0x10000001 | 服务主机 |
Service Host |
0x10000002 | 序列化 |
Serialization |
0x10000003 | ServiceModel |
ServiceModel |
0x10000004 | 事务 |
Transaction |
0x10000005 | 安全 |
Security |
0x10000006 | WCF 消息日志记录 |
WCF Message Logging |
0x10000007 | WF 跟踪 |
WF Tracking |
0x10000008 | Web 主机 |
Web Host |
0x10000009 | HTTP 传输 |
HTTP Transport |
0x1000000A | TCP 传输 |
TCP Transport |
0x1000000B | 常规传输 |
Transport General |
0x1000000C | 激活服务 |
Activation Services |
0x1000000D | 通道 |
Channel |
0x1000000E | Web HTTP |
Web HTTP |
0x1000000F | 发现 |
Discovery |
0x10000010 | 路由服务 |
Routing Services |
0x10000011 | 基础结构 |
Infrastructure |
0x10000012 | 端对端监控 |
End-to-End Monitoring |
0x10000013 | 运行状况监视 |
Health Monitoring |
0x10000014 | 疑难解答 |
Troubleshooting |
0x10000015 | 用户事件 |
User Events |
0x10000016 | 线程处理 |
Threading |
0x10000017 | 配额 |
Quota |
0x10000019 | 工作流运行时 |
Workflow Runtime |
0x1000001A | 工作流活动 |
Workflow Activities |
0x1000001B | 工作流 ServiceHost |
Workflow ServiceHost |
0x1000001C | 工作流 InstanceStore |
Workflow InstanceStore |
0x30000000 | 信息 |
Info |
0x30000001 | 启动 |
Start |
0x30000002 | 停止 |
Stop |
0x30000007 | 继续 |
Resume |
0x30000008 | 挂起 |
Suspend |
0x30000009 | 发送 |
Send |
0x300000F0 | 接收 |
Receive |
0x3001004D | 出错 |
Faulted |
0x3001004E | 重新连接 |
Reconnect |
0x3001004F | SequenceAck |
SequenceAck |
0x30020050 | AbortingChannel |
AbortingChannel |
0x30020051 | CloseFailed |
CloseFailed |
0x30020052 | ConfigurationApplied |
ConfigurationApplied |
0x30020053 | DuplexCallbackException |
DuplexCallbackException |
0x30020054 | HandledException |
HandledException |
0x30020055 | TransmitFailed |
TransmitFailed |
0x30030056 | ChannelFaulted |
ChannelFaulted |
0x30030057 | 正在关闭 |
Closing |
0x30030058 | CreatingForEndpoint |
CreatingForEndpoint |
0x30050059 | CompletingOneWay |
CompletingOneWay |
0x3005005A | CompletingTwoWay |
CompletingTwoWay |
0x3005005B | MovedToBackup |
MovedToBackup |
0x3005005C | ProcessingFailure |
ProcessingFailure |
0x3005005D | ProcessingMessage |
ProcessingMessage |
0x3005005E | RoutedToEndpoints |
RoutedToEndpoints |
0x3005005F | SendingFaultResponse |
SendingFaultResponse |
0x30050060 | SendingResponse |
SendingResponse |
0x30050061 | TransmitSucceeded |
TransmitSucceeded |
0x30050062 | TransmittingMessage |
TransmittingMessage |
0x30060063 | 正在放弃 |
Abandoning |
0x30060064 | 正在完成 |
Completing |
0x30070065 | CommittingTransaction |
CommittingTransaction |
0x30070066 | 正在创建 |
Creating |
0x30070067 | UsingExisting |
UsingExisting |
0x30080068 | 完成 |
Complete |
0x30080069 | CompletionRequested |
CompletionRequested |
0x3008006A | 设置 |
Set |
0x300A006B | ScheduleBookmark |
ScheduleBookmark |
0x300A006C | ScheduleCancelActivity |
ScheduleCancelActivity |
0x300A006D | ScheduleCompletion |
ScheduleCompletion |
0x300A006E | ScheduleExecuteActivity |
ScheduleExecuteActivity |
0x300A006F | ScheduleFault |
ScheduleFault |
0x300A0070 | ScheduleRuntime |
ScheduleRuntime |
0x300A0071 | ScheduleTransactionContext |
ScheduleTransactionContext |
0x301B0072 | 接受 |
Accept |
0x301E0075 | StartBookmark |
StartBookmark |
0x301E0076 | StartCancelActivity |
StartCancelActivity |
0x301E0077 | StartCompletion |
StartCompletion |
0x301E0078 | StartExecuteActivity |
StartExecuteActivity |
0x301E0079 | StartFault |
StartFault |
0x301E007A | StartRuntime |
StartRuntime |
0x301E007B | StartTransactionContext |
StartTransactionContext |
0x3025007C | NotFound |
NotFound |
0x3026007D | 已删除 |
Dropped |
0x3026007E | 已引发 |
Raised |
0x3026007F | 已截断 |
Truncated |
0x30270080 | BeforeAuthentication |
BeforeAuthentication |
0x30290081 | DuringCancelation |
DuringCancelation |
0x30290082 | FromCatchOrFinally |
FromCatchOrFinally |
0x30290083 | FromTry |
FromTry |
0x302B0084 | 已连接 |
Connected |
0x302B0085 | 断开连接 |
Disconnect |
0x302D0086 | 已完成 |
Completed |
0x302D0087 | 空闲 |
Idled |
0x302D0088 | InstanceAborted |
InstanceAborted |
0x302D0089 | InstanceCanceled |
InstanceCanceled |
0x302D008A | PersistableIdle |
PersistableIdle |
0x302D008B | 已保留 |
Persisted |
0x302D008C | 已终止 |
Terminated |
0x302D008D | UnhandledException |
UnhandledException |
0x302D008E | 已卸载 |
Unloaded |
0x30300090 | AbortedRecord |
AbortedRecord |
0x30300091 | AbortedWithId |
AbortedWithId |
0x30300092 | SuspendedRecord |
SuspendedRecord |
0x30300093 | SuspendedWithId |
SuspendedWithId |
0x30300094 | TerminatedRecord |
TerminatedRecord |
0x30300095 | TerminatedWithId |
TerminatedWithId |
0x30300096 | UnhandledExceptionRecord |
UnhandledExceptionRecord |
0x30300097 | UnhandledExceptionWithId |
UnhandledExceptionWithId |
0x30300098 | UpdatedRecord |
UpdatedRecord |
0x30CC000A | NoBookmark |
NoBookmark |
0x30CC000B | NoInstance |
NoInstance |
0x30CD000C | 分配 |
Allocate |
0x30CD000D | 调整 |
Tune |
0x30D2000E | ClientChannelOpenStart |
ClientChannelOpenStart |
0x30D2000F | ClientChannelOpenStop |
ClientChannelOpenStop |
0x30D20010 | ClientMessageInspectorAfterReceiveInvoked |
ClientMessageInspectorAfterReceiveInvoked |
0x30D20011 | ClientMessageInspectorBeforeSendInvoked |
ClientMessageInspectorBeforeSendInvoked |
0x30D20012 | ClientParameterInspectorStart |
ClientParameterInspectorStart |
0x30D20013 | ClientParameterInspectorStop |
ClientParameterInspectorStop |
0x30D20014 | OperationPrepared |
OperationPrepared |
0x30D60015 | CompleteBookmark |
CompleteBookmark |
0x30D60016 | CompleteCancelActivity |
CompleteCancelActivity |
0x30D60017 | CompleteCompletion |
CompleteCompletion |
0x30D60018 | CompleteExecuteActivity |
CompleteExecuteActivity |
0x30D60019 | CompleteFault |
CompleteFault |
0x30D6001A | CompleteRuntime |
CompleteRuntime |
0x30D6001B | CompleteTransactionContext |
CompleteTransactionContext |
0x30DB001C | DuplicateQuery |
DuplicateQuery |
0x30E1001D | ExceptionSuppressed |
ExceptionSuppressed |
0x30E1001E | FailedToClose |
FailedToClose |
0x30E1001F | ReceivedMulticastSuppression |
ReceivedMulticastSuppression |
0x30E20020 | CreationFailed |
CreationFailed |
0x30E20021 | FindInitiated |
FindInitiated |
0x30E20022 | OpenFailed |
OpenFailed |
0x30E20023 | OpenSucceeded |
OpenSucceeded |
0x30E30024 | 复制 |
Duplicate |
0x30E30025 | InvalidContent |
InvalidContent |
0x30E30026 | InvalidRelatesToOrOperationCompleted |
InvalidRelatesToOrOperationCompleted |
0x30E30027 | InvalidReplyTo |
InvalidReplyTo |
0x30E30028 | NoContent |
NoContent |
0x30E30029 | NullMessageId |
NullMessageId |
0x30E3002A | NullMessageSequence |
NullMessageSequence |
0x30E3002B | NullRelatesTo |
NullRelatesTo |
0x30E3002C | NullReplyTo |
NullReplyTo |
0x30E3002D | ReceivedAfterOperationCompleted |
ReceivedAfterOperationCompleted |
0x30E4002E | 重置 |
Reset |
0x30E4002F | SetToNull |
SetToNull |
0x30E50030 | BeforeAuthorization |
BeforeAuthorization |
0x30E50031 | DispatchStart |
DispatchStart |
0x30E50032 | DispatchStop |
DispatchStop |
0x30E50033 | DispathMessageInspectorAfterReceiveInvoked |
DispathMessageInspectorAfterReceiveInvoked |
0x30E50034 | DispathMessageInspectorBeforeSendInvoked |
DispathMessageInspectorBeforeSendInvoked |
0x30E50035 | OperationInvokerStart |
OperationInvokerStart |
0x30E50036 | OperationInvokerStop |
OperationInvokerStop |
0x30E50037 | ParameterInspectorStart |
ParameterInspectorStart |
0x30E50038 | ParameterInspectorStop |
ParameterInspectorStop |
0x30E50039 | TransactionScopeCreate |
TransactionScopeCreate |
0x30E6003A | 已禁用 |
Disabled |
0x30E6003B | 已启用 |
Enabled |
0x30E8000B | 开始 |
Begin |
0x30E8003C | 空 |
Empty |
0x30E8003D | NextNull |
NextNull |
0x30E8003E | SwitchCase |
SwitchCase |
0x30E8003F | SwitchCaseNotFound |
SwitchCaseNotFound |
0x30E80040 | SwitchDefault |
SwitchDefault |
0x30EA0041 | ArrayItemValue |
ArrayItemValue |
0x30EA0042 | 二进制 |
Binary |
0x30EA0043 | MemberAccess |
MemberAccess |
0x30EA0044 | 一元 |
Unary |
0x30F40045 | 协定 |
Contract |
0x30F40046 | 操作 |
Operation |
0x30F70047 | DoesNotUseAsyncPattern |
DoesNotUseAsyncPattern |
0x30F70048 | IsNotStatic |
IsNotStatic |
0x30F70049 | IsStatic |
IsStatic |
0x30F7004A | ThrewException |
ThrewException |
0x30F7004B | UseAsyncPattern |
UseAsyncPattern |
0x30FA004C | 已丢失 |
Missed |
0x50000000 | 始终进行日志记录 |
Log Always |
0x50000001 | 关键 |
Critical |
0x50000002 | 错误 |
Error |
0x50000003 | 警告 |
Warning |
0x50000005 | 详细 |
Verbose |
0x700009C4 | ActivationDispatchSession |
ActivationDispatchSession |
0x700009C5 | ActivationDuplicateSocket |
ActivationDuplicateSocket |
0x700009C6 | ActivationListenerOpen |
ActivationListenerOpen |
0x700009C7 | ActivationPipeListenerListening |
ActivationPipeListenerListening |
0x700009C8 | ActivationRoutingTableLookup |
ActivationRoutingTableLookup |
0x700009C9 | ActivationServiceStart |
ActivationServiceStart |
0x700009CA | ActivationTcpListenerListening |
ActivationTcpListenerListening |
0x700009CB | AddServiceEndpoint |
AddServiceEndpoint |
0x700009CC | BufferOutOfOrder |
BufferOutOfOrder |
