104 | @(BrandName) |
@(BrandName) |
108 | Utför åtgärder... |
Applying actions... |
160 | Söker... |
Scanning... |
161 | Verifierar Windows som körs på den här datorn... |
Validating Windows running on this PC... |
2166 | Uppdaterar... |
Updating... |
2167 | Rensar... |
Cleaning... |
3001 | &Öppna |
&Open |
3003 | &Avbryt sökningen |
&Cancel scan |
5019 | &Visa information |
&Show details |
5020 | &Utför rekommenderade åtgärder |
T&ake recommended actions |
6108 | Söker efter uppdateringar... |
Checking for updates... |
7070 | Datorstatus: |
PC status: |
8000 | Skyddad |
Protected |
8001 | Utsatt |
At risk |
8002 | Möjligen oskyddad |
Potentially unprotected |
8003 | @(BrandName) är inaktiverat |
@(BrandName) is OFF |
8004 | Regelbunden sökning i @(BrandName) är PÅ |
@(BrandName) Periodic Scanning is ON |
20000 | Failed to open the local machine Group Policy |
Failed to open the local machine Group Policy |
20001 | Failed to save the local machine Group Policy |
Failed to save the local machine Group Policy |
20002 | Failed to create registry key "%1" in the local machine Group Policy |
Failed to create registry key "%1" in the local machine Group Policy |
20003 | Failed to delete registry key "%1" from the local machine Group Policy |
Failed to delete registry key "%1" from the local machine Group Policy |
20004 | Failed to open registry key "%1" in the local machine Group Policy |
Failed to open registry key "%1" in the local machine Group Policy |
20005 | Failed to convert value "%1" to 32-bit DWORD |
Failed to convert value "%1" to 32-bit DWORD |
20006 | Failed to convert value "%1" to 64-bit DWORD |
Failed to convert value "%1" to 64-bit DWORD |
20007 | Failed to set registry value "%1" under registry key "%2" in the local machine Group Policy |
Failed to set registry value "%1" under registry key "%2" in the local machine Group Policy |
20008 | Failed to connect to WMI namespace "%1" |
Failed to connect to WMI namespace "%1" |
20009 | Failed to load WMI singleton instance of WMI class "%1" |
Failed to load WMI singleton instance of WMI class "%1" |
20010 | Failed to load WMI instance "%1" of WMI class "%2" |
Failed to load WMI instance "%1" of WMI class "%2" |
20011 | Failed to save WMI instance "%1" |
Failed to save WMI instance "%1" |
20012 | Failed to get current value for WMI property "%1" |
Failed to get current value for WMI property "%1" |
20013 | Failed to convert the value of WMI property "%1" to type "%2" |
Failed to convert the value of WMI property "%1" to type "%2" |
20014 | Failed to set WMI property "%1" to "%2" |
Failed to set WMI property "%1" to "%2" |
20015 | Failed to load policy XML. Verify the file exists and is a valid XML file |
Failed to load policy XML. Verify the file exists and is a valid XML file |
20016 | Policy XML schema validation failed. Verify that the policy XML file was exported from the FEP console and was not manually modified |
Policy XML schema validation failed. Verify that the policy XML file was exported from the FEP console and was not manually modified |
0x3E8 | %1 tillämpade följande säkerhetsprincip: %2.%0 |
%1 successfully applied security policy: \"%2\".%0 |
0x3E9 | %1 misslyckades med att tillämpa följande säkerhetsprincip: %2. Fel: %3. Felkod: %4.%0 |
%1 failed to apply security policy: \"%2\". Error: %3. Error Code: %4.%0 |
0x7D0 | Antalet identifieringsinstanser överskrider gränsen på %1. Instanser utöver denna gräns har ignorerats.%0 |
The number of detection instances exceeds the limit of %1. Additional instances were discarded.%0 |
0x7D1 | Storleken på den genererade identifieringsinstansen är över %1 kB, vilket överskrider gränsen på %2 kB. Identifieringsinstansen har ignorerats.%0 |
The size of the generated detection instance was more than %1KB, which exceeds the limit of %2KB. The detection instance was discarded.%0 |
0x7D2 | Felet %1 uppstod när WMI-instansen för Antimalware-infektionstillstånd skulle skapas.%0 |
There was an error %1 in creating the Antimalware Infection State WMI instance.%0 |
0x7D3 | Felet %1 uppstod när WMI-instansen för Antimalware-hälsotillstånd skulle skapas.%0 |
There was an error %1 in creating the Antimalware Health State WMI instance.%0 |
0xBBA | Felet %1 uppstod när identifieringsinstansen skulle genereras.%0 |
There was an error %1 in generating the detection instance.%0 |
0xFA0 | Felet %1 uppstod vid initieringen av WMI-providern %2.%0 |
There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider initialization.%0 |
0xFA1 | Felet %1 uppstod i AccessCheck-metoden för WMI-providern %2.%0 |
There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider AccessCheck method.%0 |
0xFA2 | Felet %1 uppstod i ProvideEvents-metoden för WMI-providern %2.%0 |
There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider ProvideEvents method.%0 |
0xFA3 | Felet %1 uppstod i FireEvent-metoden för WMI-providern %2.%0 |
There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider FireEvent method.%0 |
0xFA4 | Felet %1 uppstod i instanshämtningsmetoder för WMI-providern %2.%0 |
There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider instance retrieval methods.%0 |
0xFA5 | Felet %1 uppstod i ExecMethodAsync-metoden för WMI-providern %2.%0 |
There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider ExecMethodAsync method.%0 |