File name: | setup_wm.exe.mui |
Size: | 62464 byte |
MD5: | ea6901576c100f22c65d90511c1bcfa6 |
SHA1: | 63668929ddf925822d3b64338cd91f649d37cebe |
SHA256: | b4896e95a803c54afcd2c53e54383c5290d34cb32de7582f5c7ebdd757ef2465 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
In x64: | setup_wm.exe Program za konfiguriranje Microsoft Windows Media (32-bitno) |
If an error occurred or the following message in Croato-Serbian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Croato-Serbian (Latin) | English |
100 | Windows Media Player | Windows Media Player |
101 | Instalacija se ne može nastaviti | Setup cannot continue |
102 | Tijekom instalacije došlo je do sljedećih problema. | One or more of the following problems has occurred during Setup. |
103 | Provjerite prije nastavka instaliranja | Check before continuing Setup |
104 | Tijekom instalacije došlo je do sljedećih problema. Pregledajte navedene informacije i poduzmite odgovarajuće korake za ispravljanje. | One or more of the following problems has occurred during Setup that could affect your installation. Review the following information and take the corrective action as appropriate. |
105 | Hvala vam što ste odabrali Windows Media Player | Thank you for choosing Windows Media Player |
106 | Ovaj je softver licenciran pod dolje navedenim uvjetima. Windows Media Player će tijekom instalacije kontaktirati Microsoftov poslužitelj da bi odredio i postavio zadanu internetsku trgovinu. | This software is licensed under the agreement below. During the installation process, Windows Media Player will contact a Microsoft server in order to determine and configure the default online store. |
107 | Prilagodi mogućnosti instalacije | Customize the Installation Options |
109 | Odabir zadanog uređaja za reproduciranje glazbe i videozapisa | Select the Default Music and Video Player |
110 | Konfigurirajte zadane postavke svoje radne površine i programa Windows Media Player. | Configure your desktop and Windows Media Player default settings. |
111 | Preuzimanje... | Downloading... |
113 | Pričekajte da instalacijski program preuzme datoteke na računalo. | Please wait while Setup downloads files to your computer. |
114 | Instaliranje... | Installing... |
115 | Sustav Windows nadograđen je programom Windows Media Player. Nakon dovršetka nadogradnje možete konfigurirati mogućnosti programa Player. | Windows is being upgraded with Windows Media Player. After the upgrade is complete, you can configure Player options. |
116 | Odaberite mogućnosti vezane uz privatnost | Select Privacy Options |
117 | Microsoft predano radi na zaštiti vaše privatnosti. Da bi se omogućio bolji doživljaj, podaci se razmjenjuju putem interneta te se mogu pohranjivati na računalo. | Microsoft is committed to protecting your privacy. To deliver an enhanced experience, data is exchanged over the Internet and may be saved on your computer. |
119 | Ažuriranje programa Windows Media Player | Windows Media Player Update |
120 | Dostupno je ažuriranje za Windows Media Player. Provjerite sljedeće informacije. | A Windows Media Player update is available. Please review the following information. |
121 | Instalacija programa Windows Media Player je dovršena | Windows Media Player Setup is complete |
122 | Hvala vam što ste odabrali Windows Media Player. | Thank you for choosing Windows Media Player. |
123 | Dobro došli u Windows Media Player | Welcome to Windows Media Player |
124 | Uživajte u brzoj i prilagodljivoj reprodukciji glazbe i videozapisa uz Windows Media Player. | Enjoy fast and flexible music and video playback with Windows Media Player. |
126 | Instalaciju programa Windows Media Player nije moguće dovršiti | Cannot complete Windows Media Player Setup |
127 | Vraćanje instalacije programa Windows Media Player | Roll back Windows Media Player |
128 | Vraćanje programa Windows Media Player na prethodnu verziju koja se nalazila na računalu može utjecati na ostale programe koji koriste Player pa ćete ih možda morati ukloniti, a zatim ponovno instalirati. Jeste li sigurni da želite nastaviti? | If you roll back Windows Media Player to the previous version that was on your computer, other programs that require the Player may be affected, and you may need to remove and then install those programs again. Are you sure that you want to continue? |
129 | Windows Media Format Runtime | Windows Media Format Runtime |
130 | 423|418|80|22|&Natrag | 423|418|80|22|&Back |
131 | 503|418|80|22|&Dalje | 503|418|80|22|&Next |
132 | 423|418|80|22|&Odustani | 423|418|80|22|&Cancel |
133 | 503|418|80|22|&Završi | 503|418|80|22|&Finish |
134 | 508|418|80|22|I &Prihvati | 508|418|80|22|I &Accept |
135 | 428|418|80|22|I &Odbij | 428|418|80|22|I &Decline |
136 | 503|418|80|22|&Instaliraj | 503|418|80|22|&Install |
137 | 503|418|80|22|&U redu | 503|418|80|22|&OK |
139 | 503|418|80|22|&Ponovno pokreni | 503|418|80|22|&Restart |
150 | Izađite iz programa Windows Media Player i svih ostalih programa prije nego što nastavite s instalacijom. | Exit Windows Media Player and all other programs before continuing Setup. |
151 | Instalacija drugog programa nije dovršena. Prije nadogradnje sustava Windows morate ponovno pokrenuti računalo da bi se instalacija programa dovršila. Kliknite "Odustani" pa ponovno pokrenite sustav Windows, a zatim pokušajte ponovno instalirati Windows Media Player. | Another program installation was not completed. You must restart Windows to complete that installation before starting another. Click Cancel, restart Windows, and then try installing Windows Media Player again. |
