dnsapi.dll.mui DLL da API de cliente de DNS f3aa2c65df8143a6012c0e2abab42077

File info

File name: dnsapi.dll.mui
Size: 74752 byte
MD5: f3aa2c65df8143a6012c0e2abab42077
SHA1: f32ad8ae24bdf41cc2b90e8e05f6c22893e3e006
SHA256: c3b72f4dc5c1f1c955792c61abc3e5fb5f73f4e142cb58b6d09262a5da09824b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Portuguese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Portuguese English
100Parâmetros Parameters
101Cliente DNS DNS Client
102O serviço Cliente DNS (dnscache) coloca em cache os nomes DNS (Sistema de Nomes de Domínio) e regista o nome de computador completo para este computador. Se o serviço estiver parado, os nomes DNS continuam a ser resolvidos. No entanto, os resultados das consultas de nomes DNS não são colocados em cache e o nome do computador não é registado. Se o serviço estiver desativado, quaisquer serviços que dependam explicitamente dele não serão iniciados. The DNS Client service (dnscache) caches Domain Name System (DNS) names and registers the full computer name for this computer. If the service is stopped, DNS names will continue to be resolved. However, the results of DNS name queries will not be cached and the computer's name will not be registered. If the service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
103Fidedignidade de Servidor DNS (Domain Name System) Domain Name System (DNS) Server Trust
0x3F0O sufixo DNS primário deste computador está em falta. Na ausência de um sufixo DNS primário, os nomes breves não qualificados não poderão ser resolvidos por DNS The primary DNS suffix for this machine is missing. In the absence of a primary DNS suffix, short unqualified names may not resolve through DNS
0x3F2O sufixo DNS primário deste computador (%1) não corresponde ao domínio do Active Directory (%2) ao qual está atualmente associado. The primary DNS suffix for this machine (%1) does not match the Active Directory domain (%2) that it is currently joined to.
0x3F4Ocorreu um erro ao tentar ler o ficheiro hosts local. There was an error while attempting to read the local hosts file.
0x3F6A resolução de nomes para o nome %1 excedeu o tempo limite depois de nenhum dos servidores DNS configurados ter respondido. Name resolution for the name %1 timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded.
0x3FFA tabela de políticas de resolução de nomes foi danificada. A resolução de DNS falhará até a tabela ser corrigida. Contacte o administrador da rede. Para mais informações: falha ao ler a tabela de políticas para a regra %1 com o erro %2 Name resolution policy table has been corrupted. DNS resolution will fail until it is fixed. Contact your network administrator. For more information: read policy table for rule %1 failed with error %2
0x1F41Não é possível iniciar o serviço de Cliente DNS. Não foi possível iniciar a interface de Chamada de Procedimento Remoto (RPC) para este serviço. Para corrigir o problema, poderá reiniciar os serviços de RPC e de Cliente DNS. Para isso, utilize os seguintes comandos numa linha de comandos: (1) escreva 'net start rpc' para iniciar o serviço de RPC, e (2) escreva 'net start dnscache' para iniciar o serviço de Cliente DNS. Para informações específicas sobre o código de erro, consulte os detalhes do evento. Unable to start DNS Client service. Could not start the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) interface for this service. To correct the problem, you may restart the RPC and DNS Client services. To do so, use the following commands at a command prompt: (1) type 'net start rpc' to start the RPC service, and (2) type 'net start dnscache' to start the DNS Client service. See event details for specific error code information.
0x1F42Não foi possível iniciar o serviço de Cliente DNS, porque o sistema não conseguiu alocar memória e poderá estar sem memória disponível. Experimente fechar aplicações que não estejam a ser utilizadas ou reiniciar o computador. Para informações específicas sobre o código de erro, consulte os detalhes do evento. Unable to start DNS Client service because the system failed to allocate memory and may be out of available memory. Try closing any applications not in use or reboot the computer. See event details for specific error code information.
0x1F43The system failed to register network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS Server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe cause of this DNS registration failure was because the DNS update request timed out after being sent to the specified DNS Server. This is probably because the authoritative DNS server for the name being updated is not running.%n%nYou can manually retry registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your network systems administrator to verify network conditions. The system failed to register network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS Server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe cause of this DNS registration failure was because the DNS update request timed out after being sent to the specified DNS Server. This is probably because the authoritative DNS server for the name being updated is not running.%n%nYou can manually retry registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your network systems administrator to verify network conditions.
