sysmain.dll.mui Gostitelj storitve hitrejšega zagona fed58c1153a5776e93dfe36fd9b25ff0

File info

File name: sysmain.dll.mui
Size: 28160 byte
MD5: fed58c1153a5776e93dfe36fd9b25ff0
SHA1: 977ac3986c7e681262eb9ec504aada67058c73f3
SHA256: f7715e6edff2ef1bc0a745476ec6fd9f271f2f92acee2f1563aec461dee8993e
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Slovenian English
1Ali je vnaprejšnje pridobivanje zagona programa omogočeno Whether Application Launch Prefetching is enabled
2Ali je funkcija vnaprejšnjega pridobivanja postopka API omogočena Whether Operation API Prefetching Functionality is enabled
3Ali je združevanje strani omogočeno Whether Page Combining is enabled
4Ali je predhodni zagon programa omogočen Whether Application PreLaunch is enabled
5Omogočanje stiskanja pomnilnika Whether Memory Compression is enabled
6Največje število strani vnaprej pridobljenih datotek za scenarije, ki jih je zabeležil snemalnik postopka API The maximum number of prefetch files for scenarios recorded by the Operation Recorder API
7Konfiguracija komponente agenta upravitelja pomnilnika Memory Management Agent Component Configuration
8Omogoča zmogljivost za onemogočanje katerekoli kombinacije tega:

1. Vnaprejšnje pridobivanje zagona aplikacije
2. Funkcionalnost vnaprejšnjega pridobivanja postopka API
3. Združevanje strani
4. Predhodni zagon aplikacije
5. Stiskanje pomnilnika
Provides the capability to enable any combination of the following:

1. Application Launch Prefetching
2. Operation API Prefetching Functionality
3. Page Combining
4. Application PreLaunch
5. Memory Compression
9Omogočanje vnaprejšnjega pridobivanja zagona aplikacije. Vnaprejšnje pridobivanje zagona aplikacije bi pospešilo zagon aplikacije z nadzorovanjem podatkov in kode, dostopne v teh primerih, in uporabo teh informacij za prednalaganje podatkov in kode v fizični pomnilnik za zaporedne zagone aplikacije Whether to enable Application Launch Prefetching. Application launch prefetching would would speed up app startup by monitoring the data and code accessed in these cases and use that information to preload the data and code into physical memory for subsequent app startups
10Omogočanje funkcionalnosti snemalnika postopka API. Snemalnik postopka omogoča, da aplikacije pospešijo izvajanje postopkov, ki večkrat zaporedoma dostopajo do iste podatkovne datoteke, z omogočanjem mehanizma za vnaprejšnje branje sistema Windows kot javnega vmesnika.
Whether to enable Operation Recorder API Functionality. Operation Recorder enables applications to speed up operations that repeatedly access the same file data by exposing the Windows prefetching mechanism as a public interface.
11Omogočanje združevanje strani. Združevanje strani pomaga zmanjšati uporabo fizičnega pomnilnika operacijskega sistema z občasnim združevanjem strani z enako vsebino v fizičnem pomnilniku.
Whether to enable Page Combining. Page Combining helps reduce the physical memory usage of the operating system by periodically combining pages in physical memory that have identical content.
12Omogočanje predhodnega zagona. Predhodni zagon aplikacije omogoča špekulativni zagon aplikacij, ki jih bo uporabnik verjetno uporabil v bližnji prihodnosti, in tako skrajša čas za preklop aplikacije. Whether to enable Application PreLaunch. Application PreLaunch can speculatively launch applications that the user is likely to use in the near future, thus reducing application switch time.
13Omogočanje stiskanja pomnilnika. Stiskanje pomnilnika je funkcija sistema Windows, ki stisne neporabljeni pomnilnik in omogoča shranjevanje več podatkov v pomnilniku RAM. Prav tako zmanjšuje količino podatkov, ki se zapisujejo v ostranjevalno datoteko in berejo iz nje, s tem pa se izboljša učinkovitost delovanja. Whether to enable Memory Compression. Memory compression is a Windows feature which compresses unused memory to keep more data resident in RAM. It also reduces the amount of data written to and read from the pagefile, thus improving performance.
14Zagotavlja zmožnost nastavitve največjega števila strani vnaprej branih datotek za scenarije, ki jih je zapisal snemalnik postopka API. Provides the ability to set the maximum number of prefetch files for scenarios recorded by the Operation Recorder API.
15Vrne podatek o tem, ali je omogočena katerakoli kombinacija tega:

