2078 | Adresa e-pošte, broj telefona ili PIN pametne kartice nisu tačni. Pokušajte ponovo. Ako niste dodali pametnu karticu u nalog, možete to uraditi. |
The email, phone number, or smart card PIN is incorrect. Please try again. If you haven’t added a smart card to your account, you can add one. |
3039 | Prijavite se za Microsoft nalog |
Sign up for a Microsoft account |
3225 | Prijavite se pomoću drugog naloga |
Sign in with a different account |
3463 | Pametna kartica |
Smart Card |
4421 | Nastavi da me prijavljuješ |
Continue Signing Me In |
4720 | Lozinka |
Password |
4775 | Microsoft nalog |
Microsoft account |
5324 | Da biste se prijavili, unesite lozinku. |
To sign in, please enter your password. |
5672 | Pomoć |
Help |
6022 | LocVer:0 |
LocVer:0 |
6566 | Želimo da se uverimo da je ovo vaša adresa e-pošte. Proverite je i sledite korake u poruci koju smo vam poslali. |
We want to make sure this is your email address. Check your email and follow the steps in the message we sent you. |
6619 | Adresa e-pošte ili broj telefona |
Email address or phone number |
6927 | Zapamti moju lozinku |
Remember my password |
7040 | Prijavljivanje uz |
Sign in with |
7236 | Žao nam je, trenutno ne možemo da se povežemo sa ovim domenom da bismo proverili vaš ID. Probajte ponovo. |
Sorry, we can’t connect to this domain right now to verify your ID. Please try again. |
7358 | Korisničko ime ili lozinka koje ste uneli nisu tačni. Probajte ponovo. |
The user name or password you entered is incorrect. Try again. |
7875 | Vaša lozinka je istekla. Vreme je da odaberete novu. |
Your password has expired. It’s time to choose a new one. |
8433 | Žao nam je, postoji problem sa serverom, tako da trenutno ne možemo da vas prijavimo. Radimo da bismo ovo što pre popravili. Probajte ponovo za nekoliko minuta. |
Sorry, there’s a problem with the server, so we can’t sign you in right now. We’re working to fix it as soon as we can. Please try again in a few minutes. |
10466 | Žao nam je, postoji problem u prijavljivanju pomoću ovog Microsoft naloga. |
Sorry, there’s an issue signing in with this Microsoft account. |
10695 | Ne možemo da vas prijavimo jer mreža nije dostupna. Proverite da li je uređaj povezan sa internetom, a zatim pokušajte ponovo. |
We can’t sign you in because the network isn’t available. Make sure your device is connected to the Internet and try again. |
11940 | Ta lozinka je netačna. Uverite se da koristite lozinku za svoj Microsoft nalog. |
That password is incorrect. Make sure you’re using the password for your Microsoft account. |
12221 | Primetili smo neobičnu aktivnost na vašem nalogu. Potrebno je da preduzmete odgovarajuću radnju da bismo se uverili da niko drugi ne koristi vaš nalog. |
We have noticed some unusual activity in your account. Your action is needed to make sure no one else is using your account. |
12222 | Prvi put morate biti na mreži da biste dovršili podešavanje naloga. |
You must be online the first time to complete your account setup. |
12223 | Izvinite zbog prekida, samo želimo da se uverimo da ste to vi. Dodirnite dugme „U redu“ ili kliknite na njega da biste potvrdili. |
Sorry for the interruption; we just want to make sure this is you. Tap or click OK to confirm. |
12786 | Žao nam je, postoji problem pri prijavljivanju. Probajte kasnije. |
Sorry, there was a problem signing you in. Please try again. |
12838 | Ta adresa e-pošte ili broj telefona više nisu dostupni. Pokušajte sa nekom drugom adresom e-pošte ili drugim brojem telefona, ili kreirajte novu adresu ili broj. |
That email or phone number is no longer available. Please try another, or create a new one. |