0x700009CD | BufferPooling |
BufferPooling |
0x700009CE | CacheRootMetadata |
CacheRootMetadata |
0x700009CF | ChannelFactoryCaching |
ChannelFactoryCaching |
0x700009D0 | ChannelFactoryCreate |
ChannelFactoryCreate |
0x700009D1 | ChannelReceive |
ChannelReceive |
0x700009D2 | ClientRuntime |
ClientRuntime |
0x700009D3 | ClientSendPreamble |
ClientSendPreamble |
0x700009D4 | CompensationState |
CompensationState |
0x700009D5 | CompleteActivity |
CompleteActivity |
0x700009D6 | CompleteWorkItem |
CompleteWorkItem |
0x700009D7 | 连接 |
Connect |
0x700009D8 | ConnectionAbort |
ConnectionAbort |
0x700009D9 | ConnectionAccept |
ConnectionAccept |
0x700009DA | ConnectionPooling |
ConnectionPooling |
0x700009DB | 关联 |
Correlation |
0x700009DC | CreateBookmark |
CreateBookmark |
0x700009DD | CreateHttpMessageHandler |
CreateHttpMessageHandler |
0x700009DE | CreateWorkflowServiceHost |
CreateWorkflowServiceHost |
0x700009DF | CustomTrackingRecord |
CustomTrackingRecord |
0x700009E0 | DataContractResolver |
DataContractResolver |
0x700009E1 | DiscoveryClient |
DiscoveryClient |
0x700009E2 | DiscoveryClientChannel |
DiscoveryClientChannel |
0x700009E3 | DiscoveryMessage |
DiscoveryMessage |
0x700009E4 | DiscoverySynchronizationContext |
DiscoverySynchronizationContext |
0x700009E5 | DispatchMessage |
DispatchMessage |
0x700009E6 | EndpointDiscoverability |
EndpointDiscoverability |
0x700009E7 | ExecuteActivity |
ExecuteActivity |
0x700009E8 | ExecuteFlowchart |
ExecuteFlowchart |
0x700009E9 | ExecuteWorkItem |
ExecuteWorkItem |
0x700009EA | ExpressionResult |
ExpressionResult |
0x700009EB | FormatterDeserializeReply |
FormatterDeserializeReply |
0x700009EC | FormatterDeserializeRequest |
FormatterDeserializeRequest |
0x700009ED | FormatterSerializeReply |
FormatterSerializeReply |
0x700009EE | FormatterSerializeRequest |
FormatterSerializeRequest |
0x700009EF | GenerateDeserializer |
GenerateDeserializer |
0x700009F0 | GenerateSerializer |
GenerateSerializer |
0x700009F1 | GenerateXmlSerializable |
GenerateXmlSerializable |
0x700009F2 | HostedTransportConfigurationManagerConfigInit |
HostedTransportConfigurationManagerConfigInit |
0x700009F3 | ImportKnownType |
ImportKnownType |
0x700009F4 | InferDescription |
InferDescription |
0x700009F5 | InitializeBookmarkScope |
InitializeBookmarkScope |
0x700009F6 | InternalCacheMetadata |
InternalCacheMetadata |
0x700009F7 | InvokeMethod |
InvokeMethod |
0x700009F8 | ListenerOpen |
ListenerOpen |
0x700009F9 | LockWorkflowInstance |
LockWorkflowInstance |
0x700009FA | MessageChannelCache |
MessageChannelCache |
0x700009FB | MessageDecoding |
MessageDecoding |
0x700009FC | MessageEncoding |
MessageEncoding |
0x700009FD | MessageQueueRegister |
MessageQueueRegister |
0x700009FE | MsmqQuotas |
MsmqQuotas |
0x700009FF | NoPersistBlock |
NoPersistBlock |
0x70000A01 | ReliableSession |
ReliableSession |
0x70000A02 | RoutingService |
RoutingService |
0x70000A03 | RoutingServiceClient |
RoutingServiceClient |
0x70000A04 | RoutingServiceFilterTableMatch |
RoutingServiceFilterTableMatch |
0x70000A05 | RoutingServiceMessage |
RoutingServiceMessage |
0x70000A06 | RoutingServiceReceiveContext |
RoutingServiceReceiveContext |
0x70000A07 | RoutingServiceTransaction |
RoutingServiceTransaction |
0x70000A08 | RuntimeTransaction |
RuntimeTransaction |
0x70000A09 | ScheduleActivity |
ScheduleActivity |
0x70000A0A | ScheduleWorkItem |
ScheduleWorkItem |
0x70000A0B | SecureMessage |
SecureMessage |
0x70000A0C | SecurityImpersonation |
SecurityImpersonation |
0x70000A0D | SecurityNegotiation |
SecurityNegotiation |
0x70000A0E | SecurityVerification |
SecurityVerification |
0x70000A0F | ServiceActivation |
ServiceActivation |
0x70000A10 | ServiceChannelCall |
ServiceChannelCall |
0x70000A11 | ServiceChannelOpen |
ServiceChannelOpen |
0x70000A12 | ServiceHostActivation |
ServiceHostActivation |
0x70000A13 | ServiceHostCompilation |
ServiceHostCompilation |
0x70000A14 | ServiceHostCreate |
ServiceHostCreate |
0x70000A15 | ServiceHostFactoryCreation |
ServiceHostFactoryCreation |
0x70000A16 | ServiceHostFault |
ServiceHostFault |
0x70000A17 | ServiceHostOpen |
ServiceHostOpen |
0x70000A18 | ServiceInstance |
ServiceInstance |
0x70000A19 | ServiceShutdown |
ServiceShutdown |
0x70000A1A | SessionStart |
SessionStart |
0x70000A1B | SessionUpgrade |
SessionUpgrade |
0x70000A1C | Signpost |
Signpost |
0x70000A1D | SqlCommandExecute |
SqlCommandExecute |
0x70000A1E | StartWorkItem |
StartWorkItem |
0x70000A1F | SurrogateDeserialize |
SurrogateDeserialize |
0x70000A20 | SurrogateSerialize |
SurrogateSerialize |
0x70000A21 | ThreadScheduling |
ThreadScheduling |
0x70000A22 | 限制 |
Throttles |
0x70000A23 | 超时 |
Timeout |
0x70000A24 | TimeoutException |
TimeoutException |
0x70000A25 | TrackingProfile |
TrackingProfile |
0x70000A26 | TrackingRecord |
TrackingRecord |
0x70000A27 | TransportReceive |
TransportReceive |
0x70000A28 | TransportSend |
TransportSend |
0x70000A29 | TryCatchException |
TryCatchException |
0x70000A2A | VBExpressionCompile |
VBExpressionCompile |
0x70000A2B | WASActivation |
WASActivation |
0x70000A2C | WebHostRequest |
WebHostRequest |
0x70000A2D | WFApplicationStateChange |
WFApplicationStateChange |
0x70000A2E | WFMessage |
WFMessage |
0x70000A2F | WorkflowActivity |
WorkflowActivity |
0x70000A30 | WorkflowInstanceRecord |
WorkflowInstanceRecord |
0x70000A31 | WorkflowTracking |
WorkflowTracking |
0x70000A32 | xamlServicesLoad |
XamlServicesLoad |
0x70000A33 | SignatureVerification |
SignatureVerification |
0x70000A34 | TokenValidation |
TokenValidation |
0x70000A35 | GetIssuerName |
GetIssuerName |
0x70000A36 | WrappedKeyDecryption |
WrappedKeyDecryption |
0x70000A37 | EncryptedDataProcessing |
EncryptedDataProcessing |
0x70000A38 | FederationMessageProcessing |
FederationMessageProcessing |
0x70000A39 | FederationMessageCreation |
FederationMessageCreation |
0x70000A3A | SessionCookieReading |
SessionCookieReading |
0x70000A3B | PrincipalSetting |
PrincipalSetting |
0x90000001 | 管理 |
Admin |
0x90000003 | 分析 |
Analytic |
0x90000004 | 调试 |
Debug |
0xB0000064 | TrackRecord= WorkflowInstanceRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, State = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7 |
TrackRecord= WorkflowInstanceRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, State = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7 |
0xB0000065 | TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceUnhandledExceptionRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, SourceName = %5, SourceId = %6, SourceInstanceId = %7, SourceTypeName=%8, Exception=%9, Annotations= %10, ProfileName = %11 |
TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceUnhandledExceptionRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, SourceName = %5, SourceId = %6, SourceInstanceId = %7, SourceTypeName=%8, Exception=%9, Annotations= %10, ProfileName = %11 |
0xB0000066 | TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceAbortedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, Reason = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7 |
TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceAbortedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, Reason = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7 |
0xB0000067 | TrackRecord = ActivityStateRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, State = %4, Name=%5, ActivityId=%6, ActivityInstanceId=%7, ActivityTypeName=%8, Arguments=%9, Variables=%10, Annotations=%11, ProfileName = %12 |
TrackRecord = ActivityStateRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, State = %4, Name=%5, ActivityId=%6, ActivityInstanceId=%7, ActivityTypeName=%8, Arguments=%9, Variables=%10, Annotations=%11, ProfileName = %12 |
0xB0000068 | TrackRecord = ActivityScheduledRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, Name = %4, ActivityId = %5, ActivityInstanceId = %6, ActivityTypeName = %7, ChildActivityName = %8, ChildActivityId = %9, ChildActivityInstanceId = %10, ChildActivityTypeName =%11, Annotations=%12, ProfileName = %13 |
TrackRecord = ActivityScheduledRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, Name = %4, ActivityId = %5, ActivityInstanceId = %6, ActivityTypeName = %7, ChildActivityName = %8, ChildActivityId = %9, ChildActivityInstanceId = %10, ChildActivityTypeName =%11, Annotations=%12, ProfileName = %13 |
0xB0000069 | TrackRecord = FaultPropagationRecord, InstanceID=%1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, FaultSourceActivityName=%4, FaultSourceActivityId=%5, FaultSourceActivityInstanceId=%6, FaultSourceActivityTypeName=%7, FaultHandlerActivityName=%8, FaultHandlerActivityId = %9, FaultHandlerActivityInstanceId =%10, FaultHandlerActivityTypeName=%11, Fault=%12, IsFaultSource=%13, Annotations=%14, ProfileName = %15 |
