MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui Musuq riqsichiy kunanyachiykuna tupachiy patachana f735140ccdf4170743ed143d01dd417d

File info

File name: MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui
Size: 44032 byte
MD5: f735140ccdf4170743ed143d01dd417d
SHA1: 2d8fd58bbf456f9490b360d522f59fb2f983350b
SHA256: ebeed0f8586797e3b7c8302fa037ae57842f2a0bb3148ebd57d141c6208362c3
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Quechua language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Quechua English
50Kunanyachiykunata maskachkan... Checking for updates...
51Kay %1!u!%% kunanyachiykunata uraykachichkan Downloading updates %1!u!%%
52Kunanyachiykuna churanapaq allichakuchkan %1!u!%% Preparing to install updates %1!u!%%
53Suyay... Please wait...
54Ñawpa dispositivuyki kan. Qhipa chiqaqchasqan: %1, %2 Your device is up to date. Last checked: %1, %2
55Hapirinalla kunanyachiykuna manam kanchu. Sapa punchaw musuq kunanyachiykunata maskasaqku. No updates are available. We'll continue to check daily for newer updates.
56Kunanyachiykuna churanapaqña kachkan Updates are ready to install
57Kikillan kunanchaykuna churayku mayk'aq mana dispositivuyki ruwachkankichu, utaq kunan kaykuna churayta atikunki sichus munanki. We'll automatically install updates when you aren't using your device, or you can install them now if you want.
58Kunanyachiykuna uraykachinapaqña kachkan Updates are ready to download
59Kunanyachiykunata churachkan... Installing updates...
60Wak churasqa qallariyta munayku hunt'aypaq kay kunanchayta. Kayta qallariypaq Churayta akllay. Sichus mana kay churay qawanata rikuy atikunkichu, huchuyachiy kay qawanta utaq llamkana siqita chiqaqchay. We need to start a separate installation to complete this update. Select Install to start it. If you don't see the install window, minimize this window, or check the taskbar.
61Ñawpa dispositivuyki. Qhipa chiqaqchasqa: Kunan punchaw, %1 Your device is up to date. Last checked: Today, %1
62Ñawpa dispositivuyki. Qhipa chiqaqchasqa: Qayna punchaw, %1 Your device is up to date. Last checked: Yesterday, %1
63Qallarispa kunanyachiykuna... Initializing updates...
64Kunanyachiykuna uraykachinapaq allichakuchkan %1!u!%% Preparing to download updates %1!u!%%
100Kunanyachiykuna maskay Check for updates
101Hapirinalla kunanchaykuna uraykachisqanku chaymanta churasqanku, mana sayanisqa tinkisqakunapi (maypi qipikuna ruwanku). Available updates will be downloaded and installed automatically, except over metered connections (where charges may apply).
102Musuqmanta kunan qallirichiy Restart now
103Kunan churay Install now
104Uraykachiy Download
105Ruwapay Retry
106Sasachakuy allichay Fix issues
107Churanaman riy imakuna qichuypaq mana munankichu Go to Storage to remove things you don't need
108Qatiq Next
109Pantay tiyachayku kay churanata tukukuypaq kawsarichichkan. Huk chininipi watiqmanta ruway. Sichus kayta rikuchkanki, webta ruwayta maskachkan utaq yanapakuyta yanapaypaq tinkichkan. Kay pantay cudigu yanapakun: (%1) We're having trouble restarting to finish the install. Try again in a little while. If you keep seeing this, try searching the web or contacting support for help. This error code might help: (%1)
110Musuqmanta qallarinapaq, kunanyachiy tukunapaq, mañakuniku: To restart and finish updating, we need:
111• Kallpa waqaychaq 40% hunta kananta.
• Your battery charged to 40%.
112• Qayasqayki tukunanta.
• Your phone call to be finished.
113Kay akllana llamkayniykirayku kamachisqan. This option is managed by your organization.
114Kunanyachiykunata pisiyachiy Resume updates
130Microsoft huk rurukunapaq kunanyachiykunata quway Windows kunanyachikuptin. Give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update Windows.
131Tinkisqapi Microsoft Update nisqapi kunanyachiykunata maskay. Check online for updates from Microsoft Update.
133Aswan willakuy Learn more
134Llamkayta qallariypa willayniy ruway kikillanmanta tukuypaq dispositivoy tupachichkan chanta huk kunanyachiyta. Use my sign in info to automatically finish setting up my device after an update.
136Sapanchasqa willakuy Privacy statement
137Musuq kunanyachiykunata yapay mayk'aq Windows kunanyachani Include driver updates when I update Windows
