mspaint.exe Paint eee35dd9ddcd6985b5fc3e6b5bc1acd0

File info

File name: mspaint.exe.mui
Size: 54784 byte
MD5: eee35dd9ddcd6985b5fc3e6b5bc1acd0
SHA1: 6c05a0678cf8bfc9113444f3a6e7d233746fbf57
SHA256: f92f9e5381b970f42dc9fb767022e02150cf22e2abbf6ae9374b85e02748413e
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: mspaint.exe Paint (32-bit)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Bosnian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Bosnian (Latin) English
Bez naslova
Bitmap slika
Bitmap fajla(*.bmp;*.dib)
Bitmap slika
Bitmap Image
Bitmap Files (*.bmp;*.dib)
Bitmap Image
6.bmp .bmp
13Jednobojna bitmapa (*.bmp;*.dib) Monochrome Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
1416 - boja bitmapa (*.bmp;*.dib) 16 Color Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
15256 - boja bitmapa (*.bmp;*.dib) 256 Color Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
1624-bitna bitmapa (*.bmp;*.dib) 24-bit Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
19Svi fajlovi All Files
28.dib .dib
29.rle .rle
30OLE 2.0 was unable to start.
Make sure that you are using the correct version of the OLE libraries.
OLE 2.0 was unable to start.
Make sure that you are using the correct version of the OLE libraries.
33Svi slikovni fajlovi All Picture Files
110Places the text. Places the text.
601Selects a rectangular part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.
Selects a rectangular part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.
602Selects a free-form part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.
Free-form select
Selects a free-form part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.
Free-form select
603Inserts text into the picture.
Inserts text into the picture.
604Fills an area with the current drawing color.
Fill with color
Fills an area with the current drawing color.
Fill with color
605Changes the magnification.
Changes the magnification.
606Picks up a color from the picture for drawing.
Pick color
Picks up a color from the picture for drawing.
Pick color
607Erases a portion of the picture, using the selected eraser shape.
Erases a portion of the picture, using the selected eraser shape.
608Draws a free-form line one pixel wide.
Draws a free-form line one pixel wide.
651Crta korištenjem četkice izabranog oblika i veličine.
Draws using a brush with the selected shape and size.
652Crta korištenjem kaligrafske četkice nagiba 45 stepeni sa izabranim oblikom i veličinom.
Kaligrafska četkica 1
Draws using a 45 degree calligraphy brush of the selected shape and size.
Calligraphy brush 1
653Crta korištenjem kaligrafske četkice nagiba 135 stepeni sa izabranim oblikom i veličinom.
Kaligrafska četkica 2
Draws using a 135 degree calligraphy brush of the selected shape and size.
Calligraphy brush 2
654Crta koristeći zračnu četkicu odabrane veličine.
Zračna četkica
Draws using an airbrush of the selected size.
655Crta koristeći uljanu četkicu.
Uljana četkica
Draws using the oil brush.
Oil brush
656Crta koristeći masnu bojicu.
Masna bojica
Draws using a crayon brush.
657Crta koristeći marker.
Draws using a marker.
658Crta koristeći običnu olovku u odabranoj veličini.
Obična olovka
Draws using the natural pencil in the size chosen.
Natural pencil
659Crta koristeći četkicu za vodene boje.
Četkica za vodene boje
Draws using the watercolor brush.
Watercolor brush
701Crta pravu liniju odabrane širine.
Draws a straight line with the selected line width.
702Crta krivu liniju odabrane širine.
Kriva linija
Draws a curved line with the selected line width.
703Crta oval sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Draws an oval with the selected fill style.
704Crta pravougaonik sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Draws a rectangle with the selected fill style.
705Crta zaobljeni pravougaonik sa odabranim stilom punjenja.
Zaobljeni pravougaonik
Draws a rounded rectangle with the selected fill style.
Rounded rectangle
706Crta mnogougao sa odabranim stilom punjenja.
Draws a polygon with the selected fill style.
707Crta trougao sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Draws a triangle with the selected fill style.
