File name: | sdengin2.dll.mui |
Size: | 31744 byte |
MD5: | e9d2170e93c9452dfd675e94695ed455 |
SHA1: | 20139965dc6fba8ac59c777da011c9db030a660b |
SHA256: | ec673f823df40f355f404589e5fe7a038035c9ce8ad49c0b199954431b09e571 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Maltese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Maltese | English |
203 | Ir-restawr tal-fajl %s falla minħabba problema biex jaqra mill-fajl ZIP fuq il-midja ta' backup (UNZIP ta żball dunzip 0x%x, 0x%x) | Restore of the file %s failed because of a problem reading from the ZIP file on the backup media (UNZIP returned dunzip error 0x%x, 0x%x) |
204 | Backup ta' Windows | Windows Backup |
205 | Qed jipprepara għal backup |%1!s! | Preparing to back up |%1!s! |
206 | Qed jikkopja fajls f'|%1!s! | Copying files to |%1!s! |
207 | Qed jiskennja |%1!s! | Scanning |%1!s! |
208 | Drajv | Drive |
209 | Agħmel backup u rrestawra l-fajls | Back up and restore files |
20000 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema meta kien qed jibda. | Backup encountered a problem while starting. |
20001 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed joħloq kopji dell tal-volum. | Backup encountered a problem while creating volume shadow copies. |
20002 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jeżamina t-tipi ta' fajls. | Backup encountered a problem while examining file types. |
20003 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jistima d-daqs tal-backup. | Backup encountered a problem while estimating the size of the backup. |
20004 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jagħmel backup tal-fajls. | Backup encountered a problem while backing up files. |
20005 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed inaddaf fajls tal-backup temporanji. | Backup encountered a problem while cleaning up temporary backup files. |
20006 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jipprepara l-mira tal-backup
%1!s! |
Backup encountered a problem while preparing the backup target:
%1!s! |
20007 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jagħmel backup tal-up drive %1!s! | Backup encountered a problem while backup up drive %1!s! |
20008 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jeżamina fowlder:
%1!s!%2!s! |
Backup encountered a problem while examining a folder:
%1!s!%2!s! |
20009 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jeżamina fajl:
%1!s!%2!s! |
Backup encountered a problem while examining a file:
%1!s!%2!s! |
20010 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed iżid fajl mal-backup:
%1!s! |
Backup encountered a problem while adding a file to the backup:
%1!s! |
20011 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed iżid fajl ma' zip:
File: %1!s! Zip: %2!s! |
Backup encountered a problem while adding a file to a zip:
File: %1!s! Zip: %2!s! |
20012 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jikkopja fajls zip f'%1!s! | Backup encountered a problem while copying zip files to %1!s! |
20013 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jikkopja fajl zip:
Zip: %1!s! Tagħmir tal-Backup: %2!s! |
Backup encountered a problem while copying a zip file:
Zip: %1!s! Backup Device: %2!s! |
20014 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jikkopja fajls tal-katalgu f'%1!s! | Backup encountered a problem while copying catalog files to %1!s! |
20015 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jikkopja fajl tal-katalgu:
Katalgu: %1!s! Tagħmir tal-Backup: %2!s! |
Backup encountered a problem while copying a catalog file:
Catalog: %1!s! Backup Device: %2!s! |
20016 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jipprepara l-post tal-backup li jista' jitneħħa:
%1!s! |
Backup encountered a problem while preparing the removable backup location:
%1!s! |
20017 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jipprepara l-post tal-backup:
%1!s! |
Backup encountered a problem while preparing the backup location:
%1!s! |
20018 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jaġġorna l-fajls tal-katalgu. | Backup encountered a problem while updating catalog files. |
20019 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed iżid fajls kbar mal-backup. | Backup encountered a problem while adding large files to the backup. |
20020 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jiftaħ il-katalgu tal-backup. | Backup encountered a problem while opening the backup catalog. |
20021 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jissejvja l-katalgu tal-backups. | Backup encountered a problem while saving the backup catalog. |
20022 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jiftaħ il-katalgu tal-backups %1!s! mill-midja tal-backup. | Backup encountered a problem while opening the backup catalog %1!s! from backup media. |
