nshwfp.dll.mui Windows Filtering Platform Netsh Helper f15e79935ea2cf72832cb69e68dfe160

File info

File name: nshwfp.dll.mui
Size: 62976 byte
MD5: f15e79935ea2cf72832cb69e68dfe160
SHA1: 2f5530bb9806d56c8394a1270577d93a7d25f492
SHA256: be6c6a8876cef6bd1f1c8eccf54ea604e0d79265b94bca9d20401a7c1880b9be
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Turkish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Turkish English
999Captures real-time diagnostic information.
Captures real-time diagnostic information.
1000Shows WFP configuration and state.
Shows WFP configuration and state.
1001Sets WFP diagnostic options.
Sets WFP diagnostic options.
1002Controlling the WFP-IPsec event trace session.
Controlling the WFP-IPsec event trace session.
1990Starts an interactive capture session.
Starts an interactive capture session.

Usage: capture start
[ [ cab = ] (ON | OFF) ]
[ [ traceonly = ] (ON | OFF) ]
[ [ keywords = ] (NONE | BCAST | MCAST | BCAST+MCAST) ]
[ [ file = ] ]


Tag Value
cab - Can be ON or OFF. The default is ON.
ON compiles the files in a single .cab file.
OFF leaves the output files uncompressed.
This is useful if doing your own troubleshooting,
rather than collecting data for others.

traceonly - Can be ON or OFF. The default is OFF.
ON collects only event tracing data,
which reduces the output file size.

keywords - Can be NONE, BCAST, MCAST, or BCAST+MCAST.
The default is BCAST+MCAST.
Sets the net event keywords used for the session.
BCAST includes broadcast events and MCAST includes
multicast events. To reduce the file size for long-
running captures, set to NONE.

file - Output file name. The default is 'wfpdiag.cab'.
If the cab option is ON, the file name should not
include the extension since the .cab is
automatically added to the output file.

Remarks: Starts an interactive capture session.
To stop capture, run 'capture stop'.

Usage: capture start
[ [ cab = ] (ON | OFF) ]
[ [ traceonly = ] (ON | OFF) ]
[ [ keywords = ] (NONE | BCAST | MCAST | BCAST+MCAST) ]
[ [ file = ] ]


Tag Value
cab - Can be ON or OFF. The default is ON.
ON compiles the files in a single .cab file.
OFF leaves the output files uncompressed.
This is useful if doing your own troubleshooting,
rather than collecting data for others.

traceonly - Can be ON or OFF. The default is OFF.
ON collects only event tracing data,
which reduces the output file size.

keywords - Can be NONE, BCAST, MCAST, or BCAST+MCAST.
The default is BCAST+MCAST.
Sets the net event keywords used for the session.
BCAST includes broadcast events and MCAST includes
multicast events. To reduce the file size for long-
running captures, set to NONE.

file - Output file name. The default is 'wfpdiag.cab'.
If the cab option is ON, the file name should not
include the extension since the .cab is
automatically added to the output file.

Remarks: Starts an interactive capture session.
To stop capture, run 'capture stop'.
1992Stops an interactive capture session.
Stops an interactive capture session.

Usage: capture stop

Remarks: Stops an interactive capture session.
Takes effect if previous command executed was 'capture start'.

Usage: capture stop

Remarks: Stops an interactive capture session.
Takes effect if previous command executed was 'capture start'.
2000Displays the current state of WFP and IPsec.
Displays the current state of WFP and IPsec.

Usage: show state [ [ file = ] | - ]


Tag Value
file - Output file name. The default is 'wfpstate.xml'.
If this parameter is set to the dash character,
'file = -', the output is written only to the console.

Remarks: Displays the current state of WFP and IPsec.

Usage: show state [ [ file = ] | - ]


Tag Value
file - Output file name. The default is 'wfpstate.xml'.
If this parameter is set to the dash character,
'file = -', the output is written only to the console.

Remarks: Displays the current state of WFP and IPsec.
2002Displays filters matching the specified traffic parameters.
Displays filters matching the specified traffic parameters.

Usage: show filters
[ [ file = ] | - ]
[ [ protocol = ] ]
[ [ localaddr = ] ]
[ [ remoteaddr = ] ]
[ [ localport = ] ]
[ [ remoteport = ] ]
[ [ appid = ] ]
[ [ userid = ] ]
[ [ dir = ] IN | OUT ]
[ [ verbose = ] ON | OFF ]


Tag Value
file - Output file name. The default is 'filters.xml'.
If this parameter is set to the dash character,
'file = -', the output is written only to the console.

protocol - The IP protocol. This must be an integer.

localaddr - The IP addresses. 'localaddr' is the local IP address,
remoteaddr and the 'remoteaddr' is the remote IP address.
The addresses are either IPv4 or IPv6.
If both local and remote addressses are specified,
they both must belong to the same address family.

localport - The ports. 'localport' is the local port
remoteport and 'remoteport' is the remote port.
They must be integers.

appid - The application sending or receiving the traffic
on the local host.
This either an NT path such as
or a DOS path such as
The supplied path must exist.

userid - The user sending or receiving the traffic
on the local host. The userid may be a SID
(such as 'S-1-5-18') or a user name (such as
'nt authority\system').

dir - The direction of the connection. By default, filters
for both inbound and outbound traffic are displayed.