0x1F44The system failed to register network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe cause of this DNS registration failure was because of DNS server failure. This may be due to a zone transfer that has locked the DNS server for the applicable zone that your computer needs to register itself with.%n%n(The applicable zone should typically correspond to the Adapter-specific Domain Suffix that was indicated above.) You can manually retry registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your network systems administrator to verify network conditions. The system failed to register network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe cause of this DNS registration failure was because of DNS server failure. This may be due to a zone transfer that has locked the DNS server for the applicable zone that your computer needs to register itself with.%n%n(The applicable zone should typically correspond to the Adapter-specific Domain Suffix that was indicated above.) You can manually retry registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your network systems administrator to verify network conditions.
0x1F45The system failed to register network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason it could not register was because either: (a) the DNS server does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol, or (b) the primary zone authoritative for the registering names does not currently accept dynamic updates.%n%nTo add or register a DNS host (A or AAAA) resource record using the specific DNS name for this adapter, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. The system failed to register network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason it could not register was because either: (a) the DNS server does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol, or (b) the primary zone authoritative for the registering names does not currently accept dynamic updates.%n%nTo add or register a DNS host (A or AAAA) resource record using the specific DNS name for this adapter, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator.
0x1F46The system failed to register network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason it could not register was because the DNS server refused the dynamic update request. This could happen for the following reasons: (a) current DNS update policies do not allow this computer to update the DNS domain name configured for this adapter, or (b) the authoritative DNS server for this DNS domain name does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol.%n%nTo register a DNS host (A or AAAA) resource record using the specific DNS domain name for this adapter, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. The system failed to register network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason it could not register was because the DNS server refused the dynamic update request. This could happen for the following reasons: (a) current DNS update policies do not allow this computer to update the DNS domain name configured for this adapter, or (b) the authoritative DNS server for this DNS domain name does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol.%n%nTo register a DNS host (A or AAAA) resource record using the specific DNS domain name for this adapter, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator.
0x1F47The system failed to register network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe system could not register the DNS update request because of a security related problem. This could happen for the following reasons: (a) the DNS domain name that your computer is trying to register could not be updated because your computer does not have the right permissions, or (b) there might have been a problem negotiating valid credentials with the DNS server to update.%n%nYou can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. See event details for specific error code information. The system failed to register network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe system could not register the DNS update request because of a security related problem. This could happen for the following reasons: (a) the DNS domain name that your computer is trying to register could not be updated because your computer does not have the right permissions, or (b) there might have been a problem negotiating valid credentials with the DNS server to update.%n%nYou can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. See event details for specific error code information.
0x1F48The system failed to register network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the DNS update request could not be completed was because of a system problem. You can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. See event details for specific error code information. The system failed to register network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the DNS update request could not be completed was because of a system problem. You can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. See event details for specific error code information.
0x1F49The system failed to register pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe reason that the system could not register these RRs was because the update request that was sent to the specified DNS server timed out. This is probably because the authoritative DNS server for the name being registered is not running.%n%nYou can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. See event details for specific error code information. The system failed to register pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe reason that the system could not register these RRs was because the update request that was sent to the specified DNS server timed out. This is probably because the authoritative DNS server for the name being registered is not running.%n%nYou can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. See event details for specific error code information.
0x1F4AThe system failed to register pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe cause was DNS server failure. This may be because the reverse lookup zone is busy or missing on the DNS server that your computer needs to update. In most cases, this is a minor problem because it does not affect normal (forward) name resolution.%n%nIf reverse (address-to-name) resolution is required for your computer, you can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. See event details for specific error code information. The system failed to register pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe cause was DNS server failure. This may be because the reverse lookup zone is busy or missing on the DNS server that your computer needs to update. In most cases, this is a minor problem because it does not affect normal (forward) name resolution.%n%nIf reverse (address-to-name) resolution is required for your computer, you can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. See event details for specific error code information.