152 | Sustav Windows može koristiti višejezično korisničko sučelje (MUI). Nakon dovršetka instalacije možete instalirati odgovarajuće jezične pakete za Windows Media Player da biste omogućili promjenu jezika. | Windows can use the Multilingual User Interface (MUI). After Setup finishes, you can install the appropriate Windows Media Player language packs to enable language-switching capabilities. |
153 | Nema dovoljno prostora na disku | Insufficient disk space |
154 | Nema dovoljno slobodnog prostora na disku za instalaciju programa Windows Media Player. Potrebno je najmanje %lu megabajta (MB) dodatnog prostora. Oslobodite dodatni prostor na tvrdom disku, a zatim nastavite s instalacijom. | There is not enough free disk space to install Windows Media Player. At least %lu megabytes (MB) of additional space is needed. Free additional space on your hard disk and then continue with Setup. |
155 | Već je instalirana novija verzija programa Windows Media Player. | A more recent version of Windows Media Player is already installed. |
156 | Novija verzija programa Windows Media Player (%s) već je instalirana na računalo. Stariji instalacijski paket (%s) ne može se koristiti za instaliranje datoteka ni za popravak trenutne verzije programa Windows Media Player. | There is a more recent version of Windows Media Player (%s) already installed on your computer. It is not possible to use an older installation package (%s) to install files or to repair your current version of the Player. |
157 | Nedovoljna prava | Insufficient Privileges |
158 | Za nadogradnju sustava Windows programom Windows Media Player morate biti prijavljeni kao administrator ili član administratorske grupe. Kliknite "Završi" pa se odjavite s računala i ponovno se prijavite kao administrator. | To upgrade Windows with Windows Media Player, you must be logged on to this computer as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Click Finish, log off from the computer, and then log on as an administrator. |
159 | Otkrivena je verzija sustava Windows s višejezičnim korisničkim sučeljem | Multilingual User Interface (MUI) version of Windows detected |
160 | Na verziju sustava Windows s višejezičnim korisničkim sučeljem nije moguće instalirati lokaliziranu verziju programa Windows Media Player. Instalirajte englesku verziju programa Windows Media Player, a zatim odgovarajuće jezične pakete za Windows Media Player da biste imali mogućnost promjene jezika. | It is not possible to install a localized version of Windows Media Player on a computer that is running a Multilingual User Interface (MUI) version of Windows. Instead, install the English version of Windows Media Player on this computer, and then install the appropriate Windows Media Player language packs to obtain language-switching capabilities. |
161 | Vraćanje sustava je isključeno. Ako nastavite s instalacijom, nećete moći koristiti vraćanje sustava da biste obnovili verziju programa Windows Media Player koja je bila dio operacijskog sustava Windows na računalu. Preporučuje se da kliknete "Odustani", uključite vraćanje sustava, a zatim nadogradite na Windows Media Player. Dodatne informacije o vraćanju sustava potražite u pomoći za Windows. Želite li nastaviti? | System Restore is turned off. If you continue Setup, you will be unable to use System Restore to restore the version of Windows Media Player that was included with the version of Windows that your computer is running. It is recommended that you click Cancel, turn on System Restore, and then upgrade to Windows Media Player. For more information about System Restore, see Windows Help. Do you want to continue? |
163 | Preporučuje se da prije nastavka isključite mini način rada Playera. Da biste to učinili, desnom tipkom miša kliknite prazan prostor na programskoj traci sustava Windows, pokažite na Alatne trake i uklonite oznaku pokraj trake Windows Media Player. | It is recommended that you turn off mini Player mode before continuing. To do so, right-click an empty space on the Windows taskbar, point to Toolbars, and then clear Windows Media Player. |
166 | Preuzimanje softvera iz internetske trgovine | Download Online Store Software |
167 | Prije korištenja %s morate preuzeti softver iz trgovine. Kliknite Prihvaćam da biste preuzeli softver ili Odbijam da biste prekinuli preuzimanje. | Before using %s, you must first download software from the store. Click I Accept to download the software, or click I Decline to cancel the download. |
170 | Verzija prilagođena ispisu | Printable Version |
172 | Instalacijski program za Windows Media već je pokrenut. | Windows Media Setup is already running. |
173 | Upravljanje konfiguriranjem za Windows Media sadržaje | Windows Media Configuration Manager |
174 | Ova se verzija programa Windows Media Player može instalirati samo na računala sa sustavom Windows XP Service Pack 2. |
This version of Windows Media Player can only be installed on a computer that is running Windows XP Service Pack 2. |
175 | Došlo je do neočekivane pogreške. Instalacijski program nije mogao otkriti nove verzije programa Windows Media. Pokušajte kasnije. | An unexpected error has occurred. Setup was not able to detect any Windows Media updates. Please try again later. |
176 | Na vašem računalu postoji najnovija verzija programa Windows Media Player i svih njegovih komponenti. Ažuriranja trenutno nisu dostupna. | Your computer is running the most recent version of Windows Media Player and all of its components. No update is available at this time. |
177 | Instalacija se pokreće... | Installation is starting... |
178 | %s (%lu od ukupnog broja stavki: %lu) | %s (%lu of %lu items) |
179 | Instalacija nije dovršena zbog nedostupnosti poslužitelja za nadogradnju. Windows Media Player nije instaliran. | It was not possible to complete Setup, because the upgrade server was not available. Windows Media Player was not installed. |