TrackRecord = FaultPropagationRecord, InstanceID=%1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, FaultSourceActivityName=%4, FaultSourceActivityId=%5, FaultSourceActivityInstanceId=%6, FaultSourceActivityTypeName=%7, FaultHandlerActivityName=%8, FaultHandlerActivityId = %9, FaultHandlerActivityInstanceId =%10, FaultHandlerActivityTypeName=%11, Fault=%12, IsFaultSource=%13, Annotations=%14, ProfileName = %15 |
0xB000006A | TrackRecord = CancelRequestedRecord, InstanceID=%1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, Name=%4, ActivityId=%5, ActivityInstanceId=%6, ActivityTypeName = %7, ChildActivityName = %8, ChildActivityId = %9, ChildActivityInstanceId = %10, ChildActivityTypeName =%11, Annotations=%12, ProfileName = %13 |
TrackRecord = CancelRequestedRecord, InstanceID=%1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, Name=%4, ActivityId=%5, ActivityInstanceId=%6, ActivityTypeName = %7, ChildActivityName = %8, ChildActivityId = %9, ChildActivityInstanceId = %10, ChildActivityTypeName =%11, Annotations=%12, ProfileName = %13 |
0xB000006B | TrackRecord = BookmarkResumptionRecord, InstanceID=%1, RecordNumber=%2,EventTime=%3, Name=%4, SubInstanceID=%5, OwnerActivityName=%6, OwnerActivityId =%7, OwnerActivityInstanceId=%8, OwnerActivityTypeName=%9, Annotations=%10, ProfileName = %11 |
TrackRecord = BookmarkResumptionRecord, InstanceID=%1, RecordNumber=%2,EventTime=%3, Name=%4, SubInstanceID=%5, OwnerActivityName=%6, OwnerActivityId =%7, OwnerActivityInstanceId=%8, OwnerActivityTypeName=%9, Annotations=%10, ProfileName = %11 |
0xB000006C | TrackRecord = CustomTrackingRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, Name=%4, ActivityName=%5, ActivityId=%6, ActivityInstanceId=%7, ActivityTypeName=%8, Data=%9, Annotations=%10, ProfileName = %11 |
TrackRecord = CustomTrackingRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, Name=%4, ActivityName=%5, ActivityId=%6, ActivityInstanceId=%7, ActivityTypeName=%8, Data=%9, Annotations=%10, ProfileName = %11 |
0xB000006E | TrackRecord = CustomTrackingRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, Name=%4, ActivityName=%5, ActivityId=%6, ActivityInstanceId=%7, ActivityTypeName=%8, Data=%9, Annotations=%10, ProfileName = %11 |
TrackRecord = CustomTrackingRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, Name=%4, ActivityName=%5, ActivityId=%6, ActivityInstanceId=%7, ActivityTypeName=%8, Data=%9, Annotations=%10, ProfileName = %11 |
0xB0000070 | TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceSuspendedRecord,InstanceID = %1,RecordNumber = %2,EventTime = %3,ActivityDefinitionId = %4,Reason = %5,Annotations = %6,ProfileName = %7 |
TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceSuspendedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, Reason = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7 |
0xB0000071 | TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceTerminatedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, Reason = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7 |
TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceTerminatedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, Reason = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7 |
0xB0000072 | TrackRecord= WorkflowInstanceRecord,InstanceID = %1,RecordNumber = %2,EventTime = %3,ActivityDefinitionId = %4,State = %5,Annotations = %6,ProfileName = %7,WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %8 |
TrackRecord= WorkflowInstanceRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, State = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7, WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %8 |
0xB0000073 | TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceAbortedRecord,InstanceID = %1,RecordNumber = %2,EventTime = %3,ActivityDefinitionId = %4,Reason = %5,Annotations = %6,ProfileName = %7,WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %8 |
TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceAbortedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, Reason = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7, WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %8 |
0xB0000074 | TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceSuspendedRecord,InstanceID = %1,RecordNumber = %2,EventTime = %3,ActivityDefinitionId = %4,Reason = %5,Annotations = %6,ProfileName = %7,WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %8 |
TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceSuspendedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, Reason = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7, WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %8 |
0xB0000075 | TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceTerminatedRecord,InstanceID = %1,RecordNumber = %2,EventTime = %3,ActivityDefinitionId = %4,Reason = %5,Annotations = %6,ProfileName = %7,WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %8 |
TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceTerminatedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, Reason = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7, WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %8 |
0xB0000076 | TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceUnhandledExceptionRecord,InstanceID = %1,RecordNumber = %2,EventTime = %3,ActivityDefinitionId = %4,SourceName = %5,SourceId = %6,SourceInstanceId = %7,SourceTypeName=%8,Exception=%9,Annotations= %10,ProfileName = %11,WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %12 |
TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceUnhandledExceptionRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, SourceName = %5, SourceId = %6, SourceInstanceId = %7, SourceTypeName=%8, Exception=%9, Annotations= %10, ProfileName = %11, WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %12 |
0xB0000077 | TrackRecord= WorkflowInstanceUpdatedRecord,InstanceID = %1,RecordNumber = %2,EventTime = %3,ActivityDefinitionId = %4,State = %5,OriginalDefinitionIdentity = %6,UpdatedDefinitionIdentity = %7,Annotations = %8,ProfileName = %9 |
TrackRecord= WorkflowInstanceUpdatedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, State = %5, OriginalDefinitionIdentity = %6, UpdatedDefinitionIdentity = %7, Annotations = %8, ProfileName = %9 |
0xB0000083 | 池正在分配 %1 个字节。 |
Pool allocating %1 Bytes. |
0xB0000084 | BufferPool 的大小为 %1,按 %2 更改配额。 |
BufferPool of size %1, changing quota by %2. |
0xB0000085 | 已调用 IO 线程调度程序回调。 |
IO Thread scheduler callback invoked. |
0xB00000C9 | 调度程序对“%1”类型的 ClientMessageInspector 调用了“AfterReceiveReply”。 |
The Dispatcher invoked 'AfterReceiveReply' on a ClientMessageInspector of type '%1'. |
0xB00000CA | 调度程序对“%1”类型的 ClientMessageInspector 调用了“BeforeSendRequest”。 |
The Dispatcher invoked 'BeforeSendRequest' on a ClientMessageInspector of type '%1'. |
0xB00000CB | 调度程序对“%1”类型的 ClientParameterInspector 调用了“AfterCall”。 |
The Dispatcher invoked 'AfterCall' on a ClientParameterInspector of type '%1'. |
0xB00000CC | 调度程序对“%1”类型的 ClientParameterInspector 调用了“BeforeCall”。 |
The Dispatcher invoked 'BeforeCall' on a ClientParameterInspector of type '%1'. |
0xB00000CD | OperationInvoker 调用了“%1”方法。调用方信息: “%2”。 |
An OperationInvoker invoked the '%1' method. Caller information: '%2'. |
0xB00000CE | 调度程序使用“%3”类型的异常调用了“%1”类型的 ErrorHandler。ErrorHandled 为“%2”。 |
The Dispatcher invoked an ErrorHandler of type '%1' with an exception of type '%3'. ErrorHandled == '%2'. |
0xB00000CF | 调度程序使用“%2”类型的异常调用了“%1”类型的 FaultProvider。 |
The Dispatcher invoked a FaultProvider of type '%1' with an exception of type '%2'. |
0xB00000D0 | 调度程序对“%1”类型的 MessageInspector 调用了“AfterReceiveReply”。 |
The Dispatcher invoked 'AfterReceiveReply' on a MessageInspector of type '%1'. |
0xB00000D1 | 调度程序对“%1”类型的 MessageInspector 调用了“BeforeSendRequest”。 |
The Dispatcher invoked 'BeforeSendRequest' on a MessageInspector of type '%1'. |
0xB00000D2 | 达到了“%2”的中止值“%1”。 |
The '%1' throttle limit of '%2' was hit. |
0xB00000D3 | 调度程序对“%1”类型的 ParameterInspector 调用了“AfterCall”。 |
The Dispatcher invoked 'AfterCall' on a ParameterInspector of type '%1'. |
0xB00000D4 | 调度程序对“%1”类型的 ParameterInspector 调用了“BeforeCall”。 |
The Dispatcher invoked 'BeforeCall' on a ParameterInspector of type '%1'. |
0xB00000D5 | ServiceHost 已启动:“%1”。 |
ServiceHost started: '%1'. |
0xB00000D6 | OperationInvoker 已完成对“%1”方法的调用。该方法调用持续了“%2”毫秒。 |
An OperationInvoker completed the call to the '%1' method. The method call duration was '%2' ms. |
0xB00000D7 | 传输从“%1”收到了一条消息。 |
The transport received a message from '%1'. |
0xB00000D8 | 传输向“%1”发送了一条消息。 |
The transport sent a message to '%1'. |
0xB00000D9 | 客户端正在执行与协定“%2”相关的操作“%1”。消息将发送到“%3”。 |
The Client is executing Action '%1' associated with the '%2' contract. The message will be sent to '%3'. |
