VSSVC.exe Microsoft (R) 卷影复制服务 ee8ddf208a1fc3789a884716efb173c0

File info

File name: VSSVC.exe.mui
Size: 30720 byte
MD5: ee8ddf208a1fc3789a884716efb173c0
SHA1: 5719d2596535c93b4f2b9da93ffd76c67fc5e5f6
SHA256: 281bd1e587dc119777a0a66687df006df16148f0e4314ec615ae748ce2986e85
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: VSSVC.exe Microsoft (R) 卷影复制服务 (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

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101管理并执行用于备份和其它用途的卷影复制。如果此服务被终止,备份将没有卷影复制,并且备份会失败。如果此服务被禁用,任何依赖它的服务将无法启动。 Manages and implements Volume Shadow Copies used for backup and other purposes. If this service is stopped, shadow copies will be unavailable for backup and the backup may fail. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
102Volume Shadow Copy Volume Shadow Copy
300未知 Unknown
0x1卷影复制服务初始化错误: 无法启动控件调度程序[%1]。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service initialization error: the control dispatcher cannot be started [%1].%2
0x2卷影复制服务初始化错误: 无法注册控件处理程序[%1]。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service initialization error: the control handler cannot be registered [%1].%2
0x3卷影复制服务初始化错误: 无法初始化 COM 库[%1]。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service initialization error: the COM library cannot be initialized [%1].%2
0x4卷影复制服务初始化错误: 无法初始化 COM 安全[%1]。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service initialization error: the COM security cannot be initialized [%1].%2
0x5卷影复制服务初始化错误: 无法检索备份/还原特权 [%1]。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service initialization error: could not retrieve backup/restore privilege [%1].%2
0x6卷影复制服务初始化错误: 无法注册 COM 类[%1]。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service initialization error: the COM classes cannot be registered [%1].%2
0x7卷影复制服务初始化错误: [%1]。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service initialization error: [%1].%2
0x8更改卷影复制服务的 SCM 状态时遇到异常错误: [%1, %2]。%3 Unexpected error when changing the SCM status of the Volume Shadow Copy Service: [%1, %2].%3
0x9卷影复制服务信息: 服务在进程 '%1' 的请求下启动。[%2]%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service information: Service starting at request of process '%1'. [%2]%3
0xA卷影复制服务信息: 卷“%1”显示为已断开连接,并且已被该服务忽略。可能需要重新扫描磁盘。[%2]%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service information: Volume '%1' appears as disconnected and it isignored by the service. You may want to rescan disks. [%2]%3
0xB卷影复制服务信息: 无法启动 CLSID 为 %1 、名称为 %2 的 COM 服务器。原因可能是 CPU 过于繁忙。[%3]%4 Volume Shadow Copy Service information: The COM Server with CLSID %1 and name %2 cannot be started.Most likely the CPU is under heavy load. [%3]%4
0xC卷影复制服务信息: 无法启动具有 CLSID %1 且名为 %2 的 COM 服务器。很有可能是服务器正在关闭或系统内存不足。[%3]%4 Volume Shadow Copy Service information: The COM Server with CLSID %1 and name %2 cannot be started.Most likely the server is in the process of shutting down or the system is out of memory. [%3]%4
0xD卷影复制服务信息: 无法启动 CLSID 为 %1 、名称为 %2 的 COM 服务器。[%3]%4 Volume Shadow Copy Service information: The COM Server with CLSID %1 and name %2 cannot be started. [%3]%4
0xE卷影复制服务信息: 创建了硬件快照数据库。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service information: A database of hardware snapshots was created.%1
0xF在注册表(%2)指定的用户名 %1 无法映射到实际用户名。该项被忽略。它必须具有有效的用户名作为名称,作为类型 REG_DWORD,且值为 \"0\" 或 \"1\"。%3 The user name %1 specified in registry (%2) does not map to a real user name. The entry is ignored.It must have a valid username as name, be of type REG_DWORD, and value either '0' or '1'.%3
0x10在注册表(%2)中指定的名为 %1 的值不是 REG_DWORD 类型。此项被忽略。它的名称必须为有效的用户名,其类型必须为 REG_DWORD,并且其值必须为 \"0\" 或 \"1\"。值为 \"0\" 表示拒绝用户名运行任何 VSS 写入程序。值为 \"1\" 表示允许用户名运行 VSS 写入程序。%3 The value with name %1 specified in registry (%2) is not of type REG_DWORD. The entry is ignored.It must have a valid username as name, be of type REG_DWORD, and value either '0' or '1'.Value '0' denies the username from running any VSS writer.Value '1' is used to allow it.%3
0x11无法解释在值(%3)的注册表(%2)中指定的名为 %1 的值。此项被忽略。它的名称必须为有效的用户名,其类型必须为 REG_DWORD,并且其值必须为 \"0\" 或 \"1\"。值为 \"0\" 表示拒绝用户名运行任何 VSS 写入程序。值为 \"1\" 表示允许用户名运行 VSS 写入程序。%4 The value with name %1 specified in registry (%2) of value (%3) cannot be interpreted. The entry is ignored.It must have a valid username as name, be of type REG_DWORD, and value either '0' or '1'.Value '0' denies the username from running any VSS writer.Value '1' is used to allow it.%4
0x12卷影复制服务错误: COM 服务器(CLSID %1,名称 %2)在安全模式下无法启动。卷影复制服务在安全模式下无法启动。[%3]%4 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The COM Server with CLSID %1 and name %2 cannot be started during Safe Mode.The Volume Shadow Copy service cannot start while in safe mode. [%3]%4
0x13卷影复制服务错误: EventSystem 服务被禁用,或者在安全模式下尝试启动。影复制服务在安全模式下无法启动。如果未处于安全模式下,请确定 EventSystem 服务被启用。CLSID: %1 名称: %2 [%3]%4 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The EventSystem service is disabled or is attempting to start during Safe Mode.The Volume Shadow Copy service cannot start while in safe mode.If not in safe mode, make sure that EventSystem service is enabled.CLSID:%1 Name:%2 [%3]%4
0x14卷影复制服务错误: 无法在安全模式使用卷影复制结构。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The Volume Shadow Copy infrastructure cannot be used during Safe Mode.%1
0x15卷影复制服务错误: 因为 COM+ 数据库已经损坏,写入程序接收不到事件。如果在 Windows 安装过程中出现错误就可能发生这种情况。此错误是从类(CLSID %1)上的 CoCreateInstance 返回的,名称 %2 是 [%3]。%4 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Writers will not receive events since the COM+ database is corrupted.This might happened if an error occurred during Windows setup.The error returned from CoCreateInstance on class with CLSID %1 and Name %2 is [%3]%4
