powercpl.dll.mui የኃይል አማራጮች የቁጥጥር ፓነል edc1681f17353ccac316766464219548

File info

File name: powercpl.dll.mui
Size: 10752 byte
MD5: edc1681f17353ccac316766464219548
SHA1: 73c8aa624cffeb5a4ddea30acd1cd3f0eec5a163
SHA256: 210ba54b49726330b70a8167e46b35928ee5e69336e0bc0b397b729a9c84de3b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Amharic language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Amharic English
1የኃይል አማራጮች Power Options
2ኃይል ይቆጥቡ ወይም ኮምፒዩተሩ እንዴት ሃይልን እንደሚጠቀም በመምረጥ የአፈጻጸምን ደረጃ ከፍ ያድርጉ። Conserve energy or maximize performance by choosing how your computer manages power.
3ባትሪ ላይ On battery
4የተሰካ Plugged in
5ለውጦቹን አስቀምጥ Save changes
6ተወው Cancel
9ከ 1 ደቂቃ በታች Less than 1 minute
101 ደቂቃ 1 minute
11%2!u! ደቂቃዎች %2!u! minutes
121 ሰዓት 1 hour
13%1!u! ሰዓታት %1!u! hours
14%1!u! ሰዓታት %2!u! ደቂቃዎች %1!u! hours %2!u! minutes
15ፈጽሞ Never
16%1!u! %2 %1!u! %2
171 ሰዓት 1 ደቂቃ 1 hour 1 minute
18%1!u! ሰዓታት 1 ደቂቃ %1!u! hours 1 minute
191 ሰዓት %2!u! ደቂቃዎች 1 hour %2!u! minutes
20አንዳንድ ቅንጅቶች በስርዓት አስተዳዳሪዎ ይተዳደራሉ። አንደንድ ቅንጅቶችን መለወጥ የማልችለው ለምንድን ነው? Some settings are managed by your system administrator. Why can't I change some settings?
25Windows ለዚህ ዕቅድ የኃይል ቅንጅቶች የተደረጉ አንዳንድ ለውጦችን ማስቀመጥ አይችልም። Windows can't save some of your changes to this plan's power settings.
26Windows እንዲነቃ የመረጡትን የኃይል ዕቅድ ሊሰራው አይችልም። የተለየ ዕቅድ ይምረጡ። Windows can't make the power plan that you selected active. Choose a different plan.
27Windows የሚከተለውን ፕሮግራም ማስጀመር አይችልም፥ %1!s! %2!s! Windows can't start the following program: %1!s! %2!s!
28%s (%s) %s (%s)
30በአሁኑ ሰዓት የማይገኙ ቅንጅቶችን ለውጥ Change settings that are currently unavailable
31እነዚህ ቅንጅቶች ሊለወጡ አይችሉም These settings can't be changed
35እንቅልፍ Sleep
50የኃይል ዕቅድን አስተዳድር Manage Power Plans
51የኃይል ዕቅድ ይፍጠሩ Create a Power Plan
52የዕቅድ ቅንጅቶችን አርትዕ Edit Plan Settings
54የስርዓት ቅንጅቶች System Settings
70የኃይል አማራጮች የቁጥጥር ፓነል Power Options Control Panel
100የኃይል ዕቅድን ይምረጡ ወይም ለግል ያበጁ Choose or customize a power plan
101የኃይል ዕቅድ ኮምፒዩተርዎ እንዴት ኃይል እንደሚጠቀም (እንደ የማሳያ ገጽ ብሩህነት፣ አንቀላፋ፣ ወዘተ ያሉ) የሚወስን የሃርድዌር እና ስርዓት ቅንጅቶች ስብስብ ነው። ስለ ሃይል ዕቅድ ይበልጥ ንገረኝ A power plan is a collection of hardware and system settings (like display brightness, sleep, etc.) that manages how your computer uses power. Tell me more about power plans
104የተመረጠ ዕቅድ Selected plan
105እገዛ Help
106%s %s
110የኃይል አዝራሮች ምን እንደሚያደርጉ ይምረጡ Choose what the power buttons do
111የኃይል አዝራር ምን እንደሚያደርግ ይምረጡ Choose what the power button does
112መዝጊያ ሊዱ ምን እንደሚያደርግ ይምረጡ Choose what closing the lid does
120ማሳያውን መቼ እንደሚጠፋ ምረጥ Choose when to turn off the display