13331 | Morate odabrati jaču lozinku da biste mogli da se prijavite. |
You need to choose a stronger password before you can sign in. |
15239 | Morate da promenite bezbednosno pitanje i odgovor da biste mogli da se prijavite. |
You need to change your security question and answer before you can sign in. |
16868 | Došlo je do problema koji je doveo do onemogućavanja pomoćnika za prijavljivanje na Microsoft nalog. Možda nećete moći da se prijavite u programe koji koriste vaš Microsoft nalog. Problem je možda izazvao nedavno instalirani program. Više informacija potražite na lokaciji: {l} |
There was a problem that caused parts of the Microsoft account Sign-in Assistant to be disabled. You might not be able to sign in to programs that use your Microsoft account. The problem may have been caused by a program that was recently installed. For more information, please go to: {l} |
16909 | Da biste doprineli zaštiti informacija o nalogu, ponovo se prijavite. |
To help protect your account information, please sign in again. |
17112 | Ne možemo da vas prijavimo na ovaj domen. Probajte ponovo ili se obratite administratoru domena. |
We couldn’t sign you in to this domain. Please try again or contact the domain administrator. |
17809 | Informacije za prijavljivanje nisu tačne. Uverite se da ste uneli tačnu adresu e-pošte ili lozinku, tačan broj telefona, a zatim unesite znakove koje vidite. |
Your sign-in information is incorrect. Make sure you enter the correct email address, phone number, or password, and then enter the characters you see. |
18108 | Žao nam je, postoji problem sa serverom i radimo da bismo ovo što pre popravili. Probajte da se prijavite ponovo za nekoliko minuta. |
Sorry, there’s a problem with the server, and we’re working to fix it as soon as we can. Please try signing in again in a few minutes. |
18189 | Žao nam je, trenutno postoji problem pri prijavljivanju. Probajte ponovo kasnije. |
Sorry, there’s a problem signing you in right now. Please try again later. |
18392 | Morate da unesete PIN |
You must enter a PIN |
18407 | U redu |
OK |
18408 | Otkaži |
Cancel |
18409 | Nije pronađena pametna kartica |
No smart card found |
18416 | Kliknite na ovu poruku da biste rešili problem. |
Click this message to fix the problem. |
18417 | Pomoćnik za prijavljivanje u Microsoft nalog |
Microsoft account Sign-in Assistant |
18418 | Omogućava potvrdu identiteta za Microsoft nalog. |
Enables Microsoft account authentication. |
18419 | Žao nam je, došlo je do problema pri prijavljivanju. |
Sorry, there was a problem signing you in. |
19140 | Partner |
Partner |
19142 | Kontrola prijavljivanja u Microsoft nalog |
Microsoft account Sign-in Control |
19229 | Za završavanje podešavanja ovog Microsoft naloga potrebna ti je dozvola roditelja. |
To finish setting up this Microsoft account, you need a parent’s permission. |
19608 | Nije moguće koristiti ovaj nalog zato što pripada organizaciji. Koristite neki drugi nalog. |
This account cannot be used because it belongs to an organization. Please use a different account. |
20315 | Potrebno je da promenite lozinku da biste mogli da se prijavite. |
You need to change your password before you can sign in. |
20591 | Potrebna nam je dodatna verifikacija da biste mogli da se prijavite. |
We need additional verification before you can sign in. |
20814 | Otkrili smo neku sumnjivu aktivnost na vašem nalogu. Da bismo doprineli vašoj zaštiti, privremeno smo vam blokirali nalog. |
We detected some suspicious activity with your account. To help protect you, we’ve temporarily blocked your account. |
