nThe highest value will be used instead.
0x80000558Error en la solicitud una búsqueda de una base LDAP realizada por el servicio de mensajes entre sitios.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 The Intersite Messaging service request for an LDAP base search failed.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0x80000559El servicio de mensajes entre sitios solicitó una búsqueda LDAP de un nivel, empezando por el siguiente objeto contenedor. Se produjo un error en la operación.%n%nObjeto contenedor:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 The Intersite Messaging service requested an LDAP one-level search starting at the following container object. The operation failed.%n%nContainer object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0x8000055BError del servicio de mensajes entre sitios al intentar enviar datos a un servicio en la siguiente dirección de red por medio del siguiente transporte.%n%nDatos (bytes):%n%1%nServicio:%n%2%nDirección de red:%n%3%nTransporte:%n%4%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%6 %5 An attempt by the Intersite Messaging service to send data to a service at the following network address through the following transport failed.%n%nData (bytes):%n%1%nService:%n%2%nNetwork address:%n%3%nTransport:%n%4%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%6 %5
0x80000564Error en la tarea que supervisa los cambios de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en los objetos de transporte entre sitios.%n%nComo resultado, el servicio de mensajes entre sitios no reconocerá adiciones, eliminaciones ni modificaciones de objetos de transporte entre sitios.%n%nAcción del usuario%nReinicie el servicio de mensajes entre sitios o reinicie el controlador de dominio local.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %1 The task that monitors Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services for changes to intersite transport objects failed.%n%nAs a result, the Intersite Messaging service will not recognize additions, deletions, and modifications of intersite transport objects.%n%nUser Action%nRestart the Intersite Messaging service or restart the local domain controller.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1
0x80000581El servicio de mensajes entre sitios no pudo enviar un mensaje SMTP, el servicio SMTP no está instalado.%n%nSe intentará enviar el mensaje de nuevo más tarde.%n%nAcción del usuario%nInstale el servicio SMTP. The Intersite Messaging service could not send a SMTP message because the SMTP service is not installed.%n%nAn attempt to send the message will be tried again later.%n%nUser Action%nInstall the SMTP service.
0x80000591Durante la instalación de esta réplica, el servicio de directorio no pudo forzar un ciclo de replicación con el equipo FSMO RID %1. Si el equipo FSMO RID no ha estado disponible durante algún tiempo, es posible que esta réplica no sea capaz de crear entidades de seguridad de forma inmediata. Para solucionarlo, actualice manualmente el servicio de directorio en el equipo FSMO RID. During the installation of this replica, the Directory Service was unable toforce a replication cycle with the RID FSMO computer %1. If the RID FSMO hasbeen unavailable for some time, this replica may not be able to create securityprincipals immediately. This can be remedied by manually bringing the Directory Serviceon the RID FSMO computer up to date.
0x8000059BEl comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) encontró un error inesperado mientras realizaba una operación en Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nTipo de operación:%n%1%nNombre distintivo del objeto:%n%2%n%nLa operación se intentará de nuevo en el siguiente intervalo del KCC.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %5%nIdentificador interno:%n%4 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) encountered an unexpected error while performing an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services operation.%n%nOperation type:%n%1%nObject distinguished name:%n%2%n%nThe operation will be retried at the next KCC interval.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %5%nInternal ID:%n%4
0x8000059CEl servicio de mensajes entre sitios no pudo procesar el siguiente objeto.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 The Intersite Messaging service could not process the following object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0x8000059DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no encuentra información crítica tras la instalación y no pueden continuar. Si ésta es una instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de réplica, vuelva a unir este servidor a la partición. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is missing critical information after installation and cannot continue. If this is a replica Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance, rejoin this server to the partition.
0x8000059EEl nombre %1 ya se está usando para un objeto predeterminado de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Especifique otro nombre para este objeto. The name %1 is already used for a default Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services object. Specify another name for this object.
0x8000059FEl comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) no pudo agregar una réplica de la siguiente partición de directorio usando el siguiente protocolo de transporte; falta el atributo de dirección específico del protocolo de transporte en el servicio de directorio de origen o en el servicio de directorio local.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nServicio de directorio de origen:%n%2%nProtocolo de transporte:%n%3 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) could not add a replica of the following directory partition using the following transport because the transport-specific address attribute is missing on either the source directory service or the local directory service.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nSource directory service:%n%2%nTransport:%n%3
0x800005B7Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó y eliminó algunos índices que es posible que estuviesen dañados como parte de la inicialización.%n%nLos índices eliminados volverán a generarse. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has detected and deleted some possibly corrupted indices as part of initialization.%n%nThese deleted indices will be rebuilt.
0x800005B9Error en la tarea que supervisa los cambios de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en la topología de sitios para el siguiente objeto de transporte entre sitios.%n%nObjeto de transporte entre sitios:%n%1%n%nEl servicio de mensajes entre sitios no reconocerá las adiciones, eliminaciones y modificaciones de objetos de transporte entre sitios hasta que se detenga este servicio y después se reinicie.%n%nAcción del usuario%nReinicie el servicio de mensajes entre sitios o este controlador de dominio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 The task that monitors Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services for changes in site topology failed for the following intersite transport object.%n%nIntersite transport object:%n%1%n%nAdditions, deletions, and modifications of intersite transport objects will not be recognized by the Intersite Messaging service until this service is stopped and then restarted.%n%nUser Action%nRestart the Intersite Messaging service or this domain controller.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0x800005BFEl servicio de mensajes entre sitios que usa el protocolo de transporte SMTP no pudo configurar una carpeta de buzón de correo para el controlador de dominio local.%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe que la carpeta que contiene los archivos de registro de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services sea accesible.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %1 The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport could not configure a mail drop folder for the local domain controller.%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the folder containing the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services log files is accessible.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1
0x800005C1El servicio de mensajes entre sitios no pudo leer los objetos de transporte entre sitios de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nComo resultado, el servicio de mensajes entre sitios se detuvo. El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) no podrá calcular la topología entre sitios sin este servicio.%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe si las consultas LDAP funcionan correctamente en este equipo.%n%nReinicie el servicio de mensajes entre sitios para reanudar la comunicación entre sitios.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %1 The Intersite Messaging service could not read the intersite transport objects from Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nAs a result, the Intersite Messaging service has stopped. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will be unable to calculate intersite topology without this service.%n%nUser Action%nVerify that LDAP queries function properly on this machine.%n%nRestart the Intersite Messaging service to continue intersite communication.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1
0x800005C2Internal event: A viable bridgehead server could not be found to transport data to the following site for the following directory partition.%n%nSite:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%3%nTransport method:%n%2%n%nIf preferred bridgehead servers have been specified, then only those directory servers will be considered viable; otherwise, all directory servers in the site will be considered viable.%n%nTo set a viable preferred bridgehead server, the following requirements must be met.%n%n- The transport object must be configured for that directory server by verifying the transport-specific address attribute.%n%n- The directory partition must be instantiated on the directory server, and it must be writeable when constructing a normal topology. If constructing a global catalog topology, the directory partition can be either read-only or writeable. Internal event: A viable bridgehead server could not be found to transport data to the following site for the following directory partition.%n%nSite:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%3%nTransport method:%n%2%n%nIf preferred bridgehead servers have been specified, then only those directory servers will be considered viable; otherwise, all directory servers in the site will be considered viable.%n%nTo set a viable preferred bridgehead server, the following requirements must be met.%n%n- The transport object must be configured for that directory server by verifying the transport-specific address attribute.%n%n- The directory partition must be instantiated on the directory server, and it must be writeable when constructing a normal topology. If constructing a global catalog topology, the directory partition can be either read-only or writeable.
0x800005C3Internal event: The attempt to delete outdated Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services performance counters failed.%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nFailed operation:%n%3%nError value:%n%2 %1 Internal event: The attempt to delete outdated Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services performance counters failed.%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nFailed operation:%n%3%nError value:%n%2 %1
0x800005C4Error al intentar registrar los contadores de rendimiento de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nEsta operación volverá a intentarse en el siguiente intervalo.%n%nIntervalo (minutos):%n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nOperación con errores:%n%4%nValor de error:%n%3 %1 The attempt to register the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services performance counters failed.%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the following interval.%n%nInterval (minutes):%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nFailed operation:%n%4%nError value:%n%3 %1
0x800005F0Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not remove the following deleted object that has expired from the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf this error continues to occur, perform a semantic analysis check on the database.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %4%nInternal ID:%n%3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not remove the following deleted object that has expired from the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf this error continues to occur, perform a semantic analysis check on the database.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %4%nInternal ID:%n%3
0x800005F1Internal event: An index needed by the MAPI address book for the following language was not created.%n%nLanguage:%n%1%n%nThis language will not be supported through the MAPI interface. Internal event: An index needed by the MAPI address book for the following language was not created.%n%nLanguage:%n%1%n%nThis language will not be supported through the MAPI interface.
0x800005F9Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.%n%nMessage type:%n%1%n%nAs a result, this message will be ignored. Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.%n%nMessage type:%n%1%n%nAs a result, this message will be ignored.
0x800005FBInternal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the following interval.%n%nInterval (minutes):%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %1 Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the following interval.%n%nInterval (minutes):%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %1
0x800005FCInternal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.%n%nDestination domain controller:%n%2%nTransport:%n%3%nMessage description:%n%4%n%nThe operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %1 Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.%n%nDestination domain controller:%n%2%nTransport:%n%3%nMessage description:%n%4%n%nThe operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %1
0x800005FEEl controlador de dominio local es el maestro de nomenclatura de dominios; no obstante, no es un catálogo global. El maestro de nomenclatura de dominios debe ser un catálogo global.%n%nAcción del usuario%nConfigure el servidor de directorio local como un catálogo global o transfiera el rol de maestro de operaciones de nomenclatura de dominio a un servidor de directorio que sea un catálogo global. The local domain controller is the domain naming master; however, it is not a global catalog. The domain naming master must be a global catalog.%n%nUser Action%nConfigure this directory server as a global catalog, or transfer the naming operations master role to a directory server that is a global catalog.
0x80000602Error al intentar restaurar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services desde un medio de copia de seguridad debido a un error al generar un nuevo GUID de base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 An attempt to restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup media failed because an error was encountered while generating a new Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database GUID.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x80000603Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo deshabilitar la memoria caché de escritura en disco por software en el siguiente disco duro.%n%nDisco duro:%n%1%n%nPueden perderse datos si se producen errores del sistema. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not disable the software-based disk write cache on the following hard disk.%n%nHard disk:%n%1%n%nData might be lost during system failures.
0x80000609Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDirectory Service:%n%2%n%nAs a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDirectory Service:%n%2%n%nAs a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update.
0x80000612Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nAn attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nAn attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later.
0x8000061DEl controlador de dominio local no pudo completar la sincronización total de todas las particiones de directorio antes de convertirse en un catálogo global. Se configuró la siguiente clave del Registro para invalidar este requisito y se alcanzó el límite de tiempo máximo que permite el administrador.%n%nClave del Registro:%nHKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NTDS\\Parameters%nValor del Registro (segundos):%nAnuncio de retraso del catálogo global%nLímite de tiempo máximo (minutos y segundos):%n%1 %2%n%nComo resultado, es posible que este controlador de dominio no agregase todas las particiones del directorio necesarias. The local domain controller could not complete full synchronization of all its directory partitions prior to becoming a global catalog. The following registry key has been set to override this requirement, and the maximum time limit allowed by the administrator has been reached.%n%nRegistry Key:%nHKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NTDS\\Parameters%nRegistry value (seconds):%nGlobal Catalog Delay Advertisement%nMaximum time limit (minutes and seconds):%n%1 %2%n%nAs a result, this domain controller might not have added all the necessary directory partitions.
0x8000061ENinguno de los servidores de directorio del siguiente sitio, que pueden replicar la partición de directorio por medio de este transporte, está disponible actualmente.%n%nSitio:%n%1%nPartición de directorio:%n%3%nTransporte:%n%2 All directory servers in the following site that can replicate the directory partition over this transport are currently unavailable.%n%nSite:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%3%nTransport:%n%2
0x80000626Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.%n%nTime period (minutes and seconds):%n%1 %2%n%nThis condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.%n%nTime period (minutes and seconds):%n%1 %2%n%nThis condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later.
0x8000062BDebido a un conflicto de recursos con los Servicios de servidor de certificados, la replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services se retrasó durante el período indicado.%n%nMinutos y segundos:%n%1 %2%n%nComo resultado, la preparación de un mensaje de replicación asincrónica para transmisión tardó más tiempo del esperado. Es probable que se trate de una situación transitoria. Due to contention with Certificate Services for resources, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication was delayed for the following period of time.%n%nMinutes and seconds:%n%1 %2%n%nAs a result, preparation of an asynchronous replication message for transmission took longer than expected. This condition is probably transient.
0x8000062DInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not resolve the following DNS host name to an IP address.%n%nDNS host name:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not resolve the following DNS host name to an IP address.%n%nDNS host name:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0x8000062FEsta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services es la última instancia de AD LDS del dominio. This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance is the last AD LDS instance in the domain.
0x80000630Esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no es la última instancia de AD LDS del dominio. This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance is not the last AD LDS instance in the domain.
0x80000632El control de replicación de Windows NT 4.0 o anterior con el maestro emulador PDC no se realizó correctamente.%n%nPodría producirse una sincronización completa de la base de datos del Administrador de cuentas de seguridad (SAM) en los controladores de dominio que usan Windows NT 4.0 y anterior si el rol de maestro emulador PDC se transfiere al controlador de dominio local antes del próximo control correcto.%n%nSe intentará el proceso de control de nuevo dentro de cuatro horas.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %1 The Windows NT 4.0 or earlier replication checkpoint with the PDC emulator master was unsuccessful.%n%nA full synchronization of the security accounts manager (SAM) database to domain controllers running Windows NT 4.0 and earlier might take place if the PDC emulator master role is transferred to the local domain controller before the next successful checkpoint.%n%nThe checkpoint process will be tried again in four hours.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1
0x80000634El siguiente objeto eliminado no tiene el valor correcto para el atributo indicado.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nGUID del objeto:%n%2%nAtributo:%n%3%n%nNormalmente se intentan conservar los valores de los atributos de los objetos eliminados, aunque los cambios entrantes sean más recientes. No obstante, en este caso el valor del atributo del objeto eliminado no era correcto. Como resultado, se aplicó el cambio del atributo entrante. The following deleted object does not have the proper value for the following attribute.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nAttribute:%n%3%n%nAn attempt is usually made to preserve the attribute values of deleted objects, even when incoming changes are more recent. However, in this case, the attribute value of the deleted object was not a proper value. As a result, the incoming attribute change was applied.
0x8000066FActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo escribir la información de versión del esquema en la partición de directorio del esquema durante la replicación entrante o durante una transferencia del rol de maestro de esquema.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi siguen encontrándose errores de coincidencia del esquema durante los intentos de replicación, sincronice de nuevo la partición de directorio del esquema para forzar una actualización de la información de versión del esquema.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to write schema version information on the schema directory partition during inbound replication or during a schema master role transfer.%n%nUser Action%nIf a schema mismatch continues to occur during replication attempts, synchronize the schema directory partition again to force an update of the schema version information.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x80000676Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service requested an LDAP search in the following container. The search failed with the following result.%n%nContainer object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2 Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service requested an LDAP search in the following container. The search failed with the following result.%n%nContainer object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0x80000677Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentó comunicarse con el siguiente catálogo global y los intentos resultaron incorrectos.%n%nCatálogo global:%n%1%n%nEs posible que la operación en curso no pueda continuar. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services usará el ubicador del controlador de dominio para intentar encontrar un servidor de catálogo global disponible.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services attempted to communicate with the following global catalog and the attempts were unsuccessful.%n%nGlobal catalog:%n%1%n%nThe operation in progress might be unable to continue. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will use the domain controller locator to try to find an available global catalog server.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0x80000679El servicio de mensajes entre sitios ha solicitado una operación ADSI Get Object para el siguiente objeto de espacio de nombres y ha habido un error en la operación.%n%nObjeto de espacio de nombres:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%n- Compruebe que el servicio asociado con el objeto de espacio de nombres esté instalado y ejecutándose. Por ejemplo, si el espacio de nombres es Internet Information Services (IIS), compruebe que el servicio IIS esté ejecutándose.%n%n- Compruebe que el componente DLL asociado con el objeto de espacio de nombres no falte o no esté dañado.%n%nSi continúa este problema, quizá deba volver a instalar el componente de Windows que contiene el servicio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 The Intersite Messaging service requested an ADSI Get Object operation for the following namespace object and the operation failed.%n%nNamespace object:%n%1%n%nUser Action%n- Verify that the service associated with the namespace object is installed and running. For example, if the namespace is Internet Information Service (IIS), verify that the IIS service is running.%n%n- Verify that the DLL component associated with the namespace object is not missing or corrupt.%n%nIf this problem continues, you might want to reinstall the Windows component that contains the service.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0x8000067FEl comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) no ha inicializado su caché de configuración.%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi continúa esta condición, reinicie el servicio de directorio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nId. interno:%n%1 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) did not initialize its configuration cache.%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nUser Action%nIf this condition continues, restart the directory service.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%1
0x80000683La tarea de actualización de la caché de pertenencia a grupos detectó que el siguiente sitio, en el que se encontró un catálogo global, no es uno de los sitios más baratos, como indica la información del vínculo al sitio publicada.%n%nSitio:%n%1%n%nEste mensaje de registro de eventos puede deberse a pérdidas de red temporales.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi continúa esta condición, compruebe la programación de replicación y la precisión de los vínculos a sitios. The group membership cache refresh task detected that the following site in which a global catalog was found is not one of the cheapest sites, as indicated by the published site link information.%n%nSite:%n%1%n%nThis event log message could be caused by temporary network outages.%n%nUser Action%nIf this condition continues, verify replication schedules and accuracy of site links.
0x80000684La tarea de actualización de la caché de pertenencia a grupos no encontró un catálogo global en el sitio preferido, pero pudo encontrar uno en el siguiente sitio disponible.%n%nSitio preferido:%n%1%nSitio disponible:%n%2%n%nEste mensaje de registro de eventos puede deberse a pérdidas de red temporales.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi continúa esta condición, compruebe que la información de programación es correcta y considere volver a configurar el sitio del catálogo global preferido. The group membership cache refresh task did not locate a global catalog in the preferred site, but was able to find a global catalog in the following available site.%n%nPreferred site:%n%1%nAvailable site:%n%2%n%nThis event log message could be caused by temporary network outages.%n%nUser Action%nIf this condition continues, verify that the scheduling information is correct or consider reconfiguring the preferred global catalog site.
0x80000685La tarea de actualización de la caché de pertenencia a grupos alcanzó el número máximo de usuarios para el controlador de dominio local.%n%nNúmero máximo de usuarios:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nConsidere aumentar el límite máximo cambiando el siguiente valor del Registro:%n%nHKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NTDS\\Parameters\\ The group membership cache refresh task has reached the maximum number of users for the local domain controller.%n%nMaximum number of users:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nConsider increasing the maximum limit by changing the following registry value:%n%nHKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NTDS\\Parameters\\
0x80000686La tarea de actualización de la caché de pertenencia a grupos lleva retraso.%n%nAcción del usuario%nConsidere realizar una actualización de caché de pertenencia a grupos. The group membership cache refresh task is behind schedule.%n%nUser Action%nConsider forcing a group membership cache update.
0x80000687La tarea de actualización de la caché de pertenencia a grupos no pudo encontrar la próxima franja temporal de conectividad disponible para el siguiente sitio.%n%nSitio:%n%1%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo en el siguiente intervalo.%n%nIntervalo (horas):%n%2 The group membership cache refresh task was unable to find the next available time slot of connectivity to the following site.%n%nSite:%n%1%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the following interval.%n%nInterval (hours):%n%2
0x80000688La tarea de actualización de la caché de pertenencia a grupos no pudo obtener un programa de conexión para el siguiente sitio preferido.%n%nSitio preferido:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nUse los sitios y servicios de Active Directory para comprobar la configuración de conectividad del sitio. The group membership cache task was unable to obtain a connection schedule to the following preferred site.%n%nPreferred site:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nUse Active Directory Sites and Services to check the site connectivity settings.
0x800006A2Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered an error while attempting to remove the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.%n%nObject:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %5%nInternal ID:%n%4 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered an error while attempting to remove the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.%n%nObject:%n%2%nAttribute value:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %5%nInternal ID:%n%4
0x800006AEError al buscar el catálogo global controladores de dominio de origen para replicar el grupo de atributos parcial para la siguiente partición de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo en la siguiente replicación programada. Este es un ciclo de replicación especial por la adición de uno o más atributos al grupo de atributos parcial.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3 The global catalog failed to locate any source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the next scheduled replication. This is a special replication cycle due to the addition of one or more attributes to the partial attribute set.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0x800006B3La tarea que actualiza valores de vínculos ha terminado con un error.%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi sigue ocurriendo este evento, reinicie este servicio de directorio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %1%nId. interno:%n%2 The task that updates link values ended with an error.%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nUser Action%nIf this event continues to occur, restart this directory service.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %1%nInternal ID:%n%2
0x800006BBActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar el nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración porque la siguiente instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services se encuentra en un nivel funcional inferior al nuevo nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración solicitado.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nObjeto de configuración NTDS de la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to update the functional level of the configuration set because the following Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance is at a lower functional level than the requested new functional level of the configuration set.%n%nObject:%n%1%nNTDS Settings object of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance:%n%2
0x800006BCActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar el nivel funcional de la siguiente partición porque la partición se encuentra en modo mixto.%n%nPartición:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nCambie la partición a modo nativo e intente realizar la operación de nuevo. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not update the functional level of the following partition because the partition is in mixed mode.%n%n partition:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nChange the partition to native mode and try the operation again.
0x800006BDSe denegó la solicitud de adición de un nuevo objeto de configuración NTDS porque el nivel funcional superior que admite el sistema operativo era inferior al nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración.%n%nNivel funcional superior del sistema operativo:%n%1%nNivel funcional del conjunto de configuración:%n%2%n%nAcción del usuario%nInstale el sistema operativo correcto. The request to add a new NTDS Settings object was denied because the highest functional level supported by the operating system was lower than the functional level of the configuration set.%n%nHighest functional level of the operating system:%n%1%n configuration set functional level:%n%2%n%nUser Action%nInstall the correct operating system.
0x800006D1El controlador de dominio local ya no es un catálogo global y ha habido un error al intentar quitar la partición parcial del directorio de replicación de solo lectura del siguiente dominio desde este controlador de dominio.%n%nDominio:%n%1%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3 The local domain controller is no longer a global catalog and the attempt to remove the partial, read-only replica directory partition of the following domain from this domain controller failed.%n%nDomain:%n%1%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0x800006D3Se ha quitado el siguiente dominio del bosque y ha habido un error al intentar quitar los objetos de catálogo global.%n%nDominio:%n%1%n%nSe intentará esta operación de nuevo más tarde.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3 The following domain has been removed from the forest and the attempt to remove the objects from the global catalog failed.%n%nDomain:%n%1%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0x800006D4El servidor de directorio local ya no está configurado para hospedar la siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones. Se produjo un error al intentar transmitir sus actualizaciones y transferir sus roles de maestro de operaciones (en su caso) a otro servidor de directorio porque no hay otro servidor de directorio configurado para hospedar una réplica de esta partición de directorio de aplicaciones.%n%npartición de directorio de aplicaciones:%n%1%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nAcción del usuario%nUse la opción dsmgmt en la herramienta de línea de comandos para realizar una de las siguientes opciones:%n%n- Para quitar la partición permanentemente, use la opción Delete NC (Eliminar NC) para eliminar el objeto crossRef para esta partición de directorio.%n- Para mantener la partición en este servidor de directorio, use la opción Add NC Replica (Agregar réplica NC) para volver a configurar este servidor de directorio para hospedar esta partición de directorio.%n- Para mover la replicación de esta partición de directorio a otro servidor de directorio, utilice la opción Add NC Replica (Agregar réplica NC) para volver a configurar este servidor de directorio para hospedar la partición de directorio (de forma que pueda actuar como un origen de replicación) y para configurar el nuevo servidor de directorio para hospedar la partición de directorio. Una vez que el nuevo servidor de directorio haya completado su replicación inicial, use la opción Remove NC Replica (Quitar réplica NC) para quitar la partición de directorio del servidor de directorio local. The local directory server is no longer configured to host the following application directory partition. An attempt to transmit its updates and transfer its operations master roles (if any) to another directory server failed because no other directory server is configured to host a replica of this application directory partition.%n%nApplication directory partition:%n%1%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nUser Action%nUse the dsmgmt command-line tool to do one of the following:%n%n- To remove the partition permanently, use the Delete NC option to delete the crossRef object for this directory partition.%n- To keep the partition on this directory server, use the Add NC Replica option to reconfigure this directory server to host this directory partition.%n- To move the replica of this directory partition to another directory server, use the Add NC Replica option to reconfigure this directory server to host the directory partition (so it can act as a replication source) and to configure the new directory server to host the directory partition. Once the new directory server has completed its initial replication, use the Remove NC Replica option to remove the directory partition from the local directory server.
0x800006D5Este servidor de directorio ya no está configurado para hospedar la siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones. Se produjo un error al intentar transmitir sus actualizaciones y transferir sus roles de maestro de operaciones (en su caso) a otro servidor de directorio porque no se ha encontrado otro servidor de directorio que hospede la partición de directorio de aplicaciones.%n%npartición de directorio de aplicaciones:%n%1%n%nUno o más servidores de directorio están configurados actualmente para hospedar la partición de directorio de aplicaciones, pero no se pudo encontrar una réplica de la partición de directorio de aplicaciones.%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nEsta advertencia puede ocurrir como resultado de una de las siguientes situaciones:%n%n- Los servidores de directorio configurados para hospedar esta partición de directorio de aplicaciones están sin conexión.%n- Los servidores de directorio configurados para hospedar esta partición de directorio de aplicaciones aún no han completado su replicación inicial de la partición de directorio de aplicaciones y no se registraron con el ubicador del controlador de dominio.%n- Este servidor de directorio no puede encontrar los servidores de directorio debido a un error de red o de búsqueda DNS. This directory server is no longer configured to host the following application directory partition. An attempt to transmit its updates and transfer its operations master roles (if any) to another directory server failed because no other directory server that hosts the application directory partition could be found.%n%nApplication directory partition:%n%1%n%nOne or more directory servers are currently configured to host the application directory partition, but no replica of the application directory partition could be located.%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nThis warning can occur as a result of one of the following situations:%n%n- The directory servers configured to host this application directory partition are offline.%n- The directory servers configured to host this application directory partition have not yet completed their initial replication of the application directory partition.%n- This directory server cannot find the directory servers due to a network or DNS lookup failure.
0x800006ECActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo asignar suficiente memoria para procesar una solicitud entrante. Este error ocurrió el siguiente número de veces en el siguiente período de tiempo.%n%nNúmero de veces que ocurrió:%n%1%nPeríodo de tiempo (minutos):%n%2%n%nSi sigue ocurriendo este evento, significa que existe una condición de memoria insuficiente en este servicio de directorio.%n%nAcción del usuario%nAumente la cantidad de memoria física disponible, el tamaño del archivo de paginación o el espacio de direcciones virtuales en este equipo. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to allocate sufficient memory to process an incoming request. This error has occurred the following number of times in the following time period.%n%nNumber of times occurred:%n%1%nTime period (minutes):%n%2%n%nIf this event continues to occur, a low memory condition on this directory service exists.%n%nUser Action%nIncrease the amount of available physical memory, pagefile size, or virtual address space on this computer.
0x800006EFActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo inicializar el paquete de actualización de Message Digest 5 (MD5) para LDAP con el siguiente código de estado.%n%nCódigo de estado:%n%1%n%nNo se admitirán enlaces de autenticación MD5 en la interfaz LDAP. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to initialize the LDAP Message Digest 5 (MD5) authentication package with the following status code.%n%nStatus code:%n%1%n%nMD5 authentication binds against the LDAP interface will not be supported.
0x800006FAEl objeto de vínculo del sitio %1 contiene menos de dos sitios.Se omitirá el vínculo de sitio. The site link object %1 contains fewer than two sites.The site link will be ignored.
0x80000700Una transacción se prolonga mucho más de lo previsto: %1 minutos y %2 segundos. (El que llama es %3.) Las transacciones prolongadas contribuyen a la disminución del almacén de versiones. Cuando el almacén de versiones se haya agotado, todas las operaciones de directorio producirán errores. Póngase en contacto con el Servicio de soporte técnico de Microsoft para obtener asistencia. A transaction lasts %1 minutes and %2 seconds, much longer than expected. (The caller is %3.) Long-running transactions contribute to the depletion of version store. When version store is exhausted all directory operations will fail. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services for assistance.
0x80000703La conexión %1 tiene un transportType %2 desconocido. Se eliminará. Connection %1 has unknown transportType %2. It will be deleted.
0x80000704La tarea de actualización de topología de replicación no pudo cambiar su prioridad de subproceso.El mensaje de error es:%n%n%1%nLa tarea de actualización continuará con la prioridad existente. The replication topology update task failed to change its thread priority.The error message is:%n%n%1%nThe update task will proceed at the existing priority.
0x80000705El KCC ha intentado realizar una conexión duplicada, pero esta operación seevitó correctamente. La conexión existente es%n%n%1%n%nSi este problema continúa, póngase en contacto con el servicio de soporte técnico de Microsoft para obtener ayuda. The KCC attempted to make a duplicate connection, but this operationwas successfully prevented. The existing connection is%n%n%1%n%nIf this issue persists, please contact Microsoft Product SupportServices for assistance.
0x80000707El KCC no pudo encontrar el objeto DSA de destino para la conexión%1. Es probable que se realizase una actualización del directorio mientras se estaba ejecutando elKCC. La ejecución del KCC se anulará. The KCC could not find the destination DSA object for connection%1. The most likely cause is a directory update while the KCC wasexecuting. The current KCC run will be aborted.
0x80000708Se hospedó una réplica parcial de la partición %1 en el sitio %2,pero no se encontraron orígenes de escritura para esa partición. A partial replica of partition %1 is hosted at site %2, but nowriteable sources could be found for this partition.
0x80000709La partición %1 debe hospedarse en el sitio %2, pero aún no se hancreado instancias. No obstante, el KCC no ha podido encontrar ningún host desdedonde replicar esta partición. The partition %1 should be hosted at site %2, but has not beeninstantiated yet. However, the KCC could not find any hosts fromwhich to replicate this partition.
0x8000070BEl servicio de mensajes entre sitios ha pasado una programación no válida alKCC. Esta programación se usa entre los sitios %1 y %2. Se usará unaprogramación donde siempre está disponible la replicación en lugar dede la programación no válida. The Intersite Messaging Service passed an invalid schedule tothe KCC. This schedule is for use between sites %1 and %2. Aschedule where replication is always available will be used insteadof the invalid schedule.
0x8000071EEl servicio de mensajes entre sitios no pudo detener elservidor RPC.%nEl mensaje de error es:%n%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 The Intersite Messaging Service failed to stop theRPC server.%nThe error message is as follows:%n%n%1%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%2
0x80000722Error en el servicio de mensajes entre sitios al leer un atributo crítico para elsitio %1. El sitio se está omitiendo. The Inter-Site Messaging Service failed to read a critical attribute forsite %1. The site is being ignored.
0x80000723Error en el servicio de mensajes entre sitios al leer un atributo crítico para el protocolo detransporte %1. El protocolo de transporte se está omitiendo. The Inter-Site Messaging Service failed to read a critical attribute fortransport %1. The transport is being ignored.
0x80000724El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) no ha agregado un vínculo con parámetros debido a un error anterior mientras se agregaba un vínculo desde este servicio de directorio de origen.%n%nPartición:%n%1%nDN de DSA de origen:%n%4%nDirección DSA origen:%n%2%nProtocolo de transporte entre sitios (en su caso):%n%5%n%nEl estado de error anterior ha sido:%n%n%3%n%nEsta operación se volverá a intentar.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) didn't add a link with parameters due to a previous failure while adding a link from this source directory service.%n%nPartition:%n%1%nSource DSA DN:%n%4%nSource DSA Address:%n%2%nInter-site Transport (if any):%n%5%n%nThe previous error status was:%n%n%3%n%nThis operation will be retried.%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%4
0x80000729Error en el servicio de mensajes entre sitios al eliminar el siguiente objeto de dominio SMTP de Internet Information Services (IIS).%n%nObjeto de dominio:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 The Intersite Messaging service failed to delete the following Internet Information Services (IIS) SMTP domain object.%n%nDomain object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0x8000072BError en el servicio de mensajes entre sitios al guardar cambios al siguiente objeto de dominio SMTP de Internet Information Services (IIS).%n%nObjeto de dominio:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 The Intersite Messaging service failed to commit changes to the following Internet Information Services (IIS) SMTP domain object.%n%nDomain object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0x8000072DError al intentar transferir el rol de maestro de operaciones representada por el objeto siguiente.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nRol de maestro de operaciones actual:%n%2%nRol de maestro de operaciones propuesta:%n%3%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 An attempt to transfer the operations master role represented by the following object failed.%n%nObject:%n%1%nCurrent operations master role:%n%2%nProposed operations master role:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4
0x8000072EUna operación de replicación que se inició a la hora siguiente se ha prolongado más de lo esperado. Como resultado, el siguiente número de operaciones está en espera en la cola de replicación.%n%nHora de inicio:%n%1%nOperaciones en espera:%n%2%n%nEsta situación suele ocurrir si se está replicando una partición de directorio nueva en el servidor de directorio local o si este servidor de directorio se ascendió recientemente a catálogo global. A replication operation that began at the following start time has been taking longer than expected to complete. As a result, the following number of operations is waiting in the replication queue.%n%nStart time:%n%1%nNumber of waiting operations:%n%2%n%nThis condition is typical if a new directory partition is being replicated to this directory server or this directory server has recently been promoted to a global catalog.
0x8000072FEl siguiente número de operaciones está esperando en la cola de replicación. La operación más antigua ha estado esperando desde hace este tiempo.%n%nTiempo:%n%1%nNúmero de operaciones en espera:%n%2%n%nEsta condición puede ocurrir si la carga de trabajo general de la replicación de este servicio de directorio es demasiado grande o el intervalo de replicación es demasiado pequeño. The following number of operations is waiting in the replication queue. The oldest operation has been waiting since the following time.%n%nTime:%n%1%nNumber of waiting operations:%n%2%n%nThis condition can occur if the overall replication workload on this directory service is too large or the replication interval is too small.
0x80000731Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not delete the following unneeded substring index.%n%nSubstring index:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4%nInternal ID:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not delete the following unneeded substring index.%n%nSubstring index:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4%nInternal ID:%n%2
0x80000733Mientras se replicaban cambios desde un servicio de directorio de origen, se detectó una solicitud para eliminar el siguiente objeto crítico del sistema. La eliminación se revertirá. El objeto se originó en el siguiente servidor de directorio.%n%nObjeto crítico del sistema:%n%1%nServidor de directorio de origen:%n%2%nMarca de tiempo de origen:%n%3%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no eliminará el objeto, pero lo marcará como autoritativo en la base de datos local. A continuación, este objeto seguirá replicándose en otros servidores de directorio.%n%nLos cambios realizados en el objeto justo antes de la operación de eliminación pueden haberse conservado o no. Es posible que no se hayan restaurado algunas referencias de nombre distintivo al objeto eliminado o desde él.%n%nAcción del usuario%nInspeccione el contenido de este objeto en otros servidores de dominio para ver si hay incoherencias. While replicating changes from a source directory service, a request to delete the following critical system object was detected. This deletion will be reversed. The object originated at the following directory server.%n%nCritical system object:%n%1%nOriginating directory server:%n%2%nOriginating timestamp:%n%3%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will not delete the object, but the object will be marked as authoritative on the local database. This object will then continue to replicate to other directory servers.%n%nChanges made to the object just before the deletion operation may or may not have been preserved. Some distinguished name references to or from the deleted object may not have been restored.%n%nUser Action%nInspect the contents of this object on the other directory servers for any inconsistencies.
0x80000734El controlador de dominio local no pudo conectar con el siguiente controlador de dominio, que hospeda la partición de directorio indicada, para resolver los nombres distintivos.%n%nControlador de dominio:%n%5%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %4%nId. interno:%n%3 The local domain controller could not connect with the following domain controller hosting the following directory partition to resolve distinguished names.%n%nDomain controller:%n%5%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %4%nInternal ID:%n%3
0x80000735El valor de atributo governsID para la siguiente clase de esquema duplica el valor governsID para una clase existente.%n%nClase:%n%1 (%2)%nClase existente:%n%3%n%nAmbas clases se consideran desactivadas (como si el valor de atributo isDefunct fuera TRUE). La condición se resolverá cuando la partición de directorio de esquema se replique correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi sigue ocurriendo este evento, inicie un ciclo de replicación con todos los asociados de replicación del servicio de directorio local. Si la situación continúa, desactive una de las clases anteriores estableciendo el valor isDefunct en TRUE. The governsID attribute value for the following schema class duplicates the governsID value for an existing class.%n%nClass:%n%1 (%2)%nExisting class:%n%3%n%nBoth classes are considered deactivated (as if the isDefunct attribute value were TRUE). The condition will resolve itself after the schema directory partition has replicated successfully.%n%nUser Action%nIf this event continues to occur, initiate a replication cycle with all replication partners of the local directory service. If the condition persists, deactivate one of the above classes by setting the isDefunct value to TRUE.
0x80000737El valor del atributo governsID para la siguiente clase de esquema duplica el valor AttributeID para un atributo existente.%n%nClase:%n%1 (%2)%nAtributo existente:%n%3 (%4, %5)%n%nLa clase y el atributo se consideran desactivados (como si el valor de atributo isDefunct fuera TRUE). La condición se resolverá cuando la partición de directorio de esquema se replique correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi sigue ocurriendo este evento, inicie un ciclo de replicación con todos los asociados de replicación del servicio de directorio local. Si la situación continúa, desactive una de las clases anteriores estableciendo el valor isDefunct en TRUE. The governsID attribute value for the following schema class duplicates the AttributeID value for an existing attribute.%n%nClass:%n%1 (%2)%nExisting attribute:%n%3 (%4, %5)%n%nThe class and the attribute are considered deactivated (as if the isDefunct attribute value were TRUE). The condition will resolve itself after the schema directory partition has replicated successfully.%n%nUser Action%nIf this event continues to occur, initiate a replication cycle with all replication partners of the local directory service. If the condition persists, deactivate one of the above classes by setting the isDefunct value to TRUE.
0x80000738El valor del atributo schemaIdGuid para la siguiente clase de esquema duplica el valor schemaIdGuid de una clase existente.%n%nClase:%n%1 (%2)%nClase existente:%n%3 (%4)%n%nAmbas clases se consideran desactivadas (como si el valor del atributo isDefunct fuera TRUE). La condición se resolverá cuando la partición de directorio de esquema se replique correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi sigue ocurriendo este evento, inicie un ciclo de replicación con todos los asociados de replicación del servicio de directorio local. Si la situación continúa, desactive una de las clases anteriores estableciendo el valor isDefunct en TRUE. The schemaIdGuid attribute value for the following schema class duplicates the schemaIdGuid value for an existing class.%n%nClass:%n%1 (%2)%nExisting class:%n%3 (%4)%n%nBoth classes are considered deactivated (as if the isDefunct attribute value were TRUE). The condition will resolve itself after the schema directory partition has replicated successfully.%n%nUser Action%nIf this event continues to occur, initiate a replication cycle with all replication partners of the local directory service. If the condition persists, deactivate one of the above classes by setting the isDefunct value to TRUE.
0x80000739El valor del atributo ldapDisplayName para la siguiente clase de esquema duplica el valor ldapDisplayName de una clase existente.%n%nClase:%n%1 (%2)%nClase existente:%n%3 (%4)%n%nAmbas clases se consideran desactivadas (como si el valor del atributo isDefunct fuera TRUE). La condición se resolverá cuando la partición de directorio de esquema se replique correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi sigue ocurriendo este evento, inicie un ciclo de replicación con todos los asociados de replicación del servicio de directorio local. Si la situación continúa, desactive una de las clases anteriores estableciendo el valor isDefunct en TRUE. The ldapDisplayName attribute value for the following schema class duplicates the ldapDisplayName value for an existing class.%n%nClass:%n%1 (%2)%nExisting class:%n%3 (%4)%n%nBoth classes are considered deactivated (as if the isDefunct attribute value were TRUE). The condition will resolve itself after the schema directory partition has replicated successfully.%n%nUser Action%nIf this event continues to occur, initiate a replication cycle with all replication partners of the local directory service. If the condition persists, deactivate one of the above classes by setting the isDefunct value to TRUE.
0x8000073AEl valor del atributo ldapDisplayName para la siguiente clase de esquema duplica el valor ldapDisplayName de un atributo existente.%n%nClase:%n%1 (%2)%nAtributo existente:%n%3 (%4, %5)%n%nLa clase y el atributo se consideran desactivados (como si el valor del atributo isDefunct fuera TRUE). La condición se resolverá cuando la partición de directorio de esquema se replique correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi sigue ocurriendo este evento, inicie un ciclo de replicación con todos los asociados de replicación del servicio de directorio local. Si la situación continúa, desactive una de las clases anteriores estableciendo el valor isDefunct en TRUE. The ldapDisplayName attribute value for the following schema class duplicates the ldapDisplayName value for an existing attribute.%n%nClass:%n%1 (%2)%nExisting attribute:%n%3 (%4, %5)%n%nThe class and the attribute are considered deactivated (as if the isDefunct attribute value were TRUE). The condition will resolve itself after the schema directory partition has replicated successfully.%n%nUser Action%nIf this event continues to occur, initiate a replication cycle with all replication partners of the local directory service. If the condition persists, deactivate one of the above classes by setting the isDefunct value to TRUE.
0x8000073BEl valor AttributeID del siguiente atributo se duplica en el siguiente atributo existente.%n%nAtributo:%n%1 (%2, %3)%nAtributo existente:%n%4 (%5, %6)%n%nAmbos atributos se consideran desactivados (como si el valor del atributo isDefunct fuera TRUE). La condición se resolverá cuando la partición de directorio de esquema se replique correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi sigue ocurriendo este evento, inicie un ciclo de replicación con todos los asociados de replicación del servicio de directorio local. Si la situación continúa, desactive una de las clases anteriores estableciendo el valor isDefunct en TRUE. The AttributeID value for the following attribute duplicates the AttributeID value for the following existing attribute.%n%nAttribute:%n%1 (%2, %3)%nExisting attribute:%n%4 (%5, %6)%n%nBoth attributes are considered deactivated (as if the isDefunct attribute value were TRUE). The condition will resolve itself after the schema directory partition has replicated successfully.%n%nUser Action%nIf this event continues to occur, initiate a replication cycle with all replication partners of the local directory service. If the condition persists, deactivate one of the above classes by setting the isDefunct value to TRUE.
0x8000073CEl valor schemaIdGuid del siguiente atributo duplica el valor schemaIdGuid para un atributo existente.%n%nAtributo:%n%1 (%2, %3)%nAtributo existente:%n%4 (%5, %6)%n%nAmbos atributos se consideran desactivados (como si el valor del atributo isDefunct fuera TRUE). La condición se resolverá cuando la partición de directorio de esquema se replique correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi sigue ocurriendo este evento, inicie un ciclo de replicación con todos los asociados de replicación del servicio de directorio local. Si la situación continúa, desactive una de las clases anteriores estableciendo el valor isDefunct en TRUE. The schemaIdGuid value for the following attribute duplicates the schemaIdGuid value for an existing attribute.%n%nAttribute:%n%1 (%2, %3)%nExisting attribute:%n%4 (%5, %6)%n%nBoth attributes are considered deactivated (as if the isDefunct attribute value were TRUE). The condition will resolve itself after the schema directory partition has replicated successfully.%n%nUser Action%nIf this event continues to occur, initiate a replication cycle with all replication partners of the local directory service. If the condition persists, deactivate one of the above classes by setting the isDefunct value to TRUE.
0x8000073DEl valor mapiID del siguiente atributo duplica el valor mapiID de un atributo existente.%n%nAtributo:%n%1 (%2, %3)%nAtributo existente:%n%4 (%5, %6)%n%nAmbos atributos se consideran desactivados (como si el valor del atributo isDefunct fuera TRUE). La condición se resolverá cuando la partición de directorio de esquema se replique correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi sigue ocurriendo este evento, inicie un ciclo de replicación con todos los asociados de replicación del servicio de directorio local. Si la situación continúa, desactive una de las clases anteriores estableciendo el valor isDefunct en TRUE. The mapiID value for the following attribute duplicates the mapiID value for an existing attribute.%n%nAttribute:%n%1 (%2, %3)%nExisting attribute:%n%4 (%5, %6)%n%nBoth attributes are considered deactivated (as if the isDefunct attribute value were TRUE). The condition will resolve itself after the schema directory partition has replicated successfully.%n%nUser Action%nIf this event continues to occur, initiate a replication cycle with all replication partners of the local directory service. If the condition persists, deactivate one of the above classes by setting the isDefunct value to TRUE.
0x8000073EEl valor ldapDisplayName del siguiente atributo duplica el valor ldapDisplayName de un atributo existente.%n%nAtributo:%n%1 (%2, %3)%nAtributo existente:%n%4 (%5, %6)%n%nAmbos atributos se consideran desactivados (como si el valor del atributo isDefunct fuera TRUE). La condición se resolverá cuando la partición de directorio de esquema se replique correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi sigue ocurriendo este evento, inicie un ciclo de replicación con todos los asociados de replicación del servicio de directorio local. Si la situación continúa, desactive una de las clases anteriores estableciendo el valor isDefunct en TRUE. The ldapDisplayName value for the following attribute duplicates the ldapDisplayName value for an existing attribute.%n%nAttribute:%n%1 (%2, %3)%nExisting attribute:%n%4 (%5, %6)%n%nBoth attributes are considered deactivated (as if the isDefunct attribute value were TRUE). The condition will resolve itself after the schema directory partition has replicated successfully.%n%nUser Action%nIf this event continues to occur, initiate a replication cycle with all replication partners of the local directory service. If the condition persists, deactivate one of the above classes by setting the isDefunct value to TRUE.
0x80000743Internal event: The current garbage collection interval is larger than the maximum value.%n%nCurrent garbage collection interval (hours):%n%1%nMaximum value:%n%2%nNew value:%n%3%n%nAs a result, the garbage collection interval has been set to a new value. Internal event: The current garbage collection interval is larger than the maximum value.%n%nCurrent garbage collection interval (hours):%n%1%nMaximum value:%n%2%nNew value:%n%3%n%nAs a result, the garbage collection interval has been set to a new value.
0x80000746Éste es el estado de replicación de la siguiente partición de directorio en este servidor de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nEste servidor de directorio no recibió la información de replicación de varios servidores de directorio en otros sitios dentro del intervalo de latencia configurado.%n%nNúmero de servidores de directorio:%n%2%nIntervalo de latencia (horas):%n%3%n%nEl intervalo de latencia puede modificarse con la siguiente clave del Registro.%n%nClave del Registro: %nHKLM\\%4\\Replicator latency error interval (hours)%n%nPara identificar a los servidores de directorio por el nombre, use la herramienta dcdiag.exe.%nTambién puede usar la herramienta de soporte repadmin.exe para mostrar las latencias de replicación de los servidores de directorio. El comando es \"repadmin /showvector /latency \". This is the replication status for the following directory partition on this directory server.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nThis directory server has not received replication information from a number of directory servers in other sites within the configured latency interval.%n%nNumber of directory servers:%n%2%nLatency Interval (Hours):%n%3%n%nThe latency interval can be modified with the following registry key.%n%nRegistry Key: %nHKLM\\%4\\Replicator latency error interval (hours)%n%nTo identify the directory servers by name, use the dcdiag.exe tool.%nYou can also use the support tool repadmin.exe to display the replication latencies of the directory servers. The command is \"repadmin /showvector /latency \".
0x80000749El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) no ha podido formar una topología de red de árbol de expansión completa. Como resultado, no se puede alcanzar la siguiente lista de sitios desde el sitio local.%n%nSitios:%n%1%n%2%n%3%n%4%n%5%n%6%n%7%n%8 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) was unable to form a complete spanning tree network topology. As a result, the following list of sites cannot be reached from the local site.%n%nSites:%n%1%n%2%n%3%n%4%n%5%n%6%n%7%n%8
0x8000074BNo se pudo iniciar la tarea que supervisa los cambios de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en la topología de sitios para el siguiente objeto de transporte entre sitios.%n%nObjeto de transporte entre sitios:%n%1%n%nEl problema puede deberse a una escasez de recursos temporal. La tarea se reiniciará.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 The task that monitors Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services for changes in the site topology for the following Intersite Transport object could not be started.%n%nIntersite Transport object:%n%1%n%nThe problem may have been caused by a temporary resource shortage. The task will be restarted.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0x8000074ELa siguiente partición de directorio del servicio de directorio local tiene el siguiente número de asociados de replicación, que supera el límite recomendado de asociados de replicación para una partición de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%2%nAsociados de replicación:%n%1%nLímite recomendado de asociados de replicación:%n%3%n%nAcción del usuario%nConfigure la topología de red de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services para reducir el número de asociados de replicación en este servicio de directorio. The following directory partition on the local directory service has the following number of replication partners, which exceed the recommended limit of replication partners for a directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%2%nReplication partners:%n%1%nRecommended replication partner limit:%n%3%n%nUser Action%nConfigure the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services network topology to reduce the number of replication partners at this directory service.