0xB00000DA | 客户端已执行完与协定“%2”相关的操作“%1”。消息已发送到“%3”。 |
The Client completed executing Action '%1' associated with the '%2' contract. The message was sent to '%3'. |
0xB00000DB | 消息处理过程中出现了“%2”类型的未经处理的异常。完整异常详细信息: %1。 |
There was an unhandled exception of type '%2' during message processing. Full Exception Details: %1. |
0xB00000DC | 调度程序向传输发送了一条消息。相关 ID 为“%1”。 |
The Dispatcher sent a message to the transport. Correlation ID == '%1'. |
0xB00000DD | 调度程序从传输收到一条消息。相关 ID 为“%1”。 |
The Dispatcher received a message from the transport. Correlation ID == '%1'. |
0xB00000DE | “%1”方法在由 OperationInvoker 调用时引发了未经处理的异常。该方法调用持续了“%2”毫秒。 |
The '%1' method threw an unhandled exception when invoked by the OperationInvoker. The method call duration was '%2' ms. |
0xB00000DF | “%1”方法在由 OperationInvoker 调用时引发了 FaultException。该方法调用持续了“%2”毫秒。 |
The '%1' method threw a FaultException when invoked by the OperationInvoker. The method call duration was '%2' ms. |
0xB00000E0 | “%2”的中止值“%1”为 70%%。 |
The '%1' throttle limit of '%2' is at 70%%. |
0xB00000E1 | 使用父作用域“%3”中的值“%2”计算出的相关键“%1”。 |
Calculated correlation key '%1' using values '%2' in parent scope '%3'. |
0xB00000E2 | 总计 %2 个已激活服务中的 %1 个空闲服务已关闭。 |
%1 idle services out of total %2 activated services closed. |
0xB000012D | Name“%1”、Reference“%2”、Payload: %3 |
Name:'%1', Reference:'%2', Payload:%3 |
0xB0000191 | 活动边界。 |
Activity boundary. |
0xB00001C3 | %1 |
%1 |
0xB00001F3 | 发出了传输事件。 |
Transfer event emitted. |
0xB00001F5 | 开始编译 |
Begin compilation |
0xB00001F6 | 结束编译 |
End compilation |
0xB00001F7 | ServiceHostFactory 开始创建 |
ServiceHostFactory begin creation |
0xB00001F8 | ServiceHostFactory 结束创建 |
ServiceHostFactory end creation |
0xB00001F9 | 开始 CreateServiceHost |
Begin CreateServiceHost |
0xB00001FA | 结束 CreateServiceHost |
End CreateServiceHost |
0xB00001FB | HostedTransportConfigurationManager 开始配置初始化 |
HostedTransportConfigurationManager begin configuration initialization |
0xB00001FC | HostedTransportConfigurationManager 结束配置初始化 |
HostedTransportConfigurationManager end configuration initialization |
0xB00001FD | ServiceHost 已开始打开。 |
ServiceHost Open started. |
0xB00001FE | ServiceHost 已完成打开。 |
ServiceHost Open completed. |
0xB0000201 | 从 AppDomain“%1”收到了虚拟路径为“%2”的请求。 |
Received request with virtual path '%2' from the AppDomain '%1'. |
0xB0000202 | WebHostRequest 停止。 |
WebHostRequest stop. |
0xB0000259 | 已处理的 ServiceActivation 元素的相对地址为“%1”,规范化的相对地址为“%2”。 |
Processed ServiceActivation Element Relative Address:'%1', Normalized Relative Address '%2' . |
0xB000025A | 传入请求与带有地址“%1”的 ServiceActivation 元素相匹配。 |
Incoming request matches a ServiceActivation element with address '%1'. |
0xB000025B | 传入请求与带有地址 %1 的 ASP.NET 路由中定义的某个 WCF 服务匹配。 |
Incoming request matches a WCF Service defined in Asp.Net route with address %1. |
0xB000025C | 添加了 serviceType 为“%2”和 serviceHostFactoryType 为“%3”的新 ASP.NET 路由“%1”。 |
A new Asp.Net route '%1' with serviceType '%2' and serviceHostFactoryType '%3' is added. |
0xB000025D | 调用了 IncrementBusyCount。源: %1 |
IncrementBusyCount called. Source : %1 |
0xB000025E | 调用了 DecrementBusyCount。源: %1 |
DecrementBusyCount called. Source : %1 |
0xB00002BD | ServiceChannelOpen 已启动。 |
ServiceChannelOpen started. |
0xB00002BE | ServiceChannelOpen 已完成。 |
ServiceChannelOpen completed. |
0xB00002BF | ServiceChannelCall 已启动。 |
ServiceChannelCall started. |
0xB00002C0 | ServiceChannel 异步调用已启动。 |
ServiceChannel asynchronous calls started. |
0xB00002C2 | Http 发送请求启动。 |
Http Send Request Start. |
0xB00002C3 | Http 发送请求停止。 |
Http Send Request Stop. |
0xB00002C4 | 已从 http 传输接收消息。 |
Message received from http transport. |
0xB00002C5 | 消息调度已启动。 |
Message dispatching started. |
0xB00002C6 | 启动身份验证以进行消息调度 |
Start authentication for message dispatching |
0xB00002C7 | 启动授权以进行消息调度 |
Start authorization for message dispatching |
0xB00002C8 | 消息调度已完成 |
Message dispatching completed |
0xB00002CB | ServiceChannel 打开启动。 |
ServiceChannel Open Start. |
0xB00002CC | ServiceChannel 打开停止。 |
ServiceChannel Open Stop. |
0xB00002CD | Http 发送流处理消息已启动。 |
Http Send streamed message started. |
0xB00003E9 | WorkflowInstance Id“%1”在“已关闭”状态下完成。 |
WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' has completed in the Closed state. |
0xB00003EA | WorkflowApplication Id“%1”已终止。该应用程序因出现异常而在“出错”状态下完成。 |
WorkflowApplication Id: '%1' was terminated. It has completed in the Faulted state with an exception. |
0xB00003EB | WorkflowInstance Id“%1”在“已取消”状态下完成。 |
WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' has completed in the Canceled state. |
0xB00003EC | WorkflowInstance Id“%1”因出现异常而中止。 |
WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' was aborted with an exception. |
0xB00003ED | WorkflowApplication ID“%1”变为空闲状态。 |
WorkflowApplication Id: '%1' went idle. |
0xB00003EE | WorkflowInstance Id“%1”遇到了未经处理的异常。该异常来自 Activity“%2”、DisplayName“%3”。将进行以下操作: %4。 |
WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' has encountered an unhandled exception. The exception originated from Activity '%2', DisplayName: '%3'. The following action will be taken: %4. |
0xB00003EF | WorkflowApplication Id“%1”已持久化。 |
WorkflowApplication Id: '%1' was Persisted. |
0xB00003F0 | WorkflowInstance Id“%1”已卸载。 |
WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' was Unloaded. |
0xB00003F1 | 父 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”安排了子 Activity“%4”、DisplayName“%5”、InstanceId“%6”。 |
Parent Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3' scheduled child Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. |
0xB00003F2 | Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”在“%4”状态下完成。 |
Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3' has completed in the '%4' state. |
0xB00003F3 | 已为 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”安排了 ExecuteActivityWorkItem。 |
An ExecuteActivityWorkItem has been scheduled for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. |
0xB00003F4 | 开始为 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”执行 ExecuteActivityWorkItem。 |
Starting execution of an ExecuteActivityWorkItem for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. |
0xB00003F5 | Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”的 ExecuteActivityWorkItem 已经完成。 |
An ExecuteActivityWorkItem has completed for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. |
0xB00003F6 | 已为父 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”安排了 CompletionWorkItem。完成了 Activity“%4”、DisplayName“%5”、InstanceId“%6”。 |
A CompletionWorkItem has been scheduled for parent Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. Completed Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. |
0xB00003F7 | 开始为父 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”执行 CompletionWorkItem。完成了 Activity“%4”、DisplayName“%5”、InstanceId“%6”。 |
Starting execution of a CompletionWorkItem for parent Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. Completed Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. |
0xB00003F8 | 父 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”的 CompletionWorkItem 已经完成。完成了 Activity“%4”、DisplayName“%5”、InstanceId“%6”。 |
A CompletionWorkItem has completed for parent Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. Completed Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. |
0xB00003F9 | 已为 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”安排了 CancelActivityWorkItem。 |
A CancelActivityWorkItem has been scheduled for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. |
0xB00003FA | 开始为 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”执行 CancelActivityWorkItem。 |
Starting execution of a CancelActivityWorkItem for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. |
0xB00003FB | Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”的 CancelActivityWorkItem 已经完成。 |
A CancelActivityWorkItem has completed for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. |
0xB00003FC | 已为 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”创建了书签。BookmarkName: %4,BookmarkScope: %5。 |
A Bookmark has been created for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. BookmarkName: %4, BookmarkScope: %5. |
0xB00003FD | 已为 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”安排了 BookmarkWorkItem。BookmarkName: %4,BookmarkScope: %5。 |
A BookmarkWorkItem has been scheduled for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. BookmarkName: %4, BookmarkScope: %5. |
0xB00003FE | 开始为 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”执行 BookmarkWorkItem。BookmarkName: %4,BookmarkScope: %5。 |
Starting execution of a BookmarkWorkItem for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. BookmarkName: %4, BookmarkScope: %5. |
0xB00003FF | Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”的 BookmarkWorkItem 已经完成。BookmarkName: %4,BookmarkScope: %5。 |
