103 | Automatic Updates |
Automatic Updates |
104 | Galluogi lawrlwytho a gosod diweddariadau Windows. Os yw’r gwasanaeth hwn wedi’i analluogi, ni fydd y cyfrifiadur yn gallu defnyddio’r nodwedd Diweddariadau Awtomatig na gwefan Windows Update. |
Enables the download and installation of Windows updates. If this service is disabled, this computer will not be able to use the Automatic Updates feature or the Windows Update Web site. |
105 | Windows Update |
Windows Update |
106 | Galluogi canfod, llwytho i lawr a gosod diweddariadau ar gyfer Windows a rhaglenni eraill. Os caiff y gwasanaeth hwn ei analluogi, fydd defnyddwyr eraill y cyfrifiadur hwn ddim yn gallu defnyddio Windows Update na'i nodwedd diweddaru awtomatig, a fydd rhaglenni ddim yn gallu defnyddio API Asiant Windows Update (WUA). |
Enables the detection, download, and installation of updates for Windows and other programs. If this service is disabled, users of this computer will not be able to use Windows Update or its automatic updating feature, and programs will not be able to use the Windows Update Agent (WUA) API. |
108 | Asiant %1 Windows Update |
Windows Update Agent %1 |
109 | Mae Asiant Windows Update yn galluogi eich cyfrifiadur i chwilio am ddiweddariadau gan wasanaeth diweddaru a’u gosod. Gall yr asiant ddiweddaru ei hun yn awtomatig fel y bo angen i gyfathrebu â’r gwasanaeth diweddaru pan mae Windows yn chwilio am ddiweddariadau newydd. |
The Windows Update Agent enables your computer to search for and install updates from an update service. The agent can automatically update itself as needed to communicate with the update service when Windows searches for new updates. |
110 | Ni osodwyd diweddariad gan Windows yn gywir. Gall anfon y wybodaeth ganlynol i Microsoft helpu i wella’r feddalwedd. |
A Windows update did not install properly. Sending the following information to Microsoft can help improve the software. |
111 | Problem wrth osod Windows Update |
Windows Update installation problem |
112 | Microsoft Corporation. |
Microsoft Corporation. |
117 | Defnyddir y dasg hon i gychwyn gwasanaeth Windows Update pan mae angen cymryd camau a drefnwyd fel sganiau. |
This task is used to start the Windows Update service when needed to perform scheduled operations such as scans. |
386 | Diweddaru Cadarnwedd y System - %s |
System Firmware Update - %s |
387 | Diweddaru Caledwedd y System - %s |
System Hardware Update - %s |
388 | Cyhoeddir y diweddariadau hyn gan wneuthurwyr cyfrifiaduron i helpu i wella sefydlogrwydd a pherfformiad caledwedd y cyfrifiadur. |
These updates are released by PC manufacturers to help improve the stability and performance of PC hardware. |
0x10 | Unable to Connect: Windows is unable to connect to the automatic updates service and therefore cannot download and install updates according to the set schedule. Windows will continue to try to establish a connection. |
Unable to Connect: Windows is unable to connect to the automatic updates service and therefore cannot download and install updates according to the set schedule. Windows will continue to try to establish a connection. |
0x11 | Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. To install the updates, an administrator should log on to this computer and Windows will prompt with further instructions: %1 |
Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. To install the updates, an administrator should log on to this computer and Windows will prompt with further instructions: %1 |
0x12 | Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer is currently scheduled to install these updates on %1 at %2: %3 |
Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer is currently scheduled to install these updates on %1 at %2: %3 |
0x13 | Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: %1 |
Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: %1 |
0x14 | Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error %1: %2. |
Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error %1: %2. |
0x15 | Restart Required: To complete the installation of the following updates, the computer must be restarted. Until this computer has been restarted, Windows cannot search for or download new updates: %1 |
Restart Required: To complete the installation of the following updates, the computer must be restarted. Until this computer has been restarted, Windows cannot search for or download new updates: %1 |
0x16 | Restart Required: To complete the installation of the following updates, the computer will be restarted within %1 minutes: %2 |
Restart Required: To complete the installation of the following updates, the computer will be restarted within %1 minutes: %2 |
0x17 | Uninstallation Successful: Windows successfully uninstalled the following update: %1 |
