msra.exe Windows-н Алсын туслагч f3d6362f5c819634eceb8a648c02923a

File info

File name: msra.exe.mui
Size: 56320 byte
MD5: f3d6362f5c819634eceb8a648c02923a
SHA1: bae531769b0e348573d72e1fb38d9deb478b3d79
SHA256: ff4592601b083acab062a481dffff1ddf0fdd59d5257a41e03db862b0b4ca6d5
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: msra.exe Windows-н Алсын туслагч (32-бит)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Mongolian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Mongolian English
100Windows-н Алсын туслагч Windows Remote Assistance
259&Холболт салгах &Disconnect
260&Удирдахыг хүсэх &Request control
261Хамтран ашиглахыг з&огсоох S&top sharing
269&Тусламж &Help
270Т&охиргоо S&ettings
290&Түр зогсоох &Pause
297Танд туслахыг оролдож байгаа хүний компьютерийн тохиргоо таныг компьютерээ удирдахыг хориглож байна. Settings on the computer of the person you are trying to help are preventing you from taking control.
501Үргэл&жлүүлэх Contin&ue
502Д&элгэцэнд тааруулах Fit to &screen
503Сүлжээний тохиргоог шалгаж байна Testing your network configuration
504Дэлгэцийг харж байна Viewing the screen
505Компьютерийг хамтран удирдах Sharing control of the computer
506Холбогдоогүй Not connected
507Таны туслагч одоо таны дэлгэцийг харах боломжтой Your helper can now see your desktop
508Таны туслагч таны компьютерийг хамтран удирдаж байна Your helper is sharing control of your computer
509Таны туслагч дэлгэцийг харах боломжгүй байна Your helper can't see your desktop
510Туслагчтай холбогдлоо Connected to your helper
511Ирэх холболтыг хүлээж байна... Waiting for incoming connection...
512Та асуух уу эсвэл тусламж санал болгох уу? Do you want to ask for or offer help?
513%s-д %s компьютерээс холбогдох тухай хэлэх Tell %s to connect from computer %s
514Холбохоор оролдож байна... Still attempting to connect...
515Холбохоор оролдож байна. Түр хүлээнэ үү... Still attempting to connect. Please wait...
516Remote Assistance Remote Assistance
517Таны э-шуудангийн урилга илгээгдсэнгүй Your email invitation was not sent
518Өөр хүний компьютер луу холбогдох аргыг сонгох Choose a way to connect to the other person's computer
519You have received a Remote Assistance invitation You have received a Remote Assistance invitation

To accept this invitation, double-click the file attached to this message.

To accept this invitation, double-click the file attached to this message.


Note: Do not accept this invitation unless you know and trust the person who sent it.


Note: Do not accept this invitation unless you know and trust the person who sent it.
522Hi, Hi,

I need help with my computer. Would you please use Windows Remote Assistance to connect to my computer so you can help me? After you connect, you can view my screen and we can chat online.

I need help with my computer. Would you please use Windows Remote Assistance to connect to my computer so you can help me? After you connect, you can view my screen and we can chat online.
525Холболт амжилтгүй боллоо Connection Failed
526The information entered could be incorrect, or you might not have a valid network connection. Verify the information that you entered, verify that you have a network connection, and then try again. The information entered could be incorrect, or you might not have a valid network connection. Verify the information that you entered, verify that you have a network connection, and then try again.
527Either the folder does not exist or you do not have permission to write to this location.

Verify that you can create a file in the specified path, and then try again.
Either the folder does not exist or you do not have permission to write to this location.

Verify that you can create a file in the specified path, and then try again.
528Файлын нэрээ шалгаад дахин оролдоно уу. Verify the file name, and then try again.
529Please enter matching passwords, and then try again. Please enter matching passwords, and then try again.
530Please re-enter the password, and then try again. Please re-enter the password, and then try again.
531Алсын туслагчийг ажиллуулахгүй байгаа бэрхшээл гарлаа. Дахин оролдох буюу системийн администратортоо хандана уу. A problem occurred that might prevent Remote Assistance from working. Try again, or contact your system administrator.
532A problem occurred that is preventing Remote Assistance from working. Ask the person you are helping to restart Remote Assistance using Easy Connect and try again. A problem occurred that is preventing Remote Assistance from working. Ask the person you are helping to restart Remote Assistance using Easy Connect and try again.
533Таны харилцах хаягийг хайж байна Searching for your contact
534Орох холболтыг ахиад %d минут хүлээж байна... Waiting %d more minutes for incoming connection...
535Either the person you are trying to help denied your connection request or the password is incorrect. Re-enter the password, and then try again. Either the person you are trying to help denied your connection request or the password is incorrect. Re-enter the password, and then try again.
536Do you want to replace the file? Do you want to replace the file?
537Нууц үгийг хүлээж байна Waiting for password
538Холболтын гэмтлийг засварлаж байна Troubleshooting the connection
539The file could be corrupted, and it should be verified before trying again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator. The file could be corrupted, and it should be verified before trying again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
540Дараахь зүйлийг шалгана уу:

• Танд алсын комьютерт зөвшөөрөл байгаа юу?
• Алсын компьютер асаалттай ба сүлжээнд холбогдсон уу?
• Энд сүлжээний бэрхшээл байна уу?

