USBXHCI.SYS.mui USB XHCI 驅動程式 fa59b7dcbaa09b5aa4ca0e6e69763f23

File info

File name: USBXHCI.SYS.mui
Size: 10240 byte
MD5: fa59b7dcbaa09b5aa4ca0e6e69763f23
SHA1: bf2d35723b13e6cca7982e82d32da020bd2a4749
SHA256: 40713ec387228175f665385642db56c6cb4287eb1561fc1f2641c5074f330198
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
1XHCI Interrupter XHCI Interrupter
3包含測量 xHCI 控制器之插斷器層面的計數器。 Consists of counters that measure aspects of an interrupter of an xHCI controller.
5Interrupts/sec Interrupts/sec
7每秒產生的插斷數目 Number of interrupts generated per second
9DPCs/sec DPCs/sec
11每秒執行的插斷 DPC 數目 Number of Interrupt DPCs executed per second
13Events processed/DPC Events processed/DPC
15每一 DPC 處理的事件數目 Number of Events processed per DPC
17DPC count DPC count
19自插斷器啟動後執行的 DPC 數目 Number of DPCs executed since the interrupter was started
21EventRingFullCount EventRingFullCount
23自上次裝置節點建立後,事件核心 (Event Ring) 已滿的次數 Number of times Event Ring got full since the creation of the device node
25DpcRequeueCount DpcRequeueCount
27將插斷 Dpc 重新排入佇列以防止 DPC 逾時的次數 Number of times the Interrupt Dpc was requeued to prevent a DPC timeout
101XHCI TransferRing XHCI TransferRing
103包含測量 xHCI 控制器之傳輸層面的計數器。 Consists of counters that measure aspects of a transferring of an xHCI controller.
105Transfers/sec Transfers/sec
107每秒完成的傳輸數 Number of transfers completed per second
109Failed Transfer Count Failed Transfer Count
111失敗的傳輸數 Number of failed transfers
113Bytes/Sec Bytes/Sec
115每秒傳輸的位元組數 Bytes transferred per second
117Isoch TD/sec Isoch TD/sec
119每秒完成的 Isoch TD 數 Number of Isoch TDs completed per second
121Isoch TD Failures/sec Isoch TD Failures/sec
123每秒 Isoch TD 失敗數 Number of Isoch TD failures per second
125Missed Service Error Count Missed Service Error Count
127接收的 Isoch 遺失服務錯誤事件總數 Total Number of Isoch Missed Service Error events received
129Underrun Overrun count Underrun Overrun count
131接收的 Isoch 不足/溢位事件總數 Total Number of Isoch Underrun/Overrun events received
201XHCI CommonBuffer XHCI CommonBuffer
203包含測量 xHCI 控制器之 CommonBuffer 物件層面的計數器。 Consists of counters that measure aspects of a CommonBuffer object of an xHCI controller.
205PagesTotal PagesTotal
207目前配置的 CommonBuffer 分頁總數 Total number of CommonBuffer pages currently allocated
209PagesInUse PagesInUse
211目前使用中的 CommonBuffer 分頁數 Number of pages of CommonBuffer currently in use
213AllocationCount AllocationCount
215完成的 CommonBuffer 配置次數 Number of times CommonBuffer allocations were done
217FreeCount FreeCount
219CommonBuffer 釋放回 DMA 介面卡的次數 Number of times CommonBuffer was freed back to the DMA adapter
0xEWindows 無法啟動 %3,原因如下:%n%4 Windows failed to start the %3 for the following reason:%n%4
0x30000001開始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x3000000A資訊 Information
0x40010001%1 USB %2 可延伸主機控制器 - %3 (Microsoft) %1 USB %2 eXtensible Host Controller - %3 (Microsoft)
0x40010002標準 Standard
0x50000002錯誤 Error
0x70000001USBXHCI 驅動程式取消 USBXHCI Driver Rundown
0x70000002USBXHCI 控制器取消 USBXHCI Controler Rundown
0x70000003USBXHCI 裝置取消 USBXHCI Device Rundown
0x70000004USBXHCI 端點取消 USBXHCI Endpoint Rundown
0x70000005USBXHCI 控制器建立 USBXHCI Controller Create
0x70000006USBXHCI 控制器刪除 USBXHCI Controller Delete
0x70000007USBXHCI 裝置建立 USBXHCI Device Create
0x70000008USBXHCI 裝置更新 USBXHCI Device Update
0x70000009USBXHCI 裝置刪除 USBXHCI Device Delete
