accessibilitycpl.dll.mui Panew tal-kontroll tal-Faċilità ta' Aċċess fec40eafaf144c9399c47272e20f9950

File info

File name: accessibilitycpl.dll.mui
Size: 40448 byte
MD5: fec40eafaf144c9399c47272e20f9950
SHA1: 056190320a23a2d45f57967178cec0b066f5b8e4
SHA256: 516c531fc13d2ef9a61054615fea0517674d720403e76eef43f660bb112b4d89
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Maltese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Maltese English
2%d%s%d sekondi %d%s%d seconds
3Tgħallem dwar teknoloġiji addizzjonali ta' assistenza onlajn Learn about additional assistive technologies online
4It-tweġibiet tiegħek jintużaw biex jiddeterminaw is-settings rakkomandati biss. Jekk programm jew sit tal-Web ieħor jixtieq juża din l-informazzjoni biex jadatta aħjar għall-ħtiġijiet tiegħek, inti tintalab permess espliċitament minn dak il-programm. Dikjarazzjoni tal-Privatezza Your answers are used to determine recommended settings only. If another program or Web site wants to use this information to better suit your needs, you will be explicitly asked for permission by that program. Privacy Statement
5%d minuti %d minutes
61 minuta 1 minute
7%d sekondi %d seconds
10Ċentru tal-Faċilità ta' Aċċess Ease of Access Center
25Tgħallem dwar teknoloġiji addizzjonali ta' assistenza online Learn about additional assistive technologies online
45Agħmel il-kompjuter eħfef biex tużah. Make your computer easier to use.
46Ikseb rakkomandazzjonijiet biex tagħmel il-kompjuter eħfef biex tużah (vista) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (eyesight)
47Ikseb rakkomandazzjonijiet biex tagħmel il-kompjuter eħfef biex tużah (ħeffa) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (dexterity)
48Ikseb rakkomandazzjonijiet biex tagħmel il-kompjuter eħfef biex tużah (smigħ) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (hearing)
49Ikseb rakkomandazzjonijiet biex tagħmel il-kompjuter eħfef biex tużah (taħdit) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (speech)
50Ikseb rakkomandazzjonijiet biex tagħmel il-kompjuter eħfef biex tużah (konoxxittiv) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (cognitive)
56Uża l-kompjuter bla displej Use the computer without a display
57Agħmel il-kompjuter eħfef biex tarah Make the computer easier to see
58Agħmel il-maws eħfef biex tużah Make the mouse easier to use
59Agħmel il-tastiera eħfef biex tużaha Make the keyboard easier to use
60Uża l-kompjuter bla maws jew tastiera Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard
61Uża test jew alternattivi viżivi għall-ħsejjes Use text or visual alternatives for sounds
62Agħmilha eħfef li tiffoka fuq l-attivitajiet Make it easier to focus on tasks
63Ikkonfigura t-Tasti tal-Maws Set up Mouse Keys
64Ikkonfigura Tasti tal-Filtru Set up Filter Keys
65Ikkonfigura Tasti ta' Ripetizzjoni u Bil-mod Set up Repeat and Slow Keys
66Issettjar Irrikkmandat Recommended settings
67Ibdel is-settings għad-dħul Change sign-in settings
68Ikkonfigura t-Tasti Permanenti Set up Sticky Keys
70Agħżel tema ta' Kuntra&st Qawwi Choose a High Cont&rast theme
72%s wara d-dħul %s after sign-in
73%s mad-dħul %s at sign-in
74Isma t-test fuq l-iskrin moqri mgħajjat (Narratur) Hear text on screen read aloud (Narrator)
75Agħmel l-items fuq l-iskrin akbar (Kabbar) Make items on the screen larger (Magnifier)
76Ittajpja mingħajr it-tastiera (Tastiera ta' Fuq l-Iskrin) Type without the keyboard (On-Screen Keyboard)