20023 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jaġġorna l-katalgu tal-backups. | Backup encountered a problem while updating the backup catalog. |
20024 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed iżid fajls ikkumpressati mal-backup. | Backup encountered a problem while adding compressed files to the backup. |
20100 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jipprepara biex jirrestawra. | Restore encountered a problem while preparing to restore. |
20101 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jivverifika l-post tan-netwerk:
%1!s! |
Restore encountered a problem while verifying the network location:
%1!s! |
20102 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jivverifika t-tagħmir tal-backups:
%1!s! |
Restore encountered a problem while verifying the backup device:
%1!s! |
20103 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed ifittex il-midja:
%1!s! Tagħmir tal-Backup: %2!s! |
Restore encountered a problem while looking for the media:
%1!s! Backup Device: %2!s! |
20104 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jivvalida l-fajls zip. | Restore encountered a problem while validating the zip files. |
20105 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jivvalida l-fajl zip:
%1!s! |
Restore encountered a problem while validating the zip file:
%1!s! |
20106 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jirrestawra l-fajls. | Restore encountered a problem while restoring files. |
20107 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jirrestawra l-fowlders. | Restore encountered a problem while restoring folders. |
20108 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jirrestawra l-fowlderr:
%1!s! |
Restore encountered a problem while restoring a folder:
%1!s! |
20109 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jirrestawra s-sigurtà fuq fowlder.:
%1!s! |
Restore encountered a problem while restoring security on a folder:
%1!s! |
20110 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jirrestawra attributi fuq fowlder:
%1!s! |
Restore encountered a problem while restoring attributes on a folder:
%1!s! |
20111 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jirrestawra fajl:
%1!s! |
Restore encountered a problem while restoring a file:
%1!s! |
20112 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jaġġorna l-fowlders. | Restore encountered a problem while updating folders. |
20113 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jaġġorna fowlder:
%1!s! |
Restore encountered a problem while updating a folder:
%1!s! |
20114 | %1!s! | %1!s! |
20115 | Ir-restawr iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jipprova jirrestawra l-post li ġej:
%1!s! |
Restore encountered a problem while trying to restore to the following location:
%1!s! |
20201 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jaġġorna l-katalgu. | Backup encountered a problem while updating the catalog. |
20202 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed iħassar:
%1!s! |
Backup encountered a problem while deleting:
%1!s! |
20203 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jiskennja direttorju:
%1!s! |
Backup encountered a problem while scanning directory:
%1!s! |
20301 | Il-backup iltaqa' ma' problema waqt li kien qed jagħmel backup tal-fajl %1!s!. Żball:(%2!s!)
Backup encountered a problem while backing up file %1!s!. Error:(%2!s!)
20302 | Ir-restawr ma rnexxilux jirrestawra l-fajl: %1!s!. Żball:%2!s!
Restore failed to restore the file: %1!s!. Error:%2!s!
20303 | Ir-restawr qabeż ir-restawrar tal-fajl: %1!s! fil-post oriġinali.
Restore skipped restoring the file: %1!s! to original location.
20304 | Il-backup qabeż jagħmel backup ta' %1!s! billi mhux fuq kompjuter lokali.
Backup skipped backing up %1!s! as it is not on local machine.
20305 | Il-backup qabeż jagħmel backup ta' %1!s! billi qiegħed fuq il-mira tal-backup.
Backup skipped backing up %1!s! as it is on the backup target.
20306 | Il-Backup Windows qabeż %1!s! | Windows Backup skipped %1!s! |
20307 | %1!s! billi ma jistax jinstab fuq id-drajv %2!s!.
%1!s! because it cannot be found on drive %2!s!.
20308 | %1!s! billi huwa fuq drajv korrott %2!s!.
%1!s! because is it on corrupted drive %2!s!.
20309 | %1!s! billi huwa fuq id-drajv %2!s!, li huma msakkar minn BitLocker.
%1!s! because it is on drive %2!s!, which is locked by BitLocker.
20310 | %1!s! billi huwa fuq id-drajv %2!s!, li m'għandux biżżejjed spajzu liberu biex jaħżen il-fajls temporanjament matul il-backup.
%1!s! because it is on drive %2!s!, which does not have enough free space to temporarily store files on during the backup.
20311 | %1!s! billi huwa fuq id-drajv %2!s!, li mhux tip ta' drajv appoġġjat.
%1!s! because it is on drive %2!s!, which is not a supported drive type.
