WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui Raadiovõrguhalduri teek fc100d2f4268866c40a3e525bba000a5

File info

File name: WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui
Size: 69632 byte
MD5: fc100d2f4268866c40a3e525bba000a5
SHA1: 2ef6e87dd7641a653846d71b49ded7b4d1cdb314
SHA256: f213aac322386f77d3ec273e2f61a879fda8e1670a4eae803e17031f8ff678ee
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

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id Estonian English
4097Raadiovõrgu haldur Wireless Network Manager
4098Haldab erinevat tüüpi raadiovõrkude konfigureerimist ja L3-autentimist. Manages the configuration and L3 authentication for various different types of Wireless networks.
4099Raadiovõrk Wireless
4196Nimi Name
4197206-555-0123 206-555-0123
4198[email protected] [email protected]
4199%s nõuab parooli Password required for %s
4200Sekkumine on nõutav: %s Action needed for %s
4201Kas tulete siia sageli? Come here often?
4203Kas soovite ühenduse luua? Connect?
4204Saate Wi-Fi-võrguga ühenduse luua. Connect to Wi-Fi.
4205Parandamiseks valige see. Select to fix it.
4206Ühenduse loomine Connecting
4207Ava brauser Go to browser
4208Lõpeta võrgu ühiskasutus Finish sharing the network
4209Logige sisse oma Microsofti kontoga, et luua ühendus soovitatavate avatud pääsupunktidega. Sign in with your Microsoft account to connect to suggested open hotspots.
4211Üksuse %s jaoks on vaja puhverserveri parooli Proxy password needed for %s
4212Valige brauseri avamiseks ja ühenduse loomiseks. Select to open the browser and connect.
4296Outlook.com-i kontaktid Outlook.com contacts
4297Skype'i kontaktid Skype contacts
4298Facebooki sõbrad Facebook friends
4299Selfhost Selfhost
19204Saate WLAN-iga ühenduse luua. Connect to WLAN.
0x11000001Tõrge Error
0x11000002Jõudlus Performance
0x11000003API-d APIs
0x11000004Olek Status
0x11000005Paljusõnaline Verbose
0x1100000FMinuMärksõna MyKeyword
0x11000010Mälu Memory
0x12000031Reaktsiooniaeg Response Time
0x31000001Käivita Start
0x31000002Peata Stop
0x50000003Hoiatus Warning
0x50000004Teave Information
0x72000001Pääsupunkti autentimine Hotspot Authentication
0x72000002WISPri tuvastamine WISPr Detection
0x72000003Pääsupunkti tuvastamine Hotspot Detection
0x90000001WiFiConnSvc jälgimine WiFiConnSvc tracing
0x92000001Microsoft-Windows-HotspotAuth Microsoft-Windows-HotspotAuth
0x92000002Microsoft-Windows-HotspotAuth/Analytic Microsoft-Windows-HotspotAuth/Analytic
0x92000003Microsoft-Windows-HotspotAuth/Operational Microsoft-Windows-HotspotAuth/Operational
0xB0000064NotifMgr – kliendi teatiste registreerimise sündmuse loomine nurjus, %1. NotifMgr - Failed to create event for client notification registration, %1.
0xB0000066NotifMgr – klient on nüüd teatiste jaoks registreeritud. NotifMgr - Client successfully registered for notifications.
0xB0000067NotifMgr – kliendi registreerimine teatiste jaoks on nüüd tühistatud. NotifMgr - Client successfully unregistered for notifications.
0xB0000068NotifMgr – lähtestamine on lõpule jõudnud. NotifMgr - Finished initializing.
0xB0000069NotifMgr – lähtestamine tühistatud. NotifMgr - Uninitialized.
0xB000006ANotifMgr – uue WNF-ühenduse oleku avaldamine, tüüp = %1, olek = %2, ntStatus = %3. NotifMgr - Publishing new WNF connection state, type = %1, state = %2, ntStatus = %3.
0xB000006BNotifMgr – poliitika oleku värskendamise teatis vastu võetud. Uus olek = %1. NotifMgr - Received policy state update notifiction. New state = %1.
0xB000006CNotifMgr – poliitika teatiste jaoks registreerimine nurjus. NotifMgr - Failed to register for policy notifications.
0xB000006DNotifMgr – kasutust õhutav vihje vastu võetud. NotifMgr - Received hint to encourage usage.
0xB00000C8PowerMgr – energiarežiimi oleku päring oleku muutmise kohta nurjus, %1. PowerMgr - Failed to query power state for indicating state change, %1.
0xB00000C9PowerMgr – raadio oleku muutmise teatis WlanSvc-lt vastu võetud, PhyIndex = %1, olek = %2. PowerMgr - Received radio state change notification from WlanSvc, PhyIndex = %1, state = %2.
0xB00000CAPowerMgr – WLAN-i teatiste jaoks registreerimine nurjus, %1. PowerMgr - Failed to register for Wlan Notifications, %1.
0xB00000CBPowerMgr – algse viipamisoleku päring registrist nurjus, %1. PowerMgr - Failed to query initial prompting state from registry, %1.
0xB00000CCPowerMgr – viipamisoleku salvestamine registrisse nurjus, %1. PowerMgr - Failed to save prompting state to registry, %1.
0xB00000CDPowerMgr – WLAN-i lähtestamine on lõppenud. PowerMgr - Finished initializing Wlan.
0xB00000CEPowerMgr – WLAN-i lähtestamine on tühistatud, %1. PowerMgr - Uninitialized Wlan, %1.
0xB00000CFPowerMgr – energiarežiimi lähtestamine on lõppenud. PowerMgr - Finished initializing Power.
0xB00000D0PowerMgr – energiarežiimi lähtestamine on tühistatud. PowerMgr - Uninitialized Power.
0xB00000D1PowerMgr – rändluse alguse teatis vastu võetud. PowerMgr - Received roaming start notification.
0xB00000D2PowerMgr – rändluse lõpu teatis vastu võetud. PowerMgr - Received roaming end notification.
0xB00000D3PowerMgr – energiarežiimi oleku muutmise teatise saatmine klientidele, %1. PowerMgr - Sending power state changed notification to clients, %1.
0xB00000D4PowerMgr – praeguse vahemällu salvestatud Phy loenduse seadmine väärtusele %1. PowerMgr - Setting current cached Phy count to %1.
0xB00000D5PowerMgr – liidese raadio praeguse oleku päring. PowerMgr - Querying current radio state of interface.
0xB00000D6PowerMgr – raadio praeguse oleku toomine nurjus, %1. PowerMgr - Failed to get current radio state, %1.
0xB00000D7PowerMgr – raadio praegune olek on nüüd toodud = %1. PowerMgr - Successfully got current radio state = %1.
0xB00000D8PowerMgr – energiarežiimi uue oleku seadmine = %1. PowerMgr - Setting new power state = %1.
0xB00000D9PowerMgr – energiarežiimi praeguse oleku seadmine nurjus, %1. PowerMgr - Failed to set current power state, %1.
0xB00000DAPowerMgr – energiarežiimi praegune olek on nüüd seatud. PowerMgr - Successfully set current power state.
0xB00000DBPowerMgr – energiarežiimi seadmiseks saadi sobimatu kutse, newState = %1, curState = %2, isChanging = %3. PowerMgr - Got an invalid call to set power, newState = %1, curState = %2, isChanging = %3.
0xB00000DCPowerMgr – saadi asünkroonseks seatud energiarežiimi kutse, praegu ootel. PowerMgr - Got an async set power call with one currently pending.
0xB00000DDPowerMgr – energiarežiimi uue oleku seadmine (asünkroonne) = %1. PowerMgr - Setting new power state (async) = %1.
0xB00000DEPowerMgr – energiarežiimi praeguse oleku seadmine nurjus (asünkroonne), %1. PowerMgr - Failed to set current power state (async), %1.
0xB00000DFPowerMgr – energiarežiimi praegune olek on nüüd seatud (asünkroonne). PowerMgr - Successfully set current power state (async).
0xB00000E0PowerMgr – energiarežiimi uue oleku avaldamine, %1. PowerMgr - Publishing new power status, %1.
0xB00000E1PowerMgr – AC WNF-teatiste jaoks registreerimine nurjus. PowerMgr - Failed to register for AC WNF notifications.
0xB00000E2PowerMgr – jälgimise WNF-teatiste jaoks registreerimine nurjus. PowerMgr - Failed to register for Monitor WNF notifications.
0xB00000E3PowerMgr – kasutaja kohaloleku WNF-teatiste jaoks registreerimine nurjus. PowerMgr - Failed to register for USer Presence WNF notifications.
0xB00000E4PowerMgr – tegevuse WNF-teatiste jaoks registreerimine nurjus. PowerMgr - Failed to register for Activity WNF notifications.
0xB00000E5PowerMgr – akusäästja WNF-teatiste jaoks registreerimine nurjus. PowerMgr - Failed to register for Battery Saver WNF notifications.
0xB00000E6PowerMgr – AOAC WNF-teatiste jaoks registreerimine nurjus. PowerMgr - Failed to register for AOAC WNF notifications.
0xB00000E7PowerMgr – taustal otsimise taimer on käivitatud. PowerMgr - Background scan timer fired.