78Agħfas ix-shortcuts tat-tastiera waħda kull darba (Tasti Permanenti) Press keyboard shortcuts one key at a time (Sticky Keys)
79Jekk nagħfas it-tasti ripetutament, injora l-għafsiet żejda (Tasti tal-Filtru) If I press keys repeatedly, ignore extra presses (Filter Keys)
80Uża t-tastiera numerika biex tmexxi l-maws madwar l-iskrin (Tasti tal-Maws) Use the numeric keypad to move the mouse around the screen (Mouse Keys)
81Isma' ħoss meta tagħfas CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, jew SCROLL LOCK (Tasti tal-Ittogiljar) Hear a tone when you press CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK (Toggle Keys)
82Agħmel li touch u tablets ikunu aktar faċli biex jintużaw Make touch and tablets easier to use
83Narratur Narrator
84Kabbar Magnifier
85Tastiera ta' Fuq l-Iskrin On-Screen Keyboard
86Xejn None
1102Indikaturi tal-maws Mouse pointers
1103Ikkontrolla l-maws bit-tastiera Control the mouse with the keyboard
1105Other programs installed Other programs installed
1106Abjad R&egolari &Regular White
1107Iswe&d Regolari Reg&ular Black
1108In&verżjoni Regolari Re&gular Inverting
1109Ab&jad Kbir &Large White
1110Is&wed Kbir Large &Black
1111Inverżjoni K&bira Large &Inverting
1112Abjad Kbir Ħa&fna E&xtra Large White
1113I&swed Kbir Ħafna Extra Large Blac&k
1114I&nverżjoni Kbira Ħafna Extra Large I&nverting
1115Attiva &tieqa billi tieqaf fuqha bil-maws Activate a &window by hovering over it with the mouse
1117Isma' test u deskrizzjonijiet moqrija b'leħen għoli Hear text and descriptions read aloud
1118Agħmel l-oġġetti fuq l-iskrin akbar Make things on the screen larger
1119Agħmel l-oġġetti fuq l-iskrin eħfef biex tarahom Make things on the screen easier to see
1121Ixgħel il-&Kabbar Turn on Mag&nifier
1124Uża għajnuniet viżivi flok ħsejjes Use visual cues instead of sounds
1129Agħmilha eħfef li tittajpja Make it easier to type
1138Agħmel il-kompjuter eħfef biex tużah Make your computer easier to use
1139Aċċess veloċi għal għodod komuni Quick access to common tools
1141Dejjem aqra din is-sezzjoni b'&leħen għoli Al&ways read this section aloud
1142Dejjem skennja din is-se&zzjoni Always scan this secti&on
1143Attiva l-Lenti tat-T&kabbir Start Ma&gnifier
1144Attiva n-&Narratur Start &Narrator
1145Attiva t-&Tastiera ta' Fuq l-Iskrin Start On-Screen &Keyboard
1148Ikkonfigur&a Kuntrast Qawwi Set &up High Contrast
1153Esplora s-settings kollha Explore all settings
1155Ottimizza għal dawk neqsin mid-dawl Optimize for blindness
1157Ottimizza d-displej viżwali Optimize visual display
1159Issettja tagħmir tal-input alternattiv Set up alternative input devices
1161Aġġusta s-settings tal-maws jew ta' indikaturi oħrajn Adjust settings for the mouse or other pointing devices
1163Aġġusta s-settings tat-tastiera Adjust settings for the keyboard
1165Issettja alternattivi għall-ħsejjes Set up alternatives for sounds
1167Aġġusta s-settings għall-qari u l-ittajpjar Adjust settings for reading and typing
1168Aġġusta l-limiti ta' ħin u l-viżwali li jteptpu Adjust time limits and flashing visuals
1169Uża t-tastiera numerika biex tmexxi l-maws madwar l-iskrin. Use the numeric keypad to move the mouse around the screen.
1171Ikkonfig&ura t-Tasti tal-Maws Set up Mouse Ke&ys
1172Agħfas ix-shortcuts tat-tastiera (bħal CTRL+ALT+DEL) tast wieħed kull darba. Press keyboard shortcuts (such as CTRL+ALT+DEL) one key at a time.
