wmploc.DLL.mui Adnoddau Windows Media Player f5f7fc220a76703162943e43846d642d

File info

File name: wmploc.DLL.mui
Size: 370688 byte
MD5: f5f7fc220a76703162943e43846d642d
SHA1: 6e3592b2ef82ffad9952ff10b203b838562dc5e4
SHA256: 221b17fcdebe7aaee12cc9cb5a85b55c43a714fda5ef010f9b9ae7e3648104ff
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Welsh language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Welsh English
1Enw Defnyddiwr/Cyfrinair annilys, rhowch gynnig arall arni. Invalid User/Password, try again.
2Wrthi'n cyflwyno i %1!.1023ls! Signing in to %1!.1023ls!
4%1 (%2) %1 (%2)
32Buy from %1!.1023ls! Buy from %1!.1023ls!
33one track one track
34%1!d! trac %1!d! tracks
35un albwm one album
36%1!d! albwm %1!d! albums
37un rhestr one list
38%1!d! rhestr %1!d! lists
39%1!s!. %1!s!.
40%1!s! and %2!s!. %1!s! and %2!s!.
41%1!s!, %2!s!, and %3!s!. %1!s!, %2!s!, and %3!s!.
42Your account will be billed %1!.1023ls! for this purchase. Your account will be billed %1!.1023ls! for this purchase.
43Sign in to %s Sign in to %s
44Allgofnodi o %s Sign out from %s
48Arhoswch funud, wrthi'n prynu traciau o %1!.1023ls! Please wait, buying tracks from %1!.1023ls!
50You must buy the following before you can burn it: You must buy the following before you can burn it:
51Rhaid i chi brynu'r canlynol cyn y gallwch eu llosgi: You must buy the following before you can burn them:
52You must buy the following before you can sync it: You must buy the following before you can sync it:
53You must buy the following before you can sync them: You must buy the following before you can sync them:
54&Skip These &Skip These
100MediaPlayer MediaPlayer
101Windows Media Player a ddarparwyd gan Windows Media Player provided by
102Windows Media Player Windows Media Player
103Sain Audio
104Pob cerddoriaeth All music
105Albwm Album
106Artist sy'n cyfrannu Contributing artist
107Genre Genre
108Rhestr chwarae bresennol Current playlist
109Videos Videos
110Pob Fideo All Videos
111Author Author
112Rhestri Chwarae Playlists
113Pl&aylists Pl&aylists
114Ychwanegu dewisiad at restr chwarae Add selection to a playlist
115Creu neu olygu rhestr chwarae neu awto restr chwarae Create or edit a playlist or auto playlist
116Dangos gwybodaeth am y dewisiad Show media information for selection
117Ychwanegu at y llyfrgell Add to library
118Delete selection from playlist or library Delete selection from playlist or library
119Move selection up in the playlist Move selection up in the playlist
120Symud y dewisiad i lawr yn y rhestr chwarae Move selection down in the playlist
121Delete the selected playlist Delete the selected playlist
122&Search &Search
123Search the library Search the library
124Mae'r cyfrifiadur wedi'i osod i'r flwyddyn %d, a fydd yn achosi i Windows Media Player beidio ag ymateb. Rhowch y dyddiad cywir i'r cyfrifiadur a rhoi cynnig arall arni. Your computer is set to the year %d, which will cause Windows Media Player to stop responding. Set your computer to the correct date and then try again.
125Add to %s Add to %s
126Cuddio gwybodaeth am y dewisiad Hide media information for selection
127Windows Media Windows Media
128Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Windows Media Player
129Gyriant CD (%2!.1023ls!) %1!.1023ls! CD Drive (%2!.1023ls!) %1!.1023ls!
130C&D Audio C&D Audio
131the ;a ;an ;(;[ the ;a ;an ;(;[
133Add selection to the Now Playing List Add selection to the Now Playing List
135New Items New Items
137Mae un neu fwy o'r ffeiliau rydych wedi dewis eu dileu ar ffolder rhwydwaith. Os byddwch yn bwrw ymlaen, caiff y ffeiliau eu dileu unwaith ac am byth o'r ffolder bell. Ydych chi'n siŵr eich bod am fwrw ymlaen? One or more files you have chosen to delete are on a network folder. If you continue, the files will be permanently deleted from the remote folder. Are you sure you want to continue?
138Styles Styles
139More... More...
140(none) (none)
141Dewisiadau Options
144Windows Media Player Rich Preview Handler Windows Media Player Rich Preview Handler
149Close Close
150Dangos gwybodaeth am y cyfryngau ar gyfer dewisiad (%s) Show media information for selection (%s)
151Cuddio gwybodaeth am y cyfryngau ar gyfer dewisiad (%s) Hide media information for selection (%s)
161%s | Windows Media Player %s | Windows Media Player
162Radio Radio
165Dirprwy Dummy
166Adding files to the library... Adding files to the library...
167Rhestr Chwarae Newydd New Playlist
168Rename Playlist Rename Playlist
171Radio stations Radio stations
176All Deleted Content All Deleted Content
177Most Recently Played Most Recently Played
Select a folder:

Select a folder:
179&Additional Playlists... &Additional Playlists...
180Are you sure you want to remove all deleted items from the library? Are you sure you want to remove all deleted items from the library?
181Album &Info Album &Info
182A&dd A&dd
183no items added yet no items added yet
184no deleted items no deleted items
185Newid i'r Llyfrgell Switch to Library
187Newid i Beth sy'n Chwarae? Switch to Now Playing
191VC&D or CD Audio VC&D or CD Audio
192Ychwanegu ffolder Add folder
195Files added: Files added:
196Search completed. Search completed.
200Agor yn Windows Media Player Open in Windows Media Player
202Mwy o ddewisiada&u Advanced &options
205Hapdrefnu Shuffle
206%durationstring% %durationstring%
207Mae'r ffenestr hon yn cynnwys y ffenestr fideo/patrymau, y rhestr chwarae a'r cwarel gosodiadau cyfryngau This window contains the video/visualization window, the playlist and the media settings pane
208Beth sy'n Chwarae? Now Playing
209Celf yr albwm Album art
210Ffrâm Nesaf Next Frame
211Ffrâm flaenorol Previous frame
212Cyflymder Chwarae Play Speed
21316x reverse 16x reverse
21416x forward 16x forward
215chwarae play
216Next frame Next frame
217Rhestr chwarae Playlist
218Exit full-screen mode Exit full-screen mode
219Online stores Online stores
220Music Music
222Playlist Playlist
225Cyflymder chwarae: %s Play speed: %s
226Araf: %s Slow: %s
227Favorites Favorites
228'%1' wrth '%2' mewn ciw i'w chwarae '%1' by '%2' queued for playback
229'%1' mewn ciw i'w chwarae '%1' queued for playback
230Slow Slow
231Normal Normal
232Fast Fast
235Wrthi'n llwytho ... Loading ...
250\Microsoft\Media Player \Microsoft\Media Player
260\Transcoded Files Cache \Transcoded Files Cache
265Ffeiliau Cysoni Dros Dro Temporary Sync Files
266Temporary Sync Files are the files that Windows Media Player creates when it is necessary to convert files before sync. Temporary Sync Files are the files that Windows Media Player creates when it is necessary to convert files before sync.
270Show Taskbar Show Taskbar
271Hide Taskbar Hide Taskbar
289Sync Generated Playlists Sync Generated Playlists
290Shadow Files Cache Shadow Files Cache
291Art Cache Art Cache
300Cysoni'r hyn sydd wedi'i lwytho i lawr Sync Downloads
301%d item queued for playback %d item queued for playback
302%d eitem mewn ciw i'w chwarae %d items queued for playback
304Gwraidd Root
306All Music All Music
308Album Artists Album Artists
309Artistiaid sy'n Cyfrannu Contributing Artists
310Albymau Albums
311Sgôr Rating
312Rhestri Chwarae Cerddoriaeth Music Playlists
313Folders Folders
314Fideos Videos
315All Videos All Videos
316Genres Fideo Video Genres
317Actorion Fideo Video Actors
318Series Series
319All Playlists All Playlists
320Video Playlists Video Playlists
321Pictures Pictures
322All Pictures All Pictures
323Lluniau Dyddiad Tynnu Pictures Date Taken
324Albums Albums
325Picture Playlists Picture Playlists
326Playlists Playlists
327Keywords Keywords
328Recorded TV Recorded TV
329All Recorded TV All Recorded TV
330Recorded TV Genres Recorded TV Genres
331Recorded TV Actors Recorded TV Actors
332Recorded TV Playlists Recorded TV Playlists
3431 Or More Stars 1 Or More Stars
3442 Or More Stars 2 Or More Stars
3453 Or More Stars 3 Or More Stars
3464 Or More Stars 4 Or More Stars
3475 Or More Stars 5 Or More Stars
348Not Rated Not Rated
349%1!.1023ls! (%2!ld!) %1!.1023ls! (%2!ld!)
369Composers Composers
399All Artists All Artists
477[Cyfansoddwr Dieithr] [Unknown Composer]
478[Unknown Genre] [Unknown Genre]
479[Artist Dieithr] [Unknown Artist]
480[Unknown Author] [Unknown Author]
481[Awdur Dieithr] [Unknown Author]
482[Albwm Dieithr] [Unknown Album]
483[Unknown Rating] [Unknown Rating]
484[Unknown Series] [Unknown Series]
485[Unknown Date] [Unknown Date]
486[No Keywords] [No Keywords]
487Your network (%s) is a private network. Devices that you allow can find your shared media. Your network (%s) is a private network. Devices that you allow can find your shared media.
488Your network (%s) is a public network. Sharing is disabled to protect your privacy. If you consider this to be a private network, change network settings. Your network (%s) is a public network. Sharing is disabled to protect your privacy. If you consider this to be a private network, change network settings.
489Your network (%s) is a domain network, and your administrator has authorized sharing. Devices that you allow can find your shared media. Your network (%s) is a domain network, and your administrator has authorized sharing. Devices that you allow can find your shared media.
495Your network (%s) is a public network. Sharing is authorized because an exception for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing service was enabled in the firewall. If you are concerned about privacy on this network, disable the exception. Your network (%s) is a public network. Sharing is authorized because an exception for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing service was enabled in the firewall. If you are concerned about privacy on this network, disable the exception.
496Sharing is authorized because your firewall has been turned off. If you are concerned about privacy on this network, turn the firewall on. Sharing is authorized because your firewall has been turned off. If you are concerned about privacy on this network, turn the firewall on.
497Your network (%s) is a domain network. Sharing has been disabled by your administrator. Your network (%s) is a domain network. Sharing has been disabled by your administrator.
498Sharing is disabled because a network connection was not found. Check your network connection or settings. Sharing is disabled because a network connection was not found. Check your network connection or settings.
499Deny %s Deny %s
550The property (%s) was not found on the (%s) object The property (%s) was not found on the (%s) object
551The (%s) object returned failure from an attempt to set its (%s) property The (%s) object returned failure from an attempt to set its (%s) property
552Invalid property name (%s) for wmpprop Invalid property name (%s) for wmpprop
553Could not locate object (%s) for wmpprop Could not locate object (%s) for wmpprop
554An attempt to get the (%s) property from the (%s) object failed An attempt to get the (%s) property from the (%s) object failed
556Could not create the subcontrol: %s Could not create the subcontrol: %s
557The (%s) control was not successfully created The (%s) control was not successfully created
559Invalid Number Invalid Number
560Failed to read scriptfile (%s) from the layout package Failed to read scriptfile (%s) from the layout package
561Failed to read scriptfile (%s) Failed to read scriptfile (%s)
562Failed to find the property (%s) from the (%s) object for the (%s) event handler Failed to find the property (%s) from the (%s) object for the (%s) event handler
563Cannot load skin file. Valid skin files begin with the XML tag, was found Cannot load skin file. Valid skin files begin with the XML tag, was found
564Cannot load skin file. Expected , found Cannot load skin file. Expected , found
565%s: Line: %d Column: %d
%s: Line: %d Column: %d
566Unspecified XML Parse Error Unspecified XML Parse Error
567Cannot save preference: The total value for preferences is limited to 4048 characters. Cannot save preference: The total value for preferences is limited to 4048 characters.
568Cannot save preference: Names and values must not contain the ';' character. Cannot save preference: Names and values must not contain the ';' character.
580RadioGuide RadioGuide
581RadioTuner RadioTuner
610JPG Images are not recommended when using a transparencyColor. %s JPG Images are not recommended when using a transparencyColor. %s
621The (%s) image's size is not evenly divisible by the positionImage's size The (%s) image's size is not evenly divisible by the positionImage's size
622JPG Images are not recommended for use as a positionImage. %s JPG Images are not recommended for use as a positionImage. %s
627JPG Images are not recommended for use as a mappingImage. %s JPG Images are not recommended for use as a mappingImage. %s
630The Max property must be greater than the Min property The Max property must be greater than the Min property
631The Min property must be less than the Max property The Min property must be less than the Max property
632Search box Search box
633Save in place box Save in place box
649Resize Resize
651Radio Stations Radio Stations
652Content provided by All Music Guide. © 2001 AEC One Stop Group, Inc. All Music Guide is a registered trademark of AEC One Stop Group, Inc Content provided by All Music Guide. © 2001 AEC One Stop Group, Inc. All Music Guide is a registered trademark of AEC One Stop Group, Inc
653D&isable Selected Tracks D&isable Selected Tracks
654E&nable Selected Tracks E&nable Selected Tracks
655Dangos rhestri chwarae, sain, fideo, neu orsafoedd radio Display playlists, audio, video, or radio stations
656Details View Details View
657Iawn Yes
658Na No
661Cyfanswm yr amser: %s Total time: %s
662Estimated time: %s Estimated time: %s
663All Video Clips All Video Clips
664Current Playlist Current Playlist
665%s: %s %s: %s
667Length Length
668Size Size
669Artist Artist
670Syml Basic
671Mwy Advanced
672 3500.0 3500.0
675MMS (Multicast) MMS (Multicast)
680Album Album
681Composer Composer
682Blwyddyn Year
683Track Track
684Type Type
685Bit Rate Bit Rate
686Rating Rating
689Other Other
690Windows Media Player Error - %d of %d Windows Media Player Error - %d of %d
691Windows Media Player Performance Windows Media Player Performance
692Windows Media Player must switch to analog mode because it cannot accurately play CDs in digital mode. When CDs are played in analog mode, SRS WOW effects and the graphic equalizer are not available. Windows Media Player must switch to analog mode because it cannot accurately play CDs in digital mode. When CDs are played in analog mode, SRS WOW effects and the graphic equalizer are not available.
695Windows Media Player must switch to analog mode because there is a problem reading the CD drive in digital mode. Verify that the drive is installed correctly or try to update the drivers for the drive, and then try to use digital mode again. Windows Media Player must switch to analog mode because there is a problem reading the CD drive in digital mode. Verify that the drive is installed correctly or try to update the drivers for the drive, and then try to use digital mode again.
696Windows Media Player must switch to analog mode because there is a problem reading the CD drive in digital mode. Windows Media Player must switch to analog mode because there is a problem reading the CD drive in digital mode.
697Windows Media Player encountered an error when reading the CD drive in digital mode. Click OK to switch to analog mode. Click Cancel to retry playing in digital mode. Windows Media Player encountered an error when reading the CD drive in digital mode. Click OK to switch to analog mode. Click Cancel to retry playing in digital mode.
698Windows Media Player has detected that the CD drive cannot play audio CDs correctly because the drive is too slow when error correction is turned on. The Player will turn off error correction for this drive. Windows Media Player has detected that the CD drive cannot play audio CDs correctly because the drive is too slow when error correction is turned on. The Player will turn off error correction for this drive.
700Ffeiliau cyfryngau (pob math) Media files (all types)
701Unrhyw Ffeil (*.*) Any File (*.*)
702Unrhyw Restr Chwarae (*.wpl, *.asx, *.m3u) Any Playlist (*.wpl, *.asx, *.m3u)
704Heb gael sgôr Unrated
7051 seren (peidio â chwarae eto) 1 star (don't play again)
7062 seren (go lew) 2 stars (OK)
7073 stars (like it) 3 stars (like it)
7084 stars (really like it) 4 stars (really like it)
7095 stars (love it) 5 stars (love it)
710Rhestr Chwarae Windows Media (*.wpl) Windows Media Playlist (*.wpl)
711Rhestr Chwarae M3U (*.m3u) M3U Playlist (*.m3u)
721Llun Picture
722; ;
723Rydych chi ar fin dileu'r %d eitem dan sylw. You are about to delete %d selected items.
724&Cadw '%s' &Save '%s'
725%s (wedi'i addasu) %s (modified)
726Rydych chi ar fin dileu '%1!.1023ls!'. You are about to delete '%1!.1023ls!'.
727Changes will be applied to all selected tracks. Do you want to continue? Changes will be applied to all selected tracks. Do you want to continue?
728Dewisiadau rhestr chwarae Select playlist options
729%d stars (automatically rated) %d stars (automatically rated)
730Rhwydwaith Network
734Protocol Protocol
737Dim None
738Autodetect Autodetect
739Porwr Browser
740Custom - %1!.1000ls!:%2!d! %4!.1000ls! Custom - %1!.1000ls!:%2!d! %4!.1000ls!
741Bypass Bypass
742No Bypass No Bypass
743Rhaid i amrywiaeth y rhifau gynnwys o leiaf 8 porth, neu 9 porth os cychwynnoch gyda nifer od o byrth.
Mae Windows Media Player wedi newid yr amrywiaeth. Gallwch dderbyn y newid neu deipio amrywiaeth wahanol.
The range of numbers must include at least 8 ports, or 9 ports if you started with an odd port.
Windows Media Player has changed the range. You can accept the change or enter a different range.
744Please specify an address for the proxy server. Please specify an address for the proxy server.
745You are logged on with a user account that does not have sufficient permissions to turn on media sharing. You are logged on with a user account that does not have sufficient permissions to turn on media sharing.
750Rhwygo Cerddoriaeth Rip Music
751Windows Media Audio Pro Windows Media Audio Pro
753\My Music \My Music
754\Sample Music \Sample Music
Dewiswch ffolder storio ar gyfer eich cerddoriaeth.

Choose a storage folder for music.
756Defnyddio tua 28 MB fesul CD (64 Kbps). Uses about 28 MB per CD (64 Kbps).
757Defnyddio tua 42 MB fesul CD (96 Kbps). Uses about 42 MB per CD (96 Kbps).
758Defnyddio tua 56 MB fesul CD (128 Kbps). Uses about 56 MB per CD (128 Kbps).
759Defnyddio tua 69 MB fesul CD (160 Kbps). Uses about 69 MB per CD (160 Kbps).
760Defnyddio tua %1!d! MB fesul CD (%2!d! Kbps) Uses about %1!d! MB per CD (%2!d! Kbps)
761Sain Windows Media Windows Media Audio
762Defnyddio tua 86 MB fesul CD (192 Kbps). Uses about 86 MB per CD (192 Kbps).
763Defnyddio tua 22 MB fesul CD (48 Kbps). Uses about 22 MB per CD (48 Kbps).
764Uses about 14 MB per CD (32 Kbps). Uses about 14 MB per CD (32 Kbps).
765Perfformiad Performance
768Confirm Save As Defaults Confirm Save As Defaults
769If you save these settings as your defaults, all users of this computer will have the same settings
(if they have not already overwritten them on the Rip Music tab).

Are you sure you want to save the settings as your defaults?
If you save these settings as your defaults, all users of this computer will have the same settings
(if they have not already overwritten them on the Rip Music tab).

Are you sure you want to save the settings as your defaults?
Select a folder for backing up or restoring your media usage rights.

