input.dll.mui 输入设置 DLL e9f62be3911aa0c41990591f983528e8

File info

File name: input.dll.mui
Size: 26016 byte
MD5: e9f62be3911aa0c41990591f983528e8
SHA1: 78a0fa07d3823d74727d8b4c4043107b22a32134
SHA256: 368ed8685398c7cc946f26b4ceaeb1de4fdfab809ea322a4b338857724582f1b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
1文本服务和输入语言 Text Services and Input Languages
2自定义语言的文本输入设置 Customizes settings for text input of languages
2001在输入语言之间 Between input languages
2002切换到 %s - %s To %s - %s
2003Ctrl+ Ctrl+
2004左 Alt+ Left Alt+
2005Shift+ Shift+
2010确认 Confirmation
There are profiles that will be enabled with your change
There are profiles that will be disabled with your change
2020键盘 Keyboard
2021语音 Speech
2022手写 Handwriting
2023引用 Reference
2024校对 Proofing
2025操作 Action
2026其他 Other
2030(仅 64 位) (64Bit Only)
2031(仅 32 位) (32Bit Only)
2032%s 仅可用于 32 位进程。
%s is available only on 32 bit processes.
Do you want to make this as a default input item?
2033以下输入方法仅可用于 32 位进程。
The following input methods are available only on 32 bit processes.
%sDo you want to include them in Default User Account?
2034以下输入方法仅可用于 32 位进程。
The following input methods are available only on 32 bit processes.
%sThese can not be applied to System Accounts.
2035... ...
2036显示更多... Show More...
2037关闭 Close
2039%s 的属性设置不可用。 The property setting for %s is not available.
2040Ctrl Ctrl
2041Ctrl + Shift Ctrl + Shift
2042左 Alt + Shift Left Alt + Shift
2043其他语言 Other Languages
2200(无) (None)
2201空格 Space
2202Page_Up Page_Up
2203Page_Down Page_Down
2204End End
2205Home Home
2206F1 F1
2207F2 F2
2208F3 F3
2209F4 F4
2210F5 F5
2211F6 F6
2212F7 F7
2213F8 F8
2214F9 F9
2215F10 F10
2216F11 F11
2217F12 F12
2224'`' '`'
2229A A
2230B B
2231C C
2232D D
2233E E
2234F F
2235G G
2236H H
2237I I
2238J J
2239K K
2240L L
2241M M
2242N N
2243O O
2244P P
2245Q Q
2246R R
2247S S
2248T T
2249U U
2250V V
2251W W
2252X X
2253Y Y
2254Z Z
22560 0
22571 1
22582 2
22593 3
22604 4
22615 5
22626 6
22637 7
22648 8
22659 9
2266~ ~
2267抑音符 Grave Accent
2300中文(繁体)输入法 - 重送结果字符串 Chinese (Traditional) IME - Resend result string
2301给此应用程序重送上一次结果字符串。 Resend the previous result string to this application.
2302中文(繁体)输入法 - 前一个组合 Chinese (Traditional) IME - Previous Composition
2303给此应用程序送上一次字符串。 Bring up the previous string to the application.
2304中文(繁体)输入法 - UI 样式切换 Chinese (Traditional) IME - UI Style Toggle
2305使用或不使用浮动式组字窗口。 Toggle the UI style between caret unrelated UI and the caret related UI.
2306中文(繁体)输入法 - 输入法/非输入法切换 Chinese (Traditional) IME - Ime/NonIme Toggle
2307在输入法和非输入法之间切换。 Toggle between IME and non IME.
2308中文(繁体)输入法 - 全/半角切换 Chinese (Traditional) IME - Shape Toggle