1174Ikkonfigur&a t-Tasti Permanenti Set up Sti&cky Keys
1175Isma' ton meta tagħfas CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, jew SCROLL LOCK. Hear a tone when you press CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK.
1176Ixgħel it-Tasti għall-Iswiċċja&r Turn on Toggle &Keys
1177Ixgħel it-Tasti għall-I&swiċċjar billi żżomm 'l isfel it-tast NUM LOCK għal 5 sekondi Turn on Toggle Keys by holding down the NUM LOCK key for &5 seconds
1178Injora jew naqqas ir-rata ta' għafsiet tat-tasti qosra jew ripetuti u aġġusta r-rata ta' ripetizzjoni tat-tastiera. Ignore or slow down brief or repeated keystrokes and adjust keyboard repeat rates.
1179Ixgħel it-Tasti tal-Fi<ru Turn on F&ilter Keys
1180Ikkonfigura &Tasti tal-Filtru Set up Fi<er Keys
1181Issottolinja x-short&cuts u t-tasti tal-aċċess tat-tastiera U&nderline keyboard shortcuts and access keys
1184Agħmilha eħfef li tuża x-shortcuts tat-tastiera Make it easier to use keyboard shortcuts
1187Ixgħel Tasti tal-&Filtru meta SHIFT leminija tkun magħfusa għal 8 sekondi Turn on Filter &Keys when right SHIFT is pressed for 8 seconds
1188Għażliet tal-filtru Filter options
1189Ixgħel il-&Bounce Keys Turn on &Bounce Keys
1190Jekk tqabbeż subgħajk fuq it-tasti bla ma tinduna, il-Bounce Keys jinjoraw għafsiet ta' tasti ripetuti qabel ikun għadda ċertu ħin. Agħżel int il-perjodu ta' ħin. If you unintentionally bounce your fingers on a key, Bounce Keys will ignore repeated keystrokes for a specific amount of time.
1191Kemm għandu jdum jistenna l-kompjuter qabel jaċċetta l-għafsiet tat-tasti? How long should the computer wait before accepting keystrokes?
1193Ixgħel it-Tasti ta' &Ripetizzjoni u t-Tasti Bil-mod Turn on &Repeat Keys and Slow Keys
1194Il-kompjuter se jinjora għafsiet ta' tasti qosra skont il-limiti ta' ħin li tissettja int. The computer will ignore brief keystrokes according to the time limits you set.
1195I&ssettja t-Tasti ta' Ripetizzjoni u t-Tasti Bil-mod Set &up Repeat Keys and Slow Keys
1196Ittajpja test hawn biex tittestja l-isse&ttjar: Type text here to test setti&ngs:
1197Issettjar ieħor Other settings
1198Doqq &meta t-tasti jingħafsu jew jiġu aċċettati Beep &when keys are pressed or accepted
1200In-Narratur jaqra jgħajjat kull test fuq l-iskrin. Inti jkollok bżonn l-ispikers. Narrator reads aloud any text on the screen. You will need speakers.
1201Ixgħ&el in-Narratur T&urn on Narrator
1203Issett&ja l-ħxuna tal-kerser iteptep: Set the thickness of the &blinking cursor:
1204Previżjoni: Preview:
1205Itfi l-animazzjonijiet żejda kollha (&meta possibbli) Turn off all unnecessary animations (&when possible)
1206Neħħi l-immaġni ta' sfond (fejn disponi&bbli) Remove back&ground images (where available)
1207Isma' deskrizzjonijiet ta' x'qed jiġri fil-vidjows (meta disponibbli). Hear descriptions of what's happening in videos (when available).
1208Ixgħel id-Deskri&zzjoni Awdjo Turn on Aud&io Description
1209Kemm għandhom idumu miftuħin il-kaxxi ta' djalogu ta' notifika tal-&Windows? How long should Windows notification dialog bo&xes stay open?
1214Evita li tuża l-maws u t-tastiera Avoid using the mouse and keyboard
1215Tkellem f'mikrofonu biex tikkontrolla l-kompjuter, tiftaħ il-progammi, u tiddetta test. Speak into a microphone to control the computer, open programs, and dictate text.