21266 | Da biste se prijavili u ovaj program, morate koristiti pametnu karticu umesto lozinke. |
To sign in to this program, you must use a smart card instead of a password. |
21674 | Adresa e-pošte ili lozinka nisu tačne. Probajte ponovo. |
The email address or password is incorrect. Please try again. |
22118 | Unesite informacije za prijavljivanje i probajte ponovo. |
Please enter your sign-in information and try again. |
22304 | Ponovo unesite adresu e-pošte ili broj telefona. |
Please reenter your email address or phone number. |
22490 | Ne možemo da vas prijavimo jer postoji problem sa sačuvanom lozinkom. Unesite lozinku ponovo. |
We can’t sign you in because there’s a problem with the saved password. Please enter your password again. |
22531 | Potrebno je da ažurirate profil Microsoft naloga da biste mogli da se prijavite. |
You need to update your Microsoft account profile before you can sign in. |
23007 | Vaš nalog je zaključan jer je bilo previše pokušaja prijavljivanja pomoću netačnih korisničkih informacija. |
Your account was locked because there have been too many attempts to sign in with incorrect user information. |
23582 | Da biste se prijavili, morate da konvertujete ovo u ID u okviru organizacije. A možete i da preimenujete ID. |
To sign in, you must convert this to an ID with your organization. Or you can rename your ID. |
24863 | Ova organizacija vam neće dozvoliti da se prijavite pomoću ovog Microsoft naloga. Da biste nastavili, prijavite se koristeći drugi Microsoft nalog. |
This organization won’t allow you to sign in here with this Microsoft account. To continue, sign in with a different Microsoft account. |
25352 | Prijavili ste se na previše uređaja pomoću ovog Microsoft naloga. |
You have signed in to too many devices using this Microsoft account. |
25367 | Unesite PIN da biste se prijavili. |
Please enter your PIN to sign in. |
26553 | ID partnera |
Partner ID |
27451 | Zapamti me |
Remember me |
27955 | Povezali ste maksimalni broj Microsoft naloga i Windows korisničkih naloga na ovom uređaju. Uklonite postojeći povezani nalog da biste dodali drugi. |
You’ve linked the maximum number of Microsoft accounts and Windows user accounts on this device. Remove an existing linked account to add another. |
28306 | Žao nam je, ne možete da se prijavite u ovu uslugu pomoću ovog Microsoft naloga. Da biste nastavili, koristite drugi nalog. |
Sorry, you can’t sign in to this service with this Microsoft account. To continue, please use a different account. |
29392 | Usluga pomoćnika za prijavljivanje na Microsoft nalog nije pokrenuta. |
Microsoft account Sign-in Assistant service is not running. |
29600 | ID |
ID |
43000 | Rešavanje problema sa Microsoft nalogom |
Fix a problem with your Microsoft account |
43001 | Akreditivi su se promenili u uslugama na mreži i treba ih lokalno ažurirati. |
Your credentials have changed in the cloud and need to be updated locally. |
43003 | Računar je van mreže. Prijavite se pomoću poslednje lozinke koja je korišćena na ovom uređaju. |
Your device is offline. Please sign in with the last password used on this device. |
43004 | Ne možete da pristupite nalogu? |
Can’t access your account? |
43005 | Popravi |
Fix it |
43006 | Potvrdite lozinku za Microsoft nalog |
Verify your Microsoft account info |
43007 | Dodajte Microsoft nalog |
Add your Microsoft account |
43008 | %1 treba da potvrdi vaš identitet. |
%1 needs to confirm your identity. |
43009 | Sačuvaćemo ove informacije tako da možete da koristite nalog uz %1. |
We’ll save this info so you can use your account with %1. |