2309切换输入法的全/半角转换模式。 Toggle the shape conversion mode of IME.
2310中文(繁体)输入法 - 中/英标点符号切换 Chinese (Traditional) IME - Punctuation Toggle
2311切换输入法的中/英标点转换模式。 Toggle the symbol conversion mode of IME.
2312中文(简体)输入法 - 输入法/非输入法切换 Chinese (Simplified) IME - Ime/NonIme Toggle
2314中文(简体)输入法 - 全/半角切换 Chinese (Simplified) IME - Shape Toggle
2316中文(简体)输入法 - 中/英标点符号切换 Chinese (Simplified) IME - Punctuation Toggle
3000(默认) (Default)
5000美式键盘 US
5001比利时语(句号) Belgian (Period)
5002比利时法语 Belgian French
5003葡萄牙语(巴西 ABNT) Portuguese (Brazil ABNT)
5004加拿大法语 Canadian French
5005加拿大法语(传统) Canadian French (Legacy)
5007丹麦语 Danish
5008荷兰语 Dutch
5009芬兰语 Finnish
5010法语 French
5011德语 German
5012德语(IBM) German (IBM)
5013冰岛语 Icelandic
5014爱尔兰语 Irish
5015意大利语 Italian
5016意大利语(142) Italian (142)
5017拉丁美洲语 Latin American
5018挪威语 Norwegian
5019葡萄牙语 Portuguese
5020西班牙语 Spanish
5021西班牙语变体 Spanish Variation
5022瑞典语 Swedish
5023瑞士法语 Swiss French
5024瑞士德语 Swiss German
5025英国 United Kingdom
5026美国英语-国际 United States-International
5027美国英语-Dvorak (惯用左手) United States-Dvorak for left hand
5028美国英语-Dvorak (惯用右手) United States-Dvorak for right hand
5029阿尔巴尼亚语 Albanian
5030标准 Standard
5031捷克语 Czech
5032捷克语(标准键盘) Czech (QWERTY)
5033匈牙利语 Hungarian
5034匈牙利语 101-键 Hungarian 101-key
5035波兰语(程序员) Polish (Programmers)
5036波兰语(214) Polish (214)
5037罗马尼亚语(传统) Romanian (Legacy)
5038塞尔维亚语(拉丁语) Serbian (Latin)
5039斯洛伐克语 Slovak
5040斯洛伐克语(标准键盘) Slovak (QWERTY)
5041斯洛文尼亚语 Slovenian
5042爱沙尼亚语 Estonian
5043拉脱维亚语 Latvian
5044拉脱维亚语(标准键盘) Latvian (QWERTY)
5045立陶宛语 IBM Lithuanian IBM
5046希腊语 Greek
5047希腊语拉丁文 Greek Latin
5048希腊语(220) Greek (220)
5049希腊语(319) Greek (319)
5050希腊语(220)拉丁文 Greek (220) Latin
5051希腊语(319)拉丁文 Greek (319) Latin
5052白俄罗斯语 Belarusian
5053保加利亚语(打字机) Bulgarian (Typewriter)
5054保加利亚(拉丁语) Bulgarian (Latin)
5055俄语 Russian
5056俄语(打字机) Russian (Typewriter)
5057塞尔维亚语(西里尔文) Serbian (Cyrillic)
5058乌克兰语 Ukrainian
5059土耳其语 F Turkish F
5060土耳其语 Q Turkish Q
5061日语 Japanese
5062日语输入系统(MS-IME2002) Japanese Input System (MS-IME2002)
5063朝鲜语 Korean
5064朝鲜语输入系统(MS-IME2002) Korean Input System (MS-IME2002)
5065中文(繁体) - 美式键盘 Chinese (Traditional) - US
5066微软注音 Microsoft Phonetic
5067微软仓颉 Microsoft ChangJie
5068中文(繁体) - Big5 码 Chinese (Traditional) - Big5 Code
5069中文(繁体) - 大易 Chinese (Traditional) - DaYi
5070中文(繁体) - Unicode Chinese (Traditional) - Unicode
5071中文(繁体) - 英数 Chinese (Traditional) - Alphanumeric
5072中文(简体) - 美式键盘 Chinese (Simplified) - US
5076中文(简体) - 微软拼音 ABC 输入风格 Chinese (Simplified) - Microsoft Pinyin ABC Input Style
5077中文(简体) - 内码 Chinese (Simplified) - NeiMa
5079泰语 Kedmanee Thai Kedmanee
5080泰语 Pattachote Thai Pattachote
5081泰语 Kedmanee (非 ShiftLock) Thai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock)