180 | Nije bilo moguće preuzeti jednu ili nekoliko neobaveznih komponenti. Ostale se preuzete datoteke mogu odmah sigurno instalirati. Želite li ih sada instalirati? | One or more optional components has failed to download. Other downloaded files can safely be installed at this time. Do you want to install those files now? |
181 | Postavljanje točke za Vraćanje sustava... | Setting System Restore point... |
182 | Dovršavanje instalacije nije bilo moguće. Za dodatnu pomoć kliknite Web-pomoć. | It was not possible to complete Setup. For more assistance, click Web Help. |
183 | Sustav Windows uspješno je ažuriran | Windows has been successfully updated |
184 | Dovršenje instalacije nije bilo moguće. Windows Media Player nije instaliran. Ponovno pokrenite Windows, a zatim i instalaciju programa Windows Media Player. | It was not possible to complete Setup; Windows Media Player was not installed. Restart Windows and then run Windows Media Player Setup again. |
185 | Za Windows Media Player potrebno je %lu megabajta (MB). Nadogradnja će trajati približno %lu minuta putem veze brzine 28,8 kB/s. | Windows Media Player requires %lu megabytes (MB). Upgrading will take approximately %lu minutes over a 28.8 KBps connection. |
186 | Vaš je administrator mreže isključio ovu značajku. | Your network administrator has turned off this feature. |
187 | Sljedeći programi ovise o ispravnom izvršavanju programa Windows Media Player i moraju se ukloniti ako želite vratiti prethodnu verziju programa Player. Instalacija će se prekinuti bez primjene bilo kakvih promjena na računalo. | The following programs depend on Windows Media Player to run properly and must be removed before you roll back to a previous version of the Player. Setup will exit without making any changes to your computer. |
188 | Druge komponente na ovom računalu koriste Windows Media Player; preporučuje se da se u ovom trenutku ne vraćate na stariju verziju programa. Jeste li sigurni da želite vratiti stariju verziju Playera? | Windows Media Player is in use by other components on this computer; it is recommended that you not roll back at this time. Are you sure you want to roll back the Player? |
189 | Hvala vam što ste instalirali sveobuhvatni multimedijski reproduktor koji olakšava otkrivanje, reproduciranje i nošenje digitalne zabave sa sobom, kako na širokom rasponu prijenosnih reproduktora, tako i na računalima s operacijskim sustavom Windows XP. |
Thank you for installing the all-in-one media player that makes it easy to discover, play, and take your digital entertainment anywhere, on both the widest choice of portable players and on computers running Windows XP. |
190 | Prilikom instalacije će se Windows Media Player postaviti kao zadani reproduktor digitalnih multimedijskih sadržaja kao što su glazba, video, televizijske emisije, CD-ovi i DVD-ovi. Proces instalacije dopustit će vam prilagodbu zadanih postavki i drugih mogućnosti instalacije. | During setup, Windows Media Player will be set as the default player for playing your digital media content, including music, videos, TV shows, CDs, and DVDs. This setup process will allow you to customize the defaults and other installation options. |
191 | Spremate se promijeniti postavke zaštite privatnosti koje utječu na način obrade kolačića u programu Windows Media Player i svim ostalim programima koji se oslanjaju na te postavke privatnosti. Player koristi internetsku platformu da bi prilikom prijenosa strujanjem poslužiteljima prenio informacije o vezi. Te informacije davatelji sadržaja koriste za pružanje usluga. Izmjena postavki kolačića utjecat će na način na koji se informacije šalju poslužiteljima. |
You are about to change privacy settings that will affect the way cookies are handled in Windows Media Player and any other programs that rely on these privacy settings. The Player uses the internet platform to communicate connection information to servers when streaming. This information is used by content providers to provide services. Modifying your cookie settings will affect how information is sent to servers. |
194 | Dostupna je ažurirana verzija programa Windows Media. Želite li sada provesti ažuriranje? | A Windows Media update is available. Do you want to update now? |
195 | Oblici %s uključuju i datoteke s nastavcima %s. | The %s format(s) include files with %s extensions. |
196 | Mogućnosti privatnosti | Privacy Options |
197 | Izjava o zaštiti privatnosti | Privacy Statement |
198 | Spremate se promijeniti postavke zaštite privatnosti koje će utjecati na način obrade kolačića u svim programima koji se oslanjaju na te postavke. Windows Media Player koristi internetsku platformu za komunikaciju s poslužiteljima koji struje sadržaj i za komunikaciju s davateljima sadržaja. Izmjena postavki kolačića utjecat će na to kojim sadržajima možete pristupati. |
You are about to change privacy settings that will affect the way cookies are handled in any other programs that rely on these privacy settings. Windows Media Player uses the internet platform to communicate with servers that stream content and for communication with content providers. Modifying cookie settings will affect the content you can access. |
200 | Odaberite vrste datoteka za koje želite da ih Windows Media Player reproducira po zadanim postavkama. | Select the file types that you want Windows Media Player to play by default. |
201 | Windows Media Player nije instaliran. Da biste ažurirali sustav Windows, ponovno instalirajte Windows Media Player. | Windows Media Player was not installed. To update Windows, run Windows Media Player Setup again. |