0x7000000AUSBXHCI 端點建立 USBXHCI Endpoint Create
0x7000000BUSBXHCI 端點更新 USBXHCI Endpoint Update
0x7000000CUSBXHCI 端點刪除 USBXHCI Endpoint Delete
0x7000000DUSBXHCI 控制器韌體版本更新 USBXHCI Controller Firmware Version Update
0x7000000EUSBXHCI 控制器 D0 項目 USBXHCI Controller D0 Entry
0x7000000FUSBXHCI 控制器 D0 項目張貼插斷已啟用 USBXHCI Controller D0 Entry Post Interrupts Enabled
0x70000010USBXHCI 控制器 D0 結束預先插斷已停用 USBXHCI Controller D0 Exit Pre Interrupts Disabled
0x70000011USBXHCI 控制器 D0 結束 USBXHCI Controller D0 Exit
0x70000012USBXHCI 控制器儲存狀態 USBXHCI Controller Save State
0x70000013USBXHCI 控制器還原狀態 USBXHCI Controller Restore State
0x70000014USBXHCI 控制器內部重設 USBXHCI Controller Internal Reset
0x70000015USBXHCI 控制器錯誤 USBXHCI Controller Error
0x70000016USBXHCI 命令 USBXHCI Command
0x90000001系統 System
0x90000002This is the Analytic channel to which internal Analytic events from the USBXHCI driver are sent. This is the Analytic channel to which internal Analytic events from the USBXHCI driver are sent.
0xB0000001開始取消 Start Rundown
0xB0000002完成取消 Complete Rundown
0xB0000003USBXHCI 控制器資訊 USBXHCI Controller Information
0xB0000004USBXHCI 裝置資訊 USBXHCI Device Information
0xB0000005USBXHCI 端點資訊 USBXHCI Endpoint Information
0xB0000010USBXHCI 控制器 EvtDeviceD0Entry 開始 USBXHCI Controller EvtDeviceD0Entry Start
0xB0000011USBXHCI 控制器 EvtDeviceD0Entry 完成 USBXHCI Controller EvtDeviceD0Entry Complete
0xB0000012USBXHCI 控制器 EvtDeviceD0EntryPostInterruptsEnabled 開始 USBXHCI Controller EvtDeviceD0EntryPostInterruptsEnabled Start
0xB0000013USBXHCI 控制器 EvtDeviceD0EntryPostInterruptsEnabled 完成 USBXHCI Controller EvtDeviceD0EntryPostInterruptsEnabled Complete
0xB0000014USBXHCI 控制器 EvtDeviceD0ExitPreInterruptsDisabled 開始 USBXHCI Controller EvtDeviceD0ExitPreInterruptsDisabled Start
0xB0000015USBXHCI 控制器 EvtDeviceD0ExitPreInterruptsDisabled 完成 USBXHCI Controller EvtDeviceD0ExitPreInterruptsDisabled Complete
0xB0000016USBXHCI 控制器 EvtDeviceD0Exit 開始 USBXHCI Controller EvtDeviceD0Exit Start
0xB0000017USBXHCI 控制器 EvtDeviceD0Exit 完成 USBXHCI Controller EvtDeviceD0Exit Complete
0xB0000018USBXHCI 控制器儲存狀態開始 USBXHCI Controller Save State Start
0xB0000019USBXHCI 控制器儲存狀態完成 USBXHCI Controller Save State Complete
0xB000001AUSBXHCI 控制器還原狀態開始 USBXHCI Controller Restore State Start
0xB000001BUSBXHCI 控制器還原狀態完成 USBXHCI Controller Restore State Complete
0xB000001CUSBXHCI 控制器內部重設開始 USBXHCI Controller Internal Reset Start
0xB000001DUSBXHCI 控制器內部重設完成 USBXHCI Controller Internal Reset Complete
0xB000001E偵測到 USBXHCI 控制器錯誤。為從此錯誤復原,Windows 可能需要重設控制器,並重新列舉控制器的 USB 裝置下游。請參考事件內容,了解關於此錯誤的相關資訊。%n硬體檢查器旗標: %4。%n詳細描述: %5 USBXHCI Controller Error detected. To recover from this Error, Windows may need to reset the Controller and re-enumerate USB devices downstream of the Controller. Please refer Event Properties for more contextual information about this Error.%nHardware Verifier Flag: %4.%nDetailed description: %5
0xB000001FxHCI 命令已傳送到控制器 xHCI Command sent to Controller
0xB0000020由於命令核心 (Command Ring) 已滿或命令序列化 (Command Serialization),xHCI 命令已加入等候清單 xHCI Command waitlisted due to Command Ring full or Command Serialization
0xB0000021xHCI 命令完成 xHCI Command Complete
0xB0000022xHCI 命令完成但有錯誤 xHCI Command Complete with Error
0xB0000023查詢控制器的 USB 功能 Query USB capability for controller
