SyncRes.dll.mui ActiveSync gorlary f1ddb96ce53843ca586a79708505310e

File info

File name: SyncRes.dll.mui
Size: 28160 byte
MD5: f1ddb96ce53843ca586a79708505310e
SHA1: c5288b2eb6ad4b2c3a24db34242826a9a9b60660
SHA256: d4cb63da1517d9ea0563c8c45f8bbe39ce830aaaf49d079903fbdb13aa964353
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in turkmence (Turkmenistan) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id turkmence (Turkmenistan) English
1020serwer server
1024Bu bellikleriň hemmesini serwerden göçürip alyp bolmaýan ýaly. Şeýle-de bolsa, bu bellikleri bir kompýuterde Outlook ýa-da brauzerde redaktirläp bilersiňiz, ýöne olary enjamyňyzda düzetseňiz, üýtgetmeleriňiz serwerdäki bellikleriň üstüne ýazylar. We can't seem to download all these notes from the server. You can still edit these notes on a PC in Outlook or a browser, but if you edit them on your device your changes will overwrite the notes on the server.
1026Käbir alyjylar bu habary almady.

Mowzuk: %2!s!

Şu alyjylar bilen habarlaşyp bolmady:

%1!s! on %3!s! %4!s!

Bu alyjylaryň poçta gutusy doly bolup biler ýa-da e-poçta salgylary nädogry bolup biler.

Some of the recipients didn't get this message.

Subject: %2!s!

We couldn't reach these recipients:

%1!s! on %3!s! %4!s!

The mailbox for these recipients may be full or the email mail address may be incorrect.

1027Siziň habaryňyz

Kime: %1!s!
Mowzuk: %2!s!

okalan wagty %3!s! %4!s!

Your message

To: %1!s!
Subject: %2!s!

was read on %3!s! %4!s!

1028Siziň habaryňyz

Kime: %1!s!
Mowzuk: %2!s!

şu alyjylara gowşuryldy:

%1!s! wagty %3!s! %4!s!

Your message

To: %1!s!
Subject: %2!s!

was delivered to these recipients(s):

%1!s! on %3!s! %4!s!

1029Şu wagt sinhronlap bilmeýäris. Ýöne, bu ýalňyşlyk kody barada salgysyndan goşmaça maglumat tapyp bilersiňiz. We can’t sync right now. But you may be able to find more information about this error code at
1034näbelli unknown
1045Siziň habaryňyz

Kime: %1!s!
Mowzuk: %2!s!

şu senede okalmazdan öçürildi %3!s! %4!s!

Your message

To: %1!s!
Subject: %2!s!

was deleted without being read on %3!s! %4!s!

