File name: | schmmgmt.dll.mui |
Size: | 15360 byte |
MD5: | 1bf53ac4646017dde84642e8f1561545 |
SHA1: | f70b58731d705b1ffa646a03b6bf10253e3e7439 |
SHA256: | 21e381dc4152f93928ec338809075dbb3bcc5f5635ac112c33f19fac4c5152fc |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Chinese (Traditional) | English |
14 | 錯誤 | ERROR |
92 | 檢視並編輯 Active Directory 架構 | View and edit the Active Directory Schema |
93 | 解除功能 | Defunct |
94 | 使用中 | Active |
95 | Windows 無法刪除屬性。 %s |
Windows could not delete the attribute. %s |
96 | Windows 無法刪除類別。 %s |
Windows could not delete the class. %s |
97 | Active Directory 架構嵌入式管理單元未連線至架構操作主機。您將無法執行任何變更。架構修改僅能在架構 FSMO 持有人中執行。 | Active Directory Schema snap-in is not connected to the schema operations master. You will not be able to perform any changes. Schema modifications can only be made on the schema FSMO holder. |
98 | 找不到架構 FSMO 持有人。架構修改僅能在架構 FSMO 持有人中執行。 | The schema FSMO holder could not be found. Schema modifications can only be made on the schema FSMO holder. |
99 | Active Directory 架構嵌入式管理單元無法連線至 %1。請確認伺服器名稱與連接埠正確,然後重試。 | Active Directory Schema snap-in could not connect to %1. Verify that the server name and port are correct, and try again. |
100 | %1 [%2] | %1 [%2] |
101 | Active Directory 架構 | Active Directory Schema |
105 | 類別 | Classes |
106 | 屬性 | Attributes |
108 | 名稱 | Name |
109 | 類型 | Type |
110 | 描述 | Description |
112 | 來源類別 | Source Class |
113 | 結構化 | Structural |
114 | 抽象 | Abstract |
115 | 輔助 | Auxiliary |
116 | 強制 | Mandatory |
117 | 選用 | Optional |
118 | 狀態 | Status |
120 | 不明 | Unknown |
122 | 沒有可用的描述。 | No description available. |
123 | 發生下列錯誤: | The following error occurred: |
124 | 警告 | Warning |
125 | 無法連線到目前的架構主要伺服器。可能伺服器無法使用,或您沒有足夠的權限可以管理架構。 | Could not connect to the current schema master server. The server may not be available, or you may have insufficient privileges to manage the schema. |
126 | 語法 | Syntax |
127 | 無法開啟這個架構物件。 | This schema object could not be opened. |
129 | IA5-字串 | IA5-String |
130 | 辨別名稱 | Distinguished Name |
131 | 物件識別碼 | Object Identifier |
133 | 不區分大小寫字串 | Case Insensitive String |
134 | 列印狀況字串 | Print Case String |
135 | 數字字串 | Numerical String |
136 | OR 名稱 | OR Name |
137 | 布林值 | Boolean |
138 | 整數 | Integer |
139 | 八位元資料組字串 | Octet String |
140 | UTC Coded 時間 | UTC Coded Time |
141 | Unicode 字串 | Unicode String |
142 | 位址 | Address |
143 | 字串辨別名稱 | Distinguished Name With String |
144 | NT 安全性描述元 | NT Security Descriptor |
145 | 大整數/區間 | Large Integer/Interval |
146 | SID | SID |
148 | 這是多重值的屬性。 | This attribute is multi-valued. |
149 | 這是單一數值的屬性。 | This attribute is single-valued. |
150 | 無法變更描述。 | The description could not be changed. |
151 | 您所輸入的值: %1,超過最大許可值。 將會使用最大數目 %2 來代替。 |
The value you have entered, %1, exceeds the maximum allowed. The maximum number %2 will be used instead. |
152 | 您所輸入的值: '%1',包含不正確的字元。 將會使用數字 %2 來代替。 |
The value you have entered, '%1', contains illegal characters. The number %2 will be used instead. |
153 | 無法變更可顯示狀態。 | The displayable status could not be changed. |