Use IN to display only filters for inbound traffic
or OUT to display only filters for outbound traffic.

verbose - Determines whether to display all filters.
Can be ON or OFF. The default is OFF, which attempts
to suppress matching filters that are unlikely to
affect connectivity.
ON does not suppress any filters.

Remarks: Displays filters matching the specified traffic parameters.

Usage: show filters
[ [ file = ] | - ]
[ [ protocol = ] ]
[ [ localaddr = ] ]
[ [ remoteaddr = ] ]
[ [ localport = ] ]
[ [ remoteport = ] ]
[ [ appid = ] ]
[ [ userid = ] ]
[ [ dir = ] IN | OUT ]
[ [ verbose = ] ON | OFF ]


Tag Value
file - Output file name. The default is 'filters.xml'.
If this parameter is set to the dash character,
'file = -', the output is written only to the console.

protocol - The IP protocol. This must be an integer.

localaddr - The IP addresses. 'localaddr' is the local IP address,
remoteaddr and the 'remoteaddr' is the remote IP address.
The addresses are either IPv4 or IPv6.
If both local and remote addressses are specified,
they both must belong to the same address family.

localport - The ports. 'localport' is the local port
remoteport and 'remoteport' is the remote port.
They must be integers.

appid - The application sending or receiving the traffic
on the local host.
This either an NT path such as
or a DOS path such as
The supplied path must exist.

userid - The user sending or receiving the traffic
on the local host. The userid may be a SID
(such as 'S-1-5-18') or a user name (such as
'nt authority\system').

dir - The direction of the connection. By default, filters
for both inbound and outbound traffic are displayed.

Use IN to display only filters for inbound traffic
or OUT to display only filters for outbound traffic.

verbose - Determines whether to display all filters.
Can be ON or OFF. The default is OFF, which attempts
to suppress matching filters that are unlikely to
affect connectivity.
ON does not suppress any filters.

Remarks: Displays filters matching the specified traffic parameters.
2004Displays the boot-time policy and filters.
Displays the boot-time policy and filters.

Usage: show boottimepolicy [ [ file = ] | - ]


Tag Value
file - Output file name. The default is 'btpol.xml'.
If this parameter is set to the dash character,
'file = -', the output is written only to the console.

Remarks: Displays the boot-time policy and filters.

Usage: show boottimepolicy [ [ file = ] | - ]


Tag Value
file - Output file name. The default is 'btpol.xml'.
If this parameter is set to the dash character,
'file = -', the output is written only to the console.

Remarks: Displays the boot-time policy and filters.
2008Displays the global WFP options.
Displays the global WFP options.

Usage: show options [optionsfor = ] NETEVENTS | KEYWORDS | TXNWATCHDOG


Tag Value
optionsfor - Can be either NETEVENTS, KEYWORDS, or TXNWATCHDOG.
NETEVENTS shows whether network events are
buffered for diagnostics.
KEYWORDS shows which network events are
buffered for diagnostics.
TXNWATCHDOG shows the timeout in milliseconds for the
transaction watchdog event.

Remarks: Displays the current value set for the specified option.

Usage: show options [optionsfor = ] NETEVENTS | KEYWORDS | TXNWATCHDOG


Tag Value
optionsfor - Can be either NETEVENTS, KEYWORDS, or TXNWATCHDOG.
NETEVENTS shows whether network events are
buffered for diagnostics.
KEYWORDS shows which network events are
buffered for diagnostics.
TXNWATCHDOG shows the timeout in milliseconds for the
transaction watchdog event.

Remarks: Displays the current value set for the specified option.
2010Displays the application ID for the specified file.
Displays the application ID for the specified file.

Usage: show appid [ file = ]


Tag Value
file - Specifies the DOS path for the application.

Remarks: Displays the application NT path for the specified file.
The supplied path must exist.

Usage: show appid [ file = ]


Tag Value
file - Specifies the DOS path for the application.

Remarks: Displays the application NT path for the specified file.
The supplied path must exist.
2014Sets the global WFP options.
Sets the global WFP options.

Usage: set options
[ netevents = ON | OFF ]
[ [ keywords = ] NONE | BCAST | MCAST| BCAST+MCAST ]
[ [ txnwatchdog = ] ]


Tag Value
netevents - Can be either ON or OFF.
Sets the netevents option.

keywords - Can be NONE, BCAST, MCAST, or BCAST+MCAST.
Sets the keywords option. The default is NONE.

txnwatchdog - Sets the timeout in milliseconds for the transaction
watchdog event. This must be an integer. If no value
is specified, the timeout is set to zero, and an
event will be triggered for every transaction.