Системийн администраторт хандан тусламж авна уу.
Check the following:

• Do you have the correct permissions on the remote computer?
• Is the remote computer turned on, and is it connected to the network?
• Is there a network problem?

For assistance, contact your network administrator.
541%1-д %2 компьютер дээр Алсын туслагчийг эхлүүлэх ба жагсаалтаас таны нэрийг товшин Хялбар холболтыг ашиглаж урихыг хэлэх. Tell %1 to start Remote Assistance on computer %2 and invite you using Easy Connect by clicking your name from the contact list.
542Are you sure you want to disconnect? Are you sure you want to disconnect?
543There was a problem starting Remote Assistance There was a problem starting Remote Assistance
545Remote Assistance is unavailable for the current user account. If you are using a Windows Guest account try logging in with another account. If you are not using a Guest account, try restarting your machine. Remote Assistance is unavailable for the current user account. If you are using a Windows Guest account try logging in with another account. If you are not using a Guest account, try restarting your machine.
546Тийм Yes
547Танд туслахыг оролдож байгаа хүн Алсын туслагчийг хаасан байж магадгүй. Хэрэв тийм биш бол таны сүлжээ бэрхшээлтэй байж магадгүй. Сүлжээн дэх бэрхшээлийг тодорхойлох ба засахын тулд Гэмтэл засварлах-г товшино уу. The person you are trying to help might have closed Remote Assistance. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve network problems, click Troubleshoot.
548Үгүй No
549Өөр Алсын компьютерийн логик холболтыг хаагаад дахин оролдох. Close the other Remote Assistance session and try again.
552Show Details Show Details
553Hide Details Hide Details
555Урилга Invitation
556Та хэнд туслахыг хүсч байна? Who do you want to help?
557No node found No node found
558Windows-н Алсын туслагчийн урилга Windows Remote Assistance Invitation
559Нам Low
560&Гэмтэл засварлагч Tr&oubleshoot
561Connectivity - Blocked Connectivity - Blocked
562Connectivity - Restricted Connectivity - Restricted
563Troubleshoot problem with network configuration Troubleshoot problem with network configuration
564Холболт хийхийг оролдож байна... Attempting to connect...
565Та хэнээс тусламж авахыг хүсч байна? Who do you want to get help from?
567Since your system administrator requires a log to be maintained of all Remote Assistance sessions, Remote Assistance will have to shut down without a valid log. Since your system administrator requires a log to be maintained of all Remote Assistance sessions, Remote Assistance will have to shut down without a valid log.
568A log of this session could not be created. Do you want to continue without logging the session? A log of this session could not be created. Do you want to continue without logging the session?
569Дундаж Medium
570Нэрийг 260 тэмдэгт рүү багасгаад нь дахин оролдоно уу. Please shorten the file name to 260 characters and then try again.
571Таны оруулсан нууц үг 128 тэмдэгтээс их байна. Та 128 тэмдэгтээс бага нууц үг ашиглана уу. The password you typed is longer than 128 characters. Please use a password that is shorter than 128 characters.
572Алсын туслагч алсын компьютерийг олох боломжгүй эсвэл танд алсын компьютерт холболт хийх зөвшөөрөл байхгүй байна. Компьютерийн нэр ба зөвшөөрлийг зөв эсэхийг шалгаад дахин оролдоно уу. Either Remote Assistance is unable to find the remote computer or you do not have permission to connect to the remote computer. Verify that the computer name and permissions are correct, and then try again.
573Email Email
574-16-бит өнгийг ашиглах
-Use 16-bit color
575-Цонхыг бүхэлд нь чирэхийг зөвшөөрөхгүй байх
-Don’t allow full window drag
576-Дэвсгэр зургийг хаах
-Turn off background
577Unknown Unknown
578-Зурвасын өргөний тохиргоо байхгүй
-No bandwidth optimization
579Can't connect to the global peer-to-peer network. Can't connect to the global peer-to-peer network.
580Хялбар холболт байхгүй байна Easy Connect is not available
581While interacting with the encryption system, an unexpected error occurred. Without encryption, Remote Assistance can't work properly. While interacting with the encryption system, an unexpected error occurred. Without encryption, Remote Assistance can't work properly.
582There was a problem with encryption objects There was a problem with encryption objects
/geteasyhelp 'хялбар тусламж' сонголтоор Алсын туслагчийг эхлүүлэх.
/offereasyhelp Алсын туслагчийг эхлүүлэх ба хялбар тусламжийн хүсэлтэнд хариулах.
/getcontacthelp Харилцагчид туслах хуудсыг үзүүлэн Алсын туслагчийг эхлүүлэх.
/offercontacthelp Харилцагчид туслах санал өгөх хуудсыг үзүүлэн Алсын туслагчийг эхлүүлэх.