21003 | Qed joħloq kopja dell fuq id-diska mira %1!s! | Creating shadow copy on the target disk %1!s! |
21004 | Il-ħolqien ta' immaġni tas-sistema ta' %1!s! intemm. | The creation of a system image of %1!s! was ended. |
21005 | Il-ħolqien ta' immaġni tas-sistema %1!s! ġie kkanċellat. | The creation of a system image of %1!s! was cancelled. |
21006 | Qed joħloq immaġni tas-sistema ta' %1!s! | Creating a system image of %1!s! |
21007 | Irnexxielha tinħoloq immaġni tas-sistema %1!s!. | A system image of %1!s! was successfully created. |
21008 | Qed jiskennja sistema tal-fajl... | Scanning file system... |
21009 | Qed jipprepara l-mira tal-backup... | Preparing the backup target... |
21010 | Backup Windows falla | Windows Backup failure |
21011 | Operazzjoni | Operation |
21012 | AppVer | AppVer |
21014 | TargetType | TargetType |
21015 | Qed tfittex backup aktar qadim? | Looking for an older backup? |
21016 | Jekk ħloqt backup permezz tal-għodda Windows 7 Backup and Restore, din xorta taħdem f'Windows 10. | If you created a backup using the Windows 7 Backup and Restore tool, it'll still work in Windows 10. |
21017 | Mur f'Backup and Restore (Windows 7) | Go to Backup and Restore (Windows 7) |
0x1001 | Backup has started. Backup location: %1. | Backup has started. Backup location: %1. |
0x1002 | Backup completed successfully. | Backup completed successfully. |
0x1003 | Backup was cancelled. | Backup was cancelled. |
0x1004 | Backup did not complete successfully because a shadow copy could not be created. Free up disk space on the drive that you are backing up by deleting unnecessary files and then try again. | Backup did not complete successfully because a shadow copy could not be created. Free up disk space on the drive that you are backing up by deleting unnecessary files and then try again. |
0x1005 | There is not enough space to save the backup in the current backup location %1. Free up disk space or select a different backup location. | There is not enough space to save the backup in the current backup location %1. Free up disk space or select a different backup location. |
0x1006 | Backup could not continue because a disc was not present in %1. Please insert a disc. | Backup could not continue because a disc was not present in %1. Please insert a disc. |
0x1007 | The backup did not complete because of an error writing to the backup location %1. The error is: %2. | The backup did not complete because of an error writing to the backup location %1. The error is: %2. |
0x1008 | The backup was not successful. The error is: %1. | The backup was not successful. The error is: %1. |
0x1009 | The primary backup catalog is either missing or corrupted. Backup will use the secondary catalog. | The primary backup catalog is either missing or corrupted. Backup will use the secondary catalog. |
0x01000000 | Async call still in progress. | Async call still in progress. |
0x01000001 | The cancel is pending. | The cancel is pending. |
0x01000002 | The media has been skipped. | The media has been skipped. |
0x01000003 | Windows did not find any new or changed files since your last backup was made. | Windows did not find any new or changed files since your last backup was made. |
0x01000005 | The restore completed successfully, but some files were skipped. | The restore completed successfully, but some files were skipped. |
0x01000006 | The media inserted was not the requested media. | The media inserted was not the requested media. |
0x01000007 | Please insert a blank disc. | Please insert a blank disc. |
0x01000008 | The existing media will be used. | The existing media will be used. |
0x01000009 | Windows could not delete some files or directories. | Windows could not delete some files or directories. |
0x0100000A | No backup sets were removed from the catalog | No backup sets were removed from the catalog |
0x0100000B | The most recent backup set was removed from the catalog | The most recent backup set was removed from the catalog |
0x8000100A | Some files were not backed up. The details are logged in the following file: %1. | Some files were not backed up. The details are logged in the following file: %1. |
0x81000000 | The operation was cancelled. | The operation was cancelled. |
0x81000001 | Windows Backup encountered an internal error. Please review your settings and retry the operation. | Windows Backup encountered an internal error. Please review your settings and retry the operation. |
0x81000002 | The backup location cannot be accessed. Review your backup settings and check your backup location. | The backup location cannot be accessed. Review your backup settings and check your backup location. |
0x81000003 | The backup disk cannot be found. Review your backup and restore settings and check your hardware configuration. | The backup disk cannot be found. Review your backup and restore settings and check your hardware configuration. |
0x81000004 | Windows encountered an internal error. You can try to restore from a different backup. | Windows encountered an internal error. You can try to restore from a different backup. |
0x81000005 | There is not enough space on this drive to save the backup. Free up space by deleting older backups and unnecessary data or change your backup settings. | There is not enough space on this drive to save the backup. Free up space by deleting older backups and unnecessary data or change your backup settings. |
0x81000006 | The backup location cannot be found or is not valid. Review your backup settings and check the backup location. | The backup location cannot be found or is not valid. Review your backup settings and check the backup location. |
0x81000008 | The last backup was not successful because the backup location has a corrupted file system. | The last backup was not successful because the backup location has a corrupted file system. |
