SyncRes.dll.mui ActiveSync resurslari f56633bd3361e43b9234fd250bac6bcb

File info

File name: SyncRes.dll.mui
Size: 32768 byte
MD5: f56633bd3361e43b9234fd250bac6bcb
SHA1: 6bdf05490c9e8cdc61bccf8be1dc88256240ba34
SHA256: 560a90417024757de60d8d4e1005dd6f635cf501a56f10a0e726e7427aafba4c
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Uzbek language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Uzbek English
1020server server
1024Bu qaydlarning barchasini serverdan yuklay olmaymiz shekilli. Siz ularni hamon kompyuteringiz orqali Outlook yoki brauzerda tahrir qila olasiz, lekin ularni telefoningizda tahrirlasangiz, o‘zgartirishlaringiz serverdagi qaydlarni almashtirib tashlaydi. We can't seem to download all these notes from the server. You can still edit these notes on a PC in Outlook or a browser, but if you edit them on your device your changes will overwrite the notes on the server.
1026Ba'zi qabul qiluvchilar bu xabarni qabul qilmadilar.

Mavzu: %2!s!

Ushbu qabul qiluvchilarga yetkaza olmadik:

%1!s! %3!s! %4!s!

-daBu qabul qiluvchilarning pochta qutisi to'lgan bo'lishi mumkin yoki e-pochta manzili xato kiritilgan.

Some of the recipients didn't get this message.

Subject: %2!s!

We couldn't reach these recipients:

%1!s! on %3!s! %4!s!

The mailbox for these recipients may be full or the email mail address may be incorrect.

1027Quyidagiga jo'natilgan xabaringiz

Qabul qiluvchi: %1!s!
Mavzu: %2!s!

%3!s! %4!s!-da o'qildi

Your message

To: %1!s!
Subject: %2!s!

was read on %3!s! %4!s!

1028Quyidagiga jo'natilgan xabaringiz

Qabul qiluvchi: %1!s!
Mavzu: %2!s!

ushbu qabul qiluvchi(lar)ga:

%1!s! %3!s! %4!s!-da yetkazildi

Your message

To: %1!s!
Subject: %2!s!

was delivered to these recipients(s):

%1!s! on %3!s! %4!s!

1029Sinxronlash amalga oshmadi. Bu xatolik kodi haqida ko‘proq ma’lumotni saytidan olishingiz mumkin. We can’t sync right now. But you may be able to find more information about this error code at
1034noma'lum unknown
1045Quyidagiga jo'natgan xabaringiz

Qabul qiluvchi: %1!s!
Mavzu: %2!s!

%3!s! %4!s!-da o'qilmay turib yo'q qilindi

Your message

To: %1!s!
Subject: %2!s!

was deleted without being read on %3!s! %4!s!

