If an error occurred or the following message in Maltese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id |
Maltese |
English |
100 | Microsoft Passport |
Microsoft Passport |
101 | Jipprovdi iżolament tal-proċess għall-kodiċijiet kriptografiċi użati biex jawtentikaw għal fornituri assoċjati tal-identità tal-utent. Jekk dan is-servizz huwa ddiżattivat, l-użi u l-immaniġġjar ta' dawn il-kodiċijiet ma jkunux disponibbli, u dawn jinkludu lloggjar fuq il-kompjuter u dħul waħdieni għal applikazzjonijiet u websajts. Dan is-servizz jibda u jieqaf awtomatikament. Huwa rrakkomandat li ma tikkonfigurax dan is-servizz mill-ġdid. |
Provides process isolation for cryptographic keys used to authenticate to a user’s associated identity providers. If this service is disabled, all uses and management of these keys will not be available, which includes machine logon and single-sign on for apps and websites. This service starts and stops automatically. It is recommended that you do not reconfigure this service. |
200 | Qed niżguraw li dan/din int |
Making sure it’s you |
201 | Għas-sigurtà, %1!s! jeħtieġ jivverifika l-identità tiegħek. |
For security, %1!s! needs to verify your identity. |
202 | Ibdel il-PIN tiegħek |
Change your PIN |
203 | Ibdel il-PIN tax-xogħol tiegħek |
Change your work PIN |
204 | Il-PIN ħażin. Erġa’ pprova. |
The PIN is incorrect. Try again. |
205 | L-organizzazzjoni tiegħek teħtieġ li inti tibdel il-PIN tiegħek. |
Your organization requires that you change your PIN. |
206 | applikazzjoni |
an application |
207 | Agħti PIN li ma użajtx dan l-aħħar. |
Provide a PIN that you haven’t used recently. |