A BookmarkWorkItem has completed for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. BookmarkName: %4, BookmarkScope: %5. |
0xB0000400 | 已创建 BookmarkScope: %1。 |
A BookmarkScope has been created: %1. |
0xB0000401 | TemporaryId 为“%1”的 BookmarkScope 已初始化,ID 为“%2”。 |
The BookmarkScope that had TemporaryId: '%1' has been initialized with Id: '%2'. |
0xB0000402 | 已为 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”安排了 TransactionContextWorkItem。 |
A TransactionContextWorkItem has been scheduled for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. |
0xB0000403 | 开始为 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”执行 TransactionContextWorkItem。 |
Starting execution of a TransactionContextWorkItem for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. |
0xB0000404 | Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”的 TransactionContextWorkItem 已经完成。 |
A TransactionContextWorkItem has completed for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. |
0xB0000405 | 已为 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”安排了 FaultWorkItem。异常是从 Activity“%4”、DisplayName“%5”、InstanceId“%6”传播的。 |
A FaultWorkItem has been scheduled for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. The exception was propagated from Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. |
0xB0000406 | 开始为 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”执行 FaultWorkItem。异常是从 Activity“%4”、DisplayName“%5”、InstanceId“%6”传播的。 |
Starting execution of a FaultWorkItem for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. The exception was propagated from Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. |
0xB0000407 | Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”的 FaultWorkItem 已经完成。异常是从 Activity“%4”、DisplayName“%5”、InstanceId“%6”传播的。 |
A FaultWorkItem has completed for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. The exception was propagated from Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. |
0xB0000408 | 已为 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”安排了运行时工作项。 |
A runtime work item has been scheduled for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. |
0xB0000409 | 开始为 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”执行运行时工作项。 |
Starting execution of a runtime work item for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. |
0xB000040A | Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”的运行时工作项已经完成。 |
A runtime work item has completed for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. |
0xB000040B | 运行时事务已经由 Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”设置。执行独立于 Activity“%4”、DisplayName“%5”、InstanceId“%6”。 |
The runtime transaction has been set by Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. Execution isolated to Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. |
0xB000040C | Activity“%1”、DisplayName“%2”、InstanceId“%3”已安排了运行时事务的完成。 |
Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3' has scheduled completion of the runtime transaction. |
0xB000040D | 运行时事务已在状态“%1”下完成。 |
The runtime transaction has completed with the state '%1'. |
0xB000040E | 正在进入非持久块。 |
Entering a no persist block. |
0xB000040F | 正在退出非持久块。 |
Exiting a no persist block. |
0xB0000410 | Activity“%2”、DisplayName“%3”、InstanceId“%4”的 In 参数“%1”已经与值 %5 绑定。 |
In argument '%1' on Activity '%2', DisplayName: '%3', InstanceId: '%4' has been bound with value: %5. |
0xB0000411 | WorkflowApplication ID“%1”空闲且可持久化。将进行以下操作: %2。 |
WorkflowApplication Id: '%1' is idle and persistable. The following action will be taken: %2. |
0xB000044D | WorkflowInstance Id“%1”E2E 活动 |
WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' E2E Activity |
0xB0000464 | InvokeMethod“%1”- 方法为静态。 |
InvokeMethod '%1' - method is Static. |
0xB0000465 | InvokeMethod“%1”- 方法非静态。 |
InvokeMethod '%1' - method is not Static. |
0xB0000466 | 在活动“%1”调用的方法中,引发了异常。%2 |
An exception was thrown in the method called by the activity '%1'. %2 |
0xB000046B | InvokeMethod“%1”- 方法使用“%2”和“%3”的异步模式。 |
InvokeMethod '%1' - method uses asynchronous pattern of '%2' and '%3'. |
0xB000046C | InvokeMethod“%1”- 方法不使用异步模式。 |
InvokeMethod '%1' - method does not use asynchronous pattern. |
0xB0000474 | Flowchart“%1”- 已安排启动。 |
Flowchart '%1' - Start has been scheduled. |
0xB0000475 | Flowchart“%1”- 在无节点的情况下执行。 |
Flowchart '%1' - was executed with no Nodes. |
0xB0000477 | Flowchart“%1”/FlowStep - 下一个节点为 null。Flowchart 执行将结束。 |
Flowchart '%1'/FlowStep - Next node is null. Flowchart execution will end. |
0xB000047A | Flowchart“%1”/FlowSwitch - 选择 Case“%2”。 |
Flowchart '%1'/FlowSwitch - Case '%2' was selected. |
0xB000047B | Flowchart“%1”/FlowSwitch - 选择了 Default Case。 |
Flowchart '%1'/FlowSwitch - Default Case was selected. |
0xB000047C | Flowchart“%1”/FlowSwitch - 找不到 Case 活动,也找不到与 Expression 结果匹配的 Default Case。Flowchart 执行将结束。 |
Flowchart '%1'/FlowSwitch - could find neither a Case activity nor a Default Case matching the Expression result. Flowchart execution will end. |
0xB000047E | CompensableActivity“%1”的状态为“%2”。 |
CompensableActivity '%1' is in the '%2' state. |
0xB00004C7 | Switch 活动“%1”找不到与 Expression 结果匹配的 Case 活动。 |
The Switch activity '%1' could not find a Case activity matching the Expression result. |
0xB000057A | %1 连接池键: %2 |
%1 Connection pool key: %2 |
0xB000058F | 协商令牌身份验证器状态缓存的比率: %1/%2 |
Negotiate token authenticator state cache ratio: %1/%2 |
0xB0000590 | 安全会话比率: %1/%2 |
Security session ratio: %1/%2 |
0xB0000596 | 挂起的连接比率: %1/%2 |
Pending connections ratio: %1/%2 |
0xB0000597 | 并发调用比率: %1/%2 |
Concurrent calls ratio: %1/%2 |
0xB0000598 | 并发会话比率: %1/%2 |
Concurrent sessions ratio: %1/%2 |
0xB0000599 | 每个终结点的出站连接比率: %1/%2 |
Outbound connections per endpoint ratio: %1/%2 |
0xB000059C | 每个通道的挂起消息比率: %1/%2 |
Pending messages per channel ratio: %1/%2 |
0xB000059E | 并发实例比率: %1/%2 |
Concurrent instances ratio: %1/%2 |
0xB000059F | 剩下零个挂起的接受 |
Zero pending accepts left |
0xB00005A2 | 对于 id 为“%1”的 MSMQ 消息,已达到接收重试计数限制 |
Receive retry count reached on MSMQ message with id '%1' |
0xB00005A3 | 对于 id 为“%1”的 MSMQ 消息,已超过最大重试周期数 |
Max retry cycles exceeded on MSMQ message with id '%1' |
0xB00005A5 | 已新建“%1” |
Created new '%1' |
0xB00005A9 | 工作流已接收消息 |
Message received by workflow |
0xB00005AA | 已从工作流发送消息 |
Message sent from workflow |
0xB00007E5 | 执行工作项启动 |
Execute work item start |
0xB00007E6 | 执行工作项停止 |
Execute work item stop |
0xB00007E7 | SendMessageChannelCache 未命中 |
SendMessageChannelCache miss |
0xB00007E8 | 已在活动“%1”上启动 InternalCacheMetadata。 |
InternalCacheMetadata started on activity '%1'. |
0xB00007E9 | 已在活动“%1”上停止 InternalCacheMetadata。 |
InternalCacheMetadata stopped on activity '%1'. |
0xB00007EA | 正在编译 VB 表达式“%1” |
Compiling VB expression '%1' |
0xB00007EB | 已在活动“%1”上启动 CacheRootMetadata |
CacheRootMetadata started on activity '%1' |
0xB00007EC | 已在活动 %1 上停止 CacheRootMetadata。 |
CacheRootMetadata stopped on activity %1. |
0xB00007ED | 已完成编译 VB 表达式。 |
Finished compiling VB expression. |
0xB0000A10 | TryCatch 活动“%1”捕获了“%2”类型的异常。 |
The TryCatch activity '%1' has caught an exception of type '%2'. |
0xB0000A11 | TryCatch 活动“%1”的子活动在取消过程中引发了异常。 |
A child activity of the TryCatch activity '%1' has thrown an exception during cancelation. |
0xB0000A12 | 与 TryCatch 活动“%1”关联的 Catch 或 Finally 活动引发了异常。 |
A Catch or Finally activity that is associated with the TryCatch activity '%1' has thrown an exception. |
0xB0000CE4 | 未能完成 %1。 |
Failed to Complete %1. |
0xB0000CE5 | 未能放弃 %1。 |
Failed to Abandon %1. |
0xB0000CE6 | 接收上下文出错。 |
Receive Context faulted. |
0xB0000CE7 | 放弃了 %1,返回异常 %2。 |
%1 was Abandoned with exception %2. |
0xB0000CE9 | 缓存的通道工厂数量为:“%1”。最多可以缓存“%2”个通道工厂。 |
Number of cached channel factories is: '%1'. At most '%2' channel factories can be cached. |
0xB0000CEA | 通道工厂在缓存中已到期,因为缓存已达到其限制“%1”。 |
A channel factory has been aged out of the cache because the cache has reached its limit of '%1'. |
0xB0000CEB | 使用了在缓存中找到的匹配通道工厂。 |
Used matching channel factory found in cache. |
0xB0000CEC | 不使用缓存中的通道工厂,即禁用实例缓存。 |
Not using channel factory from cache, i.e. caching disabled for instance. |
0xB0000CED | 对请求 URI“%2”执行了使用“%1”的查询组合。 |
Query composition using '%1' was executed on the Request Uri: '%2'. |
0xB0000CEE | 已调度“%1”操作,但出现错误。 |
The '%1' operation was dispatched with errors. |
0xB0000CEF | 已成功调度“%1”操作。 |
The '%1' operation was dispatched successfully. |
0xB0000CF0 | 编码器已读取大小为“%1”字节的消息。 |
A message with size '%1' bytes was read by the encoder. |
0xB0000CF1 | 编码器已写入大小为“%1”字节的消息。 |
A message with size '%1' bytes was written by the encoder. |
0xB0000CF2 | 会话正在中止 URI“%1”的空闲通道。 |
Session aborting for idle channel to uri:'%1'. |
0xB0000CF7 | 连接接受已启动。 |
Connection accept started. |
0xB0000CF8 | ListenerId:%1 接受了 SocketId:%2。 |
ListenerId:%1 accepted SocketId:%2. |
0xB0000CF9 | %1 的池没有可用的连接,%2 个连接忙。 |
Pool for %1 has no available connection and %2 busy connections. |