1216&Uża l-Għarfien tat-Taħdit &Use Speech Recognition
1217Ittajpja bl-użu tal-maws jew ta' tagħmir indikatur ieħor bħal joystick billi tagħżel tasti minn fuq stampa ta' tastiera. Type using the mouse or another pointing device such as a joystick by selecting keys from a picture of a keyboard.
1218Uża t-&Tastiera fuq l-Iskrin Use On-Screen &Keyboard
1221Ixgħel it-&Tasti tal-Maws bl-ALT xellug + SHIFT xellug + NUM LOCK Turn on Mouse &Keys with left ALT + left SHIFT + NUM LOCK
1222Veloċità tal-indikatur Pointer speed
1223L-ogħla veloċità: Top speed:
1224Baxx Low
1225Għoli High
1226Aċċellerazzjoni: Acceleration:
1227Bil-mod Slow
1228Veloċi Fast
1229Żomm magħfus &CTRL biex tħaffef u SHIFT biex tnaqqas il-veloċità Hold do&wn CTRL to speed up and SHIFT to slow down
1231Uża Tasti tal-Maws meta NUM LOCK ikun: Use Mouse Keys when NUM LOCK is:
1232Mi&xgħul O&n
1233Mitfi Off
1234Uri l-ikona tat-T&asti tal-Maws fuq it-taskbar Display the Mouse Ke&ys icon on the taskbar
1236Isma' t-test moqri jgħajjat Hear text read aloud
1237I&ssettja Test għal Taħdit &Set up Text to Speech
1239Issettja t-Tasti ta' Ripetizzjoni u t-Tasti Bil-mod Set up Repeat Keys and Slow Keys
1240Evita għafis ripetut ta' tasti meta żżomm tast magħfus Avoid repeated keystrokes when you hold down a key
1242Injora l-għafsiet tat-tasti ripet&uti kollha Ig&nore all repeated keystrokes
1244&Naqqas ir-rati ta' ripetizzjoni tat-tastiera Slow down keyboard repeat &rates
1246Kemm għandu jdum jistenna &l-kompjuter qabel jaċċetta tasti magħfusin repetutament? How &long should the computer wait before accepting subsequent repeated keystrokes?
1247Kemm għandu jdum jistenna l-kompjuter qabel jaċċetta l-ewwel għafsa ta' tast ripetuta? How long should the computer wait before accepting the first repeated keystroke?
1248Evita tagħfis aċċidentali ta' tasti Avoid accidental keystrokes
1249Kemm tixtieq iddum tagħfas &tast qabel mal-kompjuter jaċċetta l-għafsa tat-tast? How long do you want to hold down a &key before your computer accepts the keystroke?
1250Ittajpja test ha&wn biex tittestja l-issettjar: Type text here to test settin&gs:
1251Ikseb rakkomandazzjonijiet biex tagħmel il-kompjuter eħfef biex tużah Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use
1252Wieġeb il-mistoqsijiet li ġejjin biex ikollok rakkomandazzjonijiet għall-issettjar li jista' jagħmel il-kompjuter eħfef biex tarah, tisimgħu, u tużah. Answer the following questions to get recommendations for settings that can make your computer easier to see, hear, and use.
1253Għal kull mistoqsija, agħżel id-dikjarazzjonijiet kollha li japplikaw għalik. Meta tlesti, tista' tiddeċiedi liema ssettjar tattiva. For each question, select all statements that apply to you. When you're done, you can decide which settings to turn on.
1255Vista (1 minn 5) Eyesight (1 of 5)
1256Immaġini u te&st fuq it-TV diffiċli narahom (anke bin-nuċċali). Images and te&xt on TV are difficult to see (even when I'm wearing glasses).
1257Il-kundizzjonijiet tad-da&wl jagħmluha diffiċli li nara immaġni fuq il-moniter. Lighting conditions make it difficult to &see images on my monitor.
1258Jien nieqes &mid-dawl. I am b&lind.
1259Għandi tip ieħor ta' &nuqqas ta' vista (anke jekk in-nuċċali jikkoreġih). I have another type of vision &impairment (even if glasses correct it).