708Crta pravougli trougao sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Pravougli trougao
Draws a right triangle with the selected fill style.
Right triangle
709Crta romb sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Draws a diamond with the selected fill style.
710Crta petougao sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Draws a pentagon with the selected fill style.
711Crta šestougao sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Draws a hexagon with the selected fill style.
712Crta strelicu nadesno sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Strelica nadesno
Draws a right arrow with the selected fill style.
Right arrow
713Crta strelicu za lijevo sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Strelica za lijevo
Draws a left arrow with the selected fill style.
Left arrow
714Crta strelicu nagore sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Strelica nagore
Draws an up arrow with the selected fill style.
Up arrow
715Crta strelicu nadole sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Strelica nadole
Draws a down arrow with the selected fill style.
Down arrow
716Crta zvijezdu četvorokraku sa izabranim punjenjem.
Zvijezda četverokraka
Draws a four-point star with the selected fill style.
Four-point star
717Crta zvijezdu petorokraku sa izabranim punjenjem.
Zvijezda petokraka
Draws a five-point star with the selected fill style.
Five-point star
718Crta zvijezdu šestokraku sa izabranim punjenjem.
Zvijezda šestokraka
Draws a six-point star with the selected fill style.
Six-point star
719Crta pravougaoni oblačić zaobljenih uglova sa odabranim stilom punjenja.
Pravougaoni oblačić zaobljenih uglova
Draws a rounded rectangular callout with the selected fill style.
Rounded rectangular callout
720Crta ovalni oblačić sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Ovalni oblačić
Draws an oval-shaped callout with the selected fill style.
Oval callout
721Crta oblačić sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Draws a cloud-shaped callout with the selected fill style.
Cloud callout
722Crta srce sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Draws a heart with the selected fill style.
723Crta munju sa izabranim stilom punjenja.
Draws a lightning with the selected fill style.
1000Skraćivanje teksta jer nema dovoljno prostora da se zalijepi cijeli tekst. Truncating the text since there is not enough room to paste entire text.
2051Paint cannot open this file. Paint cannot open this file.
2052Program Paint ne može pročitati ovaj fajl. Paint cannot read this file.
2054This file is read-only.
To save your changes, use a different file name.
This file is read-only.
To save your changes, use a different file name.
2056This file is already open. This file is already open.
2064This is not a valid .PCS file. This is not a valid .PCS file.
2067This file is open for editing and cannot be overwritten.
Use a different file name to save your changes.
This file is open for editing and cannot be overwritten.
Use a different file name to save your changes.
2083Ovo nije važeći bitmap fajl, ili njegov format trenutno nije podržan. This is not a valid bitmap file, or its format is not currently supported.
2084This is not a valid icon. This is not a valid icon.
2085This is not a valid cursor. This is not a valid cursor.
2090Spremanje je prekinuto, tako da vaš fajl nije sačuvan. Save was interrupted, so your file has not been saved.
2092You cannot save to a read-only file.
Use a different file name.
You cannot save to a read-only file.
Use a different file name.
2096This file is already in use.
Close the program, and then try again.
This file is already in use.
Close the program, and then try again.
2110Program Paint ne može sačuvati ovaj fajl. Paint cannot save this file.
2152Paint cannot save to the same file name with a different file type.
Use a different filename to save your changes.
Paint cannot save to the same file name with a different file type.
Use a different filename to save your changes.
2240Nema dovoljno memorije ili sredstava da se operacija završi.
Zatvorite neke programe, a onda pokušajte ponovo.
There is not enough memory or resources to complete operation.
Close some programs, and then try again.
2241Low on memory or resources.
Close some programs, and then try again.
Low on memory or resources.
Close some programs, and then try again.
2247Group error. Group error.
2248Paint was unable to print your document. Please make sure you have sufficient disk space and that your printer is working correctly. Paint was unable to print your document. Please make sure you have sufficient disk space and that your printer is working correctly.
2297Spremanje u ovaj format može dovesti do gubitka informacija o bojama.
Želite li nastaviti?
The color quality might be reduced if you save the picture in this format.