43010 | Sačuvaj |
Save |
43011 | Nismo mogli da vas prijavimo |
We couldn’t sign you in |
43015 | Sačekajte |
Please wait |
43016 | Prosledi |
Submit |
43017 | Pokušaj opet |
Sign in again |
43018 | Trenutno ne možete da se prijavite na uređaj. Idite na %1 da biste rešili problem ili pokušajte sa poslednjom lozinkom koju ste koristili na ovom uređaju. |
You can’t sign in to your device right now. Go to %1 to fix the problem, or try the last password you used on this device. |
43019 | Lozinka nije tačna. Uverite se da koristite lozinku za Microsoft nalog. Možete u bilo kom trenutku da je poništite na lokaciji %1. |
That password is incorrect. Make sure you’re using the password for your Microsoft account. You can always reset it at %1. |
43020 | Da biste se prijavili sa udaljene lokacije, potrebno je da imate pravo na prijavu preko Usluga udaljene radne površine. |
To sign in remotely, you need the right to sign in through Remote Desktop Services. |
43021 | Došlo je do problema sa vašom prijavom. Da biste uspostavili početne vrednosti PIN koda, izaberite sledeće stavke: Postavke Nalozi Opcije prijavljivanja. |
Sorry, there was a problem signing you in. Please reset your PIN by going to Settings Accounts Sign-in options. |
43022 | Moramo da proverimo vaš identitet za %1. |
We need to verify your identity for %1. |
43023 | Lozinka Microsoft naloga |
Microsoft account password |
0x10000001 | Događaji aktiviranja telemetrije |
Telemetry trigger events |
0x10000002 | Greška |
Error |
0x10000003 | Analitički |
Analytic |
0x10000004 | Funkcija |
Function |
0x10000005 | Operativno |
Operational |
0x10000006 | Upozorenje |
Warning |
0x10000007 | Kritično |
Critical |
0x10000008 | Početak zahteva |
Request Start |
0x10000009 | livessp |
livessp |
0x1000000A | wlidcredprov |
wlidcredprov |
0x1000000B | wlidnsp |
wlidnsp |
0x1000000C | wlidsvc |
wlidsvc |
0x1000000D | wlidmodern |
wlidmodern |
0x1000000E | wlidcli |
wlidcli |
0x1000000F | wlidprov |
wlidprov |
0x10000010 | wlidbho |
wlidbho |
0x10000011 | TokenProvider |
TokenProvider |
0x10000012 | API MSA proširenja |
MSA Extension API |
0x10000013 | Keširanje |
Cache |
0x10000014 | Akreditivi |
Credentials |
0x10000015 | StateMachine |
StateMachine |
0x10000016 | SOAP |
0x10000017 | RPC |
0x30000000 | Informacije |
Info |
0x30000001 | Pokreni |
Start |
0x30000002 | Zaustavi |
Stop |
0x50000005 | Detaljno |
Verbose |
0x70000065 | Operacija WLID usluge |
WLID Service Operation |
0x70000066 | LiveSsp operacija |
LiveSsp Operation |
0x70000067 | Operacija dobavljača identiteta |
Identity Provider Operation |
0x70000068 | LiveId moderni API – operacija |
LiveId Modern API Operation |
0x70000069 | WLIDCredProv operacija |
WLIDCredProv Operation |
0x7000006A | TokenProvider operacija |
TokenProvider Operation |
0x700000C8 | Poziv funkcije |
Function Call |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-LiveId/Analytic |
Microsoft-Windows-LiveId/Analytic |
0x90000002 | Microsoft-Windows-LiveId/Operational |
Microsoft-Windows-LiveId/Operational |
0xB00003ED | ConnectIdentity_Start |
ConnectIdentity_Start |
0xB00003EE | ConnectIdentity_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
ConnectIdentity_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
0xB00003EF | DisconnectIdentity_Start |
DisconnectIdentity_Start |
0xB00003F0 | DisconnectIdentity_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
DisconnectIdentity_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
0xB00003F5 | NetworkCall_Start |
NetworkCall_Start |
0xB00003F6 | NetworkCall_Stop.%nBroj ciljeva: %1%nRequestType: %2 |
