shell32.dll.mui Window qobig‘ining umuimiy kutubxonasi f58bdd634ebc44070bb5ac6e831b6cd8

File info

File name: shell32.dll.mui
Size: 475648 byte
MD5: f58bdd634ebc44070bb5ac6e831b6cd8
SHA1: 7f095920ac6054cb934399f3a1b4f6018a95615c
SHA256: 90b07c7a4c3ec845fe50a5377439b27efd61a9b2e6111524603180704c3b0381
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Uzbek language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Uzbek English
60Versiya %s (OT Build %s.%d)%s Version %s (OS Build %s.%d)%s
61(Tuzatmoq) (Debug)
1033Fayl joyla&shuvini ochmoq Open file locat&ion
1040Jild joylashuvini och&moq Open folder locat&ion
4097Diskdan foydalanish avval, Siz uni %c jamlanmasida formatlashingiz lozim. You need to format the disk in drive %c: before you can use it.
4098Joylashish: %s Location: %s
4099Insert a new storage device

%3 is needed to copy these files. %2 is full. Please insert a new storage device to continue copying these files.
Insert a new storage device

%3 is needed to copy these files. %2 is full. Please insert a new storage device to continue copying these files.
4102%1!c!: jamlanmada disk mavjud emas.

Yangi disk qo‘ying va qaytadan urinib ko‘ring.
There is no disk in drive %1!c!:.

Insert a disk, and then try again.
4106Windows %sni formatlamadi Windows can't format %s
4107Disk hamda jamlanma to‘g‘ri ulanganligini tekshiring, disk "faqat o‘qish uchun" emasligiga amin bo‘ling, so‘ng qayta urinib ko‘ring. "Yordam"dan "faqat o‘qish uchun" fayllar va ularni o‘zgartirish yo‘li haqida qo‘shimcha ma’lumotlarni olishingiz mumkin. Check to see that the disk and drive are connected properly, make sure that the disk is not read-only, and then try again. For more information, search Help for read-only files and how to change them.
4109Fayl nomi tarkibida quyidagi belgilar mavjud bo'la olmaydi:
\ / : * ? " |
A file name can't contain any of the following characters:
\ / : * ? " |
4112Fayl nomi kengaytmasi o‘zgartirilgandan so‘ng ushbu fayldan foydalanib bo‘lmasligi mumkin.

Haqiqatan ham uni o‘zgartirmochimisiz?
If you change a file name extension, the file might become unusable.

Are you sure you want to change it?
4113%s bayt %s bytes
4114Disk is not formatted Disk is not formatted
4115The volume mounted on folder %1!ls! is not formatted. The volume mounted on folder %1!ls! is not formatted.
4116Windows bu turdagi diskni formatlay olmaydi. Boshqa diskni qo‘ying va qayta urinib ko‘ring. Windows can't format this type of disk. Insert a different disk and try again.
4118%1!ls! (%2!ls! bayt) %1!ls! (%2!ls! bytes)
4119%1!ls! %1!ls!
4122%c diski: Drive %c:
4123Fayl nomini kiritishingiz lozim. You must type a file name.
4124Uni formatlamoqchimisiz? Do you want to format it?
4125Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
4126Diskni formatlamoq Format disk
4128%3!ls! jild mavjud emas. Fayl ko‘chirilgan yoki yo‘q qilingan bo‘lishi mumkin.

Uni yaratmoqchimisiz?
The %3!ls! folder does not exist. The file might have been moved or deleted.

Do you want to create it?
4130Fayl File
4131Jild Folder
4132Fayl yoki jild mavjud emas. The file or folder does not exist.
4134Windows ushbu diskdan foydalana bo‘lmaydi Windows can't access this disc
4135Disk buzilgan bo‘lishi mumkin. Disk Windows aniqlay oladigan formatdaligini tekshiring. Agar disk formatlanmagan bo‘lsa, Undan foydalanishdan oldin diskni formatlash lozim. The disc might be corrupt. Make sure that the disc uses a format that Windows recognizes. If the disc is unformatted, you need to format it before using it.
4144Operation Operation
4145Ko‘chirmoq Move
4146Nusxa ko‘chirmoq Copy
4147Yo‘q qilmoq Delete
4148Nomini o‘zgartirmoq Rename
4149Havola Link
4150Xususiyatlarni qo‘llamoq Apply Properties
4151Yangi New
4153Yorliq Shortcut
4154%s - Yorliq ().lnk %s - Shortcut ().lnk
4157Bu jilddan foydalanib bo‘lmaydi. This folder is unavailable.
4159Ushbu jild bo‘sh. This folder is empty.
4161Boshqaruv paneli Control Panel
4162Desktop Desktop
4163%sni bekor qilmoq Undo %s
4164%sni &bekor qilmoq Ctrl+Z &Undo %s Ctrl+Z
4165&Bekor qilmoq Ctrl+Z &Undo Ctrl+Z
4166Boshqaruv panelida qidirish Search Control Panel
4167Oddiy oyna Normal window
4168O‘ralgan Minimized
4169Kengaytirilgan Maximized
4170&Qaytarmoq Ctrl+Y &Redo Ctrl+Y
4177Joriy foydalanuvchi Current User
4178%s - Nusxa ko‘chirmoq %s - Copy
4185%s %s
4188Redo %s Redo %s
4189Security Alert Security Alert
4190You are adding a link that might not be safe. Do you want to continue? You are adding a link that might not be safe. Do you want to continue?
4191%sni qaytarm&oq Ctrl+Y &Redo %s Ctrl+Y
4192Operation on '%1!ls!' Operation on '%1!ls!'
4193Move of '%1!ls!' Move of '%1!ls!'
4194’%1!ls!’dan nusxa ko‘chirish Copy of '%1!ls!'
4195Delete of '%1!ls!' Delete of '%1!ls!'
4196Rename of '%1!ls!' to '%2!ls!' Rename of '%1!ls!' to '%2!ls!'
4198Apply Properties to '%1!ls!' Apply Properties to '%1!ls!'
4199Creation of '%2!ls!' Creation of '%2!ls!'
4200If you rename this file, it will no longer belong to the folder '%3!ls!'.

To rename it safely, open the file, save it with a new name, and then delete the folder '%3!ls!'.

Do you want to rename this file anyway?
If you rename this file, it will no longer belong to the folder '%3!ls!'.

To rename it safely, open the file, save it with a new name, and then delete the folder '%3!ls!'.

Do you want to rename this file anyway?
4201If you rename this folder, the associated HTML file '%3!ls!' might not work properly.

To rename the folder without damaging any files, open '%3!ls!', save it with a new name, and then delete the folder '%1!ls!'.

Do you want to rename this folder anyway?
If you rename this folder, the associated HTML file '%3!ls!' might not work properly.

To rename the folder without damaging any files, open '%3!ls!', save it with a new name, and then delete the folder '%1!ls!'.

Do you want to rename this folder anyway?
4208Yorliq bilan ishlashda xato Problem with Shortcut
4209’%1!ls!’ ishchi jild uchun noto‘g‘ri nom tanlangan. Jild mavjudligini va unga ko‘rsatilgan yo‘l to‘g‘riligini tekshiring. The folder '%1!ls!' specified in the Start In box is not valid. Make sure that the folder exists and that the path is correct.
4210’%1!ls!’ yakuniy fayl nomi noto‘g‘ri. Fayl nomi va unga ko‘rsatilgan yo‘l to‘g‘riligini tekshiring. The name '%1!ls!' specified in the Target box is not valid. Make sure the path and file name are correct.
4211Ushbu yorliq bilan bog‘langan ’%1!ls!’ fayli yoki jildi topilmadi. The file or folder '%1!ls!' that this shortcut refers to can't be found.
4212Ushbu yorliq bilan bog‘langan ’%1!ls!’ elementi o‘zgartirilgan yoki ko‘chirilgan. Hajm, sana, tur bo‘yicha eng yaqin keladigan element ’%2!ls!’. Yorliqqa ushbu element bog‘lanishini istaysizmi? The item '%1!ls!' that this shortcut refers to has been changed or moved. The nearest match, based on size, date, and type, is '%2!ls!'. Do you want this shortcut to point to this item?
4213and and
4214, ,
4215’%1!ls!’ yorliq bog‘langan element joylashgan jamlanma yoki tarmoq aloqasi mavjud emas. Disk to‘g‘ri qo‘yilganligini va tarmoq resurslariga kirish mumkinligini tekshirib ko‘ring, so‘ng qaytadan urinib ko‘ring. The drive or network connection that the shortcut '%1!ls!' refers to is unavailable. Make sure that the disk is properly inserted or the network resource is available, and then try again.
4217Unable to save changes to '%2!ls!'.

Unable to save changes to '%2!ls!'.

4218You can't create a shortcut to another shortcut. Either copy the shortcut and place it in the new location, or create a new shortcut to the original file or folder. You can't create a shortcut to another shortcut. Either copy the shortcut and place it in the new location, or create a new shortcut to the original file or folder.
4220Tom %s Volume %s
4221O‘rnatilgan tom Mounted Volume
4222Belgilanmagan tom Unlabeled Volume
4223Tanlangan elementlarni tayyorlash... Preparing selected items...
4224Unable to browse the network.

Unable to browse the network.

4225%2!ls! ga kirish mumkin emas. Ushbu tarmoq resurslaridan foydalanish uchun Sizning ruxsatingiz bo‘lmasligi mumkin. Foydalanish uchun ruxsatingiz bor yoki yo‘qligini aniqlash uchun server ma’muriga murojaat qiling.

%2!ls! is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.

4226%2!ls!ga kirish mumkin emas.

%2!ls! is not accessible.

4227Network error (%d). Network error (%d).
4228File system error (%d). File system error (%d).
4229%2!ls!dan foydalanib bo‘lmaydi. Agar joylashuv ushbu ShKda bo‘lsa, qurilma yoki jamlovchi ulanganganligiga yoki disk kiritilganligiga ishonch hosil qiling va undan so‘ng qayta urinib ko‘ring. Agar joylashuv tarmoqda bo‘lsa, tarmoq yoki Internetga ulanganligingizga ishonch hosil qiling va qayta urinib ko‘ring. Agar bu urinish ham natija bermasa, u olib tashlangan yoki yo‘q qilingan bo‘lishi mumkin. %2!ls! is unavailable. If the location is on this PC, make sure the device or drive is connected or the disc is inserted, and then try again. If the location is on a network, make sure you’re connected to the network or Internet, and then try again. If the location still can’t be found, it might have been moved or deleted.


4232Can't access this folder.

Path is too long.
Can't access this folder.

Path is too long.
4233Ilova Application
4234Ilova (ilk foydalanishda o‘rnatmoq) Application (installs on first use)
4241The drive label is either too long, or contains invalid characters. The drive label is either too long, or contains invalid characters.
4242Xato disk belgisi Invalid drive Label
4243Disk formatlanmagan. Diskni belgilashdan oldin uni formatlash lozim. The drive is not formatted. You must format it before you can label it.
4244The network folder, %1!s!, that contains %2!s! is not available.

Try again later, or contact your system administrator for further assistance.
The network folder, %1!s!, that contains %2!s! is not available.

Try again later, or contact your system administrator for further assistance.
4245The %2!s! folder could not be found. Right-click the %2!s! icon, click Properties, and then check that the path to your target folder location is correct. The %2!s! folder could not be found. Right-click the %2!s! icon, click Properties, and then check that the path to your target folder location is correct.
4249&Qo‘shimcha... &More...
4256(Yo‘q) (None)
4257%2!ls! (%1!ls!) %2!ls! (%1!ls!)
4260Group items in the window by %s. Group items in the window by %s.
4262The Internet The Internet
4263Local Network Local Network
4264Hozirda Sizda ushbu jildga kirish huquqi mavjud emas. You don't currently have permission to access this folder.
4265Ushbu jildga doimiy ravishda kirish uchun "Davom ettirmoq" tugmasini bosing. Click Continue to permanently get access to this folder.
4266Davom ettirmoq Continue
4267Ushbu jilddan foydalanishga ruxsat berilmagan. You have been denied permission to access this folder.
4268Ushbu jildga erkin kirish uchun quyidagidan foydalanishingiz lozim: xavfsizlik jadvali. To gain access to this folder you will need to use the security tab.
4269Edit Security Edit Security
4272Tizim sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish System Settings Change
4321(%d) (%d)
4353Oynadagi elementlarni saralaydigan buyruqlardan tashkil topadi. Contains commands for sorting items in the window.
4354Oynani moslashtiruv buyruqlarni o‘z ichiga oladi. Contains commands for customizing this window.
4362Ushbu jildning ko‘rinishini moslashtiradi. Customizes the view of this folder.
4363Ro‘yxatda aks ettirilgan ustunlarni sozlaydi. Configures the columns displayed in the list.
4368Tanlangan elementlar uchun yorliqlar yaratadi. Creates shortcuts to the selected items.
4369Tanlangan elementlarni yo‘q qiladi. Deletes the selected items.
4370Tanlangan obyekt nomini o‘zgartiradi. Renames the selected item.
4371Tanlangan elementlarning xususiyatlarini namoyish qiladi. Displays the properties of the selected items.
4372Edits the property of the selected item. Edits the property of the selected item.
4376Tanlangan elementlarni olib tashlaydi va Almashish Buferiga ulardan nusxa ko‘chiradi. Removes the selected items and copies them onto the Clipboard.
4377Tanlangan elementlardan almashish buferiga nusxa ko‘chiradi. Ularni boshqa joyga qo‘yish uchun "Qo‘ymoq" buyrug‘idan foydalaniladi. Copies the selected items to the Clipboard. To put them in the new location, use the Paste command.
4378Siz nusxa ko‘chirgan yoki qirqqan obyektlarni tanlangan joyga qo‘shadi. Inserts the items you have copied or cut into the selected location.
4379Fayl ustidagi oldingi amalni bekor qiladi. Undoes the previous file operation.
4380Tanlangan joyga nusxalangan yoki qirqib olib qo‘ygan elementlar uchun yorliqlar yaratadi. Creates shortcuts to the items you have copied or cut into the selected location.
4382Tanlangan elementlardan boshqa joyga nusxa ko‘chiradi. Copies the selected items to another location.
4383Tanlangan elementlarni boshqa joyga ko‘chiradi. Moves the selected items to another location.
4384Fayl ustidagi oldingi amalni takror bajaradi. Redoes the previous file operation.
4385Oynadagi barcha elementlarni belgilaydi. Selects all items in the window.
4386Belgilangan elementlarni belgilanmagan elementlarga aylantirish va aksincha. Reverses which items are selected and which are not.
4393Displays items by using large icons. Displays items by using large icons.
4395Elementlarni ro‘yxatda ko‘rsatmoq. Displays items in a list.
4396Oynadagi har bir element haqidagi ma’lumotni ekranga chiqaradi. Displays information about each item in the window.
4397Displays items by using thumbnails. Displays items by using thumbnails.
4398Oynadagi har bir element to‘g‘risidagi ma’lumotni mozaykalar orqali ekranga chiqaradi. Displays information about each item in the window using a tile.
4399Oynadagi elementlar nomini yashiradi. Hides the names of items in the window.
4400Elementlarni juda katta eskizlar orqali ekranga chiqaradi. Displays items by using extra large thumbnails.
4401Elementlarni katta eskizlar orqali ekranga chiqaradi. Displays items by using large thumbnails.
4402Elementlarni o‘rtacha eskizlar orqali ekranga chiqaradi. Displays items by using medium thumbnails.
4403Elementlarni kichik eskizlar orqali ekranga chiqaradi. Displays items by using small thumbnails.
4404Oynadagi har bir element haqida aniq ma’lumotni aks ettiradi. Displays certain information about each item in the window.
4433Ikonachalarni avtomatik ravishda tartibga soladi. Arranges the icons automatically.
4434Ikonachalarni avtomatik ravishda to‘r ichiga joylashtiradi. Arranges icons in a grid automatically.
4465Yordamni ochish. Opens Help.
4481Oynadagi elementlarni guruhlash uchun foydalaniladigan buyruqlardan tashkil topadi. Contains commands for grouping items in the window.
4482Guruhlarni o‘sish tartibida joylashtiradi. Arrange groups in ascending order.
4483Guruhlarni kamayish tartibida joylashtiradi. Arrange groups in descending order.
4485Barcha guruhdagi elementlarni yashiradi. Hides the items in all groups.
4486Barcha guruhdagi elementlarni ko‘rsatadi. Shows the items in all groups.
4487Tanlangan guruhdagi elementlarni yashiradi. Hides the items in the selected group.
4488Tanlangan guruhdagi elementlarni ko‘rsatadi. Shows the items in the selected group.
4499Elementlarni o‘sish tartibida joylashtirmoq. Arrange items in ascending order.
4500Elementlarni kamayish tartibida joylashtirmoq. Arrange items in descending order.
4608Ushbu jild xususiyatlarini ekranga chiqaradi. Displays properties for this folder.
4611Joriy sahifa tarkibini yangilamoq. Refreshes the contents of the current page.
4614Saves this search query. Saves this search query.
4615Ushbu elementni qidirish uchun jildni ochmoq Open the folder to locate this item
4616Tanlangan diskni formatlaydi. Formats the selected drive.
4617Tanlangan tarmoq diski ulanishini uzadi. Disconnects the selected network drive.
4618Olinadigan diskni drayverdan chiqaradi. Ejects the removable disk from the drive.
4619Closes the last open session on the disc. Closes the last open session on the disc.
4620Qayta yoziladigan diskdagi ma’lumotlarni o‘chiradi. Erases the rewritable disc.
4621Tarmoq resursi uchun drayver harfini tayinlaydi. Assigns a drive letter to a network resource.
4622Tanlangan printerlarni o‘rnatadi. Sets up the selected printers.
4640Tanlangan buyruqni tezlik bilan ishga tushiradi. Runs the selected command with elevation.
4707Yangi elementlar yaratuvchi buyruqlarni o‘z ichiga oladi. Contains commands for creating new items.
4708Yangi, bo‘sh jild yaratadi. Creates a new, empty folder.
4709Yangi, bo‘sh yorliq yaratadi. Creates a new, empty shortcut.
4711Creates a new, empty stack. Creates a new, empty stack.
4747Tanlangan elementlarni oldingi haqiqiy joylashuv yeriga qaytaradi. Returns the selected items to their original locations.
5376Quyi&dagi yordamida ochmoq Open wit&h
5377Quyi&dagi yordamida ochmoq... Open wit&h...
5378&Boshqa ilovani tanlash &Choose another app
5379Hujjatni ma’lum bir ilova yordamida ochadi. Opens the document with a particular app.
5380Opens the document with %s. Opens the document with %s.
5381&Birlamchi o‘rnatilgan ilovani tanlash &Choose default app
5382&Do‘konda qidirish &Search the Store
5383Ilovani qidirish uchun Do‘konni ochadi Opens the Store to search for an app
5384Bu elementni Start menyusiga qo‘shish Adds this item to the Start Menu
5385Bu elementni Start menyusidan olib tashlaydi Removes this item from the Start Menu
5386Vazifalar &paneliga mahkamlash Pin to tas&kbar
5387Vazifalar &panelidan olish Unpin from tas&kbar
5388Ushbu Ilovani vazifalar paneliga biriktiradi. Pins this application to the taskbar.
5389Ushbu Ilovani vazifalar panelidan olib tashlaydi. Unpins this application from the taskbar.
5394Macintosh Application Info Macintosh Application Info
5395Macintosh Multimedia Resources Macintosh Multimedia Resources
5396Unidentified Property Information Unidentified Property Information
5889Fayl yoki jildni olib tashlash jarayonida xatolik Error Moving File or Folder
5890Fayl yoki jilddan nusxa ko‘chirish jarayonida xatolik Error Copying File or Folder
5892Fayl yoki jildni qayta nomlashda yo‘l qo‘yilgan xato Error Renaming File or Folder
5953Ko‘chirish... Moving...
5954Nusxa ko‘chirish... Copying...
5971’%1!ls!’ga To '%1!ls!'
5972Fayldan nusxa ko‘chirish jarayonida xato yuzaga keldi. An error occurred while copying the file.
5974’%ws’dan nusxa ko‘chirish Copying '%ws'
5975An error occurred while moving the file. An error occurred while moving the file.
5976’%ws’ni surish Moving '%ws'
5977Fayllarni surish uchun ketadigan vaqtni hisoblash. Calculating the time required to move the files.
5978Fayllardan nusxa ko‘chirish uchun ketadigan vaqtni hisoblash. Calculating the time required to copy the files.
6020%2!ls!: %1!ls!ni qayta nomlab bo‘lmayapti Cannot rename %2!ls!: %1!ls!
6145Invalid MS-DOS function. Invalid MS-DOS function.
6146Can't find the specified file.

Make sure you specify the correct path and file name.
Can't find the specified file.

Make sure you specify the correct path and file name.
6148Too many files are currently in use. Quit one or more programs, and then try again. Too many files are currently in use. Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
6149Access is denied.

Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected
and that the file is not currently in use.
Access is denied.

Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected
and that the file is not currently in use.
6150Invalid file handle. Invalid file handle.
6152There is not enough free memory.

Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
There is not enough free memory.

Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
6156Invalid file access. Invalid file access.
6160Can't remove the current folder (internal error). Can't remove the current folder (internal error).
6161Invalid device. Invalid device.
6162The folder is empty. The folder is empty.
6163The disk is write-protected.

Remove the write-protection or use another disk.
The disk is write-protected.

Remove the write-protection or use another disk.
6173Can't write to the destination file or disk. Can't write to the destination file or disk.
6175Can't read from the source file or disk. Can't read from the source file or disk.
6209Network access is denied. Be sure you have the correct network permissions to perform this operation. Network access is denied. Be sure you have the correct network permissions to perform this operation.
6211Windows cannot find '%1!ls!'. Check the spelling and try again, or try searching for the item by clicking the Start button and then clicking Search. Windows cannot find '%1!ls!'. Check the spelling and try again, or try searching for the item by clicking the Start button and then clicking Search.
6257Boshlang‘ich va yakuniy elementlar nomi bir xil. The source and destination file names are the same.
6258Select only one file to rename, or use MS-DOS wildcards (for example, *.txt) to rename a group of files with similar names. Select only one file to rename, or use MS-DOS wildcards (for example, *.txt) to rename a group of files with similar names.
6259You can't specify a different folder or disk when you rename a file or folder. You can't specify a different folder or disk when you rename a file or folder.
6260Root directory (internal error). Root directory (internal error).
6262The destination folder is a subfolder of the source folder. The destination folder is a subfolder of the source folder.
6264Access is denied. The source file might be in use. Access is denied. The source file might be in use.
6265The path is too deep. The path is too deep.
6268The file name you specified is not valid or too long.
Specify a different file name.
The file name you specified is not valid or too long.
Specify a different file name.
6269The destination folder is the same as the source folder. The destination folder is the same as the source folder.
6270Siz kiritgan jild nomidagi fayl avvaldan mavjud. Boshqa nom kiriting. There is already a file with the same name as the folder name you specified. Specify a different name.
6272There is already a folder with the same name as the file name you specified. Specify a different name. There is already a folder with the same name as the file name you specified. Specify a different name.
6274This CD-ROM drive is read-only. You can't copy or move files to discs in this drive. This CD-ROM drive is read-only. You can't copy or move files to discs in this drive.
6275This DVD-ROM drive is read-only. You can't copy or move files to this disc. This DVD-ROM drive is read-only. You can't copy or move files to this disc.
6276Ushbu disk faqatgina o‘qish uchun mo‘ljallangan. Yozish mumkin bo‘lgan ushbu diskka fayllardan nusxa ko‘chirishingiz mumkin, lekin buning uchun diskni yozish mumkin bo‘lgan CD-ROMga qo‘yishingiz lozim. This CD-ROM drive is read-only. You can copy files to this writable CD, but you must insert it into a writable drive.
6278This DVD-ROM drive is read-only. You can copy files to this writable DVD, but you must insert it into a writable drive. This DVD-ROM drive is read-only. You can copy files to this writable DVD, but you must insert it into a writable drive.
6280%1da yetarlicha bo‘sh joy mavjud emas

Bu elementdan nusxa ko‘chirish uchun %3 bo‘sh joy kerak bo‘ladi. Yetarlicha joy bo‘shatish uchun fayllarni yo‘q qiling yoki boshqa joyga ko‘chiring.
There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to copy this item. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
6281There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to copy this item. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to copy this item. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
6282%1da yetarlicha bo‘sh joy mavjud emas

Bu elementni ko‘chirish uchun %3 bo‘sh joy kerak bo‘ladi. Yetarlicha joy bo‘shatish uchun fayllarni yo‘q qiling yoki boshqa joyga ko‘chiring.
There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to move this item. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
6283There is not enough space on %1.

%3 is needed to move this item. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
There is not enough space on %1.

%3 is needed to move this item. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
6284There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to perform this operation. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to perform this operation. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
6286There is a problem accessing %3

Make sure you are connected to the network and try again.
There is a problem accessing %3

Make sure you are connected to the network and try again.
6287Files on this CD-ROM drive are read-only. You can't move or delete files on this CD-ROM drive. Files on this CD-ROM drive are read-only. You can't move or delete files on this CD-ROM drive.
6288Files on this DVD drive are read-only. You can't move or delete files on this DVD drive. Files on this DVD drive are read-only. You can't move or delete files on this DVD drive.
6289Files on this CD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable CD, which will replace files already on the disc. Files on this CD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable CD, which will replace files already on the disc.
6290Files on this CD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable CD, which will replace files already on the disc or erase the entire CD to start with a clean blank disc. Files on this CD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable CD, which will replace files already on the disc or erase the entire CD to start with a clean blank disc.
6291Files on this DVD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable DVD, which will replace files already on the disc. Files on this DVD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable DVD, which will replace files already on the disc.
6292Files on this DVD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable DVD, which will replace files already on the disc or erase the entire DVD to start with a clean blank disc. Files on this DVD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable DVD, which will replace files already on the disc or erase the entire DVD to start with a clean blank disc.
6293%1da yetarlicha bo‘sh joy mavjud emas. Ushbu fayllarni ko‘chirish uchun Sizga qo‘shimcha %3 bo‘sh joy kerak bo‘ladi. There is not enough space on %1. You need an additional %3 to copy these files.
6294There is not enough space on %1.

You need an additional %3 to copy these files.
Disk Cleanup can help delete unneeded files.
There is not enough space on %1.

You need an additional %3 to copy these files.
Disk Cleanup can help delete unneeded files.
6295This operation can only be performed when you are connected to the network. This operation can only be performed when you are connected to the network.
6296There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to recycle this item. Click Delete to delete the file instead of sending it to the Recycle Bin.
There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to recycle this item. Click Delete to delete the file instead of sending it to the Recycle Bin.
6298An error has occurred.

The destination you have specified does not exist. It might be an offline network location or an empty CD or DVD drive. Check the location and try again.
An error has occurred.

The destination you have specified does not exist. It might be an offline network location or an empty CD or DVD drive. Check the location and try again.
6299The root of drive %3 is formatted with the FAT file system and can only store a limited number of items. Store the items in a subfolder, or reformat the drive using the NTFS file system. The root of drive %3 is formatted with the FAT file system and can only store a limited number of items. Store the items in a subfolder, or reformat the drive using the NTFS file system.
6300There is a problem accessing the network

Make sure you are connected to the network and try again.
There is a problem accessing the network

Make sure you are connected to the network and try again.
6301Internetga ulanganingizdagina '%1'dan foydalanish mumkin. Internetga ulaning va qayta urinib ko‘ring. '%1' is only available when you are connected to the internet. Connect to the internet and try again.
6302'%1'ni ko‘chirib bo‘lmaydi. Uni faqatgina uning asl joyiga tiklash mumkin. '%1' can't be moved. It can only be restored to its original location.
6304Siz ko‘chirayotgan jild sheriklarga ega va uni boshqa umumiy jildga ko‘chirib bo‘lmaydi. Iltimos, boshqa joylashuvni tanlang. The folder you're moving has co-owners and can't be moved to another shared folder. Please choose a different location.
6305Ushbu elementni yuklab olish uzoq vaqtni oldi. Iltimos, qayta urinib ko‘ring. It took too long to download this item. Please try again.
6306Ayni vaqtda ushbu fayl yangilanmoqda. Iltimos, keyinroq qayta urinib ko‘ring. This file is being updated right now. Please try again later.
6307%7 band va ayni vaqtda faylni ocha olmaydi. Iltimos, keyinroq qayta urinib ko‘ring. %7 is busy and can't open the file right now. Please try again later.
6308%7ingiz bilan bog‘liq muammo mavjud. There's a problem with your %7.
6309"%1" faqat onlayn rejimda foydalanish uchun mo‘ljallangan va uni yuklab olib bo‘lmaydi, chunki faylni sinxronlash to‘xtatib qo‘yilgan. Sinxronlashni davom ettiring va qayta urinib ko‘ring. '%1' is online-only and can't be downloaded because file syncing is paused. Resume syncing and try again.
6310"%1" faqat onlayn rejimda foydalanish uchun mo‘ljallangan va uni yuklab olish zarur. Internetga ulaning va qayta urinib ko‘ring. '%1' is online-only and needs to be downloaded. Connect to the internet and try again.
6327Ushbu nomdagi fayl kiritilgan. Faylga boshqa nom tanlang. A file with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different file name.
6437You can't create a new folder here. Choose a different location. You can't create a new folder here. Choose a different location.
6438Invalid location Invalid location
6440Windows %s diskovoddagi diskni o‘qiy olmayapti Windows can't read the disc in drive %s
6441Disk Windows aniqlay oladigan formatdaligini tekshiring. Agar disk formatlanmagan bo‘lsa, undan foydalanishdan oldin diskni formatlash lozim. Make sure that the disc uses a format that Windows recognizes. If the disc is unformatted, you need to format it before using it.
6449Windows nishonni topa olmadi. Windows can't find the target.
6450Ushbu yorliq bog‘langan obyektdan foydalanib bo‘lmaydi. Ehtimol, Sizda kerakli ruxsatlarga ega emassiz. The item referred to by this shortcut cannot be accessed. You may not have the appropriate permissions.
6456%1!ls! topilmadi. %1!ls! cannot be found.
6458Jild mavjud emas Folder does not exist
6459'%1!ls!' jildi mavjud emas. Uni yaratishni istaysizmi? The folder '%1!ls!' doesn't exist. Do you want to create it?
6461Jild yaratilmadi Unable to create folder
6462Jilddan foydalanish mumkin emas The folder can't be used
6463The folder %1!ls! can't be used. Please choose another folder. The folder %1!ls! can't be used. Please choose another folder.
6474This folder can't be customized.

It is either marked as read-only, or your system administrator has disabled this functionality.

Please contact your system administrator.
This folder can't be customized.

It is either marked as read-only, or your system administrator has disabled this functionality.

Please contact your system administrator.
6479Fayl yaratilmadi Unable to create file
6481%1!ls! (%2!ls!) %1!ls! (%2!ls!)
6485Barcha %1 elementlarni ko‘rsatish... Show all %1 items...
6495Jildlar ko‘rinishi Folder View
8448Ushbu dasturni ishga tushirish uchun yetarlicha bo‘sh xotira mavjud emas. Bir yoki bir necha dasturlarni yoping va qaytadan urinib ko‘ring. There is not enough free memory to run this program. Exit one or more programs, and then try again.
8449Windows ’%1!ls!’ni topmadi. Fayl nomini to‘g‘ri kiritganingizni tekshiring va qaytadan urinib ko‘ring. Windows cannot find '%1!ls!'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
The specified path does not exist.

Check the path, and then try again.
The specified path does not exist.

Check the path, and then try again.
845116-bitli dasturlar tomonidan hozirda juda ham ko‘p boshqa fayllar foydalanilmoqda. Bir yoki bir nechta 16 bitli dasturlarni o‘chiring, yoki Config.sys faylidagi "Fayllar" parametrini kattalashtiring. Too many other files are currently in use by 16-bit programs. Exit one or more 16-bit programs, or increase the value of the FILES command in your Config.sys file.
8452Windows ko‘rsatilgan qurilma, yo‘l yoki faylga kira olmadi. Ushbu elementlarga kirish huquqi mavjud bo‘lmasligi mumkin. Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.
8453This program requires a newer version of Windows. This program requires a newer version of Windows.
8454The specified program was not designed to work with Windows or MS-DOS. The specified program was not designed to work with Windows or MS-DOS.
8455Windows cannot start more than one copy of this program. Windows cannot start more than one copy of this program.
8456One of the library files needed to run this program is damaged. To repair the damage, reinstall this program. One of the library files needed to run this program is damaged. To repair the damage, reinstall this program.
8457Ayni paytda boshqa dastur ushbu fayldan foydalanmoqda. Another program is currently using this file.
8459Dasturga buyruq yuborishda xato yuzaga kelgan. There was a problem sending the command to the program.
8460Ushbu harakatni amalga oshirish uchun faylga tanlangan dastur mos tushmagan. Dasturni o‘rnating, yoki u o‘rnatilgan bo‘lsa, boshqaruv panelidagi "Sukut bo‘yicha dasturlar" tarkibiy qismi yordamida moslashtirish yarating. This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel.
8461Windows cannot run this program because it is not in a valid format. Windows cannot run this program because it is not in a valid format.
8462Windows cannot run this program. Please contact your vendor for a later version. Windows cannot run this program. Please contact your vendor for a later version.
Tanlangan yo‘l mavjud emas.

Yo‘lni tekshiring va qaytadan urinib ko‘ring.
The specified path does not exist.

Check the path, and then try again.
8464MS-DOS Ilovasi MS-DOS Application
8465Kursor Cursor
8466So‘ralgan harakatni amalga bajarish uchun moslashtirilgan dastur mavjud emas. Dasturni o‘rnating, yoki u o‘rnatilgan bo‘lsa, boshqaruv panelidagi "Sukut bo‘yicha dasturlar" tarkibiy qismi yordamida moslashtirish yarating. There is no program associated to perform the requested action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel.
8468Birlamchi o‘rnatilgan ilovalarni o‘zgartirish uchun Sozlamalar Tizim Birlamchi o‘rnatilgan ilovalar-ga o‘ting. To change your default apps, go to Settings System Default apps.
8506&Buyruqlar oynasini ochmoq Open command &window here
8507Avtomatik ishga tushi&rish... Open AutoPla&y...
8508Power&Shell oynasini shu yerda ochish Open Power&Shell window here
8518Yangi jarayon&da ochmoq Open in new &process
8688Ushbu element xususiyatlaridan foydalanish mumkin emas. The properties for this item are not available.
8705Turli xil turlar Multiple Types
8706Barchasi %s jildida All in %s
8707%s turdagi barchasi All of type %s
8709Turli xil jildlar Various Folders
8711%1!ls! fayl, %2!ls! jild %1!ls! Files, %2!ls! Folders
8713%s, ... %s, ...
8720Windows %1!ls! faylni topa olmadi. Windows can't find the file %1!ls!.
8721%1!ls! faylida hech qanday ikonachalar mavjud emas.

Ro‘yxatdan bir ikonacha tanlang yoki boshqa faylni aniqlang.
The file %1!ls! contains no icons.

Choose an icon from the list or specify a different file.
8722%1!ls! faylida hech qanday ikonachalar mavjud emas. The file %1!ls! contains no icons.
8725Bu yerda yorliq yaratish mumkin emas.
Uning o‘rniga, yorliqning ishchi stolga joylashtirilishini istaysizmi?
Windows can't create a shortcut here.
Do you want the shortcut to be placed on the desktop instead?
8728Unable to create the file '%2!ls!'

Unable to create the file '%2!ls!'

8729Windows yorliq yarata olmadi. Disk to‘la emasligini tekshiring. Windows could not create the shortcut. Check to see if the disk is full.
8730’%2!ls!’ jild yaratilmadi

Unable to create the folder '%2!ls!'