202 | Da bi promjene stupile na snagu, morate ponovno pokrenuti sustav Windows. Spremite ono što radite i zatvorite sve programe, a zatim kliknite Ponovno pokreni da biste ponovno pokrenuli sustav. | In order for your changes to take effect, you must restart Windows. Save your work and close all programs, then click Restart to restart Windows. |
203 | FW_BOLD | FW_BOLD |
204 | Italic | Italic |
205 | 13 | 13 |
206 | 22 | 22 |
207 | LEFT | LEFT |
208 | 12 | 12 |
210 | Vraćanje je u tijeku. Pričekajte ... | Rollback is in progress. Please wait ... |
211 | Vraćanje za Windows Media | Windows Media Rollback |
212 | vraćanje je dovršeno. Da bi promjene stupile na snagu, morate ponovno pokrenuti sustav Windows. Spremite ono što radite i zatvorite sve programe pa ponovno pokrenite sustav Windows. | rollback is complete. For your changes to take effect, you must restart Windows. Save your work and exit all programs, and then restart Windows. |
213 | vraćanje nije uspjelo. Morate ponovno pokrenuti sustav Windows. Ako to sada želite učiniti, najprije spremite ono što radite i zatvorite sve programe. | rollback failed. You must restart Windows. If you want to restart now, first save your work and exit all programs. |
215 | Informacije o privatnosti u internetskoj trgovini | Online Store Privacy Information |
216 | Windows Media Player Beta | Windows Media Player Beta |
217 | Windows Media Format Runtime Beta | Windows Media Format Runtime Beta |
219 | 1 | 1 |
220 | Pričekajte da instalacijski program provjeri nove verzije na internetu | Please wait while Setup checks for online updates |
222 | Jednostavan način otkrivanja, reproduciranja i nošenja svih oblika digitalne zabave sa sobom. Izvucite najviše iz digitalne glazbe, videozapisa i ostaloga. | The easy way to discover, play, and take all your digital entertainment with you. Get the most from your digital music, video, and more. |
224 | Instalacija je dovršena uz neke pogreške. Neka od postojećih prava na korištenje medija nisu pravilno premještena, što bi vam moglo onemogućiti reproduciranje nekih zaštićenih datoteka. Osim toga, instalacija nije uspjela kopirati neke datoteke popisa za reproduciranje. |
Setup completed with some errors. Some of your existing media usage rights were not moved correctly, which might prevent you from playing some of your protected files. In addition, Setup was not able to copy some or all of the playlist files. |
225 | Windows Media Player uspješno je instaliran. Međutim, tijekom instalacije pojavile su se sljedeće pogreške. | Windows Media Player was installed successfully. However the following errors occurred during installation. |
227 | Postavi %s kao moju aktivnu internetsku trgovinu. | Set %s as my active online store. |
229 | Prilagodite postavke reproduciranja, privatnosti i internetske trgovine. Odaberite ovu mogućnost ako želite prikazati ili promijeniti postavke iz prethodne verzije programa. | Customize playback, privacy, and online store settings. Select this option if you want to review or change your settings from the previous version of the Player. |
230 | Instaliranje programa %s je dovršeno | %s Setup is complete |
231 | Migriranje biblioteke programa Windows Media Player | Migrating the Windows Media Player Library |
233 | . | . |
271 | vraćanje je dovršeno. | rollback is complete. |
272 | Windows Media Player bit će vraćen na prethodnu verziju koja se nalazila na računalu. Želite li nastaviti? | Windows Media Player will be rolled back to the previous version that was on your computer. Do you want to continue? |
274 | Sada morate ponovno pokrenuti sustav Windows. Spremite ono što radite, zatvorite sve programe i ponovno pokrenite sustav Windows. | You must restart Windows now. Save your work and exit all programs, and then restart Windows. |
275 | vraćanje nije uspjelo. | rollback failed. |
276 | Da biste vratili prethodnu verziju programa Windows Media Player koja se nalazila na računalu, morate biti prijavljeni kao administrator ili član administratorske grupe. Kliknite U redu, odjavite se s računala te se ponovno prijavite kao administrator. | To roll back to the previous version of Windows Media Player that was on your computer, you must be logged on to this computer as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Click OK, log off from the computer, and then log on as an administrator. |
277 | Zavisnost programa sprečava vraćanje. | Program dependencies are blocking rollback. |
278 | Sljedeći programi zavise o ovoj verziji programa Windows Media Format Runtime da bi se ispravno izvodili, te se moraju ukloniti prije vraćanja prethodne verzije programa Windows Media Format Runtime. Instalacija će se prekinuti bez primjene bilo kakvih promjena na računalo. | The following programs depend on this version of Windows Media Format Runtime to run properly and must be removed before you roll back to the previous version of the Windows Media Format Runtime. Setup will exit without making any changes to your computer. |
279 | Windows Media Format Runtime bit će vraćen na prethodnu verziju koja se nalazila na računalu. Želite li nastaviti? | The Windows Media Format Runtime will be rolled back to the previous version that was on your computer. Do you want to continue? |
280 | Ako vratite prethodnu verziju okruženja Windows Media Format Runtime koja se nalazila na računalu, to može utjecati na druge programe koji zahtijevaju Runtime okruženje pa ćete možda morati ukloniti, a zatim ponovno instalirati te programe. Jeste li sigurni da želite nastaviti? | If you roll back the Windows Media Format Runtime to the previous version that was on your computer, other programs that require the Runtime may be affected, and you may need to remove and then install those programs again. Are you sure that you want to continue? |