/geteasyhelp Start Remote Assistance with the 'easy help' option.
/offereasyhelp Start Remote Assistance and respond to an easy help request.
/getcontacthelp Start Remote Assistance showing the contact help page.
/offercontacthelp Start Remote Assistance showing the offer help contact page.
584Таны компьютерт олон удаа буруу нууц үгээр нэвтрэх оролдлого хийсэн байна. Хэрэв та тусламж авахыг хүсвэл өөр нэг урилга үүсгэн туслагчдаа үүнийг илгээнэ үү. There have been repeated attempts to connect to your computer with an incorrect password. If you still want to get help, please create another invitation and send it to your helper again.
585The information passed into Remote Assistance was not understood. Please try your operation again. The information passed into Remote Assistance was not understood. Please try your operation again.
586Remote Assistance can't understand the passed in information Remote Assistance can't understand the passed in information
587~&Удирдахыг хүсэх~&Салгах~&Тусламж~Т&охиргоо~Х&амтран ашиглахаа зогсоох~&Түр зогсоох~Үр&гэлжлүүл~Дэлгэцэнд &тааруул~Буцах~&Чат~Фай&л илгээх~Гэ&мтэл засварлагч~~ ~&Request control~&Disconnect~&Help~S&ettings~S&top sharing~&Pause~Contin&ue~Fit to &screen~Back~&Chat~Send &file~Tr&oubleshoot~~
588Таны урилгыг үүсгэж байна Creating your invitation
589Таны туслах гэж байгаа хүн компьютер дээрээ байгаа эсэхийг шалгана уу. Verify that the person you are trying to help is still at his or her computer.
590The contact you specified couldn't be found The contact you specified couldn't be found
591Логик холболт дууслаа The session has ended
592Э-шуудангаа эхлүүлэх Starting your email
593Check the contact name, and then try again. Check the contact name, and then try again.
594Та %s-г компьютертээ холбохыг зөвшөөрөх үү? Would you like to allow %s to connect to your computer?
595Холбосны дараа %s таны дэлгэц дээр юу ч байсан үзэх боломжтой болно. After connecting, %s will be able to see whatever is on your desktop.
596Нууцлал болон хамгаалалт юунд чухал вэ? What are the privacy and security concerns?
597Та %s-г таны дэлгэцийг хамтран удирдахыг зөвшөөрөх үү? Would you like to allow %s to share control of your desktop?
598Хамтран удирдахаа зогсоох бол Алсын туслагчийн харилцах цонхонд Хамтран ашиглахыг зогсоох-г товших эсвэл ESC-г дарна уу. To stop sharing control, in the Remote Assistance dialog box, click Stop sharing or press ESC.
599Ашиглалт Usage
600msra [/? |/expert | /novice | /saveasfile [нууц үг] | /openfile | /э-шуудан [нууц үг] | /offerRA [компьютер] | /geteasyhelp | /offereasyhelp | /getcontacthelp [хаяг] | /offercontacthelp [хаяг]]
msra [/? | /expert | /novice | /saveasfile [password] | /openfile | /email [password] | /offerRA [computer] | /geteasyhelp | /offereasyhelp | /getcontacthelp [address] | /offercontacthelp [address]]
Файл руу очих зам үүссэн эсвэл ачаалагдсан.
Нууц үг урилгыг хамгаалах.
- Компьютерийн нэр эсвэл компьютерийн IP хаяг.
- Заагдаж буй харилцагчийн хаяг.

Is the path to a file to be created or loaded.
Is the password to protect the invitation.
Is the computer name or IP address of a computer.
is the address for the contact being specified.

602Windows-н Алсын туслагчийн тусламж Windows Remote Assistance Help
/? Энэ тусламжийн захиаг харуулах.
/novice Алсын туслагчийг эхлүүлэх ба тусламж хүсэх.
/expert Алсын туслагчийг эхлүүлэх ба тусламж санал болгох.
/saveasfile Файлд хадгалан Алсын туслагчийн урилгыг үүсгэх.
/openfile Алсын туслагчийн урилгын файлыг нээх.
/? Display this help message.
/novice Start Remote Assistance and ask for assistance.
/expert Start Remote Assistance and offer assistance.
/saveasfile Create a Remote Assistance invitation by saving to a file.
/openfile Open a Remote Assistance invitation file.
/email Илгээхээр хавсаргасан урилгаар өгөгдмөл SMAPI э-шуудангийн клиентийг нээх.
/offerra DCOM-г ашиглан Алсын туслагчийг шинэ компьютер дээр алсаас эхлүүлэх; автоматаар холбогдох.