8738Sahifa yuklanmadi. The page failed to load.
8762\StringFileInfo\040904E4\ \StringFileInfo\040904E4\
8768Read-only Read-only
8769Hidden Hidden
8770System System
8771Compressed Compressed
8772Encrypted Encrypted
8773Offline Offline
8964Savat Recycle Bin
8966O‘ynash mumkin bo‘lgan fayl topilmadi. Unable to find a playable file.
8968%1!ls!dagi savat zararlangan. Ushbu drayverdagi Savatni bo‘shatishni istaysizmi? The Recycle Bin on %1!ls! is corrupted. Do you want to empty the Recycle Bin for this drive?
8972Barcha domen foydalanuvchilari All domain users
8974Uy guruhi Homegroup
8976Nom Name
8977Jildda In Folder
8978Size Size
8979Tur Type
8980O‘zgartirilgan sana Date Modified
8981Holat Status
8982Sinxronlashtirilayotgan nusxa joylashuvi Sync Copy In
8985Boshlang‘ich joylashish Original Location
8986Sana yo‘q qilingan Date Deleted
8989Relevantlik Relevance
8991Joylashish Location
8995Sharhlar Comments
8996Kalit so‘zlar Keywords
9006jpg jpg
9007Images#*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.tif;*.tiff;*.bmp;*.ico;*.wmf;*.dib;*.jfif;*.jpe;*.fpx;*.mix# Images#*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.tif;*.tiff;*.bmp;*.ico;*.wmf;*.dib;*.jfif;*.jpe;*.fpx;*.mix#
9011hh.exe mk:@MSITStore:tshoot.chm::/hdw_drives.htm hh.exe mk:@MSITStore:tshoot.chm::/hdw_drives.htm
9012Kompyuterim My Computer
9013exe exe
9014dasturlar#*.exe;*.pif;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd#Barcha fayllar#*.*# Programs#*.exe;*.pif;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd#All Files#*.*#
9015Ko‘rib chiqish Browse
9016Quyidagi yordamida ochmoq... Open with...
9017-ON -ON
9018-OFF -OFF
9019ico ico
9020Icon files#*.ico;*.icl;*.exe;*.dll#Programs#*.exe#Libraries#*.dll#Icons#*.ico#All files#*.*# Icon files#*.ico;*.icl;*.exe;*.dll#Programs#*.exe#Libraries#*.dll#Icons#*.ico#All files#*.*#
9021Ogohlantirish Warning
9029Jildlarni qidirmoq Search Folders
9030Missing Items Missing Items
9031Qidiruvlar Searches
9032Items failed to be shown in a library or a search due to a bad merge. Items failed to be shown in a library or a search due to a bad merge.
9040The Backup program is not installed on your computer. To install it, double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon in Control Panel, and then follow the instructions on your screen. The Backup program is not installed on your computer. To install it, double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon in Control Panel, and then follow the instructions on your screen.
9041The Disk Defragmenter is not installed on your computer. To install it, double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon in Control Panel, click the Install/Uninstall tab, and then follow the instructions on your screen. The Disk Defragmenter is not installed on your computer. To install it, double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon in Control Panel, click the Install/Uninstall tab, and then follow the instructions on your screen.
9043Windows can't locate the Disk Cleanup program. The program file might be corrupted or might have been deleted from your computer. To reinstall Disk Cleanup, run Windows Setup again. Windows can't locate the Disk Cleanup program. The program file might be corrupted or might have been deleted from your computer. To reinstall Disk Cleanup, run Windows Setup again.
9044Barcha disk &drayverlari: All disk &drives:
9045Folders Folders
9046Xavfsizlik Security
9047The contents of this folder will not be deleted. You can restore this icon to the desktop by right-clicking on its icon in the Start menu. The contents of this folder will not be deleted. You can restore this icon to the desktop by right-clicking on its icon in the Start menu.
9091Barcha foydalanuvchilar All Users
9113Ommaviy Public
9216Ushbu ShK This PC
9217Network Network
9219Magnitli disk diskovodi Floppy Disk Drive
9221%1!ls! - Belgilanmagan tom %2!d! %1!ls! - Unlabeled Volume %2!d!
9222Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
9224%1!ls! (%2!c!:) %1!ls! (%2!c!:)
9227Mening hujjatlarim My Documents
9228(%2!c!:) %1!ls! (%2!c!:) %1!ls!
9229%1!ls! (%2!c!:) %3!ls! %1!ls! (%2!c!:) %3!ls!
9230(%2!c!:) %1!ls! - %3!ls! (%2!c!:) %1!ls! - %3!ls!
9231%1!ls! - %2!ls! %1!ls! - %2!ls!
9232Kompyuter uchun ko‘rib chiqmoq Browse for Computer
9233Browse for Printer Browse for Printer
9234Fayllar va jildlarni ko‘rib chiqmoq Browse for Files or Folders
9299Error in %1!ls!
Illegal value: %2!ls!
Error in %1!ls!
Illegal value: %2!ls!
9301Printerlar Printers
9303Unknown Error (0x%08x) Unknown Error (0x%08x)
9306Umumiy hajm Total Size
9307Bo‘sh joy Free Space
9308Ulanmagan tarmoq drayveri Disconnected Network Drive
9309Olinuvchi disk Removable Disk
9314¼½ ¼½
9315Mahalliy disk Local Disk
9316DVD diskovod DVD Drive
9317CD diskovod CD Drive
9318RAM Disk RAM Disk
9319Tarmoq diski Network Drive
9320Tizim jildi System Folder
9322No defragmentation tool is currently installed. No defragmentation tool is currently installed.
9338Jildlar Folders
9339Qurilmalar va drayverlar Devices and drives
9340Tarmoq joylashuvlari Network locations
9345DVD RAM Drive DVD RAM Drive
9346DVD R Drive DVD R Drive
9347DVD RW diskovod DVD RW Drive
9348DVD/CD-RW diskovod DVD/CD-RW Drive
9349DVD/CD-R Drive DVD/CD-R Drive
9350CD-RW diskovod CD-RW Drive
9351CD-R Drive CD-R Drive
9352Fayllar tizimi File System
9354To‘ldirish foizi Percent Full
9373BD-ROM diskovodi BD-ROM Drive
9374BD-R Drive BD-R Drive
9375BD-RE diskovodi BD-RE Drive
9376Clustered Disk Clustered Disk
9728Cheklovlar Restrictions
9729Ushbu kompyuterda ba’zi cheklovlar ta’siri bo‘lganligi sababli bu operatsiya bekor qilingan. Iltimos, tizim ma’muriga murojaat qiling. This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.
9730Displays all computers, printers, files and folders, and people on your network. Displays all computers, printers, files and folders, and people on your network.
9731%s diskida bo‘sh joy kam qoldi.
Ushbu diskda joy bo‘shatish mumkinligi haqida bilib olish uchun bu yerni bosing.
You are running out of disk space on %s.
Click here to see if you can free space on this drive.
9732Diskda bo‘sh joy yetishmayapti Low Disk Space
9733%s diskida bo‘sh joy juda kam qoldi.
Ushbu diskda joy bo‘shatish mumkinligi haqida bilib olish uchun bu yerni bosing.
You are running very low on disk space on %s.
Click here to see if you can free space on this drive.
9735Your system administrator has blocked this program. For more information, contact your system administrator. Your system administrator has blocked this program. For more information, contact your system administrator.
9737Ushbu Windows versiyasida shaxsiylashtirishdan foydalanib bo‘lmaydi. Personalization isn't available in this version of Windows.
9738Program: %s
More information
Program: %s
More information
9739Your system administrator has blocked you from running this program Your system administrator has blocked you from running this program
9740Yopmoq Close
9741Ushbu ilovani kompyuteringizda ishga tushirib bo‘lmaydi This app can’t run on your PC
9742Ushbu kompyuter uchun ilovalarni topish uchun, Windows do‘konini oching. To find apps for this PC, open the Windows Store.
9743Kompyuteringizga mos versiyani topish uchun dastur nashr etuvchisidan so‘rang. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher.
9744Ushbu fayldan faqatgina onlayn rejimda foydalanish mumkin This file is available only when you’re online
9745Internet ulanishingizni tekshiring va qayta urinib ko‘ring. Kelajakda ushbu muammoga duch kelmaslik uchun fayllarni offlayn rejimda foydalanadigan qiling. Bu Sizga faylni ushbu ShK Internetga ulanmaganda ham uni ochish va tahrirlash imkonini beradi. Check your Internet connection and try again. To avoid this problem in the future, you can make the file available offline. This lets you open and edit the file even when this PC isn’t connected to the Internet.
9746Ushbu fayl ochilib, uni offlaynda foydalanadigan qilinsinmi? Open this file and make it available offline?
9747Siz hozirgina ushbu faylni ochdingiz va bizda uning vaqtinchalik nusxasi mavjud. Ushbu nusxani ochish va undan Internetga ulanmaganingizda ham foydalanish mumkin bo‘ladigan qilish "Offlaynda foydalanadigan qilish"ni tanlang. You recently opened this file and we still have a temporary copy. Choose "Make available offline" to open this copy and make it always available when you’re not connected to the Internet.
9748Ushbu fayllarning ba’zilaridan faqatgina onlayn rejimda foydalanish mumkin Some of these files are available only when you’re online
9749Internet ulanishingizni tekshiring va qayta urinib ko‘ring. Kelajakda ushbu muammoga duch kelmaslik uchun fayllarni offlayn rejimda foydalanadigan qiling. Bu Sizga fayllarni ushbu ShK Internetga ulanmaganda ham ularni ochish va tahrirlash imkonini beradi. Check your Internet connection and try again. To avoid this problem in the future, you can make the files available offline. This lets you open and edit them even when this PC isn’t connected to the Internet.
9750Offlaynda foydalanadigan qilish Make available offline
9751Bekor qilmoq Cancel
9752Ushbu fayldan hali foydalanib bo‘lmaydi This file isn’t available yet
9753Internetga ulanganligingizga ishonch hosil qiling va yuklab olish yakunlanishini kuting va undan so‘ng qayta urinib ko‘ring. Make sure you’re connected to the Internet and wait for the download to complete, and then try again.
9754Ba’zi fayllardan hali foydalanib bo‘lmaydi Some files aren’t available yet
9760Ayni vaqtda ushbu faylni ochib bo‘lmaydi This file can’t be opened right now
9761Ayni vaqtda ushbu fayllarning ba’zilarini ochib bo‘lmaydi Some of these files can’t be opened right now
9762Faylni sinxronlash to‘xtatib qo‘yilganda, faqat onlayn foydalanish uchun mo‘ljallangan fayllarni ochib bo‘lmaydi. Online-only files can’t be opened when file syncing is paused.
9763%1ingiz bilan bog‘liq muammo mavjud. There’s a problem with your %1.
9764Sinxronlashni davom ettirish Resume syncing
9765Sinxronlash bilan bog‘liq muammolarni ko‘rib chiqish View sync problems
9808Hech qaysi None
9810Auto Auto
9811Avto Auto
9812C:\WINDOWS dir
Directory of C:\WINDOWS
SYSTEM 03-01-95
WIN COM 22,087 03-01-95
WIN INI 11,728 03-01-95
WELCOME EXE 19,539 03-01-95
Directory of C:\WINDOWS
SYSTEM 03-01-95
WIN COM 22,087 03-01-95
WIN INI 11,728 03-01-95
WELCOME EXE 19,539 03-01-95
9813The file you selected does not contain any icons. The file you selected does not contain any icons.
9814Cannot query the properties for this program. There may not be enough memory available.
Exit one or more programs, and then try again.
Cannot query the properties for this program. There may not be enough memory available.
Exit one or more programs, and then try again.
9815Ushbu dastur xususiyatini yangilash mumkin emas. Yorliq yoki .pif faqatgina o‘qish uchun mo‘ljallangan bo‘lishi mumkin, yoki boshqa bir dastur ularni o‘zgartirayotgan bo‘lishi mumkin.
Ushbu dasturning barcha nusxalarini yoping va qaytadan urinib ko‘ring.
Cannot update the properties for this program. The shortcut or .pif may be read-only, or another program may be modifying them.
Close all copies of this program, and then try again.
9816C:\WINDOWS dir
SYSTEM katalogi 03-01-95
WIN COM 22,087 03-01-95
WIN INI 11,728 03-01-95
WELCOME EXE 19,539 03-01-95
Directory of C:\WINDOWS
SYSTEM 03-01-95
WIN COM 22,087 03-01-95
WIN INI 11,728 03-01-95
WELCOME EXE 19,539 03-01-95
9819The specified value for Conventional Memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u. The specified value for Conventional Memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u.
9820The specified value for Expanded (EMS) Memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u. The specified value for Expanded (EMS) Memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u.
9821The specified value for Extended (XMS) Memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u. The specified value for Extended (XMS) Memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u.
9822The specified value for Local Environment Size is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u. The specified value for Local Environment Size is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u.
9823The specified value for DOS protected-mode (DPMI) memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u. The specified value for DOS protected-mode (DPMI) memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u.
9829Sukut bo‘yicha Default
983025 lines 25 lines
983143 lines 43 lines
983250 lines 50 lines
9843Properties for this program cannot be verified. The APPS.INF file is missing. Copy the APPS.INF file from your Windows Setup disks into your Windows INF folder. Properties for this program cannot be verified. The APPS.INF file is missing. Copy the APPS.INF file from your Windows Setup disks into your Windows INF folder.
9844Properties for this program cannot be verified. Another program may be using the APPS.INF file. Close your other programs and then try again. Properties for this program cannot be verified. Another program may be using the APPS.INF file. Close your other programs and then try again.
9845The APPS.INF file is incomplete.
Copy the APPS.INF file from your Windows Setup disks into your Windows INF folder.
The APPS.INF file is incomplete.
Copy the APPS.INF file from your Windows Setup disks into your Windows INF folder.
9868There is not enough memory available to perform this task.
Exit one or more programs, and then try again.
There is not enough memory available to perform this task.
Exit one or more programs, and then try again.
9889Lucida Console Lucida Console
9890Courier New Courier New
9891TTFontDimenCache TTFontDimenCache
9892TTFontDimenCacheDBCS TTFontDimenCacheDBCS
9984To restore it later, %s To restore it later, %s
9985One or more of the items you are about to delete can't be restored from the Recycle Bin.
To restore them later, %s
One or more of the items you are about to delete can't be restored from the Recycle Bin.
To restore them later, %s
9986To restore them later, %s To restore them later, %s
9987Some of the items you are about to delete can't be restored from the Recycle Bin.
To restore them later, %s
Some of the items you are about to delete can't be restored from the Recycle Bin.
To restore them later, %s
9988Are you sure you want to delete the %s icon from your desktop? Are you sure you want to delete the %s icon from your desktop?
9989Are you sure you want to delete these icons from your desktop? Are you sure you want to delete these icons from your desktop?
9990Yo‘q qilishni tasdiqlash Confirm Delete
9991Bu elementlarni savatga yuborish ularning butunlay o‘chib ketishiga sabab bo‘ladi. Davom ettirishni istaysizmi? Moving these items to the Recycle Bin will cause them to be permanently deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?
9992Are you sure you want to delete the %s icon? Are you sure you want to delete the %s icon?
9993Are you sure you want to delete these icons? Are you sure you want to delete these icons?
9994Savatni olib tashlamoq Remove Recycle Bin
10016go to Personalization in Control Panel. go to Personalization in Control Panel.
10018go to Control Panel. go to Control Panel.
10027Tarmoqdagi joylashuv Network Location
10044Offlayn holati Offline Status
10046Tarmoq transporti Network Transport
10112%s fayli %s File
10113Ishchi stolni ko‘rsatmoq Show desktop
10114Oynalarni almashtirmoq Switch between windows
10144Audio CD Audio CD
10145Ma’lumotnoma fayli Help file
10146Ilova kengaytmasi Application extension
10147Qurilma drayveri Device driver
10148Tizim fayli System file
10149OpenType shrifti fayl OpenType font file
10150Virtual qurilma drayveri Virtual device driver
10151Konfiguratsiya sozlamalari Configuration settings
10152Fayllar jildi File folder
10155Boshqaruv paneli elementlari Control panel item
10157Shrift fayli Font file
10158TrueType shrifti fayli TrueType font file
10159TrueType shriftlari to‘plami fayli TrueType collection font file
10160Qidirish ulagichi tavsifi Search connector description
10161ActiveX boshqarish elementi ActiveX control
10162Ekran lavhasi Screen saver
10208Boshqaruv paneli yordamida ochmoq Open with Control Panel
10209&Sozlamoq C&onfigure
10210&O‘rnatmoq &Install
10242(All Files and Folders) (All Files and Folders)
10290Accessing resource... Accessing resource...
10292Savat kompyuteringizdan yo‘q qilingan fayllardan tashkil topgan. Savatni bo‘shatmaguningizga qadar ushbu fayllar butunlay olib tashlanmaydi. The Recycle Bin contains files you have deleted from your computer. These files are not permanently removed until you empty the Recycle Bin.
10293&Fayllarni ko‘rmoq &View Files
10530... ...
10531%1!s! %2!s! %3!s! %1!s! %2!s! %3!s!
10532O‘lcham: %1!s! Size: %1!s!
10533O‘lcham: %1!s!dan kattaroq Size: larger than %1!s!
10534Bo‘sh jild Empty folder
Fayllar: %1!s!

Files: %1!s!
Jildlar: %1!s!

Folders: %1!s!
10540Jild yorlig‘i Folder Shortcut
10562Oxirgi elementlar va joylashuvlar ro‘yxatini yo‘q qilish. Delete the list of recent items and locations.
10564Savatni bo‘&shatmoq Empty Recycle &Bin
10579Encrypt the selected items Encrypt the selected items
10580Decrypt the selected items Decrypt the selected items
123200 Kb 0 KB
123210 - 10 KB 0 - 10 KB
1232210 - 100 KB 10 - 100 KB
12323100 Kb - 1 Mb 100 KB - 1 MB
123241 - 16 MB 1 - 16 MB
1232516 - 128 MB 16 - 128 MB
12326128 Mb 128 MB
12327Ko‘rsatilmagan Unspecified
123290 - 16 GB 0 - 16 GB
1233016 GB - 80 GB 16 GB - 80 GB
1233180 GB - 250 GB 80 GB - 250 GB
12332250 GB - 500 GB 250 GB - 500 GB
12334500 GB - 1 TB 500 GB - 1 TB
123351 TB 1 TB
12336%d%% free %d%% free
12337%d%% - %d%% free %d%% - %d%% free
12338%d%% %d%%
12339%d%% - %d%% %d%% - %d%%
12345Week %d Week %d
12352Fayllar sharhlovchisi File Explorer
12353WIndows "%1"ni topa olmayapti. So‘zlar to‘g‘ri yozilganligini tekshiring va qayta urinib ko‘ring. Windows can't find '%1'. Check the spelling and try again.
12354Accessing the resource '%1' has been disallowed. Accessing the resource '%1' has been disallowed.
12385Havolalar Links
12389(Bo‘sh) (Empty)
12390Qo‘shimcha More
12391Bir nechta elementlar qo‘shilmadi Can't add multiple items
12490(multiple values) (multiple values)
12543Perceived Type Perceived Type
12549Type Type
12551Noma’lum Unknown
12553Toifa Category
12560Diskka ko‘chirish Burn to Disc
12561Please insert another writable disc into drive %1. Please insert another writable disc into drive %1.
12562%dx %dx
12563%d.%dx %d.%dx
12566This location can't be used to store temporary files. Choose a different location to store temporary files, and then try again. This location can't be used to store temporary files. Choose a different location to store temporary files, and then try again.
12567MMM dd yyyy MMM dd yyyy
12568Disk tasvirini initsializatsiyalashtirish... Initializing the disc image...
12569Disk tasviriga ma’lumot qo‘shish... Adding data to the disc image...
12570Diskka ko‘chirilishini kutayotgan fayllar mavjud. You have files waiting to be burned to disc
12571Ma’lumot fayllarini diskka yozish... Burning the data files to the disc...
12572Fayllarni yozish jarayoniga tayyorlash... Preparing the files for the burning process...
12573Diskni tugatish uchun oxirgi qadamlarni qo‘yish... Performing final steps to finish this disc...
12574Yakunlangan. Finished.
12575Fayllarnni ko‘rib chiqish uchun, qalqib chiqadigan izohni bosing. To view the files now, click this balloon.
12576Ushbu diskda Siz tanlagan barcha fayllar uchun yetarlicha bo‘sh joy mavjud emas.

Ko‘chirish uchun zarur bo‘lgan hajm: %1!10s!
Bo‘sh joy:%2!10s!

Fayllarning bir qismini olib tashlang yoki ko‘proq bo‘sh joyga ega diskni qo‘ying va qayta urinib ko‘ring.
This disc doesn't have enough free space for all the selected files.

Space needed to burn: %1!10s!
Free space on disc: %2!10s!

You should remove files or insert a disc with more available space, and then try again.
12577Qayta yozish mumkin bo‘lgan diskdagi fayllarni o‘chirish... Erasing all files on the rewritable disc...
12578Hozirda Windows diskdan foydalanmoqda. Iltimos, yozishni boshlashdan avval kutib turing. Windows is currently using the disc. Please wait before starting to burn.
12580The disc is currently in use. Either wait for Windows to finish, or cancel burning before you shut down Windows. The disc is currently in use. Either wait for Windows to finish, or cancel burning before you shut down Windows.
12581Agar diskka fayllar yozilayotgan paytda ustani bekor qilsangiz, disk yaroqsiz holatga kelishi mumkin.

Haqiqatan ham bekor qilishni istaysizmi?
If you cancel the wizard while it is still burning files, the disc might be unusable.

Are you sure you want to cancel?
12582Either the disc in the CD or DVD burner isn't a writable disc or it's full. Either the disc in the CD or DVD burner isn't a writable disc or it's full.
12584There is no disc in the CD or DVD burner. There is no disc in the CD or DVD burner.
12585Iltimos, %1 diskovodiga yozishga mo‘ljallangan disk qo‘ying. Please insert a writable disc into drive %1.
12586The disc doesn't have enough free space for all of the selected files. Remove some files or insert another disc with more space, and then try again. The disc doesn't have enough free space for all of the selected files. Remove some files or insert another disc with more space, and then try again.
12587Files can't be burned to this disc because it is write-protected. Files can't be burned to this disc because it is write-protected.
12588Diskka yoziladigan vaqtinchalik fayllarni yaratish uchun %1 diskda yetarlicha bo‘sh joy mavjud emas. Disk %1 doesn't have enough free space to create the temporary files that are needed for burning.
12589Qo‘shimcha ravishda %1 hajmni bo‘shating va qaytadan urinib ko‘ring. Free an additional %1 of space, and then try again.
12590Fayllar diskka yozish uchun tayyor Files Ready to Be Written to the Disc
12591Fayllar hozirda diskda mavjud Files Currently on the Disc
12592Taxminan qolgan vaqt: %d daqiqa Estimated time left: %d minutes
12593Taxminan qolgan vaqt: %d soniya Estimated time left: %d seconds
12594Fayllarni diskka ko‘chirish uchun ularni ushbu jildga o‘tkazing. Drag files to this folder to add them to the disc.
12595Files that are greater than 2GB can't be burned to a disc.

Remove any files that are greater than 2GB, and then try again.
Files that are greater than 2GB can't be burned to a disc.

Remove any files that are greater than 2GB, and then try again.
12596The disc wasn't burned because the write speed (%1!s!) was too high. You can try burning again at the same speed or try a lower write speed if the error occurs again. The disc wasn't burned because the write speed (%1!s!) was too high. You can try burning again at the same speed or try a lower write speed if the error occurs again.
12597The disc wasn't burned because of a buffer under run. You can try burning again at the same speed or try a lower write speed if the error occurs again. The disc wasn't burned because of a buffer under run. You can try burning again at the same speed or try a lower write speed if the error occurs again.
12598You can't add more files to this disc. You can't add more files to this disc.
12599Please insert another writable disc into drive %1, or erase this disc and try again. Please insert another writable disc into drive %1, or erase this disc and try again.
12600Files can't be burned to this disc because it is write-protected. Insert a writable disc, and then choose one of the options below. Files can't be burned to this disc because it is write-protected. Insert a writable disc, and then choose one of the options below.
12601You can’t burn more files to this disc because it has already been finalized. You can’t burn more files to this disc because it has already been finalized.
12602Master formatidagi diskdan foydalansangiz, bu formatdagi diskni bir marta ishlatishingiz mumkin bo‘ladi. Agar bu diskka fayllarni qo‘shmoqchi bo‘lsangiz File System formatidan foydalanishingiz mumkin.

Master formatidan foydalanishni davom ettirmoqchimisiz?
When using the Mastered format, you can only burn once to this kind of disc. If you want to add files to this disc more than once, use the Live File System format instead.

Do you want to continue using the Mastered format?
12603Diskni tekshirish... Checking disc...
12604Siz diskda mavjud bo‘lgan fayllarni bir xil nom bilan ko‘chirishga urinmoqdasiz. Davom etsangiz, diskdagi fayllar yangilari bilan almashtiriladi..

Ushbu fayllarni diskka ko‘chirishni davom ettirasizmi?
Files you are trying to burn have the same names as files already on the disc. If you continue, files on the disc will be replaced by the new files.

Do you want to continue burning these new files to the disc?
12605Your files are ready to be burned, but some of them will not have the same file system attributes (such as Hidden) as the original files.

Do you want to continue burning these files to the disc?
Your files are ready to be burned, but some of them will not have the same file system attributes (such as Hidden) as the original files.

Do you want to continue burning these files to the disc?
12606The disc wasn't burned because a file and a folder would have the same name on disc. Review the files you are burning, and make sure there are no duplicate names. The disc wasn't burned because a file and a folder would have the same name on disc. Review the files you are burning, and make sure there are no duplicate names.
12607The recordable disc isn’t compatible with your CD or DVD burner. Insert a different type of recordable disc, and then try again. The recordable disc isn’t compatible with your CD or DVD burner. Insert a different type of recordable disc, and then try again.
12608Tovushli CDga yozmoq Burn an audio CD
12609Ushbu diskni tayyorlamoq Prepare this disc
12610Diskni o‘chirishga tayyor Ready to erase disc
12611Diskni qo‘ying Insert disc
12612Iltimos, kutib turing... Please wait...
12613Fayllarni diskka yozish jarayoni muvaffaqiyatli amalga oshirildi You have successfully burned your files to the disc
12615Ushbu diskni ko‘chirishda xato yuzaga keldi There was a problem burning this disc
12616Qattiq diskda yetarlicha xotira mavjud emas Not enough hard disk space
12617An error is preventing your new settings from being saved. An error is preventing your new settings from being saved.
12618Ko‘chirish uchun fayllar yo‘q No files to burn
12619O‘chirish muvaffaqiyatli yakunlandi Erase completed successfully
12620Diskni o‘chirishda xato yuzaga keldi There was a problem erasing this disc
12621Change %s Properties Change %s Properties
12622The file name "%1!s!" contains a semicolon (;) and the file can't be burned to a disc.

Do you want this copy of the file to be renamed automatically, and then burned to disc?
The file name "%1!s!" contains a semicolon (;) and the file can't be burned to a disc.

Do you want this copy of the file to be renamed automatically, and then burned to disc?
12624Files can’t be burned to this disc. Eject the disc, replace it with another recordable disc, and then try again. Files can’t be burned to this disc. Eject the disc, replace it with another recordable disc, and then try again.
12625Disk yozilmadi. Ixcham-disk yoki DVD-disklar yozish qurilmasi uchun mikrodasturning so‘nggi versiyasi o‘rnatilganligini tekshiring, so‘ng qayta urinib ko‘ring. The disc wasn’t burned successfully. Make sure that you have the latest firmware for your CD or DVD burner installed, and then try again.
12626The write speed for the recordable disc is either too fast or too slow for your CD or DVD burner. Insert a recordable disc that has a different write speed, and then try again. The write speed for the recordable disc is either too fast or too slow for your CD or DVD burner. Insert a recordable disc that has a different write speed, and then try again.
12627The disc wasn’t burned successfully. Restart your computer, and then try again. The disc wasn’t burned successfully. Restart your computer, and then try again.
12628The CD or DVD burner didn’t start properly. Make sure that the CD or DVD burner is connected properly, and then try again. The CD or DVD burner didn’t start properly. Make sure that the CD or DVD burner is connected properly, and then try again.
12629The disc wasn’t burned successfully. Make sure that you have the latest firmware for your CD or DVD burner installed, and then try again. The disc wasn’t burned successfully. Make sure that you have the latest firmware for your CD or DVD burner installed, and then try again.
12630The CD or DVD burner is still recognizing the disc. Please wait a few seconds, and then try burning again. If the problem continues, replace the recordable disc with another one, and then try again. The CD or DVD burner is still recognizing the disc. Please wait a few seconds, and then try burning again. If the problem continues, replace the recordable disc with another one, and then try again.
12631The recordable disc might not have been erased properly. Eject the disc, reinsert it, and then try to erase the disc again. The recordable disc might not have been erased properly. Eject the disc, reinsert it, and then try to erase the disc again.
12640%1!s! %2!x!.%3!02x! (Sukut) %1!s! %2!x!.%3!02x! (Default)
12641%1!s! %2!x!.%3!02x! %1!s! %2!x!.%3!02x!
12642For more information on this version of UDF, refer to Which CD or DVD format should I use? For more information on this version of UDF, refer to Which CD or DVD format should I use?
12645UDF 1.02 is compatible with Windows 98 (and later) computers as well as some Apple computers. Use this version to format DVD-RAM and MO (Magneto-optical) discs. UDF 1.02 is compatible with Windows 98 (and later) computers as well as some Apple computers. Use this version to format DVD-RAM and MO (Magneto-optical) discs.
12646UDF 1.50 is compatible with Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 (and later) computers. It might not be compatible with Windows 98 or Apple computers. UDF 1.50 is compatible with Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 (and later) computers. It might not be compatible with Windows 98 or Apple computers.
12648UDF 2.01 Windows XP va Windows Server 2003 (va yangiroq versiyalar) kompyuterlarga mos keladi. U Windows 98, Windows 2000 yoki Apple kompyuterlarida ishlamasligi mumkin. UDF 2.01 is compatible with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 (and later) computers. It might not compatible with Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Apple computers.
12649UDF 2.50 is designed for Windows Vista and might not be compatible with older computers. UDF 2.50 is designed for Windows Vista and might not be compatible with older computers.
12686Fayl nomi tarkibida quyidagi belgilar mavjud bo'la olmaydi:
A file name can't contain any of the following characters:
12687A file name must contain only the following characters:
A file name must contain only the following characters:
12688Raqamli suratlar, rasmlar va grafik fayllarni o‘z ichiga oladi. Contains digital photos, images, and graphic files.
12689Musiqa va boshqa audio fayllarni o‘z ichiga oladi. Contains music and other audio files.
12690Filmlar va boshqa video fayllarni o‘z ichiga oladi. Contains movies and other video files.
12692So‘nggi ochilgan fayllar va jildlarni ko‘rsatadi. Shows recently opened files and folders.
12694Ishchi stoldagi fayllarni, jildlarni, dastur yorliqlarini va boshqa elementlarni ko‘rsatadi. Shows the files, folders, program shortcuts, and other items on the desktop.
12704Internet x&ususiyatlari Internet P&roperties
12705&Internetni ko‘rib chiqmoq &Browse the Internet
12706&Elektron pochtani o‘qish Read &e-mail
12707Windows xavfsizligi Windows Security
12708Qidirish Search
12710Ishga tushirmoq Run
12714Ishchi stolni ko‘rsatadi Shows Desktop
12715Oynalarni almashtiruvchi Window Switcher
12850Open Open
12852Execute Execute
12854Application Menu Bar Application Menu Bar
12855Ajratuvchi Separator
12856Show Hidden Items Show Hidden Items
12857Alt + Alt +
13121"%s"ni qidirmoq Search for "%s"
13122Search %s Search %s
13329%1 - %2 %1 - %2
13333Qidiruvingizga mos keladigan hech qanday element topilmadi. No items match your search.
13335Sana yoki sanalar diapazonini tanlang: Select a date or date range:
13569Qaysi formatni tanlash lozim? Which one should I choose?
13576Tayyorlanish... Preparing...
13577quyidagidan from
13578quyidagiga to
13579Qolgan vaqt: Time remaining:
13580Hisoblash... Calculating...
13581Qolgan elementlar: Items remaining:
13583Tezlik: Speed:
13585Elementlarni aniqlash... Discovering items...
13586Batafsil More details
13587Qisqaroq Fewer details
13589Quyidagidan: From:
13590Quyidagiga: To:
13591Disk sarlavhasi: Disc title:
13593USB flesh-jamlama sifatida Like a USB flash drive
13594CD/DVD pleyer bilan With a CD/DVD player
13596Seanslarni yopmoq Closing Sessions
13597Disk boshqa kompyuterlarda ishlashi uchun seans yopilishi lozim. Seansni yopish qo‘shimcha 20Mb disk hajmini egallaydi. You need to close the session in order for the disc to work on other computers. Closing a session uses an additional 20MB of disc space.
13599Resolve with %s... Resolve with %s...
13600Qanday qilib sinxronlashtirish ixtiloflarini bartaraf etish mumkin? How do I resolve sync conflicts?
13601&Buni barcha ixtiloflarga qo‘llang &Do this for all conflicts
13602&O‘tkazib yubormoq &Skip
13604Nusxa olish va almashtirish Copy and Replace
13605Yakuniy jilddagi fayl ko‘chirilayotgan fayl bilan almashtirilsin: Replace the file in the destination folder with the file you are copying:
13606Nusxa olinmasin Don't copy
13607Hech qanday fayl o‘zgartirilmaydi. Ushbu fayl yakuniy jildda qoldirilsin: No files will be changed. Leave this file in the destination folder:
13608Nusxa ko‘chirilsin, lekin ikkala fayl ham saqlab qolinsin Copy, but keep both files
13609Ko‘chirilayotgan fayl nomi "%s"ga o‘zgartiriladi The file you are copying will be renamed "%s"
13610Ko‘chirmoq va almashtirmoq Move and Replace
13611Yakuniy jilddagi faylni boshqa joyga olinayotgan fayl bilan almashtiring: Replace the file in the destination folder with the file you are moving:
13612Ko‘chiring, lekin ikkala faylni ham saqlab qo‘ying Move, but keep both files
13613Boshqa joyga olinayotgan fayl nomi "%s"ga o‘zgartiriladi The file you are moving will be renamed "%s"
13615Keep this version Keep this version
13616Keep both versions Keep both versions
13617(The top version will be renamed "%s") (The top version will be renamed "%s")
13618Har bir joylashuvda barcha %d versiyalarni saqlamoq Keep all %d versions in each location
13619(They will be automatically renamed) (They will be automatically renamed)
13620Don't sync this item any more Don't sync this item any more
13621Ushbu versiyani saqlang va boshqa joyga nusxa ko‘chiring Keep this version and copy it to the other location
13622Ikkala joydagi versiyalarni yo‘q qiling Delete the version in both locations
13623Boshqa joyga olmang Don't move
13624Hech qanday fayl o‘zgartirilmaydi. Ushbu faylni yakuniy jildda qoldirmoq: No files will be changed. Leave this file in the destination folder:
13625Fix the conflict by opening these files in this program, where you can resolve differences between them. Fix the conflict by opening these files in this program, where you can resolve differences between them.
13626Joriy UDF seansini avtomatik ravishda yopmoq: Automatically close the current UDF session when:
13627&Bir sessiyali disklar chiqariladi &Single session-only discs are ejected
13628&Ko‘p sessiyali disklar chiqariladi &Multi session-capable discs are ejected
13629Diskdagi fayllarni istalgan vaqtda saqlang, tahrirlang va yo‘q qiling. Ushbu disk Windows XP operatsion tizimida yoki so‘ngiroq versiyalarida ishlaydi. (LFS fayllar tizimi) Save, edit, and delete files on the disc anytime. The disc will work on computers running Windows XP or later. (Live File System)
13630Fayllarni diskka saqlash guruhlab amalga oshiriladi va alohida fayllarni yozib bo‘lingandan so‘ng tahrirlab va olib tashlab bo‘lmaydi. Bundan tashqari, mazkur disk ko‘pincha kompyuterlarda ishlaydi. (Mastered) Burn files in groups and individual files can't be edited or removed after burning. The disc will also work on most computers. (Mastered)
13631Nom: Name:
14349Microsoft korporatsiyasi Microsoft Corporation
14350Tizim ma’lumotiga kiruvchi qobiq komponentlarini qo‘llab-quvvatlaydi Provides support for shell components that access system data
16400%s has been removed from this computer. Do you want to clean up your personalized settings for this program? %s has been removed from this computer. Do you want to clean up your personalized settings for this program?
16513Xususiyat Property
16514Qiymat Value
16515Tanlangan manbalar orasida umumiy tafsilotlar mavjud emas. There are no details in common among the selected sources.
16516Details are unavailable for the selected files. Details are unavailable for the selected files.
16532Umumiy General
16534Properties Properties
16535Not all personal properties were cleared. Not all personal properties were cleared.
16536Windows was unable to remove properties from the selected files. Before sharing these files, you should review them for unwanted personal information. Windows was unable to remove properties from the selected files. Before sharing these files, you should review them for unwanted personal information.
16537Windows was unable to remove properties from the new copies of the selected files. Before sharing these files, you should review them for unwanted personal information. Windows was unable to remove properties from the new copies of the selected files. Before sharing these files, you should review them for unwanted personal information.
16658Operation Name Operation Name
16690Property Loss Property Loss
16693Confirm Encryption Loss Confirm Encryption Loss
16705Jildni almashtirishni tasdiqlang Confirm Folder Replace
16706Ishlatilayotgan fayl File In Use
16707Foydalanilayotgan jild Folder In Use
16708Faylga kirish taqiqlangan File Access Denied
16709Jildga kirish taqiqlangan Folder Access Denied
16722Haqiqatan ham, ushbu faylni savatga yubormoqchimisiz? Are you sure you want to move this file to the Recycle Bin?
16723Haqiqatan ham, ushbu jildni savatga yubormoqchimisiz? Are you sure you want to move this folder to the Recycle Bin?
16724Haqiqatan ham, ushbu faylni butunlay yo‘q qilmoqchimisiz? Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?
16725Haqiqatan ham, ushbu jildni butunlay yo‘q qilmoqchimisiz? Are you sure you want to permanently delete this folder?
16728Are you sure you want to move this system file to the Recycle Bin?

If you remove this file, Windows or another program may no longer work correctly.
Are you sure you want to move this system file to the Recycle Bin?

If you remove this file, Windows or another program may no longer work correctly.
16730Haqiqatan ham, ushbu yorliqni savatga yubormoqchimisiz? Are you sure you want to move this shortcut to the Recycle Bin?
16731Haqiqatan ham, ushbu yorliqni butunlay yo‘q qilmoqchimisiz? Are you sure you want to permanently delete this shortcut?
16736Ushbu fayl savatga tashlash uchun juda katta

Uni butunlay yo‘q qilmoqchimisiz?
This file is too big to recycle

Do you want to permanently delete it?
16737Ushbu jild savatga tashlash uchun juda katta

Uni butunlay yo‘q qilmoqchimisiz?
This folder is too big to recycle

Do you want to permanently delete it?
16738Are you sure you want to move this program to the Recycle Bin?

If you delete this program, you might not be able to open files associated with it. You can't undo this operation.
Are you sure you want to move this program to the Recycle Bin?

If you delete this program, you might not be able to open files associated with it. You can't undo this operation.
16741Haqiqatan ham, ushbu tizim faylini ko‘chirmoqchimisiz?

Agar ushbu faylni ko‘chirsangiz, Windows yoki boshqa dastur to‘g‘ri ishlamasligi mumkin.
Are you sure you want to move this system file?

If you move this file, Windows or another program may no longer work correctly.
16745Are you sure you want to rename this system file?

If you rename this file, Windows or another program may no longer work correctly.
Are you sure you want to rename this system file?

If you rename this file, Windows or another program may no longer work correctly.
16747Are you sure you want to copy this file without its properties?

The file %1 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
Are you sure you want to copy this file without its properties?

The file %1 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
16748Are you sure you want to copy this folder without its properties?

The folder %1 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
Are you sure you want to copy this folder without its properties?

The folder %1 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
16749Are you sure you want to move this file without its properties?

The file %1 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
Are you sure you want to move this file without its properties?

The file %1 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
16750Are you sure you want to move this folder without its properties?

The folder %1 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
Are you sure you want to move this folder without its properties?

The folder %1 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
16761Ushbu faylni shifrlamasdan undan nusxa ko‘chirmoqchimisiz?

Siz shifrlashni qo‘llab-quvvatlamaydigan yakuniy manzilga fayldan nusxa ko‘chiryapsiz.
Do you want to copy this file without encryption?

You are copying the file to a destination that does not support encryption.
16768Do you want to copy this folder without encryption?

A problem is preventing this folder from being encrypted.
Do you want to copy this folder without encryption?

A problem is preventing this folder from being encrypted.
16769Do you want to move this file without encryption?

You are moving the file to a destination that does not support encryption.
Do you want to move this file without encryption?

You are moving the file to a destination that does not support encryption.
16770Do you want to move this folder without encryption?

A problem is preventing this folder from being encrypted.
Do you want to move this folder without encryption?

A problem is preventing this folder from being encrypted.
16771An unknown error has occurred. An unknown error has occurred.
16774quyidagi fayl bilan almashtirmoqchimisiz? with this one?
16775Yakuniy jildda allaqachon ’%1’ nomli fayl mavjud.

Agar ba’zi bir fayllar bir xil nomga ega bo‘lsa, Sizdan ularni almashtirish so‘raladi.
This destination already contains a folder named '%1'.

If any files have the same names, you will be asked if you want to replace those files.
16776Siz hali ham ushbu jildni qo‘shishni istaysizmi Do you still want to merge this folder
16777This destination already contains a folder named '%1'.

If any files have the same names, you will be asked if you want to replace those files.

This destination already contains a folder named '%1'.

If any files have the same names, you will be asked if you want to replace those files.

16778Do you still want to merge the folder created on %1 with this one?
Do you still want to merge the folder created on %1 with this one?
16780These %1 items are too big to recycle

Do you want to permanently delete them?
These %1 items are too big to recycle

Do you want to permanently delete them?
16781Do you still want to merge the folder with this one?
Do you still want to merge the folder with this one?
16788Problem Copying Problem Copying
16791Windows can't copy this file or folder to the desired location. Windows can't copy this file or folder to the desired location.
16792Bir nechta elementlarni yo‘q qilmoq Delete Multiple Items
16793Yorliqni yo‘q qilmoq Delete Shortcut
16798Ushbu %1 elementlarni savatga yubormoqchiligingizga ishonchingiz komilmi? Are you sure you want to move these %1 items to the Recycle Bin?
16799Ushbu yorliqni savatga yuborishga ishonchingiz komilmi?

Bu yorliqni o‘chirish dasturni olib tashlamaydi. U faqatgina dasturni ko‘rsatib turadigan ikonachani olib tashlaydi. Agar dasturni butunlay olib tashlashni istasangiz, Dasturlar va xossalardan foydalaning.
Are you sure you want to move this shortcut to the Recycle Bin?

Deleting this shortcut does not uninstall the program. It only removes the icon that points to the program. If you want to uninstall use Programs and Features.
16800Siz, haqiqatan ham, ushbu %1 elementlarni butunlay yo‘q qilib tashlashni istaysizmi? Are you sure you want to permanently delete these %1 items?
16801'%1' can't be moved to the Recycle Bin.

Do you want to permanently delete it?
'%1' can't be moved to the Recycle Bin.

Do you want to permanently delete it?
16802Ushbu jildni butunlay yo‘q qilmoqchimisiz?

Jildda Savat uchun juda ham uzun nomga ega bo‘lgan elementlar mavjud.
Do you want to permanently delete this folder?

The folder contains items whose names are too long for the Recycle Bin.
16806Ushbu ’%1’ fayl tizim fayli hisoblanadi. Agar u olib tashlansa, Windows va boshqa dasturlar ortiq to‘g‘ri ishlamasligi mumkin.

Uni butunlay yo‘q qilib tashlashga ishonchingiz komilmi?
The file '%1' is a system file. If you remove it, Windows or another program may no longer work correctly.

Are you sure you want to permanently delete it?
16808Haqiqatan ham, ushbu dasturni butunlay yo‘q qilmoqchimisiz?

Agar ushbu dasturni yo‘q qilsangiz, unga bog‘langan fayllarni ocha olmaysiz. Ushbu operatsiyani bekor qila olmaysiz.
Are you sure you want to permanently delete this program?

If you delete this program, you might not be able to open files associated with it. You can't undo this operation.
16809Siz, haqiqatan ham, ushbu yorliqni butunlay olib tashlashni istaysizmi?

Bu yorliqni o‘chirish dastrni olib tashlamaydi. U faqatgina dasturni ko‘rsatib turadigan ikonachani olib tashlaydi. Agar dasturni butunlay olib tashlashni istasangiz Dasturni Olib Tashlamoqdan foydalaning.
Are you sure you want to permanently remove this shortcut?

Deleting this shortcut does not uninstall the program. It only removes the icon that points to the program. If you want to uninstall use Remove a Program.
16811Harakatni yakunlab bo‘lmaydi, chunki fayl boshqa dasturda ochilgan

Faylni yoping va qaytadan urinib ko‘ring.
The action can't be completed because the file is open in another program

Close the file and try again.
16812Harakatni yakunlab bo‘lmaydi, chunki fayl %1 dasturda ochilgan

Faylni yoping va qaytadan urinib ko‘ring.
The action can't be completed because the file is open in %1

Close the file and try again.
16813The action can't be completed because the file is playing in %1

Close the file and try again.
The action can't be completed because the file is playing in %1

Close the file and try again.
16814The action can't be completed because the file is being edited in %1

Close the file and try again.
The action can't be completed because the file is being edited in %1

Close the file and try again.
16815Harakatni yakunlab bo‘lmaydi, chunki jild yoki fayl boshqa dasturda ochilgan

Jild yoki faylni yoping va qaytadan urinib ko‘ring.
The action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program

Close the folder or file and try again.
16816The action can't be completed because the folder is open in %1

Close the folder and try again.
The action can't be completed because the folder is open in %1

Close the folder and try again.
16817The action can't be completed because the folder is playing in %1

Close the folder and try again.
The action can't be completed because the folder is playing in %1

Close the folder and try again.
16818The action can't be completed because the folder is being edited in %1

Close the folder and try again.
The action can't be completed because the folder is being edited in %1

Close the folder and try again.
16819Cl&ose File Cl&ose File
16820Cl&ose Folder Cl&ose Folder
16821Ushbu harakatni amalga oshirish uchun ruxsatingiz bo‘lishi kerak

Ushbu faylni o‘zgartirish uchun %4 dan ruxsat olishingiz talab qilinadi
You need permission to perform this action

You require permission from %4 to make changes to this file
16822Ushbu harakatni amalga oshirish uchun ruxsatingiz bo‘lishi kerak

Ushbu jildni o‘zgartirish uchun %4 dan ruxsat olishingiz talab qilinadi
You need permission to perform this action

You require permission from %4 to make changes to this folder
16823kompyuter ma’muri the computer's administrator
16824Yakuniy jildga kirish taqiqlangan Destination Folder Access Denied
16825Ushbu harakatni amalga oshirish uchun ruxsatingiz bo‘lishi kerak You need permission to perform this action
16826File Too Large File Too Large
16827The file '%1' is too large for the destination file system. The file '%1' is too large for the destination file system.
16828Destination Path Too Long Destination Path Too Long
16829Fayl nom(lar)i yakuniy jild uchun juda uzun bo‘ladi. Fayl nomini qisqartirib qayta urinib ko‘rishingiz mumkin, yoki qisqaroq yo‘lli joylashishni urinib ko‘ring. The file name(s) would be too long for the destination folder. You can shorten the file name and try again, or try a location that has a shorter path.
16830Source Path Too Long Source Path Too Long
16831The source file name(s) are larger than is supported by the file system. Try moving to a location which has a shorter path name, or try renaming to shorter name(s) before attempting this operation. The source file name(s) are larger than is supported by the file system. Try moving to a location which has a shorter path name, or try renaming to shorter name(s) before attempting this operation.
16834Apply Property Error Apply Property Error
16835An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the file '%1'. An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the file '%1'.
16836An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the folder '%1'. An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the folder '%1'.
16837Are you sure you want to copy this file without its property '%3'?