0x80000753Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó cambios en el tiempo base de replicación (como se indica en el atributo msDS-ReplicationEpoch del siguiente objeto) del controlador de dominio local. Esto suele ocurrir como parte del proceso de cambio de nombre de dominio.%n%nObjeto: %n%1%nTiempo base de replicación anterior: %n%2%nTiempo base de replicación nuevo: %n%3%n%nComo resultado, ya no se permite la replicación entre este controlador de dominio y los que usan el tiempo base de replicación anterior. La replicación solo puede realizarse con controladores de dominio que usen el tiempo base de replicación nuevo. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has detected that the replication epoch (as indicated by the msDS-ReplicationEpoch attribute of the following object) of the local domain controller has been changed. This typically occurs as part of the domain rename process.%n%nObject: %n%1%nOld replication epoch: %n%2%nNew replication epoch: %n%3%n%nAs a result, replication between this domain controller and domain controllers that are using the old replication epoch is no longer allowed. Replication can occur only with those domain controllers using the new replication epoch.
0x80000754El controlador de dominio local no puede replicarse con el siguiente controlador de dominio remoto porque el tiempo de replicación (msDS-ReplicationEpoch) no coincide. Normalmente se debe al proceso de cambio de nombre del dominio.%n%nControlador de dominio remoto: %n%1%nTiempo de replicación del controlador de dominio remoto: %n%2%nTiempo de replicación del controlador de dominio local: %n%3%n%nA los controladores de dominio que sufren un cambio de nombre del dominio no se les permite comunicarse con los controladores de dominio que aún no han realizado el cambio de nombre del dominio. Cuando todos los controladores de dominio hayan completado el cambio de nombre del dominio, se volverá a permitir la replicación. The local domain controller cannot replicate with the following remote domain controller because of a mismatched replication epoch (msDS-ReplicationEpoch). This typically occurs as part of the domain rename process.%n%nRemote domain controller: %n%1%nRemote domain controller replication epoch: %n%2%nLocal domain controller replication epoch: %n%3%n%nDomain controllers undergoing a domain rename are not allowed to communicate with those domain controllers that have not yet undergone the domain rename. When all domain controllers have completed the domain rename, replication will once again be allowed.
0x8000076DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudieron eliminar la entrada de inscripción automática para los Servicios de servidor de certificados.%n%nEste controlador de dominio puede seguir solicitando un certificado de controlador de dominio. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not delete the auto enrollment entry for Certificate Services.%n%nThis domain controller may continue to request a domain controller certificate.
0x80000777El período de replicación entre sitios para este sitio supera el período de elección de rol del generador de topología entre sitios. Esto puede provocar que el rol del generador de topología entre sitios conmute por error innecesariamente a otro servicio de directorio en este sitio.%n%nSitio: %n%1%nPeríodo de indisponibilidad: %n%2%nPeríodo recomendado en minutos: %n%3 %n%nAcción del usuario%nPara reparar este problema, configure la programación de replicación entre sitios en su valor predeterminado o ajuste el atributo interSiteTopologyFailover al objeto de configuración de sitio NTDS de este sitio al período recomendado en minutos, que aumenta el período de elección del generador entre sitios. The intrasite replication period for this site exceeds the intersite topology generator role election period. This may cause the intersite topology generator role to unnecessarily failover to another directory service in this site.%n%nSite: %n%1%nUnavailability period: %n%2%nRecommended period in minutes: %n%3%n%nUser Action%nTo repair this problem, either set the intrasite replication schedule to its default value, or adjust the interSiteTopologyFailover attribute on this site's NTDS Site Settings object to the recommended period in minutes, which increases the intersite generator election period.
0x80000781El servicio de copia de seguridad y restauración de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encontró un error inesperado mientras realizaba una operación de lectura del servicio de directorio.%n%nObjeto leído: %n%1%n%nLa operación de copia de seguridad y restauración no se completó correctamente.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%2 %3%nIdentificador interno: %n%4 The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services backup and restore service encountered a unexpected error while performing a directory service read operation.%n%nObject read: %n%1%n%nThe backup and restore operation was unsuccessful.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%2 %3%nInternal ID: %n%4
0x80000782Durante la degradación del controlador de dominio local, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo devolver esta cuenta de equipo a su estado original anterior a su promoción.%n%nNombre de la cuenta de equipo: %n%1%nRuta de acceso original de la cuenta de equipo: %n%3%n%nAcción del usuario%nMueva manualmente la cuenta de equipo del contenedor de controladores de dominio a la ruta de acceso original de la cuenta de equipo y establezca el atributo userAccountControl en 4096.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%4 %2 During the demotion of the local domain controller, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to move its computer account back to its original state prior to its promotion.%n%nComputer account name: %n%1%nOriginal computer account path: %n%3%n%nUser Action%nManually move the computer account found under the Domain Controllers container to the original computer account path and set its userAccountControl attribute to 4096.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%4 %2
0x80000783El Asistente para la instalación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (Dcpromo.exe) no pudo convertir la cuenta de equipo %1 en una cuenta de instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%nCompruebe que al usuario que ejecute Dcpromo.exe se le haya concedido el permiso de usuario \"Habilitar confianza con el equipo y las cuentas de usuario para delegación\" en la Directiva predeterminada de controladores de dominio.%nPara obtener más información, vea la sección de la resolución de The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Installation Wizard (Dcpromo.exe) was unable to convert the computer account %1 to an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance account.%nVerify that the user running Dcpromo.exe is granted the \"Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation\" user right in the Default Domain Controllers Policy.%nFor more information, see the resolution section of error was:
0x80000785Error al intentar establecer un vínculo de replicación para la siguiente partición de directorio de escritura.%n%nPartición de directorio: %n%1%nServicio de directorio de origen: %n%4%nDirección del servicio de directorio de origen: %n%2%nTransporte entre sitios (si existe): %n%5%n%nEste servicio de directorio no será capaz de replicarse con el servicio de directorio de origen hasta que se corrija este problema. %n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe si se puede tener acceso al servicio de directorio de origen o si la conexión de red está disponible.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%6 %3 The attempt to establish a replication link for the following writable directory partition failed.%n%nDirectory partition: %n%1%nSource directory service: %n%4%nSource directory service address: %n%2%nIntersite transport (if any): %n%5%n%nThis directory service will be unable to replicate with the source directory service until this problem is corrected.%n%nUser Action%nVerify if the source directory service is accessible or network connectivity is available.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%6 %3
0x80000786Error al intentar establecer un vínculo de replicación a una partición de directorio de solo lectura con los parámetros siguientes.%n%nPartición de directorio: %n%1%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%4%nDirección del controlador de dominio de origen: %n%2%nTransporte entre sitios (si existe): %n%5%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%6 %3 The attempt to establish a replication link to a read-only directory partition with the following parameters failed.%n%nDirectory partition: %n%1%nSource domain controller: %n%4%nSource domain controller address: %n%2%nIntersite transport (if any): %n%5%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%6 %3
0x80000788El servicio de ubicador del controlador de dominio seleccionó el controlador de dominio local para que fuera un catálogo global. No obstante, el controlador de dominio nunca completó una sincronización total de la siguiente partición de directorio. Se produjo un error en el último intento de sincronización.%n%nPartición de directorio: %n%1%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%2%nTransporte usado: %n%3%nÚltimo intento: %n%5%nErrores consecutivos: %n%6%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentará completar una sincronización total de esta partición de directorio periódicamente.%n%nUna condición previa para convertirse en un catálogo global es que todas las particiones de directorio que se hospedan en el controlador de dominio local deben completar al menos una sincronización total. Si el controlador de dominio local era recientemente un catálogo global y se degradó, es posible que la copia anterior de la partición de directorio se esté quitando.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%8 %7 The local domain controller has been selected by the domain controller locator service to be a global catalog. However, the domain controller has never completed a full synchronization of the following directory partition. The last synchronization attempt failed.%n%nDirectory partition: %n%1%nSource domain controller: %n%2%nTransport used: %n%3%nLast attempt: %n%5%nConsecutive failures: %n%6%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will attempt to complete a full synchronization of this directory partition periodically.%n%nA precondition to become a global catalog is that every directory partition hosted by the local domain controller must complete at least one full synchronization. If the local domain controller was recently a global catalog and was demoted, it is possible that the previous copy of the directory partition is in the process of being removed.%n%nAdditional data%nError value: %n%8 %7
0x80000799Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services quitará el siguiente objeto persistente del controlador de dominio local porque se eliminó y se recopiló durante la recolección de elementos no usados en el controlador de dominio de origen sin que se eliminara de este controlador de dominio.%n%nObjeto: %n%1 %nGUID del objeto: %n%2%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will remove the following lingering object on the local domain controller because it had been deleted and garbage collected on the source domain controller without being deleted on this domain controller.%n%nObject: %n%1%nObject GUID: %n%2%nSource domain controller: %n%3
0x8000079FActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentó reconstruir la memoria caché de objetos crossRef, pero se produjeron errores.%n%nIntervalo de reintento (minutos): %n%3%n%nDurante la siguiente replicación programada, se volverá a intentar reconstruir la operación de caché.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi esta operación sigue produciendo errores, reinicie el equipo local.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services attempted to rebuild the cache of crossRef objects but failed.%n%nRetry interval (minutes): %n%3%n%nAn attempt to rebuild the cache operation will be tried again at the next scheduled replication.%n%nUser Action%nIf this operation continues to fail, restart the local computer.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2
0x800007A7El servicio de mensajes entre sitios que usa el protocolo de transporte SMTP no ha podido quitar la carpeta de buzón. Quizá haya archivos en la carpeta que no puede quitar este servicio o quizá la carpeta esté protegida contra la eliminación.%n%nRuta de la carpeta de buzón: %n%1%n%nLos archivos no deseados permanecerán en la carpeta de buzón hasta que se quiten manualmente. The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport was not able to remove the drop folder. There may be files within the folder that cannot be removed by this service, or the folder itself may be protected against removal.%n%nDrop folder path: %n%1%n%nUnwanted files will remain in the drop folder until manually removed.
0x800007AFActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services encontró un error mientras intentaban almacenar en caché la pertenencia a grupos.%n%nNo se completó la tarea de almacenamiento en caché de la pertenencia a grupos. Sin embargo, esto no afectará al inicio de sesión de los usuarios. En el futuro, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentará almacenar en caché la pertenencia a grupos.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered an error while attempting to cache group memberships.%n%nThe group membership cache task did not complete. However, this will not affect users from logging on. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will attempt to cache group memberships in the future.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2
0x800007B1Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentó agregar un objeto crossRef, pero la referencia de nombre de la partición de directorio (atributo nCName) entra en conflicto con otro objeto, ya que hay dos particiones de directorio con el mismo nCName. Esto pudo ocurrir al agregar o eliminar el objeto crossRef, eliminar la partición y volver a agregar el objeto crossRef.%n%nObjeto crossRef: %n%1%nNombre anterior de la partición de directorio: %n%2%nNombre nuevo de la partición de directorio: %n%3%n%nNormalmente, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentará corregir automáticamente esta referencia de nombre conflictiva, pero existe otra partición de directorio con el mismo nombre.%n%nAcción del usuario%nElimine manualmente uno de los objetos crossRef correspondientes a la partición de directorio que no debe permanecer en el conjunto de configuración. Si elige mantener el objeto crossRef con el nombre conflictivo, ejecute el análisis semántico Dsdbutil para corregir la referencia de nombre. %n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%4 %5 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services attempted to add a crossRef object, but the directory partition name reference (nCName attribute) conflicts with another object because there are two directory partitions with the same nCName. This could have occurred when the crossRef object was added or deleted, the partition was deleted, and the crossRef object was added again.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%nOld directory partition name: %n%2%nNew directory partition name: %n%3%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services usually attempts to automatically correct this conflicting name reference, but another directory partition that has this name exists.%n%nUser Action%nManually delete one of the crossRef objects corresponding to the directory partition that should not remain in the configuration set. If you chose to keep the crossRef object with the conflicting name, you must run Dsdbutil semantic analysis to correct the name reference.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%4 %5
0x800007B2Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentó agregar un objeto crossRef, pero la referencia de nombre de la partición de directorio (atributo nCName) entra en conflicto con otro objeto. Esto pudo ocurrir al agregar o eliminar el objeto crossRef, eliminar la partición de directorio y volver a agregar el objeto crossRef.%n%nObjeto crossRef: %n%1%nNombre anterior de la partición de directorio: %n%2%nNombre nuevo de la partición de directorio: %n%3%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentó corregir la referencia de nombre, pero la operación no se ejecutó correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe si en el contenedor de particiones hay más de un objeto crossRef que haga referencia al mismo nombre de partición de directorio. Si es así, quite uno de los objetos crossRef. Si el formato del objeto crossRef que queda está en conflicto, ejecute el análisis semántico de base de datos Dsdbutil para corregir la referencia de nombre. %n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%4 %5 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services attempted to add a crossRef object, but the directory partition name reference (nCName attribute) conflicts with another object. This could have occurred when the crossRef object was added or deleted, the directory partition was deleted, and the crossRef object was added again.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%nOld directory partition name: %n%2%nNew directory partition name: %n%3%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services attempted to correct the name reference, but the operation failed.%n%nUser Action%nCheck the Partitions container to see if there is more than one crossRef object referring to the same directory partition name. If so, remove one of the crossRef objects. If the remaining crossRef object is in the conflicted form, it will be necessary to run Dsdbutil semantic database analysis to correct the name reference.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%4 %5
0x800007BCSe ha quitado anteriormente la lista de control de acceso predeterminada (ACL) en la siguiente clase de objeto DNS de dominio.%n%nLas siguientes particiones de directorio de aplicaciones y dominios creadas permitirán un acceso inseguro.%n%nAcción del usuario%nPara garantizar un acceso seguro a las particiones de directorio de aplicaciones y dominios creadas en el futuro, revierta el descriptor de seguridad predeterminado de la clase de objeto DNS de dominio del esquema a la configuración predeterminada. The default access control list (ACL) on the following Domain-DNS object class has been previously removed.%n%nAll subsequently created domain and application directory partitions will permit insecure access.%n%nUser Action%nTo secure access to domain and application directory partitions created in the future, revert the default security descriptor on the Domain-DNS object class in the schema back to the default setting.
0x800007C9Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services cancelled a remote procedure call (RPC) to the following directory service because of an impending shutdown.%n%ndirectory service: %n%2%nThread ID: %n%1%n%nUser Action%nWait for the directory service to shut down and perform the operation again.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services cancelled a remote procedure call (RPC) to the following directory service because of an impending shutdown.%n%ndirectory service: %n%2%nThread ID: %n%1%n%nUser Action%nWait for the directory service to shut down and perform the operation again.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%3
0x800007D9Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task failed to process the objects starting from the following container.%n%nStarting container:%n%3%nObjects processed:%n%4%n%nThe propagation task will be tried again in thirty minutes or when a security descriptor on any object changes, whichever comes first.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2 Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task failed to process the objects starting from the following container.%n%nStarting container:%n%3%nObjects processed:%n%4%n%nThe propagation task will be tried again in thirty minutes or when a security descriptor on any object changes, whichever comes first.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2
0x800007DAInternal event: The security descriptor propagation task has completed the propagation starting from the following container. However, it was unable to propagate to some objects in the subtree.%n%nThe propagations starting from these objects will be tried again in thirty minutes or when a security descriptor on any object changes, whichever comes first.%n%nStarting container:%n%1%nObjects processed:%n%2%nPropagations waiting in queue:%n%3 Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has completed the propagation starting from the following container. However, it was unable to propagate to some objects in the subtree.%n%nThe propagations starting from these objects will be tried again in thirty minutes or when a security descriptor on any object changes, whichever comes first.%n%nStarting container:%n%1%nObjects processed:%n%2%nPropagations waiting in queue:%n%3
0x800007DFActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo volver a generar la siguiente cantidad de índices debido a espacio en disco insuficiente en el directorio de trabajo. A fin de reducir el uso de espacio en disco temporal durante este proceso, se reinició el proceso para volver a generar índices con este nuevo tamaño de lote.%n%nÍndices: %n%1%nNuevo tamaño de lote: %n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to rebuild the following number of indices due to low disk space in the working directory. To reduce temporary disk space usage during this process, the index rebuild process is restarting with the following new batch size.%n%nIndices: %n%1%nNew batch size: %n%2
0x800007E3El siguiente objeto de conexión no tenía un valor de atributo transportType válido. Este valor se quitará del objeto de conexión. El proceso continuará.%n%nDN de objeto de conexión:%n%1%nValor transportType no válido:%n%2 The following connection object did not have a valid transportType attribute value. This value will be removed from the connection object. The process will continue.%n%nConnection object DN:%n%1%nInvalid transportType value:%n%2
0x800007E8Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to replicate the following object from the following remote directory server.%n%nObject: %n%2%nRemote directory server: %n%1%n%nThis directory server will try another method for retrieving and replicating the desired object.%n%nUser Action%nEnsure that replication can succeed between these two directory servers.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%3%nExtended error value: %n%4 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to replicate the following object from the following remote directory server.%n%nObject: %n%2%nRemote directory server: %n%1%n%nThis directory server will try another method for retrieving and replicating the desired object.%n%nUser Action%nEnsure that replication can succeed between these two directory servers.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%3%nExtended error value: %n%4
0x800007EDSe encontró un certificado en Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services local que indicaba pertenecer a un controlador de dominio con la siguiente cuenta de equipo. Este equipo no coincide con la identidad del controlador de dominio local. Por tanto, el certificado no se autenticó.%n%nGUID del objeto de cuenta de equipo:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nHaga que el equipo local se inscriba con el certificado más reciente. Primero, en la entidad de certificación, use el complemento de plantilla de certificado para incrementar la versión de plantilla en los certificados de replicación de correo electrónico y autenticación de dominios. Después, en el equipo local, use el complemento de certificado para forzar la reinscripción del nuevo certificado del controlador de dominio. A certificate found in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services claims to be from a domain controller with the following computer account. This computer does not match the identity of the local domain controller. As a result, the certificate was not authenticated.%n%nComputer account object GUID:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nHave the local computer enroll using the latest certificate. First, on the certificate authority, use the certificate template snapin to raise the template version on the email replication and domain authentication certificates. Second, on the local computer, use the certificate snapin to force the re-enrollment of the new domain controller certificate.
0x800007EENo se encontró el USN en el momento de la copia de seguridad. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services leerá la base de datos para intentar encontrar el mejor USN para usar.%n The USN at the time of backup was not found. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will read the database to attempt to locate the best USN to use.%n
0x800007F2Internal Event: Another directory server has attempted to replicate into this directory server an object which is not present in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database. This object was not identified as a lingering object.%n%n%nThe attribute set included in the update request is not sufficient to create the object. The object will be re-requested with a full attribute set and created on this directory server.%n%n%nSource directory server (Transport-specific network address):%n%4%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nDirectory partition:%n%3%nDestination highest property USN:%n%5 Internal Event: Another directory server has attempted to replicate into this directory server an object which is not present in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database. This object was not identified as a lingering object.%n%n%nThe attribute set included in the update request is not sufficient to create the object. The object will be re-requested with a full attribute set and created on this directory server.%n%n%nSource directory server (Transport-specific network address):%n%4%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nDirectory partition:%n%3%nDestination highest property USN:%n%5
0x800007F3Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo usar la siguiente secuencia de protocolo RPC.%n%nSecuencia de protocolo RPC:%n%1%n%nEsta secuencia de protocolo RPC no parece estar instalada. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentó registrarse con RPC mediante estasecuencia de protocolo, pero no lo consiguieron y, por lo tanto, no pueden usarla para comunicarse.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not use the following RPC protocol sequence.%n%nRPC protocol sequence:%n%1%n%nThis RPC protocol sequence does not appear to be installed. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services unsuccessfully attempted to register with RPCusing this protocol sequence, and therefore cannot use this protocol sequence for communication.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0x800007F4Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no puede usar el puerto TCP definido por el usuario debido a restricciones de memoria. En su lugar, se usaráun puerto elegido dinámicamente por RPC.%n Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services cannot use the user defined TCP port because of memory constraints. A dynamic RPC chosen port will be usedinstead.%n
0x800007FCActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services eliminó todos los índices Unicode como parte de la inicialización.%n%nLos índices eliminados volverán a generarse. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has deleted all Unicode indices as part of initialization.%n%nThese deleted indices will be rebuilt.
0x800007FETodas las colas de envío de LDAP de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services están llenas. Esto puede deberse a clientes que siguen enviando solicitudes másrápidamente de lo que procesan los resultados. Para impedir que el servidor dejede responder como consecuencia de esta situación, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services cerró %1 conexiones que no se habían enlazado como administradores. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services seguirácerrando conexiones hasta que se haya recuperado espacio suficiente en la cola de envío para el funcionamiento normal. All of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services's LDAP send queues are full. This can be caused byclients that continue to send requests faster than they are processing theresults. In order to prevent the server from becoming unresponsive as a resultof this condition Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has closed %1 connections that are notbound as Administrators. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will continue to close connectionsuntil enough send queue space has been recovered to operate normally.
0x80000803El comprobador de coherencia de la información detectó una oscilación de conexión potencial. La conexión siguiente (o parecidas) se ha creado o eliminado repetidamente. La conexión está siendo retenida durante el período de tiempo indicado y no se eliminaráde nuevo hasta que haya trascurrido este período de tiempo.%n%nObjeto de conexión: %n%1%nGuid DSA de destino: %n%2%nDSA de origen: %n%3%nGuid DSA de origen: %n%4%nOpciones: %n%5%nPeríodo de retención (segundos): %n%6%nTolerancia de eliminación repetida: %n%7%nId. interno de punto de eliminación: %n%8%n%nAcción del usuario:%n%nLa conexión de conmutación por error frecuente durante la creación o eliminación puede ser un signo de la inestabilidad de la cabeza de puente. Compruebelas cabezas de puente para comprobar los problemas de conectividad o replicación. La directiva de conmutación por error se puede ajustarusando el Registro. The Knowledge Consistency Checker has detected a potential connection oscillation. Thefollowing connection (or ones like it) has been repeatedly created and deleted. Theconnection is now being retained for the time period indicated and will not be deletedagain until that time period has elapsed.%n%nConnection object: %n%1%nDestination DSA Guid: %n%2%nSource DSA: %n%3%nSource DSA Guid: %n%4%nOptions: %n%5%nRetention Period (secs): %n%6%nRepeated Deletion Tolerance: %n%7%nDeletion Point Internal ID: %n%8%n%nUser action:%n%nFrequent failover connection creation and deletion may be a sign of bridgehead instability. Pleasecheck bridgeheads for connectivity or replication problems. Failover policy may also be adjustedusing the registry.
0x80000804Se creó una nueva conexión para resolver los problemas de conectividad de la cabeza de puente local.%n%nAunque haya una o varias conexiones entre los dos sitios siguientes, no pueden seleccionarse porque las cabezas de puente no responden. Es posible que estas cabezas de puente no funcionen o que la replicación de estas cabezas presente errores.%n%nSe está creando una nueva conexión de conmutación por error de cabeza de puente en un intento de restablecer la conectividad en la topología. Estas conexiones temporales se quitarán una vez que las cabezas de puente funcionen de nuevo. Se trata de una respuesta normal para corregir la topología.%n%nSe creó una conexión de replicación del servidor de directorio de origen a este servidor de directorio.%n%nServidor de directorio de origen:%n%1%nServidor de directorio local:%n%2%n%nDatos adicionales:%nCódigo de motivo:%n0x%3%nIdentificador interno del punto de creación:%n%4%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe si se han producido errores previamente en la cabeza de puente. Compruebe que las cabezas de puente responden. Compruebe los errores de replicación y corríjalos en las cabezas de puente mediante herramientas de supervisión como repadmin.exe o dcdiag.exe. Si no desea usar este tipo de conmutación por error, ajuste las claves del Registro que controlan esta directiva de conmutación por error. Una conmutación por error frecuente puede ser un signo de conectividad de cabezas de puente intermitente o de inestabilidad de las cabezas de puente.%n A new connection has been created to address local bridgehead connectivity issues.%n%nAlthough one or more connections exist between the following two sites, they are considered ineligible because their bridgeheads are not responding. The bridgeheads may be down, or replication with these bridgeheads is failing.%n%nA new bridgehead failover connection is being created in an attempt to reestablish connectivity in the topology. These temporary connections will be removed once the bridgeheads are functioning again. This is a normal response to correct the topology.%n%nA replication connection was created from the following source directory server to this directory server.%n%nSource directory server:%n%1%nLocal directory server:%n%2%n%nAdditional data:%nReason Code:%n0x%3%nCreation Point Internal ID:%n%4%n%nUser Action%nCheck for previous bridgehead errors. Verify that bridgeheads are responding. Check for and correct replication errors on bridgeheads using monitoring tools such as repadmin.exe or dcdiag.exe. If this failover is not desired, please adjust the registry keys controlling failover policy. Frequent failover may be a sign of intermittent bridgehead connectivity or bridgehead instability.%n
0x80000805Se creó una nueva conexión para resolver los problemas de conectividad del sitio.%n%nPuede que haya uno o varios sitios que no estén disponibles en la topología. Es posible que estos sitios no estén disponibles por errores de configuración del vínculo del sitio o debido a que las cabezas de puente de estos sitios presentan errores. El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) está intentando modificar la topología y excluir estos sitios. Esta nueva conexión pasa por alto los sitios que no están disponibles.%n%nSe está creando una nueva conexión de conmutación por error en un intento de restablecer la conectividad en la topología. Estas conexiones temporales se quitarán una vez que los sitios funcionen de nuevo. Se trata de una respuesta normal para corregir la topología.%n%nSe creó una conexión de replicación del servidor de directorio de origen al servidor de directorio local.%n%nServidor de directorio de origen:%n%1%nServidor de directorio local:%n%2%n%nDatos adicionales:%nCódigo de motivo:%n0x%3%nIdentificador interno del punto de creación:%n%4%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe si se han producido errores previamente en la cabeza de puente o en el sitio. Compruebe que los vínculos del sitio estén configurados correctamente. Compruebe que las cabezas de puente responden. Compruebe los errores de replicación de las cabezas de puente y corríjalos mediante herramientas de supervisión como repadmin.exe o dcdiag.exe. Si no desea usar este tipo de conmutación por error, ajuste las claves del Registro que controlan esta directiva de conmutación por error. Una conmutación por error frecuente puede ser un signo de conectividad de cabezas de puente intermitente o de inestabilidad de las cabezas de puente.%n A new connection has been created to address site connectivity issues.%n%nOne or more sites are unreachable in the topology. The sites may be unreachable due to site link configuration errors, or by bridgeheads in those sites having errors. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is attempting to reform the topology by excluding those sites. This new connection bypasses sites that are down.%n%nA new failover connection is being created in an attempt to reestablish connectivity in the topology. These temporary connections will be removed once the sites are functioning again. This is a normal response to correct the topology.%n%nA replication connection was created from the following source directory server to the local directory server.%n%nSource directory server:%n%1%nLocal directory server:%n%2%n%nAdditional data:%nReason Code:%n0x%3%nCreation Point Internal ID:%n%4%n%nUser Action%nCheck for previous site or bridgehead errors. Verify that site links are configured correctly. Verify that bridgeheads are responding. Check for and correct replication errors on bridgeheads using monitoring tools such as repadmin.exe or dcdiag.exe. If this failover is not desired, please adjust the registry keys controlling failover policy. Frequent failover may be a sign of intermittent bridgehead connectivity or bridgehead instability.%n
0x80000806El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) creó una nueva conexión de conmutación por error de cabeza de puente porque las siguientes cabezas de puente usadas por las conexiones de sitio existentes no respondían o no se replicaban.%n%nServidores:%n%1%n%2%n%3%n%4%n%5%n%6%n%7%n%8 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) created a new bridgehead failover connection because the following bridgeheads used by existing site connections were not responding or replicating.%n%nServers:%n%1%n%2%n%3%n%4%n%5%n%6%n%7%n%8
0x80000809Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo eliminar la siguiente clave del Registro. El valor predeterminadode esta clave cambió porque el nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración se estableció en Windows Server 2003 o superior.Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentó eliminar la clave existente y usar el nuevo valor predeterminado.%n%nClave del Registro: %1\\%2%nValor actual: %3%nNuevo valor predeterminado:%4%n%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi desea que Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services use el nuevo valor predeterminado, elimine manualmentela anterior clave del Registro.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%5 %6 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not delete the following registry key. The default value of thiskey has changed because the configuration set functional level has been set to Windows Server 2003 or greater.Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services attempted to delete the existing key and use the new default value.%n%nRegistry key: %1\\%2%nCurrent value: %3%nNew default value:%4%n%n%nUser Action%nIf you would like Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services to use the new default value, manually delete the abovekey from the registry.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%5 %6
0x8000080AEl valor predeterminado de la siguiente clave del Registro cambió porque el nivel funcional del conjunto deconfiguración se estableció en Windows Server 2003 o superior. Sin embargo, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no puede usarel nuevo valor predeterminado porque la clave ya tiene un valor.%n%nClave del Registro: %1\\%2%nValor actual: %3%nNuevo valor predeterminado: %4%n%nAcción del usuario:%nSi desea que Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services use el nuevo valor predeterminado, elimine manualmentela anterior clave del Registro. Si desea mantener el valor actual, no es necesario que realice ninguna acción. The default value of the following registry key has changed because the configuration set functionallevel has been set to Windows Server 2003 or greater. However Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services cannot use the new defaultvalue because the key already has a value.%n%nRegistry key: %1\\%2%nCurrent value: %3%nNew default value: %4%n%nUser Action:%nIf you would like Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services to use the new default value, manually delete the abovekey from the registry. If you want to retain the current value, there is no action required.
0x8000080DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo cambiar el estado de la base de datos durante la operación de copia de seguridad. Como resultado, la próxima vez que reinicie el equipo, este servicio de directorio cambiará innecesariamente el identificador de invocación.%n%nAcción del usuario %nSi este evento ocurre con frecuencia, puede hacer que el tamaño del vector de actualización de este servicio de directorio aumente rápidamente.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %1 %2 During a backup operation, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not change the state of the database. As a result, on the next reboot, this directory service will unnecessarily change its invocation ID.%n%nUser Action%nIf this event occurs frequently, it could cause the Uptodateness Vector on this directory service to rapidly increase in size.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %1 %2
0x80000812Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó un error al intentar volver a generar la tabla de seguimiento de cuotas en segundo plano. Se volverá a intentar reanudar la generación de la tabla de seguimiento de cuotas en %4 segundos.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error:%n%1 (0x%2)%n%3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered a failure while attempting to rebuild the quota-tracking table in the background. Another attempt to resume rebuilding of the quota-tracking table will be made in %4 seconds.%n%nAdditional data:%nError value:%n%1 (0x%2)%n%3
0x80000824El Agente de servicios de directorio ha detectado un objeto con unGUID NULL y ha actualizado el GUID con el siguiente valor.%n%nDatos adicionales%nNombre de objeto:%n%1%nGUID asignado:%n%2 The Directory Service Agent has detected an object with a NULL GUID andupdated the GUID with the following value.%n%nAdditional Data%nObject name:%n%1%nAssigned GUID:%n%2
0x80000825Internal event: An LDAP over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection could not be established with a client.%n%nClient network address:%n%3%nProtocol:%n%4%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %5%nInternal ID:%n%2 Internal event: An LDAP over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection could not be established with a client.%n%nClient network address:%n%3%nProtocol:%n%4%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %5%nInternal ID:%n%2
0x80000828Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo usar DNSpara resolver la dirección IP del siguiente controlador de dominio de origen.Para mantener la coherencia de los grupos de seguridad, la directiva de grupo,los usuarios y equipos y sus contraseñas, Active Directory LightweightDirectory Services se replicaron correctamente mediante el nombre de equipoNetBIOS o completo del controlador de dominio de origen.%n%nEs posible que una configuración DNS no válida esté afectando a otras operaciones esenciales en equipos miembro, controladores de dominio oservidores de aplicaciones en este bosque de Active Directory LightweightDirectory Services, incluida la autenticación de inicio de sesión o el acceso arecursos de red.%n%nResuelva inmediatamente este error de configuración DNS para que estecontrolador de dominio pueda resolver la dirección IP del controlador dedominio de origen por medio de DNS.%n%nNombre del servidor alternativo:%n %1%nNombre del host DNS con errores:%n %2%n%nNOTA: de manera predeterminada, solo se muestran 10 errores DNS por cada período de 12 horas, aunque se produzcan más de 10. Para registrar todoslos eventos de error individuales, establezca el siguiente valor dediagnóstico del Registro en 1:%n%nRuta del Registro:%nHKLM\\%5\\%6%n%nAcción del usuario:%n%n 1) Si el controlador de dominio de origen ya no está funcionando o si susistema operativo se reinstaló con un nombre de equipo o GUID de objeto NTDSDSAdiferente, quite los metadatos del controlador de dominio de origen conntdsutil.exe, siguiendo los pasos que se describen en el artículo de MSKB216498.%n%n 2) Confirme que el controlador de dominio de origen esté ejecutando Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services y sea accesible desde lared; escriba \"net view \\\\\" o \"ping \".%n%n 3) Compruebe que el controlador de dominio de origen esté usando un servidorDNS válido para los servicios DNS, y que el registro de host y el registroCNAME del controlador de dominio de origen estén registrados correctamente, pormedio de la versión mejorada de DNS de DCDIAG.EXE, disponible en dcdiag /test:dns%n%n 4) Compruebe que este controlador de dominio de destino esté usando un servidor DNS válido para los servicios DNS, mediante la ejecución de laversión mejorada de DNS del comando DCDIAG.EXE en la consola del controladorde dominio de destino, tal como se muestra a continuación:%n%n dcdiag /test:dns%n%n 5) Para obtener un análisis más detallado de los errores DNS, vea elartículo de KB 824449:%n adicionales%nValor de error:%n %3 %4%n Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not use DNS to resolve the IP address of thesource domain controller listed below. To maintain the consistency ofSecurity groups, group policy, users and computers and their passwords,Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services successfully replicated using the NetBIOS or fully qualifiedcomputer name of the source domain controller.%n%nInvalid DNS configuration may be affecting other essential operations on membercomputers, domain controllers or application servers in this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Servicesforest, including logon authentication or access to network resources.%n%nYou should immediately resolve this DNS configuration error so that thisdomain controller can resolve the IP address of the source domain controller usingDNS.%n%nAlternate server name:%n %1%nFailing DNS host name:%n %2%n%nNOTE: By default, only up to 10 DNS failures are shown for any given 12 hourperiod, even if more than 10 failures occur. To log all individual failureevents, set the following diagnostics registry value to 1:%n%nRegistry Path:%nHKLM\\%5\\%6%n%nUser Action:%n%n 1) If the source domain controller is no longer functioning or its operatingsystem has been reinstalled with a different computer name or NTDSDSA objectGUID, remove the source domain controller's metadata with ntdsutil.exe, usingthe steps outlined in MSKB article 216498.%n%n 2) Confirm that the source domain controller is running Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services andis accessible on the network by typing \"net view \\\\\" or\"ping \".%n%n 3) Verify that the source domain controller is using a valid DNS server forDNS services, and that the source domain controller's host record and CNAMErecord are correctly registered, using the DNS Enhanced versionof DCDIAG.EXE available on dcdiag /test:dns%n%n 4) Verify that this destination domain controller is using a valid DNSserver for DNS services, by running the DNS Enhanced version of DCDIAG.EXEcommand on the console of the destination domain controller, as follows:%n%n dcdiag /test:dns%n%n 5) For further analysis of DNS error failures see KB 824449:%n Data%nError value:%n %3 %4%n
0x80000829No se ha hecho una copia de seguridad de esta partición de directorio desde por lo menos el siguiente número de días.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%n\"Intervalo de latencia de copia de seguridad\" (días):%n%2%n%nSe recomienda hacer una copia de seguridad tan frecuentemente como sea posible para recuperarse de cualquier pérdida accidental de datos. Sin embargo, si no ha hecho una copia de seguridad desde por lo menos el número de días indicado en el \"intervalo de latencia de copia de seguridad\", este mensaje se registrará diariamente hasta que se haga una copia de seguridad. Puede haceruna copia de seguridad de cualquier réplica que contenga esta partición.%n%nDe manera predeterminada, el \"intervalo de latencia de copia de seguridad\" se establece como la mitad del \"intervalo de vigencia de objetos de desecho\". Si desea cambiar el \"intervalo de latencia de copia de seguridad\" predeterminado, agregue la siguiente clave del Registro.%n%nClave del Registro de \"intervalo de latencia de copia de seguridad\" (días):%n%3\\%4%n This directory partition has not been backed up since at least the following number of days.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%n'Backup latency interval' (days):%n%2%n%nIt is recommended that you take a backup as often as possible to recover from accidentalloss of data. However if you haven't taken a backup since at least the 'backup latency interval'number of days, this message will be logged every day until a backup is taken. You can takea backup of any replica that holds this partition.%n%nBy default the 'Backup latency interval' is set to half the 'Tombstone Lifetime Interval'. Ifyou want to change the default 'Backup latency interval', you could do so by adding thefollowing registry key.%n%n'Backup latency interval' (days) registry key:%n%3\\%4%n
0x8000082A%nNo se puede establecer ni leer la propiedad del siguiente rol FSMO.%n%nNo se podrá realizar ninguna operación que requiera ponerse en contacto con un maestro de operaciones FSMO hasta que esta condición se corrija.%n%nRol FSMO: %1%n%nAcción de usuario:%n%n1. Determine qué servidor debe contener el rol en cuestión.%n2. Determine si la función se estableció correctamente en el servidor que contiene el rol FSMO. Si el rol no está establecido, use NTDSUTIL.EXE para transferirlo o asumirlo. Esto puede realizarse por medio de los pasos proporcionados en los artículos de KB 255504 y 324801, disponibles en Compruebe que la replicación de la partición FSMO entre el servidor que contiene el rol FSMO y este servidor se esté realizando correctamente. %nOwnership of the following FSMO role is not set or could not be read.%n%nOperations which require contacting a FSMO operation master will fail until this condition iscorrected.%n%nFSMO Role: %1%n%nUser Action:%n%n1. Determine which server should hold the role in question.%n2. Determine whether the role is set properly on the FSMO role holder server. If the role is not set, utilize NTDSUTIL.EXE to transfer or seize the role. This may be done using the steps provided in KB articles 255504 and 324801 on Verify that replication of the FSMO partition between theFSMO role holder server and this server is occurring successfully.
0x8000082B%nLa propiedad del siguiente rol FSMO está establecida en un servidor que se eliminó o no existe.%n%nLas operaciones que requieran ponerse en contacto con un maestro de operaciones FSMO producirán errores hasta que se corrija esta situación.%n%nRol FSMO: %1%nDN del servidor FSMO: %2%n%nAcción del usuario:%n%n1. Determine qué servidor debe contener el rol en cuestión.%n2. Es posible que la vista de configuración no esté actualizada. Si el servidor encuestión se promovió recientemente, compruebe que la partición de configuración se haya replicado recientemente desde el nuevo servidor. Si el servidor en cuestiónse degradó recientemente y el rol se transfirió, compruebe que el servidor haya replicado recientemente la partición que contiene la propiedad más reciente del rol.%n3. Determine si el rol se estableció correctamente en el servidor que contiene el rol FSMO. Si el rol no está establecido, use NTDSUTIL.EXE para transferirlo o asumirlo. Esto puede realizarse por medio de los pasos que se proporcionan en los artículos de KB 255504 y 324801, disponibles en Compruebe que la replicación de la partición FSMO entre el servidor que contiene el rol FSMO y este servidor se esté realizando correctamente.%n%nPuede que las siguientes operaciones se vean afectadas:%nEsquema: ya no podrá modificar el esquema de este bosque.%nNomenclatura de dominios: ya no podrá agregar ni quitar dominios en este bosque.%nPDC: ya no podrá realizar operaciones de controlador de dominio principal, como actualizar directivas de grupo o restablecer contraseñas para cuentas que no pertenezcan a Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%nRID: ya no podrá asignar nuevos identificadores de seguridad para nuevas cuentas de usuario, cuentas de equipo ni grupos de seguridad.%nInfraestructura: las referencias de nombre entre dominios, como la pertenencia a grupos universales, no se actualizarán correctamente si el objeto de destino se mueve o cambia de nombre. %nOwnership of the following FSMO role is set to a server which is deleted or does not exist.%n%nOperations which require contacting a FSMO operation master will fail until this condition iscorrected.%n%nFSMO Role: %1%nFSMO Server DN: %2%n%nUser Action:%n%n1. Determine which server should hold the role in question.%n2. Configuration view may be out of date. If the server in question has been promoted recently,verify that the Configuration partition hasreplicated from the new server recently. If the server in question has been demoted recently and therole transferred, verify that this server has replicated the partition (containing the latest roleownership) lately.%n3. Determine whether the role is set properly on the FSMO role holder server. If the role is not set, utilize NTDSUTIL.EXE to transfer or seize the role. This may be done using the steps provided in KB articles 255504 and 324801 on Verify that replication of the FSMO partition between theFSMO role holder server and this server is occurring successfully.%n%nThe following operations may be impacted:%nSchema: You will no longer be able to modify the schema for this forest.%nDomain Naming: You will no longer be able to add or remove domains from this forest.%nPDC: You will no longer be able to perform primary domain controller operations, such as Group Policy updates and password resets for non-Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services accounts.%nRID: You will not be able to allocation new security identifiers for new user accounts, computer accounts or security groups.%nInfrastructure: Cross-domain name references, such as universal group memberships, will not be updated properly if their target object is moved or renamed.
0x8000082C%nEste servidor es propietario del siguiente rol FSMO, pero no lo considera válido. Para la partición que contiene el FSMO, este servidor no se replicó correctamente con ninguno de sus asociados desde que se reinició. Los errores de replicación están impidiendo la validación de esta función.%n%nLas operaciones que requieran ponerse en contacto con un maestro de operaciones FSMO producirán errores hasta que se corrija esta situación.%n%nRol FSMO: %1%n%nAcción del usuario:%n%n1. La sincronización inicial es la primera replicación realizada por un sistema al iniciarse. Un error de sincronización inicial puede ser la causa de que un rol FSMO no pueda validarse. Este proceso se describe en el artículo de KB 305476.%n2. Este servidor tiene uno o varios asociados de replicación, y se están produciendo errores en la replicación de todos estos asociados. Use el comando repadmin / showrepl para mostrar los errores de replicación. Corrija el error encuestión. Por ejemplo, pueden existir problemas con la conectividad IP, la resolución de nombres DNS o la autenticación de seguridad que estén impidiendo una replicación correcta.%n3. Si el hecho de que todos los asociados de replicación se desconecten es un comportamiento esperado, lo que es raro que ocurra (quizá debido al mantenimiento o a una recuperación ante desastres), es posible forzar la validación de este rol. Use NTDSUTIL.EXE para que el mismo servidor asuma el rol. Para ello, siga los pasos que se proporcionan en los artículos de KB 255504 y 324801, disponibles en que las siguientes operaciones se vean afectadas:%nEsquema: ya no podrá modificar el esquema de este bosque.%nNomenclatura de dominios: ya no podrá agregar ni quitar dominios en este bosque.%nPDC: ya no podrá realizar operaciones de controlador de dominio principal, como actualizar directivas de grupo o restablecer contraseñas para cuentas que no pertenezcan a Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%nRID: ya no podrá asignar nuevos identificadores de seguridad para nuevas cuentas de usuario, cuentas de equipo ni grupos de seguridad.%nInfraestructura: las referencias de nombre entre dominios, como la pertenencia a grupos universales, no se actualizarán correctamente si el objeto de destino se mueve o cambia de nombre. %nThis server is the owner of the following FSMO role, but does not consider it valid. For thepartition which contains the FSMO, this server has not replicated successfully with any of itspartners since this server has been restarted. Replication errors are preventing validation ofthis role.%n%nOperations which require contacting a FSMO operation master will fail until this condition iscorrected.%n%nFSMO Role: %1%n%nUser Action:%n%n1. Initial synchronization is the first early replications done by a system as it is starting. A failure to initially synchronize may explain why a FSMO role cannot be validated. This process is explained in KB article 305476.%n2. This server has one or more replication partners, and replication is failing for all of thesepartners. Use the command repadmin /showrepl to display the replication errors. Correct the errorin question. For example there maybe problems with IP connectivity, DNS name resolution, orsecurity authentication that are preventing successful replication.%n3. In the rare event that all replication partners are expected to be offline (for example, because of maintenance or disaster recovery), you can force the role to be validated. This can be done by using NTDSUTIL.EXE to seize the role to the same server. This may be done using the steps provided in KB articles 255504 and 324801 on following operations may be impacted:%nSchema: You will no longer be able to modify the schema for this forest.%nDomain Naming: You will no longer be able to add or remove domains from this forest.%nPDC: You will no longer be able to perform primary domain controller operations, such as Group Policy updates and password resets for non-Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services accounts.%nRID: You will not be able to allocation new security identifiers for new user accounts, computer accounts or security groups.%nInfrastructure: Cross-domain name references, such as universal group memberships, will not be updated properly if their target object is moved or renamed.
0x8000082D%nEl servidor remoto propietario de un rol FSMO no responde. Este servidor no se replicó con el propietario del rol FSMO recientemente.%n%nLas operaciones que requieran ponerse en contacto con un maestro de operaciones FSMO producirán errores hasta que se corrija esta situación.%n%nRol FSMO: %1%nDN del servidor FSMO: %2%nUmbral de latencia (horas): %3%nTiempo transcurrido desde la última replicación correcta (horas): %4%n%nAcción del usuario:%n%nEste servidor no se replicó correctamente con el servidor que contiene el rol FSMO.%n1. Es posible que el servidor que contiene el rol FSMO no funcione o no responda. Solucione el problema de este servidor.%n2. Determine si la función se estableció correctamente en el servidor que contiene el rol FSMO. Si el rol necesita ajustarse, use NTDSUTIL.EXE para transferirla o asumirla. Para ello, siga los pasos que se proporcionan en los artículos de KB 255504 y 324801, disponibles en Si el servidor que contiene el rol FSMO era un controlador de dominio, pero no se degradó correctamente, entonces los objetos que representanal servidor seguirán en el bosque. Esto puede ocurrir si se reinstaló el sistema operativo para un controlador de dominio o si se forzó una eliminación. Dichos objetos con estado persistente deben eliminarse por medio del rol de limpieza de metadatos NTDSUTIL.EXE.%n4. Es posible que el contenedor del rol FSMO no sea un asociado de replicación directo. Si se trata de un asociado indirecto o transitivo, entonces existe al menos un asociado de replicación intermedio por el que deben pasar los datos de replicación. La latencia de replicación total de un extremo a otro debe ser inferior al umbral de latencia de replicación; de lo contrario, puede que esta advertencia se notifique prematuramente.%n5. La replicación está bloqueada en alguna parte de la ruta de servidores, entre el servidor que contiene el rol FSMO y este servidor. Consulte el plan de topología del bosque para determinar la posible ruta de replicación entre estos servidores. Compruebe el estado de la replicación por medio del comando repadmin / showrepl en cada uno de dichos servidores.%n%nEs posible que las siguientes operaciones se vean afectadas:%nEsquema: ya no podrá modificar el esquema de este bosque.%nNomenclatura de dominios: ya no podrá agregar ni quitar dominios en este bosque.%nPDC: ya no podrá realizar operaciones de controlador de dominio principal, como actualizar directivas de grupo o restablecer contraseñas para cuentas que no pertenezcan a Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%nRID: ya no podrá asignar nuevos identificadores de seguridad para nuevas cuentas de usuario, cuentas de equipo ni grupos de seguridad.%nInfraestructura: las referencias de nombre entre dominios, como la pertenencia a grupos universales, no se actualizarán correctamente si el objeto de destino se mueve o cambia de nombre. %nThe remote server which is the owner of a FSMO role is not responding. This server has notreplicated with the FSMO role owner recently.%n%nOperations which require contacting a FSMO operation master will fail until this condition iscorrected.%n%nFSMO Role: %1%nFSMO Server DN: %2%nLatency threshold (hours): %3%nElapsed time since last successful replication (hours): %4%n%nUser Action:%n%nThis server has not replicated successfully with the FSMO role holder server.%n1. The FSMO role holder server may be down or not responding. Please address the problem withthis server.%n2. Determine whether the role is set properly on the FSMO role holder server. If the role needs to be adjusted, utilize NTDSUTIL.EXE to transfer or seize the role. This may be done using the steps provided in KB articles 255504 and 324801 on If the FSMO role holder server used to be a domain controller, but was not demoted successfully,then the objectsrepresenting that server are still in the forest. This can occur if a domain controller has itsoperating system reinstalled or if a forced removal is performed. These lingering state objectsshould be removed using the NTDSUTIL.EXE metadata cleanup function.%n4. The FSMO role holder may not be a direct replication partner. If it is an indirect ortransitive partner, then there are one or more intermediate replication partners through whichreplication data must flow. The total end to end replication latency should be smaller than thereplication latency threshold, or else this warning may be reported prematurely.%n5. Replication is blocked somewhere along the path of servers between the FSMO role holderserver and this server. Consult your forest topology plan to determine the likely route forreplication between these servers. Check the status of replication using repadmin /showrepl ateach of these servers.%n%nThe following operations may be impacted:%nSchema: You will no longer be able to modify the schema for this forest.%nDomain Naming: You will no longer be able to add or remove domains from this forest.%nPDC: You will no longer be able to perform primary domain controller operations, such as Group Policy updates and password resets for non-Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services accounts.%nRID: You will not be able to allocation new security identifiers for new user accounts, computer accounts or security groups.%nInfrastructure: Cross-domain name references, such as universal group memberships, will not be updated properly if their target object is moved or renamed.