/email Opens the default SMAPI email client with an invitation attached for sending.
/offerra Uses DCOM to launch Remote Assistance on the novice computer remotely; automatically connects.
605Та орох холболтыг хүлээхээ үргэлжлүүлэх үү? Do you want to keep waiting for the incoming connection?
606Портууд тодорхойгүйгээр нээгдсэн эсэхийг магадлахад Алсын туслагч зөвхөн тодорхой хугацааны холболтыг хүлээнэ. Логик холболт Хяналтын самбарын систем дэх тохируулсан цагийн хязгаарыг хэтрүүлсэн байна. To ensure that ports aren't left open indefinitely, Remote Assistance only waits a certain amount of time for a connection. The session has exceeded the time limit set in System in Control Panel.
608You can cancel the file transfer by clicking Cancel. You can cancel the file transfer by clicking Cancel.
609Sending file... Sending file...
610Receiving file... Receiving file...
611Логик холболт түр зогслоо The session is paused
612Would you like to accept a file? Would you like to accept a file?
613%s would like to send you a file. Do you want to accept it? %s would like to send you a file. Do you want to accept it?
615Password: Password:
616Та итгэлтэй туслагчаа хэрхэн уримаар байна вэ? How do you want to invite your trusted helper?
617&Засах &Repair
618Contact the person and ask them to log on so that you can help them. Contact the person and ask them to log on so that you can help them.
619Та туслахыг хүсч буй хүнтэйгээ холбогдон тэднээс дэлгэцийг нь харах зөвшөөрөл хүснэ үү. Contact the person you are trying to help and ask them to give you permission to view their desktop.
621Тийм. Гэмтэл засварлахыг үргэлжлүүл Yes, continue Troubleshooting
622Үгүй, Алсын туслагч руу буцах No, return to Remote Assistance
623Энэ компьютер урилга илгээхээр тохируулагдаагүй байна This computer is not set up to send invitations
624Алсын туслагчийг санал болгож байна Offering Remote Assistance
625Зөвшөөрлийг хүлээж байна... Waiting for acceptance...
626The system settings or Group Policy settings won't allow this. Instead, you can start Remote Assistance and follow the steps to connect to your helper's computer. The system settings or Group Policy settings won't allow this. Instead, you can start Remote Assistance and follow the steps to connect to your helper's computer.
627This is enforced through group policy, and Remote Assistance can not continue without a session log. This is enforced through group policy, and Remote Assistance can not continue without a session log.
628Windows-н Алсын туслагч- Тусалж байна %s Windows Remote Assistance - Helping %s
629Windows-н Алсын туслагч- %s-р туслуулсан Windows Remote Assistance - Being helped by %s
630Таны туслахыг хүсч байгаа хүн аль хэдийн Алсын туслагч юм уу төстэй програм ажиллуулж байна эсвэл компьютер дээрээ байхгүй байна. The person you are trying to help might already be running Remote Assistance or a similar program or might not be at the computer.
631Name: %s Size: %I64d Name: %s Size: %I64d
632Someone is trying to offer you Remote Assistance but you have a Remote Assistance session still open. This session has ended, and you can close it and then respond to later offered assistance. Someone is trying to offer you Remote Assistance but you have a Remote Assistance session still open. This session has ended, and you can close it and then respond to later offered assistance.
633Someone is offering you Remote Assistance... Someone is offering you Remote Assistance...
634Would you like to restore your desktop settings? Would you like to restore your desktop settings?
635Найзыгаа урих, техник тусламжийн хүн таны компьютерт холбогдон танд туслах эсвэл өөр хэн нэгэнд туслахыг санал болгох. Invite a friend or technical support person to connect to your computer and help you, or offer to help someone else.
636АТ Урилга (*.msrcIncident)*.msrcIncidentБүх файл (*.*)*.* RA Invitations (*.msrcIncident)*.msrcIncidentAll Files (*.*)*.*
637Бүх файл (*.*)*.* All Files (*.*)*.*
638АТ Урилга (*.msrcIncident)*.msrcIncident RA Invitations (*.msrcIncident)*.msrcIncident
639RA урилга (*.lnk)*.lnk RA Invitations (*.lnk)*.lnk
640Doing this will close the connection you are waiting for and the person you sent the invitation to won't be able to connect. Doing this will close the connection you are waiting for and the person you sent the invitation to won't be able to connect.
641Doing this will disconnect you from the person who is helping you. They will no longer be able to see or control your desktop. Doing this will disconnect you from the person who is helping you. They will no longer be able to see or control your desktop.
642Doing this will disconnect you from the person you are trying to help. You will no longer see or control their desktop. Doing this will disconnect you from the person you are trying to help. You will no longer see or control their desktop.