154 | 無法變更索引狀態。 | The indexing status could not be changed. |
155 | DN 二進位 | DN Binary |
156 | 類別(&C)... | &Class... |
160 | 屬性(&A)... | &Attribute... |
163 | 建立新的類別物件 | Create a New Class Object |
167 | 建立新的屬性物件 | Create a New Attribute Object |
172 | 系統 | System |
173 | 是 | Yes |
174 | 否 | No |
175 | 列舉 | Enumeration |
182 | 尚未設定一些所需的參數。每個架構屬性物件必須包含至少一個有效的一般名稱、唯一的 x.500 物件識別碼和語法。 | Some required parameters have not been set. Every schema attribute object must contain at least a valid Common Name, Unique x.500 Object ID, and Syntax. |
183 | 物件識別碼格式不正確。請在物件識別碼欄位上按一下並按 F1,以取得建立物件識別碼的說明。 | The object ID is not formatted correctly. For help creating an object ID click in the Object ID field and press F1. |
188 | 重新載入架構(&R) | &Reload the Schema |
189 | 清除架構快取,並重新載入架構管理顯示快取。 | Flush the schema cache and reload the schema management display cache. |
190 | 架構主要伺服器未認可架構更新要求。 | The schema update request was not acknowledged by the schema master server. |
191 | 沒有足夠的記憶體來完成這項操作。 | There is insufficient memory available to allow the completion of this operation. |
192 | 複本連結 | Replica Link |
193 | 廣義時間 | Generalized Time |
194 | 架構主要伺服器拒絕變更。 | The change was rejected by the schema master server. |
195 | 輸入 88 | Type 88 |
197 | Microsoft | Microsoft |
201 | 存取點 | Access Point |
202 | 最小值大於最大值。 | The minimum value is larger than the maximum value. |
203 | 如果您使這個架構物件無效,將無法對它進行其他變更。您想要讓這個架構物件無效嗎? | If you make this schema object defunct, you will not be allowed to make any further changes to it. Do you want to make this schema object defunct? |
204 | 無法對決定是否要複寫到通用類別目錄伺服器的屬性進行變更。 | Could not change whether this attribute should be replicated to the global catalog servers. |
205 | 架構主要伺服器拒絕變更最小及最大範圍。 | The min and max range changes were rejected by the schema master server. |
206 | 無法變更預設類別。 | The default category could not be changed. |
207 | 變更 Active Directory 網域控制站(&C)... | &Change Active Directory Domain Controller... |
208 | 選取不同的 Active Directory 網域控制站 | Select a different Active Directory Domain Controller |
209 | 操作主機(&O)... | &Operations Master... |
210 | 請變更操作主機 | Change the Operations Master |
211 | 目前的 Active Directory 網域控制站是操作主機。如果您要將操作主機轉移到不同的網域控制站,必須將 Active Directory 架構設定成該網域控制站。 | The current Active Directory Domain Controller is the Operations Master. To transfer the Operations Master to a different DC, you need to target Active Directory Schema to that DC. |
212 | 您確定要變更操作主機? | Are you sure you want to change the Operations Master? |
214 | 已順利轉移操作主機。 | Operations Master successfully transferred. |
215 | %s無法執行目前操作主機的轉移。 | %sThe transfer of the current Operations Master could not be performed. |
216 | 權限(&P)... | &Permissions... |
217 | 請編輯架構權限 | Edit schema permissions |
219 | 無法讓這個架構物件無效。 這個架構物件可能正做為另一個架構物件的部分定義,或是這部電腦上不允許架構更新。 |
Cannot make this schema object defunct. This schema object may be in use as part of the definition of another schema object. Or, schema updates may not be allowed on this computer. |
220 | 無法啟用這個架構物件。請確認: - 這個物件的所有屬性都在使用中狀態。 - 這部電腦允許架構更新。 - 您有足夠權限進行這個變更。 - 其他類別或屬性未使用 OID。 |