Do you want to continue?
2298Pretvaranje u crno-bijelo se ne može poništiti. Ova radnja utiče na trenutni fajl i može dovesti do gubitka informacija o bojama.
Želite li nastaviti?
Converting to black and white cannot be undone. This action affects the current file and may cause some loss of color information.
Do you want to continue?
2299Bitmape moraju biti veće od jednog piksela na strani. Bitmaps must be greater than one pixel on a side.
2300CFileException CFileException
2301Generic error. Generic error.
2302File not found. File not found.
2303Bad path. Bad path.
2304Too many open files. Too many open files.
2305Pristup odbijen. Access denied.
2306Invalid file. Invalid file.
2307Remove current folder. Remove current folder.
2308Folder full. Folder full.
2309Bad seek. Bad seek.
2310Hard IO error. Hard IO error.
2311Sharing violation. Sharing violation.
2312Lock violation. Lock violation.
2313Disk full. Disk full.
2314End of file. End of file.
2315Ako postoji providnost u ovoj slici, biti će izgubljena ako sačuvate sliku. Da li želite nastaviti? Any transparency will be lost if you save this picture. Do you want to continue?
2350The specified printer is invalid.
Please choose a valid printer.
The specified printer is invalid.
Please choose a valid printer.
2445Informacije u međuspremniku ne mogu se umetnuti u Paint. The information on the Clipboard can't be inserted into Paint.
2447Unable to communicate with the device. Verify the device is properly connected and try again. Unable to communicate with the device. Verify the device is properly connected and try again.
2448Računar ne može preuzeti sliku s uređaja. Potvrdite da je uređaj ispravno povezan i pokušajte ponovo. Unable to retrieve picture from device. Verify the device is properly connected and try again.
2449Downloading picture Downloading picture
2450Reading data from the device (%1!ld!%% complete) Reading data from the device (%1!ld!%% complete)
2451Processing data (%1!ld!%% complete) Processing data (%1!ld!%% complete)
2452Prijenos podataka (%1!ld!%% završeno) Transferring data (%1!ld!%% complete)
35503551 3551
6868Čini trenutni odabir ili neprozirnim ili prozirnim. Makes the current selection either opaque or transparent.
6869Kreira novu boju. Creates a new color.
6870Uses a previously saved palette of colors. Uses a previously saved palette of colors.
6871Saves the current palette of colors to a file. Saves the current palette of colors to a file.
6872Otvori Bojenje 3D Open Paint 3D
7057Prvo morate sačuvati fajl prije nego ga odaberete kao pozadin. You must save the file before choosing it as desktop background.
20000Paint Paint
20001Nedavno korištene slike Recent pictures
20002&Novo &New
20003&Otvori &Open
20004Sni&mi &Save
20005&Snimi kao Sa&ve as
20006Snimi &kao Save &as
20007Snimi kao Save as
20008PNG &slika &PNG picture
20009&JPEG slika &JPEG picture
20010&BMP slika &BMP picture
20011GIF sli&ka &GIF picture
20012&Drugi formati &Other formats
20013Š&tampaj P&rint
20014Št&anje &Print
20015Štampaj Print
20016Podeša&vanje stranice Page &setup
20017&Pregled prije štampe Print pre&view
20018Sa sk&enera ili fotoaparata Fro&m scanner or camera
20019Pošalji &u e-pošti Sen&d in email
20020Postavite kao poza&dinu radne površine Set as desktop bac&kground
20021Postavite kao po&zadinu radne površine Set as desktop &background
20022Postavite kao pozadinu radne površine Set as desktop background
20023&Složi &Tile
20024&Centar &Center
20025&Ispuniti &Fill
20026S&vojstva Prop&erties