1088Bir yoki bir nechta e-pochta xabaringizni yubora olmadik. Ularni keyingi gal sinxronlashtirish chog'ida yuborishga urinamiz. Bu shoshilinch bo'lsa, ulanish mavjudligiga ishonch hosil qilib, Sinxronlashtirish-ga teging. We couldn't send one or more of your email messages. We'll try sending them the next time we sync. If this is urgent, make sure you have a connection, then tap Sync.
1089Telefoningizga bir yoki bir nechta ilovani sinxronlashtira olmadik. Qayta urinish uchun, elektron pochtaga yuklanadigan har bir biriktirmani belgilab, qayta sinxronlashtirib ko‘ring. We couldn't sync one or more attachments to your device. To try this again, mark each attachment for download in your email and sync again.
1090qurilmangiz your device
1104Mavzu: %1!.200s! Subject: %1!.200s!
1105Boshlanishi: %1!s! %2!.200s! Start: %1!s! %2!.200s!
1106Tugashi: %1!s! %2!.200s! End: %1!s! %2!.200s!
1107Quyidagicha saqlangan: %1!.200s! Filed as: %1!.200s!
1109Kimdan: %1!.200s! From: %1!.200s!
1111Vaqti: %1!.200s! Time: %1!.200s!
1112Qabul qilingan: %1!.200s! Received: %1!.200s!
1113Jo'natilgan: %1!.200s! Sent: %1!.200s!
1115Muddati bilan: %1!.200s! Due: %1!.200s!
1117O'tkazib yuborilgan elementlar: Missed Items:
1118Ismi: %1!.200s! Named as: %1!.200s!
1119ID: %1!.200s! ID: %1!.200s!
1200Bunga sabab mobil qurilmangiz o‘chiq yoki u parvoz rejimida ekanligi bo‘lishi mumkin. This may be because your cellular device is turned off or in airplane mode.
1201Sizda uyali yoki Wi-Fi o‘rnatish ulanishi yo‘q. Ma’lumotni sinxronlashtirish uchun, ulanishni qo‘shing. You don't have a cellular, WLAN, or Wi-Fi data connection set up. To sync information, add a connection.
1202Qurilmangiz parvoz rejimida. Your device is in airplane mode.
1203Bunga sabab uyali ma’lumot ulanishlaringiz o'chirib qo'yilgan bo'lishi mumkin. This may be because your cellular data connections are turned off.
1204Bunga sabab uyali ma'lumotlar roumingi ulanishingiz o'chirib qo'yilganligi bo'lishi mumkin. This may be because your cellular data roaming connection is turned off.
1205Bu hodisani %1!s!-ga sinxronlashtirib bo'lmadi. This event couldn't be synced to %1!s!.
1206Bu hodisani %1!s!-da yangilab bo'lmadi. This event couldn't be updated on %1!s!.
1207Bu kontaktni %1!s!-ga sinxronlashtirib bo'lmadi. This contact couldn't be synced to %1!s!.
1208Bu kontakt %1!s!-ga yangilana olinmadi. This contact couldn't be updated on %1!s!.
1209Bu topshiriqni %1!s!-ga sinxronlashtirib bo'lmadi. This task couldn't be synced to %1!s!.
1210Bu vazifa %1!s!-ga yangilana olinmadi. This task couldn't be updated on %1!s!.
1213Bu xabarni %1!s!-ga sinxronlashtirib bo'lmadi. This email couldn't be synced to %1!s!.
1214Bu xabarni %1!s!-ga yangilab bo'lmadi. This email couldn't be updated on %1!s!.
1215Bu jildni yangilab bo‘lmadi. This folder couldn't be updated.
2063Sinxronlashtirilmoqda... Syncing...
2064%s qayd hisobingiz diqqat talab etmoqda. Your %s account requires attention.
3012Qurilmangiz bu server versiyasini qo‘llab-quvvatlamaydi. Yordam xizmati xodimiga yoki xizmat ta’minotchingizga murojjat qiling. Your device doesn't support this server version. Contact your support person or service provider.
3013Hozirda ushbu ma’lumotni sinxronlashtirish uchun telefoningizda yetarli xotira mabjud emas. Your device doesn't have enough memory to sync information at the moment.
3014Barcha ma’lumotingizni sinxronlashtirish uchun telefoningizda yetarlicha bo‘sh joy yo‘q. Ba’zi rasm, video yoki musiqalarni yo‘q qilish orqali bir oz joy bo‘shatib qayta harakat qilib ko‘rishingiz mumkin. There isn't enough space on your device to sync all your information. You can free up some space by deleting some pictures, videos, or music from your device, and try again.
3016Server ma'lumotingizni topa olmayapmiz chog'i. Uni yangilang va qayta ulanib ko'ring. We can't seem to find your server information. Update it and try connecting again.
3017Ma'lumotingizni sinxronlashtira olishingiz uchun parolingizni yangilang. Update your password so you can sync your information.
3026Ulanmoqchi bo'lgan serveringiz Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync-ni qo'llab quvvatlamaydi. The server you are trying to connect to doesn't support Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync.