0x8100000A | The latest backup set can not be found. Make sure it is accessible and it has not been deleted. Otherwise, create a new full backup. | The latest backup set can not be found. Make sure it is accessible and it has not been deleted. Otherwise, create a new full backup. |
0x8100000B | You cannot create a backup or change backup settings when your computer is running on battery power. Attach a power cord and try again. | You cannot create a backup or change backup settings when your computer is running on battery power. Attach a power cord and try again. |
0x81000010 | You must be logged on as an administrator to perform this task. | You must be logged on as an administrator to perform this task. |
0x81000011 | The backup file is corrupted or missing. Check your hardware configuration or restore from a different backup. | The backup file is corrupted or missing. Check your hardware configuration or restore from a different backup. |
0x81000014 | There is not enough space on the drive that Windows is installed on to prepare for backing up your files. At least 400 MB of free space is required to continue. Free up some space by deleting unnecessary files and try again. | There is not enough space on the drive that Windows is installed on to prepare for backing up your files. At least 400 MB of free space is required to continue. Free up some space by deleting unnecessary files and try again. |
0x81000015 | Windows Backup could not create a zip file. This could be because the drive that Windows is installed on does not have enough space or it could be a temporary error. Make sure you have at least 400 MB of free space and try again. | Windows Backup could not create a zip file. This could be because the drive that Windows is installed on does not have enough space or it could be a temporary error. Make sure you have at least 400 MB of free space and try again. |
0x81000018 | Windows encountered an internal error. Review your backup and restore settings. | Windows encountered an internal error. Review your backup and restore settings. |
0x81000019 | A shadow copy could not be created. Please check \"VSS\" and \"SPP\" application event logs for more information. | A shadow copy could not be created. Please check \"VSS\" and \"SPP\" application event logs for more information. |
0x8100001A | The backup file could not be found. Make sure the drive that the backup is saved on is attached or try to restore from a different backup. | The backup file could not be found. Make sure the drive that the backup is saved on is attached or try to restore from a different backup. |
0x81000027 | Windows encountered an internal error. Review your backup settings. | Windows encountered an internal error. Review your backup settings. |
0x81000029 | Your backup configuration is not valid. Review your backup settings. | Your backup configuration is not valid. Review your backup settings. |
0x8100002A | To save files on a network location, your permissions need to be set to Full Control for that location. | To save files on a network location, your permissions need to be set to Full Control for that location. |
0x8100002B | The backup location is locked by BitLocker. Unlock the drive and try again. | The backup location is locked by BitLocker. Unlock the drive and try again. |
0x8100002D | Windows backup is not configured after Windows was upgraded from an earlier version. Review your backup settings. | Windows backup is not configured after Windows was upgraded from an earlier version. Review your backup settings. |
0x8100002E | Windows was trying to restore files to a drive and could not find it. | Windows was trying to restore files to a drive and could not find it. |
0x8100002F | The backup completed but some files were skipped. | The backup completed but some files were skipped. |
0x81000030 | Access is denied to the restore location. | Access is denied to the restore location. |
0x81000031 | Windows Backup failed while determining libraries location of one of the users included in backup. | Windows Backup failed while determining libraries location of one of the users included in backup. |
0x81000032 | Windows Backup skipped backing up system image because one of the critical volumes cannot be included for backup. Check that volume is online and is formatted NTFS. | Windows Backup skipped backing up system image because one of the critical volumes cannot be included for backup. Check that volume is online and is formatted NTFS. |
0x81000033 | Windows Backup skipped backing up system image because one of the critical volumes is not having enough free space. Free up some space by deleting unnecessary files and try again. | Windows Backup skipped backing up system image because one of the critical volumes is not having enough free space. Free up some space by deleting unnecessary files and try again. |
0x81000034 | The backup catalog is corrupted. Restore from a different backup or create a new, full backup. | The backup catalog is corrupted. Restore from a different backup or create a new, full backup. |
0x81000035 | Windows Backup encountered invalid MediaID.bin file on the drive where the backup is saved. Restore from a different backup or delete the MediaID.bin file and try to create another backup. The MediaID.bin file can be found under \\MediaId.Bin & \\\\MediaId.Bin. | Windows Backup encountered invalid MediaID.bin file on the drive where the backup is saved. Restore from a different backup or delete the MediaID.bin file and try to create another backup. The MediaID.bin file can be found under \\MediaId.Bin & \\\\MediaId.Bin. |
0x81000036 | Windows Backup encountered an error. Please try again. | Windows Backup encountered an error. Please try again. |
0x81000037 | Windows Backup failed while trying to read from the shadow copy on one of the volumes being backed up. Please check in the event logs for any relevant errors. | Windows Backup failed while trying to read from the shadow copy on one of the volumes being backed up. Please check in the event logs for any relevant errors. |