0x1F4BThe system failed to register pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe reason that the system could not register these RRs was because (a) either the DNS server does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol, or (b) the authoritative zone where these records are to be registered does not allow dynamic updates.%n%nTo register DNS pointer (PTR) resource records using the specific DNS domain name and IP addresses for this adapter, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. The system failed to register pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe reason that the system could not register these RRs was because (a) either the DNS server does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol, or (b) the authoritative zone where these records are to be registered does not allow dynamic updates.%n%nTo register DNS pointer (PTR) resource records using the specific DNS domain name and IP addresses for this adapter, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator.
0x1F4CThe system failed to register pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe reason that the system could not register these RRs was because the DNS server refused the update request. The cause of this could be (a) your computer is not allowed to update the adapter-specified DNS domain name, or (b) because the DNS server authoritative for the specified name does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol.%n%nTo register the DNS pointer (PTR) resource records using the specific DNS domain name and IP addresses for this adapter, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. The system failed to register pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe reason that the system could not register these RRs was because the DNS server refused the update request. The cause of this could be (a) your computer is not allowed to update the adapter-specified DNS domain name, or (b) because the DNS server authoritative for the specified name does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol.%n%nTo register the DNS pointer (PTR) resource records using the specific DNS domain name and IP addresses for this adapter, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator.
0x1F4DThe system failed to register pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe reason that the system could not register these RRs was because of a security related problem. The cause of this could be (a) your computer does not have permissions to register and update the specific DNS domain name set for this adapter, or (b) there might have been a problem negotiating valid credentials with the DNS server during the processing of the update request.%n%nYou can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. The system failed to register pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe reason that the system could not register these RRs was because of a security related problem. The cause of this could be (a) your computer does not have permissions to register and update the specific DNS domain name set for this adapter, or (b) there might have been a problem negotiating valid credentials with the DNS server during the processing of the update request.%n%nYou can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator.
0x1F4EThe system failed to register pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not register these RRs during the update request was because of a system problem. You can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. See event details for specific error code information. The system failed to register pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not register these RRs during the update request was because of a system problem. You can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. See event details for specific error code information.
0x1F4FThe system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not register these RRs was because the update request it sent to the DNS server timed out. The most likely cause of this is that the DNS server authoritative for the name it was attempting to register or update is not running at this time.%n%nYou can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. The system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not register these RRs was because the update request it sent to the DNS server timed out. The most likely cause of this is that the DNS server authoritative for the name it was attempting to register or update is not running at this time.%n%nYou can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator.
0x1F50The system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not register these RRs was because the DNS server failed the update request. The most likely cause of this is that the authoritative DNS server required to process this update request has a lock in place on the zone, probably because a zone transfer is in progress.%n%nYou can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. The system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not register these RRs was because the DNS server failed the update request. The most likely cause of this is that the authoritative DNS server required to process this update request has a lock in place on the zone, probably because a zone transfer is in progress.%n%nYou can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator.
0x1F51The system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nEither the DNS server does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol or the authoritative zone for the specified DNS domain name does not accept dynamic updates.%n%nTo register the DNS host (A or AAAA) resource records using the specific DNS domain name and IP addresses for this adapter, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. The system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nEither the DNS server does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol or the authoritative zone for the specified DNS domain name does not accept dynamic updates.%n%nTo register the DNS host (A or AAAA) resource records using the specific DNS domain name and IP addresses for this adapter, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator.
0x1F52The system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not register these RRs was because the DNS server contacted refused the update request. The reasons for this might be (a) you are not allowed to update the specified DNS domain name, or (b) because the DNS server authoritative for this name does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol.%n%nTo register the DNS host (A or AAAA) resource records using the specific DNS domain name and IP addresses for this adapter, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. The system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not register these RRs was because the DNS server contacted refused the update request. The reasons for this might be (a) you are not allowed to update the specified DNS domain name, or (b) because the DNS server authoritative for this name does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol.%n%nTo register the DNS host (A or AAAA) resource records using the specific DNS domain name and IP addresses for this adapter, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator.