1. Vnaprejšnje pridobivanje zagona aplikacije
2. Funkcionalnost vnaprejšnjega pridobivanja postopka API
3. Združevanje strani
4. Predhodni zagon aplikacije
    5. Stiskanje pomnilnika

in vrne največje število vnaprej pridobljenih datotek za scenarije, ki jih je zapisal snemalnik postopka API.
Returns whether any combination of the following are enabled:

1. Application Launch Prefetching
2. Operation API Prefetching Functionality
3. Page Combining
4. Application PreLaunch
5. Memory Compression

and also returns the maximum number of prefetch files for scenarios recorded by the Operation Recorder API.
16Nabor omogočenih komponent in največje število vnaprej pridobljenih datotek za scenarije, ki jih je zapisal snemalnik postopka API. The set of components enabled and the maximum number of prefetch files for scenarios recorded by the Operation Recorder API.
17Omogoča zmogljivost za onemogočanje katerekoli kombinacije tega:

1. Vnaprejšnje pridobivanje zagona aplikacije
2. Funkcionalnost vnaprejšnjega pridobivanja postopka API
3. Združevanje strani
4. Predhodni zagon aplikacije
5. Stiskanje pomnilnika
Provides the capability to disable any combination of the following:

1. Application Launch Prefetching
2. Operation API Prefetching Functionality
3. Page Combining
4. Application PreLaunch
5. Memory Compression
18Onemogočanje vnaprejšnjega pridobivanja zagona aplikacije. Vnaprejšnje pridobivanje zagona aplikacije omogoča pospeševanje zagona aplikacije z nadzorovanjem podatkov in kode, dostopne v teh primerih, in uporabo teh informacij za prednalaganje podatkov in kode v fizični pomnilnik za zaporedne zagone aplikacije Whether to disable Application Launch Prefetching. Application launch prefetching would would speed up app startup by monitoring the data and code accessed in these cases and use that information to preload the data and code into physical memory for subsequent app startups
19Onemogočanje predhodnega zagona aplikacije. Predhodni zagon aplikacije lahko špekulativno zažene aplikacije, ki jih bo uporabnik verjetno uporabil v prihodnosti, in tako skrajša čas za preklop aplikacije. Whether to disable Application PreLaunch. Application PreLaunch can speculatively launch applications that the user is likely to use in the near future, thus reducing application switch time.
20Onemogočanje funkcionalnosti snemalnika postopka API. Snemalnik postopka omogoča aplikacijam, da pospešijo postopke, ki večkrat zapored dostopajo do istih podatkovnih datotek, z omogočanjem mehanizma vnaprejšnjega pridobivanja sistema Windows kot javnega vmesnika.
Whether to disable Operation Recorder API Functionality. Operation Recorder enables applications to speed up operations that repeatedly access the same file data by exposing the Windows prefetching mechanism as a public interface.
21Onemogočanje združevanja strani. Združevanje strani pomaga zmanjšati uporabo fizičnega pomnilnika operacijskega sistema z občasnim združevanjem strani z isto vsebino v fizičnem pomnilniku.
Whether to disable Page Combining. Page Combining helps reduce the physical memory usage of the operating system by periodically combining pages in physical memory that have identical content.
22Onemogočanje stiskanja pomnilnika (veljati začne po ponovnem zagonu sistema). Stiskanje pomnilnika je funkcija sistema Windows, ki stisne neporabljeni pomnilnik in omogoča shranjevanje več podatkov v pomnilniku RAM. Prav tako zmanjšuje količino podatkov, ki se zapisujejo v ostranjevalno datoteko in berejo iz nje, s tem pa se izboljša učinkovitost delovanja. Whether to disable Memory Compression (disabling will take effect after the system is restarted). Memory compression is a Windows feature which compresses unused memory to keep more data resident in RAM. It also reduces the amount of data written to and read from the pagefile, thus improving performance.