0xB000012CScanMgr – otsimise nurjumise teatis WlanSvc-lt vastu võetud. WLAN_REASON_CODE: %1 ScanMgr - Received a scan failed notification from WlanSvc. WLAN_REASON_CODE: %1
0xB000012DScanMgr – otsimise lõpuleviimise teatis WlanSvc-lt vastu võetud (sobivad võrgud – %1). ScanMgr - Received a scan complete notification from WlanSvc (%1 valid networks).
0xB000012EScanMgr – vahemällu salvestatud otsingute loend tühjendatakse, kuna mitu otsingut nurjus järjest. ScanMgr - Clearing cached scan list because of multiple scan failures in a row.
0xB000012FScanMgr – otsimisrežiimiks seati AKTIIVNE. ScanMgr - Scan mode changed to ACTIVE.
0xB0000130ScanMgr – otsimisrežiimiks seati PASSIIVNE. ScanMgr - Scan mode changed to PASSIVE.
0xB0000131ScanMgr – peidetud võrgu otsimise alustamine nurjus, %1. ScanMgr - Failed to start scan for hidden network, %1.
0xB0000132ScanMgr – aktiivse otsingu otsimise alustamine nurjus, %1. ScanMgr - Failed to start scan for active scan, %1.
0xB0000133ScanMgr – WLAN-liidese toomine teenuse alguses nurjus, %1. ScanMgr - Failed to get wlan interface at start of service, %1.
0xB0000134ScanMgr – lähtestamine on lõpule jõudnud. ScanMgr - Finished initializing.
0xB0000135ScanMgr – lähtestamine on tühistatud. ScanMgr - Uninitialized.
0xB0000136ScanMgr – STA-režiimi liidese GUID on nüüd WLAN-ist toodud. ScanMgr - Successfully got the STA mode interface GUID from Wlan.
0xB0000137ScanMgr – STA-režiimi liidese GUID toomine WLAN-ist nurjus, %1. ScanMgr - Failed to get the STA mode interface GUID from Wlan, %1.
0xB0000138ScanMgr – vahemällu salvestatud WLAN-liidese GUID on tühjendatud. ScanMgr - Cached Wlan interface GUID cleared.
0xB0000139ScanMgr – vahemällu salvestatud WLAN-i jaoks saadaolevate võrkude loend on tühjendatud. ScanMgr - Cached Wlan available network list cleared.
0xB000013AScanMgr – klient lähtestab peidetud võrgu otsimise: %2. ScanMgr - Client initiating a scan for a hidden network: %2.
0xB000013BScanMgr – klient taotles saadaolevate võrkude loendit, kui ühtegi võrku polnud saadaval. ScanMgr - Client requested available network list when there currently was none.
0xB000013CScanMgr – saadaolevate võrkude loendi toomine WLAN-ist nurjus, %1 ScanMgr - Failed to get the available network list from Wlan, %1
0xB000013DScanMgr – saadaolevate võrkude loendi koostamisel nurjus SSID stringiks teisendamine: %2. ScanMgr - Failed to convert SSID to string while building available network list: %2.
0xB000013EScanMgr – otsimisrežiimi seadmine olekusse PASSIIVNE, taustal otsimine on keelatud. ScanMgr - Setting scan mode to PASSIVE on background scan disable.
0xB000013FScanMgr – WNF-teatiste tellimine meediumi kasutajaliidese taotluste jaoks, ntstatus=%1. ScanMgr - Subscribing for WNF notifications for Media UI Requests, ntstatus=%1.
0xB0000140ScanMgr – WNF-i teatiste tellimise tühistamine meediumi kasutajaliidese taotluste jaoks, ntstatus=%1. ScanMgr - Unsubscribing for WNF notifications for Media UI Requests, ntstatus=%1.
0xB0000141ScanMgr – praeguse võrgu otsimine vahemällu salvestatud võrkude loendist nurjus ühenduse statistika seadmise ajal. ScanMgr - Failed to find the current network in the cached network list while setting the connection statistics.
0xB0000142ScanMgr – otsimise alustamine nurjus, %1. ScanMgr - Failed to start scan, %1.
0xB0000143ScanMgr – leiti praeguse ühenduse vahemälu. Autentimine = %1, šiffer = %2, turvaline = %3, signaali tugevus = %4. ScanMgr - Found cache for current connection. Auth = %1, Cipher = %2, Secure = %3, Signal Strength = %4.
0xB0000144ScanMgr – praeguse ühenduse %1 seadmine olekusse Toiming on nõutav, kuna kasutajaliidese taotluses ilmnes ajalõpp. ScanMgr - Setting Current Connection, %1, as Action Required because of UI Request Timeout.
0xB0000145ScanMgr – praeguse ühenduse %1 seadmine olekusse Toiming on nõutav, kuna automaatühenduse autoriseerimine nurjus. ScanMgr - Setting Current Connection, %1, as Action Required because of Auth Fail for Auto Connect.
0xB0000146ScanMgr – võrguüksuse tagastamine otsingusse olekuga Toiming on nõutav, %2. ScanMgr - Returning Network Item in Scan as Action Required, %2.
0xB0000147ScanMgr – ühenduse nime %1 tagastamine taotlusse olekuga Toiming on nõutav. ScanMgr - Returning Connection Name %1 as Action Required on request.
0xB0000148ScanMgr – aktiivse otsimistaotluse väljastamine WLAN-ile. ScanMgr - Issuing an active scan request to Wlan.
0xB0000149ScanMgr – tavalise otsimistaotluse väljastamine WLAN-ile. ScanMgr - Issuing an normal scan request to Wlan.
0xB000014AScanMgr – klient taotles bss-loendit, kui seda polnud. ScanMgr - Client requested bss list when there currently was none.
0xB000014BScanMgr – %1: toimingut nõudva topelttõrke ignoreerimine. ScanMgr - Ignoring duplicate action required failure for %1.
0xB000014CScanMgr – vahemällu salvestatud Bss-loend on värskendatud. ScanMgr - Updated the cached Bss List.
0xB000014DScanMgr – leiti %1 kehtivat SSID-d, millega vahemälu värskendada. ScanMgr - Found %1 valid SSIDs to update cache with.
0xB000014EScanMgr – vahemällu salvestatud Ssid-loend on värskendatud. ScanMgr - Updated the cached Ssid List.
0xB000014FScanMgr – võrguloendi edastamine AutoConnectile. ScanMgr - Passing network list to AutoConnect.
0xB0000150ScanMgr – leiti segarežiimi AP, mis on praegu konfigureeritud WPA-na. Võimalik on teisendamine WPA2-ks. ScanMgr - Found a Mixed Mode AP currently configured as WPA. Possibly candidate for conversion to WPA2.
0xB0000190WiFiUserHost – hostimoodulite lähtestamine. WiFiUserHost - Initializing host modules.
0xB0000191WiFiUserHost – hostimoodulite lähtestamine on lõpule jõudnud, %1. WiFiUserHost - Finished initializing host modules, %1.
0xB0000192WiFiUserHost – hostimoodulite lähtestamise tühistamine. WiFiUserHost - Uninitializing host modules.
0xB0000193WiFiUserHost – hostimoodulite lähtestamise tühistamine on lõpule jõudnud, %1. WiFiUserHost - Finished uninitializing host modules, %1.
0xB0000194WiFiUserHost – WPP logimise pakkuja lubamine nurjus, pakkuja %1, hr = %2. WiFiUserHost - Failed to enable provider for WPP Logging for provider %1 with hr = %2.
0xB0000195WiFiUserHost – WPP-seansi peatamine nurjus, dwError = %1. WiFiUserHost - Failed to stop WPP session with dwError = %1.
0xB0000196WiFiUserHost – WPP-seansi oleku päring nurjus, dwError = %1. WiFiUserHost - Failed to query WPP session state with dwError = %1.
0xB0000197WiFiUserHost – faili DataCollection.dll laadimine nurjus, GetLastError() = %1. WiFiUserHost - Failed to load DataCollection.dll, GetLastError() = %1.
0xB0000198WiFiUserHost – GetProcAddress %1 nurjus, GetLastError() = %2. WiFiUserHost - Failed to GetProcAddress '%1', GetLastError() = %2.
0xB0000199WiFiUserHost – DataCollection on käivitatud. WiFiUserHost - Started DataCollection.
0xB000019AWiFiUserHost – DataCollection on peatatud WiFiUserHost - Stopped DataCollection
0xB0000258WiFiUserRpc – funktsiooni RpcServerUseProtseqEp kutse nurjus, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Failed call RpcServerUseProtseqEp, %1.
0xB0000259WiFiUserRpc – funktsiooni RpcServerInqBindings kutse nurjus, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Failed call RpcServerInqBindings, %1.
0xB000025AWiFiUserRpc – funktsiooni RpcEpRegister kutse nurjus, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Failed call RpcEpRegister, %1.
0xB000025BWiFiUserRpc – registreerimine on lõpule viidud, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Registration complete, %1.
0xB000025CWiFiUserRpc – funktsiooni RpcEpUnregister kutse nurjus, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Failed call RpcEpUnregister, %1.
0xB000025DWiFiUserRpc – registreerimise tühistamine on lõpule viidud, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Unregistration complete, %1.
0xB000025EWiFiUserRpc – TransportSecurityDescriptor: funktsiooni QueryTransientObjectSecurityDescriptor kutse nurjus, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Call to QueryTransientObjectSecurityDescriptor for TransportSecurityDescriptor failed, %1.