0x16卷影复制服务错误: 卷影复制服务需要的一个关键组件没有注册。如果在 Windows 安装过程中或卷影复制提供程序安装过程中出现错误就可能发生这种情况。此错误是从类(CLSID %1)上的 CoCreateInstance 返回的,名称 %2 是 [%3]。%4 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: A critical component required by the Volume Shadow Copy service is not registered.This might happened if an error occurred during Windows setup or during installation of a Shadow Copy provider.The error returned from CoCreateInstance on class with CLSID %1 and Name %2 is [%3].%4
0x17在注册表(%1)中指定的值没有名称。此项被忽略。它的名称必须为有效的用户名,其类型必须为 REG_DWORD,并且其值必须为 \"0\" 或 \"1\"。值为 \"0\" 表示拒绝用户名运行任何 VSS 写入程序。值为 \"1\" 表示允许用户名运行 VSS 写入程序。%2 The value specified in registry (%1) has no name. The entry is ignored.It must have a valid username as name, be of type REG_DWORD, and value either '0' or '1'.Value '0' denies the username from running any VSS writer.Value '1' is used to allow it.%2
0x18卷影复制服务警告: 卷影复制服务正在关闭,它在等待进行中的调用完成时遇到延迟。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service Warning: The Volume Shadow Copy Service is shutting downand is experiencing delay while waiting for in-progress calls to complete.%1
0x19卷影复制服务警告: Microsoft 卷影复制提供程序正在关闭,它在等待进行中的调用完成时遇到延迟。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service Warning: The Microsoft Shadow Copy Provider is shutting downand is experiencing delay while waiting for in-progress calls to complete.%1
0x1A此计算机是已停止 Active Directory 服务(NTDS)的域控制器。在这种情况下,不能执行备份,也不能管理卷影副本。必须启动 NTDS (net start ntds),或者以 DSRM 模式重新启动,才能枚举卷影副本/提供程序/写入程序。%1 This machine is a Domain Controller with the Active Directory service (NTDS) stopped.Backup cannot be performed, nor can shadow copies be managed in this case.Either the NTDS must be started (net start ntds), or reboot in DSRM to enumerate shadow copies/providers/writers only.%1
0x1B此计算机是域控制器,但 Active Directory (NTDS) 服务已停止。停止 NTDS 时无法执行还原。必须启动 NTDS (net start ntds),或者以 DSRM 模式重新启动。%1 This machine is a Domain Controller but the Active Directory (NTDS) service is stopped.Restore cannot be performed while NTDS is stopped.Either the NTDS must be started (net start ntds), or reboot in DSRM.%1
0x1CApplicationsBlockingRevert 键(%1)的给定类型不正确。它必须为 REG_MULTI_SZ,包含 null 结尾卷 GUID 字符串的序列,指定阻止还原的卷,后跟一个额外的 null 结尾。%2 The given type for the ApplicationsBlockingRevert key (%1) is incorrect.It must be a REG_MULTI_SZ containing a sequence of null-terminated volume GUID strings specifying volumesblocked from revert, followed by an extra null termination.%2
0x1D此计算机为目录服务还原模式(DSRM)下的域控制器。在此情况下,备份将无法执行,请以 DSRM 之外的模式重新启动。%1 This machine is a Domain Controller in Directory Service Restore Mode (DSRM).Backup cannot be performed in this case, please reboot out of DSRM.%1
0x1E获取安全审核特权失败。%n将不会记录创建和导入卷影副本的安全审核。%1 Fail to acquire Security Audit privilege.%nSecurity Audits for shadow copy creation and import will not be logged.%1
0x1F卷影复制服务警告: 姓名为 %1 且 ID 为 %2 的作者在关闭之前等待 %3 秒钟,正在进行的调用才能完成。%4 Volume Shadow Copy Service Warning: A writer with name %1 and ID %2 waited %3 secondsfor in-progress calls to complete before shutting down.%4
0x20卷影复制服务错误: VSS 协调器类未注册。这可能是因为安装失败或是执行应用程序的安装程序或卸载程序所导致。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The VSS Coordinator class is not registered. This may be causeddue to a setup failure or as a result of an application's installer or uninstaller.%1
0x21卷影复制服务错误: VSS 管理类未注册。这可能是因为安装失败或是执行应用程序的安装程序或卸载程序所导致。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The VSS management class is not registered. This may be causeddue to a setup failure or as a result of an application's installer or uninstaller.%1
0x22卷影复制服务错误: VSS 事件类未注册。这将阻止任何VSS 写入程序接收事件。这可能是因为安装失败或是执行应用程序的安装程序或卸载程序所导致。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The VSS event class is not registered. This will prevent anyVSS writers from receiving events. This may be caused due to a setup failure or as a result of anapplication's installer or uninstaller.%1
0x24卷影复制服务错误: MSXML 类未注册。这可能是因为安装失败或是执行应用程序的安装程序或卸载程序所导致。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The MSXML classes are not registered. This may be causeddue to a setup failure or as a result of an application's installer or uninstaller.%1
0x25卷影复制服务错误: Microsoft 卷影复制提供程序类未注册。这可能是因为安装失败或是执行应用程序的安装程序或卸载程序所导致。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The Microsoft Shadow Copy Provider class is not registered..This may be caused due to a setup failure or as a result of an application's installer or uninstaller.%1
0x26卷影复制服务错误: COM+ 事件系统服务(EventSystem)或 COM+ 系统应用程序服务(COMSysApp)被禁用。请启用此服务,然后重试。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Either the COM+ Event System service (EventSystem) orthe COM+ System Application service (COMSysApp) is disabled. Enable the service and tryagain.%1
0x27卷影复制服务错误: 卷影复制服务(VSS)被禁用。请启用此服务,然后重试。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The Volume Shadow Copy service (VSS) is disabled. Enable the service and try again.%1
0x28卷影复制服务错误: Microsoft 软件卷影副本提供程序(SWPRV)服务被禁用。请启用此服务,然后重试。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider (SWPRV) service isdisabled. Enable the service and try again.%1
0x2C卷影复制服务信息: 磁盘“%1”显示为已断开连接,并且已被该服务拒绝。可能需要重新扫描磁盘。[%2]%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service information: Disk '%1' appears as disconnected and it isrejected by the service. You may want to rescan disks. [%2]%3
0xFA1卷影复制服务错误: 找不到不同的区域来创建卷影副本。请给系统添加至少一个带有足够可用空间的 NTFS 驱动器。每个卷都需要至少 %1 MB 的可用空间才能进行卷影复制。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot find diff areas for creating shadow copies.Add at least one NTFS drive to the system with enough free space.The free space needed is at least %1 Mb for each volume to be shadow copied.%2
0xFA2卷影复制服务错误: 无法在同一个卷上创建多个卷影副本(%1)%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot create multiple shadow copies on the same volume (%1)%2