1263Li &Jmiss &Next
1264Ikk&anċella &Cancel
1265Ħeffa (2 minn 5) Dexterity (2 of 5)
1266Pinen u lapsijiet diffiċli nużaho&m. &Pens and pencils are difficult to use.
1267Kundizzjoni fiżika taffettwa l-&użu ta' dirgħajja, il-polz, idejja, jew is-swaba' tiegħi. A physical condition affects the &use of my arms, wrists, hands, or fingers.
1268Jien ma nużax &tastiera. I do not use a &keyboard.
1269Smigħ (3 minn 5) Hearing (3 of 5)
1270Il-k&onverżazzjonijiet jistgħu jkunu diffiċli li nismagħhom (anke b'apparat tas-smigħ). C&onversations can be difficult to hear (even with a hearing aid).
1271Ħsejjes fl-isfond jagħmlu l-kompju&ter diffiċli li nisimgħu. &Background noise makes the computer difficult to hear.
1272Jien &ma nismax tajjeb. I a&m hard of hearing.
1273Jie&n nieqes mis-smigħ. &I am deaf.
1274Raġunar (5 minn 5) Reasoning (5 of 5)
1275Spiss huwa d&iffiċli għalija li nikkonċentra. It is often d&ifficult for me to concentrate.
1276Għandi problemi fit-&tagħlim, bħal disleksja. I have a &learning disability, such as dyslexia.
1277Spiss hu&wa diffiċli għalija li niftakar l-affarijiet. It is often difficult for me to remember thin&gs.
1278&Lest D&one
1281Ixgħel it-Tasti tal-&Maws Turn on &Mouse Keys
1282Ixgħel it-Tasti &Permanenti Tu&rn on Sticky Keys
1284Ittajpja bl-użu ta' tagħmir indikatur Type using a pointing device
1286&Uri l-ikona tat-Tast Filtru fuq it-taskbar Displa&y the Filter Keys icon on the taskbar
1288Oħloq punt ta' restawr għall-backup Create a restore point for backup
1289Agħżel twissija viżiva Choose visual warning
1290Xej&n &None
1291&Strixxa tal-caption attiva Flash Flash active caption &bar
1292&Tieqa attiva Flash Flash active &window
1293&Desktop Flash Flash des&ktop
1295Ixgħel it-Tasti &Permanenti meta tagħfas SHIFT għal ħames darbiet Turn on Sticky &Keys when SHIFT is pressed five times
1296Għażliet Options
1297I&llokkja t-tasti modifikaturi meta jingħafsu darbtejn wara xulxin &Lock modifier keys when pressed twice in a row
1298Ifti t-Tasti Permanenti meta żewġ tasti jingħafsu f'&daqqa T&urn off Sticky Keys when two keys are pressed at once
1299Notifiki Feedback
1300Doqq ħoss meta jingħa&fsu t-tasti Pla&y a sound when modifier keys are pressed
1301U&ri l-ikona tat-Tasti Permanenti fuq it-taskbar D&isplay the Sticky Keys icon on the task bar
1302Il-Kabbar jiżżumja kullimkien fuq l-iskrin, u jkabbar kollox f'dik l-erja. Tista' tmexxi l-Kabbar 'l hawn u 'l hinn, tillokkjah f'post wieħed, jew tibdillu d-daqs. Magnifier zooms in anywhere on the screen, and makes everything in that area larger. You can move Magnifier around, lock it in one place, or resize it.
1304&OK &OK
1305Ikkanċella Cancel
1306Appl&ika A&pply
1307In-&nies isibuha diffiċli biex jifhmuni f'konverżazzjoni (iżda mhux minħabba aċċent). Other &people have difficulty understanding me in a conversation (but not due to an accent).
1308Għandi problema fit-&taħdit. I have a &speech impairment.