0xB000025FWiFiUserRpc – InterfaceSecurityDescriptor: funktsiooni QueryTransientObjectSecurityDescriptor kutse nurjus, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Call to QueryTransientObjectSecurityDescriptor for InterfaceSecurityDescriptor failed, %1.
0xB0000260WiFiUserRpc – funktsiooni RpcImpersonateClient kutse nurjus, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Call to RpcImpersonateClient failed, %1.
0xB0000261WiFiUserRpc – funktsiooni OpenThreadToken kutse nurjus, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Call to OpenThreadToken failed, %1.
0xB0000262WiFiUserRpc – funktsiooni CapabilityCheck kutse nurjus, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Call to CapabilityCheck failed, %1.
0xB00003E8UiRequestMgr – lähtestatud. UiRequestMgr - Initialized.
0xB00003E9UiRequestMgr – lähtestamine on tühistatud. UiRequestMgr - Uninitialized.
0xB00003EAUiRequestMgr – kasutajaliidese taotlus vastu võetud. UiRequestMgr - Received UI Request.
0xB00003EBUiRequestMgr – NULL-taotlus vastu võetud. UiRequestMgr - Received NULL Request.
0xB00003ECUiRequestMgr – NULL L2-taotlus vastu võetud. UiRequestMgr - Received NULL L2 Request.
0xB00003EDUiRequestMgr – WLAN-i NULL-taotlus vastu võetud. UiRequestMgr - Received NULL Wlan Request.
0xB00003EEUiRequestMgr – WLAN-i toetuseta taotlusetüüp vastu võetud, %1. UiRequestMgr - Received unsupported Wlan Request Type, %1.
0xB00003EFUiRequestMgr – MSM Seci NULL-taotlus vastu võetud. UiRequestMgr - Received NULL MSM Sec Request.
0xB00003F0UiRequestMgr – WEP kasutajaliidese taotlus vastu võetud. UiRequestMgr - Received WEP UI Request.
0xB00003F1UiRequestMgr – PSK kasutajaliidese taotlus vastu võetud. UiRequestMgr - Received PSK UI Request.
0xB00003F2UiRequestMgr – OneX-i kasutajaliidese taotlus vastu võetud. UiRequestMgr - Received OneX UI Request.
0xB00003F3UiRequestMgr – OneX-i NULL-taotlus vastu võetud. UiRequestMgr - Received NULL OneX Request.
0xB00003F4UiRequestMgr – MSM Seci toetuseta taotlusetüüp vastu võetud, %1. UiRequestMgr - Received unsupported MSM Sec Request Type, %1.
0xB00003F5UiRequestMgr – funktsiooni WlanIsUIRequestPending kutse nurjus, %1. UiRequestMgr - Failed call to WlanIsUIRequestPending, %1.
0xB00003F6UiRequestMgr – praegune taotlus pole enam ootel. UiRequestMgr - Current request is no longer pending.
0xB00003F7UiRequestMgr – ootel taotluste maksimumarv on täis. UiRequestMgr - Reached Max Number of pending requests.
0xB00003F8UiRequestMgr – kasutajaliidese taotluste saatmine klientidele, handle[%1]. UiRequestMgr - Sending UI Request to clients, handle[%1].
0xB00003F9UiRequestMgr – taotluse ajalõpp, handle[%1]. UiRequestMgr - Request timed out, handle[%1].
0xB00003FAUiRequestMgr – kehtetu vastus vastu võetud, handle[%1]. UiRequestMgr - Received invalid response, handle[%1].
0xB00003FBUiRequestMgr – kehtiv vastus vastu võetud, handle[%1]. UiRequestMgr - Received valid response, handle[%1].
0xB00003FCUiRequestMgr – PSK kasutajaliidese vastuse saatmine WLAN-ile, %1. UiRequestMgr - Sending PSK UI response to Wlan, %1.
0xB00003FDUiRequestMgr – WEP parooli %1 teisendamine nurjus, põhjus %1. UiRequestMgr - Failed to convert WEP passphrase, %1, reason %1.
0xB00003FEUiRequestMgr – PSK parooli %1 teisendamine nurjus, põhjus %1. UiRequestMgr - Failed to convert PSK passphrase, %1, reason %1.
0xB00003FFUiRequestMgr – võtmeparooli %1 teisendamine nurjus, põhjus %1. UiRequestMgr - Failed to convert Key passphrase, %1, reason %1.
0xB0000400UiRequestMgr – ilmnes Eap tõrge: Port(%1): Eap tõrketeave sisaldab järgmist: winError=%2, reasonCode=%3, EapMethod(Type=%4), rootCauseString=%5. UiRequestMgr - Encountered Eap Error: Port(%1): Eap error info contains winError=%2, reasonCode=%3, EapMethod(Type=%4), rootCauseString=%5.
0xB0000401UiRequestMgr – toetuseta OneX-taotlusetüüp vastu võetud, %1. UiRequestMgr - Received unsupported OneX Request Type, %1.
0xB0000402UiRequestMgr – toetuseta EAP-taotlusetüüp vastu võetud, %1. UiRequestMgr - Received unsupported EAP Request Type, %1.
0xB0000403UiRequestMgr – toetuseta EAP-väljatüüp vastu võetud, %1. UiRequestMgr - Received unsupported EAP Field Type, %1.
0xB0000404UiRequestMgr – EAP bloobi päringu kutsumine nurjus, %1, ignoreerimine... UiRequestMgr - Call to query EAP blob failed, %1, ignoring...
0xB0000405UiRequestMgr – OneX-i vastuse loomise kutse nurjus, %1. UiRequestMgr - Call to Create OneX response failed, %1.
0xB0000406UiRequestMgr – OneX-i kasutajaliidesevastuse saatmine WLAN-ile, %1. UiRequestMgr - Sending OneX UI response to Wlan, %1.
0xB0000407UiRequestMgr – SSID %3 teisendamine nurjus kasutajanime vahemällu salvestamise ajal, %1. UiRequestMgr - Failed to convert SSID '%3' while caching username, %1.
0xB0000408UiRequestMgr – kasutajanime vahemällu salvestamine CM Configis nurjus, %1. UiRequestMgr - Failed to cache username in CM Config, %1.
0xB0000409UiRequestMgr – sobimatu pideme identimisteave vastu võetud, %1. UiRequestMgr - Received credentials for an invalid handle, %1.
0xB000040AUiRequestMgr – õige pideme (%1) identimisteave vastu võetud, %2. UiRequestMgr - Received credentials for the correct handle (%1), %2.
0xB000040BUiRequestMgr – üksuse %1 taotluse puhastamine. UiRequestMgr - Cleaning request for %1.
0xB000040CUiRequestMgr – lisandmoodulist võeti vastu sobimatud identimisteabe andmed. Saatmine klientidele. UiRequestMgr - Received invalid credential data from plugin. Sending to clients.
0xB000040DUiRequestMgr – identimisteave lisandmoodulist vastu võetud. UiRequestMgr - Received credentials from plugin.
0xB000040EUiRequestMgr – kasutajaliidese otsetaotlus vastu võetud, lipud = %1. UiRequestMgr - Received direct request for UI, flags = %1.
0xB000040FUiRequestMgr – IHV kasutajaliidese taotlus vastu võetud. UiRequestMgr - Received IHV UI request.
0xB0000410UiRequestMgr – IHV kasutajaliidese taotluse tundmatu tüüp vastu võetud, %1. UiRequestMgr - Received unknown IHV UI request type, %1.
0xB0000411UiRequestMgr – IHV kasutajaliidese taotluse sobimatu tüüp vastu võetud. UiRequestMgr - Received invalid IHV UI request type.
0xB0000412UiRequestMgr – PSK IHV kasutajaliidese vastuse saatmine WLAN-ile, %1. UiRequestMgr - Sending PSK IHV UI response to Wlan, %1.
0xB0000413UiRequestMgr – serdi IHV kasutajaliidese vastuse saatmine WLAN-ile, %1. UiRequestMgr - Sending Cert IHV UI response to Wlan, %1.
0xB0000414UiRequestMgr – OneX-i tuvastamise kasutajaliidesetaotlus vastu võetud. Taotluse saatmine, PEAP või SIM-i identimisteave. UiRequestMgr - Received OneX Discovery UI Request. Sending request for either PEAP or SIM credentials.
0xB0000415UiRequestMgr – tühistamisvastus vastu võetud, handle[%1]. UiRequestMgr - Received cancel response, handle[%1].
0xB0000416UiRequestMgr – kõigi ootel taotluste tühistamise käsk vastu võetud. UiRequestMgr - Received command to cancel all pending requests.
0xB0000417UiRequestMgr – OneX-i kasutajaliidese taotluse tüüp %1 vastu võetud. UiRequestMgr - Received OneX UI request type %1.
0xB0000578PowerMgr – väljalülitamine nurjus (asünkroonne = %1), tõrge %2. PowerMgr - Turn off failed (async = %1) failed, error %2.
0xB0000579PowerMgr – sisselülitamine nurjus, tõrge %1. PowerMgr - Turn on failed failed, error %1.