140Sichus munanki, kunan qallaripayta atikunki. Utaq, qallariyta aswan allin pachata watiqmanta programayta atikunki. Chiqaqchay dispositivoyki programasqa pachapi huntapasqan. Imayna sayaynin kunanchaymanta, huk chinini churayta ruwan. If you want, you can restart now. Or, you can reschedule the restart to a more convenient time. Be sure your device is plugged in at the scheduled time. Depending on the size of the update, the install might take a while.
141Musuqmanta qallarichiyta sapa hora kananpaq tupachisaqku mana hapisqayki horapi (kunanpuni %1 nisqapi allin qawakun). We'll schedule a restart during a time you usually don't use your device (right now %1 today looks good).
142Musuqmanta qallarichiyta sapa hora kananpaq tupachisaqku mana hapisqayki horapi (kunanpuni %1 paqarin qawakun). We'll schedule a restart during a time you usually don't use your device (right now %1 tomorrow looks good).
143Musuqmanta qallarichiyta sapa hora kananpaq tupachisaqku mana hapisqayki horapi (kunanpuni %1 %2 nisqapi allin qawakun). We'll schedule a restart during a time you usually don't use your device (right now %1 on %2 looks good).
144Watiqmanta qallariy phanita akllay Select a restart time
145Kunan punchaw Today
146Qayna punchaw Tomorrow
147Kay phani ñawpa ka. Wak phanita chikllay. That time is in the past. Choose another time.
148Kunanyachiykuna churay tukuyku mayk'aq qamta niyku kayta: We’ll finish installing updates when you tell us to:
149Huk yuyarinapaq qawayku mayk'aq musuqmanta qallarichiypaq richkayku. Sichus aswan willanakuna musuqmanta qallarichiymanta rikuypaq munanki, kayta kawsarichin. We’ll show a reminder when we’re going to restart. If you want to see more notifications about restarting, turn this on.
150Kunanchaykuna llamkanku. Updates are available.
151Huk musuqmanta qallarichiyta munasqan tukuypaq qatiq kunanyachiykuna churachkan: A restart is required to finish installing the following updates:
152Runasimi allichay yanapaqta yapay Additional language support
160• Web qawapay chaymanta llamkanakuna tupariq kananta hatalliy. • Improve web browsing and app compatibility.
161• Dispositivoykikuna aswan allin llamkananta hatalliy. • Improve the way your devices work.
162• Dispositivoyki aswan harkasqa kananta yanapakuy. • Help make your device more secure.
163• %1 • %1
164Willarina kunanyachiy Update history
165Kaqninkuna Details
166Sapanchasqa tupachiy Privacy settings
167Uchuy willana: Ichapas Windows Update nisqa ñawpaqta kikillanmanta kunanyachikunman huk kunanyachiykunata maskaspan. Note: Windows Update might update itself automatically first when checking for other updates.
168Llallirisqa akllanakuna Advanced options
169Akllanakunata musuqmanta qallarichiy Restart options
170Musuqmanta qallarichiyta programay Schedule the restart
180Kikillanmanta (kunakusqa) Automatic (recommended)
181Llapan mana sasachakuspa llamkananta ruway. Kikillanmantam musuqmanta qallarinqa mana hapiptiyki. Kunanyachiykunapas manam uraykachikunqachu tupusqa hapiy tinkichiywan (paganakunam kanman). Keep everything running smoothly. We'll restart your device automatically when you're not using it. Updates won't download over a metered connection (where charges may apply).
182Uraykachinanpaq willana Notify to download
183Chikllay mayk'aq kunanchaykuna uraykachiypaq, chaymanta willasqanki sichus watiqmanta qallariyta munasqan. Choose when to download updates, and you'll be notified if a restart is needed.
184Musuqmanta qallarinanpaq willana Notify to schedule restart
185Programayta huk watiqmanta qallariy tapusqanki tukukuypaq churachka kunanchaykuna. Kunanchaykuna conexion dosificadapi mana uraykachinkuchu (maypi qipikuna ruwanku). You'll be asked to schedule a restart to finish installing updates. Updates won't download over a metered connection (where charges may apply).
186Dispositivoy musuqmanta qallarichiy kunanyachiy churayta mañakuptin. Always restart my device at this time whenever updates need to be installed.
187Kay dispositivopi uraykachisqa musuqmanta hapiy kaylla llikapi huk dispositivokuna kunanyachinapaq. Reuse updates downloaded on this device to update other devices on my local network.