0xFA3卷影复制服务警告: 两分钟前写入程序接收到一个冻结事件。该写入程序还在等待中止或解冻事件。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service warning: Writer received a Freeze event more than two minutes ago.The writer is still waiting for either an Abort or a Thaw event.%1
0xFA4卷影复制服务警告: 不同区域卷 %1 的扇区大小不能大于原始卷 %2 的扇区大小%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service warning: The sector size of the diff area volume %1 cannot be larger than the sector size of the original volume %2%3
0x1001卷影复制服务错误: 无法创建 COM+ Admin 目录实例 [%1]。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The COM+ Admin catalog instance cannot be created [%1].%2
0x1002卷影复制服务错误: 无法将事件类 %1 安装到 COM+ 应用程序 '%2' [%3] 中。%4 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot install the event class %1 into the COM+ application '%2' [%3].%4
0x1003卷影复制服务错误: 无法将组件 %1 安装到 COM+ 应用程序 '%2' [%3] 中。%4 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot install the component %1 into the COM+ application '%2' [%3].%4
0x1004卷影复制服务错误: 无法为 COM+ 应用程序 '%2' [%3]创建服务 '%1'。%4 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot create service '%1' for the COM+ application '%2' [%3].%4
0x1005卷影复制服务错误: 无法从 COM+ 目录 [%2] 获取集合 '%1'。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot obtain the collection '%1' from the COM+ catalog [%2].%3
0x1006卷影复制服务错误: 无法写入 COM+ 集合 '%1' [%2]。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot populate the COM+ collection '%1' [%2].%3
0x1007卷影复制服务错误: 无法获取 COM+ 集合密钥 [%1]。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot get the COM+ collection key [%1].%2
0x1008卷影复制服务错误: 无法从父项 [%2] 获取 COM+ 集合 '%1'。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot get the COM+ collection '%1' from parent [%2].%3
0x1009卷影复制服务错误: 无法保存 COM+ 集合 [%1] 的更改。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot save the changes for the COM+ collection [%1].%2
0x100A卷影复制服务错误: 无法创建订阅(%1,%2,%3) [%4]。%5 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot create a subscription (%1,%2,%3) [%4].%5
0x100B卷影复制服务错误: 无法附加到名为 (%1) [%2] 的订阅。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot attach to the subscription with name (%1) [%2].%3
0x100C卷影复制服务错误: 无法删除具有索引(%1) [%2]的订阅。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot remove the subscription with index %1 [%2].%3
0x100D卷影复制服务错误: 无法将新对象插入 COM+ 目录 [%1]。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot insert the new object into the COM+ catalog [%1].%2
0x100E卷影复制服务错误: 无法将目录对象附加到 COM+ 应用程序 [%1]。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Cannot attach the catalog object to the COM+ application [%1].%2
0x1010卷影复制服务错误: 获取当前目录 [%1] 的错误。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Error getting current directory [%1].%2
0x1011卷影复制服务错误: 删除 COM+ 应用程序 (%1) [%2] 的错误。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Error Removing COM+ application (%1) [%2].%3
0x177FJetwriter 错误: 调用 Jet 函数 %1 失败,状态为 = %2。%3 Jetwriter error: a call to Jet function %1 failed with status = %2.%3
0x1780快速编写器错误: 添加目录 %1 中的快速编写器失败。%2 Express Writer error: failed while adding express writers from directory %1.%2
0x1B59VssAdmin: %1: %2%n命令行: '%3'。%4 VssAdmin: %1: %2%nCommand-line: '%3'.%4
0x2001卷影复制服务错误: 调用程序 %1 时的意外错误。hr = %2。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error calling routine %1. hr = %2.%3
0x2002卷影复制服务错误: 查询 IVssWriterCallback 接口时的错误。hr = %1。此错误通常是由编写器或请求方过程中的错误安全设置造成的。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error querying for the IVssWriterCallback interface. hr = %1.This is often caused by incorrect security settings in either the writer or requestor process.%2
0x2003卷影复制服务错误: 内部传送的 WRITER_COMPONENTS 文档无效。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Internally transferred WRITER_COMPONENTS document is invalid.%1
0x2004卷影复制服务错误: 卷影副本集中没有卷。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: No volumes in the shadow copy set.%1
0x2005卷影复制服务错误: ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER 的意外错误。实际错误是 [%1]。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER expected error. Actual Error was [%1].%2
0x2006卷影复制服务错误: 意外错误。调用 GetTokenInformation 的最终缓冲区大小为 %1,原始大小 %2。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error. Final buffer for call to GetTokenInformation was size = %1, original size was %2.%3
0x2007卷影复制服务错误: 从 IXMLDOMNode 到 IXMLDOMElement 执行 QueryInterface 时的意外错误。hr = %1。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error performing QueryInterface from IXMLDOMNode to IXMLDOMElement. hr = %1.%2
0x2008卷影复制服务错误: 检查 XML 文档时遇到错误。文档缺少 %1 元素。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: An unexpected error was encountered examining the XML document. The document is missing the %1 element.%2
0x2009卷影复制服务错误: 检查 XML 文档时遇到错误。文档缺少 %1 属性。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: An unexpected error was encountered examining the XML document. The document is missing the %1 attribute.%2
0x200A卷影复制服务错误: 调用 IDispatch 的 QueryInterface 时遇到意外错误。hr = %1 属性。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: An unexpected error was encountered when QueryInterface for IDispatch was called. hr = %1 attribute.%2
0x200B卷影复制服务错误: 复制文档时遇到意外错误。复制的文档没有子项。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: An unexpected error was encountered cloning a document. The cloned document has no children.%1
0x200C卷影复制服务错误: 从写入程序 %1 返回了无效的 XML 文档。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: An invalid XML document was returned from writer %1.%2
0x200D卷影复制服务错误: 从 IVssCoordinator 将 QueryInterface 调用到 IVssShim 时出现错误。hr = %1。 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: An error occured calling QueryInterface from IVssCoordinator to IVssShim. hr = %1.