281 | Ako vratite prethodnu verziju okruženja Windows Media Format Runtime, prava na korištenje medija za vaše zaštićene datoteke bit će izbrisana. Moći ćete preuzeti nova prava na korištenje medija za neke datoteke, ali nećete moći reproducirati datoteke za koje je potrebna najnovija verzija okruženja Windows Media Format Runtime. | If you roll back to a previous version of the Windows Media Format Runtime, media usage rights for your protected files will be deleted. You may be able to download new media usage rights for some files, but it will not be possible to play any files that require the latest version of the Windows Media Format Runtime. |
282 | &Želite li nastaviti vraćanje? | &Do you want to continue with the rollback? |
284 | Sljedeći se programi moraju ukloniti, a zatim ponovno instalirati kada se vraćanje dovrši. | The following programs may need to be removed and then installed again when the rollback is complete. |
291 | Instalirate beta verziju programa Windows Media Player. Prije instaliranja program mora provjeriti postoji li konačna verzija Playera. Ako je konačna verzija dostupna, program će je instalirati umjesto beta verzije. Kliknite "U redu" za nadogradnju ili "Ne" za izlazak iz instalacije. | You are installing a beta release of Windows Media Player. Before installing, Setup must check for the final version of the Player. If the final version is available, Setup will install it instead of the beta release. Click Yes to check for an update or click No to exit Setup. |
292 | Verzija programa Windows Media Player koju instalirate ne odgovara jeziku trenutačno instaliranog programa Player. Želite li ubuduće provjeravati ima li ažuriranja na jeziku trenutno instaliranog programa Player? Kliknite Da za provjeru ima li ažuriranja na jeziku trenutno instaliranog programa Player ili Ne za provjeru ažuriranja na jeziku programa Player koji instalirate. | The version of Windows Media Player you are installing does not match the language of the currently installed Player. In the future, do you want to check for updates in the language of your currently installed Player? Click Yes to check for updates in your installed Player's language in the future. Click No to check for updates in the language of the Player you are installing. |
293 | Da biste pokrenuli instalaciju, morate biti prijavljeni na računalo kao administrator ili član administratorske grupe. Kliknite Završi, odjavite se s računala te se ponovno prijavite kao administrator. | To run Setup, you must be logged on to this computer as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Click Finish, log off from the computer, and then log on as an administrator. |
294 | Dostupna je ažurirana verzija programa Windows Media. Želite li sada provesti ažuriranje? Kliknite Da za preuzimanje i instaliranje ažurirane verzije programa ili Ne za izlazak iz instalacijskog programa | A Windows Media update is available. Do you want to update now? Click Yes to download and install the update or click No to exit Setup |
295 | Da bi promjene stupile na snagu, morate ponovno pokrenuti sustav Windows. Spremite ono što radite i zatvorite sve programe, a zatim ponovno pokrenite sustav Windows. | You must restart Windows before continuing with rollback. Save your work, close all programs, and then restart Windows. |
296 | Izađite iz programa Windows Media Player i svih ostalih programa prije nego što nastavite s vraćanjem. | You must close Windows Media Player and all other programs before continuing with rollback. |
301 | Neka od postojećih prava na korištenje medija nisu premještena na pravilan način, što bi moglo onemogućiti reprodukciju nekih zaštićenih datoteka. Da biste riješili taj problem, ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim i instalaciju programa Windows Media Player. | Some of your media usage rights were not moved correctly, which might prevent you from playing some of your protected files. To resolve the problem, try restarting Windows, and then running Windows Media Player Setup again. |
306 | Hvala vam što ste instalirali sveobuhvatni multimedijski reproduktor koji olakšava otkrivanje, reproduciranje i nošenje digitalne zabave sa sobom, kako na širokom rasponu prijenosnih reproduktora, tako i na računalima s operacijskim sustavom Windows. |
Thank you for installing the all-in-one media player that makes it easy to discover, play, and take your digital entertainment anywhere, on both the widest choice of portable players and on computers running Windows. |
307 | Microsoft predano radi na zaštiti privatnosti svojih korisnika. Microsoftova izjava o zaštiti privatnosti objašnjava koji se podaci prikupljaju, kako se koriste i koje su postavke privatnosti dostupne za Player. | Microsoft is committed to protecting your privacy as a consumer. The Microsoft privacy statement explains what data is collected, how it is used, and what privacy settings are available in the Player. |
308 | Kliknite gumb da biste pogledali Microsoftovu izjavu o zaštiti privatnosti. | Click the button to view the Microsoft privacy statement. |
309 | Odaberite internetsku trgovinu | Choose an Online Store |
310 | Odaberite internetsku trgovinu koju sada želite postaviti. Kasnije možete postaviti dodatne internetske trgovine. | Choose the online store that you want to set up now. You can set up additional stores later. |
311 | Windows Media Player nadograđen je odabranom internetskom trgovinom. | Windows Media Player is being upgraded with the online store that you selected. |