3027Telefoningiz %1!s! bilan sinxronlashishda muammoga yuz tutmoqda. Agar bu narsa davom etaversa, ko‘mak ko‘rsatuvchi shaxsga yoki xizmat provayderingizga murojjat qiling. Your device is having a problem syncing with %1!s!. If this continues, contact a support person or your service provider.
3028Server yoki ulanishingiz bilan muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Keyinroq qayta urinib ko'ring. We're having a problem with the server or your connection. Try again later.
3029Ayni paytda %1!s!-ni sinxronlashtira olmaymiz. Urinishda davom etamiz, lekin bu sizning asosiy Microsoft hisob qaydnomangiz bo'lmasa va bu xato chiqaversa, qayd hisobini yo'q qilib, qayta qo'shish yordam berishi mumkin. Aks holda biroz kutib, keyin qayta urining. We can't sync %1!s! at the moment. We'll keep trying, but if this isn’t your primary Microsoft account and you keep getting this error it might help to delete your account and then add it again. Otherwise, wait a little while, then try again.
3031Ayni paytda ulana olmaymiz. Bir oz kutib, keyin qayta urining. Bu xato chiqaversa, server sozlamalaringiz to‘g‘riligini tekshiring. We can't connect at the moment. Wait a little while, then try again. If you keep getting this error, make sure your server settings are correct.
3032Server ma'lumotingizni yangilang va qayta ulanishga harakat qilib ko'ring. Update your server information and try connecting again.
3033%1!s!-ga ulanishda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Keyinroq qayta harakat qilib ko'ring. We're having a problem connecting to %1!s!. Try again later.
3035%1!s! o'rnatilgan usuli bilan muammo mavjud. Ko'mak uchun yordamchi shaxsga yoki xizmat provayderingizga murojaat qiling. There is a problem with the way %1!s! is set up. Contact a support person or your service provider.
3037Pochta qutingiz to'lgan. Joy bo'shatish uchun yo'q qilingan elementlaringizni bo'shating. Your mailbox is full. Empty your deleted items to create more space.
3038Ayni paytda %1!s!-ni sinxronlashtirishda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Biroz kutib, keyin qayta urining. We're having a problem syncing %1!s! at the moment. Wait a little while, then try again.
3039%1!s!-ga ulanishda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Ko'mak uchun yordamchi shaxsga yoki xizmat provayderingizga murojaat qiling. We're having a problem connecting to %1!s!. Contact a support person or your service provider.
3040Pochta qutingiz deyarli to'lgan. Joy bo'shatish uchun yo'q qilingan elementlaringizni bo'shating. Your mailbox is almost full. Empty your deleted items to create more space.
3041Telefoningiz server talab qilgan xavfsizlik sozlamalarini qo‘llab-quvvatlamaydi. Ko‘mak uchun yordamchi shaxsga yoki xizmat provayderingizga murojaat qiling. Your device does not support the security settings that the server requires. Contact a support person or your service provider.
3042Ma'lumotingizni sinxronlashtirishda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Server sizdan bu qayd hisobi sozlamalarida shifrlangan (SSL) ulanishni talab qilishi mumkin. We're having a problem syncing your information. The server may require you to select an encrypted (SSL) connection in this account's settings.
3043Bu qayd hisobini sinxronlashtirishda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Agar muammo davom etaversa, bu hisob qaydnomasini yo‘q qiling, so‘ng uni qaytadan qo‘shing. We're having a problem syncing this account. If this continues, delete this account and then add it again.
3044Bu ma’lumotni telefoningizga sinxronlashtirishdan oldin pochta, kontaktlar va kalendaringizni shaxsiy kompyuteringizda foydalanishni boshlashingizga to‘g‘ri keladi. Agar bu muammo davom etaversa, ko‘mak beruvchi shaxs yoki xizmat provayderingizga murojaat qiling. You may need to start using your mail, contacts, and calendar on your PC before you can sync this info to your device. If this issue continues, contact a support person or your service provider.
3045Sinxronlashtirish uchun foydalanuvchi ruxsatdan o'tmagan. The user is not authorized to sync.
3046Bu qayd hisobini telefoningizga qo‘sha olmadik, chunki siz uni maksimal sondagi qurilmalarda o‘rnatib bo‘lgansiz.