23Nudi zmožnost iskanja napak pri predhodnem zagonu določene aplikacije, tako da sproži predhodni zagon in zapusti način za iskanje napak za aplikacijo. Provides the ability to debug the application prelaunch of a specific application by triggering the prelaunch to occur and to exit debug mode for the application.
24Določa polno ime za paket aplikacije. Specifies the package full name of the application.
25Če je ta parameter določen, navedena aplikacija ne bo več v načinu iskanja napak. Če parameter ni določen, se bo aplikacija predhodno zagnala v načinu iskanja napak. If this parameter is specified, the specified application will no longer be in debug mode. If not specified, the application will be prelaunched in debug mode.
26Določa niz, ki identificira aplikacijo v tem paketu. Specifies the string identifying the app in the package.
27Agent za upravljanje pomnilnika Memory Management Agent
207Neznano Unknown
1000Hitrejši zagon Superfetch
1001Vzdržuje in s časom izboljšuje učinkovitost delovanja sistema. Maintains and improves system performance over time.
3000Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
3001Opravilo vzdrževanja ocenjevanja zamenjave delovnega nabora Working set swap assessment maintenance task
3002Opravilo vzdrževanja vnovičnega uravnoteženja predpomnilnika hibridnega pogona Hybrid Drive cache rebalance maintenance task
3003Opravilo vnaprejšnje dopolnitve predpomnilnika hibridnega pogona Hybrid Drive cache prepopulation task
3004Vzdrževalno opravilo sinhronizacije statične zbirke podatkov z rezervirano prioriteto Reserved Priority static db sync maintenance task
0x11000031Odzivni čas Response Time
0x30000000Informacije Info
0x31000001Začni Start
0x31000002Ustavi Stop
0x50000002Napaka Error
0x50000003Opozorilo Warning
0x700003F8ReadyBoot ReadyBoot
0x700003FBReadyBoost ReadyBoost
0x700003FCHibridniPogon HybridDrive
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-ReadyBoost Microsoft-Windows-ReadyBoost
0x90000002Operational Operational
0x91000001Microsoft-Windows-Superfetch Microsoft-Windows-Superfetch
0x91000002Main Main
0x91000003StoreLog StoreLog
0xB00003E8Naprava (%1) je primerna za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost. Naključna hitrost branja je %3 kb/s. Naključna hitrost zapisovanja je %4 kb/s. The device (%1) is suitable for a ReadyBoost cache. The random read speed is %3 KB/sec. The random write speed is %4 KB/sec.
0xB00003EAThe device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it is not attached to a supported interface.%n For USB devices, ReadyBoost requires that the device be connected to a USB 2.0 interface.%n The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it is not attached to a supported interface.%n For USB devices, ReadyBoost requires that the device be connected to a USB 2.0 interface.%n
0xB00003EBNaprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost, ker nima na voljo dovolj nezasedenega prostora. Nezaseden prostor: %2 MB The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it does not have enough free space. Free Space: %2 MB
0xB00003ECNaprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost, ker njena zmogljivosti zapisovanja ni zadostna: %2 kb/s. The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it has insufficient write performance: %2 KB/sec.
0xB00003EDNaprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost, ker njena zmogljivost branja ni zadostna: %2 kb/s. The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it has insufficient read performance: %2 KB/sec.
0xB00003EEStoritev ReadyBoost je med analizo nove naprave (%1) naletela na napako. Koda napake: %2 The ReadyBoost service encountered an error during the analysis of the new device (%1). Error code: %2
0xB00003EFNaprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost, ker ni oblikovana s FAT, FAT32 ali NTFS. Trenutna oblika zapisa:%2 The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it is not formatted with FAT, FAT32, or NTFS. Current Format:%2
0xB00003F0Naprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost, ker njeno delovanje v napravi ni enotno. Velikost hitrega območja: %2 MB. The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it does not exhibit uniform performance across the device. Size of fast region: %2 MB.