312 | Operacijski sustav nije podržan. | Unsupported Operating System. |
313 | Ovaj je instalacijski paket moguće instalirati samo na 64-bitno izdanje sustava Windows XP. | This setup package can only be installed on Windows XP x64 edition. |
314 | Ovaj je instalacijski paket moguće instalirati samo na računalo s 32-bitnim izdanjem sustava Windows XP Service Pack 2. | This setup package can only be installed on a computer that is running the 32-bit release of Windows XP Service Pack 2. |
315 | Prilikom pokretanja web-preglednika došlo je do pogreške. | An error occurred when starting your Web browser. |
316 | Prije nego što instalirate Windows Media Player, posjetite servis Windows Update da biste preuzeli Update Rollup 2 za Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. | Please visit Windows Update to download the Update Rollup 2 for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 before installing Windows Media Player. |
317 | Dodatne informacije o preporučenim postavkama pročitajte na internetu, u izjavi o zaštiti privatnosti. | To learn more about Recommended settings, read the Privacy Statement online. |
318 | Dodatne informacije o ovim mogućnostima privatnosti | More information about these privacy options |
321 | Nisu zadovoljeni sistemski preduvjeti. | System requirements have not been met. |
322 | U tijeku je još jedno ažuriranje. Pričekajte dok se ažuriranje ne dovrši te ponovno pokrenite instalaciju programa Windows Media Player. Ako vam se čini da ažuriranje više ne reagira, ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim instalaciju programa Windows Media Player. | Another update is in progress. Wait until that update has completed, and then run Windows Media Player Setup again. Or, if the update appears to have stopped responding, restart Windows and then run Windows Media Player Setup. |
323 | Ažuriranje računala je u tijeku, instalacija se ne može nastaviti: | A computer update in progress, Setup can not continue: |
324 | Da biste instalirali Windows Media Player, na računalu morate imati Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ili neku noviju verziju. | To install Windows Media Player, your computer must be running Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 or later. |
326 | Trenutno nema ažuriranja programa Windows Media Player za vaše računalo koja bi se mogla preuzeti i instalirati. | No Windows Media Player updates for your computer are available for download and installation at this time. |
327 | Pribavljanje podataka o trgovini: pričekajte... | Obtaining store information: Please wait... |
329 | Neki podaci, među kojima su ocjene i broj reproduciranja, nisu uvezeni u Player. | Some information was not imported into the Player, including ratings and play counts. |
330 | Instalacijski program nije mogao kopirati neke ili sve datoteke presvlake. | Setup was unable to copy some or all of the skin files. |
331 | Nema dovoljno slobodnog prostora na disku za deinstalaciju programa Windows Media Player. Potrebno je barem 50 megabajta (MB) slobodnog prostora na disku. Oslobodite dodatni prostor na tvrdom disku i nastavite instalacijski program. | There is not enough free disk space to uninstall Windows Media Player. At least 50 megabytes (MB) of free disk space is needed. Free additional space on your hard disk and then continue with Setup. |
332 | Nadogradnja softvera za trgovinu | Upgrade Store Software |
333 | Preostalo je manje od 50 megabajta (MB) slobodnog prostora na tvrdom disku. Preporučuje se da prekinete instalaciju, izbrišete nepotrebne datoteke na tvrdom disku te potom nastavite instalaciju. | There is less than 50 megabytes (MB) of free disk space on your computer. It is recommended that you cancel Setup, delete unneeded files on your hard disk, and then resume Setup. |
334 | Nepodudarnost jezika za Windows Media Player. | Windows Media Player language mismatch. |
335 | Verzija programa Windows Media Player koju pokušavate instalirati ista je kao i trenutno instalirana verzija, samo što je na drugom jeziku. Da biste promijenili jezik, prvo morate deinstalirati trenutni Player pomoću servisa za dodavanje i uklanjanje programa, a potom instalirati verziju na željenom jeziku. | The version of Windows Media Player that you are trying to install is the same as the currently installed version, except in a different language. To change the language, you must first uninstall the current Player by using Add and Remove Programs, and then install the language version that you want. |
336 | Nije moguće dovršiti instalaciju spremišta | Cannot Complete Store Install |
337 | Nije bilo moguće dovršiti instalaciju; %s nije instaliran. Sada morate ponovno pokrenuti sustav Windows. | It was not possible to complete Setup; %s was not installed. You must restart Windows now. |
338 | %s nije instaliran. Da biste dodali taj servis u Windows Media Player, ponovno pokrenite instalacijski program za %s. | %s was not installed. To add this store to Windows Media Player, run %s Setup again. |
339 | Nije bilo moguće dovršiti instalaciju %s. | It was not possible to complete %s Setup. |
340 | %s je instaliran. | %s has been installed. |
342 | Internetski opis Programa unaprjeđivanja zadovoljstva korisnika | Online description of the Customer Experience Improvement Program |
344 | Zatvorite %s prije nego što nastavite. | Please close %s before continuing. |
345 | Da biste ovu trgovinu dodali u Windows Media Player, morate biti prijavljeni na računalo kao administrator ili član administratorske grupe. Kliknite Završi, odjavite se s računala te se ponovno prijavite kao administrator. | To add this store to Windows Media Player, you must be logged on to this computer as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Click Finish, log off from the computer, and then log on as an administrator. |