20027O &Paint Abou&t Paint
20028&Izađi E&xit
20029&Ažuriraj dokument &Update document
20030Snimi kopiju kao Save copy as
20031&Snimi kopiju kao Save copy &as
20032&Izađi i vrati se u dokument E&xit and return to document
21000Početak Home
21100Međuspremnik Clipboard
21101&Paste &Paste
21102&Zalijepi &Paste
21103Zalijepi &iz Paste &from
21104&Izreži Cu&t
21105&Kopiraj &Copy
21200Slika Image
21201Select Select
21202Odaberi Select
21203&Pravougaoni odabir &Rectangular selection
21204&Slobodni odabir &Free-form selection
21205Odaberi s&ve Select &all
21206Pr&eokreni odabrano &Invert selection
21207Iz&briši &Delete
21208Pr&ovidan odabir &Transparent selection
21209Oblici odabira Selection shapes
21210Opcije odabira Selection options
21211Izv&adi C&rop
21212&Promijeni veličinu Re&size
21213&Rotiraj R&otate
21214Rotiraj &desno 90° Rotate &right 90°
21215Rotir&aj lijevo 90° Rotate &left 90°
21216&Rotiraj 180° Ro&tate 180°
21217&Okreni vertikalno Flip &vertical
21218O&kreni horizontalno Flip &horizontal
21300Alatke Tools
21301Olovka Pencil
21302Ispuni bojom Fill with color
21303Tekst Text
21304Gumica Eraser
21305Alat za izbor boje Color picker
21306Povećalo Magnifier
21401Četkice Brushes
21500Oblici Shapes
21502&Konture Out&line
21601Veličina Size
21700Boje Colors
21702Boja 1 Color 1
21703Boja 2 Color 2
21704Uredi boje Edit colors
22000Prikaži View
22100Zumiraj Zoom
22101Uvećaj Zoom in
22102Umanji Zoom out
22103100% 100%
22200Prikaži ili sakrij Show or hide
22201Linijari Rulers
22202Rešetka Gridlines
22203Traka stanja Status bar
22300Prikaz Display
22303Sličica Thumbnail
22304Cijeli ekran Full screen
23000Alati za tekst Text Tools
23100Font Font
23200Pozadina Background
23201Neprovidno Opaque
23202Providno Transparent
24000Pregled prije štampe Print Preview
24203Jedna stranica One page
24204Dvije stranice Two pages
24300Pregled Preview
24301Sljedeća stranica Next page
24302Prethodna stranica Previous page
24401Zatvori pregled prije štampanja Close print preview
31001Opozovi radnju Undo
31002Uradi ponovno Redo
32012&Obrni boje Inv&ert color
33000Pomoć Help
36001Nova (Ctrl+N) New (Ctrl+N)
36002Otvori (Ctrl+O) Open (Ctrl+O)
36003Snimi (Ctrl+S) Save (Ctrl+S)
36004Štampaj (Ctrl+P) Print (Ctrl+P)
36006E-pošta Email
36007Poništi (Ctrl+Z) Undo (Ctrl+Z)
36008Uradi ponovno (Ctrl+Y) Redo (Ctrl+Y)
36011Sačuvaj kao (F12) Save as (F12)
36012Sa skenera ili fotoaparata From scanner or camera
36013Desktop background Desktop background
36014Pozadina radne površine Desktop background
36015Svojstva (Ctrl+E) Properties (Ctrl+E)
36019Save copy as Save copy as
36021Paste (Ctrl+V) Paste (Ctrl+V)
36022Zalijepi (Ctrl+V) Paste (Ctrl+V)
36023Zalijepi iz Paste from
36024Izreži (Ctrl+X) Cut (Ctrl+X)
36025Kopiraj (Ctrl+C) Copy (Ctrl+C)
36026Selection Selection
36027Odabir Selection
36028Rectangular selection Rectangular selection
36029Slobodni odabir Free-form selection
36030Odaberi sve (Ctrl+A) Select all (Ctrl+A)
36031Invert selection Invert selection
36032Izbriši odabrano Delete selection
36033Providan odabir Transparent selection
36034Isijeci (Ctrl+Shift+X) Crop (Ctrl+Shift+X)
36035Promjena veličine i zakošenje (Ctrl+W) Resize and skew (Ctrl+W)
36036Rotiraj ili okreni Rotate or flip
36037Rotiraj desno 90° Rotate right 90°
36038Rotiraj lijevo 90° Rotate left 90°
36039Rotiraj 180° Rotate 180°
36040Okreni vertikalno Flip vertical
36041Okreni horizontalno Flip horizontal
36050Konture oblika Shape outline
36051Punjenje oblika Shape fill
36056Veličina (Ctrl++, Ctrl+-) Size (Ctrl++, Ctrl+-)