188Kunanyachiykuna haykaqpas mana qawapay (mana kunakusqa) Never check for updates (not recommended)
189Hatun llamkanayki kikillan kunanchaykuna wañusqan Your organization has turned off automatic updates
190Churaypaq willana Notify to install
191Tupusqa tinkichiyninta kunanyachiykuna manam churakunqachu. Uraykachispa, kunanyachiykuna churanapaq mañasunki. Updates won't download over a metered connection. You'll be asked to install updates when they've been downloaded.
192Kikillan kunanchaykuna uraykachisqayku chaymanta churayku, mana sayanisqa tinkisqakunapi (maypi qipikuna ruwanku). Chantapas, kikillan kay kunanyachiykuna uraykachiylla munasqayku qatiypaq Windows allinlla llamkachkan. We'll automatically download and install updates, except on metered connections (where charges may apply). In that case, we’ll automatically download only those updates required to keep Windows running smoothly.
193Kunanchaykuna uraykachiyta tapuyku, excepto mayk'aq kunanyachiykuna munasqanku qatiypaq Windows allinlla llamkachkan. Chantapas, kikillan kay kunanyachiykuna uraykachiyku. We'll ask you to download updates, except when updates are required to keep Windows running smoothly. In that case, we’ll automatically download those updates.
194Kikillan kunanchaykuna uraykachisqanku, mana sayanisqa tinkisqakunapi (maypi qipikuna ruwanku). Chantapas, kikillan kay kunanyachiykuna uraykachiylla munasqayku qatiypaq Windows allinlla llamkachkan. Kunanyachiykuna churayta tapusqayku chanta uraykachisqa kasqanku. We'll automatically download updates, except on metered connections (where charges may apply). In that case, we’ll automatically download only those updates required to keep Windows running smoothly. We'll ask you to install updates after they've been downloaded.
200Manaraq mayqin kunanyachiykunapas churakunraqchu. No updates have been installed yet.
201Allinlla %1 kaqpi churasqan Successfully installed on %1
202Manam churayta atikunchu %1 Failed to install on %1
203Churay tukunapaq musuqmanta qallariy mañakun Requires a restart to finish installing
204Calidad Kunanyachiykuna (%1!u!) Quality Updates (%1!u!)
205Riqsisqa Kunanyachiykuna (%1!u!) Feature Updates (%1!u!)
206Muyuqpa Kunanyachiykunan (%1!u!) Driver Updates (%1!u!)
207Kunanyachiykuna Niynin (%1!u!) Definition Updates (%1!u!)
208Wak Kunanyachiykuna (%1!u!) Other Updates (%1!u!)
209Chintisqan Collapsed
210Mana Chintisqanchu Not Collapsed
240Kawsarichiy akllanakuna Recovery options
241Kunanyachiykuna urquy Uninstall updates
300Software Licencia Kamachinakuna Software License Terms
301Kay kunanchayta churaypaq, musuq Software Licencia Kamachinakunata uyakun. Kay qawana wichqay utaq Qhipa wachuman akllay sichus mana kunan kunanchayta churay munankichu. To install this update, accept the new Software License Terms. Close this window or select the Back arrow above if you don't want to install the update now.
302Kay kunanchayta churaypaq, musuq Software Licencia Kamachinakunata uyakun. Qhipa butunman akllay sichus mana kunan kunanchayta churay munankichu. To install this update, accept the new Software License Terms. Select the Back button if you don't want to install the update now.
400Wichqay Close
401Chaskikuy chaymanta churay Accept and install
500Uraykachiypaq suyachkan Waiting for download
501Uraykachichkan Downloading
502Churaypaq suyachkan Waiting for install
503Churachkan Installing
504Watiqmanta qallariyta munan Requires restart
505Pantay Error
506Ruwachkanpi In progress
550K'allma ñawirispa sayayninta akllay niypaq mayk'aq rikchayninkuna kunanchayta churasqanku. Kunan K'allma kay kunanyachiyta kanña aswan runakunapaq nin, chaymanta Kunan K'allma Qatunapaq ch'iqispa hatun llamkanakunapi kanña nin. Choose the branch readiness level to determine when feature updates are installed. Current Branch means the update is ready for most people, and Current Branch for Business means it’s ready for widespread use in organizations.
551Kunan Pallqan Current Branch
552Kunan Pallqan Qatunapaq Current Branch for Business
553Huk rikchayninkuna kunanchayta musuq yachaykuna chaymanta allichaykunata yapan. Achka punchawkunapaq qhipachisqa atikun: A feature update includes new capabilities and improvements. It can be deferred for this many days:
554Huk imaynataq kunanchayta harkasqa allichaykunata yapan. Achka punchawkunapaq qhipachisqa atikun: A quality update includes security improvements. It can be deferred for this many days:
555Tukuqllata kunanyachiykuna samarin kay dispositivopi %1!u! punchawkunapaq churasqa kachan. Mayk'aq kunanyachiykuna pisiyachinku, kay dispositivota tariypaq qhipa kunanyachiykunata tariyta munan ñawpaq watiqmanta samarisqa atikun. Temporarily pause updates from being installed on this device for up to %1!u! days. When updates resume, this device will need to get the latest updates before it can be paused again.
556Kunanyachiykunata kay dispositivopaq samarisqa tiyanki. Aswan willaypaq mayk'aq kunanyachiykunata pisiyachin, Ñawparisqa akllanakunaman akllay. You have paused updates for this device. For more info on when updates will resume, select Advanced options.
557Hatun llamkayniyki wakin kunanyachiykunata kay dispositivopaq samarisqan. Aswan willaypaq mayk'aq kunanyachiykunata pisiyachin, Ñawparisqa akllanakunaman akllay. Your organization paused some updates for this device. For more info on when updates will resume, select Advanced options.
558Kunan samarispa kay kunanyachiykuna %1 kaqkama samariy Pausing now will pause updates until %1
559Kunanyachiykuna %1 kaqkama samarisqanku Updates paused until %1
560Imaynataq kunanchaykunata hatun llamkayniykipaq %1 kaqkama samarisqanku Quality updates paused by your organization until %1
561Rikchayninkuna kunanchaykunata hatun llamkayniykipaq %1 kaqkama samarisqanku Feature updates paused by your organization until %1
562Wakin kunanyachiykuna uraykachisqanku chaymanta churasqanku chaymanta mana samarisqa atikunchu. Qallarispa kay dispositivo churaspa kay kunanyachiykunawan tukun. Wakin kunanyachiykuna samarisqan. Some updates were already downloaded and installed and can’t be paused. Restarting this device will finish installing these updates. Any other updates will be paused.
563Kunanyachiykuna pisiyachisqan chanta kunanyachiykunapaq chiqaqchayku chanta kunan maquinayki qhipa harkasqa chaymanta imaynataq kunanchaykunawan tiyanki ñawpaq kunanchaykunata watiqmanta samariyta atikunki. Updates have been resumed so we are checking for updates to keep your machine current with the latest security and quality updates before you can pause updates again.
564Kunanyachiykunata samariy Pause Updates
600Phani akllay chaymanta tukuy chanta mana aswan %1!u! phanikunahina qallariy pachamanta. Choose an end time that’s no more than %1!u! hours from the start time.
601Tukuy phani (kuraq %1!u! phanikuna) End time (max %1!u! hours)
602Hatun llamkayniyki Llakaq phanikuna patakunayki akllasqan. Your organization has chosen your Active hours limits.
700Dispositivoyki programasqan musuqmanta qallarichiypaq hawa kawsaq phanikunamanta. (Kawsaq phanikuna %1 %2 kaqman kanku.) Your device is scheduled to restart outside of active hours. (Active hours are %1 to %2.)
701Musuqmanta qallarichiyta programasqa %1 kaqta %2 kaqpi ruwayta llapa takyayku. Utaq kunan Musuqmanta qallarichiyta akllay llankay ruwaypaq aswan llamp'u chaymanta harkasqa kunanpuni. We’re all set to do the restart you scheduled at %1 on %2, or select Restart now to run more smoothly and securely right away.
702Hatun llamkayniyki dispositivoyki %1 kaqman musuqmanta qallarichinqa kunayachiykuna Tukuypaq Windows kunanyachichkan. Utaq kunan Musuqmanta qallarichiyta akllay llankay ruwaypaq llamp'u chaymanta kunanpuni. Your organization will restart your device at %1 to finish updating Windows. Or select Restart now to run more smoothly and securely right away.
703Dispositivoyki %1 kaqta musuqmanta qallarichin. Chiqaqchay wakin llamkay waqaychaypaq ñawpaq musuqmanta qallarichiy. Your device will restart at %1. Make sure to save any work before the restart.
704Dispositivoyki %1 kaqpi musuqmanta qallarichin imaraykuchus ruwasqayku ichaqa kunanyachiykunapaq hawa kawsaq phanikunaykimanta churayta atikunku. Chiqaqchay wakin llamkayta waqaychaypaq ñawpaq musuqmanta qallarichinki. Your device will restart at %1 because we tried but were unable to install updates outside of your active hours. Make sure to save any work before the restart.
705kunan punchaw today
706paqarin punchaw tomorrow