0x200E卷影复制服务错误: 有两个带有相同实例 ID %1 的写入程序。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: There are two writers with the identical instance id %1.%2
0x200F卷影复制服务错误: 调用 IVssAsync 的 QueryInterface 时遇到意外错误。hr = %1。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: An unexpected error was encountered when calling QueryInterface for IVssAsync. hr = %1.%2
0x2010卷影复制服务错误: 备份组件文档为 NULL。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The backup components document is NULL.%1
0x2011卷影复制服务错误: 异步线程的线程句柄为 NULL。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The thread handle for the asynchronous thread is NULL.%1
0x2012卷影复制服务错误: 从 WaitForSingleObject 返回了意外错误 %1。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error %1 was returned from WaitForSingleObject.%2
0x2013卷影复制服务错误: 名称为 %1、ID 为 %2 的写入程序尝试订阅安全模式。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Writer with name %1 and ID %2 attempted to subscribe in safe mode.%3
0x2014卷影复制服务: 名称为 %1、ID 为 %2 的写入程序在安装时尝试订阅。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service: Writer with name %1 and ID %2 attempted to subscribe during setup.%3
0x2015卷影复制服务错误: 主持名为 %1,ID 为 %2 的写入程序的进程没有在拥有足够访问权限的用户下运行。请考虑在本地系统、管理员、网络服务或本地服务的本地帐户下运行此进程。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The process that hosts the writer with name %1 and ID %2 does not run under a user with sufficient access rights.Consider running this process under a local account which is either Local System, Administrator, Network Service, or Local Service.%3
0x2016卷影复制服务错误: 卷影复制写入程序无法与卷影复制发布者通信。卷影复制发布者(例如备份应用程序)在卷影复制过程中可能已经终止。hr = %1。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The shadow copy writer could not communicate with the Shadow Copy publisher.The shadow copy publisher (for example the backup application) might have terminated during the shadow copy process.hr = %1.%2
0x2017卷影复制服务错误: 一个组件被添加到备份文档,但该备份文档不存在于任何写入程序的元数据中。请确保仅将实际写入程序组件添加到备份文档。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: A component was added to the backup document that does not exist in any writer's metadata.Ensure that only actual writer components are added to the backup document.%1
0x2018卷影复制服务错误: 内部传输的 WRITER_METADATA 文档无效。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Internally transferred WRITER_METADATA document is invalid.%1
0x2019卷影复制服务错误: 如果写入程序即不需要还原事件也不提供实例名称,则 VSS 仅支持类 ID为 %1 的写入程序的多个实例。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: VSS only supports multiple instances of writerwith class id %1 if the writer either does not require restore events or supplies aninstance name.%2
0x201A类 ID 为 %1 的写入程序的两个实例尝试使用同一个实例名称 %2 注册。%3 Two instances of writer with class id %1 attempted to register with the sameinstance name %2.%3
0x201B扩展文件规格 %1\\%2 时,时间用尽。这是%3 订户造成的。%4 Ran out of time while expanding file specification %1\\%2. This was being donefor the %3 subscriber.%4
0x201C删除文件时,时间用尽。%1 Ran out of time while deleting files.%1
0x201D拒绝备份组件 XML 文件。原因可能是它不是可传送的卷影副本的备份组件文档。%1 The Backup Components XML document was rejected. In this case the reason could be thatit is not a Backup Components Document from a transportable shadow copy.%1
0x201E已创建影子副本。%n%n用户 SID:\t\t\t%1%n用户名: \t\t\t%2%n进程 ID:\t\t\t%3%n进程映像名称:\t\t%4%n%n卷影集 ID:\t\t\t%5%n卷影 ID:\t\t\t%6%n提供程序 ID:\t\t\t%7%n原始计算机:\t\t%8%n原始卷:\t\t\t%9%n卷影设备名称:\t\t%10%n Shadow copy has been created.%n%nUser SID:\t\t\t%1%nUser name:\t\t\t%2%nProcess ID:\t\t\t%3%nProcess image name:\t\t%4%n%nShadow Set ID:\t\t\t%5%nShadow ID:\t\t\t%6%nProvider ID:\t\t\t%7%nOriginal Machine:\t\t%8%nOriginal Volume:\t\t\t%9%nShadow device name:\t\t%10%n
0x201F已导入硬件影子副本。%n%n用户 SID:\\t\\t\\t%1%n用户名:\\t\\t\\t%2%n进程 ID:\\t\\t\\t%3%n进程映像名称:\\t\\t%4%n%n影子集 ID:\\t\\t\\t%5%n影子 ID:\\t\\t\\t%6%n提供程序 ID:\\t\\t\\t%7%n原始计算机:\\t\\t%8%n原始卷:\\t\\t\\t%9%n影子设备名称:\\t\\t%10%n Hardware shadow copy imported.%n%nUser SID:\t\t\t%1%nUser name:\t\t\t%2%nProcess ID:\t\t\t%3%nProcess image name:\t\t%4%n%nShadow Set ID:\t\t\t%5%nShadow ID:\t\t\t%6%nProvider ID:\t\t\t%7%nOriginal Machine:\t\t%8%nOriginal Volume:\t\t\t%9%nShadow device name:\t\t%10%n
0x2020由于空闲超时,VSS 服务将关闭。%1 The VSS service is shutting down due to idle timeout.%1
0x2021由于关闭了服务控制管理器中的事件,VSS 服务将关闭。%1 The VSS service is shutting down due to shutdown event from the Service Control Manager.%1
0x2022扩展文件规格时超时。卷影副本优化为部分优化。%1 Ran out of time while expanding file specifications. Shadow copy optimization is partial.%1
0x2023在注册表(%2)中指定的用户名 %1 无效,返回错误 %3。已忽略该条目。%n必须使用有效用户名作为名称,类型为 REG_DWORD 且值为 0 或 1。%4 The user name %1 specified in registry (%2) is not valid, winerror %3. The entry is ignored.%nIt must have a valid username as name, be of type REG_DWORD, and value either '0' or '1'.%4
0x2024分析 XML 文件失败。%n原因 %1%n行 %2%n位置 %3%n错误代码 %4%n问题文本 %5%n%6 Fail to parse XML file.%nReason %1%nLine %2%nPosition %3%nErrorcode %4%nProblem text %5%n%6
0x2025VSS 写入程序已拒绝包含错误 %1 的事件。请求程序将无法使用写入程序在处理事件时对写入程序组件所做的更改。请检查事件日志中承载 VSS 写入程序的应用程序的相关事件。%2 A VSS writer has rejected an event with error %1. Changes that the writer made to the writer components while handling the event will not be available to the requester.Check the event log for related events from the application hosting the VSS writer.%2
0x2026卷影复制服务错误: 解析帐户 %1 失败,状态为 %2。请检查与域控制器的连接和 VssAccessControl 注册表项。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Failed resolving account %1 with status %2. Check connection to domain controller and VssAccessControl registry key.%3
0x00003001卷影复制服务错误: 意外错误 %1。hr = %2。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error %1. hr = %2.%3
0x00003002卷影复制服务警告: %1。hr = %2。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service warning: %1. hr = %2.%3
0x00003003卷影复制服务错误: 创建/使用 COM+ Writers 发布者接口: %1 [%2] 的错误。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Error on creating/using the COM+ Writers publisher interface: %1 [%2].%3
0x00003004卷影复制服务错误: 用 CLSID %1 [%2] 创建卷影复制提供程序 COM 类的错误。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Error creating the Shadow Copy Provider COM class with CLSID %1 [%2].%3
