If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id |
Chinese (Traditional) |
English |
200 | 找不到控制面板 |
Controlpanel not found |
201 | 相黏鍵 |
Sticky Keys |
202 | 篩選鍵 |
Filter Keys |
203 | 切換鍵 |
Toggle Keys |
204 | 滑鼠鍵 |
Mouse Keys |
205 | 高對比 |
High Contrast |
1117 | 相黏鍵可讓您一次只按一個按鍵來使用 SHIFT、CTRL、ALT 或 Windows 標誌鍵。啟動相黏鍵的鍵盤快速鍵是按 SHIFT 鍵 5 次。 |
Sticky Keys lets you use the SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, or Windows Logo keys by pressing one key at a time. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Sticky Keys is to press the SHIFT key 5 times. |
1118 | 篩選鍵可讓您忽略短暫或重複的按鍵動作,並減慢鍵盤重複速率。開啟篩選鍵的鍵盤快速鍵是按住右邊的 SHIFT 鍵 8 秒。 |
Filter Keys lets you ignore brief or repeated keystrokes and slows down the keyboard repeat rate. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Filter Keys is to hold down the right SHIFT key for 8 seconds. |
1122 | 滑鼠鍵可讓您使用鍵盤上的數字鍵台控制滑鼠指標。啟動滑鼠鍵的鍵盤快速鍵是按下 ALT、左 SHIFT 鍵和 NUM LOCK 鍵。 |
Mouse Keys lets you control the mouse pointer by using the numeric keypad on your keyboard. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Mouse Keys is to press the ALT, left SHIFT, and NUM LOCK keys. |
1124 | 高對比會套用特定的系統色彩配置,以提高顯示器可讀性。按下左邊的 SHIFT 鍵、左邊的 ALT 鍵 及 PRINT SCREEN 鍵,是啟動高對比功能的鍵盤快速鍵。 |
High Contrast improves readability of the display by applying a special system color scheme. The keyboard shortcut to turn on High Contrast is to press the left SHIFT, left ALT, and PRINT SCREEN keys. |
1128 | 切換鍵在您按下 CAPS LOCK、NUM LOCK 或 SCROLL LOCK 鍵時會將音調轉成聲音。啟動切換鍵的鍵盤快速鍵鍵是按住 NUM LOCK 鍵五秒。 |
Toggle Keys causes a tone to sound when you press the CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK keys. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Toggle Keys is to hold down the NUM LOCK key for 5 seconds. |
1134 | 否(&N) |
&No |
1135 | 是(&Y) |
&Yes |
1137 | 移至 [輕鬆存取中心] 以停用鍵盤快速鍵 |
Go to the Ease of Access Center to disable the keyboard shortcut |
1138 | 您要啟動相黏鍵? |
Do you want to turn on Sticky Keys? |
1139 | 您要啟動篩選鍵? |
Do you want to turn on Filter Keys? |
1140 | 您要啟動滑鼠鍵? |
Do you want to turn on Mouse Keys? |
1141 | 您要啟動高對比? |
Do you want to turn on High Contrast? |
1142 | 您要啟動切換鍵? |
Do you want to turn on Toggle Keys? |