5082泰语 Pattachote (非 ShiftLock) Thai Pattachote (non-ShiftLock)
5083希伯来语 Hebrew
5084阿拉伯语(101) Arabic (101)
5085阿拉伯语(102) Arabic (102)
5086阿拉伯语(102) AZERTY Arabic (102) AZERTY
5087捷克语(程序员) Czech Programmers
5088立陶宛语 Lithuanian
5089比利时语(Comma) Belgian (Comma)
5091微软拼音新体验 Microsoft Pinyin NewExperience
5092美国英语-Dvorak United States-Dvorak
5093微软新仓颉 Microsoft New ChangJie
5094阿萨姆语 Assamese
5095孟加拉语 Bengali
5096梵文 - INSCRIPT Devanagari - INSCRIPT
5097古吉拉特语 Gujarati
5098埃纳德语 Kannada
5099马拉亚拉姆语 Malayalam
5100奥里亚语 Odia
5101旁遮普语 Punjabi
5102泰米尔语 Tamil
5103泰卢固语 Telugu
5104马拉地语 Marathi
5105传统印地语 Hindi Traditional
5107广东拼音 Cantonese Phonetic
5108法罗语 Faeroese
5109马其顿语(前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国) Macedonian (FYROM)
5110加拿大多语言标准 Canadian Multilingual Standard
5111微软速成 Microsoft Quick
5112中文(繁体) - 行列 Chinese (Traditional) - Array
5113哈萨克语 Kazakh
5114乌兹别克语西里尔文 Uzbek Cyrillic
5115阿塞拜疆语西里尔文 Azeri Cyrillic
5116鞑靼语(旧版) Tatar (Legacy)
5117阿塞拜疆语拉丁文 Azeri Latin
5118越南语 Vietnamese
5119格鲁吉亚语(传统) Georgian (Legacy)
5120东亚美尼亚语(传统) Armenian Eastern (Legacy)
5121西亚美尼亚语(传统) Armenian Western (Legacy)
5122多元化希腊语 Greek Polytonic
5123IBM 阿拉伯语 238_L 美国英语表 US English Table for IBM Arabic 238_L
5124波斯语 Persian
5125苏格兰盖尔语 Scottish Gaelic
5126葡萄牙语(巴西 ABNT2) Portuguese (Brazil ABNT2)
5127蒙古语西里尔文 Mongolian Cyrillic
5128吉尔吉斯语西里尔文 Kyrgyz Cyrillic
5129乌尔都语 Urdu
5130叙利亚语 Syriac
5131叙利亚语拼音 Syriac Phonetic
5132迪维希语拼音 Divehi Phonetic
5133迪维希语印刷文字 Divehi Typewriter
5136孟加拉语 - INSCRIPT 键盘(传统) Bengali - INSCRIPT (Legacy)
5137芬兰萨米语 Finnish with Sami
5138挪威萨米语 Norwegian with Sami
5140马耳他语 47-键 Maltese 47-Key
5141马耳他语 48-键 Maltese 48-Key
5142芬兰瑞典萨米语 Sami Extended Finland-Sweden
5143挪威萨米语(扩展) Sami Extended Norway
5144瑞典萨米语 Swedish with Sami
5145英国扩展 United Kingdom Extended
5146毛利语 Maori
5148巴什基尔语 Bashkir
5149微软新速成 Microsoft New Quick
5150土库曼语 Turkmen
5151塔吉克语 Tajik
5154藏语(中国) Tibetan (PRC)
5155波斯尼亚语(西里尔文) Bosnian (Cyrillic)
5156因纽特语 - 拉丁语 Inuktitut - Latin
5158蒙古语(蒙古文) Mongolian (Mongolian Script)
5159普什图语(阿富汗) Pashto (Afghanistan)
5160萨哈语 Sakha
5161高棉语 Khmer
5162老挝语 Lao
5163标准索布语(旧版) Sorbian Standard (Legacy)
5164扩展索布语 Sorbian Extended
5165维吾尔语(旧版) Uyghur (Legacy)
5166僧伽罗语 Sinhala
5167僧伽罗语 - Wij 9 Sinhala - Wij 9
5168卢森堡语 Luxembourgish
5169尼泊尔语 Nepali
5170格陵兰语 Greenlandic
5171因纽特语 - Naqittaut Inuktitut - Naqittaut
5172标准立陶宛语 Lithuanian Standard
5173保加利亚语(拼音) Bulgarian (Phonetic)
5174马其顿语(前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国) - 标准 Macedonian (FYROM) - Standard
5175罗马尼亚语(标准) Romanian (Standard)
5176罗马尼亚语(程序员) Romanian (Programmers)
5177阿萨姆语 - INSCRIPT Assamese - INSCRIPT
5178孟加拉语 - INSCRIPT Bengali - INSCRIPT