36057Boja 1 (boja) Color 1 (foreground color)
36058Boja 2 (boja pozadine) Color 2 (background color)
36060Približi (Ctrl+PgUp) Zoom in (Ctrl+PgUp)
36061Udalji (Ctrl+PgDn) Zoom out (Ctrl+PgDn)
36063Linijari (Ctrl+R) Rulers (Ctrl+R)
36064Rešetka (Ctrl+G) Gridlines (Ctrl+G)
36066Cijeli ekran (F11) Full screen (F11)
36067Neprovidna pozadina Opaque background
36068Providna pozadina Transparent background
36070Zoom out Zoom out
36071One page One page
36072Two pages Two pages
36074Previous page Previous page
36075Close print preview Close print preview
36076Pomoć za Paint (F1) Paint Help (F1)
36077Save as (F12) Save as (F12)
36078Sačuvajte fotografiju ili crtež sa visokim kvalitetom i koristite je na vašem računaru ili na mreži. Save a photo or drawing with high quality and use it on your computer or on the web.
36079Sačuvajte fotografiju u dobroj kvaliteti i koristite je na računaru, u e-pošti ili na webu. Save a photo with good quality and use it on your computer, in email, or on the web.
36080Sačuvajte bilo koju vrstu slike sa visokim kvalitetom i koristite je na vašem računaru. Save any kind of picture with high quality and use it on your computer.
36081Sačuvajte jednostavan crtež u manjoj kvaliteti i koristite ga u e-pošti ili na webu. Save a simple drawing with lower quality and use it in email or on the web.
36082Otvorite dijaloški okvir Snimi da izaberete neki od ponuđenih tipova fajlova. Open the Save As dialog box to select from all possible file types.
36083Odaberite štampač, broj kopija i ostale opcije za štampanje prije samog štampanja. Select a printer, number of copies, and other printing options before printing.
36084Promijenite raspored slike. Change the layout of the picture.
36085Pregledajte sliku i učinite promjene prije štampanja. Preview and make changes before printing.
36086Poredaj sliku kao pločice, tako da ispuni cijeli ekran. Tile the picture so it repeats and fills the entire screen.
36087Centriraj sliku na ekranu. Center the picture in the middle of the screen.
36088Popunite cijeli ekran slikom. Fill the entire screen with the picture.
36090Invert color (Ctrl+Shift+I) Invert color (Ctrl+Shift+I)
36101Kliknite ovdje da otvorite, sačuvate ili odštampate sliku, te da pogledate šta još možete uraditi sa vašom slikom. Click here to open, save, or print and to see everything else you can do with your picture.
36102Napravite novu sliku. Create a new picture.
36103Otvorite postojeću sliku. Open an existing picture.
36104Sačuvajte trenutnu sliku. Save the current picture.
36105Save the current picture as a new file. Save the current picture as a new file.
36106Sačuvajte trenutnu sliku kao novi fajl. Save the current picture as a new file.
36107Odštampajte trenutnu sliku. Print the current picture.
36109Uvezite sa skenera ili fotoaparata. Import from scanner or camera.
36110Pošaljite kopiju slike kao prilog u poruci e-pošte. Send a copy of the picture in an email message as an attachment.
36112Set the current picture as your desktop background. Set the current picture as your desktop background.
36113Postavite trenutnu sliku kao pozadinu radne površine. Set the current picture as your desktop background.
36114Promijenite svojstva slike. Change the properties of the picture.
36117Kliknite ovdje za još opcija, kao što su lijepljenje sadržaja iz međuspremnika ili iz fajla Click here for more options, such as pasting contents from the Clipboard or from a file
36118Zalijepi sadržaj iz međuspremnika. Paste the contents of the Clipboard.