0x8000082EAdvertencia de rendimiento: la replicación se retrasó al aplicar los cambios al siguiente objeto. Si este mensaje se muestra con frecuencia, indica que la replicación se realiza con lentitud y que es posible que el servidor tengadificultades para asimilar los cambios.%nDN de objeto: %1%n%nGUID del objeto: %2%n%nDN de partición: %3%n%nServidor: %4%n%nTiempo transcurrido (s): %5%n%n%nAcción del usuario%n%nUna causa común de este retraso es que el tamaño o el número de los valores de este objeto es particularmente elevado. Considere primero si la aplicación puede cambiarse para reducir la cantidad de datos o el número de valores almacenados en el objeto. Si se trata de un grupo o una lista de distribución extensos, considere elevar el nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración a Windows Server 2003 o posterior, ya que esto permitirá que la replicación funcione con mayor eficiencia. Evalúe si la plataforma de servidor proporciona el rendimiento suficiente en términos de memoria y capacidad de procesamiento. Finalmente, considere ajustar la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services moviendo la base de datos y los registros a particiones de disco diferentes.%n%nSi desea cambiar el límite de advertencia, la clave del Registro se incluye a continuación. El valor cero deshabilitará la comprobación.%n%nDatos adicionales%n%nLímite de advertencia (s): %6%n%nClave del Registro del límite: %7%n Performance warning: replication was delayed while applying changes to the following object. If thismessage occurs frequently, it indicates that the replication is occurring slowly and that the servermay have difficulty keeping up with changes.%nObject DN: %1%n%nObject GUID: %2%n%nPartition DN: %3%n%nServer: %4%n%nElapsed Time (secs): %5%n%n%nUser Action%n%nA common reason for seeing this delay is that this object is especially large, either in the sizeof its values, or in the number of values. You should first consider whether the application canbe changed to reduce the amount of data stored on the object, or the number of values. If this isa large group or distribution list, you might consider raising the configuration set functional level to Windows Server2003 or greater, since this will enable replication to work more efficiently. You should evaluate whether theserver platform provides sufficient performance in terms of memory and processing power. Finally, youmay want to consider tuning the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database by moving the database and logs to separatedisk partitions.%n%nIf you wish to change the warning limit, the registry key is included below. A value of zero willdisable the check.%n%nAdditional Data%n%nWarning Limit (secs): %6%n%nLimit Registry Key: %7%n
0x80000843El nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración no es lo bastante elevado como para completar la adición de particiones de directorio de aplicaciones durante la instalación del directorio. Por lo tanto, las particiones de directorio de aplicaciones especificadas no se agregarán a esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services durante la instalación.%nSi desea hacer que este servidor sea una réplica de una partición de directorio de aplicaciones, vuelva a agregar esta partición de aplicaciones después de que se complete la instalación.%n%n%nId. interno:%n%1%n%n The configuration set functional level is not high enough to complete addition of application directorypartitions during installation of the directory. Therefore specified application directory partitions will not be added to this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance during installation.%nIf you would like to make this server a replica of an application directory partition, you could re-add these application partition after the installation is complete.%n%n%nInternal ID:%n%1%n%n
0x8000084FInternal event: The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to verify or update the state of the phantom object 1 (error %2). The phantom will be checked at a later time. Internal event: The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to verify or update the state of the phantom object 1 (error %2). The phantom will be checked at a later time.
0x80000850Internal event: The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to delete the obsolete column %1 because the column is in use in an index. If this situation persists after the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is restarted, it may indicate a database consistency problem. Internal event: The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to delete the obsolete column %1 because the column is in use in an index. If this situation persists after the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is restarted, it may indicate a database consistency problem.
0x80000856Evento interno: el intervalo de recolección de elementos no utilizados es menor que el valor mínimo.%n%nIntervalo actual de recolección de elementos no utilizados (horas):%n%1%nValor mínimo:%n%2%nValor nuevo:%n%3%n%nComo resultado, el intervalo de recolección de elementos no utilizados se estableció en un valor nuevo. Internal event: The current garbage collection interval is smaller than the minimum value.%n%nCurrent garbage collection interval (hours):%n%1%nMinimum value:%n%2%nNew value:%n%3%n%nAs a result, the garbage collection interval has been set to a new value.
0x80000857Internal event: An attempt to add the following value to the following attribute was detected. This value already exists on some object in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services does not prevent such duplicate values. Duplicate values of this attribute in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database may lead to error conditions in applications that rely on this attribute. The attempt to add the duplicate value may have succeeded.%n%nAttribute name:%n%1%nAttribute value:%n%2 Internal event: An attempt to add the following value to the following attribute was detected. This value already exists on some object in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services does not prevent such duplicate values. Duplicate values of this attribute in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database may lead to error conditions in applications that rely on this attribute. The attempt to add the duplicate value may have succeeded.%n%nAttribute name:%n%1%nAttribute value:%n%2
0x8000085FSe ha habilitado una característica opcional en este controlador de dominio. No obstante, el nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración no es compatible con el comportamiento completo de esta característica opcional.%n%nEsto podría deberse a un retraso en la replicación de un cambio en el nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración en esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, y podría corregirse de forma automática. Si el problema continúa, podría ser necesaria una intervención manual.%n%nAcción del usuario%nEleve el nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración al menos hasta el nivel funcional mínimo necesario.%n%nCaracterística opcional: %1%nNivel funcional mínimo necesario: %2%nNivel funcional actual: %3%n An optional feature is enabled on this DC. However, the functional level of the configuration set is incompatible with the complete behavior of this optional feature.%n%nThis condition could be due to a delay in replication to this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance of a change to the functional level of the configuration set, and may correct itself automatically. If this condition persists, manual intervention may be necessary.%n%nUser Action%nRaise the functional level of the configuration set to at least the minimum required functional level.%n%nOptional feature: %1%nMinimum required functional level: %2%nCurrent functional level: %3%n
0x80000860El controlador de dominio local interrumpió la replicación con el siguiente controlador de dominio remoto porque identificó un cambio en un valor de vínculo donde se debe realizar una recolección de elementos no usados del valor de vínculo ahora. Si se llevó a cabo esta replicación, se podría producir un valor vinculado persistente. El controlador de dominio local iniciará un ciclo inmediato de recolección de elementos no usados.%nLa replicación con el controlador de dominio remoto no puede continuar hasta que se haya realizado localmente la recolección de elementos no usados del objeto.%n%nControlador de dominio remoto: %n%2%nObjeto local que contiene el valor de vínculo en el que se debe realizar la recolección de elementos no usados: %n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi este problema continúa, busque en el registro de eventos los posibles errores del sistema o de la recolección de elementos no usados. The local domain controller interrupted replication with the following remote domain controller because it identified a change to a link value where the link value is to be garbage collected now. If this replication took place, it could cause a lingering linked value. The local domain controller will initiate an immediate garbage collection cycle.%nReplication with the remote domain controller cannot continue until the object has been successfully garbage collected locally.%n%nRemote domain controller: %n%2%nLocal object holding the link value to be garbage collected: %n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf this condition persists, check the event log for possible system or garbage collection errors.
0x80000861El controlador de dominio local interrumpió la replicación con el siguiente controlador de dominio remoto porque identificó un cambio en un objeto donde se debe realizar una recolección de elementos no usados del objeto ahora. Si se llevó a cabo esta replicación, se podría producir un objeto persistente. El controlador de dominio local iniciará un ciclo inmediato de recolección de elementos no usados.%nLa replicación con el controlador de dominio remoto no puede continuar hasta que se haya realizado localmente la recolección de elementos no usados del objeto.%n%nControlador de dominio remoto: %n%2%nObjeto local en el que se debe realizar la recolección de elementos no usados: %n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi este problema continúa, busque en el registro de eventos los posibles errores del sistema o de la recolección de elementos no usados. The local domain controller interrupted replication with the following remote domain controller because it identified a change to an object where the object is to be garbage collected now. If this replication took place, it could cause a lingering object. The local domain controller will initiate an immediate garbage collection cycle.%nReplication with the remote domain controller cannot continue until the object has been successfully garbage collected locally.%n%nRemote domain controller: %n%2%nLocal object to be garbage collected: %n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf this condition persists, check the event log for possible system or garbage collection errors.
0x80000863Internal event: The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services tried to detect and fix any renamed ncName attribute in crossRef objects. But Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed when processing a crossRef (error %2). The crossRef will be checked again at later time.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2%nInternal ID:%n%3 Internal event: The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services tried to detect and fix any renamed ncName attribute in crossRef objects. But Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed when processing a crossRef (error %2). The crossRef will be checked again at later time.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2%nInternal ID:%n%3
0x8000087ASe detectó un cambio de id. de generación.%n%nId. de generación almacenado en caché en DS (valor antiguo):%n%1%nId. de generación actualmente en VM (valor nuevo):%n%2%n%nEl cambio de id. de generación se produce después de la aplicación de una instantánea de máquina virtual, después de una operación de importación de máquina virtual o después de una operación de migración en vivo. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services creará un nuevo id. de invocación para recuperar el controlador de dominio. Los controladores de dominio virtualizados no deben restaurarse con instantáneas de máquina virtual. El método admitido para restaurar o revertir el contenido de una base de datos de Servicios de dominio de Active Directory consiste en restaurar una copia de seguridad del estado del sistema realizada con una aplicación de copia de seguridad compatible con Servicios de dominio de Active Directory. A Generation ID change has been detected.%n%nGeneration ID cached in DS (old value):%n%1%nGeneration ID currently in VM (new value):%n%2%n%nThe Generation ID change occurs after the application of a virtual machine snapshot, after a virtual machine import operation or after a live migration operation. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will create a new invocation ID to recover the domain controller. Virtualized domain controllers should not be restored using virtual machine snapshots. The supported method to restore or rollback the content of an Active Directory Domain Services database is to restore a system state backup made with an Active Directory Domain Services aware backup application.
0x80000884No se pudo establecer el atributo msDS-GenerationId del objeto de equipo del controlador de dominio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nCódigo de error:%n%1 Failed to set the msDS-GenerationId attribute of the Domain Controller's computer object.%n%nAdditional Data%nFailure code:%n%1
0x8000089BError en la última clonación del controlador de dominio virtual. Éste es el primer reinicio desde entonces, por lo que debería ser un reintento de la clonación. Sin embargo, no existe un archivo de configuración del clon del controlador de dominio virtual. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services se reiniciará normalmente. El estado del controlador de dominio restaurado no está garantizado.%n%nSi se produjo un error en la clonación del controlador de dominio virtual, el estado del controlador de dominio con errores será incierto. Se recomienda reintentar la clonación o descartar la imagen con errores. Last virtual domain controller cloning failed. This is the first reboot since then so this should be a re-try of the cloning. However, virtual domain controller clone configuration file does not exist. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will boot up normally. The state of the restored domain controller is not guaranteed.%n%nIf virtual domain controller cloning failed, the state of the failed domain controller is uncertain. It's recommended to either retry the cloning or discard the failed image.
0x80000962Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered an error while attempting to remove the following expired link history value:%n%nSource Object:%n%2%nTarget Object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %5%nInternal ID:%n%4 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered an error while attempting to remove the following expired link history value:%n%nSource Object:%n%2%nTarget Object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %5%nInternal ID:%n%4
0x80000967Este servidor de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo encontrar el objeto de característica opcional \"%1\". No existe ninguna indicación de que la característica opcional \"%1\" se vaya a guardar. Cree el objeto de característica opcional \"%1\". This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services server was unable to locate the \"%1\" optional feature object. No indication that the \"%1\" optional feature is will be saved. Create the \"%1\" optional feature object.
0x800009CDEl servicio de directorio no pudo abrir un puerto TCP para uso exclusivo.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nNúmero de puerto:%n%1%nValor de error:%n%2 %3 The Directory Service failed to open a TCP port for exclusive use.%n%nAdditional Data:%nPort number:%n%1%nError Value:%n%2 %3
0x800009D0No pudo establecerse una conexión mutuamente autenticada con el siguiente servidor. Esta conexión volverá a intentarse con un nivel de autenticación menor.%nDSA:%n%1%nNombre de entidad de seguridad de servicio:%n%5%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error:%n%3 %2%n%nAcción del usuario:%nPuede aplicarse la autenticación mutua actualizando la siguiente clave del Registro y/o estableciendo el valor apropiado de msDS-ReplAuthenticationMode en la partición de configuración en AD LDS.%nClave del Registro:%n%6%nInformación interna:%n%4 A mutually authenticated connection could not be established to the following server. This connection will beretried at a lower authentication level.%nDSA:%n%1%nService Principal Name:%n%5%n%nAdditional Data:%nError value:%n%3 %2%n%nUser Action:%nMutual authentication can be enforced by updating the following registry key and/or in AD LDS by settingthe appropriate msDS-ReplAuthenticationMode value on the configuration partition.%nRegistry Key:%n%6%nInternal Info:%n%4
0x800009D7Un script está disponible en la siguiente ubicación para actualizar los nombres de entidad de seguridad de servicio de las siguientes cuentas. Esto se necesita para que la autenticación mutua se establezca correctamente en conexiones de entrada.%n%nUbicación:%n%2%nCuenta:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario:%nEste script debe ser ejecutado por un administrador de dominio para la cuenta mencionada. A script is available at the following location to update the service principal names for the following account which are needed for mutual authentication to succeed on inboundconnections.%n%nLocation:%n%2%nAccount:%n%1%n%nUser Action:%nThis script must be run by a domain administrator for the account in question.
0x800009D9Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo inicializar el sistema de seguridad de auditoría. Se ejecutará con la auditoría deshabilitada.No se generarán auditorías de seguridad.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to initialize auditing security system. It will run with auditing disabled.No security audits will be generated.%n%nAdditional Data:%nError value:%n%1 %2
0x800009E8El servidor de directorio no pudo actualizar el objeto serviceConnectionPoint de AD LDS en Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.La operación se intentará de nuevo.%n%nDatos adicionales%nDN del objeto SCP:%n%1%nValor de error:%n%2 %3%nError de servidor:%n%4%nIdentificador interno:%n%5%nCuenta de servicio de AD LDS:%n%6%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi AD LDS se está ejecutando bajo una cuenta de servicio local, no podrá actualizar los datos en Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.Considere cambiar la cuenta de servicio de AD LDS a Servicio de red o a una cuenta de dominio.%n%nSi AD LDS se está ejecutando bajo una cuenta de usuario de dominio, asegúrese de que esta cuenta tenga derechos suficientes para actualizar el objeto serviceConnectionPoint.%n%nPuede deshabilitar la publicación del objeto serviceConnectionPoint para esta instancia estableciendo el atributo msDS-DisableForInstances en el objeto de configuración de publicación SCP. The directory server has failed to update the AD LDS serviceConnectionPoint object in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.This operation will be retried.%n%nAdditional Data%nSCP object DN:%n%1%nError value:%n%2 %3%nServer error:%n%4%nInternal ID:%n%5%nAD LDS service account:%n%6%n%nUser Action%nIf AD LDS is running under a local service account, it will be unable to update the data in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.Consider changing the AD LDS service account to either NetworkService or a domain account.%n%nIf AD LDS is running under a domain user account, make sure this account has sufficient rights to update theserviceConnectionPoint object.%n%nServiceConnectionPoint object publication can be disabled for this instance by setting msDS-DisableForInstancesattribute on the SCP publication configuration object.
0x800009E9El servidor de directorio no pudo crear el objeto serviceConnectionPoint de AD LDS en Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.La operación se intentará de nuevo.%n%nDatos adicionales%nDN del objeto SCP:%n%1%nValor de error:%n%2 %3%nError de servidor:%n%4%nIdentificador interno:%n%5%nCuenta de servicio de AD LDS:%n%6%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi AD LDS se está ejecutando bajo una cuenta de servicio local, no podrá actualizar los datos en Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.Considere cambiar la cuenta de servicio de AD LDS a Servicio de red o a una cuenta de dominio.%n%nSi AD LDS se está ejecutando bajo una cuenta de usuario de dominio, asegúrese de que esta cuenta tenga derechos suficientes para crear el objeto serviceConnectionPoint.%n%nPuede deshabilitar la publicación del objeto serviceConnectionPoint para esta instancia estableciendo el atributo msDS-DisableForInstances en el objeto de configuración de publicación SCP. The directory server has failed to create the AD LDS serviceConnectionPoint object in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.This operation will be retried.%n%nAdditional Data%nSCP object DN:%n%1%nError value:%n%2 %3%nServer error:%n%4%nInternal ID:%n%5%nAD LDS service account:%n%6%n%nUser Action%nIf AD LDS is running under a local service account, it will be unable to update the data in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.Consider changing the AD LDS service account to either NetworkService or a domain account.%n%nIf AD LDS is running under a domain user account, make sure this account has sufficient rights to create theserviceConnectionPoint object.%n%nServiceConnectionPoint object publication can be disabled for this instance by setting msDS-DisableForInstancesattribute on the SCP publication configuration object.
0x800009EAEl servidor de directorio detectó que se cambió la cuenta de servicio usada para ejecutar este servicio.%n%nPueden producirse errores de replicación si dos o más instancias de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services del mismo conjunto de configuración cambian simultáneamente las cuentas de servicio bajo las que se están ejecutando dichas instancias.%n%nDatos adicionales%nCuenta de servicio anterior:%n%1%nCuenta de servicio nueva:%n%2%n%nAcción del usuario%nPara obtener más información acerca de estos posibles errores de replicación y cómo corregirlos si se dan, vea The directory server has detected that the service account used to run this service has been changed.%n%nReplication failures may occur if two or more Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instances in the same configuration set simultaneously change the service accounts under which those instances are running.%n%nAdditional Data%nOld service account:%n%1%nNew service account:%n%2%n%nUser Action%nFor more information on these potential replication failures and how to correct them if they occur, please see
0x800009F1Seleccionó una cuenta de servicio del sistema para esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Como este equipo no es miembro de ningún dominio, esta instancia no podrá replicar datos con la instancia de AD LDS en otros equipos mientras use esta cuenta de servicio. You have selected a system service account for this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance. Because this computer is not a member of a domain, this instance will not be able to replicate data with AD LDS instance on other computers while using this service account.
0x80000A10El servicio de directorio revirtió la eliminación. Es posible que a este servicio de directorio le tome tiempo volver a operar totalmente.%n%nAcción del usuario:%nDetenga el sistema y reinícielo. The directory service has rolled back the removal. This directory service might take several minutes to become fully operational.%n%nUser Action:%nStop and restart the service.
0x80000B02El servicio de directorio no pudo abrir un puerto UDP para uso exclusivo.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nNúmero de puerto:%n%1%nValor de error:%n%2 %3%nDirección IP%n %4 The Directory Service failed to open a UDP port for exclusive use.%n%nAdditional Data:%nPort number:%n%1%nError Value:%n%2 %3%nIP Address%n %4
0x80000B0CLa cuenta de equipo %1 no es una cuenta de instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. The computer account %1 is not an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance account.
0x80000B13El servicio de directorio local detectó un valor serverReference incorrecto en el siguiente objeto de servidor.%n%nObjeto de servidor:%n%1%nValor esperado:%n%2 The local directory service has detected an incorrect serverReference value on the following server object.%n%nServer object:%n%1%nExpected value:%n%2
0x80000B14Mensaje no usado. unused message.
0x80000B19Se producirá un error en la copia de seguridad de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services porque el usuario solicitó la detención de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services durante el proceso de copia de seguridad. El identificador de invocación puede cambiar al iniciar AD LDS.%n%nAcción del usuario%nAsegúrese de que esto no ocurra con frecuencia. Compruebe que no haya ningún script ejecutando una copia de seguridad de estado del sistema al mismo tiempo que se detiene el servicio AD LDS.%n The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services backup will be failed, because the user requested the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services stop during the backup process. The invocation ID may be changed on AD LDS startup.%n%nUser Action%nEnsure this does not regularly occur. Check that scripts are not running an system state backup concurrently with stopping the AD LDS service.%n
0x80000B1CEl comprobador de coherencia de la información localizó una conexión de replicación para el servicio de directorio local de solo lectura, pero el servidor de origen no responde o no se está replicando. Se elegirá un nuevo servidor de origen y se actualizará una instancia de escritura del servicio de directorio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nConexión: %n%1%nServidor de origen: %n%2%n The Knowledge Consistency Checker located a replication connection for the local read-only directory service, but the source server is not responsive or not replicating. A new source server will be chosen and a writable directory service instance will be updated.%n%nAdditional Data%nConnection: %n%1%nSource Server: %n%2%n
0x80000B24Solicitud de ordenación LDAP VLV para usar el índice PHABVIEW. El índice no existe.%n LDAP VLV sort request to use PHABVIEW index. Index does not exist.%n
0x80000B33Internal event: Failed building Address Book hierarchy table. Exceeded Address book nesting limit of 50. Internal event: Failed building Address Book hierarchy table. Exceeded Address book nesting limit of 50.
0x80000B36El servicio de directorio no pudo establecer la supervisión de cambios en el almacén de certificados para las conexiones LDAPS.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error:%n%1%nAlmacén de certificados:%n%2%n The Directory Service could not establish change monitoring on the certificate store for LDAPS connections.%n%nAdditional data:%nError value:%n%1%nCertificate store:%n%2%n
0x80000B37El servicio de directorio no pudo establecer la supervisión de cambios en el almacén de certificados para las conexiones LDAPS.No se pudo abrir el almacén de certificados %2, y es probable que no exista.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error:%n%1%n The Directory Service could not establish change monitoring on the certificate store for LDAPS connections.The %2 certificate store could not be opened, and may not exist.%n%nAdditional data:%nError value:%n%1%n
0x80000B3DDurante el ciclo de replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, el controlador de dominio (DC) remoto especificado indicó que el vector deactualización especificado por el DC local en una solicitud de replicación no era válido.No obstante, se comprobó que el vector de actualización del DC local era válido.%n%nDC remoto:%n%1%nPartición:%n%2%n During an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication cycle, the specified remote domain controller (DC) indicated that theup-to-dateness vector specified by the local DC in a replication request was invalid.However, the local DC's up-to-dateness vector was verified to be valid.%n%nRemote DC:%n%1%nPartition:%n%2%n
0x80000B3EDurante una solicitud de replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, el controlador de dominio (DC) local detectó un vector de actualizaciónlocal no válido para la partición especificada.%n%nSi no se resuelve inmediatamente, este escenario dará lugar a incoherencias en las bases de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Servicesde este DC.%nEl usuario eligió pasar por alto este problema por su cuenta y riesgo.%nAcciones del usuario:%nFuerce la degradación del DC.%n%nPartición:%n%1%n During an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication request, the local domain controller (DC) detected an invalid localup-to-dateness vector for the specified partition.%n%nIf not resolved immediately, this scenario will result in inconsistencies in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services databasesof this DC.%nThe user has chosen to ignore this problem at their own peril.%nUser Actions:%nForcibly demote the DC.%n%nPartition:%n%1%n
0x80000B46La seguridad de este servidor de directorio puede mejorar de forma notablesi se configura el servidor para que rechace los enlaces LDAP de tipo SASL(Negotiate, Kerberos, NTLM o Digest) que no soliciten ninguna firma(comprobación de integridad) y los enlaces LDAP simples que se realizan en una conexión de texto no cifrado (sin cifrado SSL/TLS). Aunque no haya ningún cliente usando dichos enlaces, si configura el servidor para que los rechace, mejorará la seguridad de este servidor.%n%nEs probable que algunos clientes se basen actualmente en enlaces SASL sinfirmar o en enlaces LDAP simples a través de una conexión que no sea SSL/TLS, ydejarán de funcionar si se realiza este cambio de configuración. Para ayudarle aidentificar estos clientes, si se realizan enlaces de este tipo, este servidorde directorio registrará un evento de resumen cada 24 horas que indique cuántos enlaces de este tipo se han realizado. Es conveniente que configure estos clientes para que no usen este tipo de enlaces. Cuando deje de observar este tipo de eventos durante un largo período, es recomendable que configure el servidor para que rechace este tipo de enlaces.%n%nPara obtener más detalles e información sobre cómo realizar este cambio de configuración en el servidor, vea habilitar un registro adicional para registrar un evento cada vez que uncliente realice un enlace de este tipo que incluya información sobre el clienteque realizó el enlace. Para ello, aumente el valor de la categoría de registro de eventos \"Eventos de interfaz LDAP\" al nivel 2 o a un nivel superior. The security of this directory server can be significantly enhanced by configuring the server to reject SASL (Negotiate,Kerberos, NTLM, or Digest) LDAP binds that do not request signing (integrity verification) and LDAP simple binds thatare performed on a clear text (non-SSL/TLS-encrypted) connection. Even if no clients are using such binds,configuring the server to reject them will improve the security of this server.%n%nSome clients may currently be relying on unsigned SASL binds or LDAP simple binds over a non-SSL/TLS connection,and will stop working if this configuration change is made. To assist in identifying these clients, if such binds occur thisdirectory server will log a summary event once every 24 hours indicating how many such bindsoccurred. You are encouraged to configure those clients to not use such binds. Once no such events are observedfor an extended period, it is recommended that you configure the server to reject such binds.%n%nFor more details and information on how to make this configuration change to the server, please see can enable additional logging to log an event each time a client makes such a bind, includinginformation on which client made the bind. To do so, please raise the setting for the \"LDAP Interface Events\" event logging categoryto level 2 or higher.
0x80000B47%nDurante el último período de 24 horas, algunos clientes intentaron realizar enlaces LDAP del siguiente tipo:%n(1) Un enlace LDAP de tipo SASL (Negotiate, Kerberos, NTLM o Digest) que no solicitó ninguna firma (comprobación de integridad), o bien%n(2) Un enlace LDAP simple que se realizó en una conexión de texto no cifrado (sin cifrado SSL/TLS)%n%nEste servidor de directorio no está actualmente configurado para rechazar estetipo de enlaces. La seguridad de este servidor de directorio puede mejorar de forma notable si lo configura de forma que rechace este tipo de enlaces. Para obtener más detalles e información sobre cómo realizar este cambio de configuración en el servidor, vea continuación, se muestra información de resumen sobre el número de enlaces de este tipo recibidos durante las últimas 24 horas.%n%nPuede habilitar un registro adicional para registrar un evento cada vez que uncliente realice un enlace de este tipo que incluya información sobre el clienteque realizó el enlace. Para ello, aumente el valor de la categoría de registro de eventos \"Eventos de interfaz LDAP\" al nivel 2 o a un nivel superior.%n%nNúmero de enlaces simples realizados sin SSL/TLS: %1%nNúmero de enlaces Negotiate/Kerberos/NTLM/Digest realizados sin firma: %2 %nDuring the previous 24 hour period, some clients attempted to perform LDAP binds that were either:%n(1) A SASL (Negotiate, Kerberos, NTLM, or Digest) LDAP bind that did not request signing (integrity validation), or%n(2) A LDAP simple bind that was performed on a clear text (non-SSL/TLS-encrypted) connection%n%nThis directory server is not currently configured to reject such binds. The security of this directory server can besignificantly enhanced by configuring the server to reject such binds. For more details and information on how to makethis configuration change to the server, please see information on the number of these binds received within the past 24 hours is below.%n%nYou can enable additional logging to log an event each time a client makes such a bind, including informationon which client made the bind. To do so, please raise the setting for the \"LDAP Interface Events\" event logging categoryto level 2 or higher.%n%nNumber of simple binds performed without SSL/TLS: %1%nNumber of Negotiate/Kerberos/NTLM/Digest binds performed without signing: %2
0x80000B55El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) no eliminó el siguiente objeto de conexión.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nEl KCC no eliminó este objeto de conexión para evitar objetos de conexión persistentes en otras instancias de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Este objeto de conexión debe eliminarse manualmente de una instancia de escritura de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) did not delete the following Connection object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nThe KCC did not delete this Connection object to prevent lingering connection objects on other Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instances. This Connection object should be manually deleted on a writable Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.
0x80000B56No se pudo escribir un marcador para realizar correctamente la sincronización de entrada en la siguiente partición. Si la instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services contiene un rol FSMO, la validación y el uso de la función pueden bloquearse hasta que se solucione el error.%n%nPartición:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n %2 %3 An attempt to write a marker for inbound synchronization success for the following partition failed. If the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance holds a FSMO role, the validation and use of the role may be blocked until this error is resolved.%n%nPartition:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n %2 %3
0x80000B5BSe alcanzó el número máximo de sesiones de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, por lo que no se pudo realizar una solicitud al servicio. Esto suele indicar una carga excesiva en el servidor. Puede provocar errores esporádicos en las aplicaciones que usen Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nAcción del usuario%n(1) Compruebe que no se esté realizando una carga excesiva de actividad.%n(2) Si es necesario, aumente el número de sesiones asignadas a cada subproceso incrementando el parámetro del Registro del máximo de sesiones EDB asignadas por subproceso. Como resultado, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services usará más memoria. The maximum number of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database sessions was reached, causing a request to the service to fail. This is generally a symptom of high load on the server. It can result in sporadic errors in applications that use Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nUser Action%n(1) Check that an excessive activity load is not being performed.%n(2) If necessary, increase the number of allocated sessions per thread by increasing the 'Maximum Allocated EDB Sessions per Thread' registry parameter. This will result in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services using more memory.
0x80000B5DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar el nivel funcional de la partición porque la siguiente instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services se encuentra en un nivel funcional inferior al nuevo nivel funcional de la partición solicitado.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nObjeto de configuración NTDS de la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to update the functional level of the partition because the following Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance is at a lower functional level than the requested new functional level of the partition.%n%nObject:%n%1%nNTDS Settings object of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance:%n%2
0x80000B5ESe denegó la solicitud de adición de un nuevo objeto de configuración NTDS porque el nivel funcional superior que admite el sistema operativo era inferior al nivel funcional de la partición.%n%nNivel funcional superior del sistema operativo:%n%1%nNivel funcional de la partición:%n%2%n%nAcción del usuario%nInstale un sistema operativo compatible con el nivel funcional de la partición en la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services local o actualice el nivel funcional de la partición para que sea compatible con el admitido por este sistema operativo. The request to add a new NTDS Settings object was denied because the highest functional level supported by the operating system was lower than the functional level of the partition.%n%nHighest functional level of the operating system:%n%1%n partition functional level:%n%2%n%nUser Action%nInstall an operating system compatible with the functional level of the partition on the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance or update the functional level of the partition to be compatible with the functional level supported by this operating system.
0x80000B62La instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de destino que está registrando este evento procesó una actualización de valor de vínculo en el objeto de origen indicado más abajo. El valor de vínculo hace referencia a un objeto de destino que se encuentra en el estado reciclado en la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de destino.%nEste evento indica que las medidas correctivas no lograron replicar el objeto de destino en el orden deseado desde la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de origen hasta esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de destino. Los binarios actualizados en la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de origen resolverán esta condición en el futuro.%nSi no se restauró recientemente el objeto de destino de forma autoritativa en la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de origen, puede pasar por alto este evento.%nSi se restauró recientemente el objeto de destino de forma autoritativa en la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de origen, el valor de vínculo existirá en la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de origen, pero no en la de destino ni en sus asociados de replicación transitiva en el conjunto de configuración hasta que un administrador tome medidas correctivas.%n%nDN del objeto de origen:%n%1%nGUID del objeto de origen:%n%2%nAtributo:%n%3%nDN del objeto de destino:%n%4%nGUID del objeto de destino:%n%5%nInstancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de origen:%n%6%n%nRepita la misma operación de restauración autoritativa en la misma instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services restaurada. En concreto, restaure de forma autoritativa el subárbol que contiene el objeto de destino o restaure de forma autoritativa el objeto de destino específico citado en este evento. The destination Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance logging this event processed a link value update on the source object below. The link value refers to a target object that is in the recycled state on the destination Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.%nThis event indicates that corrective steps failed to replicate the target object in the desired order from the source Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance to this destination Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance. Updated binaries on the source Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance will resolve this condition for future occurrences.%nIf the target object has not been recently authoritatively restored on the source Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance, you can ignore this event.%nIf the target object was recently authoritatively restored on the source Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance, then the link value will exist on the source Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance but not on the destination Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance and its transitive replication partners in the configuration set until an administrator takes corrective steps.%n%nSource Object DN:%n%1%nSource Object GUID:%n%2%nAttribute:%n%3%nTarget Object DN:%n%4%nTarget Object GUID:%n%5%nSource Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance:%n%6%n%nRepeat the same authoritative restore operation on the same restored Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance. Specifically, authoritatively restore the subtree containing the target object or authoritatively restore the specific target object cited in this event.
0x80000B65Evento interno: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo reciclar el siguiente objeto eliminado que expiró de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi este error vuelve a producirse, realice una comprobación de análisis semántico en la base de datos.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor del error:%n%2 %4%nId. interno:%n%3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not recycle the following deleted object that has expired from the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf this error continues to occur, perform a semantic analysis check on the database.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %4%nInternal ID:%n%3
0x80000B68Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo abrir un puerto UDP para uso su exclusivo. Esto se puede deber a que el puerto UDP está reservado para otro servicio. Para obtener información acerca de cómo reservar un puerto para el uso de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, vea el artículo 959215 de KB en (puede estar en inglés).%n%nDatos adicionales:%nNúmero de puerto:%n%1%nValor de error:%n%2 %3%nDirección IP%n %4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to open a UDP port for exclusive use. This can be caused by the UDP port being reserved by another service. For information on how to reserve a port for Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services use, please refer to KB Article 959215 at .%n%nAdditional Data:%nPort number:%n%1%nError Value:%n%2 %3%nIP Address%n %4
0x80000B6EActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services descartó las siguientes notificaciones para el usuario especificado porque no son válidas en el bosque actual.%n%nUsuario: %n%1%nNotificaciones: %n%2%nVisite para obtener más ayuda para solucionar el problema. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services dropped the following claim[s] for the given user because they are invalid in the current forest.%n%nUser: %n%1%nClaim[s]: %n%2%nPlease visit for additional help troubleshooting the issue.
0x80000B81Aún hay pendientes cambios de índice asociados a un cambio de esquema anterior.Esto se debe a que se ha establecido la configuración de la marca dSHeuristicsfDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate en todo el conjunto. Cuando está establecida,esta marca deshabilita el indizado automático de los atributos existentes en laactualización del esquema.%nPara garantizar el rendimiento óptimo de esta instancia de AD LDS, exija la creación de un índice. Si fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate está configuradoen 1, modifique el atributo rootDSE en schemaUpdateNow y establézcalo en 1. SifDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate está configurado en 2, modifique el atributorootDSE en schemaUpdateIndicesNow y establézcalo en 1. Este comportamientotambién se puede desactivar si se restablece la marca fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate de dsHeuristic en 0; las instancias deAD LDS volverán a crear automáticamente los índices cuando reciban este cambio. Index changes associated with a previous schema change are still pending. This is because the configuration set-widedSHeuristics flag fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate is set. This flag, when set, disables automatic indexing of existingattributes on schema update.%nTo ensure optimal performance from this AD LDS instance, force an index creation. If fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate is setto 1, perform a rootDSE attribute modification on schemaUpdateNow and set it to 1. If fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate isinstead set to 2, perform a rootDSE attribute modification on schemaUpdateIndicesNow and set it to 1. This behavior can alsobe turned off by resetting the fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate flag in dsHeuristics to 0; AD LDS instances willautomatically rebuild indices as they receive this change.
0x80000B83Error al intentar capturar la contraseña de una cuenta de servicio administrada de grupo.%n%nObjeto de cuenta de servicio administrada de grupo: %n%1%nSID del autor de llamada: %n%2%nIP del autor de llamada: %n%3%nError: %n%4 An attempt to fetch the password of a group managed service account failed.%n%nGroup Managed Service Account Object: %n%1%nCaller SID: %n%2%nCaller IP: %n%3%nError: %n%4
0x80000B84Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services descartó las siguientes notificaciones no válidas para el usuario especificado.%n%nUsuario: %n%1%nNotificaciones: %n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services dropped the following invalid claim[s] for the given user.%n%nUser: %n%1%nClaim[s]: %n%2
0x80000B96Una búsqueda LDAP superó los límites de memoria configurados administrativamente y se ejecutó sin optimización.%nSimplifique la operación o eleve los límites de memoria LDAP mediante directivas LDAP.Consulte para obtener más detalles acerca de esta directiva. An LDAP search exceeded the administratively configured memory limits and was executed without optimization.%nConsider simplifying the operation or raising the LDAP memory limits using LDAP policies.See for more details on this policy.
0x80000B97Se van a diferir los cambios de índice de sistema opcionales. Any optional system index changes are being deferred.
0x80000B98Aún hay pendientes cambios de índice de sistema opcionales asociados a unaactualización anterior. Esto se debe a que se estableció la marcadSHeuristics fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate en todo el conjunto deconfiguración. Cuando está establecida, esta marca deshabilita el indizadoautomático de los índices de sistema opcionales.%nPara garantizar el rendimiento óptimo de esta instancia de AD LDS, exija lacreación de un índice. Si fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate está establecidoen 1, realice una modificación del atributo rootDSE en schemaUpdateNow yestablézcalo en 1. Si fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate está establecido en 2,realice una modificación del atributo rootDSE en schemaUpdateIndicesNow yestablézcalo en 1. Este comportamiento también se puede desactivar si serestablece la marca fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate de dsHeuristic en 0;las instancias de AD LDS volverán a crear automáticamente los índices cuandoreciban este cambio. Optional system index changes associated with a previous upgrade are still pending. This is because the configuration set-widedSHeuristics flag fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate is set. This flag, when set, disables automatic indexing of optional system indices.%nTo ensure optimal performance from this AD LDS instance, force an index creation. If fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate is setto 1, perform a rootDSE attribute modification on schemaUpdateNow and set it to 1. If fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate isinstead set to 2, perform a rootDSE attribute modification on schemaUpdateIndicesNow and set it to 1. This behavior can alsobe turned off by resetting the fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate flag in dsHeuristics to 0; AD LDS instances willautomatically rebuild indices as they receive this change.
0x80000BA6El índice compuesto contiene un OID desconocido.Attributo: %1Nombre del índice: %2Ubicación del OID sin resolver: %3%n Compound index contains an unknown OID.Attribute: %1IndexName: %2Location of unresolved OID: %3%n
0x80000BA7El índice compuesto contiene un atributo no admitido.Atributo: %1Nombre del índice: %2Atributo no admitido: %3%n Compound index contains an unsupported attribute.Attribute: %1IndexName: %2Unsupported Attribute: %3%n
0x80000BA8Aún hay pendientes cambios del índice compuesto asociados a un cambio de esquema anterior. Esto se debe a que se ha establecido la configuración de la marca dSHeuristicsfDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate en todo el conjunto. Cuando está establecida, esta marca deshabilita el indizado automático de los atributosexistentes en la actualización del esquema.%nPara garantizar el rendimiento óptimo de esta instancia de AD LDS, exija la creación de un índice. Si fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate está configuradoen 1, modifique el atributo rootDSE en schemaUpdateNow y establézcalo en 1. Si DisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate está configurado en 2, modifique el atributorootDSE en schemaUpdateIndicesNow y establézcalo en 1. Este comportamientotambién se puede desactivar restableciendo la marca fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate de dsHeuristics en 0; las instancias deAD LDS volverán a crear automáticamente los índices cuando reciban este cambio. Compound index changes associated with a previous schema change are still pending. This is because the configuration set-widedSHeuristics flag fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate is set. This flag, when set, disables automatic indexing of existingattributes on schema update.%nTo ensure optimal performance from this AD LDS instance, force an index creation. If fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate is setto 1, perform a rootDSE attribute modification on schemaUpdateNow and set it to 1. If fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate isinstead set to 2, perform a rootDSE attribute modification on schemaUpdateIndicesNow and set it to 1. This behavior can alsobe turned off by resetting the fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate flag in dsHeuristics to 0; AD LDS instances willautomatically rebuild indices as they receive this change.
0x80000BADInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new link table column for the following DirSyncSet attribute.%n%nAttribute identifier:%n%1%nAttribute name:%n%2%nTable type:%n%3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new link table column for the following DirSyncSet attribute.%n%nAttribute identifier:%n%1%nAttribute name:%n%2%nTable type:%n%3
0x80000BB0Aún hay pendientes cambios del índice DirSync asociados a un cambio de esquema anterior. Esto se debe a que se estableció la configuración de la marca dSHeuristicsfDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate en todo el conjunto. Cuando está establecida, esta marca deshabilita la indexación automática de los atributosexistentes en la actualización del esquema.%nPara garantizar el rendimiento óptimo de esta instancia de AD LDS, exija la creación de un índice. Si fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate se establecióen 1, modifique el atributo rootDSE en schemaUpdateNow y establézcalo en 1. Si DisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate se estableció en 2, modifique el atributorootDSE en schemaUpdateIndicesNow y establézcalo en 1. Este comportamientotambién se puede desactivar al restablecer la marca fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate de dsHeuristics en 0; las instancias deAD LDS volverán a crear automáticamente los índices cuando reciban este cambio. DirSync index changes associated with a previous schema change are still pending. This is because the configuration set-widedSHeuristics flag fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate is set. This flag, when set, disables automatic indexing of existingattributes on schema update.%nTo ensure optimal performance from this AD LDS instance, force an index creation. If fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate is setto 1, perform a rootDSE attribute modification on schemaUpdateNow and set it to 1. If fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate isinstead set to 2, perform a rootDSE attribute modification on schemaUpdateIndicesNow and set it to 1. This behavior can alsobe turned off by resetting the fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate flag in dsHeuristics to 0; AD LDS instances willautomatically rebuild indices as they receive this change.
0xC00003EBNo se pudieron inicializar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nEl servicio de directorio no puede recuperarse de este error.%n%nAcción del usuario%nRestaure el servicio de directorio local desde los medios de copia de seguridad.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not be initialized.%n%nThe directory service cannot recover from this error.%n%nUser Action%nRestore the local directory service from backup media.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00003F0El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) no se ha inicializado. Se han deshabilitado las actualizaciones de coherencia en la topología de replicación para el servicio de directorio. Se usará la topología de replicación anterior hasta que se reinicie el servicio de directorio local.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) did not initialize. Consistency updates to the replication topology for the directory service have been disabled. The previous replication topology will be used until the directory service is restarted.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00003F2No hay memoria suficiente para procesar invalidaciones del registro. No se pudo asignar la siguiente cantidad de memoria.%n%nAsignación de memoria (bytes):%n%1%n%nComo resultado, no se procesarán invalidaciones.%n%nAcción del usuario%nPara reanudar el procesamiento, aumente la cantidad disponible de memoria física o virtual. There is not enough memory to process logging overrides. An attempt to allocate the following amount of memory failed.%n%nMemory allocation (bytes):%n%1%n%nAs a result, no overrides will be processed.%n%nUser Action%nTo resume processing, increase the available amount of physical or virtual memory.
0xC00003F8No se pudieron inicializar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services porque no se pudo cargar el esquema.%n%nAcción del usuario%nReinicie el servicio de directorio e intente realizar de nuevo esta tarea. Si sigue ocurriendo este error, restaure el servicio de directorio desde los medios de copia de seguridad. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not be initialized because the schema could not be loaded.%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
0xC00003F9El mapa de prefijos no ha podido leerse durante la inicialización de esquema.%n%nEsto puede deberse a daños o incoherencia de la base de datos.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi sigue ocurriendo este error, restaure el servicio de directorio desde los medios de copia de seguridad.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 The prefix map could not be read during schema initialization.%n%nThis may be due to corruption or inconsistency of the database.%n%nUser Action%nIf this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1
0xC00003FANo se encuentra la información de configuración de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en la siguiente ubicación del Registro.%n%nClave del Registro:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nIntente restaurar la información del Registro. Si sigue ocurriendo este error, restaure el servicio de directorio desde los medios de copia de seguridad. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services configuration information is missing from the following registry location.%n%nRegistry key:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nAttempt to restore the registry information. If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
0xC00003FBInternal error: Unable to remove attribute for the schema cache. Stop and restart the directory service and try again. Internal error: Unable to remove attribute for the schema cache. Stop and restart the directory service and try again.
0xC00003FDInternal error: Some internal configuration information could not be set. Reinstall Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Internal error: Some internal configuration information could not be set. Reinstall Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
0xC00003FEInternal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored.%n%nUser Action%nIf this error continues to occur, restart the directory service. Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored.%n%nUser Action%nIf this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
0xC00003FFInternal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not retrieve or process data.%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service and try this task again.%n%nAdditional Data%nContext value:%n%1%nInternal ID:%n%2 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not retrieve or process data.%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service and try this task again.%n%nAdditional Data%nContext value:%n%1%nInternal ID:%n%2
0xC0000400El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) no pudo detenerse tras cerrarse o reiniciarse el servicio de directorio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) failed to stop after the directory service was shut down or restarted.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC0000401Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2
0xC0000403Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2%nInternal ID:%n%3 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2%nInternal ID:%n%3
0xC0000404Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object.%n%nBase object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object.%n%nBase object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2
0xC0000406Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist.%n%nSyntax:%n%1%nAttribute OID:%n%2%nAttribute name:%n%3%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service and try this task again.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%4 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist.%n%nSyntax:%n%1%nAttribute OID:%n%2%nAttribute name:%n%3%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service and try this task again.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%4
0xC0000408Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class.%n%nSchema class:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service and try this task again. Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class.%n%nSchema class:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service and try this task again.
0xC0000409Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem.%n%nUser Action%nIncrease physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer. Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem.%n%nUser Action%nIncrease physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
0xC000040AInternal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache.%n%nClass:%n%2%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service and try this task again.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%1 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache.%n%nClass:%n%2%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service and try this task again.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%1
0xC000040BInternal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.%n%nSchema object:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.%n%nSchema object:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
0xC000040CInternal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.%n%nSchema object:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.%n%nSchema object:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
0xC000040DInternal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.%n%nAttribute:%n%1%nObject:%n%2 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.%n%nAttribute:%n%1%nObject:%n%2
0xC000040EActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no encontró el objeto de configuración NTDS que representa a esta instancia del servicio de directorio.%n%n%nObjeto de configuración NTDS:%n%1%n%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentarán continuar.%n%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi sigue ocurriendo este error, restaure el servicio de directorio desde los medios de copia de seguridad.%n%n%nInformación adicional%nIdentificador interno:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the NTDS Settings object representing this instance of the directory service.%n%n%nNTDS Settings object:%n%1%n%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will attempt to continue.%n%n%nUser Action%nIf this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.%n%n%nAdditional Information%nInternal ID:%n%2
0xC000040FInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not process the following object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIncrease physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2%nInternal ID:%n%3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not process the following object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIncrease physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2%nInternal ID:%n%3
0xC0000410Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf this continues to occur, restart the directory service. Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf this continues to occur, restart the directory service.
0xC0000411Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1
0xC0000413Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.%n%nDirectory system agent object:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nRestore the directory service from backup media.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.%n%nDirectory system agent object:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nRestore the directory service from backup media.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%2
0xC0000414Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.%n%n%nUser Action%nIf this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.%n%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1%nInternal ID:%n%2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.%n%n%nUser Action%nIf this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.%n%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1%nInternal ID:%n%2
0xC0000416Internal error: The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.%n%nException:%n0x%1%nAddress:%n0x%2%nError value (if available):%n%3%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services cannot recover from this error.%n%nUser Action%nRestore the directory service from backup media. Internal error: The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.%n%nException:%n0x%1%nAddress:%n0x%2%nError value (if available):%n%3%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services cannot recover from this error.%n%nUser Action%nRestore the directory service from backup media.
0xC0000419Error al intentar generar una referencia basada en otra superior para el siguiente DN.Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no encontró el atributo superiorDNSRoot para el objeto de referencia cruzada de la partición especificada. También se produjeron errores en un intento de generar automáticamente una referencia.%n%nDN de objeto:%n%1%nDN de partición de referencia cruzada de raíz DNS superior:%n%2 An attempt to generate a referral based on the superior reference failed for the following DN.Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the superiorDNSRoot attribute for the specified partition'scross-reference object. An attempt to generate a referral automatically has also failed.%n%nObject DN:%n%1%nSuperior DNS root cross-reference partition DN:%n%2
0xC000041CInternal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.%n%nSubordinate-reference object:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service. Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.%n%nSubordinate-reference object:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service.
0xC000041DInternal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not read the definition of an attribute becausethe system is out of memory.%n%nUser Action%nIncrease physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not read the definition of an attribute becausethe system is out of memory.%n%nUser Action%nIncrease physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer.
0xC000041EInternal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services security error occurred while checking access rights.%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services security error occurred while checking access rights.%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1
0xC0000435Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.%n%nUser Action%nIncrease physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.%n%nUser Action%nIncrease physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again.
0xC000043CInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not update the following object with changes received from the following source directory service. This is because an error occurred during the application of the changes to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services on the directory service.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nSource directory service:%n%3%n%nSynchronization of the directory service with the source directory service is blocked until this update problem is corrected.%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the next scheduled replication.%n%nUser Action%nRestart the local computer if this condition appears to be related to low system resources (for example, low physical or virtual memory).%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %4 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not update the following object with changes received from the following source directory service. This is because an error occurred during the application of the changes to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services on the directory service.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nSource directory service:%n%3%n%nSynchronization of the directory service with the source directory service is blocked until this update problem is corrected.%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the next scheduled replication.%n%nUser Action%nRestart the local computer if this condition appears to be related to low system resources (for example, low physical or virtual memory).%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %4
0xC0000442No pudo realizarse una replicación directa entre los siguientes controladores de dominio de origen y destino porque se configuró un transporte entre sitios no compatible para el siguiente objeto de conexión. El objeto de conexión que representa la replicación entre sitios desde el controlador de dominio de origen al de destino indica que la partición de directorio de escritura debe replicarse por medio del transporte entre sitios.%n%nObjeto de conexión:%n%1%nPartición de directorio:%n%4%nControlador de dominio de origen:%n%2%nControlador de dominio de destino:%n%3%nTransporte entre sitios:%n%5%n%nLos controladores de dominio que se encuentran en el mismo dominio pero en sitios diferentes tienen que usar el transporte IP para la replicación. Solo se permite la réplica mediante otros transportes a los controladores de dominio situados en dominios diferentes. Direct replication could not occur between the following source and destination domain controllers because an unsupported intersite transport is configured for the following Connection object. The Connection object representing intersite replication from the source domain controller to the destination domain controller indicates that the writeable directory partition should be replicated over the intersite transport.%n%nConnection object:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%4%nSource domain controller:%n%2%nDestination domain controller:%n%3%nIntersite transport:%n%5%n%nDomain controllers in the same domain, but in different sites are required to use the IP transport for replication. Only domain controllers in different domains can replicate using other transports.