0xB000057APowerMgr – päästikute aktiveerimine: %1 – eelmine olek: aktiivne %2, viivitatud %3, järelejäänud aeg %4. PowerMgr - Activating trigger(s) %1 - Prev State: Active %2, Delayed %3, Time Left %4.
0xB000057BPowerMgr – päästikute vabastamine: %1 – eelmine olek: aktiivne %2, viivitatud %3, järelejäänud aeg %4. PowerMgr - Releasing trigger(s) %1 - Prev State: Active %2, Delayed %3, Time Left %4.
0xB000057CPowerMgr – viivitatud päästikute vabastamine – eelmine olek: aktiivne %2, viivitatud %3. PowerMgr - Releasing delayed trigger(s) - Prev State: Active %2, Delayed %3.
0xB000057DPowerMgr – AOAC uus olek, %1. PowerMgr - New AOAC state, %1.
0xB000057EPowerMgr – energiarežiimi uus olek: aktiivne %1, viivitatud %2, järelejäänud aeg %3. PowerMgr - New Power State: Active %1, Delayed %2, Time Left %3.
0xB000057FPowerMgr – akusäästja uus olek, %1. PowerMgr - New Battery Saver state, %1.
0xB0000580PowerMgr – kasutaja energiarežiimi eelistus algkäivitamisel, %1. PowerMgr - User power preference at boot, %1.
0xB00005DCRadioMgr – loomissündmus nurjus, tõrge %1. RadioMgr - Create event failed, error %1.
0xB00005DDRadioMgr – eelmise seatud energiarežiimilõime ootel. RadioMgr - Waiting on previous set power thread.
0xB00005DERadioMgr – eelmise lõime ootamisel ilmnes ajalõpp. RadioMgr - Timed out while wait for previous thread.
0xB00005DFRadioMgr – seatud energiarežiimilõime loomine nurjus, tõrge %1. RadioMgr - Failed to create set power thread, error %1.
0xB00005E0RadioMgr – algse seatud energiarežiimi stabiilsuse ootamisel ilmnes ajalõpp. RadioMgr - Timeout out while waiting for intial set power stability.
0xB00005E1RadioMgr – teise seatud energiarežiimi stabiilsuse ootamisel ilmnes ajalõpp. RadioMgr - Timeout out while waiting for second set power stability.
0xB00005E2RadioMgr – SetPowerState ei saanud seada energiarežiimi asünkroonseks. RadioMgr - SetPowerState failed to set the power async.
0xB00005E3RadioMgr – otsimise lõpulejõudmist ignoreeritakse, kuna toide pole sees. RadioMgr - Ignoring scan complete because power is not on.
0xB00005E4RadioMgr – toite sisselülitamine, %1. RadioMgr - Bringing power back on, %1.
0xB00005E5RadioMgr – toite uuesti sisselülitamise seadmine, suvand: %1, taimer: %2. RadioMgr - Setting bring power back on option: %1, timer: %2.
0xB00005E6RadioMgr – otsimise lõpulejõudmist ignoreeritakse, kuna soft ap on sisse lülitatud. RadioMgr - Ignoring scan complete because soft ap is on.
0xB00005E7RadioMgr – toite uuesti sisselülitamise suvand algkäivitamisel: %1, taimer - %2. RadioMgr - Bring power back on option at boot: %1, timer - %2.
0xB00005E8RadioMgr – reegli loomiseks kutsuti Cortana: %1. RadioMgr - Called Cortana to Create Rule: %1.
0xB00005E9RadioMgr – toite sisselülitamise vihje vastu võetud. RadioMgr - Received hint to turn power back on.
0xB0000640AutoConnect – %1 AutoConnect - %1
0xB0000642AutoConnect – QueryAutoConnectParameters: %1 EDUKALT loetud – vaikesäte = %2, loetud = %3 AutoConnect - QueryAutoConnectParameters: SUCCESSfully read %1 - Default=%2, Read=%3
0xB0000643AutoConnect – CheckAndUpdateAutoConnectState: olek värskendatud: QueryScm=[%1--%2], CredSharing=[%3--%4], CP=[%5--%6], ACEnabled=[%7--%8], ServiceInit=[%9], StateFlags=[%10] AutoConnect - CheckAndUpdateAutoConnectState: State updated: QueryScm=[%1--%2], CredSharing=[%3--%4], CP=[%5--%6], ACEnabled=[%7--%8], ServiceInit=[%9], StateFlags=[%10]
0xB0000644AutoConnect – New%1NotificationInternal [%2]: +++ [%3:%4] [%5:%6] +++ AutoConnect - New%1NotificationInternal [%2]: +++ [%3:%4] [%5:%6] +++
0xB0000645AutoConnect – ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: tulemus=ühendust EI looda .. UserConfiguredNetworks=[%1+%2], AutoConnectable:Stationary=[%3:%4], olek=[%5], võrk=[%6] AutoConnect - ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Result=NOT connecting .. UserConfiguredNetworks=[%1+%2], AutoConnectable:Stationary=[%3:%4], State=[%5], Network=[%6]
0xB0000646AutoConnect – CheckAndAddAuthCipherPair: turvalise Ssid kirje on üksuse [%1:%2:%3] jaoks juba olemas AutoConnect - CheckAndAddAuthCipherPair: Secure Ssid entry for [%1:%2:%3] already exists
0xB0000647AutoConnect – CheckAndAddAuthCipherPair: üksust [%1:%2:%3] EI lisata – ületäitumine + AuthCipher on liiga nõrk AutoConnect - CheckAndAddAuthCipherPair: NOT adding [%1:%2:%3] - Overflow + AuthCipher too weak
0xB0000648AutoConnect – [%1] TM SSID=[%2:%3:%4], LinkQ=[%5], lipud:tulemus=[%6:%7], CP=[%8-%9], Cr=[%10-%11] AutoConnect - [%1] TM SSID=[%2:%3:%4], LinkQ=[%5], Flags:Score=[%6:%7], CP=[%8-%9], Cr=[%10-%11]
0xB0000649AutoConnect – TileMgrQueryNetworks: tüüp:allikad=[%1:%2]: tagastas [%3/%4] NetInfos, lipud=[%5], ACEnabled:ConfScanTO:MinLinkQ:MinScore=[%6:%7:%8:%9], ScoreWt:SignalWt:OverlapP:korduskatsed=[%10:%11:%12:%13] AutoConnect - TileMgrQueryNetworks: Type:Sources=[%1:%2]: returned [%3/%4] NetInfos, Flags=[%5], ACEnabled:ConfScanTO:MinLinkQ:MinScore=[%6:%7:%8:%9], ScoreWt:SignalWt:OverlapP:Retries=[%10:%11:%12:%13]
0xB000064AAutoConnect – ApplyConfigurationAndSetPolicies: NumNetworks=[%1], AutoConnectableNetworks=[%2], GlobalFlags=[%3], hallatud:kasutaja:WPS=[%4:%5:%6] AutoConnect - ApplyConfigurationAndSetPolicies: NumNetworks=[%1], AutoConnectableNetworks=[%2], GlobalFlags=[%3], Managed:User:WPS=[%4:%5:%6]
0xB000064BAutoConnect – AutoConnect on olekus KEELATUD, StateFlags=[%1] AutoConnect - AutoConnect is DISABLEd, StateFlags=[%1]
0xB000064CAutoConnect – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], CM nime POLE, LinkQuality=[%6], tulemus=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], NO CM name, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000064DAutoConnect – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], ÄRA ÜHENDA, LinkQuality=[%6], tulemus=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], DO-NOT-CONNECT, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000064EAutoConnect – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], TUNDMATU võrk, LinkQuality=[%6], tulemus=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], UNKNOWN network, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000064FAutoConnect – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], MAHUPÕHINE võrk, LinkQuality=[%6], tulemus=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], COSTED network, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB0000650AutoConnect – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], POLE CredShared, LinkQuality=[%6], tulemus=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], NOT CredShared, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB0000651AutoConnect – RefreshAllProfiles: võrk [%1] pole enam taganemisolekus AutoConnect - RefreshAllProfiles: Network [%1] is now out of backoff state
0xB0000652AutoConnect – [%1.%2] ++ [%3:%4:%5] [%6:%7]: LinkQuality=[%8], tulemus=[%9], CfgWt:CalcWt=[%10:%11], ConfigFlags:ProfFlags=[%12:%13], CPLength=[%14], CredsLength=[%15] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] ++ [%3:%4:%5] [%6:%7]: LinkQuality=[%8], Score=[%9], CfgWt:CalcWt=[%10:%11], ConfigFlags:ProfFlags=[%12:%13], CPLength=[%14], CredsLength=[%15]
0xB0000653AutoConnect – ConfigureCMProfiles: profiili kaalude värskendamine ... AutoConnect - ConfigureCMProfiles: Updating Profile Weights ...
0xB0000654AutoConnect – [%1] profiili värskendamine [%2:%3], kaal = [%4 kuni %5], ProfileFlags=[%6] AutoConnect - [%1] Updating Profile [%2:%3], Weight = [%4 to %5], ProfileFlags=[%6]
0xB0000655AutoConnect – ConfigureCMProfiles: profiilide kustutamine ... AutoConnect - ConfigureCMProfiles: Deleting profiles ...
0xB0000656AutoConnect – %1: profiili kustutamine [%2:%3] AutoConnect - %1: Deleting Profile [%2:%3]
0xB0000657AutoConnect – ConfigureCMProfiles: profiilide lisamine ... AutoConnect - ConfigureCMProfiles: Adding profiles ...