707Dispositivoyki programasqan musuqmanta qallarichiypaq hawa llakaq phanikuna hatun llamkayniykirayku. (Kawsaq phanikuna %1 %2 kaqman kanku.) Your device is scheduled to restart outside of active hours set by your organization. (Active hours are %1 to %2.)
708Mana allin pachata tariyta atikuykuchu churaypaq kunanyachiykunapaq hawa kawsaq phanikunaykimanta chaymanta dispositivoyki musuqmanta qallarichiyta munanki tukuypaq. We couldn’t find a good time to install updates outside of your active hours and need you to restart your device to finish up.
800Dispositivoyki riesgota tiyan imaraykuchus kunanyachisqa kanan chaymanta chaniyuq harkasqa chaymanta imaynataq kunanchayta chinkachichkan. Qamman purinapaq tarisunki chanta Windows aswan harkasqa llankay ruwayta atikun. Kay ñitina akllay riypaq: Your device is at risk because it’s out of date and missing important security and quality updates. Let’s get you back on track so Windows can run more securely. Select this button to get going:
1000Hapirinalla kunanyachiy kachkan, ichaqa uraykachinapaq tukuqlla %1 MB-%2 MB sayata mañakun. Kunanpuni mana hapisqayki imatapas wischuy hinaspa musuqmanta ruwapasaqku. Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 MB-%2 MB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1001Hapirinalla kunanyachiy kachkan, ichaqa uraykachinapaq tukuqlla %1 MB-%2 GB sayayta mañakun. Kunanpuni mana hapisqayki imatapas wischuy hinaspa musuqmanta ruwapasaqku. Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 MB-%2 GB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1002Hapirinalla kunanyachiy kachkan, ichaqa uraykachinapaq tukuqlla %1 GB-%2 GB sayayta mañakun. Kunanpuni mana hapisqayki imatapas wischuy hinaspa musuqmanta ruwapasaqku. Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 GB-%2 GB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1003Hapirinalla kunanyachiy kachkan, ichaqa uraykachinapaq tukuqlla %1 MB sayayta mañakun. Kunanpuni mana hapisqayki imatapas wischuy hinaspa musuqmanta ruwapasaqku. Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 MB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1004Hapirinalla kunanyachiy kachkan, ichaqa uraykachinapaq tukuqlla %1 GB sayayta mañakun. Kunanpuni mana hapisqayki imatapas wischuy hinaspa musuqmanta ruwapasaqku. Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 GB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1005Kunanchaykuna llamkanku, ichaqa kunanlla wakin kampu uraykachiypaq munayku. Wakin imakuna qichuy kunan pacha mana munankichu chaymanta watiqmanta ruwayku. Updates are available, but we temporarily need some space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1100Hapirinalla kunanyachiy kachkan, ichaqa churanapaq tukuqlla %1 MB sayayta mañakun. Kunanpuni mana hapisqayki imatapas wischuy hinaspa musuqmanta ruwapasaqku. Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 MB of space to install. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1101Hapirinalla kunanyachiy kachkan, ichaqa churanapaq tukuqlla %1 GB sayayta mañakun. Kunanpuni mana hapisqayki imatapas wischuy hinaspa musuqmanta ruwapasaqku. Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 GB of space to install. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1102Kunanchaykuna llamkanku, ichaqa kunanlla wakin kampu churaypaq munayku. Wakin imakuna qichuy kunan pacha mana munankichu chaymanta watiqmanta ruwayku. Updates are available, but we temporarily need some space to install. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1200Kunanchaykuna llamkanku. Kaykuna uraykachinku mayk'aq huk medido tinkisqata mana ruwachkan kankichu, utaq %1 MB-%2 MB uraykachiyta atikunki sichus kunan willaypa tinkisqaniyki (qullqi ruway) ruwachkanki. Mana medido Wi-Fi wakin kunanchaykunarayku tinkiyta munanki. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB-%2 MB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1201Kunanchaykuna llamkanku. Kaykuna uraykachinku mayk'aq huk medido tinkisqata mana ruwachkan kankichu, utaq %1 MB-%2 GB uraykachiyta atikunki sichus kunan willaypa tinkisqaniyki (qullqi ruway) ruwachkanki. Mana medido Wi-Fi wakin kunanchaykunarayku tinkiyta munanki. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB-%2 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1202Kunanchaykuna llamkanku. Kaykuna uraykachinku mayk'aq huk medido tinkisqata mana ruwachkan kankichu, utaq %1 GB-%2 GB uraykachiyta atikunki sichus kunan willaypa tinkisqaniyki (qullqi ruway) ruwachkanki. Mana medido Wi-Fi wakin kunanchaykunarayku tinkiyta munanki. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 GB-%2 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1203Kunanchaykuna llamkanku. Kaykuna uraykachinku mayk'aq huk medido tinkisqata mana ruwachkan kankichu, utaq %1 MB uraykachiyta atikunki sichus kunan willaypa tinkisqaniyki (qullqi ruway) ruwachkanki. Mana medido Wi-Fi wakin kunanchaykunarayku tinkiyta munanki. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1204Kunanchaykuna llamkanku. Kaykuna uraykachinku mayk'aq huk medido tinkisqata mana ruwachkan kankichu, utaq %1 GB uraykachiyta atikunki sichus kunan willaypa tinkisqaniyki (qullqi ruway) ruwachkanki. Mana medido Wi-Fi wakin kunanchaykunarayku tinkiyta munanki. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1205Kunanchaykuna llamkanku. Kaykuna uraykachinku mayk'aq huk medido tinkisqata mana ruwachkan kankichu, utaq kaykuna kunan tariyta atikunki sichus kunan willaypa tinkisqaniyki (qullqi ruway) ruwachkanki. Mana medido Wi-Fi wakin kunanchaykunarayku tinkiyta munanki. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can get them now using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1300Wakin kunanchaykuna mana churayta atikuykuchu imaraykuchus mana kay PC kaqpi qillqasqankichu. We couldn't install some updates because you weren't logged on to the PC.
1301Wakin kunanchaykuna mana churayta atikuykuchu ruwachkan kay yupaywan llamkayta qallarisqanki. Wak yupaywan llamkayta qallarichkan ruway. We couldn't install some updates using the account you're signed in with. Try signing in with another account.
1302Kay PC mana kamachisqanchu tariypaq wakin kunanchaykuna, chantapas huk kunanchayta wak edicionman Windows kaqmanta churayta ruwachkan. Kunanchayta ruwachkayku. This PC isn't authorized to get some updates, possibly because an upgrade to a different edition of Windows is trying to install. We'll keep trying to update.
8000Wakin kunanyachiy churaypi sasachakuchkaniku, chaymanta musuqmanta ruwapasaqku. Kayta hinalla qawaspaqa, web kitipi maskay utaq allichay yanapaqwan tupanakuy aswan willakuy hatallinapaq, kaymi yanapasunkiman: There were problems installing some updates, but we'll try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information, this may help:
8001• %1 - Pantay %2 • %1 - Error %2
8002Wakin pantaykuna kunanchaykuna churachkanku, ichaqa aswan qhipaman watiqmanta ruwayku. Sichus kayta rikuchkanki chaymanta webta maskayta munanki utaq willakuyta yanapaypaq tinkiy, kay yanapakun: (%1) There were some problems installing updates, but we'll try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information, this may help: (%1)
8003Wakin sasachakuy karun. Kay willakuyta allichanpaq, churay tukunapaq. We found some issues. Select this message to fix and finish updating.
8004Kunanyachiykuna maskay mana atikunchu Internetman mana tinkichisqa kaptin. Wi-Fi utaq apaykachana willakuy tinkichiy kasqanta qawapay hinaspa musuqmanta ruwapay. We couldn't check for updates, because you aren't connected to the Internet. Make sure you have a cellular data or Wi-Fi connection and try again.
8005Tinkisqayki itineranciapi kan. Aswan qhipaman watiqmanta kikillan ruwayku. Your connection is roaming. We'll try again later automatically.
8006Wakin kunanchaykuna mana churayta atikuykuchu imaraykuchus wak kunanchaykuna ruwachkanpi kanku. Watiqmanta qallarichkan computadorayki yanapakun, chaymanta kunanchayta ruwachkayku. We can't install some updates because other updates are in progress. Restarting your computer may help, and we'll keep trying to update.
8007Kunanyachiykuna uraykachiy mana atikunchu Internetman tinkichiy chinkaptin. Tinkichisqa kasqanta qawapay hinaspa musuqmanta ruwapay. We couldn't finish downloading updates because the Internet connection was lost. Make sure you're connected and we'll try again later.