1309Meta tuża x-shortcuts tat-tastiera biex tixgħel is-settings tal-Faċilità ta' Aċċess: When using keyboard shortcuts to turn Ease of Access settings on:
1312Taħdit (4 minn 5) Speech (4 of 5)
1314Ikseb rakkomandazzjonijiet bie&x tagħmel il-kompjuter eħfef biex tużah Get &recommendations to make your computer easier to use
1319Ara wkoll See also
1320Il-Kabbar jista’ jkabbar parti mill-iskrin. Magnifier enlarges part of the screen.
1321In-Narratur jaqra jgħajjat it-test ta’ fuq l-iskrin. Narrator reads aloud text on the screen.
1322It-Tastiera ta' Fuq l-Iskrin tippermettilek tittajpja bil-maws jew b'tagħmir indikatur ieħor billi tikklikkja tasti fuq stampa ta’ tastiera. On-Screen Keyboard makes it possible to type using the mouse or another pointing device by clicking keys on a picture of a keyboard.
1325Ib&del id-daqs tat-test u l-ikoni Change the si&ze of text and icons
1326Aġġusta l-kulur u t-traspare&nza tal-borduri tat-tieqa Ad&just the color and transparency of the window borders
1327Agħme&l ir-rettanglu tal-iffukar eħxen Make the focus rectangle thic&ker
1328Issettjar ta&l-maws Mouse &settings
1329Issettjar tat-&tastiera Key&board settings
1330Tagħmir tal-A&wdjo u Temi tal-Ħoss Aud&io Devices and Sound Themes
1331Dan l-issettjar jista' jgħinek tissettja l-kompjuter skont il-ħtiġijiet tiegħek. Ara r-rakkomandazzjonijiet hawn taħt u agħżel l-għażliet li tixtieq tuża. These settings can help you set up your computer to meet your needs. Review the recommended settings below and select the options that you want to use.
1332M'hemmx rakkomandazzjonijiet skont l-għażliet tiegħek. There are no recommendations based on your selections.
1333Tista' tipprova waħda minn żewġ affarijiet: You can try one of two things:
1334Mili mill-ġdid tal-kwestjonarju. Completing the questionnaire again.
1335Paġna ewlenija tal-Faċilità ta' Aċċess. Return to the Ease of Access home page.
1342Tista' tagħżel li t-teknoloġiji ta' assistenza jibdew awtomatikament meta tidħol, wara li tidħol, jew it-tnejn. Agħżel il-kaxxi fejn timmarka għal kull għażla li tixtieq tuża. You can have assistive technologies start automatically when you sign in, after you sign in, or both. Select the check boxes for each option you'd like to use.
1346Agħżel id-dikjarazzjonijiet kollha li japplikaw għalik: Select all statements that apply to you:
1347I&xgħel in-notifiki viżivi għall-ħsejjes (Sentinella tal-Ħoss) Tu&rn on visual notifications for sounds (Sound Sentry)
1348Ixgħel il-&captions tat-test għal djalogu mitkellem (meta disponibbli) T&urn on text captions for spoken dialog (when available)
1349Ixgħel jew itfi Kuntrast Qawwi meta tagħfas ALT &xellug + SHIFT xellug + PRINT SCREEN Turn on or off High Contrast when &left ALT + left SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN is pressed
1357&Uri messaġġ ta’ twissija meta nixgħel issettjar Display &a warning message when turning a setting on
1358&Agħmel ħoss meta nixgħel jew nitfi ssettjar &Make a sound when turning a setting on or off
1360Agħmel ħoss meta nixgħel je&w nitfi ssettjar Make a sound when t&urning a setting on or off
1361Uri messaġġ ta’ t&wissija meta nixgħel issettjar Display &a warning message when turning a setting on
1369I&xgħel it-Tasti Permanenti Tu&rn on Sticky Keys
1370&Tagħmir tal-Awdjo u Temi tal-Ħoss &Audio Devices and Sound Themes
1372Kuntrast Qawwi High Contrast
1373Magnifier enlarges part of the screen. Magnifier enlarges part of the screen.
1374On-Screen Keyboard makes it possible to type using the mouse or another pointing device by clicking keys on a picture of a keyboard. On-Screen Keyboard makes it possible to type using the mouse or another pointing device by clicking keys on a picture of a keyboard.