643The file you specified already exists. You might want to confirm that you no longer need this file. The file you specified already exists. You might want to confirm that you no longer need this file.
644Remote Assistance previously shut down unexpectedly, and your desktop settings were altered. Remote assistance can try to restore your settings to what they were previously. Remote Assistance previously shut down unexpectedly, and your desktop settings were altered. Remote assistance can try to restore your settings to what they were previously.
645Remote Assistance can't make a connection Remote Assistance can't make a connection
646Remote Assistance can't save the file Remote Assistance can't save the file
647The file you specified doesn't exist The file you specified doesn't exist
648The password can't be blank The password can't be blank
649The password you entered contains invalid characters. Valid characters for a password are A-Z and 0-9 The password you entered contains invalid characters. Valid characters for a password are A-Z and 0-9
650A problem occurred A problem occurred
651Remote Assistance can't make the connection Remote Assistance can't make the connection
652Гэмтэл засварлагч Алсын туслагчийг хаах гэж байна. Та үргэлжлүүлэхийг хүсч байна уу? Troubleshooting will close Remote Assistance. Do you want to continue?
655Та туслах саналаа илгээх боломжгүй байна Your offer to help could not be sent
656Та туслах саналаа дуусах боломжгүй байна Your offer to help could not be completed
658Enter a password Enter a password
659Алсын туслагч холболт хийх боломжгүй байна Remote Assistance can't make the connection
660Хэрэглэгчийн бүртгэлийн хянах командын мөрт %s хариулахыг зөвшөөрөх Allow %s to respond to User Account Control prompts
661You already have a Remote Assistance session open You already have a Remote Assistance session open
662Remote Assistance can't create a log of this session Remote Assistance can't create a log of this session
663Дунджаас өндөр Medium High
664Нууц үг хэт урт байна The password is too long
665Файлын нэр хэт урт байна The file name is too long
666Энэ Алсын туслагчийн логик холболт хаагдах болно This Remote Assistance session will be closed
667Таны туслахыг хүсч байгаа хүн хариу өгөхгүй байна The person you are trying to help isn't responding
668The person you are trying to help isn't logged on The person you are trying to help isn't logged on
669Таны холболт хийх хүсэлтээс татгалзлаа Your request to connect was denied
670Remote Assistance couldn't open the session log Remote Assistance couldn't open the session log
671The request to share control has been denied The request to share control has been denied
672Таны туслахыг хүсч байгаа хүнтэй холбох боломжгүй байна Unable to connect to the person you are trying to help
673Алсын компьютерийг удирдахыг зөвшөөрөөгүй байна Control of the remote computer is not allowed
674An instant messaging contact is trying to offer you help An instant messaging contact is trying to offer you help
675Хамтран удирдахаа зогсоох бол Алсын туслагчийн харилцах цонхонд Хамтран ашиглахаа зогсоох-г товшино уу. To stop sharing control, in the Remote Assistance dialog box, click Stop sharing.
676\Invitation.msrcincident \Invitation.msrcincident
677Нууц үг хэт богино байна The password is too short
678Таны бичсэн нууц үг 6 тэмдэгтээс бага байна. Та хамгийн багадаа 6 тэмдэгтээс бүрдэх нууц үг бичнэ үү. The password you typed is shorter than 6 characters. Please use a password that is at least 6 characters long.
679This computer is not setup to accept Remote Assistance connections This computer is not setup to accept Remote Assistance connections
680Засах-г товшин бэрхшээлийг засахыг оролдоно уу. Click Repair to try and fix the problem.
681-Үсгийн хэв мөлийлгөхийг идэвхгүй болгох
-Turn off font smoothing
682Та Алсын туслагчийг хаахдаа итгэлтэй байна уу? Are you sure you want to close Remote Assistance?
683Энэ тухайн урилгыг хаах болно, та шинэ урилга илгээх хүртэл таны туслагч тантай холбогдох боломжгүй. This will close the current invitation, and your helper won’t be able to connect unless you send a new invitation.
686Microsoft Microsoft
687Microsoft Windows Remote Assistance Microsoft Windows Remote Assistance
688Алсын туслагчид хамааралтай өөрчлөлтүүдийн бүлгийн нууцлалын тохиргоог шалгана Checks group policy for changes relevant to Remote Assistance
689Windows-н алсын туслагч хаагдаж байна Windows Remote Assistance is closing
690Гэнэтийн алдаа гарсан тул логик холболт салгагдлаа. Логик холболтоо дахин эхлүүлэхийг оролдоно уу. Хэрэв та энэ захиаг хүлээн авсаар байвал администратор эсвэл техникийн тусламж үйлчилгээтэй холбоо барина уу. An unexpected error occurred causing the session to be disconnected. Try restarting your session. If you continue to get this message, contact your administrator or technical support.
691Өөр компьютерээс салгах. (Alt+D) Disconnect from the other computer. (Alt+D)