Select a folder for backing up or restoring your media usage rights.
771Requesting approval to restore media usage rights. This may take a few minutes. Requesting approval to restore media usage rights. This may take a few minutes.
772Transferring media usage rights to %s. Transferring media usage rights to %s.
773Transferring media usage rights from %s. Transferring media usage rights from %s.
774Transfer complete. Transfer complete.
775Windows Media Player has successfully backed up your media usage rights to %s. Windows Media Player has successfully backed up your media usage rights to %s.
776Windows Media Player has successfully restored your media usage rights from %s. Windows Media Player has successfully restored your media usage rights from %s.
777Transfer complete with limitations. Transfer complete with limitations.
778Windows Media Player has backed up a portion of your media usage rights to %s. However, the usage rights for some of your files could not be backed up because the content provider prohibits it. Windows Media Player has backed up a portion of your media usage rights to %s. However, the usage rights for some of your files could not be backed up because the content provider prohibits it.
779Windows Media Player has restored a portion of your media usage rights from %s. However, the usage rights for some of your files could not be restored because the content provider prohibits it. Windows Media Player has restored a portion of your media usage rights from %s. However, the usage rights for some of your files could not be restored because the content provider prohibits it.
785The folder %.1023s could not be found. It may be located on an unavailable volume or protected with a password. Change the folder and try again. The folder %.1023s could not be found. It may be located on an unavailable volume or protected with a password. Change the folder and try again.
788Media usage rights have previously been backed up to this folder. Do you want to replace the older usage rights with the newer usage rights? Media usage rights have previously been backed up to this folder. Do you want to replace the older usage rights with the newer usage rights?
789Confirm File Replace Confirm File Replace
791The folder you are trying to add is not valid. Check that the folder exists and the path is correct. The folder you are trying to add is not valid. Check that the folder exists and the path is correct.
792Sain Windows Media (Cyfradd Didau Newidiol) Windows Media Audio (Variable Bit Rate)
793\downloads \downloads
794\Protected \Protected
795The selected folder is not available. Verify that you have the correct permissions to add files to the folder. The selected folder is not available. Verify that you have the correct permissions to add files to the folder.
796Sain Windows Media Digolled Windows Media Audio Lossless
797It is not possible to rip music to a floppy disk. It is not possible to rip music to a floppy disk.
798Windows Media Player is currently ripping from a CD. To rip to a new location, you must stop and then start ripping again. Windows Media Player is currently ripping from a CD. To rip to a new location, you must stop and then start ripping again.
800Rhowch ddisg wag yn %1!.1023ls!. Wedi i Windows Media Player ganfod y ddisg newydd, bydd yn cychwyn llosgi'n awtomatig. Please insert a blank disc in %1!.1023ls!. Once Windows Media Player detects the new disc, it will automatically start burning.
802There is a problem with a file in your burn list. You can skip the file and burn the other files, or you can cancel burning and try to resolve the problem first by clicking the icon next to the file. There is a problem with a file in your burn list. You can skip the file and burn the other files, or you can cancel burning and try to resolve the problem first by clicking the icon next to the file.
803There is a problem with %1!d! files in your burn list. You can skip the files and burn the other files, or you can cancel burning and try to resolve the problems first by clicking the icon next to each file. There is a problem with %1!d! files in your burn list. You can skip the files and burn the other files, or you can cancel burning and try to resolve the problems first by clicking the icon next to each file.
804It is not possible to burn this list of files because all of the files have errors or are missing burn rights. To learn more about the problems, click the icon next to each file in the burn list. It is not possible to burn this list of files because all of the files have errors or are missing burn rights. To learn more about the problems, click the icon next to each file in the burn list.
805Does dim modd cau Windows Media Player tra bo disg yn cael ei llosgi neu ei dileu. Windows Media Player cannot be closed while burning or erasing a disc.
807Disg Gyfredol Current Disc
808Next Disc Next Disc
809Current Disc %s Current Disc %s
813Wrthi'n canfod dyfeisiau, arhoswch funud... Finding devices, please wait...
814%s bytes free space %s bytes free space
815%s KB free space %s KB free space
816%s MB free space %s MB free space
817%d object(s) selected %d object(s) selected
818%s beit %s bytes
819%s KB %s KB
820%s MB %s MB
821%d Kbps %d Kbps
822%s Mbps %s Mbps
823This device has no options that you can set. This device has no options that you can set.
824Disc %d Disc %d
840%s TB %s TB
841%s GB %s GB
842%s GB free space %s GB free space
843Duration Duration
844%s hours %s hours
845%s hour %s hour
846%s awr %s hours
847%s eitem %s items
850%s munud %s minutes
854Wrthi'n trosi (%d%%) Converting (%d%%)
855Synchronizing (%d%%) Synchronizing (%d%%)
856Copying (%d%%) Copying (%d%%)
857Name Name
858Time Time
860Complete Complete
861Error value %#X Error value %#X
862An Error Occurred An Error Occurred
864Ansawdd Quality
867(%s) will not be able to play content from your library. Do you want to prevent all other users on this computer from sharing their media with (%s)? (%s) will not be able to play content from your library. Do you want to prevent all other users on this computer from sharing their media with (%s)?
868To turn on sharing, you must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Once sharing is turned on, you can share media using your current user account. To turn on sharing, you must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Once sharing is turned on, you can share media using your current user account.
869Mae Windows Media Player yn cysoni eich dyfais gludadwy ar hyn o bryd.
Os gadewch nawr, efallai na chaiff rhai ffeiliau eu cysoni. Ydych chi'n siŵr eich bod am adael y Chwaraewr?
Windows Media Player is currently synchronizing your portable device.
If you exit now, some files may not sync. Are you sure you want to exit the Player?
870Cancelled Cancelled
879Title Title
881Maint Size
882Statws Status
884Downloading (%d%%) Downloading (%d%%)
885Downloaded Downloaded
886Unknown Device Unknown Device
887Disg %1!d! (%2!d!:%3!02d!) Disc %1!d! (%2!d!:%3!02d!)
888Disc %1!d! (%2!ls!GB) Disc %1!d! (%2!ls!GB)
889Disc %1!d! (%2!ls!MB) Disc %1!d! (%2!ls!MB)
893Dyfeisiau Devices
894%s eiliad %s seconds
895%s second %s second
897%CheckedCount%, %CheckedDurationString%, %CheckedSize% %CheckedCount%, %CheckedDurationString%, %CheckedSize%
898Searching for devices... Searching for devices...
899Formatting will erase all data on this device. Are you sure you want to continue? Formatting will erase all data on this device. Are you sure you want to continue?
900Start &Rip Start &Rip
901&Stop Rip &Stop Rip
903View Album &Info View Album &Info
904Insert an audio CD and select tracks to rip... Insert an audio CD and select tracks to rip...
905Rip selected items to the library Rip selected items to the library
906Stop ripping Stop ripping
907Show or hide album and artist information Show or hide album and artist information
908Show or hide album and artist information (%s) Show or hide album and artist information (%s)
909Find &Album Info Find &Album Info
910Show or hide album information search wizard Show or hide album information search wizard
911Windows Media Player is currently ripping from a CD. If you exit now, some files may not be ripped.
Are you sure you want to exit the Player?
Windows Media Player is currently ripping from a CD. If you exit now, some files may not be ripped.
Are you sure you want to exit the Player?
912Statws rhwygo Rip status
913Style Style
914Darparwr data Data provider
916Artist dieithr Unknown artist
917Albwm dieithr Unknown album
918Genre dieithr Unknown genre
919Trac Track
920Yn aros Pending
921Wedi rhwygo i'r llyfrgell Ripped to library
922Wedi Stopio Stopped
923Error Error
924User User
925No CD-ROM drives present No CD-ROM drives present
926927 %checkedcount% selected to rip to %copypath% 927 %checkedcount% selected to rip to %copypath%
928Wrthi'n rhwygo Ripping
929%1!.1023ls! %2!.1023ls! %1!.1023ls! %2!.1023ls!
930Wrthi'n rhwygo (%d%%) Ripping (%d%%)
938Audio CD Audio CD
939Data disc Data disc
943Overall %d%%%% complete, estimated time remaining: %d minute(s) Overall %d%%%% complete, estimated time remaining: %d minute(s)
945Burning in progress... Burning in progress...
948Disg Wag Blank Disc
949(offline) (offline)
950DVD Dieithr Unknown DVD
951Unknown Director Unknown Director
952Teitl %u Title %u
953Pennod %u Chapter %u
954Dieithr Unknown
955Unknown Rating Unknown Rating
956Disg Anhysbys Unknown Disc
961Dim disg yn y gyriant No disc in drive
962Drive busy... Drive busy...
963&No audio disc in drive &No audio disc in drive
970Use the check boxes to choose the items you want to rip. Clear the check boxes of the items you do not want to rip.
Click Start Rip when you are ready.
Use the check boxes to choose the items you want to rip. Clear the check boxes of the items you do not want to rip.
Click Start Rip when you are ready.
971Click 'Edit Track Information' to add or change artist and album information on this CD. Click 'Edit Track Information' to add or change artist and album information on this CD.
972Tip: You can also add to the Now Playing list by holding down the Shift key and double-clicking an item. Tip: You can also add to the Now Playing list by holding down the Shift key and double-clicking an item.
980Defnyddio tua 18 i 33 MB fesul CD.
(40 i 75 Kbps)
Uses about 18 to 33 MB per CD.
(40 to 75 Kbps)
981Uses about 22 to 42 MB per CD.
(50 to 95 Kbps)
Uses about 22 to 42 MB per CD.
(50 to 95 Kbps)
982Uses about 37 to 63 MB per CD.
(85 to 145 Kbps)
Uses about 37 to 63 MB per CD.
(85 to 145 Kbps)
983Uses about 59 to 94 MB per CD.
(135 to 215 Kbps)
Uses about 59 to 94 MB per CD.
(135 to 215 Kbps)
984Uses about 105 to 155 MB per CD.
(240 to 355 Kbps)
Uses about 105 to 155 MB per CD.
(240 to 355 Kbps)
985Defnyddio tua 206 i 411 MB fesul CD (470 i 940 Kbps).
Digolled yn fathemategol.
Uses about 206 to 411 MB per CD (470 to 940 Kbps).
Mathematically lossless.
986Defnyddio tua 600 MB fesul CD. Uses about 600 MB per CD.
987Defnyddio tua 206 i 411 MB bob CD (470 i 940 Kbps) Uses about 206 to 411 MB per CD (470 to 940 Kbps)
990The settings for ripping music could not be applied. The settings for ripping music could not be applied.
991WAV (Digolled) WAV (Lossless)
992MP3 MP3
993ALAC (Digolled) ALAC (Lossless)
994FLAC (Digolled) FLAC (Lossless)
996The advanced settings for ripping music could not be applied. The advanced settings for ripping music could not be applied.
997The Song title detail is required; select it before continuing. The Song title detail is required; select it before continuing.
998You must select at least one detail to use when naming files. You must select at least one detail to use when naming files.
999At least one detail, usually the song title, must be selected.
Click Cancel to close the File Name Options dialog box. Default file name details will be used.
At least one detail, usually the song title, must be selected.
Click Cancel to close the File Name Options dialog box. Default file name details will be used.
1110Cynnwys Content
1111Llosgi Burn
1113- -
1120Hawliau Defnyddio Cyfryngau Media Usage Rights
1123Unknown Unknown
1130Chwaraewr Player
1133Fit video to Player on resize Fit video to Player on resize
113450% 50%
1135100% 100%
1136200% 200%
1137Dewis gosodiadau nesáu/pellhau fideo Select video zoom settings
1138Fit Player to video Fit Player to video
1140Ffeil File
1143%ld x %ld %ld x %ld
1144%ld:%ld %ld:%ld
1145%1.3g:1 %1.3g:1
1147%s actual, %s displayed %s actual, %s displayed
1170%1!.1023ls! (%2!.1023ls! of %3!.1023ls! copied) %1!.1023ls! (%2!.1023ls! of %3!.1023ls! copied)
1171%1!.1023ls!/Sec %1!.1023ls!/Sec
1172Not known (Opened so far %1!.1023ls!) Not known (Opened so far %1!.1023ls!)
1173Saving: Saving:
1174Saved: Saved:
1175The skins folder already contains a file called '%1!.1023ls!'.
Would you like to replace the existing file?
The skins folder already contains a file called '%1!.1023ls!'.
Would you like to replace the existing file?
1177Abort current downloads? Abort current downloads?
1179%1!d! of %2!d! Files %1!d! of %2!d! Files
1180Virtual Albums Virtual Albums
1181Download Complete. Extracting Files. Download Complete. Extracting Files.
1182Internet Cache Internet Cache
1183Extracting: Extracting:
1184Rights Backup Rights Backup
1190Seinyddion Speakers
1196Seinydd Speaker
1200Llyfrgell Library
1207When playing WM Audio Professional content over an S/PDIF connection, some enhancements are not available, including visualizations, the graphic equalizer, SRS WOW effects, and time compression.

Are you sure you want to continue?
When playing WM Audio Professional content over an S/PDIF connection, some enhancements are not available, including visualizations, the graphic equalizer, SRS WOW effects, and time compression.

Are you sure you want to continue?
1209Dyfais Sain Ddiofyn Default Audio Device
1211Dangosydd Display
1222The pixel aspect ratio must be a number from 0.5 to 2.0. The pixel aspect ratio must be a number from 0.5 to 2.0.
1223(Unknown display) (Unknown display)
1224To use this feature, you must turn on the video mixing renderer on the Video Acceleration Settings dialog box. To use this feature, you must turn on the video mixing renderer on the Video Acceleration Settings dialog box.
1248Cysoni Sync
1250Now Playing Now Playing
1251Guide Guide
1252Chwarae Play
1253Rip Rip
1257Watch what's currently playing Watch what's currently playing
1258Find content on the Internet Find content on the Internet
1259Creu rhestri chwarae, rheoli cynnwys, a rhannu eich cerddoriaeth Create playlists, manage content, and share your music
1260Rip music from audio CDs Rip music from audio CDs
1261Tune into streaming radio stations Tune into streaming radio stations
1262Llosgi ffeiliau ar ddisgiau Burn files to discs
1263Find new music Find new music
1264MS Shell Dlg MS Shell Dlg
12659 9
1266700 700
12671 1
12680 0
1269Access program menus Access program menus
1270Show menu bar Show menu bar
1271Plug-ins are running in the background. Click to change settings of the plug-ins Plug-ins are running in the background. Click to change settings of the plug-ins
12724 4
1273Quick Access Panel Quick Access Panel
1274Video Video
1275Find new video Find new video
1277Choose online store Choose online store
1278Dewislen siop Store menu
1280Rip and play audio CDs Rip and play audio CDs
1281Cysoni cynnwys i'ch dyfeisiau cludadwy ac oddi arnynt Sync content to and from your portable devices
1282Click to access options Click to access options
1283Mewngofnodi Sign In
1284Allgofnodi Sign Out
1285Sign In to Service Sign In to Service
1286Sign Out of Service Sign Out of Service
1287Service Toolbar Service Toolbar
1300Cadarnhau Dileu Gwisg Confirm Skin Delete
1301Are you sure you want to delete '%.1023s'? Are you sure you want to delete '%.1023s'?
1302Delete selected skin Delete selected skin
1303Download more skins Download more skins
1304Apply selected skin Apply selected skin
1305Corfforaethol Corporate
1306&Defnyddio'r Wisg &Apply Skin
1320Mwy o &Wisgoedd More &Skins
132212 12
1350res://wmploc.dll/Offline_Buy.htm res://wmploc.dll/Offline_Buy.htm
1351res://wmploc.dll/Offline_MediaGuide.htm res://wmploc.dll/Offline_MediaGuide.htm
1352res://wmploc.dll/Offline_Subscriptions.htm res://wmploc.dll/Offline_Subscriptions.htm
1357res://wmploc.dll/ICW_ErrorPage.htm res://wmploc.dll/ICW_ErrorPage.htm
1360res://wmploc.dll/Service_Initial.htm res://wmploc.dll/Service_Initial.htm
1365res://wmploc.dll/Error_ServiceInfo.htm res://wmploc.dll/Error_ServiceInfo.htm
1366res://wmploc.dll/Offline_InfoCenter.htm res://wmploc.dll/Offline_InfoCenter.htm
1367res://wmploc.dll/Offline_AlbumInfo.htm res://wmploc.dll/Offline_AlbumInfo.htm
1370res://wmploc.dll/Service_None.htm res://wmploc.dll/Service_None.htm
1377res://wmploc.dll/Service_NoFunc.htm res://wmploc.dll/Service_NoFunc.htm
1378res://wmploc.dll/Service_No_Local.htm res://wmploc.dll/Service_No_Local.htm
1384#366AB3 #366AB3
1385res://wmploc.dll/RT_IMAGE/ServiceLarge.png res://wmploc.dll/RT_IMAGE/ServiceLarge.png
1386res://wmploc.dll/RT_IMAGE/ServiceSmall.png res://wmploc.dll/RT_IMAGE/ServiceSmall.png
1389res://wmploc.dll/Blocked_AlbumInfo.htm res://wmploc.dll/Blocked_AlbumInfo.htm
1392res://wmploc.dll/offline_radioguide.htm res://wmploc.dll/offline_radioguide.htm
1400&Visualizations &Visualizations
1401Show &Video Show &Video
1402&Other &Other
1403Default Preset Default Preset
1404Maximize the Video and Visualization pane Maximize the Video and Visualization pane
1405Restore the Video and Visualization pane Restore the Video and Visualization pane
1406Select Now Playing options Select Now Playing options
1408Back Back
1409Back to Now Playing Back to Now Playing
1410No Visualization No Visualization
1420Click for previous enhancement Click for previous enhancement
1421Click for next enhancement Click for next enhancement
1422Previous preset Previous preset
1423Next preset Next preset
1424Current enhancement Current enhancement
1450Show album and artist information Show album and artist information
1451Show actor and studio information Show actor and studio information
1452Find Album &Info Find Album &Info
1453Show album information search wizard Show album information search wizard
1454Find DVD Info Find DVD Info
1455Show DVD information search wizard Show DVD information search wizard
1456View DVD Info View DVD Info
1458Buy Buy
1459Click to go to an online store that offers this content for sale Click to go to an online store that offers this content for sale
1460Buy DVD Buy DVD
1461Click to go to an online store that offers this DVD for sale Click to go to an online store that offers this DVD for sale
1462Buy Tickets Buy Tickets
1463Click to go to an online store that offers tickets for sale Click to go to an online store that offers tickets for sale
1464&Find DVD Info &Find DVD Info
1465Buy from %s Buy from %s
1470%1!d!%% Wedi llosgi i (%2!c!:) %1!d!%% Burned to (%2!c!:)
1471Wrthi'n rhwygo: 1 trac ar ôl Ripping: 1 track remaining
1472Wrthi'n rhwygo: 2 drac ar ôl Ripping: 2 tracks remaining
1473Wrthi'n rhwygo: %u trac ar ôl Ripping: %u tracks remaining
1474Downloading: 1 file remaining Downloading: 1 file remaining
1475Downloading: 2 files remaining Downloading: 2 files remaining
1476Downloading: %u files remaining Downloading: %u files remaining
1477Wrthi’n dileu’r ddisg: %d%% wedi’i gwblhau Erasing disc: %d%% complete
1478Downloading complete Downloading complete
1479Wedi gorffen llosgi Burn complete
1480Wedi gorffen rhwygo Rip complete
1481Wedi gorffen cysoni Sync complete
1482Wedi gorffen dileu Erase complete
1490&Quiet mode &Quiet mode
1492&Graphic equalizer &Graphic equalizer
1493P&lay speed settings P&lay speed settings
1494&SRS WOW effects &SRS WOW effects
1495Gosodiadau &fideo &Video settings
1496Croe&s-bylu ac awto lefelu sain Crossfading and &auto volume leveling
1500Modem (28.8 Kbps) Modem (28.8 Kbps)
1501Modem (33.6 Kbps) Modem (33.6 Kbps)
1502Modem (56 Kbps) Modem (56 Kbps)
1503ISDN (64 Kbps) ISDN (64 Kbps)
1504ISDN Deuol (128 Kbps) Dual ISDN (128 Kbps)
1505DSL/Cebl (256 Kbps) DSL/Cable (256 Kbps)
1506DSL/Cebl (384 Kbps) DSL/Cable (384 Kbps)
1507DSL/Cebl (768 Kbps) DSL/Cable (768 Kbps)
1508T1 (1.5 Mbps) T1 (1.5 Mbps)
1509LAN (10 Mbps neu fwy) LAN (10 Mbps or more)
1510No video acceleration. Select if you are experiencing severe playback problems. No video acceleration. Select if you are experiencing severe playback problems.
1511Some video acceleration. Select if you are experiencing video playback problems. Some video acceleration. Select if you are experiencing video playback problems.
1512Full video acceleration (recommended) Full video acceleration (recommended)
1513Advanced video acceleration setting selected. Click Restore Defaults to use the slider. Advanced video acceleration setting selected. Click Restore Defaults to use the slider.
1514This change might cause any digital media content that is playing or paused to restart.
Do you want to continue with the change?
This change might cause any digital media content that is playing or paused to restart.
Do you want to continue with the change?
1520Cydraniad Resolution
1530Wrthi'n paratoi Preparing
1531Preparing (%d%%) Preparing (%d%%)
1532Writing to disc Writing to disc
1533Writing to disc (%d%%) Writing to disc (%d%%)
1534Finalizing disc Finalizing disc
1535Some files in the burn list haven't been burned to the disc. If you cancel the burn, you will not be able to finish it later and the current disc might become unusable.