0x00003005卷影复制服务错误: 在卷影复制提供程序 %1 上调用例程的错误。例程细节 %2 [hr = %3]。%4 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Error calling a routine on a Shadow Copy Provider %1. Routine details %2 [hr = %3].%4
0x00003006卷影复制服务错误: 在卷影复制提供程序 %1 上调用例程的错误。例程返回了 E_INVALIDARG。例程细节 %2。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Error calling a routine on the Shadow Copy Provider %1. Routine returned E_INVALIDARG.Routine details %2.%3
0x00003007卷影复制服务错误: 注册表项 %4 下的注册表值 %3 的类型 %1 不正确(应该是 %2)%5 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Wrong type %1 (should be %2) for theRegistry value %3 under the key %4.%5
0x00003008卷影复制服务错误: 系统资源可能不足。后台线程创建发生意外错误(_beginthreadex 返回 %1,错误 = %2)。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The system may be low on resources.Unexpected error at background thread creation(_beginthreadex returns %1, errno = %2).%3
0x00003009卷影复制服务错误: 卷 %1 上的卷影副本创建期间无法刷新 I/O 写入。卷影副本集中的卷索引是 %2。错误细节: Open[%3]、Flush[%4]、Release[%5]、OnRun[%6]。%7 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The I/O writes cannot be flushed during the shadow copy creation period on volume %1.The volume index in the shadow copy set is %2. Error details: Open[%3], Flush[%4], Release[%5], OnRun[%6].%7
0x0000300A卷影复制服务错误: 卷 %1 上的卷影副本创建期间无法保留 I/O 写入。卷影副本集中的卷索引是 %2。错误细节: Open[%3]、Flush[%4]、Release[%5]、OnRun[%6]。%7 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The I/O writes cannot be held during the shadow copy creation period on volume %1.The volume index in the shadow copy set is %2. Error details: Open[%3], Flush[%4], Release[%5], OnRun[%6].%7
0x0000300B卷影复制服务错误: 一个卷影复制提供程序返回一个提交的卷影副本的无效数量。已提交卷影副本的预料数量是 %1。已提交卷影副本检测的数量是 %2。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: One of the shadow copy providers returned an invalid number of committed shadow copies.The expected number of committed shadow copies is %1. The detected number of committed shadow copies is %2.%3
0x0000300C卷影复制服务错误: 写入程序 %1 在安装期间调用了 CVssWriter::Initialize。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Writer %1 called CVssWriter::Initialize during Setup.%2
0x0000300D卷影复制服务错误: 写入程序 %1 没有响应 GatherWriterStatus 调用。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Writer %1 did not respond to a GatherWriterStatus call.%2
0x0000300E卷影复制服务错误: 尝试与卷影复制服务写入程序连接时,检测到内部不一致现象。请检查事件服务和卷影复制服务是否运行正常。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: An internal inconsistency was detected in tryingto contact shadow copy service writers. Check to see that the Event Serviceand Volume Shadow Copy Service are operating properly.%1
0x0000300F调用 CoSetProxyBlanket 时的错误。hr = %1%2 An error occurred calling CoSetProxyBlanket. hr = %1%2
0x00003010QI IMultiInterfaceEventControl 的 IVssWriter 事件对象时出现错误。hr = %1%2 An error occurred trying to QI the IVssWriter event object forIMultiInterfaceEventControl. hr = %1%2
0x00003011卷影复制服务错误: 卷/磁盘没有连接或者找不到。错误上下文: %1。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Volume/disk not connected or not found.Error context: %1.%2
0x00003012硬件卷影副本集的数据库无效。忽略内容。%1 Database of hardware shadow copy sets is not valid. Contents are ignored.%1
0x00003013无法保存硬件卷影副本集的数据库: hr = %1。%2 Cannot save database of hardware shadow copy sets: hr = %1.%2
0x00003014卷 %1 在卷影复制创建期间无效或被卸载。%2 Volume %1 appears to be invalid or dismounted during shadow copy creation.%2
0x00003015VSS Assert 失败: %1%2 VSS Assert Failure: %1%2
0x00003016卷影复制服务错误: 无法提交卷影复制。- 操作超时。错误上下文: %1。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The shadow copy could not be committed - operation timed out.Error context: %1.%2
0x00003017卷影复制服务错误: 意外错误 %1: %2 hr = %3。%4 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error %1: %2 hr = %3.%4
0x00003018远程卷影副本集的数据库无效。内容被忽略。%1 Database of remote shadow copy sets is not valid. Contents are ignored.%1
0x00003019卷影复制服务已经创建远程卷影副本集的新数据库。%1 New database of remote shadow copy sets was created by the Volume Shadow Copy Service.%1
0x0000301A无法保存远程卷影副本集的数据库: hr = %1。%2 Cannot save database of remote shadow copy sets: hr = %1.%2
0x0000301B远程卷影副本的数据库无效。内容被忽略。%1 Database of remote shadow copies is not valid. Contents are ignored.%1
0x0000301C卷影复制服务已经创建远程卷影副本的新数据库。%2 New database of remote shadow copies was created by the Volume Shadow Copy Service.%2
0x0000301D无法保存远程卷影副本的数据库: hr = %1。%2 Cannot save database of remote shadow copies: hr = %1.%2
0x0000301E无法为卷影副本查询计算机 %1: hr = %2。计算机被跳过。%3 Failed to query machine %1 for shadow copies: hr = %2. Machine is skipped.%3
0x0000301F未能连接到远程计算机 %1 以进行卷影副本管理。远程计算机不可用: hr = %2。请确保此远程计算机和本地计算机都在网络上。%3 Failed to connect to remote machine %1 for shadow copies management. Remote machine is unavailable: hr = %2.Make sure that this remote machine and the local machine are both on the network.%3
0x00003020未能连接到远程计算机 %1 以进行卷影副本管理。远程计算机拒绝访问: hr = %2。请确保运行本地卷影复制服务的帐户有权在远程计算机上进行卷影副本管理。%3 Failed to connect to remote machine %1 for shadow copies management. Remote machine denies access: hr = %2.Make sure that the account running your local Volume Shadow Copy service is authorized for shadow copy management on the remote machine.%3
0x00003021无法连接到远程计算机 %1 以进行卷影副本管理。远程计算机不受支持: hr = %2。此错误指示远程计算机不支持卷影副本共享。此错误的常见原因是,远程计算机运行的 Windows 版本不支持此功能。%3 Failed to connect to remote machine %1 for shadow copies management. Remote machine is unsupported: hr = %2.This error indicates that the remote machine does not support shadow copies for shares. A common cause for this erroris that the remote machine is running a Windows version which doesn't support this capability.%3
0x00003022卷 %1 的还原操作已开始。正在将卷还原为 ID 为 %2 的卷影副本。%3 Revert operation for volume %1 has begun. Volume is being reverted to the shadow copy with id%2.%3
0x00003023卷影复制警告: 尝试冻结内核事务管理器时遇到了超时。这意味着一个或多个资源管理器未能在 %1 秒钟内完成提交。有关详细信息,请检查系统事件日志。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Warning: A timeout was encountered while trying to freeze the Kernel Transaction Manager.This means that one or more Resource Managers failed to commit within %1 seconds. Check the Systemevent log for more information.%2