121ኮምፒዩተሩ ሲያንቀላፋ ለውጥ Change when the computer sleeps
123የገጽ ዕይታ ብሩህነት፥ Screen brightness:
124Change screen brightness Change screen brightness
131Windows ተንቀሳቃሽነት ማእከል Windows Mobility Center
132ግላዊነት ማላበስ Personalization
133የተጠቃሚ መለያዎች User Accounts
150የተመረጡ ዕቅዶች Preferred plans
151በባትሪ ሜትሩ ላይ የሚታዩ ዕቅዶች Plans shown on the battery meter
152ተጨማሪ ዕቅዶች አሳይ Show additional plans
153ተጨማሪ ዕቅዶችን ደብቅ Hide additional plans
155የባትሪ ዕድሜ፥ Battery life:
156የኃይል ቁጠባዎች፥ Energy savings:
157አፈጻጸም፥ Performance:
160ከባትሪ ዕድሜ ይልቅ አፈጻጸምን ይመረጣል Favors performance over battery life
161Battery life and performance are on par Battery life and performance are on par
162Favors battery life over performance Favors battery life over performance
165የዕቅድ ቅንጅቶችን ለውጥ Change plan settings
166ለ %s ዕቅድ የዕቅድ ቅንጅቶችን ለውጥ Change plan settings for the %s plan
170%s (የሚመከር) %s (recommended)
180Your power plan information isn't available. %s Why can't Windows retrieve this information? Your power plan information isn't available. %s Why can't Windows retrieve this information?
181የኃይል ዕቅድ መረጃዎ አይገኝም። %s ለምንድን ነው Windows ይሄንን መረጃ ሰርስሮ የሚያወጣው? Your power plan information isn't available. %s Why can't Windows retrieve this information?
200ለ፥ %s ዕቅድ ቅንጅቶችን ለውጥ Change settings for the plan: %s
201ኮምፒዩተርዎ እንዲጠቀመው የሚፈልጉትን የእንቅልፍ እና ማሳያ ቅንጅቶች ይምረጡ። Choose the sleep and display settings that you want your computer to use.
210ማሳያውን አጥፋ፥ Turn off the display:
211ኮምፒዩተሩ እንዲያንቀላፋ አድርግ፥ Put the computer to sleep:
212Hibernate the computer: Hibernate the computer:
213የዕቅድ ብሩህነትን አስተካክል፥ Adjust plan brightness:
220የላ&ቀ የኃይል ቅንጅቶችን ለውጥ &Change advanced power settings
221ይህን ዕቅድ &ሰርዝ De&lete this plan
222ይህን ዕቅድ ለመሰረዝ መፈለግዎን እርግጠኛ ኖት? Are you sure you want to delete this plan?
223ይህ ዕቅድ ከሰረዙት በኋላ እንደነበር መመለስ አይቻልም። This plan can't be restored after you delete it.
224&ለዚህ ዕቅድ ነባሪ ቅንጅቶችን እንደነበር መልስ &Restore default settings for this plan
225የዚህን ዕቅድ ነባሪ ቅንጅቶችን እንደነበሩ እንዲመለሱ ስለመፈለጎ እርግጠኛ ኖት? Are you sure you want to restore this plan's default settings?
226«አዎ» ን ጠቅ ማድረግ ሁሉንም የዕቅዱን ነባሪ ቅንጅቶች ወዲያውኑ እንደነበሩ ይመልሳቸዋል። Clicking 'Yes' immediately restores all of the plan's default settings.
227የላቀ የኃይል ቅንጅቶችን ለውጥ Change advanced power settings
228Delete this plan Delete this plan
229ለዚህ ዕቅድ ነባሪ ቅንጅቶችን እንደነበር መልስ Restore default settings for this plan
230ፍጠር Create
300የኃይል አዝራሮችን ይግለጹ እና የይለፍ ቃል መጠበቂያን ያብሩ Define power buttons and turn on password protection
301ለኮምፒዩተርዎ የሚፈልጉትን የኃይል ቅንጅት ይምረጡ። በዚህ ገጽ ላይ ቅንጅቶቹ ላይ የሚያደርጉዋቸው ለውጦች በሁሉም የኃይል ዕቅድዎችዎ ላይ ይተገበራሉ። Choose the power settings that you want for your computer. The changes you make to the settings on this page apply to all of your power plans.