Are you sure you want to cancel the burn?
Some files in the burn list haven't been burned to the disc. If you cancel the burn, you will not be able to finish it later and the current disc might become unusable.

Are you sure you want to cancel the burn?
1536It is not possible to stop burning once writing to the disc starts. It is not possible to stop burning once writing to the disc starts.
1537All y gyriant ddim delio â llosgi heb fylchau. Hoffech chi ddiffodd llosgi heb fylchau a bwrw ymlaen â llosgi'r ddisg? Your drive doesn’t support gapless burning. Would you like to turn off gapless burning and continue to burn the disc?
1538Insert a blank disc into the drive. Insert a blank disc into the drive.
1539Windows Media Player cannot burn to the disc because the drive is in use. Wait a few minutes for other burning tasks to complete and then try again. Windows Media Player cannot burn to the disc because the drive is in use. Wait a few minutes for other burning tasks to complete and then try again.
1540Mae'r gyriant yn cael ei ddefnyddio. The drive is in use.
1541Windows Media Player cannot burn a file to the disc.
To investigate the problem, click the icon next to the file in the burn list.

Do you want to continue burning the other files?
Windows Media Player cannot burn a file to the disc.
To investigate the problem, click the icon next to the file in the burn list.

Do you want to continue burning the other files?
1542Windows Media Player cannot burn %d files to the disc.
To investigate the problem, click the icon next to the files in the burn list.

Do you want to continue burning the other files?
Windows Media Player cannot burn %d files to the disc.
To investigate the problem, click the icon next to the files in the burn list.

Do you want to continue burning the other files?
1543Bydd bwrw ymlaen yn dileu'r holl ddata ar y ddisg. Ydych chi'n siŵr eich bod am fwrw ymlaen? Continuing will erase all data on this disc. Are you sure you want to continue?
1544Windows Media Player is unable to erase this disc. Either it is not a rewritable disc, or the drive is in use. Windows Media Player is unable to erase this disc. Either it is not a rewritable disc, or the drive is in use.
1545Erasing disc, please wait ... Erasing disc, please wait ...
1546You have chosen to create a disc in data format.

Data discs can be played on most computers and some portable CD/DVD players. However, they cannot be played on most home or car stereos.

Do you want to create a data disc?
You have chosen to create a disc in data format.

Data discs can be played on most computers and some portable CD/DVD players. However, they cannot be played on most home or car stereos.

Do you want to create a data disc?
1547Gyriant CD (%c:) CD Drive (%c:)
1548Analyzing (%d%%) Analyzing (%d%%)
1549Converting (%d%%) Converting (%d%%)
1551%1!.1023ls! (%2!.1023ls!) %1!.1023ls! (%2!.1023ls!)
1553%1!.1023ls! - %2!.1023ls! %1!.1023ls! - %2!.1023ls!
1554Activating device (%d%%) Activating device (%d%%)
1563Batri Battery
1564Mae'r casgliad hwn yn cynnwys gosodiad ar hap sy'n dangos patrwm unigryw bob amser. This collection includes a random setting that always shows a unique visualization.
1565Ar hap Randomization
1600An internal application error has occurred. An internal application error has occurred.
1601Can't perform operation, low memory. Can't perform operation, low memory.
1602Windows Movie Maker could not be started. Windows Movie Maker could not be started.
1603Error in setting up help. Error in setting up help.
1630Are you sure you want to delete these items from the library? Are you sure you want to delete these items from the library?
1631&Dileu o'r llyfrgell yn unig Delete from &library only
1632Dileu &o'r llyfrgell a'r cyfrifiadur Delete from library and my &computer
1633Are you sure you want to delete these items from your device? Are you sure you want to delete these items from your device?
1634Delete the &playlist only Delete the &playlist only
1635Delete the &playlists only Delete the &playlists only
1636Delete the playlist and its &contents Delete the playlist and its &contents
1637Delete the playlists and their &contents Delete the playlists and their &contents
1650Ategion Plug-ins
1653%s: %s:
1654%s (%s) %s (%s)
1655Does gan yr ategyn hwn ddim priodweddau y gallwch eu haddasu. This plug-in has no properties that you can set.
1656The plug-in properties could not be accessed. The plug-in properties could not be accessed.
1657If you are currently playing or paused, this change might result in restarting the media from the beginning. Are you sure you want to remove this plug-in? If you are currently playing or paused, this change might result in restarting the media from the beginning. Are you sure you want to remove this plug-in?
1658The plug-in could not be removed because its DLL file could not be shutdown. The plug-in could not be removed because its DLL file could not be shutdown.
1659A problem occurred while removing the plug-in. The plug-in may not have been completely removed. A problem occurred while removing the plug-in. The plug-in may not have been completely removed.
1660Confirm Plug-in Remove Confirm Plug-in Remove
1661The plug-in could not be added. The plug-in could not be added.
1662Plug-ins (*.dll;*.exe)%c*.dll;*.exe%c Plug-ins (*.dll;*.exe)%c*.dll;*.exe%c
1663(Unknown) (Unknown)
1664(No description) (No description)
1665(None) (None)
1666A fatal error has occurred.

To prevent data loss, you will not be able to save changes to this property page.
A fatal error has occurred.

To prevent data loss, you will not be able to save changes to this property page.
1667loaded loaded
1668Patrymau Visualization
1670Ffenestr Window
1671Cefndir Background
1673DSP Fideo Video DSP
1674DSP Sain Audio DSP
1675DSP Arall Other DSP
1676Cyflëwr Delwedd Renderer
1678If you are currently playing or paused, this change might result in restarting the media from the beginning. Do you want to apply the new settings? If you are currently playing or paused, this change might result in restarting the media from the beginning. Do you want to apply the new settings?
1680If you are currently playing or paused, adding or removing a plugin may result in restarting the media from the beginning. Do you want to continue? If you are currently playing or paused, adding or removing a plugin may result in restarting the media from the beginning. Do you want to continue?
1695This device is currently erasing... This device is currently erasing...
1696This device is currently active. Click on the Burn tab to view progress This device is currently active. Click on the Burn tab to view progress
1697This device is currently inactive This device is currently inactive
1700Teitl Title
1704Dyddiad creu Date created
1705Hawlfraint Copyright
1706Pwnc Subject
1710Hyd Length
1711Cyfradd didau Bit rate
1712Cyfrif chwarae Play count
1713Llwybr ffeil File path
1714Wedi'i diogelu Protected
1715Media Media
1716Station name Station name
1717Abstract Abstract
1718%count% %count%
1719%durationstring% / %size% %durationstring% / %size%
1720Windows Media Player cannot find the file at selected location. The file may have been deleted or moved, or the path may be incorrect. Windows Media Player cannot find the file at selected location. The file may have been deleted or moved, or the path may be incorrect.
1722Select the folder where the file is now located. Select the folder where the file is now located.
1723Math Type
1727Llyfrgelloedd Eraill Other Libraries
1728Temporary Temporary
1729Windows Media Player has found a temporary playlist.

Do you want to rename it?
Windows Media Player has found a temporary playlist.

Do you want to rename it?
1730Remote libraries Remote libraries
1732Frequency Frequency
1733Format Format
1734City City
1735Iaith Language
1736Bit rate Bit rate
1737Band Band
1738Station ID Station ID
1739\Playlists \Playlists
1740\Sample Playlists \Sample Playlists
1742Label Label
1743Stiwdio Studio
1744Blwyddyn rhyddhau Release year
1745\Sync Playlists \Sync Playlists
1746Awdur Writer
1747Arweinydd Conductor
1748Cynhyrchydd Producer
1749Cyfarwyddwr Director
1750Cyhoeddwr Publisher
1751Dyddiad recordio Date recorded
1752Sgôr rhieni Parental rating
1753Cywair Key
1754Personol 1 Custom 1
1755Personol 2 Custom 2
1756Camera Camera
1757Dyddiad tynnu Date taken
1758Capsiwn Caption
1759Part of set Part of set
1760Director Director
1762Cyfryngau eraill Other media
1763Artist Albwm Album artist
1764Tagiau Tags
1765Cyfnod Period
1766Description Description
1767Featured stations Featured stations
1768My favorites My favorites
1769Recently played Recently played
1770Provider rating Provider rating
1771Darparwr cynnwys Content provider
1772Dyddiad ychwanegu Date added
1773There are no media items present There are no media items present
1774Default Default
1775Rock Rock
1776Rap Rap
1777Grunge Grunge
1778Metal Metal
1779Dance Dance
1780Techno Techno
1781Country Country
1782Jazz Jazz
1783Acoustic Acoustic
1784Folk Folk
1785New Age New Age
1786Classical Classical
1787Blues Blues
1788Oldies Oldies
1789Reggae Reggae
1790Opera Opera
1791Swing Swing
1792Speech Speech
1793Music 56K Music 56K
1794Music 28K Music 28K
1795Custom Custom
1796Headphones Headphones
1797Normal Speakers Normal Speakers
1798Large Speakers Large Speakers
1799Enw'r ffeil File name
1801Rhewi Pause
1802Stopio Stop
1803Dirwyn-yn-ôl Rewind
1804Fast Forward Fast Forward
1805Blaenorol Previous
1806Nesaf Next
1807Tewi Mute
1809Chwilio am Seek
1810Lefel y Sain Volume
1811Minimize Minimize
1813Switch to Library Switch to Library
1814Chwarae ar hap Turn shuffle on
1815Chwarae yn eu trefn Turn shuffle off
1816Ailadrodd Turn repeat on
1817Dim ailadrodd Turn repeat off
1818Resume Play (normal speed) Resume Play (normal speed)
1819Naws Mood
1820No media loaded No media loaded
1821Media Information Media Information
1822Open/Close settings Open/Close settings
1823Open volume control Open volume control
1824Close volume control Close volume control
1825Turn on SRS WOW Effects Turn on SRS WOW Effects
1826Turn off SRS WOW Effects Turn off SRS WOW Effects
1827SRS WOW Effects SRS WOW Effects
1828Speaker size Speaker size
1829Next speaker size Next speaker size
1830TruBass TruBass
1831WOW Effect WOW Effect
1832Turn on Turn on
1833Turn off Turn off
1835Current preset Current preset
1836Reset video settings Reset video settings
1837Disgleirdeb Brightness
1838Cyferbynnedd Contrast
1839Arlliw Hue
1840Dirlawnder Saturation
1841Open or close playlist Open or close playlist
1842Previous visualization Previous visualization
1843Next visualization Next visualization
1844Visualization name Visualization name
1845Balance Balance
1846On On
1847Ailosod Reset
1848Graphic equalizer Graphic equalizer
1849Video settings Video settings
1850Capsiynau Captions
1851Off Off
1852Play Speed Settings Play Speed Settings
1853Cau Windows Media Player Close Windows Media Player
1854Gweld y sgrin lawn View full screen
1855Set equalizer sliders to move together in a tight group Set equalizer sliders to move together in a tight group
1856Set equalizer sliders to move together in a loose group Set equalizer sliders to move together in a loose group
1857Set equalizer sliders to move independently Set equalizer sliders to move independently
1858Snap slider to common speeds Snap slider to common speeds
1859Select visualization Select visualization
1860Use black as Player background color Use black as Player background color
1862Model y camera Camera model
1863Ffitio sgrin i faint gwreiddiol y fideo Fit screen to original video size
1864Click to minimize status area Click to minimize status area
1865Select preset Select preset
1866Click to maximize status area Click to maximize status area
1867Lyrics Lyrics
1868Quiet Mode Quiet Mode
1870Maximize Maximize
1871Restore Down Restore Down
1872Difference between loud and soft sounds: Difference between loud and soft sounds:
1873Medium difference Medium difference
1874Little difference Little difference
1875Show playlist Show playlist
1876Hide playlist Hide playlist
1877Reset sliders to default Reset sliders to default
1878u u
1880Show Video and Visualization window Show Video and Visualization window
1881Hide Video and Visualization window Hide Video and Visualization window
1882Marlett Marlett
1884normal normal
1885162 162
188658 58
1887Left Left
1888Arial Arial
18898 8
1893bold bold
189814 14
1902A security upgrade is required to play this file. Do you want to download this upgrade?

Upgrading may take a few minutes.
A security upgrade is required to play this file. Do you want to download this upgrade?

Upgrading may take a few minutes.
1903Windows Media Player must connect to a Microsoft service on the Internet to restore your media usage rights.

Do you want to continue?
Windows Media Player must connect to a Microsoft service on the Internet to restore your media usage rights.

Do you want to continue?
1904The file that you are trying to use requires a software component on your computer to be upgraded. We recommend that you close Windows Media Player before upgrading the component.

Do you want to go to a Web page that can help you upgrade the component?
The file that you are trying to use requires a software component on your computer to be upgraded. We recommend that you close Windows Media Player before upgrading the component.

Do you want to go to a Web page that can help you upgrade the component?
190870 70
1910left left
1911Rhoi Awto Lefelu Sain ar Waith Turn on Auto Volume Leveling
1912Turn off Auto Volume Leveling Turn off Auto Volume Leveling
1913Volume leveling not available for current media Volume leveling not available for current media
1914Volume leveling applied to current media Volume leveling applied to current media
1915Rhoi Croes-bylu ar waith Turn on Crossfading
1916Turn off Crossfading Turn off Crossfading
1917Select number of seconds to crossfade items Select number of seconds to crossfade items
1918%1.%2 eiliad o groesgyffwrdd %1.%2 seconds of overlap
1919Toggle control Toggle control
1920Is-genre Subgenre
1921Isdeitl Subtitle
1922Dyddiad chwaraewyd ddiwethaf Date last played
1923Play count morning Play count morning
1924Play count afternoon Play count afternoon
1925Play count evening Play count evening
1926Play count night Play count night
1927Play count weekday Play count weekday
1928Play count weekend Play count weekend
1930Gwybodaeth am gyfryngau Media info
1932Yn Aros Pending
1933Heb ei ganfod Not found
1934Wedi Canfod Found
1935Cyfres Series
1936Pennod Episode
1937From file From file
1938Restore Restore
1945170 170
194645 45
194790 90
1948202 202
1949220 220
1960120 120
1961138 138
196364 64
1964174 174
1965Windows Media Player is currently saving content.
If you exit now, the content might be incomplete. Are you sure you want to exit the Player?
Windows Media Player is currently saving content.
If you exit now, the content might be incomplete. Are you sure you want to exit the Player?
1968Several items from the following location have failed to play:


Do you want to remove files that cannot be found in that location from the library?
Several items from the following location have failed to play:


Do you want to remove files that cannot be found in that location from the library?
1969Several items from the following location have failed to play:


Do you want to remove all items in that location from the library?
Several items from the following location have failed to play:


Do you want to remove all items in that location from the library?
1970Select video size Select video size
1971Play at slower than normal speed Play at slower than normal speed
1972Play at faster than normal speed Play at faster than normal speed
1973Play at normal speed Play at normal speed
1974arial arial
1998Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
1999(C) Microsoft Corporation. Cedwir pob hawl. (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
2002res://wmploc.dll/Offline_MediaInfo_NowPlaying.htm res://wmploc.dll/Offline_MediaInfo_NowPlaying.htm
2007Segoe UI Segoe UI
2012Locating playlist... Locating playlist...
2013Connecting to playlist... Connecting to playlist...
2014Wrthi'n llwytho rhestr chwarae... Loading playlist...
2015Opening playlist... Opening playlist...
2018Newid cyfrwng... Media changing...
2019Wrthi'n chwilio am gyfrwng... Locating media...
2020Wrthi'n cysylltu â chyfrwng... Connecting to media...
2021Wrthi'n llwytho cyfrwng... Loading media...
2022Wrthi'n agor cyfrwng... Opening media...
2023Cyfrwng ar agor Media open
2024Wrthi'n cael y codec... Acquiring codec...
2025Wedi caffael codec Codec acquired
2026Wrthi'n llwytho hawliau defnyddio cyfryngau i lawr... Downloading media usage rights...
2027Wedi gorffen llwytho hawliau defnyddio cyfryngau i lawr Download complete for media usage rights
2028Wrthi'n llwytho'r uwchraddiad diogelwch i lawr... Downloading security upgrade...
2029Wedi gorffen uwchraddio'r diogelwch Security upgrade complete
2030Waiting... Waiting...
2031Wrthi'n cysylltu... Connecting...
2042Wedi rhewi Paused
2043Wrthi'n chwarae '%s' Playing '%s'
2044Wrthi'n gwibio ymlaen Fast forwarding
2045Wrthi'n dirwyn-yn-ôl Rewinding
2046Wrthi'n byffro Buffering
2047Wrthi'n aros Waiting
2048Wedi gorffen Finished
2049Transitioning Transitioning
2050Barod Ready
2051Attempting to reconnect Attempting to reconnect
2059Wrthi'n byffro: %d% wedi gorffen Buffering: %d% complete
2060Playing '%s': %d%% downloaded Playing '%s': %d%% downloaded
2061Wrthi'n chwarae '%s': %d K did/eiliad Playing '%s': %d K bits/second
2062Playing (Menu) Playing (Menu)
2063Wrthi'n byffro: %d%% wedi gorffen Buffering: %d%% complete
2064Disconnected Disconnected
2065Wrthi'n chwarae '%s': %d K did/eiliad (cyfradd didau amrywiol) Playing '%s': %d K bits/second (variable bit rate)
2066%sKbps %sKbps
2069Optimized streaming experience. Click to find out more. Optimized streaming experience. Click to find out more.
2070Album: %s Album: %s
2071Song: %s Song: %s
2072Artist: %s Artist: %s
2073Playlist: %s Playlist: %s
2074Clip: %s Clip: %s
2075Author: %s Author: %s
2076Copyright: %s Copyright: %s
2077Protected Content Protected Content
2078Authentic Content from %s Authentic Content from %s
2079Perfect Reception Perfect Reception
2080Network Congestion Network Congestion
2081Poor reception Poor reception
2082Director: %s Director: %s
2083Studio: %s Studio: %s
2084Chapter %s Chapter %s
2085Title %s Title %s
2086%1, %2 %1, %2
2087Rating: %s Rating: %s
2088Starring: %s Starring: %s
2090No information available No information available
2091%1 / %2 %1 / %2
2092Network is too busy to play file at original quality Network is too busy to play file at original quality
2095Information provided by Information provided by
2097HDCD Audio CD playing HDCD Audio CD playing
2098HDCD Audio CD detected HDCD Audio CD detected
2099%s% complete %s% complete
2100Tahoma Tahoma
2101Text Text
2102Status Status
2103Safle presennol Current position
2105Track name Track name
2106Progress bar Control Progress bar Control
2107Slider Control Slider Control
2108Right/Up Arrow to increase, Left/Down Arrow to decrease Right/Up Arrow to increase, Left/Down Arrow to decrease
2110Lefel y sain Volume
2111F9 I fyny; F8 I lawr F9 Up; F8 Down
2113Gwasgu Press
2114Spacebar or Enter Spacebar or Enter
2117Ctrl+P Ctrl+P
2119Ctrl+S Ctrl+S
2120Gwibio Ymlaen Fast Forward
2121Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+F
2123Ctrl+Shift+B Ctrl+Shift+B
2125Ctrl+F Ctrl+F
2127Ctrl+B Ctrl+B
2129Ctrl+1 Ctrl+1
2131F7 F7
2132Lleihau Ffenestr Minimize Window
2134Cau'r Ffenestr Close Window
2135Alt+F4 Alt+F4
2136Shuffle Playlist Shuffle Playlist
2137Ctrl+H Ctrl+H
2138Repeat Repeat
2139Ctrl+T Ctrl+T
2140Image control Image control
2150Now Playing menu Now Playing menu
2151Hide task bar buttons Hide task bar buttons
2152Show task bar buttons Show task bar buttons
2153Task Bar Buttons Task Bar Buttons
2155Menu Access Menu Access
2158Mwyhau Ffenestr Maximize Window
2160Adfer i Lawr Restore Down
2165Video and Visualization display area Video and Visualization display area
2166Genre: %s Genre: %s
2167Label: %s Label: %s
2168Length: %s Length: %s
2169AMG Rating: %s stars AMG Rating: %s stars
2173Show Video and Visualization Window Show Video and Visualization Window
2176Show Volume Slider Show Volume Slider
2180List of what's currently playing List of what's currently playing
2181Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate the list Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate the list
2183Dewislen DVD DVD Menu
2184DVD Menu DVD Menu
2185DVD Menu Options DVD Menu Options
2190Always show full-screen controls Always show full-screen controls
2191Hide full-screen controls automatically Hide full-screen controls automatically
2192Lock full-screen controls Lock full-screen controls
2193Always show or autohide full-screen controls (toggle) Always show or autohide full-screen controls (toggle)
2194Fast Play (1.4x) Fast Play (1.4x)
2195Faster Play (2x) Faster Play (2x)
2196Fast Forward (5x) Fast Forward (5x)
2199Alt+Enter Alt+Enter
2200Ctrl+3 Ctrl+3
2201Some of the files have reached the limit of times they can be burned to a CD.

