1 | %1 是必需的参数。 |
%1 is a required parameter. |
2 | 蓝牙无线收发器是必需的,在启用后才能执行此操作。 |
A Bluetooth radio is required and it must be enabled to perform this operation. |
100 | 此事务对象已提交。你不能对此事务对象执行任何操作。 |
This transaction object has already been committed. You cannot perform any operations on this transaction object. |
101 | 不支持广播特征属性。 |
The broadcast characteristic property is not supported. |
102 | 指定扩展特征属性时,也必须设置 ExtendProperties 属性。 |
When specifying an extended characteristic property, the ExtendProperties property must also be set. |
103 | 所提供的特征 uuid 已由系统保留。 |
The provided characteristic uuid is reserved by the system. |
104 | 尝试从不可通知或不可指示的特征发送通知。 |
An attempt was made to send a notification from a characteristic that is not notifiable or indicatable. |
105 | 所提供的描述符 uuid 已保留,并且将由系统自动发布。 |
The provided descriptor uuid is reserved and will be automatically published by the system. |
106 | 只能对已通过调用 StartAdvertising 投放广告的服务调用 StopAdvertising。 |
A call to StopAdvertising can only be made on a service that is already advertising via a call to StartAdvertising. |
107 | 服务无法发布超过 %1 个的递归包含服务 |
A service cannot publish more than %1 recursive included services. |
108 | 处于后台模式时,无法将系统设置为可检测到。 |
The system cannot be made discoverable while in the background. |
109 | 蓝牙无线收发器不支持外设角色。请参阅 BluetoothAdapter 检查收发器的功能。 |
The Bluetooth adapter does not support peripheral role. Please see BluetoothAdapter to check the capabilities of the adapter. |
110 | 只能对触发器运行方法上下文中 GattServiceProviderTriggerDetails 连接属性返回的对象调用“开始”。 |
A call to Start can only be made on the object returned by the GattServiceProviderTriggerDetails Connection property in the context of the trigger Run method. |
200 | 此 SDP 类 ID 列表是由 RfcommServiceProvider 自动生成的。请不要在 SDP 原始属性映射中指定它。 |
The SDP Class Id List is automatically generated by the RfcommServiceProvider. Do not specify it in the SDP raw attribute map. |
201 | 必须先绑定 StreamSocketListener,然后才能开始播发。 |
The StreamSocketListener must be bound before you can start advertising. |
202 | SDP RFCOMM 和 L2CAP 协议描述符是由 RfcommServiceProvider 自动生成的。请不要在 SDP 原始属性映射中指定它。 |
The SDP RFCOMM and L2CAP protocol descriptors are automatically generated by the RfcommServiceProvider. Do not specify it in the SDP raw attribute map. |
203 | RfcommServiceProvider 只能通过设备触发器从后台任务使用。 |
RfcommServiceProvider can only be used from background tasks via Device Triggers. |
301 | 必须至少注册一个已收到事件处理程序,观察程序才能启动。 |
At least one Received event handler must be registered before a watcher can be started. |
401 | 信号强度阈值范围无效,必须介于 %d dBm 和 %d dBm 之间。 |
Signal strength threshold range is invalid, must be between %d dBm and %d dBm. |
402 | InRangeThresholdInDBm 必须大于或等于 OutOfRangeThresholdInDBm。 |
InRangeThresholdInDBm must be greater than or equal to OutOfRangeThresholdInDBm. |
403 | OutOfRangeTimeout 范围无效,必须介于 %d 秒和 %d 秒之间。 |
OutOfRangeTimeout range is invalid, must be between %d seconds and %d seconds. |
404 | SamplingInterval 范围无效。 |
SamplingInterval range is invalid. |
501 | 模式大小与偏移量的和不能超出播发负载的大小。 |
The sum of the pattern size and the offset must not exceed the size of the advertisement payload. |
502 | 已超出最大模式数。 |
The maximum number of patterns has been exceeded. |
601 | 本地名称长度不能超出播发负载的大小。 |
Local name length must not exceed the size of the advertisement payload. |
602 | 服务 UUID 的列表不能超出播发负载的大小。 |
List of service UUIDs must not exceed the size of the advertisement payload. |
603 | 已超出播发数据最大节数。 |
Maximum number of advertisement data sections exceeded. |
701 | 检测到无效的播发负载。 |
Invalid advertisement payload detected. |
702 | 发布者只能从非空负载启动。 |
Publisher can only be started with a non-empty payload. |
801 | SamplingInterval 无效,无法供后台触发器使用。 |
The SamplingInterval is invalid for background trigger use. |
802 | 必须至少指定一个播发筛选条件,并且指定的条件数不能超过后台触发器允许的条件数上限。 |
At least one advertisement filter condition must be specified and it cannot exceed the maximum number of conditions allowed for background triggers. |
803 | 播发筛选条件包含无效的模式或被阻止的节类型。 |
The advertisement filter conditions contain invalid patterns or blocked section types. |
901 | 这种类型的设备不支持选定的监视模式。 |
The selected monitoring mode is not supported for this type of device. |
1001 | 你的应用没有在后台使用蓝牙的权限。请确保已在清单中声明任务类型 'bluetooth'。 |
Your App does not have permission to use Bluetooth in the background. Make sure you have declared the Task Type 'bluetooth' in your manifest. |
1002 | 你的应用没有在后台使用 Gatt 服务的权限。请确保已在清单中声明 DeviceCapability 和任务类型 'bluetooth',且该应用程序已获得访问此设备的授权。 |
Your App does not have permission to use the Gatt Service in the background. Make sure you have declared the DeviceCapability and Task Type 'bluetooth' in your manifest and that the application has been granted access to this device. |
1003 | 你的应用没有使用蓝牙设备的权限。请确保已在清单中声明 DeviceCapability 'bluetooth' 和任务类型 'deviceConnectionChange',且该应用程序已获得访问此设备的授权。 |
Your App does not have permission to use the Bluetooth Device. Make sure you have declared the DeviceCapability 'bluetooth' and Task Type 'deviceConnectionChange' in your manifest and that the application has been granted access to this device. |
1004 | 已在后台注册你尝试着注册的 Rfcomm 服务。 |
The Rfcomm Service you are attempting to register has already been registered in the background. |
1005 | 提供的设备 ID 不是来自其类型受此触发器支持的设备。 |
The provided device ID is not from a type of device supported by this trigger. |
1006 | 此类别的设备无法保持连接。 |
This category of device does not support maintaining the connection. |
1101 | 提供的设备 ID 不是有效的 BluetoothDevice 对象。 |
The provided device ID is not a valid BluetoothDevice object. |
1201 | 提供的设备 ID 不是有效的 BluetoothLEDevice 对象。 |
The provided device ID is not a valid BluetoothLEDevice object. |