1088E-poçta habarlaryňyzyň birini ýa-da birnäçesini iberip bolmady. Olary indiki gezek sinhronlanymyzda ibermäge synanyşarys. Bu howlukmaç bolsa, birikmäňiziň bardygyna göz ýetiriň we "Sinhronla" düwmesine basyň. We couldn't send one or more of your email messages. We'll try sending them the next time we sync. If this is urgent, make sure you have a connection, then tap Sync.
1089Bir ýa-da birnäçe seplemäni enjamyňyza sinhronlap bolmady. Muňa täzeden synanyşmak üçin e-poçtaňyzdaky her seplemäni göçürip almaga belläň we gaýtadan sinhronlaň. We couldn't sync one or more attachments to your device. To try this again, mark each attachment for download in your email and sync again.
1090enjamyňyz your device
1104Mowzuk: %1!.200s! Subject: %1!.200s!
1105Başlangyç: %1!s! %2!.200s! Start: %1!s! %2!.200s!
1106Gutaryş: %1!s! %2!.200s! End: %1!s! %2!.200s!
1107Şeýle hasaba alyndy: %1!.200s! Filed as: %1!.200s!
1109Kimden: %1!.200s! From: %1!.200s!
1111Wagty: %1!.200s! Time: %1!.200s!
1112Alyndy: %1!.200s! Received: %1!.200s!
1113Iberildi: %1!.200s! Sent: %1!.200s!
1115Şuňa çenli: %1!.200s! Due: %1!.200s!
1117Kem elementler: Missed Items:
1118Şeýle at goýuldy: %1!.200s! Named as: %1!.200s!
1119ID: %1!.200s! ID: %1!.200s!
1200Munuň sebäbi, öýjükli enjamyňyz öçürilen ýa-da uçar rejesinde bolup biler. This may be because your cellular device is turned off or in airplane mode.
1201Sazlanan öýjükli, WLAN ýa-da Wi-Fi maglumat birikmäňiz ýok. Maglumatlary sinhronlamak üçin birikme goşuň. You don't have a cellular, WLAN, or Wi-Fi data connection set up. To sync information, add a connection.
1202Enjamyňyz uçar rejesinde. Your device is in airplane mode.
1203Munuň sebäbi, öýjükli maglumat birikmeleriňiz öçürilen bolup biler. This may be because your cellular data connections are turned off.
1204Munuň sebäbi, öýjükli maglumat rouming birikmäňiz öçürilen bolup biler. This may be because your cellular data roaming connection is turned off.
1205Bu wakany %1!s! bilen sinhronlap bolmady. This event couldn't be synced to %1!s!.
1206Bu wakany %1!s!-da täzeläp bolmady. This event couldn't be updated on %1!s!.
1207Bu kontakty %1!s! bilen sinhronlap bolmady. This contact couldn't be synced to %1!s!.
1208Bu kontakty %1!s!-da täzeläp bolmady. This contact couldn't be updated on %1!s!.
1209Bu tabşyrygy %1!s! bilen sinhronlap bolmady. This task couldn't be synced to %1!s!.
1210Bu tabşyrygy %1!s!-da täzeläp bolmady. This task couldn't be updated on %1!s!.
1213Bu e-poçtany %1!s! bilen sinhronlap bolmady. This email couldn't be synced to %1!s!.
1214Bu e-poçtany %1!s!-da täzeläp bolmady. This email couldn't be updated on %1!s!.
1215Bu bukjany täzeläp bolmady. This folder couldn't be updated.
2063Sinhronlanýar... Syncing...
2064%s hasabyňyza üns bermek derwaýys. Your %s account requires attention.
3012Windows Phone enjamyňyz bu serwer wersiýasyny goldanok. Goldaw berýän şahsa ýa-da hyzmaty üpjün edijä ýüz tutuň. Your device doesn't support this server version. Contact your support person or service provider.
3013Şu wagt enjamyňyzda maglumatlary sinhronlamaga ýeterlik ýat ýeri ýok. Your device doesn't have enough memory to sync information at the moment.
3014Enjamyňyzda ähli maglumatlaryňyzy sinhronlamaga ýeterlik ýer ýok. Enjamyňyzdan käbir suratlary, wideolary ýa-da aýdym-sazlary öçürmek arkaly birneme ýer boşadyp, täzeden synanyşyp bilersiňiz. There isn't enough space on your device to sync all your information. You can free up some space by deleting some pictures, videos, or music from your device, and try again.
3016Serwer maglumatlaryňyzy tapyp bolanok öýdýäris. Olary täzeläp, birikmäge gaýtadan synanyşyň. We can't seem to find your server information. Update it and try connecting again.
3017Maglumatlaryňyzy sinhronlap bilmek üçin parolyňyzy täzeläň. Update your password so you can sync your information.