Siz vebda qurilmalarni qayd hisobingizdan olib tashlashga urinib ko‘rishingiz mumkin yoki qayd hisobingiz uchun qo‘llab-quvvatlash xizmatiga murojaat etishingiz mumkin.
We can't add this account to your device because you've already set it up on the maximum number of devices.

You can try removing devices from your account on the web, or contact support for your account.
3048%1!s! mazkur xabarga javob berishga ruxsat bermayapti. Keyinroq qayta harakat qilib ko'ring yoki uni shaxsiy kompyuteringizdan yuboring. %1!s! did not allow you to reply to this message. Try again later, or send it from your PC.
3049%1!s! mazkur xabarni yuborishda muammoga duch keldi. Keyinroq qayta harakat qilib ko'ring yoki uni shaxsiy kompyuteringizdan yuboring. %1!s! had a problem sending this message. Try again later, or send it from your PC.
3050Javobingizni yuborishda muammoga duch keldik. Keyinroq qayta harakat qilib ko'ring yoki uni shaxsiy kompyuteringizdan yuboring. We had a problem sending your reply. Try again later, or send it from your PC.
3053Bu elementni pochta qutingizdan topa olmadik. Element hali ham mavjud ekanligini tekshirib ko'rishingiz uchun qayd hisobingizni sinxronlashtiring. We couldn't find this item in your mailbox. Sync your account to make sure the item still exists.
3061Bu qayd hisobidan pochta yubora olmaysiz. Serverda muammo borga o'xshaydi. Ko'proq bilish uchun serverning texnik yordam xodimiga murojaat qiling. You're not able to send mail from this account. There seems to be a problem with the server. Contact the support person for your server to learn more.
3063Bu e-pochta manzillari ishlamayapti. Manzillar to'g'riligiga ishonch hosil qilib, keyin qayta urining. These email addresses don’t seem to work. Make sure the addresses are correct, and try again.
3064Bu qayd hisobidan javob yubora olmaysiz. Serverda muammo borga o'xshaydi. Ko'proq bilish uchun serverning texnik yordam xodimiga murojaat qiling. You're not able to send a reply from this account. There seems to be a problem with the server. Contact the support person for your server to learn more.
3067Bu pochtani yubora olmaysiz, chunki ilovalar o‘ta yirik hajmda. You won't be able to send this mail because the attachments are too large.
3068Bu pochtani yuborishdan oldin ayrim qabul qiluvchilarni olib tashlashingiz lozim bo'ladi. You’ll need to remove some recipients before you can send this mail.
3069Bunday katta tarqatish ro'yxatiga bu qayd hisobidan pochta yubora olmaysiz. Tarqatish ro'yxatini olib tashlab, so'ng qayta urining. You can't send mail to a distribution list this large from this account. Remove the distribution list, and try again.
3378%1!s!-ga ulana olmayapmiz. Ulanish mavjudligiga ishonch hosil qiling, so‘ngra qayta urinib ko‘ring. We can't connect to %1!s! right now. Make sure you have a connection, then try again.
3387Yangi ma'lumot kelishi bilan uni sinxronlashtira olmayapmiz. Yuklash ma'lumoti bo'yicha boshqa jadvalni tanlang. We're not able to sync new information as it arrives. Try a different schedule for downloading information.
3396Qurilmangizdagi vaqt va sanani yangilang va ulanishga qayta urinib ko‘ring. Update the date and time on your device and try connecting again.
3397%1!s! sertifikatida muammo borga o‘xshaydi. Agar bu Sizning birinchi Maykrosoft hisob qaydnomasi bo‘lmasa, ushbu hisob qaydnomasini o‘chirib tashlashga harakat qiling, so‘ngra uni qayta qo‘shing. Aks holda, ozgina kuting va qayta urinib kuting. It looks like there's a problem with the certificate for %1!s!. If this isn’t your primary Microsoft account, try deleting the account, then adding it again. Otherwise, wait a little while, then try again.
3398Elektron pochtangiz jildlarini sinxronlashtirishda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Sinxronlashtirish jadvalingizni o'zgartiring yoki sinxronlashtirilayotgan elektron pochtangiz jildlar sonini qisqartiring. We're having a problem syncing your email folders. Change your synchronization schedule, or reduce the number of email folders being synced.
3399Siz uyali qurilmalar bilan sinxronlashtirishga mo'ljallanmagan Google Apps dasturidan foydalanayotganga o'xshaysiz. Shaxsiy kompyuteringizdagi veb brauzeringizda Google Apps qayd hisobingiz Uyali sozlamalariga o'ting, Google bilan sinxronlashtirish vazifasini Xizmat sozlamalari ostida ishga tushirib qo'ying, so'ng qayta sinxronlashtirib ko'ring. It looks like you may be using a Google Apps account that is not set up to sync with mobile devices. In your web browser on your PC, go to Mobile settings for your Google Apps account, enable Google Sync under Service settings, and then try to sync again.
4053Kalendar Calendar
4054Kontaktlar Contacts
4055Elektron pochta E-mail
4126Topshiriqlar Tasks
4130Parolingiz muddati o‘tgan. Avval uni vebda o‘zgartiring, keyin bu yerga qaytib, telefoningizdagi qayd hisobida o‘zgartiring. Your password has expired. First, change it on the web, then come back and update it in your account on the device.
6009Holat noto'g'ri. The characteristic type is invalid.