0xB00003F1Naprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost, ker je naprava premajhna. Velikost: %2 MB. Najmanjša velikost: %3 MB The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because the device is too small. Size: %2 MB. Minimum Size: %3 MB
0xB00003F2Predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost je bil uspešno ustvarjen v napravi (%1). Velikost ustvarjenega predpomnilnika: %2 MB. A ReadyBoost cache was successfully created on the device (%1) of size %2 MB.
0xB00003F3Za napravo (%1) je bilo ustvarjeno predpomnjenje. Caching was enabled for device (%1).
0xB00003F4Naprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost, ker predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost že obstaja (v napravi %2), v danem trenutku pa je podprt le en predpomnilnik. The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because a ReadyBoost cache already exists (on device %2) and only one cache is supported at a given time.
0xB00003F5Predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost je bil uspešno ustvarjen v napravi (%1). A ReadyBoost cache was successfully deleted on the device (%1).
0xB00003F6Za napravo (%1) je bilo predpomnjenje onemogočeno. Caching was disabled for device (%1).
0xB00003F7Summary of ReadyBoot Performance:%n Io Read Count: %12%n Io Read KB: %3%n Cache Hit Count: %13%n Cache Hit KB: %4%n Cache Hit Percentage: %9%n Cache Fragmentation: %10%n Compressed Data Size KB: %5%n Raw Data Size KB: %6%n Compression Ratio: %11%n Cache Size KB: %14%n Boot Prefetch Time us: %7%n Boot Prefetch Bytes Read: %8%n Boot Timestamp (UTC): %1%n Last Boot Plan Timestamp (UTC): %2%n Last Boot Plan Timestamp (Local): %16 Summary of ReadyBoot Performance:%n Io Read Count: %12%n Io Read KB: %3%n Cache Hit Count: %13%n Cache Hit KB: %4%n Cache Hit Percentage: %9%n Cache Fragmentation: %10%n Compressed Data Size KB: %5%n Raw Data Size KB: %6%n Compression Ratio: %11%n Cache Size KB: %14%n Boot Prefetch Time us: %7%n Boot Prefetch Bytes Read: %8%n Boot Timestamp (UTC): %1%n Last Boot Plan Timestamp (UTC): %2%n Last Boot Plan Timestamp (Local): %16
0xB00003F8Boot plan calculation completed.%n Boot Plan Timestamp (UTC): %1%n Valid Boot Plan Obtained: %2 Boot plan calculation completed.%n Boot Plan Timestamp (UTC): %1%n Valid Boot Plan Obtained: %2
0xB00003F9Operacija defragmentacije se je dokončala. Kmalu bo izračunan načrt zagona. Časovni žig defragmentacije (UTC): %1 A defrag. operation has completed. A boot plan will be calculated soon. Defrag. Timestamp (UTC): %1
0xB00003FAReadyBoot disk assessment completed.%n Disk Assessment Timestamp (UTC): %1%n Success: %2 ReadyBoot disk assessment completed.%n Disk Assessment Timestamp (UTC): %1%n Success: %2
0xB00103EBNaprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost, ker nima na voljo dovolj nezasedenega prostora. Količina nezasedenega prostora %2 MB, zahtevano %3 MB. The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it does not have enough free space. Free Space %2 MB, required %3 MB.
0xB00103EFNaprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost, ker ni oblikovana s FAT, FAT32, exFAT ali NTFS. The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it is not formatted with FAT, FAT32, exFAT, or NTFS.
0xB00103F7Summary of ReadyBoot Performance:%n Io Read Count: %5%n Io Read Bytes: %1%n Cache Hit Count: %6%n Cache Hit Bytes: %2%n Cache Hit Percentage: %4%n Boot Prefetch Time (us): %8%n Boot Prefetch Bytes: %3%n Boot Prefetch Read Count: %7%n Summary of ReadyBoot Performance:%n Io Read Count: %5%n Io Read Bytes: %1%n Cache Hit Count: %6%n Cache Hit Bytes: %2%n Cache Hit Percentage: %4%n Boot Prefetch Time (us): %8%n Boot Prefetch Bytes: %3%n Boot Prefetch Read Count: %7%n
0xB00103F8Izračun načrta zagona dokončan v %3 ms.%n Časovni žig načrta zagona: %1%n Vzrok: %4%n Rezultat: %2 Boot plan calculation completed in %3 ms.%n Boot Plan Timestamp: %1%n Reason: %4%n Result: %2