Remarks: Sets the global WFP options.
Only one option parameter can be set per execution.

Usage: set options
[ netevents = ON | OFF ]
[ [ keywords = ] NONE | BCAST | MCAST| BCAST+MCAST ]
[ [ txnwatchdog = ] ]


Tag Value
netevents - Can be either ON or OFF.
Sets the netevents option.

keywords - Can be NONE, BCAST, MCAST, or BCAST+MCAST.
Sets the keywords option. The default is NONE.

txnwatchdog - Sets the timeout in milliseconds for the transaction
watchdog event. This must be an integer. If no value
is specified, the timeout is set to zero, and an
event will be triggered for every transaction.

Remarks: Sets the global WFP options.
Only one option parameter can be set per execution.
2018Tells whether an interactive capture session is in progress.
Tells whether an interactive capture session is in progress.

Usage: capture status

Remarks: Tells whether an interactive capture session is in progress.

Usage: capture status

Remarks: Tells whether an interactive capture session is in progress.
2055Displays recent network events matching the traffic parameters.
Displays recent network events matching the traffic parameters.

Usage: show netevents
[ [ file = ] | - ]
[ [ protocol = ] ]
[ [ localaddr = ] ]
[ [ remoteaddr = ] ]
[ [ localport = ] ]
[ [ remoteport = ] ]
[ [ appid = ] ]
[ [ userid = ] ]
[ [ timewindow = ] ]


Tag Value
file - Output file name. The default is 'netevents.xml'.
If this parameter is set to the dash character,
'file = -', the output is written only to the console.

protocol - The IP protocol. This must be an integer.

localaddr - The IP addresses. 'localaddr' is the local IP address,
remoteaddr and 'remoteaddr' is the remote IP address.
The addresses are either IPv4 or IPv6.
If both local and remote addresses are specified,
they both must belong to the same address family.

localport - The ports. 'localport' is the local port,
and 'remoteport' is the remote port.
remoteport They must be integers.

appid - The application sending or receiving the traffic
on the local host.
This either an NT path such as
or a DOS path such as
The supplied path must exist.

userid - The user sending or receiving the traffic
on the local host. The userid may be a SID
(such as 'S-1-5-18') or
a user name (such as 'nt authority\system').

timewindow - Limits the output to network events that occurred
within a specified number of seconds.
This must be an integer.

Remarks: Displays recent network events matching the specified traffic parameters.

Usage: show netevents
[ [ file = ] | - ]
[ [ protocol = ] ]
[ [ localaddr = ] ]
[ [ remoteaddr = ] ]
[ [ localport = ] ]
[ [ remoteport = ] ]
[ [ appid = ] ]
[ [ userid = ] ]
[ [ timewindow = ] ]


Tag Value
file - Output file name. The default is 'netevents.xml'.
If this parameter is set to the dash character,
'file = -', the output is written only to the console.

protocol - The IP protocol. This must be an integer.

localaddr - The IP addresses. 'localaddr' is the local IP address,
remoteaddr and 'remoteaddr' is the remote IP address.
The addresses are either IPv4 or IPv6.
If both local and remote addresses are specified,
they both must belong to the same address family.

localport - The ports. 'localport' is the local port,
and 'remoteport' is the remote port.
remoteport They must be integers.

appid - The application sending or receiving the traffic
on the local host.
This either an NT path such as
or a DOS path such as
The supplied path must exist.

userid - The user sending or receiving the traffic
on the local host. The userid may be a SID
(such as 'S-1-5-18') or
a user name (such as 'nt authority\system').

timewindow - Limits the output to network events that occurred
within a specified number of seconds.
This must be an integer.

Remarks: Displays recent network events matching the specified traffic parameters.
2065Displays the specified security descriptor.
Displays the specified security descriptor.

Usage: show security
[ [ guid = ]


Tag Value
type - Specifies the object type to be retrieved.

guid - For object types that support per-object security
descriptors, this is the GUID of the object. If not
specified, it defaults to IID_NULL, which retrieves
the security descriptor of the type container.
The following types support per-object security descriptors:

Remarks: Displays the specified security descriptor.

Usage: show security
[ [ guid = ]


Tag Value
type - Specifies the object type to be retrieved.

guid - For object types that support per-object security
descriptors, this is the GUID of the object. If not
specified, it defaults to IID_NULL, which retrieves
the security descriptor of the type container.
The following types support per-object security descriptors:

Remarks: Displays the specified security descriptor.
2075Displays system ports used by the TCP/IP Stack and the RPC sub-system.
Displays system ports used by the TCP/IP Stack and the RPC sub-system.

Usage: show sysports [ [ file = ] | - ]

Tag Value
file - Output file name. The default is 'sysports.xml'.
If this parameter is set to the dash character,
'file = -', the output is written only to the console.

Remarks: Displays system ports used by the TCP/IP stack and the
RPC sub-system.

Usage: show sysports [ [ file = ] | - ]

Tag Value
file - Output file name. The default is 'sysports.xml'.
If this parameter is set to the dash character,
'file = -', the output is written only to the console.