For more details, click the icon next to the files in the burn list.
Some of the files have reached the limit of times they can be burned to a CD.

For more details, click the icon next to the files in the burn list.
2202Windows Media Player cannot burn some of the files.
To investigate the problem, click the icon next to the files in the burn list.
Windows Media Player cannot burn some of the files.
To investigate the problem, click the icon next to the files in the burn list.
2210Cyflymaf Fastest
2211Cyflym Fast
2212Medium Medium
2216Yn ôl Back
2217Llywio yn Ôl Navigate Back
2218Ymlaen Forward
2219Llywio Ymlaen Navigate Forward
2240Siopau ar-lein Online stores
2242Find online stores on the Internet Find online stores on the Internet
2244Radio Tuner Radio Tuner
2246&Online stores &Online stores
2247Now Playing Menu Now Playing Menu
2248Library Menu Library Menu
2249Rip Menu Rip Menu
2250Preifatrwydd Privacy
2251Sync Menu Sync Menu
2252Service Menu Service Menu
2253Rydych chi ar fin newid gosodiadau preifatrwydd a fydd yn effeithio ar y ffordd y caiff briwsion eu trin yn Windows Media Player ac yn unrhyw raglenni eraill sy'n dibynnu ar y gosodiadau preifatrwydd hyn. You are about to change privacy settings that will affect the way cookies are handled in Windows Media Player and any other programs that rely on these privacy settings.
2254Mae'r Chwaraewr yn defnyddio llwyfan y rhyngrwyd i gyfleu gwybodaeth am gysylltu a chofnodi i weinyddion pan fydd darparwyr cynnwys yn defnyddio cynnwys ffrydio i ddarparu gwasanaethau. Bydd newid eich gosodiadau briwsion yn effeithio ar y cynnwys y gallwch ei weld. The Player uses the internet platform to communicate connection and logging information to servers when streaming content and is used by content providers to provide services. Modifying your cookie settings will affect the content you can access.
2255Task Overflow Task Overflow
2256Burn Menu Burn Menu
2257Playing at %s Kbps Playing at %s Kbps
2258Playing '%1' at %2 Kbps Playing '%1' at %2 Kbps
2259Breadcrumb Bar Breadcrumb Bar
2260%s Dropdown %s Dropdown
2261Source Dropdown Source Dropdown
2262Overflow Dropdown Overflow Dropdown
2270Diogelwch Security
2273Rydych chi ar fin newid gosodiadau diogelwch a fydd yn effeithio ar y ffordd mae modd rhedeg sgriptiau a chynnwys gweithredol yn Windows Media Player ac yn unrhyw raglenni eraill sy'n defnyddio Cylchfaoedd Diogelwch. You are about to change security settings that will affect the way scripts and active content can run in Windows Media Player and any other programs that use Security Zones.
2290You are currently ripping music to %1!.1023ls! at %2!d! Kbps. You are currently ripping music to %1!.1023ls! at %2!d! Kbps.
2291You are currently ripping music to %1!.1023ls! at %2!d! to %3!d! Kbps. You are currently ripping music to %1!.1023ls! at %2!d! to %3!d! Kbps.
2292Rip Options Rip Options
2293Select one of the following options, and then click OK: Select one of the following options, and then click OK:
2295Closed captioning not available. Closed captioning not available.
2297Cylchdroi Eicon Metaddata Rotate Metadata Icon
2298Status Icon Status Icon
2300Locating %1!.1023ls! server... Locating %1!.1023ls! server...
2301Connecting to %1!.1023ls! server... Connecting to %1!.1023ls! server...
2302Downloading %1!.1023ls!... Downloading %1!.1023ls!...
2303Wrthi'n llwytho i lawr %1!.1023ls!: %2!d!%% wedi gorffen Downloading %1!.1023ls!: %2!d!%% complete
2304Installing %1!.1023ls!... Installing %1!.1023ls!...
2305Sending request for %1!.1023ls!... Sending request for %1!.1023ls!...
2306Error downloading %1!.1023ls! Error downloading %1!.1023ls!
2307codec codec
2308skin skin
2309playlist playlist
2310Wrthi'n llwytho catalog i lawr o %1!.1023ls!: %2!d!%% wedi gorffen Downloading catalog from %1!.1023ls!: %2!d!%% complete
2311Wedi gorffen llwytho'r catalog i lawr o %1!.1023ls!. Catalog download from %1!.1023ls! has completed.
2312Catalog download from %1!.1023ls! has failed. Catalog download from %1!.1023ls! has failed.
2315MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif
2319Disgrifiad o'r bennod Episode description
2320Enw'r orsaf Station name
2321Sianel Channel
2322Amser darlledu Broadcast time
2323Comment Comment
2324Lled Width
2325Uchder Height
2326Pob llun All pictures
2328Date taken Date taken
2329Pob Rhaglen Deledu All TV
2330Album artist Album artist
2331Cyfansoddwr Composer
2332Release year Release year
2333Rated songs Rated songs
2334Rated videos Rated videos
2335Rated TV Rated TV
2336Rated pictures Rated pictures
2337Not yet viewed Not yet viewed
2340Date recorded Date recorded
2341Actorion Actors
2350Wrthi'n paratoi i gysoni... Preparing to sync...
2351Already on device Already on device
2352Pending removal from device Pending removal from device
2353Removed from device Removed from device
2354No longer fit on device No longer fit on device
2355Updated track info Updated track info
2357Pending Pending
2358Copy from device Copy from device
2359Copied from device Copied from device
2360Wedi gorffen prosesu. Processing is completed.
2362Cau Close
2363Wrthi'n archwilio ffeiliau cyfryngau... Checking media files...
2370Mae’r gweinydd yn brysur, wrthi’n rhoi cynnig arall Server is busy, retrying
2371Category Category
2372Purchased Music Purchased Music
2373Purchased Videos Purchased Videos
2374Heb gadw eich newidiadau i '%s'. Cadw'r newidiadau? Your changes to '%s' have not been saved. Do you want to save the changes?
2382Ffeiliau a Ychwanegwyd Gennych Files You Added
2383Previously Copied from Device Previously Copied from Device
2391Press Previous or Ctrl+B to resume playing '%s'. Press Previous or Ctrl+B to resume playing '%s'.
2392Press Previous or Ctrl+B to resume your last playlist. Press Previous or Ctrl+B to resume your last playlist.
2393Various Genres Various Genres
2396Cysoni sgoriau Sync ratings
2397Cliciwch Iawn os hoffech allgludo'r sgoriau yn llyfrgell y Chwaraewr i'ch ffeiliau. Sylwer bod gwneud hynny'n disodli'r sgoriau sydd eisoes yn eich ffeiliau. Cliciwch Canslo os hoffech gadw'r sgoriau yn eich llyfrgell ar wahân. Click OK if you want to export the ratings in the Player library to your files. Note that doing so overwrites the current ratings in your files. Click Cancel if you want to keep the ratings in your library separate.
2399'%1!.1023ls!' is not a valid playlist name. Please try again. '%1!.1023ls!' is not a valid playlist name. Please try again.
24022403 (Bwlch) 2403 (Space)
2405- (Dash) - (Dash)
2406. .
2407. (Dot) . (Dot)
2408_ _
2409_ (Underline) _ (Underline)
2420Rhif y trac Track number
2421Teitl y gân Song title
243001 01
2431Enw Cân Enghreifftiol Sample Song Name
2432Enw Artist Enghreifftiol Sample Artist Name
2433Enw Albwm Enghreifftiol Sample Album Name
2434Enw Genre Enghreifftiol Sample Genre Name
2435128Kbps 128Kbps
2436Uses about %1!d! MB per CD (%2!.1023ls!) Uses about %1!d! MB per CD (%2!.1023ls!)
2437Uses about %1!d! MB per hour (%2!.1023ls!) Uses about %1!d! MB per hour (%2!.1023ls!)
2439If you turn off conversion, Windows Media Player may sync files that either exceed the device's capabilities or are in a format that the device does not support. As a result, the files may not be playable on the device. Are you sure you want to turn off conversion? If you turn off conversion, Windows Media Player may sync files that either exceed the device's capabilities or are in a format that the device does not support. As a result, the files may not be playable on the device. Are you sure you want to turn off conversion?
2468&Music &Music
2469&Radio &Radio
2470&Video &Video
2471Add selection to the Burn List Add selection to the Burn List
2472Add selection to the Sync List Add selection to the Sync List
2473Add selection to the current list Add selection to the current list
2474%size% %size%
2477Windows Media Player cannot save the read-only playlist. Windows Media Player cannot save the read-only playlist.
2480%1!.1023ls! [Not Authorized] %1!.1023ls! [Not Authorized]
2490%d%% (%s) %d%% (%s)
2500View By: %s View By: %s
2502Artist \ Album Artist \ Album
2504Genre \ Album Genre \ Album
2505Genre \ Artist Genre \ Artist
2506Genre \ Artist \ Album Genre \ Artist \ Album
2507Auto Playlists Auto Playlists
2508My Playlists My Playlists
2511Other Media Files Other Media Files
2513TV TV
2556This window contains information about the currently playing item or information related to a pending sync or burn operation. This window contains information about the currently playing item or information related to a pending sync or burn operation.
2557Now Doing Now Doing
2558Rhowch ddisg ysgrifennu i mewn Insert a writable disc
2559Cysylltwch ddyfais Connect a device
2561Connect a burner and restart the Player Connect a burner and restart the Player
2562Dyfais nesaf Next device
2563Gyriant nesaf Next drive
2564%s free %s free
2566%s minutes %s minutes
2571Disg ddata Data disc
2573Rewritable Rewritable
2574Data Data
2575Audio Audio
2576CD sain Audio CD
2577%1 ar ôl ar y ddisg olaf %1 remaining on last disc
2578%1 remaining on last disc %1 remaining on last disc
2579No items No items
25801 item 1 item
25812 items 2 items
2582User %d User %d
2584%s items %s items
2585Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
2588Cerddoriaeth: Music:
2589Lluniau: Pictures:
2590Teledu wedi'i recordio: Recorded TV:
2591Fideo: Video:
2592Other: Other:
2595%1!ld! files waiting for media info / %2!ld! files waiting to be updated %1!ld! files waiting for media info / %2!ld! files waiting to be updated
2596All media info downloaded and all files updated All media info downloaded and all files updated
2598Media Sharing (Disabled by your network administrator) Media Sharing (Disabled by your network administrator)
2599Rhowch CD gwag i mewn Insert a blank CD
2600Other Items Other Items
2601Conversion required Conversion required
2602Download required Download required
2603Media usage rights required Media usage rights required
2604Media usage rights review pending Media usage rights review pending
2605Wedi cysoni â dyfais Synced to device
2606Did not fit on device Did not fit on device
2608Reviewing media usage rights Reviewing media usage rights
2609Items to be removed from device Items to be removed from device
2610Will be skipped Will be skipped
2611Skipped Skipped
2612Will sync next time Will sync next time
2613Already in library Already in library
2614Syncing Syncing
2615Converting Converting
2616Downloading Downloading
2617Downloading media usage rights Downloading media usage rights
2618Can't Set Secure Clock Can't Set Secure Clock
2619%1!.1023ls! %2!u! %1!.1023ls! %2!u!
2620Deleted from library Deleted from library
2621Shuffled Files Shuffled Files
2622Filtered Filtered
2700Windows Media Player cannot back up your media usage rights to the %1!.1023ls! folder. The folder might be read-only. Windows Media Player cannot back up your media usage rights to the %1!.1023ls! folder. The folder might be read-only.
2701Backup error Backup error
2750All Windows Media Player ddim adnabod estyniad (.%s) y ffeil dan sylw, ond efallai y gall y Chwaraewr ei chwarae beth bynnag. Gan nad yw'r Chwaraewr yn adnabod yr estyniad, dylech fod yn siŵr bod y ffeil yn dod o ffynhonnell gymeradwy. The selected file has an extension (.%s) that is not recognized by Windows Media Player, but the Player may still be able to play it. Because the extension is unknown by the Player, you should be sure that the file comes from a trustworthy source.
2751&Peidio â gofyn eto am yr estyniad hwn (.%s). &Don't ask me again for this extension (.%s).
2752Problem gyda'r URL neu'r ffeil rydych chi'n ceisio'i hagor neu ei chwarae. Os ydych chi'n ceisio agor URL, efallai fod yr URL yn annilys. Os ydych chi'n ceisio chwarae ffeil, dydy Windows Media Player ddim yn adnabod y math o ffeil, ond efallai y gall y Chwaraewr chwarae'r ffeil beth bynnag. Fodd bynnag, dim ond ffeiliau o ffynhonnell gymeradwy y dylech eu chwarae. There is a problem with the URL or file you are trying to open or play. If you are trying to open an URL, the URL may not be valid. If you are trying to play a file, the file type is not recognized by Windows Media Player, but the Player may still be able to play the file. However, you should only play files from a trustworthy source.
2753&Peidio â gofyn eto ar gyfer y cynllun hwn. &Don't ask me again for this scheme.
2754Dydy estyniad y ffeil rydych yn ceisio ei chwarae (.%s) ddim yn cyd-fynd â fformat y ffeil. Efallai y bydd chwarae'r ffeil yn arwain at ymddygiad annisgwyl. The file you are attempting to play has an extension (.%s) that does not match the file format. Playing the file may result in unexpected behavior.
2901Nesaf (pwyswch a'i ddal i wibio ymlaen) Next (press and hold to fast-forward)
2902Pwyswch a dal i wibio ymlaen Press and hold to fast-forward
2904Blaenorol (pwyswch a'i ddal i ddirwyn-yn-ôl) Previous (press and hold to rewind)
2905Pwyswch a'i ddal i ddirwyn-yn-ôl Press and hold to rewind
2908Show Favorites Menu Show Favorites Menu
2941Find DVD information Find DVD information
3000Rhowch CD i mewn Insert CD
3010-16 -16
3011-8 -8
3012-6 -6
3013-4 -4
30150.5 0.5
30161.0 1.0
30171.4 1.4
30182.0 2.0
30206 6
302216 16
30237 7
3080\My Video \My Video
Choose a storage folder for video.

Choose a storage folder for video.
3200Ready to sync Ready to sync
3201Beginning sync Beginning sync
3202Opening playlists (%d%%) Opening playlists (%d%%)
3203Setting up device Setting up device
3204Verifying files on device (%d%%) Verifying files on device (%d%%)
3205Determining which files to sync (%d%%) Determining which files to sync (%d%%)
3206Synchronizing files to '%1!.1023ls!' Synchronizing files to '%1!.1023ls!'
3207Determining which files to remove Determining which files to remove
3208Synchronizing ratings and play counts with device (%d%%) Synchronizing ratings and play counts with device (%d%%)
3209Removing files (%d%%) Removing files (%d%%)
3210Attempting to remove lower priority files Attempting to remove lower priority files
3211Waiting for conversion Waiting for conversion
3212Download pending for media usage rights Download pending for media usage rights
3213Waiting for content provider approval Waiting for content provider approval
3214Waiting for download Waiting for download
3215Removing folders (%d%%) Removing folders (%d%%)
3216Synchronizing playlists (%d%%) Synchronizing playlists (%d%%)
3217Updating media usage rights on device Updating media usage rights on device
3218Requesting content provider device updates Requesting content provider device updates
3219Sync is complete Sync is complete
3240G G
3241@ @
3242PG PG
3243PG-13 PG-13
3245R R
3246NC-17 NC-17
3247Not rated Not rated
3251Angle %d Angle %d
3253Audio Track %d Audio Track %d
3254Track %d Track %d
3255(for visually impaired) (for visually impaired)
3256(director's comments 1) (director's comments 1)
3257(director's comments 2) (director's comments 2)
3258Caption with bigger size characters Caption with bigger size characters
3259Caption for children Caption for children
3260Closed Caption Closed Caption
3261Closed Caption with bigger size characters Closed Caption with bigger size characters
3262Closed Caption for children Closed Caption for children
3263Forced Caption Forced Caption
3264Director's comments Director's comments
3265Director's comments with bigger size characters Director's comments with bigger size characters
3266Director's comments for children Director's comments for children
3267Feature not available Feature not available
3268Save Captured Image Save Captured Image
3269Menu Menu
3270Open Menu (Top Menu) Open Menu (Top Menu)
3271Close Menu (Resume) Close Menu (Resume)
3272Close Menu Close Menu
3273To view this segment, type an administrator user name and password To view this segment, type an administrator user name and password
3274Windows Logon Windows Logon
3275Rhaid i chi bennu cyfrifon defnyddwyr a chyfrineiriau Windows priodol er mwyn defnyddio'r gosodiad rheolaeth gan rieni ar DVD. You must set up appropriate Windows user accounts and passwords for the DVD parental control setting to take effect.
3276Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD segment because the segment has a parental
rating higher than the rating you are authorized to view.
Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD segment because the segment has a parental
rating higher than the rating you are authorized to view.
3277capture capture
3278JPEG%c*.JPG%cWindows Bitmap%c*.BMP%c JPEG%c*.JPG%cWindows Bitmap%c*.BMP%c
3279This command overwrites any changes you have made to the selected disc's title or chapter names.

Do you want to continue?
This command overwrites any changes you have made to the selected disc's title or chapter names.

Do you want to continue?
3280Your system is set to DVD region %1!d!. To play this DVD, set your system to region %2!.1023ls!. Your system is set to DVD region %1!d!. To play this DVD, set your system to region %2!.1023ls!.
3281%d %d
3282%d or region %d %d or region %d
3283%d, %d, or region %d %d, %d, or region %d
3284%d, %d, %d, or region %d %d, %d, %d, or region %d
3285%d, %d, %d, %d, or region %d %d, %d, %d, %d, or region %d
3286Cyfyngiad sgôr ar hyn o bryd: %s Current rating restriction: %s
3288Capture &Image Ctrl+I Capture &Image Ctrl+I
3289The user name or password is incorrect. Type an administrator user name and password. The user name or password is incorrect. Type an administrator user name and password.
3291Both channels Both channels
3292&Rhagosodiadau... &Defaults...
3293(Rhagosodiad Teitl) (Title Default)
3294Closed Captions Closed Captions
3295(Closed Captions) (Closed Captions)
3296%s [%s] %s [%s]
3297Left channel Left channel
3298Right channel Right channel
3299Dydy'r ffeil hon heb gael ei diogelu This file is not protected
3300Protected content Protected content
3301Protected content provided courtesy of %s Protected content provided courtesy of %s
3302This file cannot be played on this computer This file cannot be played on this computer
3303This file can be played only on this computer This file can be played only on this computer
3310This file can be played an unlimited number of times This file can be played an unlimited number of times
3311You do not have the rights to play this file You do not have the rights to play this file
3312This file can be played %1!d! more times This file can be played %1!d! more times
3313This file can be played once more This file can be played once more
3314This file can be played until %1!.1023ls! This file can be played until %1!.1023ls!
3315This file can be played after %1!.1023ls! This file can be played after %1!.1023ls!
3316This file can be played %2!d! more times until %1!.1023ls! This file can be played %2!d! more times until %1!.1023ls!
3317This file can be played once more until %1!.1023ls! This file can be played once more until %1!.1023ls!
3318After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be played %2!d! times After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be played %2!d! times
3319After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be played once more After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be played once more
3320This file can be played for %1!d! hours after first use This file can be played for %1!d! hours after first use
3325This file can be synchronized an unlimited number of times This file can be synchronized an unlimited number of times
3326This file cannot be synchronized This file cannot be synchronized
3327This file can be synchronized %1!d! more times This file can be synchronized %1!d! more times
3328This file can be synchronized once more This file can be synchronized once more
3329This file can be synchronized until %1!.1023ls! This file can be synchronized until %1!.1023ls!
3330This file can be synchronized after %1!.1023ls! This file can be synchronized after %1!.1023ls!
3331This file can be synchronized %2!d! more times until %1!.1023ls! This file can be synchronized %2!d! more times until %1!.1023ls!
3332This file can be synchronized once more until %1!.1023ls! This file can be synchronized once more until %1!.1023ls!
3333After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be synchronized %2!d! times After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be synchronized %2!d! times
3334After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be synchronized once more After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be synchronized once more
3335This file can be synchronized for %1!d! hours after first use This file can be synchronized for %1!d! hours after first use
3340This file can be burned an unlimited number of times This file can be burned an unlimited number of times
3341This file cannot be burned This file cannot be burned
3342This file can be burned %1!d! more times This file can be burned %1!d! more times
3343This file can be burned once more This file can be burned once more
3344This file can be burned until %1!.1023ls! This file can be burned until %1!.1023ls!
3345This file can be burned after %1!.1023ls! This file can be burned after %1!.1023ls!
3346This file can be burned %2!d! more times until %1!.1023ls! This file can be burned %2!d! more times until %1!.1023ls!
3347This file can be burned once more until %1!.1023ls! This file can be burned once more until %1!.1023ls!
3348After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be burned %2!d! times After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be burned %2!d! times
3349After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be burned once more After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be burned once more
3350This file can be burned for %1!d! hours after first use This file can be burned for %1!d! hours after first use
3361The media usage rights for this file can be backed up The media usage rights for this file can be backed up
3362The media usage rights for this file cannot be backed up The media usage rights for this file cannot be backed up
3380Collaborative play for this file is allowed Collaborative play for this file is allowed
3381Collaborative play for this file is not allowed Collaborative play for this file is not allowed
3382(Requires a device that can play subscription files) (Requires a device that can play subscription files)
3383This file is missing media usage rights This file is missing media usage rights
3400Ar &waith os ydy ar gael O&n if available
3401&Diffodd O&ff
3402Language %d Language %d
3403Style %d Style %d
3404%s Ctrl+Shift+C %s Ctrl+Shift+C
3410(Dim) (None)
3411&Albymau &Albums
3412&Artistiaid Ar&tists
3413&Genres &Genres
3414&Rhestri chwarae personol My &playlists
3415&Radio stations &Radio stations
3416&Awto restri chwarae A&uto playlists
3417&Pob cerddoriaeth All &music
3418Pob &fideo All &videos
3420The plug-in '%1!.1023ls!' is busy for the following reason:


If you exit now, some data may be lost.