0xB00103F9Naprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost, ker povzroči kazni pri iskanju. The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it incurs seek penalties.
0xB00103FAStoritev ReadyBoot je oceno diska dokončala v %3 ms.%n Časovni žig ocene diska: %1%n Rezultat: %2 ReadyBoot disk assessment completed in %3 ms.%n Disk Assessment Timestamp: %1%n Result: %2
0xB00103FBNaprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost, ker gre za oddaljeno napravo, napravo, ki je namenjena samo za branje, navidezno napravo ali drugače nepodprto napravo. The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it is remote, read-only, virtual, or otherwise unsupported.
0xB00103FCNaprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost, ker vsebuje sistemski nosilec. The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it contains a system volume.
0xB00103FDNaprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost, ker vsebuje konfiguracijsko datoteko, ki to izrecno prepoveduje. The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it contains a configuration file which explicitly prohibits this.
0xB00103FENaprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik storitve ReadyBoost, ker je gonilnik storitve ReadyBoost pripet temu skladu nosilca. The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because the ReadyBoost driver is attached to its volume stack.
0xB00103FFThe device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it is mounted read-only.%n%nThis is usually caused by one of the following reasons:%n* Write-protected devices/media%n* BitLocker group policy settings prohibit write access to non-encrypted removable devices The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it is mounted read-only.%n%nThis is usually caused by one of the following reasons:%n* Write-protected devices/media%n* BitLocker group policy settings prohibit write access to non-encrypted removable devices
0xB0010401Naprava (%1) ne bo uporabljena za predpomnilnik funkcije ReadyBoost, ker ima navidezni trdi disk. The device (%1) will not be used for a ReadyBoost cache because it is a VHD (virtual hard disk).
0xB0010402The attach state for volume %6 (Unique Id: %1) has changed.%n Old ReadyBoost State: %2%n New ReadyBoost State: %3%n%n Old Hybrid Drive State: %4%n New Hybrid Drive State: %5%n The attach state for volume %6 (Unique Id: %1) has changed.%n Old ReadyBoost State: %2%n New ReadyBoost State: %3%n%n Old Hybrid Drive State: %4%n New Hybrid Drive State: %5%n
0xB0010403Storitev ReadyBoot je posodobila enoličen ID sistemskega nosilca: %3%n KodaNapake: %1 ReadyBoot has updated the system volume unique ID: %3%n ErrorCode: %1
0xB0010404Predpomnjenje na polprevodniškem hibridnem disku (številka diska: %1) je bilo onemogočeno zaradi nezadostne učinkovitosti delovanja naprave. Caching on the solid state hybrid disk (Disk number: %1) has been disabled due to insufficient device performance.
0xB0010405Na hibridnem disku je bil opravljen hitrostni preskus.%nRezultat preskusa: %1%nKodaNapake: %7 A speed test was performed on the Hybrid Disk.%nTest result: %1%nErrorCode: %7
0xB00203F7Summary of ReadyBoot Performance:%n Io Read Count: %5%n Io Read Bytes: %1%n Cache Hit Count: %6%n Cache Hit Bytes: %2%n Cache Hit Percentage: %4%n Boot Prefetch Time (us): %8%n Boot Prefetch Bytes: %3%n Boot Prefetch Read Count: %7%n Flags: %13%n Sync Prefetch IO Bytes: %9%n Sync Prefetch IO Count: %10%n Sync Prefetch Duration (us): %11%n Post Sync Phase Pend Count: %12%n Summary of ReadyBoot Performance:%n Io Read Count: %5%n Io Read Bytes: %1%n Cache Hit Count: %6%n Cache Hit Bytes: %2%n Cache Hit Percentage: %4%n Boot Prefetch Time (us): %8%n Boot Prefetch Bytes: %3%n Boot Prefetch Read Count: %7%n Flags: %13%n Sync Prefetch IO Bytes: %9%n Sync Prefetch IO Count: %10%n Sync Prefetch Duration (us): %11%n Post Sync Phase Pend Count: %12%n