0x1F53The system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not register these RRs was because of a security related problem. The cause of this could be (a) your computer does not have permissions to register and update the specific DNS domain name set for this adapter, or (b) there might have been a problem negotiating valid credentials with the DNS server during the processing of the update request.%n%nYou can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. See event details for specific error code information. The system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not register these RRs was because of a security related problem. The cause of this could be (a) your computer does not have permissions to register and update the specific DNS domain name set for this adapter, or (b) there might have been a problem negotiating valid credentials with the DNS server during the processing of the update request.%n%nYou can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. See event details for specific error code information.
0x1F54The system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not register these RRs during the update request was because of a system problem. You can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. See event details for specific error code information. The system failed to register host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not register these RRs during the update request was because of a system problem. You can manually retry DNS registration of the network adapter and its settings by typing 'ipconfig /registerdns' at the command prompt. If problems still persist, contact your DNS server or network systems administrator. See event details for specific error code information.
0x1F55The system failed to update and remove registration for the network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason for this failure is because the DNS server it sent the update request to timed out. The most likely cause of this failure is that the DNS server authoritative for the zone where the registration was originally made is either not running or unreachable through the network at this time. The system failed to update and remove registration for the network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason for this failure is because the DNS server it sent the update request to timed out. The most likely cause of this failure is that the DNS server authoritative for the zone where the registration was originally made is either not running or unreachable through the network at this time.
0x1F56The system failed to update and remove registration for the network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason for this failure is because the DNS server it sent the update to failed the update request. A possible cause of this failure is that the DNS server required to process this update request has a lock in place on the zone, probably because a zone transfer is in progress.%n%n The system failed to update and remove registration for the network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason for this failure is because the DNS server it sent the update to failed the update request. A possible cause of this failure is that the DNS server required to process this update request has a lock in place on the zone, probably because a zone transfer is in progress.%n%n
0x1F57The system failed to update and remove registration for the network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason for this failure is because the DNS server sent the update either (a) does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol, or (b) the authoritative zone for the specified DNS domain name does not currently accept DNS dynamic updates. The system failed to update and remove registration for the network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason for this failure is because the DNS server sent the update either (a) does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol, or (b) the authoritative zone for the specified DNS domain name does not currently accept DNS dynamic updates.
0x1F58The system failed to update and remove registration for the network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not perform the update request was the DNS server contacted refused update request. The cause of this is (a) this computer is not allowed to update the specified DNS domain name, or (b) because the DNS server authoritative for the zone that requires updating does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol. The system failed to update and remove registration for the network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not perform the update request was the DNS server contacted refused update request. The cause of this is (a) this computer is not allowed to update the specified DNS domain name, or (b) because the DNS server authoritative for the zone that requires updating does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol.
0x1F59The system failed to update and remove registration for the network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not perform the update request was because of a security related problem. The cause of this could be (a) your computer does not have permissions to register and update the specific DNS domain name set for this adapter, or (b) there might have been a problem negotiating valid credentials with the DNS server during the processing of the update request.%n%nSee event details for specific error code information. The system failed to update and remove registration for the network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the system could not perform the update request was because of a security related problem. The cause of this could be (a) your computer does not have permissions to register and update the specific DNS domain name set for this adapter, or (b) there might have been a problem negotiating valid credentials with the DNS server during the processing of the update request.%n%nSee event details for specific error code information.
0x1F5AThe system failed to update and remove the DNS registration for the network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe system could not update to remove this DNS registration because of a system problem. See event details for specific error code information. The system failed to update and remove the DNS registration for the network adapter with settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe system could not update to remove this DNS registration because of a system problem. See event details for specific error code information.
0x1F5BThe system failed to update and remove pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe system could not remove these PTR RRs because the update request timed out while awaiting a response from the DNS server. This is probably because the DNS server authoritative for the zone that requires update is not running. The system failed to update and remove pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe system could not remove these PTR RRs because the update request timed out while awaiting a response from the DNS server. This is probably because the DNS server authoritative for the zone that requires update is not running.
0x1F5CThe system failed to update and remove pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address : %6%n%nThe system could not remove these PTR RRs because the DNS server failed the update request. A possible cause is that a zone transfer is in progress, causing a lock for the zone at the DNS server authorized to perform the updates for these RRs. The system failed to update and remove pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address : %6%n%nThe system could not remove these PTR RRs because the DNS server failed the update request. A possible cause is that a zone transfer is in progress, causing a lock for the zone at the DNS server authorized to perform the updates for these RRs.