NetworkCall_Stop.%nNumber of Targets: %1%nRequestType: %2 |
0xB00003F7 | DeviceAuth_Start |
DeviceAuth_Start |
0xB00003F8 | DeviceAuth_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
DeviceAuth_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
0xB00003F9 | UserAuth_Start |
UserAuth_Start |
0xB00003FA | UserAuth_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
UserAuth_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
0xB00003FB | PromptForCredentials_Start |
PromptForCredentials_Start |
0xB00003FC | PromptForCredentials_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
PromptForCredentials_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
0xB00003FD | SignOutAsync_RegistryOpenOrReadFailure. %nRegistryLocation: %1. %nStatus: %2 |
SignOutUser_RegistryOpenOrReadFailure. %nRegistryLocation: %1. %nStatus: %2 |
0xB00003FE | SignOutAsync_RegistryWriteFailure. %nRegistryLocation: %1. %nStatus: %2 |
SignOutUser_RegistryWriteFailure. %nRegistryLocation: %1. %nStatus: %2 |
0xB00007D8 | DeviceAuthAsync_Start |
DeviceAuthAsync_Start |
0xB00007D9 | DeviceAuthAsync_Stop |
DeviceAuthAsync_Stop |
0xB00007DA | UserAuthAsync_Start |
UserAuthAsync_Start |
0xB00007DB | UserAuthAsync_Stop |
UserAuthAsync_Stop |
0xB00007DC | SignOutUser_Start |
SignOutUser_Start |
0xB00007DD | SignOutUser_Stop |
SignOutUser_Stop |
0xB00007DE | WLIDSvcReady |
WLIDSvcReady |
0xB00007DF | CommandLinkClicked_Start |
CommandLinkClicked_Start |
0xB00007E0 | CommandLinkClicked_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
CommandLinkClicked_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
0xB00007E1 | UserImageGetBitmapValue_Start |
UserImageGetBitmapValue_Start |
0xB00007E2 | UserImageGetBitmapValue_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
UserImageGetBitmapValue_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
0xB00007E3 | CredProvSetSerialization_Start |
CredProvSetSerialization_Start |
0xB00007E4 | CredProvSetSerialization_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
CredProvSetSerialization_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
0xB00007E5 | CredProvGetSerialization_Start |
CredProvGetSerialization_Start |
0xB00007E6 | CredProvGetSerialization_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
CredProvGetSerialization_Stop.%nStatus: %1 |
0xB00007E7 | Operacija: %1%nDetalji: %2%nStatus: %3%n |
Operation: %1%nDetails: %2%nStatus: %3%n |
0xB00007E9 | Pokretanje usluge WLIDSvc nije uspelo.%nFunkcija: %1%nRazlog: %2%nStatus: %3%n |
WLIDSvc service failed to start.%nFunction: %1%nReason: %2%nStatus: %3%n |
0xB00007EA | Događaj aktiviranja generičke telemetrije.%nPointType: %1%nAppName: %2%nModuleName: %3%nModuleVersion: %4%nFileName: %5%nFunctionName: %6%nLineNumber: %7%nErrorCode: %8%n |
Generic telemetry trigger event.%nPointType: %1%nAppName: %2%nModuleName: %3%nModuleVersion: %4%nFileName: %5%nFunctionName: %6%nLineNumber: %7%nErrorCode: %8%n |
0xB00007EB | Događaj aktiviranja telemetrije specifične za korisnika za CID %1. |
User specific telemetry trigger event for CID %1. |
0xB00007EC | ErrorVerifier u funkciji %1 je naišao na neočekivani kôd greške (%2). |
ErrorVerifier in function %1 encountered unexpected error code (%2). |
0xB00007ED | Greška potvrde za izraz (%4) u funkciji %2 @%1_%3. |
Assertion failure for expression (%4) in function %2 @%1_%3. |
0xB0000BB8 | %3 @%1_%2 |
%3 @%1_%2 |
0xB0000BC0 | +%2@%1_%3 |
+%2@%1_%3 |
0xB0000BC1 | -%1=%2 |
-%1=%2 |
0xB0000BC4 | Ime procesa %1 |
Process name %1 |
0xB0000BC5 | IF_FAILEXIT otkazivanje: (%4), hr = %5, u %2 @%1_%3 |
IF_FAILEXIT failure: (%4), hr = %5, in %2 @%1_%3 |