Remarks: Displays system ports used by the TCP/IP stack and the
RPC sub-system.
3000Initializing data collection -- please wait.
Initializing data collection -- please wait.
3001Only event tracing will be collected.
Only event tracing will be collected.
3002Initialization complete. Reproduce the scenario, then run 'capture stop'.
Initialization complete. Reproduce the scenario, then run 'capture stop'.
3003Data collection successful; output = %1!s!
Data collection successful; output = %1!s!
3004Data collection successful; output =
Data collection successful; output =
3005Finalizing data collection -- please wait.
Finalizing data collection -- please wait.
3007At least one netevent was not captured during the ETW session.
At least one netevent was not captured during the ETW session.
4001Unable to connect to BFE; error = %1!s!
Unable to connect to BFE; error = %1!s!
4002Unable to start an ETW trace session; error=%1!s!
Unable to start an ETW trace session; error=%1!s!
4003Unable to open the XML file with Write access; error=%1!s!
Unable to open the XML file with Write access; error=%1!s!
4004Unable to subscribe to change notifications; error = %1!s!
Unable to subscribe to change notifications; error = %1!s!
4005Unable to write output to the XML file; error = %1!s!
Unable to write output to the XML file; error = %1!s!
4006Unable to collect run-time events; error = %1!s!
Unable to collect run-time events; error = %1!s!
4007Unable to format the trace file; error = %1!s!
Unable to format the trace file; error = %1!s!
4008Unable to create the cabinet file.
Unable to create the cabinet file.
4009Unable to load the XML document; error = %1!s!
Unable to load the XML document; error = %1!s!
4010Import file parsing terminated at line %1!u!, column %2!u!
Import file parsing terminated at line %1!u!, column %2!u!
4011Unexpected element '%1' at line %2!u!, column %3!u!
Unexpected element '%1' at line %2!u!, column %3!u!
4012Unexpected text in element '%1' at line %2!u!, column %3!u!.
Unexpected text in element '%1' at line %2!u!, column %3!u!.
4013Invalid text in element '%1' at line %2!u!, column %3!u!.
Invalid text in element '%1' at line %2!u!, column %3!u!.
4014Unable to read the boot-time policy; error = %1!s!
Unable to read the boot-time policy; error = %1!s!
4015Unable to enumerate the network events; error = %1!s!
Unable to enumerate the network events; error = %1!s!
4016Unable to open the data collector set; error = %1!s!
Unable to open the data collector set; error = %1!s!
4017Unable to add an object; error = %1!s!
Unable to add an object; error = %1!s!
4018Unable to delete an object; error = %1!s!
Unable to delete an object; error = %1!s!
4019The object is defined at line %1!u!, column %2!u!
The object is defined at line %1!u!, column %2!u!
4020Capture is already in progress.
Capture is already in progress.
4021No capture is in progress.
No capture is in progress.
4022The IKEEXT log file does not exist. Ensure that IKEEXT tracing is enabled.
The IKEEXT log file does not exist. Ensure that IKEEXT tracing is enabled.
4028Unable to query lost netevents from ETW.
Unable to query lost netevents from ETW.
5000Deletes all IPsec DoS Protection configuration.
Deletes all IPsec DoS Protection configuration.

Deletes all IPsec DoS Protection configuration.

Parameters: none


Deletes all IPsec DoS Protection configuration.

Parameters: none

5100Adds IPsec DoS Protection configuration.
Adds IPsec DoS Protection configuration.
5101Adds IPsec DoS Protection interface configuration.
Adds IPsec DoS Protection interface configuration.
add interface

Adds IPsec DoS Protection interface configuration.


Tag Value
name - Friendly name of the interface.

type - Interface type.
public: Interface faces public network.
internal: Interface faces internal network.


add interface "Local Area Connection" public
add interface name="Local Area Connection" type=public

add interface

Adds IPsec DoS Protection interface configuration.


Tag Value
name - Friendly name of the interface.

type - Interface type.
public: Interface faces public network.
internal: Interface faces internal network.


add interface "Local Area Connection" public
add interface name="Local Area Connection" type=public

5110Adds IPsec DoS Protection keying module configuration.
Adds IPsec DoS Protection keying module configuration.
add allowedkeyingmodule

Adds IPsec DoS Protection allowed keying module configuration.


Tag Value
name - Name of an IPsec keying module to allow.
ikev1: The IKEv1 keying module.
ikev2: The IKEv2 keying module.
authip: The AuthIP keying module.

internalprefix - Internal host IPv6 address or subnet for which the keying
module needs to be allowed (optional). If not specified, it
will be allowed for all internal IPv6 addresses.

Remarks: AuthIP is present in the list of allowed keying modules by default.


add allowedkeyingmodule ikev1
add allowedkeyingmodule name=ikev1
add allowedkeyingmodule ikev1 3ffe:401d:1f00:baa::1

add allowedkeyingmodule

Adds IPsec DoS Protection allowed keying module configuration.