The file %2 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
Are you sure you want to copy this file without its property '%3'?

The file %2 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
16838Are you sure you want to copy this folder without its property '%3'?

The folder %2 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
Are you sure you want to copy this folder without its property '%3'?

The folder %2 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
16839Are you sure you want to move this file without its property '%3'?

The file %2 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
Are you sure you want to move this file without its property '%3'?

The file %2 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
16840Are you sure you want to move this folder without its property '%3'?

The folder %2 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
Are you sure you want to move this folder without its property '%3'?

The folder %2 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
16841Are you sure you want to copy this file without its properties? The new file '%2' has properties that can't be copied to the new location. Are you sure you want to copy this file without its properties? The new file '%2' has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
16842Are you sure you want to copy this folder without its properties? The new folder '%2' has properties that can't be copied to the new location. Are you sure you want to copy this folder without its properties? The new folder '%2' has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
16843Are you sure you want to move this file without its properties? The new file '%2' has properties that can't be moved to the new location. Are you sure you want to move this file without its properties? The new file '%2' has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
16844Are you sure you want to move this folder without its properties? The new folder '%2' has properties that can't be moved to the new location. Are you sure you want to move this folder without its properties? The new folder '%2' has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
16845An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the file '%1'. The new file will not have this property as a result. Do you want to rename the file anyway? An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the file '%1'. The new file will not have this property as a result. Do you want to rename the file anyway?
16846An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the folder '%1'. The new folder will not have this property as a result. Do you want to rename the folder anyway? An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the folder '%1'. The new folder will not have this property as a result. Do you want to rename the folder anyway?
16847Are you sure you want to rename this file without its properties? The new file '%1' has properties that will be lost when renamed. Are you sure you want to rename this file without its properties? The new file '%1' has properties that will be lost when renamed.
16848Are you sure you want to rename this folder without its properties? The new folder '%1' has properties that will be lost when renamed. Are you sure you want to rename this folder without its properties? The new folder '%1' has properties that will be lost when renamed.
16849Apply Properties Error Apply Properties Error
16850An error occurred when writing properties to the file '%1'. An error occurred when writing properties to the file '%1'.
16851An error occurred when writing properties to the folder '%1'. An error occurred when writing properties to the folder '%1'.
16852Are you sure you want to link this file without its properties? The new file '%1' will not have these properties. Are you sure you want to link this file without its properties? The new file '%1' will not have these properties.
16853Are you sure you want to link this folder without its properties? The new folder '%1' will not have these properties. Are you sure you want to link this folder without its properties? The new folder '%1' will not have these properties.
16854Haqiqatan ham, ushbu elementlarning barchasini Savatga yubormoqchimisiz? Are you sure you want to send all of these items to the Recycle Bin?
16855Haqiqatan ham, ushbu elementlarning barchasini butunlay yo‘q qilmoqchimisiz? Are you sure you want to permanently delete all of these items?
16856The file name you are creating is too long.

Try again using a shorter file name or create the file in a folder that has a shorter path.
The file name you are creating is too long.

Try again using a shorter file name or create the file in a folder that has a shorter path.
16857New File New File
16858Yaratmoqchi bo‘layotgan jildingiz nomi juda uzun.

Qisqaroq nom bilan qayta urinib ko‘ring yoki qisqaroq yo‘lga ega joylashuvda jild yarating.
The folder name you are creating is too long.

Try again using a shorter name or create the folder in a location that has a shorter path.
16859Yangi jild New Folder
16862Bu yerda ushbu element uchun yetarli joy mavjud emas: There was not enough space for this item:
16863Diskdan joy bo‘shating va qaytadan urinib ko‘ring: Free up space from this disk and try again:
16864Element topilmadi Item Not Found
16865Ushbu elementni topa olmadi

Fayl ortiq %3 joylashishda mavjud emas. Element joylashishini aniqlang va qaytadan urinib ko‘ring.
Could not find this item

This is no longer located in %3. Verify the item's location and try again.
16866Conflict no longer exists Conflict no longer exists
16867Cannot open conflict details Cannot open conflict details
16868Cannot resolve conflict Cannot resolve conflict
16869The details for this conflict could not be found. The conflict may no longer exist, or the device it occurred on is not available.

The details for this conflict could not be found. The conflict may no longer exist, or the device it occurred on is not available.

16870The details for this conflict could not be opened. The conflict may no longer exist, the device it occurred on is not available, or may contain invalid data.

The details for this conflict could not be opened. The conflict may no longer exist, the device it occurred on is not available, or may contain invalid data.

16871The conflict could not be resolved in the manner you chose.


Would you like to retry the resolution, remove the conflict from Sync Center, or cancel?
The conflict could not be resolved in the manner you chose.


Would you like to retry the resolution, remove the conflict from Sync Center, or cancel?
16873Xato 0x%08lX: %s Error 0x%08lX: %s
16874No error description available No error description available
16875Move File Move File
16876Fayldan nusxa ko‘chirmoq Copy File
16877Faylni yo‘q qilmoq Delete File
16878Rename File Rename File
16880Apply Properties File Apply Properties File
16882Move Folder Move Folder
16883Copy Folder Copy Folder
16884Jildni yo‘q qilmoq Delete Folder
16885Jild nomini o‘zgartirmoq Rename Folder
16887Apply Properties Folder Apply Properties Folder
16888New Folder New Folder
16890File Download File Download
16891The file was not downloaded because the server where the file is stored redirected the request to a web page.

This might be because the file is unavailable, or because you don’t have permission to access it.
The file was not downloaded because the server where the file is stored redirected the request to a web page.

This might be because the file is unavailable, or because you don’t have permission to access it.
16892The file was not downloaded because the server returned a different type of file than expected. The file was not downloaded because the server returned a different type of file than expected.
16915Out of Disk Space Out of Disk Space
16916Network Error Network Error
16917Haqiqatan ham, Savatdagi barcha elementlarni tiklamoqchimisiz? Are you sure you want to restore all the items from the Recycle Bin?
16923Recycle Bin Access Denied Recycle Bin Access Denied
16924The cause for this problem could not be determined. The cause for this problem could not be determined.
16925%1: %1:
16928Buni barcha &joriy elementlar uchun qo‘llamoq (%1!u! topilgan) Do this for &all current items (%1!u! found)
16930Out of memory Out of memory
16931There is not enough memory to complete this operation. There is not enough memory to complete this operation.
16932Elementdan nusxa ko‘chirmoq Copy Item
16933Elementni ko‘chirmoq Move Item
16934Delete Item Delete Item
16937The files in %1 will be moved to %3. The files in %1 will be moved to %3.
16938Fayllarni tarmoqdagi ushbu joylashishga ko‘chirish uchun ruxsatingiz mavjud emas. Avval fayllarni "Hujjatlar" jildiga ko‘chirib olib, so‘ng ushbu joylashishga yuborishingiz mumkin. You don't have permission to copy files to this location over the network. You can copy files to the Documents folder and then move them to this location.
16941Item is read-only Item is read-only
16942This item is read-only. It cannot be modified. This item is read-only. It cannot be modified.
16944Himoyalangan ishchi kontentni bu yerga joylay olmaysiz. Davom etish uchun kontent avval himoyalangan ishchi kontent turidan shaxsiy kontentga aylantirilishi lozim.

Tashkilotingiz bu o‘zgarishni kuzatishi hamda tashkilotingizdan tashqaridagi odamlar ushbu fayllardagi kontentni ko‘ra olishi mumkin bo‘ladi.
You can't place work protected content in this location. To continue, the content must be changed from work protected to personal.

Your organization may track this change, and people outside your organization may be able to view the content.
16945Joylash amali IT tomonidan bloklandi Placement blocked by IT
16946Tashkilotingiz ushbu faylni bu yerga saqlashga ruxsat bermagan.
Your organization does not allow you to place this file here.
16947Siz himoyalangan ishchi kontentni tashqi qurilmaga nusxalashga urinyapsiz. You're trying to copy work protected content to a removable drive.
16948Siz himoyalangan ishchi kontentni tashqi qurilmaga ko‘chirishga urinyapsiz. You're trying to move work protected content to a removable drive.
16949Himoyalangan ishchi kontentni nusxalash Copy work protected content
16950Himoyalangan ishchi kontentni ko‘chirish Move work protected content
16951Himoyalangan ishchi fayl sifatida nusxalash Copy as work protected
16952Shaxsiy sifatida nusxalash Copy as personal
16953Himoyalangan ishchi fayl sifatida ko‘chirish Move as work protected
16954Shaxsiy sifatida ko‘chirish Move as personal
16955Tashkilotingiz bu o‘zgarishni kuzatishi hamda boshqalar esa uning mazmunini ko‘ra olishi mumkin. Your organization may track the change, and others may be able to view the content.
16956Tashlab ketish Skip
16958Tashkilotingiz himoyalangan ishchi kontentni faqat ushbu kompyuterda ochishga ruxsat bergan. Your organization only allows work protected content to be opened on this PC.
16959Tashkilotingiz himoyalangan ishchi kontentni faqat eng oxirgi Windows versiyasida ishlovchi korporativ kompyuterda ochishga ruxsat bergan. Your organization only allows work protected content to be opened on enterprise PCs running the latest version of Windows.
16960Bu kontent shaxsiy qilib belgilansinmi? Change content to personal?
17025Ushbu joylashishda shu fayl nomi bilan bir xil nomga ega bo‘lgan fayl avvaldan mavjud. There is already a file with the same name in this location.
17026Saqlab qolinadigan faylni tanlang Click the file you want to keep
17027Faylni surmoq Move File
17028Fayl nomini o‘zgartirmoq Rename File
17029%1!ws! nomini "%2!ws!"ga o‘zgartirmoqchimisiz? Do you want to rename "%1!ws!" to "%2!ws!"?
17030Muammoni bartaraf etmoq Resolve Conflict
17031Click the version you want to keep Click the version you want to keep
17032Both versions have been updated since the last sync. Both versions have been updated since the last sync.
17033Saqlab qolish uchun "Versiya"ni bosing yoki "O‘chirish"ni bosing Click a version to keep or click delete
17034Oxirgi sinxronlashtirishdan so‘ng, u bir joylashishdan o‘chirilib, boshqa bir joylashishda yangilangan. This has been deleted from one location and updated in the other location since the last sync.
17036More than two versions have been updated since the last sync. More than two versions have been updated since the last sync.
17037%1!ws! (kattaroq) %1!ws! (larger)
17038%1!ws! (yangiroq) %1!ws! (newer)
17039&Ushbuni keyingi %1!d! muammolarga qo‘llamoq &Do this for the next %1!d! conflicts
17040%1!ws! (%2!ws!) %1!ws! (%2!ws!)
17041There is already a folder with the same name in this location. There is already a folder with the same name in this location.
17044Resolve Conflict (%1!d! of %2!d!) Resolve Conflict (%1!d! of %2!d!)
17090Bu faylni ko‘chirish uchun ma’mur ruxsatini olishingiz kerak You’ll need to provide administrator permission to move this file
17091Bu fayldan nusxa ko‘chirish uchun ma’mur ruxsatini olishingiz kerak You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy this file
17092Bu faylni o‘chirish uchun ma’mur ruxsatini olishingiz kerak You'll need to provide administrator permission to delete this file
17093Bu fayl nomini o‘zgartirish uchun ma’mur ruxsatini olishingiz kerak You'll need to provide administrator permission to rename this file
17095You'll need to provide administrator permission to apply properties to this file You'll need to provide administrator permission to apply properties to this file
17096You'll need to provide administrator permission to create this file You'll need to provide administrator permission to create this file
17098Bu jildni ko‘chirish uchun ma’mur ruxsatini olishingiz kerak You'll need to provide administrator permission to move this folder
17099Bu jilddan nusxa ko‘chirish uchun ma’mur ruxsatini olishingiz kerak You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy this folder
17100Bu jildni o‘chirish uchun ma’mur ruxsatini olishingiz kerak You'll need to provide administrator permission to delete this folder
17101Bu jild nomini o‘zgartirish uchun ma’mur ruxsatini olishingiz kerak You'll need to provide administrator permission to rename this folder
17103You'll need to provide administrator permission to apply properties to this folder You'll need to provide administrator permission to apply properties to this folder
17104You'll need to provide administrator permission to move this folder You'll need to provide administrator permission to move this folder
17106You'll need to provide administrator permission to move to this file You'll need to provide administrator permission to move to this file
17107You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy to this file You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy to this file
17113Bu jildga ko‘chirish uchun ma’mur ruxsatini olishingiz kerak You'll need to provide administrator permission to move to this folder
17114Bu jildga nusxa ko‘chirish uchun ma’mur ruxsatini olishingiz kerak You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy to this folder
17121An unexpected error is keeping you from moving the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from moving the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17122Kutilmagan xato sababli fayldan nusxa ko‘chirib bo‘lmadi. Ushbu xato xabarining qayta paydo bo‘lishida xato kodi bo‘yicha qidiruvni amalga oshiring va mazkur muammo haqida ma’lumot oling.

An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17123Kutilmagan xato sababli faylni yo‘q qilib bo‘lmadi. Ushbu xato xabarining qayta paydo bo‘lishida xato kodi bo‘yicha qidiruvni amalga oshiring va mazkur muammo haqida ma’lumot oling.

An unexpected error is keeping you from deleting the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17124An unexpected error is keeping you from renaming the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from renaming the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17126An unexpected error is keeping you from applying properties to the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from applying properties to the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17127An unexpected error is keeping you from creating the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from creating the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17129An unexpected error is keeping you from moving the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from moving the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17130An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17131Kutilmagan xato sababli jildni yo‘q qilib bo‘lmadi. Ushbu xato xabarining qayta paydo bo‘lishida xato kodi bo‘yicha qidiruvni amalga oshiring va mazkur muammo haqida ma’lumot oling.

An unexpected error is keeping you from deleting the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17132Kutilmagan xato sababli jild nomini o‘zgartirib bo‘lmadi. Ushbu xato xabarining qayta paydo bo‘lishida xato kodi bo‘yicha qidiruvni amalga oshiring va mazkur muammo haqida ma’lumot oling.