0xB0000658AutoConnect – [%1] CM-i profiili loomine, [%2:%3], kaal = [%4 kuni %5], ProfileFlags=[%6] AutoConnect - [%1] Creating CM profile for [%2:%3], Weight = [%4 to %5], ProfileFlags=[%6]
0xB0000659AutoConnect – GetConnectableNetwork: leitud! ScanIndex=[%1] Network=[%2:%3], kaal = [%4 kuni %5], ProfileFlags=[%6] AutoConnect - GetConnectableNetwork: Found! ScanIndex=[%1] Network=[%2:%3], Weight = [%4 to %5], ProfileFlags=[%6]
0xB000065AAutoConnect – DeleteAllHotspotNetworks: %1 ühenduse kustutamine AutoConnect - DeleteAllHotspotNetworks: Deleting %1 Connections
0xB000065BAutoConnect – [%1] ühenduse [%2] kustutamine AutoConnect - [%1] Deleting Connection [%2]
0xB000065CAutoConnect – HandleNewConnectionToNetworkInternal: olek=[%1], võrk=[%2], IsUserNetwork=[%3], bACProfileExists=[%4], ProfileFlags=[%5] AutoConnect - HandleNewConnectionToNetworkInternal: Status=[%1], Network=[%2], IsUserNetwork=[%3], bACProfileExists=[%4], ProfileFlags=[%5]
0xB000065DAutoConnect – HandleUserConnectionToNetworkInternal: [%1:%2] on muudetud kasutaja konfigureeritavaks AutoConnect - HandleUserConnectionToNetworkInternal: Successfully changed [%1:%2] to User-configured
0xB000065EAutoConnect – HandleConnectionDisconnected: võrgul [%1] on veel korduskatseid; praegu on kasutatud [%2 / %3] katset AutoConnect - HandleConnectionDisconnected: Network [%1] has retries left, Have currently used [%2 / %3] retries
0xB000065FAutoConnect – HandleConnectionDisconnected: BLOKEERITUD võrk [%1], [%2], korduskatsed=[%3], BackoffTimeSecs=[%4+%5] AutoConnect - HandleConnectionDisconnected: BLOCKed network [%1] for [%2], Retries=[%3], BackoffTimeSecs=[%4+%5]
0xB0000660AutoConnect – HandleConnectionStateChange: tundmatu võrk - EI leidnud üksuse [%1] profiili AutoConnect - HandleConnectionStateChange: Unknown network - Did NOT find profile for [%1]
0xB0000661AutoConnect – HandleConnectionStateChange: duplikaatoleku teatis, olek=[%1], profiil=[%2] AutoConnect - HandleConnectionStateChange: Dup state notification, State=[%1], Profile=[%2]
0xB0000662AutoConnect – SetAutoConnectStatusInternal: uus olek=[%1] AutoConnect - SetAutoConnectStatusInternal: New State=[%1]
0xB0000663AutoConnect – SetDisconnectReasonInternal: ühenduse katkestamise põhjus = [%1], ühendus=[%2] AutoConnect - SetDisconnectReasonInternal: Disconnect Reason = [%1], Connection=[%2]
0xB0000664AutoConnect – UpdateNetworksList: TotalNetworks=[%1], uus=[%2+%3+%4], tavaline=[%5+%6+%7+%8], vahemällu salvestatud=[%9], vahele jäetud=[%10] - AutoConnectable=[%11+%12], StationaryNetworks=[%13] AutoConnect - UpdateNetworksList: TotalNetworks=[%1], New=[%2+%3+%4], Common=[%5+%6+%7+%8], Cached=[%9], Dropped=[%10] - AutoConnectable=[%11+%12], StationaryNetworks=[%13]
0xB0000665AutoConnect – ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: kinnitustaimer – TimeLeft = [%1] ms AutoConnect - ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Confirmation Timer - TimeLeft = [%1] msecs
0xB0000666AutoConnect – ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: tulemus=kinnitusotsingu ajastamine [%1] s pärast AutoConnect - ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Result=Scheduling Confirmation Scan in [%1] secs
0xB0000667AutoConnect – ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: kinnitustaimeri peatamine – TimeLeft=[%1], vähem kui [%2] ms AutoConnect - ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Stopping Confirmation timer - TimeLeft=[%1], less than [%2] msecs
0xB0000668AutoConnect – ConfirmationScanTimerCallbackInternal: --- kinnitusotsingu taimer on käivitatud! AutoConnect - ConfirmationScanTimerCallbackInternal: --- Confirmation Scan Timer fired!
0xB0000669AutoConnect – OpenAutoConnectFile: eemaldamine=[%1], fail=[%2] AutoConnect - OpenAutoConnectFile: Disposition=[%1], File=[%2]
0xB000066AAutoConnect – InitializeACBlackList: loetud [%1] baiti, [%2-%3] Ssid-d AutoConnect - InitializeACBlackList: Read [%1] bytes, [%2-%3] Ssids
0xB000066BAutoConnect – AddNewEntryToBlackList: lisatud SSID:BSSID=[%1:%2]- NumBssids=[%3] musta nimekirja, kasutatud Ssid-d:jaotatud=[%4-%5] AutoConnect - AddNewEntryToBlackList: Added SSID:BSSID=[%1:%2]- NumBssids=[%3] to BlackList, Ssids Used:Alloc=[%4-%5]
0xB000066CAutoConnect – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], KASUTAJA konfigureeritud võrk, LinkQuality=[%6], tulemus=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], USER-Configured network, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000066DAutoConnect – [%1.%2] ** [%3:%4:%5], pääsupunkti MAHALAADIMISE võrk, LinkQuality=[%6], tulemus=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] ** [%3:%4:%5], Hotspot OFFLOAD network, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000066EAutoConnect – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], KASUTAJA BLOKEERITUD võrk, LinkQuality=[%6], tulemus=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], USER-BLOCKED network, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000066FAutoConnect – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], TAGANEMISE olekus, LinkQuality=[%6], tulemus=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], In BACKOFF State, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB0000670AutoConnect – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], madalam kui LINGI kvaliteet, LinkQuality=[%6], tulemus=[%7], MinLinkQuality=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], Below LINK Quality, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], MinLinkQuality=[%8]
0xB0000671AutoConnect – FindEntryInBlackList: leitud SSID:BSSID=[%1:%2], register=[%3/%4], bDelete=[%5] AutoConnect - FindEntryInBlackList: Found SSID:BSSID=[%1:%2], Index=[%3/%4], bDelete=[%5]
0xB0000672AutoConnect – FindEntryInBlackList: SSID eemaldamine=[%1], NumBssidsIn=[%2], NumSsidsLeft=[%3] AutoConnect - FindEntryInBlackList: Removing SSID=[%1], NumBssidsIn=[%2], NumSsidsLeft=[%3]
0xB0000673AutoConnect – AddNewEntryToBlackList: uue SSID-kirje lisamine:BSSID=[%1:%2], Ssid:Bssid register=[%3:%4], eelmine NumBssids=[%5] AutoConnect - AddNewEntryToBlackList: Adding new entry SSID:BSSID=[%1:%2], Ssid:Bssid Index=[%3:%4], Previous NumBssids=[%5]
0xB0000674AutoConnect – GetNewBlackListIndex -- UUS loend loodud – eelmine SsidsAllocated=[%1], uus SsidsAllocated=[%2] AutoConnect - GetNewBlackListIndex -- Created NEW list - Previous SsidsAllocated=[%1] New SsidsAllocated=[%2]
0xB0000675AutoConnect – HandleNewConnectionToNetworkInternal: Ssid=[%1:%2:%3] BlackListist nüüd eemaldatud AutoConnect - HandleNewConnectionToNetworkInternal: Successfully removed Ssid=[%1:%2:%3] from BlackList
0xB0000676AutoConnect – SetAutoConnectNetworkStateInternal[ACTIVE]: Ssid=[%1:%2:%3] BlackListist nüüd eemaldatud AutoConnect - SetAutoConnectNetworkStateInternal[ACTIVE]: Successfully removed Ssid=[%1:%2:%3] from BlackList
0xB0000677AutoConnect – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], ajutine võrk, LinkQuality=[%6], tulemus=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], Transient Network, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB0000678AutoConnect – GetConnectionInfoInternal: vastuoluline ühenduse olek, sisemine=[%1], tegelik=[%2] AutoConnect - GetConnectionInfoInternal: Inconsistent Connection State Internal=[%1], Actual=[%2]