Tag Value
name - Name of an IPsec keying module to allow.
ikev1: The IKEv1 keying module.
ikev2: The IKEv2 keying module.
authip: The AuthIP keying module.

internalprefix - Internal host IPv6 address or subnet for which the keying
module needs to be allowed (optional). If not specified, it
will be allowed for all internal IPv6 addresses.

Remarks: AuthIP is present in the list of allowed keying modules by default.


add allowedkeyingmodule ikev1
add allowedkeyingmodule name=ikev1
add allowedkeyingmodule ikev1 3ffe:401d:1f00:baa::1

5120Adds IPsec DoS Protection IPv6 filter configuration.
Adds IPsec DoS Protection IPv6 filter configuration.
add filter

Adds IPsec DoS Protection IPv6 filter configuration.


Tag Value
publicprefix - Public host IPv6 address or subnet (optional). If not specified,
the filter will match all public IPv6 addresses.

internalprefix - Internal host IPv6 address or subnet (optional). If not specified,
the filter will match all internal IPv6 addresses.

action - Action to take for any traffic that matches the filter.
exempt: Don't require matching traffic to be IPsec protected.
block: Block matching traffic.


add filter publicprefix=3ffe:401d:1f00::/64 action=block

add filter

Adds IPsec DoS Protection IPv6 filter configuration.


Tag Value
publicprefix - Public host IPv6 address or subnet (optional). If not specified,
the filter will match all public IPv6 addresses.

internalprefix - Internal host IPv6 address or subnet (optional). If not specified,
the filter will match all internal IPv6 addresses.

action - Action to take for any traffic that matches the filter.
exempt: Don't require matching traffic to be IPsec protected.
block: Block matching traffic.


add filter publicprefix=3ffe:401d:1f00::/64 action=block

5200Deletes IPsec DoS Protection configuration.
Deletes IPsec DoS Protection configuration.
5201Deletes IPsec DoS Protection interface configuration.
Deletes IPsec DoS Protection interface configuration.
delete interface [name=]

Deletes IPsec DoS Protection interface configuration.


Tag Value
name - Friendly name of the interface.


delete interface "Local Area Connection"
delete interface name="Local Area Connection"

delete interface [name=]

Deletes IPsec DoS Protection interface configuration.


Tag Value
name - Friendly name of the interface.


delete interface "Local Area Connection"
delete interface name="Local Area Connection"

5210Deletes IPsec DoS Protection allowed keying module configuration.
Deletes IPsec DoS Protection allowed keying module configuration.
delete allowedkeyingmodule

Deletes IPsec DoS Protection allowed keying module configuration.


Tag Value
name - Name of an IPsec keying module to disallow.
ikev1: The IKEv1 keying module.
ikev2: The IKEv2 keying module.
authip: The AuthIP keying module.

internalprefix - Internal host IPv6 address or subnet for which the keying
module should be disallowed (optional). If not specified, it
will be disallowed for all internal IPv6 addresses.


delete allowedkeyingmodule ikev1
delete allowedkeyingmodule name=ikev1
delete allowedkeyingmodule ikev1 3ffe:401d:1f00:baa::1

delete allowedkeyingmodule

Deletes IPsec DoS Protection allowed keying module configuration.


Tag Value
name - Name of an IPsec keying module to disallow.
ikev1: The IKEv1 keying module.
ikev2: The IKEv2 keying module.
authip: The AuthIP keying module.

internalprefix - Internal host IPv6 address or subnet for which the keying
module should be disallowed (optional). If not specified, it
will be disallowed for all internal IPv6 addresses.


delete allowedkeyingmodule ikev1
delete allowedkeyingmodule name=ikev1
delete allowedkeyingmodule ikev1 3ffe:401d:1f00:baa::1

5220Deletes IPsec DoS Protection IPv6 filter configuration.
Deletes IPsec DoS Protection IPv6 filter configuration.
delete filter

Deletes IPsec DoS Protection IPv6 filter configuration.


Tag Value
publicprefix - Public host IPv6 address or subnet (optional). This must be
same as the publicprefix specified with the corresponding
add command.

internalprefix - Internal host IPv6 address or subnet (optional). This must be
same as the internalprefix specified with the corresponding
add command.


delete filter 3ffe:401d:1f00::/64
delete filter publicprefix=3ffe:401d:1f00::/64

delete filter

Deletes IPsec DoS Protection IPv6 filter configuration.


Tag Value
publicprefix - Public host IPv6 address or subnet (optional). This must be
same as the publicprefix specified with the corresponding
add command.

internalprefix - Internal host IPv6 address or subnet (optional). This must be
same as the internalprefix specified with the corresponding
add command.


delete filter 3ffe:401d:1f00::/64
delete filter publicprefix=3ffe:401d:1f00::/64

5300Sets IPsec DoS Protection information.
Sets IPsec DoS Protection information.
5301Sets IPsec DoS Protection DSCP marking configuration.
Sets IPsec DoS Protection DSCP marking configuration.
set dscp

Sets IPsec DoS Protection DSCP marking configuration.