0xB0000CFA | 调度程序已开始反序列化请求消息。 |
Dispatcher started deserialization the request message. |
0xB0000CFB | 调度程序已完成反序列化请求消息。 |
Dispatcher completed deserialization the request message. |
0xB0000CFC | 调度程序已开始序列化答复消息。 |
Dispatcher started serialization of the reply message. |
0xB0000CFD | 调度程序已完成序列化答复消息。 |
Dispatcher completed serialization of the reply message. |
0xB0000CFE | 已开始客户端请求序列化。 |
Client request serialization started. |
0xB0000CFF | 客户端已完成序列化请求消息。 |
Client completed serialization of the request message. |
0xB0000D00 | 客户端已开始反序列化答复消息。 |
Client started deserializing the reply message. |
0xB0000D01 | 客户端已完成反序列化答复消息。 |
Client completed deserializing the reply message. |
0xB0000D02 | 安全协商已启动。 |
Security negotiation started. |
0xB0000D03 | 安全协商已完成。 |
Security negotiation completed. |
0xB0000D04 | SecurityTokenProvider 打开已完成。 |
SecurityTokenProvider opening completed. |
0xB0000D05 | 已保护传出消息的安全。 |
Outgoing message has been secured. |
0xB0000D06 | 已验证传入消息。 |
Incoming message has been verified. |
0xB0000D07 | 服务实例检索已启动。 |
Service instance retrieval started. |
0xB0000D08 | 已检索服务实例。 |
Service instance retrieved. |
0xB0000D09 | ChannelHandlerId:%1 - 消息接收循环已启动。 |
ChannelHandlerId:%1 - Message receive loop started. |
0xB0000D0A | ChannelHandlerId:%1 - 消息接收循环已停止。 |
ChannelHandlerId:%1 - Message receive loop stopped. |
0xB0000D0B | 已创建 ChannelFactory。 |
ChannelFactory created . |
0xB0000D0C | 已在 %1 上启动管道连接接受。 |
Pipe connection accept started on %1 . |
0xB0000D0D | 已接受管道连接。 |
Pipe connection accepted. |
0xB0000D0E | 已为 %1 开始建立连接。 |
Connection establishment started for %1. |
0xB0000D0F | 已建立连接。 |
Connection established. |
0xB0000D11 | 已理解“%1”的会话报头。 |
Session preamble for '%1' understood. |
0xB0000D12 | 连接读取器发送错误“%1”。 |
Connection reader sending fault '%1'. |
0xB0000D13 | 套接字接受已关闭。 |
Socket accept closed. |
0xB0000D14 | 服务主机出现故障。 |
Service host faulted. |
0xB0000D15 | 正在为“%1”打开侦听器。 |
Listener opening for '%1'. |
0xB0000D16 | 侦听器打开已完成。 |
Listener open completed. |
0xB0000D17 | 达到了服务器的最大池连接配额。 |
Server max pooled connections quota reached. |
0xB0000D18 | SocketId:%1 到远程地址 %2 超时。 |
SocketId:%1 to remote address %2 timed out. |
0xB0000D19 | SocketId:%1 到远程地址 %2 出现连接重置错误。 |
SocketId:%1 to remote address %2 had a connection reset error. |
0xB0000D1A | 服务安全协商已完成。 |
Service security negotiation completed. |
0xB0000D1B | 安全协商处理失败。 |
Security negotiation processing failed. |
0xB0000D1C | 安全验证成功。 |
Security verification succeeded. |
0xB0000D1D | 安全验证失败。 |
Security verification failed. |
0xB0000D1E | 已为 %1 复制套接字。 |
Socket duplicated for %1. |
0xB0000D1F | 安全模拟成功。 |
Security impersonation succeeded. |
0xB0000D20 | 安全模拟失败。 |
Security impersonation failed. |
0xB0000D21 | Http 通道请求已中止。 |
Http channel request aborted. |
0xB0000D22 | Http 通道响应已中止。 |
Http channel response aborted. |
0xB0000D23 | Http 身份验证失败。 |
Http authentication failed. |
0xB0000D24 | 已对 URI“%1”启动 SharedListenerProxy 注册。 |
SharedListenerProxy registration started for uri '%1'. |
0xB0000D25 | SharedListenerProxy 注册停止。 |
SharedListenerProxy Register Stop. |
0xB0000D26 | SharedListenerProxy 注册失败,状态为“%1”。 |
SharedListenerProxy register failed with status '%1'. |
0xB0000D27 | ConnectionPoolPreambleFailed。 |
ConnectionPoolPreambleFailed. |
0xB0000D28 | SslOnAcceptUpgradeStart |
SslOnAcceptUpgradeStart |
0xB0000D29 | SslOnAcceptUpgradeStop |
SslOnAcceptUpgradeStop |
0xB0000D2A | BinaryMessageEncoder 已开始编码消息。 |
BinaryMessageEncoder started encoding the message. |
0xB0000D2B | MtomMessageEncoder 已开始编码消息。 |
MtomMessageEncoder started encoding the message. |
0xB0000D2C | TextMessageEncoder 已开始编码消息。 |
TextMessageEncoder started encoding the message. |
0xB0000D2D | BinaryMessageEncoder 已开始解码消息。 |
BinaryMessageEncoder started decoding the message. |
0xB0000D2E | MtomMessageEncoder 已开始解码消息。 |
MtomMessageEncoder started decoding the message. |
0xB0000D2F | TextMessageEncoder 已开始解码消息。 |
TextMessageEncoder started decoding the message. |
0xB0000D30 | Http 传输已开始接收消息。 |
Http transport started receiving a message. |
0xB0000D31 | SocketId:%1 从“%3”读取“%2”个字节。 |
SocketId:%1 read '%2' bytes read from '%3'. |
0xB0000D33 | SocketId:%1 正在将“%2”个字节写入“%3”。 |
SocketId:%1 writing '%2' bytes to '%3'. |
0xB0000D35 | SessionId:%1 确认已发送。 |
SessionId:%1 acknowledgement sent. |
0xB0000D36 | SessionId:%1 正在重新连接。 |
SessionId:%1 reconnecting. |
0xB0000D37 | SessionId:%1 出错。 |
SessionId:%1 faulted. |
0xB0000D38 | WindowsStreamSecurity 正在启动安全升级。 |
WindowsStreamSecurity initiating security upgrade. |
0xB0000D39 | Windows 正在对接受升级的安全性进行流式处理。 |
Windows streaming security on accepting upgrade. |
0xB0000D3A | SocketId:%1 正在中止。 |
SocketId:%1 is aborting. |
0xB0000D3C | HttpGetContext 启动。 |
HttpGetContext start. |
0xB0000D3D | 客户端开始发送报头。 |
Client sending preamble start. |
0xB0000D3E | 客户端停止发送报头。 |
Client sending preamble stop. |
0xB0000D3F | Http 消息接收失败。 |
Http Message receive failed. |
0xB0000D40 | 正在使用 LocalIdentifier“%1”和 DistributedIdentifier“%2”创建 TransactionScope。 |
TransactionScope is being created with LocalIdentifier:'%1' and DistributedIdentifier:'%2'. |
0xB0000D41 | 编码器已读取流处理消息。 |
A streamed message was read by the encoder. |
0xB0000D42 | 编码器已写入流处理消息。 |
A streamed message was written by the encoder. |
0xB0000D43 | 编码器已以异步方式写入消息。 |
A message was written asynchronously by the encoder. |
0xB0000D44 | BufferId:%1 已完成将“%2”个字节写入基础流。 |
BufferId:%1 completed writing '%2' bytes to underlying stream. |
0xB0000D46 | 已在“%1”处创建管道共享内存。 |
Pipe shared memory created at '%1' . |
0xB0000D47 | 已创建 NamedPipe“%1”。 |
NamedPipe '%1' created. |
0xB0000D49 | 签名验证已开始。 |
Signature verification started. |
0xB0000D4A | 签名验证已成功 |
Signature verification succeeded |
0xB0000D4B | 封装的密钥解密已开始。 |
Wrapped key decryption started. |
0xB0000D4C | 封装的密钥解密已成功。 |
Wrapped key decryption succeeded. |
0xB0000D4D | 加密的数据处理已开始。 |
Encrypted data processing started. |
0xB0000D4E | 加密的数据处理已成功。 |
Encrypted data processing succeeded. |
0xB0000D4F | Http 消息处理程序已开始处理入站请求。 |
Http message handler started processing the inbound request. |
0xB0000D50 | Http 消息处理程序已开始以异步方式处理入站请求。 |
Http message handler started processing the inbound request asynchronously. |
0xB0000D51 | Http 消息处理程序已完成处理入站请求。 |
Http message handler completed processing an inbound request. |
0xB0000D52 | Http 消息处理程序出错。 |
Http message handler is faulted. |
0xB0000D53 | WebSocket 连接超时。 |
WebSocket connection timed out. |
0xB0000D54 | Http 消息处理程序已开始处理响应。 |
Http message handler started processing the response. |
0xB0000D55 | Http 消息处理程序已开始以异步方式处理响应。 |
Http message handler started processing the response asynchronously. |
0xB0000D56 | Http 消息处理程序已完成处理响应。 |
Http message handler completed processing the response. |
0xB0000D57 | 针对“%1”的 WebSocket 连接请求发送开始。 |
WebSocket connection request to '%1' send start. |
0xB0000D58 | WebSocketId:%1 连接请求已发送。 |
WebSocketId:%1 connection request sent. |
0xB0000D59 | WebSocket 连接接受开始。 |
WebSocket connection accept start. |
0xB0000D5A | WebSocketId:%1 连接已接受。 |
WebSocketId:%1 connection accepted. |
0xB0000D5B | WebSocket 连接被拒绝,状态代码为“%1” |
WebSocket connection declined with status code '%1' |
0xB0000D5C | WebSocket 连接请求失败:“%1” |
WebSocket connection request failed: '%1' |
0xB0000D5D | WebSocketId:%1 连接已中止。 |
WebSocketId:%1 connection is aborted. |
0xB0000D5E | WebSocketId:%1 正在将“%2”个字节写入“%3”。 |
WebSocketId:%1 writing '%2' bytes to '%3'. |
0xB0000D5F | WebSocketId:%1 异步写入停止。 |
WebSocketId:%1 asynchronous write stop. |
0xB0000D60 | WebSocketId:%1 读取开始。 |
WebSocketId:%1 read start. |
0xB0000D61 | WebSocketId:%1 从“%3”读取“%2”个字节。 |
WebSocketId:%1 read '%2' bytes from '%3'. |
0xB0000D62 | WebSocketId:%1 正在向“%2”发送关闭消息,关闭状态为“%3”。 |
WebSocketId:%1 sending close message to '%2' with close status '%3'. |
0xB0000D63 | WebSocketId:%1 正在向“%2”发送关闭输出消息,关闭状态为“%3”。 |
WebSocketId:%1 sending close output message to '%2' with close status '%3'. |
0xB0000D64 | WebSocketId:%1 连接已关闭。 |
WebSocketId:%1 connection closed. |
0xB0000D65 | 收到 WebSocketId:%1 连接关闭消息,状态为“%2”。 |
WebSocketId:%1 connection close message received with status '%2'. |
0xB0000D66 | 正在使用来自类型为“%1”的客户端 WebSocket 工厂的 WebSocketVersion。 |
Using the WebSocketVersion from a client WebSocket factory of type '%1'. |
0xB0000D67 | 正在创建包含类型为“%1”的工厂的客户端 WebSocket。 |
Creating the client WebSocket with a factory of type '%1'. |
0xB0000DAD | 已从 WorkflowService 中推断出含有 Name='%1' 和 Namespace='%2' 的 ContractDescription。 |
ContractDescription with Name='%1' and Namespace='%2' has been inferred from WorkflowService. |
0xB0000DAE | 已从 WorkflowService 中推断出协定“%2”中含有 Name='%1' 的 OperationDescription。IsOneWay=%3。 |
OperationDescription with Name='%1' in contract '%2' has been inferred from WorkflowService. IsOneWay=%3. |
0xB0000DAF | 找到了含有 Where='%1' 的重复 CorrelationQuery。计算相关性时将不使用此重复查询。 |
A duplicate CorrelationQuery was found with Where='%1'. This duplicate query will not be used when calculating correlation. |