692Өөр хүний компьютерийг хамтран удирдахыг асуух. (Alt+R) Ask to share control of the other person's computer. (Alt+R)
693Өөрийн компьютерийг туслагчтайгаа хамтран удирдахаа зогсоох. (Alt+T) Stop allowing your helper to share control of your computer. (Alt+T)
694Өөр хүний компьютерийг хамтран удирдахаа зогсоох. (Alt+T) Stop sharing control of the other person’s computer. (Alt+T)
695Тусламж ба үйлчилгээний мэдээллийг харах. (Alt+H) View Help and Support information. (Alt+H)
696Алсын туслагчийн тохиргоог хийх. (Alt+E) Configure Remote Assistance settings. (Alt+E)
697Өөр хүний дэлгэцийг өөрийн цонхоны хэмжээнд тохируулах . (Alt+S) Resize the other person’s screen to fit your window. (Alt+S)
698Гэмтэл засварлагч тухайн урилгыг цуцлах ба та шинэ урилгыг илгээх хүртэл таны туслагч холбогдох боломжгүй. Troubleshooting will cancel the current invitation and your helper won't be able to connect unless you send a new invitation.
699Түр хугацаагаар туслагчаас дэлгэцийг нуух. (Alt+P) Temporarily hide your screen from your helper. (Alt+P)
700Өөрийн туслагчтай дэлгэцийг хамтран ашиглахаа дахин эхлэх. (Alt+U) Resume screen sharing with your helper. (Alt+U)
701Чат ба логик холболтын үйлдлийн цонхыг нээх эсвэл хаах. (Alt+C) Open or close the chat and session events windows. (Alt+C)
702Өөр компьютер рүү файлыг шилжүүлэх. (Alt+F) Transfer a file to the other computer. (Alt+F)
703Энэ компьютер Хялбар холболт ба Харилцах хаягийн түүх-г ашиглахаар тохиргоо хийгдээгүй байна. This computer is not setup to use Easy Connect and Contact History.
705&Болих &Cancel
706Өндөр High
707Алсын туслагчийн урилга нээгдсэн байна. A Remote Assistance invitation has been opened.
708Алсын туслагчийн урилга хаагдсан байна. A Remote Assistance invitation has been closed.
709Алсын туслагчийн холболт үүслээ. A Remote Assistance connection has been established.
710Алсын туслагчийн холболт дууслаа. The Remote Assistance connection has ended.
712A file transfer has been started (%s). A file transfer has been started (%s).
713A file transfer has been accepted (%s). A file transfer has been accepted (%s).
714The file transfer has been cancelled. The file transfer has been cancelled.
715The file transfer was completed successfully. The file transfer was completed successfully.
716%s компьютерийг хамтран удирдах хүсэлт илгээсэн байна. %s has requested to share control of the computer.
717%s-д компьютерийг хамтран удирдах зөвшөөрөл олгогдсон байна. %s has been granted permission to share control of the computer.
718Алсын туслагчийн логик холболт түр зогслоо. The Remote Assistance session has been paused.
719Алсын туслагчийн логик холболт үргэлжилж байна. The Remote Assistance session is continuing.
720%s компьютерийг хамтран удирдаж байна. %s is sharing control of the computer.
721%s компьютерийг хамтран удирдаагүй байна. %s is not sharing control of the computer.
722Алсын туслагчийн логик холболтын бичлэг идэвхжлээ. Remote Assistance session logging is turned on.
723Алсын туслагчийн логик холболтын бичлэг идэвхгүй боллоо. Remote Assistance session logging is turned off.
724Таны туслах таны компьютерт холбогдохдоо буруу нууц үг оруулсан байна. Your helper has supplied an incorrect password to connect to your computer.
725The person to be helped is not logged on. The connection can't be accepted. The person to be helped is not logged on. The connection can't be accepted.
726The Remote Assistance connection was refused by the person to be helped. The Remote Assistance connection was refused by the person to be helped.
727%s хамтран удирдах хүсэлтээс татгалзсан байна. %s denied the request to share control.
729Contact exchange settings do not match, no information sent. Contact exchange settings do not match, no information sent.
730Харилцах хаягийн мэдээллийг амжилттай солилцлоо. Contact information was successfully exchanged.
731Харилцах хаягийн мэдээллийг солилцоход алдаа гарсан тул ямар ч мэдээлэл илгээгдсэнгүй. There was an error exchanging contact information, no information sent.
750Та энэ нууц үгээ өөрийн туслагчдаа хэлэх хэрэгтэй. You will need to tell your helper this password.
751Холболтын бэрхшээлийг засварлах (Alt+O) Troubleshoot connection problems. (Alt+O)
752Багажийн мөрийн команд Toolbar Commands
753Чатын зурвас бичих Enter a chat message
754Логик холболтын түүх Session History
755Туслагчдаа Хялбар холболтын нууц үгийг хэлэх Tell your helper the Easy Connect password
756Туслагчдаа урилгын файл болон нууц үгийг өгөх Give your helper the invitation file and password
757Туслагчдаа холболтын нууц үгийг хэлэх Tell your helper the connection password
758Алсын туслагчийн логик холболтын төлөв Remote Assistance Session Status
759Tell me more about how to fix this problem Tell me more about how to fix this problem
760• Танд Алсын туслагчийн урилгыг файл эсвэл э-шуудангаар илгээхийг туслахыг хүсч байгаа хүнээс асуух.