Unable to activate this schema object. Verify: - That all of the attributes of this object are active. - That schema updates are allowed on this computer. - That you have sufficient permissions to make this change. - That the OID is not in use by some other class or attribute. |
221 | 這個架構物件已經無效。如果網域功能等級是 Win2000,則修改會失敗。 | This schema object is defunct. Modifications will fail if the domain functional level is Win2000. |
222 | 預設安全性 | Default Security |
223 | 您確定要刪除這個架構類別嗎? | Are you sure you want to delete this schema class? |
224 | 您確定要刪除這個架構屬性嗎? | Are you sure you want to delete this schema attribute? |
273 | 區分大小寫字串 | Case Sensitive String |
279 | 嘗試變更網域控制站時發生錯誤。您仍連線至 %1。 | An error occurred while attempting to change domain controller. You are still connected to %1. |
280 | 連線到架構操作主機(&S) | Connect to &Schema Operations Master |
282 | 無法修改解除功能的物件。如果網域功能等級是 Win2000,則只可以修改使用中架構物件。 | Unable to modify the defunct object. You can only modify active schema object if your domain functional level is Win2000. |
1041 | 建立類別(&R)... | C&reate Class... |
1042 | 建立屬性(&R)... | C&reate Attribute... |
1043 | 無法設定 Active Directory 網域控制站。 | The Active Directory Domain Controller could not be set. |
1044 | 解除物件功能(&F) | De&funct Objects |
1045 | 檢視解除功能的類別和屬性。 | View defunct classes and attributes. |
1060 | 新增類別 | New Class |
1062 | 您必須輸入物件識別碼的值 | You must enter a value for the Object ID |
1063 | 您必須輸入一般名稱值 | You must enter a value for the Common Name |
1064 | 發生錯誤,但沒有錯誤說明。 | An error with no description has occurred. |
1065 | 如果 LDAP 顯示名稱空白,將會根據一般名稱的值,自動填入。 | If the LDAP Display Name is left blank, it will automatically be populated based on the value of the Common Name. |
1100 | 只載入部分架構,因為記憶體不足。 | The schema was only partially loaded because there was not enough memory. |
2000 | 提供的物件識別碼 ("%1") 無效。%2 | The given object identifier ("%1") is not a valid. %2 |
2001 | 物件識別碼只能包含句點及數字 0 到 9。 | The object identifier may contain only periods and the digits 0 to 9. |
2002 | 物件識別碼不能包含兩個句點。 | The object identifier may not contain two periods in a row. |
2003 | 物件識別碼必須用"0."、"1." 或 "2." 開頭。 | The object identifier must begin with "0.", "1." or "2.". |
2004 | 當物件識別碼以 "0." 或"1." 開頭時,第二個數字必須在 0 到 39 的範圍內。 | When the object identifier begins with "0." or "1.", the second number must be in the range of 0 to 39. |
2005 | 物件識別碼必須包含至少兩個數字,並用句點分隔。 | The object identifier must have at least two numbers separated by a period. |
2006 | 物件識別碼結尾不能是句點。 | The object identifier cannot end with a period. |
2007 | 類別或屬性的 LDAP 顯示名稱中包含不正確的格式。名稱只可以包含數字,英文字母及刪節號,而且必須以英文字母開頭。 | The LDAP display name of the class or attribute contains an illegal format. The name can only consist of numbers, letters, and hyphens and must start with a letter. |
2008 | 您必須輸入物件識別碼的值。 | You must enter a value for the object identifier. |
File Description: | Active Directory 架構 MMC 嵌入式管理單元 |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | schmmgmt |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
Original Filename: | schmmgmt.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x404, 1200 |