0xB0000DB3 | 已为地址“%1”、绑定“%2”和协定“%3”添加了一个服务终结点。 |
A service endpoint has been added for address '%1', binding '%2', and contract '%3'. |
0xB0000DB4 | 未找到 ActivityDefinitionId“%2”的 TrackingProfile“%1”。在配置文件中找不到 TrackingProfile,或 ActivityDefinitionId 不匹配。 |
TrackingProfile '%1' for the ActivityDefinitionId '%2' not found. Either the TrackingProfile is not found in the config file or the ActivityDefinitionId does not match. |
0xB0000DDE | 此时不能执行操作“%1”。服务实例准备好处理此特定操作时,将进行另一个尝试。 |
Operation '%1' cannot be performed at this time. Another attempt will be made when the service instance is ready to process this particular operation. |
0xB0000DDF | 此时不能执行服务实例“%1”上的操作“%2”。服务实例准备好处理此特定操作时,将进行另一个尝试。 |
Operation '%2' on service instance '%1' cannot be performed at this time. Another attempt will be made when the service instance is ready to process this particular operation. |
0xB0000DE0 | 达到了“%1”的中止值“MaxPendingMessagesPerChannel”。若要增加此限制,请调整 BufferedReceiveServiceBehavior 中的 MaxPendingMessagesPerChannel 属性。 |
The throttle 'MaxPendingMessagesPerChannel' limit of '%1' was hit. To increase this limit, adjust the MaxPendingMessagesPerChannel property on BufferedReceiveServiceBehavior. |
0xB0000DE1 | XamlServicesLoad 开始 |
XamlServicesLoad start |
0xB0000DE2 | XamlServicesLoad 停止 |
XamlServicesLoad Stop |
0xB0000DE3 | CreateWorkflowServiceHost 开始 |
CreateWorkflowServiceHost start |
0xB0000DE4 | CreateWorkflowServiceHost 停止 |
CreateWorkflowServiceHost Stop |
0xB0000DE5 | ID 为“%1”的 CommittableTransaction 上的 EndCommit 调用引发了具有以下消息的 TransactionException:“%2”。 |
The call to EndCommit on the CommittableTransaction with id = '%1' threw a TransactionException with the following message: '%2'. |
0xB0000DE6 | 服务激活开始 |
Service activation start |
0xB0000DE7 | 服务激活停止 |
Service activation Stop |
0xB0000DE8 | 可用内存(字节): %1 |
Available memory (bytes): %1 |
0xB0000DE9 | 无法激活该服务。异常的详细信息: %1 |
The service could not be activated. Exception details: %1 |
0xB0000ED8 | 路由服务正在关闭客户端“%1”。 |
The Routing Service is closing client '%1'. |
0xB0000ED9 | 路由服务客户端“%1”出错。 |
Routing Service client '%1' has faulted. |
0xB0000EDA | 路由服务单向消息正在完成。 |
A Routing Service one way message is completing. |
0xB0000EDB | 在地址为“%1”的终结点上处理消息时,路由服务失败。 |
The Routing Service failed while processing a message on the endpoint with address '%1'. |
0xB0000EDC | 路由服务正在为终结点“%1”创建客户端。 |
The Routing Service is creating a client for endpoint: '%1'. |
0xB0000EDD | 对路由服务进行了如下配置: RouteOnHeadersOnly: %1,SoapProcessingEnabled: %2,EnsureOrderedDispatch: %3。 |
The Routing Service is configured with RouteOnHeadersOnly: %1, SoapProcessingEnabled: %2, EnsureOrderedDispatch: %3. |
0xB0000EDF | 路由服务请求答复消息正在完成。 |
A Routing Service request reply message is completing. |
0xB0000EE1 | 路由服务已将 ID 为“%1”的消息路由到 %2 个终结点列表。 |
The Routing Service routed message with ID: '%1' to %2 endpoint lists. |
0xB0000EE2 | 一个新的 RoutingConfiguration 已应用于路由服务。 |
A new RoutingConfiguration has been applied to the Routing Service. |
0xB0000EE7 | 路由服务正在处理事务 %4 中收到的 ID 为“%1”、操作为“%2”、入站 URL 为“%3”的消息。 |
The Routing Service is processing a message with ID: '%1', Action: '%2', Inbound URL: '%3' Received in Transaction: %4. |
0xB0000EE8 | 路由服务正在将 ID 为“%1”的消息 [操作 %2] 传输到“%3”。 |
The Routing Service is transmitting the message with ID: '%1' [operation %2] to '%3'. |
0xB0000EE9 | 路由服务正在提交 ID 为“%1”的事务。 |
The Routing Service is committing a transaction with id: '%1'. |
0xB0000EEA | 路由服务组件 %1 遇到了双工回调异常。 |
Routing Service component %1 encountered a duplex callback exception. |
0xB0000EEB | ID 为“%1”的路由服务消息 [操作 %2] 已移至备份终结点“%3”。 |
Routing Service message with ID: '%1' [operation %2] moved to backup endpoint '%3'. |
0xB0000EEC | 路由服务创建了一个 ID 为“%1”的新事务来处理消息。 |
The Routing Service created a new Transaction with id '%1' for processing message(s). |
0xB0000EED | 关闭出站客户端“%1”时,路由服务失败。 |
The Routing Service failed while closing outbound client '%1'. |
0xB0000EEE | 路由服务正在发回含有 Action“%1”的响应消息。 |
The Routing Service is sending back a response message with Action '%1'. |
0xB0000EEF | 路由服务正在发回含有 Action“%1”的错误响应消息。 |
The Routing Service is sending back a Fault response message with Action '%1'. |
0xB0000EF0 | 路由服务正在为 ID 是“%1”的消息调用 ReceiveContext.Complete。 |
The Routing Service is calling ReceiveContext.Complete for Message with ID: '%1'. |
0xB0000EF1 | 路由服务正在为 ID 是“%1”的消息调用 ReceiveContext.Abandon。 |
The Routing Service is calling ReceiveContext.Abandon for Message with ID: '%1'. |
0xB0000EF2 | 路由服务将使用现有事务“%1”发送消息。 |
The Routing Service will send messages using existing transaction '%1'. |
0xB0000EF3 | 向“%1”发送时,路由服务失败。 |
The Routing Service failed while sending to '%1'. |
0xB0000EF4 | 路由服务 MessageFilterTable 匹配开始。 |
Routing Service MessageFilterTable Match Start. |
0xB0000EF5 | 路由服务 MessageFilterTable 匹配停止。 |
Routing Service MessageFilterTable Match Stop. |
0xB0000EF6 | 路由服务正在通道“%1”上调用中止。 |
The Routing Service is calling abort on channel: '%1'. |
0xB0000EF7 | 路由服务已处理异常。 |
The Routing Service has handled an exception. |
0xB0000EF8 | 路由服务已成功将 ID 为“%1”的消息 [操作 %2] 传输到“%3”。 |
The Routing Service successfully transmitted Message with ID: '%1 [operation %2] to '%3'. |
0xB0000FA1 | 已通过中转“%1”接收传输侦听器会话 |
Transport listener session received with via '%1' |
0xB0000FA2 | FailFastException。 |
FailFastException. |
0xB0000FA3 | 服务启动管道出错。 |
Service start pipe error. |
0xB0000FA8 | 会话调度已启动。 |
Session dispatch started. |
0xB0000FAA | 对“%1”的会话调度失败,因为挂起的会话队列已满,其中包含“%2”个挂起项目。 |
Session dispatch for '%1' failed since pending session queue is full with '%2' pending items. |
0xB0000FAB | 消息队列注册开始。 |
Message queue register start. |
0xB0000FAC | URI“%2”的消息队列注册已中止,状态为“%1”。 |
Message queue registration aborted with status:'%1' for uri:'%2'. |
0xB0000FAD | URI“%1”的消息队列注销已成功。 |
Message queue unregister succeeded for uri:'%1'. |
0xB0000FAE | URI“%1”的消息队列注册已失败,状态为“%2”。 |
Message queue registration for uri:'%1' failed with status:'%2'. |
0xB0000FAF | URI“%1”的消息队列注册已完成。 |
Message queue registration completed for uri '%1'. |
0xB0000FB0 | 消息队列无法复制套接字。 |
Message queue failed duplicating socket. |
0xB0000FB3 | MessageQueueDuplicatedSocketComplete |
MessageQueueDuplicatedSocketComplete |
0xB0000FB4 | Tcp 传输侦听器正在开始侦听 URI“%1”。 |
Tcp transport listener starting to listen on uri:'%1'. |
0xB0000FB5 | Tcp 传输侦听器正在侦听。 |
Tcp transport listener listening. |
0xB0000FB6 | 错误代码: %1 |
Error Code:%1 |
0xB0000FB7 | 正在关闭所有已完成的侦听器通道实例。 |
Was closing all listener channel instances completed. |
0xB0000FBA | WAS 已连接。 |
WAS Connected. |
0xB0000FBB | WAS 已断开连接。 |
WAS Disconnected. |
0xB0000FBC | 管道传输侦听器开始侦听 URI“%1”。 |
Pipe transport listener listening start on uri:%1. |
0xB0000FBD | 管道传输侦听器停止侦听。 |
Pipe transport listener listening stop. |
0xB0000FBE | 会话调度成功。 |
Session dispatch succeeded. |
0xB0000FBF | 会话调度失败。 |
Session dispatch failed. |
0xB0000FC0 | WAS 连接超时。 |
WAS connection timed out. |
0xB0000FC1 | 已开始路由表查找。 |
Routing table lookup started. |
0xB0000FC2 | 已完成路由表查找。 |
Routing table lookup completed. |
0xB0000FC3 | 挂起会话队列比率: %1/%2 |
Pending session queue ratio: %1/%2 |
0xB0001069 | 结束 SQL 命令执行: %1 |
End SQL command execution: %1 |
0xB000106A | 正在开始 SQL 命令执行: %1 |
Starting SQL command execution: %1 |
0xB000106B | 未能延长锁定到期日,锁定到期日已过,或者已删除锁定所有者。正在中止 SqlWorkflowInstanceStore。 |
Failed to extend lock expiration, lock expiration already passed or the lock owner was deleted. Aborting SqlWorkflowInstanceStore. |
0xB000106D | 命令失败: %1 |
Command failed: %1 |
0xB000106E | 尝试解除锁定实例时遇到异常 %1。 |
Encountered exception %1 while attempting to unlock instance. |
0xB000106F | 正在放弃重试 SQL 命令,因为执行次数已达到了允许的最多重试次数。 |
Giving up retrying a SQL command as the maximum number of retries have been performed. |
0xB0001070 | 正在由于 SQL 错误号 %1 而重试 SQL 命令。 |
Retrying a SQL command due to SQL error number %1. |
0xB0001071 | 尝试打开 SQL 连接时超时。操作在分配的超时 %1 内没有完成。分配给该操作的时间可能已经是更长超时的一部分。 |
Timeout trying to open a SQL connection. The operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of %1. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. |
0xB0001072 | 已捕获 SQL 异常编号 %1 消息 %2。 |
Caught SQL Exception number %1 message %2. |
0xB0001073 | 正在排队 SQL 重试操作,延迟为 %1 毫秒。 |
Queuing SQL retry with delay %1 milliseconds. |
0xB0001074 | 尝试获取实例锁时超时。操作在分配的超时 %1 内没有完成。分配给该操作的时间可能已经是更长超时的一部分。 |
Timeout trying to acquire the instance lock. The operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of %1. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. |
0xB0001075 | 由于下列异常,导致可运行实例检测失败 |
Detection of runnable instances failed due to the following exception |
0xB0001076 | 由于下列异常,导致实例锁恢复失败 |
Recovering instance locks failed due to the following exception |
0xB00011F8 | 无法记录消息,因为它超出了 ETW 事件大小 |
Message could not be logged as it exceeds the ETW event size |
0xB00012C1 | 在 DiscoveryClientChannel 内部创建的 DiscoveryClient 无法关闭,因此已中止。 |
The DiscoveryClient created inside DiscoveryClientChannel failed to close and hence has been aborted. |