6010Parametr qiymati noto'g'ri. The parameter value is invalid.
6011AccountName parametrini qo'shish shart. You must include the AccountName parameter.
6012AccountType parametrini qo'shish shart. You must include the AccountType parameter.
6013Qayd hisobi yaratilganidan so'ng AccountType parametrini o'zgartira olmaysiz. You can't change the AccountType parameter once the account has been created.
6014Telefonda asosiy Microsoft hisob qaydnomasini sozlayotgan bo‘lsangiz, AccountType parametrini WindowsLive qilishingiz shart. If you're setting up the primary Microsoft account on the device, you must set the AccountType parameter to WindowsLive.
6015Microsoft hisob qaydnomalari uchun Domain parametri qo'yilmaydi. You can't set the Domain parameter for Microsoft accounts.
6016Telefondagi asosiy Microsoft hisob qaydnomasi uchun UserName parametrini umuman o‘zgartira olmaysiz. Boshqa qayd hisoblarini esa, ular sinxronlashtirilganidan so‘ng o‘zgartira olmaysiz. You can never change the UserName parameter for the primary Microsoft account on the device. For any other account, you can't change it once the account has synced.
6017Telefondagi asosiy Microsoft hisob qaydnomasi uchun UserName parametri sifatida e-pochta manzilini berishingiz shart. You must provide the email address as the UserName parameter for the primary Microsoft account on the device.
6018UserName parametridagi e-pochta manzili haqiqiy Microsoft hisob qaydnomasi emas. That email address in the UserName parameter isn't a valid Microsoft account.
6019Qurilmadagi asosiy Microsoft hisob qaydnomasini umuman yo‘q qila olmaysiz. You can never delete the primary Microsoft account from the device.
6020Kontakt, Kalendar, Pochta, Topshiriqlar va SMS kabi tarkiblar server tomonidan qo'llab-quvvatlansa, ularni yo'q qila olmaysiz. You can't delete content types that are supported by the server, such as Contacts, Calendar, Mail, Tasks, and SMS.
6021Telefondagi asosiy Microsoft hisob qaydnomasidan Kontakt yoki Kalendarni o‘chira olmaysiz. You can't disable Contacts or Calendars from the primary Microsoft account on the device.
6022Kontaktlarni yoqib qo'ymasangiz, kanallarni ham yoqa olmaysiz. You can't enable feeds unless you've also enabled Contacts.
6023Uzr, o'zgartirishlaringizni saqlay olmadik. Keyinroq urinib ko'ring. We're sorry, but we weren't able to save your changes. Try again later.
9781Windows Windows
9782Yuborish xatosi: %.*s Send error: %.*s
9783Bu xabarni yuborib bo‘lmadi, shu bois u Qoralamalar jildiga saqlandi. Uni qayta yuborishga harakat qilishdan oldin manzil to‘g‘ri kiritilganini va hajmi juda katta fayl biriktirilmaganini tekshirib ko‘ring. We weren't able to send this message, so we've put it in your Drafts folder. Before you try sending it again, you can check to see if the address is correct and that no attachments are too large.
9810Ma'mur Administrator
9811Xabarni yuborish imkoni bo'lmadi Couldn't send message
9812“%s” yuborilmadi, shu bois u Qoralamalar jildiga o‘tkazilmoqda. Keyinroq qayta harakat qilib ko‘ring yoki bu xabarni kompyuter orqali yuborib ko‘ring. "%s" couldn't be sent so we're moving it to your Drafts folder. Try again later, or send this message from your PC.
9820Ma'lumotni sinxronlashtirishda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Bu POP3 serveri xar bir xabar uchun betakror identifikator taqdim qilmaydi. We're having a problem syncing information. This POP3 server does not provide unique IDs for each message.
9821Ma'lumotni sinxronlashtirishda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Bu POP3 serveri xabarni qisman tiklashni qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi. We're having a problem syncing information. This POP3 server does not support partial message retrieval.
9845Kiruvchi pochta serveriga ulanishda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Kiruvchi pochta server nomi to'g'ri ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling va qayta urinib ko'ring. We're having a problem connecting to the incoming mail server. Make sure the incoming mail server name is correct and try again.
9846Serverga ulanishda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Chiquvchi pochta (SMTP) server manzili to'g'ri ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling va qayta harakat qilib ko'ring. We're having a problem connecting to the server. Make sure the outgoing mail (SMTP) server name is correct and try again.
9847Hozirda xabarlarni yuklay olmayapmiz. Keyinroq qayta urinib ko'ring. We're not able to download messages at the moment. Try again later.
9848Hozirda xabarlarni yubora olmayapmiz. Keyinroq qayta harakat qilib ko'ring. We're not able to send messages at the moment. Try again later.
9849Serverga ulanishda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Tizimga kirish ma'lumotlaringiz to'g'ri ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling va qayta urinib ko'ring. We're having a problem connecting to the server. Make sure your sign in info is correct and try again.