Are you sure you want to exit Windows Media Player?
The plug-in '%1!.1023ls!' is busy for the following reason:


If you exit now, some data may be lost.

Are you sure you want to exit Windows Media Player?
3421The plug-in '%1!.1023ls!' is busy for the following reason:


To close the plug-in, exit Windows Media Player.
The plug-in '%1!.1023ls!' is busy for the following reason:


To close the plug-in, exit Windows Media Player.
3500Windows Media Player Properties Windows Media Player Properties
3501General General
3502Advanced Advanced
3503Unknown Application Unknown Application
3504Player is embedded without controls, and with only the video or visualization window displayed. Player is embedded without controls, and with only the video or visualization window displayed.
3505Player is embedded with the status window, play/pause, stop, mute, and volume controls shown in addition to the video or visualization window. Player is embedded with the status window, play/pause, stop, mute, and volume controls shown in addition to the video or visualization window.
3506Player is embedded with the status window, seek bar, play/pause, stop, mute, next, previous, fast forward, fast reverse, and volume controls in addition to the video or visualization window. Player is embedded with the status window, seek bar, play/pause, stop, mute, next, previous, fast forward, fast reverse, and volume controls in addition to the video or visualization window.
3507Player is embedded without controls, and with no video or visualization window, or any user interface displayed. Player is embedded without controls, and with no video or visualization window, or any user interface displayed.
3508SAMI File (*.smi)%c*.smi%c SAMI File (*.smi)%c*.smi%c
3509One or more properties could not be loaded. One or more properties could not be loaded.
3510One or more properties could not be saved. One or more properties could not be saved.
3700Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because the Parental Controls Web Filter is turned on. To enable this action, ask your computer administrator to turn off the Web Filter for your user account. Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because the Parental Controls Web Filter is turned on. To enable this action, ask your computer administrator to turn off the Web Filter for your user account.
3900Go to S.R.S. website Go to S.R.S. website
3901True Bass setting True Bass setting
3902WOW effect WOW effect
3903Play speed: Play speed:
3904Library Library
3905Show volume slider Show volume slider
3906Turn on graphic equalizer Turn on graphic equalizer
3907Turn off graphic equalizer Turn off graphic equalizer
3908Enable and disable graphic equalizer (toggle) Enable and disable graphic equalizer (toggle)
3909Presets Presets
3930Invalid Args Invalid Args
3931Action Failed Action Failed
3932Invalid connection reference Invalid connection reference
3933Transition not available Transition not available
3934Transport is locked Transport is locked
3935Seek mode not supported Seek mode not supported
3936Resource not found Resource not found
3937Play speed not supported Play speed not supported
3938Invalid InstanceID Invalid InstanceID
3939Invalid Name Invalid Name
3941Unknown Error %1!d! Unknown Error %1!d!
4573Turn on shuffle and repeat Turn on shuffle and repeat
4574Turn off shuffle and repeat Turn off shuffle and repeat
4582Wrthi'n Cysoni Synchronizing
4700&Pori pob siop ar-lein &Browse all online stores
4704Learn about available online stores Learn about available online stores
4705&Add current service to menu &Add current service to menu
4706&Remove current service from menu &Remove current service from menu
4707&Help gyda siopau... &Help with stores...
4708Media &Guide Media &Guide
4709The following online store is requesting to be selected:


Do you want to switch to it now?
The following online store is requesting to be selected:


Do you want to switch to it now?
4805Enter a name for your device before continuing. Enter a name for your device before continuing.
4806Windows Media Player can sync automatically with up to 16 devices. Turn off automatic sync for an unused device before continuing. Windows Media Player can sync automatically with up to 16 devices. Turn off automatic sync for an unused device before continuing.
4807This device can display pictures, but you must add them to the library before the pictures can be synchronized to the device. This device can display pictures, but you must add them to the library before the pictures can be synchronized to the device.
4808You must select one or more playlists to sync. You must select one or more playlists to sync.
4809Do you want to add pictures to the library? Do you want to add pictures to the library?
4810N&o, I will add pictures later N&o, I will add pictures later
4811The storage capacity of this device is less than the minimum size that is recommended for automatic sync. Are you sure you want to continue? The storage capacity of this device is less than the minimum size that is recommended for automatic sync. Are you sure you want to continue?
4812Mae pob rhestr chwarae yn y categori hwn wedi cael ei dewis yn barod, neu does dim rhestri chwarae o'r math hwn yn eich llyfrgell. All playlists in this category are already selected, or no playlists of this type are in your library.
4813Rhaid bod o leiaf un rhestr chwarae yn y rhestr o restri chwarae i'w cysoni. At least one playlist must be in the list of playlists to sync.
4815Sync playlists Sync playlists
4816Rhestri chwarae personol Personal playlists
4820This playlist contains no items. This playlist contains no items.
4821Are you sure you want to delete '%s' from '%s'? Are you sure you want to delete '%s' from '%s'?
4822Are you sure you want to delete the %d selected items from '%s'? Are you sure you want to delete the %d selected items from '%s'?
4823Efallai dydy'r ffeiliau cyfryngau digidol rydych ar fin eu dileu o'r ddyfais ddim wedi'u copïo i'r cyfrifiadur. Os byddwch yn bwrw ymlaen, caiff y ffeiliau eu tynnu oddi ar y ddyfais unwaith ac am byth. Bwrw ymlaen? The digital media files you are about to delete from the device may not have been copied to your computer. If you continue, the files will be permanently removed from the device. Do you want to continue?
4824Wrthi'n dileu'r ffeiliau... Deleting files...
Dewiswch ffolder:

Select a folder:
4826Newid Ffolder Change Folder
4827Enter a size between 1 and %ld MB (the size of disk) before continuing. Enter a size between 1 and %ld MB (the size of disk) before continuing.
4830Pan gliciwch Gorffen, caiff eich dyfais ei diweddaru i fod yr un fath â'ch llyfrgell Windows Media Player. Yn y dyfodol, caiff y ddyfais ei diweddaru pryd bynnag y cysylltwch hi â'r cyfrifiadur. When you click Finish, your device will be updated to mirror your Windows Media Player library. In the future, the device will be updated whenever you connect it to your computer.
4834Ar y tab Cysoni, crëwch restr o eitemau yr hoffech eu hychwanegu at eich dyfais a chlicio Cychwyn Cysoni. Ailadroddwch y cam hwn bob tro yr hoffech ddiweddaru eich dyfais. On the Sync tab, create a list of items you want to add to your device, and then click Start Sync. Repeat this step every time you want to update your device.
4838%d%% yn llawn %d%% full
4839Filled Filled
4840Wrthi'n cyfrifo ... Calculating ...
4841Filled (after sync) Filled (after sync)
4842Wrthi'n cysoni ... Sync in progress ...
4850(%1!d!%%) Wrthi'n cysoni (%1!d!%%) Sync in progress
4851(%2!d!%%) Synchronizing '%1!.1023ls!' (%2!d!%%) Synchronizing '%1!.1023ls!'
4853Synchronizing '%1!.1023ls!' Synchronizing '%1!.1023ls!'
4854Wedi canfod '%1!.1023ls!' Detected '%1!.1023ls!'
4855Refreshing devices Refreshing devices
4856Completed refreshing devices Completed refreshing devices
4900This web page is from an unknown source. This web page is from an unknown source.
4901Windows Media Player could not determine the domain of the web page below. It may originate from an untrusted source. Windows Media Player could not determine the domain of the web page below. It may originate from an untrusted source.
4902There is no security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information. There is no security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information.
4903There are multiple security encryption methods present for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information. There are multiple security encryption methods present for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information.
4904The security encryption level for this web page is not known. Click here to view digital certificate information. The security encryption level for this web page is not known. Click here to view digital certificate information.
4905There is 40-bit security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information. There is 40-bit security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information.
4906There is 56-bit security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information. There is 56-bit security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information.
4907There is Fortezza security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information. There is Fortezza security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information.
4908There is 128-bit security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information. There is 128-bit security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information.
4920Cancelling upgrade... Cancelling upgrade...
4921Wrthi'n cysylltu â'r gweinydd... Connecting to server...
4922Wedi llwyddo i uwchraddio'r gydran. The component was upgraded successfully.
4923The component could not be upgraded because a network error occurred. To try again, click Retry. The component could not be upgraded because a network error occurred. To try again, click Retry.
4924The component could not be upgraded. The component could not be upgraded.
4925Wrthi'n llwytho i lawr... Downloading...
4926Wedi gorffen llwytho i lawr. Downloading is complete.
4927Wrthi'n uwchraddio... Upgrading...
5100Wrthi'n agor... Opening...
5401&Add to %s &Add to %s
5402&New &New
5404'%1' wrth '%2' wedi'i ychwanegu at y rhestr '%1' by '%2' added to list
5405'%1' wedi'i ychwanegu at y rhestr '%1' added to list
5406Rhestr Beth sy'n Chwarae? Now Playing list
5407Rhestr llosgi Burn list
5408Rhestr cysoni Sync list
5409Rhestr Bð sy'n Chwarae? Now Playing &list
5411Add to '%s' Add to '%s'
5412%d item added to list %d item added to list
5413%d eitem wedi'u hychwanegu at y rhestr %d items added to list
5415Chwaraewyd Ddiwethaf Last Played
5416Use the check boxes to choose the items you want to sync. Clear the check boxes of the items you do not want to sync.
Click Start Sync to transfer the selected items.
Use the check boxes to choose the items you want to sync. Clear the check boxes of the items you do not want to sync.
Click Start Sync to transfer the selected items.
5417Use the check boxes to choose the items you want to burn. Clear the check boxes of the items you do not want to burn.
Click Start Burn to burn the selected items to disc.
Use the check boxes to choose the items you want to burn. Clear the check boxes of the items you do not want to burn.
Click Start Burn to burn the selected items to disc.
5418Burn &list Burn &list
5419Sync &list Sync &list
5421Codec fideo Video codec
5422Cyfradd didau fideo Video bit rate
5423Codec sain Audio codec
5424Cyfradd didau sain Audio bit rate
5425mono mono
5426stereo stereo
5427%lu channels %lu channels
5428%1!.1023ls!, %2!.1023ls! kHz, %3!.1023ls!-did, %4!.1023ls! %1!.1023ls!, %2!.1023ls! kHz, %3!.1023ls!-bit, %4!.1023ls!
5442&Add to '%s' &Add to '%s'
5443Rhestr %s (&Ffefrynnau yn unig) %s list (&Favorites only)
5447Error Option&s Error Option&s
5451Prynu %s Buy %s
5465Shared Videos Shared Videos
5466Shared Music Shared Music
5467Shared Pictures Shared Pictures
5468Wrthi'n cysylltu â'r llyfrgell cyfryngau bell ... Contacting the remote media library ...
5469Waking the remote media library ... Waking the remote media library ...
5470No burn rights. When you click Start Burn, you will be prompted to buy this file. No burn rights. When you click Start Burn, you will be prompted to buy this file.
5471No burn rights. You will be prompted to buy burn rights when you try to burn this file to an audio CD. No burn rights. You will be prompted to buy burn rights when you try to burn this file to an audio CD.
5472Sync rights for these files will be verified when you click Start Sync. Sync rights for these files will be verified when you click Start Sync.
5473No sync rights. Windows Media Player will try to get sync rights automatically during sync. No sync rights. Windows Media Player will try to get sync rights automatically during sync.
5474The remote media library could not be contacted. Click here to remove the media library from the list. The remote media library could not be contacted. Click here to remove the media library from the list.
5500Bariau a Thonnau Bars and Waves
5501Bariau Bars
5502Ocean Mist Ocean Mist
5503Fire Storm Fire Storm
5504Scope Scope
5505Spikes Spikes
5506Spike Spike
5507Amoeba Amoeba
5508Particle Particle
5510Rotating Particle Rotating Particle
5511%d by %d pixels %d by %d pixels
5512Mae'r casgliad hwn yn cynnwys y patrymau Bariau, Niwl y Cefnfor a Storm Tân. This collection includes the Bars, Ocean Mist and Fire Storm visualizations.
5513This collection includes the Spike and Amoeba visualizations. This collection includes the Spike and Amoeba visualizations.
5514This collection includes the Particle and Rotating Particle visualizations. This collection includes the Particle and Rotating Particle visualizations.
5515Random Random
5516Swirl Swirl
5517Warp Warp
5518Anon Anon
5519Falloff Falloff
5520Water Water
5521Bubble Bubble
5522Dizzy Dizzy
5523Windmill Windmill
5524Niagara Niagara
5525Blender Blender
5526X Marks the Spot X Marks the Spot
5527Down the Drain Down the Drain
5528Ambience Ambience
5529This collection includes the Random, Swirl, Warp, Anon, Falloff, Water, Bubble, Dizzy, Windmill, Niagara, Blender, X Marks The Spot, Thingus and Down The Drain visualizations. This collection includes the Random, Swirl, Warp, Anon, Falloff, Water, Bubble, Dizzy, Windmill, Niagara, Blender, X Marks The Spot, Thingus and Down The Drain visualizations.
5530Plenoptic Plenoptic
5531This collection includes the Random, Smokey Circles, Smokey Lines, Vox, Flame and Fountain visualizations. This collection includes the Random, Smokey Circles, Smokey Lines, Vox, Flame and Fountain visualizations.
5533Smokey Circles Smokey Circles
5534Smokey Lines Smokey Lines
5535Vox Vox
5536Flame Flame
5537Fountain Fountain
5538Spyro Spyro
5539Thingus Thingus
5600Al&bum Art Al&bum Art
5607Forward Forward
5608Stop Stop
5609Adnewyddu Refresh
5610Home Home
5700brightsphere brightsphere
5701cominatcha cominatcha
5702dandelionaid dandelionaid
5703drinkdeep drinkdeep
5704eletriarnation eletriarnation
5705cottonstar cottonstar
5706gemstonematrix gemstonematrix
5707sepiaswirl sepiaswirl
5708event horizon event horizon
5709illuminator illuminator
5710i see the truth i see the truth
5711kaleidovision kaleidovision
5712green is not your enemy green is not your enemy
5713lotus lotus
5714relatively calm relatively calm
5715sleepyspray sleepyspray
5716smoke or water? smoke or water?
5717back to the groove back to the groove
5718spider's last moment... spider's last moment...
5719strawberryaid strawberryaid
5720the world the world
5721dance of the freaky circles dance of the freaky circles
5722my tornado is resting my tornado is resting
5723hizodge hizodge
5724chemicalnova chemicalnova
5800Unknown Plug-in Unknown Plug-in
5801No description was given for this plug-in No description was given for this plug-in
58225823 This plug-in is used for displaying additional media information. 5823 This plug-in is used for displaying additional media information.
5824Background Download Manager Background Download Manager
5825This plug-in lists files being downloaded in the background by Windows Media Player. This plug-in lists files being downloaded in the background by Windows Media Player.
5900Queued Queued
5901Connecting Connecting
5902Downloading (%d of %d bytes) Downloading (%d of %d bytes)
5903Suspended Suspended
5904Error - %s Error - %s
5906Finished Finished
5907Copied Copied
5909Processing Processing
5910Completed Completed
5930Mae tudalen We o %2!.1023ls! yn gwneud cais am hawliau mynediad %1!.1023ls! at eich ffeiliau cyfryngau digidol a'ch llyfrgell. A Web page from %2!.1023ls! is requesting %1!.1023ls! access rights to your digital media files and library.
5931Mae'r dudalen We neu'r templed %2!.1023ls! sydd wedi'i osod ar y cyfrifiadur yn gwneud cais am hawliau mynediad %1!.1023ls! at eich ffeiliau cyfryngau digidol a'ch llyfrgell. The Web page or template %2!.1023ls! installed on your computer is requesting %1!.1023ls! access rights to your digital media files and library.
5932The skin %2!.1023ls! is requesting %1!.1023ls! access rights to your digital media files and library. The skin %2!.1023ls! is requesting %1!.1023ls! access rights to your digital media files and library.
5933An application installed on your computer is requesting %1!.1023ls! access rights to your digital media files and library. An application installed on your computer is requesting %1!.1023ls! access rights to your digital media files and library.
5934Caniatáu i'r dudalen We %1!.1023ls! gael mynediad at eich ffeiliau cyfryngau digidol a'ch llyfrgell? Do you want to allow the Web page %1!.1023ls! to access your digital media files and library?
5935Caniatáu i'r dudalen We neu'r templed sydd wedi'i osod ar y cyfrifiadur %1!.1023ls! gael mynediad at eich ffeiliau cyfryngau digidol a'ch llyfrgell? Do you want to allow the Web page or template installed on your computer %1!.1023ls! to access your digital media files and library?
5936Do you want to allow the skin %1!.1023ls! to access your digital media files and library? Do you want to allow the skin %1!.1023ls! to access your digital media files and library?
5937Do you want to allow the application installed on your computer %1!.1023ls! to access your digital media files and library? Do you want to allow the application installed on your computer %1!.1023ls! to access your digital media files and library?
5938darllen read
5939llawn full
5955Rydych chi wrthi'n llwytho'r ffeil gwisg i lawr: %1!.1023ls! o %2!.1023ls!. You are downloading the skin file: %1!.1023ls! from %2!.1023ls!.
6500Play the music files Play the music files
6501Play the video files Play the video files
6503Chwarae CD sain Play audio CD
6504Chwarae ffilm DVD Play DVD movie
6505Llosgi CD sain Burn an audio CD
6507Chwarae CD Fideo Play Video CD
6508Play Super Video CD Play Super Video CD
6594Next Device/Drive Next Device/Drive
65961 star 1 star
65972 stars 2 stars
6598%s stars %s stars
6599Buy Content Buy Content
6607Cysylltu llosgydd ac Connect a burner and
6608ailgychwyn y chwaraewr restart the player
6610%s total %s total
6611%s% wedi gorffen %s% completed
6612Wrthi'n llosgi: %s% wedi gorffen Burning: %s% completed
6613Siop Shop
6614Burn status Burn status
6615Sync status Sync status
6616Wrthi’n dileu: %s% wedi’i gwblhau Erasing: %s% completed
6617%1 o %2 munud yn rhydd %1 free of %2 mins
6618%1 o %2 yn rhydd %1 free of %2
6619Rate: 1 star Rate: 1 star
6620Rate: %s stars Rate: %s stars
6621Album art Album art
6622Sync Device Sync Device
6623Burn Drive Burn Drive
7000Skins Skins
7100Wrthi'n cysylltu â %s Connecting to %s
7101Connecting to proxy server %s Connecting to proxy server %s
7200OR OR
7204+ +
7205( (
7206) )
7207has: has:
7208is: is:
7209: :
7210before: before:
7211after: after:
7212" "
7213.. ..
7214Arall Other
7215Cyfrif Count
7216%ds %ds
7218Ffolder Folder
7220CD Sain (%s) Audio CD (%s)
7221%d Cân %d Song
7223%1!.1023ls! Albwm, %2!.1023ls! Cân %1!.1023ls! Albums, %2!.1023ls! Songs
7224%d Eitem %d Item
7226%s Sêr %s Stars
7227Statws cysoni Sync status
7248Windows Media Player cannot locate this file. The file may have been deleted or moved, or the path may be incorrect. Click for more options. Windows Media Player cannot locate this file. The file may have been deleted or moved, or the path may be incorrect. Click for more options.
7262Less than one minute Less than one minute
7263More than 15 minutes More than 15 minutes
7264Less than 10 minutes Less than 10 minutes
7265More than four hours More than four hours
7266Less than one hour Less than one hour
7267More than 24 hours More than 24 hours
7271&Trefnu yn ôl '%s' &Sort by '%s'
7272Penty&rru fesul '%s' S&tack by '%s'
7283Additional Views Additional Views
7284Prif Weddau Primary Views
7285Paste Art Here Paste Art Here
7287Awto Restri Chwarae Auto Playlists
7288Less than one MB Less than one MB
7289More than ten MB More than ten MB
7294Continuing playback of '%s' Continuing playback of '%s'
7295to view the list to view the list
7297Get %1!.1023ls! &Now Get %1!.1023ls! &Now
7299Free Free
7300?? ??
7302Gweithred Action
7308Albwm Dieithr Unknown Album
7309Artist Dieithr Unknown Artist
7310Genre Dieithr Unknown Genre
7311Blwyddyn Ddieithr Unknown Year
7313%1!.1023ls!, %2!.1023ls! %1!.1023ls!, %2!.1023ls!
7314Llyfrgell %1!.1023ls! %1!.1023ls!'s Library
7315%1!.1023ls! wedi'i ddewis, cyfanswm %2!.1023ls! %1!.1023ls! selected, %2!.1023ls! total
7504Chwilio Search
7505Dewis Gwasanaeth Service Selector
7506Gweld y Bar Offer View Toolbar
7507Search Glyph Search Glyph
7509Cwarel Manylion Details Pane
7510Bar Offer De Cwarel Rhestr List Pane Right Toolbar
7511Bar Gorchymyn Cwarel Rhestr List Pane Command Bar
7512Chwilio'r Blwch Golygu Search Edit Box
7513Dewiswch gategori Select a category
7514Jump to %1!.1023ls! Jump to %1!.1023ls!
7515Dewisiadau gweld View options
7516Dewisiadau cynllun Layout options
7517Pennu dewisiadau'r cwarel rhestr Select list pane options
7518Clirio'r cwarel rhestr Clear list pane
7519Cad&w'r rhestr &Save list
7520Cychwyn &llosgi &Start burn
7521&Rhwygo CD R&ip CD
7522&Stopio rhwygo Stop r&ip
7523&Canslo'r llosgi C&ancel burn
7524i greu rhestr chwarae. to create a playlist.
7525i greu rhestr llosgi. to create a burn list.
7526i greu rhestr i'w chysoni. to create a list to sync.
7527Bar Offer Gorchymyn Command Toolbar
7528Gosodiadau &rhwygo Rip s&ettings
7529Cliciwch yma Click here
7530Teitl Rhestr List Title
7531to '%1!.1023ls!'. to '%1!.1023ls!'.
7532o '%1!.1023ls!'. from '%1!.1023ls!'.
7533This file cannot be burned to a disc. Click the icon for more information. This file cannot be burned to a disc. Click the icon for more information.
7534This type of file cannot be burned to an audio CD. Click the icon for more information. This type of file cannot be burned to an audio CD. Click the icon for more information.
7535neu or
7536Clirio'r chwiliad Clear search
7537A&udio Quality A&udio Quality
7538%d Kbps (Smallest Size) %d Kbps (Smallest Size)
7541%d Kbps (Best Quality) %d Kbps (Best Quality)
7542Save in Place Edit Box Save in Place Edit Box
7544&Burn '%1!.1023ls!' List to Drive %2!.1023ls! &Burn '%1!.1023ls!' List to Drive %2!.1023ls!
7545&Burn '%1!.1023ls!' &Burn '%1!.1023ls!'
7546&Get Rights for File from %1!.1023ls! &Get Rights for File from %1!.1023ls!
7547Get Rights from %1!.1023ls! for &All Files in List Get Rights from %1!.1023ls! for &All Files in List
7548Remove All %1!.1023ls! &Files with Problems from List Remove All %1!.1023ls! &Files with Problems from List
7549You must get more burn rights before you can burn this file. Click the icon for more information. You must get more burn rights before you can burn this file. Click the icon for more information.
7550You must get more sync rights before you can sync this file. Click the icon for more information. You must get more sync rights before you can sync this file. Click the icon for more information.
7551Gwall yn Windows Media Player. Cliciwch yr eicon i gael gwybod rhagor. Windows Media Player encountered an error. Click the icon for more information.
7552Rip '%1!.1023ls!' (%2!.1023ls!) Rip '%1!.1023ls!' (%2!.1023ls!)
7553Dangos y cwarel rhestr Show list pane
7554Dewisiadau chwilio Search options
7555You can use the Sync tab to view the files on your device and to add or delete files. You can use the Sync tab to view the files on your device and to add or delete files.
7556to go to the Sync tab. to go to the Sync tab.
7557Create playlist Create playlist
7558Type a name for your playlist Type a name for your playlist
7559Play music video Play music video
7560A playlist named '%s' already exists. A playlist named '%s' already exists.
7561Rhoi ffeiliau newydd ar eich dyfais yn lle'r ffeiliau cerddoriaeth sydd yno Replace the music files on your device with new files
7562Copïo ffeiliau o'ch dyfais i'r cyfrifiadur Copy files from your device to the computer
7563Golygu '%1!.1023ls!'. Edit '%1!.1023ls!'.
7564Rhestr chwarae ddideitl Untitled playlist
7565A playlist named '%s' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? A playlist named '%s' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
7566The tracks you have selected have different file types. However, albums are currently separated by file type. Click OK if you would like to disable this in the column chooser. The tracks you have selected have different file types. However, albums are currently separated by file type. Click OK if you would like to disable this in the column chooser.
The path is too long.
Try a shorter name.
The path is too long.
Try a shorter name.
7568&Golygu &Edit
7569There is not enough space to save the playlist. There is not enough space to save the playlist.
7570&Dechrau cysoni &Start sync
7571&Stopio Cysoni &Stop sync
7572&Hapdrefnu nawr &Shuffle now
7573H&apdrefnu S&huffle
7574Cysoni ffeiliau a anwybyddwyd o'r &blaen Sync &previously skipped files
7575&Fformatio &Format
7576Di&weddu'r bartneriaeth cysoni &End sync partnership
7577Pennu gosodiadau &cysoni... Set up syn&c...
7578Pennu dewisiada&u... Select settin&gs...
7579&Sync '%s' &Sync '%s'
7580&Stop sync to '%s' &Stop sync to '%s'
7581Sh&uffle '%s' Sh&uffle '%s'
7582S&ync '%s' to '%s' S&ync '%s' to '%s'
7583Play '%1!.1023ls!' (%2!.1023ls!) Play '%1!.1023ls!' (%2!.1023ls!)
7584&Copïo o ddyfais Copy from &device
7585Shuffle music Shuffle music
7586Wedi gorffen cysoni.
Gallwch ddatgysylltu '%1!.1023ls!' nawr.
Sync completed.
You can now disconnect '%1!.1023ls!'.
7587to create a list to sync from '%1!.1023ls!' to your computer to create a list to sync from '%1!.1023ls!' to your computer
7588Rhestr flaenorol Previous list
7589Rhestr nesaf Next list
7590i greu rhestr chwarae to create a playlist
7591i greu rhestr llosgi to create a burn list
7592to create a list to sync to '%1!.1023ls!' to create a list to sync to '%1!.1023ls!'
7593&Agor &Open
7595Cerddoriaeth Music
7597Teledu wedi'i Recordio Recorded TV
7598Lluniau Pictures
7600Mewngludo '%1!.1023ls!'. Import '%1!.1023ls!'.
7601Sync '%1!.1023ls!' Sync '%1!.1023ls!'
7602Now Playing Basket Left Toolbar Now Playing Basket Left Toolbar
7603Now Playing Basket Right Toolbar Now Playing Basket Right Toolbar
7604Rydych chi wrthi'n chwarae'r rhestr hon. Gallwch olygu'r rhestr yn y tab Chwarae. You are currently playing this list. You can edit the list in the Play tab.
7605Llusgwch eitemau yma Drag items here
7606i'w hychwanegu at eich rhestr chwarae newydd. to add them to your new playlist.
7607There are no playlists on this device. There are no playlists on this device.
7608Arhoswch funud... Please wait...
7609Wrthi'n adfer eitemau o %1!.1023ls!... Retrieving items from %1!.1023ls!...
7610Rhestr heb ei chadw Unsaved list
7611It is not possible to sync to a device and copy files from the device at the same time. Click OK to clear your current sync list and replace it with your selected items. Click Cancel to keep the sync list and ignore your selected items. It is not possible to sync to a device and copy files from the device at the same time. Click OK to clear your current sync list and replace it with your selected items. Click Cancel to keep the sync list and ignore your selected items.
7612It is not possible to copy from multiple devices at the same time. Click OK to clear your current sync list and replace it with your selected items. Click Cancel to keep the sync list and ignore your selected items. It is not possible to copy from multiple devices at the same time. Click OK to clear your current sync list and replace it with your selected items. Click Cancel to keep the sync list and ignore your selected items.
7613&Create playlist &Create playlist
7614There are no recently added items in %1!.1023ls!. There are no recently added items in %1!.1023ls!.
7615Does dim eitemau yn y llyfrgell %1!.1023ls!. There are no items in your %1!.1023ls! library.
7616Does dim eitemau yn Cyfryngau eraill. There are no items in Other media.
7617Does dim ffeiliau ar y ddyfais hon. There are no files on this device.
7618I ddechrau, cysonwch ffeiliau â'r ddyfais. To begin, sync files to the device.
7619Heb ganfod unrhyw ffeiliau yn y llyfrgell bell hon. No files have been found on this remote library.
7620Cyn y cewch chwarae eitemau yn y llyfrgell hon, rhaid i chi gael hawl i fynd at y llyfrgell. Before you can play items in this library, you must first be allowed to access the library.
7621Cliciwch Trefnu, wedyn clicio Rheoli llyfrgelloedd er mwyn cynnwys ffolderi yn y llyfrgell. Click Organize, and then click Manage libraries to include folders in your library.
7622I ddechrau, rhowch ddisg yn y gyriant. To begin, insert a disc into the drive.
7623Does dim rhestri chwarae yn y llyfrgell hon. There are no playlists in this library.
7625Mae'r ddisg yn wag. This disc is empty.
7626A CD drive is needed in order to rip music from CDs. A CD drive is needed in order to rip music from CDs.
7627If you continue, it will be necessary to add and remove files manually when you want to change the files that are on the device, but some information about the device will remain in Windows Media Player. If you want to delete all information about the device from the Player, click No, disconnect the device, and then end the sync partnership.
Are you sure you want to continue?
If you continue, it will be necessary to add and remove files manually when you want to change the files that are on the device, but some information about the device will remain in Windows Media Player. If you want to delete all information about the device from the Player, click No, disconnect the device, and then end the sync partnership.
Are you sure you want to continue?
7628Os byddwch chi'n bwrw ymlaen, caiff yr holl wybodaeth am y ddyfais ei dileu o Windows Media Player.
Ydych chi'n siŵr eich bod am fwrw ymlaen?
If you continue, all information about the device will be deleted from Windows Media Player.
Are you sure you want to continue?
7629Does dim eitemau'n cyd-fynd â '%1!.1023ls!' yn y wedd hon. There are no items matching '%1!.1023ls!' in this view.
7630Searching... Searching...
7631Does dim canlyniadau cysoni i'w dangos. There are no sync results to show.
7632To begin, connect your device. To begin, connect your device.
7633Browse the library for items to add to your playlist. You can add items by dropping them onto the playlist name in the Navigation Pane. Browse the library for items to add to your playlist. You can add items by dropping them onto the playlist name in the Navigation Pane.
7634&Data CD &Data CD
7635CD neu DVD D&ata &Data CD or DVD
7636Search Menu Search Menu
7637Eitemau yn %1!.1023ls! sy'n cyd-fynd â '%2!.1023ls!' Matches in %1!.1023ls! for '%2!.1023ls!'
7638Eitemau yn eich llyfrgell sy'n cyd-fynd â '%1!.1023ls!' Matches in your library for '%1!.1023ls!'
7639Other Media Other Media
7640%d Song %d Song
7642%d Artist %d Artist
7644%d Albwm %d Album
7646%d item in Music %d item in Music
7647%d items in Music %d items in Music
7648%d Video %d Video
7649%d Videos %d Videos
7650%d item in Recorded TV %d item in Recorded TV
7651%d items in Recorded TV %d items in Recorded TV
7652Cannot Burn Cannot Burn
7653Cannot Sync Cannot Sync
7654Burn Error Burn Error
7656File Not Found File Not Found
7657Sync Error Sync Error
7660Confirm Confirm
7661Buying... Buying...
7662Yn y Llyfrgell In Library
7663Album Only Album Only
7664Llwytho i lawr Download
7667Wrthi'n Llwytho i lawr... Downloading...
7670%s %s
7671&Songs &Songs
7672&Songs (%d) &Songs (%d)
7674&Artistiaid (%d) Ar&tists (%d)
7676&Albums (%d) &Albums (%d)
7677A&ll %s A&ll %s
7678A&ll %s (%d) A&ll %s (%d)
7679The previous burn operation has not been started. If you continue, the old list will be discarded and a new list with the selected media items will be created in its place. Do you want to continue? The previous burn operation has not been started. If you continue, the old list will be discarded and a new list with the selected media items will be created in its place. Do you want to continue?
7680You have added items to sync to '%1!.1023ls!', but '%2!.1023ls!' already has a list of items to sync. If you continue, the sync list for '%3!.1023ls!' will not be saved. Do you want to continue? You have added items to sync to '%1!.1023ls!', but '%2!.1023ls!' already has a list of items to sync. If you continue, the sync list for '%3!.1023ls!' will not be saved. Do you want to continue?
7681Stacked Stacked
7682Pentyrrwyd fesul '%s' Stacked by '%s'
7684Buy All %1!.1023ls! Files in &List That Need Sync Rights Buy All %1!.1023ls! Files in &List That Need Sync Rights
7686Fy Sgoriau My Ratings
7687Awto Sgoriau Auto Ratings
7693Heb Chwarae Not Played
7694Played Once Played Once
7695Played %d Times Played %d Times
7696Low Bit Rate Low Bit Rate
7697High Bit Rate High Bit Rate
7698Bron %d Kbps Near %d Kbps
7699Explicit Explicit
7702Edited Edited
7703Programmer Programmer
7704Subscription Subscription
7705Subscription Only Subscription Only
7710Service Radio Service Radio
7711Service Feeds Service Feeds
7712Playlist Order Playlist Order
7713%d) %d)
7717Recent Playlists Recent Playlists
7718Prynu Albwm Buy Album
7719There are no items found matching '%1!.1023ls!'. There are no items found matching '%1!.1023ls!'.
7720&Llyfrgell &Library
7721Chwarae ffefrynnau Play favorites
7722to create a list to sync from '%1!.1023ls!' to your computer. to create a list to sync from '%1!.1023ls!' to your computer.
7723%1!.1023ls! saved to library %1!.1023ls! saved to library
7724i greu rhestr i'w chysoni i '%1!.1023ls!'. to create a list to sync to '%1!.1023ls!'.
7725There are no items found. There are no items found.
7726This disc does not contain %1!.1023ls!. This disc does not contain %1!.1023ls!.
7727Saved Radio Playlists Saved Radio Playlists
7750%1!.1023ls! Options %1!.1023ls! Options
7751Contacting Service Provider... Contacting Service Provider...
7802This file does not have sync rights. Do you want to try downloading sync rights from the content provider? This file does not have sync rights. Do you want to try downloading sync rights from the content provider?
7803The sync rights for this file have expired. Do you want to try downloading new sync rights from the content provider? The sync rights for this file have expired. Do you want to try downloading new sync rights from the content provider?
7804Windows Media Player cannot sync the protected file because the device's internal clock is not set correctly. Do you want the Player to set the device's clock? Windows Media Player cannot sync the protected file because the device's internal clock is not set correctly. Do you want the Player to set the device's clock?
7805Windows Media Player cannot sync the protected file because a security upgrade is required. Do you want to download the security upgrade? Windows Media Player cannot sync the protected file because a security upgrade is required. Do you want to download the security upgrade?
7806Windows Media Player cannot sync the file. The file must be converted to another file type or quality level and the required codec is missing. Do you want to try downloading the codec? Windows Media Player cannot sync the file. The file must be converted to another file type or quality level and the required codec is missing. Do you want to try downloading the codec?
7807You do not have the rights to play this file. Do you want to try downloading new play rights from the content provider? You do not have the rights to play this file. Do you want to try downloading new play rights from the content provider?
7808The play rights for this file have expired. Do you want to try downloading new play rights from the content provider? The play rights for this file have expired. Do you want to try downloading new play rights from the content provider?
7809Ni all Windows Media Player chwarae’r ffeil a ddiogelir gan fod angen uwchraddio diogelwch. Ydych chi am lawrlwytho’r feddalwedd fydd yn uwchraddio diogelwch? Windows Media Player cannot play the protected file because a security upgrade is required. Do you want to download the security upgrade?
7810Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the required codec is missing. Do you want to try downloading the codec? Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the required codec is missing. Do you want to try downloading the codec?
7820Cancelling inspection of files in your library... Cancelling inspection of files in your library...
7821Cancelling inspection of files on device... Cancelling inspection of files on device...
7822Cancelling inspection of files on CD... Cancelling inspection of files on CD...
7823Cancelling inspection of files in another library... Cancelling inspection of files in another library...
7824Stopping sync... Stopping sync...
7825Cancelling the download of subscription rights... Cancelling the download of subscription rights...
7826Some of your subscription files on your devices need to be refreshed. The files will automatically be refreshed the next time your devices are connected while Windows Media Player is running or immediately if your devices are already connected.

Some of your subscription files on your devices need to be refreshed. The files will automatically be refreshed the next time your devices are connected while Windows Media Player is running or immediately if your devices are already connected.