0xB0000679AutoConnect – SendConnectionUpdateNotification: võrk=[%1], kontekst=[%2], QueryTileManagerForNetwork tagastatud=[%3] AutoConnect - SendConnectionUpdateNotification: Network=[%1], Context=[%2], QueryTileManagerForNetwork returned=[%3]
0xB000067AAutoConnect – SendConnectionUpdateNotification [%1 : %2]: võrk=[%3], tulemus=[%4], flightId=[%5], networkId=[%6], DataNeeded=[%7] AutoConnect - SendConnectionUpdateNotification [%1 : %2]: Network=[%3], Score=[%4], flightId=[%5], networkId=[%6], DataNeeded=[%7]
0xB000067BAutoConnect – SetAutoConnectPCDValueInternal: ConnectionContext=[%1], PCD=[%2], praegune ConnectionContext=[%3] AutoConnect - SetAutoConnectPCDValueInternal: ConnectionContext=[%1], PCD=[%2], current ConnectionContext=[%3]
0xB000067CAutoConnect – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], allpool MIN tulemust, LinkQuality=[%6], tulemus=[%7], MinScoreNormalized=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], Below MIN Score, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], MinScoreNormalized=[%8]
0xB000067DAutoConnect – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], pääsupunkti mahalaadimise võrk paanilt, pole kohalikult märgitud, LinkQuality=[%6], tulemus=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], Hotspot Offload Network from Tile, but not marked locally, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000067EAutoConnect – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], AutoConnect KEELATUD, LinkQuality=[%6], tulemus=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], AutoConnect DISABLED, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000067FAutoConnect – AddAutoConnectProfile: EDUKALT lisatud CM-i profiil, [%1] AutoConnect - AddAutoConnectProfile: SUCCESSfully added CM profile for [%1]
0xB0000680AutoConnect – ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: tulemus=ignoreeritakse, kuna AutoConnect on keelatud, StateFlags=[%1] AutoConnect - ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Result=Ignoring as AutoConnect is Disabled, StateFlags=[%1]
0xB0000682AutoConnect – [%1.%2] -- [%4:%5:%6], %3, LinkQuality=[%7], tulemus=[%8], CfgFlags=[%9] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%4:%5:%6], %3, LinkQuality=[%7], Score=[%8], CfgFlags=[%9]
0xB0000683AutoConnect – FlushNetworkList: kontekst=[%1], SSID-d=[%2], BssEntries=[%3] AutoConnect - FlushNetworkList: Context=[%1], SSIDs=[%2], BssEntries=[%3]
0xB0000684AutoConnect – FirewallBlockWiFiPrivateNet seatud=[%1]: tulemus=[%2] AutoConnect - FirewallBlockWiFiPrivateNet Set=[%1]: Result=[%2]
0xB0000686AutoConnect – [CREDSHARING] MarkProfilesForDeletion: identimisteabe vahemälu ajalõpp, [%1], kontekst=[%2], CredSharing-pide=[%3] AutoConnect - [CREDSHARING] MarkProfilesForDeletion: Credentials Cache timed out for [%1], Context=[%2], CredSharing handle=[%3]
0xB0000687AutoConnect – [CREDSHARING] CheckIsNetworkConnectable: EI taotle identimisteavet, kuna taotlus on praegu täitmata, [%1], kontekst=[%2], CredSharing-pide=[%3] AutoConnect - [CREDSHARING] CheckIsNetworkConnectable: NOT Requesting creds as request is currently outstanding for [%1], Context=[%2], CredSharing handle=[%3]
0xB0000688AutoConnect – [CREDSHARING] CheckIsNetworkConnectable: identimisteabe taotlemine, [%1], kontekst=[%2], CredSharing-pide=[%3] ... AutoConnect - [CREDSHARING] CheckIsNetworkConnectable: Requesting creds for [%1], Context=[%2], CredSharing handle=[%3] ...
0xB0000689AutoConnect – [CREDSHARING] -- CredentialAvailableCallbackInternal: ÕNNESTUS -- identimisteabe kasutamine, [%1], kontekst =[%2], CredSharing-pide=[%3] AutoConnect - [CREDSHARING] -- CredentialAvailableCallbackInternal: SUCCESS -- Using credentials for [%1], Context=[%2], CredSharing handle=[%3]
0xB000068AAutoConnect – [CREDSHARING] ConnectToAvailableNetwork: identimisteabe kasutamine, [%1], kontekst=[%2], CredsLength=[%3] AutoConnect - [CREDSHARING] ConnectToAvailableNetwork: Using creds for [%1], Context=[%2], CredsLength=[%3]
0xB000068BAutoConnect – [CREDSHARING] CheckAndUpdateAutoConnectState: identimisteabe jagamise olek värskendatud – %1 -- %2 AutoConnect - [CREDSHARING] CheckAndUpdateAutoConnectState: Credential sharing State updated - %1 -- %2
0xB000068CAutoConnect - [NLO] SetNetworkMostRecentlyUsedHintInternal: võrk=[%1], taotlus=[%2], CurrentFlags=[%3] AutoConnect - [NLO] SetNetworkMostRecentlyUsedHintInternal: Network=[%1], Request=[%2], CurrentFlags=[%3]
0xB000068DAutoConnect – ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: UserTMSettings=[QueryTM=%1, SCM=%2, CRED=%3, CP=%4], TMFlags=[%5, lubatud=%6] AutoConnect - ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: UserTMSettings=[QueryTM=%1, SCM=%2, CRED=%3, CP=%4], TMFlags=[%5, Enabled=%6]
0xB00006A4WlanMgr – wlan-i teatis vastu võetud: %1 WlanMgr - Recieved wlan notif: %1
0xB00006A6WlanMgr – Bss-loendi päring saadetud, %1 üksust saadud WlanMgr - Queried for Bss List and got %1 items back
0xB00006A7WlanMgr – Nic uue oleku seadmine = %1 WlanMgr - Set new Nic State = %1
0xB00006A8WlanMgr – AOAC toetuse tase = %1 WlanMgr - AOAC Support Level = %1
0xB00006A9WlanMgr – Nic oleku muutmise teatiste jaoks registreerimine nurjus, %1 WlanMgr - Failed to register for Nic state change notifications, %1
0xB00006AAWlanMgr – Nic oleku muudatus vastu võetud: %1 WlanMgr - Received Nic state change: %1
0xB00006ABWlanMgr – Nic püsiva oleku sündmuse seadmine. WlanMgr - Setting Nic state steady event.
0xB00006ACWlanMgr – otsimise alustamine vastusena otsingu energiasäästurežiimi toomisele. WlanMgr - Starting scan in response to scan low power bring up.
0xB00006ADWlanMgr – Nic püsiva oleku sündmuse ootamisel ilmnes ajalõpp. WlanMgr - Timed out while waiting for the Nic state steady event.
0xB00006AEWlanMgr – seatud duplikaatoleku ignoreerimine, %1. WlanMgr - Ignoring duplicate state set to, %1.
0xB00006AFWlanMgr – Nic oleku seadmise lõpuleviimise ootamisel ilmnes ajalõpp. WlanMgr - Timed out while waiting for the set Nic state to complete.
0xB00006B0WlanMgr – Nlo saatmine WlanSvc-le. WlanMgr - Sending Nlo to WlanSvc.
0xB00006B1WlanMgr – Nlo[%1] : %2 WlanMgr - Nlo[%1] : %2
0xB00006B2WlanMgr – WlanSetProfileListForOffload, tulemus: %1 WlanMgr - WlanSetProfileListForOffload result: %1
0xB000076CRändlus, seadmes jagamise sätted – Bluetoothi muutmise teatiste saamiseks registreerimine nurjus, %1 Roaming Tethering Settings - Failed to register Bluetooth Change notifications, %1
0xB000076DRändlus, seadmes jagamise sätted – Bluetoothi muutmine, registrivõtme värskendamine nurjus, %1 Roaming Tethering Settings - Failed to update bluetooth change registry key, %1
0xB000076ERändlus, seadmes jagamise sätted – saadi Bluetoothi muutmise teatis Roaming Tethering Settings - Got bluetooth change notification
0xB00007D0Identimisteabe ühiskasutus – identimisteabe ühiskasutuse ootel, registrivõtmesse ei saa kirjutada, %1 Credential Sharing - Unable to write to the Credential Sharing Pending registry key, %1
0xB00007D1Identimisteabe ühiskasutus – identimisteabe ühiskasutuse ootel, registrivõtit ei saa lugeda, %1 Credential Sharing - Unable to read the Credential Sharing Pending registry key, %1
0xB00007D2Identimisteabe ühiskasutus – kasutaja sisselogimist ei saa kinnitada, %1. Credential Sharing - Unable to verify user sign in, %1.
0xB00007D3Identimisteabe ühiskasutus – vigane eraldamine Credential Sharing - Bad Alloc
0xB00007D4Identimisteabe ühiskasutus – MSA loa taotlus nurjus, %1. Credential Sharing - MSA token request failed, %1.