0xC0000452Internal event: The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.%n%nUser Action%nIf this continues to occur, restart the directory service. Internal event: The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.%n%nUser Action%nIf this continues to occur, restart the directory service.
0xC0000453El subproceso de distribuidor de replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no puede continuar.%n%nAcción del usuario%nReinicie el servicio de directorio. The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication dispatcher thread is unable to continue.%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service.
0xC0000458El subproceso de distribuidor de replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services se cerró con un error. Se intentará reiniciar el subproceso de distribuidor de replicación a los 35 minutos de ocurrir este evento.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi sigue ocurriendo este evento, reinicie el servicio de directorio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication dispatcher thread exited with an error. An attempt to restart the replication dispatcher thread will be tried again within 35 minutes of this event.%n%nUser Action%nIf this event continues to occur, restart the directory service.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1
0xC000045ENo se puede encontrar un origen para la partición %1 dentro de este sitio. El comprobador de coherencia no puede crear conexiones para particiones sin replicación dentro del sitio. No se puede realizar la replicación entrante de esta partición. Configure de forma manual una conexión para esta partición. No source for partition %1 can be found within this site. The consistency checker cannot create connections for partitions which have no replica within the site. Inbound replication of this partition cannot be performed. Please manually configure a connection for this partition.
0xC0000461El formato del atributo de programación del siguiente objeto no se reconoce.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%n%nSe usará una programación predeterminada. Este evento seguirá teniendo lugar hasta que el atributo de programación de este objeto se haya corregido.%n%nAcción del usuario%nModifique el atributo de programación. The format of the schedule attribute of the following object is unrecognizable.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nA default schedule will be substituted. This event will continue to occur until the schedule attribute on this object has been corrected.%n%nUser Action%nModify the schedule attribute.
0xC0000465El Asistente para la instalación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (Dcpromo) no pudo establecer una conexión con el siguiente controlador de dominio.%n%nControlador de dominio:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3 The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Installation Wizard (Dcpromo) was unable to establish connection with the following domain controller.%n%nDomain controller:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0xC0000466Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo establecer una conexión con el catálogo global.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3%nIdentificador interno:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario:%nAsegúrese de que haya un catálogo global disponible en el bosque y de que pueda obtenerse acceso a él desde este controlador de dominio.Puede usar la utilidad nltest para diagnosticar este problema. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to establish a connection with the global catalog.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3%nInternal ID:%n%1%n%nUser Action:%nMake sure a global catalog is available in the forest, and is reachable from this domain controller.You may use the nltest utility to diagnose this problem.
0xC0000467Se detectó un conflicto de nombres al replicar el siguiente objeto de partición de directorio.%n%nObjeto de partición de directorio:%n%1%nGUID del objeto:%n%2%n%nEste evento suele producirse cuando se replica una partición de directorio con el mismo nombre, pero con un GUID del objeto diferente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nElimine el objeto de partición de directorio incorrecto. A name conflict was detected while replicating the following directory partition object.%n%nDirectory partition object:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%n%nThis event generally occurs when replicating with a directory partition with the same name, but a different object GUID.%n%nUser Action%nDelete the incorrect directory partition object.
0xC000046AEl comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) no ha podido completar la topología para el siguiente sitio.%n%nSitio:%n%1%n%nSe intentará de nuevo completar la topología de este sitio en el siguiente intervalo programado del KCC (el valor predeterminado actual es 15 minutos).%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %4%nId. interno:%n%3 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) was unable to complete the topology for the following site.%n%nSite:%n%1%n%nAn attempt to complete the topology for this site will be tried again at the next scheduled KCC interval (the current default is 15 minutes).%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %4%nInternal ID:%n%3
0xC000046BEl comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) encontró un error al agregar un objeto de conexión desde el siguiente servicio de directorio de origen al siguiente servicio de directorio de destino.%n%nServicio de directorio de origen:%n%1%nServicio de directorio de destino:%n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nId. interno de punto de creación:%n%3 The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) encountered an error while adding a Connection object from the following source directory service to the following destination directory service.%n%nSource directory service:%n%1%nDestination directory service:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nCreation Point Internal ID:%n%3
0xC000046FError en la búsqueda de objetos en la partición de directorio de esquemas durante la siguiente fase.%n%nFase:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3 The search for objects in the schema directory partition failed during the following phase.%n%nPhase:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0xC0000470Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear un índice para el siguiente atributo.%n%nIdentificador de atributo:%n%1%nNombre de atributo:%n%2%n%nSe efectuará una actualización de la memoria caché del esquema 5 minutos después del registro de este evento y se intentará crear un índice para el atributo.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to create an index for the following attribute.%n%nAttribute identifier:%n%1%nAttribute name:%n%2%n%nA schema cache update will occur 5 minutes after the logging of this event and will attempt to create an index for the attribute.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4
0xC0000474Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo asignar la siguiente cantidad de memoria mientras almacenaban el esquema en caché.%n%nMemoria (bytes):%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nReinicie el equipo local. Si sigue ocurriendo este evento, aumente la memoria física o la memoria virtual.%n%nDatos adicionales%nIdentificador interno:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not allocate the following amount of memory while caching the schema.%n%nMemory (bytes):%n%1%n%nUser Action%nRestart the local computer. If this event continues to occur, increase the physical memory or virtual memory.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%2
0xC0000475Internal error: The search for objects in the schema directory partition during the following phase did not return the expected number of objects.%nPhase:%n%1%nExpected number of objects:%n%3%nActual objects returned:%n%2 Internal error: The search for objects in the schema directory partition during the following phase did not return the expected number of objects.%nPhase:%n%1%nExpected number of objects:%n%3%nActual objects returned:%n%2
0xC0000476Internal event: The auxiliary class identifier for the following schema class is not valid.%n%nAuxiliary class identifier:%n%3%nClass identifier:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%n%nThe auxiliary class identifier is pointing to a class that does not exist, and the auxiliary class will be ignored. Internal event: The auxiliary class identifier for the following schema class is not valid.%n%nAuxiliary class identifier:%n%3%nClass identifier:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%n%nThe auxiliary class identifier is pointing to a class that does not exist, and the auxiliary class will be ignored.
0xC0000477Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.%n%nClass identifier:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%nNon-auxiliary class identifier:%n%3%nNon-auxiliary class name:%n%4%n%nThe non-auxiliary class will be ignored. Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.%n%nClass identifier:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%nNon-auxiliary class identifier:%n%3%nNon-auxiliary class name:%n%4%n%nThe non-auxiliary class will be ignored.
0xC0000478Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway.
0xC0000479Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from non-abstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from non-abstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway.
0xC000047EError al intentar crear una nueva columna de la base de datos para el nuevo atributo siguiente.%n%nIdentificador de atributo:%n%1%nNombre de atributo:%n%2%n%nLa definición del atributo se omitió.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 The attempt to create a new database column for the following new attribute failed.%n%nAttribute identifier:%n%1%nAttribute name:%n%2%n%nThe attribute definition was ignored.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3
0xC0000486Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encontró un error mientras liberaban memoria.%n%nAcción del usuario%nReinicie el servicio de directorio. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered an error while freeing memory.%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service.
0xC0000487Se encontró un carácter no válido en la cadena y posición siguientes al procesar una clave del Registro para invalidación del registro de eventos.%n%nPosición:%n%1%nCadena:%n%2%n%nNo se procesarán invalidaciones de registros de eventos hasta que se corrija el valor del Registro. A character that is not valid was found at the following position and string while processing an event log override registry key.%n%nPosition:%n%1%nString:%n%2%n%nNo event logging overrides will be processed until the registry value is corrected.
0xC0000488El siguiente valor del Registro para las invalidaciones de registro contiene un número de caracteres que no es válido.%n%nValor del Registro:%n%1%n%nNo se procesarán invalidaciones de registro de eventos hasta que el valor del Registro sea correcto. The following registry value for logging overrides contains a number of characters that is not valid.%n%nRegistry value:%n%1%n%nNo event logging overrides will be processed until the registry value is corrected.
0xC0000489Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.%n%nInterval (minutes):%n%1%n%nAddress Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.%n%nInterval (minutes):%n%1%n%nAddress Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval.
0xC000048DInternal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to allocate a critical new directory server GUID after an install or restore operation. As a result, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will not be able to start up in normal mode.%n%nUser Action%nReinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to allocate a critical new directory server GUID after an install or restore operation. As a result, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will not be able to start up in normal mode.%n%nUser Action%nReinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC0000490Internal error: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services error has occurred.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value (decimal):%n%1%nError value (hex):%n%2%nInternal ID:%n%3 Internal error: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services error has occurred.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value (decimal):%n%1%nError value (hex):%n%2%nInternal ID:%n%3
0xC0000491Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo asignar la cantidad de memoria necesaria.%n%nMemoria (bytes):%n%1%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services seguirá en ejecución, pero es posible que no funcionen correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nReinicie este equipo. Si continúa esta situación, aumente la memoria física o la memoria virtual disponible.%n%nDatos adicionales%nIdentificador interno:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not allocate the needed amount of memory.%n%nMemory (bytes):%n%1%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will continue to operate, but may not function correctly.%n%nUser Action%nRestart this computer. If this condition continues, increase the available physical or virtual memory.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%2
0xC0000492Internal error: The expression %1 was false at line %2 of file %3. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services for assistance. Internal error: The expression %1 was false at line %2 of file %3. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services for assistance.
0xC00004ACInternal error: An error occurred while granting rights to the Domain Administrators group for administering the following Server object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nAn enterprise administrator needs to manually grant Full Control rights for this object to the Domain Administrators group. Internal error: An error occurred while granting rights to the Domain Administrators group for administering the following Server object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nAn enterprise administrator needs to manually grant Full Control rights for this object to the Domain Administrators group.
0xC00004AEInternal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to restore from backup media.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 (0x%2)%n%3 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to restore from backup media.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 (0x%2)%n%3
0xC00004B5Internal error: The security descriptor propagation task found an incorrect or missing object class for the following object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nSecurity descriptor propagation will not take place on this object’s child objects.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3 Internal error: The security descriptor propagation task found an incorrect or missing object class for the following object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nSecurity descriptor propagation will not take place on this object’s child objects.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0xC00004B7Internal event: An internal asynchronous attempt to update the schema cache failed with an error.%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will automatically retry the operation after 5 minutes. The following number of retries will be attempted.%n%nRetries:%n%2%nCurrent update attempt:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 Internal event: An internal asynchronous attempt to update the schema cache failed with an error.%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will automatically retry the operation after 5 minutes. The following number of retries will be attempted.%n%nRetries:%n%2%nCurrent update attempt:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1
0xC00004B8Error en un intento asincrónico interno de actualizar la memoria caché del esquema.%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no volverá a intentar la operación. Es posible que las actualizaciones del esquema recientes no estén disponibles hasta que se actualice esta caché.%n%nAcción del usuario%nRealice una actualización de la memoria caché del esquema sincrónica explícita o reinicie el servicio de directorio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 An internal asynchronous attempt to update the schema cache failed with an error.%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will not retry the operation again. Recent schema updates may not be available until this cache is updated.%n%nUser Action%nPerform an explicit synchronous schema cache update or restart the directory service.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1
0xC00004B9Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo establecer los privilegios adecuados para habilitar la auditoría de seguridad.%n%nComo resultado, todas las comprobaciones de seguridad producirán errores y la auditoría de seguridad no estará disponible.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to set appropriate privileges to enable security auditing.%n%nAs a result, all security checks will fail and security auditing will be unavailable.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00004BASe cerró una nueva conexión LDAP por el servicio de directorio ya que se ha alcanzado el número máximo de conexiones.%n%nLímite máximo de conexiones:%n%1%n%nEsta situación no se registrará de nuevo durante el intervalo siguiente.%n%nIntervalo (minutos):%n%2%n%nAcción del usuario%nIntente ajustar este límite a través de la directiva de consultas de LDAP. A new LDAP connection was closed by the directory service because the maximum number of connections has been reached.%n%nMaximum connection limit:%n%1%n%nThis condition will not be logged again for the following interval.%n%nInterval (minutes):%n%2%n%nUser Action%nConsider changing this limit through the LDAP query policy.
0xC00004C6El certificado presentado por el siguiente servicio de directorio para la replicación entre sitios fue rechazado por la entidad de certificación.%n%nServicio de directorio:%n%1%nEntidad de certificación:%n%2%n%nEl acceso a la replicación se ha denegado al servicio de directorio mostrado anteriormente y el certificado se ha descartado.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3 The certificate presented by the following directory service for intersite replication was rejected by the certification authority.%n%ndirectory service:%n%1%nCertification authority:%n%2%n%nReplication access has been denied to the directory service listed above and the certificate has been discarded.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0xC00004C7El certificado presentado por el siguiente servicio de directorio para la replicación entre sitios se rechazó debido a que la entidad de certificación no es de confianza.%n%nServicio de directorio:%n%1%nEntidad de certificación:%n%2%n%nEl acceso a la replicación se ha denegado al servicio de directorio mostrado anteriormente y el certificado se ha descartado.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3 The certificate presented by the following directory service for intersite replication was rejected because the certification authority is not trusted.%n%ndirectory service:%n%1%nCertification authority:%n%2%n%nReplication access has been denied to the directory service listed above and the certificate has been discarded.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0xC00004CCMonitor de sistema no pudo abrir los contadores de rendimiento de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Error al intentar consultar la siguiente clave del Registro para el contador de rendimiento.%n%nClave del Registro:%n%3%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 System Monitor was unable to open Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services performance counters. An attempt to query the following performance counter registry key failed.%n%nRegistry key:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00004CDMonitor de sistema no pudo abrir los contadores de rendimiento de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Error al intentar abrir la memoria compartida.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 System Monitor was unable to open Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services performance counters. An attempt to open shared memory failed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00004CEMonitor de sistema no pudo abrir los contadores de rendimiento de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Error al intentar asignar memoria compartida.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 System Monitor was unable to open Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services performance counters. An attempt to map to shared memory failed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00004CFMonitor de sistema no pudo abrir los contadores de rendimiento de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Error al intentar abrir la siguiente clave del Registro para el contador de rendimiento.%n%nClave del Registro:%n%3%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 System Monitor was unable to open Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services performance counters. An attempt to open the following performance counter registry key failed.%n%nRegistry key:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00004D2Internal event: A logon attempt failed because an attempt to lookup Windows account information failed. Error %1. Internal event: A logon attempt failed because an attempt to lookup Windows account information failed. Error %1.
0xC00004D3Internal event: Can't write offline Address Book to folder. Component %1 returns error %2. Internal event: Can't write offline Address Book to folder. Component %1 returns error %2.
0xC00004D4El nombre de este equipo (%1) no coincide con el nombre registrado en la base de datos del directorio de Windows Server (%2). Si ha cambiado el nombre de este equipo, debe volver a cambiar el nombre a %2. Si ha restaurado esta base de datos a partir de una copia de seguridad, debe ser restaurada en el mismo equipo que fue usado para la copia de seguridad. The name of this computer (%1) does not match the name recorded in the Windows Server directory database (%2). If you have renamed this computer, you must change the name back to %2. If you have restored this database from a backup, it must be restored on the same computer that was used for the backup.
0xC00004D5Error %1 al reenviar una operación al Administrador de cuentas de seguridad. Error %1 occurred while forwarding an operation to the Security Accounts Manager.
0xC00004D6Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to initialize network connections for incoming LDAP requests.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to initialize network connections for incoming LDAP requests.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0xC00004D9El espacio OID está lleno. No es posible agregar más atributos o clases. OID Space is Full. No more Attributes or Classes can be added.
0xC00004E8Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the directory partition container object.%n%nDirectory partition container:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service. If this continues to occur, restore from backup media.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not find the directory partition container object.%n%nDirectory partition container:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nRestart the directory service. If this continues to occur, restore from backup media.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0xC00004EELa tarea de propagación de descriptores de seguridad no ha podido procesar un evento de propagación que empieza en el siguiente contenedor.%n%nContenedor:%n%2%n%nComo resultado, la tarea de propagación de descriptores de seguridad suspenderá el procesamiento durante treinta minutos o esperará hasta que un descriptor de seguridad haya cambiado para algún objeto.%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe el descriptor de seguridad en este contenedor.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %3 The security descriptor propagation task could not process a propagation event starting from the following container.%n%nContainer:%n%2%n%nAs a result, the security descriptor propagation task will either suspend processing for thirty minutes or wait until a security descriptor has changed for any object.%n%nUser Action%nCheck the security descriptor on this container.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %3
0xC000051DEl servidor LDAP no ha podido iniciarse por un error de inicialización de Winsock. El servicio de directorio no podrá responder a consultas LDAP durante esta sesión.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 The LDAP server could not start because Winsock initialization failed. The directory service will be unable to respond to LDAP queries during this session.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC000051FEl comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) ha detectado problemas con la siguiente partición de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nNo hay suficiente información de conectividad de sitio para que el KCC cree una topología de replicación de árbol de expansión. O bien, uno o más servidores de directorio con esta partición de directorio no pueden replicar la información de partición de directorio. Esto probablemente se deba a servidores de directorio inaccesibles.%n%nAcción del usuario%nRealice una de las siguientes acciones:%n- Publique suficiente información de conectividad de sitio para que el KCC pueda determinar una ruta por la cual esta partición de directorio pueda alcanzar este sitio. Ésta es la opción preferida.%n- Agregue un objeto de conexión a un servicio de directorio que contenga la partición de directorio en este sitio desde un servicio de directorio que contenga la misma partición de directorio en otro sitio.%n%nSi ninguna de las tareas corrige esta condición, vea los eventos que registró el KCC anteriormente y que identifiquen los servicios de directorio inaccesibles. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has detected problems with the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nThere is insufficient site connectivity information for the KCC to create a spanning tree replication topology. Or, one or more directory servers with this directory partition are unable to replicate the directory partition information. This is probably due to inaccessible directory servers.%n%nUser Action%nPerform one of the following actions:%n- Publish sufficient site connectivity information so that the KCC can determine a route by which this directory partition can reach this site. This is the preferred option.%n- Add a Connection object to a directory service that contains the directory partition in this site from a directory service that contains the same directory partition in another site.%n%nIf neither of the tasks correct this condition, see previous events logged by the KCC that identify the inaccessible directory servers.
0xC0000520Error en la llamada al servicio de mensajes entre sitios que especifica el transporte siguiente.%n%nTransporte:%n%1%n%nComo resultado, el comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) no puede configurar una topología de replicación entre sitios correcta.%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe que el servicio de mensajes entre sitios está en ejecución.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 A call to the Intersite Messaging service that specifies the following transport failed.%n%nTransport:%n%1%n%nAs a result, the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) cannot configure a correct intersite replication topology.%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the Intersite Messaging service is running.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0xC0000523La memoria caché del esquema de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo heredar todos los atributos para la siguiente clase.%n%nIdentificador de clase:%n%1%nNombre de clase:%n%2%n%nLa memoria caché del esquema está incompleta.%n%nAcción del usuario%nActualice la memoria caché del esquema. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema cache failed to inherit all attributes for the following class.%n%nClass ID:%n%1%nClass name:%n%2%n%nThe schema cache is incomplete.%n%nUser Action%nRefresh the schema cache.
0xC000055DEl servicio de mensajes entre sitios no ha podido recibir mensajes para el siguiente servicio mediante el siguiente protocolo de transporte. Error en la consulta de mensajes.%n%nServicio:%n%1%nProtocolo de transporte:%n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3 The Intersite Messaging service could not receive any messages for the following service through the following transport. The query for messages failed.%n%nService:%n%1%nTransport:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0xC000055EError en la solicitud del servicio de mensajes entre sitios para obtener el número de sitios interconectados mediante el siguiente protocolo de transporte.%n%nProtocolo de transporte:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 The Intersite Messaging service request for the number of sites interconnected through the following transport failed.%n%nTransport:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0xC000055FError en la solicitud del servicio de mensajes entre sitios acerca de qué controladores de dominio pueden comunicarse con y desde el siguiente sitio mediante el siguiente protocolo de transporte.%n%nSitio:%n%1%nProtocolo de transporte:%n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3 The Intersite Messaging service request for which domain controllers can communicate to and from the following site through the following transport failed.%n%nSite:%n%1%nTransport:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0xC0000560Error en la solicitud del servicio de mensajes entre sitios de la programación en que están conectados los siguientes sitios mediante el siguiente protocolo de transporte.%n%nSitio:%n%1%nSitio:%n%2%nProtocolo de transporte:%n%3%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %4 The Intersite Messaging service request for the schedule at which the following sites are connected through the following transport failed.%n%nSite:%n%1%nSite:%n%2%nTransport:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %4
0xC0000561Error en la inicialización del siguiente protocolo de transporte.%n%nProtocolo de transporte:%n%1%nDLL de protocolo de transporte:%n%2%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe que la DLL de protocolo de transporte se haya registrado correctamente.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3 The initialization of the following transport failed.%n%nTransport:%n%1%nTransport DLL:%n%2%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the transport DLL is present and has been registered properly.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0xC0000562Los cambios realizados al siguiente objeto de transporte no pudieron comunicarse a Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nTransporte:%n%1%n%nComo resultado, este transporte no pudo actualizarse y se cerró.%n%nAcción del usuario%nReinicie el servicio de mensajes entre sitios o el controlador de dominio local.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 Changes made to the following transport object could not be communicated to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nTransport:%n%1%n%nAs a result, this transport could not be updated and has been closed.%n%nUser Action%nRestart the Intersite Messaging service or restart the local domain controller.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0xC0000565El atributo de programación del siguiente objeto de vínculo a sitios no es válido.%n%nObjeto de vínculo a sitios:%n%1%n%nComo resultado, se omitirá la programación.%n%nAcción del usuario%nUse los Sitios y servicios de Active Directory para modificar el atributo de programación. The schedule attribute of the following site link object is not valid.%n%nSite link object:%n%1%n%nAs a result, this schedule will be ignored.%n%nUser Action%nUse Active Directory Sites and Services to modify the schedule attribute.
0xC0000566El atributo de programación del siguiente objeto de vínculo a sitios está configurado de tal modo que los sitios a los que hace referencia nunca están conectados.%n%nObjeto de vínculo a sitios:%n%1%n%nComo resultado, se omitirá esta programación.%n%nAcción del usuario%nUse los Sitios y servicios de Active Directory para modificar el atributo de programación. The schedule attribute of the following site link object is configured in a way that the sites it references are never connected.%n%nSite link object:%n%1%n%nAs a result, this schedule will be ignored.%n%nUser Action%nUse Active Directory Sites and Services to modify the schedule attribute.
0xC0000567El controlador de dominio local no tiene un certificado DomainController X.509.%n%nHasta que se agregue este certificado, se producirán errores en la replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services entre el controlador de dominio local y los controladores de dominio de los demás sitios.%n%nAcción del usuario%nAgregue este certificado al controlador de dominio local. The local domain controller has no DomainController X.509 certificate.%n%nUntil this certificate is added, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication between the local domain controller and domain controllers in all other sites will fail.%n%nUser Action%nAdd this certificate to the local domain controller.
0xC000056COtro servidor de directorio intentó replicar en este servidor de directorio un objeto que no está presente en la base de datos local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Es posible que el objeto ya se haya eliminado y recopilado durante la recolección de elementos no usados (ha transcurrido una vigencia del marcador de exclusión o más desde la eliminación del objeto) en este servidor de directorio. El conjunto de atributos incluido en la solicitud de actualización no es suficiente para crear el objeto. El objeto volverá a solicitarse con un conjunto de atributos completo y volverá a crearse en este servidor de directorio.%nEste evento se registra porque el DC de origen contiene un objeto persistente que no existe en la copia local de los DC de base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, y el DC local *no* tiene la siguiente clave del Registro habilitada para garantizar una coherencia estricta de replicaciones. La coherencia estricta de replicaciones impide que los objetos persistentes que residen en un DC de origen vuelvan a replicarse en un DC de destino que ya haya procesado la eliminación. Debido a que esta clave del Registro no está establecida, el objeto volverá a replicarse y a crearse en la base de datos local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nLa mejor solución a este problema es identificar y quitar todos los objetos persistentes del conjunto de configuración, comenzando por las particiones grabables y de solo lectura que incluyan el objeto al que hace referencia este evento y, después, habilitando la siguiente clave del Registro para garantizar una coherencia estricta de replicaciones.%n%n%nDC de origen (dirección de red específica de transporte):%n%4%nObjeto:%n%1%nGUID del objeto:%n%2%nPartición de directorio:%n%3%nUSN de la propiedad principal de destino:%n%5%nAcción del usuario:%nCompruebe si la existencia de este objeto sigue siendo necesaria. Para que no se vuelvan a crear objetos similares en el futuro, debe crearse la siguiente clave del Registro.%nClave del Registro:%nHKLM\\%7\\%6%nEl plan de acción para recuperarse de este error se encuentra en los DC de origen y destino son DC de Windows Server 2003, instale las herramientas de soporte incluidas en el CD de instalación. Para ver qué objetosse eliminarían sin realizar físicamente la eliminación, ejecute \"repadmin /removelingeringobjects /ADVISORY_MODE\".Los registros de eventos del DC de origen mostrarán todos los objetos persistentes. Para quitarlos de un controlador de dominio de origen, ejecute \"repadmin /removelingeringobjects \".%n%nSi el DC de origen o el de destino es de Windows 2000 Server, podrá encontrarmás información acerca de cómo quitar objetos persistentes del DC de origen en o con el personal de soporte técnico de Microsoft.%n%nLos errores de replicación entre DC que comparten una partición común pueden hacer que las cuentas de usuario y equipo, las relaciones de confianza, suscontraseñas, los grupos de seguridad, la pertenencia a grupos de seguridad yotros datos de configuración de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services varíen entre los distintos DC, lo que afectará a la capacidad de iniciar sesión, encontrar objetos de interés y realizar otras operaciones críticas.Estas incoherencias se resuelven cuando dichos errores de replicación se resuelven. Los DC que no realicen replicaciones entrantes de los objetos eliminados dentro del número de días de la vigencia del marcador de exclusión seguirán siendo incoherentes hasta que un administrador quite manualmente los objetos persistentes de cada DC local.%n%nPuede impedir la aparición de objetos persistentes asegurándose de que todos losDC del bosque ejecuten Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, de que estén conectados por una topología de conexión de árbol de expansión y de que realicen replicaciones entrantes antes de que expire del número de días de la vigencia del marcador de exclusión. Another directory server has attempted to replicate into this directory server an object which is not present in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database. The object may have been deleted and already garbage collected (a tombstone lifetime or more has passed since the object was deleted) on this directory server. The attribute set included in the update request is not sufficient to create the object. The object will be re-requested with a full attribute set and re-created on this directory server.%nThis event is being logged because the source DC contains a lingering object which does notexist on the local DCs copy of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database and the local DC does *not* have the followingregistry key enabled to ensure strict replication consistency. Strict replication consistencyprevents lingering objects residing on a source DC from re-replicating to a destination DCthat has already processed the deletion. Since this registry key is not set, the object willbe re-replicated and recreated in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database.%n%nThe best solution to this problem is to identify and remove all lingering objects in the configuration set,starting with the writable and read-only partitions containing the object referenced in this event, andthen enable the following registry key to ensure strict replication consistency.%n%n%nSource DC (Transport-specific network address):%n%4%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nDirectory partition:%n%3%nDestination highest property USN:%n%5%nUser Action:%nVerify the continued desire for the existence of this object. To discontinue re-creation of future similar objects, the following registry key should be created.%nRegistry Key:%nHKLM\\%7\\%6%nThe action plan to recover from this error can be found at both the source and destination DCs are Windows Server 2003 DCs, then install the support tools included on theinstallation CD. To see which objects would be deleted without actually performing thedeletion run \"repadmin /removelingeringobjects /ADVISORY_MODE\".The event logs on the source DC will enumerate all lingering objects. To remove lingering objectsfrom a source domain controller run\"repadmin /removelingeringobjects \".%n%nIf either source or destination DC is a Windows 2000 Server DC, then more information on how toremove lingering objects on the source DC can be found at or fromyour Microsoft support personnel.%n%nReplication errors between DCs sharing a common partition can prevent user and computer accounts,trust relationships, their passwords, security groups,security group memberships and other Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services configuration data to vary between DCs,affecting the ability to log on, find objects of interest and perform other critical operations.These inconsistencies are resolved once replication errors are resolved. DCs that fail to inboundreplicate deleted objects within tombstone lifetime number of days will remain inconsistent untillingering objects are manually removed by an administrator from each local DC.%n%nLingering objects may be prevented by ensuring that all domain controllers in the forest arerunning Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, are connected by a spanning tree connection topology and performinbound replication before Tombstone Live number of days pass.
0xC000056DEl Administrador de cuentas de seguridad (SAM) no pudo disminuir su nivel. The security account manager (SAM) could not be demoted.
0xC000056ENo pudo establecerse un identificador de seguridad (SID) para el nuevo dominio de cuenta local en la base de datos del administrador de cuentas de seguridad (SAM). A security identifier (SID) for the new local account domain could not be set in the security account manager (SAM) database.
0xC000056FEl asistente para la instalación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (Dcpromo.exe) no pudo configurar la cuenta de equipo %1 en la instancia remota de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services %2.%nCompruebe que al usuario que ejecute Dcpromo.exe se le haya concedido el permiso de usuario \"Habilitar confianza con el equipo y las cuentas de usuario para delegación\" en la Directiva predeterminada de controladores de dominio.%nPara obtener más información, vea la sección de la resolución de The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Installation Wizard (Dcpromo.exe) could not configure the computer account %1 on the remote Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance %2.%nVerify that the user running Dcpromo.exe is granted the \"Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation\" user right in the Default Domain Controllers Policy.%nFor more information, see the resolution section of error was:
0xC0000571Error en los intentos de actualizar la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no podrá iniciar sesiones de usuarios mientras continúe esta situación. Como resultado, se pausó el servicio de Net Logon.%n%nAcción del usuario%nAsegúrese de haya un espacio en disco duro adecuado en los volúmenes donde residen los archivos de registro y la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 Attempts to update the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database are failing.%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will be unable to log on users while this condition persists. As a result, the Net Logon service has paused.%n%nUser Action%nEnsure that adequate hard disk space is available on the volumes where the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database and log files reside.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC0000574Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo transferir los roles de maestro de operaciones a otra instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Motivos posibles: no hay otra instancia de AD LDS conectada para recibir el rol de maestro de operaciones o AD LDS tiene un registro de una instancia de AD LDS que ya no existe. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to transfer the operations master roles to another Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance. Possible causes include: No other AD LDS instance is online to receive an operations master role, or AD LDS has a record of a AD LDS instance that no longer exists.
0xC0000577Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo mover el esquema predeterminado a %1. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not move the default schema to %1.
0xC0000578Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo establecer el valor de la clave del Registro de este tipo de producto para degradar esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to set the product type registry key value to demote this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.
0xC000057BError en el volcado de base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services durante la siguiente operación.%n%nOperación:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3 The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database dump failed during the following operation.%n%nOperation:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0xC000057DError en el servicio de mensajes entre sitios que usa el protocolo de transporte SMTP al leer el mensaje de correo SMTP almacenado en el siguiente archivo. No se pudo obtener el mensaje, faltan partes del mensaje o partes del mensaje no son válidas.%n%nArchivo:%n%1%nCarpeta de archivos:%n%2%nCampo \"Para:\" del correo electrónico:%n%5%nCampo \"De:\" del correo electrónico:%n%6%nCampo \"Asunto:\" del correo electrónico:%n%7%n%nSe va a omitir y eliminar este mensaje.%n%nAcción del usuario%nBusque aplicaciones mal configuradas que estén enviando correos electrónicos a la cuenta incorrecta.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3 The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport failed to read the SMTP mail message stored in the following file. The message could not be obtained, parts of the message were missing, or parts of the message were invalid.%n%nFile:%n%1%nFile folder:%n%2%nMail 'To:' Field:%n%5%nMail 'From:' Field:%n%6%nMail 'Subject:' Field:%n%7%n%nThis message will be ignored and deleted.%n%nUser Action%nCheck for misconfigured applications sending mail to the wrong account.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0xC000057FEl servicio de mensajes entre sitios solicitó una operación de modificación en el siguiente objeto mediante LDAP y se ha producido un error en la operación.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3 The Intersite Messaging service requested a modify operation on the following object using LDAP and the operation failed.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0xC0000583Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo construir un nombre de entidad de seguridad de servicio (SPN) de autenticación mutua para el siguiente servicio de directorio.%n%nServicio de directorio:%n%1%n%nSe denegó la llamada. La comunicación con este servicio de directorio puede verse afectada.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to construct a mutual authentication service principal name (SPN) for the following directory service.%n%nDirectory service:%n%1%n%nThe call was denied. Communication with this directory service might be affected.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0xC0000586Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.%n%nCode:%n%1%nProblem:%n%4%nData:%n%5%n%nThe task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2%nInternal ID:%n%3 Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.%n%nCode:%n%1%nProblem:%n%4%nData:%n%5%n%nThe task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2%nInternal ID:%n%3
0xC0000587Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.%n%nThe task will continue, but final results will be delayed. Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.%n%nThe task will continue, but final results will be delayed.
0xC0000588Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.%n%nThe task will continue, but final results will be delayed. Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.%n%nThe task will continue, but final results will be delayed.
0xC0000589Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.%n%nNo infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.%n%nNo infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC000058AInternal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.%n%nNo infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.%n%nNo infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC000058BEl controlador de dominio local es un catálogo global y el maestro de operaciones de infraestructura. Estos dos roles no son compatibles.%n%nSi existe otro controlador de dominio en el dominio, debe convertirse en el maestro de operaciones de infraestructura. El siguiente controlador de dominio es un buen candidato para esta función.%n%nControlador de dominio:%n%1%n%nSi todos los controladores de dominio de este dominio son catálogos globales, no hay que completar tareas de actualización de infraestructura y este mensaje puede omitirse. The local domain controller is both a global catalog and the infrastructure operations master. These two roles are not compatible.%n%nIf another domain controller exists in the domain, it should be made the infrastructure operations master. The following domain controller is a good candidate for this role.%n%nDomain controller:%n%1%n%nIf all domain controllers in this domain are global catalogs, then there are no infrastructure update tasks to complete, and this message might be ignored.
0xC000058CInternal event: The local domain controller is unable to process infrastructure updates at the desired rate.%n%nRequired rate (seconds):%n%1%nMaximum rate (seconds):%n%2%nCurrent rate (days):%n%3%n%nUser Action%nMove the infrastructure operations master role to a more powerful computer or adjust the desired rate.%n%nNote: If this domain controller was recently a global catalog, then the infrastructure operations master role should be transferred to a domain controller that has not recently been a global catalog. Internal event: The local domain controller is unable to process infrastructure updates at the desired rate.%n%nRequired rate (seconds):%n%1%nMaximum rate (seconds):%n%2%nCurrent rate (days):%n%3%n%nUser Action%nMove the infrastructure operations master role to a more powerful computer or adjust the desired rate.%n%nNote: If this domain controller was recently a global catalog, then the infrastructure operations master role should be transferred to a domain controller that has not recently been a global catalog.
0xC0000593Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object failed at the destination domain.%n%nSource object DN:%n%1%nDestination object DN:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4 Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object failed at the destination domain.%n%nSource object DN:%n%1%nDestination object DN:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4
0xC0000595Los siguientes objetos podrían representar el mismo objeto que se movió de dos controladores de dominio de este dominio a dos dominios distintos.%n%nObjeto (1):%n%1%nObjeto (2):%n%2%n%nEl objeto (1) se prefiere en este controlador de dominio.%n%nAcción del usuario%nQuite el objeto (2) de los otros dominios.%n%nGUID del objeto (2):%n%3 The following objects might represent the same object that was moved from two domain controllers in this domain to two different domains.%n%nObject (1):%n%1%nObject (2):%n%2%n%nObject (1) is preferred on this domain controller.%n%nUser Action%nRemove object (2) from all other domains.%n%nObject (2) GUID:%n%3
0xC0000596Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object to a new parent object in the destination domain succeeded.%n%nObject:%n%1%nNew parent object:%n%2 Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object to a new parent object in the destination domain succeeded.%n%nObject:%n%1%nNew parent object:%n%2
0xC0000597Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object to a new parent object in the destination domain failed.%n%nObject:%n%1%nNew parent object:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4 Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object to a new parent object in the destination domain failed.%n%nObject:%n%1%nNew parent object:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4
0xC0000598El movimiento entre dominios del siguiente objeto a un nuevo objeto primario se realizó correctamente, pero se produjo un error en la limpieza del controlador de dominio local.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nNuevo objeto primario:%n%2%n%nAcción del usuario%nElimine el objeto manualmente.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 The cross-domain move of the following object to a new parent object succeeded, but cleanup on the local domain controller failed.%n%nObject:%n%1%nNew parent object:%n%2%n%nUser Action%nDelete the object manually.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4
0xC00005A6Después de restaurar desde un medio de copia de seguridad, se produjo un error al intentar crear el archivo marcador de restauración.%n%nEste archivo debe crearse para que el sistema funcione correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nIntente volver a restaurar desde el medio de copia de seguridad.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 After restoring from backup media, an error occurred when attempting to create the restore marker file.%n%nThis file must be created for your system to run correctly.%n%nUser Action%nAttempt to restore from backup media again.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00005A7Después de restaurar desde un medio de copia de seguridad, se produjo un error al intentar eliminar el archivo marcador de restauración.%n%nEste archivo debe eliminarse para que el sistema funcione correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nIntente volver a restaurar desde el medio de copia de seguridad.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 After restoring from backup media, an error occurred when attempting to delete the restore marker file.%n%nThis file must be deleted for your system to run correctly.%n%nUser Action%nAttempt to restore from backup media again.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00005A8El servicio de mensajes entre sitios que usa el transporte SMTP recibió un informe de estado de entrega del servicio SMTP acerca de un mensaje que envió y que indicaba el error de entrega.%n%nTexto del estado de entrega:%n%2 %3%n%nPuede tratarse de una situación permanente o transitoria. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentará realizar de nuevo esta operación más tarde cuando envíen otro mensaje de replicación en función de la programación de la conexión entre sitios.%n%nAcción del usuario%n- Si el servicio SMTP abandonó los intentos demasiado pronto, ajuste los parámetros de reintentos SMTP con el administrador del servicio SMTP.%n%n- Si se desconoce el controlador de dominio de destino o no está conectado directamente con el controlador de dominio local, quizá sea necesario configurar SMTP para que use una puerta de enlace para enrutar el correo al sistema de destino. Puede hacerlo con el administrador del servicio SMTP.%n%n- Si no puede resolverse la dirección DNS para el controlador de dominio de destino, o si no puede establecerse la conectividad con la red, consulte al administrador de ésta.%n%n- Si el mensaje de correo es demasiado grande, aumente el límite de tamaño del mensaje del servicio SMTP o deshabilite la comprobación de límite.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %4 The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has received a delivery status report from the SMTP service for a message it submitted that indicated delivery failure.%n%nDelivery status text:%n%2 %3%n%nThis may be a permanent or a transient condition. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will try this operation again later when it sends another replication message according to the schedule of the intersite connection.%n%nUser Action%n-If the SMTP service has given up too quickly, adjust the SMTP retry parameters using the SMTP service manager.%n%n-If the destination domain controller is unknown or not directly connected to the local domain controller, it may be necessary to configure SMTP to use a gateway to route the mail to the target system. You can do this using the SMTP service manager.%n%n-If the DNS address for the destination domain controller cannot be resolved, or if network connectivity cannot be established, consult your network administrator.%n%n-If the mail message is too large, either increase the message size limit of the SMTP service or disable limit checking.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %4
0xC00005AALa tarea de propagación de descriptores de seguridad no ha podido calcular un nuevo descriptor de seguridad para el siguiente objeto.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi sigue esta condición, intente ver el estado de este objeto y cambie manualmente el descriptor de seguridad.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3 The security descriptor propagation task could not calculate a new security descriptor for the following object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nThis operation will be tried again later.%n%nUser Action%nIf this condition continues, attempt to view the status of this object and manually change the security descriptor.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0xC00005ACAl procesar la propagación del descriptor de seguridad de, el servicio de directorio no pudo escribir un nuevo descriptor de seguridad para el objeto.%nObjeto %1%n%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3 While processing security descriptor propagation, the directory service failed to write a new security descriptor for object.%nObject %1%n%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0xC00005BAError en el servicio de mensajes entre sitios que usa el protocolo de transporte SMTP al agregar el siguiente dominio de enrutamiento SMTP.%n%nDominio de enrutamiento SMTP:%n%1%n%nEste dominio es necesario para que SMTP acepte el correo entrante usando este nombre. Otros asociados de replicación recibirán errores al enviar correo a este nombre hasta que se corrija el problema.%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe que el servicio SMTP esté instalado y funcione correctamente y que las interfaces del servicio Active Directory (ADSI) estén instaladas y funcionen en este sistema. Si sigue ocurriendo este evento, intente agregar el dominio manualmente con el administrador del servicio SMTP.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has failed to add the following SMTP routing domain.%n%nSMTP routing domain:%n%1%n%nThis domain is needed by SMTP to accept incoming mail using this name. Other replication partners will receive errors when sending mail to this name until the problem is corrected.%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the SMTP service is installed and functioning correctly. Also, verify that Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) is installed and working on this system. If this event continues to occur, attempt to add the domain manually using SMTP service manager.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0xC00005BBError en el servicio de mensajes entre sitios que usa el protocolo de transporte SMTP al registrar el archivo DLL del receptor de eventos (Ismsink.dll).%n%nEl receptor de eventos notifica al servicio de mensajes que ha llegado correo nuevo. El correo nuevo se acumulará en la carpeta del buzón hasta que se corrija este problema.%n%nAcción del usuario%n- Compruebe que el archivo DLL del receptor de eventos (Ismsink.dll) esté presente y no esté dañado.%n%n- Registre manualmente el archivo DLL del receptor de eventos con los siguientes comandos:%nregsvr32 /u ismsink.dll%nregsvr32 ismsink.dll%n%nReinicie el servicio de mensajes entre sitios.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %1 The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport failed to register the event sink DLL (Ismsink.dll).%n%nThe event sink notifies the messaging service that new mail has arrived. New mail will accumulate in the drop folder until this problem is corrected.%n%nUser Action%n- Verify that the event sink DLL (Ismsink.dll) is present and not corrupted.%n%n- Register the event sink DLL manually using the following commands:%nregsvr32 /u ismsink.dll%nregsvr32 ismsink.dll%n%nRestart the Intersite Messaging service.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1
0xC00005BCError del servicio de mensajes entre sitios que usa el protocolo de transporte SMTP al registrar la DLL del receptor de eventos (Ismsink.dll) con SMTP.%n%nEl receptor de eventos notifica al servicio de mensajes que ha llegado nuevo correo, que se acumulará en la carpeta de buzón hasta que se corrija este problema.%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe que Internet Information Services (IIS) esté completamente instalado. La instalación depende del registro correcto de la DLL de IIS (Seo.dll).%n%nReinicie el servicio de mensajes entre sitios.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %1 The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport failed to register the event sink DLL (Ismsink.dll) with SMTP.%n%nThe event sink notifies the messaging service that new mail has arrived. New mail will accumulate in the drop folder until this problem is corrected.%n%nUser Action%nVerify that Internet Information Services (IIS) is fully installed. The installation relies on proper registration of the IIS DLL (Seo.dll).%n%nRestart the Intersite Messaging service.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1
0xC00005BDUna o más clases del siguiente archivo DLL de COM (Component Object Model) no están registradas.%n%nDLL de COM:%n%1%n%nEl servicio de mensajes entre sitios que usa el transporte SMTP depende del archivo DLL.%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe que el archivo DLL está presente y registrado.%n%nRegistre el archivo DLL manualmente con los comandos siguientes:%nregsrv32 /u %1%nregsrv32 %1%n%nSi sigue ocurriendo este evento, es posible que tenga una versión antigua del archivo DLL. Compruebe la versión con el comando siguiente:%nfilever %windir%\\system32\\%1%n%nReinicie el servicio de mensajes entre sitios.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 One or more classes from the following Component Object Model (COM) DLL are not registered.%n%nCOM DLL:%n%1%n%nThe Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport depends on this DLL.%n%nUser Action%nVerify that this DLL is present and registered.%n%nRegister this DLL manually using following commands:%nregsrv32 /u %1%nregsrv32 %1%n%nIf this event continues to occur, you might have an obsolete version of this DLL. Verify the version using the following command:%nfilever %windir%\\system32\\%1%n%nRestart the Intersite Messaging service.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0xC00005C0El siguiente valor está duplicado en la propiedad SPN del siguiente objeto.%n%nValor:%n%1%nObjeto:%n%2%n%nSe omitirá el valor. The following value is duplicated in the SPN property on the following object.%n%nValue:%n%1%nObject:%n%2%n%nThe value will be ignored.
0xC00005C7Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar el siguiente objeto en la base de datos local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services con los cambios recibidos del siguiente servicio de directorio de origen. El almacén de versiones de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services es demasiado pequeño para aplicar los cambios.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nGUID del objeto:%n%2%nServicio de directorio de origen:%n%3%n%nAcción del usuario%nReinicie el servicio de directorio. Si esto no soluciona el problema, aumente el tamaño del almacén de versiones de la base de datos. Si va a rellenar los objetos con muchos valores o si el tamaño de los valores es muy grande, disminuya el tamaño de los próximos cambios.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not update the following object in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database with changes received from the following source directory service. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services does not have enough database version store to apply the changes.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nSource directory service:%n%3%n%nUser Action%nRestart this directory service. If this does not solve the problem, increase the size of the database version store. If you are populating the objects with a large number of values, or the size of the values is especially large, decrease the size of future changes.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %4
0xC00005C8Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar el siguiente objeto en la base de datos local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services con los cambios recibidos del siguiente servicio de directorio de origen; el volumen de disco que contiene la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services está lleno.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nGUID del objeto:%n%2%nServicio de directorio de origen:%n%3%n%nAcción del usuario%nElimine los archivos innecesarios o muévalos a otro volumen. Si el volumen es un conjunto de discos RAID, quizá pueda agregar discos duros adicionales para aumentar la capacidad de almacenamiento. Si los registros y archivos de base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services están almacenados en el mismo volumen, puede separarlos para liberar espacio en disco. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not update the following object in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database with changes received from the following source directory service because the disk volume containing the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database is full.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nSource directory service:%n%3%n%nUser Action%nDelete unnecessary files or move them to another volume. If the volume is a RAID set, you might be able to add additional hard disks to increase the storage capacity. If the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database files and logs are stored in the same volume, you can separate them to create free disk space.
0xC00005C9Internal error: The operation on the object failed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1 Internal error: The operation on the object failed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1
0xC00005EFInternal Error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not perform an operation because the database has run out of version storage.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%1 Internal Error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not perform an operation because the database has run out of version storage.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID:%n%1
0xC00005F2Internal event: MAPI address book indices were not created for any language. This might be due to an incorrect value on the following registry key or the appropriate language pack is not installed.%n%nRegistry key:%n\\\\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\NTDS\\Language%n%nNo MAPI address books will be available. Internal event: MAPI address book indices were not created for any language. This might be due to an incorrect value on the following registry key or the appropriate language pack is not installed.%n%nRegistry key:%n\\\\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\NTDS\\Language%n%nNo MAPI address books will be available.