0xB00017D4 | Usluga kreira kontekst za [%1] |
Service Create Context for [%1] |
0xB00017D5 | Token sa ciljem [%1] je istekao dana %2, brisanje iz CredMan skripte. |
Token with target [%1] expired on %2, Deleting it from CredMan. |
0xB00017D6 | Certifikat (cilj = [%1]) je istekao. Brisanje iz CredMan skripte. |
Certificate (target = [%1]) has expired. Deleting from CredMan. |
0xB00017D7 | RemoveCachedAuthInfo brisanje stavke za cilj [%1] iz CredMan skripte. |
RemoveCachedAuthInfo Deleting item for target [%1] from CredMan. |
0xB00017D8 | RemoveCachedAuthInfo ALL brisanje stavki [%1] iz CredMan skripte. |
RemoveCachedAuthInfo ALL Deleting [%1] items from CredMan. |
0xB00017D9 | RemovePersistedTokens brisanje stavke za cilj [%1] iz CredMan skripte. |
RemovePersistedTokens Deleting item for target [%1] from CredMan. |
0xB00017E0 | CredMan aktivnost je preskočena. Akreditiv nije promenjen za [WindowsLive:(token):name=%1;serviceuri=%2 |
CredMan activity skipped. Credential not changed for [WindowsLive:(token):name=%1;serviceuri=%2 |
0xB00017E1 | RPC poziv za funkciju %1 je doveo do sledećeg koda greške: %2. |
RPC call to function %1 returned the following error code: %2. |
0xB00017E2 | SOAP zahtev tipa %1 za CID korisnika „%2“ u %4 okruženju je primio sledeći kôd greške sa servera Microsoft naloga: %3. |
SOAP Request of type %1 for user CID '%2' in %4 environment received the following error code from the Microsoft Account server: %3. |
0xB00017E3 | ## SOAP zahtev: %1 |
## SOAP Request: %1 |
0xB00017E4 | ## SOAP odgovor: %1 |
## SOAP Response: %1 |
0xB00017E5 | Nabavljeni token usluge.%nResourceURI: %1%nKreirano: %2%nIstiče: %3%nTokenType: %4%nAuthRequired: %5%nRequestStatus: %6%nHasFlowUrl: %7%nHasAuthUrl: %8%nHasEndAuthUrl: %9 |
Acquired Service token.%nResourceURI: %1%nCreated: %2%nExpires: %3%nTokenType: %4%nAuthRequired: %5%nRequestStatus: %6%nHasFlowUrl: %7%nHasAuthUrl: %8%nHasEndAuthUrl: %9 |
0xB0001BBC | Pronađeni su keširani tiket za lokaciju %1 i smernice %2, što važi još sekundi: %3. |
Cached ticket for site %1 and policy %2 found which is valid for another %3 seconds. |
0xB0001BBD | Zamenjen ApplicationId [%1] postaje [%2] |
ApplicationId Overwritten [%1] becomes [%2] |
0xB0001BBE | ApplicationId [%1] |
ApplicationId [%1] |
0xB0001BBF | Keširani tiket za lokaciju %1 i smernice %2 nisu pronađeni ili su istekli. |
Cached ticket for site %1 and policy %2 not found or has expired. |
0xB0001BC0 | Attempts = [%1], latestIterationResult = [%2], continueRetry = [%3], isConnected = [%4], flowUrl = [%5], defaultUser = [%6], promptType = [%7], authUrl = [%8], endAuthUrl = [%8] |
Attempts = [%1], latestIterationResult = [%2], continueRetry = [%3], isConnected = [%4], flowUrl = [%5], defaultUser = [%6], promptType = [%7], authUrl = [%8], endAuthUrl = [%8] |
0xB0001BC1 | WLIDCPersistCredential [%1] |
WLIDCPersistCredential [%1] |
0xD0000001 | Auth |
Auth |
0xD0000002 | Service |
Service |
0xD0000003 | DeviceAuth |
DeviceAuth |
0xD0000004 | DeleteDevice |
DeleteDevice |
0xD0000005 | UpdateDevice |
UpdateDevice |
0xD0000006 | AddCredential |
AddCredential |
0xD0000007 | AssociateDevice |
AssociateDevice |
0xD0000008 | DisassociateDevice |
DisassociateDevice |
0xD0000009 | ResolveDevice |
ResolveDevice |
0xD000000A | PublishDevice |
PublishDevice |
0xD000000B | UpdateDeviceReaders |
UpdateDeviceReaders |
0xD000000C | ResolveUser |
ResolveUser |
0xD000000D | OTC |
0xD000000E | EnumDevices |
EnumDevices |
0xD000000F | UpdateDeviceProperties |
UpdateDeviceProperties |
0xD0000010 | GetUserKeyData |
GetUserKeyData |
0xD0000011 | Count |
Count |