0x00003024卷影复制警告: 试图解冻内核事务管理器时遇到了超时。这意味着卷影副本的创建过程耗时超过 %1 秒钟。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Warning: A timeout was encountered while trying to thaw the Kernel Transaction Manager.This means that the shadow-copy creation process took longer than %1 seconds.%2
0x00003025卷影复制警告: 尝试冻结分布式事务管理器时遇到了超时。这意味着一个或多个事务管理器未能在 %1 秒钟内完成提交。有关详细信息,请检查事件日志。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Warning: A timeout was encountered while trying to freeze the Distributed Transaction Manager.This means that one or more Transaction Managers failed to commit within %1 seconds. Check the eventlogs for more information.%2
0x00003026卷影复制警告: 试图解冻分布式事务管理器时遇到了超时。这意味着卷影复制的创建过程耗时超过 %1 秒钟。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Warning: A timeout was encountered while trying to thaw the Distributed Transaction Manager.This means that the shadow-copy creation process took longer than %1 seconds.%2
0x00003027卷影复制警告: 尝试使群集资源 %1 脱机时出现超时。这表示使资源脱机所需时间超过 %2 秒。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Warning: A timeout occured while trying to take the cluster resource %1 offline.This means that taking the resource offline took longer than %2 seconds.%3
0x00003028卷影复制警告: 尝试使群集资源 %1 联机时出现超时。这表示使资源联机所需时间超过 %2 秒。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Warning: A timeout occurred while trying to bring the cluster resource %1 online.This means that bringing the resource offline took longer than %2 seconds.%3
0x00003029卷影复制警告: 在尝试重新启动或删除关联设备时,无法找到该卷的即插即用 devnode。函数 GetHiddenVolumeDevinfo 执行失败,返回 %1。操作将会继续,不过可能不会清理与该卷关联的某些状态。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Warning: A plug-and-play devnode could not be found for the volume whileattempting to restart or remove the associated device. The function GetHiddenVolumeDevinfo failed with %1.The operation will be continue, however some state associated with this volume may not be cleaned up.%2
0x0000302A卷影复制警告: 硬件卷影副本卷 %1 意外消失。请检查由即插即用、硬件提供程序或 volsnap 报告的所有事件日志。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Warning: The hardware shadow-copy volume %1 disappeared unexpectedly.Check for any event logs reported by Plug And Play, by the hardware provider, or by volsnap.%2
0x0000302B卷影复制: 尝试卸除卷失败且返回 %1。请检查系统事件日志以获取详细信息。%2 Volume Shadow Copy: Attempt to dismount the volume failed with %1. Check thesystem event log for more information.%2
0x0000302C卷影复制警告: 提供程序报告存储设备 ID 结构无效。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Warning: The provider has reported an invalid Storage Device ID structure.%1
0x0000302D卷影复制警告: 提供程序报告 VSS 不支持存储标识符。 代码集: %1 类型: %2 大小: %3 下一个偏移: %4 关联: %5VSS 将跳过此标识符。%6 Volume Shadow Copy Warning: The provider has reported a storage identifier that is not supported by VSS. Codeset: %1 Type: %2 Size: %3 NextOffset: %4 Association: %5This identifier will be skipped by VSS.%6
0x00003031卷影复制错误: 在重新启动设备 %1 之后,即插即用报告需要重新启动计算机。这是不希望出现的情况。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Error: After restarting the device %1, Plug and Play reports that a reboot is required. This is anunexpected situation.%3
0x00003032卷影复制错误: VSS 在尝试打开和刷新卷影副本集中所有卷时所用时间超过 %1 秒。这导致卷 %2 在等待卷影副本创建的保留写入阶段时超时。在磁盘活动降低时重试可能解决该问题。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Error: VSS spent more than %1 seconds trying to open and flush all the volumes in the shadow-copy set. This caused volume %2 to timeout waiting for the hold-writes phase of shadow-copy creation. Trying again whendisk activity is lower may solve this problem.%3
0x00003033卷影复制警告: VSS 在尝试打开和刷新卷 %2 时用了 %1 秒。这可能导致在刷新卷影副本集中其他卷时超时,导致卷影副本创建失败。在磁盘活动降低时重试可能解决该问题。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Warning: VSS spent %1 seconds trying to open and flush the volume %2. This might causetimeouts while flushing other volumes in the shadow-copy set, causing the shadow-copy creation to fail. Trying again whendisk activity is lower may solve this problem.%3
0x00003034卷影复制错误: VSS 等待全部卷刷新的时间超过 %1 秒。这导致卷 %2 在等待卷影副本创建的释放写入阶段时超时。在磁盘活动降低时重试可能解决该问题。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Error: VSS waited more than %1 seconds for all volumes to be flushed. This caused volume %2to timeout while waiting for the release-writes phase of shadow copy creation. Trying again when disk activity is lower maysolve this problem.%3
0x00003035卷影复制警告: VSS 在尝试刷新和保持卷 %2 时用了 %1 秒。这可能导致卷影副本集中其他卷在等待释放写入阶段时超时,而且可能导致卷影副本创建失败。在磁盘活动降低时重试可能解决该问题。%3 Volume Shadow Copy Warning: VSS spent %1 seconds trying to flush and hold the volume %2. This might causeproblems when other volumes in the shadow-copy set timeout waiting for the release-writes phase, and it can causethe shadow-copy creation to fail. Trying again when disk activity is lower may solve this problem.%3
0x00003036卷影复制错误: 在尝试初始化注册表写入程序时出现错误 %1。这可能导致将来的卷影副本创建失败。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Error: An error %1 was encountered while trying to initialize the Registry Writer. This may causefuture shadow-copy creations to fail.%2
0x00003037卷影复制错误: 在注册表写入程序尝试对自身初始化时遇到错误 %1。这可能导致卷影副本创建失败。请检查应用程序事件日志,以查看相关错误。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Error: An error %1 was encountered while Registry Writer was attempting to initialize itself. Thismay case a shadow-copy creation to fail. Check the Application event log for any related errors.%2
0x00003038卷影复制错误: 在注册表写入程序为卷影副本准备注册表时遇到错误 %1。请检查应用程序和系统事件日志,以查看相关错误。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Error: An error %1 was encountered while Registry Writer was preparing the registry for a shadowcopy. Check the Application and System event logs for any related errors.%2
0x00003039卷影复制错误: 在注册表写入程序为卷影副本准备注册表时遇到空间不足情况。请检查应用程序和系统事件日志,以查看相关错误。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Error: The Registry Writer experienced an out-of-space condition while preparing the registry fora Shadow Copy. Check the Application and System event logs for any related errors.%1