An unexpected error is keeping you from renaming the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17134An unexpected error is keeping you from applying properties to the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from applying properties to the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17135An unexpected error is keeping you from creating the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from creating the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17146Savat joylashuvi Recycle Bin Location
17153%s jild uchun ikonachalarni o‘zgartirmoq Change Icon for %s Folder
17290Ratings Ratings
17291Use arrow keys to choose a rating Use arrow keys to choose a rating
17408Hech qanday harakat bajarilmasin Take no action
17409Har doim so‘ramoq Ask me every time
17410Fayllarni ko‘rish uchun jildni ochmoq Open folder to view files
17416Fayllarni diskka ko‘chirish Burn files to disc
17418Raqamli video qurilma Digital Video Device
17419Dasturni foydalanuvchi mediasidan o‘rnatmoq yoki ishga tushirmoq Install or run program from your media
17420Mukammallashgan tarkibni ishga tushirmoq Run enhanced content
17421Choose what to do with each type of media Choose what to do with each type of media
17422Qurilmalar va printerlar Devices and Printers
17425Audio CDni qo‘ymoq Play audio CD
17426DVD filmni qo‘ymoq Play DVD movie
17427Ishga tushir %1!ls! Run %1!ls!
17428%1!ls! tomonidan nashr etilgan Published by %1!ls!
17429Nashr etuvchi ko‘rsatilmagan Publisher not specified
17440Dasturlar va o‘yinlar Software and games
17442DVD film DVD movie
17443DVD-Audio DVD-Audio
17444Bo‘sh CD Blank CD
17445Bo‘sh DVD Blank DVD
17446Video CD Video CD
17447Supervideo CD Super Video CD
17449Aralash tarkib Mixed content
17450Musiqa Music
17451Rasmlar Pictures
17452Video Videos
17453Mukammallashgan audio CD Enhanced audio CD
17454Mukammallashgan DVD film Enhanced DVD movie
17455Blu-ray diskdagi film Blu-ray disc movie
17456Bo‘sh Blu-ray disk Blank Blu-ray disc
17457Olinadigan jamlovchi Removable drive
17458Xotira kartasi Memory card
17472ushbu disk this disc
17473audio CDlar audio CDs
17474DVD filmlar DVD movies
17475DVD-Audio discs DVD-Audio discs
17476bo‘sh CDlar blank CDs
17477bo‘sh DVD-disklar blank DVDs
17478Video CDs Video CDs
17479Super Video CDs Super Video CDs
17480noma’lum tarkib unknown content
17481mixed content mixed content
17482musiqa music
17483pictures pictures
17484videos videos
17485enhanced audio CDs enhanced audio CDs
17486mukammallashgan DVD filmlar enhanced DVD movies
17487Blu-ray disc movies Blu-ray disc movies
17488bo‘sh Blu-ray disklari blank Blu-ray discs
17489olinadigan jamlovchilar removable drives
17490xotira kartalari memory cards
17504Any type of media that contains programs to install or games to install and play. Any type of media that contains programs to install or games to install and play.
17505A CD that contains music recorded as tracks so that it can be played on any stereo (such as a car stereo). A CD that contains music recorded as tracks so that it can be played on any stereo (such as a car stereo).
17506A DVD that contains a movie. A DVD that contains a movie.
17507Musiqadan tashkil topgan DVD. A DVD that contains music.
17508An unformatted CD that contains no content. An unformatted CD that contains no content.
17509An unformatted DVD that contains no content. An unformatted DVD that contains no content.
17510A CD that uses the VCD format, allowing you to look at videos or write video content to a CD. A CD that uses the VCD format, allowing you to look at videos or write video content to a CD.
17511A CD that uses the SVCD format, allowing you to look at videos or write high quality video content to a CD. A CD that uses the SVCD format, allowing you to look at videos or write high quality video content to a CD.
17512Any type of formatted media that does not contain any of the other known content types. Any type of formatted media that does not contain any of the other known content types.
17513Any type of media that contains a mixture of content types (such as photos and music). Any type of media that contains a mixture of content types (such as photos and music).
17514Faqatgina yozilgan musiqiy fayllardan tashkil topgan har qanday turdagi media (misol uchun MP3 fayllar). Any type of media that contains only music recorded as files (such as MP3 files).
17515Faqatgina yozilgan rasmli fayllardan tashkil topgan har qanday turdagi media (misol uchun JPG fayllar). Any type of media that contains only pictures recorded as files (such as JPG files).
17516Any type of media that contains only videos recorded as files (such as MPG files). Any type of media that contains only videos recorded as files (such as MPG files).
17517A CD that contains music recorded as tracks so that it can be played on any stereo, plus enhanced content such as software that installs a music player. A CD that contains music recorded as tracks so that it can be played on any stereo, plus enhanced content such as software that installs a music player.
17518A DVD that contains a movie, plus enhanced content such as software that installs a movie player. A DVD that contains a movie, plus enhanced content such as software that installs a movie player.
17519A Blu-ray disc that contains a movie. A Blu-ray disc that contains a movie.
17520An unformatted Blu-ray disc that contains no content. An unformatted Blu-ray disc that contains no content.
17521Olinadigan jamlovchi. A removable drive.
17522Kameraning xotira kartasi. A memory card from a camera.
17537Do you want to scan and fix %1!ls!? Do you want to scan and fix %1!ls!?
17538There might be a problem with some files on this device or disc. This can happen if you remove the device or disc before all files have been written to it. There might be a problem with some files on this device or disc. This can happen if you remove the device or disc before all files have been written to it.
17539Scan and fix (recommended)
This will prevent future problems when copying files to this device or disc.
Scan and fix (recommended)
This will prevent future problems when copying files to this device or disc.
17540Continue without scanning
Continue without scanning
20480 Windows Shell Windows Shell
20900O‘rnatiladigan Installable
20901O‘zgartirish mumkin bo‘lgan Editable
20902Dastlabki ko‘rib chiqish/chop etish Preview/Print
20903Cheklangan Restricted
21760Windows maxsus imkon Windows Ease of Access
21761WIndows - Standartlar Windows Accessories
21762Windows Ma’muriy vositalari Windows Administrative Tools
21763Administrator Administrator
21764Application Compatibility Scripts Application Compatibility Scripts
21765Application Data Application Data
21766Common Coverpages Common Coverpages
21767Common Files Common Files
21768Aloqalar Communications
21769Ishchi stol Desktop
21770Hujjatlar Documents
21771Documents and Settings Documents and Settings
21772Ko‘ngil ochar Entertainment
21774Local Settings Local Settings
21775Media Media
21776Microsoft Script Debugger Microsoft Script Debugger
21778My Faxes My Faxes
21780Online Services Online Services
21781Program Files Program Files
21782Dasturlar Programs
21783Received Faxes Received Faxes
21784Sent Faxes Sent Faxes
21785Umumiy hujjatlar Shared Documents
21786Start Menu Start Menu
21787Ish boshlash Startup
21788Windows tizimi Windows System
21789Windows Media Windows Media
21792Start menyusi joylari Start Menu Places
21796Tanlanganlar Favorites
21797So‘nggi elementlar Recent Items
21798Yuklanishlar Downloads
21799Umumiy ishchi stol Public Desktop
21800Ko‘p foydalaniladigan jildlar Frequent folders
21802Namunaviy rasmlar Public Pictures
21803Umumiy musiqa Public Music
21804Umumiy video Public Videos
21808Umumiy yuklashlar Public Downloads
21809System Commands System Commands
21811Xizmat ko‘rsatish Maintenance
21812Qo‘shimchalar va yangilashlar Extras and Upgrades
21813Foydalanuvchilar Users
21814Saqlangan o‘yinlar Saved Games
21815Vaqtinchalik diskka yozish jildi Temporary Burn Folder
21817Dasturiy fayllar (x86) Program Files (x86)
21819Slaydlarni ko‘rsatish Slide Shows
21820O‘ynatish ro‘yxatlari namunalari Sample Playlists
21822Ilova havolalari Application Links
21823Ekran rasmlari Screenshots
22016Accessibility Wizard Accessibility Wizard
22017Windows aloqalari Windows Contacts
22018Arxivlash Backup
22019Kalkulator Calculator
22020CD Player CD Player
22021Belgilar xaritasi Character Map
22022Buyruq satri Command Prompt
22023Kompyuter boshqaruvi Computer Management
22024Configure Your Server Configure Your Server
22025Data Sources (ODBC) Data Sources (ODBC)
22026Diskni tozalamoq Disk Cleanup
22027Disk Defragmenter Disk Defragmenter
22028Distributed File System Distributed File System
22029Hodisani ko‘rib chiqish Event Viewer
22030Bo‘sh katak FreeCell
22031HyperTerminal HyperTerminal
22032Imaging Imaging
22033Internet Connection Wizard Internet Connection Wizard
22035Internet Services Manager Internet Services Manager
22036ISDN Configuration Wizard ISDN Configuration Wizard
22037Launch Internet Explorer Browser Launch Internet Explorer Browser
22038Windows pochtasini ishga tushirish Launch Windows Mail
22039Licensing Licensing
22040Mahalliy xavfsizlik siyosati Local Security Policy
22041Ekran lupasi Magnifier
22042Maintenance Wizard Maintenance Wizard
22044Microsoft Script Debugger Readme Microsoft Script Debugger Readme
22045Sapyor Minesweeper
22046MSN Messenger Service MSN Messenger Service
22048Ekran diktori Narrator
22049Tarmoq ulanishlari Network Connections
22050Network Monitor Network Monitor
22051Bloknot Notepad
22052Ekran klaviaturasi On-Screen Keyboard
22053Windows Pochtasi Windows Mail
22054Paint Paint
22055Samaradorlik Performance
22056Phone Dialer Phone Dialer
22057Pinbol Pinball
22058Tayinlangan vazifalar Scheduled Tasks
22059Xizmatlar Services
22060Pasyans Solitaire
22061Tovush yozish Sound Recorder
22062Sinxronlash markazi Sync Center
22063Tizim haqida ma’lumot System Information
22064Telnet Server Administration Telnet Server Administration
22065Xizmat dasturi menejeri Utility Manager
22066Volume Control Volume Control
22068Windows Update Windows Update
22069WordPad WordPad
22070Shaxsiy belgilar tahrirchisi Private Character Editor
22071Chat Chat
22072Media Player Media Player
22073Getting Started Getting Started
22074Clipboard Viewer Clipboard Viewer
22075Windows katalogi Windows Catalog
22076Shaxsiy jild Personal Folder
22528Use the Accessibility Wizard to configure your system to meet your vision, hearing, and mobility needs. Use the Accessibility Wizard to configure your system to meet your vision, hearing, and mobility needs.
22529Foydalanuvchilar va tashkilotlarning elektron pochta manzillari hamda ular to‘g‘risidagi boshqa ma’lumotlarni saqlamoq. Store e-mail addresses and other information about people and organizations.
22530Archives data to protect it from accidental loss. Archives data to protect it from accidental loss.
22531Ekran kalkulatori yordamida asosiy arifmetik amallarni bajaradi. Performs basic arithmetic tasks with an on-screen calculator.
22532Plays audio compact discs (CDs). Plays audio compact discs (CDs).
22533Maxsus belgilarni tanlaydi va ularni hujjatga ko‘chiradi. Selects special characters and copies them to your document.
22534Klaviaturadan kiritiladigan vazifalarni bajaradi. Performs text-based (command-line) functions.
22535Manages disks and provides access to other tools to manage local and remote computers. Manages disks and provides access to other tools to manage local and remote computers.
22536Provides access to all Windows administrative tools, including snap-ins and control panels. Provides access to all Windows administrative tools, including snap-ins and control panels.
22537Adds, removes, and configures Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data sources and drivers. Adds, removes, and configures Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data sources and drivers.
22538Diskni keraksiz fayllardan tozalash imkonini yaratadi. Enables you to clear your disk of unnecessary files.
22539Defragments your volumes so that your computer runs faster and more efficiently. Defragments your volumes so that your computer runs faster and more efficiently.
22540Creates and manages distributed file systems that connect shared folders from different computers. Creates and manages distributed file systems that connect shared folders from different computers.
22541Windows va boshqa dasturlardagi monitoring va nosozliklar haqidagi xabarlarini ekranga chiqaradi. Displays monitoring and troubleshooting messages from Windows and other programs.
22542Bo‘sh katak qarta o‘yinini boshlaydi. Begins the Freecell card game.
22543Modem yoki nul-modem kabeli yordamida boshqa kompyuterlarga, Telnet Internet saytlariga, BBS xizmatlariga hamda bosh kompyuterlarga ulanish. Connects to other computers, Internet telnet sites, bulletin board systems, online services, and host computers using either a modem or a null-modem cable.
22544Displays and edits existing image files such as scanned photographs or digital images. Displays and edits existing image files such as scanned photographs or digital images.
22545Sets up your computer to access the Internet Sets up your computer to access the Internet
22546Finds and displays information and Web sites on the Internet. Finds and displays information and Web sites on the Internet.
22551Manages client access licensing for a server product. Manages client access licensing for a server product.
22552Mahalliy xavfsizlik siyosatini, misol uchun foydalanuvchi huquqi va audit siyosat kabilarni, ko‘rib chiqmoq va o‘zgartirmoq. View and modify local security policy, such as user rights and audit policies.
22553Matnni va boshqa ekran elementlarini ko‘rish osonroq bo‘lishi uchun kattalashtiradi. Enlarges selected text and other on-screen items for easier viewing.
22557Sapyor o‘yinini boshlaydi. Begins a game of Minesweeper.
22560Agar ovoz chiqarish qurilmalari va dinamiklar o‘rnatilgan bo‘lsa, ekrandagi matnni, dialogli oynalarni, menyularni va tugmalarni ovoz chiqarib o‘qiydi. Reads on-screen text, dialog boxes, menus, and buttons aloud if speakers or a sound output device is installed.
22563Oddiy formatli matndan foydalanib, matnli fayllarni yaratadi va o‘zgartiradi. Creates and edits text files using basic text formatting.
22564Sichqoncha yoki boshqa kiritish qurilmalari orqali boshqariladigan klaviaturani ekranga chiqaradi. Displays a keyboard that is controlled by a mouse or switch input device.
22565Sends and receives e-mail and newsgroup messages. Sends and receives e-mail and newsgroup messages.
22566Chizilgan rasmlarni yaratish va tahrirlash. Create and edit drawings.
22567Displays graphs of system performance and configures data logs and alerts. Displays graphs of system performance and configures data logs and alerts.
22568Makes voice or video calls to other computers and enables video conferencing. Makes voice or video calls to other computers and enables video conferencing.
22569Uch o‘lchamli pinbol o‘yinini boshlaydi. Begins a game of 3-D Pinball.
22570Kompyuterda vazifalarni avtomatik tarzda ketma-ket ishga tushirish uchun Vazifalar Rejalashtiruvchisidan foydalanmoq. Use Task Scheduler to schedule computer tasks to run automatically.
22571Xizmatlarni boshlaydi va to‘xtatadi. Starts and stops services.
22572Pasyans o‘yinini boshlaydi. Begins the Solitaire card game.
22573Records sounds if a microphone and sound card are installed. Records sounds if a microphone and sound card are installed.
22575Tizim haqidagi joriy ma’lumotni ekranga chiqaradi. Display current System Information.
22576View and modify telnet server settings and connections. View and modify telnet server settings and connections.
22577Maxsus imkoniyatlar dasturlarini ishga tushiradi va sozlaydi. Starts and configures accessibility tools from one window.
22578Controls the volume level of recorded and play-back sounds. Controls the volume level of recorded and play-back sounds.
22579Kompyuteringizda mavjud fayl va jildlarni ekranga chiqaradi. Displays the files and folders on your computer.
22580Sizda mavjud bo‘lgan Windows tizimi uchun eng so‘nggi versiyadagi xavfsizlik yangilanishlarini, qurilma drayverlarini va boshqa vositalarni taklif qiladi. Offers the latest critical and security updates, device drivers, and other features that are available for your Windows computer.
22581Murakkab formatdagi matnli fayllarni yaratadi va tahrirlaydi. Creates and edits text documents with complex formatting.
22582Ekrandagi belgining ko‘rinishini o‘zgartirish uchun belgi o‘zgartiruvchisidan foydalaning. Use Character Editor to modify how a character is shown on the screen.
22583Use Chat to communicate interactively with someone on another computer. Use Chat to communicate interactively with someone on another computer.
22584Use Media Player to play, edit, link, and embed a variety of multimedia files including video, audio, and animation files. Use Media Player to play, edit, link, and embed a variety of multimedia files including video, audio, and animation files.
22585Provides information about new Windows features and helps you to start using Windows. Provides information about new Windows features and helps you to start using Windows.
22586Use Clipboard Viewer to view, save, and share text that you have cut and/or copied from documents. Use Clipboard Viewer to view, save, and share text that you have cut and/or copied from documents.
22587Windows uchun ishlab chiqarilgan mahsulotlarni topmoq. Find products made for Windows.
22912Shows shortcuts to websites, network computers, and FTP sites. Shows shortcuts to websites, network computers, and FTP sites.
22913Ushbu kompyuterga ulangan qurilmalarni va diskovodlarni ko‘rsatadi. Shows the disk drives and hardware connected to this computer.
22914Xatlar, hisobotlar va boshqa hujjatlar va fayllardan tashkil topadi. Contains letters, reports, and other documents and files.
22915Yo‘q qilib yuborilgan fayl va jildlardan tashkil topadi. Contains the files and folders that you have deleted.
22916Shows options for starting a search. Shows options for starting a search.
22920Kompyuterdagi shriftlarni qo‘shish, o‘zgartirish va boshqarish. Add, change, and manage fonts on your computer.
22921Kompyuterdagi ma’mur sozlamalarini sozlash. Configure administrative settings for your computer.
22923Schedule computer tasks to run automatically. Schedule computer tasks to run automatically.
22924Fayllar va jildlar ko‘rinishini sozlamoq. Customize the display of files and folders.
22981Shriftlar Fonts
22982Ma’muriy vositalar Administrative Tools
22985Fayllar sharhlovchisi opsiyalari File Explorer Options
23232&Quyidagi fayllar va jildlar uchun... For &Files or Folders...
23233For &Computers For &Computers
23234For &Printer For &Printer
23296Search for files or folders Search for files or folders
23297Search for computers on the network Search for computers on the network
23298Search for a printer Search for a printer
23345Qidirish uchun joylashuv tanlang Choose Search Location
23347All %s Libraries All %s Libraries
23348Search All %s Libraries Search All %s Libraries
23349Kutubxonalar Libraries
23350Barcha kutubxonalarda qidirish Search All Libraries
23352Ushbu ShKdagi barcha indekslangan, indekslanmagan, yashirin va tizim fayllarini qidiring Search all indexed, non-indexed, hidden, and system files on this PC
23353Maxsus... Custom...
23354Foydalanuvchi belgilagan sohada qidirish Search a Custom scope
23355Internet Internet
23356%s yordamida qidirish Search using %s
23357Tagjildlar Subfolders
23358Subfolders Subfolders
23359Tagjildlarni qarab olgan holda qidirishni takrorlamoq Search again and include subfolders
23370You can also: You can also:
23371Qidirayotgan narsangizni topdingizmi? Did you find what you were searching for?
23372Sukut bo‘yicha brauzer yordamida qidirishni takrorlamoq Search again using your default browser
23374Uy guruhi kutuxonasida qidirmoq Search homegroup libraries
23887Fayl tarkibi File Contents
23898File Contents File Contents
23899Fayllar tarkibini qo‘shgan holda qidirishni takrorlamoq Search again and include file contents
24065Dasturlarni olmoq Get programs
24066Windowsning sozlamalarini taklif qilishi Let Windows suggest settings
24067O‘rganish qobiliyatlarini muvofiqlashtirmoq Accommodate learning abilities
24068Past darajada ko‘rish imkoniyati uchun moslashtirmoq Accommodate low vision
24069Klaviatura sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change how your keyboard works
24070Sichqoncha sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change how your mouse works
24071Ekrandan o‘qish dasturini ishlatmoq Use screen reader
24072Ekran diktori ovozini o‘zgartirmoq Change the Narrator voice
24073Kompyuterni sichqoncha yoki klaviaturasiz boshqarmoq Control the computer without the mouse or keyboard
24074Klaviaturalar bosilganda tovush eshitmoq Hear a tone when keys are pressed
24075Ekran diktori yordamida matnni baland ovozda o‘qishni eshitmoq Hear text read aloud with Narrator
24076FiltrKeysdan foydalanuvchi qaytarilgan kalit satrlarni rad etmoq Ignore repeated keystrokes using FilterKeys
24077Windowsning maxsus sozlamalar taklif qilishiga ruxsat berish Let Windows suggest Ease of Access settings
24078Ekran lupasi yordamida ekran bo‘laklarini kattalashtirmoq Magnify portions of the screen using Magnifier
24079Yo‘nalishli tugmalardan foydalanib kursorni klaviatura bilan ko‘chirmoq Move the pointer with the keypad using MouseKeys
24080Ko‘zi ojizlar uchun optimallashtirmoq Optimize for blindness
24081Ekrandagi aks ettirilishini optimallashtirmoq Optimize visual display
24082Bir vaqtda klavishlar kombinatsiyasini bosmoq Press key combinations one at a time
24083Tovushlarni ko‘rinadigan signallarga almashtirmoq Replace sounds with visual cues
24084Yuqori kontrastni yoqmoq yoki o‘chirmoq Turn High Contrast on or off
24085Ekran lupasini yoqmoq yoki o‘chirmoq Turn Magnifier on or off
24086Fon rasmlarini o‘chirmoq Turn off background images
24087Keraksiz animatsiyalarni o‘chirmoq Turn off unnecessary animations
24088Ekran klaviaturasini yoqmoq yoki o‘chirmoq Turn On-Screen keyboard on or off
24089Qulay foydalanish klavishalarini yoqmoq Turn on easy access keys
24090Video uchun audio tavsifdan foydalanmoq Use audio description for video
24091Joriy erkin foydalanish sozlamalarini ko‘rib chiqish View current accessibility settings
24092Windowsning sozlamalarni taklif qilishi Let Windows suggest settings
24093Qattiq disk taqsimlanishini yaratmoq va formatlamoq Create and format hard disk partitions
24094Disklaringizni optimallashtirish va defragmentatsiyalash Defragment and optimize your drives
24095Kompyuterdagi xotira muammolarini tashxislamoq Diagnose your computer's memory problems
24096Guruh siyosatini tahrir qilmoq Edit group policy
24097Tizim salomatligi haqida hisobot tuzmoq Generate a system health report
24099Jadval vazifalari Schedule tasks
24100Ma’lumot manbalarini sozlash (ODBC) Set up ODBC data sources
24101iSCSI tashabbuschisini o‘rnatmoq Set up iSCSI initiator
24102Hodisalar jurnalini ko‘rib chiqmoq View event logs
24104Mahalliy xizmatlarni ko‘rib chiqmoq View local services
24105Disk xotirasini bo‘shatmoq Free up disk space
24106Dasturlarni o‘rnatmoq yoki olib tashlamoq Add or remove programs
24107Dasturni o‘zgartirmoq yoki olib tashlamoq Change or remove a program
24108Qanday qilib dasturni o‘rnatish How to install a program
24109Tarmoqdan dasturni o‘rnatmoq Install a program from the network
24110Kompyuterda o‘rnatilgan dasturlarni aks ettirmoq Show which programs are installed on your computer
24111Windows tarkibiy qismlarini yoqmoq yoki o‘chirmoq Turn Windows features on or off
24114O‘rnatilgan yangilanishlarni ko‘rib chiqmoq View installed updates
24118Har doim amaliy dasturlar yordamida ochilishi mumkin bo‘lgan faylni yaratmoq Make a file type always open in a specific program
24120Sukut bo‘yicha dasturlarni o‘rnatmoq Set your default programs
24121Windowsning avvalgi versiyalarda yaratilgan dasturlarni bajarmoq Run programs made for previous versions of Windows
24122Bluetooth sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change Bluetooth settings
24123Bluetooth qurilmasini qo‘shmoq Add a Bluetooth device
24124Qurilmalar va printerlarni ko‘rib chiqish View devices and printers
24125Qurilmani qo‘shmoq Add a device
24126Printerning qo‘shimcha sozlanmalari Advanced printer setup
24127Arxivlash va tiklash (Windows 7) Backup and Restore (Windows 7)
24128Arxivdan ma’lumot, fayl yoki kompyuterni tiklash (Windows 7) Restore data, files, or computer from backup (Windows 7)
24129Arxivdan fayllarni tiklash Restore files from backup
24130Displey, skanerlar va printerlar uchun qo‘shimcha rang boshqaruvi sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change advanced color management settings for displays, scanners, and printers
24132Turli xil vaqt mintaqalari uchun soatlarni o‘rnatmoq Add clocks for different time zones
24133Kunduzgi yoritishni saqlash vaqtini avtomatik tarzda moslashtirish Automatically adjust for daylight saving time
24134Vaqt mintaqalarini o‘zgartirmoq Change the time zone
24135Vaqt va sanani o‘rnatmoq Set the time and date
24150Media yoki qurilmalar uchun sukut sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change default settings for media or devices
24151CDlar yoki boshqa media qurilmalarni avtomatik tarzda ishga tushirmoq Play CDs or other media automatically
24152Barcha media va qurilmalar uchun avtomatik tarzda o‘ynashni boshlamoq yoki to‘xtatmoq Start or stop using AutoPlay for all media and devices
24153Fayllar va jildlarning qidirish opsiyalarini o‘zgartirmoq Change search options for files and folders
24154Fayl kengaytmasi bilan mos keluvchi fayl turini o‘zgartirmoq Change the file type associated with a file extension
24155Yashirin fayllar va jildlarni ko‘rsatmoq Show hidden files and folders
24156Fayl kengaytmalarini ko‘rsatmoq yoki yashirmoq Show or hide file extensions
24157Ochish uchun yakka chertish yoki juft chertishni kiritmoq Specify single- or double-click to open
24159Shriftlarni dastlabki ko‘rib chiqmoq, yo‘q qilmoq, ko‘rsatmoq va yashirmoq Preview, delete, or show and hide fonts
24160O‘rnatilgan shriftlarni ko‘rmoq View installed fonts
24161Shriftlar sozlamasini o‘zgartirmoq Change Font Settings
24162USB o‘yin nazoratchilarini o‘rnatmoq Set up USB game controllers
24163Ko‘p ishlatiladigan mobil sozlamalarini sozlash Adjust commonly used mobility settings
24165Taqdimotdan oldin sozlamalarni sozlash Adjust settings before giving a presentation
24167Qalqib chiquvchi oynalarni taqiqlamoq yoki ruxsat bermoq Block or allow pop-ups
24168Bilvosita "cookie" fayllarini qulflamoq yoki ularga ruxsat bermoq Block or allow third-party cookies
24169Jadvallardan iborat veb-sahifalar ko‘rinishini o‘zgartirmoq Change how web pages are displayed in tabs
24170Xavfsizlik sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change security settings
24171Vaqtinchalik Internet fayllari sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change temporary Internet file settings
24173Internet Explorerdagi qidirish provayderini o‘zgartirmoq Change the search provider in Internet Explorer
24174Uysahifani o‘zgartirmoq Change your homepage
24175Proksi - serverni moslashtirmoq Configure proxy server
24176Internetga ulanish Connect to the Internet
24177Sharhlovchining qayd daftarini yo‘q qilmoq Delete browsing history
24178Vaqtinchalik fayllarni yoki "cookie" fayllarinni yo‘q qilmoq Delete cookies or temporary files
24179Cookie fayllari seanslarini yoqmoq yoki o‘chirmoq Enable or disable session cookies
24180Brauzer o‘rnatmalarini boshqarmoq Manage browser add-ons
24181Veb-saytda RSS-kanali mavjudligini aytmoq Tell if an RSS feed is available on a website
24182Internet Explorerdagi avtomatik ravishda to‘ldirishni yoqmoq yoki o‘chirmoq Turn autocomplete in Internet Explorer on or off
24183Ko‘rib chiqish tarixini va "cookie" fayllarini yo‘q qilrmoq Delete browsing history and cookies
24184Kursor o‘chirb-yonish tezligini o‘zgartirish Change cursor blink rate
24185Klaviatura holatini tekshirmoq Check keyboard status
24187Sichqoncha kursori ko‘rinishini o‘zgartirmoq Change how the mouse pointer looks
24188Sichqoncha kursori harakatlanayotganda uning ko‘rinishini o‘zgartirmoq Change how the mouse pointer looks when it's moving
24189Sichqonchani chertish sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change mouse click settings
24191Sichqoncha g‘ildiragi sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change mouse wheel settings
24192Sichqoncha kursori ko‘rinishi yoki tezligini o‘zgartirmoq Change the mouse pointer display or speed
24193Sichqoncha tugmalarini sozlamoq Customize the mouse buttons
24194Sichqoncha kursorini ko‘rishni osonlashtirmoq Make it easier to see the mouse pointer
24201Windows yangi versiyasining qo‘shimcha imkoniyatlari Get more features with a new edition of Windows
24202Offlayn fayllarni boshqarish Manage offline files
24203Offlayn rejimdagi fayllarni shifrlash Encrypt your offline files
24204Offlayn rejimdagi fayllar tomonidan foydalanilayotgan disk hajmini boshqarmoq Manage disk space used by your offline files
24207Terish qoidalarini o‘rnatmoq Set up dialing rules
24208Qurilma drayverlarini yangilamoq Update device drivers
24209Sizga yordam berish yoki boshqa foydalanuvchilarga yordam berish maqsadida kompyuteringizga ulanishga taklif qilish Invite someone to connect to your PC and help you, or offer to help someone else
24211Batareya sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change battery settings
24212Quvvat-saqlash sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change power-saving settings
24213Mantiqiy kiritish qurilmasi bajaradigan yopish xususiyatlarini o‘zgartirmoq Change what closing the lid does
24214Quvvat tugmalari ishini o‘zgartirmoq Change what the power buttons do
24215Kompyuterni Uyqu rejimiga o‘tishini sozlamoq Change when the computer sleeps
24216Ekranni qachon o‘chirishni tanlamoq Choose when to turn off display
24218Ekran ravshanligini rostlamoq Adjust screen brightness
24219Quvvat manbai rejasini tanlamoq Choose a power plan
24220Quvvat manbaini o‘zgartirmoq Edit power plan
24222Sukut bo‘yicha printerni o‘zgartirmoq Change default printer
24225Qurilma menejeri Device Manager
24226Qurilmaning o‘rnatish sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change device installation settings
24227Til qo‘shmoq Add a language
24228Kiritish usulini o‘zgartirish Change input methods
24229Joylashuvni o‘zgartirmoq Change location
24230Sana, vaqt yoki raqam formatlarini o‘zgartirish Change date, time, or number formats
24232Pul birligini ekranga chiqarish yo‘lini o‘zgartirish Change the way currency is displayed
24233Sanalar va ro‘yxatlarni ekranga chiqarish yo‘lini o‘zgartirish Change the way dates and lists are displayed
24234O‘lchamlarni ekranga chiqarish yo‘lini o‘zgartirish Change the way measurements are displayed
24235Vaqtni ekranga chiqarish yo‘lini o‘zgartirish Change the way time is displayed
24237Hujjat yoki rasmni skanerlamoq Scan a document or picture
24239Skanerlar va kameralarni ko‘rib chiqmoq View scanners and cameras
24240Windows qidirish usulini o‘zgartirmoq Change how Windows searches
24242Kompyuter holatini tekshirish va muammolarni bartaraf etmoq Review your computer's status and resolve issues
24244Tizim tonini sozlamoq Adjust system volume
24245Ovoz kartasi sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change sound card settings
24246Tizim tovushlarini sozlamoq Change system sounds
24247Audio qurilmalarni boshqarmoq Manage audio devices
24248Matndan nutqqa o‘girish sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change text to speech settings
24249Nutq yordam kartasini chop etmoq Print the speech reference card
24250Mikrofonni sozlamoq Set up a microphone
24251Nutqni aniqlashni boshlamoq Start speech recognition
24252Nutq ko‘rsatmalarini olmoq Take speech tutorials
24253Kompyuterni ovozingizni tanishda mashq qildiring Train the computer to recognize your voice
24258Windows ko‘rinishini va samaradorligini rostlamoq Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows
24259Kompyuteringizga masofadan kirishga ruxsat bermoq Allow remote access to your computer
24260Masofaviy ma’lumot takliflarini ushbu kompyuterdan yuborilishiga ruxsat bermoq Allow Remote Assistance invitations to be sent from this computer
24261Ishchiguruhi nomini o‘zgartirmoq Change workgroup name
24262Protsessor tezligini tekshirmoq Check processor speed
24263Yaxshilangan foydalanuvchi profili xususiyatlarini moslashtirish Configure advanced user profile properties
24264Tiklash nuqtasini yaratmoq Create a restore point
24265Hisob qaydnomangiz uchun o‘zgaruvchan muhitlarni tahrir qilmoq Edit environment variables for your account
24266Tizimning o‘zgaruvchan muhitini tahrir qilmoq Edit the system environment variables
24267Qanday qilib virtual xotira hajmini o‘zgartirmoq How to change the size of virtual memory
24268Domenga ulanish Join a domain
24269Ushbu kompyuter nomini o‘zgartirmoq Rename this computer
24270Tiklash diskini yaratish Create a recovery drive
24271Ushbu kompyuter nomini ko‘rmoq See the name of this computer
24272Masofaviy ishchi stoldan foydalana oluvchi foydalanuvchilarni tanlang Select users who can use remote desktop
24273Ushbu kompyuterda qancha RAM mavjudligini ko‘rsating Show how much RAM is on this computer
24274Kompyuter joylashgan domenni aks ettirmoq Show which domain your computer is on
24275Joriy operatsion tizimni aks ettirmoq Show which operating system your computer is running
24276Ushbu kompyuter qaysi ishchi guruhida ishlayotganligini ko‘rsatmoq Show which workgroup this computer is on
24278Yaxshilangan tizim sozlamalarini ko‘rib chiqish View advanced system settings
24279Kompyuteringiz haqidagi asosiy ma’lumotlarni ko‘rib chiqmoq View basic information about your computer
24281RAM va protsessor tezligini ko‘rib chiqmoq View amount of RAM and processor speed
24282Masofaviy kirishga ruxsat bermoq Allow remote access
24283Vazifalar panelini avtomatik ravishda yashirmoq Auto-hide the taskbar
24286Navigatsiya xususiyatlari Navigation properties
24287Vazifalar panelini sozlamoq Customize the taskbar
24289Vazifalar panelidagi o‘xshash oynalarni guruhlamoq Group similar windows on the taskbar
24290Vazifalar panelini qulflamoq yoki ochmoq Lock or unlock the taskbar
24296Tezkor ishga tushirish paneli qayerga yo‘qoldi? What happened to the Quick Launch toolbar?
24300Foydalanuvchi hisob qaydnomalarini olib tashlash Remove user accounts
24301Hisob qaydnomasi turini o‘zgartirish Change account type
24304Parolni qayta o‘rnatish diskini yaratmoq Create a password reset disk
24306Hisob qaydnoma yaratmoq Create an account
24308Foydalanuvchining standart hisob qaydnomasini yaratmoq Create standard user account
24309Mahalliy foydalanuvchilar va guruhlarni tahrir qilmoq Edit local users and groups
24310Domen foydalanuvchisiga boshqaruv huquqlarini bermoq Give administrative rights to a domain user
24311Ushbu kompyuterdan boshqa foydalanuvchilar erkin foydalanishiga ruxsat bermoq Give other users access to this computer
24312Qanday qilib Windows parolini almashtirish How to change your Windows password
24313Hisob qaydnomalarida o‘zgartirishlarni amalga oshirmoq Make changes to accounts
24314Faylni shifrlash sertifikatlarini boshqarmoq Manage file encryption certificates
24315Tarmoq parollarini boshqarmoq Manage network passwords
24317Foydalanuvchi hisob qaydnomasi nazoratini sozlash Change User Account Control settings
24318Ilovaga Windows brandmaueri orqali ruxsat bermoq Allow an app through Windows Firewall
24319Brandmauer holatini tekshirmoq Check firewall status
24323Keraksiz fayllarni yo‘q qilish orqali diskni tozalang Free up disk space by deleting unnecessary files
24325BitLockerni boshqarmoq Manage BitLocker
24326Tiklash kalitingizni rezervlamoq Back up your recovery key
24329Ma’lum vazifalarni bajarish uchun imo-ishoralardan foydalanmoq Set flicks to perform certain tasks
24330Planshet ruchka sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change tablet pen settings
24332Imo-ishoralarni yoqmoq va o‘chirmoq Turn flicks on and off
24333Sensorli kiritish sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change touch input settings
24334Pero orqali yoki sensorli kiritish uchun ekran kalibrlamoq Calibrate the screen for pen or touch input
24335Ekran burilish tartibini tanlamoq Choose the order of how your screen rotates
24336Aniq vazifalarni amalga oshirish uchun planshet tugmalarini sozlamoq Set tablet buttons to perform certain tasks
24337Qaysi qo‘l bilan yozishingizni ko‘rsating Specify which hand you write with
24338Faylni yubormoq yoki olmoq Send or receive a file
24340Reset Security Policies Reset Security Policies
24344SHK uyg‘onish sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change PC wakeup settings
24352Tegish va yuborish orqali olingan sukut bo‘yicha sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change settings for content received using Tap and send
24379Tarmoqqa ulanmoq Connect to a network
24380Ulanish yoki tarmoqni o‘rnatmoq Set up a connection or network
24381Tarmoq muammolarini aniqlash va tuzatish Identify and repair network problems
24384Telefon orqali ulanishni o‘rnatmoq Set up a dial-up connection
24385Virtual shaxsiy tarmoq (VPN) ulanishini o‘rnatmoq Set up a virtual private network (VPN) connection
24386Yuqori tezlikdagi ulanish Set up a broadband connection
24387Prinetrlarni baham ko‘rmoq Share printers
24388Tarmoq kompyuterlari va qurilmalarni ko‘rib chiqmoq View network computers and devices
24389Tarmoq ulanishlarini ko‘rib chiqmoq View network connections
24390Tarmoq holati va topshiriqlarni ko‘rib chiqmoq View network status and tasks
24391Uy guruhi va baham ko‘rish opsiyalarini tanlamoq Choose homegroup and sharing options
24392Media oqimi opsiyalari Media streaming options
24394Uy guruhi parolini o‘zgartirmoq Change homegroup password
24396RemoteApp va ishchi stollariga kirmoq Access RemoteApp and desktops
24397Muammolarni topish va bartaraf etish Find and fix problems
24404Windows hisobga olish ma’lumotlarini boshqarmoq Manage Windows Credentials
24405Veb-hisob ma’lumotlarini boshqarmoq Manage Web Credentials
24408Kompyuter bilan bog‘liq bo‘lgan muammolarni bartaraf etmoq Fix problems with your computer
24409Windowsning uzluksiz ishi uchun tavsiya etilgan harakatlarni ko‘rib chiqmoq View recommended actions to keep Windows running smoothly
24410Xavfsizlik holatini tekshirmoq Check security status
24411Dasturiy ta’minot sifatini yaxshilash dasturi sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change Customer Experience Improvement Program settings
24412Ish barqarorligi jurnalini ko‘rsatmoq View reliability history
24413Muammoni qayta qurish uchun qadamlarni qayd qilmoq Record steps to reproduce a problem
24415Kompyuter holati haqidagi so‘nggi xabarlarini ko‘rib chiqmoq View recent messages about your computer
24419Qo‘shimcha baham ko‘rish sozlamalarini boshqarish Manage advanced sharing settings
24421Muammoni bartaraf etish yo‘lini ko‘rib chiqmoq View solutions to problems
24423Xabarlar arxivini ko‘rib chiqish View archived messages
24424Muammolar haqidagi barcha hisobotlarni ko‘rib chiqmoq View all problem reports
24427Muammolar haqidagi hisobotlar uchun yechimlarni qidirish Check for solutions to problem reports
24428SmartScreen sozlamalarni o‘zgartirish Change SmartScreen settings
24429Windows To Goni ishga tushirish opsiyalarini o‘zgartirmoq Change Windows To Go startup options
24430Xotira bo‘shliqlarini boshqarmoq Manage Storage Spaces
24432Foydalanuvchi sertifikatlarini boshqarish Manage user certificates
24433Kompyuter sertifikatlarini boshqarish Manage computer certificates
24434Avtomatik xizmat ko‘rsatish sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change Automatic Maintenance settings
24435Masofaviy yordamchini ishga tushirish Launch remote assistance
24436Settings for Microsoft IME (Japanese) Settings for Microsoft IME (Japanese)
24437Microsoft Pinyin SimpleFast Options Microsoft Pinyin SimpleFast Options
24438Microsoft New Phonetic Settings Microsoft New Phonetic Settings
24439Microsoft ChangJie Settings Microsoft ChangJie Settings
24440Microsoft Quick Settings Microsoft Quick Settings
24441Microsoft IME Register Word (Japanese) Microsoft IME Register Word (Japanese)
24450Ish jildlarini boshqarish Manage Work Folders
24722Dasturni olib tashlamoq Uninstall a program
24724Audio o‘ynatish muammolarini topish va bartaraf etish Find and fix audio playback problems
24725Audio qayd qilish muammolarini topish va bartaraf etish Find and fix audio recording problems
24727Tavsiya etilgan ta’mirlash topshiriqlarini avtomatik ravishda amalga oshirmoq Perform recommended maintenance tasks automatically
24728Tarmoq va ulanish muammolarini topish va bartaraf etish Find and fix networking and connection problems
24729Chop etish muammolarini topish va bartaraf etish Find and fix printing problems
24731Qurilma bilan bog‘liq muammolarni topish va bartaraf etish Find and fix problems with devices
24732Muammolarni bartaraf etish jurnali Troubleshooting History
24733Windows qidiruvi bilan bog‘liq muammolarni qidirish va bartaraf etish Find and fix problems with Windows Search
24734Uy guruhi bilan bog‘liq muammolarni qidirish va bartaraf etish Find and fix problems with homegroup
24735Ko‘k ekran bilan bog‘liq muammolarini topish va bartaraf etish Find and fix bluescreen problems
24736Windows tizimini yangilash bilan bog‘liq muammolarni aniqlash va bartaraf etish Find and fix windows update problems
24737Klaviatura muammolarini topish va bartaraf etish Find and fix keyboard problems
24740Fayllar jurnali yordamida fayllarning rezerv nusxalarini saqlamoq Save backup copies of your files with File History
24741Fayllar jurnali yordamida fayllaringizni tiklang Restore your files with File History
2474216-bitli ilovalarni qo‘llab-quvvatlash 16-Bit Application Support
24743Vazifalar menejeri Task Manager
24744Topshiriqlar menejerida tizim resurslari ishlatilishini ko‘rib chiqish View system resource usage in Task Manager
24745Windowsni ochganingizda avtomatik ravishda ishga tushadigan jarayonlarni nazorat qilish See which processes start up automatically when you start Windows
24746Havolalarni ochish usulini tanlang Choose how you open links
24747Set up ODBC data sources (32-bit) Set up ODBC data sources (32-bit)
24748Set up ODBC data sources (64-bit) Set up ODBC data sources (64-bit)
25064soat;poyas;soat;poyaslari;timezone;time-zone;zones; timezone;time-zone;zones;
25065yozga;vaqt;qishki;vaqt;o‘tmoq;soat;o‘tkazish;standart;light;daylight;daylite;lite;savings;savins;standard; light;daylight;daylite;lite;savings;savins;standard;
25066kalendar;soat;vaqt;kun;calendar;clock;times;time;day; calendar;clock;times;time;day;
25067sozlamoq;moslamoq;almashtirmoq;o‘zgartirmoq;tahrirlamoq;almashmoq;tashlab;belgilamoq;o‘tkazmoq;adjust;ajust;alter;change;edit;modify;replace;reset;set;switch; adjust;ajust;alter;change;edit;modify;replace;reset;set;switch;
25068ko‘rlik;noaniq;xira;yarim;qonuniy;past;ko‘rmoq;zaif;ko‘rish;tuyulyapti;ko‘rinish;zaif;yomon;ko‘z;ko‘z;blindness;blurred;blurry;half;legally;low;vision;poor;seeing;seems;sight;weak;bad;eyesight;eye-sight; blindness;blurred;blurry;half;legally;low;vision;poor;seeing;seems;sight;weak;bad;eyesight;eye-sight;
25069ENT;displeylar;monitorlar;ekran;ekranlar;crt;displays;monitors;screeens;screens; crt;displays;monitors;screeens;screens;
25070konfig;konfigurasiya;sozlash;aniqlash;boshqaruv;variantlar;shaxsiylashtirish;mujassamlashtirish;sozlamalarni;sozlash;o‘rnatish;confg;configuration;configure;define;management;options;personalise;personalize;up;settings;setup; confg;configuration;configure;define;management;options;personalise;personalize;up;settings;setup;
25071kamayishi;past;ravshanlik;kamayishi;kamayish;yorug‘lik;sozlagich;ravshanlik;sozlagich;displey;pasaytirmoq;pasaytirmoq;ravshanlik;low;dimming;diming;dimmer;dimer;display;fade;brightness; low;dimming;diming;dimmer;dimer;display;fade;brightness;
25072eshitish;kar;karlik;eshitish;qobiliyati;past;nogiron;nogironlar;hearing;deaf;deafness;hard;of;problem;impaired;imparied; hearing;deaf;deafness;hard;of;problem;impaired;imparied;
25073mumkin;emas;mumkin;bo‘lsagan;imkoniyati;yo‘q;mushkul;bajarish;mushkullik;mavjud;emas;mushkul;emas;bo‘lmaydi;mushkul;bo‘lmaydi;can;not;cannot;can't;difficult;to;difficulty;does;doesn't;hard;not;will;willnot;won't; can;not;cannot;can't;difficult;to;difficulty;does;doesn't;hard;not;will;willnot;won't;
25074signallar;musiqa;shovqin;chizmalar;ovozlar;tovushli signallar;ovoz;signal;shovqin;audio;beeps;music;noises;schemes;sounds;tones;wav;sound;beep;noise; audio;beeps;music;noises;schemes;sounds;tones;wav;sound;beep;noise;
25075nogironliklar;nogironlik;nogiron;nogiron;nogironlar;muammo;disabilities;disability;empaired;impaired;imparied;trouble; disabilities;disability;empaired;impaired;imparied;trouble;
25076filtrlash;kiritishni;yopishqoq klavishalar;almashtirmoq;yopishqoq;klavishalar;takrorlamoq;kechikish;ushlab turmoq;pastga;tezlik;filterkeys;keys;stickykeys;togglekeys;sticky-keys;toggle-keys;repeat;delay;hold;down;rate; filterkeys;keys;stickykeys;togglekeys;sticky-keys;toggle-keys;repeat;delay;hold;down;rate;
25077qo‘llanma;qo‘llanmalar;fayl;fayllar;dasturlar;dastur;datsur;ta’minot;dasturiy;taminot;dastur;DT;applets;applications;apps;aps;files;programmes;programs;softare;softwares;sofware;sotfware;windos;windows; applets;applications;apps;aps;files;programmes;programs;softare;softwares;sofware;sotfware;windos;windows;
25078faollashtirmoq;qo‘shmoq;faollashtirmoq;boshlamoq;yoqmoq;o‘rnatmoq;chaqirmoq;qilmoq;sozlamalar;sozlamoq;yoqish;ishga;tushirish;blokdan;yechmoq;activate;add;begin;enable;intsall;invoke;make;up;setting;setup;start;on;turnon;unlock; activate;add;begin;enable;intsall;invoke;make;up;setting;setup;start;on;turnon;unlock;
25079brauzerlar;browsers;ie;microsoft;windows; browsers;ie;microsoft;windows;
25081bekor;qilmoq;o‘chirmoq;yo‘q;qilish;o‘qirib;qo‘ymoq;taqiqlamoq;chiqmoq;olmoq;oldini olmoq;bartaraf;qimloq;olib;tashlamoq;tashlash;to‘xtatmoq;tuxtatmoq;to‘htatmoq;cancel;deactivates;delete;deleting;disable;disallow;exit;get;rid;of;prevent;remove;removing;shut;down;off;stop;turn;turnoff; cancel;deactivates;delete;deleting;disable;disallow;exit;get;rid;of;prevent;remove;removing;shut;down;off;stop;turn;turnoff;
25082hisob;qaydnomalari;hisob qaydnomasi;taxallus;taxxalus;tahallus;foydalanuvchi;foydalanuvchilar;accounts;alias;login;useraccount;useracount;users; accounts;alias;login;useraccount;useracount;users;
25083piksellar;bartaraf;yetmoq;bartaraf etish;ruxsat;ruxsatlar;ruhsat;ruhsatlar;pixels;reslution;resoltion;resolution;resolutoin;rezolution;size; pixels;reslution;resoltion;resolution;resolutoin;rezolution;size;
25084ranglar;rang;o‘lcham;chuqurlik;miqdor;razryadli;24;bit;24-bit;256;bit;32-bit;colors;colours;depth;num;number;of; 24;bit;24-bit;256;bit;32-bit;colors;colours;depth;num;number;of;
25085ishchi;stol;stolusti;ishchi stollar;desktops;dekstops; desktops;dekstops;
25086o‘qish;o‘qimoq;reading; reading;
25087eng yaxshi;eng;yaxshi;yaxshiroq;yaxshirok;osonroq;yengilroq;oson;yaxshilash;yaxshilamoq;qilmoq;ko‘proq;kuproq;optimallshtirmoq;best;better;easier;easy;enhance;improvement;make;more;most;optimal;optimise;optimize; best;better;easier;easy;enhance;improvement;make;more;most;optimal;optimise;optimize;
25088navigatsiya;ishchi stol;sichqoncha;bosh;burchak;burchaklar;fon;windows logotipi tugmasi;windows tugmasi;kirish;kirmoq;ilovalar ko‘rinishi;yuklash;o‘tish tugmasi;o‘tish tugmalari;quvvat;buyruq so‘rovi;navigation;desktop;mouse;start;corner;corners;background;windows logo key;windows key;win;winkey;sign in;signin;apps view;boot;to;charm;charms;powershell;command prompt navigation;desktop;mouse;start;corner;corners;background;windows logo key;windows key;win;winkey;sign in;signin;apps view;boot;to;charm;charms;powershell;command prompt
25089kattaroq;katta;kichiklashtirmoq;kattalashtirmoq;yiriklashtirmoq;yirik;yirikroq;o‘lchamni;o‘zgartirmoq;o‘zgartmoq;qisqa;qichik;kichikroq;yupqa;yubka;kichkina;baland;balandroq;oriq;nozik;juda;g‘oyat;keng;kengroq;kenglik;o‘ta;qismoq;qisish;shakl;bigger;decrease;enlarge;increase;larger;resize;shape;short;shrink;size;skinny;smaller;taller;thin;too;wider;width; bigger;decrease;enlarge;increase;larger;resize;shape;short;shrink;size;skinny;smaller;taller;thin;too;wider;width;
25090balandroq;sekinlashtirmoq;shovqin;past;pastroq;ovoz;balandlik;pasaytirilganjim;ovoz;balandligi;yumshoq;louder;mute;noise;quiet;quite;soft;volume; louder;mute;noise;quiet;quite;soft;volume;
25091kartochka;kompyuter;tashqi;ichki;SHK;qurilma;dinamiklar;tovush;tovushli;HDMI;spdif;audio;card;computer;external;internal;pc;speakers; audio;card;computer;external;internal;pc;speakers;
25092kattalashtirmoq;kattalashtirilgan;kattalshtirish;kattalashtirish;masshtab;mashtab;kattaroq;yirikroq;massshtab;magnification;magnified;magnifying;make;bigger;larger;zoom;in; magnification;magnified;magnifying;make;bigger;larger;zoom;in;
25093standart;qo‘shimcha;tarkibiy;qism;qismlar;tarkib;takribiy;funksiya;funksiyalar;dasturlar;vositalar;vosita;asboblar;asbob;utilitalar;utilita;xizmat;dastur;dasturlar;accessories;accessory;components;feature;features;programs;tools;utilities;utility; accessories;accessory;components;feature;features;programs;tools;utilities;utility;
25094ruxsat;etilgan;ruxsat;etmoq;qabul;qilmoq;qabul qilingan;allowed;let;through;permitted; allowed;let;through;permitted;
25095builtin;built-in;fire-wall;firewalled;firwall;frewall;ifc;protection;walled; builtin;built-in;fire-wall;firewalled;firwall;frewall;ifc;protection;walled;
25096erkin;foydalanish;nazorat;foydalanish;yordam;ishchi stol;ishchi;stol;masofaviy;xizmatlar;xizmat;access;control;RAS;acess;assistance;desktop;remotely;terminal;services;ts; access;control;RAS;acess;assistance;desktop;remotely;terminal;services;ts;
25097kompyuter;mashina;mening;kompyuyer;shk;shaxsiy;tizim;compuer;machine;my;computer;pc;personal;system; compuer;machine;my;computer;pc;personal;system;
25098avtomatik;tarzda;avtomatik;ravishda;yo‘q;qilmoq;yashirmoq;ko‘rinmas;autohide;auto-hide;automatically;hide;make;invisible; autohide;auto-hide;automatically;hide;make;invisible;
25099avtomatik;tarzda;avtomatik;autoko‘rsatish;avtonamoyish;ko‘rinadigan;ko‘rmoq;ko‘rsatmoq;blokdan;yechmoq;ko‘rinish;automatically;autoshow;auto-show;make;visible;see;show;unlock;view; automatically;autoshow;auto-show;make;visible;see;show;unlock;view;
25100ikonchalar;ikona;soha;tryey;vazifa;vositalar paneli;panel;panellar;icons;area;sgtray.exe;start;tray;systemtray;systray;task;toolbar;tray;taskbar;task-bar;bars;toolbars; icons;area;sgtray.exe;start;tray;systemtray;systray;task;toolbar;tray;taskbar;task-bar;bars;toolbars;
25101up;backing;backuo;back-up;backups;back-ups;data;storage;incramental;incremental;saver;shadow;copies;copy; up;backing;backuo;back-up;backups;back-ups;data;storage;incramental;incremental;saver;shadow;copies;copy;
25102taqiqlamoq;man;etmoq;bloklovchi;filtr;enaga;oldini;olmoq;cheklamoq;to‘xtamoq;to‘xtatmoq;banned;blocker;filter;nanny;prevent;restrict;stopper; banned;blocker;filter;nanny;prevent;restrict;stopper;
251033-chi;tomon;taraf;kimdan;boshqalar;uchinchi;nomaqbul;3rd;party;cookies;cooky;from;others;third-party;unwanted; 3rd;party;cookies;cooky;from;others;third-party;unwanted;
25104e’lonlar;elon;reklama;DT;zararli;dustur;xatarli;dasturlar;hatarli;dastru;oyna;bloklash;qalquvchi;qalqiydigan;josus;nomaqbul;oynalar;ads;advertising;advertizing;adverts;adware;adwear;malware;ups;popupblocker;pop-upblocker;popups;pop-ups;popupstopper;spyware;spywear;unwanted;windows; ads;advertising;advertizing;adverts;adware;adwear;malware;ups;popupblocker;pop-upblocker;popups;pop-ups;popupstopper;spyware;spywear;unwanted;windows;
25105maxfiylik;sirlik;privacy;secrecy; privacy;secrecy;
25106sichqonchalar;sichqon;sichqoncha;ko‘rsatkich;ko‘rsatkichlar;mice;mouses;pointer; mice;mouses;pointer;
25107tugma;tugmalar;tugmachalar;tugmacha;butons;buttons; butons;buttons;
25108bloklamoq;bloklash;chertmoq;chertish;ikki;marta;chertish;bir;marta;chertmoq;lock;clicking;doubleclick;double-click;single-click; lock;clicking;doubleclick;double-click;single-click;
25109ag‘darmoq;chapaqay;chap;qo‘l;o‘naqay;o‘ng;qo‘l;almashtirmoq;o‘zgartirmoq;flip;handed;hander;left-handed;left-hander;lefty;reverse;handed;right-handed;switch; flip;handed;hander;left-handed;left-hander;lefty;reverse;handed;right-handed;switch;
25110shrift;shifrt;shriftlar;kiritmoq;harflar;xarflar;faunt;fonts;type;truetype;type;opentype;fount; faunt;fonts;type;truetype;type;opentype;fount;
25111belgilar;belgi;xitoycha;yaponcha;kandzi;koryeyscha;iyerogliflar;yozish;yozmoq;characters;chinese;hangul;japanese;kanji;korean;writing; characters;chinese;hangul;japanese;kanji;korean;writing;
25112klaviatura;klavitura;klaviaturalar;board;bord;keyboards;keyborads;keybord; board;bord;keyboards;keyborads;keybord;
25113millar;kursorlar;sichqoncha;ko‘rsatkich;arrows;cursors;mouse;pointers; arrows;cursors;mouse;pointers;
25114blinking;blinkrate;flashing;rate; blinking;blinkrate;flashing;rate;
25115fon;tasvir;fonlar;tasviri;ground;background; ground;background;
25116bo‘yicha;sukut;bo‘yicha;standart;by;defaults;defualt;standard; by;defaults;defualt;standard;
25117tashqi;ko‘rinish;paydo;bo‘lish;aks;etmoq;yo‘l;aks ettirilgan;appearance;out;layout;of;looks;way;displayed; appearance;out;layout;of;looks;way;displayed;
25118ko‘chirmoq;ko‘chirish;soya;tezlik;izlar;move;moving;shadow;speed;tails; move;moving;shadow;speed;tails;
25119inglizcha;chet;el;til;tillar;fransuzcha;nemischa;xindi;hindu;xalqaro;yaponcha;koreyscha;til;tillar;ko‘p;tillar;ko‘p tillarpaket;ispancha;mui;MUI;lip;LIP;chet el;angliya;aqsh;british;english;foreign;languages;french;german;hindi;international;japanese;korean;langpack;langs;languages;multilanguage;multi-language;pack;spanish;uk;usa; british;english;foreign;languages;french;german;hindi;international;japanese;korean;langpack;langs;languages;multilanguage;multi-language;pack;spanish;uk;usa;
25120wheel;scrolling;scrollwheel;mousewheel; wheel;scrolling;scrollwheel;mousewheel;
25121nomlar;nomini;o‘zgartirmoq;nomini;o‘zgartirish;names;rename;renaming; names;rename;renaming;
25122gibernatsiya;tugma;tugmacha;pastga;o‘chirish;quvvat;o‘zgartuvchi;o‘chirmoq;o‘chirish;o‘chiradi;kutish;kutish;tartibi;o‘zgartiradi;o‘chiradi;hibernate;button;down;power-button;shutdown;shut-down;shuts;by;standby;stand-by;switches;turns;off; hibernate;button;down;power-button;shutdown;shut-down;shuts;by;standby;stand-by;switches;turns;off;