Tag Value
type - Type of inbound traffic for which the DSCP marking is being specified.
ipsecauthenticated: Authenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
ipsecunauthenticated: Unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
icmpv6: ICMPv6 traffic.
filtered: Filter exempted IPv6 traffic.
default: Default-block exempted traffic.

value - DCSP value to mark in the top 6 bits of the traffic class or TOS
field in the IP header of corresponding traffic.
: Must be

set dscp

Sets IPsec DoS Protection DSCP marking configuration.


Tag Value
type - Type of inbound traffic for which the DSCP marking is being specified.
ipsecauthenticated: Authenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
ipsecunauthenticated: Unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
icmpv6: ICMPv6 traffic.
filtered: Filter exempted IPv6 traffic.
default: Default-block exempted traffic.

value - DCSP value to mark in the top 6 bits of the traffic class or TOS
field in the IP header of corresponding traffic.
: Must be
5310Sets IPsec DoS Protection miscellaneous configuration.
Sets IPsec DoS Protection miscellaneous configuration.
set miscellaneous

Sets IPsec DoS Protection miscellaneous configuration.


Tag Value
stateidletimeout - State inactivity timeout in seconds (optional).
: Must be 0 and : Must be 0 and : Must be 0 and : Must be 0 and

set miscellaneous

Sets IPsec DoS Protection miscellaneous configuration.


Tag Value
stateidletimeout - State inactivity timeout in seconds (optional).
: Must be 0 and : Must be 0 and : Must be 0 and : Must be 0 and
5320Sets IPsec DoS Protection rate limit configuration.
Sets IPsec DoS Protection rate limit configuration.
set ratelimit

Sets IPsec DoS Protection rate limit configuration.


Tag Value
type - Type of inbound traffic for which the rate limit is being specified.
ipsecauthenticated: Authenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
Rate limit disabled by default.
ipsecunauthenticated: Unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
Default rate limit is 102400 bytes/sec.
ipsecunauthenticatedperip: Per internal IP address rate limit for
unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
Default rate limit is 10240 bytes/sec.
icmpv6: ICMPv6 traffic. Default rate limit for
this traffic type is 10240 bytes/sec.
filtered: Filter exempted IPv6 traffic.
Default rate limit is 102400 bytes/sec.
default: Default-block exempted traffic.
Default rate limit is 102400 bytes/sec.

value - Value of the rate limit in bytes/sec.
: Must be 0 and

set ratelimit

Sets IPsec DoS Protection rate limit configuration.


Tag Value
type - Type of inbound traffic for which the rate limit is being specified.
ipsecauthenticated: Authenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
Rate limit disabled by default.
ipsecunauthenticated: Unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
Default rate limit is 102400 bytes/sec.
ipsecunauthenticatedperip: Per internal IP address rate limit for
unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
Default rate limit is 10240 bytes/sec.
icmpv6: ICMPv6 traffic. Default rate limit for
this traffic type is 10240 bytes/sec.
filtered: Filter exempted IPv6 traffic.
Default rate limit is 102400 bytes/sec.
default: Default-block exempted traffic.
Default rate limit is 102400 bytes/sec.

value - Value of the rate limit in bytes/sec.
: Must be 0 and
5400Displays IPsec DoS Protection information.
Displays IPsec DoS Protection information.
5401Displays IPsec DoS Protection interface configuration.
Displays IPsec DoS Protection interface configuration.
show interface

Displays IPsec DoS Protection interface configuration.


Tag Value
type - Interface type (optional).
public: Show interfaces facing public network.
internal: Show interfaces facing internal network.


show interface
show interface public
show interface type=public

show interface

Displays IPsec DoS Protection interface configuration.


Tag Value
type - Interface type (optional).
public: Show interfaces facing public network.
internal: Show interfaces facing internal network.


show interface
show interface public
show interface type=public

5403Public interfaces: Public interfaces:
5404Internal interfaces: Internal interfaces:
5410Displays IPsec DoS Protection keying module configuration.
Displays IPsec DoS Protection keying module configuration.
show allowedkeyingmodule

Displays IPsec DoS Protection allowed keying module configuration.

Parameters: none

show allowedkeyingmodule

Displays IPsec DoS Protection allowed keying module configuration.

Parameters: none

5412Allowed keying modules (internalprefix - keying module list):
Allowed keying modules (internalprefix - keying module list):
5420Displays IPsec DoS Protection DSCP marking configuration.
Displays IPsec DoS Protection DSCP marking configuration.
show dscp

Displays IPsec DoS Protection DSCP marking configuration.


Tag Value
type - Type of inbound traffic for which the DSCP marking should be displayed
(optional). If not specified, all types will be displayed.
ipsecauthenticated: Authenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
ipsecunauthenticated: Unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
icmpv6: ICMPv6 traffic.
filtered: Filter exempted IPv6 traffic.
default: Default-block exempted traffic.


show dscp
show dscp ipsecunauthenticated
show dscp type=ipsecunauthenticated

show dscp

Displays IPsec DoS Protection DSCP marking configuration.