3026Birikjek bolýan serweriňiz Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync goldamaýar. The server you are trying to connect to doesn't support Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync.
3027Enjamyňyzda %1!s! bilen sinhronlamakda mesele bar. Bu mesele dowam etse, goldaw berýän şahsa ýa-da hyzmaty üpjün edijä ýüz tutuň. Your device is having a problem syncing with %1!s!. If this continues, contact a support person or your service provider.
3028Serwer ýa-da birikmäňiz bilen baglanyşykly mesele bar. Soňra täzeden synanyşyň. We're having a problem with the server or your connection. Try again later.
3029Edil häzir %1!s! sinhronlap bolanok. Synanyşmaga dowam ederis, ýöne bu siziň esasy Microsoft hasabyňyz däl bolsa we bu säwligi almaga dowam etseňiz, hasabyňyzy öçürip, täzeden goşup görüň. Bolmasa, birneme garaşyp, täzeden synanyşyň. We can't sync %1!s! at the moment. We'll keep trying, but if this isn’t your primary Microsoft account and you keep getting this error it might help to delete your account and then add it again. Otherwise, wait a little while, then try again.
3031Şu wagt birigip bolanok. Birneme garaşyp, täzeden synanyşyň. Bu säwligi almaga dowam etseňiz, serwer sazlamalaryňyzyň dogrudygyna göz ýetiriň. We can't connect at the moment. Wait a little while, then try again. If you keep getting this error, make sure your server settings are correct.
3032Serwer maglumatlaryňyzy täzeläp, täzeden birikmäge synanyşyň. Update your server information and try connecting again.
3033%1!s! bilen birikmekde mesele bar. Soňra täzeden synanyşyň. We're having a problem connecting to %1!s!. Try again later.
3035%1!s! sazlanyşynda mesele bar. Goldaw berýän şahsa ýa-da hyzmaty üpjün edijä ýüz tutuň. There is a problem with the way %1!s! is set up. Contact a support person or your service provider.
3037Poçta gutyňyz doly. Has köp ýer açmak üçin öçürilen elementleriňizi boşadyň. Your mailbox is full. Empty your deleted items to create more space.
3038Şu wagt %1!s! sinhronlamakda mesele bar. Birneme garaşyp, täzeden synanyşyň. We're having a problem syncing %1!s! at the moment. Wait a little while, then try again.
3039%1!s! bilen birikmekde mesele bar. Goldaw berýän şahsa ýa-da hyzmaty üpjün edijä ýüz tutuň. We're having a problem connecting to %1!s!. Contact a support person or your service provider.
3040Poçta gutyňyz doly diýen ýaly. Has köp ýer açmak üçin öçürilen elementleri boşadyň. Your mailbox is almost full. Empty your deleted items to create more space.
3041Enjamyňyz, serwer üçin hökmany gorag sazlamalaryny goldamaýar. Goldaw berýän şahsa ýa-da hyzmaty üpjün edijä ýüz tutuň. Your device does not support the security settings that the server requires. Contact a support person or your service provider.
3042Maglumatlaryňyzy sinhronlamakda mesele bar. Serwer şu hasabyň sazlamalarynda sizden kodlanan (SSL) birikmäni saýlamagyňyzy talap edip biler. We're having a problem syncing your information. The server may require you to select an encrypted (SSL) connection in this account's settings.
3043Bu hasaby sinhronlamakda mesele bar. Bu dowam etse, şu hasaby öçüriň, soňra ony täzeden goşuň. We're having a problem syncing this account. If this continues, delete this account and then add it again.
3044Bu maglumatlaryňyzy enjamyňyz bilen sinhronlamak üçin poçtaňyzy, kontaktlaryňyzy we senenamany kompýuteriňizde ulanyp başlamaly bolup bilersiňiz. Bu mesele dowam etse, goldaw berýän şahsa ýa-da hyzmaty üpjün edijä ýüz tutuň. You may need to start using your mail, contacts, and calendar on your PC before you can sync this info to your device. If this issue continues, contact a support person or your service provider.
3045Ulanyjynyň sinhronlamaga ygtyýary ýok. The user is not authorized to sync.
3046Bu hasaby enjamyňyza goşup bolmaýar, sebäbi ony eýýäm mümkin bolan iň köp enjamda sazlapsyňyz.