25123akkumulyator;batareyalar;hayot;tejash;quvvat;tugamoq;ko‘proq;boshqarish;elektr;manyasiga;ulangan;tejamoq;quvvat;tejash;tejash;rejimi;tejalish;batteries;battery;life;conserve;energy;last;longer;management;plugged;in;supply;powersaver;preserve;save;mode;saving;unplugged;ups; batteries;battery;life;conserve;energy;last;longer;management;plugged;in;supply;powersaver;preserve;save;mode;saving;unplugged;ups;
25124taqiqlangan;xavfsizlik;xavfsiz;xavfsizlikni;ta’minlash;xavfsizlik;saytlari;ishonchli;ishonch;bildirilgan;restricted;safety;secure;securing;security;sites;trusted;trusting; restricted;safety;secure;securing;security;sites;trusted;trusting;
25125kirish;chiziqli;in;line-in; in;line-in;
25126keshlangan;fayllar;jurnal;mahalliy;vaqtinchalik;temp;kesh;keraksiz;foydasiz;foydalanilmaydigan;Internet;cached;files;history;local;temorary;temporary;temperary;tmp;unnecessary;unneeded;useless;web; cached;files;history;local;temorary;temporary;temperary;tmp;unnecessary;unneeded;useless;web;
25127Internetdan;intyernetda;onlayn;sayt;saytlar;sahifalar;veb-sahifalar;veb-saytlar;butun;dunyo;o‘rgimchak;to‘ri;from;the;web;inet;internet;intrnet;net;online;on-line;sites;pages;webpages;websites;world;wide;www; from;the;web;inet;internet;intrnet;net;online;on-line;sites;pages;webpages;websites;world;wide;www;
25128mamlakatlar;mamlakat;qurilma;til;mahalliylashtirish;mahalliylashtirilgan;mahalliylik;mahalliylash;kod;regionlar;tili;countries;country;dev;region;language;localisation;localised;locality;localization;localized;1;2;3;code;regional;regions;locale; countries;country;dev;region;language;localisation;localised;locality;localization;localized;1;2;3;code;regional;regions;locale;
25129soft;soat;12-soatli;24-soatli;soat;sana;kun;kk;aks;ettirish;formatlash;to‘rt;raqamlar;uzun;kkooyyyy;oy;xususiyatlar;qisqa;vaqt;ikki;yil;hour;12-hour;24-hour;clock;date;day;dd;display;formating;formatting;four;digit;long;mmddyyyy;month;properties;short;time;two;year;yyyy; hour;12-hour;24-hour;clock;date;day;dd;display;formating;formatting;four;digit;long;mmddyyyy;month;properties;short;time;two;year;yyyy;
25130sentlar;pul;birligi;dollarlar;yevrolar;pul;funt;belgi;von;yena;cents;currency;dollars;euros;money;pounds;sign;symbol;won;yen;yuan; cents;currency;dollars;euros;money;pounds;sign;symbol;won;yen;yuan;
25132santimetr;sm;fut;futlar;dyum;kilometrlar;kilometr;kilolar;o‘lchov;birliklar;metrlar;metr;mil;son;unsiya;fnut;og‘irlik;kenglik;centimeters;centimetres;cm;feet;foot;inches;kilometers;kilometres;kilos;km;lbs;measurements;meters;metres;miles;numbers;ounces;oz;pounds;weight;width; centimeters;centimetres;cm;feet;foot;inches;kilometers;kilometres;kilos;km;lbs;measurements;meters;metres;miles;numbers;ounces;oz;pounds;weight;width;
25133sahifa;bet;bosh;sahifa;page;homepage; page;homepage;
25134avto;avtomatik;avtomatik;yangilanishlar;avtomatik;ravishda;yangilash;tuzutish;xato;tuzutish;xatoliklar;yuklash;maykrosoft;skanerlamoq;tekshirmoq;xavfsizlik;xizmati;paket;sana;yangilovchi;yangilanuvchi;yangilash;yangilanishlar;yangilashlar;yangilanish;yangilash;markazi;usta;yangilash;dasturi;atuo;automatically;automaticupdates;autoupdate;fixes;bugfixes;bugs;download;live;microsoft;patches;scan;security;service;packs;dater;dates;dating;updater;up-dater;updater.exe;updates;up-dates;up-dating;windows;;wizard;wupdater; atuo;automatically;automaticupdates;autoupdate;fixes;bugfixes;bugs;download;live;microsoft;patches;scan;security;service;packs;dater;dates;dating;updater;up-dater;updater.exe;updates;up-dates;up-dating;windows;;wizard;wupdater;
25135tekshirish;tekshirmoq;ko‘rib;chiqmoq;qidirmoq;skanerlash;ishonch;hosil;qilish;checking;look;for;scanning;verify; checking;look;for;scanning;verify;
25136shina;soat;MP;tez;ishlov berish;tezlatish;prosessor;TX;486;agp;amd;bus;chip;clock;cpu;fast;intel;overclock;pentium;performance;processing;processor;ram;up;speedup; 486;agp;amd;bus;chip;clock;cpu;fast;intel;overclock;pentium;performance;processing;processor;ram;up;speedup;
25137veb;soket;proksi;mijoz;xost;server;web;winsock;socks;socket;dns;sas;winproxy;rpoxy;client;hosts;tmproxy;proxycfg; server;web;winsock;socks;socket;dns;sas;winproxy;rpoxy;client;hosts;tmproxy;proxycfg;
25138ulanish;ulanmoq;onlayn;ulanishlar;tarmq;tarmoq;Internet;tezkor;connections;go;online;intranet;lan;netowrk;networking;line;on-line;www; connections;go;online;intranet;lan;netowrk;networking;line;on-line;www;
25139simsiz;vay fay;802.1x;wireless;wire-less; 802.1x;wireless;wire-less;
25140usta;ustalar;wizard;wizzard; wizard;wizzard;
25142yuklash;diskovod;kengaytirmoq;disklar;qattiq;qattiq disk;bo‘lim;shakllanish;birlamchi;qayta formatlashre;sektor;yo‘q qilish;tom;boot;disc;extended;format;disk;drive;harddisk;harddrive;ntfs;fat;partitian;partitioning;primary;reformat;sector;unpartition;volume; boot;disc;extended;format;disk;drive;harddisk;harddrive;ntfs;fat;partitian;partitioning;primary;reformat;sector;unpartition;volume;
25143tekshirish;tekshirmoq;bo‘sh;joy;xona;reliz;mavjud;check;up;cleanup;free;space;room;release;available; check;up;cleanup;free;space;room;release;available;
25144bilish;o‘qimoq;yodlamoq;cognitive;learning; cognitive;learning;
25145chop;etmoq;chop;etish;out;printers;printing;printner;printout;print-out;pritner; out;printers;printing;printner;printout;print-out;pritner;
25146topmoq;qurilma;indeks;qayta indekslash;qidirish;qidiruvlar;qidiriruv;finder;indexing;reindex;re-index;searches;searching; finder;indexing;reindex;re-index;searches;searching;
25147so‘z;parol;kalit;so‘z;parollar;muhim;so‘z;paol;word;pass-word;passwords;passwork;passwrod;pasword;paswrod; word;pass-word;passwords;passwork;passwrod;pasword;paswrod;
25149shart;ishlamoqda;holat;condition;running;state;status; condition;running;state;status;
25151internet;protocol;ip;addresses;v6;version;6;IP6;IPv6;tcp/ip;tcp\ip;tcpip; internet;protocol;ip;addresses;v6;version;6;IP6;IPv6;tcp/ip;tcp\ip;tcpip;
25152external;headset;internal;jack;phone;microphones;mics;mikes; external;headset;internal;jack;phone;microphones;mics;mikes;
25153o‘zgartirmoq;o‘zgartmoq;o‘zgartish;qaytarmoq;tiklamoq;bajarmoq;bring;back;change;recover;restore;back;rollback; bring;back;change;recover;restore;back;rollback;
25154elementlar;dasturlar;dastur;ishga;tushirish;yuklanayotgan;avtomatik ravishda;items;up;startup;programs; items;up;startup;programs;
25155xotira;virtual;xotira;fayl;TX;RAM;memory;virtualmemory;pagefile;file; memory;virtualmemory;pagefile;file;
25156kartochkalar;tovushli;karta;cards;soundcards; cards;soundcards;
25157ishchi;masofaviy;ishchi;stol;top;remote;desktop; top;remote;desktop;
25159gigabayt;GB;megabayt;MB;xotira;TX;gigabytes;gigs;megabytes;megs;memory;ram; gigabytes;gigs;megabytes;megs;memory;ram;
25160uyqu;rejimda;uyqu rejimdan;avtomatik;tarzda;chiqish;chiqish;uyqu;rejim;qayta;ishga;tushirmoq;uyg‘onmoq;kutish;rejimi;gibernatsiya;asleep;autowake;awaken;come;back;from;hibernates;hibernating;hibernation;restarts;resumes;sleeping;standby;up;wakeup;wake-up;waking; asleep;autowake;awaken;come;back;from;hibernates;hibernating;hibernation;restarts;resumes;sleeping;standby;up;wakeup;wake-up;waking;
25162kompyuter;ko‘chma;mobil;kompyuter;SHK;leptop;noutbuk;ixcham;kompyuter;computer;top;laptop;mobile;pc;notebook;portable; computer;top;laptop;mobile;pc;notebook;portable;
25165faollashtirmoq;faollashtirilgan;faollashtirmoq;faollashtirilgan;buyruq;berish;buyurmoq;tanish;tanimoq;gapirmoq;aytmoq;nutq;nutq;tanimoq;suhbatlashmoq;tushunmoq;tushinmoq;tushunish;ovoz;ohang;anglamoq;activated;commanding;dictate;dictation;recogination;recognition;recognize;recongition;reconition;speaking;speechrecognition;speech-recognition;talk;to;understand;voice; activated;commanding;dictate;dictation;recogination;recognition;recognize;recongition;reconition;speaking;speechrecognition;speech-recognition;talk;to;understand;voice;
25166teach;training;tutorial; teach;training;tutorial;
25167ma’mur;ma’murlar;ma’muriy;administrator;admins; administrator;admins;
25170formatlamoq;formatlangan;formatlash;formated;formating;formatted;formatting; formated;formating;formatted;formatting;
25171tekshirmoq;tekshirish;ro‘yxat;ko‘rmoq;ko‘rsatmoq;ko‘rish;ko‘rib chiqish;tomosha qilmoq;tomosha;namoyish;qaramoq;qarash;check;list;see;show;viewing; check;list;see;show;viewing;
25172ko‘rish;effektlar;soya tushirmoq;soya tashlamoq;ko‘lanka tushirmoq;soya;silliq;sirg‘anish;aylantirish;soyalamoq;soya qilmoq;soyalash;vizual;visuals;effects;drop;shadows;smooth;scrolling;slide;fade;sliding;fading; visuals;effects;drop;shadows;smooth;scrolling;slide;fade;sliding;fading;
25173qurilma;qurilma;qurilmalar;qurilmalar;devices;divises;divicse;divices; devices;divises;divicse;divices;
25174adapterlar;adaptorlar;kartalar;kartochkalar;karta;adapters;adaptor;cards; adapters;adaptor;cards;
25176kontroller;nazoratchi;biometrik;kabel;kartochka;ENT;qurilmasi;raqamli;kamera;yassi;o‘yin;qo‘lda;skanner;skaner;apparat;uskuna;infraqizil;oqimli;kiritish;joystik;klaviatura;lazerli;SK;mobil;ona;platasi;sichqoncha;pleyer;musiqa;pleyer;tarmoq;optik;g‘ildirakchali;sichqoncha;chiqarish;pero;plazmali;ixcham;pleyer;yozuv;yozish;skaner;karta;kartochka;o‘qish;qurilmasi;smart-karta;ovoz;tovush;tasmali;jamlama;sensorli;trekbol;tyuner;video yozuv;videokarta;videokartalar;xab;veb-kamera;g‘ildirakchali;sichqoncha;simsiz;1394;controller;adapter;adaptor;audio;biometric;cable;modem;card;cd-dvd;drive;CRT;devise;digial;camera;dsl;dvd;ethernet;flat;panel;game;handheld;scanner;ware;hardware;hardwear;infrared;ink-jet;input;IrDA;stick;joystick;keyboard;laser;printer;lcd;Mass;Storage;midi;mixer;mobile;monitor;motherboard;mouse;mp3;player;mpeg;music;player;network;optical;wheel;mouse;output;pen;plasma;monitor;portable;media;player;printer;raid;recording;scanner;card;reader;smartcard;sound;tape;drive;pad;touchpad;ball;trackball;tuner;tv;USB;video;capture;cards;view;USB;hub;camera;webcam;wheel;mouse;wireless;wlan; 1394;controller;adapter;adaptor;audio;biometric;cable;modem;card;cd-dvd;drive;CRT;devise;digial;camera;dsl;dvd;ethernet;flat;panel;game;handheld;scanner;ware;hardware;hardwear;infrared;ink-jet;input;IrDA;stick;joystick;keyboard;laser;printer;lcd;Mass;Storage;midi;mixer;mobile;monitor;motherboard;mouse;mp3;player;mpeg;music;player;network;optical;wheel;mouse;output;pen;plasma;monitor;portable;media;player;printer;raid;recording;scanner;card;reader;smartcard;sound;tape;drive;pad;touchpad;ball;trackball;tuner;tv;USB;video;capture;cards;view;USB;hub;camera;webcam;wheel;mouse;wireless;wlan;
25179videofayllar;kino;filmlar;videoes;videos; videoes;videos;
25181tasvir;surat;rasm;fotosurat;image;photograph;picture; image;photograph;picture;
25186tiklash;nuqtasi;tiklash;nuqtalari;usta;tiklash;ustasi;tizim;himoyasi;tizimni; tiklash;points;wizard;system;protection;restores;systemrestores; points;wizard;system;protection;restores;systemrestores;
25188diskovod;qattiq;qattiq disk;vinchester;vint;xard;disk;drive;harddisk;hard-disk;harddrive;hard-drive; disk;drive;harddisk;hard-disk;harddrive;hard-drive;
25190ma’lumotlar;ma’lumotlar;bazasi;MB;datum;odbc;data-base;database; datum;odbc;data-base;database;
25192ma’lumotlarni;tiklash;tiklamoq;tiklash;data;recovering;recovers;recovery; data;recovering;recovers;recovery;
25194sozlamoq;moslamoq;sozlamoqda;sozlash;shaxsiy;sozlamalar;shixsiy;sozlamalarni;sozlash;shaxsiylashtirish;customisation;customises;customization;customizes;customizing;personalisation;personalise;personalization;personalize; customisation;customises;customization;customizes;customizing;personalisation;personalise;personalization;personalize;
25195tanlamoq;tanlash;tanlangan;tanlab olmoq;chooses;choosing;chose;picked;picks;selected;selects; chooses;choosing;chose;picked;picks;selected;selects;
25197salomatlik;ish;qobiliyati;ishga;yaroqlilik;tuzuklik;healthy; healthy;
25198monitorlar;ekranlar;monitors;screens; monitors;screens;
25199tuzatmoqda;tuzatyapti;tiklamoqda;o‘rnatmoq;o‘rnatish;tuzatish;bartaraf;etmoq;bartaraf;etish;corrects;fixes;repairs; corrects;fixes;repairs;
25200troubleshoot;shoot;troubleshooter;trubleshoot;help;solution troubleshoot;shoot;troubleshooter;trubleshoot;help;solution
25201disklar;diskovod;vinchester;xard;vint;disc;disks;drive; disc;disks;drive;
25202tekshirish;tozalash;tozalash;vositasi;check;disk;dsk;chkdsk;cleandisk;cleaner;cleanup;up; check;disk;dsk;chkdsk;cleandisk;cleaner;cleanup;up;
25203diskni;skanerlamoq;disc;disk;scandisc;scandisk;scandsk; disc;disk;scandisc;scandisk;scandsk;
25204defragmentatsiya;joy;bo‘shatmoq;defragment;free;up;space; defragment;free;up;space;
25205qo‘shilgan;qo‘shmoq;qo‘shimcha;qism;ustqurma;qo‘shimchalar;added;adding;addon;add-on;adds; added;adding;addon;add-on;adds;
25206ishga;tushirish;ishga;tushirmoq;ishga;tushirmoqda;lanch;launches; lanch;launches;
25207qo‘shmoq;yangi;qo‘shilgan;qo‘shmoqda;qo‘shyapti;add;new;installed;installing; add;new;installed;installing;
25209pppoe;broadband pppoe;broadband
25210ilovalar;ilova;applications;apps;application;app applications;apps;application;app
25211xususiy;tarmoq;ish;joyi;virtual;private;network;vpn;workplace; virtual;private;network;vpn;workplace;
25213vista;windows;windw;7 vista;windows;windw;7
25214moslashmoq;sozlamoq;moslashtirmoq;accomidate;accomodates;accomodating;adjust;for; accomidate;accomodates;accomodating;adjust;for;
25215brauzer;ie;internet;explorer; ie;internet;explorer;
25216brauzer;brauzerlar;veb-sahifalarni;ko‘rib;chiqish;sharhlovchi;veb-brauzer;veb-sharhlovchi;browsers;browsing;web; browsers;browsing;web;
25218area;code;carrier;city;up;dialing;dialling;dialup;dial-up;pulse;tone;touchtone;touch-tone; area;code;carrier;city;up;dialing;dialling;dialup;dial-up;pulse;tone;touchtone;touch-tone;
25219fayllar;files; files;
25220line;offline;off-line;ofline; line;offline;off-line;ofline;
25221space;cache;room; space;cache;room;
25223himoyalamoq;qo‘riqlamoq;muhofaza;qilmoq;tejamoq;guard;protect;secure;preserve; guard;protect;secure;preserve;
25232shaxsiylashtirish;shaxsiylashtirmoq;personalize;personalization; personalize;personalization;
25236phone;line;telephone; phone;line;telephone;
25238rules; rules;
25239calling;calls; calling;calls;
25241ulab-uzgich;on-off;switch; on-off;switch;
25243yopmoq;yopish;close;closing; close;closing;
25244yopmoq;qopqoq;tepasi;cover;lid;top; cover;lid;top;
25246maket;chizma;chizma;layout;out layout;out
25247kiritish;usullari;input;methods;imes; input;methods;imes;
25249ko‘rsatmoq;ko‘rsatilgan;chiqarilgan;aks;ettirilgan;show;displayed; show;displayed;
25251skanerlar;skannerlar;skanerlash;skannerlamoq;skanerlamoq;skannerlash;scaners;scanners;scanning; scaners;scanners;scanning;
25252kameralar;kamiralar;camaras;cameras;camras; camaras;cameras;camras;
25253qo‘shmoq;yaratmoq;qilmoq;yangi;add;create;make;new; add;create;make;new;
25254avtomatlashtirilgan;avtomatik;tarzda;avtomatik;ravishda;automated;automatically; automated;automatically;
25255rejalashtirilgan;rejalashtirish;scheduled;scheduling; scheduled;scheduling;
25257hodisalar;ko‘rib;chiqish;dasturi;hodisalar;kuzatish;dasturi;voqealar;kuzatish;dasturi;datsuri;viewer;events;tracker;eventviewer; viewer;events;tracker;eventviewer;
25258jildlar;tagjildlar;tagjildlar;kataloglar;nimkataloglar;folders;subfolders; folders;subfolders;
25259nazoratchilar;nazoratchi;joystik;shturval;rul;geympad;controlers;controllers;stick;joystick; controlers;controllers;stick;joystick;
25261o‘yinlar;games; games;
25262boshqarish;boshqarmoq;sozlamoq;boshqarilayotgan;boshqarmoqda;boshqaryapti;o‘rnatish;o‘rnatmoq;administer;configure;managed;manages;managing;up;setup; administer;configure;managed;manages;managing;up;setup;
25263tartiblamoq;tartiblash;tartibga;solmoq;tartibga;solish;tartib;tashkil;etmoq;tashkil;etish;tartibni;o‘zgartirmoq;arrange;arranging;ordering;organize;organizing;reorder; arrange;arranging;ordering;organize;organizing;reorder;
25264topmoq;qidirish;qidiruv;aniqlamoq;aniqlash;qidirmoq;qayerda;finding;locate;locating;search;for;is;where's;the; finding;locate;locating;search;for;is;where's;the;
25267ekrandan;o‘qish;dasturi;ekrandan;o‘qish;datsuri;ekrandan;o‘qish;dasturlari;diktor;screan;readers;screenreader;windows;narrator; screan;readers;screenreader;windows;narrator;
25268tovush;ovoz;tovushlar;ovozlar;sound;voices; sound;voices;
25269kiritish;filtrlari;filtrlash;keys;filterkeys; keys;filterkeys;
25270sichqoncha;tugmachalari;sichqoncha;tugmalari;sichqonchatugmalari;keys;mousekeys; keys;mousekeys;
25271yopishqoq;klavishalar;yopishqoqklavishalar;keys;stickykeys; keys;stickykeys;
25272tovushni;aks ettirish;vizual;bildirish;sozlamalari;tovushni;sozlamoq;tovushni;ko‘rsatish;soundsentry;sentry;settings;customize;captions;showsounds; soundsentry;sentry;settings;customize;captions;showsounds;
25273animatsiyalar;multfilmlar;animations;cartoons; animations;cartoons;
25274ravshanlik;yorqinlik;kontrastlik;yuqori;kontrastlik;yuqori-kotrastlik;brightness;contrast;hi-contrast;high-contrast; brightness;contrast;hi-contrast;high-contrast;
25275ekran;klaviatura;ekrandagi;klaviatura;screen;keyboard;onscreen;on-screen;osk; screen;keyboard;onscreen;on-screen;osk;
25276maxsus;imkoniyatlar;foydalanish;mumkinlik;oson;kirish;oson;foydalanish;accessibility;acessibility;ease;of; accessibility;acessibility;ease;of;
25281sharing;shared;files;network;folder;target; sharing;shared;files;network;folder;target;
25283cant;find;can't;see;gone;hidden;invisible;missing;vanished;where;is; cant;find;can't;see;gone;hidden;invisible;missing;vanished;where;is;
25284guruhlash;guruhlamoq;grouping; grouping;
25285card;help;instructions;paper;reference;sheet; card;help;instructions;paper;reference;sheet;
25286xizmatlar;services; services;
25292infraqizil;simsiz;iq port;iqport;infrared;infra-red;wireless; infrared;infra-red;wireless;
25293nur;yubormoq;jo‘natmoq;o‘tkazmoq;bermoq;beam;send;transmit; beam;send;transmit;
25294matnni;nutqqa;o‘girish;diktor;nutq;text;to;speech;tts;voice;narrator; text;to;speech;tts;voice;narrator;
25295collaborate;work;together; collaborate;work;together;
25296operatsion;tizim;OT;operating;system;os; operating;system;os;
25297nima;qaysi;qaysinisi;qanday;what;which; what;which;
25298versiya;chiqarish;versiyalar;nashr;release;version;edition; release;version;edition;
25299o‘qimoq;darslar;o‘qitmoq;darslik;namuna;misol;o‘qitish;ustasi;foydalanishni;o‘rganmoq;ishlatishni;o‘rganmoq;foydalanmoq;ishlatmoq;learn;lessons;teach;tutorial;example;training;wizard;to;use;how; learn;lessons;teach;tutorial;example;training;wizard;to;use;how;
25301savolnoma;savol;varaqasi;so‘rash;so‘rov;anketa;questionaire;questionnaire;survey; questionaire;questionnaire;survey;
25302erkin;foydalanish;ruxsatlar;imtiyozlar;huquqlar;access;permissions;priveleges;priviledges;privileges;rights; access;permissions;priveleges;priviledges;privileges;rights;
25303alifbo;tartibida;saralamoq;alifbo;tartib;saralash;alphabetise;alphabetize;order;sorting; alphabetise;alphabetize;order;sorting;
25305burchak;albom;oriyentatsiya;kitob;aylantirmoq;aylantirish;angle;landscape;orientation;portrait;rotate;rotation; angle;landscape;orientation;portrait;rotate;rotation;
25306ecxeption;exception;exeption; ecxeption;exception;exeption;
25307eslab;bo‘lmaydigan;eslolmayman;unutish;unitmoq;unitilgan;yo‘qolgan;can't;remember;don't;forget;forgotten;lost; can't;remember;don't;forget;forgotten;lost;
25308menejer;menedjer;qurilma;menejeri;menjer;boshqarish;boshqarilish;boshqaruv;maneger;manager;devicemanager;dma;managar;management;managing;managment; maneger;manager;devicemanager;dma;managar;management;managing;managment;
25309to‘xtatmoq;o‘chirmoq;disable;stop; disable;stop;
25310ulanmoq;kirmoq;bog‘lamoq;ulamoq;connect;to;enter;join;plug;into; connect;to;enter;join;plug;into;
25311qo‘lda;yozilgan;qo‘lyozuvi;yozmoq;ruchka;pero;qo‘lyozuvi;qo‘lda;yozish;kalligrafiya;hand-writing;handwriting;write;pen;stylus;handrighting;hand-righting;penmanship;calligraphy; hand-writing;handwriting;write;pen;stylus;handrighting;hand-righting;penmanship;calligraphy;
25312imo-ishora;pero bilan ishora;imo;ishoralar;imolar;flicks;gestures;flik;filcks;penflick; flicks;gestures;flik;filcks;penflick;
25313sensorli;kursor;barmoq;izlari;ko‘rsatkich;sichqoncha;touch;pointer;finger;pointing;cursor;mouse; touch;pointer;finger;pointing;cursor;mouse;
25315matn;so‘zlar;menyular;dialoglar;tugmalar;belgilar;yozish;interfeys;tili;text;words;menus;dialogs;buttons;labels;writing;ui;language; text;words;menus;dialogs;buttons;labels;writing;ui;language;
25316sekin;sekinroq;tezroq;to‘xtatilgan;sekinlashish;sekinlashmoq;rivojlantirish;nofaol;optimallashtirish;ijro;tezroq;sekinroq;tezlik;shataklamoq;juda;sekin;javob;bermayapti;crawl;degrade;faster;frozen;hanging;hung;improve;inactive;optimize;performance;quicker;sluggish;speed;thrashing;too;slow;unresponsive; crawl;degrade;faster;frozen;hanging;hung;improve;inactive;optimize;performance;quicker;sluggish;speed;thrashing;too;slow;unresponsive;
25318balans;karta;effekt;kodlash;bo‘linma;daraja;chizg‘ich;;mikrofon;ko‘p kanalli;tovushlar;dinamik;sabvufer;hajmli;HDMI;spdif;audio;balance;card;effect;encoding;jack;level;line;microphone;mono;multichannel;multi-channel;port;sound;speaker;stereo;subwoofer;surround; audio;balance;card;effect;encoding;jack;level;line;microphone;mono;multichannel;multi-channel;port;sound;speaker;stereo;subwoofer;surround;
25319drayverlar;drivers; drivers;
25322gajet;gajetlar;mini-qo‘llanma;mini-ko‘llanmalar;vidjetlar;gadgets;widgets; gadgets;widgets;
25324nuqta;dyumga;piksellar;baland;dots;per;inch;dpi;pixels;high; dots;per;inch;dpi;pixels;high;
25325locker;bitlocker;cryptology;decrypt;encode;encryption;device encryption; locker;bitlocker;cryptology;decrypt;encode;encryption;device encryption;
25326qo‘shimcha;ekran;displey;auxiliary;display;show;sideshow; auxiliary;display;show;sideshow;
25327jarayon;jarayonlar;proceses;processes; proceses;processes;
25329tashhis;tashxis;diagnostika;topmoq;muammolar;tahlil;tahlil qilmoq;taxlil;nosozliklarni;bartaraf etish;xatolar;diagnose;diagnostics;diagnosis;find;problems;analyse;analyze;analysis;troubleshooter;errors; diagnose;diagnostics;diagnosis;find;problems;analyse;analyze;analysis;troubleshooter;errors;
25331solishtirish;slishtiruv;assosatsiya;kengaytmalar;kengaytma;fayl;turi;faylturi;ochmoq;yordamida;associate;association;associations;extensions;extentions;type;filetype;open;with; associate;association;associations;extensions;extentions;type;filetype;open;with;
25332kanal;agregator;rss;feed;aggregator;csrss; rss;feed;aggregator;csrss;
25333avtomatik;yakunlash;avtomatik;ravishda;yakunlamoq;tugatmoq;avtomatik;tugatish;to‘ldirish;avtomatik;to‘ldirish;autocomplete;complete;completion;finish;autofinish;fill;autofill; autocomplete;complete;completion;finish;autofinish;fill;autofill;
25334dasturlarni;va;qo‘shmoq;yoki;olibtashlamoq;add;or;remove;programs;and;arp; add;or;remove;programs;and;arp;
25336ta’minotchi;qidirish;xizmati;qidirish;provider;engine;searching; provider;engine;searching;
25337ilovalar;ilovali;ko‘rib;chiqish;tezkor;tabs;tabbed;browsing;quick; tabs;tabbed;browsing;quick;
25338bo‘sh;cdlar;kengaytirilgan;jamlovchi;audio;blank;ray;blue-ray;blu-ray;cd-rom;cds;dvd;enhanced;HD;media;super;video; audio;blank;ray;blue-ray;blu-ray;cd-rom;cds;dvd;enhanced;HD;media;super;video;
25339qo‘shimcha;boshqa;yaratmoq;ko‘pgina;ko‘proq;bir;nechta;ko‘paytirmoq;additional;another;create;many;more;mutliple; additional;another;create;many;more;mutliple;
25340avvalgi;eski;o‘rnatilgan;avvaldan;avval;previous;old;installed;already;previously; previous;old;installed;already;previously;
25342qo‘llanmalar;mosligi;mos;moslik;mos;keluvchi;avvalgidek;foydalanmoq;apcompat;appcompat;compatable;compatibility;compatible;still;use; apcompat;appcompat;compatable;compatibility;compatible;still;use;
25343kalibrlamoq;kalibrlash;calibrate;calibration; calibrate;calibration;
25344tartibli;tartib bilan;aniq;aniqlik;to‘g‘ri;xatolar;accuracy;accurately;precise;precision;correct;mistakes; accuracy;accurately;precise;precision;correct;mistakes;
25345planshet;shk;tablets;pc tablets;pc
25347hisob;qaydnomalari;ko‘tarilish;so‘rovlar;so‘ro;berish;xavfsizlik;ogohlantirishlar;ma’mur;huquqlar;huquqlari;ruxsatnomalar;foydalanuvchilar;hisob;qaydnomalari;nazoratlari;mamur;dialoglar;qalqib;chiquvchi;oyna;credentials;elevations;LUA;prompts;prompting;security;warnings;UAC;administrator;rights;privileges;permissions;users;accounts;controls;administrater;dialogs;popups; credentials;elevations;LUA;prompts;prompting;security;warnings;UAC;administrator;rights;privileges;permissions;users;accounts;controls;administrater;dialogs;popups;
25348modem; modem;
25351broken;doesn't;not;working;problems;won't; broken;doesn't;not;working;problems;won't;
25353avtomatik;taym-aut;vaqt;davomiyligi;taym-aut;taymer;vaqt;taymeri;auto;out;period;timeout;timer;timing; auto;out;period;timeout;timer;timing;
25357absolute;colorimetric;gamut;mapping;graphics;images;perceptual;proofing;relative;rendering;rgb;sRGB; absolute;colorimetric;gamut;mapping;graphics;images;perceptual;proofing;relative;rendering;rgb;sRGB;
25358avtomatik;ishga;tushish;ishga;tushirmoq;boshlamoq;avtomatik;o‘ynamoq;avtomatik;ishga;tushirish;avtomatik;ravishda;boshlamoq;avtomatik;boshlash;play;run;start;autoplay;auto-play;autorun;auto-run;autostart;auto-start; play;run;start;autoplay;auto-play;autorun;auto-run;autostart;auto-start;
25362domyen;domin;domain;domian; domain;domian;
25363guruh;ishchi;guruh;group;workgroup; group;workgroup;
25364sertifikatlar;kalitlar;imzolar;imzolangan;certificates;keys;signatures;signed; certificates;keys;signatures;signed;
25365ustqurmalar;kengaytma;activex;ons;add-ons;extension; activex;ons;add-ons;extension;
25367soni;miqdori;bir;nechta;bir;qancha;qancha;amount;of;many;much;howmuch; amount;of;many;much;howmuch;
25369bayonnomalar;protocols; protocols;
25371taklifnomalar;taklif;taklif;qilish;yubormoq;invitations;invite;inviting;send; invitations;invite;inviting;send;
25372imkoniyatlar;funksiyalar;ko‘proq;keyingi;versiya;features;get;more;next;version;vista;home;business;premium;ultimate;starter; features;get;more;next;version;vista;home;business;premium;ultimate;starter;
25373taqqoslamoq;taqqoslash;parallel;compare;comparison;side-by-side; compare;comparison;side-by-side;
25374muhit;o‘zgaruvchilar;yo‘l;environment;variables;path;envvar; environment;variables;path;envvar;
25375tooth;bluetooth;blutooth; tooth;bluetooth;blutooth;
25377vazifalar;menejeri;mnjr;topshiqiriq;mnjr;ilova;topshiqir;mnjri;yopmoq;task manager;mgr;manager;taskmgr;view;task;application;taskman;end task;close; task manager;mgr;manager;taskmgr;view;task;application;taskman;end task;close;
25378foydalanuvchilar;users; users;
25379ishlatish;foydalanish;foydalanilgan;used;using; used;using;
25380musiqa;asbobi;raqali;interfeys;midi;musical;instrument;digital;interface; midi;musical;instrument;digital;interface;
25381o‘rnatishni;bekor;qilmoq;olib;tashlash;olib;tashlaydi;olib;tashlamoq;deinstall;uninstalled;uninstalling;uninstalls;unistall; deinstall;uninstalled;uninstalling;uninstalls;unistall;
25383kartalar;videokartalar;videofayllar;cards;videocards;videos; cards;videocards;videos;
25385avvalroq;eskiroq;earlier;older; earlier;older;
25386olish;qabul;qilish;olmoq;gets;getting;get-verb; gets;getting;get-verb;
25387eshitilmayapti;ovoz;yo‘q;ovoz;o‘chirilgan;juda;past;not;hear;can't;sound;volume;is;off;too;low; not;hear;can't;sound;volume;is;off;too;low;
25390fdisc;fdisk; fdisc;fdisk;
25391meniki;mening;mine;my; mine;my;
25392boshqaruv;boshqariv;management;managment; management;managment;
25398siyosat;siyosatchilar;policies;policys; policies;policys;
25399iscsi;scsi; iscsi;scsi;
25400ombor;storage; storage;
25401apparat;asosiy;qurilma;ware;hardware-general; ware;hardware-general;
25403discovrey;discovery;networkdiscovery; discovrey;discovery;networkdiscovery;
25404qidirish;xulqi;search;behavior; search;behavior;
25405qidirish;opsiyalari;search;options; search;options;
25406tashqi;alohida;aloxida;external;separate;seperate; external;separate;seperate;
25410homegroup;group;with;to;printers;networking;media;streaming;public;folder;password homegroup;group;with;to;printers;networking;media;streaming;public;folder;password
25413ulanish;ishchi;soha;RemoteApp;Desktop;RemoteDesktop;Connection;work; RemoteApp;Desktop;RemoteDesktop;Connection;work;
25414passkey;password;passphrase passkey;password;passphrase
25415sozlash;tyuner;sozlamalar;kontrastlik;matn;tekislash;filtrlash;chaplangan;notekis;type;cleartype;tuning;tuner;settings;contrast;gamma;text;aliasing;anti-aliasing;filtering;blurry;fuzzy; type;cleartype;tuning;tuner;settings;contrast;gamma;text;aliasing;anti-aliasing;filtering;blurry;fuzzy;
25416tipografiya;o‘qish;o‘qish;imkoniyati;osonroq;oson;shrift;aniqlik;rang;ran;yoqmoq;tagqurma;garnitur;matn;o‘lcham;dyum;tushinarli;tushunarli;typography;reading;readability;easier;to;easy;font;clarity;color;colour;enable;cleartype;tweak;typeface;text;size;ppi;legible;legibility; typography;reading;readability;easier;to;easy;font;clarity;color;colour;enable;cleartype;tweak;typeface;text;size;ppi;legible;legibility;
25417stream;media;library;options;with;to;mediasharing;mediastreaming;sharemedia;internetsharing; stream;media;library;options;with;to;mediasharing;mediastreaming;sharemedia;internetsharing;
25423rejalar;tanlamoq;tanlamoq;quvvat;chizma;balanslangan;tejovchi;o‘zgartirmoq;plans;choose;select;power;scheme;balanced;saver;change; plans;choose;select;power;scheme;balanced;saver;change;
25425sozlamalarni;o‘zgartirish;change;settings change;settings
25429sensors;senser; sensors;senser;
25431joylashtirish;tizimlar;gps;global;positioning;systems; gps;global;positioning;systems;
25432ambient;lighting;changes; ambient;lighting;changes;
25433shaxsiy;ma’lumotlar;shahsiy;xususiy;informatsiya;personal;information;persenal;private;informatien; personal;information;persenal;private;informatien;
25434position;positian;new; position;positian;new;
25435tarmoq;ulanishlar;tarmaq;ulnish;network;connections;netwerk;conection; network;connections;netwerk;conection;
25436sensor;definition;what;is;a; sensor;definition;what;is;a;
25437ko‘chish;ko‘chirish;ko‘chki;harakat;movement;movment;movemnet;motion; movement;movment;movemnet;motion;
25438detection;detecting;changes; detection;detecting;changes;
25439drop; drop;
25440joylashishlar;o‘zgartirmoq;boshqa;locations;change;another; locations;change;another;
25441sukut;bo‘yicha;sukutiy;joylashish;default;defualt;location; default;defualt;location;
25442joylashishlar;joylashuvi;geographic;locations;geografic;geografic;geografik; geographic;locations;geografic;geografic;geografik;
25444uzunlik;kenglik;koordinatalari;latitude;laditude;longitude;longetude; latitude;laditude;longitude;longetude;
25445manzil;manzillar;address;adress; address;adress;
25446davlat;mamlakat;country;contry; country;contry;
25447shahar;city; city;
25448oriyentatsiya;oriyentatsiya;orientation;orientatien;orientation;orientatian; orientation;orientatien;orientation;orientatian;
25449shtat;viloyat;tuman;state; state;
25450passwords;web;stored;automatic;logon;credentials;network; passwords;web;stored;automatic;logon;credentials;network;
25452tuzatmoq;sozlamoq;nosozlik;samaradorlikni;pasaytirish;ta’mirlash;xizmati;yangilanishlar;yechimlar;muammolar;hisobotlar;fix;repair;crash;hang;performance;maintenance;maintain;solutions;problems;reports;and; fix;repair;crash;hang;performance;maintenance;maintain;solutions;problems;reports;and;
25453xavfsizlik;markazi;brandamauer;zararli;dasturlar;ogohlantirish;nosozlik;josus;yangilanishlar;troyan;security;center;firewall;malware;virus;warning;windows;crash;antivirus;anti-virus;spyware;worm;trojan; security;center;firewall;malware;virus;warning;windows;crash;antivirus;anti-virus;spyware;worm;trojan;
25454yaxshilash;tavsiya etilgan;rivojlantirish;maxfiylik;kelishuvi;ishtirok;etish;rad;etish;CEIP;reccomended;reccommended;recomended;recommended;improve;Windows;privacy;optin;optout;opt-in;opt-out; CEIP;reccomended;reccommended;recomended;recommended;improve;Windows;privacy;optin;optout;opt-in;opt-out;
25455sozlamoq;muammo;xato;nosozlik;sekinlashish;yechim;repair;problem;error;crash;hang;solution; repair;problem;error;crash;hang;solution;
25456sozlamoq;tuzatmoq;xato;ogohlantirish;signal;nosozlik;nosozliklarni;bartaraf;etish;diagnostika;hisobotlar;diagnoslar;qalqib chiquvchi;ogohlantirish;eslatma;samaradorlik;ta’mirlash;xizmati;qayta o‘rnatish;tiklash;tiklash;shk;tizim;josus dasturlar;tarmoqlash;ulanish;ulanuvchanlik;yangilashlar;yechim;fix;repair;error;warning;alert;windows;crash;hang;troubleshoot;diagnose;reports;diagnostic;diagnosis;balloon;reminder;performance;maintenance;maintain;reinstall;recovery;restore;cpc;completepc;pc;system;antivirus;anti-virus;spyware;networking;connection;connectivity;solution; fix;repair;error;warning;alert;windows;crash;hang;troubleshoot;diagnose;reports;diagnostic;diagnosis;balloon;reminder;performance;maintenance;maintain;reinstall;recovery;restore;cpc;completepc;pc;system;antivirus;anti-virus;spyware;networking;connection;connectivity;solution;
25457ogohlantirish;hisobot;bildirishnoma;nosozlik;sekinlashish;ogohlntirishlar;qalqibchiquvchi:xabarnomalar;yechim;warning;report;alert;windows;crash;hang;balloon;reminder;solution; warning;report;alert;windows;crash;hang;balloon;reminder;solution;
25459tiklash;tiklamoq;qayta;o‘rnatish;qaytao‘rnatmoq;ishlab chiqaruvchi;obraz;takroriy;o‘rnatish;yangilash;tiklashholat;tashlash;tozalash;ta’mirlashbartaraf etish,ShK;kompyuter;yangilamoq;o‘chirmoq;formatlamoq;recovery;recover;reinstall;factory;re-image;reimage;re-install;repair;restore;reinstate;reset;wipe;rollback;fix;troubleshoot;pc;refresh;erase;format; recovery;recover;reinstall;factory;re-image;reimage;re-install;repair;restore;reinstate;reset;wipe;rollback;fix;troubleshoot;pc;refresh;erase;format;
25463recover;deleted;files;restore;get;lost;missing;rescue;retrieve;return;past;previous;protected;time;back;version; recover;deleted;files;restore;get;lost;missing;rescue;retrieve;return;past;previous;protected;time;back;version;
25464locations;networks; locations;networks;
25466ishonchli;muammo;jurnal;tizim;stabillik;indeks;reliability;monitor;problem;history;system;stability;index; reliability;monitor;problem;history;system;stability;index;
25467server; server;
25468vault;locker; vault;locker;
25469internet;wireless;ethernet;packet;dhcp;tcp/ip;protocol;nic;cable;certificate; internet;wireless;ethernet;packet;dhcp;tcp/ip;protocol;nic;cable;certificate;
25470print;paper;ink;toner;laser;bubble;jet;cartridge; print;paper;ink;toner;laser;bubble;jet;cartridge;
25473Playing;sound;volume;audible;speaker;headphone;stereo;listen;hear;output;MP3;player; Playing;sound;volume;audible;speaker;headphone;stereo;listen;hear;output;MP3;player;
25474Capture;sample;mix;level;input;sound;audible;volume;stereo;tape;microphone;mike; Capture;sample;mix;level;input;sound;audible;volume;stereo;tape;microphone;mike;
25476maintain;defrag;optimize;performance; maintain;defrag;optimize;performance;
25477recorder;screen;problem;capture;snipping;psr; recorder;screen;problem;capture;snipping;psr;
25478reproduce; reproduce;
25480pero;pen; pen;
25481sensorli;touch; touch;
25482xabarlar;xabar;messages;mesages; messages;mesages;
25483ishga;tushirish;tezkor;ishga;tushirish;soha;vazifalar;paneli;vazifa;paneli;panellar;asboblar;paneli;launch;quicklaunch;quiklaunch;tray;taskbar;task-bar;bars;toolbars;pin; launch;quicklaunch;quiklaunch;tray;taskbar;task-bar;bars;toolbars;pin;
25484bog‘lash;ulash;ulanish;tortib;o‘tkazmoq;ko‘prik;tomonlar;yuqori;ekran;o‘lchami;o‘lchamni;o‘zgartirmoq;kengaytirmoq;tiklamoq;o‘ramoq;snapping;shake;shaking;dock;drag;edge;sides;top;screen;size;resize;maximize;restore;minimize; snapping;shake;shaking;dock;drag;edge;sides;top;screen;size;resize;maximize;restore;minimize;
25485bildirishnomalar;bildirish;bildirilgan;notifications;notifying;notified; notifications;notifying;notified;
25486nosozliklarni;yartaraf;etish;jurnal;uammo;troubleshooting;history;problem; troubleshooting;history;problem;
25487o‘zgartirmoq;o‘zgartirish;qurilmalar;o‘rnatish;o‘rnatish;paramerlari;drayverlar;qurilma;yangilanishlar;ichki;tashqi;ulanishlar;metama’lumot;ma’lumot;ikonachalar;bosqich;yulab;olishlar;yuklanmoqda;onlayn;tuzatish;ishlash;mening;qidirish;topish;olish;emas;uchun;yangiroq;change;changing;devices;installation;installing;settings;hardware;drivers;windows;in;out;optin;opt-in;optout;opt-out;metadata;data;icons;stage;downloads;downloading;online;fixing;working;my;searching;finding;getting;doesn't;not;for;newer; change;changing;devices;installation;installing;settings;hardware;drivers;windows;in;out;optin;opt-in;optout;opt-out;metadata;data;icons;stage;downloads;downloading;online;fixing;working;my;searching;finding;getting;doesn't;not;for;newer;
25488homegroup;group; homegroup;group;
25490yechimlar;mavjudligi;tekshirish;muammolar;hisobotlar;va;sozlangan;sozlaydi;sozlash;xatolar;nosozliklar;xatoliklar;teskari;aloqa;hisobot;tayyorlash;ekran;moviy ekran;nosozlik;qotib;qolish;ishlamayotgan;check;for;new;solutions;problems;reports;and;fixed;fixes;fixing;bugs;crashes;errors;feedback;reporting;wer;windows;screen;bluescreen;crashing;freezes;freezing;frozen;up;hanging;not;working; check;for;new;solutions;problems;reports;and;fixed;fixes;fixing;bugs;crashes;errors;feedback;reporting;wer;windows;screen;bluescreen;crashing;freezes;freezing;frozen;up;hanging;not;working;
25491tahlil;javoblar;yechimlar;aylanib;o‘tishlar;tekshirish;qidirish;skanerlash;tasdiqlash;analysis;answers;solutions;arounds;workarounds;checking;look;for;scanning;verify; analysis;answers;solutions;arounds;workarounds;checking;look;for;scanning;verify;
25492yuklash;yangilashlar;ko‘rib;chiqish;yechimlar;drayverlar;olmoq;yo‘riqnoma;tavsiyanomalar;xabarlar;download;view;solutions;drivers;get;instructions;recommendations;messages; download;view;solutions;drivers;get;instructions;recommendations;messages;
25493ko‘rib;chiqish;yechimlar;muammolarga;view;solutions;to;problems; view;solutions;to;problems;
25496ko‘rib;chiqmoq;arxivlangan;xabarlar;tahlil;javoblar;aylanib;o‘tishlar;yechimlar;view;archived;messages;analysis;answers;arounds;workarounds;solutions; view;archived;messages;analysis;answers;arounds;workarounds;solutions;
25497hisobotlar;ariza;maykrosoft;yubormoq;yuborilgan;tozalamoq;muammolar;yo‘q;qilmoq;yechimlar;jurnal;va;o‘chirmoq;ko‘rib;chiqmoq;barchasini;reports;tell;microsoft;send;sent;clear;problems;delete;solutions;history;and;erase;view;all; reports;tell;microsoft;send;sent;clear;problems;delete;solutions;history;and;erase;view;all;
25503yaqin;maydon;harakat;o‘zaroaloqa;simsiz;yaqinlik;tegish va yuborish;nfp;near;field;feild;proximity;prosimity;proxymity;tap and send nfp;near;field;feild;proximity;prosimity;proxymity;tap and send
25504archive;collection;files;keep;safe;personal;retain;save;library;history; archive;collection;files;keep;safe;personal;retain;save;library;history;
25505associate;exclude;migrate;move;reconnect;recommend;retention;settings;store; associate;exclude;migrate;move;reconnect;recommend;retention;settings;store;
2550616-bitli;eski;emulyatsiya;16;bit;16-bit;legacy;old;dos;win31;emulation;ntvdm; 16;bit;16-bit;legacy;old;dos;win31;emulation;ntvdm;
25507Qayat yuklab;Xavfsizlik;Reset;Security;Exchange;ActiveSync Reset;Security;Exchange;ActiveSync
25508smart;screen;smartscreen;internet; smart;screen;smartscreen;internet;
25509ochadi;ochish;ochilgan;opens;opening;opened; opens;opening;opened;
25510havolalar;links; links;
25511spaces;storage-spaces;mirror;mirror-space;resilient;resilient-space; spaces;storage-spaces;mirror;mirror-space;resilient;resilient-space;
25512ftosuratlar;importi;ulanish;kamera;olinadigan;jamlovchi;tayyorlov;import;photo;connection;camera;flash;removable;storage;stage; import;photo;connection;camera;flash;removable;storage;stage;
25513wireless;LAN;wifi;Wi-Fi;WLAN; wireless;LAN;wifi;Wi-Fi;WLAN;
25514all;wireless;on;off;plane;flight;radio;airplane;connection; all;wireless;on;off;plane;flight;radio;airplane;connection;
25515DA;direct;access;directaccess DA;direct;access;directaccess
25516mobile;broadband;2G;2.5G;3G;3.5G;4G;LTE;CDMA;GSM;wireless;cellphone;mbb;telco;carrier; mobile;broadband;2G;2.5G;3G;3.5G;4G;LTE;CDMA;GSM;wireless;cellphone;mbb;telco;carrier;
25517sertifikat;kalit;certificate;key certificate;key
25518sozlamalar;yaponcha;msime;ime;settings;japanese; msime;ime;settings;japanese;
25519sozlamalar;pin-in;msime;ime;settings;pinyin;mspy; msime;ime;settings;pinyin;mspy;
25520sozlamalar;fonetik;msime;ime;settings;phonetic; msime;ime;settings;phonetic;
25521sozlamalar;msime;ime;settings;changjie; msime;ime;settings;changjie;
25522sozlamalar;tez;msime;ime;settings;quick; msime;ime;settings;quick;
25523yaponcha;msime;ime;register;word;japanese; msime;ime;register;word;japanese;
25525shaxsiy;belgilar;tahrirchi;eudcedit.exe;private;character;editor; eudcedit.exe;private;character;editor;
25527plitkalar;tiles; tiles;
25528har doim;always;in; always;in;
25529tanlash;qaror qilmoq;let;decide; let;decide;
25530windows;anytime;upgrade;media;center;play;dvd;watch;tv;television;record; windows;anytime;upgrade;media;center;play;dvd;watch;tv;television;record;
25531ish;ishchi-jildlar;ishhci-fayllar;kompaniya-jildlar;kompaniya-fayllar;sinxronlash-markaz;sinxronlash;work;work-folders;work-files;company-folders;company-files;sync-center;synchronize; work;work-folders;work-files;company-folders;company-files;sync-center;synchronize;
25672Joylashuv sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change location settings
25673Windows SideShow bilan mos keluvchi qurilmalar (Windows SideShow-compatible device) sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change Windows SideShow-compatible device settings
25674Windows SideShow mini-qo‘llanmalari tartibini o‘zgartirish Change the order of Windows SideShow gadgets
25675Windows SideShow sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change Windows SideShow settings
25677Kompyuter holatini tekshirish Review your computer's status
25678Kompyuterning tipik muammolarini bartaraf etish Troubleshoot common computer problems
25682Monitor ranglarini kalibrlash Calibrate display color
25683ClearType matnni to‘g‘rilash Adjust ClearType text
25684Ko‘p sensorli imo-ishoralar sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish Change multi-touch gesture settings
25685Oynalarni avtomatik tarzda tartiblash funksiyasini o‘chirish Turn off automatic window arrangement
25686Sichqoncha Mouse
25952jurnal;kuzatish;kesh;maxfiylik;kiritish;ogohlantiruvchi;avto-to‘ldirish;takliflar;history;tracking;cache;privacy;type;ahead;autocomplete;suggestions; history;tracking;cache;privacy;type;ahead;autocomplete;suggestions;
25953tozalamoq;tozalash;yo‘qqilmoq;yo‘qqilish,olibtashlamoq;rolibtashlash;o‘chirish;yo‘qotish;clear;clean;delete;deleting;get;rid;of;remove;removing;erase;wipe clear;clean;delete;deleting;get;rid;of;remove;removing;erase;wipe
25954soha;sohalar;oyna;ro‘yxat;panel;quti;ilova;scope;scopes;window;list;bar;box;tab; scope;scopes;window;list;bar;box;tab;
25955tez-tez;ko‘p;ko‘proq;odatiy;ommabop;foydalanish;doimo;maxfiylik;ommabop;frequently;most;lot;usually;MFU;usage;often;privacy;top; frequently;most;lot;usually;MFU;usage;often;privacy;top;
25956yashirish;o‘zgartirish;sozlamalar;ko‘rinadigan;ko‘rsatish;tanlaish;tanlash;tanlangan;tanlovlar;yashirin;yo‘qolish;tanlaish;tanlash;ko‘rsatish;koribchiqish;ko‘rish;hide;change;settings;visible;show;choose;choosing;picked;picks;hidden;disappear;select;pick;display;view;see; hide;change;settings;visible;show;choose;choosing;picked;picks;hidden;disappear;select;pick;display;view;see;
25957yoqmoq;boshlamoq;bloklamoq;blokdan;chiqarmoq;ruxsat;bermoq;oldini;olmoq;3-;tomon;yoq;o‘ch;yangilamoq;yangilashlar;ko‘rsatish;yashirish;kechitirmoq;enable;start;block;unblock;restrict;allow;prevent;3rd;party;third-party;on;off;update;updates;show;hide;snooze; enable;start;block;unblock;restrict;allow;prevent;3rd;party;third-party;on;off;update;updates;show;hide;snooze;
25958sozlamalar;yozish;kuzatish;eslabqolish;saqlash;saqlash;settings;record;track;remember;save;keep;store; settings;record;track;remember;save;keep;store;
25959bloklash ekrani;xabarnoma;ekran;indikator;holat;lock screen;notification;screen;badge;status; lock screen;notification;screen;badge;status;
25960urg‘u berilgan;rang;accent;color; accent;color;
25961foydalanuvchi mozaikasi;user tile; user tile;
25981barchasi;simsiz;yoq;o‘ch;samolyot;uchish;ulanish;all;wireless;on;off;plane;flight;radio;airplane;connection; all;wireless;on;off;plane;flight;radio;airplane;connection;
25982mobil;efir;simsiz;uyali;tashuvchi;mobile;broadband;2G;2.5G;3G;3.5G;4G;LTE;CDMA;GSM;wireless;cellphone;mbb;telco;carrier; mobile;broadband;2G;2.5G;3G;3.5G;4G;LTE;CDMA;GSM;wireless;cellphone;mbb;telco;carrier;
25983simsiz;tarmoq;wireless;LAN;wifi;Wi-Fi;WLAN; wireless;LAN;wifi;Wi-Fi;WLAN;
25984yaqin;maydon;kommunikatsiya;yaqinlik;sonsori;tegish va yuborish;near;field;nearfield;communication;proximity;NFC;tap and send near;field;nearfield;communication;proximity;NFC;tap and send
25985mobil;kengyo‘lakli;tashuvchi;obunachi;simsiz;uyalitelefon;mobile;broadband;carrier;telco;IMSI;subscriber;radio;IMEI;2G;3G;4G;LTE;CDMA;GSM;wireless;cellphone;mbb; mobile;broadband;carrier;telco;IMSI;subscriber;radio;IMEI;2G;3G;4G;LTE;CDMA;GSM;wireless;cellphone;mbb;
25986qalin;qalinroq;qalinligi;miltillash;kursor;o‘lcham;thick;thicker;thickness;blinking;cursor;pointer;size; thick;thicker;thickness;blinking;cursor;pointer;size;
25988joylashish;kompas;location;glonass;compass;gnss;galileo;geo; location;glonass;compass;gnss;galileo;geo;
25989taxmin;taxminiy;to‘ldirish;avto-to‘ldirish;matn;tuzatmoq;avto-tuzatish;tuzatuvchi;predict;predictive;prediction;complete;autocomplete;text;txt;correct;autocorrect;auto-correct;corrective; predict;predictive;prediction;complete;autocomplete;text;txt;correct;autocorrect;auto-correct;corrective;
25990nuqta;tegish;ikkimarta-tegish;bo‘shliq;gap;period;fullstop;stop;tap;double-tap;space;spacebar;sentence; period;fullstop;stop;tap;double-tap;space;spacebar;sentence;
25991kattaharflar;kattaharfdayozish;registr;gap;harf;nuqta;bo‘shliq;capital;caps;capitalize;uppercase;case;sentence;letter;shift;autoshift;period;fullstop;stop;space;spacebar;sentence; capital;caps;capitalize;uppercase;case;sentence;letter;shift;autoshift;period;fullstop;stop;space;spacebar;sentence;
25992tegish;ikkimarta-tegish;bloklash;kattaharflar;tap;double-tap;shift;lock;shiftlock;caps;capslock; tap;double-tap;shift;lock;shiftlock;caps;capslock;
25993chertmoq;chertishlar;tegishlar;tegmoq;tegish;belgilamoq;belgilash;click;clicks;taps;tap;tapping;tick;ticking; click;clicks;taps;tap;tapping;tick;ticking;
25994to‘g‘rilamoq;avto-to‘g‘rilamoq;tuzatuvchi;taxmin;taxminiy;yakunlamoq;avto-yakunlamoq;matn;orfografiya;orfografikxato;correct;autocorrect;auto-correct;corrective;predict;predictive;prediction;complete;autocomplete;text;txt;spell;spelling;spelt;misspelt;misspelled;mispelt;mispelled; correct;autocorrect;auto-correct;corrective;predict;predictive;prediction;complete;autocomplete;text;txt;spell;spelling;spelt;misspelt;misspelled;mispelt;mispelled;
25995qizil;to‘lqinsimon;chiziq;red;squiggle;squiggly;line; red;squiggle;squiggly;line;
25996tarifrejasi;tarif;narx;tarmoq;ma’lumotlar;reja;metered;meter;cost;network;data;plan metered;meter;cost;network;data;plan
25997windows;live;id;liveid windows;live;id;liveid
25998trubka;trubkalar;telefon;uyalitelefon;mobiltelefon;dinamiklar;quloqkarnayi;quloqkarnaylari;handset;handsets;phone;cellphone;cell;speakers;headset;headsets handset;handsets;phone;cellphone;cell;speakers;headset;headsets
25999televideniye;TV;television TV;television
26000multimedia;pleyer;ijrochi;ombor;DLNA;media;player;storage;NAS DLNA;media;player;storage;NAS
26001tarmoq;tarmoqlar;network;networking;networks network;networking;networks
26002pair;pairs;associate;associates;add;adds;connects;connect;setup;playto;play pair;pairs;associate;associates;add;adds;connects;connect;setup;playto;play
26003boot;start;startup;on;turn;safe;mode; boot;start;startup;on;turn;safe;mode;
26004firmware;uefi;bios;driver;signing firmware;uefi;bios;driver;signing
26005sinch;syncing;synchronize;synchronise;synk;syncronize;synchronization;roaming;settings; sinch;syncing;synchronize;synchronise;synk;syncronize;synchronization;roaming;settings;
26006log in;login;log on;logon;sign in;signin;sign-in;sign on;signon;sign-on; log in;login;log on;logon;sign in;signin;sign-in;sign on;signon;sign-on;
26007log off;logoff;sign out;signout;sign off;signoff;logout;log out; log off;logoff;sign out;signout;sign off;signoff;logout;log out;
26008email;e-mail;address; email;e-mail;address;
26009switch;connect; switch;connect;
26010PIN;pattern;code; PIN;pattern;code;
26011ko‘k ekran;muammo;drayver yomon;drayverlar;xatoliklarni tekshirish;kamchilik;blueScreen;bluescreen issues;bluescreen;bad driver;drivers;blue screen;bug check blueScreen;bluescreen issues;bluescreen;bad driver;drivers;blue screen;bug check
26012Windowsni yangilash;yangilab bo‘lmayapti;Windowsni yangilash muammosi;Windowsni yangilashga oid muammolar;Windowsni yangilash bilan bog‘liq muammolar;o‘rnatib bo‘lmayapti;yangilanishni o‘rnatib bo‘lmayapti;Windowsni yangilashda xato;WU xatosi;Windows Update;Cannot update;issues with Windows Update;Windows Update Issues;WU;Update fails;Cant install update;Windows update error;WU error Windows Update;Cannot update;issues with Windows Update;Windows Update Issues;WU;Update fails;Cant install update;Windows update error;WU error
26013matn kiritish usuli muharriri;osiyo tillarida matn kiritish;yapon tilida matn kiritish;klaviatura;matn kiritish;input method editor;asian input;japanese input;ime;keyboard;input input method editor;asian input;japanese input;ime;keyboard;input
28682Windows formatlashni yakunlay olmadi. Windows was unable to complete the format.
28683The file system is incompatible with this disk. The file system is incompatible with this disk.
28684Ushbu operatsiyani bajarish uchun yetarli huquqingiz mavjud emas. You do not have sufficient rights to perform this operation.
28685Disk yozishdan himoyalangan. The disk is write protected.
28686Windows ushbu diskni formatlay olmaydi. Ushbu diskovodni foydalanayotgan boshqa barcha dasturlarni tugating va hech bir oyna uning tarkibini ko‘rsatmayotganligiga ishonch hosil qiling. Keyin qaytadan formatlashga harakat qiling. Windows cannot format this drive. Quit any disk utilities or other programs that are using this drive, and make sure that no window is displaying the contents of the drive. Then try formatting again.
28687Ushbu diskka tezkor formatlashni qo‘llash mumkin emas. This disk cannot be quick formatted.
28688An unexpected I/O error has occurred. An unexpected I/O error has occurred.
28689Tom belgisi to‘g‘ri emas. Iltimos, to‘g‘ri tom belgisini kiriting. The volume label is not valid. Please enter a valid volume label.
28690The drive media is not compatible with this device. The drive media is not compatible with this device.
28691Formatlash yakunlandi. Format Complete.
28692Formatlashni to‘xtatish mumkin emas. Formatlashni to‘xtatishga yana urinib ko‘rish uchun "Qayta urinib ko‘rmoq" tugmasini bosing.
Hozir to‘xtatish uchun esa "Bekor qilmoq" tugmasini bosing.
The format could not be interrupted. To attempt to quit formatting again, click Retry.
To quit immediately, click Cancel.
28693The format was cancelled. The format was cancelled.
28694Diqqat: Formatlash ushbu diskdagi barcha ma’lumotlarni o‘chirib yuboradi.
Diskni formatlash uchun "Ha" tugmasini bosing. To‘xtatish uchun esa "Bekor qilmoq" tugmasini bosing.
WARNING: Formatting will erase ALL data on this disk.
To format the disk, click OK. To quit, click CANCEL.
28695Ushbu tomni formatlash mumkin emas You cannot format this volume
28696Windows could not create a MS-DOS startup disk on this disk.
Please check that the disk is not write-protected or try another disk.
Windows could not create a MS-DOS startup disk on this disk.
Please check that the disk is not write-protected or try another disk.
28697Diskovodda noto‘g‘ri disk.
%2 diskovodga to‘g‘ri disk qo‘ying.
The wrong diskette is in the drive.
Insert correct diskette into drive %2.
28698U Siz foydalanayotgan Windows versiyasidan tashkil topgan. Ushbu tomni formatlash kompyuteringizning ishi to‘xtalishiga olib kelishi mumkin. Diskovod va disklarni formatlash haqidagi savol-javoblar It contains the version of Windows that you are using. Formatting this volume could cause your computer to stop working. Formatting disks and drives FAQ
28701Ushbu drayver foydalanilmoqda. Boshqa dastur yoki jarayon undan foydalanmoqda. Uni har qanday vaziyatda formatlashni istaysizmi? This drive is in use. Another program or process is using this drive. Do you want to format it anyway?
28702Format Drive Format Drive
28703Formatlash uzoq vaqt davom etishi mumkin. Formatlash yakunlanmagunga qadar Siz kompyuterni o‘chirmasligingiz kerak.
Ushbu formatda davom ettirishni istaysizmi?
The format might take a long time. You should not shut down the computer until the format is complete.
Do you want to continue with this format?
287055.25", 160KB, 512 bytes/sector 5.25", 160KB, 512 bytes/sector
287065.25", 180KB, 512 bytes/sector 5.25", 180KB, 512 bytes/sector
287075.25", 320KB, 512 bytes/sector 5.25", 320KB, 512 bytes/sector
287085.25", 320KB, 1024 bytes/sector 5.25", 320KB, 1024 bytes/sector
287095.25", 360KB, 512 bytes/sector 5.25", 360KB, 512 bytes/sector
287103.5", 720KB, 512 bytes/sector 3.5", 720KB, 512 bytes/sector
287115.25", 1.2MB, 512 bytes/sector 5.25", 1.2MB, 512 bytes/sector
287123.5", 1.44Mb, 512 bayt/sektor 3.5", 1.44MB, 512 bytes/sector
287133.5", 2.88MB, 512 bytes/sector 3.5", 2.88MB, 512 bytes/sector
287143.5", 20.8MB, 512 bytes/sector 3.5", 20.8MB, 512 bytes/sector
28715Removable Media (Unknown Size) Removable Media (Unknown Size)
287173.5", 120MB, 512 bytes/sector 3.5", 120MB, 512 bytes/sector
28718640KB, 512 bytes/sector 640KB, 512 bytes/sector
28720720KB, 512 bytes/sector 720KB, 512 bytes/sector
287211.2MB, 512 bytes/sector 1.2MB, 512 bytes/sector
287221.25MB, 1024 bytes/sector 1.25MB, 1024 bytes/sector
287263.5", 200MB, 512 bytes/sector 3.5", 200MB, 512 bytes/sector
287273.5", 240MB, 512 bytes/sector 3.5", 240MB, 512 bytes/sector
28728%1!s! (Sukut) %1!s! (Default)
28732Sukut bo‘yicha joylashtirish hajmi Default allocation size
28733%1!d! baytlar %1!d! bytes
28734%1!d! kilobaytlar %1!d! kilobytes
28737Noma’lum sig‘im Unknown capacity
28741Formatlash %s Formatting %s
28742Formatlamoq %s Format %s
28744&Yopmoq &Close
28745Noto‘g‘ri kiritish Invalid input
28746The volume name for a FAT or FAT32 volume cannot contain the following characters:
* ? / \ | , ; : + = [ ] " .
The volume name for a FAT or FAT32 volume cannot contain the following characters:
* ? / \ | , ; : + = [ ] " .
28747This removable drive must be formatted with a file system before you can use it. Because this drive is large and currently allows quick removal, none of the built-in file systems can format it. Disabling quick removal for the drive will allow the NTFS file system to format it.