346 | Deinstaliranje %s nije moguće jer su mape potrebne za deinstalaciju već izbrisane. | It is not possible to uninstall %s because folders that are required for the uninstall have already been deleted. |
347 | Dostupno je ažuriranje za %s. Kliknite Prihvaćam da biste preuzeli program ili Odbijam da biste prekinuli nadogradnju. | An upgrade is available for %s. Click I Accept to download the software, or click I Decline to cancel the upgrade. |
400 | Instaliraj sada | Install now |
401 | U redu | OK |
402 | Kliknite Instaliraj sada da biste preuzeli i instalirali ažuriranja. |
Click Install Now to download and install these updates. |
410 | 423|420|80|22|&Natrag | 423|420|80|22|&Back |
411 | 503|420|80|22|&Dalje | 503|420|80|22|&Next |
412 | 423|420|80|22|&Odustani | 423|420|80|22|&Cancel |
413 | 503|420|80|22|&Završi | 503|420|80|22|&Finish |
414 | 508|420|80|22|I &Prihvati | 508|420|80|22|I &Accept |
415 | 428|420|80|22|I &Odbij | 428|420|80|22|I &Decline |
416 | 503|420|80|22|&Instaliraj | 503|420|80|22|&Install |
417 | 503|420|80|22|&U redu | 503|420|80|22|&OK |
419 | 503|420|80|22|&Ponovno pokreni | 503|420|80|22|&Restart |
1128 | Dostupna su ažuriranja koja možete instalirati tako da posjetite | Updates are available that you can install by visiting |
1129 | Vaše se računalo trenutno ažurira. Jeste li sigurni da želite prekinuti ažuriranje prije dovršenja? | Your computer is currently being updated. Are you sure you want to cancel this update before it is complete? |
1135 | Media Restore Pack | Media Restore Pack |
1137 | Nabavljanje ažuriranja za %s | Obtaining Updates for %s |
1138 | Na vašem računalu postoji najnovija verzija programa %s i svih njegovih komponenti. Ažuriranja trenutno nisu dostupna. | Your computer is running the most recent version of %s and all of its components. No update is available at this time. |
1139 | Dostupno je ažuriranje za %s. Želite li sada ažurirati taj program? | A %s update is available. Do you want to update now? |
9800 | Dodaj na popis programa &Windows Media Player | &Add to Windows Media Player list |
9801 | Re&produciraj u programu Windows Media Player | &Play with Windows Media Player |
9900 | Zvučni isječak | Sound Clip |
9902 | Filmski isječak | Movie Clip |
9903 | Zvuk u AIFF obliku | AIFF Format Sound |
9904 | Zvuk u AU obliku | AU Format Sound |
9905 | Videoisječak | Video Clip |
9907 | MIDI sekvenca | MIDI Sequence |
9908 | Zvuk u wave obliku | Wave Sound |
9909 | Windows Media audio/videodatoteka | Windows Media Audio/Video file |
9910 | Popis za reproduciranje Windows Media audio/videosadržaja | Windows Media Audio/Video playlist |
9911 | Windows Media audioprečac | Windows Media Audio shortcut |
9912 | Windows Media audiodatoteka | Windows Media Audio file |
9915 | Datoteka s presvlakom za Windows Media Player | Windows Media Player Skin File |
9916 | Paket s presvlakom za Windows Media Player | Windows Media Player Skin Package |
9917 | AudioCD | AudioCD |
9918 | Audiozapis s CD-a | CD Audio Track |
9919 | Datoteka programa Windows Media Player | Windows Media Player File |
9920 | Paket za preuzimanje programa Windows Media Player | Windows Media Player Download Package |
9921 | DVD video | DVD Video |
9922 | Popis multimedijskih sadržaja za reprodukciju | Media Playlist |
9923 | Popis za reprodukciju programa Windows Media | Windows Media playlist |
9924 | Windows biblioteka multimedijskih sadržaja | Windows Media Library |
9925 | Zvuk u MP3 obliku | MP3 Format Sound |
9926 | M3U datoteka | M3U file |
9927 | Microsoftova snimljena TV emisija | Microsoft Recorded TV Show |
9928 | URL: protokol MMS | URL:MMS Protocol |
9929 | URL: protokol MMST | URL:MMST Protocol |
9930 | URL: protokol MMSU | URL:MMSU Protocol |
9931 | URL: protokol MSBD | URL:MSBD Protocol |
9932 | MP4 video | MP4 Video |
9933 | MPEG-4 audio | MPEG-4 Audio |
9934 | AVCHD Video | AVCHD Video |
9935 | MPEG-2 TS Video | MPEG-2 TS Video |
9936 | Videozapis programa QuickTime | QuickTime Movie |
9937 | 3GPP audio/video | 3GPP Audio/Video |
9938 | 3GPP2 audio/video | 3GPP2 Audio/Video |
9939 | ADTS audio | ADTS Audio |
9940 | Ažuriranje registra... | Updating the registry... |
9941 | Ažuriranje INI datoteka... | Updating INI files... |
9942 | Provjera instalacijskih imenika... | Verifying installation directories... |
9943 | Brisanje starih imenika... | Deleting old directories... |
9944 | Provedba postupaka nakon instalacije... (ovo može potrajati nekoliko minuta) | Performing post-setup operations... (this may take several minutes) |
9945 | Provedba inicijalizacije prije instalacije... | Performing pre-setup initialization... |
9946 | Registracija komponenti... | Registering components... |
9947 | Deregistracija komponenti... | Unregistering components... |
9948 | Kopiranje datoteka... | Copying files... |
9949 | Brisanje datoteka... | Deleting files... |
9950 | MKV videozapis | MKV Video |
9951 | MKA audiozapis | MKA Audio |
9952 | MK3D videozapis | MK3D Video |
9953 | FLAC audiozapis | FLAC Audio |
9960 | Nepoznato | Unknown |
9961 | Ovjera digitalnog potpisa... | Verifying digital signature... |
9962 | Izdvajanje datoteka iz sažetog arhiva. | Extracting files from compressed archive. |
9963 | Instalacijski program za Windows Media | Windows Media Setup |
9964 | Tijek instalacije paketa... | Package install progress... |
9980 | Program Files | Program Files |
9990 | &Otvori | &Open |
9991 | R&eproduciraj | &Play |
9992 | AU audiodatoteka (au) | AU audio file (au) |
9993 | MIDI datoteka (midi) | MIDI file (midi) |