310የኃይል እና የእንቅልፍ አዝራሮች እና የሊድ ቅንጅቶች Power and sleep buttons and lid settings
311የኃይል እና የእንቅልፍ አዝራሮች Power and sleep button settings
312የኃይል አዝራር ቅንጅቶች Power button settings
313የኃይል አዝራር እና ሊድ ቅንጅቶች Power button and lid settings
320የኃይል አዝራርን ስጫን፥ When I press the power button:
321የእንቅልፍ አዝራርን ስጫን፥ When I press the sleep button:
322ሊዱን ስዘጋ፥ When I close the lid:
349ቅንጅቶችን ዝጋ Shutdown settings
350Shutdown settings Shutdown settings
351ፈጣን ማስጀመሪያን አብራ (የሚመከር) Turn on fast startup (recommended)
353ይህ ፒሲዎን ከተዘጋ በኋላ በፍጥነት ለማስጀመር ያግዛል። ዳግም ማስጀመር አይነካም። የበለጠ ይወቁ This helps start your PC faster after shutdown. Restart isn’t affected. Learn More
354ይህ ፒሲዎን ከተዘጋ በኋላ በፍጥነት ለማስጀመር ያግዛል። ዳግም ማስጀመር አይነካም። የበለጠ ይወቁ። This helps start your PC faster after shutdown. Restart isn’t affected. Learn More.
357የኃይል ምናሌን አሳይ። Show in Power menu.
358አሸልብ Hibernate
360ቆልፍ Lock
361የመለያ ስዕል ምናሌን አሳይ። Show in account picture menu.
401አሁን ባለ ዕቅድ ጀምር እና ስም ስጠው። Start with an existing plan and give it a name.
425የዕቅድ ስም፥ Plan name:
430Plan description (optional): Plan description (optional):
440The name that you entered is used by another power plan. Choose a different name for this plan. The name that you entered is used by another power plan. Choose a different name for this plan.
441የኃይል ዕቅድ ሲፈጥሩ፣ ስም ሊሰጡት ይገባል። ሳጥኑ ውስጥ ስም ይተይቡ። When you create a power plan, you must name it. Type a name in the box.
450የኔ ብጁ ዕቅድ %1!u! My Custom Plan %1!u!
460ቀጥሎ Next
0x10000031Response Time Response Time
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000004Information Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-PowerCpl Microsoft-Windows-PowerCpl


File Name:powercpl.dll.mui
File Size:10 kB
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File Type:Win32 DLL
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:የኃይል አማራጮች የቁጥጥር ፓነል
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:PowerCPL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation። ሁሉም መብቱ የተጠበቀ።
Original File Name:PowerCPL.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is powercpl.dll.mui?

powercpl.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Amharic language for file powercpl.dll (የኃይል አማራጮች የቁጥጥር ፓነል).

File version info

File Description:የኃይል አማራጮች የቁጥጥር ፓነል
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:PowerCPL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation። ሁሉም መብቱ የተጠበቀ።
Original Filename:PowerCPL.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x45E, 1200