0xC00005F3La carga de la memoria caché de esquema de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo convertir el descriptor de seguridad predeterminado del siguiente objeto de clase de esquema.%n%nDescriptor de seguridad:%n%1%nObjeto de clase de esquema:%n%2%n%nComo resultado, la carga de la memoria caché de esquema producirá errores.%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe que el descriptor de seguridad predeterminado de la clase sea válido. Si no es válido, cámbielo a un valor correcto.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema cache load could not convert the default security descriptor on the following schema class object.%n%nSecurity descriptor:%n%1%nSchema class object:%n%2%n%nAs a result, the schema cache load will fail.%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the default security descriptor on the class is valid. If it is not valid, change it to a correct value.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4
0xC00005F7El servicio de mensajes entre sitios que usa el protocolo de transporte SMTP ha determinado que una o más clases de la biblioteca Collaboration Data Object (CDO) no estaban registradas como se esperaba. Este error también pudo ocurrir si la instalación de un producto estaba registrando una nueva versión de la biblioteca CDO mientras se estaba ejecutando el servicio de mensajes entre sitios.%n%nEsta condición se corregirá sola cuando se vuelva a registrar la biblioteca.%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe que existe el archivo Cdosys.dll y está registrado mediante la herramienta de línea de comandos Regsvr32. Para sistemas que utilicen Microsoft Exchange, compruebe que el archivo Cdoex.dll esté registrado.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %1 The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has determined that one or more classes from the Collaboration Data Object (CDO) library were not registered as expected. This error could also occur if a new version of the CDO library is being registered by a product installation while the Intersite Messaging service is running.%n%nThis condition will correct itself once the library has been registered again.%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the Cdosys.dll is present and registered using the Regsvr32 command-line tool. For systems running Microsoft Exchange, verify that Cdoex.dll is registered.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1
0xC00005F8Internal error: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has encountered an error originating from the Collaboration Data Object (CDO) library.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %1%nInternal ID:%n%2 Internal error: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has encountered an error originating from the Collaboration Data Object (CDO) library.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %1%nInternal ID:%n%2
0xC0000600Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema validation failed while performing an LDAP add or modify operation on the following schema object.%n%nSchema object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema validation failed while performing an LDAP add or modify operation on the following schema object.%n%nSchema object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0xC0000601Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo eliminar la siguiente clave del Registro. Este error se encontró durante el proceso de recuperación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, tras una operación de restauración.%n%nClave del Registro:%nHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NTDS\\Parameters\\New database GUID%n%nAcción del usuario%nElimine esta clave manualmente para evitar que se produzcan problemas en operaciones posteriores de copia de seguridad o restauración.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not delete the following key from the registry. This error was encountered during the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services recovery process after a restore operation.%n%nRegistry key:%nHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NTDS\\Parameters\\New database GUID%n%nUser Action%nDelete this key manually to prevent problems with future backup or restore operations.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC000060AMientras se replicaba el siguiente objeto de esquema se detectó un conflicto con el siguiente atributo existente.%n%nObjeto de esquema:%n%1%nAtributo:%n%2%n%nComo resultado, habrá un error en la replicación entrante desde el servicio de directorio con el esquema en conflicto en el servicio de directorio local.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi la definición de atributo está dañada en la base de datos local, restaure el servicio de directorio desde el medio de copia de seguridad que se creó antes de modificar el objeto de esquema de atributo.%n%nHora de la última modificación:%n%4%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %3 While replicating the following schema object, a conflict was detected with the following existing attribute.%n%nSchema object:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2%n%nAs a result, inbound replication from the directory service with conflicting schema will fail on the local directory service.%n%nUser Action%nIf the attribute definition in the local database is corrupted, restore the directory service from backup media that was created earlier than the attribute schema object was modified.%n%nTime of last modification:%n%4%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %3
0xC000060BMientras se replicaba el siguiente objeto de esquema, se detectó un conflicto con la siguiente clase de esquema existente.%n%nObjeto de esquema:%n%1%nClase:%n%2%n%nComo resultado, la replicación de entrada desde el servicio de directorio en el que se encuentra el esquema conflictivo no se podrá realizar en el servicio de directorio local.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi la definición de clase en la base de datos local está dañada, intente restaurar el servicio de directorio desde el medio de copia de seguridad que se creó antes de modificar el objeto de esquema de clase.%n%nHora de la última modificación:%n%4%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %3 While replicating the following schema object, a conflict was detected with the following existing schema class.%n%nSchema object:%n%1%nClass:%n%2%n%nAs a result, inbound replication from the directory service with conflicting schema will fail on the local directory service.%n%nUser Action%nIf the class definition in the local database is corrupted, try restoring the directory service from backup media that was created earlier than the class schema object was modified.%n%nTime of last modification:%n%4%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %3
0xC000060EEl siguiente sitio no tiene un objeto de configuración de sitio NTDS secundario.%n%nSitio:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nCree un objeto de configuración de sitio NTDS para este sitio. The following site has no NTDS Site Settings child object.%n%nSite:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nCreate an NTDS Site Settings object for this site.
0xC000061FLos servidores cabeza de puente preferidos se han seleccionado para proporcionar compatibilidad con la replicación entre sitios con el siguiente sitio mediante el siguiente transporte. Sin embargo, ninguno de estos servidores cabeza de puente preferidos puede replicar la siguiente partición de directorio.%n%nSitio:%n%1%nTransporte:%n%2%nPartición de directorio:%n%3%n%nAcción del usuario%n%n- Configure como un servidor cabeza de puente preferido para este transporte un servidor de directorio que pueda admitir la replicación de esta partición de directorio.%n- Compruebe que los objetos de servidor correspondientes tengan una dirección de red para este transporte. Por ejemplo, los servidores de directorio que se replican con el transporte SMTP deben tener un atributo mailAddress. Este atributo suele configurarse automáticamente después de instalar el servicio SMTP.%n%nHasta que esto se rectifique, el comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) considerará a todos los servidores de directorio de este sitio como cabezas de puente posibles para esta partición de directorio. Preferred bridgehead servers have been selected to support intersite replication with the following site using the following transport. However, none of these preferred bridgehead servers can replicate the following directory partition.%n%nSite:%n%1%nTransport:%n%2%nDirectory partition:%n%3%n%nUser Action%n%n- Configure a directory server that can support replication of this directory partition as a preferred bridgehead server for this transport.%n- Verify that the corresponding Server objects have a network address for this transport. For example, directory servers that replicate using the SMTP transport must have a mailAddress attribute. This attribute is normally configured automatically after the SMTP service is installed.%n%nUntil this is rectified, the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will consider all directory servers in this site as possible bridgehead servers for this directory partition.
0xC0000620Ninguno de los servidores de directorio del siguiente sitio que replican la siguiente partición de directorio está configurado para usar el siguiente transporte, aunque el propio sitio está configurado para permitir la replicación mediante este transporte.%n%nSitio:%n%1%nPartición de directorio:%n%3%nTransporte:%n%2%n%nAcción del usuario%n%n- Configure el sitio para no permitir la replicación mediante este transporte modificando los objetos siteLink apropiados.%n- Habilite uno o más servidores de directorio para usar este transporte. En el caso del transporte SMTP, esto requiere la instalación del servicio SMTP y la configuración del atributo mailAddress en el objeto de servidor correspondiente. None of the directory servers in the following site that replicate the following directory partition are configured to use the following transport, even though the site itself is configured to allow replication over this transport.%n%nSite:%n%1%nDirectory partition:%n%3%nTransport:%n%2%n%nUser Action%n%n- Configure the site to not allow replication using this transport by modifying the appropriate siteLink objects.%n- Enable one or more directory servers to use this transport. For the SMTP transport, this requires installation of the SMTP service and configuration of the mailAddress attribute on the corresponding Server object.
0xC0000628El siguiente objeto no pudo heredar un identificador de seguridad (SID) de otro objeto.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4%nId. interno:%n%2 The following object could not inherit a security identifier (SID) from another object.%n%nObject:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4%nInternal ID:%n%2
0xC0000643Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear un índice necesario para el funcionamiento correcto.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to create an index necessary for correct operation.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC000066AUn certificado presentado a Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services indica que procede de un servicio de directorio con la siguiente cuenta de equipo. Este equipo no es un servidor de directorio de acuerdo con la copia local de la partición de directorio de configuración. Por lo tanto, el certificado no se autenticó.%n%nGUID de objeto de la cuenta de equipo:%n%1%nObjeto de servidor (si está disponible):%n%2%nObjeto de configuración NTDS (si está disponible):%n%3%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe que la partición de directorio de configuración del servicio de directorio local se haya replicado correctamente. A certificate presented to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services claims to be from a directory service with the following computer account. This computer is not a directory server according to the local copy of the configuration directory partition. As a result, the certificate was not authenticated.%n%nComputer account object GUID:%n%1%nServer object (if available):%n%2%nNTDS Settings object (if available):%n%3%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the configuration directory partition on the local directory service has replicated correctly.
0xC000066DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no realizó una llamada a procedimiento remoto (RPC) autenticada a otro servidor de directorio porque el nombre de entidad de seguridad de servicio (SPN) deseado para el servidor de directorio de destino no está registrado en el controlador de dominio del centro de distribución de claves (KDC) que resuelve el SPN.%n%nServidor de directorio de destino:%n%1%nSPN:%n%2%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe si el nombre del servidor de directorio de destino y el nombre del dominio son correctos. Compruebe también que el SPN esté registrado en el controlador de dominio de KDC. Si el servidor de directorio de destino se promovió recientemente, será necesario replicar los datos de cuentas del servidor de directorio local en el KDC para poder autenticar este servidor de directorio. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services did not perform an authenticated remote procedure call (RPC) to another directory server because the desired service principal name (SPN) for the destination directory server is not registered on the Key Distribution Center (KDC) domain controller that resolves the SPN.%n%nDestination directory server:%n%1%nSPN:%n%2%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the names of the destination directory server and domain are correct. Also, verify that the SPN is registered on the KDC domain controller. If the destination directory server has been recently promoted, it will be necessary for the local directory server’s account data to replicate to the KDC before this directory server can be authenticated.
0xC0000678Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no encontró ninguna secuencia de protocolo RPC instalada en este equipo.%n%nComo resultado, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no responderá a las solicitudes RPC.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services did not find any RPC protocol sequences installed on this computer.%n%nAs a result, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will not respond to any RPC requests.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC000067EInternal event: A MAPI client requested the creation of an Address Book table that was too large to be supported. As a result, the operation was rejected. Internal event: A MAPI client requested the creation of an Address Book table that was too large to be supported. As a result, the operation was rejected.
0xC0000680La tarea de traducción del objeto de conexión del comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) está deshabilitada. Esta configuración solo es para propósitos de pruebas internas.%n%nAcción del usuario%nPara habilitar la tarea de traducción, utilice la herramienta de la línea de comandos Repadmin y ejecute la siguiente tarea de la línea de comandos.%n%nrepadmin /options -disable_ntdsconn_xlate The Connection object translation task in the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is disabled. This configuration is for internal testing purposes only.%n%nUser Action%nTo enable the translation task, use the Repadmin command-line tool and run the following command-line task.%n%nrepadmin /options -disable_ntdsconn_xlate
0xC000069EActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar el siguiente objeto con un cambio de valor de atributo recibido del siguiente servicio de directorio de origen. Esto se debe a un error durante la aplicación de los cambios a la base de datos local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nGUID del objeto:%n%2%nServicio de directorio de origen:%n%3%nAtributo:%n%5%nValor del atributo:%n%6%nGUID del valor de atributo:%n%7%nPresente:%n%8%n%nEsta operación no volverá a intentarse durante la siguiente replicación programada. La sincronización del servicio de directorio local con el de origen quedará bloqueada hasta que se corrija el problema de actualización.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not update the following object with an attribute value change received from the following source directory service. This is because an error occurred during the application of the changes to the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nSource directory service:%n%3%nAttribute:%n%5%nAttribute value:%n%6%nAttribute value GUID:%n%7%nPresent:%n%8%n%nThis operation will not be tried again at the next scheduled replication. Synchronization of the local directory service with the source directory service is blocked until the update problem is corrected.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4
0xC00006A3Error en este servicio de directorio al recuperar los cambios solicitados para la siguiente partición de directorio. Como resultado, no ha podido enviar las solicitudes de cambio al servicio de directorio en la siguiente dirección de red.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nDirección de red:%n%2%nCódigo de solicitud extendido:%n%4%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %3 This directory service failed to retrieve the changes requested for the following directory partition. As a result, it was unable to send change requests to the directory service at the following network address.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%nExtended request code:%n%4%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %3
0xC00006A4El controlador de dominio local no pudo procesar la solicitud de replicación, falta el siguiente objeto de protocolo de transporte entre sitios.%n%nGUID del objeto de protocolo de transporte entre sitios:%n%1 The local domain controller could not process the replication request because the following intersite transport object is missing.%n%nIntersite transport object GUID:%n%1
0xC00006A5Error en el controlador de dominio local al agregar información de esquema a un mensaje de respuesta de correo. El controlador de dominio en la siguiente dirección de red solicitó cambios en la siguiente partición de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nDirección de red:%n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3 The local domain controller failed to add schema information to a mail reply message. The domain controller at the following network address made the request for changes to the following directory partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0xC00006B5El nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración es incompatible con este sistema operativo. The functional level of the configuration set is incompatible with this operating system.
0xC00006B6El nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración es incompatible con el nivel funcional de la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services local.%n%nNivel funcional del conjunto de configuración:%n%2%nNivel funcional de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services:%n%3%nNivel funcional compatible mínimo:%n%4%n%nAcción del usuario%nInstale el sistema operativo correcto en esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. The functional level of the configuration set is incompatible with the functional level of the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.%n%n configuration set functional level:%n%2%n Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance functional level:%n%3%nMinimal compatible functional level:%n%4%n%nUser Action%nInstall the correct operating system on this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.
0xC00006B7Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo leer el objeto de configuración NTDS para la instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Como resultado, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo validar el nivel funcional de la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nObjeto de configuración NTDS:%n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not read the NTDS Settings object for the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance. As a result, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not validate the functional level of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.%n%nNTDS Settings object:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %3
0xC00006B8El nivel funcional actual de la instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services tal como se indica en su objeto de configuración NTDS es incompatible con el sistema operativo porque el nivel funcional está establecido en un nivel superior al admitido por este sistema operativo.%n%nNivel funcional basado en el objeto de configuración NTDS:%n%1%nNivel funcional admitido por el sistema operativo:%n%2 The current functional level of the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance as indicated by its NTDS Settings object is incompatible with the operating system because the functional level is set higher than the functional level supported by this operating system.%n%nFunctional level based on NTDS Settings object:%n%1%nFunctional level supported by the operating system:%n%2
0xC00006B9Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar el nivel funcional del objeto de configuración NTDS para la instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not update the functional level on the NTDS Settings object for the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00006BELos niveles funcionales de dominio o bosque se actualizaron a valores que son incompatibles con el nivel funcional que admite este sistema operativo.%n%nNuevo nivel funcional de bosque:%n%1%nNuevo nivel funcional de dominio:%n%2%nIntervalo de niveles funcionales del sistema operativo:%n%3 a %4%n%nComo resultado, el controlador de dominio local se aislará del dominio o bosque.%n%nAcción del usuario%nInstale un sistema operativo compatible con el nivel funcional de la partición y el conjunto de configuración en la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services local o actualice el nivel funcional de la partición y el conjunto de configuración para que sea compatible con el admitido por este sistema operativo. The forest or domain functional levels have been updated to values that are incompatible with the functional level supported by this operating system.%n%nNew forest functional level:%n%1%nNew domain functional level:%n%2%nOperating system functional level range:%n%3 to %4%n%nAs a result, the local domain controller will be isolated from the domain or forest.%n%nUser Action%nInstall an operating system compatible with the functional level of the partition and the configuration set on the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance or update the functional level of the partition and the configuration set to be compatible with the functional level supported by this operating system.
0xC00006BFError al intentar restaurar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services porque la copia restaurada de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services es demasiado antigua.%n%nAntigüedad de la copia restaurada de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (días):%n%1%nAntigüedad máxima de la copia restaurada (días):%n%2 The attempt to restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed because the restored copy of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is too old.%n%nRestored Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services age (days):%n%1%nMaximum restored age (days):%n%2
0xC00006C0No se pudieron restaurar los archivos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services necesarios para la instalación. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services files required for installation could not be restored.
0xC00006C1Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo detectar la vigencia de desecho del conjunto de configuración. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not detect the tombstone lifetime of the configuration set.
0xC00006E7No se puede promover esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services porque hay un espacio en el nombre NETBIOS del equipo. Cambie el nombre del equipo y reinicie la promoción. This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance cannot be promoted because of a space in the NetBIOS computer name. Rename the computer and restart the promotion.
0xC00006E8El siguiente objeto de vínculo a sitios hace referencia a un sitio que no se ha encontrado en la lista maestra de sitios del comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC).%n%nObjeto de vínculo a sitios:%n%1%nSitio:%n%2%n%nEsto puede afectar a la capacidad de generar topología entre sitios. The following site link object references a site, but that site was not found in the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) master list of sites.%n%nSite link object:%n%1%nSite:%n%2%n%nThis may affect the ability to generate intersite topology.
0xC00006E9La siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones no tiene dominio de referencia del descriptor de seguridad.%n%npartición de directorio de aplicaciones:%n%1%n%nSe usará el dominio raíz.%n%nAcción del usuario%nConfigure el dominio de referencia del descriptor de seguridad para esta partición de directorio de aplicaciones. The following application directory partition has no security descriptor reference domain.%n%nApplication directory partition:%n%1%n%nThe root domain will be used instead.%n%nUser Action%nSet the security descriptor reference domain for this application directory partition.
0xC00006EBEl siguiente objeto de puente de vínculo a sitios hace referencia a un vínculo de sitio, pero éste no se ha encontrado en la lista maestra del comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) de vínculos a sitios.%n%nObjeto de puente de vínculo a sitios:%n%1%nVínculo a sitio:%n%2%n%nEsto puede afectar a la capacidad de generar topología entre sitios. The following site link bridge object references a site link, but that site link was not found in the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) master list of site links.%n%nSite link bridge object:%n%1%nSite link:%n%2%n%nThis may affect the ability to generate intersite topology.
0xC00006EDActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo instalarse a partir de los archivos restaurados. Es posible que se extrajera de la unidad de disco el disco de inicio del sistema. Inserte un disco de inicio del sistema y reinicie el asistente. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not be installed from the restored files. The system startup disk may have been removed from the floppy disk drive. Insert a system startup disk and restart the wizard.
0xC00006EEInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not automatically generate a linkID attribute for the following new schema object.%n%nNew schema object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not automatically generate a linkID attribute for the following new schema object.%n%nNew schema object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0xC00006FBEl objeto de puente del vínculo de sitio %1 contiene menos de dos vínculos de sitio.Se omitirá el puente de vínculo del sitio. The site link bridge object %1 contains fewer than two sites links.The site link bridge will be ignored.
0xC00006FCAl procesar la topología para la partición %1, se encontró una ruta más corta con programacionessin intersección. La ruta originada en el sitio %2 y las programacionessin intersección se detectaron entre el sitio %3 y %4. Esta ruta se considerano válida y se omitirá. When processing the topology for partition %1, a shortest-path with non-intersectingschedules was found. The path originated at site %2 and the non-intersectingschedules were discovered between site %3 and site %4. This path is consideredinvalid and will be ignored.
0xC00006FDEl sitio %1 contiene uno o más servidores de directorio, pero no está conectadomediante vínculos a sitios. El sitio no puede replicarse con otros sitios a menos queestén conectados mediante vínculos a sitios. The site %1 contains one or more directory servers, but is not connectedby any site links. This site cannot replicate with other sites unless theyare connected by site links.
0xC00006FEEl sistema no pudo promover este servidor a catálogo global en %1 ocasiones.Si persiste este problema, póngase en contacto con los servicios de soporte técnico de Microsoftpara obtener ayuda.Error %2: %3. The system failed to promote this server into a Global Catalog %1 times.If this issue persists, please contact Microsoft Product SupportServices for assistance.Error %2: %3.
0xC00006FFSe anuló la replicación de la partición de directorio de aplicaciones %1 desde el origen %2.La replicación requiere un esquema coherente, pero el último intento desincronizar el esquema produjo errores. Es crucial que la replicacióndel esquema funcione correctamente. Consulte los errores anteriores para hacer un diagnóstico.Si continúa este problema, póngase en contacto con los Serviciosde soporte técnico de Microsoft para obtener asistencia.Error %3: %4. Replication of application directory partition %1 from source %2 has been aborted.Replication requires consistent schema but last attempt to synchronizethe schema had failed. It is crucial that schema replicationfunctions properly. See previous errors for more diagnostics.If this issue persists, please contact Microsoft Product SupportServices for assistance.Error %3: %4.
0xC0000706Error en el intento de recuperar el GUID del servidor %1. The attempt to retrieve the GUID from the server %1 failed.
0xC0000712Error del servicio de mensajes entre sitios mientras esperaba un mensaje.%nEl mensaje de error es:%n%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 The Intersite Messaging Service failed to wait for a message.%nThe error message is as follows:%n%n%1%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%2
0xC0000713El servicio de mensajes entre sitios ha encontrado un error mientrasintentaba iniciar el distribuidor de control de servicios.%nEl mensaje de error es:%n%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 The Intersite Messaging Service encountered an error whileattempting to start the Service Control Dispatcher.%nThe error message is as follows:%n%n%1%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%2
0xC0000714El servicio de mensajes entre sitios no pudo inicializarse.%nEl mensaje de error es:%n%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 The Intersite Messaging Service failed to initialize.%nThe error message is as follows:%n%n%1%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%2
0xC0000715Error en el servicio de mensajes entre sitios al crear un eventopara una entrada pendiente para el servicio %1 mediante el protocolo de transporte %2.%nEl mensaje de error es:%n%n%3%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 The Intersite Messaging Service failed to create an eventfor a pending entry for service %1 via transport %2.%nThe error message is as follows:%n%n%3%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%4
0xC0000716El servicio de mensajes entre sitios ha encontrado un nombre distintivo de protocolo de transportemal formado, %1, para el servicio %2. Unaoperación no pudo continuar. The Inter-Site Messaging Service encountered a malformedtransport distinguished name, %1, for service %2. Anoperation was unable to continue.
0xC0000717El servicio de mensajes entre sitios no ha podido asignarmemoria del sistema para el protocolo de transporte %1 y el servicio %2. The Inter-Site Messaging Service was unable to allocatememory from the system for transport %1 and service %2.
0xC0000718Error en el servicio de mensajes entre sitios al iniciarse por unerror al registrar el identificador de control del servicio.%nEl mensaje de error es:%n%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 The Intersite Messaging Service failed to start because ofa failure to register the service control handler.%nThe error message is as follows:%n%n%1%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%2
0xC0000719El servicio de mensajes entre sitios no pudo iniciarse por unerror al iniciar el servidor RPC.%nEl mensaje de error es:%n%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 The Intersite Messaging Service failed to start because ofa failure to start the RPC server.%nThe error message is as follows:%n%n%1%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%2
0xC000071AError del servicio de mensajes entre sitios al iniciar el servidor RPCpor un error al construir un descriptor de seguridad.%nEl mensaje de error es:%n%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 The Intersite Messaging Service failed to start the RPC serverbecause of a failure to construct a security descriptor.%nThe error message is as follows:%n%n%1%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%2
0xC000071BError del servicio de mensajes entre sitios al iniciar el servidor RPCporque no pudo inicializar la secuencia de protocolo.%nEl mensaje de error es:%n%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 The Intersite Messaging Service failed to start the RPC serverbecause it was unable to initialize the protocol sequence.%nThe error message is as follows:%n%n%1%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%2
0xC000071CError del servicio de mensajes entre sitios al iniciar el servidor RPCporque no ha podido registrar la interfaz.%nEl mensaje de error es:%n%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 The Intersite Messaging Service failed to start the RPC serverbecause it was unable to register the interface.%nThe error message is as follows:%n%n%1%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%2
0xC000071DError del servicio de mensajes entre sitios al iniciar el servidor RPCporque no ha podido escuchar llamadas a procedimiento remoto.%nEl mensaje de error es:%n%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 The Intersite Messaging Service failed to start the RPC serverbecause it was unable to listen for remote procedure calls.%nThe error message is as follows:%n%n%1%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%2
0xC000071FEl servicio de mensajes entre sitios ha solicitado abandonarun mensaje de notificación LDAP. La operación no se realizó correctamente.%nEl mensaje de error es:%n%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 The Intersite Messaging Service requested to abandonan LDAP notification message. The operation was unsuccessful.%nThe error message is as follows:%n%n%1%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%2
0xC0000720El servicio de mensajes entre sitios ha solicitado realizar una operaciónde enlace LDAP. La operación no se realizó correctamente.%nEl mensaje de error es:%n%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 The Intersite Messaging Service requested to performan LDAP bind operation. The operation was unsuccessful.%nThe error message is as follows:%n%n%1%n%nAdditional data%nError value:%n%2
0xC0000721Error en el inicio de la tarea que supervisa los cambios del servicio de directorio en los objetos de protocolo de transporteentre sitios.%nLas adiciones, eliminaciones y modificaciones de objetos de protocolo de transporte entre sitiosno se reflejarán en la configuración del servicio de mensajes entre sitios. The task that monitors the Directory Service for changes in the Inter-SiteTransport objects failed to start.%nAdditions, deletions, and modifications of Inter-Site Transport objectswill not be reflected in the configuration of the Inter-Site Messaging Service.
0xC0000725El producto Standard Server solo puede promoverse a un rol de instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en bosques que tengan menos de %1 instancias de AD LDS existentes. El bosque seleccionado tiene %1 o más instancias de AD LDS existentes. The Standard Server product can only be promoted to an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance role in forests that have less than %1 existing AD LDS instance. The selected forest has %1 or more existing AD LDS instance.
0xC0000726El programa de configuración encontró un error al leer el tipo de producto de esteservidor y no puede continuar. Setup encountered an error when reading the product type of thisServer and cannot continue.
0xC0000727Se eliminó el maestro de nombres. Asuma el rol de maestro de operaciones y vuelva a instalar. The naming master has been deleted. Seize the operation master role and retry the installation.
0xC0000728El espacio de nombres administrativo del dominio SMTP no está disponible en este momento. La replicación basada en correo no puede configurarse hasta que se corrija esta condición.%n%nComo resultado, habrá un error en la replicación entre sitios que usa el protocolo de transporte SMTP entre el controlador de dominio local y todos los controladores de dominio de otros sitios.%n%nLa replicación con SMTP se intentará de nuevo más tarde.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %1 The SMTP domain administrative namespace is not available at this time. Mail-based replication cannot be configured until this condition is corrected.%n%nAs a result, intersite replication using the SMTP transport between the local domain controller and all domain controllers in other sites will fail.%n%nReplication using SMTP will be tried again later.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1
0xC000072AEl servicio de mensajes entre sitios que usa el protocolo de transporte SMTP no pudo quitar el siguiente dominio de enrutamiento SMTP.%n%nDominio de enrutamiento SMTP:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%n%n- Compruebe que el servicio SMTP esté instalado y que funcione correctamente.%n- Compruebe que las interfaces de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (ADSI) estén instaladas y funcionen en este sistema.%n%nSi sigue ocurriendo este evento, intente quitar el dominio manualmente mediante el administrador del servicio SMTP.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %2 The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport failed to remove the following SMTP routing domain.%n%nSMTP routing domain:%n%1%n%nUser Action%n%n- Verify that the SMTP service is installed and functioning correctly.%n- Verify that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Services Interfaces (ADSI) is installed and working on this system.%n%nIf this event continues to occur, try to remove the domain manually using the SMTP service manager.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0xC0000745El servicio de mensajes entre sitios no pudo iniciar el servidor RPC porque no pudo registrar la información de autenticación.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %1 The Intersite Messaging service failed to start the RPC server because it was unable to register authentication information.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %1
0xC0000747Éste es el estado de replicación de la siguiente partición de directorio en este servidor de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nEste servidor de directorio no recibió la información de replicación de varios servidores de directorio dentro del intervalo de latencia configurado.%n%nIntervalo de latencia (horas): %n%4%nNúmero de servidores de directorio en todos los sitios:%n%2%nNúmero de servidores de directorio en este sitio:%n%3%n%nPuede modificar el intervalo de latencia con la siguiente clave del Registro.%n%nClave del Registro: %nHKLM\\%5\\Replicator latency error interval (hours)%n%nPara identificar los servidores de directorio por el nombre, use la herramienta dcdiag.exe.%nTambién puede usar la herramienta de soporte repadmin.exe para mostrar las latencias de replicación de los servidores de directorio. El comando es \"repadmin /showvector /latency \". This is the replication status for the following directory partition on this directory server.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nThis directory server has not received replication information from a number of directory servers within the configured latency interval.%n%nLatency Interval (Hours): %n%4%nNumber of directory servers in all sites:%n%2%nNumber of directory servers in this site:%n%3%n%nThe latency interval can be modified with the following registry key.%n%nRegistry Key: %nHKLM\\%5\\Replicator latency error interval (hours)%n%nTo identify the directory servers by name, use the dcdiag.exe tool.%nYou can also use the support tool repadmin.exe to display the replication latencies of the directory servers. The command is \"repadmin /showvector /latency \".
0xC0000748Éste es el estado de replicación de la siguiente partición de directorio en este servidor de directorio.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nEste servidor de directorio no recibió recientemente la información de replicación de varios servidores de directorio. A continuación, puede ver el número de servidores de directorio, divididos en los siguientes intervalos.%n%nMás de %8 horas:%n%2%nMás de una semana:%n%3%nMás de un mes:%n%4%nMás de dos meses:%n%5%nMás de una vigencia de desecho:%n%6%nVigencia de desecho (días):%n%7%n%nLos servidores de directorio que no realizan la replicación a tiempo pueden encontrar errores. Pueden perder cambios de contraseña, lo que les impediría realizar la autenticación. Un DC que no se replica en la vigencia de desecho puede perder la información de eliminación de algunos objetos y bloquear automáticamente su futura replicación hasta que se reconcilie.%n%nPara identificar los servidores de directorio por el nombre, use la herramienta dcdiag.exe.%nTambién puede usar la herramienta de soporte repadmin.exe para mostrar las latencias de replicación de los servidores de directorio. El comando es \"repadmin /showvector /latency \". This is the replication status for the following directory partition on this directory server.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nThis directory server has not recently received replication information from a number of directory servers. The count of directory servers is shown, divided into the following intervals.%n%nMore than %8 hours:%n%2%nMore than a week:%n%3%nMore than one month:%n%4%nMore than two months:%n%5%nMore than a tombstone lifetime:%n%6%nTombstone lifetime (days):%n%7%n%nDirectory servers that do not replicate in a timely manner may encounter errors. They may miss password changes and be unable to authenticate. A DC that has not replicated in a tombstone lifetime may have missed the deletion of some objects, and may be automatically blocked from future replication until it is reconciled.%n%nTo identify the directory servers by name, use the dcdiag.exe tool.%nYou can also use the support tool repadmin.exe to display the replication latencies of the directory servers. The command is \"repadmin /showvector /latency \".
0xC000074AEl servicio de mensajes entre sitios ha recibido la siguiente información de cadena de error extendida de LDAP.%n%nCadena de error extendida:%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error de LDAP:%n%5 %4%nValor de error extendido de WIN32:%n%3 %2 The Intersite Messaging service received the following extended error string information from LDAP.%n%nExtended error string:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nLDAP error value:%n%5 %4%nWIN32 extended error value:%n%3 %2
0xC000074FLa replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó que en esta partición de directorio falta un objeto primario para el siguiente objeto de salida. Se produjo un error al intentar mover el objeto huérfano al contenedor LostAndFound.%n%nObjeto de salida:%n%1%nGUID del objeto de salida:%n%2%nPartición de directorio:%n%3%n%nComo resultado, se omitió el objeto en la replicación de salida.%n%nEsta situación con errores ocurre si se elimina un objeto primario y se envía al sistema de recolección de elementos no usados cuando aún tiene objetos secundarios activos. Como resultado, el objeto huérfano se mueve al contenedor LostAndFound.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%5 %4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication detected a missing parent object for the following outgoing object in this directory partition. An attempt to move the orphaned object to the LostAndFound container failed.%n%nOutgoing object:%n%1%nOutgoing object GUID:%n%2%nDirectory partition:%n%3%n%nAs a result, the object was skipped for outbound replication.%n%nThis erroneous condition occurs when a parent object is deleted and sent to garbage collection when it still has active child objects. As a result, the orphaned object is moved to the LostAndFound container.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%5 %4
0xC0000752No pudo instalarse Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services a partir de los archivos restaurados porque el asistente no pudo copiar los archivos restaurados de AD LDS de %1 a %2. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not install from restored files because the wizard was unable to copy the restored AD LDS files from %1 to %2.
0xC0000755El usuario no tiene el derecho de invocar una operación de cambio de nombre de dominio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%1 %2 The user does not have the right to invoke a domain rename operation.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2
0xC0000756Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encontró un error mientras ejecutaban una operación de cambio de nombre de dominio.%n%nAcción del usuario%nPara obtener más información, vea el archivo de registro %windir%\\debug\\scriptlog.log. Vuelva a intentar la operación de cambio de nombre de dominio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%1 %2%nIdentificador interno: %n%3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered an error while performing a domain rename operation.%n%nUser Action%nFor more information, see the log file %windir%\\debug\\scriptlog.log. Retry the domain rename operation.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2%nInternal ID: %n%3
0xC0000757Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encontró un error mientras leían el script para el cambio de nombre de dominio.%n%nAcción del usuario%nPara obtener más información, vea el archivo de registro %windir%\\debug\\scriptlog.log. Vuelva a intentar la operación de cambio de nombre de dominio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered an error while reading the domain rename script.%n%nUser Action%nFor more information, see the log file %windir%\\debug\\scriptlog.log. Retry the domain rename operation.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2
0xC0000758Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no encontró un error mientras ejecutaban el script para el cambio de nombre de dominio.%n%nAcción del usuario%nPara obtener más información, vea el archivo de registro %windir%\\debug\\scriptlog.log. Vuelva a intentar la operación de cambio de nombre de dominio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%1 %nIdentificador interno: %n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered an error while running the domain rename script.%n%nUser Action%nFor more information, see the log file %windir%\\debug\\scriptlog.log. Retry the domain rename operation.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1%nInternal ID: %n%2
0xC0000759Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encontró un error mientras asignaban el nuevo nombre de dominio siguiente.%n%nNuevo nombre de dominio: %n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nPara obtener más información, vea el archivo de registro %windir%\\debug\\scriptlog.log. Vuelva a intentar la operación de cambio de nombre de dominio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%2 %3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered an error while assigning the following new domain name.%n%nNew domain name: %n%1%n%nUser Action%nFor more information, see the log file %windir%\\debug\\scriptlog.log. Retry the domain rename operation.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%2 %3
0xC000075BActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo cerrar el sistema.%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services forzará el cierre del sistema.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to shut down the system.%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will force a system shutdown.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2
0xC0000762El objeto crossRef tiene una referencia a una partición de directorio (atributo nCName) con el siguiente nombre en conflicto. Se produjo un error al intentar cambiar el nombre de la partición de directorio por un nombre que no entre en conflicto.%n%nObjeto crossRef: %n%1%nNombre en conflicto: %n%2%nNombre de partición que se intentó: %n%3%n%nDatos adicionales%n Valor de error: %n%5 %4 The crossRef object has a reference to a directory partition (nCName attribute) with the following conflicting name. The attempt to change the directory partition name to a name that is not conflicting failed.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%nConflicting name: %n%2%nAttempted partition name: %n%3%n%nAdditional Data%n Error value: %n%5 %4
0xC0000764El siguiente objeto principal se concibió para quitarse físicamente de la base de datos. En la preparación, los objetos secundarios de este principal tuvieron que moverse al contenedor Perdidos y encontrados pero ha ocurrido un conflicto de nombres. Error al intentar dar nuevo nombre al objeto secundario y moverlo al siguiente contenedor.%n%nObjeto principal: %n%1%nObjeto secundario: %n%2%nContenedor: %n%4%nNuevo nombre del objeto secundario: %n%3%n%nEl objeto principal ya no se eliminará de la base de datos.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%5 The following parent object was intended to be physically removed from the database. In preparation, child objects for this parent needed to be moved to the LostAndFound container but a name conflict occurred. The attempt to rename the child object and move it to the following container failed.%n%nParent object: %n%1%nChild object: %n%2%nContainer: %n%4%nNew name of child object: %n%3%n%nThe parent object will no longer be deleted from the database.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%5
0xC0000765Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo recuperar el tiempo base de replicación de %1. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to retrieve the replication epoch from %1.
0xC0000766Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo instalarse a partir de los archivos de base de datos restaurados porque los tiempos base de replicación (MsDS-ReplicationEpoch) no coinciden. El tiempo base de replicación de la base de datos restaurada es %1. El tiempo base de replicación del conjunto de configuración es %2. Esto suele deberse a que se cambió el nombre de una partición después de realizar la copia de seguridad. Realice una nueva copia de seguridad y vuelva a intentar la promoción con tiempos base coincidentes. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not be installed from the restored database files because the replication epochs (MsDS-ReplicationEpoch) do not match. The replication epoch of the restored database is %1. The replication epoch of the configuration set is %2. This is usually caused by renaming a partition after the backup was taken. Perform a new backup and try the promotion again using matching epochs.
0xC000076CEl objeto con el siguiente GUID se duplicó durante un movimiento entre dominios. El objeto existe localmente con el siguiente nombre, pero existió anteriormente en otro dominio.%n%nGUID del objeto: %n%1%nNombre del objeto actual: %n%2%nNombre del objeto anterior: %n%3%nHora del movimiento entre dominios: %n%4%n%nLa duplicación del objeto durante un movimiento entre dominios puede ocurrir cuando la operación consigue crear el objeto en el nuevo dominio pero no quita el objeto original del dominio de origen. En este caso, el movimiento entre dominios devolvió el error \"local cleanup required (se requiere limpieza local)\". Se supone que el objeto se debería eliminar manualmente, pero no fue así.%n%nAcción del usuario%nElimina una de las instancias del objeto con el GUID superior de uno de los dominios. The object with the following GUID has been duplicated during a cross domain move. The object exists locally with the following name but previously existed in a different domain.%n%nObject GUID: %n%1%nCurrent object name: %n%2%nFormer object name: %n%3%nCross domain move epoch: %n%4%n%nObject duplication during a cross domain move can occur when the operation succeeds in creating the object in the new domain but fails to remove the original object in the source domain. In this case, the cross domain move returned the error \"local cleanup required.?The object is supposed to be removed manually, but was not.%n%nUser Action%nDelete one of the instances of the object with the above GUID from one of the domains.
0xC0000776El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) ha detectado un formato de vector de actualización incompatible.%n%nVersión de formato actual: %n%1%nVersión del formato esperada: %n2%n%nSe producirá un error en el algoritmo de elección para el generador de topología entre sitios. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) detected an incompatible up-to-dateness vector format.%n%nCurrent format version: %n%1%nExpected format version: %n2%n%nThe election algorithm for the intersite topology generator will fail.
0xC0000778Error en Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services al intentar inicializar el servicio de instantáneas.%n%nLos intentos de realizar copias de seguridad o restaurar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services con el servicio de instantáneas no serán correctos hasta que se corrija este problema.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%1 %2 The attempt to initialize the shadow copy service failed for Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nAttempts to backup or restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services using the shadow copy service will not succeed until this is corrected.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2
0xC0000779Internal error: The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services backup and restore operation encountered an unexpected error.%n%nBackup or restore will not succeed until this is corrected.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%3 %1%nInternal ID: %n%2 Internal error: The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services backup and restore operation encountered an unexpected error.%n%nBackup or restore will not succeed until this is corrected.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%3 %1%nInternal ID: %n%2
0xC000077AEl servicio de instantáneas no puede usarse para realizar una copia de seguridad de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en el modo de restauración de servicios de directorio.%n%nAcción del usuario%nDebe reiniciar el sistema en modo normal para poder realizar la copia de seguridad. The shadow copy service cannot be used to back up Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services in directory services restore mode.%n%nUser Action%nYou must restart in normal mode to perform the backup.
0xC000077BEl servicio de instantáneas no puede restaurar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services porque están ejecutándose.%n%nAcción del usuario%nDebe reiniciar el sistema en el modo de restauración de servicios de directorio en el que no se ejecutan Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. The shadow copy service cannot restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services because Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is running.%n%nUser Action%nYou must restart in directory services restore mode in which Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services does not run.
0xC000077CLa copia de seguridad de la instantánea para Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no se realizó correctamente.%n%nAcción del usuario%nConsulte los eventos subsiguientes en el registro de eventos para determinar la causa del problema. The shadow copy backup for Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unsuccessful.%n%nUser Action%nView the event log for subsequent events to determine the cause of the problem.
0xC000077EEl servicio de instantáneas no puede restaurar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services porque la instantánea usada es demasiado antigua.%n%nFecha de expiración de la instantánea: %n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nSeleccione una instantánea más reciente y vuelva a ejecutar la restauración. The shadow copy service cannot restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services because the shadow copy used is too old.%n%nShadow copy expiration date: %n%1%n%nUser Action%nSelect a more recent shadow copy and rerun the restore.
0xC000077FError en la restauración de la instantánea de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nEl contenido de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services es imprevisible.%n%nAcción del usuario%nConsulte los eventos subsiguientes en el registro de eventos para determinar la causa del problema. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services shadow copy restore was unsuccessful.%n%nThe contents of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database are unpredictable.%n%nUser Action%nView the event log for subsequent events to determine the cause of the problem.
0xC000078BError en la restauración de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services mediante el servicio de instantáneas durante la fase preparatoria.%n%nEl estado de la base de datos del disco no se alteró. The restore of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services by the shadow copy service failed during the preparatory phase.%n%nThe state of the database on the disk has not been altered.
0xC0000797Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo quitar todos los objetos persistentes del controlador de dominio local. No obstante, es posible que se hayan eliminado algunos objetos persistentes de este controlador de dominio antes de que se detuviera esta operación. Se comprobó la existencia de todos los objetos en el siguiente controlador de dominio de origen.%n%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%1%nNúmero de objetos persistentes eliminados correctamente: %n%4 %n%nAcción del usuario%nVuelva a ejecutar el proceso de eliminación de objetos persistentes.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%2 %3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to remove all of the lingering objects on the local domain controller. However, some lingering objects might have been deleted on this domain controller before this operation stopped. All objects had their existence verified on the following source domain controller.%n%nSource domain controller: %n%1%nNumber of lingering objects successfully deleted: %n%4%n%nUser Action%nRerun the lingering object removal process.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%2 %3
0xC0000798Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo comprobar la existencia de todos los objetos persistentes en el controlador de dominio local en modo de asesoría. No obstante, se comprobó la existencia de los objetos persistentes encontrados antes de salir del proceso en el siguiente controlador de dominio de origen. Estos objetos se incluyeron en entradas anteriores del registro de eventos.%n%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%1%nNúmero de objetos persistentes identificados y comprobados: %n%4%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%2 %3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to verify the existence of all lingering objects on the local domain controller in advisory mode. However, lingering objects found prior to the process quitting have had their existence verified on the following source domain controller. These objects have been listed in past event log entries.%n%nSource domain controller: %n%1%nNumber of lingering objects identified and verified: %n%4%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%2 %3
0xC000079BActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo eliminar el siguiente objeto persistente del controlador de dominio local porque es posible que se haya actualizado o eliminado durante el proceso de eliminación de objetos persistentes. El objeto se eliminó y recopiló durante la recolección de elementos no usados en el siguiente controlador de dominio de origen.%n%nObjeto: %n%1%nGUID del objeto: %n%2%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%3%n%nAcción del usuario%nVuelva a ejecutar el proceso de eliminación de objetos persistentes. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to delete the following lingering object on the local domain controller because it might have been updated or deleted during the lingering object removal process. The object had been deleted and garbage collected on the following source domain controller.%n%nObject: %n%1%nObject GUID: %n%2%nSource domain controller: %n%3%n%nUser action%nRerun the lingering object removal process.
0xC000079CActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services identificó un objeto crítico del sistema en el controlador de dominio local como candidato para la eliminación durante el proceso de eliminación de objetos persistentes. Este objeto se eliminó y recopiló durante la recolección de elementos no usados en el siguiente controlador de dominio de origen.%n%nObjeto: %n%1%nGUID del objeto: %n%2%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%3%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no eliminará un objeto crítico del sistema aunque su eliminación y recopilación durante la recolección de elementos no usados se identificara en el controlador de dominio de origen. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services identified a critical system object on the local domain controller as a candidate for deletion during the lingering object removal process. This object had been deleted and garbage collected on the following source domain controller.%n%nObject: %n%1%nObject GUID: %n%2%nSource domain controller: %n%3%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will not delete a critical system object even though its deletion and garbage collection was identified on the source domain controller.
0xC000079DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo eliminar el siguiente objeto persistente del controlador de dominio local. El objeto se eliminó y recopiló durante la recolección de elementos no usados en el siguiente controlador de dominio de origen, pero la eliminación no se replicó en el controlador de dominio local.%n%nObjeto: %n%1%nGUID del objeto: %n%2%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%3%n%nEl proceso de eliminación de objetos persistentes continuará, pero este objeto no se eliminará del controlador de dominio local.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%4 %5 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to delete the following lingering object on the local domain controller. The object had been deleted and garbage collected on the following source domain controller, but the deletion had not been replicated on the local domain controller.%n%nObject: %n%1%nObject GUID: %n%2%nSource domain controller: %n%3%n%nThe lingering object removal process will continue, but this object will not be deleted from the local domain controller.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%4 %5
0xC000079EActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo eliminar un objeto persistente del controlador de dominio local. El objeto se eliminó y recopiló durante la recolección de elementos no usados en el siguiente controlador de dominio de origen, pero la eliminación no se replicó en el controlador de dominio local.%n%nGUID del objeto: %n%2%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%3%n%nEl proceso de eliminación de objetos persistentes no continuará.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%3 %4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to delete a lingering object on the local domain controller. The object had been deleted and garbage collected on the following source domain controller, but the deletion had not been replicated on the local domain controller.%n%nObject GUID: %n%2%nSource domain controller: %n%3%n%nThe lingering object removal process will not continue.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%3 %4
0xC00007A6Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encontró un error de replicación debido a que se agregó al conjunto de configuración un objeto crossRef nuevo con el mismo nombre que una partición de directorio local.%n%nPartición de directorio local: %n%1 %n%nEl objeto crossRef no podrá agregarse hasta que se haya quitado la partición de directorio local en conflicto. Esto suele ocurrir cuando un objeto crossRef se elimina y se vuelve a crear rápidamente en el maestro de nomenclatura, y los cambios se replican. El error se debe a que el comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) no ha tenido aún ocasión de quitar la partición de directorio local. Esta situación se corregirá por sí sola cuando el KCC termine de quitar la partición, pero la replicación puede retrasarse. %n%nAcción del usuario%nPuede resolver este conflicto eliminando el objeto crossRef recién creado y volviendo a crearlo una vez que la partición de directorio local se haya quitado del conjunto de configuración. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered a replication error because a new crossRef object was added to the configuration set with the same name as a local directory partition.%n%nLocal directory partition: %n%1%n%nThe crossRef object cannot be added until the conflicting local directory partition is removed. This usually occurs when a crossRef object has been deleted and recreated rapidly on the naming master, and the changes have been replicated. The error occurs because the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has not yet had a chance to remove the local directory partition. This situation will correct itself when the KCC finishes removing the partition, but replication may be delayed.%n%nUser Action%nYou can rectify this conflict by deleting the newly created crossRef object and creating it again once the local directory partition has been removed from the configuration set.
0xC00007A8Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.%n%nProcess ID: %n%7%n%nReported error information:%nError value: %n%1 (%2)%ndirectory service: %n%3%n%nExtended error information:%nError value: %n%4 (%5)%ndirectory service: %n%6%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID: %n%8 Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.%n%nProcess ID: %n%7%n%nReported error information:%nError value: %n%1 (%2)%ndirectory service: %n%3%n%nExtended error information:%nError value: %n%4 (%5)%ndirectory service: %n%6%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID: %n%8
0xC00007A9Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.%n%nExtended information:%nError value: %n%1 (%2)%ndirectory service: %n%3%n%nSupplemental information:%nDetection location: %n%4%nGenerating component: %n%5%nTime at directory service: %n%6%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 (%2) Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.%n%nExtended information:%nError value: %n%1 (%2)%ndirectory service: %n%3%n%nSupplemental information:%nDetection location: %n%4%nGenerating component: %n%5%nTime at directory service: %n%6%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 (%2)
0xC00007AAInternal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.%n%ndirectory service: %n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 (%2) Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.%n%ndirectory service: %n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 (%2)
0xC00007ABInternal event: The following local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extensive RPC information was requested. This is intermediate information and might not contain a possible cause.%n%nProcess ID: %n%7%n%nReported error information:%nError value: %n%1 (%2)%ndirectory service: %n%3%n%nExtensive error information:%nError value: %n%4 %5%ndirectory service: %n%6%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID: %n%8 Internal event: The following local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extensive RPC information was requested. This is intermediate information and might not contain a possible cause.%n%nProcess ID: %n%7%n%nReported error information:%nError value: %n%1 (%2)%ndirectory service: %n%3%n%nExtensive error information:%nError value: %n%4 %5%ndirectory service: %n%6%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID: %n%8
0xC00007ACEl servicio de directorio local ha denegado un intento de replicación en la siguiente partición de directorio. El siguiente servicio de directorio ha solicitado replicar uno o más objetos desde una partición de directorio no autorizada y ha habido un error en el intento. %n%nServicio de directorio: %n%1%nPartición de directorio: %n%2 %n%nEsto podría suponer un riesgo de seguridad. The local directory service has denied a replication attempt on the following directory partition. The following directory service requested to replicate one or more objects from an unauthorized directory partition and the attempt failed.%n%ndirectory service: %n%1%nDirectory partition: %n%2%n%nThis might pose a security risk.
0xC00007B9El siguiente servicio de directorio realizó una solicitud de replicación para una partición de directorio de escritura y el servicio de directorio local la rechazó. El servicio de directorio solicitante no tiene acceso a una copia de escritura de esta partición de directorio.%n%nServicio de directorio solicitante: %n%2%nPartición de directorio: %n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi el servicio de directorio solicitante debe tener una copia de escritura de esta partición, compruebe que el descriptor de seguridad de esta partición de directorio tenga la configuración correcta para el derecho de acceso Replication Get Changes All (Replicación obtener cambios todos). También puede obtener este mensaje durante el período de transición después de quitar una partición secundaria. Este mensaje desaparecerá cuando se haya distribuido la noticia de supresión de la partición secundaria por todo el bosque. The following directory service made a replication request for a writable directory partition that has been denied by the local directory service. The requesting directory service does not have access to a writable copy of this directory partition.%n%nRequesting directory service: %n%2%nDirectory partition: %n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf the requesting directory service must have a writable copy of this partition, verify that the security descriptor on this directory partition has the correct configuration for the Replication Get Changes All access right. You may also get this message during the transition period after a child partition has been removed. This message will cease when knowledge of the child partition removal has replicated throughout the forest.