7827Some of your subscription files on '%1!.1023ls!' need to be refreshed. The files will automatically be refreshed the next time your device is connected while Windows Media Player is running or immediately if your device is already connected. Some of your subscription files on '%1!.1023ls!' need to be refreshed. The files will automatically be refreshed the next time your device is connected while Windows Media Player is running or immediately if your device is already connected.
7828You have cancelled burning. However, the files you bought will continue to download to your library, and you can burn them later if you want. You have cancelled burning. However, the files you bought will continue to download to your library, and you can burn them later if you want.
7829Updating files from '%1!.1023ls!'... Updating files from '%1!.1023ls!'...
7830Software from '%1!.1023ls!' needs to be installed before your '%1!.1023ls!' files can be refreshed.
Do you want to install the software?
Software from '%1!.1023ls!' needs to be installed before your '%1!.1023ls!' files can be refreshed.
Do you want to install the software?
7850Rip folder Rip folder
7851Automatically added Automatically added
7852Manually added Manually added
7853Monitored Folders Monitored Folders
7855Ignore Ignore
7856R&emove R&emove
7857&Enable &Enable
7858Ignor&e Ignor&e
7900&Dewisiadau &Options
7901Cwarel Llywio Llyfrgelloedd Library Navigation Pane
7902Service Navigation Pane Service Navigation Pane
7903&Priodweddau &Properties
7905Album art can't be changed when a song from the album is in use. Please try again later. Album art can't be changed when a song from the album is in use. Please try again later.
7906i weld canlyniadau'r cysoni. to see sync results.
7910Various Artists Various Artists
8000Currently playing item rated %s stars (Ctrl+WindowsKey+%s) Currently playing item rated %s stars (Ctrl+WindowsKey+%s)
8001Currently playing item rated 1 star (Ctrl+WindowsKey+1) Currently playing item rated 1 star (Ctrl+WindowsKey+1)
8002Rating cleared from current playing item (Ctrl+WindowsKey+0) Rating cleared from current playing item (Ctrl+WindowsKey+0)
801031 Hz, Equalizer Slider 31 Hz, Equalizer Slider
801162 Hz, Equalizer Slider 62 Hz, Equalizer Slider
8012125 Hz, Equalizer Slider 125 Hz, Equalizer Slider
8013250 Hz, Equalizer Slider 250 Hz, Equalizer Slider
8014500 Hz, Equalizer Slider 500 Hz, Equalizer Slider
80151 kHz, Equalizer Slider 1 kHz, Equalizer Slider
80162 kHz, Equalizer Slider 2 kHz, Equalizer Slider
80174 kHz, Equalizer Slider 4 kHz, Equalizer Slider
80188 kHz, Equalizer Slider 8 kHz, Equalizer Slider
801916 kHz, Equalizer Slider 16 kHz, Equalizer Slider
8020Dwbl-glicio i fynd i'r sgrin lawn, ctrl+un-glic i dorri i faint y fideo Double-click to go to fullscreen, ctrl+click to snap to video size
8029Dolen Ailfeintio'r Rhestr List Resize Handle
8030Use Arrow keys to resize list, hold down Shift key and/or Control key to resize by larger amounts Use Arrow keys to resize list, hold down Shift key and/or Control key to resize by larger amounts
8031Resize list (double-click to close) Resize list (double-click to close)
8032Show list Show list
8033Hide list Hide list
8034Playlist Toggle Playlist Toggle
8035Show or hide the playlist Show or hide the playlist
8041Start rip Start rip
8042Stop rip Stop rip
8043Import CD Contents Import CD Contents
8044CD Already Ripped CD Already Ripped
8045Rip CD Rip CD
8046Rip CD (%s) Rip CD (%s)
8048Stop rip (%s) Stop rip (%s)
8049Rip Button Rip Button
8050%1 - %2 %1 - %2
8100Queue favorite songs by current artist Queue favorite songs by current artist
8150Chwarae pob cerddoriaeth Play all music
8151Chwarae pob cân yn y llyfrgell ar hap Play all songs in your library shuffled
8152Chwarae eto Play again
8153Ailchwarae'r ffeil sydd wedi'i llwytho eto Replay the currently loaded file again
8154Ailgydio Resume
8155Bwrw ymlaen â chwarae'r rhestr chwarae dan sylw Continue playing the current playlist
8156Chwarae'r rhestr flaenorol Play previous list
8157Dychwelyd at yr hyn roeddech chi'n ei chwarae o'r blaen Return to what you were playing previously
8158Mynd at y Llyfrgell Go to Library
8159Newid i'r Llyfrgell, i bori drwy eich casgliad o sain a fideos Switch to Library, to browse your collection of audio and video
8160Chwarae DVD Play DVD
8161Play the currently selected DVD Play the currently selected DVD
8180Rhagolwg Preview
8181Skip Skip
8190Change the track time format Change the track time format
8191Botwm fformat amser trac Track time format button
8234Double-click to go fullscreen, ctrl+click to resize to fit Double-click to go fullscreen, ctrl+click to resize to fit
824110 10
8250Gwedd Statws a Bar Gorchymyn Status and Command Bar View
8251Gwedd Awgrymiadau Suggestions View
8252Gwedd Rheoli Chwarae Playback Controls View
8555Up Next: %1!.1023ls! Up Next: %1!.1023ls!
13000More &Info More &Info
13001Hide &Album Information Hide &Album Information
13004Hide &Search Hide &Search
13005Search Results Search Results
13008No items found for this search. Please modify your search criteria and try again. No items found for this search. Please modify your search criteria and try again.
13020Are you sure you want to change the genre of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'? Are you sure you want to change the genre of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'?
13021Are you sure you want to change the album of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'? Are you sure you want to change the album of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'?
13022Are you sure you want to change the artist of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'? Are you sure you want to change the artist of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'?
13023Are you sure you want to change the actor of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'? Are you sure you want to change the actor of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'?
13024Are you sure you want to change the director of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'? Are you sure you want to change the director of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'?
13025Are you sure you want to add the '%1!.1023ws!' genre to all selected items? Are you sure you want to add the '%1!.1023ws!' genre to all selected items?
13026Are you sure you want to change all items with the '%1!.1023ws!' genre to '%2!.1023ws!'? Are you sure you want to change all items with the '%1!.1023ws!' genre to '%2!.1023ws!'?
13027Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' album to the '%2!.1023ws!' album? Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' album to the '%2!.1023ws!' album?
13028Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' artist to the '%2!.1023ws!' artist? Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' artist to the '%2!.1023ws!' artist?
13029Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' actor to the '%2!.1023ws!' actor? Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' actor to the '%2!.1023ws!' actor?
13030Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' director to the '%2!.1023ws!' director? Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' director to the '%2!.1023ws!' director?
13031Are you sure you want to remove all items with the '%1!.1023ws!' genre from your library? Are you sure you want to remove all items with the '%1!.1023ws!' genre from your library?
13032Are you sure you want to remove all items in the '%1!.1023ws!' album from your library? Are you sure you want to remove all items in the '%1!.1023ws!' album from your library?
13033Are you sure you want to remove all items matching the '%1!.1023ws!' artist from your library? Are you sure you want to remove all items matching the '%1!.1023ws!' artist from your library?
13034Are you sure you want to remove all items matching the '%1!.1023ws!' actor from your library? Are you sure you want to remove all items matching the '%1!.1023ws!' actor from your library?
13035Are you sure you want to remove all items matching the '%1!.1023ws!' director from your library? Are you sure you want to remove all items matching the '%1!.1023ws!' director from your library?
13036Are you sure you want to remove the '%1!.1023ws!' playlist from your library? Are you sure you want to remove the '%1!.1023ws!' playlist from your library?
13037Are you sure you want to change the genre of all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' album to '%2!.1023ws!'? Are you sure you want to change the genre of all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' album to '%2!.1023ws!'?
13038Are you sure you want to change the genre of all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' artist to '%2!.1023ws!'? Are you sure you want to change the genre of all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' artist to '%2!.1023ws!'?
13039Are you sure you want stop synchronizing the '%1!.1023ws!' playlist? Are you sure you want stop synchronizing the '%1!.1023ws!' playlist?
13050Are you sure you want to change the composer of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'? Are you sure you want to change the composer of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'?
13051Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' composer to the '%2!.1023ws!' composer? Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' composer to the '%2!.1023ws!' composer?
13052Are you sure you want to change the genre of all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' composer to '%2!.1023ws!'? Are you sure you want to change the genre of all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' composer to '%2!.1023ws!'?
13053Are you sure you want to remove all items matching the '%1!.1023ws!' composer from your library? Are you sure you want to remove all items matching the '%1!.1023ws!' composer from your library?
14161[Cliciwch yma i ychwanegu meini prawf] [Click here to add criteria]
14162[cliciwch i osod] [click to set]
14163Awto Restr Chwarae Ddideitl Untitled Auto Playlist
14164Golygu Awto Restr Chwarae Edit Auto Playlist
14168Creu awto restr chwarae sy'n cynnwys y canlynol: Create an auto playlist that includes the following:
14169A chynnwys hefyd: And also include:
14170A rhoi'r cyfyngiadau canlynol ar waith ar yr awto restr chwarae: And apply the following restrictions to the auto playlist:
14174Mwy... More...
14175Find &Now Find &Now
14176Auto Playlist name: Auto Playlist name:
17300The online store encountered an error. Click the icon for more information. The online store encountered an error. Click the icon for more information.
17301before before
17302after after
17303This file is of an unrecognized type which may not playable in Windows Media Player. This file is of an unrecognized type which may not playable in Windows Media Player.
17304Unknown File Type Unknown File Type
17305PlayHistory Back Toolbar PlayHistory Back Toolbar
17306PlayHistory Forward Toolbar PlayHistory Forward Toolbar
17307&Trefnu &Organize
17308Clirio'r &rhestr Clear &list
17309Cysoni dyfeisiau Sync devices
17310CDs a disgiau data CDs, and data discs
17311Adda&su'r cwarel llywio... Customi&ze navigation pane...
173125 Diweddar Recent 5
17313Y Cyfan All
17314Cyfartaledd Sêr %s %s Star Average
17315Creu &rhestr chwarae &Create playlist
17316Help Button Help Button
17317Help Help
17318&Ffrydio St&ream
17319Chwarae &i Play &to
17320Agor y tab Llosgi Open the Burn tab
17321i greu rhestr o eitemau i'w llosgi ar ddisg. to create a list of items to burn to disc.
17322Dangos gorchmynion ychwanegol Display additional commands
17324&Sgorio'r cyfan &Rate all
17325Pennod Ddieithr Unknown Episode
17326# #
17327Rhestru dewisiadau List options
17328Burn options Burn options
17329Dewisiadau cysoni Sync options
17350%1!.1023ls! - '%2!.1023ls!' %1!.1023ls! - '%2!.1023ls!'
17353Hoff %1!.1023ls! Favorite %1!.1023ls!
17354Dydy'r cynnwys "%1!.1023ls!" y mae'r llwybr byr hwn yn cyfeirio ato ddim ar gael ar hyn o bryd.

Dileu'r llwybr byr hwn?
The content "%1!.1023ls!" that this shortcut refers to is not currently available.

Do you want to delete this shortcut?
17356Ailgydio yn y rhestr flaenorol Resume previous list
17359Loading content Loading content
17360Looking for remote library Looking for remote library
17361Wrthi'n agor '%1!.1023ls!' Opening '%1!.1023ls!'
18866Play Play
19103This &Computer This &Computer
19104Play Remotely At Play Remotely At
19105Switch to Device Switch to Device
19301%d eitem %d item
19304%d trac %d track
19307Add album art Add album art
19308Combine with %1 Combine with %1
19309Ychwanegu at y rhestr Add to list
19310Reorder Reorder
19311Create auto playlist Create auto playlist
19312Add to %1 Add to %1
19313Ychwanegu at y rhestr Cysoni Add to Sync list
19314Add to Burn list Add to Burn list
19316Include in %1!.1023ls! library Include in %1!.1023ls! library
20300Unknown Video CD Unknown Video CD
20301Video Track %d Video Track %d
20302Music Track %d Music Track %d
20781(%d of which is read-only) (%d of which is read-only)
20782(%d of which are read-only) (%d of which are read-only)
20783No items selected No items selected
20784%d item selected %d item selected
20785%d items selected %d items selected
20786Do you want to save your changes? Do you want to save your changes?
20787One or more of your lyrics were not saved. All lyrics not assigned a unique language were ignored. One or more of your lyrics were not saved. All lyrics not assigned a unique language were ignored.
20788One or more of your lyrics were not saved. All lyrics not assigned a unique language were ignored.

Do you still want to close the Advanced Tag Editor?
One or more of your lyrics were not saved. All lyrics not assigned a unique language were ignored.

Do you still want to close the Advanced Tag Editor?
20789A sharp A sharp
20790A A
20791A flat A flat
20792B sharp B sharp
20793B B
20794B flat B flat
20795C sharp C sharp
20796C C
20797C flat C flat
20798D sharp D sharp
20799D D
20800D flat D flat
20801E sharp E sharp
20802E E
20803E flat E flat
20804F sharp F sharp
20805F F
20806F flat F flat
20807G sharp G sharp
20809G flat G flat
20810A sharp (minor) A sharp (minor)
20811A (minor) A (minor)
20812A flat (minor) A flat (minor)
20813B sharp (minor) B sharp (minor)
20814B (minor) B (minor)
20815B flat (minor) B flat (minor)
20816C sharp (minor) C sharp (minor)
20817C (minor) C (minor)
20818C flat (minor) C flat (minor)
20819D sharp (minor) D sharp (minor)
20820D (minor) D (minor)
20821D flat (minor) D flat (minor)
20822E sharp (minor) E sharp (minor)
20823E (minor) E (minor)
20824E flat (minor) E flat (minor)
20825F sharp (minor) F sharp (minor)
20826F (minor) F (minor)
20827F flat (minor) F flat (minor)
20828G sharp (minor) G sharp (minor)
20829G (minor) G (minor)
20830G flat (minor) G flat (minor)
20831Off key Off key
20850User Defined User Defined
20851Cover (front) Cover (front)
20852Cover (back) Cover (back)
20853Leaflet Page Leaflet Page
20854Media Label Media Label
20855Lead Artist Lead Artist
20857Conductor Conductor
20860Lyricist Lyricist
20861Recording Location Recording Location
20862During Recording During Recording
20863During Performance During Performance
20864Video Screen Capture Video Screen Capture
20865Illustration Illustration
20866Band Logotype Band Logotype
20867Publisher Logotype Publisher Logotype
20868Image Files%c*.jpg;*.bmp;*.png;*.gif%cAll Files%c*.*%c%c Image Files%c*.jpg;*.bmp;*.png;*.gif%cAll Files%c*.*%c%c
20869Select image file Select image file
20876Track Info Track Info
20877Artist Info Artist Info
20880Comments Comments
21337Movement Movement
21338Events Events
21339Chord Chord
21340Trivia Trivia
21341Webpage Webpage
21342Images Images
21345Classic Rock Classic Rock
21348Disco Disco
21349Funk Funk
21351Hip-Hop Hip-Hop
21357Pop Pop
21358R&B R&B
21363Industrial Industrial
21364Alternative Alternative
21365Ska Ska
21366Death Metal Death Metal
21367Pranks Pranks
21368Soundtrack Soundtrack
21369Euro-Techno Euro-Techno
21370Ambient Ambient
21371Trip-Hop Trip-Hop
21372Vocal Vocal
21373Jazz+Funk Jazz+Funk
21374Fusion Fusion
21375Trance Trance
21377Instrumental Instrumental
21378Acid Acid
21379House House
21380Game Game
21381Sound Clip Sound Clip
21382Gospel Gospel
21383Noise Noise
21384AlternRock AlternRock
21385Bass Bass
21386Soul Soul
21387Punk Punk
21388Space Space
21389Meditative Meditative
21390Instrumental Pop Instrumental Pop
21391Instrumental Rock Instrumental Rock
21392Ethnic Ethnic
21393Gothig Gothic
21394Darkwave Darkwave
21395Techno-Industrial Techno-Industrial
21396Electronic Electronic
21397Pop-Folk Pop-Folk
21398Eurodance Eurodance
21399Dream Dream
21400Southern Rock Southern Rock
21401Comedy Comedy
21402Cult Cult
21403Gangsta Gangsta
21404Top 40 Top 40
21405Christian Rap Christian Rap
21406Pop/Funk Pop/Funk
21407Jungle Jungle
21408Native American Native American
21409Cabaret Cabaret
21410New Wave New Wave
21411Psychedelic Psychedelic
21412Rave Rave
21413Showtunes Showtunes
21414Trailer Trailer
21415Lo-Fi Lo-Fi
21416Tribal Tribal
21417Acid Punk Acid Punk
21418Acid Jazz Acid Jazz
21419Polka Polka
21420Retro Retro
21421Musical Musical
21422Rock & Roll Rock & Roll
21423Hard Rock Hard Rock
21425Folk-Rock Folk-Rock
21426National Folk National Folk
21428Fast Fusion Fast Fusion
21429Bebop Bebop
21430Latin Latin
21431Revival Revival
21432Celtic Celtic
21433Bluegrass Bluegrass
21434Avant-garde Avantgarde
21435Gothic Rock Gothic Rock
21436Progressive Rock Progressive Rock
21437Psychedelic Rock Psychedelic Rock
21438Symphonic Rock Symphonic Rock
21439Slow Rock Slow Rock
21440Big Band Big Band
21441Chorus Chorus
21442Easy Listening Easy Listening
21444Humour Humour
21446Chanson Chanson
21448Chamber Music Chamber Music
21449Sonata Sonata
21450Symphony Symphony
21451Booty Bass Booty Bass
21452Primus Primus
21453Porn Groove Porn Groove
21454Satire Satire
21455Slow Jam Slow Jam
21456Club Club
21457Tango Tango
21458Samba Samba
21459Folklore Folklore
21460Ballad Ballad
21461Power Ballad Power Ballad
21462Rhythmic Soul Rhythmic Soul
21463Freestyle Freestyle
21464Duet Duet
21465Punk Rock Punk Rock
21466Drum Solo Drum Solo
21467A capella A capella
21468Euro-House Euro-House
21469Dance Hall Dance Hall
21473Loading Data... Loading Data...
21474Angry Angry
21475Groovy Groovy
21476Happy Happy
21477Quirky Quirky
21478Rockin Rockin
21479Sad Sad
21480Soothing Soothing
21481Trippy Trippy
21482Sunday Brunch Sunday Brunch
21483Work Work
21484Party Party
21485Spooky Spooky
21493Updating metadata for %s Updating metadata for %s
21502Audio: News Audio: News
21503Audio: Talk Show Audio: Talk Show
21504Audio: Audio Books Audio: Audio Books
21505Audio: Spoken Word Audio: Spoken Word
21506Video: News Video: News
21507Video: Talk Show Video: Talk Show
21508Video: Home Video Video: Home Video
21509Video: Movie / Film Video: Movie / Film
21510Video: TV show Video: TV show
21511Video: Corporate Video Video: Corporate Video
21512Video: Music Video Video: Music Video
21514Searching for file %s Searching for file %s
21515Syncing file and library... Syncing file and library...
21516Loading metadata... Loading metadata...
21928Address Address
21963Value Value
21970Upgrading Database - Music Upgrading Database - Music
21971Upgrading Database - Video Upgrading Database - Video
21972Upgrading Database Upgrading Database
25500Now Playing Basket Window Now Playing Basket Window
27999(File Error - Improperly Formatted File) (File Error - Improperly Formatted File)
28600Cerddoriaeth yn fy llyfrgell Music in my library
28601Fideos yn fy llyfrgell Video in my library
28605Lluniau yn fy llyfrgell Pictures in my library
28606Sioeau teledu yn fy llyfrgell TV shows in my library
28607Microsoft Auto Playlist Filter -- Limits auto playlists by count, size or duration Microsoft Auto Playlist Filter -- Limits auto playlists by count, size or duration
28608The library database is corrupted. The problem does not affect your digital media files or the ability of Windows Media Player to play the files. When you exit and restart the Player, a new database will be created after which you can add your files to the library again.

Click OK to exit the Player.
The library database is corrupted. The problem does not affect your digital media files or the ability of Windows Media Player to play the files. When you exit and restart the Player, a new database will be created after which you can add your files to the library again.