0x0000303B卷影复制服务错误: 在尝试联系卷影复制服务写入程序时检测到内部不一致。注册表写入程序未能对来自 VSS 的查询做出响应。请检查事件服务和卷影复制服务是否正常工作,此外还需要检查应用程序事件日志以查看其他事件。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service error: An internal inconsistency was detected in tryingto contact shadow copy service writers. The Registry Writer failed to respond to a queryfrom VSS. Check to see that the Event Service and Volume Shadow Copy Serviceare operating properly, and please check the Application event log for any other events.%1
0x0000303C卷影复制服务警告: VSS 被拒绝访问卷 %1 的根。拒绝管理员访问卷根可能导致许多错误,而且会阻止 VSS 正常工作。请检查卷上的安全,然后重试。%2 Volume Shadow Copy Service warning: VSS was denied access to the root of volume %1.Denying administrators from accessing volume roots can cause many unexpected failures,and will prevent VSS from functioning properly. Check security on the volume, and try theoperation again.%2
0x0000303D卷影复制服务警告: 写入程序处理其冻结通知占用的时间过多。这可能导致该写入程序以及该系统上的其他写入程序一次又一次地超时,导致卷影副本创建失败。%1 Volume Shadow Copy Service warning: The writer spent too much time processing it's Freezenotification. This can cause this writer as well as other writers on the system time to time outand fail shadow-copy creation.%1
0x0000303E在系统中重新启动快照卷 %1 时,重新启动失败。不能再在系统中找到该卷。%n请尝试从 Diskmgmt.msc 重新扫描,然后查看是否显示了该卷。%n如果未显示,请尝试重新启动磁盘设备,然后重新扫描。%2 When snapshot volume %1 was restarted in the system, the restart failed. The volume is no longer found in the system.%nTry a rescan from Diskmgmt.msc and see if the volume appears.%nIf not, try restarting the disk device then rescan.%2
0x00003040还原 %1 的签名失败。%2 Fail to revert the signature of %1 .%2
0x00003041设置卷 %2 的装入点 %1 失败,返回错误 %3%4 Failed to set the mount point %1 for volume %2, winerror %3%4
0x00003042中断后设置共享 %1 失败,网络状态 %2。%3 Failed to set the share %1 after break, netstatus %2.%3
0x00003043如果已请求掩码,则无法请求将卷影副本卷设置为读写。%1 Cannot request the shadow copy volume to be made readwrite if mask is requested.%1
0x00003044如果没有请求签名还原,则无法强制签名还原。%1 Cannot force signature revert if no signature revert is requested.%1
0x00003045BreaksnapshotSetEx 方法失败,因为无法将一个或多个卷影副本 LUN 的磁盘签名还原为原始 LUN 的磁盘签名。如果在该计算机上未屏蔽一个或多个原始 LUN,则这可能会导致磁盘签名冲突。无法还原动态磁盘的磁盘签名。%1 The BreaksnapshotSetEx method failed because the disk signature of one or more shadow copy LUNs could not be reverted to those of the original LUNs. If one or more original LUNs are not masked on the computer, thiscan cause a disk signature collision. Disk signatures of dynamic disks cannot be reverted.%1
0x00003046调用 BreakSnaphsotSetEx 方法时,请求者指定了 VSS_ONLUNSTATECHANGE_DO_MASK_LUNS标志,但该卷影副本的硬件提供程序未实现 IVssHardwareSnapshotProviderEx 接口。%1 The requester specified the VSS_ONLUNSTATECHANGE_DO_MASK_LUNS flag when calling the BreakSnaphsotSetEx method,but the hardware provider for this shadow copy does not implement the IVssHardwareSnapshotProviderEx interface.%1
0x00003049提供程序 %1 为具有 %3 的快照集 %2 执行 BreakSnapshotSetEx 失败。%4 Provider %1 failed BreakSnapshotSetEx for Snapshot Set %2 with %3.%4
0x0000304A未在系统中检测到卷影复制 LUN,还未到达。%n%nLUN ID\t\t\t%1%n%n版本\t\t\t%2%n设备类型\t\t%3%n设备类型修改者\t\t%4%n命令队列\t\t%5%n总线类型\t%6%n供应商 ID\t%7%n产品 ID\t\t\t%8%n产品修订\t\t%9%n序列号\t\t%10%n%n存储标识符%n%11%n%n%12 A Shadow Copy LUN was not detected in the system and did not arrive.%n%nLUN ID\t\t\t%1%n%nVersion\t\t\t%2%nDevice Type\t\t%3%nDevice TypeModifier\t%4%nCommand Queueing\t%5%nBus Type\t\t%6%nVendor Id\t\t%7%nProduct Id\t\t%8%nProduct Revision\t\t%9%nSerial Number\t\t%10%n%nStorage Identifiers%n%11%n%n%12
0x0000304B尚未接收到预期的隐藏卷,因为未检测到该 LUN。%n%nLUN ID\t\t\t%1%n%n版本\t\t\t%2%n设备类型\t\t%3%n设备类型修改者\t\t%4%n命令队列\t\t%5%n总线类型\t%6%n供应商 ID\t%7%n产品 ID\t\t%8%n产品修订\t\t%9%n序列号\t\t\t%10%n%n存储标识符%n%11%n%n%12 An expected hidden volume arrival did not complete because this LUN was not detected.%n%nLUN ID\t\t\t%1%n%nVersion\t\t\t%2%nDevice Type\t\t%3%nDevice TypeModifier\t%4%nCommand Queueing\t%5%nBus Type\t\t%6%nVendor Id\t\t%7%nProduct Id\t\t%8%nProduct Revision\t\t%9%nSerial Number\t\t%10%n%nStorage Identifiers%n%11%n%n%12
0x0000304C尚未接收到预期卷,因为未检测到该 LUN。%n%nLUN ID\t\t\t%1%n%n版本\t\t\t%2%n设备类型\t\t%3%n设备类型更改者\t%4%n命令队列\t%5%n总线类型\t\t%6%n供应商 ID\t\t%7%n产品 ID\t\t%8%n产品修订\t\t%9%n序列号\t\t%10%n%n存储标识符%n%11%n%n%12 An expected volume arrival did not complete because this LUN was not detected.%n%nLUN ID\t\t\t%1%n%nVersion\t\t\t%2%nDevice Type\t\t%3%nDevice TypeModifier\t%4%nCommand Queueing\t%5%nBus Type\t\t%6%nVendor Id\t\t%7%nProduct Id\t\t%8%nProduct Revision\t\t%9%nSerial Number\t\t%10%n%nStorage Identifiers%n%11%n%n%12
0x0000304E处理 VSS 写入程序事件回调方法时遇到无法处理的异常。该 VSS 写入程序基础结构处于不稳定状态。请重新启动承载该写入程序的服务或应用程序。%n%n写入程序名称: %1%n写入程序 ID: %2%n写入程序实例: %3%n进程命令行: %4%n进程 ID: %5%n写入程序操作: %6%n写入程序状态: %7%n异常代码: %8%n异常位置: %9%n An unhandled exception was encountered while processing a VSS writer event callback method. The VSSwriter infrastructure is in an unstable state. Restart the service or application that hosts the writer.%n%nWriter name: %1%nWriter id: %2%nWriter instance: %3%nProcess command line: %4%nProcess ID: %5%nWriter operation: %6%nWriter state: %7%nException code: %8%nException location: %9%n
0x00003052此卷影副本的硬件提供程序不支持 LUN 重新同步。%n%1 The hardware provider for this shadow copy does not support LUN resynchronization.%n%1
0x00003055卷影复制服务无法加载标识符为 %1 的提供程序。请重新安装该提供程序,然后重试该操作。如果该提供程序仍然无法加载,请与负责该提供程序的供应商联系。%n%2 The Volume Shadow Copy Service was unable to load the provider with identifier %1. Reinstall the providerand retry the operation. If the provider still fails to load, please contact the vendor responsiblefor that provider.%n%2
0x00003056无法从源卷重新同步目标 LUN,因为该目标 LUN 未报告类型为 1、2、3 或 8 以及关联为 0 的唯一 SCSI 存储存储标识符。%n请用其他目标 LUN 重试该操作。%n%1 The destination LUN could not be resynchronized from the source volume because it did not report aunique SCSI storage storage identifier of type 1, 2, 3, or 8 and association 0.%nRetry the operation with a different destination LUN.%n%1
0x00003057重新同步操作失败,因为一个或多个目标 LUN 的 MBR 签名或 GPT ID 无法更改。%n如果受影响的目标 LUN 的签名不正确,则这可能会导致关联的磁盘群集资源保持脱机。%n%1 The resynchronization operation failed because the MBR signature or GPT ID of one or more of thedestination LUNs could not be changed.%nIf the affected destination LUNs have incorrect signatures, this might cause associated disk clusterresources to remain offline.%n%1