Tag Value
type - Type of inbound traffic for which the DSCP marking should be displayed
(optional). If not specified, all types will be displayed.
ipsecauthenticated: Authenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
ipsecunauthenticated: Unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
icmpv6: ICMPv6 traffic.
filtered: Filter exempted IPv6 traffic.
default: Default-block exempted traffic.


show dscp
show dscp ipsecunauthenticated
show dscp type=ipsecunauthenticated

5422Authenticated IPv6 IPsec dscp: %1!s!
Authenticated IPv6 IPsec dscp: %1!s!
5423Unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec dscp: %1!s!
Unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec dscp: %1!s!
5424ICMPv6 dscp: %1!s!
ICMPv6 dscp: %1!s!
5425IPv6 filter exempted dscp: %1!s!
IPv6 filter exempted dscp: %1!s!
5426Default-block exempted dscp: %1!s!
Default-block exempted dscp: %1!s!
5430Displays IPsec DoS Protection miscellaneous configuration.
Displays IPsec DoS Protection miscellaneous configuration.
show miscellaneous

Displays IPsec DoS Protection miscellaneous configuration.

Parameters: none

show miscellaneous

Displays IPsec DoS Protection miscellaneous configuration.

Parameters: none

5432State idle timeout (seconds): %1!u!
State idle timeout (seconds): %1!u!
5433Per IP address rate limit queue idle timeout (seconds): %1!u!
Per IP address rate limit queue idle timeout (seconds): %1!u!
5434Maximum number of state entries: %1!u!
Maximum number of state entries: %1!u!
5435Maximum number of per IP address rate limit queues: %1!u!
Maximum number of per IP address rate limit queues: %1!u!
5436Default block: %1!s!
Default block: %1!s!
5440Displays IPsec DoS Protection rate limit configuration.
Displays IPsec DoS Protection rate limit configuration.
show ratelimit

Displays IPsec DoS Protection rate limit configuration.


Tag Value
type - Type of traffic for which the rate limit should be displayed (optional).
If not specified, all types will be displayed.
ipsecauthenticated: Authenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
ipsecunauthenticated: Unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
ipsecunauthenticatedperip: Per internal IP address rate limit for
unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
icmpv6: ICMPv6 traffic.
filtered: Filter exempted IPv6 traffic.
default: Default-block exempted traffic.


show ratelimit
show ratelimit ipsecunauthenticated
show ratelimit type=ipsecunauthenticated

show ratelimit

Displays IPsec DoS Protection rate limit configuration.


Tag Value
type - Type of traffic for which the rate limit should be displayed (optional).
If not specified, all types will be displayed.
ipsecauthenticated: Authenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
ipsecunauthenticated: Unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
ipsecunauthenticatedperip: Per internal IP address rate limit for
unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec traffic.
icmpv6: ICMPv6 traffic.
filtered: Filter exempted IPv6 traffic.
default: Default-block exempted traffic.


show ratelimit
show ratelimit ipsecunauthenticated
show ratelimit type=ipsecunauthenticated

5442Authenticated IPv6 IPsec rate limit (bytes/sec): %1!s!
Authenticated IPv6 IPsec rate limit (bytes/sec): %1!s!
5443Unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec rate limit (bytes/sec): %1!s!
Unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec rate limit (bytes/sec): %1!s!
5444Unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec per IP address rate limit (bytes/sec): %1!s!
Unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec per IP address rate limit (bytes/sec): %1!s!
5445ICMPv6 rate limit (bytes/sec): %1!s!
ICMPv6 rate limit (bytes/sec): %1!s!
5446IPv6 filter exempted rate limit (bytes/sec): %1!s!
IPv6 filter exempted rate limit (bytes/sec): %1!s!
5447Default-block exempted rate limit (bytes/sec): %1!s!
Default-block exempted rate limit (bytes/sec): %1!s!
5450Displays IPsec DoS Protection state entries.
Displays IPsec DoS Protection state entries.
show state

Displays all state entries inside IPsec DoS Protection that match specified criteria.


Tag Value
publicprefix - Public host IPv6 address or subnet (optional). If not
specified, all public IPv6 addresses will be matched.

internalprefix - Internal host IPv6 address or subnet (optional). If not
specified, all internal IPv6 addresses will be matched.

Show state
Show state publicprefix=3ffe::/16
Show state internalprefix=3ffe:401d:1f00:baa::1

show state

Displays all state entries inside IPsec DoS Protection that match specified criteria.


Tag Value
publicprefix - Public host IPv6 address or subnet (optional). If not
specified, all public IPv6 addresses will be matched.

internalprefix - Internal host IPv6 address or subnet (optional). If not
specified, all internal IPv6 addresses will be matched.