0x1F5DThe system failed to update and remove pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe system could not remove these PTR RRs because either the DNS server does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol or the authoritative zone that contains these RRs does not accept dynamic updates. The system failed to update and remove pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe system could not remove these PTR RRs because either the DNS server does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol or the authoritative zone that contains these RRs does not accept dynamic updates.
0x1F5EThe system failed to update and remove pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe system could not remove these PTR RRs because the DNS server refused the update request. The cause of this might be (a) this computer is not allowed to update the specified DNS domain name specified by these settings, or (b) because the DNS server authorized to perform updates for the zone that contains these RRs does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol. The system failed to update and remove pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe system could not remove these PTR RRs because the DNS server refused the update request. The cause of this might be (a) this computer is not allowed to update the specified DNS domain name specified by these settings, or (b) because the DNS server authorized to perform updates for the zone that contains these RRs does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol.
0x1F5FThe system failed to update and remove pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe system could not remove these PTR RRs because of a security related problem. The cause of this could be that (a) your computer does not have permissions to remove and update the specific DNS domain name or IP addresses configured for this adapter, or (b) there might have been a problem negotiating valid credentials with the DNS server during the processing of the update request. See event details for specific error code information. The system failed to update and remove pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe system could not remove these PTR RRs because of a security related problem. The cause of this could be that (a) your computer does not have permissions to remove and update the specific DNS domain name or IP addresses configured for this adapter, or (b) there might have been a problem negotiating valid credentials with the DNS server during the processing of the update request. See event details for specific error code information.
0x1F60The system failed to update and remove pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe system could not remove these PTR RRs because because of a system problem. See event details for specific error code information. The system failed to update and remove pointer (PTR) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address :%n %6%n%nThe system could not remove these PTR RRs because because of a system problem. See event details for specific error code information.
0x1F61The system failed to update and remove host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%n The system could not remove these host (A or AAAA) RRs because the update request timed out while awaiting a response from the DNS server. This is probably because the DNS server authoritative for the zone where these RRs need to be updated is either not currently running or reachable on the network. The system failed to update and remove host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%n The system could not remove these host (A or AAAA) RRs because the update request timed out while awaiting a response from the DNS server. This is probably because the DNS server authoritative for the zone where these RRs need to be updated is either not currently running or reachable on the network.
0x1F62The system failed to update and remove host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe system could not remove these host (A or AAAA) RRs because the DNS server failed the update request. A possible cause is that a zone transfer is in progress, causing a lock for the zone at the DNS server authorized to perform the updates for these RRs. The system failed to update and remove host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe system could not remove these host (A or AAAA) RRs because the DNS server failed the update request. A possible cause is that a zone transfer is in progress, causing a lock for the zone at the DNS server authorized to perform the updates for these RRs.
0x1F63The system failed to update and remove host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason for this failure is because the DNS server sent the update either (a) does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol, or (b) the authoritative zone for the DNS domain name specified in these host (A or AAAA) RRs does not currently accept DNS dynamic updates. The system failed to update and remove host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason for this failure is because the DNS server sent the update either (a) does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol, or (b) the authoritative zone for the DNS domain name specified in these host (A or AAAA) RRs does not currently accept DNS dynamic updates.
0x1F64The system failed to update and remove host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe request to remove these records failed because the DNS server refused the update request. The cause of this might be that either (a) this computer is not allowed to update the DNS domain name specified by these settings, or (b) because the DNS server authorized to perform updates for the zone that contains these RRs does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol. The system failed to update and remove host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe request to remove these records failed because the DNS server refused the update request. The cause of this might be that either (a) this computer is not allowed to update the DNS domain name specified by these settings, or (b) because the DNS server authorized to perform updates for the zone that contains these RRs does not support the DNS dynamic update protocol.
0x1F65The system failed to update and remove host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason for this failure was because of a security related problem. The cause of this could be that (a) your computer does not have permissions to remove and update the specific DNS domain name or IP addresses configured for this adapter, or (b) there might have been a problem negotiating valid credentials with the DNS server during the processing of the update request. See event details for specific error code information. The system failed to update and remove host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason for this failure was because of a security related problem. The cause of this could be that (a) your computer does not have permissions to remove and update the specific DNS domain name or IP addresses configured for this adapter, or (b) there might have been a problem negotiating valid credentials with the DNS server during the processing of the update request. See event details for specific error code information.