To avoid corrupting the drive when you remove it, always click the Safely Remove Hardware icon (the circled icon in the graphic below) in the notification area, and then click the device name.
This removable drive must be formatted with a file system before you can use it. Because this drive is large and currently allows quick removal, none of the built-in file systems can format it. Disabling quick removal for the drive will allow the NTFS file system to format it.

To avoid corrupting the drive when you remove it, always click the Safely Remove Hardware icon (the circled icon in the graphic below) in the notification area, and then click the device name.
28748This version of Windows doesn't support the %1!ls! format on drive %2!ls!. This version of Windows doesn't support the %1!ls! format on drive %2!ls!.
28805Windows disk tekshirishni yakunlay olmadi. Windows was unable to complete the disk check.
28809You do not have sufficient rights to check this drive. You do not have sufficient rights to check this drive.
28811Checking Disk %s Checking Disk %s
28812Check Disk %s Check Disk %s
28814Diskni tekshirish amalga oshirish mumkin emas, chunki disk formatlanmagan.
Diskni formatlashni istaysizmi?
The disk check could not be performed because the disk is not formatted.
Would you like to format the disk?
28815Windows diskni ocha olmaganligi sababli, disk tekshirilishini amalga oshirib bo‘lmaydi. The disk check could not be performed because Windows can't access the disk.
28816Check Disk Check Disk
28820Diskingiz muvaffaqiyatli tekshirildi Your drive was successfully scanned
28824Repair this drive Repair this drive
28826There was a problem repairing this drive There was a problem repairing this drive
28827Windows was unable to repair the drive. Close this dialog box, and then try to repair the drive again. Windows was unable to repair the drive. Close this dialog box, and then try to repair the drive again.
28830Windows diskni tekshirib chiqdi. Xatolar topilmadi. Windows successfully scanned the drive. No errors were found.
28831Windows found errors on this drive that need to be repaired. Close this dialog box, and then repair the drive. Windows found errors on this drive that need to be repaired. Close this dialog box, and then repair the drive.
28832Diskingiz muvaffaqiyatli ta’mirlandi Your drive was successfully repaired
28833Disk foydalanish uchun tayyor. The drive is ready to use.
28834Windows hozirda ishlayotgan diskni ta’mirlay olmadi Windows can't repair the drive while it's in use
28835Hozir ta’mirlash uchun, barcha ochiq fayllarni saqlang va yoping va kompyuterni qayta ishga tushiring. Shuningdek, kompyuterni keyingi gal qayta ishga tushirganingizda ta’mirlanadigan qilib qo‘yishingiz mumkin. To repair now, save and close all open files and restart your computer. You can also schedule the repair for the next time you restart your computer.
28836Hozir qayta ishga tushirmoq va ta’mirlamoq Restart and repair now
28837Repair now Repair now
28838Keyingi gal qayta ishga tushirilganda ta’mirlamoq Repair on next restart
28839Windows can't repair the drive while it's in use Windows can't repair the drive while it's in use
28840To repair now, save and close all open files. You will lose any unsaved work on this drive during the repair. To repair now, save and close all open files. You will lose any unsaved work on this drive during the repair.
28841Xatolar tekshiruvi (%1!s!) Error Checking (%1!s!)
28842Skanerlash... Scanning...
28843Ta’mirlanmoqda... Repairing...
28844Diskni tekshirmoq
Tekshirish vaqtida diskdan foydalanishingiz mumin. Agar xatolar topilsa, ularni bartaraf qilishni tanlashingiz mumkin.
Scan drive
You can keep using the drive during the scan. If errors are found, you can decide if you want to fix them.
28845Diskni ta’mirlamoq
Windows xatolarni tekshirayotgan va ta’mirlayotgan vaqtda diskdan foydalana olmaysiz. Bu bir necha daqiqani olishi va kompyuteringizni qayta ishga tushirishga majbur bo‘lishingiz mumkin.
Repair drive
You won't be able to use the drive while Windows finds and repairs any errors. This might take a while, and you might need to restart your computer.
28846Scan drive (recommended)
You can keep using the drive during the scan. If errors are found, you can decide if you want to fix them.
Scan drive (recommended)
You can keep using the drive during the scan. If errors are found, you can decide if you want to fix them.
28847Repair drive
You won't be able to use the drive while Windows repairs errors found in the last scan. You might need to restart your computer.
Repair drive
You won't be able to use the drive while Windows repairs errors found in the last scan. You might need to restart your computer.
28848Scan this drive for errors Scan this drive for errors
28849Diskni tekshirish shart emas You don't need to scan this drive
28850Ushbu diskda xatolar topilmadi. Agar istasangiz, uni qayta tekshirishingiz mumkin. We haven't found any errors on this drive. You can still scan the drive for errors if you want.
28851We found potential errors on this drive. We found potential errors on this drive.
28852Ushbu diskni ta’mirlamoq Repair this drive
28853Ushbu diskda xatolar topildi. Ma’lumot yo‘qotilishini oldini olish uchun, bu diskni hozir ta’mirlang. We found errors on this drive. To prevent data loss, repair this drive now.
28855Canceling... Canceling...
28857Windows tried to repair the drive and found additional errors. Close this dialog box, and then repair the drive again. Windows tried to repair the drive and found additional errors. Close this dialog box, and then repair the drive again.
28859Windows successfully repaired the drive, but found additional errors. Close this dialog box, and then scan the drive again. Windows successfully repaired the drive, but found additional errors. Close this dialog box, and then scan the drive again.
28860There was a problem scanning this drive There was a problem scanning this drive
28861Windows was unable to scan the drive. Close this dialog box, and then try to scan the drive again. Windows was unable to scan the drive. Close this dialog box, and then try to scan the drive again.
28863There is a scan already running on a drive. Wait for the scan to complete, and then try to scan the drive again. There is a scan already running on a drive. Wait for the scan to complete, and then try to scan the drive again.
28864Time remaining: %1!02d!:%2!02d!:%3!02d! Time remaining: %1!02d!:%2!02d!:%3!02d!
28865Tafsilotlarni ko‘rsatmoq Show Details
28867Windows was unable to scan the drive. Close this dialog box, and then try to scan the drive again. If the problem persists, scan and repair the drive. Windows was unable to scan the drive. Close this dialog box, and then try to scan the drive again. If the problem persists, scan and repair the drive.
28869Windows was unable to scan the drive. Close this dialog box, and then repair the drive. Windows was unable to scan the drive. Close this dialog box, and then repair the drive.
28870Scan and repair drive
You won't be able to use the drive while Windows finds and repairs any errors. This might take a while, and you might need to restart your computer.
Scan and repair drive
You won't be able to use the drive while Windows finds and repairs any errors. This might take a while, and you might need to restart your computer.
28871Scanning and repairing... Scanning and repairing...
28872Taxminan %1!s! qoldi About %1!s! remaining
28873%1!d! day %1!d! day
28874%1!d! days %1!d! days
288751 hour 1 hour
28876%1!d! hours %1!d! hours
28877%1!d! hours and %2!d! minutes %1!d! hours and %2!d! minutes
28878%1!d! hour and %2!d! minutes %1!d! hour and %2!d! minutes
28879%1!d! daqiqa %1!d! minutes
28880%1!d! daqiqa va %2!d! soniya %1!d! minutes and %2!d! seconds
28881%1!d! minute and %2!d! seconds %1!d! minute and %2!d! seconds
28882%1!d! soniya %1!d! seconds
28883You don't need to check this drive You don't need to check this drive
28884The ReFS file system does not need to be checked. The ReFS file system does not need to be checked.
28944faqat o‘qish uchun, set read-only,
28945faqat o‘qish uchun emas, unset read-only,
28946yashirmoq, hide,
28947ko‘rsatmoq, unhide,
28948arxivlashni yoqmoq, enable archiving,
28949arxivlashni o‘chirmoq, disable archiving,
28950indekslashni yoqmoq, enable indexing,
28951indekslashni o‘chirmoq, disable indexing,
28952siqmoq, compress,
28953siqishni olib tashlash, uncompress,
28954shifrlamoq, encrypt,
28955shifrlashni olib tashlash, decrypt,
28956Noma’lum ilova Unknown application
28957Tavsif: Description:
28958Xususiyatlarni qo‘llash... Applying attributes...
28960Xususiyatlarni quyidagiga qo‘llamoq: Applying attributes to:
28961Ushbu jild uchun sozlamalarni tanlash. Choose the settings you want for this folder.
28962Tanlangan elementlar uchun sozlamalarni tanlash. Choose the settings you want for the selected items.
28963Yordamida ochmoq: Opens with:
28964Siz tanlagan himoyalangan operatsion tizim fayllari (fayllar "Tizim" yoki "Yashirin" deb belgilangan) Fayllar sharhlovchisida ekranga chiqariladi.

Bu fayllar Windowsni ishga tushirish uchun kerakli hisoblanadi. Ularni o‘chirish kompyuteringiz noto‘g‘ri ishlashiga olib kelishi mumkin.
Haqiqatan ham, ushbu fayllarni ekranga chiqarishni istaysizmi?
You have chosen to display protected operating system files (files labeled System and Hidden) in File Explorer.

