If an error occurred or the following message in Maltese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id |
Maltese |
English |
901 | Iva |
Yes |
902 | Le |
No |
903 | Lest biex tibda l-kriptaġġ? |
Are you ready to start encryption? |
904 | Softwer ta’ kriptaġġ tad-diska ħlief BitLocker jew Windows device encryption ser jipprevjeni lil Windows milli jibda wara li inti tiċċifra t-tagħmir tiegħek. Jekk jiġri hekk, inti jkollok bżonn terġa’ tinstalla l-Windows mill-ġdid, u d-data kollha fuq it-tagħmir tiegħek tintilef. 0A0AInti għandek tneħħi kwalunkwe installazzjoni oħra ta’ softwer ta’ kriptaġġ tad-diska qabel tkompli. |
Disk encryption software other than BitLocker or Windows device encryption will prevent Windows from starting after you encrypt your device. If this happens, you’ll need to reinstall Windows, and all data on your device will be lost. 0A 0AYou must uninstall any other disk encryption software before proceeding. |
905 | M’għandi ebda softwer ta’ ċifrar tad-diska installat |
I don't have any other disk encryption software installed. |
906 | Terġax issaqsini |
Don't ask me again. |
907 | Aqra aktar |
Learn more |
908 | Jeħtieġ tagħżel l-ewwel opzjoi biex tibda ċ-ċ-frar. |
You must select the first option to start encryption. |