0x1F66The system failed to update and remove host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the update request failed was because of a system problem. See event details for specific error code information. The system failed to update and remove host (A or AAAA) resource records (RRs) for network adapter%nwith settings:%n%n Adapter Name : %1%n Host Name : %2%n Primary Domain Suffix : %3%n DNS server list :%n %4%n Sent update to server : %5%n IP Address(es) :%n %6%n%nThe reason the update request failed was because of a system problem. See event details for specific error code information.
0x30000000Informações Info
0x300000B4Estado de Início Start State
0x300000B5Estado de Fim End State
0x300000B6Estado de Fecho Closed State
0x300000B7Estado de Abertura Open State
0x300000B8Estado de Ligação Connect State
0x300000B9Estado de Escuta Listen State
0x300000BAEstado de Associação Association State
0x300000BBEstado de Autenticação Authentication State
0x300000BCEstado Estabelecido Established State
0x50000002Erro Error
0x50000003Aviso Warning
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-DNS Client Events Microsoft-Windows-DNS Client Events
0x90000002Microsoft-Windows-DNS Client Events/Operacional Microsoft-Windows-DNS Client Events/Operational
0x90000003Sistema System
0xB00003E8Não existem atualmente servidores DNS IPv4 configurados para qualquer interface neste anfitrião. Configure as definições do servidor DNS ou renove as definições de IP dinâmico. There are currently no IPv4 DNS servers configured for any interface on this host. Please configure DNS server settings, or renew your dynamic IP settings.
0xB00003E9Interface: %1 Contagem Total de Servidores DNS: %2 Índice: %3 Endereço: %6 (%4) Interface: %1 Total DNS Server Count: %2 Index: %3 Address: %6 (%4)
0xB00003EAO servidor DNS que estava a ser consultado para a interface %1 mudou para %3 The DNS server being queried for interface %1 has changed to %3
0xB00003EBOs servidores DNS seguintes foram validados com êxito como servidores ativos que podem servir este cliente. %2 The following DNS server(s) were successfully validated as active servers that can service this client. %2
0xB00003EDO cliente não conseguiu validar os servidores seguintes como servidores DNS ativos que podem servir este cliente. Os servidores podem estar temporariamente indisponíveis ou incorretamente configurados. %2 The client was unable to validate the following as active DNS server(s) that can service this client. The server(s) may be temporarily unavailable, or may be incorrectly configured. %2
0xB00003F7A resolução de nomes para o nome %1 excedeu o tempo limite depois do servidor DNS %3 não ter respondido. Name resolution for the name %1 timed out after the DNS server %3 did not respond.
0xB00003F8Um erro de nome não encontrado foi devolvido para o nome %1. Certifique-se de que o nome está correto. A resposta foi enviada pelo servidor em %3. A name not found error was returned for the name %1. Check to ensure that the name is correct. The response was sent by the server at %3.
0xB00003F9A resposta do servidor DNS a uma consulta para o nome %1 indica que não estão disponíveis registos do tipo consultado, mas poderá indicar que estão presentes outros registos para o mesmo nome. The DNS server's response to a query for name %1 indicates that no records of the type queried are available, but could indicate that other records for the same name are present.
0xB00003FAA resposta para a consulta %1 foi um endereço IP de Ligação Local %3. A resposta foi enviada pelo servidor em %5. The response for the query %1 was a Link Local IP address %3. The response was sent by the server at %5.
0xB00003FBNão existem atualmente servidores DNS IPv6 configurados para qualquer interface neste anfitrião. Configure as definições do servidor DNS ou renove as definições de IP dinâmico. There are currently no IPv6 DNS servers configured for any interface on this host. Please configure DNS server settings, or renew your dynamic IP settings.