1376Kuntrast qawwi jżid il-kuntrast fil-kuluri biex inaqqas l-għeja tal-għajnejn u jiffaċilita l-qari. Biex tixegħlu, agħfas Shift xellug+Alt xellug + Print Screen. High contrast increases the contrast in colors to reduce eyestrain and make things easier to read. To turn it on, press Left Shift+Left Alt+ Print Screen.
1379Use the computer without a display Use the computer without a display
1381Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard
1383Make the keyboard easier to use Make the keyboard easier to use
1384Use text or visual alternatives for sounds Use text or visual alternatives for sounds
1385Make it easier to focus on tasks Make it easier to focus on tasks
1386Mhux ċert imnejn tibda? Not sure where to start?
1387Get Help Get Help
1388Għajnuna Help
1389Meta tagħżel dawn is-settings, dawn jibdew awtomatikament kull darba li tidħol. When you select these settings, they will automatically start each time you sign in.
1390Meta tagħżel dawn l-għodod, dawn jibdew awtomatikament kull darba li tidħol. When you select these tools, they will automatically start each time you sign in.
1391Ippersonali&zza id-dehra u l-effetti tal-ħoss Pe&rsonalize appearance and sound effects
1392Irfina l-effetti tad-de&hra Fine tune display effe&cts
1393Żid tastiera &Dvorak u ibdel l-issettjar l-ieħor tal-input tat-tastiera Add a Dvorak keyboard and chan&ge other keyboard input settings
1394Il-kompjuter jista' jinjora l-għafsiet kollha ripetuti tat-tasti jew tista' tissettja intervall ta' ħin qabel ma jaċċetta l-għafsiet ripetuti. Your computer can ignore all repeated keystrokes or you can set the time interval before it accepts repeated keystrokes.
1395Tista' tuża l-għodod f'din is-sezzjoni biex jgħinuk tibda. You can use the tools in this section to help you get started.
1396Windows jista' jaqra u jiskennja din il-lista awtomatikament. Agħfas l-iSPACEBAR biex tagħżel l-għodda mdawla. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the SPACEBAR to select the highlighted tool.
1397Ibdel il-kulur u d-daqs tal-indikaturi tal-maws. Change the color and size of mouse pointers.
1399Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use. Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use.
1400These programs are available on this computer. Running more than one at a time might cause conflicts. These programs are available on this computer. Running more than one at a time might cause conflicts.
1401Agħ&żel skema ta' kuluri b'Kuntrast Qawwi Choose a High Cont&rast color scheme
1402Shortcut tat-tastiera Keyboard shortcut
1403Qari Reading
1406Issettja l-ħxuna tal-kerser iteptep Set the thickness of the blinking cursor
1407Kemm għandhom idumu miftuħin il-kaxxi ta' djalogu ta' notifika tal-Windows? How long should Windows notification dialog boxes stay open?
1409Kemm tixtieq iddum tagħfas tast qabel mal-kompjuter jaċċetta l-għafsa tat-tast? How long do you want to hold down a key before your computer accepts the keystroke?
1410test test
1412Kemm għandu jdum jistenna l-kompjuter qabel jaċċetta tasti magħfusin repetutament? How long should the computer wait before accepting subsequent repeated keystrokes?
1413L-ogħla veloċità Top speed
1414Aċċellerazzjoni Acceleration
1416Uża l-Għarfien tat-Taħ&dit Use Speech Recog&nition
1417Agħmilha aktar faċli biex tuża l-windows Make it easier to manage windows
1419Evita li l-windows jirranġaw ruħhom awtomatikament meta jiġu mċaqalqa lejn ix-xifer tal-iskrin Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen
1422Teknoloġija ta' Assistenza Assistive Technology
14241429 1429
1431Aġġusta s-settings għal touch u tablets Adjust settings for touch and tablets
1432Make touch and tablets easier to use Make touch and tablets easier to use
1433Meta tagħfas flimkien il-buttuna Windows u l-buttuna Volum 'il Fuq fuq it-tablet tiegħek, dan jista' jiftaħ l-għodda tal-aċċessibilità. Liema għodda tal-aċċessibilità tixtieq tniedi? Pressing the Windows button and Volume up button together on your tablet can start an accessibility tool. Which accessibility tool would you like to be launched?