0xB0000834Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – tagasihelistamise tõrge. HTTP olek = %1, vastuse olek = %2 Credential Sharing Manager - Callback Failure. HTTP Status = %1, Reponse Status = %2
0xB0000835Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – MCC koodi päring nurjus, %1 Credential Sharing Manager - Failed to query MCC code, %1
0xB0000836Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – prooviti sulgeda identimisteabe ühiskasutuse NULL-pidet Credential Sharing Manager - Tried to close NULL Cred Sharing handle
0xB0000837Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – taotleti nõustumisoleku hankimist Credential Sharing Manager - Get Opt In Status requested
0xB0000838Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – nõustumisoleku hankimist on juba taotletud Credential Sharing Manager - Get Opt In Status already requested
0xB0000839Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – taotleti nõustumisoleku seadmist Credential Sharing Manager - Set Opt In Status requested
0xB000083AIdentimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – SendSocialProfileRequestAsync on lõpule viidud, %1 Credential Sharing Manager - SendSocialProfileRequestAsync completed, %1
0xB000083BIdentimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – BuildCredSharingRequest on lõpule viidud, %1 Credential Sharing Manager - BuildCredSharingRequest completed, %1
0xB000083CIdentimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – kutsuti WinJsonResponse Callback Credential Sharing Manager - WinJsonResponse Callback called
0xB000083DIdentimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – kutsuti SendSocialProfileRequestAsync Credential Sharing Manager - SendSocialProfileRequestAsync called
0xB000083EIdentimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – kutsuti BuildCredSharingRequest Credential Sharing Manager - BuildCredSharingRequest called
0xB000083FIdentimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – paroolivastus vastu võetud, %1, %2 Credential Sharing Manager - Received password response for %1, %2
0xB0000840Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – nõustumisoleku hankimise vastus vastu võetud Credential Sharing Manager - Received Get Opt in Status response
0xB0000841Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – nõustumisoleku seadmise vastus vastu võetud Credential Sharing Manager - Received Set Opt in Status response
0xB0000842Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – nõustumisoleku määramise taotlust ei saanud esitada, %1 Credential Sharing Manager - Set Opt In Status Request failed to be made, %1
0xB0000843Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – nõustumisoleku hankimine nurjus, %1 Credential Sharing Manager - Get Opt In Status failed, %1
0xB0000844Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – suhtlusvõrgud pole sünkroonis Credential Sharing Manager - Social Networks are out of sync
0xB0000845Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – taotleti võrguandmete asetamist Credential Sharing Manager - Put Network Data requested
0xB0000846Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – võrguandmete asetamise vastus vastu võetud Credential Sharing Manager - Received Put NetworkData response
0xB0000847Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – paroolivastus vastu võetud Credential Sharing Manager - Received password response
0xB0000848Identimisteabe ühiskasutuse haldur – ühendatud ühisvõrgu sünkroonimine nurjus, %1 Credential Sharing Manager - Sync connected shared network failed, %1
0xB0000898Profiili ühiskasutuse haldur – võrgu vahetamise oleku seadmine: %2 – %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Set Network Exchange State to %2 for %1
0xB0000899Profiili ühiskasutuse haldur – võrgu vahetamise oleku seadmiseks edastati vigane parool Profile Sharing Manager - Invalid password passed to set network exchange state
0xB000089AProfiili ühiskasutuse haldur – võrgu vahetamise oleku seadmine nurjus, %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Set Network Exchange State failed, %1
0xB000089BProfiili ühiskasutuse haldur – %1: registri seadmine nurjus Profile Sharing Manager - Failed to set the registry for %1
0xB000089CProfiili ühiskasutuse haldur – identimisteabe ühiskasutuse lubamisoleku seadmine: %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Set Cred Sharing Opt In State to %1
0xB000089DProfiili ühiskasutuse haldur – identimisteabe ühiskasutuse lubamisoleku seadmine nurjus, %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Set Cred Sharing Opt In State failed, %1
0xB000089EProfiili ühiskasutuse haldur – identimisteabe ühiskasutuse lubamisoleku toomine on kutsutud Profile Sharing Manager - Get Cred Sharing Opt In State called
0xB000089FProfiili ühiskasutuse haldur – identimisteabe ühiskasutuse lubamisoleku toomine nurjus, %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Get Cred Sharing Opt In State failed, %1
0xB00008A0Profiili ühiskasutuse haldur – identimisteabe ühiskasutuse lubamisolek on toodud. Olek, %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Get Cred Sharing Opt In State succeeded. State, %1
0xB00008A1Profiili ühiskasutuse haldur – suhtlusvõrgu %2 seadmine registris nurjus. Olek, %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Set social network %2 in registry failed. State, %1
0xB00008FCProfiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – kasutaja pole nõustunud. Profiili üleslaadimine peatatakse. Profile Sharing Upload Manager - User is not opted in. Bailing on profile upload.
0xB00008FDProfiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – üleslaaditud võrkude arv, %1 Profile Sharing Upload Manager - # of uploaded networks, %1
0xB00008FEProfiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – üleslaadimine WCS-sse Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Uploading to WCS
0xB00008FFProfiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – üleslaadimine faili Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Uploading to File
0xB0000900Profiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – üleslaadimine nurjus, %1 Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Upload failed, %1
0xB0000901Profiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – JSON-i kasuliku lasti koostamine, %1 Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Building Json payload for %1
0xB0000902Profiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – tühi BSSID-loend. Võrk jäetakse vahele. Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Empty BSSID list. Skipping network.
0xB0000903Profiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – JSON-i kasuliku lasti koostamine lõppes tulemusega %1, ühiskasutuses = %2 Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Building Json payload completed with result %1, shared = %2
0xB0000904Profiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – võrk pole ühiskasutuses Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Network not shared
0xB0000905Profiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – ühisvõrkude saatmine Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Send Shared Networks
0xB0000906Profiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – ühisvõrkude JSON-i kasuliku lasti koostamine Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Building Shared networks Json payload
0xB0000907Profiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – ühisvõrkude JSON-i kasuliku lasti koostamine lõppes tulemusega %1 Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Building Shared networks Json payload completed with result %1
0xB0000908Profiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – oleku vahetamine asukoha järgi, keelamine nurjus, %1 Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Failed to disable exchange state by location, %1
0xB0000909Profiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – asukohateatiste tellimine nurjus. Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Failed to subscribe to location notifications.
0xB000090AProfiili ühiskasutuse üleslaadimishaldur – lubamisoleku seadmine nurjus asukoha WNF-i muutmisel, %1 Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Failed to set opt in status on location WNF change, %1
0xB0000960FeatureManager – identimisteabe ühiskasutus esitatakse asukoha tõttu mittelubatuna FeatureManager - Reporting cred sharing as not allowed due to location
0xB0000961FeatureManager – autoconnect esitatakse mittelubatuna FeatureManager - Reporting autoconnect not allowed
0xB0000962FeatureManager – asukohateatiste tellimine nurjus tulemusega %1 FeatureManager - Failed to subscribe to location notifications with result %1
0xB0000963FeatureManager – suhtlusvõrgu sünkroonimisajakava käivitamine nurjus tulemusega %1 FeatureManager - Failed to start social network sync schedule with result %1
0xB0000964FeatureManager – sqm-ajakava käivitamine nurjus tulemusega %1 FeatureManager - Failed to start sqm schedule with result %1
0xB0000965FeatureManager – poliitika muutmise teatiste tellimine nurjus tulemusega %1 FeatureManager - Failed to subscribe to policy changed notifications with result %1
0xB0000966FeatureManager – EnableFeatureInternal nurjus tulemusega %1 FeatureManager - EnableFeatureInternal failed with result %1
0xB0000967FeatureManager – DisableFeatureInternal nurjus tulemusega %1 FeatureManager - DisableFeatureInternal failed with result %1
0xB0000968FeatureManager – NetworkManageri teavitamine funktsiooni oleku muutusest #%1 nurjus tulemusega %2 FeatureManager - Notifying NetworkManager of feature state change #%1 failed with result %2
0xB0000969FeatureManager – SetFeatureRegValue nurjus tulemusega %1 FeatureManager - SetFeatureRegValue failed with result %1