These files are required to start and run Windows. Deleting or editing them can make your computer inoperable.
Are you sure you want to display these files?
28976Bu o‘zgarishni faqatgina ushbu jild uchun qo‘llamoqchimisiz, yoki uni barcha tagjild va fayllar uchun qo‘llamoqchimisiz? Do you want to apply this change to this folder only, or do you want to apply it to all subfolders and files as well?
28977Bu o‘zgarishni faqatgina tanlangan elementlar uchun qo‘llamoqchimisiz, yoki uni barcha tagjild va fayllar uchun qo‘llamoqchimisiz? Do you want to apply this change to the selected items only, or do you want to apply it to all subfolders and files as well?
28978Do you want to apply this change to drive %s only, or do you want to apply it to all subfolders and files as well? Do you want to apply this change to drive %s only, or do you want to apply it to all subfolders and files as well?
28979Bu o‘zgarishni faqatgina ushbu tom uchun qo‘llamoqchimisiz, yoki uni barcha tagjild va fayllar uchun qo‘llamoqchimisiz? Do you want to apply this change to this volume only, or do you want to apply it to all subfolders and files as well?
28980Faqatgina ushbu jild uchun o‘zgarishlarni qo‘llamoq Apply changes to this folder only
28981Faqatgina tanlangan elementlar uchun o‘zgarishlarni qo‘llamoq Apply changes to the selected items only
28982Apply changes to drive %s only Apply changes to drive %s only
28983Faqatgina ushbu tom uchun o‘zgarishlarni qo‘llamoq Apply changes to this volume only
28984O‘zgarishlarni ushbu jild, tagjildlar va fayllar uchun qo‘llamoq Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files
28985O‘zgarishlarni tanlangan elementlar, tagjildlar va fayllar uchun qo‘llamoq Apply changes to the selected items, subfolders and files
28986Apply changes to drive %s, subfolders and files Apply changes to drive %s, subfolders and files
28987O‘zgarishlarni ushbu tom, tagjildlar va fayllar uchun qo‘llamoq Apply changes to this volume, subfolders and files
29188Search for &Computers... Search for &Computers...
29442Ekranga chiqarish uchun hech qanday element mavjud emas. There are no items to display.
29443Brauzer sharhlovchisini nazorat qilmoq Explorer Browser Control
29697&Bu yerga nusxa ko‘chirmoq &Copy here
29698&Shu yerga ko‘chirmoq &Move here
29699B&u yerda yorliqlar yaratmoq Create &shortcuts here
29705Make sync © Make sync ©
29706Make sync copy of &type... Make sync copy of &type...
29707Bu yerda &yorliqlar yaratmoq Create &shortcuts here
29710&Copy here &Copy here
29711&Move here &Move here
29952Tavsiya etilgan dasturlar Recommended Programs
29953Boshqa dasturlar Other Programs
29954Cannot associate file type with this program Cannot associate file type with this program
29955The program you have selected cannot be associated with this file type. Please choose another program. The program you have selected cannot be associated with this file type. Please choose another program.
29990Umumiy elementlar General items
29996O‘zgartirishlarni ko‘rish uchun dastlabki ko‘rib chiqish va filtrlarni yoqish kerak. Ularni yoqishni istaysizmi? Preview and filters must be enabled to see your changes. Would you like to turn them on?
30262Background files Background files
30275Jildni ko‘rib chiqish Folder Views
30276Shu turdagi barcha jildlarni ushbu jildning ko‘rinish sozlamalari bilan moslashtirmoqchimisiz? Do you want all folders of this type to match this folder's view settings?
30277Shu turdagi barcha jildlarni sukut bo‘yicha ko‘rinish sozlamalariga moslashtirmoqchimisiz? Do you want to reset all folders of this type to the default view settings?
30291*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.dib;*.png *.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.dib;*.png
30292*.bmp;*.dib *.bmp;*.dib
30303Critical information about the desktop could not be retrieved from the registry. Your registry may be corrupted. Critical information about the desktop could not be retrieved from the registry. Your registry may be corrupted.
30304Quyidagi &jildga ko‘chirmoq... Copy To &folder...
30306Select the place where you want to copy the selected item(s), then click the Copy button. Select the place where you want to copy the selected item(s), then click the Copy button.
30307Select the place where you want to move the selected item(s), then click the Move button. Select the place where you want to move the selected item(s), then click the Move button.
30308Nishon fayli ushbu turdagi hujjatlarni boshqara olmaydi The target can't handle this type of document
30310The folder '%1' does not exist. The folder '%1' does not exist.
30312Y&ubormoq Se&nd to
30314The target can't handle this type of document The target can't handle this type of document
30315Y&angi Ne&w
30316New %s New %s
30317&Jild &Folder
30318&Yorliq &Shortcut
30319fldr fldr
30324F F
30327Jildga nusxa olmoq va ko‘chirmoq Copy or Move to folder
30328Yo‘l &sifatida nusxa ko‘chirmoq Copy &as path
30329Yo‘ldan nusxa olmoq Copy path
30336Tanlangan elementlar yo‘lidan almashish buferiga nusxa ko‘chirish. Copy the path of the selected items to the Clipboard.
30337Tanlangan elementlardan o‘zingiz istagan joyga nusxa ko‘chirish. Copy the selected items to the location you choose.
30338Tanlangan elementlarni o‘zingiz istagan joyga ko‘chirish. Move the selected items to the location you choose.
30339Quyidagiga nusxa ko‘chirmoq Copy to
30340Quyidagiga ko‘chirmoq Move to
30341Joylashuvni tanlash... Choose location...
30342Tanlangan elementlarni nusxa ko‘chirish joyini tanlang. Choose where you want to copy the selected items.
30344Tanlangan elementni qayerga ko‘chirmoqchisiz. Choose where you want to move the selected items.
30347Mahalliy va tarmoq printerlarini o‘rnatmoq, olib tashlamoq va sozlamoq. Add, remove, and configure local and network printers.
30348Vazifalar panelidagi elementlarning ekranga chiqarilishini va ularning qanday paydo bo‘lishini sozlash. Customize the taskbar, such as the types of items to be displayed and how they should appear.
30350Kompyuterda mavjud bo‘lgan tarmoq bog‘lanishlarini ekranga chiqaradi va yangilarini yaratishga yordam beradi Displays existing network connections on this computer and helps you create new ones
30351Mening dasturlarim qayerda? Where are my Programs?
30352So‘nggi paytlarda foydalanilmayotgan dasturlarni ko‘rib chiqish uchun bu yerga cherting. Buni o‘chirish uchun vazifalar panelidan foydalaning. Click here to view programs that you have not used recently. To turn this off, use the Taskbar settings.
30368All picture files All picture files
30372Hujjatlar, rasmlar, musiqalar va boshqa Sizga tegishli bo‘lgan fayllar uchun jildlardan tashkil topadi. Contains folders for Documents, Pictures, Music, and other files that belong to you.
30374Themes Themes
30375’%1’dan nusxa ko‘chirish uchun joy tanlang, so‘ng "Nusxa ko‘chirmoq" tugmasini bosing. Select the place where you want to copy '%1', then click the Copy button.
30376’%1’ni ko‘chirish uchun joy tanlang, so‘ng "Ko‘chirmoq" tugmasini bosing. Select the place where you want to move '%1', then click the Move button.
30377’%1!d!’ elementlardan nusxa ko‘chirish uchun joy tanlang, so‘ng "Nusxa ko‘chirmoq" tugmasini bosing. Select the place where you want to copy these %1!d! items, then click the Copy button.
30378’%1!d!’ elementlarni ko‘chirish uchun joy tanlang, so‘ng "Ko‘chirmoq" tugmasini bosing. Select the place where you want to move these %1!d! items, then click the Move button.
30379Elementlardan nusxa olmoq Copy Items
30380Elementlarni ko‘chirmoq Move Items
30381&Nusxa ko‘chirmoq &Copy
30382&Ko‘chirmoq &Move
30384(full) (full)
30385(empty) (empty)
30388Savat (to‘la) Recycle Bin (full)
30389Savat (bo‘sh) Recycle Bin (empty)
30391My Files My Files
30397Yangi yorliq New shortcut
30464Start menyusi Start menu
30465Moslashtirilgan menyulardan foydalanish Use personalized menus
30466Tanlanganlarni ko‘rsatish Display favorites
30467Tizimdan chiqishni ko‘rsatish Display log off
30468Boshqaruv panelini kengaytirish Expand control panel
30469Hujjatlarni kengaytirish Expand documents
30470Printerlarni kengaytirish Expand printers
30471Dasturlarning aylantirish Scroll programs
30472Rasmlarni kengaytirish Expand pictures
30473Tarmoq ulanishlarini kengaytirish Expand network connections
30474Ishlashni ko‘rsatish Display Run
30475Kontekstli menyularni hamda tortib olib kelish va qo‘yishni yoqish Enable context menus and dragging and dropping
30476Boshqarish vositalarini ko‘rsatish Display administrative tools
30477Start menyusida kichkina ikonachalarini ko‘rsatish Show small icons in Start menu
30478Barcha dasturlar menyusida va Start menyusida ko‘rsatish Display on the All Programs menu and the Start menu
30479Barcha dasturlar menyusida ko‘rsatish Display on the All Programs menu
30480Kompyuter Computer
30481Tarmoq Network
30483Buyruqni ishga tushirish Run command
30484Tanlanganlar menyusi Favorites menu
30489Yordam Help
30492Bu element ko‘rsatilmasin Don't display this item
30498Fayllar va jildlar Files and Folders
30499Yashirin fayllar va jildlar Hidden files and folders
30500Yashirin fayllar, jildlar va jamlovchilarni ko‘rsatmoq Show hidden files, folders, and drives
30501Yashirin fayllar va jildlarni ko‘rsatma Don't show hidden files, folders, or drives
30502Jild va ishchi stol elementlari uchun oynalarni ko‘rsatmoq Show pop-up description for folder and desktop items
30503Ma’lum fayl turlari kengaytmalarini yashiring Hide extensions for known file types
30504Sarlavha oynasida to‘liq yo‘lni ko‘rsatmoq Display the full path in the title bar
30507Jild oynalarini alohida jarayonda faollashtirmoq Launch folder windows in a separate process
30508Himoyalangan operatsion tizim fayllarini yashirmoq (tavsiya etilgan) Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)
30512Shifrlangan yoki siqilgan NTFS fayllarini boshqa rangda ko‘rsatmoq Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color
30513Avvalgi jild oynalarini tizimga kirishda tiklamoq Restore previous folder windows at logon
30514Fayl to‘g‘risidagi ma’lumotni jild ko‘rsatmalarida ekranga chiqarmoq Display file size information in folder tips
30515Tizim boshqaruv vositalari System administrative tools
30522Elementlarni tanlash uchun belgi oynalaridan foydalaning Use check boxes to select items
30523Holat satrini ko‘rsatmoq Show status bar
30530Vazifalar panelidagi animatsiya Animations in the taskbar
30531Sichqoncha kursori ostida soyalarni ko‘rsatmoq Show shadows under mouse pointer
30532Oynalar ostida soyalarni ko‘rsatmoq Show shadows under windows
30533Sudrash mobaynida oyna tarkibini ko‘rsatmoq Show window contents while dragging
30534O‘rash va kengaytirish paytida oynalarni animatsiya qilmoq Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing
30535Ekran shriftlari chegaralarini tekislamoq Smooth edges of screen fonts
30536Menyularga murojaat qilinganda, sirpanish yoki tebranish Fade or slide menus into view
30537Peekni yoqmoq Enable Peek
30539Qurama oynalarni ochishda sirpanish Slide open combo boxes
30540Tanlashning yarim shaffof to‘rtburchagini ko‘rsatmoq Show translucent selection rectangle
30541Ishchi stol ikonacha yorliqlari uchun soyalardan foydalanmoq Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop
30542Ikonachalar o‘rniga eskizlardan foydalanmoq Show thumbnails instead of icons
30543Har bir jild turi uchun fon rasmidan foydalanmoq Use a background image for each folder type
30544Ro‘yxatni sekin aylantirmoq Smooth-scroll list boxes
30545Ishchi stol tarkibiy tuzilmasini yoqmoq Enable desktop composition
30546Menyu elementlarini bosilgandan so‘ng ularni xiralashtirmoq Fade out menu items after clicking
30547Ko‘rsatmalarning xiralashib yoki sirpanib paydo bo‘lishi Fade or slide ToolTips into view
30549Oynalar ichidagi element va nazoratlarni animatsiyalamoq Animate controls and elements inside windows
30550Vazifalar paneli namunalarining ko‘rinishini saqlamoq Save taskbar thumbnail previews
30551Umumiy ustadan foydalanmoq (Tavsiya etilgan) Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended)
30552Sinxronizatsiya ta’minotchisi xabarnomalarini ko‘rsatish Show sync provider notifications
30554Har doim ikonachalarni, hech qachon eskizlarni ko‘rsatmoq Always show icons, never thumbnails
30555Ko‘rib chiqish manipulyatorini ko‘rib chiqish oynasida ko‘rsatmoq Show preview handlers in preview pane
30556Jamlovchi xabarini ko‘rsatmoq Show drive letters
30557Har doim menyularni ko‘rsatmoq Always show menus
30558Fayl ikonachalarini eskizlarda ekranga chiqarmoq Display file icon on thumbnails
30559Ko‘rib chiqish sahifasiga kiritishda When typing into list view
30560Avtomatik tarzda qidirish oynasiga kiritmoq Automatically type into the Search Box
30561Ko‘rib chiqishga kiritilgan elementni tanlamoq Select the typed item in the view
30562Bo‘sh disklarni yashirmoq Hide empty drives
30563Jildlar birikishi xatolarini yashirmoq Hide folder merge conflicts
30565Qidirilmasin Don't search
30566Umumiy jildlar bilan qidirish Search with public folders
30567Umumiy jildlarsiz qidirish Search without public folders
30569Dasturlar va Boshqaruv panelini qidirish Search programs and Control Panel
30570Internet kutubxonasini qidirish Search Internet library
30571Barcha dasturlarni nomi bo‘yicha saralash Sort All Programs menu by name
30572Katta ikonachalardan foydalanish Use large icons
30573Tagmenyu ustiga sichqoncha kursorini olib kelganimda, ularni ochadi Open submenus when I pause on them with the mouse pointer
30574Yangi o‘rnatilgan dasturlarni belgilash Highlight newly installed programs
30576Boshqa fayl va kutubxonalarni qidirish Search other files and libraries
30579O‘yinlar Games
30593Havola sifatida ko‘rsatish Display as a link
30594Menyu sifatida ko‘rsatish Display as a menu
30595GIF rasmi GIF image
30596JPEG rasmi JPEG image
30597Nuqtali rasm Bitmap image
30598PNG rasmi PNG image
30599TIFF rasmi TIFF image
30600Belgilar kutubxonasi Icon library
30601Ikonacha Icon
30602Disk obrazi fayli Disc Image File
30605Yozilgan teleko‘rsatuv Recorded TV
30608Bosh ekranga qo`shishlar ro`yxati Pin to Start list
30610Sukut bo‘yicha dasturlar Default Programs
30611Qurilmalar Devices
30618ShK sozlamalari PC Settings
30994Tarmoq (%1!s!) Network (%1!s!)
31008Work Phone Work Phone
31009Office Location Office Location
31010Primary E-mail Primary E-mail
31011Domain\Username Domain\Username
31012Security Identifier Security Identifier
31013Local Computer Accounts Local Computer Accounts
31014Groups you can share with Groups you can share with
31015Search for names like '%1' in '%2' Search for names like '%1' in '%2'
31016Search the Corporate Directory Search the Corporate Directory
31017Authentication Error Authentication Error
31018Please enter a valid username and password Please enter a valid username and password
31019Windows failed to complete the search. Windows failed to complete the search.
31020Your search exceeded the maximum number of results.
Please refine your search.
Your search exceeded the maximum number of results.
Please refine your search.
31057Bosh boshqaruv paneli Control Panel Home
31058Kompyuter sozlamalarini sozlash Adjust your computer's settings
31059Quyidagi bo‘yicha ko‘rib chiqish: View by:
31060Boshqaruv panelini toifalar bo‘yicha ko‘rib chiqmoq yoki barcha elementlarini ko‘rmoq. Browse Control Panel items by category or view a complete list of all items.
31062Katta ikonachalar Large icons
31063Kichik ikonachalar Small icons
31072; ;
31073%c %c
31088Windows yordami va madadida "%s"ni qidirmoq Search Windows Help and Support for "%s"
31091Quyidagilarni ham ko‘ring See also
31092%s (32 bit) %s (32-bit)
31123Ma’lumotlar oynasi Info Pane
31134O‘rmalovchi Slider
31136|Juda katta ikonachalar|| |Extra large icons||
31137|Katta ikonachalar|| |Large icons||
31138|O‘rtacha ikonachalar|| |Medium icons||
31139|Kichik ikonachalar|| |Small icons||
31140|Ro‘yxat|| |List||
31141|Tafsilotlar|| |Details||
31142|Mozaikalar|| |Tiles||
31143|Mundarija|| |Content||
31144|Extended tiles|| |Extended tiles||
31145Ko‘rinish Views
31146Ko‘rish o‘rmalovchisi boshqaruvi View Slider Control
31147Ko‘rish o‘rmalovchisi View Slider
31148Click Click
31150&Yordam &Help
31151Yordamni chaqirmoq. Get help.
31152Tagmenyu Submenu
31153Qo‘shimcha imkoniyatlar More options
31154%s (%s) %s (%s)
31155%s (ushbu ShK - %s) %s (this PC - %s)
31156%s (ushbu ShK) %s (this PC)
31157Belgilarni a&vtomatik tarzda tartiblamoq &Auto arrange icons
31158&Belgilarni to‘r bo‘yicha tenglashtirmoq Al&ign icons to grid
31159A:0:0:Extra large icons:28:Large icons:48:Medium icons:78:Small icons:99:List:120:Details:140:Tiles:160:Content: A:0:0:Extra large icons:28:Large icons:48:Medium icons:78:Small icons:99:List:120:Details:140:Tiles:160:Content:
31168%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\Server Manager.lnk %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\Server Manager.lnk
31169%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Command Prompt.lnk %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Command Prompt.lnk
31237Yangi jild yaratish. Create a new folder.
31243Tanlangan obyekt nomini o‘zgartirish. Rename the selected item.
31244Qirqib olmoq Cut
31245Tanlangan elementlarni almashish buferiga ko‘chirmoq. Move the selected items to the Clipboard.
31247Tanlangan elementlardan almashish buferiga nusxa ko‘chirmoq. Copy the selected items to the Clipboard.
31250Chop etmoq Print
31251Tanlangan fayllarni printerga yubormoq. Send the selected files to the printer.
31253Tanlangan fayllar va jildlarni savatga ko‘chirmoq. Move the selected files and folders to the Recycle Bin.
31254Xususiyatlarni olib tashlamoq Remove properties
31255Tanlangan fayldan xususiyatlarni olib tashlamoq. Remove properties from the selected file.
31259Xususiyatlar Properties
31260Tanlangan element uchun xususiyatlarni ko‘rsatmoq. Show the properties for the selected item.
31262Undo your last action. Undo your last action.
31263Qaytarmoq Redo
31265Redo your last action. Redo your last action.
31276Barchasini belgilamoq Select all
31277Ushbu ko‘rinishdagi barcha elementlarni tanlamoq. Select all items in this view.
31278Barchasini o‘ynatmoq Play all
31280Ushbu joylashuvdagi barcha elementlarni o‘ynatmoq. Play all items in this location.
31281Tanlanganni qo‘ymoq Play selection
31282Tanlangan elementni o‘ynatmoq. Play the selected items.
31283O‘ynatmoq Play
31285Import pictures and videos Import pictures and videos
31286Copy pictures from a camera or scanner to your computer. Copy pictures from a camera or scanner to your computer.
31288Rasm va videolarni slaydlar namoyishi sifatida ko‘rsatmoq. View pictures and videos as a slide show.
31289Qurilmaga uzatish Cast to Device
31290Tanlangan elementlarni boshqa qurilmada o‘ynatmoq. Play the selected items on another device.
31293Open the Search folder to help you find files and folders. Open the Search folder to help you find files and folders.
31294Tizim xususiyatlari System properties
31295Protsessor tezligi yoki o‘rnatilgan xotira miqdori kabi kompyuter haqidagi ma’lumotlarni ko‘rsatmoq. Show information about your computer, such as the processor speed and the amount of installed memory.
31297Ko‘rinishni o‘zgartirmoq. Change your view.
31299Tanlangan jamlovchi yoki qurilma to‘g‘risidagi ma’lumotni ko‘rsatadi. Shows information about the selected drive or device.
31300Tarmoq diskini ulamoq Map network drive
31301Tarmoqdagi umumiy foydalanish mumkin bo‘lgan kompyuter yoki jild uchun yorliq yaratish. Create a shortcut to a shared folder or computer on a network.
31302Tarmoq joylashishini qo‘shmoq Add a network location
31303Veb-sayt yoki FTP-sayt kabi Internetdagi manzilga havola yaratish. Create a shortcut to an Internet location, such as a website or FTP site.
31304Tarmoq diski ulanishini uzish Disconnect network drive
31305Tarmoq diski ulanishini uzish. Disconnect network drive.
31312Sozlamalarni ochish Open Settings
31327Dasturni olib tashlamoq yoki o‘zgartirmoq Uninstall or change a program
31328Dasturni olib tashlash, o‘rnatilgan imkoniyatlarni o‘zgartirish, yoki o‘rnatishni sozlash. Uninstall a program, change installed features, or repair an installation.
31331Savatni bo‘shatmoq Empty the Recycle Bin
31332Disk xotirasini bo‘shatish uchun Savatdagi barcha elementlarni yo‘q qilmoq. Delete all items in the Recycle Bin to free up disk space.
31333Barcha elementlarni tiklamoq Restore all items
31334Ushbu elementni tiklamoq Restore this item
31335Tanlangan elementlarni tiklamoq Restore the selected items
31336Tanlangan elementlarni savatdan kompyuterdagi dastlabki joylashuviga ko‘chirmoq. Move the selected items from the Recycle Bin to their original locations on your computer.
31337Savatning butunlay tiklash. Restore all the contents of the Recycle Bin.
31338Savat xususiyatlari Recycle Bin properties
31343Savat uchun foydalniladigan bo‘shliqni o‘zgartirish va tasdiqnomalarni yoqish yoki o‘chirish. Change the available space for the Recycle Bin and turn confirmations on or off.
31349Tarmoq va umumiy foydalanish markazi Network and Sharing Center
31350Tarmoq holatini ko‘rib chiqish va tarmoq sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish. View network status and change network settings.
31352Yozmoq Burn
31353Printerlarni ko‘rsatmoq View printers
31354Ushbu serverga ulangan printerlarni ko‘rib chiqish va qo‘shish. See and add printers connected to this server.
31356Tanlangan elementlarni yozish mumkin bo‘lgan diskka yozmoq. Burn the selected items to a recordable disc.
31357Vaqtinchalik fayllarni yo‘q qilmoq Delete temporary files
31358Ushbu diskovodda diskka yozish uchun barcha vaqtinchalik jilddagi fayllarni olib tashlamoq. Remove all the files in the temporary folder for burning a disc in this drive.
31359Ushbu diskni o‘chirmoq Erase this disc
31360Qayta yozish mumkin bo‘lgan diskdagi butun tarkibni o‘chirmoq. Erase everything on the rewritable disc.
31361Kompyuter sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish va uning funksional imkoniyatlarini moslashtirish. Change settings and customize the functionality of your computer.
31368Open the folder that contains this item Open the folder that contains this item
31369Open the folder where the selected file or folder is stored. Open the folder where the selected file or folder is stored.
31370Elektron pochta Email
31371Tanlangan elementlarni elektron pochta xabarida yubormoq (fayllar biriktirma sifati va jildlar havola ko‘rinishida yuboriladi). Send the selected items in an email (files are sent as attachments and folders as links).
31372Media serveridan uzilmoq Disconnect from a media server
31373Media fayllarni saqlovchi va baham ko‘ruvchi qurilmadan uzilmoq. Disconnect from a device that stores and shares media.
31376Qo‘yilgan disk yoki qurilmani chiqarish yoki olib tashlamoq. Eject or remove the selected drive or device.
31380Qo‘shib qo‘ymoq Paste
31381Almashish buferi tarkibini joriy joylashishga qo‘shib qo‘ymoq. Paste the contents of the Clipboard to the current location.
31382Chiqarib olmoq Eject
31383Tanlangan fayl va jildlarni diskka ko‘chirmoq. Burn the selected files and folders to disc.
31384Avtomatik ravishda ishga tushirish AutoPlay
31388Tanlangan jamlovchi yoki qurilma uchun sukut bo‘yicha funksiyalarni bajarish. Perform the default action for the selected media or device.
31389Seansni yopmoq Close session
31390Diskdagi joriy yozuv seansini boshqa kompyuterda foydalanilishi mumkin bo‘lishi uchun yopmoq. Close the current session so the disc can be used in another computer.
31391Yozib olishni tugatmoq Finish burning
31392Elementlarni kuydirmoq va diskni foydalanishga tayyorlamoq. Burn the items and prepare the disc for use.
31398Plays all of the selected video files in this folder. Plays all of the selected video files in this folder.
31401Joriy katalogda qidirmoq Search active directory
31402Active Directorydagi umumiy foydalanish elementlarini, kompyuterlarni yoki foydalanuvchilarni qidirmoq. Search the Active Directory for shares, computers, or users.
31405Yangi qidiruv New search
31406Yangi qidiruvni amalga oshirish uchun qidiruv shartini aniqlashtirmoq. Clear search criteria so you can perform a new search.
31407Qidirish shartlarini saqlamoq Save search
31408Qidiruv shartini saqlangan qidiruv sifatida saqlamoq. Save these search criteria as a Saved Search.
31411Tashkil qilmoq Organize
31412Jild tarkibini tashkil qilmoq. Organize this folder's contents.
31413Joylashuv Layout
31414Configure this folder's layout. Configure this folder's layout.
31415Tafsilotlar paneli Details pane
31416Tafsilotlar panelini ko‘rsatish yoki yashirish. Show or hide the details pane.
31418Menyu satri Menu bar
31420Show or hide this folder’s menu bar. Show or hide this folder’s menu bar.
31421Navigatsion panel Navigation pane
31422Navigatsion panelni ko‘rsatmoq yoki yashirmoq. Show or hide the navigation pane.
31423Ko‘rib chiqish paneli Preview pane
31424Dastlabki ko‘rib chiqish panelini ko‘rsatish yoki yashirish. Show or hide the preview pane.
31425Ma’lumotlar sohasini ko‘rsatish. Show the Details pane.
31426Dastlabki ko‘rib chiqish sohasini ko‘rsatmoq. Show the Preview pane.
31427Holat satri Status bar
31428Show or hide the status bar. Show or hide the status bar.
31429Tafsilotlar va ko‘rib chiqish paneli Details and Preview pane
31430Tafsilotlar va ko‘rib chiqish panellarini yashirish. Hide both the Details and Preview pane.
31432Elementlarni katta eskizlar ko‘rinishida ko‘rsatadi. (Ctrl+Alt+2) Displays items by using large thumbnails. (Ctrl+Alt+2)
31433Tafsilotlar Details
31434Har bir element haqidagi ma’lumotlarni oynada ko‘rsatadi. (Ctrl+Alt+6) Displays information about each item in the window. (Ctrl+Alt+6)
31448Jild va qidirish &opsiyalarini o‘zgartirmoq Change folder and search &options
31449Elementlarni ochish, fayl va jildlarni ko‘rib chiqish va qidirish sozlamalarini o‘zgartirish. Change settings for opening items, file and folder views, and search.
31450Yo&pmoq &Close
31451Oynani yopmoq. Close this window.
31454Save library Save library
31455Save library. Save library.
31456Yangi kutubxona New library
31457Yangi kutubxona yaratmoq Create new library.
31460Tanlangan jildni kutubxonaga qo‘shmoq Include selected folder in library
31461Tanlangan jildni kutubxonaga qo‘shmoq. Include the selected folder in a library.
31462ixchamlashtirilgan compressed
31463encrypted encrypted
31464encrypted and compressed encrypted and compressed
31465%1!s! (%2!s!) %1!s! (%2!s!)
31472Ulamoq Mount
31473Disk obrazini disk sifatida ulash. Mounts a disc image as a drive.
31474Diskni ulamoq Mount Disc
31475Qattiq disk obraz fayli Hard Disk Image File
31476File Explorer disc image mount File Explorer disc image mount
31477File Explorer File Explorer
31480No more drive letters are available. Free up a drive letter and try again. No more drive letters are available. Free up a drive letter and try again.
31482Virtual hard disk files can't be mounted from image files, or from removable media that isn't formatted with NTFS file system. Virtual hard disk files can't be mounted from image files, or from removable media that isn't formatted with NTFS file system.
31484The disc image file is corrupted. The disc image file is corrupted.
31486This type of file can't be mounted. This type of file can't be mounted.
31488Ushbu jilddagi offlayn fayllarni sinxronlashtirmoq Sync offline files in this folder
31489Oxirgi fayllar bilan offlayn rejimda ishlash uchun ushbu tarmoq jildini kompyuteringiz bilan sinxronlashtirmoq. Sync this network folder with your computer so you can work offline with the latest files.
31490Tarmoqda ishlamoq Work online
31491Ushbu fayllar bilan onlayn rejimda ishlash uchun serverga ulaning. Connect to the server so you can work online with these files.
31492Offlayn ishlamoq Work offline
31493Ushbu fayllar bilan offlayn rejimda ishlash uchun server ulanishini uzing. Disconnect from the server so you can work offline with these files.
31494Sinxronlamoq Sync
31495Oxirgi fayllar bilan offlayn rejimda ishlash uchun fayllarni kompyuter bilan sinxronlashtirish. Sync files with your computer so you can work offline with the latest files.
31504Moslik fayllari Compatibility files
31505Ushbu katalog uchun to‘g‘ri keladigan fayllarni ko‘rsatmoq. Show the compatibility files for this directory.
31506Veb-saytda qidirmoq Search on website
31507Qidiruvning barcha natijalarni ko‘rish uchun veb-saytni ochmoq. Open the website to view all search results.
31520Qidirishni boshlash uchun qidiruv maydoniga matn kiriting. To begin, type in the search box
31521Currently searching: %1!s! Currently searching: %1!s!
31522Currently searching: %1!s!... Currently searching: %1!s!...
31523Qidirish sahifasi sohasi Search Page Scope
31745To‘lib ketish menyusi Overflow menu
31746Qo‘shimcha buyruqlarni ekranga chiqarmoq. Display additional commands.
31747Buyruq moduli Command Module
32000Maxsus imkoniyatlar Ease of Access
32001Kompyuter sozlamalarini ko‘rish, eshitish, harakatlanishlarga moslaish va kompyuterni tovush buyruqlari orqali boshqarish uchun nutqni aniqlash dasturlaridan foydalanish. Adjust your computer settings for vision, hearing, and mobility, and use speech recognition to control your computer with voice commands.
32002Foydalanuvchi hisob qaydnomalari User Accounts
32003Foydalanuvchi hisob qaydnomalari sozlamalarini va parollarini o‘zgartirish. Change user account settings and passwords.
32005Ishchi stol elementlarining ko‘rinishini sozlash, ishchi stolning foni, ekran sarlavhalari qo‘lla, yoki vazifalar panelini moslashtirmoq. Change the appearance of desktop items, apply a desktop background or screen saver to your computer, or customize the taskbar.
32007Dasturlarni yoki Windows vositalarini olib tashlamoq, mini-qo‘llanmalarni olib tashlamoq, tarmoqdan yoki onlayn rejimidan yangi dasturlarni olmoq va boshqa imkoniyatlar. Uninstall programs or Windows features, uninstall gadgets, get new programs from the network or online, and more.
32008Uskuna va ovoz Hardware and Sound
32009Printerlar va boshqa qurilmalarni o‘rnatmoq yoki olib tashlamoq, tizim ovozini o‘zgartirmoq, CDlarni avtomatik ravishda ishga tushirmoq, quvvat tejash, drayverlarni yangilash va boshqa imkoniyatlar. Add or remove printers and other hardware, change system sounds, play CDs automatically, conserve power, update device drivers, and more.
32010Tarmoq va Internet Network and Internet
32011Tarmoq holatini va almashish sozlamalarini tekshirish, fayllar va kompyuterlardan umumiy foydalanish afzalliklarini o‘rnatish, Internet ko‘rinishini va ulanishini sozlash va boshqa imkoniyatlar. Check network status and change settings, set preferences for sharing files and computers, configure Internet display and connection, and more.
32012Boshqaruv panelining barcha elementlari All Control Panel Items
32014Tizim va xavfsizlik System and Security
32015Tizim va xavfsizlik holatini ko‘rib chiqish va o‘zgartirish, fayllarni va tizim sozlamalarini arxivlash va tiklash, kompyuterni yangilash, protsessor tezligi va tezkor xotira hajmini aks ettirish, brandmauer holatini tekshirish va boshqa imkoniyatlar. View and change system and security status, back up and restore file and system settings, update your computer, view RAM and processor speed, check firewall, and more.
32016Soat, til va region Clock, Language, and Region
32017Kompyuter uchun sana, vaqt va vaqt mintaqasini o‘zgartirmoq, foydalanish tili, sonlar, pul birliklari, sanalar va soatlarning paydo bo‘lish yo‘llarini o‘zgartirmoq. Change the date, time, and time zone for your computer, the language to use, and the way numbers, currencies, dates, and times are displayed.
32018Ko‘rinish va shaxsiylashtirish Appearance and Personalization
32019Ishchi stol elementlarining ko‘rinishini o‘zgartiring, kompyuteringizga mavzular yoki ekran lavhalarini qo‘llang, yoki vazifalar panelini moslashtiring. Change the appearance of desktop items, apply a theme or screen saver to your computer, or customize the taskbar.
32020Qaydnomalar va oila xavfsizligi User Accounts and Family Safety
32021Foydalanuvchi hisob qaydnomalari sozlamalari va parollarini o‘zgartirish va Oilaviy xavfsizlikni sozlash. Change user account settings and passwords, and set up Family Safety.
32022Qurilma Hardware
32023Printerlar va boshqa uskunalarni qo‘shish va olib tashlash, ixcham-disklarni avtomatik tarzda o‘ynatish, quvvat tejash, drayverlarni yangilash va boshqa imkoniyatlar. Add or remove printers and other hardware, play CDs automatically, conserve power, update device drivers, and more.
32024Change the appearance of desktop items, apply a desktop background to your computer, or customize the taskbar. Change the appearance of desktop items, apply a desktop background to your computer, or customize the taskbar.
32025Change the appearance of desktop items, apply a theme to your computer, or customize the taskbar. Change the appearance of desktop items, apply a theme to your computer, or customize the taskbar.
32048Faylni ulab bo‘lmadi Couldn’t Mount File
32049Kechirasiz, faylni ulashda muammo yuzaga keldi. Sorry, there was a problem mounting the file.
32050Encrypted files can’t be mounted. Decrypt the file and try again. Encrypted files can’t be mounted. Decrypt the file and try again.
32051The file couldn't be mounted because it's in use. The file couldn't be mounted because it's in use.
32052Make sure the file is in an NTFS volume and isn’t in a compressed folder or volume. Make sure the file is in an NTFS volume and isn’t in a compressed folder or volume.
32053You don't have permission to mount the file. You don't have permission to mount the file.
32054Please try mounting them one at a time. Please try mounting them one at a time.
32055Some Files Couldn’t Be Mounted Some Files Couldn’t Be Mounted
32057Couldn’t Mount Files Couldn’t Mount Files
32058Disk obrazi initsializatsiyalanmagan, aniqlab bo‘lmaydigan qismlarga ega. Disk boshqaruvi yordamida disk, qismlar va tomlardan foydalanish mumkinligini tekshiring. The disk image isn't initialized, contains partitions that aren't recognizable, or contains volumes that haven't been assigned drive letters. Please use the Disk Management snap-in to make sure that the disk, partitions, and volumes are in a usable state.
32059This drive is locked by BitLocker Drive Encryption. To open this drive, you need to unlock it first. This drive is locked by BitLocker Drive Encryption. To open this drive, you need to unlock it first.
32060Your account doesn't have permission on the domain to mount this file. Your account doesn't have permission on the domain to mount this file.
32496Kiritilgan tarmoq manzili noto‘g‘ri. The network address entered is invalid.
32517Vazifalar paneli va Navigatsiya Taskbar and Navigation
32537Barcha vazifalar All Tasks
32538See a list of all program tasks. See a list of all program tasks.
32539Barcha sozlamalar All Settings
32540Search for system settings. Search for system settings.
32769Boshqarish bog‘lamasi Control Host
32770Kengaytirilgan mozai&kalar Extended Tile&s
32771%s: %s:
32772Common Places Host Common Places Host
32774Yo‘naltirmoq Navigate
32775Common Places Host Wrapper Common Places Host Wrapper
32788Expand Folders Expand Folders
32789Collapse Folders Collapse Folders
32802Mening umumiy foydalaniladigan fayllarim Shared By Me
32803So‘nggi musiqa Recent Music
32804So‘nggi hujjatlar Recent Documents
32806So‘nggi rasmlar va videolar Recent Pictures and Videos
32807So‘nggi elektron pochta Recent E-mail
32811Indekslangan joylashuvlar Indexed Locations
32813Endigina o‘zgartirilgan Recently Changed
32814Har bir joy Everywhere
32848Qamrab olingan joylashuvlar Included Locations
32850Hech qanday joylashish tanlanmagan. No locations have been selected.
32851Yoki bu yerga joylashish kiriting Or type a location here
32852%1!s!ni ushbu qidiruvdan olib tashlash uchun bosing. Click to remove %1!s! from this search.
32853Click to exclude %1!s! from this search. Click to exclude %1!s! from this search.
32854%1!s!ni ushbu qidiruvga qo‘shish uchun bosing. Click to add %1!s! to this search.
32855%1!s! may not be added to this search. %1!s! may not be added to this search.
32864Ko‘chirish Moving
32865Nusxa ko‘chirish Copying
32866Savatga tashlash Recycling
32867Xususiyatlarni qo‘llash Applying properties to
32868Yuklab olinmoqda Downloading
32869Internetda qidirish Searching internet for
32870Hisoblash Calculating
32871Uzatish Uploading
32872Qidirilmoqda Searching
32873Yo‘q qilish Deleting
32874Nomini o‘zgartirish Renaming
32875Formatlash Formatting
32882nusxa ko‘chirmoq copy
32883savatga tashlamoq recycle
32884apply properties apply properties
32885download download
32886search internet search internet
32887calculate calculate
32888upload upload
32889search search
32890yo‘q qilmoq delete
32891rename rename
32892formatlamoq format
32893%1!s! ta element %1!s! items
32895%1!s! %1!s!
32896%1!s! - paused %1!s! - paused
32897Aniqlangan %1!s!... Discovered %1!s!...
32898%1!s! elementlar (%2!s!) %1!s! items (%2!s!)
32899%1!s! haqida About %1!s!
32900%1!s! qoldi %1!s! remaining
32902%1!s!/soniya %1!s!/second
32903Paused - %1!s! Paused - %1!s!
32905%1!s!ga tayyorgarlik ko‘rmoq Preparing to %1!s!
32907%1!s! %2!s! %1!s! %2!s!
32908Ishlov berish Processing
32909jarayon process
32910(%1!s!) (%1!s!)
32913Kimga to
32914quyidagida in
32915Ishni yakunlash Shut Down
32916Bekor qilish... Canceling...
32917Operatsiyani davom ettirmoq Resume the operation
32918Operatsiyani to‘xtatib turmoq Pause the operation
32919Operatsiyani bekor qilmoq Cancel the operation
32920%1!s! element (%2!s!) %1!s! item (%2!s!)
32921Calculating time remaining... Calculating time remaining...
32923Windowsni o‘chirish yoki qayta ishga tushirish mumkin emas Windows can't shut down or restart
32924Ba'zi fayllar va xizmatlardan hali ham foydalanilmoqda. Kutishni davom ettirishingiz yoki jarayonni bekor qilib, qaytadan urinib ko‘rishingiz mumkin. Some files or services are still in use. You can continue to wait, or cancel the process and try again.
32926In: In:
32927yoqilgan on
32928%1!d! kun %1!d! day
329301 soat 1 hour
32931%1!d! soat %1!d! hours
32933%1!d! soat va %2!d! daqiqa %1!d! hours and %2!d! minutes
3293860 soniya 60 seconds
32942More than 1 day More than 1 day
32944%d%% bajarildi %d%% complete
32947Yo‘q qilish... Deleting...
32948O‘zgartirish... Changing...
32949Yuklab olinmoqda... Downloading...
32950Qidirilmoqda... Searching...
32951Formatting... Formatting...
32952%1!d! element/soniya %1!d! items/second
32960Jildni ochmoq Open Folder
32962This program can't run This program can't run
32964Joylashishga kirish mumkin emas Location is not available
32969Windows ishchi stol yangilanishi Windows Desktop Update
32976%1!s! savatga tashlandi %1!s! recycled
32977%1!s! yo‘q qilindi %1!s! deleted
32978%1!s! ko‘chirildi %1!s! moved
32991Rivojlanish oynasi Progress Bar
32996%1%2%3%4%5%6 %1%2%3%4%5%6
33008Generic Generic
33009Domen Domain
33011Umumiy foydalanish Share
33012File File
33013Workgroup Workgroup
33015Ildiz Root
33016Share Share
33017Directory Directory
33018Tree Tree
33019Container Container
33056Windows Windows
33057Ushbu faylni ochish uchun dastur tanlang Choose a program to open this file
33058Internetda dasturni topish Find one online
33059Ushbu kompyuterda o‘rnatilgan dasturdan foydalanmoq Use one already installed on this PC
33060Find one using %s Find one using %s
33088Tekshirish rejimi Test Mode
33089Safe Mode Safe Mode
33090%wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws%0.0ws) %ws %wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws%0.0ws) %ws
33091%wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws: %ws) %ws %wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws: %ws) %ws
33092%wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws%0.0ws) %wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws%0.0ws)
33093%wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws: %ws) %wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws: %ws)
33108%ws Build %ws %ws Build %ws
33109Sinash uchun nusxa. Evaluation copy.
33110Faqatgina tekshirish uchun. For testing purposes only.
33111Windowsning ushbu nusxasi quyidagi uchun litsenziyalangan This copy of Windows is licensed for
33112Windows litsenziyasining muddati tugadi Windows License is expired
33113kun days
33114hours hours
33115Windows litsenziyasi %d %ws davomida kuchga ega Windows License valid for %d %ws
33116Windows Grace expires in %d %ws Windows Grace expires in %d %ws
33117SecureBoot to‘g‘ri sozlanmagan SecureBoot isn't configured correctly
33152Barchasini bekor qilmoq Cancel all
33153Barcha bajarilayotgan uzatishlar bekor qilinadi. This will cancel all transfers in progress.
33154Haqiqatan ham, barcha uzatishlarni bekor qilmoqchimisiz? Are you sure you want to cancel all transfers?
33155Bajarilishi Progress
33157%1!lu! harakat bekor qilindi %1!lu! Interrupted Action
33158%1!lu! harakat bajarilmoqda %1!lu! Running Action
33159%1!lu! harakat to‘xtatildi %1!lu! Paused Action
33163Fayllarni almashtirish yoki o‘tkazish Replace or Skip Files
33164%1!s! - %2!s! %1!s! - %2!s!
33165Bir yoki bir nechta fayl amallarini davom ettirib bo‘lmayapti One or more file actions can’t continue
33166Ishchi stoldagi ushbu amallar diqqatingizni talab qiladi These actions in the desktop need your attention
33175Faol operatsiyaning %1!u!%% bajarildi Active operation at %1!u!%% progress
33176To‘xtatilgan operatsiya %1!u!%% bajarildi Paused operation at %1!u!%% progress
33177Operatsiya xatosi %1!u!%% bajarildi Operation in error at %1!u!%% progress
33179Operatsiyaning bajarilish jarayoni noaniq Indeterminate operation progress
33180Operatsiya bajarilishi: %1!u!%%; Tezlik: soniyasiga %2!s! Operation progress: %1!u!%%; Speed: %2!s! per second
33181Operatsiya bajarilishi: %1!u!%%; Tezlik: soniyasiga %2!s!ta element Operation progress: %1!u!%%; Speed: %2!s! item per second
33184%1%2 %1%2
33185&Quyidagidan fayllar Files &from
33186Quyidagida avvaldan mavjud &fayllar Files &already in
33187&Bekor qilmoq &Cancel
33188Da&vom ettirmoq C&ontinue
33189Qaysi fayllarni saqlashni istaysiz? Which files do you want to keep?
33190Agar ikkala versiyani tanlasangiz, nusxa olingan fayl nomiga raqam qo‘shiladi. If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.
33191Aniqlanmoqda... Discovering...
33192%1!s!dan barchasi All from %1!s!
33193Ixtilof %1!lu!/%2!lu! Conflict %1!lu! of %2!lu!
33194%1!s!/%2!s! %1!s! from %2!s!
33195Unknown Date Unknown Date
33196Unknown Size Unknown Size
33197&Bir xil o‘lcham va sanaga ega %1!lu!ta faylni o‘tkazib yubormoq &Skip %1!lu! files with the same date and size
33199BArcha fayllar bir xil sana o‘lchamga ega. All files have the same date and size.
33200Tezlik: %1!s!/s Speed: %1!s!/s
33201Tezlik: %1!s! element/s Speed: %1!s! item/s
33204Fayllar ixtilofi: %1!lu! %1!lu! File Conflict
33205Jami fayllar ixtilofi: %1!lu! %1!lu! Total File Conflicts
33208Xususiyatlar da qo‘llash tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to apply properties in
33209dan ga yuklab olish tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to download from to
33210Agar har ikkala versiyasini tanlsangiz, ko‘chirilgan fayl nomiga raqam qo‘shiladi. If you select both versions, the moved file will have a number added to its name.
33211If you select both versions, the downloaded file will have a number added to its name. If you select both versions, the downloaded file will have a number added to its name.
33213Mozaikani bekor qilmoq Cancel tile
33214Operatsiya bajarilishi Operation progress
33215Operatsiya bajarilishi haqida qo‘shimcha ma’lumotlar Advanced operation progress
33216 dan savatga tashlashga tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to recycle from
33217 dan yo‘q qilishga tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to delete from
33218dan nom o‘zgartirish tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to rename from
33223Bu harakatni b&archa joriy elementlarga tatbiq qilmoq Do this for &all current items
33224&Ha &Yes
33225Ha OK
33229&Davom ettirmoq &Continue
33230&Yo‘q qilmoq &Delete
33231Q&ayta urinib ko‘rmoq T&ry Again
33232&Yo‘q &No
33233Yakuniy jildda bir xil nomga ega %1!lu! ta fayl mavjud The destination has %1!lu! files with the same names
33234Yakuniy manzilda "%1!s!" nomli fayl avvaldan mavjud The destination already has a file named "%1!s!"
33235 dan ga nusxa ko‘chirishga tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to copy from to
33236 dan ga ko‘chirishga tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to move from to
33237&Yakuniy jilddagi fayllarni almashtirmoq &Replace the files in the destination
33238&Yakuniy jilddagi faylni almashtirmoq &Replace the file in the destination
33239&Bu fayllarni o‘tkazib yubormoq &Skip these files
33240Ushbu faylni o‘&tkazib yubormoq &Skip this file
33241&Har bir fayl uchun so‘ralsin &Let me decide for each file
33242&Har ikki fayl ma’lumotlarini solishtirmoq &Compare info for both files
33243To‘xtatib turish - %1!s! Pausing - %1!s!
33244To‘xtatilgan - %1!s! Paused - %1!s!
33245Tiklanmoqda - %1!s! Resuming - %1!s!
33246Bekor qilish - %1!s! Canceling - %1!s!
33247Uzilib qoldi - %1!s! Interrupted - %1!s!
33248Dasturlar va xossalar Programs and Features
33249Launch Programs and Features in the Control Panel Launch Programs and Features in the Control Panel
33250Are you sure you want to move this shortcut to the Recycle Bin?

Deleting this shortcut does not uninstall the program. It only removes the icon that points to the program. If you want to uninstall use Programs and Features.
Are you sure you want to move this shortcut to the Recycle Bin?

Deleting this shortcut does not uninstall the program. It only removes the icon that points to the program. If you want to uninstall use Programs and Features.
33251Are you sure you want to permanently remove this shortcut?

Deleting this shortcut does not uninstall the program. It only removes the icon that points to the program. If you want to uninstall use Remove a Program.
Are you sure you want to permanently remove this shortcut?

Deleting this shortcut does not uninstall the program. It only removes the icon that points to the program. If you want to uninstall use Remove a Program.
33252Tasdiq kutilmoqda Waiting for confirmation
33254Avtomatik ma’mur huquqlari bilan davom ettirmoq Continue with automatic administrator rights
332551ta element ishlanmoqda Processing 1 item
33256%1!s!ta element ishlanmoqda Processing %1!s! items
33257Amalga oshirish uchun tayyorlamoq Preparing to process
33258 dagi 1 ta elementdan ga nusxa ko‘chirish Copying 1 item from to
33259 dagi %1!s! ta elementdan ga nusxa ko‘chirish Copying %1!s! items from to
33260Nusxa ko‘chirishga tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to copy
33261 dan ga 1 ta elementni ko‘chirish Moving 1 item from to
33262 dan ga %1!s! ta elementni ko‘chirish Moving %1!s! items from to
33263Ko‘chirish uchun tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to move
33264 dagi 1 ta elementni savatga tashlash Recycling 1 item from
33265 dagi %1!s! ta elementni savatga tashlash Recycling %1!s! items from
33266Savatga tashlashga tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to recycle
33267 dan 1 ta elementni yo‘q qilish Deleting 1 item from
33268 dan %1!s!ta elementni yo‘q qilish Deleting %1!s! items from
33269Yo‘q qilish uchun tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to delete
33270dan 1ta element nomi o‘zgartirilmoqda Renaming 1 item from
33271dan %1!s!ta element nomi o‘zgartirilmoqda Renaming %1!s! items from
33272Nom o‘zgartirish uchun tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to rename
33273Xususiyatlar da 1ta elementga qo‘llanilmoqda Applying properties to 1 item in
33274Xususiyatlar da %1!s!ta elementga qo‘llanilmoqda Applying properties to %1!s! items in
33275Xususiyatlarni qo‘llash uchun tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to apply properties
33276dan ga 1ta element yuklab olinmoqda Downloading 1 item from to
33277dan ga %1!s!ta element yuklab olinmoqda Downloading %1!s! items from to
33278Yuklab olish uchun tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to download
33280Shutdown Shutdown
33281Restart Restart
33282You don't have permission to shut down this computer. You don't have permission to shut down this computer.
33283You don't have permission to shut down and restart this computer. You don't have permission to shut down and restart this computer.
332961ta elementdan ga nusxa ko‘chirilmoqda Copying 1 item to
33297%1!s!ta elementdan ga nusxa ko‘chirilmoqda Copying %1!s! items to
33298ga nusxa ko‘chirish uchun tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to copy to
332991ta element ga ko‘chirilmoqda Moving 1 item to
33300%1!s!ta element ga ko‘chirilmoqda Moving %1!s! items to
33301ga ko‘chirish uchun tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to move to
333021ta element qayta ishlanmoqda Recycling 1 item
33303%1!s!ta element qayta ishlanmoqda Recycling %1!s! items
333041ta element yo‘q qilinmoqda Deleting 1 item
33305%1!s!ta element yo‘q qilinmoqda Deleting %1!s! items
333061ta element nomi o‘zgartirilmoqda Renaming 1 item
33307%1!s!ta element nomi o‘zgartirilmoqda Renaming %1!s! items
33308Xususiyatlar 1ta elementga qo‘llanilmoqda Applying properties to 1 item
33309Xususiyatlar %1!s!ta elementga qo‘llanilmoqda Applying properties to %1!s! items
333101ta element ga yuklab olinmoqda Downloading 1 item to
33311%1!s!ta element ga yuklab olinmoqda Downloading %1!s! items to
33312ga yuklab olish uchun tayyorlanmoqda Preparing to download to
33322’%1!ls!’ hozirda foydalanilmoqda.
Ushbu diskka ochilgan fayllardan birini saqlang, undan so‘ng qayta urinishdan oldin fayllardan foydalanayotgan fayl yoki dasturlarni yoping.
Agar davom ettirishni tanlasangiz, fayllar yopiladi va natijada ma’lumotlar yo‘qotilishi mumkin.
'%1!ls!' is currently in use.
Save any open files on this disc, and then close the files or programs using the files before trying again.
If you choose to continue, the files will be closed, which might cause data to be lost.
33338’%1!ls!’ni chiqarish mobaynida xato yuzaga keldi. An error occurred while ejecting '%1!ls!'.
33553Delete Delete
33560Cut Cut
33561Copy Copy
33562Paste Paste
33563Undo Undo
33568Redo Redo
33577Large Icons Large Icons
33578Small Icons Small Icons
33579List List
33580Details Details
33585Views Views
34128%1, %2 %1, %2
34129%1... %1...
34130Hisoblash filtrlari... Computing filters...
34131Qo‘shimcha filtrlardan foydalanish... Computing additional filters...
34132%sdagi qidiruv natijalari Search Results in %s
34133Qidiruv natijalari Search Results
34144%1 values %1 values
34145%1 filtr nazorati %1 filter control
34146%1 filtr qiymati %1 filter values
34147%1 stack %1 stack
34148%1 view commands %1 view commands
34193Barcha fayllar All files
34560Kutubxona Library
34562%1's Libraries %1's Libraries
34563Export Library Contents Export Library Contents
34564Export the contents of this library. Export the contents of this library.
34565Qidiruv ulagichini yaratish Create Search Connector
34566Create Library Create Library
34567Include a folder... Include a folder...
34570Edit Library Folders Edit Library Folders
34571Create a Custom Library Create a Custom Library
34572Pin Library to Navigation Pane Pin Library to Navigation Pane
34573Kutubxonani navigatsion panelidan olib tashlamoq Unpin Library from Navigation Pane
34574Qidiruv ulagichi Search Connector
34576My Documents My Documents
34577Hujjatlar jildi Documents Folder
34578Public Documents Public Documents
34579Public Documents Folder Public Documents Folder
34581Computing libraries... Computing libraries...
34585My Music My Music
34586Music Folder Music Folder
34587Public Music Public Music
34588Public Music Folder Public Music Folder
34589"%1!s!" is no longer working. "%1!s!" is no longer working.
34590Ushbu kutubxona ShKingizdan xavfsizgina yo‘q qilinishi mumkin. Qamrab olingan jildlarga ta’sir qilmaydi. This library can be safely deleted from your PC. Folders that have been included will not be affected.
34592Add a folder to this library. Add a folder to this library.
34593&Kutubxonaga qo‘shmoq &Include in library
34594Include the selected folder in one of your libraries. Include the selected folder in one of your libraries.
34596My Pictures My Pictures
34597Pictures Folder Pictures Folder
34598Public Pictures Public Pictures
34599Public Pictures Folder Public Pictures Folder
34601No changes were made to the Library. No changes were made to the Library.
34602Kutubxonani boshqarish Manage library
34603Ushbu kutubxona sozlamalarini ko‘rib chiqish yoki o‘zgartirish View or change this library's settings.
34604Saqlash uchun joylashuv ko‘rsatmoq Set save location
34605Ushbu kutubxonada sukut bo‘yicha saqlash uchun ishlatiladigan jildni tanlash. Select the folder that will be used as the default save location for this library.
34606Umumiy saqlash joyini o‘rnatmoq Set public save location
34607Select the folder that will be used as the default public save location for this library. Select the folder that will be used as the default public save location for this library.
34608Ikonachani o‘zgartirmoq Change icon
34609Ushbu kutubxona uchun jild ikonachasini o‘zgartirish. Change the folder icon for this library.
34610Kutubxonani optimallashtirmoq Optimize library for
34611Kutubxonada elementlarning aks ettirilish usulini o‘zgartirish. Change the way items in this library are displayed.
34612Sozlamalarni qayta tiklash Restore settings
34613Ushbu kutubxona uchun sukut bo‘yicha sozlamalarni tiklash. Restore the default settings for this library.
34616Recorded TV Recorded TV
34617Recorded TV Folder Recorded TV Folder
34618Navigatsion panelda ko‘rsatmoq Show in navigation pane
34619Kutubxonani navigatsiya panelida ko‘rsatish. Show this library in the navigation pane.
34621My Videos My Videos
34622Videos Folder Videos Folder
34623Public Videos Public Videos
34624Public Videos Folder Public Videos Folder
34626Desktop Folder Desktop Folder
34627Parametr tarkibi Setting Content
34628Links Links
34629Links Folder Links Folder
34631Add the folder in the browser to Favorites. Add the folder in the browser to Favorites.
34632Public Desktop Public Desktop
34633Public Desktop Folder Public Desktop Folder
34634Public Favorites Public Favorites
34635Public Favorites Folder Public Favorites Folder
34637%s jildini kutubxonaga qo‘shmoq Include in %s library
34640Edit the Folders in this Library Edit the Folders in this Library
34641Change the default save folder of this Library Change the default save folder of this Library
34642Custom Library Custom Library
34643Create library for %s Create library for %s
34644Restore the default folders to the Library. Restore the default folders to the Library.
34645Sukut bo‘yicha kutubxonalarni &tiklamoq &Restore default libraries
34646Sukut bo‘yicha kutubxonalarni tiklang. Restore the default libraries.
34647Saralangan havolalarni &tiklamoq &Restore favorite links
34648Saralangan havolalarni tiklang. Restore the favorite links.
34649Ilova tarkibi Application Content
34650Jildlarni ushbu kutubxonaga qo‘shish uchun "Qo‘shmoq"ni cherting. Click 'Add' to include folders in this library.
34652Not Applicable Not Applicable
34653Included Folders Included Folders
34654Open file location Open file location
34655Copy link Copy link
34672Kutubxonani yangilash Updating Library
34673%sga jildlar qo‘shmoq Include Folder in %s
34674Windows kutubxonalari Windows Libraries
34675Jild qo‘shmoq Include folder
34676The folder could not be included in %s. The folder could not be included in %s.
34677%s jildi kutubxonaga avvaldan qo‘shilgan. %s is already included in the library.
34678How do I convert a drive to NTFS? How do I convert a drive to NTFS?
34679Kutubxonadagi jildni qo‘shgan holda... Including folder in library...
34680%s can’t be included in the library. Please select a different folder. %s can’t be included in the library. Please select a different folder.
34681This folder can't be included because you don't have permission to access it. This folder can't be included because you don't have permission to access it.
34683Ushbu jildni qanday indekslab bo‘ladi? How can this folder be indexed?
34684Ushbu tarmoq jildini qo‘shib bo‘lmaydi, chunki u indekslanmagan. This network location can't be included because it is not indexed.
34685If you include this folder, searches will be slower and some view options will not be available.

Folder Path: %s
If you include this folder, searches will be slower and some view options will not be available.