Internetde hasabyňyzdan enjamlary aýyrmaga synanyşyp ýa-da hasabyňyzyň goldawyna ýüz tutup bilersiňiz.
We can't add this account to your device because you've already set it up on the maximum number of devices.

You can try removing devices from your account on the web, or contact support for your account.
3048%1!s! bu habara jogap bermäge rugsat edenok. Soňra täzeden synanyşyň ýa-da ony kompýuteriňizden iberiň. %1!s! did not allow you to reply to this message. Try again later, or send it from your PC.
3049%1!s! bu habary ibermekde kynçylyk çekdi. Soňra täzeden synanyşyň ýa-da ony kompýuteriňizden iberiň. %1!s! had a problem sending this message. Try again later, or send it from your PC.
3050Jogabyňyzy ibermekde mesele çykdy. Soňra täzeden synanyşyň ýa-da ony kompýuteriňizden iberiň. We had a problem sending your reply. Try again later, or send it from your PC.
3053Muny siziň poçta gutyňyzdan tapyp bolmady. Onuň henizem bardygyny anyklamak üçin hasabyňyzy sinhronlaň. We couldn't find this item in your mailbox. Sync your account to make sure the item still exists.
3061Bu hasapdan poçta iberip bilmersiňiz. Serwerde mesele bar ýaly. Giňişleýin maglumat üçin goldaw berýän şahsa ýüz tutuň. You're not able to send mail from this account. There seems to be a problem with the server. Contact the support person for your server to learn more.
3063Bu e-poçta hasaplary işlemeýän ýaly. Salgynyň dogrudygyna göz ýetiriň we täzeden synanyşyň. These email addresses don’t seem to work. Make sure the addresses are correct, and try again.
3064Bu hasapdan jogap iberip bilmersiňiz. Serwerde mesele bar ýaly. Giňişleýin maglumat üçin serwere goldaw berýän şahsa ýüz tutuň. You're not able to send a reply from this account. There seems to be a problem with the server. Contact the support person for your server to learn more.
3067Seplemeleriň aşa ululygy sebäpli bu poçtany iberip bilmersiňiz. You won't be able to send this mail because the attachments are too large.
3068Bu poçtany ibermek üçin ilki käbir alyjylary aýyrmaly bolarsyňyz. You’ll need to remove some recipients before you can send this mail.
3069Şu hasapdan beýle uly paýlaşyk sanawyna poçta iberip bilmersiňiz. Paýlaşyk sanawyny aýryp, täzeden synanyşyň. You can't send mail to a distribution list this large from this account. Remove the distribution list, and try again.
3378Edil häzir %1!s! bilen birigip bolanok. Birikmäňiziň bardygyna göz ýetiriň, soňra täzeden synanyşyň. We can't connect to %1!s! right now. Make sure you have a connection, then try again.
3387Täze maglumatlary gelen badyna sinhronlap bolanok. Maglumatlary göçürip almak üçin başga bir rejä synanyşyň. We're not able to sync new information as it arrives. Try a different schedule for downloading information.
3396Enjamyňyzdaky sene bilen wagty täzeläp, gaýtadan birikmäge synanyşyň. Update the date and time on your device and try connecting again.
3397%1!s! kepilnamasynda mesele bar ýaly. Bu siziň esasy Microsoft hasabyňyz däl bolsa, hasaby öçürip, soňra täzeden goşup görüň. Bolmasa, birneme garaşyp, soňra täzeden synanyşyň. It looks like there's a problem with the certificate for %1!s!. If this isn’t your primary Microsoft account, try deleting the account, then adding it again. Otherwise, wait a little while, then try again.
3398E-poçta bukjalaryňyzy sinhronlamakda kynçylyk çekýäris. Sinhronlaýyş meýilnamaňyzy üýtgediň ýa-da sinhronlanjak e-poçta bukjalarynyň sanyny azaldyň. We're having a problem syncing your email folders. Change your synchronization schedule, or reduce the number of email folders being synced.
3399Siz mobil enjamlar bilen sinhronlamaga sazlanmadyk Google Apps hasabyny ulanýan ýaly. Kompýuteriňizdäki web brauzerde Google Apps hasabyňyz üçin mobil sazlamalara gidiň, "Hyzmat sazlamalary" bölüminde Google Synç işlediň, soňra sinhronlamaga gaýtadan synanyşyň. It looks like you may be using a Google Apps account that is not set up to sync with mobile devices. In your web browser on your PC, go to Mobile settings for your Google Apps account, enable Google Sync under Service settings, and then try to sync again.
4053Senenama Calendar
4054Kontaktlar Contacts
4055E-poçta E-mail
4126Tabşyryklar Tasks
4130Parolyňyzyň möhleti gutarypdyr. Ilki bilen ony internetde üýtgediň, soňra gaýdyp geliň we ony enjamndaky hasabyňyzda täzeläň. Your password has expired. First, change it on the web, then come back and update it in your account on the device.