Click OK to exit the Player.
28609Windows Media Player Database Corrupted Windows Media Player Database Corrupted
28610Cyfyngu Cyfanswm y Maint i Limit Total Size To
28611Cyfyngu cyfanswm y maint i %Number% %Format% Limit total size to %Number% %Format%
28612Number Number
28720Cilobeit Kilobytes
28721Megabeit Megabytes
28722Gigabeit Gigabytes
28723Cyfyngu Cyfanswm yr Hyd i Limit Total Duration To
28724Cyfyngu cyfanswm yr hyd i %Number% %Format% Limit total duration to %Number% %Format%
28730Eiliad Seconds
28731Munud Minutes
28732Awr Hours
28733Diwrnod Days
28740Cyfyngu Nifer yr Eitemau Limit Number Of Items
28741Cyfyngu nifer yr eitemau i %MaxNumberOfItems% Limit number of items to %MaxNumberOfItems%
28742MaxNumberOfItems MaxNumberOfItems
2874320 20
28801Equals Equals
28803Does Not Contain Does Not Contain
28804Yn Llai Na Is Less Than
28805Yn Fwy Na Is Greater Than
28806Ydy Is
28807Ddim Yn Is Not
28808Cyn Is Before
28809Yn Fwy Diweddar Na Is More Recent Than
28810Above Above
28811Below Below
28812Does Not Equal Does Not Equal
28813O'r dechrau i'r diwedd Ascending
28814O'r diwedd i'r dechrau Descending
28816Ar ôl Is After
28817Yn o Leiaf Is At Least
28818Yn Ddim Mwy Na Is No More Than
28890condition condition
28891value value
28892value1 value1
28893value2 value2
28895Is-genre %condition% %value% Subgenre %condition% %value%
28900Artist sy'n Cyfrannu Contributing Artist
28901Artist sy'n Cyfrannu %condition% %value% Contributing Artist %condition% %value%
28902Actor Actor
28903Actor %condition% %value% Actor %condition% %value%
28905Genre %condition% %value% Genre %condition% %value%
28906Dyddiad Ychwanegu Date Added
28907Dyddiad ychwanegu at y Llyfrgell %condition% %value% Date added To Library %condition% %value%
28908Cyfradd Didau Bit Rate
28909Cyfradd didau (mewn Kbps) %condition% %value% Bit rate (in Kbps) %condition% %value%
28911Teitl %condition% %value% Title %condition% %value%
28912Dyddiad Chwaraewyd Ddiwethaf Date Last Played
28913Dyddiad chwaraewyd ddiwethaf %condition% %value% Date last played %condition% %value%
28914Awto Sgorio Auto Rating
28915Awto sgorio %condition% %value% Auto rating %condition% %value%
28916Teitl yr Albwm Album Title
28917Teitl yr albwm %condition% %value% Album title %condition% %value%
28918Cyfrif Chwarae : Cyfanswm Cyffredinol Play Count : Total Overall
28919Cyfrif chwarae : Cyfanswm cyffredinol %condition% %value% Play count : Total overall %condition% %value%
28920Cyfrif Chwarae : Cyfanswm Diwrnod Gwaith Play Count : Total Weekday
28921Cyfrif chwarae : Cyfanswm diwrnod gwaith %condition% %value% Play count : Total weekday %condition% %value%
28922Cyfrif Chwarae : Cyfanswm Penwythnos Play Count : Total Weekend
28923Cyfrif chwarae : Cyfanswm penwythnos %condition% %value% Play count : Total weekend %condition% %value%
28924Meysydd Allweddol Key Fields
28925Meysydd Allweddol %condition% %value% Key Fields %condition% %value%
28927Author %condition% %value% Author %condition% %value%
28930Mood Mood
28931Mood %condition% %value% Mood %condition% %value%
28932Blwyddyn cymryd Year taken
28933Year taken %condition% %value% Year taken %condition% %value%
28934Mis cymryd Month taken
28935Mis cymryd %condition% %value% Month taken %condition% %value%
28937Station name %condition% %value% Station name %condition% %value%
28939Channel %condition% %value% Channel %condition% %value%
28941Artist albwm %condition% %value% Album artist %condition% %value%
28942Genre y Darparwr Cynnwys Content Provider Genre
28943Genre y darparwr cynnwys %condition% %value% Content provider genre %condition% %value%
28945Composer %condition% %value% Composer %condition% %value%
28947Conductor %condition% %value% Conductor %condition% %value%
28949Producer %condition% %value% Producer %condition% %value%
28951Director %condition% %value% Director %condition% %value%
28953Writer %condition% %value% Writer %condition% %value%
28954Sgôr Rhieni Parental Rating
28955Parental rating %condition% %value% Parental rating %condition% %value%
28956Period Period
28957Period %condition% %value% Period %condition% %value%
28959Subtitle %condition% %value% Subtitle %condition% %value%
28960Content Provider Rating Content Provider Rating
28961Content provider rating %condition% %value% Content provider rating %condition% %value%
28962Dyddiad Recordio Date Recorded
28963Date recorded %condition% %value% Date recorded %condition% %value%
28964Blwyddyn Rhyddhau Release Year
28965Release Year %condition% %value% Release Year %condition% %value%
28966Key Key
28967Key %condition% %value% Key %condition% %value%
28969Tagiau %condition% %value% Tags %condition% %value%
28971Broadcast time %condition% %value% Broadcast time %condition% %value%
28972Episode %condition% %value% Episode %condition% %value%
28973Series %condition% %value% Series %condition% %value%
28974Caption %condition% %value% Caption %condition% %value%
28975Event %condition% %value% Event %condition% %value%
28977Date taken %condition% %value% Date taken %condition% %value%
29000Dyddiad Amgodio Date Encoded
29001Dyddiad amgodio %condition% %value% Date encoded %condition% %value%
29002Copyright Text Copyright Text
29003Copyright text %condition% %value% Copyright text %condition% %value%
29008Maint Ffeil (mewn KB) File Size (in KB)
29009File size (in KB) %condition% %value% File size (in KB) %condition% %value%
29010Enw'r Ffeil File Name
29011File name %condition% %value% File name %condition% %value%
29013Language %condition% %value% Language %condition% %value%
29015Protection %condition% present Protection %condition% present
29016Publisher Publisher
29017Publisher %condition% %value% Publisher %condition% %value%
29018Darparwr Cynnwys Content Provider
29019Content provider %condition% %value% Content provider %condition% %value%
29020Provider Provider
29021Provider %condition% %value% Provider %condition% %value%
29022Maes Personol #1 Custom Field #1
29023Custom Field #1 %condition% %value% Custom Field #1 %condition% %value%
29024Maes Personol #2 Custom Field #2
29025Custom Field #2 %condition% %value% Custom Field #2 %condition% %value%
29026Cyfrif Chwarae : Cyfansymiau Bore Play Count : Morning Totals
29027Play count : Morning total %condition% %value% Play count : Morning total %condition% %value%
29028Cyfrif Chwarae : Cyfansymiau Prynhawn Play Count : Afternoon Totals
29029Play count : Afternoon total %condition% %value% Play count : Afternoon total %condition% %value%
29030Cyfrif Chwarae : Cyfansymiau Min Nos Play Count : Evening Totals
29031Play count : Evening total %condition% %value% Play count : Evening total %condition% %value%
29032Cyfrif Chwarae : Cyfansymiau Nos Play Count : Night Totals
29033Play count : Night total %condition% %value% Play count : Night total %condition% %value%
29040Math o Ffeil File Type
29041Math o ffeil %condition% %value% File type %condition% %value%
29042Media Type Media Type
29043Media type %condition% %value% Media type %condition% %value%
29045Length (in seconds) %condition% %value% Length (in seconds) %condition% %value%
29047Sgôr %condition% %value% My rating %condition% %value%
29048Musician Credits Musician Credits
29049Musician credits %condition% %value% Musician credits %condition% %value%
29053Lyrics %condition% %value% Lyrics %condition% %value%
29055Comments %condition% %value% Comments %condition% %value%
29080Trefnu yn ôl Sort By
29081Trefnu yn ôl %value% %condition% Sort by %value% %condition% order
29082Hapdrefnu'r Drefn Chwarae Randomize Playback Order
29083Randomize playback order Randomize playback order
29084Primary Media Type Primary Media Type
29085Primary media type %condition% %value% Primary media type %condition% %value%
29086Secondary Media Type Secondary Media Type
29087Secondary media type %condition% %value% Secondary media type %condition% %value%
29088Lled y ddelwedd Image width
29089Image width %condition% %value% Image width %condition% %value%
29090Uchder y ddelwedd Image height
29091Image height %condition% %value% Image height %condition% %value%
29150Ddoe Yesterday
29151Y 7 niwrnod diwethaf Last 7 Days
29152Y 30 diwrnod diwethaf Last 30 Days
291536 mis 6 months
291541 mlynedd 1 year
291552 flynedd 2 years
291565 mlynedd 5 years
291571990s 1990s
291581980s 1980s
291591970s 1970s
291601960s 1960s
291611950s 1950s
291621940s 1940s
291632000s 2000s
29164Today Today
291681 seren 1 star
291692 seren 2 stars
291703 seren 3 stars
291714 seren 4 stars
291725 seren 5 stars
291731 seren ar gyfartaledd 1 star average
291742 seren ar gyfartaledd 2 star average
291753 seren ar gyfartaledd 3 star average
291764 seren ar gyfartaledd 4 star average
291775 seren ar gyfartaledd 5 star average
29178Undefined Undefined
29183NR NR
29185Fy rhai i â 1 seren My 1 star
29186My 2 stars My 2 stars
29187Fy rhai i â 3 seren My 3 stars
29188Present Present
29189Fy rhai i â 4 seren My 4 stars
29190To make it easy to find and play your digital media files, you can add them to your Player library. Do you want to select folders on drive %1!.1023ls! to scan for files to add to the library? To make it easy to find and play your digital media files, you can add them to your Player library. Do you want to select folders on drive %1!.1023ls! to scan for files to add to the library?
29191Fy rhai i â 5 seren My 5 stars
2919230 30
2919360 60
29195180 180
29196240 240
29197300 300
29198360 360
2920048 48
2920296 96
29203128 128
29204160 160
29205192 192
29206256 256
29208500 500
29209750 750
292101000 1000
292111500 1500
292123000 3000
292134500 4500
292146000 6000
292157500 7500
29250January January
29251February February
29252March March
29253April April
29254May May
29255June June
29256July July
29257August August
29258September September
29259October October
29260November November
29261December December
2926213th Month 13th Month
29291The device does not support synchronization of subscription content. The device does not support synchronization of subscription content.
29292'%1!.1023ls!' - '%2!.1023ls!' '%1!.1023ls!' - '%2!.1023ls!'
29293true true
29294Drive busy Drive busy
29295This drive is busy. This drive is busy.
29296Cancelling burn Cancelling burn
29297Dim Disg No Disc
29298%1!.1023ls! (%2!c!:) %1!.1023ls! (%2!c!:)
29299Burn cancelled Burn cancelled
29300Cysoni ffeiliau cyfryngau digidol â'r ddyfais hon Sync digital media files to this device
29301Agor Chwaraewr Cyfryngau Open Media Player
29302Agor Rhannu Cyfryngau Open Media Sharing
29400Windows Media Player yw eich meddalwedd cerddoriaeth ddigidol sy'n eich galluogi i reoli eich profiad o gerddoriaeth. Windows Media Player is your digital music software that puts you in control of your music experience.
30000Cysylltu â'r llyfrgell bell wedi'i ganslo. Cancelled connecting to the remote library.
30001Failed to connect to the remote library. Failed to connect to the remote library.
30002Canslo Cancel
30003Find the problem Find the problem
30005Internet access Internet access
30006Teredo Teredo
30007OK OK
30008Failed Failed
30010Name resolution Name resolution
30011Connection Connection
300154. DISCOVERED (%1) 4. DISCOVERED (%1)
300165. RESOLUTION (%1) 5. RESOLUTION (%1)
300176. CONNECTION (%1) 6. CONNECTION (%1)
30018Remote host discovery Remote host discovery
30019Testing... Testing...
30020Edit Locations Edit Locations
30021Please select locations Please select locations
30022Os byddwch yn bwrw ymlaen, bydd eich llyfrgell cyfryngau'n cael ei gwagio a bydd Windows Media Player yn cau.

Ydych chi am fwrw ymlaen?
Continuing will empty your media library and close the Windows Media Player.

Do you wish to continue?
30023Wrthi'n diweddaru'r llyfrgell cyfryngau: %1!.1023ls! Updating media library: %1!.1023ls!
30024Wedi gorffen diweddaru Update complete
30025Wrthi'n adalw gwybodaeth am gyfryngau ar gyfer: %1!.1023ls! Retrieving media info for: %1!.1023ls!
30026Wedi gorffen adalw gwybodaeth am gyfryngau Media info retrieval complete
30027Wrthi'n adalw gwybodaeth am gyfryngau ar gyfer albwm ddieithr Retrieving media info for an unknown album
30028Lefelu sain: %1!.1023ls! Volume leveling: %1!.1023ls!
30029Os byddwch yn bwrw ymlaen, bydd eitemau cyfryngau sy'n dal i fodoli fel ffeiliau cyfryngau yn cael eu hadfer i'r llyfrgell.

Ydych chi am fwrw ymlaen?
Continuing will restore media items to your library that still exist as media files.

Do you wish to continue?
30030Restoring deleted items to your library Restoring deleted items to your library
30052The remote media library did not allow the connection. Please contact the device manufacturer for more information. The remote media library did not allow the connection. Please contact the device manufacturer for more information.
30053Windows Media Player cannot play the file. Either the file type is not supported or there is a problem with your network or server. Windows Media Player cannot play the file. Either the file type is not supported or there is a problem with your network or server.
30100Caniatáu Pob Dyfais Cyfryngau Allow All Media Devices
30101Caniatáu yn awtomatig i ddyfeisiau chwarae eich cyfryngau? Do you want to automatically allow devices to play your media?
30102Os byddwch yn caniatáu mynediad at eich cyfryngau yn awtomatig, bydd unrhyw gyfrifiadur neu ddyfais sy'n cysylltu â'r rhwydwaith yn gallu chwarae eich cerddoriaeth, eich lluniau a'ch fideos a rennir.

Ga' i wybod mwy o osod mynediad dros y Rhyngrwyd at gyfryngau yn y cartref?
If you automatically allow access to your media, any computer or device that connects to your network can play your shared music, pictures, and videos.

Tell me more about setting up Internet home media access
30103C&aniatáu pob cyfrifiadur a dyfais cyfryngau yn awtomatig. &Automatically allow all computers and media devices.
30104&Peidio â chaniatáu cyfrifiaduron a dyfeisiau cyfryngau yn awtomatig. &Do not automatically allow computers and media devices.
30105Caniatáu i ddyfeisiau ffrydio yn awtomatig yw'r dewis gorau ar rwydweithiau awtomatig yn unig. Automatically allowing devices to stream is recommended only on secure networks.
30106Caniatáu Rheoli o Bell Allow Remote Control
30107Ydych chi am ganiatáu i'ch Chwaraewr gael ei reoli o bell? Do you want to allow remote control of your Player?
30108Os byddwch yn caniatáu rheoli o bell, bydd cyfrifiaduron a dyfeisiau eraill yn gallu gwthio cerddoriaeth, lluniau a fideos i'ch Chwaraewr.

Ga' i wybod mwy am ffrydio cyfryngau yn y cartref?
If you allow remote control, other computers and devices can push music, pictures, and videos to your Player.

Tell me more about home media streaming
30109C&aniatáu rheoli o bell ar y rhwydwaith hwn &Allow remote control on this network
30110&Peidio â chaniatáu rheoli o bell ar y rhwydwaith hwn &Do not allow remote control on this network
30111Yn ddiofyn, ni chaniateir rheoli o bell pan fyddwch yn ymuno â rhwydwaith newydd. By default, remote control is not allowed when you join a new network.
30115Tell me more about media streaming Tell me more about media streaming
30122The following Microsoft accounts can access your shared music, pictures and videos over the Internet. The following Microsoft accounts can access your shared music, pictures and videos over the Internet.
30123If remote media connection is turned on, the following Microsoft accounts will be able to access your shared music, pictures and videos over the Internet. If remote media connection is turned on, the following Microsoft accounts will be able to access your shared music, pictures and videos over the Internet.
30124Your media is not shared over the Internet. To activate remote media connection over the Internet, you need your Microsoft account (e-mail address and password). Your media is not shared over the Internet. To activate remote media connection over the Internet, you need your Microsoft account (e-mail address and password).
30125My Microsoft accounts My Microsoft accounts
30126Microsoft accounts on homegroup computers Microsoft accounts on homegroup computers
30127No Microsoft account found No Microsoft account found
30128No Microsoft accounts found No Microsoft accounts found
30130Component Component
30132Remote hosts Remote hosts
30133Internet Streaming Diagnostic Report Internet Streaming Diagnostic Report
30134%1: %2 %1: %2
30135Please wait... Please wait...
30140Mynediad dros y Rhyngrwyd at Gyfryngau Cartref Internet Home Media Access
30141Ydych chi am ganiatáu mynediad dros y Rhyngrwyd at eich cyfryngau cartref? Do you want to allow Internet access to home media?
30142Mae mynediad dros y Rhyngrwyd at gyfryngau cartref yn eich galluogi chi i ffrydio cerddoriaeth, lluniau a fideos o gyfrifiadur cartref i gyfrifiadur arall. Os yw'r cyfrifiadur hwn gartref, mae modd iddo anfon cyfryngau dros y Rhyngrwyd. Os yw'r cyfrifiadur hwn oddi cartref, mae modd iddo gael cyfryngau o gyfrifiadur cartref.

Sylwer y bydd rhwydweithiau corfforaethol yn aml yn rhwystro ffrydio cyfryngau cartref.

Ga' i wybod mwy am gael mynediad at gyfryngau cartref dros y Rhyngrwyd?
Internet access to home media lets you stream music, pictures, and videos from a home computer to a computer outside your home. If this computer is at home, it can send media over the Internet. If this computer is away from home, it can receive media from a home computer.

Please note that corporate networks often block home media streaming.

Tell me more about accessing home media over the Internet
30143Mae mynediad dros y Rhyngrwyd at gyfryngau cartref yn eich galluogi chi i ffrydio cerddoriaeth, lluniau a fideos o gyfrifiadur cartref i gyfrifiadur arall. Oherwydd bod y cyfrifiadur hwn yn rhan o barth, does dim modd iddo anfon cyfryngau dros y Rhyngrwyd, ond mae modd iddo dderbyn cyfryngau cartref

Sylwer y bydd rhwydweithiau corfforaethol yn aml yn rhwystro ffrydio cyfryngau cartref.

Ga'i wybod mwy am gael mynediad at gyfryngau cartref dros y Rhyngrwyd?
Internet access to home media lets you stream music, pictures, and videos from a home computer to a computer outside your home. Because this computer is joined to a domain, it can't send media over the Internet, but it can receive home media.

Please note that corporate networks often block home media streaming.

Tell me more about accessing home media over the Internet
30144C&aniatáu mynediad dros y Rhyngrwyd at gyfryngau cartref &Allow Internet access to home media
30145&Diagnose connections &Diagnose connections
30146&Change Microsoft account
You must restart the Player after you change your Microsoft account.
&Change Microsoft account
You must restart the Player after you change your Microsoft account.
30147&Peidio â chaniatáu mynediad dros y Rhyngrwyd at gyfryngau cartref Do ¬ allow Internet access to home media
30148Show &users who can access my media Show &users who can access my media
30151&Cysylltwch eich cyfrif Microsoft
Rhaid i'ch cyfrif parth fod wedi'i gysylltu Š'ch cyfrif Microsoft er mwyn cael mynediad diogel at gyfryngau cartref ar y Rhyngrwyd.
&Connect your Microsoft account
Your domain account must be connected to your Microsoft account for secure Internet access to home media.
30152You have successfully allowed Internet access to home media You have successfully allowed Internet access to home media
30153If this computer is at home, authorized users can access its media over the Internet.

If this computer is away from home, you can access media on home computers. Home computers will be listed under Other Libraries in your Player.
If this computer is at home, authorized users can access its media over the Internet.

If this computer is away from home, you can access media on home computers. Home computers will be listed under Other Libraries in your Player.
30154If this computer is away from home, you can access media on home computers. Home computers will be listed under Other Libraries in your Player.

Because this computer is joined to a domain, it can't send media over the Internet.
If this computer is away from home, you can access media on home computers. Home computers will be listed under Other Libraries in your Player.

Because this computer is joined to a domain, it can't send media over the Internet.
30155Access must be allowed on both home and remote computers. Access must be allowed on both home and remote computers.
30156Internet access to home media is allowed Internet access to home media is allowed
30157This computer is away from home. You cannot send media over the Internet. This computer is away from home. You cannot send media over the Internet.
30158This computer is joined to a corporate domain. You cannot send media over the Internet. This computer is joined to a corporate domain. You cannot send media over the Internet.
30159Bydd caniatáu mynediad dros y Rhyngrwyd at gyfryngau cartref yn atal y cyfrifiadur hwn rhag mynd i gysgu. Allowing Internet access to home media will prevent this computer from sleeping.
30160Dyw eich cyfrif ddim wedi'i gysylltu Your account is not connected
30161Rhaid i'ch cyfrif maes fod wedi'i gysylltu Š'ch cyfrif Microsoft cyn y gallwch ganiatáu mynediad diogel at gyfryngau cartref ar y Rhyngrwyd. Your domain account must be connected to your Microsoft account before you can allow secure Internet access to home media.
30162&Newid i gyfrif Microsoft
Rhaid i chi newid eich cyfrif defnyddiwr i gyfrif Microsoft er mwyn cael mynediad diogel at gyfryngau cartref ar y Rhyngrwyd.
&Switch to a Microsoft account
Your user account must be switched to a Microsoft account for secure Internet access to home media.
30163Your user account is not a Microsoft account Your user account is not a Microsoft account
30164You must switch your user account to a Microsoft account before you can allow secure Internet access to home media. You must switch your user account to a Microsoft account before you can allow secure Internet access to home media.
31001Defnyddiwr %s User %s
31002Other users of this PC Other users of this PC
31003Enw'r Llyfrgell Library Name
31500\My Playlists \My Playlists
31501It is not possible to add files to the library because there is not enough storage space on your computer. Delete some unneeded files on your hard disk, and then try again. It is not possible to add files to the library because there is not enough storage space on your computer. Delete some unneeded files on your hard disk, and then try again.


File Name:wmploc.DLL.mui
File Size:362 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:370176
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:12.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:12.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (0452)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Adnoddau Windows Media Player
File Version:12.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:wmploc.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Cedwir pob hawl.
Original File Name:wmploc.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:12.0.15063.0

What is wmploc.DLL.mui?

wmploc.DLL.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Welsh language for file wmploc.DLL (Adnoddau Windows Media Player).

File version info

File Description:Adnoddau Windows Media Player
File Version:12.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:wmploc.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Cedwir pob hawl.
Original Filename:wmploc.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:12.0.15063.0
Translation:0x452, 1200