• Хэрэв та болон таны туслахыг хүсч буй хүн Алсын туслагчид тохирох захианы програмыг ашиглаж байгаа бол таны туслахыг хүсч буй хүн таныг энэ програмаар урих боломжтой.

• Хэрэв та мобайл компьютер ашиглаж байгаа бол өөр сүлжээний байршлаас Хялбар холболтыг ашиглахыг оролдоно уу.
• Ask the person you want to help to send you a Remote Assistance invitation by file or email.

• If you and the person you want to help use an instant messaging program that supports Remote Assistance, the person you want to help can invite you through the instant messaging program.

• If you are using a mobile PC, try using Easy Connect from a different network location.
761• Дараах-г товшиж туслахдаа Алсын туслагчийн урилгыг файл болон э-шуудангаар илгээх.

• Хэрэв та болон таны туслахыг хүсч буй хүн Алсын туслагчид тохирох захианы програмыг ашиглаж байгаа бол таны туслахыг хүсч буй хүн таныг энэ програмаар урих боломжтой.

• Хэрэв та мобайл компьютер ашиглаж байгаа бол өөр сүлжээний байршлаас Хялбар холболтыг ашиглахыг оролдоно уу.
• Click the Next button to send your helper a Remote Assistance invitation by file or email.

• If you and your helper use an instant messaging program that supports Remote Assistance, you can invite your helper through the instant messaging program.

• If you are using a mobile PC, try using Easy Connect from a different network location.
762• Дараах товчийг товших ба урилгыг файлаар хадгална уу.Дараа нь файлыг хавсаралтаар э-шуудан ба захиагаар илгээнэ үү.

• Э-шуудан програмыг эхлээд тохируулан дараа нь урилгаа э-шуудан ашиглан явуулна уу.

• Хэрэв таны захианы програм Алсын туслагчад нийцдэг бол үүнийг ашиглан танд туслах хэн нэгнийг урина уу.
• Click the Next button and save the invitation as a file. Then send the file as an attachment to an email or instant message.

• Set up your email program first, and then send the invitation using email.