0xB00003FCTabela de Políticas de Resolução de Leitura de Nomes DNS: Nome da Chave %1: Definições DNSSEC: DnsSecValidationRequired %2, DnsQueryOverIPSec %3, DnsEncryption %4 Definições do Direct Access: DirectAccessServerList %5, EnableRemoteIPSEC %6 RemoteEncryption %7 ProxyType %8 ProxyName %9 Read DNS Name Resolution Policy Table: Key Name %1: DNSSEC Settings: DnsSecValidationRequired %2, DnsQueryOverIPSec %3, DnsEncryption %4 Direct Access Settings: DirectAccessServerList %5, EnableRemoteIPSEC %6 RemoteEncryption %7 ProxyType %8 ProxyName %9
0xB00003FDPolítica Efetiva correspondida para o nome de consulta %1: Nome da Chave %2: DnsSecValidationRequired %3, DnsQueryOverIPSec %4, DnsEncryption %5 DirectAccessServerList %6, ProxyType %7 ProxyName %8 Matched Effective policy for query name %1: Key Name %2: DnsSecValidationRequired %3, DnsQueryOverIPSec %4, DnsEncryption %5 DirectAccessServerList %6, ProxyType %7 ProxyName %8
0xB00003FEA resolução de nomes para o nome, %1, não utilizará LLMNR nem NETBIOS como contingência Name resolution for the name, %1, will not fall back to LLMNR or NetBIOS
0xB0000400O ID de transação da resposta para a consulta %1 do servidor %3 não correspondeu Transaction ID of the response for query %1 from server %3 did not match
0xB0000401O IP do servidor DNS %3 da resposta para a consulta %1 não está configurado no cliente The DNS server IP %3 of the response for query %1 is not configured on the client
0xB0000402A pergunta (%2) na resposta do servidor %4 não corresponde à pergunta original %1 The question (%2) in the response from server %4 does not match the original question %1
0xB0000403A resolução de Nomes DNS para o nome, %1, falhou porque o cliente não conseguiu contactar servidores DNS. Pelo menos uma das interfaces não está numa rede privada e a resolução de nomes não utilizará LLMNR nem NetBIOS como contingência DNS Name resolution for the name, %1, failed because the client was unable to contact DNS servers. At least one of the interfaces is not in a private network and name resolution will not fall back to LLMNR or NetBIOS
0xB0000404Política Efetiva correspondida para o nome de consulta %1: Nome da Chave %2: DnsSecValidationRequired %3, DnsQueryOverIPSec %4, DnsEncryption %5 DirectAccessServerList %6, ProxyType %7 ProxyName %8 GenericServerList %9 IdnConfig %10 Matched effective policy for query name %1: Key Name %2: DnsSecValidationRequired %3, DnsQueryOverIPSec %4, DnsEncryption %5 DirectAccessServerList %6, ProxyType %7 ProxyName %8 GenericServerList %9 IdnConfig %10
0xB0000BB8A Consulta de DNS foi iniciada para o nome %1 e para o tipo %2 com as opções de consulta %3 DNS Query is initiated for the name %1 and for the type %2 with query options %3
0xB0000BB9A operação de Consulta de DNS foi concluída com o resultados %1 DNS Query operation is completed with result %1
0xB0000BBAA pesquisa da Cache de DNS foi iniciada para o nome %1 e para o tipo %2 com as opções de consulta %3 DNS Cache lookup is initiated for the name %1 and for the type %2 with query options %3
0xB0000BBBA operação de pesquisa da Cache de DNS para o nome %1 e para o tipo %2 foi concluída com o resultado %3 DNS Cache lookup operation for the name %1 and for the type %2 is completed with result %3
0xB0000BBCA Consulta de FQDN DNS foi iniciada para o nome %1 e para o tipo %2 com as opções de consulta %3 DNS FQDN Query is initiated for the name %1 and for the type %2 with query options %3
0xB0000BBDA operação da Consulta de FQDN de DNS para o nome %1 e para o tipo %2 foi concluída com o resultado %3 DNS FQDN Query operation for the name %1 and for the type %2 is completed with result %3
0xB0000BBEA consulta de DNS foi chamada para o nome %1, tipo %2, opções de consulta %3, Lista de Servidores %4, consulta isNetwork %5, índice de rede %6, índice de interface %7, consulta isasynchronous %8 DNS query is called for the name %1, type %2, query options %3, Server List %4, isNetwork query %5, network index %6, interface index %7, is asynchronous query %8
0xB0000BBFA DnsQueryEx para o nome %1 está pendente DnsQueryEx for the name %1 is pending