0xC00007BASin usar UNUSED
0xC00007BBActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear correctamente el descriptor de seguridad predeterminado para la siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones.%n%nPartición de directorio de aplicaciones: %n%3%n%nAcción del usuario%nRevise la lista de control de acceso (ACL) en la partición de directorio de aplicaciones recién creada. Asegúrese de que se concede el derecho de acceso Replicación, Aplicar cambios, Todos tanto al grupo Enterprise Domain Controllers como al grupo Enterprise Domain Controllers de solo lectura, y quite ese derecho del grupo Controladores de dominio del dominio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to correctly create the default security descriptor for the following application directory partition.%n%nApplication directory partition: %n%3%n%nUser Action%nReview the access control list (ACL) on the newly created application directory partition. Ensure the Replication Get Changes All access right is assigned to both the Enterprise Domain Controllers group and the Enterprise Read-only Domain Controllers group, and remove the right from the domain Domain Controllers group.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2
0xC00007BDActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo obtener acceso al identificador de seguridad (SID) asociado con el grupo Enterprise Domain Controllers o con el grupo Enterprise Domain Controllers de solo lectura. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to access the security identifier (SID) associated with the Enterprise Domain Controllers group or the Enterprise Read-only Domain Controllers group.
0xC00007BEActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudieron eliminar la entrada de control de acceso (ACE) para el grupo de seguridad Controladores de dominio del dominio en la partición de directorio de aplicaciones recién creada. Esta entrada ACE concede al grupo de seguridad Controladores de dominio del dominio el derecho Replicación, Aplicar cambios, Todos para la siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones recién creada.%n%nPartición de directorio de aplicaciones: %n%3%n%nAcción del usuario%nRevise la lista de control de acceso (ACL) en la partición de directorio de aplicaciones recién creada. Asegúrese de que se concede el derecho Replicación, Aplicar cambios, Todos tanto al grupo Enterprise Domain Controllers como al grupo Enterprise Domain Controllers de solo lectura, y quite ese derecho del grupo Controladores de dominio del dominio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to delete the access control entry (ACE) for the domain Domain Controllers security group on the newly created application directory partition. This ACE gave the domain Domain Controllers security group the Replication Get Changes All right for the following newly created application directory partition.%n%nApplication directory partition: %n%3%n%nUser Action%nReview the access control list (ACL) on the newly created application directory partition. Ensure the right Replication Get Changes All is given to both the Enterprise Domain Controllers group and the Enterprise Read-only Domain Controllers group, and remove that right from the domain Domain Controllers group.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2
0xC00007BFActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear una entrada de control de acceso (ACE) para el grupo Enterprise Domain Controllers o el grupo Enterprise Domain Controllers de solo lectura en una partición de directorio de aplicaciones recién creada.%n%nPartición de directorio de aplicaciones: %n%3%n%nAcción del usuario%nRevise la lista de control de acceso (ACL) en la partición de directorio de aplicaciones recién creada. Asegúrese de que se concede el derecho de acceso Replicación, Aplicar cambios, Todos tanto al grupo Enterprise Domain Controllers como al grupo Enterprise Domain Controllers de solo lectura, y quite ese derecho del grupo Controladores de dominio del dominio. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to create an access control entry (ACE) for the Enterprise Domain Controllers group or the Enterprise Read-only Domain Controllers group on a newly created application directory partition.%n%nApplication directory partition: %n%3%n%nUser Action%nReview the access control list (ACL) on the newly created application directory partition. Ensure the Replication Get Changes All access right is assigned to both the Enterprise Domain Controllers group and the Enterprise Read-only Domain Controllers group, and remove the right from the domain Domain Controllers group.
0xC00007C4La replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó la existencia de objetos en la siguiente partición que se eliminaron de la base dedatos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de los controladores de dominio (DC) locales. No se replicaron todos los asociados de replicacióndirectos o transitivos en la eliminación antes de que transcurriera el número de días de vigencia del marcador de exclusión. Los objetos persistentes son los objetos eliminados y recopilados durante la recolección de elementos no usados de una partición de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services que todavía existen en las particiones grabables de otros DC en el mismo dominio, o en particiones de solo lectura de servidores de catálogo global en otros dominios del bosque. %n%n%nControlador de dominio de origen: %n%1%nObjeto: %n%2%nGUID del objeto: %n%3Este evento se registra porque el DC de origen contiene un objeto persistente que no existe en la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de los DC locales. El intento de replicación se bloqueó.%n%nLa mejor forma de resolver este problema es identificar y quitar todos los objetos persistentes del bosque.%n%n%nAcción del usuario:%n%nQuitar los objetos persistentes:%n%nEl plan de acción para recuperarse de este error se encuentra en los DC de origen y destino son DC de Windows Server 2003, instale las herramientas de soporte incluidas en el CD de instalación. Para ver qué objetosse eliminarían sin realizar físicamente la eliminación, ejecute \"repadmin /removelingeringobjects /ADVISORY_MODE\".Los registros de eventos del DC de origen mostrarán todos los objetos persistentes. Para quitarlos de un DC de origen, ejecute \"repadmin /removelingeringobjects \".%n%nSi el DC de origen o el de destino es de Windows 2000 Server, podrá encontrar másinformación acerca de cómo quitar objetos persistentes del DC de origen en o con el personal de soporte técnico de Microsoft.%n%nSi necesita que la replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services funcione inmediatamente sin importar cómo y no tiene tiempo de quitar los objetos persistentes, habilite la coherencia no estricta de replicación quitando los valores de la siguiente clave del Registro:%n%nClave del Registro:%nHKLM\\%5\\%4%n%nLos errores de replicación entre DC que comparten una partición común pueden hacer que las cuentas de usuario y equipo, las relaciones de confianza,las contraseñas, los grupos de seguridad, la pertenencia a grupos de seguridad yotros datos de configuración de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services varíen entre los distintos DC, lo que afectará a la capacidad de iniciar sesión, encontrar objetos de interés y realizar otras operaciones críticas.Estas incoherencias se resuelven cuando dichos errores de replicación se resuelven. Los DC que no realicen replicaciones entrantes de los objetos eliminados dentro del número de días de vigencia del marcador de exclusión permanecerán incoherentes hasta que un administrador quite manualmente los objetos persistentes de cada DC local.%n%nPuede impedir la aparición de objetos persistentes asegurándose de que todos losDC del bosque ejecuten Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, de que estén conectados por una topología de conexión de árbol de expansión y de que realicen replicaciones entrantes antes de que expire del número de días de vigencia del marcador de exclusión. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Replication encountered the existence of objects in the following partitionthat have been deleted from the local domain controllers (DCs) Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database. Notall direct or transitive replication partners replicated in the deletion before the tombstonelifetime number of days passed. Objects that have been deleted and garbagecollected from an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services partition but still exist in the writable partitions of other DCs in the samedomain, or read-only partitions of global catalog servers in other domains in the forest are known as\"lingering objects\". %n%n%nSource domain controller: %n%1%nObject: %n%2%nObject GUID: %n%3This event is being logged because the source DC contains a lingering object which does notexist on the local DCs Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database. This replication attempt has been blocked.%n%nThe best solution to this problem is to identify and remove all lingering objects in the forest.%n%n%nUser Action:%n%nRemove Lingering Objects:%n%nThe action plan to recover from this error can be found at both the source and destination DCs are Windows Server 2003 DCs, then install the support tools included on theinstallation CD. To see which objects would be deleted without actually performing thedeletion run \"repadmin /removelingeringobjects /ADVISORY_MODE\".The event logs on the source DC will enumerate all lingering objects. To remove lingering objectsfrom a source domain controller run\"repadmin /removelingeringobjects \".%n%nIf either source or destination DC is a Windows 2000 Server DC, then more information on how toremove lingering objects on the source DC can be found at or fromyour Microsoft support personnel.%n%nIf you need Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication to function immediately at all costs and don't havetime to remove lingering objects, enable loose replication consistency by unsetting the followingregistry key:%n%nRegistry Key:%nHKLM\\%5\\%4%n%nReplication errors between DCs sharing a common partition can prevent user and computer accounts,trust relationships, their passwords, security groups,security group memberships and other Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services configuration data to vary between DCs,affecting the ability to log on, find objects of interest and perform other critical operations.These inconsistencies are resolved once replication errors are resolved. DCs that fail to inboundreplicate deleted objects within tombstone lifetime number of days will remain inconsistent untillingering objects are manually removed by an administrator from each local DC.%n%nLingering objects may be prevented by ensuring that all domain controllers in the forest arerunning Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, are connected by a spanning tree connection topology and performinbound replication before Tombstone Live number of days pass.
0xC00007C8Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to register this domain controller as a global catalog.%n%nThis domain controller will not advertise itself as a global catalog until the error is resolved and the domain controller is restarted.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to register this domain controller as a global catalog.%n%nThis domain controller will not advertise itself as a global catalog until the error is resolved and the domain controller is restarted.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2
0xC00007CAInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to refresh the Kerberos security tickets.%n%nThis directory service may be unable to gain proper authorization until the Kerberos security tickets automatically refresh.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to refresh the Kerberos security tickets.%n%nThis directory service may be unable to gain proper authorization until the Kerberos security tickets automatically refresh.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2
0xC00007D1La configuración de seguridad NTFS predeterminada no se aplicó a las carpetas de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nAcción del usuario%nIntente establecer de nuevo la configuración de seguridad predeterminada con la herramienta de línea de comandos Ntdsutil.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%1 %2%nIdentificador interno: %n%3 The default NTFS security settings have not been applied to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services folders.%n%nUser Action%nAttempt to set default security settings again using the Ntdsutil command-line tool.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2%nInternal ID: %n%3
0xC00007D2El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) detectó problemas porque el atributo del siguiente objeto no tenía suficientes valores.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nNombre del atributo:%n%2%n%n%nSe intentará de nuevo replicar este atributo en la siguiente replicación programada.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi el problema continúa, compruebe que la replicación funciona correctamente. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has detected problems because the attribute on the following object did not have enough values.%n%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute name:%n%2%n%n%nAn attempt to replicate this attribute will be tried again at the next scheduled replication.%n%nUser Action%nIf this condition continues, verify that replication is working correctly.
0xC00007D3Internal event: During intersite replication, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an update request message for a writeable directory partition from the following domain controller. However, this request cannot be serviced through mail-based replication and the updates will be ignored.%n%nDirectory partition: %n%1%nDomain controller: %n%2 Internal event: During intersite replication, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an update request message for a writeable directory partition from the following domain controller. However, this request cannot be serviced through mail-based replication and the updates will be ignored.%n%nDirectory partition: %n%1%nDomain controller: %n%2
0xC00007D4Internal event: During intersite replication, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an update reply message for the following directory partition from the following domain controller. However, the request cannot be serviced through mail-based replication and the updates will be ignored.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDomain controller:%n%2 Internal event: During intersite replication, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an update reply message for the following directory partition from the following domain controller. However, the request cannot be serviced through mail-based replication and the updates will be ignored.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nDomain controller:%n%2
0xC00007D8Internal error: The security descriptor propagation task encountered an error while processing the following object. The propagation of security descriptors may not be possible until the problem is corrected.%n%nObject:%n%4%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2%nInternal ID:%n%3 Internal error: The security descriptor propagation task encountered an error while processing the following object. The propagation of security descriptors may not be possible until the problem is corrected.%n%nObject:%n%4%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2%nInternal ID:%n%3
0xC00007DBEl atributo subRefs del siguiente objeto de dominio tiene un valor que no se corresponde con un objeto válido. Esto impedirá a Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services funcionar con normalidad. %n%nObjeto de dominio: %n%1%nValor: %n%2%n%nAcción del usuario%nEjecute la opción de análisis semántico de la base de datos en la herramienta Dsdbutil para corregir el problema. %n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 The subRefs attribute on the following domain object has a value that does not correspond to a valid object. This will prevent Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from functioning normally.%n%nDomain object: %n%1%nValue: %n%2%n%nUser Action%nRun the semantic database analysis option in the Dsdbutil tool to correct the problem.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4
0xC00007E0Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to rebuild the following number of indices and has failed.%n%nIndices: %n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to rebuild the following number of indices and has failed.%n%nIndices: %n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3
0xC00007E5Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear un objeto en un servicio de directorio remoto.%n%nServicio de directorio (en blanco = servicio de directorio local): %n%1%nObjeto: %n%2%nGUID del objeto: %n%3%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%4%nValor de error extendido: %n%5 %6%nIdentificador interno remoto: %n%7%nIdentificador interno: %n%8 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to create an object on a remote directory service.%n%ndirectory service (blank = local directory service): %n%1%nObject: %n%2%nObject GUID: %n%3%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%4%nExtended error value: %n%5 %6%nRemote Internal ID: %n%7%nInternal ID: %n%8
0xC00007E6Los roles de maestro de operaciones hospedadas en este servidor de directorio no se han podido transferir al siguiente servidor de directorio remoto.%n%nServidor de directorio remoto: %n%1%n%nEsto impide la eliminación de este servidor de directorio.%n%nAcción del usuario%nInvestigue por qué el servidor de directorio remoto parece no aceptar las funciones de maestro de operaciones o transfiera manualmente todos los roles hospedados en este servidor de directorio al servidor de directorio remoto. A continuación, intente quitar este servidor de nuevo.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%4 %2 %nValor de error extendido: %n%3%nId. interno:%n%5 The operations master roles held by this directory server could not transfer to the following remote directory server.%n%nRemote directory server: %n%1%n%nThis is preventing removal of this directory server.%n%nUser Action%nInvestigate why the remote directory server might be unable to accept the operations master roles, or manually transfer all the roles that are held by this directory server to the remote directory server. Then, try to remove this directory server again.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %2%nExtended error value:%n%3%nInternal ID:%n%5
0xC00007E7Este servidor de directorio no pudo replicar cambios en el siguiente servidor de directorio remoto para la siguiente partición de directorio.%n%nServidor de directorio remoto:%n%2%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%n%nEl controlador de dominio local no puede completar la eliminación de esta partición.%n%nAcción del usuario%nInvestigue por qué no puede realizarse la replicación entre estos dos controladores de dominio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 This directory server was unable to replicate changes to the following remote directory server for the following directory partition.%n%nRemote directory server:%n%2%nDirectory partition:%n%1%n%nThe local domain controller cannot complete removal of this partition.%n%nUser Action%nInvestigate why replication between these two domain controllers cannot be performed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4
0xC00007E9Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo obtener las credenciales del usuario que solicita esta operación desde el subsistema de seguridad.%n%nControlador de dominio de destino: %n%1%n%nEl controlador de dominio no podrá completar la operación remota solicitada por el usuario.%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe que se solicitó el nivel de delegación apropiado para realizar la operación.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%2%nFunción: %n%3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to get the credentials of the user requesting this operation from the security sub-system.%n%nTarget domain controller: %n%1%n%nThe domain controller will not be able to complete the remote operation requested by the user.%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the appropriate level of delegation to perform the operation was requested.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%2%nFunction: %n%3
0xC00007EAActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services encontró una incoherencia temporal en la memoria caché. Por tanto, no se creó la partición de directorio de aplicaciones y se produjo un error en la operación.%n%nPartición de directorio de aplicaciones %n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nVuelva a intentar la operación. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered a temporary cache inconsistency. Therefore, the application directory partition was not created and the operation failed.%n%nApplication directory partition: %n%1%n%nUser Action%nTry the operation again.
0xC00007EBLa partición de directorio de aplicaciones no puede crearse porque el usuario no tiene permisos suficientes para modificar el objeto crossRef.%n%npartición de directorio de aplicaciones: %n%1%nObjeto crossRef: %n%2 The application directory partition could not be created because the user does not have sufficient permissions to modify the crossRef object.%n%nApplication directory partition: %n%1%nCrossRef object: %n%2
0xC00007ECHa habido un error al modificar la referencia cruzada para completar lacreación de la partición de directorio de aplicaciones.%n%nDirectorio de partición de aplicación:%n%1%nObjeto de referencia cruzada:%n%2%nError%n%3%n%nHabrá error en la operación.%n%nAcción del usuario%nIntente resolver la condición de error y vuelva a intentar la operación.%n%nDatos adicionales%nId. interno (DSID):%n%4 There was an error modifying the cross-ref to complete thecreation of the Application Directory Partition.%n%nApplication Partition Directory:%n%1%nCross-Ref Object:%n%2%nError%n%3%n%nThe operation will be failed.%n%nUser Action%nPlease try to resolve the error condition and retry the operation.%n%nAdditional data%nInternal ID (DSID):%n%4
0xC00007EFNo se ha encontrado el objeto de configuración del servicio de DS.Puede que se haya eliminado por accidente. ActiveDirectory podrá operar con normalidad, pero ustedno podrá configurar ciertos parámetros de servicios,como límites LDAP, directivas de consulta predeterminadasy asignaciones SPN.%n%nObjeto de configuración del servicio de DS:%n%1%nError:%n%2 (%3)%n%nAcción del usuario:%nIntente restaurar el objeto de configuración del servicio de DS. The DS Service Configuration object is not found.It might have been accidentally deleted. The ActiveDirectory will be able to operate normally, but youwill not be able to set certain service parameters,such as LDAP limits, default query policies, andSPN mappings.%n%nDS Service Configuration object:%n%1%nError:%n%2 (%3)%n%nUser Action:%nTry to restore the DS Service Configuration object.
0xC00007F0Error en la preparación de la copia de seguridad de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. La copia de seguridad no continuará.%n Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services backup preparation failed. The backup will not continue.%n
0xC00007F1Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo establecer la clave del Registro de coherencia de la replicación. Compruebe el valor de la siguiente clave del Registro.%n%nClave del Registro:%nHKeyLocalMachine\\%1\\%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to set the replication consistency registry key. Please check thevalue for the following registry key.%n%nRegistry Key:%nHKeyLocalMachine\\%1\\%2
0xC00007FATranscurrió demasiado tiempo desde que esta máquina se replicó por última vez con la máquina de origen indicada.El tiempo entre replicaciones con este origen superó la vigencia del marcador de exclusión.La replicación con este origen se detuvo.%n%nEl motivo de que la replicación no pueda continuar es que es posible que ambos controladores de dominio (DC) contengan objetos persistentes. Los objetos persistentes son los objetos eliminados y recopilados durante la recolección de elementos no usados de una partición de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services que todavía existen en las particiones grabables de otros DC en el mismo dominio, o en particiones de solo lectura de servidores de catálogo global en otros dominios del bosque. Si se permitió que el DC de destino local se replicara con el DC de origen, dichos objetos potencialmente persistentes volverían a crearse en la base de datos local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nHora de la última replicación correcta:%n%1%nIdentificador de invocación del servidor de directorio de origen:%n%2%nNombre del servidor de directorio de origen:%n%3%nVigencia del marcador de exclusión (días):%n%4%n%nError en la operación de replicación.%n%n%nAcción del usuario:%nEl plan de acción para recuperarse de este error se encuentra en los DC de origen y destino son DC de Windows Server 2003, instale las herramientas de soporte incluidas en el CD de instalación. Para ver qué objetos se eliminarían sin realizar físicamente la eliminación, ejecute \"repadmin /removelingeringobjects /ADVISORY_MODE\".Los registros de eventos del DC de origen mostrarán todos los objetos persistentes. Para quitarlos de un DC de origen, ejecute \"repadmin /removelingeringobjects \".%n%nSi el DC de origen o el de destino es de Windows 2000 Server, podrá encontrar más información acerca de cómo quitar objetos persistentes del DC de origen en o con el personal de soporte técnico de Microsoft.%n%nSi necesita que la replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services funcione inmediatamente sin importar cómo y no tiene tiempo para quitar los objetos persistentes, habilite la replicación estableciendo la siguiente clave del Registro en un valor distinto de cero:%n%nClave del Registro:%nHKLM\\%6\\%5%n%nLos errores de replicación entre DC que comparten una partición común pueden hacer que las cuentas de usuario y equipo, las relaciones de confianza, las contraseñas, los grupos de seguridad, la pertenencia a grupos de seguridad y otros datos de configuración de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services varíen entre los distintos DC, lo que afectará a la capacidad de iniciar sesión, encontrar objetos de interés y realizar otras operaciones críticas.Estas incoherencias se resuelven cuando dichos errores de replicación se resuelven. Los DC que no realicen replicaciones entrantes de los objetos eliminados dentro del número de días de vigencia del marcador de exclusión permanecerán incoherentes hasta que un administrador quite manualmente los objetos persistentes de cada DC local. Además, es posible que la replicación se mantenga bloqueada después de establecer esta clave del Registro, en función de si se encuentran inmediatamente los objetos persistentes.%n%n%nAcción alternativa del usuario:%n%nForzar la degradación o reinstalar los DC que se desconectaron.%n It has been too long since this machine last replicated with the named source machine.The time between replications with this source has exceeded the tombstone lifetime.Replication has been stopped with this source.%n%nThe reason that replication is not allowed to continue is that the two DCs may contain lingeringobjects. Objects that have been deleted and garbagecollected from an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services partition but still exist in the writable partitions of other DCs in the samedomain, or read-only partitions of global catalog servers in other domains in the forest are known as\"lingering objects\". If the local destination DC was allowed to replicate with the source DC, these potentiallingering object would be recreated in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database.%n%nTime of last successful replication:%n%1%nInvocation ID of source directory server:%n%2%nName of source directory server:%n%3%nTombstone lifetime (days):%n%4%n%nThe replication operation has failed.%n%n%nUser Action:%nThe action plan to recover from this error can be found at both the source and destination DCs are Windows Server 2003 DCs, then install the support tools included on theinstallation CD. To see which objects would be deleted without actually performing thedeletion run \"repadmin /removelingeringobjects /ADVISORY_MODE\".The event logs on the source DC will enumerate all lingering objects. To remove lingering objectsfrom a source domain controller run\"repadmin /removelingeringobjects \".%n%nIf either source or destination DC is a Windows 2000 Server DC, then more information on how toremove lingering objects on the source DC can be found at or fromyour Microsoft support personnel.%n%nIf you need Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication to function immediately at all costs and don't havetime to remove lingering objects, enable replication by setting the followingregistry key to a non-zero value:%n%nRegistry Key:%nHKLM\\%6\\%5%n%nReplication errors between DCs sharing a common partition can prevent user and computer accounts,trust relationships, their passwords, security groups,security group memberships and other Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services configuration data to vary between DCs,affecting the ability to log on, find objects of interest and perform other critical operations.These inconsistencies are resolved once replication errors are resolved. DCs that fail to inboundreplicate deleted objects within tombstone lifetime number of days will remain inconsistent untillingering objects are manually removed by an administrator from each local DC. Additionally,replication may continue to be blocked after this registry key is set, depending on whetherlingering objects are located immediately.%n%n%nAlternate User Action:%n%nForce demote or reinstall the DC(s) that were disconnected.%n
0xC00007FBLa firma del archivo de script no es válida o el servicio de directorio no puede comprobarla.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error:%n%1 %2%n%nAcción del usuario:%nVuelva a intentar descargar el archivo de script para cambio de nombre de dominio mediante la herramienta rendom. Script signature is invalid or the Directory Service could not verify the script signature.%n%nAdditional data:%nError value:%n%1 %2%n%nUser action:%nRetry uploading the domain rename script using rendom tool.
0xC00007FDActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar un índice crítico como parte de la inicialización.Póngase en contacto con los servicios de soporte técnico de Microsoft para obtener ayuda. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has failed to upgrade a critical index as part of initialization.Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services for assistance.
0xC00007FFNo se puede replicar la información de configuración ni del esquema. Compruebe la disponibilidad de la red y del servidor. Cannot replicate configuration and schema information. Check network and server availability.
0xC0000800No puede haber más de un objeto de la clase msExchConfigurationContainer como secundario inmediato del contenedor de servicios en el NC de configuración. Cannot have more than one object of class msExchConfigurationContainer as an immediate child of the Services container in the Configuration NC.
0xC0000807No se pudo restaurar la base de datos.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 (0x%2)%n%3 The database restore operation failed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 (0x%2)%n%3
0xC0000808Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 (0x%2)%n%3 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 (0x%2)%n%3
0xC000080CError de la preparación de la copia de seguridad de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services:Acción del usuario:%nVuelva a intentar la operación de copia de seguridad. Si el problema continúa, busque problemas habituales de bases de datos y, a continuación, intente realizar de nuevo la operación de copia de seguridad. Se canceló la copia de seguridad. Entre los problemas habituales de bases de datos se incluyen discosdañados, discos llenos, contención de base de datos y otros daños diversos.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error: %1 %2Identificador interno: %3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services DB backup preparation failed with:User Action:%nRetry the backup operation. If this problem persists, investigate for common database problems, andthen retry the backup operation. The backup has been cancelled. Common database problems include,but are not limited to failing disks, full disks, database contention, corruption.%n%nAdditional Data:%nError Value: %1 %2Internal ID: %3
0xC000080EInternal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.%n%nUser Action%nRestore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID (DitState): %1 Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.%n%nUser Action%nRestore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.%n%nAdditional Data%nInternal ID (DitState): %1
0xC000080FInternal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media?option in the installation wizard.%n%n%nUser Action%nRemove the directory service and reinstall it. Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media?option in the installation wizard.%n%n%nUser Action%nRemove the directory service and reinstall it.
0xC0000814Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar el atributo wellKnownObjects en el objeto %1. Es posible que algunas funcionalidades de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no estén disponibles.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error:%n%2 (0x%3)%n%4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to update the wellKnownObjects attribute on object %1. Some functionalities of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services may not be available.%n%nAdditional data:%nError value:%n%2 (0x%3)%n%4
0xC0000815Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó cuentas dañadas en la tabla de seguimiento de cuotas. Es posible que las cuotas no se apliquen correctamente hasta que vuelva a generarse la tabla de seguimiento de cuotas.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nNCDNT: %1%nCuenta desechada: %2%nCuenta total: %3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detected corrupt counts in the quota-tracking table. Quota enforcement may not behave correctly until the quota-tracking table is rebuilt.%n%nAdditional data:%nNCDNT: %1%nTombstoned count: %2%nTotal count: %3
0xC0000816Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó un intento no válido de bajar el recuento de objetos eliminados a un valor inferior a cero en la tabla de seguimiento de cuotas. Es posible que las cuotas no se apliquen correctamente hasta que vuelva a generarse la tabla de seguimiento de cuotas.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nNCDNT: %1%nRecuento desechado: %2%nRecuento total: %3%nOwnerSid:%4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detected an illegal attempt to drop a deleted object count below zero in the quota-tracking table. Quota enforcement may not behave correctly until the quota-tracking table is rebuilt.%n%nAdditional data:%nNCDNT: %1%nTombstoned count: %2%nTotal count: %3%nOwnerSid:%4
0xC0000817Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó un intento no válido de bajar un recuento de objetos por debajo de cero en la tabla de seguimiento de cuotas. Es posible que las cuotas no se apliquen correctamente hasta que vuelva a generarse la tabla de seguimiento de cuotas.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nNCDNT: %1%nRecuento desechado: %2%nRecuento total: %3%nOwnerSid: %4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detected an illegal attempt to drop an object count below zero in the quota-tracking table. Quota enforcement may not behave correctly until the quota-tracking table is rebuilt.%n%nAdditional data:%nNCDNT: %1%nTombstoned count: %2%nTotal count: %3%nOwnerSid: %4
0xC0000818Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó que falta un registro en la tabla de seguimiento de cuotas. Es posible que las cuotas no se apliquen correctamente hasta que vuelva a generarse la tabla de seguimiento de cuotas.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nNCDNT: %1 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detected a missing record in the quota-tracking table. Quota enforcement may not behave correctly until the quota-tracking table is rebuilt.%n%nAdditional data:%nNCDNT: %1
0xC0000820El Servicio de mensajes entre sitios (ISM) de la replicación de controladores de dominio recibió un mensaje SMTP en su directorio de almacenamiento que no se pudo procesar. Elservicio no pudo eliminar el mensaje.%n%nDirección IP del cliente: %n%1%nAsunto: %n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 The domain controller replication intersite messaging service received an SMTP messagein its drop directory which could not be processed. The service could not deletethe message.%n%nClient IP Address: %n%1%nSubject: %n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4
0xC0000821El servicio de mensajes entre sitios de replicación de controladores de dominioha recibido un mensaje SMTP en su directorio de entrada que no se ha podido procesar. Sehabía enviado el mensaje incorrectamente o con un formato que no se pudo reconocer. Tambiénes posible que el Servicio de mensajes entre sitios (ISMSERV) no pudiera aceptarel mensaje porque no se estaba ejecutando. Se eliminó el mensaje.%n%nDirección IP del cliente: %n%1%nAsunto: %n%2%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe que se está ejecutando el Servicio de mensajes entre sitios (ISMSERV). Busqueaplicaciones que no estén configuradas correctamente y que estén enviando correoselectrónicos a la dirección de correo basada en el identificador único global (guid)del controlador de dominio.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 The domain controller replication intersite messaging service received an SMTP messagein its drop directory which could not be processed. The message was addressed incorrectlyor was in a format which it did not recognize. It could also be that the Intersite MessagingService (ISMSERV) was unable to accept the message because it was not running. The messagewas deleted.%n%nClient IP Address: %n%1%nSubject: %n%2%n%nUser Action%nVerify that the Intersite Messaging Service (ISMSERV) is running. Check for misconfiguredapplications that may be sending mail to the domain controller's guid-based mail address.%n%nAdditional Data%nReason value:%n%3 %4
0xC0000822El servicio de mensajes entre sitios no pudo quitar el siguiente mensaje del directorio de entrada.%n%nArchivo:%n%1%nCarpeta de archivos:%n%2%nCampo \"Para:\" del correo electrónico:%n%5%nCampo \"De:\" del correo electrónico:%n%6%nCampo \"Asunto:\" del correo electrónico:%n%7%n%nSe detendrá el procesamiento de mensajes hasta que se quite este mensaje.%n%nAcción del usuario%nElimine el mensaje del directorio de entrada.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 %3 The Intersite Messaging service failed to remove the following message from the drop directory.%n%nFile:%n%1%nFile folder:%n%2%nMail 'To:' Field:%n%5%nMail 'From:' Field:%n%6%nMail 'Subject:' Field:%n%7%n%nMessage processing will stop until this message is removed.%n%nUser Action%nDelete the message from the drop directory.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4 %3
0xC0000823El Agente de servicios de directorio ha detectado un objeto con un NULL GUID.%n%nDatos adicionales%nNombre de objeto:%n%1 The Directory Service Agent has detected an object with a NULL GUID.%n%nAdditional Data%nObject name:%n%1
0xC0000827Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo resolver el siguiente nombre de host DNS del controlador de dominio de origen en una dirección IP. Este error impide que las adiciones, eliminaciones y cambios en Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services se repliquen entre uno o más controladores de dominio en el bosque. Los grupos de seguridad, las directivas de grupo, los usuarios y equipos y sus contraseñas no serán coherentes entre controladores dedominio hasta que este error se resuelva, lo que afecta potencialmente a la autenticaciónde inicio de sesión y al acceso a los recursos de la red.%n%nControlador de dominio de origen:%n %1%nNombre de host DNS con errores:%n %2%n%nNOTA: de manera predeterminada, solo se muestran 10 errores DNS por cada período de 12 horas, aunque se produzcan más de 10. Para registrar todos los eventos de error individuales, establezca el siguiente valor de diagnóstico del Registro en 1:%n%nRuta del Registro:%nHKLM\\%5\\%6%n%nAcción de usuario:%n%n 1) Si el controlador de dominio de origen ya no está funcionando o si susistema operativo se reinstaló con un nombre de equipo o GUID de objeto NTDSDSAdiferente, quite los metadatos del controlador de dominio de origen conntdsutil.exe, siguiendo los pasos que se describen en el artículo de MSKB 216498.%n%n 2) Confirme que el controlador de dominio de origen esté ejecutando Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services y sea accesible desde la red;escriba \"net view \\\\\" o \"ping \".%n%n 3) Compruebe que el controlador de dominio de origen esté usando un servidor DNS válido para los servicios DNS, y que el registro de host y el registro CNAME del controlador de dominio de origen estén registrados correctamente, por medio de la versión mejorada de DNS de DCDIAG.EXE, disponible en dcdiag /test:dns%n%n 4) Compruebe que este controlador de dominio de destino esté usando un servidor DNS válido para los servicios DNS, mediante la ejecución de la versión mejorada de DNS del comando DCDIAG.EXE en la consola del controlador de dominio de destino, tal como se muestra a continuación:%n%n dcdiag /test:dns%n%n 5) Para obtener un análisis más detallado de los errores DNS, vea el artículo de KB 824449:%n adicionales%nValor de error:%n %3 %4%n Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not resolve the following DNS host name of thesource domain controller to an IP address. This error prevents additions,deletions and changes in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from replicating between one ormore domain controllers in the forest. Security groups, group policy, usersand computers and their passwords will be inconsistent between domaincontrollers until this error is resolved, potentially affecting logonauthentication and access to network resources.%n%nSource domain controller:%n %1%nFailing DNS host name:%n %2%n%nNOTE: By default, only up to 10 DNS failures are shown for any given 12 hourperiod, even if more than 10 failures occur. To log all individual failureevents, set the following diagnostics registry value to 1:%n%nRegistry Path:%nHKLM\\%5\\%6%n%nUser Action:%n%n 1) If the source domain controller is no longer functioning or its operatingsystem has been reinstalled with a different computer name or NTDSDSA objectGUID, remove the source domain controller's metadata with ntdsutil.exe, usingthe steps outlined in MSKB article 216498.%n%n 2) Confirm that the source domain controller is running Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services andis accessible on the network by typing \"net view \\\\\" or\"ping \".%n%n 3) Verify that the source domain controller is using a valid DNS server forDNS services, and that the source domain controller's host record and CNAMErecord are correctly registered, using the DNS Enhanced versionof DCDIAG.EXE available on dcdiag /test:dns%n%n 4) Verify that this destination domain controller is using a valid DNSserver for DNS services, by running the DNS Enhanced version of DCDIAG.EXEcommand on the console of the destination domain controller, as follows:%n%n dcdiag /test:dns%n%n 5) For further analysis of DNS error failures see KB 824449:%n Data%nError value:%n %3 %4%n
0xC000082FDurante una solicitud de replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, el controlador de dominio (DC) local identificó un DC remoto que recibió datos de replicación del DC local por medio de números de seguimiento USN ya reconocidos.%n%nDebido a que el DC remoto cree que tiene una base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services más reciente que el DC local, el DC remoto no aplicará cambios posteriores a su copia de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services ni los replicará a sus asociados de replicación directos y transitivos que se originan de este DC local.%n%nSi esto no se resuelve inmediatamente, se crearán incoherencias en las bases de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de este DC de origen y de uno o varios asociados de replicación directos y transitivos. Específicamente la coherencia de usuarios, equipos y relaciones de confianza, sus contraseñas, grupos de seguridad, pertenencia a grupos de seguridad y otros datos de configuración de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services pueden variar, lo que afectaría a la capacidad de iniciar sesión, encontrar objetos de interés y realizar otras operaciones críticas.%n%nPara determinar si existe este problema de configuración, vea este identificador de evento en o póngase en contacto con el personal de soporte técnico de Microsoft.%n%nLa causa más probable de esta situación es la restauración incorrecta de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en el controlador de dominio local.%n%nAcciones del usuario:%nSi esta situación se produjo a causa de una restauración incorrecta o inesperada, fuerce la degradación del controlador de dominio.%n%nDC remoto:%n%1%nPartición:%n%2%nUSN notificado por el DC remoto:%n%3%nUSN notificado por el DC local:%n%4%n During an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication request, the local domain controller (DC) identifieda remote DC which has received replication data from the local DC using already-acknowledged USNtracking numbers.%n%nBecause the remote DC believes it is has a more up-to-date Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database than thelocal DC, the remote DC will not apply future changes to its copy of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Servicesdatabase or replicate them to its direct and transitive replication partners that originate from thislocal DC.%n%nIf not resolved immediately, this scenario will result in inconsistencies in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services databasesof this source DC and one or more direct and transitive replication partners. Specifically theconsistency of users, computers and trust relationships, their passwords, security groups,security group memberships and other Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services configuration data may vary, affecting the ability to log on,find objects of interest and perform other critical operations.%n%nTo determine if this misconfiguration exists, query this event ID using contact your Microsoft product support.%n%nThe most probable cause of this situation is the improper restore of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services on thelocal domain controller.%n%nUser Actions:%nIf this situation occurred because of an improper or unintended restore, forcibly demote the DC.%n%nRemote DC:%n%1%nPartition:%n%2%nUSN reported by Remote DC:%n%3%nUSN reported by Local DC:%n%4%n
0xC0000830Durante una solicitud de replicación de Active Directory Lightweight DirectoryServices, el controlador de dominio (DC) local identificó un DC remoto que recibió datos de replicación del DC local por medio de números de seguimiento USN ya reconocidos.%n%nDebido a que el DC remoto cree que tiene una base de datos de Active DirectoryLightweight Directory Services más reciente que el DC local, el DC remoto no aplicará cambios posteriores a su copia de la base de datos de Active DirectoryLightweight Directory Services ni los replicará a sus asociados de replicación directos y transitivos que se originan de este DC local.%n%nSi esto no se resuelve inmediatamente, se crearán incoherencias en las bases de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de este DC de origeny de uno o varios asociados de replicación directos y transitivos. Específicamente la coherencia de usuarios, equipos y relaciones de confianza, sus contraseñas, grupos de seguridad, pertenencia a grupos de seguridad y otros datos de configuración de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services pueden variar, lo que afectaría a la capacidad de iniciar sesión, encontrar objetos de interés y realizar otras operaciones críticas.%n%nPara determinar si existe este problema de configuración, vea este identificador de evento en o póngase en contacto con el personal de soporte técnico de Microsoft.%n%nLa causa más probable de esta situación es la restauración incorrecta de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en el controlador de dominio local.%n%nEl usuario eligió pasar por alto este problema por su cuenta y riesgo.%nAcciones del usuario:%nSi esta situación se produjo a causa de una restauración incorrecta o inesperada, fuerce la degradación del controlador de dominio.%n%nDC remoto:%n%1%nPartición:%n%2%nUSN notificado por el DC remoto:%n%3%nUSN notificado por el DC local:%n%4 During an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication request, the local domain controller (DC) identifieda remote DC which has received replication data from the local DC using already-acknowledged USNtracking numbers.%n%nBecause the remote DC believes it is has a more up-to-date Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database than thelocal DC, the remote DC will not apply future changes to its copy of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Servicesdatabase or replicate them to its direct and transitive replication partners that originate from thislocal DC.%n%nIf not resolved immediately, this scenario will result in inconsistencies in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services databasesof this source DC and one or more direct and transitive replication partners. Specifically theconsistency of users, computers and trust relationships, their passwords, security groups,security group memberships and other Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services configuration data may vary, affecting the ability to log on,find objects of interest and perform other critical operations.%n%nTo determine if this misconfiguration exists, query this event ID using contact your Microsoft product support.%n%nThe most probable cause of this situation is the improper restore of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services on thelocal domain controller.%n%nThe user has chosen to ignore this problem at their own peril.%nUser Actions:%nIf this situation occurred because of an improper or unintended restore, forcibly demote the DC.%n%nRemote DC:%n%1%nPartition:%n%2%nUSN reported by Remote DC:%n%3%nUSN reported by Local DC:%n%4
0xC0000831Error mientras el controlador de dominio local intentaba deshabilitar o habilitar lareplicación. %n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 The following error was encountered while the local DC was attempting todisable\\enable replication.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC0000832Los intentos de actualizar la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services están realizándose correctamente. Si no existe ningún otro problema que bloquee el anuncio de este controlador de dominio, el servicio de Net Logon se reiniciará.%n Attempts to update the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database are succeeding. If there areno other outstanding issues blocking advertisement of this domain controller,then the Net Logon service will be restarted.%n
0xC0000834Se resolvió la integridad de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Si no existe ningún otro problema que bloquee el anuncio de este controlador de dominio, el servicio de Net Logon se reiniciará.%n The integrity of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database has been resolved. If there areno other outstanding issues blocking advertisement of this domain controller,then the Net Logon service will be restarted.%n
0xC0000835La integridad de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services está en duda.%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no podrá iniciar sesiones de usuarios mientras continúe esta situación. Como resultado, se pausó el servicio de Net Logon.%n%nAcción del usuario%nLa base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services debe restaurarse desde una copia de seguridad.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 The integrity of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database is questionable.%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will be unable to log on users while this condition persists. As a result, the Net Logon service has paused.%n%nUser Action%nThe Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database should be restored from backup.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC0000836La base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services se reparó después de que se detectara un procedimiento de restauración incorrecto. Si no existe ningún otro problema que bloquee el anuncio de este controlador de dominio, el servicio de Net Logon se reiniciará.%n The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database has been repaired after detecting an improper restorationprocedure. If there are no other outstanding issues blocking advertisement of this domain controller,then the Net Logon service will be restarted.%n
0xC0000837Se restauró la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services mediante un procedimiento de restauración no compatible.%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no podrá iniciar sesiones de usuarios mientras continúe esta situación. Como resultado, se pausó el servicio de Net Logon.%n%nAcción de usuario%nConsulte los registros de eventos anteriores para obtener detalles. The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database has been restored using an unsupported restoration procedure.%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will be unable to log on users while this condition persists. As a result, the Net Logon service has paused.%n%nUser Action%nSee previous event logs for details.
0xC0000838Error al intentar anunciar la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services como de escritura al servicio Net Logon.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 The attempt to advertise the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance as writable to the Net Logonservice has failed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC0000839Error al intentar anunciar la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services como no de escritura al servicio Net Logon.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 The attempt to advertise the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance as not writable to the Net Logonservice has failed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC000083ASe intentó replicar con la instancia de AD LDS, pero el DSA remoto no admite una o varias características opciones habilitadas en el DSA local.%n%nDatos adicionales%nCaracterísticas adicionales: %n%1%nPartición de directorio: %n%2%nServicio de directorio remoto: %n%3%n An attempt was made to replicate with the AD LDS instance, but the remote DSA does not support one or more optional features that are enabled on the local DSA.%n%nAdditional Data%nOptional feature(s): %n%1%nDirectory partition: %n%2%nRemote directory service: %n%3%n
0xC000083BInternal Event: The attempt to prepare the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database for a possible future disk restorationhas failed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2 Internal Event: The attempt to prepare the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database for a possible future disk restorationhas failed.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC000083CEste evento contiene procedimientos de reparación para el evento 1084, que se registró anteriormente. Este mensaje indica un problema específico con la coherencia de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en este destino de replicación. Se produjo un error de base de datos al aplicar los cambios replicados al siguiente objeto. La base de datos tiene un contenido inesperado, lo que impide que se realice el cambio.%n%nObjeto:%n%1%nGUID del objeto:%n%2%nControlador de dominio de origen:%n%3%n%nAcción del usuario%n%nConsulte el artículo de KB 837932, disponible en A continuación, se muestra un subconjunto de los procedimientos de reparación.%n1. Confirme que haya suficiente espacio en disco en los volúmenes donde se hospeda la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services y, después, vuelva a intentar la operación. Confirme que las unidades físicas donde se hospedan NTDS.DIT y los archivos de registro no residen en unidades con la compresión NTFS habilitada. Compruebe también si hay programas antivirus que obtengan acceso a dichos volúmenes.%n2. Puede resultar de ayuda forzar al propagador de descriptores de seguridad para que compile de nuevo la ascendencia de contenedor de objetos en la base de datos. Para ello, siga las instrucciones del artículo de KB 251343, disponible en Puede que el problema esté relacionado con el elemento primario del objeto en este controlador de dominio. En el controlador de dominio de origen, mueva el objeto para que tenga un elemento primario diferente.%n4. Si este equipo es un catálogo global y el error se produce en una de las particiones de solo lectura, degrade el equipo para que deje de ser un catálogo global mediante la casilla Catálogo global de la interfaz de usuario Sitios y servicios. Si el error se produce en una partición de aplicación, haga que dicha partición de aplicación deje de hospedarse en esta réplica. Para ello, use el comando ntdsutil.exe.%n5. Obtenga la herramienta ntdsutil.exe más reciente instalando el Service Pack más reciente para su sistema operativo. Antes de arrancar en modo de restauración de servicios de directorio (DSRM), compruebe que conoce la contraseña de DSRM. De lo contrario, restablézcala antes de reiniciar el sistema.%n6. En DSRM, ejecute el símbolo de sistema de NT y escriba \"ntdsutil files integrity\". Si se encuentra algún daño y existen otras réplicas, degrade la réplica y compruebe el hardware. Si no hay ninguna réplica presente, restaure una copia de seguridad de estado del sistema y repita esta comprobación.%n7. Realice una desfragmentación sin conexión con la función \"ntdsutil files compact\".%n8. Ejecute también el comando \"ntdsutil semantic database analysis\". Si encuentra algún error, puede corregirlo con la función \"go fixup\". No confunda esta función con la función de mantenimiento de base de datos \"ESE repair\", que no debe usarse porque causa la pérdida de datos en las bases de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nSi ninguna de estas acciones corrige el problema y el error de replicación continúa, degrade este controlador de dominio y vuelva a promoverlo.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error principal:%n%5 %4%nValor de error secundario:%n%7 %6 This event contains REPAIR PROCEDURES for the 1084 event which has previously been logged. This message indicates a specific issue with the consistency of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database on this replication destination. A database error occurred while applying replicated changes to the following object. The database had unexpected contents, preventing the change from being made.%n%nObject:%n%1%nObject GUID:%n%2%nSource domain controller:%n%3%n%nUser Action%n%nPlease consult KB article 837932, A subset of its repair procedures are listed here.%n1. Confirm that sufficient free disk space resides on the volumes hosting the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database then retry the operation. Confirm that the physical drives hosting the NTDS.DIT and log files do not reside on drives where NTFS compression is enabled. Also check for anti-virus software accessing these volumes.%n2. It may be of benefit to force the Security Descriptor Propagator to rebuild the object container ancestry in the database. This may be done by following the instructions in KB article 251343, The problem may be related to the object's parent on this domain controller. On the source domain controller, move the object to have a different parent.%n4. If this machine is a global catalog and the error occurs in one of the read-only partitions, you should demote the machine as a global catalog using the Global Catalog checkbox in the Sites & Services user interface. If the error is occurring in an application partition, you can stop the application partition from being hosted on this replica. This may be changed using the ntdsutil.exe command.%n5. Obtain the most recent ntdsutil.exe by installing the latest service pack for your operating system. Prior to booting into Directory Services Restore Mode (DSRM), verify that the DSRM password is known. Otherwise reset it prior to restarting the system.%n6. In DSRM, run the NT CMD prompt, run \"ntdsutil files integrity\". If corruption is found and other replicas exist, then demote replica and check your hardware. If no replicas are present, restore a system state backup and repeat this verification.%n7. Perform an offline defragmentation using the \"ntdsutil files compact\" function.%n8. The \"ntdsutil semantic database analysis\" should also be performed. If errors are found, they may be corrected using the \"go fixup\" function. Note that this should not be confused with the database maintenance function called \"ESE repair\", which should not be used, since it causes data loss for Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Databases.%n%nIf none of these actions succeed and the replication error continues, you should demote this domain controller and promote it again.%n%nAdditional Data%nPrimary Error value:%n%5 %4%nSecondary Error value:%n%7 %6
0xC0000844No se puede iniciar la promoción IFM (Instalar desde el medio) de un DC de solo lectura porque no se permite el uso de la base de datos de origen especificada. Solo pueden usarse bases de datos de otros RODC para la promoción IFM de un RODC. The Install-From-Media promotion of a Read-Only DC cannot start because the specified source database is not allowed. Only databases from other RODCs can be used for IFM promotion of a RODC.
0xC0000845No se puede iniciar la promoción IFM (Instalar desde el medio) de un DC porque la base de datos de origen especificada pertenece a un DC de solo lectura. Solo pueden usarse bases de datos de otros DC para la promoción IFM de un DC. The Install-From-Media promotion of a DC cannot start because the specified source database is from a Read-Only DC. Only databases from other DCs can be used for IFM promotion of a DC.
0xC0000846Error al intentar instalar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. El dominio especificado (%1) era distinto al dominio del que se obtuvo la copia de seguridad (%2). The attempt to Install the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed. The Domain that was specified (%1) wasdifferent than the one the backup was taken from (%2).
0xC000084AEste servidor de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services está configurado para habilitar una característica con el GUID de característica %s. No se reconoce esta característica y se pasará por alto. This Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services server is configured to enable a feature with the feature Guid %s. This feature is not recognized, and will be ignored.
0xC000084BNo se pudo reducir el nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración a %1 porque la característica opcional %2 está habilitada. No se puede reducir el nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración a un valor inferior a %3 si la característica opcional %2 está habilitada. An attempt to lower the configuration set functional level to %1 failed because the %2 optional feature is enabled. The configuration set functional level may not be lowered to less than %3 if the %2 optional feature is enabled.
0xC0000851Internal event: The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was failed an attempt to delete the obsolete column %1 with the error %2. Internal event: The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was failed an attempt to delete the obsolete column %1 with the error %2.
0xC0000852El objeto fantasma %1 se eliminó del proceso de reciclado autoritariamente. Como resultado, se perdieron vínculos de objetos en la base de datos local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services con dicho fantasma. No es posible identificar los vínculos perdidos. Puede producirse una divergencia entre la base de datos local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services y otros asociados de replicación. The phantom object %1 has been authoritatively unrecycled. This resulted in the loss of links from objects in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database to that phantom. There is no way to identify which links have been lost. This may result in divergence between the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database and other replication partners.