1435Niedi għodod komuni Launching common tools
1436Agħmel li touch ikun aktar faċli biex jintuża Make touch easier to use
1437Għodod tal-aċċessibilità Accessibility tools
1438Niedi din l-għodda mill-iskrin tad-dħul Launch this tool from the sign-in screen
1439Touch u tablets Touch and tablets
1440Wara d-dħul After sign-in
1441Mad-dħul At sign-in
1442Meta tagħfas flimkien il-buttuna Windows u l-buttuna Volum 'il Fuq fuq it-tablet tiegħek, dan jista' jiftaħ l-għodda tal-aċċessibilità. Biex tibdel liema għodda titnieda meta tagħfas dawn il-buttuni wara li tkun dħalt, mur fil-paġna Agħmel li touch u tablets ikunu aktar faċli biex jintużaw. Pressing the Windows button and Volume Up button together on your tablet can start an accessibility tool. To change which tool launches when you press these buttons after you've signed in, go to the Make touch and tablets easier to use page.
5002Windows Standard (kbir) Windows Standard (large)
5003Windows Standard (extra large) Windows Standard (extra large)
5004Windows Black Windows Black
5005Windows Black (large) Windows Black (large)
5006Windows Black (extra large) Windows Black (extra large)
5007Windows Inverted Windows Inverted
5008Windows Inverted (large) Windows Inverted (large)
5009Windows Inverted (extra large) Windows Inverted (extra large)
6000Ease of Access Sign-in Settings Ease of Access Sign-in Settings
6001The System Restore Wizard failed to start. The System Restore Wizard failed to start.
6002You do not have the required privileges to change sign-in settings. You do not have the required privileges to change sign-in settings.
6003An unexpected error occured elevating your privileges. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occured elevating your privileges. (0x%xL)
6004Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool.
6005An unexpected error occurred displaying help topic. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred displaying help topic. (0x%xL)
6006An unexpected error occurred creating help interface. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred creating help interface. (0x%xL)
6007An unexpected error occurred linking to Color Scheme Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to Color Scheme Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6008An unexpected error occurred linking to the Display (Make fonts larger or smaller) Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Display (Make fonts larger or smaller) Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6009An unexpected error occurred linking to the Personalization Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Personalization Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6010An unexpected error occurred linking to the Speech Recognition Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Speech Recognition Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6011An unexpected error occurred linking to the Mouse Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Mouse Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6012An unexpected error occurred linking to the Keyboard Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Keyboard Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6013An unexpected error occurred linking to the Sound Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Sound Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6014An unexpected error occurred linking to the Text to Speech Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Text to Speech Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6015An unexpected error occurred linking to a URL. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to a URL. (0x%xL)
6016Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. ,,,,,You can tab through the options and select them by pressing the Spacebar Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. ,,,,,You can tab through the options and select them by pressing the Spacebar
6019An unexpected error occurred linking to the Region and Language Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Region and Language Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6020An unexpected error occurred starting or configuring a program to run automatically. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred starting or configuring a program to run automatically. (0x%xL)
6021An unexpected error occurred configuring program not to run. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred configuring program not to run. (0x%xL)


File Name:accessibilitycpl.dll.mui
File Size:40 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:39936
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (043A)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Panew tal-kontroll tal-Faċilità ta' Aċċess
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:AccessibilityCpl
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kull Dritt Riżervat.
Original File Name:AccessibilityCpl.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Ole Self Register:

What is accessibilitycpl.dll.mui?

accessibilitycpl.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Maltese language for file accessibilitycpl.dll (Panew tal-kontroll tal-Faċilità ta' Aċċess).

File version info

File Description:Panew tal-kontroll tal-Faċilità ta' Aċċess
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:AccessibilityCpl
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kull Dritt Riżervat.
Original Filename:AccessibilityCpl.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x43A, 1200