6009Häsiýetiň görnüşi nädogry. The characteristic type is invalid.
6010Parametriň bahasy nädogry. The parameter value is invalid.
6011AccountName parametrini goşmaly. You must include the AccountName parameter.
6012AccountType parametrini goşmaly. You must include the AccountType parameter.
6013Hasap döredilensoň, AccountType parametrini üýtgedip bolmaýar. You can't change the AccountType parameter once the account has been created.
6014Enjamda esasy Microsoft hasabyny sazlaýan bolsaňyz, AccountType parametrini WindowsLive edip sazlamaly. If you're setting up the primary Microsoft account on the device, you must set the AccountType parameter to WindowsLive.
6015Microsoft hasaplary üçin Domain parametrini sazlap bolmaýar. You can't set the Domain parameter for Microsoft accounts.
6016Esasy Microsoft hasabynyň UserName parametrini hiç haçan enjamda üýtgedip bolmaýar. Islendik başga hasap üçin ony hasap sinhronlanansoň üýtgedip bolmaýar. You can never change the UserName parameter for the primary Microsoft account on the device. For any other account, you can't change it once the account has synced.
6017Enjamda esasy Microsoft hasaby üçin UserName parametri hökmünde e-poçta salgyňyzy bermeli. You must provide the email address as the UserName parameter for the primary Microsoft account on the device.
6018UserName parametrindäki bu e-poçta salgysy dogry Microsoft hasaby däl. That email address in the UserName parameter isn't a valid Microsoft account.
6019Esasy Microsoft hasabyny hiç haçan enjamdan öçürip bolmaýar. You can never delete the primary Microsoft account from the device.
6020Kontaktlar, Senenama, Poçta, Tabşyryklar we SMS ýaly serwer tarapyndan goldanýan mazmun görnüşlerini öçürip bolmaýar. You can't delete content types that are supported by the server, such as Contacts, Calendar, Mail, Tasks, and SMS.
6021Enjamda esasy Microsoft hasabyndan Kontaktlary ýa-da Senenamalary işlemeýän edip bolmaýar. You can't disable Contacts or Calendars from the primary Microsoft account on the device.
6022Kontaktlary işjeňleşdirmezden beýanlary işledip bolmaýar. You can't enable feeds unless you've also enabled Contacts.
6023Bagyşlaň, üýtgetmeleriňizi ýatda saklap bolmady. Soňra täzeden synanyşyň We're sorry, but we weren't able to save your changes. Try again later.
9781Windows Windows
9782Ibermekde säwlik: %.*s Send error: %.*s
9783Bu habary iberip bolmady, şonuň üçin ony "Garalamalar" bukjaňyzda goýduk. Ony ibermäge gaýtadan synanyşmazdan ozal salgynyň dogrulygyny barlap, seplemeleriň aşa uly däldigini gözden geçirip bilersiňiz. We weren't able to send this message, so we've put it in your Drafts folder. Before you try sending it again, you can check to see if the address is correct and that no attachments are too large.
9810Iş dolandyryjy Administrator
9811Habary iberip bolmady Couldn't send message
9812"%s" iberilmedi, şonuň üçin ony "Garalamalar" bukjaňyzda goýduk. Soňra täzeden synanyşyň ýa-da bu habary kompýuteriňizden iberiň. "%s" couldn't be sent so we're moving it to your Drafts folder. Try again later, or send this message from your PC.
9820Maglumatlary sinhronlamakda mesele bar. Bu POP3 serweri her habar üçin özboluşly ID berenok. We're having a problem syncing information. This POP3 server does not provide unique IDs for each message.
9821Maglumatlary sinhronlamakda mesele bar. Bu POP3 serweri habary kem-käsleýin almagy goldanok. We're having a problem syncing information. This POP3 server does not support partial message retrieval.
9845Gelýän poçta serwerine birikmekde mesele bar. Gelýän poçta serweriniň adynyň dogrudygyna göz ýetirip, täzeden synanyşyň. We're having a problem connecting to the incoming mail server. Make sure the incoming mail server name is correct and try again.
9846Serwere birikmekde mesele bar. Gidýän poçta (SMTP) serweriniň adynyň dogrudygyna göz ýetirip, täzeden synanyşyň. We're having a problem connecting to the server. Make sure the outgoing mail (SMTP) server name is correct and try again.
9847Şu wagt habarlary göçürip alyp bolanok. Soňra täzeden synanyşyň. We're not able to download messages at the moment. Try again later.
9848Şu wagt habarlary iberip bolanok. Soňra täzeden synanyşyň. We're not able to send messages at the moment. Try again later.
9849Serwere birikmekde mesele bar. Hasaba giriş maglumatlaryňyzyň dogrudygyna göz ýetirip, täzeden synanyşyň. We're having a problem connecting to the server. Make sure your sign in info is correct and try again.