0xC0000853No se pudo reducir el nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración a %1 porque la característica opcional %2 está actualizando el estado interno de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. El nivel funcional de FOREST_TERM no se puede reducir a un valor inferior a %3 hasta que la característica opcional %2 complete esta tarea.%nEste problema se debería corregir por sí solo. Si el error vuelve a producirse, es posible que se requiera una intervención manual.%n An attempt to lower the configuration set functional level to be %1 failed because the %2 optional feature is currently updating the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services's internal state. The FOREST_TERM functional level may not be lowered to less than %3 until the %2 optional feature has completed this task.%nThis situation should correct itself automatically. If this error is encountered again, manual intervention may be necessary.%n
0xC000085CAl procesar una solicitud de replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services intentó modificar la lista de características opcionales habilitadas para el conjunto de configuración. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services está habilitando o deshabilitando una o varias características opcionales. Por lo tanto, las modificaciones realizadas en la lista de características opcionales habilitadas del conjunto de configuración no se aceptan en este momento, de modo que se produce un error en la solicitud de replicación. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detendrá temporalmente esta solicitud de replicación. La solicitud de replicación se intentará de nuevo más tarde.Detalles de la solicitud:Objeto modificado: %1Atributo modificado: %2Valor modificado: %3Característica opcional: %4 While processing of an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication request, the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services attempted to modify the list of enabled optional features for the configuration set. The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is currently enabling or disabling one or more optional features. Therefore, modifications to the list of enabled optional features for the configuration set are not being accepted at this time, so the replication request failed. The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services will temporarily discontinue this replication request. The replication request will be attempted again later.Request Details:Object being modified: %1Attribute being modified: %2Value being modified: %3Optional feature: %4
0xC000085DEl procesamiento interno de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó un error al actualizar el seguimiento que Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services realiza del estado de los objetos eliminados. Este error impide que se complete la tarea. Hasta que se complete correctamente, no se podrán recuperar los objetos eliminados. Además, no se podrá habilitar la característica Papelera de reciclaje.%n%nEste problema se debería corregir por sí solo. Si el error vuelve a producirse, es posible que se requiera una intervención manual.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi el error vuelve a producirse, aumente el registro de eventos para la recolección de elementos no utilizados para obtener más detalles.%n Internal processing of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database has encountered an error while updating the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services's tracking of the state of deleted objects. This error blocks the completion of this task. Until this task completes successfully, objects may not be undeleted. Additionally, the Recycle Bin feature may not be enabled.%n%nThis situation may correct itself automatically. If this error is encountered again, manual intervention may be necessary.%n%nUser Action%nIf this error continues to occur, increase event logging for Garbage Collection for more details.%n
0xC000085EEl procesamiento interno de la base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services para actualizar el seguimiento que Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services realiza del estado de los objetos eliminados no se completó correctamente; se detectaron errores. Se debe repetir esta tarea. Hasta que se complete correctamente, no se podrán recuperar los objetos eliminados. Además, no se podrá habilitar la característica Papelera de reciclaje.%n%nSe está reprogramando esta tarea. Si el problema continúa, es posible que se requiera una intervención manual.%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi el error vuelve a producirse, aumente el registro de eventos para la recolección de elementos no utilizados para obtener más detalles.%n%n%n Reprogramando en %s segundos. Internal processing of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database to update the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services's tracking of the state of deleted objects has completed unsuccessfully; errors were encountered. This task must be done again. Until this task completes successfully, objects may not be undeleted. Additionally, the Recycle Bin feature may not be enabled.%n%nThis task is being rescheduled. If this condition persists, manual intervention may be necessary.%n%nUser Action%nIf this error continues to occur, increase event logging for Garbage Collection for more details.%n%n%n Rescheduling in %s seconds.
0xC0000862Internal event: The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has detected that a crossRef object exists whose directory partition name reference (ncName attribute) was renamed because it conflicted with a local object. This renamed reference may prevent Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from functioning normally.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%n%nConflicting renamed partion: %n%2%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will attempt to automatically correct this conflicting name reference for this domain controller.%n%nUser Action%nCheck if this problem exists in any domain controller running Windows 2008 R2 or prior versions of the operating system. This problem exists if the event [Category:Replication EventId:1969] is logged by the domain controller or if GUIDs are present in the values of ncName attributes in the Configuration container. If this problem is found then you must run Dsdbutil semantic analysis to correct the name reference. Internal event: The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has detected that a crossRef object exists whose directory partition name reference (ncName attribute) was renamed because it conflicted with a local object. This renamed reference may prevent Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from functioning normally.%n%nCrossRef object: %n%1%n%nConflicting renamed partion: %n%2%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will attempt to automatically correct this conflicting name reference for this domain controller.%n%nUser Action%nCheck if this problem exists in any domain controller running Windows 2008 R2 or prior versions of the operating system. This problem exists if the event [Category:Replication EventId:1969] is logged by the domain controller or if GUIDs are present in the values of ncName attributes in the Configuration container. If this problem is found then you must run Dsdbutil semantic analysis to correct the name reference.
0xC0000872Error de clonación del controlador de dominio virtual.%nCompruebe los eventos registrados en los registros de eventos del sistema y %systemroot%\\debug\\dcpromo.log para obtener más información sobre los errores correspondientes al intento de clonación del controlador de dominio virtual.%n%nCódigo de error: %1 Virtual domain controller cloning failed.%nPlease check events logged in System event logs and %systemroot%\\debug\\dcpromo.log for more information on errors that correspond to the virtual domain controller cloning attempt.%n%nError code: %1
0xC0000874Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no puede iniciar el servicio DsRoleSvc para clonar el controlador de dominio virtual local . Para obtener más información, vea Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to start the DsRoleSvc service to clone the local virtual domain controller. Please see for more information.
0xC0000875Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo iniciar un subproceso durante la clonación del controlador de dominio virtual local. Para obtener más información, veaódigo de error:%n%1%nMensaje del error:%n%2%nNombre del subproceso:%n%3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to start a thread during the cloning of the local virtual domain controller. Please see for more information.%n%nError code:%n%1%nError message:%n%2%nThread name:%n%3
0xC0000876Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services necesita que el servicio %2 inicie el reinicio en DSRM. Error en la espera de %2 para inicializar en un estado en ejecución.%n%nCódigo de error:%n%1%n Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services needs %2 service to initiate rebooting into DSRM. Waiting for %2 to initialize into a running state failed.%n%nError code:%n%1%n
0xC0000877Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no puede inicializar la información del controlador de dominio virtual. Para obtener más información, vea las entradas anteriores del registro de eventos.%n%nDatos adicionales%nCódigo de error:%n%1 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not initialize virtual domain controller knowledge. See previous event log entry for details.%n%nAdditional Data%nFailure code:%n%1
0xC000087FHay un archivo de configuración de clonación del controlador de dominio virtual en una plataforma no admitida. Virtual domain controller clone configuration file exists on an unsupported platform.
0xC0000881Error al cambiar el nombre del archivo de configuración de clonación del controlador de dominio virtual.%n%nDatos adicionales%nNombre de archivo:%n%1%nCódigo de error:%n%2 %3 Renaming virtual domain controller clone configuration file failed.%n%nAdditional Data%nFile name:%n%1%nFailure code:%n%2 %3
0xC0000888Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear una cuenta de controlador de dominio para el controlador de dominio clonado.%n%nNombre de controlador de dominio original:%n%1%nNúmero permitido de controladores de dominio clonados:%n%2%nSe superó el límite del número de cuentas de controladores de dominio que se pueden generar mediante la clonación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Para obtener más información, vea Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to create a domain controller account for the cloned DC.%n%nOriginal DC name:%n%1%nAllowed number of cloned DC:%n%2%nThe limit on the number of domain controller accounts that can be generated by cloning Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was exceeded. Please see for more information.
0xC000088AActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo detener los servicios FRS o DFSR usados para replicar la carpeta SYSVOL.%n%nNombre del servicio:%n%1%nCódigo de error:%n%2%nMensaje de error:%n%3%nActive Directory detectó que la máquina virtual que hospeda el controlador de dominio se revirtió a un estado anterior. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services debe inicializar una restauración no autoritativa en la réplica de SYSVOL local. Para ello, se debe detener el servicio de replicación de FRS o DFSR que se usa para replicar la carpeta SYSVOL y, a continuación, iniciarlo con los valores y las claves del Registro adecuados para desencadenar la restauración. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo detener el servicio que se está ejecutando y no puede completar la restauración no autoritativa. Ejecute una restauración no autoritativa manualmente. Para obtener más información, vea Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to stop the FRS or DFSR service used to replicate the SYSVOL folder.%n%nService name:%n%1%nError code:%n%2%nError message:%n%3%nActive Directory detected that the virtual machine that hosts the domain controller was reverted to a previous state. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services must initialize a non-authoritative restore on the local SYSVOL replica. This is done by stopping the FRS or DFSR replication service used to replicate the SYSVOL folder and then starting it with the appropriate registry keys and values to trigger the restore. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to stop the current running service and cannot complete the non-authoritative restore. Please perform a non-authoritative restore manually. See for more information.
0xC000088CActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo iniciar los servicios FRS o DFSR usados para replicar la carpeta SYSVOL.%n%nNombre del servicio:%n%1%nCódigo de error:%n%2%nMensaje del error:%n%3%nActive Directory detectó que la máquina virtual que hospeda el controlador de dominio se revirtió a un estado anterior. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services debe inicializar una restauración no autoritativa en la réplica de SYSVOL local. Para ello, se debe detener el servicio de replicación de FRS o DFSR que se usa para replicar la carpeta SYSVOL e iniciarlo con los valores y las claves del Registro adecuados para desencadenar la restauración. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo iniciar el servicio que se usa para replicar la carpeta SYSVOL y no puede completar la restauración no autoritativa. Ejecute una restauración no autoritativa manualmente y reinicie el servicio. Para obtener más información, vea Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to start the FRS or DFSR service used to replicate the SYSVOL folder.%n%nService name:%n%1%nError code:%n%2%nError message:%n%3%nActive Directory detected that the virtual machine that hosts the domain controller was reverted to a previous state. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services needs to initialize a non-authoritative restore on the local SYSVOL replica. This is done by stopping the FRS or DFSR service used to replicate the SYSVOL and starting it with appropriate registry keys and values to trigger the restore. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to start the FRS or DFSR service used to replicate the SYSVOL folder and cannot complete the non-authoritative restore. Please perform a non-authoritative restore manually and restart the service. See for more information.
0xC000088EActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo establecer los siguientes valores del Registro para inicializar la réplica de SYSVOL durante una restauración no autoritativa:%n%nClave del Registro:%n%1%nValor del Registro: %n%2%nDatos del valor del Registro: %n%3%nCódigo de error:%n%4%nMensaje de error:%n%5%nActive Directory detectó que la máquina virtual que hospeda el rol de controlador de dominio se revirtió a un estado anterior. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services necesita inicializar una restauración no autoritativa en la réplica de SYSVOL local. Para ello, se debe detener el servicio FRS o DFSR que se usa para replicar la carpeta SYSVOL e iniciarlo con los valores y las claves del Registro adecuados para desencadenar la restauración. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo establecer los valores del Registro indicados arriba y no puede completar la restauración no autoritativa. Ejecute una restauración no autoritativa manualmente. Para obtener más información, vea Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to set the following registry values to initialize the SYSVOL replica during a non-authoritative restore:%n%nRegistry Key:%n%1%nRegistry Value: %n%2%nRegistry Value data: %n%3%nError code:%n%4%nError message:%n%5%nActive Directory detected that the virtual machine that hosts the domain controller role was reverted to a previous state. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services needs to initialize a non-authoritative restore on the local SYSVOL replica. This is done by stopping the FRS or DFSR service used to replicate the SYSVOL folder and starting it with the appropriate registry keys and values to trigger the restore. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to set the above registry values and cannot complete the non-authoritative restore. Please perform a non-authoritative restore manually. See for more information.
0xC0000890Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no puede establecer los siguientes valores del Registro para deshabilitar las actualizaciones de DNS.%n%nClave del Registro:%n%1%nValor del Registro: %n%2%nDatos del valor del Registro: %n%3%nCódigo de error:%n%4%nMensaje del error:%n%5%nDurante el proceso de clonación, la máquina local podría tener durante un corto período de tiempo el mismo nombre de equipo que la máquina de origen clonada. Los registros A y AAAA de DNS están deshabilitados durante este período para que los clientes no puedan enviar solicitudes a la máquina local que se está clonando. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to set the following registry value to disable DNS updates.%n%nRegistry Key:%n%1%nRegistry Value: %n%2%nRegistry Value data: %n%3%nError code:%n%4%nError message:%n%5%nDuring the cloning process, the local machine may have the same computer name as the clone source machine for a short time. DNS A and AAAA record registration are disabled during this period so clients cannot send requests to the local machine undergoing cloning.
0xC0000892Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no puede establecer los siguientes valores del Registro para habilitar las actualizaciones de DNS.%n%nClave del Registro:%n%1%nValor del Registro: %n%2%nDatos del valor del Registro: %n%3%nCódigo de error:%n%4%nMensaje del error:%n%5%nDurante el proceso de clonación, la máquina local podría tener durante un corto período de tiempo el mismo nombre de equipo que la máquina de origen clonada. Los registros A y AAAA de DNS están deshabilitados durante este período para que los clientes no puedan enviar solicitudes a la máquina local que se está clonando. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to set the following registry value to enable DNS updates.%n%nRegistry Key:%n%1%nRegistry Value: %n%2%nRegistry Value data: %n%3%nError code:%n%4%nError message:%n%5%nDuring the cloning process, the local machine may have the same computer name as the clone source machine for a short time. DNS A and AAAA record registration are disabled during this period so clients cannot send requests to the local machine undergoing cloning.
0xC0000893No se pudo establecer el modo de arranque de DSRM.%n%nCódigo de error:%n%1%nMensaje de error:%n%2%nCuando se produzca un error de clonación del controlador de dominio virtual o cuando aparezca el archivo de configuración de clonación del controlador de dominio virtual en un hipervisor no admitido, la máquina local se reiniciará en DSRM para solucionar los problemas. Error al establecer el arranque de DSRM. Failed to set DSRM boot.%n%nError code:%n%1%nError message:%n%2%nWhen virtual domain controller cloning failed or virtual domain controller clone configuration file appears on a non-supported hypervisor, the local machine will reboot into DSRM for troubleshooting. Setting DSRM boot failed.
0xC0000894No se pudo establecer el privilegio de apagado.%n%nCódigo de error:%n%1%nMensaje de error:%n%2%nCuando se produzca un error de clonación del controlador de dominio virtual o cuando aparezca el archivo de configuración de clonación del controlador de dominio virtual en un hipervisor no admitido, la máquina local se reiniciará en DSRM para solucionar los problemas. Error al habilitar el privilegio de apagado. Failed to enable shutdown privilege.%n%nError code:%n%1%nError message:%n%2%nWhen virtual domain controller cloning failed or virtual domain controller clone configuration file appears on a non-supported hypervisor, the local machine will reboot into DSRM for troubleshooting. Enabling shutdown privilege failed.
0xC0000895No se pudo iniciar el apagado del sistema.%n%nCódigo de error:%n%1%nMensaje de error:%n%2%nCuando se produzca un error de clonación del controlador de dominio virtual o cuando aparezca el archivo de configuración de clonación del controlador de dominio virtual en un hipervisor no admitido, la máquina local se reiniciará en DSRM para solucionar los problemas. Error al iniciar el apagado del sistema. Failed to initiate system shutdown.%n%nError code:%n%1%nError message:%n%2%nWhen virtual domain controller cloning failed or virtual domain controller clone configuration file appears on a non-supported hypervisor, the local machine will reboot into DSRM for troubleshooting. Initiating system shutdown failed.
0xC0000896Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear ni modificar el siguiente objeto de controlador de dominio clonado.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nObjeto:%n%1%nValor del error: %n%2%n%3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to create or modify the following cloned DC object.%n%nAdditional data:%nObject:%n%1%nError value: %n%2%n%3
0xC0000897Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear el siguiente objeto de controlador de dominio clonado porque el objeto ya existe.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nControlador de dominio de origen:%n%1%nObjeto:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to create the following cloned DC object because the object already exists.%n%nAdditional data:%nSource DC:%n%1%nObject:%n%2
0xC000089A%nActive Directory detectó que la máquina virtual que hospeda el controlador de dominio se revirtió a un estado anterior. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no puede hacer que la replicación actualice el controlador de dominio. El controlador de dominio se actualizará después de la próxima replicación periódica.%n%n Valor de error: %1 %nActive Directory detected that the virtual machine that hosts the domain controller was reverted to a previous state. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed replication to bring the domain controller up-to-date. The domain controller will be updated after next periodic replication.%n%n Error Value: %1
0xC000089EActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo invalidar el conjunto RID actual después de que el controlador de dominio virtual se revirtiera al estado anterior.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nCódigo de error: %1%nValor de error: %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to invalidate current RID pool after virtual domain controller was reverted to previous state.%n%nAdditional data:%nError code: %1%nError value: %2
0xC000089FNo se pudo restaurar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services después de que se revirtiera el controlador de dominio virtual al estado anterior. Se requirió reiniciar en DSRM. Compruebe los eventos anteriores para obtener más información. Para obtener más información, vea Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to restore after virtual domain controller was reverted to previous state. A reboot into DSRM was requested. Please check previous events for more information. See for more information.
0xC00008A1Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo eliminar las bases de datos de DFSR.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nCódigo de error: %1%nValor de error: %2%n%nActive Directory detectó que la máquina virtual que hospeda el controlador de dominio se revirtió a un estado anterior. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services debe inicializar una restauración no autoritativa en la réplica de SYSVOL local. Para DFSR, se debe detener el servicio DFSR, eliminar las bases de datos de DFSR y reiniciar el servicio. Una vez reiniciado, DFSR volverá a generar las bases de datos e iniciará la sincronización inicial. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to delete DFSR databases.%n%nAdditional data:%nError code: %1%nError value: %2%n%nActive Directory detected that the virtual machine that hosts the domain controller was reverted to a previous state. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services needs to initialize a non-authoritative restore on the local SYSVOL replica. For DFSR, this is done by stopping the DFSR service, deleting DFSR databases, and re-starting the service. Upon restarting DFSR will rebuild the databases and start the initial sync.
0xC00008A2Error de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services al crear objetos para el controlador de dominio clonado.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nId. de clon: %6%nNombre del controlador de dominio clonado: %1%nBucle de reintentos: %2%nValor de excepción: %3%nValor de error: %4%nDSID: %5 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to create objects for clone domain controller.%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %6%nClone domain controller name: %1%nRetry loop: %2%nException value: %3%nError value: %4%nDSID: %5
0xC00008ADError de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services al generar una contraseña aleatoria para el controlador de dominio clonado.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nId. de clon: %1%nNombre del controlador de dominio clonado: %2%nError: %3 %4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to generate a random password for the cloned domain controller.%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %1%nClone domain controller name: %2%nError: %3 %4
0xC00008AEError de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services al establecer una contraseña para el controlador de dominio clonado.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nId. de clon: %1%nNombre del controlador de dominio clonado: %2%nError: %3 %4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to set password for the cloned domain controller.%n%nAdditional data:%nClone Id: %1%nClone domain controller name: %2%nError: %3 %4
0xC00008B0Error de clonación del controlador de dominio virtual. En el equipo clonado existen las siguientes %1 cuentas de servicio administradas independientes:%n%2%nPara que la clonación se realice correctamente, deben eliminarse todas las cuentas de servicio administradas independientes. Para ello, use el cmdlet de PowerShell Uninstall-ADServiceAccount. Las cuentas de servicio administradas de grupo admiten la clonación del controlador de dominio virtual. Para obtener más información, consulte Virtual domain controller cloning failed. The following %1 standalone Managed Service Account(s) exist(s) on the cloned machine:%n%2%nFor cloning to succeed, all standalone Managed Service Accounts must be removed. This can be done using the Uninstall-ADServiceAccount PowerShell cmdlet. Group Managed Service Accounts support virtual domain controller cloning. For more information, please see
0xC00008B2Error al quitar los secretos en caché de la siguiente entidad de seguridad del controlador de dominio local:%n%1%nError: %2 (%3)Después de clonar un controlador de dominio de solo lectura, los secretos previamente guardados en caché del controlador de dominio de solo lectura de origen de la clonación deben eliminarse del clon. De lo contrario, aumentará el riesgo de que un atacante pueda obtener esas credenciales del clon robado o comprometido. Si la entidad de seguridad es una cuenta con muchos privilegios y debería estar protegida frente a estas amenazas, use la operación de rootDSE rODCPurgeAccount para borrar manualmente sus secretos en el controlador de dominio local. Failed to remove cached secrets of the following security principal from local domain controller:%n%1%nError: %2 (%3)After cloning a read-only domain controller, secrets which were previously cached on the cloning source read-only domain controller need to be removed on the clone. Failed to do this will increase the risk that an attacker can obtain those credentials from stolen or compromised clone. If the security principal is a highly privileged account and should be protected against this, please use rootDSE operation rODCPurgeAccount to manually clear its secrets on local domain controller.
0xC00008B3Se produjo una excepción al intentar quitar los secretos en caché del controlador de dominio local.%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de la excepción: %1%nValor del error: %2%nDSID: %3Después de clonar un controlador de dominio de solo lectura, los secretos previamente guardados en caché en el controlador de dominio de solo lectura de origen de la clonación deben eliminarse del clon. De lo contrario, aumentará el riesgo de que un atacante pueda obtener esas credenciales del clon robado o comprometido. Si alguna de las entidades de seguridad es una cuenta con muchos privilegios y debería estar protegida frente a estas amenazas, use la operación de rootDSE rODCPurgeAccount para borrar manualmente sus secretos en el controlador de dominio local. Exception is raised while trying to remove cached secrets from local domain controller.%nAdditional data:%nException value: %1%nError value: %2%nDSID: %3After cloning a read-only domain controller, secrets which were previously cached on the cloning source read-only domain controller need to be removed on the clone. Failed to do this will increase the risk that an attacker can obtain those credentials from stolen or compromised clone. If any of these security principals is a highly privileged account and should be protected against this, please use rootDSE operation rODCPurgeAccount to manually clear its secrets on local domain controller.
0xC00008B4El id. de generación de la máquina virtual en la base de datos de Active Directory de este controlador de dominio difiere del valor actual de esta máquina virtual. Sin embargo, no se pudo encontrar un archivo de configuración del clon del controlador de dominio virtual (DCCloneConfig.xml), por lo que no se intentó la clonación del controlador de dominio. Si su intención era realizar una operación de este tipo, asegúrese de que se proporcione un DCCloneConfig.xml en cualquiera de las ubicaciones admitidas como se describe aquí: Asimismo, la dirección IP de este controlador de dominio está en conflicto con la dirección IP de otro controlador de dominio. Para evitar que haya interrupciones en el servicio, el controlador de dominio se ha configurado para arrancar en DSRM.%nDatos adicionales:%nLa dirección IP duplicada: %1 The Virtual machine generation ID in the Active Directory database of this domain controller is different from the current value of this virtual machine. However, a virtual domain controller clone configuration file (DCCloneConfig.xml) could not be located so domain controller cloning was not attempted. If a domain controller cloning operation was intended, please ensure that a DCCloneConfig.xml is provided in any one of the supported locations as documented here: In addition, the IP address of this domain controller conflicts with another domain controller's IP address. To ensure no disruptions in service occur, the domain controller has been configured to boot into DSRM.%nAdditional data:%nThe duplicate IP address: %1
0xC00008B5Se ha detectado un error en el aislamiento de la base de datos usada por las operaciones por lotes de LDAP. Otras operaciones por lotes de LDAP podrán generar resultados incorrectos o inesperados. Reinicie el servicio.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor del error: %1%nDSID: %2 An error has been detected in the database isolation used by LDAP batch operations. Further LDAP batch operations may have unexpected or incorrect results. Restart the service.%n%nAdditional data:%nError value: %1%nDSID: %2
0xC00008B6Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectó una columna de recuento de vínculos dañados en la tabla de seguimiento de cuotas. Es posible que las cuotas no se apliquen correctamente hasta que vuelva a generarse la tabla de seguimiento de cuotas.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nNCDNT: %1%nRecuento de vínculos: %2%nRecuento total: %3%nOwnerSid:%4%nstartUSN:%5 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detected corrupt link count column in the quota-tracking table. Quota enforcement may not behave correctly until the quota-tracking table is rebuilt.%n%nAdditional data:%nNCDNT: %1%nLink count: %2%nTotal count: %3%nOwnerSid:%4%nstartUSN:%5
0xC0000960No se pudo modificar un atributo de seguimiento del historial porque el identificador de usuario asociado a la modificación era cero.%nOrigen del vínculo: %1%nDestino del vínculo: %2%nAtributo del vínculo: %3%n An attempt to modify a history-tracked attribute failed because the User Identifier associated with the modification was zero.%nLink source: %1%nLink target: %2%nLink attribute: %3%n
0xC0000963La base de datos está etiquetada con un GUID de versión no reconocido; se está deteniendo la inicialización:%nGUID: %1 The database is tagged with an unrecognized GUID, halting initialization:%nGUID: %1
0xC0000968Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services identificó un objeto de atributo en el esquema con marcas de sistema no reconocidas.%nMarcas: %1%nObjeto: %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services identified an attribute object in the schema has unrecognized system flags.%nFlags: %1%nObject: %2
0xC0000969Una característica opcional no reconocida está habilitada; se está deteniendo la inicialización.%nGUID de característica opcional: %1%nEstado de característica opcional: %2 An unrecognized optional feature is enabled, halting initialization.%nOptional feature GUID: %1%nOptional feature status: %2
0xC00009C7Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar la clave de exclusión de la copia de seguridad durante la instalación.%nAcción del usuario:%nAsegúrese de que el proceso de instalación dispone de permisos suficientes para crear un valor en la clave de exclusión de la copia de seguridad.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nNombre de la clave:%n%1%nValor de error:%n%2 %3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to update the backup exclusion key during installation.%nUser Action:%nPlease ensure the installation process has enough permission to create a value underthe backup exclusion key.%n%nAdditional Data:%nKey Name:%n%1%nError Value:%n%2 %3
0xC00009C9Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo crear el valor del control de acceso VSS requerido.%n%nAcción del usuario:%nEsto puede crear dificultades más adelante al intentar registrar la interfaz de copia de seguridad de instantáneas.Si esto impide el inicio del servicio de copia de seguridad de instantáneas, registre manualmente esta clave del Registro. Cree un valor DWORD bajo la clave del Registro con el nombre que se indica a continuación y con un valor igual a0x00000001.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nClave del Registro:%n%1%n%nNombre del valor del Registro:%n%2%n%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to create the required VSS Access Control value.%n%nUser Action:%nThis may incur difficulties trying to register the shadow copy backup interface later.If this prevents the shadow copy backup service from starting, please manually registerthis registry key. Create a DWORD value, under the registry key below, with the valuename below, and the value of 0x00000001.%n%nAdditional Data:%nRegistry Key:%n%1%n%nRegistry Value Name:%n%2%n%nError Value:%n%3 %4
0xC00009CBError al intentar inicializar el servicio de instantáneas para esta instancia deActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nAcción del usuario:%nEn Windows XP, asegúrese de que esta instancia de AD LDS se está ejecutando como una de las siguientes cuentas de servicio:%nSistema local, Servicio local, Servicio de red, Administrador u Operador de copia de copia de seguridad The attempt to initialize the shadow copy service failed for this instance ofActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nUser Action:%nOn Windows XP, please ensure that this AD LDS instance is running as one of thefollowing allowed service accounts:%nLocal system, Local service, Network service, Administrator or Backup Operator
0xC00009CCError al intentar inicializar el servicio de instantáneas para este instancia deActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nAcción del usuario:%nAsegúrese de que la clave de control de acceso VSS que se indica debajo cuenta con un valor del Registro (con el mismo nombre que la cuenta de servicio para la que se está ejecutando esta instancia de AD LDS) con el valor 1.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nClave del Registro:%n%1 The attempt to initialize the shadow copy service failed for this instance ofActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nUser Action:%nEnsure that the VSS Access Control key below has a registry value (with the same name as theservice account for which this instance of AD LDS is running) under it with a value of 1.%n%nAdditional Data:%nRegistry Key:%n%1
0xC00009CEDurante la instalación, no se pudo agregar este servidor como réplica de la siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones. %n%nPartición de directorio de aplicaciones: %n%1%nObjeto DSA del servidor: %n%2%nLa instalación continuará, pero esta partición de directorio de aplicaciones no está presente en esta instancia. %nAcción de usuario: %nSi desea hacer que este servidor sea una réplica de esta partición de directorio de aplicaciones, solucione este error y vuelva a agregar esta partición de aplicación después de que se complete la instalación.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nError:%n%3%nId. interno:%n%4%n%n During installation, the attempt to add this server as a replica of the following application directory partition was not successful. %n%nApplication Directory Partition: %n%1%nDSA object of the server: %n%2%nThe installation process will continue, but this application directory partition will not be present on this instance. %nUser Action: %nIf you would like to make this server a replica of this application directory partition, resolve this error and re-add this application partition after the installation is complete.%n%nAdditional Data:%nError:%n%3%nInternal ID:%n%4%n%n
0xC00009D1No se pudo establecer el protocolo de autenticación seleccionado para una conexión al siguiente DSA.%nDSA: %n%1%n%nDatos adicionales:%nError:%n%3 %2%n Attempting to set the desired authentication protocol for a connection to the following DSA failed.%nDSA: %n%1%n%nAdditional Data:%nError:%n%3 %2%n
0xC00009D2El DSA no pudo enlazarse al siguiente dominio para crear, registrar y comprobar los nombres de entidad de seguridad de servicio, necesarios para que la autenticación mutuase establezca correctamente en conexiones de entrada.%n%nDominio:%n%3%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 This DSA was unable to bind to the following domain in order to create/register/verify the service principal names needed for mutual authentication to succeed on inboundconnections.%n%nDomain:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data:%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00009D3Este DSA no pudo violar la siguiente cuenta para crear y comprobar los nombres de entidad de seguridad de servicio, necesarios para que la autenticación mutua se establezcacorrectamente en conexiones de entrada.%n%nCuenta:%n%3%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 This DSA was unable to crack the following account in order to create/verify the service principal names needed for mutual authentication to succeed on inboundconnections.%n%nAccount:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data:%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00009D4Este DSA no pudo actualizar los nombres de entidad de seguridad de servicio para la siguiente cuenta, necesarios para que la autenticación mutua se establezca correctamente enconexiones de salida.%n%nCuenta:%n%3%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 This DSA was unable to update the service principal names for the following account which are needed for mutual authentication to succeed on inboundconnections.%n%nAccount:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data:%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00009D6Este DSA no pudo escribir el script requerido para registrar los nombres de entidad de seguridad de servicio para la siguiente cuenta, necesarios para que la autenticaciónmutua se establezca correctamente en conexiones de entrada.%n%nCuenta:%n%3%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 This DSA was unable to write the script required to register the service principal names for the following account which are needed for mutual authentication to succeed on inboundconnections.%n%nAccount:%n%3%n%nAdditional Data:%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00009D8Este DSA no pudo crear los nombres de entidad de seguridad de servicio, necesarios para que la autenticación mutua se establezcacorrectamente en conexiones de entrada.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error:%n%1 %2 This DSA was unable to make the service principal names needed for mutual authentication to succeed on inboundconnections.%n%nAdditional Data:%nError value:%n%1 %2
0xC00009DAEste DSA no puede crear un archivo de script necesario para el registro del nombre de entidad de seguridad de servicio en el siguiente dominio.%n%nDominio:%n%1%nNombre de archivo:%n%2%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 This DSA was unable to create a script file needed for service principal name registration in the following domain.%n%nDomain:%n%1%nFile Name:%n%2%n%nAdditional Data:%nError value:%n%3 %4
0xC00009DBEl nombre de entidad de seguridad de servicio (SPN) que desea registrar esta instancia no es único dentro de la empresa.Para que la autenticación mutua funcione con esta instancia, los SPN duplicados se quitarán. Estos SPN duplicados pueden registrarseen cualquier bosque de confianza con cualquier cuenta.%n%nSPN:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario:%nUbique todas las cuentas con cadenas SPN idénticas en el atributo servicePrincipalName y quite las cadenas de dichas cuentas.%n The service principal name (SPN) that this instance wishes to register is not unique within the enterprise. Inorder for mutual authentication to work with this instance, these duplicate SPNs must be removed. Please note that these duplicateSPNs can be registered in any trusted forest on any account.%n%nSPN:%n%1%n%nUser Action:%nLocate all accounts which have the identical SPN string on the servicePrincipalName attribute and remove it from those accounts.%n
0xC00009DCEl servidor de directorio detectó que la base de datos se reemplazó. Esta operación no es segura ni compatible.%n%nAcción del usuario:%nNinguna. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services pudo recuperar la base de datos en esta instancia, pero esto no se garantiza en todas las circunstancias. No es recomendable reemplazar la base de datos. Es muy recomendable que el usuario use el componente de copia de seguridad y restauración para revertir la base de datos.%n The Directory Server detected that the database has been replaced. This is anunsafe and unsupported operation.%n%nUser Action:%nNone. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was able to recover the database in this instance,but this is not guaranteed in all circumstances. Replacing the database isstrongly discouraged. The user is strongly encouraged to use the backup andrestore facility to rollback the database.%n
0xC00009DDNo se pudo convertir la cuenta de servicio dada en un identificador de seguridad. Intente la instalación de nuevocon una cuenta de servicio diferente.%n We were unable to translate the given service account into a security identifier! Please retry your installation with adifferent service account.%n
0xC00009DEEsta instancia del servidor de directorio no puede colocar archivosde datos (archivos de registro y bases de datos) en volúmenes de discomúltiples. Como resultado, el servidor de directorio no se iniciará.%nAcción del usuario:%nPara iniciar este servidor de directorio, coloque todos los archivos de datos(archivos de registro y bases de datos) en el mismo volumen de disco. This instance of the directory server does not support placing data files(database and log files) on multiple disk volumes. As a result, the directoryserver will not start.%nUser Action:%nTo start this directory server, place all data files (database and log files)on the same disk volume.
0xC00009DFEl servidor de directorio no pudo actualizar automáticamente la cuenta de servicio, el nombre DNS y/o la información de puerto.%n%nEsta operación se intentará de nuevo con el siguiente intervalo.%n%nIntervalo (minutos):%n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4%nId. interno:%n%2 The directory server failed to automatically update service account, dns name and/or port information.%n%nThis operation will be tried again at the following interval.%n%nInterval (minutes):%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4%nInternal ID:%n%2
0xC00009E3El servidor de directorio no pudo actualizar el nombre de host y/o la información de puertos para este servicio en el siguiente servidor remoto. Esta operación se intentará de nuevo. Otros servidores de directorio en esteconjunto de configuración (en caso que existan) no podrán replicar los cambios desde este servidor de directorio hastaque el cambio se realice y se replique a ellos.%n%nDatos adicionales%nObjeto DSA de destino:%n%1%nValor de error:%n%2 %3%nId. interno:%n%4 The directory server has failed to update the host name and/or ports information for this service on the following remoteserver. This operation will be retried. Other directory servers in this configuration set (if any) will beunable to replicate changes from this directory server until this change is performed and replicated to them.%n%nAdditional Data%nTarget DSA object:%n%1%nError value:%n%2 %3%nInternal ID:%n%4
0xC00009E5El servidor de directorio no pudo actualizar el nombre de host y/o la información de puertos para este servicio en la base de datos local.Esta operación se intentará de nuevo.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3%nId. interno:%n%4 The directory server has failed to update the host name and/or ports information for this service in the local database.This operation will be retried.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3%nInternal ID:%n%4
0xC00009EBEl modo de autenticación de replicación del conjunto de configuración (msDS-replAuthenticationMode = %1) no es válido. Puede que no sea posible la replicación con el servidor de origen.%nAjuste el modo de autenticación de replicación en el servidor de origen antes de instalar cualquier réplica. Use el comando repadmin /replAuthMode. Para obtener más información acerca del modo de autenticación de replicación, vea \"Conjuntos de configuración y replicación\" en la Guía del administrador de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. The configuration set has an invalid replication authentication mode (msDS-replAuthenticationMode = %1). Replication with the source server may be impossible.%nPlease adjust the replication authentication mode on the source server before installing any replicas. Use repadmin /replAuthMode command. For more information about replication authentication mode, see \"Replication and configuration sets\" in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Administrator's Guide.
0xC00009ECActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar el Registro.%n%nDatos adicionales%nClave del Registro:%n%1%nValor del Registro:%n%2%nValor de error:%n%3 %4 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to update the registry.%n%nAdditional Data%nRegistry key:%n%1%nRegistry value:%n%2%nError value:%n%3 %4
0xC00009EDNo se encontró el contenedor de registro ServiceConnectionPoint personalizado en Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nDatos adicionales%nDN del contenedor SCP:%n%1%nObjeto de configuración SCP:%n%2%nValor de error:%n%3 %4%n%nAcción del usuario:%nCompruebe que el atributo msDS-SCPContainer almacenado en msDS-ServiceConnectionPoint apunte a un contenedor existente en Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, o quite el valor para crear un objeto SCP en su ubicación predeterminada bajo el objeto de equipo. The custom ServiceConnectionPoint registration container is not found in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nAdditional Data%nSCP container DN:%n%1%nSCP configuration object:%n%2%nError value:%n%3 %4%n%nUser Action:%nVerify that msDS-SCPContainer attribute stored on the msDS-ServiceConnectionPoint is pointing to an existing container in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services,or remove the value to create the SCP object in its default location under the computer object.
0xC00009EEEl servidor de directorio detectó que la base de datos se ha reemplazado.Esta operación no es compatible ni segura. El servicio se detendrá hasta quese corrija el problema.%n%nAcción del usuario:%nRestaure las copias anteriores de la base de datos que estaba en uso en este equipo.%nEn el futuro, se recomienda que utilice la facilidad de restauración y copia deseguridad para revertir la base de datos anterior.%n%nSe puede suprimir este error al tiempo que se repara la base de datos si quita la siguiente clave del Registro.%n%n%nDatos adicionales%nClave del Registro:%n%1%nValor del Registro:%n%2 The Directory Server detected that the database has been replaced. This is anunsafe and unsupported operation. The service will stop until the problem iscorrected.%n%nUser Action:%nRestore the previous copy of the database that was in use on this machine.%nIn the future, the user is strongly encouraged to use the backup andrestore facility to rollback the database.%n%nThis error can be suppressed and the database repaired by removing the following registry key.%n%n%nAdditional Data%nRegistry key:%n%1%nRegistry value:%n%2
0xC00009EFActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo actualizar el conjunto de datos de referencia. La operación se intentará de nuevo.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%1 %2%nIntervalo de reintento (minutos):%n%3%n%nAcción del usuario%nReinicie el servicio de directorio si esta operación sigue produciendo errores. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services attempted to refresh the set of referral data but failed. The operation will be retried.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%1 %2%nRetry interval (minutes):%n%3%n%nUser Action%nIf this operation continues to fail, restart the directory service.
0xC00009F0La cuenta de servicio para esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no puede usarse con el conjunto de configuración seleccionado. Seleccione una cuenta de servicio diferente e inténtelo de nuevo. Para obtener más información acerca de las cuentas de servicio de AD LDS, vea \"Seleccionar una cuenta de servicio\" en la Ayuda de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%nNo se pudo validar la cuenta; error %1: %2 The service account for this instance of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services cannot be used with the selected configuration set. Select a different service account, and then try again. For more information about AD LDS service accounts, see \"Selecting a service account\" in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Help.%nAccount validation failed with error %1: %2
0xC00009F2El modo de autenticación de replicación del conjunto de configuración (msDS-replAuthenticationMode) no es válido. Usa la autenticación de paso Negotiate, pero la cuenta de servicio de origen no es una cuenta local no del sistema. No será posible la replicación con el servidor de origen.%nAjuste el modo de autenticación de replicación en el servidor de origen antes de instalar cualquier réplica. Use el comando repadmin /replAuthMode. Para obtener más información acerca del modo de autenticación de replicación, vea \"Conjuntos de configuración y replicación\" en la Guía del administrador de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. The configuration set has an invalid replication authentication mode (msDS-replAuthenticationMode). It uses negotiate pass-through authentication, but the source service account is not a local non-system account. Replication with the source server will not be possible.%nPlease adjust the replication authentication mode on the source server before installing any replicas. Use repadmin /replAuthMode command. For more information about replication authentication mode, see \"Replication and configuration sets\" in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Administrator's Guide.
0xC00009F3El modo de autenticación de replicación del conjunto de configuración (msDS-replAuthenticationMode) no es válido. Requiere autenticación mutua Kerberos, pero el servidor de origen no está unido a un dominio o usa una cuenta de servicio local. No será posible la replicación con el servidor de origen.%nAjuste el modo de autenticación de replicación en el servidor de origen antes de instalar cualquier réplica. Use el comando repadmin /replAuthMode. Para obtener más información acerca del modo de autenticación de replicación, vea \"Conjuntos de configuración y replicación\" en la Guía del administrador de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. The configuration set has an invalid replication authentication mode (msDS-replAuthenticationMode). It requires Kerberos mutual authentication, but the source server is either not joined to a domain, or is using a local service account. Replication with the source server will not be possible.%nPlease adjust the replication authentication mode on the source server before installing any replicas. Use repadmin /replAuthMode command. For more information about replication authentication mode, see \"Replication and configuration sets\" in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Administrator's Guide.
0xC00009F4El conjunto de configuración requiere autenticación mutua Kerberos. La cuenta de servicio de sistema seleccionada no es válida porque este equipo es un controlador de dominio. La autenticación mutua Kerberos no estará disponible cuando la instancia se ejecute con esta cuenta. The configuration set requires Kerberos mutual authentication. The selected system service account is invalid because this computer is a Domain Controller. Kerberos mutual authentication will be unavailable when the instance runs using this account.
0xC00009F5El conjunto de configuración requiere autenticación mutua Kerberos. No se puede instalar una réplica en este equipo porque no está unido a un dominio. The configuration set requires Kerberos mutual authentication. You cannot install a replica on this computer because it is not joined to a domain.
0xC00009F6El conjunto de configuración requiere autenticación mutua Kerberos. No se puede instalar una réplica en este conjunto de configuración con una cuenta local. Seleccione una cuenta diferente. The configuration set requires Kerberos mutual authentication. You cannot install a replica in this configuration set using a local account. Select a different account.
0xC00009F7La cuenta de servicio seleccionada no puede autenticarse con el origen de réplica %3:%4 por medio de la autenticación mutua Kerberos. La cuenta de servicio para la nueva réplica de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services debe ser una cuenta de dominio de confianza para el conjunto de configuración. Compruebe que el origen de réplica tenga un nombre de entidad de seguridad de servicio (SPN) registrado correctamente.%nError de autenticación %1: %2 The selected service account cannot authenticate with the replica source %3:%4 using Kerberos mutual authentication. The service account for the new Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replica should be a domain account trusted by the configuration set. Also, verify that the replica source has a properly registered service principal name (SPN).%nThe authentication failed with error %1: %2
0xC00009F8El origen de réplica %1:%2 requiere autenticación Kerberos pero no tiene un nombre de entidad de seguridad de servicio (SPN) registrado correctamente.%nUn administrador de partición puede registrar los SPN para el origen de réplica ejecutando el archivo por lotes de la carpeta de datos del origen de réplica.%nTambién puede configurar la autenticación Kerberos como opcional; cambie el valor del atributo msDS-ReplAuthenticationMode de ADAM_REPL_AUTHENTICATION_MODE_MUTUAL_AUTH_REQUIRED a ADAM_REPL_AUTHENTICATION_MODE_NEGOTIATE en la partición de configuración de todas las instancias del conjunto de configuración. Cuando msDS-ReplAuthenticationMode se establece en ADAM_REPL_AUTHENTICATION_MODE_NEGOTIATE, los asociados de réplica pueden usar NTLM para la autenticación si Kerberos no está disponible. The replica source %1:%2 requires Kerberos authentication but does not have a properly registered service principal name (SPN).%nAn partition administrator can register the SPNs for the replica source by running the batch file that is in the data folder of the replica source.%nAlternatively, you can configure Kerberos authentication as optional; change the value of the attribute msDS-ReplAuthenticationMode from ADAM_REPL_AUTHENTICATION_MODE_MUTUAL_AUTH_REQUIRED to ADAM_REPL_AUTHENTICATION_MODE_NEGOTIATE on the Configuration partition of all instances in the configuration set. When msDS-ReplAuthenticationMode is set to ADAM_REPL_AUTHENTICATION_MODE_NEGOTIATE, replica partners can use NTLM for authentication if Kerberos is not available.
0xC00009F9El conjunto de configuración usa la autenticación de paso a través Negotiate. No se puede instalar una réplica en este conjunto de configuración con una cuenta integrada o de dominio. Todas las instancias de este conjunto de configuración deben usar cuentas locales con el mismo nombre y contraseña. The configuration set uses Negotiate pass-through authentication. You cannot install a replica in this configuration set using a built-in or domain account. All instances in this configuration set must use local accounts with the same name and password.
0xC00009FAEl conjunto de configuración usa la autenticación de paso Negotiate. El nombre de cuenta seleccionado no coincide con el nombre de cuenta usado por el servidor de origen. Todas las instancias de este conjunto de configuración deben usar cuentas con el mismo nombre y contraseña. The configuration set uses Negotiate pass-through authentication. The selected account name does not match the account name used by the source server. All instances in this configuration set must use accounts with the same name and password.
0xC00009FBLa cuenta de servicio seleccionada no puede autenticar con el origen de réplica %3:%4 usando la autenticación Negotiate. La cuenta de servicio no es válida o la configuración del equipo no es compatible con la autenticación NTLM con el origen de réplica.%nError de autenticación %1: %2 The selected service account cannot authenticate with the replica source %3:%4 using Negotiate authentication. Either the service account is invalid or the computer's configuration does not support NTLM authentication with the replica source.%nThe authentication failed with error %1: %2
0xC0000A0BRecopilando la información de eliminación requerida de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (%1!S!)...%n Collecting required removal information from Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (%1!S!)...%n
0xC0000A0CNo se pudo iniciar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. La información de eliminación no pudo recopilarse. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not be started. Removal information could not be collected.
0xC0000A0DLa instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo replicar los cambios realizados en la partición %1.%n%nPara evitar perder estos cambios, asegúrese de que haya al menos una instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services disponible en esta partición, e inténtelo de nuevo.%n%nSi omite este paso, se perderán todos los cambios realizados en la partición en esta instancia que aún no se hayan replicado a otras réplicas.%n The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance could not replicate changes made to the partition %1.%n%nTo avoid losing these changes, ensure that at least one Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance with this partition is available, and then try again.%n%nIf you skip this step any changes made to this partition on this instance that have not yet replicated to other replicas will be lost.%n
0xC0000A31Error de sistema. No es seguro continuar sin reiniciar el equipo. System error. It is unsafe to continue without rebooting the machine.
0xC0000A32No hay ninguna instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en funcionamiento en este conjunto de configuración. No se pudo encontrar ni conectar a otra instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services:%nError %1!d!%nAsegúrese de que haya al menos una instancia de AD LDS disponible en el conjunto de configuración antes de continuar.%nSi omite este paso, los cambios de datos recientes no se guardarán en otra réplica, y los metadatos no se quitarán del conjunto de configuración. Esto no es recomendable. There is no functioning Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance in this configuration set. The attempt to find and connect to another Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance failed with the following error:%nError %1!d!%nPlease ensure one available AD LDS instance exists in the configuration set before continuing.%nSkipping this step will prevent saving recent data changes to another replica, and metadata will not be removed from the configuration set. This is not suggested.