0xD0000001Dokončanje zagona sistema System boot completion
0xD0000002Defragmentacija diska Disk defragmentation
0xD0000003Izrecna zahteva uporabnika Explicit user request
0xD0000004Predpomnjenje storitve ReadyBoost je omogočeno za to napravo. ReadyBoost caching enabled for this device.
0xD0000005Predpomnjenje storitve ReadyBoost je onemogočeno zaradi visoke zmogljivosti naprave. ReadyBoost caching disabled due to high performance device.
0xD0000006Predpomnjenje storitve ReadyBoost je omogočeno le za storitev ReadyBoot. ReadyBoost caching enabled for ReadyBoot only.
0xD0000007Predpomnjenje storitve ReadyBoost je onemogočeno za to napravo. ReadyBoost caching disabled for this device.
0xD0000008Stanje storitve ReadyBoost ni določeno. ReadyBoost state not determined.
0xD0000009Hibridni pogon je onemogočen. Hybrid Drive disabled.
0xD000000AHibridni pogon je omogočen. Hybrid Drive enabled.
0xD000000BHibridni pogon je omogočen, zaznana je počasna zaporedna učinkovitost delovanja I/O. Hybrid Drive enabled, slow sequential I/O performance detected.
0xD000000COznačevanje gostitelja hibridnega pogona je bilo začasno prekinjeno zaradi počasne učinkovitosti delovanja naprave. Hybrid Drive host hinting suspended due to slow device performance.
0xD000000DHibridni pogon je onemogočen zaradi počasne učinkovitosti delovanja naprave. Hybrid Drive disabled due to slow device performance.
0xD000000EStanje hibridnega pogona ni določeno. Hybrid Drive state not determined.
0xD000000FPreskus je neodločen. Test inconclusive.
0xD0000010Hitrosti preskusi uspešno opravljeni. Speed tests passed.
0xD0000011Nezadostna hitrost za zaporedno predpomnjenje I/O. Speed insufficient for sequential I/O caching.
0xD0000012Učinkovitost delovanja ni sprejemljiva za predpomnjenje. Performance unacceptable for caching.
0xD0000014Učinkovitost delovanja ni določena. Performance not determined.
0xD1000001Prelaunch Prelaunch
0xD1000002Prefetch Prefetch
0xD1000003Successful Successful
0xD1000004ActivationFailed ActivationFailed
0xD1000005Crashed Crashed
0xD1000006SwitchedTo SwitchedTo
0xD1000007Throttled Throttled
0xD1000008Suspended Suspended
0xD1000009NotThrottled NotThrottled
0xD100000ANotAvailable NotAvailable
0xD100000BSameCSSession SameCSSession
0xD100000CPrelaunchedInPastHour PrelaunchedInPastHour
0xD100000DTooBigToBeSwapped TooBigToBeSwapped
0xD100000EBiggerThanWorkingSetLimit BiggerThanWorkingSetLimit
0xD100000FSpeculative Speculative
0xD1000010RPCRequest RPCRequest
0xD1000011Install Install
0xD1000012Filter Filter
0xD1000013Cleanup Cleanup
0xD1000014Duplicate Duplicate
0xD1000015Installed Installed
0xD1000016Uninstalled Uninstalled
0xD1000017PrelaunchApp PrelaunchApp
0xD1000018Other Other
0xD1000019Inbox Inbox
0xD100001AAppStore AppStore
0xD100001BAddApp AddApp
0xD100001CRemoveApp RemoveApp
0xD100001DStartCallback StartCallback
0xD100001EBenefitScore BenefitScore
0xF1000001FreeNetwork FreeNetwork
0xF1000002BackgroundCostNotHigh BackgroundCostNotHigh
0xF1000003ACPowered ACPowered
0xF1000004TaskAlreadyScheduled TaskAlreadyScheduled
0xF1000005SwitchedToRecently SwitchedToRecently
0xF1000006PrefetchedRecently PrefetchedRecently


File Name:sysmain.dll.mui
File Size:28 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:27648
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Slovenian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Gostitelj storitve hitrejšega zagona
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Superfetch
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original File Name:sysmain.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is sysmain.dll.mui?

sysmain.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Slovenian language for file sysmain.dll (Gostitelj storitve hitrejšega zagona).

File version info

File Description:Gostitelj storitve hitrejšega zagona
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Superfetch
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original Filename:sysmain.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x424, 1200