5179乌克兰语(增强) Ukrainian (Enhanced)
5180保加利亚语 Bulgarian
5181格鲁吉亚语(人机工程学) Georgian (Ergonomic)
5182格鲁吉亚语(QWERTY) Georgian (QWERTY)
5183微软输入法 Microsoft IME
5184标准索布语 Sorbian Standard
5185维吾尔语 Uyghur
5186巴索托语 Sesotho sa Leboa
5187豪撒语 Hausa
5188伊博语 Igbo
5189约鲁巴语 Yoruba
5190沃洛夫语 Wolof
5191茨瓦纳语 Setswana
5192中文(繁体,香港特别行政区) - 美式键盘 Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong S.A.R.) - US
5193中文(简体,新加坡) - 美式键盘 Chinese (Simplified, Singapore) - US
5194中文(繁体,澳门特别行政区) - 美式键盘 Chinese (Traditional, Macao S.A.R.) - US
5195保加利亚语(传统拼音) Bulgarian (Phonetic Traditional)
5196英语(印度) English (India)
5197Microsoft 旧朝鲜语 Microsoft Old Hangul
5198夏威夷语 Hawaiian
5199中部库尔德语 Central Kurdish
5200高棉语(NIDA) Khmer (NIDA)
5201切罗基语注音 Cherokee Phonetic
5202缅甸语 Myanmar
5203俄语 - 助记键 Russian - Mnemonic
5204西双版纳新傣文 New Tai Lue
5205德宏傣文 Tai Le
5206欧甘文 Ogham
5207提夫纳语(基本) Tifinagh (Basic)
5208提夫纳语(扩展) Tifinagh (Extended)
5209切罗基语民族 Cherokee Nation
5210傈僳语(基本) Lisu (Basic)
5211傈僳语(标准) Lisu (Standard)
5212西非书面文 N’Ko
5213波斯语(标准) Persian (Standard)
5214希伯来语(标准) Hebrew (Standard)
5215格鲁吉亚(MES) Georgian (MES)
5216格鲁吉亚语(旧字母) Georgian (Old Alphabets)
5217亚美尼亚语注音 Armenian Phonetic
5218亚美尼亚语打字机 Armenian Typewriter
5219八思巴文 Phags-pa
5220布吉斯语 Buginese
5221哥特语 Gothic
5222藏语(中国) - 更新 Tibetan (PRC) - Updated
5223欧甘语 Ol Chiki
5224拉脱维亚语(标准) Latvian (Standard)
5225传统蒙古语(标准) Traditional Mongolian (Standard)
5226索马里文 Osmanya
5227古意大利文 Old Italic
5228索拉文 Sora
5229中阿特拉斯塔马塞特文 Central Atlas Tamazight
5230爪哇语 Javanese
5231瓜拉尼语 Guarani
5232弗萨克文 Futhark
5233鞑靼语 Tatar
5234阿塞拜疆(标准) Azerbaijani (Standard)
5235不丹语 Dzongkha
5300微软拼音 Microsoft Pinyin
5301Tigrinya 输入法 Tigrinya Input Method
5302微软五笔 Microsoft Wubi
5702微软注音输入法 Microsoft Phonetic IME
5703微软新仓颉输入法 Microsoft New ChangJie IME
5705微软新速成输入法 Microsoft New Quick IME
5707微软拼音输入法 Microsoft Pinyin IME
5708微软智能 ABC 输入法 Microsoft ABC IME
5710微软大易输入法 Microsoft DaYi IME
5711微软行列输入法 Microsoft Array IME
5715阿姆哈拉语输入法 Amharic Input Method
5716彝语输入法 Yi Input Method


File Name:input.dll.mui
File Size:25 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:16896
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:输入设置 DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Input
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:Input.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Ole Self Register:

What is input.dll.mui?

input.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file input.dll (输入设置 DLL).

File version info

File Description:输入设置 DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Input
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:Input.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200