0x00003059在 LUN 重新同步操作后,以下目标 LUN 无法重新启动。请重试该操作。%n%nLUN ID\t\t\t%1%n%n版本\t\t\t%2%n设备类型\t\t%3%n设备类型更改者\t %4%n命令队列\t %5%n总线类型\t%6%n供应商 Id\t%7%n产品 Id\t\t %8%n产品修订\t\t%9%n序列号\t\t %10%n%n存储标识符%n%11%n%n%12 The following destination LUN could not be restarted after the LUN resynchronization operation. Retry the operation.%n%nLUN ID\t\t\t%1%n%nVersion\t\t\t%2%nDevice Type\t\t%3%nDevice TypeModifier\t%4%nCommand Queueing\t%5%nBus Type\t\t%6%nVendor Id\t\t%7%nProduct Id\t\t%8%nProduct Revision\t\t%9%nSerial Number\t\t%10%n%nStorage Identifiers%n%11%n%n%12
0x0000305ALUN 重新同步操作失败,因为找不到目标磁盘或者另一个应用程序具有到目标 LUN 的独占句柄。%n请确保所有应用程序都已释放到该 LUN 的句柄,然后重试该操作。%n%1 The LUN resynchronization operation failed because the destination disk could not be found or becauseanother application holds an exclusive handle to the destination LUN.%nMake sure that all applications have released their handles to the LUN and retry the operation.%n%1
0x0000305DLUN 重新同步操作失败,因为卷影复制服务无法枚举群集资源。群集服务返回以下错误 %1。请检查系统事件日志中与群集服务有关的事件。%n%2 The LUN resynchronization operation failed because the Volume Shadow Copy Service was unable to enumerate the cluster resources. The Cluster service returned the following error %1. Check the system event log forevents related to the Cluster service.%n%2
0x0000305FLUN 重新同步操作失败,因为无法将一个或多个目标 LUN 置于维护模式。请检查系统事件日志中与群集服务有关的事件。%n%1 The LUN resynchronization operation failed because one or more destination LUNs could not beplaced in maintenance mode. Check the system event log for events related to the Cluster service.%n%1
0x00003060LUN 重新同步操作失败,因为无法从维护模式中删除一个或多个目标 LUN。请检查系统事件日志中的群集服务事件。%n%1 The LUN resynchronization operation failed because one or more destination LUNs could not beremoved from maintenance mode. Check the system event log for events to the Cluster service.%n%1
0x00003062LUN 重新同步操作失败,因为目标磁盘 %2 上的卷 %1 未包含在恢复集中。%n请将缺少的卷和相应的卷影副本包含到恢复集,或通过使用 VSS_RECOVERY_NO_VOLUME_CHECK 标志强制重新同步。%n%3 The LUN resynchronization operation failed because volume %1 on destination disk %2 is not includedin the recovery set. %nInclude the missing volume and a corresponding shadow copy to the recovery set, or force the resynchronization by using the VSS_RECOVERY_NO_VOLUME_CHECK flag.%n%3
0x00003063已完成影子副本到目标磁盘的重新同步。%n%n用户 SID:\t\t\t%1%n用户名:\t\t\t%2%n进程 ID:\t\t\t%3%n进程映像名称:\t\t%4%n%n提供程序 ID:\t\t\t%5%n源卷影副本:\t\t%6%n重新同步前的卷:\t\t%7%n重新同步前的磁盘编号:\t\t%8%n重新同步后的卷:\t\t%9%n重新同步后的磁盘编号:\t\t%10%n Resynchronization of a Shadow Copy to a destination disk has completed.%n%nUser SID:\t\t\t%1%nUser name:\t\t\t%2%nProcess ID:\t\t\t%3%nProcess image name:\t\t%4%n%nProvider ID:\t\t\t%5%nSource Shadow Copy:\t\t%6%nPre-Resync Volume:\t\t%7%nPre-Resync Disk no:\t\t%8%nPost-Resync Volume:\t\t%9%nPost-Resync Disk no:\t\t%10%n
0x00003065在调用硬件提供程序之前,LUN 重新同步操作失败。因此,一些目标 LUN 可能会脱机。若要重试重新同步,请使目标 LUN 联机,然后重试该操作。%1 The LUN resynchronization operation failed before calling the hardware provider. As a result, some destination LUNs may be offline. To retry the resynchronization, bring the destination LUNs online and retry the operation.%1
0x00003066在调用硬件提供程序期间,LUN 重新同步操作失败。目标 LUN 处于未知状态,应该丢弃其内容。若要重试重新同步,请修复目标 LUN (如果需要),使它们联机,然后重试该操作。%1 The LUN resynchronization operation failed during a call to the hardware provider. The destination LUNs are in an unknownstate, and their contents should be discarded. To retry the resynchronization, repair the destination LUNs if needed, bringthem online, and retry the operation.%1
0x00003067在调用硬件提供程序之后,LUN 重新同步操作失败。目标 LUN 上的数据可能未被修改。但是,LUN 可能具有不正确的磁盘签名。若要重试重新同步,请重新创建目标 LUN,然后重试该操作。%1 The LUN resynchronization operation failed after calling the hardware provider. The data on the destination LUNs isprobably intact. However, the LUNs may have incorrect disk signatures. To retry the resynchronization, recreate the destination LUNsand retry the operation.%1
0x0000A001ASR 警告: 无法为 ASR 备份收集磁盘信息。原因: 无法获取设备 %1 的磁盘信息(Win32 错误代码 %2)。 ASR Warning: Failed to collect disk information for ASR Backup.Reason: Unable to obtain disk information for device %1 (Win32 error code %2).
0x0000A002ASR 错误: 排除磁盘 #%1 失败。原因: 该磁盘包含关键卷。 ASR Error: Fail to exclude disk #%1.Reason: The disk contains a critical volume.
0x0000A003ASR 错误: 排除动态包失败。原因: 此包中的某些(但不是全部)动态磁盘标记为已排除。 ASR Error: Fail to exclude dynamic pack.Reason: Some, but not all, dynamic disks in the pack have been marked excluded.
0x0000A004ASR 错误: 未能包含关键的虚拟硬盘 (VHD) #%1.原因: 指定的 VHD 托管在其他 VHD 上。 ASR Error: Fail to include critical Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) #%1.Reason: The specified VHD is hosted on another VHD.
0x0000A005ASR 错误: 未能包含关键的动态包。原因: 动态包包含虚拟硬盘 (VHD) #%1。 ASR Error: Fail to include critical dynamic pack.Reason: The dynamic pack consists of a Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) #%1.
0x0000B001选择包含磁盘 #%1 (签名为 %2)以进行 ASR 还原。%0 Select to include disk #%1 (of signature %2) for ASR restore.%0
0x0000B002选择包含磁盘 #%1 (原始磁盘)以进行 ASR 还原。%0 Select to include disk #%1 (raw disk) for ASR restore.%0
0x0000B003如果此卷(%1)是关键卷,请选择此卷。关键卷是 ASR 必须还原的卷。 Select this volume (%1) if it is a critical volume.Critical volumes are those which ASR must restore.
0x0000B004这是到启动 BCD 存储和启动管理器的路径。需要备份此目录中的所有文件。 This is the path to the boot BCD store and the boot managers.All the files in this directory need to be backed up.
0x0000B005磁盘 #%1 是虚拟磁盘。%0 Disk #%1 is a virtual disk.%0


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File Description:Microsoft (R) 卷影复制服务
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:VSSVC.EXE
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:VSSVC.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is VSSVC.exe.mui?

VSSVC.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file VSSVC.exe (Microsoft (R) 卷影复制服务).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft (R) 卷影复制服务
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:VSSVC.EXE
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:VSSVC.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200