9994 | Windows Media audiodatoteka (wma) | Windows Media Audio file (wma) |
9995 | Windows audiodatoteka (wav) | Windows audio file (wav) |
9996 | Windows medijska datoteka (asf) | Windows Media file (asf) |
9997 | Windows videodatoteka (avi) | Windows video file (avi) |
9998 | Reprodukcija glazbenog CD-a | Music CD Playback |
10000 | Windows Media videodatoteka (wmv) | Windows Media Video file (wmv) |
10002 | MP3 audiodatoteka (mp3) | MP3 audio file (mp3) |
10003 | Datoteka s filmom (mpeg) | Movie file (mpeg) |
10004 | AIFF audiodatoteka (aiff) | AIFF audio file (aiff) |
10005 | Windows slikovna datoteka (jpg) | Windows picture file (jpg) |
10006 | Microsoftova snimljena TV emisija (dvr-ms) | Microsoft Recorded TV Show (dvr-ms) |
10007 | MP4 videodatoteka | MP4 Video file |
10008 | MP4 audiodatoteka | MP4 Audio file |
10009 | Videodatoteka programa QuickTime | QuickTime Movie file |
10010 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavcima .au i .snd. | Includes files with .au and .snd extensions. |
10011 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavcima .mid, .midi i .rmi. | Includes files with .mid, .midi, and .rmi extensions. |
10012 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavcima .wma i .wax. | Includes files with .wma and .wax extensions. |
10013 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavkom .wav. | Includes files with .wav extensions. |
10014 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavcima .asf, .asx, .wpl, .wm, .wmx, .wmd i .wmz. | Includes files with .asf, .asx, .wpl, .wm, .wmx, .wmd, and .wmz extensions. |
10015 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavkom .avi. | Includes files with .avi extensions. |
10016 | Obuhvaća audio CD-ove i datoteke s nastavkom .cda. | Includes audio CDs and files with .cda extensions. |
10017 | DVD-video reprodukcija. | DVD Video playback. |
10018 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavcima .wmv i .wvx . | Includes files with .wmv and .wvx extensions. |
10020 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavcima .mp2, .mp3 i .m3u. | Includes files with .mp2, .mp3, and .m3u extensions. |
10021 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavcima .mpeg, .mpg, .mpe, .m1v, .m2v, .mod, .mpv2, .mp2v i .mpa. | Includes files with .mpeg, .mpg, .mpe, .m1v, .m2v, .mod, .mpv2, .mp2v, and .mpa extensions. |
10022 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavcima .aif, .aifc i .aiff. | Includes files with .aif, .aifc, and .aiff extensions. |
10025 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavcima .mp4, .m4v, .mp4v, .3gp, .3gpp, .3g2 i.3gp2. | Includes files with .mp4, .m4v, .mp4v, .3gp, .3gpp, .3g2, and .3gp2 extensions. |
10026 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavkom .m4a. | Includes files with .m4a extensions. |
10027 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavkom .mov. | Includes files with .mov extensions. |
10028 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavcima .adts, .adt i .aac. | Includes files with .adts, .adt, and .aac extensions. |
10029 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavcima .m2ts, .m2t, .mts, .ts i .tts. | Includes files with .m2ts, .m2t, .mts, .ts, and .tts extensions. |
10030 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavcima .mkv, .mks. | Includes files with .mkv, .mks extensions. |
10031 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavkom .mka. | Includes files with .mka extensions. |
10032 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavkom .mk3d. | Includes files with .mk3d extensions. |
10033 | Obuhvaća datoteke s nastavkom .flac. | Includes files with .flac extensions. |
10100 | Priprema za preuzimanje. | Preparing for download. |
10101 | Povezivanje s poslužiteljem za nadogradnju. | Connecting to upgrade server. |
10102 | Određivanje dostupnosti datoteke. | Determining file availability. |
10103 | Preuzimanje datoteke. Preostalo vrijeme: %s. Primljeno %s. | Downloading file. Time remaining: %s. Received %s. |
10104 | Preuzimanje je dovršeno. | Download complete. |
10105 | Inicijalizacija... | Initializing... |
10106 | Došlo je do pogreške prilikom preuzimanja. | An error has occured while downloading. |
10111 | LANG=HRV | LANG=ENU |
10200 | Instaliranje u tijeku... | Currently installing... |
10203 | Deinstaliranje u tijeku... | Currently uninstalling... |
10204 | Preuzimanje u tijeku... | Currently downloading... |
10220 | Ova se komponenta mora instalirati da bi softver funkcionirao. | This component must be installed for the software to function. |
10221 | Ovo je zajednička komponenta koja se ne smije deinstalirati. | This is a shared component and should not be uninstalled. |
10222 | 270 | 270 |
10223 | 60 | 60 |
10224 | %s bajtova | %s bytes |
10225 | %s KB | %s KB |
10226 | %s MB | %s MB |
10227 | %s GB | %s GB |
10228 | %s TB | %s TB |
10229 | ADTS audiodatoteka | ADTS Audio file |
10230 | MPEG-2 TS videodatoteka | MPEG-2 TS Video file |
10231 | MKV videodatoteka | MKV Video file |
10232 | MKA audiodatoteka | MKA Audio file |
10233 | MK3D videodatoteka | MK3D Video file |
10234 | FLAC audiodatoteka (flac) | FLAC Audio file (flac) |
0x30000000 | Informacije | Info |
0x30000001 | Pokreni | Start |
0x30000002 | Zaustavi | Stop |
File Description: | Program za konfiguriranje Microsoft Windows Media |
File Version: | 12.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | setup_wm.exe |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana. |
Original Filename: | setup_wm.exe.mui |
Product Name: | Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows® |
Product Version: | 12.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x41A, 1200 |