• If your instant messaging program supports Remote Assistance, use it to invite someone to help you.
763Бодит &хэмжээ Actual &size
0x3Application will terminate, a critical error was detected in %1 Line %2 Function %3 Application will terminate, a critical error was detected in %1 Line %2 Function %3
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000001Critical Critical
0x50000002Error Error
0x50000005Verbose Verbose
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-RemoteAssistance Microsoft-Windows-RemoteAssistance
0x90000002Application Application
0xB0000001Entering function %1 Entering function %1
0xB0000002Leaving function %1 Leaving function %1
0xB0000004Hit exception block of code at %1 Line %2 in function %3 Hit exception block of code at %1 Line %2 in function %3
0xB0000005Branching on Line:%2 File:%1 with the string %3 Branching on Line:%2 File:%1 with the string %3
0xB0000006Switching on Line:%2 File:%1 with the value %3 Switching on Line:%2 File:%1 with the value %3
0xB0000007Entering conditional block at Line:%1 File:%2 Entering conditional block at Line:%1 File:%2
0xB0000008Exiting conditional block at Line:%1 File:%2 Exiting conditional block at Line:%1 File:%2
0xB0000009There was a problem interacting with COM object %1. An outdated version might be installed, or the component might not be installed at all. There was a problem interacting with COM object %1. An outdated version might be installed, or the component might not be installed at all.
0xB000000AA user tried to use Remote Assistance and send an invitation for help through their default email client, but Remote Assistance failed to successfully send the invitation. It is possible the email client configured as the default client does not support SMAPI calls, or that the email client is improperly configured. It is also possible that the user closed the email client without sending the message. A user tried to use Remote Assistance and send an invitation for help through their default email client, but Remote Assistance failed to successfully send the invitation. It is possible the email client configured as the default client does not support SMAPI calls, or that the email client is improperly configured. It is also possible that the user closed the email client without sending the message.
0xB000000BA user opened a Remote Assistance invitation, but the invitation was closed due to too many bad password attempts to connect to the machine. A user opened a Remote Assistance invitation, but the invitation was closed due to too many bad password attempts to connect to the machine.
0xB000000CA user tried to use Remote Assistance, group policy requires a session log to be maintained, and a session log couldn't be created. Remote Assistance was terminated. Check the disk to see if there are problems with the disk or if it is full. A user tried to use Remote Assistance, group policy requires a session log to be maintained, and a session log couldn't be created. Remote Assistance was terminated. Check the disk to see if there are problems with the disk or if it is full.
0xB000000DRemote Assistance started with: %1 as the command line parameters. Remote Assistance started with: %1 as the command line parameters.
0xB000000EA Remote Assistance Invitation was successfully opened. A Remote Assistance Invitation was successfully opened.
0xB000000FAn RDP connection was successfully made. An RDP connection was successfully made.
0xB0000010The Remote Assistance password was verified. The Remote Assistance session has begun. The Remote Assistance password was verified. The Remote Assistance session has begun.
0xB0000011The Remote Assistance password provided was incorrect. The RDP session was terminated. The Remote Assistance password provided was incorrect. The RDP session was terminated.
0xB0000012The Remote Assistance session was disconnected remotely. The Remote Assistance session was disconnected remotely.
0xB0000013The Remote Assistance session was disconnected locally. The Remote Assistance session was disconnected locally.
0xB0000014The Remote Assistance invitation was closed, any information concerning it given out is now invalid. The Remote Assistance invitation was closed, any information concerning it given out is now invalid.
0xB0000015The helper is sharing control. The helper is sharing control.
0xB0000016The helper can now view the screen. The helper can now view the screen.
0xB0000017Remote Assistance detected that it didn't restore the background and screen settings before shutting down. An attempt was made to restore these settings. Remote Assistance detected that it didn't restore the background and screen settings before shutting down. An attempt was made to restore these settings.
0xB0000018The time limit of offered invitations has been reached. The time limit of offered invitations has been reached.
0xB0000019User setting value currently applied is %1 User setting value currently applied is %1
0xB000001AThe system or GP settings do not allow an Remote Assistance invitation to be created. This action has been blocked by the application. The system or GP settings do not allow an Remote Assistance invitation to be created. This action has been blocked by the application.
0xB000001BThe system or GP settings do not allow a helper to share control. This action has been blocked by the application. The system or GP settings do not allow a helper to share control. This action has been blocked by the application.
0xB000001CThe Windows firewall has been checked and it appears that it is configured so that it will stop Remote Assistance from working. The Windows firewall has been checked and it appears that it is configured so that it will stop Remote Assistance from working.
0xB000001DThe error message: %1 has been shown to the user. The error message: %1 has been shown to the user.
0xB000001ERemote Assistance has ended. Remote Assistance has ended.
0xB000001FRemote Assistance COM server has started. Remote Assistance COM server has started.
0xB0000020Remote Assistance COM server has ended. Remote Assistance COM server has ended.
0xB0000021The Remote Assistance ticket contained the following IP addresses: %1 The Remote Assistance ticket contained the following IP addresses: %1
0xB0000022A PNRP Node was created at the following address: %1 A PNRP Node was created at the following address: %1
0xB0000023The following PNRP clouds were detected: %1 The following PNRP clouds were detected: %1
0xB0000024A PNRP Node was released at the following address: %1 A PNRP Node was released at the following address: %1
0xB0000025Started looking for PNRP node with the following address: %1 Started looking for PNRP node with the following address: %1
0xB0000026Stopped looking for PNRP node, address: %1 Stopped looking for PNRP node, address: %1
0xB0000027There was a problem interacting with the PNRP service. This component might not be installed correctly. The error code received was: %1 There was a problem interacting with the PNRP service. This component might not be installed correctly. The error code received was: %1
0xB0000028Diagnosis Repro Attempt resulted in a success. Diagnosis Repro Attempt resulted in a success.
0xB0000029Diagnosis Repro Attempt resulted in a failure. Diagnosis Repro Attempt resulted in a failure.
0xB000002ACurrent time on NTP Server: %1 Current time on NTP Server: %1
0xB000002BRemote Assistance troubleshooting rejected problem %1. Remote Assistance troubleshooting rejected problem %1.
0xB000002CRemote Assistance troubleshooting has confirmed the problem: %1. Remote Assistance troubleshooting has confirmed the problem: %1.
0xB000002DRemote Assistance troubleshooting is starting to repair the identified problem: %1. Remote Assistance troubleshooting is starting to repair the identified problem: %1.
0xB000002ERemote Assistance troubleshooting successfully repaired the problem: %1. Remote Assistance troubleshooting successfully repaired the problem: %1.
0xB000002FRemote Assistance troubleshooting failed to repair the problem: %1. Remote Assistance troubleshooting failed to repair the problem: %1.
0xB0000064Remote OS Type : %1. Remote OS Type : %1.
0xB0000065Remote Assistance connection attempt failed with error code: %1. Remote Assistance connection attempt failed with error code: %1.
0xB0000066Remote Assistance reproduced the problem and created following ticket to verify the problem: %1. Remote Assistance reproduced the problem and created following ticket to verify the problem: %1.
0xB0010011The Remote Assistance password provided was incorrect. The RDP session was terminated, IP address of the connecting machine is %1 The Remote Assistance password provided was incorrect. The RDP session was terminated, IP address of the connecting machine is %1


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Internal Name:msra.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft корпораци. Зохиогчийн бүх эрх хамгаалагдсан.
Original File Name:msra.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is msra.exe.mui?

msra.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Mongolian language for file msra.exe (Windows-н Алсын туслагч).

File version info

File Description:Windows-н Алсын туслагч
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:msra.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft корпораци. Зохиогчийн бүх эрх хамгаалагдсан.
Original Filename:msra.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x450, 1200