0xC0000B12Se solicitó al servicio de directorio local que agregara una réplica de escritura de la siguiente partición de directorio. El servicio de directorio local es de solo lectura, por lo que no puede agregar una réplica de escritura de ninguna partición.%n%nPartición de directorio:%n%1%nDirección de red:%n%2%nOpciones:%n0x%3 The local directory service was prompted to add a writable replica of the following directory partition. The local directory service is read-only and cannot add a writable replica of any partition.%n%nDirectory partition:%n%1%nNetwork address:%n%2%nOptions:%n0x%3
0xC0000B17Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry.%n%nExtended information:%nExtended Error Parameters: %n%1%nParameter 1: %n%2%nParameter 2: %n%3%nParameter 3: %n%4%nParameter 4: %n%5%nParameter 5: %n%6%nParameter 6: %n%7%nParameter 7: %n%8 Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry.%n%nExtended information:%nExtended Error Parameters: %n%1%nParameter 1: %n%2%nParameter 2: %n%3%nParameter 3: %n%4%nParameter 4: %n%5%nParameter 5: %n%6%nParameter 6: %n%7%nParameter 7: %n%8
0xC0000B18La compatibilidad con copia de seguridad y restauración de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services requiere el inicio del Sistema de eventos COM+. La copia de seguridad o restauración no se realizará correctamente hasta que se corrija este problema.%n%nAcción del usuario%nResuelva el error de inicio del servicio Sistema de eventos COM+. Una de las causas posibles es que el Sistema de eventos COM+ no esté configurado para iniciarse automáticamente.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error: %n%1 %2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services backup and restore support requires the COM+ Event System to be started. Backup or restore will not succeed until this is corrected.%n%nUser Action%nResolve the issue with COM+ Event System service startup failure. One possible cause is the COM+ Event System is not configured to auto-start.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2
0xC0000B1AUna llamada a procedimiento remoto que estaba ejecutándose localmente tardó mucho en completarse. Es probable que el cliente cancelara esta llamada.%n%nDatos adicionales%nHora de inicio:%n%1%nIdentificador de la llamada:%n%2%n A remote procedure call running locally took too long to complete. The client has likely cancelled this call.%n%nAdditional Data%nStart Time:%n%1%nCall Identifier:%n%2%n
0xC0000B1BEl comprobador de coherencia de la información no pudo localizar una conexión de replicación para el servicio de directorio local de solo lectura. Debe haber una conexión de replicación con la siguiente opción en el bosque para que el comportamiento del sistema FRS sea correcto.%n%nDatos adicionales%nOpción: %n%1%nAcción del usuario%nRestaure la conexión de replicación original para la instancia del servicio de directorio local en una instancia de servicio de directorio de escritura.%n The Knowledge Consistency Checker was unable to locate a replication connection for the read-only local directory service. A replication connection with the following option must exist in the forest for correct FRS system behavior.%n%nAdditional Data%nOption: %n%1%nUser Action%nRestore the original replication connection for the local directory service instance on a writable directory service instance.%n
0xC0000B1DEl comprobador de coherencia de la información localizó una conexión de replicación para el servicio de directorio local de solo lectura, pero el servidor de origen no responde o no se está replicando. No se encontró un nuevo servidor de origen adecuado entre los asociados de replicación actuales. La operación se intentará de nuevo.%n%nDatos adicionales%nConexión: %n%1%nServidor de origen: %n%2%n The Knowledge Consistency Checker located a replication connection for the local read-only directory service, but the source server is not responsive or not replicating. A new suitable source server was not found from the current replication partners. This operation will be retried.%n%nAdditional Data%nConnection: %n%1%nSource Server: %n%2%n
0xC0000B1FEl comprobador de coherencia de la información localizó una conexión de replicación para el servicio de directorio local de solo lectura e intentó actualizarla remotamente en la siguiente instancia de servicio de directorio. Se produjo un error en la operación. La operación se intentará de nuevo.%n%nDatos adicionales%nConexión: %n%1%nServicio de directorio remoto: %n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4%n The Knowledge Consistency Checker located a replication connection for the local read-only directory service and attempted to update it remotely on the following directory service instance. The operation failed. It will be retried.%n%nAdditional Data%nConnection: %n%1%nRemote Directory Service: %n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4%n
0xC0000B20El comprobador de coherencia de la información intentó realizar una modificación LDAP para el siguiente objeto en la siguiente instancia de servicio de directorio remoto. Se produjo un error en la operación.%n%nDatos adicionales%nObjeto: %n%1%nServicio de directorio remoto: %n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4%nValor de error de LDAP:%n%5 %6%n The Knowledge Consistency Checker attempted to ldap-modify the following object on the following remote directory service instance. The operation failed.%n%nAdditional Data%nObject: %n%1%nRemote Directory Service: %n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4%nLdap Error value:%n%5 %6%n
0xC0000B21El comprobador de coherencia de la información intentó replicar cambios solo para el siguiente objeto de la siguiente instancia de servidor de directorio remoto. Se produjo un error en la operación.%n%nDatos adicionales%nObjeto: %n%1%nServicio de directorio remoto: %n%2%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%3 %4%n The Knowledge Consistency Checker attempted to replicate changes for the following single object from the following remote directory service instance. The operation failed.%n%nAdditional Data%nObject: %n%1%nRemote Directory Service: %n%2%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %4%n
0xC0000B22El comprobador de coherencia de la información intentó realizar un enlace LDAP a la siguiente instancia de servicio de directorio remoto. Se produjo un error en la operación.%n%nDatos adicionales%nServicio de directorio remoto: %n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3%nValor de error de LDAP:%n%4 %5%n The Knowledge Consistency Checker attempted to ldap-bind to the following remote directory service instance. The operation failed.%n%nAdditional Data%nRemote Directory Service: %n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3%nLdap Error value:%n%4 %5%n
0xC0000B23El comprobador de coherencia de la información intentó cancelar el enlace LDAP a la siguiente instancia de servicio de directorio remoto. Se produjo un error en la operación.%n%nDatos adicionales%nServicio de directorio remoto: %n%1%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%2 %3%nValor de error de LDAP:%n%4 %5%n The Knowledge Consistency Checker attempted to ldap-unbind to the following remote directory service instance. The operation failed.%n%nAdditional Data%nRemote Directory Service: %n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%2 %3%nLdap Error value:%n%4 %5%n
0xC0000B25Mientras se promovía un controlador de dominio de solo lectura (RODC), no se pudo crear un objeto de conexión para el RODC. While promoting a Read-only Domain Controller (RODC), failed to create a connection object for the RODC.
0xC0000B32Mientras se registraban eventos de auditoría para el siguiente objeto, el servicio de directorio alcanzó el número máximo de eventos de auditoría que pueden almacenarse a la vez en la memoria caché. Como resultado, se anuló la operación.%n%nNúmero máximo de eventos de auditoría que pueden almacenarse en caché:%n%1%n%nNombre distintivo del objeto:%n%2%n%nEsto suele ocurrir si se realizan numerosos cambios en los atributos que requieren auditoría. Un ejemplo de una operación de este tipo podría ser la eliminación de la pertenencia a un grupo de gran tamaño, donde se esté auditando el atributo 'memberattribute'.%n%n%nDatos adicionales del evento de auditoría%nNombre del atributo o nombre distintivo anterior:%n%3%n%nValor del atributo o nuevo nombre distintivo:%n%4%n%n%nAcción del usuario%n(1) Comprueba que no se estén realizando demasiadas operaciones para crear, modificar, mover, cambiar de nombre o recuperar objetos.%n(2) Comprueba que no se haya habilitado un número excesivo de auditorías. Por ejemplo, confirma que las auditorías no se configuran para más atributos de los necesarios.%n(3) Si es necesario, aumenta el tamaño de la cola de auditoría con el parámetro del Registro 'Maximum Audit Queue Size'. While logging audit events for the following object, the directory service reached the maximum number of audit events that could be cached in memory at any given time. As a result of reaching this limit, the operation was aborted.%n%nMaximum number of audit events that can be cached:%n%1%n%nDistinguished name of object:%n%2%n%nGenerally this occurs if there are a large number of changes being performed on attributes that require auditing. An example of such an operation could be deleting the membership of a large group, where the ‘memberattribute is being audited.%n%n%nAdditional Data From the Audit Event%nAttribute name or old distinguished name:%n%3%n%nAttribute value or new distinguished name:%n%4%n%n%nUser Action%n(1) Check that an excessive number of object creation, modification, move, rename or undelete operations are not being performed.%n(2) Check that an excessive amount of auditing is not enabled. For example, confirm that auditing is not configured for more attributes than is necessary.%n(3) If necessary, increase the size of the audit queue by increasing the 'Maximum Audit Queue Size' registry parameter.
0xC0000B34El servicio de directorio no pudo convertir este controlador de dominio en maestro de operaciones de infraestructura.%n%nDatos adicionales:%nValor de error:%n%1 %2%n The Directory Service failed to make this domain controller the infrastructure operations master.%n%nAdditional data:%nError value:%n%1 %2%n
0xC0000B35No se puede iniciar la promoción IFM (Instalar desde el medio) de un DC porque la versión del SO (%1.%2) de la base de datos de origen no coincide con la versión del SO (%3.%4) del equipo local. The Install-From-Media promotion of a DC cannot start because the OS Version (%1.%2) of the source database does not match the OS Version (%3.%4) of the local computer.
0xC0000B38El controlador de dominio está intentando replicar el siguiente NC del siguiente controlador de dominio de solo lectura.No se permite la replicación con el origen como un controlador de dominio de solo lectura, por lo que no puede continuar.%n%nContexto de nomenclatura:%n%1%nServidor:%n%2%n The domain controller is trying to replicate the following NC from the following read-only domain controller.Replication with source as read-only domain controller is not allowed to proceed.%n%nNaming Context:%n%1%nServer:%n%2%n
0xC0000B39No se pudieron inicializar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Error en la actualización de la seguridad predeterminada para la siguiente clase de objeto.%n%nObjeto: %1 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not be initialized. Updating default security for the following objectClass failed.%n%nobject: %1
0xC0000B3AExplorador de datos sin conexión AD/DS/LDS.Uso:%1 opcionesOpciones: -dbpath rutaDeArchivo (necesario) La ruta de acceso de archivo debe apuntar al archivo DIT en el servidor local, que podría estar en medios de solo lectura (por ejemplo, en una instantánea). El estado del archivo DIT debe ser coherente, es decir, deben reproducirse los registros ESE. -logpath rutaDeAcceso (opcional) La ruta de acceso debe apuntar a una carpeta grabable del servidor local donde se crearán los archivos de registro ESE. Si no se especifica, se usará la carpeta temporal. -adlds (opcional) Abrir DIT AD/LDS. -ldapPort número (necesario) Valor del puerto LDAP. -sslPort número (opcional) Valor del puerto SSL. Valor predeterminado: puerto LDAP+1 -gcPort número (opcional) Número de puerto GC. Valor predeterminado: puerto LDAP+2 -gcSslPort número (opcional) Número de puerto SSL del GC. Valor predeterminado: puerto LDAP+3 -allowUpgrade (opcional) Permitir la actualización del archivo DIT. Es útil para abrir instantáneas/DIT de nivel inferior. El archivo debe encontrarse en un medio grabable. -allowNonAdminAccess (opcional) Permitir el acceso a los datos del directorio a usuarios que no son administradores. Si no se especifica, solo podrán obtener acceso a los datos los administradores de dominio y de organización del dominio de destino. AD/DS/LDS offline data browser.Usage:%1 optionsOptions: -dbpath filepath (required) Filepath must point to the DIT file on the local server, which could be on read-only media (such as a snapshot). The DIT must be in a consistent state, that is, the ESE logs must be replayed. -logpath path (optional) The path should point to a writeable folder on the local server, where ESE log files will be created. If not specified, then temp folder will be used. -adlds (optional) open AD/LDS DIT. -ldapPort number (required) LDAP port value. -sslPort number (optional) SSL port value. Default: LDAP port+1 -gcPort number (optional) GC port number. Default: LDAP port+2 -gcSslPort number (optional) GC SSL port number. Default: LDAP port+3 -allowUpgrade (optional) Allow to upgrade the DIT file. This is useful for opening downlevel DITs/snapshots. The file needs to be on writable media. -allowNonAdminAccess (optional) Allow non-administrators to access data in the directory. If not specified, then only Domain Admins and Enterprise Admins from the target domain will be able to access the data.
0xC0000B3BInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not automatically generate a mapiID attribute for the following new schema object.%n%nNew schema object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not automatically generate a mapiID attribute for the following new schema object.%n%nNew schema object:%n%1%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%3 %2
0xC0000B3CDurante una solicitud de replicación de Active Directory Lightweight DirectoryServices, el controlador de dominio (DC) local detectó un vector de actualización local no válido para la partición especificada.%n%nSi no se resuelve inmediatamente, este escenario dará lugar a incoherencias enlas bases de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de este DC.%nAcciones del usuario:%nFuerce la degradación del DC.%n%nPartición:%n%1%n During an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication request, the local domain controller (DC) detected an invalid localup-to-dateness vector for the specified partition.%n%nIf not resolved immediately, this scenario will result in inconsistencies in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services databasesof this DC.%nUser Actions:%nForcibly demote the DC.%n%nPartition:%n%1%n
0xC0000B3FDurante el ciclo de replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services,el controlador de dominio (DC) local identificó un DC remoto cuyo vector de actualización no era válido para la partición especificada.%n%n%nDC remoto:%n%1%nPartición:%n%2%n During an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication cycle, the local domain controller (DC) identifieda remote DC whose up-to-dateness vector for the specified partition was found to be invalid.%n%n%nRemote DC:%n%1%nPartition:%n%2%n
0xC0000B40La base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services se reparó trasla detección de un vector de actualización no válido. Si no existe ningún otroproblema que bloquee el anuncio de este controlador de dominio, se reiniciará el servicio de Net Logon.%n The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database has been repaired after detecting an invalid up-to-dateness vector. If there are noother outstanding issues blocking advertisement of this domain controller,then the Net Logon service will be restarted.%n
0xC0000B41La base de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services tiene un vector de actualización que no es válido.%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no podrá iniciar sesiones de usuarios mientras continúe esta situación. Como resultado, se pausó el servicio de Net Logon.%n%nAcción del usuario%nConsulte los registros de eventos anteriores para obtener detalles. The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database has an invalid up-to-dateness vector.%n%nActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services will be unable to log on users while this condition persists. As a result, the Net Logon service has paused.%n%nUser Action%nSee previous event logs for details.
0xC0000B43El siguiente servicio de directorio realizó una solicitud de replicación para replicar atributos en un conjunto filtrado y el servicio de directorio local la rechazó. El servicio de directorio solicitante no tiene acceso para replicar atributos en el conjunto filtrado.%n%nServicio de directorio solicitante: %n%2%nPartición de directorio: %n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nSi el servicio de directorio solicitante debe obtener atributos en una lista filtrada, compruebe que el descriptor de seguridad de esta partición de directorio tenga la configuración correcta para el derecho de acceso Replicación, Aplicar cambios, En conjunto filtrado. También puede obtener este mensaje si los atributos del conjunto filtrado difieren entre los DC de origen y destino debido a un cambio reciente del esquema. Este mensaje desaparecerá cuando el esquema se sincronice entre los DC de origen y destino. The following directory service made a replication request to replicate attributes in filtered set that has been denied by the local directory service. The requesting directory service does not have access to replicate attributes in the filtered set.%n%nRequesting directory service: %n%2%nDirectory partition: %n%1%n%nUser Action%nIf the requesting directory service should get attributes in filtered list, verify that the security descriptor on this directory partition has the correct configuration for the Replication Get Changes In Filtered Set access right. You may also get this message when the attributes in filtered set are different between source and destination DCs because of recent schema change. This message will cease when the schema is in sync between the destination and source DCs.
0xC0000B44Durante una solicitud de replicación de Active Directory Lightweight DirectoryServices, el controlador de dominio (DC) local identificó un cliente que no es de confianza que recibió datos de replicación del DC local por medio de números de seguimiento USN ya reconocidos. Los DC de solo lectura y los clientes DirSync son ejemplos de clientes que no son de confianza.%n%nDebido a que el cliente cree que tiene una base de datos de Active DirectoryLightweight Directory Services más reciente que el DC local, el cliente noaplicará cambios posteriores a su copia de la base de datos de Active DirectoryLightweight Directory Services ni los replicará a sus asociados de replicación directos y transitivos que se originan de este DC local.%n%nSi esto no se resuelve inmediatamente, se crearán incoherencias en las bases de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Servicesde este DC de origen y de uno o varios asociados de replicación directos y transitivos. Específicamente la coherencia de usuarios, equipos y relaciones de confianza, sus contraseñas, grupos de seguridad, pertenencia a grupos de seguridad y otros datos de configuración de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services pueden variar, lo que afectaría a la capacidad de iniciar sesión, encontrar objetos de interés y realizar otras operaciones críticas.%n%nPara determinar si existe este problema de configuración, vea este identificador de evento en o póngase en contacto con el personal de soporte técnico de Microsoft.%n%nLa causa más probable de esta situación es la restauración incorrecta de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en el controlador de dominio local o en el controlador de dominio remoto de solo lectura.%n%nAcciones del usuario:%nSi esta situación se produjo a causa de una restauración incorrecta o inesperada, fuerce la degradación del controlador de dominio afectado.%n%nCliente que no es de confianza:%n%1%nPartición:%n%2%nUSN notificado por el cliente que no es un DC:%n%3%nUSN notificado por el DC local:%n%4%n During an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication request, the local domain controller (DC) identifiedan untrusted client which has received replication data from the local DC using already-acknowledged USNtracking numbers. Read-only DCs and DirSync clients are examples of untrusted clients.%n%nBecause the client believes it is has a more up-to-date Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database than thelocal DC, the client will not apply future changes to its copy of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Servicesdatabase or replicate them to its direct and transitive replication partners that originate from thislocal DC.%n%nIf not resolved immediately, this scenario will result in inconsistencies in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services databasesof this source DC and one or more direct and transitive replication partners. Specifically theconsistency of users, computers and trust relationships, their passwords, security groups,security group memberships and other Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services configuration data may vary, affecting the ability to log on,find objects of interest and perform other critical operations.%n%nTo determine if this misconfiguration exists, query this event ID using contact your Microsoft product support.%n%nThe most probable cause of this situation is the improper restore of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services on thelocal domain controller or the remote Read-Only domain controller.%n%nUser Actions:%nIf this situation occurred because of an improper or unintended restore, forcibly demote the affected DC.%n%nUntrusted client:%n%1%nPartition:%n%2%nUSN reported by non-DC client:%n%3%nUSN reported by Local DC:%n%4%n
0xC0000B45Durante una solicitud de replicación de Active Directory Lightweight DirectoryServices, el controlador de dominio (DC) local identificó un cliente que no es de confianza que recibió datos de replicación del DC local por medio de números de seguimiento USN ya reconocidos. Los DC de solo lectura y los clientes DirSync son ejemplos de clientes que no son de confianza.%n%nDebido a que el cliente cree que tiene una base de datos de Active DirectoryLightweight Directory Services más reciente que el DC local, el cliente noaplicará cambios posteriores a su copia de la base de datos de Active DirectoryLightweight Directory Services ni los replicará a sus asociados de replicación directos y transitivos que se originan de este DC local.%n%nSi esto no se resuelve inmediatamente, se crearán incoherencias en las bases de datos de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services de este DC de origen y de uno o varios asociados de replicación directos y transitivos. Específicamente la coherencia de usuarios, equipos y relaciones de confianza, sus contraseñas, grupos de seguridad, pertenencia a grupos de seguridad y otros datos de configuración de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services pueden variar, lo que afectaría a la capacidad de iniciar sesión, encontrar objetos de interés y realizar otras operaciones críticas.%n%nPara determinar si existe este problema de configuración, vea este identificador de evento en o póngase en contacto con el personal de soporte técnico de Microsoft.%n%nLa causa más probable de esta situación es la restauración incorrecta de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services en el controlador de dominio local o en el controlador de dominio remoto de solo lectura.%n%nEl usuario eligió pasar por alto este problema por su cuenta y riesgo.%nAcciones del usuario:%nSi esta situación se produjo a causa de una restauración incorrecta o inesperada, fuerce la degradación del controlador de dominio afectado.%n%nCliente que no es de confianza:%n%1%nPartición:%n%2%nUSN notificado por el cliente que no es un DC:%n%3%nUSN notificado por el DC local:%n%4 During an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication request, the local domain controller (DC) identifiedan untrusted client which has received replication data from the local DC using already-acknowledged USNtracking numbers. Read-only DCs and DirSync clients are examples of untrusted clients.%n%nBecause the client believes it is has a more up-to-date Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database than thelocal DC, the client will not apply future changes to its copy of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Servicesdatabase or replicate them to its direct and transitive replication partners that originate from thislocal DC.%n%nIf not resolved immediately, this scenario will result in inconsistencies in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services databasesof this source DC and one or more direct and transitive replication partners. Specifically theconsistency of users, computers and trust relationships, their passwords, security groups,security group memberships and other Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services configuration data may vary, affecting the ability to log on,find objects of interest and perform other critical operations.%n%nTo determine if this misconfiguration exists, query this event ID using contact your Microsoft product support.%n%nThe most probable cause of this situation is the improper restore of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services on thelocal domain controller or the remote Read-Only domain controller.%n%nThe user has chosen to ignore this problem at their own peril.%nUser Actions:%nIf this situation occurred because of an improper or unintended restore, forcibly demote the affected DC.%n%nUntrusted client:%n%1%nPartition:%n%2%nUSN reported by non-DC client:%n%3%nUSN reported by Local DC:%n%4
0xC0000B4AInternal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to set a hint in the Kerberos client for a KDC which contains updated account information for the local domain controller.%n%nThis directory service may be unable to gain proper authorization until the Kerberos security tickets are refreshed and an appropriate KDC is contacted.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2 Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to set a hint in the Kerberos client for a KDC which contains updated account information for the local domain controller.%n%nThis directory service may be unable to gain proper authorization until the Kerberos security tickets are refreshed and an appropriate KDC is contacted.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value: %n%1 %2
0xC0000B4FUn cliente realizó una solicitud LDAP de sincronización de directorios para unapartición de directorio que incluía atributos en el conjunto filtrado de DC de solo lectura. Se denegó el acceso debido al siguiente error.%n%nPartición de directorio: %n%1%nValor de error: %n%2 %3%n%nAcción del usuario%nEs posible que el cliente no tenga acceso a estos atributos. Si el clienterequiere la devolución de estos atributos, deberá asignársele el derecho deacceso de control \"Replicar cambios de directorio en el conjunto filtrado\" en la partición de directorio en cuestión. A client made a DirSync LDAP request for a directory partition that included attributes in theRead-Only DC Filtered Set. Access was denied due to the following error.%n%nDirectory partition: %n%1%nError value: %n%2 %3%n%nUser Action%nThe client may not have access to these attributes. If the client requires these attributesto be returned, they should be assigned the control access right \"Replicating Directory Changesin Filtered Set\" on the directory partition in question.
0xC0000B50Un cliente realizó una solicitud LDAP de sincronización de directorios para una partición de directorio. Se denegó el acceso debido al siguiente error.%n%nPartición de directorio: %n%1%nValor de error: %n%2 %3%n%nAcción del usuario%nEs posible que el cliente no tenga acceso para esta solicitud. Si el clientelo requiere, deberá asignársele el derecho de acceso de control \"Replicarcambios de directorio\" en la partición de directorio en cuestión. A client made a DirSync LDAP request for a directory partition. Access was denied due to the following error.%n%nDirectory partition: %n%1%nError value: %n%2 %3%n%nUser Action%nThe client may not have access for this request. If the client requires it, they should beassigned the control access right \"Replicating Directory Changes\" on thedirectory partition in question.
0xC0000B58Este evento documenta los PROCEDIMIENTOS DE REPARACIÓN adicionales para solucionar el evento 1311 del KCC de NTDS en una instancia de solo lectura de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nSitio local:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario:%n%nLa acción del usuario para solucionar el evento 1311 del KCC de NTDS en una instancia de solo lectura de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services es idéntica al plan de acción que se usa en una instancia de escritura (completa) de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, con los siguientes requisitos adicionales:%n%n1. Si se registra el evento 1789 del KCC de NTDS junto a los eventos 1311 y 2904 del KCC de NTDS, use el complemento Sitios y servicios de Active Directory enfocado en una instancia de escritura de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services para agregar este sitio a un vínculo de sitio adecuado y después ejecute los pasos 4 y 5.%n%n2. El evento 1311 tiene muchas causas posibles. Ejecute el plan de acción del vínculo \"Ayuda de Registro de eventos\" de un evento 1311 adyacente. Puede encontrar información adicional en o en el artículo de Microsoft Knowledge Base;EN-US;307593 (puede estar en inglés).%n%n3. Todos los cambios para corregir y solucionar el evento 1311 deben realizarse en una instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services que hospede una copia de escritura de la partición de Active Directory o de la directiva de grupo que se esté modificando.%n%n4. Si la instancia de solo lectura de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services que registra el evento 2904 / 1311 no tiene una instancia de origen \"repsFrom\" válida de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, ejecute el siguiente comando; de lo contrario, continúe en el paso 5:%n%n [Nota: este paso requiere credenciales de administrador de empresa]%n%n repadmin /add /readonly /selsecrets%n%n5. Desencadene la replicación de la instancia de escritura de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services actualizada en los pasos anteriores en esta instancia de solo lectura de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services con el siguiente comando:%n%n [Nota: este paso requiere credenciales de administrador de empresa]%n%n repadmin /replicate %n%n O bien%n%n Como alternativa, use la interfaz de usuario de Sitios y servicios de Active Directory a través de los siguientes pasos:%n%n - Haga clic en el sitio que incluye esta instancia de solo lectura de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n - Haga clic en la opción para replicar la configuración de (o en) la instancia seleccionada de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. This event documents additional REPAIR PROCEDURES to resolve the NTDS KCC Event 1311 on a read-only Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.%n%nLocal Site:%n%1%n%nUser Action:%n%nThe user action for resolving the NTDS KCC event 1311 on a read-only Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance is identical to the action plan used on a writable (full) Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance with the following additional requirements:%n%n1. If NTDS KCC event 1789 is logged adjacent to the NTDS KCC 1311 and NTDS KCC 2904 events, use the Active Directory Sites and Services snap-in focused on a writable Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance to add this site to an appropriate site-link, then execute steps 4 and 5.%n%n2. The 1311 event has many possible causes. Execute the action plan in the \"Event Log Online Help\" link of an adjacent 1311 event. Additional information may be available on or referring to MSKB article;EN-US;307593.%n%n3. All corrective changes that resolve the 1311 event must be made on a Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance that hosts a writable copy of the Active Directory partition or group policy being modified.%n%n4. If the read-only Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance logging the 2904 / 1311 event does not have a valid \"repsFrom\" source Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance, run the following command, otherwise proceed to step 5:%n%n [Note: This step requires enterprise administrator credentials]%n%n repadmin /add /read-only /selsecrets%n%n5. Trigger replication from the writable Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance updated in previous steps to this read-only Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance using the following command:%n%n [Note: This step requires enterprise administrator credentials]%n%n repadmin /replicate %n%n OR%n%n Alternatively, use the Active Directory Sites and Services UI by performing the following steps:%n%n - Click the site that has this read-only Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.%n - Click replicate configuration from/to the selected Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.
0xC0000B59El nivel funcional de la partición es incompatible con este sistema operativo. The functional level of the partition is incompatible with this operating system.
0xC0000B5CEl nivel funcional de la partición es incompatible con el nivel funcional de la instancia local de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.%n%nNivel funcional de la partición:%n%1%nNivel funcional de la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services:%n%2%nNivel funcional compatible mínimo:%n%3%n%nAcción del usuario%nInstale el sistema operativo correcto en esta instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. The functional level of the partition is incompatible with the functional level of the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.%n%n partition functional level:%n%1%n Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance functional level:%n%2%nMinimal compatible functional level:%n%3%n%nUser Action%nInstall the correct operating system on this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance.
0xC0000B5FLos niveles funcionales de la partición se actualizaron a valores incompatibles con el nivel funcional admitido por este sistema operativo.%n%nNuevo nivel funcional de la partición:%n%1%nIntervalo de niveles funcionales del sistema operativo:%n%2 a %3%n%nComo resultado, la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services local quedará aislada de la partición.%n%nAcción del usuario%nInstale un sistema operativo compatible con el nivel funcional de la partición en la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services local o actualice el nivel funcional de la partición para que sea compatible con el admitido por este sistema operativo. The partition functional levels have been updated to values that are incompatible with the functional level supported by this operating system.%n%nNew partition functional level:%n%1%nOperating system functional level range:%n%2 to %3%n%nAs a result, the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance will be isolated from the partition.%n%nUser Action%nInstall an operating system compatible with the functional level of the partition on the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance or update the functional level of the partition to be compatible with the functional level supported by this operating system.
0xC0000B60Los niveles funcionales del conjunto de configuración se actualizaron a valores incompatibles con el nivel funcional admitido por este sistema operativo.%n%nNuevo nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración:%n%1%nIntervalo de niveles funcionales del sistema operativo:%n%2 a %3%n%nComo resultado, la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services local quedará aislada del conjunto de configuración.%n%nAcción del usuario%nInstale un sistema operativo compatible con el nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración de la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services local o actualice el nivel funcional del conjunto de configuración para que sea compatible con el admitido por este sistema operativo. The configuration set functional levels have been updated to values that are incompatible with the functional level supported by this operating system.%n%nNew configuration set functional level:%n%1%nOperating system functional level range:%n%2 to %3%n%nAs a result, the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance will be isolated from the configuration set.%n%nUser Action%nInstall an operating system compatible with the functional level of the configuration set on the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance or update the functional level of the configuration set to be compatible with the functional level supported by this operating system.
0xC0000B63Durante una solicitud de replicación de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, el controlador de dominio de solo lectura local (RODC) recibió un cambio en el siguiente atributo del siguiente objeto. Este atributo de este objeto representa el nivel funcional de este RODC. El valor recibido no coincide con el nivel funcional correcto de este RODC. Este cambio replicado no se aplicará al RODC local y se bloqueará la replicación hasta que se haya corregido.%n%nEste problema puede corregirse por sí solo de forma automática. Si este error se produce de nuevo, es posible que sea necesaria la intervención manual.%n%nAcción del usuario%nPara resolver este problema manualmente, debe escribirse el nivel funcional correcto de este RODC en el atributo especificado del objeto especificado en un DC grabable de este dominio. El nivel funcional de este DC grabable debe ser al menos Windows Server 2008 R2.%n%n%nNombre de atributo: %n%1%nNivel funcional correcto de este RODC: %n%2%nDN de objeto: %n%3 During an Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication request, the local read only domain controller (RODC) received a change to the following attribute of the following object. That attribute on that object represents the functional level of this RODC. The value received does not match the correct functional level of this RODC. This replicated change will not be applied to the local RODC, and replication will be blocked until this has been corrected.%n%nThis situation may correct itself automatically. If this error is encountered again, manual intervention may be necessary.%n%nUser Action%nTo resolve this situation manually, the correct functional level of this RODC should be written to the specified attribute of the specified object on a writable DC in this domain. The functional level of that writable DC must be at least Windows Server 2008 R2.%n%n%nAttribute name: %n%1%nCorrect functional level of this RODC: %n%2%nObject DN: %n%3
0xC0000B64El controlador de dominio de solo lectura local (RODC) intentó actualizar su nivel funcional escribiendo el siguiente valor en el siguiente atributo del siguiente objeto del siguiente controlador de dominio (DC) grabable. Se produjo un error durante el intento, por lo que se intentará de nuevo. Sin embargo, esta actualización solo se realizará correctamente si el nivel funcional del DC grabable es al menos Windows Server 2008 R2. Este error se repetirá hasta que el intento de actualización se realice sobre un DC grabable de este tipo.%nEste problema puede corregirse por sí solo de forma automática. Si este error se produce de nuevo, es posible que sea necesaria la intervención manual.%n%nAcción del usuario%nPara resolver este problema manualmente, debe escribirse el nivel funcional correcto de este RODC en el atributo especificado del objeto especificado en un DC grabable de este dominio. El nivel funcional de ese DC grabable debe ser al menos Windows Server 2008 R2.%n%n%nNombre de atributo: %n%1%nNivel funcional correcto de este RODC: %n%2%nDN de objeto: %n%3%nNombre de DC grabable usado en este intento: %n%4 The local read only domain controller (RODC) attempted to update its functional level by writing the following value the following attribute of the following object on the following writable domain controller (DC). This attempt failed. This attempt will be retried. However, this update will only succeed if the functional level of the writable DC is at least Windows Server 2008 R2. This error will re-occur until the update attempt is made against such a writable DC.%nThis situation may correct itself automatically. If this error is encountered again, manual intervention may be necessary.%n%nUser Action%nTo resolve this situation manually, the correct functional level of this RODC should be written to the specified attribute of the specified object on a writable DC in this domain. The functional level of that writable DC must be at least Windows Server 2008 R2.%n%n%nAttribute name: %n%1%nCorrect functional level of this RODC: %n%2%nObject DN: %n%3%nWritable DC name used in this attempt: %n%4
0xC0000B69El comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) detectó que a los siguientes objetos les faltan atributos o valores de atributo.%nObjeto:%n%1%n%nAcción del usuario%nCompruebe el objeto de configuración NTDS para este DSA. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) detected that the following object have missing required attributes or attribute values.%nObject:%n%1%n%nUser Action%nCheck NTDS Settings object for this DSA.
0xC0000B6AEl siguiente objeto perteneciente al controlador de dominio local se modificó de modo incorrecto en un controlador de dominio de escritura. El cambio no se aplicará a la base de datos del controlador de dominio local. Si el controlador de dominio local es de escritura, el cambio se revertirá y se replicará en otros controladores de dominio. Si el controlador de dominio local es de solo lectura (RODC), algunas funcionalidades se verán afectadas hasta que se corrija el problema. Para obtener más información y los pasos para corregir el problema, vea (%3)%n The following object belonging to the local domain controller has been modified inappropriately on a writable domain controller. The change will not be applied to the local domain controller database. If the local domain controller is writable the change will be reversed and replicate to other domain controllers. If the local domain controller is read only (RODC) then some functionality will be affected until the problem is corrected. Please see for more information including steps to correct the problem.%nObject:%n%1%nAttribute:%n%2 (%3)%n
0xC0000B6BActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no puede analizar las reglas de transformación almacenadas en el objeto DN. Para ver los registros de errores detallados, consulte el archivo de registro.%n%nDN de objeto: %n%1%nCadena de error: %n%2%nArchivo de registro: %n%3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to parse the transformation rules stored in the DN Object with the Error. For detailed error logs, refer to the log file.%n%nObject DN: %n%1%nError String: %n%2%nLog File: %n%3
0xC0000B6CActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no puede leer las reglas de transformación almacenadas en el objeto DN.%n%nObjeto DN: %n%1%nValor de error: %n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to read the transformation rules stored in the DN Object.%n%nDN Object: %n%1%nError Value: %n%2
0xC0000B6DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no puede leer el vínculo TDO. Este vínculo debería señalar al objeto de directiva de transformación de notificaciones almacenado en el contenedor de almacén.%n%nVínculo DN: %n%1%nObjeto de dominio de confianza: %n%2%nContenedor de almacén: %n%3 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to read the TDO link. This link should point to a Claims Transformation Policy Object stored in Store container.%n%nLink DN: %n%1%nTrusted Domain Object: %n%2%nStore Container: %n%3
0xC0000B70Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encontró uno o más errores al procesar los tipos de notificaciones.La información de resumen se encuentra a continuación.%n%nTipos de notificaciones procesados: %1%n%nTipos de notificaciones válidos: %2%nTipos de notificaciones no válidos: %3%n%nTipos de notificaciones no válidos afectados por errores de asignación de memoria: %4%n%nNOTAS:%n%n 1) Los tipos de notificaciones se procesan durante el inicio de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services y durante el primer inicio de sesión después de cualquier cambio de tipo de notificaciones.%n%n 2) De manera predeterminada, solo se muestran los resúmenes de errores de tipo de notificaciones.Para registrar todos los eventos de error individuales, establezca el siguiente valor del diagnóstico del Registro en 1:%n%nRuta del Registro:%nHKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NTDS\\Diagnostics\\26 Claims-Based Access Control%n Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered one or more errors while processing Claim Types.Summary information is below.%n%nClaim Types processed: %1%n%nValid Claim Types: %2%nInvalid Claim Types: %3%n%nInvalid Claim Types affected by memory allocation failures: %4%n%nNOTES:%n%n 1) Claim Types are processed during Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services startup and duringthe first log on following any Claim Type changes.%n%n 2) By default, only Claim Type error summaries are shown.To log all individual error events, set the following diagnosticsregistry value to 1:%n%nRegistry path:%nHKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NTDS\\Diagnostics\\26 Claims-Based Access Control%n
0xC0000B71El siguiente tipo de notificación no es válido. Uno o más de los atributos necesarios(Enabled, msDS-ClaimAttributeSource, msDS-ClaimSourceType, msDS-ClaimValueType,name) contienen un recuento de valores que no coincide con el recuento esperado de uno.%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 The following Claim Type is invalid. One or more of the required attributes(Enabled, msDS-ClaimAttributeSource, msDS-ClaimSourceType, msDS-ClaimValueType,name) contain a value count which does not match the expected count of one.%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObject GUID: %n%2
0xC0000B72El siguiente tipo de notificación no es válido. Uno o más de los atributos necesarios(Enabled, msDS-ClaimSource, msDS-ClaimSourceType, msDS-ClaimValueType, name)contienen un recuento de valores que no coincide con el recuento esperado de uno.%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 The following Claim Type is invalid. One or more of the required attributes(Enabled, msDS-ClaimSource, msDS-ClaimSourceType, msDS-ClaimValueType, name)contain a value count which does not match the expected count of one.%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObject GUID: %n%2
0xC0000B73El siguiente tipo de notificación no es válido. El atributo msDS-ClaimTypeAppliesToClassnecesario debe contener al menos un valor.%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 The following Claim Type is invalid. The required msDS-ClaimTypeAppliesToClassattribute must contain at least one value.%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObject GUID: %n%2
0xC0000B74Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo procesar el siguiente tipo de notificación. Uno o más valores del atributomsDS-ClaimTypeAppliesToClass no se pudieron analizar.%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to process the following Claim Type. One or more values of themsDS-ClaimTypeAppliesToClass attribute could not be parsed.%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2
0xC0000B75El siguiente tipo de notificación no es válido. Contiene un atributo msDS-ClaimSourceTypecon un valor no admitido.%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 The following Claim Type is invalid. It contains an msDS-ClaimSourceTypeattribute with an unsupported value.%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2
0xC0000B76El siguiente tipo de notificación no es válido. Uno o más de los atributos necesarios(Enabled, msDS-ClaimTypeAppliesToClass, msDS-ClaimAttributeSource,msDS-ClaimSourceType, msDS-ClaimValueType, name) faltan.%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 The following Claim Type is invalid. One or more of the required attributes(Enabled, msDS-ClaimTypeAppliesToClass, msDS-ClaimAttributeSource,msDS-ClaimSourceType, msDS-ClaimValueType, name) are missing.%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2
0xC0000B77El siguiente tipo de notificación no es válido. Uno o más de los atributos necesarios(Enabled, msDS-ClaimTypeAppliesToClass, msDS-ClaimSource,msDS-ClaimSourceType, msDS-ClaimValueType, name) faltan.%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 The following Claim Type is invalid. One or more of the required attributes(Enabled, msDS-ClaimTypeAppliesToClass, msDS-ClaimSource,msDS-ClaimSourceType, msDS-ClaimValueType, name) are missing.%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2
0xC0000B78El siguiente tipo de notificación no es válido. El atributo msDS-ClaimSource no se debeestablecer si el atributo msDS-ClaimSourceType está establecido en un valorde AD.%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 The following Claim Type is invalid. The msDS-ClaimSource attribute mustnot be set if the msDS-ClaimSourceType attribute is set to a valueof AD.%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2
0xC0000B79El siguiente tipo de notificación no es válido. El atributo msDS-ClaimAttributeSourceno debe establecerse si el atributo msDS-ClaimSourceTypeestá establecido en un valor de Certificado.%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 The following Claim Type is invalid. The msDS-ClaimAttributeSourceattribute must not be set if the msDS-ClaimSourceType attributeis set to a value of Certificate.%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2
0xC0000B7AActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services encontró un error desconocido al procesar el siguiente tipo de notificación.%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services encountered an unknown error while processing the following Claim Type.%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2
0xC0000B7BEl siguiente tipo de notificación no es válido. El atributo msDS-ClaimAttributeSourcese refiere a un atributo que no está replicado.%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 The following Claim Type is invalid. The msDS-ClaimAttributeSourceattribute refers to an attribute which is not replicated.%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2
0xC0000B7CEl siguiente tipo de notificación no es válido. El atributo msDS-ClaimAttributeSourcese refiere a un atributo con filtro RODC.%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 The following Claim Type is invalid. The msDS-ClaimAttributeSourceattribute refers to an RODC filtered attribute.%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2
0xC0000B7DEl siguiente tipo de notificación no es válido. El atributo msDS-ClaimAttributeSourcese refiere a un atributo bloqueado (DBCS-Pwd, Lm-Pwd-History,Nt-Pwd-History, Unicode-Pwd).%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 The following Claim Type is invalid. The msDS-ClaimAttributeSourceattribute refers to a blocked attribute (DBCS-Pwd, Lm-Pwd-History,Nt-Pwd-History, Unicode-Pwd).%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2
0xC0000B7EEl siguiente tipo de notificación no es válido. El valor del atributomsDS-ClaimValueType es incorrecto.%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 The following Claim Type is invalid. The value of themsDS-ClaimValueType attribute is incorrect.%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2
0xC0000B7FEl siguiente tipo de notificación no es válido. El atributo msDS-ClaimAttributeSourcese refiere a un atributo con una sintaxis no admitida.%n%nCN del objeto: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2 The following Claim Type is invalid. The msDS-ClaimAttributeSourceattribute refers to an attribute with an unsupported syntax.%n%nObject CN: %n%1%nObjectGUID: %n%2
0xC0000B85Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services descartó todas las notificaciones del usuario especificado debido al siguiente error de validación.%n%nUsuario: %n%1%nError:%n%2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services dropped all the claims of the given user because of the following validation error.%n%nUser: %n%1%nError:%n%2
0xC0000B86Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services descartó las siguientes notificaciones no válidas del usuario después de transformar las notificaciones.%n%nUsuario: %n%1%nNotificaciones: %n%2%nVisite para obtener más ayuda para solucionar el problema. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services dropped the following invalid claim[s] of the user after transforming the claims.%n%nUser: %n%1%nClaim[s]: %n%2%nPlease visit for additional help troubleshooting the issue.
0xC0000B8AActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo eliminar de forma recursiva la clave del Registro %1 (DeleteRoot=%2). Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to recursively delete the %1 registry key (DeleteRoot=%2).
0xC0000B8BActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo abrir la clave del Registro %1. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to open the %1 registry key.
0xC0000B8CActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo consultar la clave del Registro %1. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to query the %1 registry key.
0xC0000B8DActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo enumerar la clave del Registro %1. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to enumerate the %1 registry key.
0xC0000B8EActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services no pudo eliminar la clave del Registro %1. Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services was unable to delete the %1 registry key.
0xC0000B8FInternal event: Enabling an optional feature has failed.%n%nOptional feature name:%n%1%nOptional feature guid:%n%2%nScope of optional feature:%n%3%nError value:%n%4%nInternal ID (DSID):%n%5 Internal event: Enabling an optional feature has failed.%n%nOptional feature name:%n%1%nOptional feature guid:%n%2%nScope of optional feature:%n%3%nError value:%n%4%nInternal ID (DSID):%n%5
0xC0000B90Internal event: Disabling an optional feature has failed.%n%nOptional feature name:%n%1%nOptional feature guid:%n%2%nScope of optional feature:%n%3%nError value:%n%4%nInternal ID (DSID):%n%5 Internal event: Disabling an optional feature has failed.%n%nOptional feature name:%n%1%nOptional feature guid:%n%2%nScope of optional feature:%n%3%nError value:%n%4%nInternal ID (DSID):%n%5
0xC0000B93Se crearon %2 índices de sistema opcionales de %1 índices necesarios.%nNo se pudieron crear otros índices de sistema opcionales necesarios.%n%nError: %3%nIdentificador interno (DSID):%4 Created %2 optional system indices out of %1 indices required.%nFailed to create other required optional system indices.%n%nError: %3%nInternal ID (DSID):%4
0xC0000B95Una operación LDAP superó los límites de memoria configurados administrativamente y fue rechazada.%nSimplifique la operación o eleve los límites de memoria LDAP mediante directivas LDAP.Consulte para obtener más detalles acerca de esta directiva. An LDAP operation exceeded the administratively configured memory limits and was rejected.%nConsider simplifying the operation or raising the LDAP memory limits using LDAP policies.See for more details on this policy.
0xC0000B9EEl valor de atributo proporcionado no es único en el bosque o la partición.Atributo: %1%2Winerror: %3%nConsulte para obtener más detalles sobre esta directiva. The attribute value provided is not unique in the forest or partition.Attribute: %1%2Winerror: %3%nSee for more details on this policy.
0xC0000BA2La directiva QOS de LDAP no es válida y no se va a aplicar. msDS-LdapQosPolicyMaxCpu no debe ser cero si esta es la directiva predeterminada.Id. de directiva QOS: %1LdapQosPolicyTrigger: %2LdapQosPolicyMaxCpu: %3%n The default LDAP QOS policy is invalid and will not be applied. The msDS-LdapQosPolicyMaxCpu must not be zero if this is the default policy.QOS Policy ID: %1LdapQosPolicyTrigger: %2LdapQosPolicyMaxCpu: %3%n
0xC0000BA3Error durante la creación del índice compuesto.Atributo principal: %1Nombre del índice: %2Error: %3Id. interno (DSID): %4Error de base de datos: %5%n Creation on the compound index failed.Primary Attribute: %1IndexName: %2Error: %3Internal ID (DSID): %4Database error: %5%n
0xC0000BAEError en el intento de crear una nueva columna en la tabla de vínculos para el nuevo atributo siguiente.%n%nIdentificador de atributo:%n%1%nNombre de atributo:%n%2%nTipo de tabla:%n%3%n%nLa definición del atributo se omitió.%n%nDatos adicionales%nValor de error:%n%4 The attempt to create a new column in link table for the following new attribute failed.%n%nAttribute identifier:%n%1%nAttribute name:%n%2%nTable type:%n%3%n%nThe attribute definition was ignored.%n%nAdditional Data%nError value:%n%4
0xC0000BB1Error durante la creación de un índice dirsync.Nombre del índice: %1Error: %2Id. interno (DSID): %3Error de base de datos: %4%n Creation of a dirsync index failed.IndexName: %1Error: %2Internal ID (DSID): %3Database error: %4%n
0xC0000BB3El número de atributos DirSyncSet supera la cantidad máxima%n%ncantidad máxima: %n%1%nLa característica DirSyncSet no funcionará correctamente. Borra todos los atributos DirSyncSet, reinicia y restablécelos con la característica DirSyncSet habilitada. The number of DirSyncSet attributes exceeds the maxinum limit%n%nmaxinum limit: %n%1%nThe DirSyncSet feature would not work properly. Please clear all the DirSyncSet attributes, reboot and reset them with DirSyncSet feature enabled.
0xC0000BB5Se ha detectado un contexto de nomenclatura con un manipulador de contexto de nomenclatura no válido. %n%nnombre distintivo del contexto de nomenclatura:%1%netiqueta interna del contexto de nomenclatura:%2%n%nEsta condición puede provocar errores al enumerar entidades de seguridad en este contexto de nomenclatura. A naming context with an invalid Naming Context Handle has been detected. %n%nnaming context distinguished name:%1%nnaming context internal tag:%2%n%nThis condition may cause some failures enumerating security principals in this naming context.
0xC0002710La operación de base de datos se completó correctamente. The database operation was successful.
0xC0002711Error en la operación de la base de datos. The database operation failed.
0xC0002712La operación de base de datos no pudo colocarse en el objeto necesario para reiniciar la operación de búsqueda. The database operation failed to position on the object needed to restart the search operation.
0xC0002713La operación de base de datos no pudo encontrar otro candidato para la operación de búsqueda. The database operation failed to find another candidate for the search operation.
0xC0002714Error en la operación de base de datos, no se pudo ordenar los resultados. The database operation failed because the results could not be sorted.
0xC0002715La operación de base de datos terminó, se alcanzó el límite de tiempo. The database operation terminated because the time limit has been reached.
0xC0002716Error en la operación de base de datos, el atributo no tiene valores. The database operation failed because the attribute has no values.
0xC0002717Error en la operación de base de datos, el búfer es demasiado pequeño. The database operation failed because the buffer is too small.
0xC0002719El valor devuelto por esta operación de base de datos se ha truncado. The value returned by this database operation has been truncated.
0xC000271AError en la operación de base de datos, ya existe el atributo. The database operation failed because the attribute already exists.
0xC000271BError en la operación de base de datos, no existe el atributo. The database operation failed because the attribute does not exist.
0xC000271CError en la operación de la base de datos, el valor ya existe. The database operation failed because the value already exists.
0xC000271DError en la operación de base de datos, no pudo convertirse la sintaxis. The database operation failed because the syntax conversion could not be performed.
0xC000271ENo se admite la operación de base de datos en atributos de vínculos hacia atrás. The database operation is not allowed on back link attributes.
0xC000271FError en la operación de base de datos, el valor no existe. The database operation failed because the value does not exist.
0xC0002720Error en la operación de base de datos, no quedan por realizar más propagaciones. The database operation failed because there are no more propagations left to be performed.
0xC0002722Error en la operación base de datos, no se encontró el tiempo de eliminación. The database operation failed because the deletion time could not be found.
0xC0002723La operación de base de datos no pudo determinar el nombre distintivo asociado con un registro. The database operation failed to determine the distinguished name associated with a record.
0xC0002724La operación la base de datos no encontró más registros eliminados. The database operation failed to find any more deleted records.
0xC0002725La operación de base de datos no pudo crear una tabla de clasificación. The database operation failed to create a sort table.
0xC0002726No se puede optimizar el filtro para esta operación de base de datos. The filter for this database operation cannot be optimized.
0xC0002727La operación de base de datos no encontró el índice. The database operation failed to find the index.
0xC0002729La operación de base de datos superó el número máximo de entradas que pueden ordenarse. The database operation exceeded the maximum number of entries that can be sorted.
0xC000272BLa operación de base de datos no se puede realizar en atributos con esta sintaxis. The database operation cannot be performed on attributes with this syntax.
0xC000272DEl cursor de la base de datos no está situado en el valor correcto. The database cursor is not positioned on the correct value.
0xC000272ELa operación de base de datos solo puede realizarse en atributos vinculados. The database operation can be performed only on linked attributes.
0xC000272FError en la operación de la base de datos, excepción inesperada. The database operation failed with an unexpected exception.
0xC0002730Error en la operación de base de datos porque la instancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services se está cerrando. The database operation failed because the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance is shutting down.
0xC0002731Error en la operación de base de datos, conflicto de escritura. The database operation failed because of a write conflict.
0xC0002732Error en la operación de vista de lista virtual de base de datos. The database virtual list view operation failed.
0xC0002733El registro que encontró esta operación de base de datos no es un objeto. The record encountered by this database operation is not an object.
0xC0002734Error en la operación de base de datos, ya existe un registro con esta clave. The database operation failed because a record with this key already exists.
0xC0002735Error en la operación de base de datos, el cursor de la base de datos no está situado en un registro. The database operation failed because the database cursor is not positioned on a record.
0xC0002736Error en la operación de base de datos, no se encontró el registro. The database operation failed because the record could not be found.


File Name:adammsg.dll.mui
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File Type:Win32 DLL
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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:AD LDS
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:adammsg.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Todos los derechos reservados.
Original File Name:adammsg.dll.mui
Product Name:Sistema operativo Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is adammsg.dll.mui?

adammsg.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Spanish (Modern) language for file adammsg.dll (AD LDS).

File version info

File Description:AD LDS
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:adammsg.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Todos los derechos reservados.
Original Filename:adammsg.dll.mui
Product Name:Sistema operativo Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0xC0A, 1200