36119Prikaži dijaloški okvir Zalijepi iz i odaberi fajl za lijepljenje. Show the Paste From dialog box and pick a file to paste.
36120Izreži odabir sa platna i stavi ga u međuspremnik. Cut the selection from the canvas and put it on the Clipboard.
36121Kopiraj odabir sa platna i stavi ga u međuspremnik. Copy the selection from the canvas and put it on the Clipboard.
36122Kliknite ovdje za oblike i opcije odabira. Click here for selection shapes and options.
36123Izaberite dio slike. Select a part of the picture.
36124Izaberite pravougaoni dio crtajući po platnu. Select a rectangular area by drawing on the canvas.
36125Izaberite dio proizvoljnog oblika crtajući po platnu. Select an area of any shape by drawing on the canvas.
36126Izaberite cijelu sliku. Select the entire picture.
36127Preokrenite trenutni odabir. Reverse the current selection.
36128Izbrišite trenutni odabir sa platna. Delete the current selection from the canvas.
36129Učinite boju pozadine odabira providnom ili neprovidnom. Make the background color in the selection transparent or opaque.
36134Izrežite sliku tako da sadrži samo trenutni odabir. Crop the picture so it only contains the current selection.
36135Promijenite veličinu ili ukosite sliku ili odabir. Resize and skew the picture or selection.
36136Rotirajte ili okrenite sliku ili odabir. Rotate or flip the picture or selection.
36137Rotirajte sliku ili odabir za 90 stepeni udesno. Rotate the picture or selection by 90 degrees right.
36138Rotirajte sliku ili odabir za 90 stepeni ulijevo. Rotate the picture or selection by 90 degrees left.
36139Rotirajte sliku ili odabir za 180 stepeni. Rotate the picture or selection by 180 degrees.
36140Okrenite sliku ili izbor vertikalno. Flip the picture or selection vertically.
36141Okrenite sliku ili izbor horizontalno. Flip the picture or selection horizontally.
36142Nacrtajte slobodnu liniju sa odabranom širinom. Draw a free-form line with the selected line width.
36143Kliknite na područje na platnu da ga ispunite bojom, ili kliknite desnom tipkom da ga ispunite bojom pozadine. Click an area on the canvas to fill it with the foreground color, or right-click to fill it will the background color.
36144Umetnite tekst u sliku. Insert text into the picture.
36145Izbrišite dio slike i zamijenite ga bojom pozadine. Erase part of the picture and replace it with the background color.
36146Odaberite boju sa slike i koristite je za crtanje. Pick a color from the picture and use it for drawing.
36147Promijenite uvećanje za dio slike. Change the magnification for a part of the picture.
36148Crtajte različitim četkicama. Draw with different kinds of brushes.
36149Umetnite gotove oblike kao što su kvadrati i krugovi, trouglovi, strelice, zvijezde i oblačići. Insert ready-made shapes such as rectangles and circles, triangles, arrows, stars, and callouts.
36150Odaberite medij za konturu oblika. Select the medium for the shape outline.
36151Odaberite medij za punjenje oblika. Select the medium for the shape fill.
36156Odaberite širinu za odabrani alat. Select the width for the selected tool.
36157Kliknite ovdje i zatim odaberite boju iz palete boja. Ova boja se koristi za olovku i četkice, kao i za konture oblika. Click here and then select a color from the color palette. This color is used with the pencil and with brushes, as well as for shape outlines.
36158Kliknite ovdje i zatim odaberite boju iz palete boja. Ova boja se koristi za gumicu i za punjenje oblika. Click here and then select a color from the color palette. This color is used with the eraser and for shape fills.
36159Odaberite boju iz palete boja. Select a color from the color palette.
36160Povećavanje trenutne slike. Zoom in on the current picture.
36161Udaljite trenutnu sliku. Zoom out on the current picture.
36162Kreirajte svoj prvi 3D model. Make your first 3D model.