Folder Path: %s
34686Don't include this folder (recommended) Don't include this folder (recommended)
34687Include this folder anyway Include this folder anyway
34688Folder Path: %s Folder Path: %s
34689%s jildi avvaldan kutubxonaga qo‘shilgan. Kutubxonaga xuddi o‘sha jildni faqat bir marta qo‘shish mumkin. %s is already included in the library. You can include a folder only once in the same library.
34690Changes to %s may not have been saved because the operation was canceled. Changes to %s may not have been saved because the operation was canceled.
34691Default Save Folder Default Save Folder
34692This folder can't be included because it is on a removable device. This folder can't be included because it is on a removable device.
34693Qaysi joylashuvlarni qo‘shish mumkin? What locations can be included?
34694This folder can't be included because an unknown error occurred. This folder can't be included because an unknown error occurred.
34695What locations can be included? What locations can be included?
34696Joylashuvni tekshirish Verifying Location
34697Ushbu jildni indekslanganligini tekshirish... Checking to see if this location is indexed...
34698O‘zgarishlarni saqlash Saving Changes
34699O‘zgartirishlarni kutubxonaga qo‘llash... Applying changes to the library...
34700Checking to see if you can save to this location... Checking to see if you can save to this location...
34701This folder can't be included due to a group policy setting. This folder can't be included due to a group policy setting.
34702%s ushbu kutubxona uchun sukut bo‘yicha saqlash jildi bo‘la olmaydi, chunki u jild emas. %s can’t be the default save folder for this library because it is not a folder.
34703%s can’t be the public save folder for this library because it is not a folder. %s can’t be the public save folder for this library because it is not a folder.
34704%s ushbu kutubxona uchun sukut bo‘yicha saqlash jildi bo‘la olmaydi, chunki Siz unga faqat o‘qish uchun kirishingiz mumkin. %s can’t be the default save folder for this library because you only have read-only access to it.
34705%s can’t be the public save folder for this library because you only have read-only access to it. %s can’t be the public save folder for this library because you only have read-only access to it.
34706%s ushbu kutubxona uchun sukut bo‘yicha saqlash jildi bo‘la olmaydi, chunki u mavjud emas. %s can’t be the default save folder for this library because it is unavailable.
34707%s can’t be the public save folder for this library because it is unavailable. %s can’t be the public save folder for this library because it is unavailable.
34708%s can’t be the default save folder for this library.

Error 0x%08lX: %s
%s can’t be the default save folder for this library.

Error 0x%08lX: %s
34816Ushbu kutubxonada elementlarni tartiblamoq. Arrange the items in this library.
34818Muallif Author
34820Teg Tag
34822Eng yaxshi natijalar Top results
34823Albom Album
34824Ijrochi Artist
34825Janr Genre
34826Baho Rating
34827Qo‘shiq Song
34828Uzunlik Length
34829Date added Date added
34830Kun Day
34831Oy Month
34832Date imported Date imported
34840Yil Year
34841Kutubxonaning ba’zi funksiyalaridan kutubxonaning qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydigan joylashuvi sababli foydalanib bo‘lmaydi. Some library features are unavailable due to unsupported library locations.
34842Some library features have been disabled by your administrator. Some library features have been disabled by your administrator.
35075O‘zgartirishlarni tozalash Clear changes
35152Boshqa uy kompyuterlari bilan baham ko‘rish Share with other home PCs
35153Uy guruhi yordamida, quyidagilarni bajarishingiz mumkin: With a homegroup, you can:
35155Uy guruhini yaratmoq Create a homegroup
35156Hozirda ushbu kompyuterdan foydalanib bo‘lmaydi. This PC is currently unavailable.
35157Windows found a homegroup on your network. With a homegroup, you can share files and printers with other PCs. You can also stream media to devices.

The homegroup is protected with a password, and you'll always be able to choose what you share.

To view shared resources, first join the homegroup created by %1.
Windows found a homegroup on your network. With a homegroup, you can share files and printers with other PCs. You can also stream media to devices.

The homegroup is protected with a password, and you'll always be able to choose what you share.

To view shared resources, first join the homegroup created by %1.
35158Windows found a homegroup on your network. With a homegroup, you can share files and printers with other computers. You can also stream media to devices.

The homegroup is protected with a password, and you'll always be able to choose what you share.
Windows found a homegroup on your network. With a homegroup, you can share files and printers with other computers. You can also stream media to devices.

The homegroup is protected with a password, and you'll always be able to choose what you share.
35159Qo‘shilmoq Join now
35160The homegroup password has been changed The homegroup password has been changed
35161%1 has changed your homegroup password.

To continue using homegroup resources, make sure that someone who has already entered the new password is online, and then type the new password.
%1 has changed your homegroup password.

To continue using homegroup resources, make sure that someone who has already entered the new password is online, and then type the new password.
35162Your homegroup password has been changed.

To continue using homegroup resources, make sure that someone who has already entered the new password is online, and then type the new password.
Your homegroup password has been changed.

To continue using homegroup resources, make sure that someone who has already entered the new password is online, and then type the new password.
35163Type new password Type new password
35164Another homegroup is available on your network Another homegroup is available on your network
35165%1 has created another homegroup on the network.

To combine the new homegroup with your current one, type the new password.
%1 has created another homegroup on the network.

To combine the new homegroup with your current one, type the new password.
35166Another homegroup has been created on your network.

To combine the new homegroup with your current one, type the new password.
Another homegroup has been created on your network.

To combine the new homegroup with your current one, type the new password.
35167Combine now Combine now
35168There are no other people in the homegroup There are no other people in the homegroup
35169Before you can view files from other people on the network, they must join the homegroup.

On each PC that you want to add to the homegroup:
Before you can view files from other people on the network, they must join the homegroup.

On each PC that you want to add to the homegroup:
351701. 1.
35171Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search (or if you're using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, and then click Search). Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search (or if you're using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, and then click Search).
351722. 2.
35173Enter HomeGroup in the search box, tap or click Settings, and then tap or click HomeGroup. Enter HomeGroup in the search box, tap or click Settings, and then tap or click HomeGroup.
351743. 3.
35175Tap or click Join now, and then follow the HomeGroup wizard to enter the password. Tap or click Join now, and then follow the HomeGroup wizard to enter the password.
35176View the homegroup password View the homegroup password
35177Your PC is ready to share files and printers Your PC is ready to share files and printers
35178Currently there are no other people in the homegroup. Currently there are no other people in the homegroup.
35179Choose what you want to share, and view the homegroup password Choose what you want to share, and view the homegroup password
35180Hozirgi vaqtda foydalanish mumkin bo‘lgan boshqa uy guruhi kompyuterlari mavjud emas No other homegroup PCs are available right now
35181Quyidagi shartlar bajarilganligini tekshiring:
Make sure that:
35183Uy guruhining boshqa kompyuterlari yoqilgan va tarmoqqa ulangan. The other homegroup PCs are awake and connected to the network.
35184Uy guruhingizdagi barcha kompyuterlarda baham yoqilgan. All the PCs in your homegroup have sharing turned on.
35185Uy guruhining boshqa kompyuterlarida joriy uy guruhi parolidan foydalanilmoqda. The other homegroup PCs have the current homegroup password.
35186Uy guruhining boshqa foydalanuvchilari uy guruhi kutubxonasi uchun umumiy foydalanish imkoniyatini taqdim etdilar.
Other people in your homegroup are sharing libraries with the homegroup.
35187Uy guruhi sozlamalarini ko‘rib chiqish View homegroup settings
35188Uy guruhi nosozliklarini bartaraf etish vositasini ishga tushirish Start the HomeGroup troubleshooter
35189%1!s! dan hozir foydalanib bo‘lmaydi %1!s! is currently unavailable
35190Ishlatilayotgan kompyuter va %1!s! har ikkisi yoqilganligiga va uyqu rejimida emasligiga ishonch hosil qiling. Make sure that the PC you're using and %1!s! are both on and not asleep.
35191Wake Wake
35192Boshqa ShKlardagi umumiy fayllarni ko‘rib chiqish va qidirish Browse and search shared files on other PCs
35193Printer va boshqa qurilmalardan umumiy foydalanish Share printers and other devices
35200Uyda bo‘lmaganingizda, uy kompyuteringizga kirish uchun Microsoft hisob qaydnomasidan foydalaning Use a Microsoft account to access your home PC when you’re not home
35201Uy guruhlari parol bilan himoyalangan va nimani baham ko‘rishni har doim nazorat qilishingiz mumkin. Homegroups are protected with a password, and you can always control what you share.
35202If %1!s! is asleep or hibernating, Windows can try to wake it but it might take a minute. If %1!s! is asleep or hibernating, Windows can try to wake it but it might take a minute.
35203Agar Sizda %1!s! bo‘lmasa, uni uy guruhidan olib tashlashingiz mumkin. If you no longer have %1!s!, you can remove it from the homegroup.
35204Uy guruhidan %1!s!ni olib tashlamoq Remove %1!s! from the homegroup
35205Waking... Waking...
35206Removing... Removing...
35207Failed to remove %1!s! from the homegroup Failed to remove %1!s! from the homegroup
35208Trying to wake %1!s! Trying to wake %1!s!
35209Please wait. Please wait.
35210Cancel Cancel
35211%1!s! won't wake up %1!s! won't wake up
35212Make sure the PC's network cable is plugged in, and then try again. Make sure the PC's network cable is plugged in, and then try again.
35213Close Close
3521411;Semilight;None;Segoe UI 11;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
36000Elementlarni katta eskizlar ko‘rinishida ko‘rsatadi. (Ctrl+Shift+2) Displays items by using large thumbnails. (Ctrl+Shift+2)
36001Har bir element haqidagi ma’lumotlarni oynada ko‘rsatadi. (Ctrl+Shift+6) Displays information about each item in the window. (Ctrl+Shift+6)
37121Libraries Libraries
37122Files and folders Files and folders
37200U&stunni mos o‘lchamga keltirmoq &Size Column to Fit
37201Barcha &ustunlarni mos o‘lchamga keltirmoq Size &All Columns to Fit
37217So‘nggi jildlar Recent folders
37376Yorliqni qo‘shib qo‘ymoq Paste shortcut
37377Almashish buferidagi elementlar uchun yorliq qo‘shib qo‘yish. Paste shortcuts to the items on the Clipboard.
37378Belgilashni olib tashlamoq Select none
37379Barcha tanlovlarni bekor qilish. Clear all your selections.
37380Belgilashni o‘girmoq Invert selection
37381Joriy belgilashni o‘girmoq. Reverse the current selection.
37382Jurnal History
37383Tanlangan element uchun jurnalni ko‘rsatish. Show history for the selected item.
37384Savatga tashlamoq Recycle
37385Tanlangan elementlarni Savatga tashlash. Move the selected items to the Recycle Bin.
37386Ochmoq Open
37387Tanlangan faylni sukut bo‘yicha dastur yordamida ochish. Open the selected file with the default program.
37388Tanlash rejimi Select mode
37389Tanlash rejimini almashtirish Toggle select mode
37393Tanlangan fayllarni Savatga tashlash yoki butunlay yo‘q qilish. Move the selected items to the Recycle Bin or permanently delete them.
37394Butunlay yo‘q qilmoq Permanently delete
37395Tanlangan elementlarni butunlay yo‘q qilish. Permanently delete the selected items.
37396Savatga tashlash tasdig‘ini ko‘rsatish Show recycle confirmation
37397Tashlab yuborish uchun tasdiqlashlarni yoqish yoki o‘chirish. Turn confirmations for recycling on or off.
37398O‘zgartirmoq Edit
37399Tanlangan fayllarni tahrirlash. Edit the selected files.
37400Yangi element New item
37401Joriy joylashuvda yangi element yaratish. Create a new item in the current location.
37408&Saralanganlarga qo‘shmoq &Add to favorites
37409Tanlangan jildni tanlanganlar ro‘yxatingizga qo‘shish. Add the selected folder to your favorites list.
37410So‘nggi jildlar r&o‘yxati &Recent folders list
37411Yangi oyna oc&hmoq Open &new window
37412Tanlangan joylashuvni yangi oynada ochish. Open the selected location in a new window.
37413Yangi &jarayonda yangi oyna ochmoq Open new window in new &process
37414Open the selected location in a new window and a separate process. Open the selected location in a new window and a separate process.
37415&Buyruq satrini ochmoq Open command &prompt
37416Buyruq satriga buyruqlar kiritish uchun yangi oyna ochmoq. Open a window you can use to type commands at a command prompt.
37417Ma’mur nomidan ishga tushirmoq Run as administrator
37418Tanlangan dasturni ma’murning to‘liq huquqlari bilan ishga tushirish. Run the selected program with full administrator rights.
37419Boshqa foydalanuvchi sifatida ishga tushirmoq Run as another user
37420Boshqa foydalanuvchi sifatida ishga tushirmoq. Run as another user.
37423Vazifalar paneliga mahkamlamoq Pin to taskbar
37424Tanlangan elementni vazifalar paneliga mahkamlash. Pin the selected item to the taskbar.
37425Nosozliklarni bartaraf etmoq Troubleshoot compatibility
37426Tanlangan element uchun mutanosiblik muammolarini bartaraf etish. Troubleshoot compatibility for the selected item.
37427Qo‘shiqlar ro‘yxatiga qo‘shmoq Add to playlist
37428Tanlangan elementlarni musiqalar ro‘yxatiga qo‘shish. Add the selected items to a playlist.
37440&Disk sifatida ulamoq &Map as drive
37441Tanlangan joylashuvni disk sifatida belgilash. Map the selected location as a drive.
37442Ko‘p ishlatiladigan jildlar ro‘yxati Frequent folders list
37443Ko‘p ishlatiladigan jildlar ro‘yxati. Frequent folders list.
37444Buyruq satrini &ma’mur sifatida ochmoq Open command prompt as &administrator
37445Buyruqlar satriga buyruqlarni kiritish uchun ishlatiladigan oynani ma’mur ruxsati bilan ochish. Open a window you can use to type commands at a command prompt with administrator permissions.
37446Windows Powe&rShellni ochmoq Open Windows Powe&rShell
37447Windows PowerShellda buyruqlar kiritish uchun foydalanish mumkin bo‘lgan oynani oching Open a window you can use to type commands at a Windows PowerShell
37448Windows PowerShellni &ma’mur sifatida ochmoq Open Windows PowerShell as &administrator
37449Open a window you can use to type commands at a Windows Powershell with administrator permissions. Open a window you can use to type commands at a Windows Powershell with administrator permissions.
37456Qurilma veb-sahifasini ko‘rmoq View device webpage
37457Tanlangan qurilma veb-sahifasini ko‘rib chiqish. View the webpage of the selected device.
37459Opsiyalar Options
37460Saralamoq Sort by
37461Ushbu ko‘rinishdagi elementlarni ustun bo‘yicha saralash. Sort the items in this view by a column.
37462Quyidagi bo‘yicha guruhlamoq Group by
37463Ushbu ko‘rinishdagi elementlarni ustun bo‘yicha guruhlash. Group the items in this view by a column.
37464Ustunlar qo‘shmoq Add columns
37465Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot ustunlarini ko‘rsatish. Display more columns of information.
37466Barcha ustunlarni mos o‘lchamga keltirmoq Size all columns to fit
37467Barcha ustunlar kengligini tarkibi bo‘yicha o‘zgartirish. Change the width of all columns to fit their contents.
37468O‘sish tartibida Ascending
37469Sort the items so that those with the lowest values are at the top. Sort the items so that those with the lowest values are at the top.
37470Kamayish tartibida Descending
37471Sort the items so that those with the highest values are at the top. Sort the items so that those with the highest values are at the top.
37472Joylashuvni ochmoq Open location
37473Tanlangan element joylashuvini ochish. Open the location of the selected item.
37474Change icon Change icon
37475Change shortcut icon. Change shortcut icon.
37488Formatlamoq Format
37489Tanlangan diskni formatlash. Format the selected disk.
37490Optimallashtirmoq Optimize
37491Kompyuterdan foydalanish samaradorligini oshirish uchun disklarni optimallashtirish. Optimize your drives to help your PC run more efficiently.
37494Tozalamoq Cleanup
37495Disk xotirasini bo‘shatish va kompyuterning ishlash samaradorligini oshirish maqsadida tanlangan diskdagi keraksiz fayllar sonini kamaytirish uchun Diskni tozalashdan foydalaning. Use Disk Cleanup to reduce the number of unnecessary files on the selected disk to free up disk space and help this computer run faster.
37514Barchasini chiqarib olmoq Extract all
37515Ushbu jilddagi barcha elementlarni chiqarib olish. Extract all items in this folder.
37516Extract to Extract to
37517Extract the selected items to the location you choose. Extract the selected items to the location you choose.
37535Indekslangan joylashuvlarni o‘zgartirmoq Change indexed locations
37536Tezkor qidirish uchun indekslanadigan jildlani o‘zgartirish. Change which folders are indexed for fast searching.
37538Ushbu ShKni qidiring. Search this PC.
37539Barcha tagjildlar All subfolders
37540Tanlangan jild va uning barcha tagjildlarida qidirish. Search in the selected folder and all of its subfolders.
37541Joriy jild Current folder
37542Faqat tanlangan jildda qidirish, tagjildlarda qidirish shart emas. Search only in the selected folder, not in any subfolders.
37543Quyidagida qaytadan qidirmoq: Search again in
37544Boshqa joylashuvdan qayta qidirish. Search again in a different location.
37546O‘zgartirilgan sanasi bo‘yicha qidirish. Search by date modified.
37547Turi Kind
37548Fayl turi bo‘yicha qidirish. Search by file kind.
37549O‘lcham Size
37550Fayl o‘lchami bo‘yicha qidirish. Search by file size.
37551Boshqa xususiyatlar Other properties
37552Faylning boshqa xususiyatlari bo‘yicha qidirish. Search by other file properties.
37553Oxirgi qidirishlar Recent searches
37554Avvalgi qidirish so‘rovlarini ko‘rib chiqish va qidirishlar jurnalini tozalash. See your previous searches or clear your search history.
37558Qidirishlarda fayl tarkibini qamrab olmoq. Include file contents in searches.
37559Tizim fayllari System files
37560Qidirishlarda tizim fayllarini qamrab olmoq. Include system files in searches.
37561Zichlangan ZIP-jildlar Zipped (compressed) folders
37562Qidirishlarda zichlangan jildlarni qamrab olmoq. Include zipped folders in searches.
37563Fayl joylashuvini ochmoq Open file location
37565Qidirish oynasini yopmoq Close search
37566Qidirish natijalari oynasini va qidirish tasmasini yopish. Close the search results window and the Search tab.
37570Fayl nomi kengaytmalari File name extensions
37571Fayl turi va formatini ko‘rsatib turish uchun fayl nomi oxiriga qo‘shiladigan belgilar to‘plamini ko‘rsatish yoki yashirish. Show or hide the set of characters added to the end of files that identifies the file type or format.
37572Yashirin elementlar Hidden items
37573Yashirin sifatida belgilangan fayl va jildlarni ko‘rsatish yoki yashirish. Show or hide the files and folders that are marked as hidden.
37574Tanlangan elementlarni yashirmoq Hide selected items
37575Tanlangan fayl yoki jildlarni yashirish. Hide the selected files or folders.
37576Ustunlarni tanlamoq... Choose columns...
37577Select the information to be displayed. Select the information to be displayed.
37579Sort the groups so that those with the lowest values are at the top. Sort the groups so that those with the lowest values are at the top.
37581Sort the groups so that those with the highest values are at the top. Sort the groups so that those with the highest values are at the top.
37584Barcha jildlarni ko‘rsatmoq Show all folders
37585Barcha jildlarni ko‘rsatmoq. Show all folders.
37586Ochilgan jildga ochmoq Expand to open folder
37587Expand to open folder. Expand to open folder.
37588Elementlarni belgilash katakchalari Item check boxes
37589Bir nechta elementni tanlashda belgilash katakchalaridan foydalaning. Use check boxes to make selecting multiple items easier.
37590Kutubxonalarni ko‘rsatmoq Show libraries
37591Kutubxonalarni ko‘rsatmoq. Show libraries.
37600Multimedia serveriga ulanmoq Connect to a media server
37601Multimedia serverida saqlanayotgan audio, video, yoki rasm fayllariga kirish. Access audio, video, or photos stored on a media server.
37602Boshqarish Manage
37603Xotira, hodisalar, xizmatlar va boshqalarni boshqarish. Manage storage, events, task scheduling, services, and more.
37610Chapga aylantirmoq Rotate left
37611Tanlangan obyektlarni soat miliga qarshi 90 gradusga burish. Turn the selected items 90 degrees to the left.
37612O‘ngga aylantirmoq Rotate right
37613Tanlangan obyektlarni soat mili o‘yicha 90 gradusga burish. Turn the selected items 90 degrees to the right.
38192%s element %s items
38194%s elementlar tanlangan %s items selected
38195%s element tanlangan %s item selected
38196Elementlar soni Number of items
38210%1!s! ta element tanlangan %1!s! item selected
38212%1!s!, %2!s! %1!s! %2!s!
38213Xususiyat maydoni Property Field
38214Ko‘rib chiqish rejimlari View Modes
38224Ko‘rib chiqish qobig‘i Shell Folder View
38225Saqlash maydonlari Save Fields
38226Sharhlovchi paneli Explorer Pane
38229Metama’lumot satri Metadata Row
38230Metama’lumot moduli Metadata Module
38231Eskiz moduli Thumbnail Module
38232TitleArea Module TitleArea Module
38233Ilova boshqaruvlari Application Controls
38234Jildlar ro‘yxati paneli Folder Layout Pane
38240Tafsilotlarni ko‘rsatmoq... Show more details...
38241Windows RTF previewer Windows RTF previewer
38242Windows TXT previewer Windows TXT previewer
38243Saqlamoq Save
38245Dastlabki ko‘rib chiqish uchun fayl tanlamoq. Select a file to preview.
38246Ko‘rib chiqish mumkin emas. No preview available.
38247Ushbu faylning dastlabki ko‘rib chiqilishini amalga oshirib bo‘lmaydi, chunki undan foydalanilmoqda. This file can't be previewed because it is in use.
38248This file can't be previewed because of an error in the %s. This file can't be previewed because of an error in the %s.
38249Ushbu faylning dastlabki ko‘rib chiqilishini amalga oshirib bo‘lmaydi. This file can't be previewed.
38250Files in this location can't be previewed. Files in this location can't be previewed.
38251Tafsilotlari ko‘rib chiqiladigan element tanlang Select an item to see details
38252Device can perform faster when connected to USB 3.0 Device can perform faster when connected to USB 3.0
38253Connected to USB 3.0 Connected to USB 3.0
38290InfoBar InfoBar
38291Some folders in this library are no longer available. Click here to remove them... Some folders in this library are no longer available. Click here to remove them...
38292There are more results than will fit in this view. Narrow your results with the Search box or click to see all results... There are more results than will fit in this view. Narrow your results with the Search box or click to see all results...
38295%1!s! bo‘sh %1!s! is empty
38296Ushbu kutubxonada jildlar mavjud emas. No folders have been included in this library.
38297Jildni qamrab olmoq Include a folder
38298Qidiruv %1!s!. Search %1!s!.
38301Some library features are unavailable due to unsupported library locations. Click here to learn more... Some library features are unavailable due to unsupported library locations. Click here to learn more...
38305Disk obrazini CD-, DVD-, Blu-ray yoki olinadigan diskka yozadi. Yangi diskda disk pbrazidagi fayl va jildlar bo‘ladi. Burns a disc image to a CD, DVD, Blu-ray, or removable drive. The new disc or drive will contain the same folders and files as the disc image.
38306SD karta SD Card
38307USB qurilma USB Drive
38309%1!s! kutubxona joylashishi %1!s! Library Locations
38310Ushbu kutubxona tarkibini yig‘ish usulini o‘zgartirmoq Change how this library gathers its contents
38311Jildni kutubxonaga qo‘shish paytida, ushbu jilddagi fayllar kutubxonada aks ettiriladi, lekin o‘zining asl manzilida saqlanib qoladi. When you include a folder in a library, the files appear in the library, but continue to be stored in their original locations.
38312Kutubxona joylashuvlari Library locations
38313Qo‘s&hmoq... &Add...
38314&Olib tashlamoq &Remove
38315&Kutubxonalar haqida batafsilroq ma’lumot &Learn more about libraries
38321Havolani tanlanganlar ro‘yxatidan olib tashlamoq. Remove link from favorites.
38322%1!d! ta joylashuv %1!d! location
38324Unknown Unknown
38325Saralanganlarga qo‘shish Add to Favorites
49856Orqaga %sga Back to %s
49857Oldinga %sga Forward to %s
49858Orqaga Back
49859Oldinga Forward
49872%1ga nusxa ko‘chirmoq Copy to %1
49873%1ga ko‘chirmoq Move to %1
49874%1da havola yaratmoq Create link in %1
49875%1 yordamida ochmoq Open with %1
49878Dastur yordamida ochmoq Open with program
49879%1ga joylashtirish mumkin emas Cannot place in %1
49890Offline Files Offline Files
49891Preparing to work offline Preparing to work offline
49892Can't work offline at this time Can't work offline at this time
49893One or more files are in use by Windows or by a program you are using. The following options are available: One or more files are in use by Windows or by a program you are using. The following options are available:
49894Don't work offline
This folder will remain online.
Don't work offline
This folder will remain online.
49895Close one or more programs and try again (recommended)
Select this option once programs are closed.
Close one or more programs and try again (recommended)
Select this option once programs are closed.
49896Work offline anyway
All applicable open files will be forced closed and the folder will work offline. This might result in a loss of data.
Work offline anyway
All applicable open files will be forced closed and the folder will work offline. This might result in a loss of data.
49897Can't bring all paths online Can't bring all paths online
49898One or more paths can not be brought online.
You can continue to access yours files while offline.
One or more paths can not be brought online.
You can continue to access yours files while offline.
49915Favorite Links Favorite Links
49917Show Folders Show Folders
49918Show Libraries Show Libraries
50096Qidirish ulagichini qo‘shmoq Add Search Connector
50097Ushbu qidirish ulagichi Windowsga qo‘shilsinmi? Do you want to add this search connector to Windows?
50098Qidirish ta’minotchisi: %1

Windows tanlanganlar ro‘yxatiga yorliq qo‘shiladi.
Search Provider: %1

A shortcut will be added to your Windows favorites.
50099Qidirish ulagichlarini faqatgina ishonchli veb-saytlardan qo‘shing. Only add search connectors from websites that you trust.
50100Qidirish ulagichini yaratib bo‘lmadi. The Search Connector could not be created.
50101Domain mismatch. Domain mismatch.
50102Tavsiflash fayli Windowsning ushbu versiya bilan mos kelmaydi. The description file is not compatible with this version of Windows.
50103Qo‘&shmoq &Add
50112Diskka yozmoq Burn a Disc
50113Ushbu diskdan qanday foydalanmoqchisiz? How do you want to use this disc?
50116Keyingi Next
50119The name of this disc can't contain any of the following characters:
The name of this disc can't contain any of the following characters:
50120The name of this disc can't contain any of the following characters:
\ / : * ? | ;
The name of this disc can't contain any of the following characters:
\ / : * ? | ;
50121Disk boshqa kompyuterlarda ham ishlatila olishi uchun seans yopilgunga qadar kutib turing. Please wait while this session is closed so the disc can be used on other computers.
50123Disk hozirda boshqa kompyuterlarda foydalanish uchun tayyor. Your disc is now ready to be used on other computers.
50124Disk tayyor Disc Ready
50126Windows joriy diskka yoza olmadi.
Iltimos, %1 diskovodga yozish mumkin bo‘lgan disk qo‘ying.
Windows can't burn to the current disc.
Please insert a writable disc into drive %1.
50127Diskni tanlashda menga yordam bering Help me choose a disc
50128Iltimos %1 diskovodga disk qo‘ying. Please insert a disc into drive %1.
50129Global sozlamalar Global Settings
50130Windows Data Burn Windows Data Burn
50132Chiqarishga tayyorlamoq Preparing to eject
50133This disc can’t be formatted using the Live File System. The disc might not be compatible or your CD or DVD burner might not work with this file system. This disc can’t be formatted using the Live File System. The disc might not be compatible or your CD or DVD burner might not work with this file system.
50134Do you want to try again using the Mastered option?

What is the difference between Live File System and Mastered discs?
Do you want to try again using the Mastered option?

What is the difference between Live File System and Mastered discs?
50135Windows diskni fonda formatlashydi. Diskka fayllar nusxasini olish yoki uni istalgan payda chiqarib olish mumkin. Windows will continue formatting the disc in the background. You can copy files to the disc or eject it anytime.
50136Diskning qolgan qismini formatlash Formatting the rest of your disc
50176Fayllardagi harakatlar File Operation
50178Erkin foydalanish taqiqlangan Access Denied
50179Ushbu drayver nomini o‘zgartirish uchun Sizga ma’mur ruxsati kerak bo‘ladi. You will need to provide administrator permission to rename this drive.
50180Ushbu harakatni oxiriga yetkazish uchun "Davom ettirmoq"ni bosing. Click Continue to complete this operation.
50181Rename Drive Rename Drive
50192Apply File Attributes Apply File Attributes
50195Ushbu xususiyatlarni o‘zgartirish uchun Sizga ma’mur ruxsati kerak bo‘ladi. You will need to provide administrator permission to change these attributes.
50197Save Shortcut Properties Save Shortcut Properties
50198Continue Continue
50199Access Denied Access Denied
50200You will need to provide administrator permission to change these settings. You will need to provide administrator permission to change these settings.
50201Click Continue to complete this operation. Click Continue to complete this operation.
50208System Configuration Utility System Configuration Utility
50210Dastlabki ko‘rib chiqish sohasini yashirmoq. Hide the preview pane.
50224Off Off
50225On On
50226Encrypting Encrypting
50227Decrypting Decrypting
50228Locked Locked
50229Suspended Suspended
50240These files can't be copied These files can't be copied
50241Your Internet security settings prevented one or more files from being copied. Your Internet security settings prevented one or more files from being copied.
50242Copying these files might be harmful to your computer Copying these files might be harmful to your computer
50243Your Internet security settings blocked one or more files from being copied. Do you want to copy these files anyway? Your Internet security settings blocked one or more files from being copied. Do you want to copy these files anyway?
50244Ushbu fayllarni ochish mumkin emas These files can't be opened
50245Internet xavfsizligi sozlamalari ba’zi fayllarni nusxa ko‘chirilishdan himoyalaydi. Your Internet security settings prevented one or more files from being opened.
50246Opening these files might be harmful to your computer Opening these files might be harmful to your computer
50247Your Internet security settings blocked one or more files from being opened. Do you want to open these files anyway? Your Internet security settings blocked one or more files from being opened. Do you want to open these files anyway?
50248Tafsilotlarni yashirmoq Hide details
50252Can't add or query locations Can't add or query locations
50253One or more sites have been restricted and can't be searched. One or more sites have been restricted and can't be searched.
50254How do I decide whether to add these locations? How do I decide whether to add these locations?
50256Copy files anyway Copy files anyway
50258The file you are attempting to preview could harm your computer. If you trust the file and the source you received it from, open it to view its contents. The file you are attempting to preview could harm your computer. If you trust the file and the source you received it from, open it to view its contents.
50259Why can't these files be copied? Why can't these files be copied?
50260How do I decide whether to copy these files? How do I decide whether to copy these files?
50261Nima uchun ushbu fayllarni ochish mumkin emas? Why can't these files be opened?
50262How do I decide whether to open these files? How do I decide whether to open these files?
50263Files from this website are not allowed to run on your computer Files from this website are not allowed to run on your computer
50264This is not a trusted website. This is not a trusted website.
50265Why is this website not trusted? Why is this website not trusted?
50266Do you want to allow files from this website to run on your computer? Do you want to allow files from this website to run on your computer?
50267You should only run files that come from websites that you trust. You should only run files that come from websites that you trust.
50268How do I know if I can trust this website? How do I know if I can trust this website?
50269These files might be harmful to your computer These files might be harmful to your computer
50270Your Internet security settings suggest that one or more files may be harmful. Your Internet security settings suggest that one or more files may be harmful.
50271Why are these files blocked? Why are these files blocked?
50272Ushbu fayllar kompyuter xavfsizligiga tahdid solishi mumkin These files might be harmful to your computer
50273Internet xavfsizlik sozlamalari bir nechta fayllarning zararli ekanligini taxmin qilmoqda. Baribir, ulardan foydalanmoqchimisiz? Your Internet security settings suggest that one or more files may be harmful. Do you want to use it anyway?
50274Qanday qilib ushbu fayllar blokini yechish haqida qaror qabul qilish mumkin? How do I decide whether to unblock these files?
50275Do you want to allow files from this website to be copied to your computer? Do you want to allow files from this website to be copied to your computer?
50276You should only copy files to your computer that come from websites that you trust. You should only copy files to your computer that come from websites that you trust.
50689Tarmoq foydalanuvchisi Network User
50690Saralamoq: Arrange by:
50693Uy guruhi sozlamalarini &o‘zgartirish &Change HomeGroup settings
50694Change HomeGroup settings Change HomeGroup settings
50695Uy guruhi parolini ko‘rib chi&qmoq &View the HomeGroup password
50696View the HomeGroup password View the HomeGroup password
50697Uy guruhi nosozliklarini bartaraf etish vositasini &ishga tushirish &Start the HomeGroup troubleshooter
50698Start the HomeGroup troubleshooter Start the HomeGroup troubleshooter
50699Qurilmalardan &umumiy foydalanishni taqdim etmoq S&hare with devices
50700Share with devices Share with devices
50704Ilova yorliqlari Application Shortcuts
50944&Boshqa foydalanuvchi nomidan ishga tushirish Run as di&fferent user
50945Boshqa foydalanuvchi nomidan ishga tushirish Run as different user
50946%s foydalanuvchi uchun hisob ma’lumotlarini kiriting. Please enter credentials to use for %s.
51201&Bosh ekranga qo‘shish &Pin to Start
51202Tanlangan elementni Bosh ekranga mahkamlamoq. Pin the selected item to the Start screen.
51248Error Error
51249Completed Completed
51250Queued Queued
51251Paused Paused
51252Installing Installing
51253Reset Reset
51254Reset error Reset error
51255Updating Updating
51256Cancelled Cancelled
51257Cleared Cleared
51258Uninstalling Uninstalling
51259Uninstall cleared Uninstall cleared
51260Dastlabki ko‘rib chiqish Preview
51261Navbat kutilmoqda Queue pending
51297Uchrashuv qo‘shmoq Add appointment
51298Uchrashuvni olib tashlamoq Remove appointment
51299Uchrashuvni almashtirmoq Replace appointment
51300Vaqt chegarasini ko‘rsatmoq Show time frame
51301Qo‘ng‘iroq Call
51302Xarita Map
51303Xabar Message
51304E’lon Post
51305Video qo‘ng‘iroq Video call
51312Uchrashuv tafsilotlarini ko‘rsatish Show appointment details
51329Muammolarni ko‘rib chiqish View problems
51330Tanlangan element uchun sinxronlash xatolarini bartaraf etish Resolve syncing errors for the selected item
51332Tanlangan elementlarni offlaynda foydalanadigan qilish Make selected items available offline
51333Faqat onlaynda foydalanadigan qilish Make available online-only
51334Tanlangan elementlarni faqat onlaynda foydalanadigan qilish Make selected items available online-only
51344Offlayn foydalanish mumkin Available offline
51345Faqat onlaynda foydalanish Available online-only
51360Sinxronlashni to‘xtatib qo‘yish Pause syncing
51361Fayllarni sinxronlashni to‘xtatib qo‘yish Pause syncing files
51363Fayllarni sinxronlashni davom ettirish Resume syncing files
51364Sinxronlash Sync
51365Sinxronlash yangilanishlarini tekshirish Check for sync updates
51377Tezkor ulanishga mahkamlash Pin to Quick access
51378Tezkor kirish Quick access
51379Tezkor ulanishdan olish Unpin from Quick access
51381Tezkor kirishdan olib tashlash Remove from Quick access
51383Jildni Tezkor ulanishga mahkamlash. Pin folder to Quick access.
51384Mahkamlangan Pinned
51385%s (mahkamlangan) %s (pinned)
51388Jriy jildni Tezkor kirishga qo‘shish Pin current folder to Quick access
51394Bosh ekrandan &olish Un&pin from Start
51395Bosh ekranga qo`shish&lar ro‘yxati Pin to Start &list
51396Bosh ekrandan o&lishlar ro‘yxati Unpin from Start &list
51409Bu qurilma This Device
51425Jiddiy xato Critical Error
51426Shell Infrastructure Host-da jiddiy xato yuz berdi. Start menyusi, Cortana va ba’zi ilovalar ishlamasligi mumkin. Tiklash uchun ishingizni saqlang va tizimdan chiqing. Start menu and Cortana aren’t working. We’ll try to fix it the next time you sign in.
51427Tizimdan hozir chiqish Sign out now
51428Start menyusi ishlamayapti. Tizimga keyingi gal kirganingizda uni tuzatishga urinib ko‘ramiz. Your Start menu isn’t working. We’ll try to fix it the next time you sign in.
51441Cortana va Qidiruv sozlamalari Cortana & Search settings
51442cortana;cortana-ni o‘chirish;qidirish;nomimni o‘zgartirish;hey cortana;e-pochtani o‘qish;lenovo reachit;safesearch;onlayn qidirish;oflayn qidirish;qurilmada qidirish;faqat shkimda qidirish cortana;turn off cortana;search;change my name;hey cortana;read email;lenovo reachit;safesearch;search online;search offline;search on device;search just my pc
51457Windows tizimining avvalgi versiyasi o‘chirib tashlansinmi? Delete previous version of Windows?
51458Kompyuteringiz xotirasida bo‘sh joy tugamoqda. Windows tizimining avvalgi versiyasini o‘chirib tashlash orqali biroz joy bo‘shatish mumkin. Ogohlantirish: bu amalni ortga qaytarib bo‘lmaydi. Your computer's running low on storage space. We can free some up by deleting your previous version of Windows. Warning: you won't be able to go back to it.
51459O‘chirish Delete
51460Yopish Dismiss
51461Xotiradan joy bo‘shatish Free up storage space
51462Kompyuteringiz xotirasida joy oz qolmoqda. Biroz joy bo‘shatish uchun xotira sozlamalariga o‘ting. Your computer's running low on storage space. Visit storage settings to free some up.
51463Xotira nazorati yoqilsinmi? Turn on storage sense?
51464Kompyuteringiz xotirasida joy kam qoldi. Xotira nazorati xususiyatini yoqasangiz, Windows sizga joy bo‘shatishga yordam beradi. Agar buni o‘zingiz bajarishni xohlasangiz, xotira sozlamalariga o‘ting. Your PC's low on storage. Turn on storage sense and Windows can help free up space. Or if you're the DIY type, go to storage settings.
51465Yoqish Turn on
51467Xotira sozlamalari Storage settings
51489Birlamchi ilova birlamchi holatiga qaytarildi An app default was reset
51490Ilova sababli %1!s! uchun birlamchi ilovadagi sozlamada muammo yuzaga keldi, shu sababli u %2!s!’ga tashlandi. An app caused a problem with the default app setting for %1!s! files, so it was reset to %2!s!.
51491Birlamchi brauzeringiz birlamchi holatiga qaytarildi Your default browser was reset
51492Ilova sababli birlamchi brauzerdagi sozlamada muammo yuzaga keldi, shu sababli u %1!s!’ga sozlandi. An app caused a problem with your default browser setting, so it was reset to %1!s!.
51504Bu joylashuvni ochib bo‘lmayapti Can't open this location
51505“%s” ochilmadi. Tashkilotingiz uni bloklab qo‘ygan. We can't open '%s'. Your organization has blocked it.
51506“%s” ochilmadi. O‘quv muassasangiz uni bloklab qo‘ygan. We can't open '%s'. Your school has blocked it.
51520Hisobingizga kirib bo‘lmayapti We can't sign into your account
51521Bu muammoni, odatda, hisobingizdan chiqib, keyin qaytadan kirish orqali bartaraf etish mumkin.
Agar hozir hisobingizdan chiqmasangiz, siz yaratgan har qanday fayl yoki siz kiritgan o‘zgarishlar yo‘qoladi.
This problem can often be fixed by signing out of your account and then signing back in.
If you don't sign out now, any files you create or changes you make will be lost.
51523Chiqish Sign out
51537Amalni bajarib bo‘lmadi Can't complete operation
51538Ayni paytda so‘ralgan amalni bajarib bo‘lmadi. Keyingi safar internetga ulanganingizda u oflayn ishlaydigan bo‘lsinmi? We're unable to complete your requested operation right now. Would you like to make it available offline the next time you connect?
51539Ayni paytda so‘ralgan amalni bajarib bo‘lmadi. Keyingi safar internetga ulanganingizda u onlayn ishlaydigan bo‘lsinmi? We're unable to complete your requested operation right now. Would you like to make it available online the next time you connect?
5154012;Normal;None;Segoe UI 12;Normal;None;Segoe UI
51541Quyidagi uchun chiqitdonni ko‘rish: View your recycle bin for:
61953Do you want to shut down now? Do you want to shut down now?
61954&Shut Down &Shut Down
61958Ti&zimdan hozir chiqmoq &Sign out now
61959&Tizimdan keyinroq chiqmoq Sign out &later
61961Ushbu o‘zgartirishlar kuchga kirishi uchun kompyuterni qayta yuklash lozim You must restart your computer to apply these changes
61962Qayta yuklashdan avval barcha ochiq fayllarni saqlang va barcha dasturlarni yoping. Before restarting, save any open files and close all programs.
61963&Hozir qayta ishga tushirmoq &Restart Now
61964Keyinroq &qayta ishga tushirmoq Restart &Later
61965Ushbu o‘zgartirishlar qo‘llanishi uchun tizimdan chiqish lozim You must sign out of your computer to apply these changes
61966Tizimdan chiqishdan avval barcha ochilgan fayllarni saqlang va barcha dasturlarni yoping. Save any open files and close all programs before you sign out.


File Name:shell32.dll.mui
File Size:464 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:475136
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Uzbek
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Window qobig‘ining umuimiy kutubxonasi
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:SHELL32
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.
Original File Name:SHELL32.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is shell32.dll.mui?

shell32.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Uzbek language for file shell32.dll (Window qobig‘ining umuimiy kutubxonasi).

File version info

File Description:Window qobig‘ining umuimiy kutubxonasi
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:SHELL32
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.
Original Filename:SHELL32.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x443, 1200