100 | SMPHost |
SMPHost |
101 | Microsoft 存储空间管理提供程序的主机服务。如果阻止或禁用这项服务,则无法管理存储空间。 |
Host service for the Microsoft Storage Spaces management provider. If this service is stopped or disabled, Storage Spaces cannot be managed. |
102 | Microsoft Storage Spaces SMP |
Microsoft Storage Spaces SMP |
0x50000002 | 错误 |
Error |
0x50000003 | 警告 |
Warning |
0x50000004 | 信息 |
Information |
0x51000001 | 关键 |
Critical |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-StorageManagement-WSP-Spaces |
Microsoft-Windows-StorageManagement-WSP-Spaces |
0x91000001 | Microsoft-Windows-StorageManagement-WSP-Host |
Microsoft-Windows-StorageManagement-WSP-Host |
0xB00007D0 | Windows 存储提供程序无法启动远程存储子系统。%n%n存储子系统 ID:%t%t%1%n存储子系统 URI:%t%2%n用户名:%t%t%t%3%n错误代码:%t%t%t%4%n错误字符串:%t%t%t%5%n%n请确保远程存储子系统已联机并已连接到网络。%n检查尝试连接到该子系统的用户是否具有必要的权限。 |
The Windows Storage Provider could not start the remote storage subsystem.%n%nStorage Subsystem ID:%t%t%1%nStorage Subsystem URI:%t%2%nUsername:%t%t%t%3%nError Code:%t%t%t%4%nError String:%t%t%t%5%n%nEnsure that the remote storage subsystem is online and connected to the network.%nCheck if the user attempting to connect to the subsystem has the necessary permissions. |
0xB00007D1 | Windows 存储提供程序与群集已断开连接。 |
The Windows Storage Provider has lost its connection to the cluster. |
0xB00007D2 | Windows 存储提供程序已与群集建立连接。 |
The Windows Storage Provider has established a connection to the cluster. |
0xB00007D3 | 在执行方法期间发生错误。%n%n类:%t%t%1%n方法:%t%t%2%nObjectId:%t%3%n错误代码:%t%4 |
An error occurred during method execution.%n%nClass:%t%t%1%nMethod:%t%t%2%nObjectId:%t%3%nError Code:%t%4 |
0xB00007D4 | 在操作的过程中,Windows 存储提供程序显示了一个错误。%n%n消息:%t%1 |
An error was posted by the Windows Storage Provider during the course of an operation.%n%nMessage:%t%1 |
0xB00007D5 | 在执行存储作业期间发生错误。%n%n 作业名称:%t%1%n 错误代码:%t%2 |
An error occurred during storage job execution.%n%nJob Name:%t%1%nError Code:%t%2 |
0xB00007D6 | 在执行获取实例操作期间发生错误。%n%n类:%t%t%1%nObjectId:%t%2%n 错误代码:%t%3 |
An error occurred during a get instance operation.%n%nClass:%t%t%1%nObjectId:%t%2%nError Code:%t%3 |
0xB00007D7 | 在枚举对象期间发生错误。%n%n类:%t%t%1%n错误代码:%t%2 |
An error occurred during object enumeration.%n%nClass:%t%t%1%nError Code:%t%2 |
0xB00007D8 | 在执行方法期间发生错误。%n%n类:%t%t%1%n方法:%t%t%2%nObjectId:%t%3%nMI_Result:%t%4 |
An error occurred during method execution.%n%nClass:%t%t%1%nMethod:%t%t%2%nObjectId:%t%3%nMI_Result:%t%4 |
0xB00007D9 | 尝试执行诊断操作时出错。%n%n计算机名称: %1%n错误代码: %2%n次要错误: %3 |
An error occurred while trying to perform a diagnostic operation.%n%nComputer name: %1%nError Code: %2%nSecondary Error: %3 |
0xB10003E8 | 无法加载某个 Windows 存储提供程序。%n%n提供程序:%t%t%1%n提供程序 DLL:%t%2%n错误代码:%t%3%n加载阶段:%t%4%n%n此故障指示安装不当,或者某个 DLL 缺失或损坏。 |
A Windows Storage Provider failed to load.%n%nProvider:%t%t%1%nProvider DLL:%t%2%nError Code:%t%3%nLoad Phase:%t%4%n%nThis failure is indicative of a bad installation, or a missing or corrupt DLL. |
0xD1000001 | 正在加载 DLL |
Loading DLL |
0xD1000002 | 查找 ShutdownCallback |
Find ShutdownCallback |
0xD1000003 | 查找 WMI 入口点 |
Find WMI Entrypoint |
0xD1000004 | 启动托管提供程序 |
Launch Hosted Provider |