36163Pregledajte i upotrijebite linijare da poravnate i izmjerite objekte na vašoj slici. View and use rulers to line up and measure objects in your picture.
36164Pregledajte i upotrijebite rešetku da poravnate objekte na vašoj slici. View and use gridlines to align objects in your picture.
36165Prikažite ili sakrijte prozor Sličice. Show or hide the Thumbnail window.
36166Pregledajte sliku na cijelom ekranu. View the picture in full screen.
36168Zoom out on the current picture. Zoom out on the current picture.
36169Zoom the picture so that one page fits in the window. Zoom the picture so that one page fits in the window.
36172Zoom the picture so that two pages fit in the window. Zoom the picture so that two pages fit in the window.
36173Prelazak na sljedeću stranicu slike. Go to the next page in the picture.
36174Prebacite se na prethodnu stranicu slike. Go to the previous page in the picture.
36175Zatvorite pregled prije štampanja i vratite se vašoj slici. Close print preview and return to your picture.
36176Poništite prethodnu akciju. Undo last action.
36177Uradi ponovno prethodnu akciju. Redo last action.
36178Dobijte pomoć vezanu za upotrebu Paint. Get help on using Paint.
36179Prikažite ili sakrijte traku stanja na dnu prozora. Show or hide status bar at the bottom of the window.
36201F F
36202N N
36203O O
36204S S
36206A A
36208P P
36209J J
36210B B
36211G G
36213W W
36217V V
36218M M
36219D D
36222T T
36223C C
36225E E
36227X X
36228U U
36232H H
36241SE SE
36243R R
36246I I
36249RP RP
36250RE RE
36251RO RO
36253L L
36258K K
36260ER ER
36264SH SH
36268SZ SZ
362691 1
362702 2
36271EC EC
36274P3 P3
406011px 1px
406022px 2px
406033px 3px
406044px 4px
406055px 5px
406066px 6px
406088px 8px
4061010px 10px
4061616px 16px
4062424px 24px
4063030px 30px
4064040px 40px
50001Resets the text to be without any attributes. Resets the text to be without any attributes.
50002Sets or clears the text bold attribute. Sets or clears the text bold attribute.
50003Sets or clears the text italic attribute. Sets or clears the text italic attribute.
50004Selects the font used by the text. Selects the font used by the text.
50005Selects the point size of the text. Selects the point size of the text.
50006Sets or clears the text underline attribute. Sets or clears the text underline attribute.
50023Cannot save file. Cannot save file.
50024Get Colors Get Colors
50026Save Colors Save Colors
50027Uredite boje Edit Colors
50030Select Color Select Color
50031Nije dostupno Not Available
50032%1 %2 %1 %2
50033%1%2 %1%2
50034%1 DPI %1 DPI
50035&Snimi &Save
50036Ne čuv&aj Do&n't Save
50037Želite li sačuvati promjene na %1? Do you want to save changes to %1?
50038Painting Painting
50043× ×
50044, ,
50045u in
50046cm cm
50047px px
50050Shows or hides the thumbnail. Shows or hides the thumbnail.
5010800000000000000000 00000000000000000
501120 0
50114The file is not in the correct format. The file is not in the correct format.
50116&Zumiraj Zoo&m
50117+ +
50118- -
50119%s%% %s%%
50126Size: None Size: None
50127Veličina: %1%2 Size: %1%2
50130%1%2%3%4%5 %1%2%3%4%5
50141%1 (Oporavljeno) %1 (Recovered)
50142Paint omogućuje korisnicima da kreiraju i uređuju crteže koristeći razne oblike, četkice i boje. Paint allows users to create and edit drawings by using a variety of shapes, brushes, and colors.
50147Klizač za zumiranje Zoom slider
50148KB KB
50149MB MB
50150GB GB
50301Bez konture No outline
50302Trajna Boja Solid color
50303Masna bojica Crayon
50304Marker Marker
50305Ulje Oil
50306Obična olovka Natural pencil
50307Vodena boja Watercolor
50351Bez punjenja No fill
50412Nivo zumiranja Zoom level
5041611 11
50417Segoe UI Segoe UI
50418Ne možemo otvoriti fajl We can’t open this file
50419Vaša organizacija to ne dozvoljava ili postoji problem sa šifriranjem fajla. Either your organization doesn’t allow it, or there’s a problem with the file’s encryption.