8008Kunanyachiy hapirinalla kachkan, ichaqa llumpay hatunmi kunan tinkichiyniykipaq. Chayllam uraykachisaqku Wi-Fi tinkichiy kaptin. Updates are available, but they are too big to download over your current connection. We'll download the updates as soon as you connect to Wi-Fi.
8009Wakin kunanchaykuna mana uraykachiyta atikuykuchu imaraykuchus yupayniykimanta llamkayta wichqasqayku. Yupayniykiwan llamkayta qallarinki, watiqmanta kunanchayta ruway, chaymanta uraykachiyta unachkan llamkayta qallarisqan. We couldn't download some updates because you were signed out of your account. Sign in with your account, try the update again, and stay signed in during the download.
8010Kallpa Waqaychaq kawsarichisqan, chanta uraykachiykunata samasqayku. Pisiyachiyki mayk'aq Bateria waqaychaq wañuchin utaq "Uraykachiy" ñitinapi clicta ruway chanta kunan ruwaypaq. Battery Saver is on, so we've paused downloads. We'll resume when Battery Saver is off or click the ‘Download’ button to do it now.
8011Wakin pantaykuna wakin kunanchaykuna uraykachichkanku, ichaqa aswan qhipaman watiqmanta ruwayku. Sichus kayta rikuchkanki, webta ruwayta maskachkan utaq yanapakuyta yanapaypaq tinkichkan. Kay pantay cudigu yanapakun: (%1) There were problems downloading some updates, but we'll try again later. If you keep seeing this, try searching the web or contacting support for help. This error code might help: (%1)
8014Mana kunanchaykunata uraykachiyta atikuykuchu imaraykuchus llikap pantaynin. Uraykachiyta ruwachkayku. We couldn't download updates because of network problems. We'll keep trying to download.
8015Mana wakin kunanchaykunata churay atikuykuchu imaraykuchus kay PC wañuchisqan. We couldn't install some updates because the PC was turned off.
8016Kunan muyuq PC kaqniykipi allin atikun chayta kay muyuq churaypaq ruwachayku. Churayta ruwachkayku. A current driver on your PC may be better than the driver we're trying to install. We'll keep trying to install.
8017Wakin kunanchaykuna chinkachisqanku. Sichus musuq kunanchaykuna llamkaypaq ruwachkayku. Some updates were cancelled. We'll keep trying in case new updates become available.
8019Wakin tikraykuna kunanchaykiman ruwayta munayku. Qatiy ruwachkayku. We need to make some changes to your update. We'll keep trying.
8020Wakin imakuna allichayta yanapakusun chayta kunanchayniyki harkachkanku. Please help us fix some things that are blocking your update.
8021Churana tarikuqta maypi kunanchaykuna uraykachichkan tikrasqanku. Chiqaqchay sichus wakin muyuqkuna utaq yuyay tarjetakuna mana qichusqa kankuchu mayk'aq kunanchaykuna uraykachichkanku. The storage location where updates were downloading changed. Make sure any drives or memory cards aren't removed while updates are downloading.
8022Kay kunanchayta churaypaq, musuq Software Licencia Kamachinakunata chaskikuy. To install this update, accept the new Software License Terms.
8023Mana kunanchaypa yanapakuyninman tinkiyta atikuykuchu. Aswan qhipaman watiqmanta ruwayku, utaq kunan chiqaqchayta atikunki. Sichus kayta mana llamkanchu, chiqaqchay sichus Internetman tinkisqanki. We couldn't connect to the update service. We'll try again later, or you can check now. If it still doesn't work, make sure you're connected to the Internet.
8024Kunanlla aswan kamputa munayku uraykachiypaq kunanchaykunayki. Wakin imakuna qichuy kunan pacha mana munaykichu chaymanta watiqmanta ruwayku. We temporarily need more space to download your updates. Please remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
8025Kunanlla aswan kamputa munayku churaypaq kunanchaykunayki. Wakin imakuna qichuy kunan pacha mana munaykichu chaymanta watiqmanta ruwayku. We temporarily need more space to install your updates. Please remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
8026Wakin pantayta uraykachichkan wakin kunanchaykuna tiyachkayku. Watiqmanta qallarichkan dispositivuyki yanapakun. We're having some trouble downloading updates. Restarting your device may help.
8027Wakin kunanchay kipukuna chinkachisqayki ñawpaq churasqa atikuyku. Kay kipukuna qampaq urykachiyku sichus kaykuna munayki. You may have deleted some update files before they could be installed. We'll download those files for you if you still need them.
8028Wakin kunanchaypa kipukunan mana allin qillqasqankuchu.