0x81000038 | Windows Backup encountered a problem while determining additional locations of one of the users included in backup. | Windows Backup encountered a problem while determining additional locations of one of the users included in backup. |
0x81000039 | Windows Backup encountered an error when accessing the remote shared folder. | Windows Backup encountered an error when accessing the remote shared folder. |
0x810000E0 | Windows encountered an internal error. Close Windows Backup. | Windows encountered an internal error. Close Windows Backup. |
0x810000E2 | Another backup is already in progress. Try the backup again later. | Another backup is already in progress. Try the backup again later. |
0x810000E3 | There is a problem with the backup catalog. Restore from a different backup or create new, full backup. | There is a problem with the backup catalog. Restore from a different backup or create new, full backup. |
0x810000E9 | Windows Backup cannot run because there are too many files already backed up. Create a new, full backup. | Windows Backup cannot run because there are too many files already backed up. Create a new, full backup. |
0x810000EB | The backup catalog is corrupt or was created with a different version of Windows. Restore from a different backup or create a new, full backup. | The backup catalog is corrupt or was created with a different version of Windows. Restore from a different backup or create a new, full backup. |
0x810000EC | There is a problem with the backup catalog. Log on as an administrator and try to restore files again. | There is a problem with the backup catalog. Log on as an administrator and try to restore files again. |
0x810000EE | Windows Backup has not been set up on this computer. An administrator must first create a backup before you can restore files. | Windows Backup has not been set up on this computer. An administrator must first create a backup before you can restore files. |
0x810000EF | Your system administrator does not allow you to run backup from a remote session. Either run the backup while logged on directly to the computer, or contact your system administrator. | Your system administrator does not allow you to run backup from a remote session. Either run the backup while logged on directly to the computer, or contact your system administrator. |
0x810000F2 | A valid backup does not exist at the specified location. Choose a different location. | A valid backup does not exist at the specified location. Choose a different location. |
0x810000F3 | The backup cannot finish because another program is accessing temporary files used by the backup process. Stop or close any anti-virus programs on the drive where Windows is installed and also on the backup target location. Then try the backup again. | The backup cannot finish because another program is accessing temporary files used by the backup process. Stop or close any anti-virus programs on the drive where Windows is installed and also on the backup target location. Then try the backup again. |
0x810000F5 | Backing up to the current location is not allowed by your system administrator.Select a different backup location. | Backing up to the current location is not allowed by your system administrator.Select a different backup location. |
0x810000F6 | Your network credentials are not valid. | Your network credentials are not valid. |
0x810000F7 | Windows Backup is currently busy doing a backup, restore or deletion. Please wait or close the other window. | Windows Backup is currently busy doing a backup, restore or deletion. Please wait or close the other window. |
0x810000F8 | A system image cannot be saved to the current backup location. Change your backup settings and select a different backup location. | A system image cannot be saved to the current backup location. Change your backup settings and select a different backup location. |
0x810000F9 | The path specified for loading the backup catalog is not valid. | The path specified for loading the backup catalog is not valid. |
0x810000FB | The device you are trying to restore to is not supported. Try to restore a different device. | The device you are trying to restore to is not supported. Try to restore a different device. |
0x810000FC | The files could not be read, try again. | The files could not be read, try again. |
0x810000FD | Your system administrator does not allow you to back up your files. Contact your system administrator for more information. | Your system administrator does not allow you to back up your files. Contact your system administrator for more information. |
0x810000FE | Your system administrator does not allow you to create a system image. Contact your system administrator for more information. | Your system administrator does not allow you to create a system image. Contact your system administrator for more information. |
0x810000FF | Windows Backup had to skip all the drives included in backup. Make sure that the drives are plugged in and working correctly. | Windows Backup had to skip all the drives included in backup. Make sure that the drives are plugged in and working correctly. |
0xC00000EA | Windows cannot delete temporary files used for backup. This might be caused by antivirus software preventing access to the files. Review your antivirus software settings and try the backup again. | Windows cannot delete temporary files used for backup. This might be caused by antivirus software preventing access to the files. Review your antivirus software settings and try the backup again. |
File Description: | Microsoft® Windows Backup Engine |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | SDENGINE.DLL |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Kull Dritt Riżervat. |
Original Filename: | SDENGINE.DLL.MUI |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x43A, 1200 |