50420Vaša organizacija će upravljati fajlom Your organization will manage this file
50421Vaša organizacija upravlja sadržajem kojeg želite zalijepiti ovdje. Ako nastavite, upravljat će i ovim fajlom. Your organization manages the content that you want to paste here. If you continue, it will manage this file too.
59414Nova bitmap slika New Bitmap Image
59418Slika iz Crtanja Paintbrush Picture
59419Bitmap slika Bitmap Image
59420Ur&edi &Edit
59422Paint Document Paint Document
59500Uredi u aplikaciji Bojenje 3D Edit with Paint 3D
59502Pokretanje aplikacije Bojenje 3D nije uspjelo. Provjerite da li je instalirana. Launching Paint 3D failed. Please make sure it is installed.
59992Zumiraj na 100%. Zoom to 100%.
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000002Error Error
0x50000004Information Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-MSPaint Microsoft-Windows-MSPaint
0xB0000001Intializing current instance of the application Intializing current instance of the application
0xB0000002Exiting current Instance of the application Exiting current Instance of the application
0xB0000003MSPaint Launch Start MSPaint Launch Start
0xB0000004MSPaint Launch End MSPaint Launch End
0xB0000005MSPaint Exit Start MSPaint Exit Start
0xB0000006MSPaint Exit End MSPaint Exit End
0xB0000007Select Tool(ID: %1) Start Select Tool(ID: %1) Start
0xB0000008Select Tool End Select Tool End
0xB0000009Commit Tool(ID: %1)b Start Commit Tool(ID: %1)b Start
0xB000000ACommit Tool End Commit Tool End
0xB000000BUndo Start Undo Start
0xB000000CUndo End Undo End
0xB000000DChange Tool(ID: %1) Thickness(%2) Change Tool(ID: %1) Thickness(%2)
0xB000000EChange Stroke Color(RGB: %1) Change Stroke Color(RGB: %1)
0xB000000FChange Fill Color(RGB: %1) Change Fill Color(RGB: %1)
0xB0000010Change DrawMode(%1) Change DrawMode(%1)
0xB0000011Change Brush CrossSection(%1) Change Brush CrossSection(%1)
0xB0000012Change Caligraphic Brush CrossSection(%1) Change Caligraphic Brush CrossSection(%1)
0xB0000013Change Glitter Color(%1) Change Glitter Color(%1)
0xB0000014Error enabling/disabling RTS Error enabling/disabling RTS
0xB0000015Failed to load msftedit.dll Failed to load msftedit.dll
0xB0000016Start measure paint lag Start measure paint lag
0xB0000017Stop measure paint lag Stop measure paint lag
0xB0000018Recieved RTS Packet Recieved RTS Packet
0xB0000019Start save drawing Start save drawing
0xB000001AStop save drawing Stop save drawing
0xB000001BStart open image Start open image
0xB000001CStop open image Stop open image
0xB000001DStart flip operation Start flip operation
0xB000001EStop flip operation Stop flip operation
0xB000001FStart rotate operation Start rotate operation
0xB0000020Stop rotate operation Stop rotate operation
0xB0000021Start crop operation Start crop operation
0xB0000022Stop crop operation Stop crop operation
0xB0000023Start invert color operation Start invert color operation
0xB0000024Stop invert color operation Stop invert color operation
0xB0000025Start resize skew operation Start resize skew operation
0xB0000026Stop resize skew operation Stop resize skew operation


File Name:mspaint.exe.mui
File Size:54 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:54272
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (141A)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Paint
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MSPAINT
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original File Name:MSPAINT.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is mspaint.exe.mui?

mspaint.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Bosnian (Latin) language for file mspaint.exe (Paint).

File version info

File Description:Paint
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MSPAINT
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original Filename:MSPAINT.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x141A, 1200