9852Xabarlarni yuklashda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Ulanish borligiga va qayd hisobingiz ma'lumotlari to'g'ri ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling, so'ng qayta urinib ko'ring. We're having a problem downloading messages. Make sure you have a connection and your account info is correct, and then try again.
9853Xabarlarni yuborishda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Ulanish borligiga va qayd hisobingiz ma'lumotlari to'g'ri ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling, so'ng qayta urinib ko'ring. We're having a problem sending messages. Make sure you have a connection and your account info is correct, and then try again.
9854Hozirda ma’lumotni sinxronlashtirish uchun telefoningizda bo‘sh xotira yetarli emas. Your device does not have enough memory to sync information at the moment.
9855Serverga ulanishda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Keyinroq qayta harakat qilib ko'ring. We're having a problem connecting to the server. Try again later.
9856Serverga ulanishda muammo mavjud. Agar bu holat qaytarilaversa, Internetga ulanganingizga ishonch hosil qiling va e-pochta hisob qaydnomasi sozlamalarini tekshiring. Agar ulanishingiz brandmauer ishlatsa, e-pochta u tomonidan bloklanmaganligiga ishonch hosil qiling. We’re having a problem connecting to the server. If this keeps happening, make sure you’re connected to the Internet and check your email account settings. If your connection uses a firewall, make sure email isn’t blocked by it.
9890Xabarlarni yuklashda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Keyinroq qayta urinib ko'ring. We're having a problem downloading messages. Try again later.
9891Kiruvchi pochta serveriga ulanishda muammoga duch kelmoqdamiz. Serveringiz ma'lumotlari to'g'ri ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling va qayta urinib ko'ring. We're having a problem connecting to the incoming mail server. Make sure your server info is correct and try again.
9896Calendar|Contacts|Journal|Notes|Tasks|Drafts Calendar|Contacts|Journal|Notes|Tasks|Drafts
9897Sent Items Sent Items
9898Deleted Items Deleted Items
9899Inbox Inbox
23062Diqqat talab etiladi Attention required
23082Parol noto'g'ri. Sinxronlashtirishni davom ettirish uchun to'g'ri parolni kiriting. The password is incorrect. Enter the correct password to continue synchronizing.
23083Your Windows Live account must be enrolled in dogfood. Visit http://livedog to enroll. Your Windows Live account must be enrolled in dogfood. Visit http://livedog to enroll.
23084Outlook Outlook
24501%1!s! bilan sinxronlashtira olmayapmiz. Bir oz kutib, keyin qayta urining. We can't sync %1!s! at the moment. Wait a little while, then try again.
26027%1!s! yangi ma'lumot kelishi bilan sinxronlashtirishni qo'llab quvvatlamaydi. Sinxronlashtirish jadvalingizni o'zgartiring va qayta harakat qilib ko'ring. %1!s! does not support syncing new information as it arrives. Change your synchronization schedule and try again.
28000%1!s!-ga ulanish uchun shaxsiy sertifikatga ega bo'lishingiz kerak bo'ladi. You'll need a personal certificate to connect to %1!s!.
28001Sizni %1!s!-ga ulay olmayapmiz. Foydalanuvchi nomi, parol va sertifikatingiz to‘g‘ri ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling. Turli sertifikatlardan foydalanish uchun Sozlamalarni tanlang va undan so‘ng Men uchun sertifikat avtomatik ravishda tanlash belgilash katakchasini tozalang. We can't connect you to %1!s!. Make sure your user name, password and certificate are correct. To use a different certificate, select Settings, and then clear the Automatically choose a certificate for me check box.
30000Qurilmangiz e-pochta administratori tomonidan o‘rnatilgan xavfsizlik tartib-qoidalariga javob bermaydi.

Your device does not comply with the security policies set by your email administrator.

30007Windows qurilmamdan yuborildi Sent from my Windows device
40000Hisobingiz uchun yagona kirish nuqtasining haqiqiylik tekshiruvi tokenini olib bo‘lmadi.

We're not able to obtain the Single-Sign-on authentication token for your account.

50000Xabarlar tarixi Messaging History
50001Odamlar People
50002Guruhlar va sozlamalar Groups and Settings


File Name:SyncRes.dll.mui
File Size:32 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:32256
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Uzbek
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:ActiveSync resurslari
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:SyncRes
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.
Original File Name:SyncRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is SyncRes.dll.mui?

SyncRes.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Uzbek language for file SyncRes.dll (ActiveSync resurslari).

File version info

File Description:ActiveSync resurslari
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:SyncRes
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.
Original Filename:SyncRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x443, 1200