Pantay cudigu: (%1)
Some update files aren't signed correctly.

Error code: (%1)
8029Chiqaqchay Internet tinkisqayki mana tupusqa utaq kuyuynin kanchu, chaymanta kunanchaykuna watiqmanta ruwayta uraykachichkanku.

Pantay cudigu: (%1)
Make sure your Internet connection isn't metered or roaming, and try downloading updates again.

Error code: (%1)
8030Wakin kunanchaykuna mana tukukuy uraykachichkankuchu. Ruwaykuchkayku.

Pantay cudigu: (%1)
Some updates didn't finish downloading. We'll keep trying.

Error code: (%1)
8031Mana kunanchayta tukukuyta atikuykuchu. Dispositivoyki ruwayta qallaripachkan chaymanta watiqmanta ruwayku.

Pantay cudigu: (%1)
We can't finish the update. Try restarting your device and we'll try again.

Error code: (%1)
8032Wakin kunanchay kipukuna chinkachichkanku utaq pantaykuna tiyanku. Kunanchayta aswan qhipaman watiqmanta uraykachiypaq ruwayku.

Pantay cudigu: (%1)
Some update files are missing or have problems. We'll try to download the update again later.

Error code: (%1)
8033Mana kunanchaykuna tariyta atikuykuchu. Chiqaqchay sichus hatun llamkana llikaykiman tinkisqayki chaymanta watiqmanta ruway. We couldn't get updates. Make sure you are connected to your organization's network and try again.
8034Kallpa Waqaychaq kawsarichin. Dispositivuyki qallarin ñawpa kunanchaykuna churayki. Battery Saver is turned on. Plug in your device before you install updates.
8035Kunanchaykuna churaypaq, munayku kallpayki 40% kaqman qipisqan. To install updates, we need your battery charged to 40%.
8036Mana kunanchaykunaman chiqaqchayta atikuykuchu, imaraykuchus mana Internetman tinkisqa kankichu. Chiqaqchay sichus huk apaykachana willakuy utaq WLAN tinkisqata tiyanki chaymanta watiqmanta ruway. We couldn't check for updates, because you aren't connected to the Internet. Make sure you have a cellular data or WLAN connection and try again.
8037Kunanchaykuna llamkanku, ichaqa aswan hatun uraykachiypaq kunan tinkisqayki kanku. Kay kunanchaykuna utqhay uraykachiyku mayk'aq WLn kaqman tinkisqanki. Updates are available, but they are too big to download over your current connection. We'll download the updates as soon as you connect to WLAN.
8038Kunanchaykuna llamkanku. Kaykuna uraykachinku mayk'aq huk medido tinkisqata mana ruwachkan kankichu, utaq %1 MB-%2 MB uraykachiyta atikunki sichus kunan willaypa tinkisqaniyki (qullqi ruway) ruwachkanki. Mana medido WLAN wakin kunanchaykunarayku tinkiyta munanki. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB-%2 MB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8039Kunanchaykuna llamkanku. Kaykuna uraykachinku mayk'aq huk medido tinkisqata mana ruwachkan kankichu, utaq %1 MB-%2 GB uraykachiyta atikunki sichus kunan willaypa tinkisqaniyki (qullqi ruway) ruwachkanki. Mana medido WLAN wakin kunanchaykunarayku tinkiyta munanki. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB-%2 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8040Kunanchaykuna llamkanku. Kaykuna uraykachinku mayk'aq huk medido tinkisqata mana ruwachkan kankichu, utaq %1 GB-%2 GB uraykachiyta atikunki sichus kunan willaypa tinkisqaniyki (qullqi ruway) ruwachkanki. Mana medido WLAN wakin kunanchaykunarayku tinkiyta munanki. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 GB-%2 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8041Kunanchaykuna llamkanku. Kaykuna uraykachinku mayk'aq huk medido tinkisqata mana ruwachkan kankichu, utaq %1 MB uraykachiyta atikunki sichus kunan willaypa tinkisqaniyki (qullqi ruway) ruwachkanki. Mana medido WLAN wakin kunanchaykunarayku tinkiyta munanki. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8042Kunanchaykuna llamkanku. Kaykuna uraykachinku mayk'aq huk medido tinkisqata mana ruwachkan kankichu, utaq %1 GB uraykachiyta atikunki sichus kunan willaypa tinkisqaniyki (qullqi ruway) ruwachkanki. Mana medido WLAN wakin kunanchaykunarayku tinkiyta munanki. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8043Kunanchaykuna llamkanku. Kaykuna uraykachinku mayk'aq huk medido tinkisqata mana ruwachkan kankichu, utaq kaykuna kunan tariyta atikunki sichus kunan willaypa tinkisqaniyki (qullqi ruway) ruwachkanki. Mana medido WLAN wakin kunanchaykunarayku tinkiyta munanki. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can get them now using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8044Mana kunanchaykuna churayta atikuykuchu imaraykuchus huk pantay kay willakuy pachawan chaymanta phaniwan dispositivoykipi kan. Chiqaqchay pachayki, phaniyki chaymanta urapa kanan tupachiyniyki allinlla kanku chaymanta aswan qhipaman watiqmanta ruwayku. We couldn't install updates because there's a problem with the date and time information on your device. Make sure your date, time, and time zone settings are correct and we'll try again later.
8045Kunanchaykuna uraykachiyku qatiq pachata tupachinki utaq clicta ruwankilla 'uraykachiy' ñitinapi kunan ruwaypaq We'll download updates next time you're plugged in or just click the 'download' button to do it now
8046Kunanchaykuna churayku qatiq pachata tupachinki utaq clicta ruwankilla 'churay' ñitinapi kunan ruwaypaq We'll install updates next time you're plugged in or just click the 'install' button to do it now
8047Huk kunanyachiyta ruwasqa dispositivoykipaq kachkan, ichaqa mana kanña kanchu. Ruwachkayku utaq kunan watiqmanta ruwayta atikunki. An update is being prepared for your device, but it’s not quite ready yet. We'll keep trying or you can try again now.


File Name:MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui
File Size:43 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:43520
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (0C6B)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Musuq riqsichiy kunanyachiykuna tupachiy patachana
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MusUpdateHandlers.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Llapan munayninkuna waqaychasqa.
Original File Name:MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui?

MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Quechua language for file MusUpdateHandlers.dll (Musuq riqsichiy kunanyachiykuna tupachiy patachana).

File version info

File Description:Musuq riqsichiy kunanyachiykuna tupachiy patachana
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MusUpdateHandlers.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Llapan munayninkuna waqaychasqa.
Original Filename:MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0xC6B, 1200