Show state
Show state publicprefix=3ffe::/16
Show state internalprefix=3ffe:401d:1f00:baa::1

IPsec DoS Protection state entries (There are %1!u! entries)

IPsec DoS Protection state entries (There are %1!u! entries)
5453Public host IPv6 address: %1!s!
Public host IPv6 address: %1!s!
5454Internal host IPv6 address: %1!s!
Internal host IPv6 address: %1!s!
5455Total inbound IPv6 IPsec packets allowed on this state: %1!I64u!
Total inbound IPv6 IPsec packets allowed on this state: %1!I64u!
5456Total outbound IPv6 IPsec packets allowed on this state: %1!I64u!
Total outbound IPv6 IPsec packets allowed on this state: %1!I64u!
5457Time elapsed since state creation (seconds): %1!u!
Time elapsed since state creation (seconds): %1!u!
5460Displays IPsec DoS Protection statistics.
Displays IPsec DoS Protection statistics.
show statistics

Displays IPsec DoS Protection statistics.

Parameters: none

show statistics

Displays IPsec DoS Protection statistics.

Parameters: none

5462Total state entries created: %1!I64u!
Total state entries created: %1!I64u!
5463Current state entries: %1!I64u!
Current state entries: %1!I64u!
5464Current per IP address rate limit queues: %1!I64u!
Current per IP address rate limit queues: %1!I64u!
5465Total inbound allowed unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec packets: %1!I64u!
Total inbound allowed unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec packets: %1!I64u!
5466Total inbound unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec packets discarded due to rate limit: %1!I64u!
Total inbound unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec packets discarded due to rate limit: %1!I64u!
5467Total inbound unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec packets discarded due to per IP address rate limit: %1!I64u!
Total inbound unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec packets discarded due to per IP address rate limit: %1!I64u!
5468Total inbound unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec packets discarded due to other reasons: %1!I64u!
Total inbound unauthenticated IPv6 IPsec packets discarded due to other reasons: %1!I64u!
5469Total inbound allowed authenticated IPv6 IPsec packets: %1!I64u!
Total inbound allowed authenticated IPv6 IPsec packets: %1!I64u!
5470Total inbound authenticated IPv6 IPsec packets discarded due to rate limit: %1!I64u!
Total inbound authenticated IPv6 IPsec packets discarded due to rate limit: %1!I64u!
5471Total inbound authenticated IPv6 IPsec packets discarded due to other reasons: %1!I64u!
Total inbound authenticated IPv6 IPsec packets discarded due to other reasons: %1!I64u!
5472Total inbound allowed ICMPv6 packets: %1!I64u!
Total inbound allowed ICMPv6 packets: %1!I64u!
5473Total inbound ICMPv6 packets discarded due to rate limit: %1!I64u!
Total inbound ICMPv6 packets discarded due to rate limit: %1!I64u!
5474Total inbound allowed filter exempted IPv6 packets: %1!I64u!
Total inbound allowed filter exempted IPv6 packets: %1!I64u!
5475Total inbound filter exempted IPv6 packets discarded due to rate limit: %1!I64u!
Total inbound filter exempted IPv6 packets discarded due to rate limit: %1!I64u!
5476Total inbound filter blocked IPv6 packets: %1!I64u!
Total inbound filter blocked IPv6 packets: %1!I64u!
5477Total inbound allowed default-block exempted packets: %1!I64u!
Total inbound allowed default-block exempted packets: %1!I64u!
5478Total inbound default-block exempted packets discarded due to rate limit: %1!I64u!
Total inbound default-block exempted packets discarded due to rate limit: %1!I64u!
5479Total inbound default-block discarded packets: %1!I64u!
Total inbound default-block discarded packets: %1!I64u!
5480Displays IPsec DoS Protection IPv6 filter configuration.
Displays IPsec DoS Protection IPv6 filter configuration.
show filter

Displays IPsec DoS Protection IPv6 filter configuration.

Parameters: none

show filter

Displays IPsec DoS Protection IPv6 filter configuration.

Parameters: none

5482IPv6 filters (publicprefix internalprefix - action): IPv6 filters (publicprefix internalprefix - action):
5490Displays IPsec DoS Protection configuration, statistics and state entries.
Displays IPsec DoS Protection configuration, statistics and state entries.
show all

Displays IPsec DoS Protection configuration, statistics and state entries.

Parameters: none

show all

Displays IPsec DoS Protection configuration, statistics and state entries.

Parameters: none

IPsec DoS Protection configuration parameters

IPsec DoS Protection configuration parameters
IPsec DoS Protection statistics

IPsec DoS Protection statistics


File Name:nshwfp.dll.mui
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows Filtering Platform Netsh Helper
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:nshwfp.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:nshwfp.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is nshwfp.dll.mui?

nshwfp.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Turkish language for file nshwfp.dll (Windows Filtering Platform Netsh Helper).

File version info

File Description:Windows Filtering Platform Netsh Helper
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:nshwfp.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:nshwfp.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x41F, 1200