0xB0000BC0A consulta DNS foi concluída para o nome %1, tipo %2, opções de consulta %3 com o estado %4 Resultados %5 DNS query is completed for the name %1, type %2, query options %3 with status %4 Results %5
0xB0000BC1A consulta de rede foi iniciada para o nome %1 (consulta isparallel %2) no índice de rede %3 com a contagem de interface %4 com o primeiro nome de interface %5, endereços locais %6 e Servidores Dns %7 Network query initiated for the name %1 (is parallel query %2) on network index %3 with interface count %4 with first interface name %5, local addresses %6 and Dns Servers %7
0xB0000BC2A Consulta DNS foi enviada para o Servidor DNS %3 para o nome %1 e o tipo %2 DNS Query sent to DNS Server %3 for name %1 and type %2
0xB0000BC3A resposta foi recebida a partir do Servidor DNS %3 para o nome %1 e o tipo %2 com o estado da resposta %4 Received response from DNS Server %3 for name %1 and type %2 with response status %4
0xB0000BC4A consulta NETBIOS foi iniciada para o nome %1 no índice de rede %2 com a contagem de interface %3 com o primeiro nome de interface %4 e endereços locais %5 NETBIOS query is initiated for name %1 on network index %2 with inteface count %3 with first interface name %4 and local addresses %5
0xB0000BC5A consulta NETBIOS foi concluída para o nome %1 com o estado %2 e os resultados %3 NETBIOS query is completed for name %1 with status %2 and results %3
0xB0000BC6A consulta NETBIOS para o nome %1 está pendente NETBIOS query for the name %1 is pending
0xB0000BC7A DnsQueryEx foi cancelada para o nome %1 DnsQueryEx is canceled for the name %1
0xB0000BC8A pesquisa da cache foi chamada para o nome %1, tipo %2, opções %3 e índice de interface %4 Cache lookup called for name %1, type %2, options %3 and interface index %4
0xB0000BCAA pesquisa da cache para o nome %1, tipo %2 e opção %3 devolveu %4 com os resultados %5 Cache lookup for name %1, type %2 and option %3 returned %4 with results %5
0xB0000BCBA transmissão de consulta foi chamada para o nome %1, tipo %2, índice de interface %3 e índice de rede %4 Query wire called for name %1, type %2, interface index %3 and network index %4
0xB0000BCCA resposta de consulta para o nome %1, tipo %2, índice de interface %3 e índice de rede %4 devolveu %5 com os resultados %6 Query response for name %1, type %2, interface index %3 and network index %4 returned %5 with results %6
0xB000EA64Erro: %1 Localização: %2 Contexto: %3 Error: %1 Location: %2 Context: %3
0xB000EA65Aviso: %1 Localização: %2 Contexto: %3 Warning: %1 Location: %2 Context: %3
0xB000EA66Transitou para o Estado: %1 Contexto: %2 Transitioned to State: %1 Context: %2
0xB000EA67Contexto Atualizado: %1 Motivo para Atualização: %2 Updated Context: %1 Update Reason: %2
0xB000EAC5SourceAddress: %1 SourcePort: %2 DestinationAddress: %3 DestinationPort: %4 Protocolo: %5 ReferenceContext: %6 SourceAddress: %1 SourcePort: %2 DestinationAddress: %3 DestinationPort: %4 Protocol: %5 ReferenceContext: %6
0xB000EAC7GUID da Interface: %1 IfIndex: %2 Luid da Interface: %3 ReferenceContext: %4 Interface Guid: %1 IfIndex: %2 Interface Luid: %3 ReferenceContext: %4
0xD0000001estático static
0xD0000002dinâmico dynamic


File Name:dnsapi.dll.mui
File Size:73 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:74240
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Portuguese
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:DLL da API de cliente de DNS
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:dnsapi
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.
Original File Name:dnsapi
Product Name:Sistema operativo Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is dnsapi.dll.mui?

dnsapi.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Portuguese language for file dnsapi.dll (DLL da API de cliente de DNS).

File version info

File Description:DLL da API de cliente de DNS
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:dnsapi
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.
Original Filename:dnsapi
Product Name:Sistema operativo Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x816, 1200