9852Habarlary göçürip almakda mesele bar. Birikmäňiziň bardygyna we hasabyňyzyň dogrudygyna göz ýetirip, täzeden synanyşyň. We're having a problem downloading messages. Make sure you have a connection and your account info is correct, and then try again.
9853Habarlary ibermekde mesele bar. Birikmäňiziň bardygyna we hasabyňyzyň dogrudygyna göz ýetirip, täzeden synanyşyň. We're having a problem sending messages. Make sure you have a connection and your account info is correct, and then try again.
9855Serwere birikmekde mesele bar. Soňra täzeden synanyşyň. We're having a problem connecting to the server. Try again later.
9856Serwere birikmekde kynçylyk çekýäris. Eger bu ýagdaý dowam etse, internete birigendigiňizi anyklaň we e-poçta hasaby sazlamalaryňyzy barlaň. Eger birikmäňiz gorag diwaryny ulanýan bolsa, onuň e-poçtaňyzy bökdemeýändigini anyklaň. We’re having a problem connecting to the server. If this keeps happening, make sure you’re connected to the Internet and check your email account settings. If your connection uses a firewall, make sure email isn’t blocked by it.
9890Habarlary göçürip almakda mesele bar. Soňra täzeden synanyşyň. We're having a problem downloading messages. Try again later.
9891Gelýän poçta serwerine birikmekde mesele bar. Serwer maglumatlarynyň dogrudygyna göz ýetirip, täzeden synanyşyň. We're having a problem connecting to the incoming mail server. Make sure your server info is correct and try again.
9896Calendar|Contacts|Journal|Notes|Tasks|Drafts Calendar|Contacts|Journal|Notes|Tasks|Drafts
9897Sent Items Sent Items
9898Deleted Items Deleted Items
9899Inbox Inbox
23062Üns bermeli Attention required
23082Parol nädogry. Sinhronlamaga dowam etmek üçin dogry paroly giriziň. The password is incorrect. Enter the correct password to continue synchronizing.
23083Your Windows Live account must be enrolled in dogfood. Visit http://livedog to enroll. Your Windows Live account must be enrolled in dogfood. Visit http://livedog to enroll.
23084Outlook Outlook
24501Şu wagt %1!s! sinhronlap bolanok. Birneme garaşyp, täzeden synanyşyň. We can't sync %1!s! at the moment. Wait a little while, then try again.
26027%1!s! täze maglumatlary gelen badyna sinhronlamagy goldamaýar. Sinhronlaýyş meýilnamaňyzy üýtgedip, täzeden synanyşyň. %1!s! does not support syncing new information as it arrives. Change your synchronization schedule and try again.
28000%1!s! bilen birikmek üçin size şahsy kepilnama gerek. You'll need a personal certificate to connect to %1!s!.
28001Sizi %1!s! bilen birikdirip bilmeýäris. Ulanyjy adyňyzyň, parolyň we sertifikatyň dogrudygyny anyklaň. Başga bir sertifikat ulanmak üçin, Sazlamalary saýlaň we "Meniň üçin awtomatik sertifikat saýla" gutujygyndaky belligi aýryň. We can't connect you to %1!s!. Make sure your user name, password and certificate are correct. To use a different certificate, select Settings, and then clear the Automatically choose a certificate for me check box.
30000Enjamyňyz e-poçta administratoryňyz tarapyndan bellenilen howpsuzlyk syýasatlaryna laýyk gelmeýär.

Your device does not comply with the security policies set by your email administrator.

30007Windows enjamymdan iberildi Sent from my Windows device
40000Hasabyňyz üçin Ýeke-hasaba-giriş hakykylyk-barlag tokenini alyp bilmeýäris.

We're not able to obtain the Single-Sign-on authentication token for your account.

50000Habarlaşmagyň taryhy Messaging History
50001Adamlar People
50002Toparlar we sazlamalar Groups and Settings


File Name:SyncRes.dll.mui
File Size:28 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:27648
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (0442)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:ActiveSync gorlary
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:SyncRes
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original File Name:SyncRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is SyncRes.dll.mui?

SyncRes.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain turkmence (Turkmenistan) language for file SyncRes.dll (ActiveSync gorlary).

File version info

File Description:ActiveSync gorlary
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:SyncRes
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original Filename:SyncRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x442, 1200