Uninstallation Successful: Windows successfully uninstalled the following update: %1 |
0x18 | Uninstallation Failure: Windows failed to uninstall the following update with error %1: %2 |
Uninstallation Failure: Windows failed to uninstall the following update with error %1: %2 |
0x1B | Automatic Updates is now paused. |
Automatic Updates is now paused. |
0x1C | Automatic Updates is now resumed. |
Automatic Updates is now resumed. |
0x20 | Windows Update cannot connect to the server. Please check the connection to server %1. |
Windows Update cannot connect to the server. Please check the connection to server %1. |
0x21 | Windows Update was unable to connect to proxy server %1 because valid credentials (user name and password) were required, but were either not available or were incorrect. Please check your proxy credentials, and then try searching again for updates. |
Windows Update was unable to connect to proxy server %1 because valid credentials (user name and password) were required, but were either not available or were incorrect. Please check your proxy credentials, and then try searching again for updates. |
0x2B | Installation Started: Windows has started installing the following update: %1 |
Installation Started: Windows has started installing the following update: %1 |
0x2C | Windows Update started downloading an update. |
Windows Update started downloading an update. |
0xD4 | Revert Successful: Windows successfully reverted the following update: %1 |
Revert Successful: Windows successfully reverted the following update: %1 |
0xD5 | Revert Failure: Windows failed to revert the following update with error %1: %2 |
Revert Failure: Windows failed to revert the following update with error %1: %2 |
0xD6 | Revert Started: Windows has started reverting the following update: %1 |
Revert Started: Windows has started reverting the following update: %1 |
0x10000001 | Connection |
Connection |
0x10000002 | Check for Updates |
Check for Updates |
0x10000003 | Download |
Download |
0x10000004 | Installation |
Installation |
0x10000005 | Success |
Success |
0x10000006 | Failure |
Failure |
0x10000007 | Reboot |
Reboot |
0x10000008 | State |
State |
0x10000009 | SelfUpdate |
SelfUpdate |
0x1000000A | Service |
Service |
0x1000000B | Health |
Health |
0x1000000C | Performance |
Performance |
0x1000000E | Started |
Started |
0x1000000F | Revert |
Revert |
0x10000031 | Response Time |
Response Time |
0x30000000 | Info |
Info |
0x30000001 | Start |
Start |
0x30000002 | Stop |
Stop |
0x3000000E | Uninstallation |
Uninstallation |
0x30000010 | State Change |
State Change |
0x30000012 | Other |
Other |
0x50000002 | Error |
Error |
0x50000003 | Warning |
Warning |
0x50000004 | Information |
Information |
0x70000001 | Windows Update Agent |
Windows Update Agent |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient |
Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient |
0x90000002 | System |
System |
0xB0000019 | Windows Update failed to check for updates with error %1. |
Windows Update failed to check for updates with error %1. |
0xB000001A | Windows Update successfully found %1 updates. |
Windows Update successfully found %1 updates. |
0xB000001D | Windows Update lost connectivity. |
Windows Update lost connectivity. |
0xB000001E | Windows Update established connectivity. |
Windows Update established connectivity. |
0xB000001F | Windows Update failed to download an update. |
Windows Update failed to download an update. |
0xB0000022 | The Windows Update Client Core component failed to install a self-update with error %1. |
The Windows Update Client Core component failed to install a self-update with error %1. |
0xB0000023 | The Windows Update Client Auxillary component failed to install a self-update with error %1. |
The Windows Update Client Auxillary component failed to install a self-update with error %1. |
0xB0000024 | The Windows Update Client Core component was successfully updated from version %1 to version %2. |
The Windows Update Client Core component was successfully updated from version %1 to version %2. |
0xB0000025 | The Windows Update Client Auxillary was successfully updated from version %1 to version %2. |
The Windows Update Client Auxillary was successfully updated from version %1 to version %2. |
0xB0000026 | Windows Update received a service stop request. |
Windows Update received a service stop request. |
0xB0000027 | Windows Update received a service shutdown request. |
Windows Update received a service shutdown request. |
0xB0000028 | An update was detected. |
An update was detected. |
0xB0000029 | An update was downloaded. |
An update was downloaded. |
0xB000002A | There has been a change in the health of Windows Update. |
There has been a change in the health of Windows Update. |