0xB00012C2 | 关闭 DiscoveryClient 时,ProtocolException 被禁止。这可能是由于 DiscoveryService 仍在尝试向 DiscoveryClient 发送响应。 |
A ProtocolException was suppressed while closing the DiscoveryClient. This could be because a DiscoveryService is still trying to send response to the DiscoveryClient. |
0xB00012C3 | DiscoveryClient 收到来自 DiscoveryProxy 的多播禁止消息。 |
The DiscoveryClient received a multicast suppression message from a DiscoveryProxy. |
0xB00012C4 | messageId 为“%2”的 %1 消息被 DiscoveryClient 丢弃,因为相应的 %3 操作已完成。 |
A %1 message with messageId='%2' was dropped by the DiscoveryClient because the corresponding %3 operation was completed. |
0xB00012C5 | messageId 为“%2”的 %1 消息由于具有无效内容而被丢弃。 |
A %1 message with messageId='%2' was dropped because it had invalid content. |
0xB00012C6 | messageId 为“%2”和 relatesTo 为“%3”的 %1 消息被 DiscoveryClient 丢弃,因为相应的 %4 操作已完成或 relatesTo 值无效。 |
A %1 message with messageId='%2' and relatesTo='%3' was dropped by the DiscoveryClient because either the corresponding %4 operation was completed or the relatesTo value is invalid. |
0xB00012C7 | messageId 为“%1”的发现请求消息由于具有无效的 ReplyTo 地址而被丢弃。 |
A discovery request message with messageId='%1' was dropped because it had an invalid ReplyTo address. |
0xB00012C8 | %1 消息由于没有任何内容而被丢弃。 |
A %1 message was dropped because it did not have any content. |
0xB00012C9 | %1 消息由于消息标头不包含所需 MessageId 属性而被丢弃。 |
A %1 message was dropped because the message header did not contain the required MessageId property. |
0xB00012CA | messageId 为“%2”的 %1 消息由于没有 DiscoveryMessageSequence 属性而被 DiscoveryClient 丢弃。 |
A %1 message with messageId='%2' was dropped by the DiscoveryClient because it did not have the DiscoveryMessageSequence property. |
0xB00012CB | messageId 为“%2”的 %1 消息由于消息标头不包含所需的 RelatesTo 属性而被 DiscoveryClient 丢弃。 |
A %1 message with messageId='%2' was dropped by the DiscoveryClient because the message header did not contain the required RelatesTo property. |
0xB00012CC | messageId 为“%1”的发现请求消息由于没有 ReplyTo 地址而被丢弃。 |
A discovery request message with messageId='%1' was dropped because it did not have a ReplyTo address. |
0xB00012CD | messageId 为“%2”的 %1 消息由于重复而被丢弃。 |
A %1 message with messageId='%2' was dropped because it was a duplicate. |
0xB00012CE | 已禁用 EndpointAddress 为“%1”且 ListenUri 为“%2”的终结点的可发现性。 |
The discoverability of endpoint with EndpointAddress='%1' and ListenUri='%2' has been disabled. |
0xB00012CF | 已启用 EndpointAddress 为“%1”且 ListenUri 为“%2”的终结点的可发现性。 |
The discoverability of endpoint with EndpointAddress='%1' and ListenUri='%2' has been enabled. |
0xB00012D0 | 在 DiscoveryClientChannel 中启动了一个 Find 操作以发现终结点。 |
A Find operation was initiated in the DiscoveryClientChannel to discover endpoint(s). |
0xB00012D1 | DiscoveryClientChannel 无法使用 EndpointAddress 为“%1”且 Via 为“%2”的已发现终结点创建通道。DiscoveryClientChannel 现在将尝试使用下一个可用的已发现终结点。 |
The DiscoveryClientChannel failed to create the channel with a discovered endpoint with EndpointAddress='%1' and Via='%2'. The DiscoveryClientChannel will now attempt to use the next available discovered endpoint. |
0xB00012D2 | DiscoveryClientChannel 无法使用 EndpointAddress 为“%1”且 Via 为“%2”的已发现终结点打开通道。DiscoveryClientChannel 现在将尝试使用下一个可用的已发现终结点。 |
The DiscoveryClientChannel failed to open the channel with a discovered endpoint with EndpointAddress='%1' and Via='%2'. The DiscoveryClientChannel will now attempt to use the next available discovered endpoint. |
0xB00012D3 | DiscoveryClientChannel 成功发现了一个终结点并使用它打开了通道。客户端使用 EndpointAddress 为“%1”且 Via 为“%2”的终结点连接到服务。 |
The DiscoveryClientChannel successfully discovered an endpoint and opened the channel using it. The client is connected to a service using EndpointAddress='%1' and Via='%2'. |
0xB00012D4 | SynchronizationContext 已由 DiscoveryClientChannel 重置为其原始值 %1。 |
The SynchronizationContext has been reset to its original value of %1 by DiscoveryClientChannel. |
0xB00012D5 | 在初始化 Find 操作之前,SynchronizationContext 已由 DiscoveryClientChannel 设置为 null。 |
The SynchronizationContext has been set to null by DiscoveryClientChannel before initiating the Find operation. |
0xB0001389 | DataContract 开始使用代理项序列化 %1。 |
DataContract serialize %1 with surrogates start. |
0xB000138A | DataContract 停止使用代理项序列化。 |
DataContract serialize with surrogates stop. |
0xB000138B | DataContract 开始使用代理项反序列化 %1。 |
DataContract deserialize %1 with surrogates start. |
0xB000138C | DataContract 停止使用代理项反序列化。 |
DataContract deserialize with surrogates stop. |
0xB000138D | ImportKnownTypes 开始。 |
ImportKnownTypes start. |
0xB000138E | ImportKnownTypes 停止。 |
ImportKnownTypes stop. |
0xB000138F | DataContract 解析程序开始解析 %1。 |
DataContract resolver resolving %1 start. |
0xB0001390 | DataContract 开始为 %2 生成 %1 编写器。 |
DataContract generate %1 writer for %2 start. |
0xB0001391 | DataContract 停止生成编写器。 |
DataContract generate writer stop. |
0xB0001392 | DataContract 开始为 %2 生成 %1 读取器。 |
DataContract generate %1 reader for %2 start. |
0xB0001393 | DataContract 生成停止。 |
DataContract generation stop. |
0xB0001394 | Json 开始为 %2 生成 %1 读取器。 |
Json generate %1 reader for %2 start. |
0xB0001395 | Json 读取器生成停止。 |
Json reader generation stop. |
0xB0001396 | Json 开始为 %2 生成 %1 编写器。 |
Json generate %1 writer for %2 start. |
0xB0001397 | Json 生成编写器停止。 |
Json generate writer stop. |
0xB0001398 | 开始为“%1”生成 Xml 可序列化内容。 |
Generate Xml serializable for '%1' start. |
0xB0001399 | 生成 Xml 可序列化内容停止。 |
Generate Xml serializable stop. |
0xB0001453 | JsonMessageEncoder 已开始解码消息。 |
JsonMessageEncoder started decoding the message. |
0xB0001454 | JsonMessageEncoder 已开始编码消息。 |
JsonMessageEncoder started encoding the message. |
0xB000151A | SecurityToken (类型为“%1”,ID 为“%2”)验证已开始。 |
SecurityToken (type '%1' and id '%2') validation started. |
0xB000151B | SecurityToken (类型为“%1”,ID 为“%2”)验证已成功。 |
SecurityToken (type '%1' and id '%2') validation succeeded. |
0xB000151C | SecurityToken (类型为“%1”,ID 为“%2”)验证已失败。%3 |
SecurityToken (type '%1' and id '%2') validation failed. %3 |
0xB000151D | 从 tokenId %2 检索颁发者名称 %1 已成功。 |
Retrieval of issuer name:%1 from tokenId:%2 succeeded. |
0xB000151E | 从 tokenId %1 检索颁发者名称已失败。 |
Retrieval of issuer name from tokenId:%1 failed. |
0xB00015E0 | 联合身份验证消息处理已开始。 |
Federation message processing started. |
0xB00015E1 | 联合身份验证消息处理已成功。 |
Federation message processing succeeded. |
0xB00015E2 | 从窗体发布创建联合身份验证消息已开始。 |
Creating federation message from form post started. |
0xB00015E3 | 从窗体发布创建联合身份验证消息已成功。 |
Creating federation message from form post succeeded. |
0xB00015E4 | 从会话 Cookie 读取会话令牌已开始。 |
Reading session token from session cookie started. |
0xB00015E5 | 从会话 Cookie 读取会话令牌已成功。 |
Reading session token from session cookie succeeded. |
0xB00015E6 | 基于会话令牌的主体设置已开始。 |
Principal setting from session token started. |
0xB00015E7 | 基于会话令牌的主体设置已成功。 |
Principal setting from session token succeeded. |
0xB0009A20 | 跟踪记录 %1 的大小超出了 ETW 会话对提供程序 %2 允许的最大值 |
Size of tracking record %1 exceeds maximum allowed by the ETW session for provider %2 |
0xB0009A21 | 跟踪记录 %1 已提升为 %2。 |
Tracking Record %1 raised to %2. |
0xB0009A22 | 用提供程序 %2 向 ETW 会话写入了截断的跟踪记录 %1。已移除了变量/批注/用户数据 |
Truncated tracking record %1 written to ETW session with provider %2. Variables/annotations/user data have been removed |
0xB0009A23 | 正在跟踪在活动 %2 中提取的数据 %1。 |
Tracking data %1 extracted in activity %2. |
0xB0009A24 | 所提取的参数/变量“%1”不可序列化。 |
The extracted argument/variable '%1' is not serializable. |
0xB000E031 | AppDomain 正在卸载。AppDomain.FriendlyName %1,ProcessName %2,ProcessId %3。 |
AppDomain unloading. AppDomain.FriendlyName %1, ProcessName %2, ProcessId %3. |
0xB000E032 | 正在处理异常。异常的详细信息: %1 |
Handling an exception. Exception details: %1 |
0xB000E033 | 发生了意外失败。应用程序不应尝试处理此错误。出于诊断目的,此英语消息与下列失败关联: %1。 |
An unexpected failure occurred. Applications should not attempt to handle this error. For diagnostic purposes, this English message is associated with the failure: %1. |
0xB000E034 | 正在引发异常。源: %1。异常的详细信息: %2 |
Throwing an exception. Source: %1. Exception details: %2 |
0xB000E035 | 未经处理的异常。异常的详细信息: %1 |
Unhandled exception. Exception details: %1 |
0xB000E036 | 系统达到了所设置的中止值“MaxConcurrentInstances”。将中止值设置为 %1。通过修改 serviceThrottle 元素中的特性“maxConcurrentInstances”或通过修改行为 ServiceThrottlingBehavior 中的“MaxConcurrentInstances”属性,可更改中止值。 |
The system hit the limit set for throttle 'MaxConcurrentInstances'. Limit for this throttle was set to %1. Throttle value can be changed by modifying attribute 'maxConcurrentInstances' in serviceThrottle element or by modifying 'MaxConcurrentInstances' property on behavior ServiceThrottlingBehavior. |
0xB000E037 | 已写入 EventLog。 |
Wrote to the EventLog. |
0xB000F376 | URL“%1”承载含有根元素类型“%2”的 XAML 文档。选取 HTTP 处理程序类型“%3”为对此 URL 做出的所有请求提供服务。 |
The url '%1' hosts XAML document with root element type '%2'. The HTTP handler type '%3' is picked to serve all the requests made to this url. |