0xB000096AFeatureManager – GetFeatureRegValue nurjus tulemusega %1 FeatureManager - GetFeatureRegValue failed with result %1
0xB10003E8Teenus: käivitatud Service: Launched
0xB10003E9Teenus: väljub Service: Exiting
0xB10003EATeenuse lisandmoodul: lähtestatud ServicePlugin: Initialized
0xB10003EBTeenus: lähtestamine: %1 nurjus, tõrge=%2 Service: Init: %1 FAILed, Error=%2
0xB10003ECTeenus: LaunchHostProcess – %1 nurjus, tõrge=%2 Service: LaunchHostProcess - %1 FAILed, Error=%2
0xB10003EDTeenus: LaunchHostProcess õnnestus – hProcess=%1, hThread=%2 Service: LaunchHostProcess SUCCEEDed - hProcess=%1, hThread=%2
0xB10003EETeenus: RpcClient: %1 nurjus, tõrge=%2 Service: RpcClient: %1 FAILed, Error=%2
0xB10003EFTeenus: teavitussündmus – %1, väärtus=%2 Service: Notification Event - %1, Value=%2
0xB10003F0Teenus: teavitustõrge – %1 nurjus, tõrge=%2 Service: Notificaton Error - %1 FAILed, Error=%2
0xB10003F1Teenus: lisandmoodulisündmus – %1, väärtus=%2 Service: Plugin Event - %1, Value=%2
0xB10003F2Teenus: lisandmoodulitõrge – %1 nurjus, tõrge=%2 Service: Plugin Error - %1 FAILed, Error=%2
0xB10003F3Teenus: ühendamissündmus – %1, väärtus=%2 Service: Connect Event - %1, Value=%2
0xB10003F4Teenus: ühendustõrge – %1 nurjus, tõrge=%2 Service: Connect Error - %1 FAILed, Error=%2
0xB10007D0Test: S1=%1, S2=%2, D1=%3, D2=%4, D3=%5 Test: S1=%1, S2=%2, D1=%3, D2=%4, D3=%5
0xB1000BB8Utiliidid: mälu eraldamine nurjus: tõrge=%1, baitide arv=%2 Utils: Allocate Memory FAILed: Error=%1, ByteCount=%2
0xB1000BB9Utiliidid: mälu eraldamine: 0x%1 baitide arv=%2 Utils: Allocated Memory: 0x%1 ByteCount=%2
0xB1000BBAUtiliidid: mälu vabastamine: 0x%1 Utils: Freeing Memory: 0x%1
0xB1000BBBUtiliidid: UuidVector: 0x%1, baitide arv=%2 Utils: UuidVector: 0x%1, ByteCount=%2
0xB1000BBCUtiliidid: %1 nurjus, tõrge=%2 Utils: %1 FAILed, Error=%2
0xB1000FA0:: %1 :: %1
0xB1000FA1++ %1: [%2] ++ %1: [%2]
0xB1000FA2-- %1: [%2] -- %1: [%2]
0xB1000FA3[%1]: SSID=%2:%3, Auth:Ciph=%4:%5, lipud=%6, CmName=%7 [%1]: SSID=%2:%3, Auth:Ciph=%4:%5, Flags=%6, CmName=%7
0xB1000FA4HotspotConnectionStateChanged: CmName=%1, NewState=%2 HotspotConnectionStateChanged: CmName=%1, NewState=%2
0xB20003E9Pääsupunkti autentimine liidese %1 jaoks on käivitatud Hotspot authentication started for interface %1
0xB20003EAPääsupunkti autentimine liidese %1 jaoks on lõpule viidud Hotspot authentication successfully completed for interface %1
0xB20003EBPääsupunkti autentimine liidese %1 jaoks nurjus: olek (%2), vastuse kood (%3) Hotspot authentication failed for interface %1 with status (%2) and response code (%3)
0xB20003ECPääsupunkti autentimine liidese %1 jaoks on tühistatud Hotspot authentication has cancelled for interface %1
0xB20003EDPääsupunkti autentimine liidese %1 jaoks on lõpule viidud, olek (%2) Hotspot authentication has completed for interface %1 with status (%2)
0xB20003EEPääsupunkti autentimise stsenaarium liidese %1 jaoks on tühistatud Hotspot authentication scenario has cancelled for interface %1
0xB20007D1WISPri tuvastamine liidese %1 jaoks on käivitatud Discovering WISPr has started for interface %1
0xB20007D2Liidese %1 pääsupunkt toetab WISPri The hotspot on interface %1 supports WISPr
0xB20007D3WISPri tuvastamine liidese %1 jaoks nurjus tõrkega (%2) WISPr detection failed for interface %1 with error (%2)
0xB20007D4WISPri tuvastamine liidese %1 jaoks on lõpule viidud, olek (%2) WISPr detection completed for interface %1 with status (%2)
0xB20007D5WISPri tuvastamise stsenaarium on liidese %1 jaoks tühistatud WISPr detection scenario has cancelled for interface %1
0xB20007D6Liidese %1 pääsupunkt ei toeta WISPri The hotspot on interface %1 does not support WISPr
0xB20007D7WISPri tuvastamist pole liidese %1 pääsupunkti jaoks tehtud No WISPr discovery performed for the hotspot on interface %1
0xB2000BB9Pääsupunkti pole liideses %1 tuvastatud No hotspot detected on interface %1
0xB2000BBALiidese %1 ühendus on katkestatud Interface %1 disconnected
0xD0000001DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_80211_OPEN DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_80211_OPEN
0xD0000019WiFiPowerFlagUser WiFiPowerFlagUser
0xD000001AWiFiPowerFlagSoftAP WiFiPowerFlagSoftAP
0xD000001BWiFiPowerFlagVoip WiFiPowerFlagVoip
0xD000001CWiFiPowerFlagP2P WiFiPowerFlagP2P
0xD000001DWiFiPowerFlagBacklight WiFiPowerFlagBacklight
0xD000001EWiFiPowerFlagAC WiFiPowerFlagAC
0xD000001FWiFiPowerFlagActivity WiFiPowerFlagActivity
0xD0000020WiFiPowerFlagScan WiFiPowerFlagScan
0xD0000021WiFiPowerFlagPeriodicScan WiFiPowerFlagPeriodicScan
0xD0000022WiFiPowerFlagBatterySaver WiFiPowerFlagBatterySaver
0xD0000023WiFiPowerFlagNetworkAvailable WiFiPowerFlagNetworkAvailable
0xD0000024WiFiPowerFlagConnecting WiFiPowerFlagConnecting
0xD0000025WiFiPowerFlagProbing WiFiPowerFlagProbing
0xD0000026wlan_notification_acm_start wlan_notification_acm_start
0xD0000027wlan_notification_acm_autoconf_enabled wlan_notification_acm_autoconf_enabled
0xD0000028wlan_notification_acm_autoconf_disabled wlan_notification_acm_autoconf_disabled
0xD0000029wlan_notification_acm_background_scan_enabled wlan_notification_acm_background_scan_enabled
0xD000002Awlan_notification_acm_background_scan_disabled wlan_notification_acm_background_scan_disabled
0xD000002Bwlan_notification_acm_bss_type_change wlan_notification_acm_bss_type_change
0xD000002Cwlan_notification_acm_power_setting_change wlan_notification_acm_power_setting_change
0xD000002Dwlan_notification_acm_scan_complete wlan_notification_acm_scan_complete
0xD000002Ewlan_notification_acm_scan_fail wlan_notification_acm_scan_fail
0xD000002Fwlan_notification_acm_connection_start wlan_notification_acm_connection_start
0xD0000030wlan_notification_acm_connection_complete wlan_notification_acm_connection_complete
0xD0000031wlan_notification_acm_connection_attempt_fail wlan_notification_acm_connection_attempt_fail
0xD0000032wlan_notification_acm_filter_list_change wlan_notification_acm_filter_list_change
0xD0000033wlan_notification_acm_interface_arrival wlan_notification_acm_interface_arrival
0xD0000034wlan_notification_acm_interface_removal wlan_notification_acm_interface_removal
0xD0000035wlan_notification_acm_profile_change wlan_notification_acm_profile_change
0xD0000036wlan_notification_acm_profile_name_change wlan_notification_acm_profile_name_change
0xD0000037wlan_notification_acm_profiles_exhausted wlan_notification_acm_profiles_exhausted
0xD0000038wlan_notification_acm_network_not_available wlan_notification_acm_network_not_available
0xD0000039wlan_notification_acm_network_available wlan_notification_acm_network_available
0xD000003Awlan_notification_acm_disconnecting wlan_notification_acm_disconnecting
0xD000003Bwlan_notification_acm_disconnected wlan_notification_acm_disconnected
0xD000003Cwlan_notification_acm_adhoc_network_state_change wlan_notification_acm_adhoc_network_state_change
0xD000003Dwlan_notification_acm_profile_unblocked wlan_notification_acm_profile_unblocked
0xD000003Ewlan_notification_acm_screen_power_change wlan_notification_acm_screen_power_change
0xD000003Fwlan_notification_acm_profile_blocked wlan_notification_acm_profile_blocked
0xD0000040wlan_notification_acm_scan_list_refresh wlan_notification_acm_scan_list_refresh
0xD0000041wlan_notification_msm_start wlan_notification_msm_start
0xD0000042wlan_notification_msm_associating wlan_notification_msm_associating
0xD0000043wlan_notification_msm_associated wlan_notification_msm_associated
0xD0000044wlan_notification_msm_authenticating wlan_notification_msm_authenticating
0xD0000045wlan_notification_msm_connected wlan_notification_msm_connected
0xD0000046wlan_notification_msm_roaming_start wlan_notification_msm_roaming_start
0xD0000047wlan_notification_msm_roaming_end wlan_notification_msm_roaming_end
0xD0000048wlan_notification_msm_radio_state_change wlan_notification_msm_radio_state_change
0xD0000049wlan_notification_msm_signal_quality_change wlan_notification_msm_signal_quality_change
0xD000004Awlan_notification_msm_disassociating wlan_notification_msm_disassociating
0xD000004Bwlan_notification_msm_disconnected wlan_notification_msm_disconnected
0xD000004Cwlan_notification_msm_peer_join wlan_notification_msm_peer_join
0xD000004Dwlan_notification_msm_peer_leave wlan_notification_msm_peer_leave
0xD000004Ewlan_notification_msm_adapter_removal wlan_notification_msm_adapter_removal
0xD000004Fwlan_notification_msm_adapter_operation_mode_change wlan_notification_msm_adapter_operation_mode_change
0xF2000001Wispri lõpuleviimise olek: õnnestus Wispr Completion Status Success
0xF2000002Wispr on olemas Wispr Present
0xF2000003Wispri puhverserveri tugi on olemas Wispr Proxy Support Present
0xF2000004Authi lõpuleviimise olek: õnnestus Auth Completion Status Success
0xF2000005Authi pollimise tugi on olemas Auth Polling Support Present


File Name:WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui
File Size:68 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:69120
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Estonian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Raadiovõrguhalduri teek
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:WiFiNetworkManager.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kõik õigused on reserveeritud.
Original File Name:WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui
Product Name:Operatsioonisüsteem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui?

WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Estonian language for file WiFiNetworkManager.dll (Raadiovõrguhalduri teek).

File version info

File Description:Raadiovõrguhalduri teek
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:WiFiNetworkManager.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kõik õigused on reserveeritud.
Original Filename:WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui
Product Name:Operatsioonisüsteem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x425, 1200