0xB0000024已擷取或已釋放「Wdf 電源參考」,因為控制器已與偵錯工具共用 Wdf Power Reference acquired or released because controller is shared with debugger
0xD0000001BIOS 遞交失敗。請洽詢您的電腦製造商,以取得更新的 BIOS 或更新的控制器韌體。 BIOS Handoff failed. Check with your computer manufacturer for an updated BIOS, or an updated firmware for the controller.
0xD0000002控制器在 BIOS 遞交後並未停止。請洽詢您的電腦製造商,以取得更新的 BIOS。 Controller was not halted after a BIOS handoff. Check with your computer manufacturer for an updated BIOS.
0xD0000003控制器重設逾時。請洽詢您的電腦製造商,以取得更新的控制器韌體。 Controller reset timed out. Check with your computer manufacturer for an updated firmware for the controller.
0xD0000004ParentBusTypePci ParentBusTypePci
0xD0000005ParentBusTypeAcpi ParentBusTypeAcpi
0xD0000006S0IdleConfigured S0IdleConfigured
0xD0000007S0IdleNotConfiguredDueToHackFlag S0IdleNotConfiguredDueToHackFlag
0xD0000008NotConfiguredDueToNoS0WakeCapability NotConfiguredDueToNoS0WakeCapability
0xD0000009CommandRingFull CommandRingFull
0xD000000ACommandsSerialized CommandsSerialized
0xD000000BCommandAbortInProgress CommandAbortInProgress
0xD000000CControllerResetInProgress ControllerResetInProgress
0xD000000D無效 Invalid
0xD000000E成功 Success
0xD000000F資料緩衝區錯誤 Data Buffer Error
0xD0000010偵測到 Babble 錯誤 Babble Detected Error
0xD0000011Usb 交易錯誤 Usb Transaction Error
0xD0000012Trb 錯誤 Trb Error
0xD0000013懸置 (Stall) 錯誤 Stall Error
0xD0000014資源錯誤 Resource Error
0xD0000015頻寬錯誤 Bandwidth Error
0xD0000016沒有可用插槽錯誤 No Slots Available Error
0xD0000017無效的資料流類型錯誤 Invalid Stream Type Error
0xD0000018插槽未啟用錯誤 Slot Not Enabled Error
0xD0000019端點未啟用錯誤 Endpoint Not Enabled Error
0xD000001A短的封包 Short Packet
0xD000001B核心不足 Ring Underrun
0xD000001C核心溢位 Ring Overrun
0xD000001DVf 事件核心已滿錯誤 Vf Event Ring Full Error
0xD000001E參數錯誤 Parameter Error
0xD000001F頻寬溢位錯誤 Bandwidth Overrun Error
0xD0000020內容狀態錯誤 Context State Error
0xD0000021沒有 Ping 回應錯誤 No Ping Response Error
0xD0000022事件核心已滿錯誤 Event Ring Full Error
0xD0000023不相容的裝置錯誤 Incompatible Device Error
0xD0000024遺失的服務錯誤 Missed Service Error
0xD0000025命令核心已停止 Command Ring Stopped
0xD0000026命令已中止 Command Aborted
0xD0000027已停止 Stopped
0xD0000028停止的長度無效 Stopped Length Invalid
0xD0000029已停止短封包 Stopped Short Packet
0xD000002A最大的結束延遲太大錯誤 Max Exit Latency Too Large Error
0xD000002BIsoch 緩衝區溢位 Isoch Buffer Overrun
0xD000002C事件遺失錯誤 Event Lost Error
0xD000002D未定義的錯誤 Undefined Error
0xD000002E無效的資料流識別碼錯誤 Invalid Stream Id Error
0xD000002F次要頻寬錯誤 Secondary Bandwidth Error
0xD0000030分割交易錯誤 Split Transaction Error
0xD0000032不成功 Unsuccessful
0xD0000033逾時 Timeout
0xD0000034控制器已消失 Controller Gone
0xD0000035未完成 Not Complete


File Name:USBXHCI.SYS.mui
File Size:10 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:9728
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Driver
File Subtype:7
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:USB XHCI 驅動程式
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:usbxhci.sys
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:usbxhci.sys.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is USBXHCI.SYS.mui?

USBXHCI.SYS.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file USBXHCI.SYS (USB XHCI 驅動程式).

File version info

File Description:USB XHCI 驅動程式
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:usbxhci.sys
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:usbxhci.sys.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200