rasdlg.dll.mui 遠端存取共用對話方塊 API e791ce2e1728ae34f0479eb412207785

File info

File name: rasdlg.dll.mui
Size: 82432 byte
MD5: e791ce2e1728ae34f0479eb412207785
SHA1: 943f3ba15eed63df5464a28cc64b20df094cc1a2
SHA256: d730da0418e51f8d654872b5837d731eb66e8c52d34650f08a139a265c8b53e6
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
187不,不要撥號(&N) &No, do not dial
188您 (或程式) 要求了來自 %1 的資訊。
You (or a program) have requested information from %1. Which connection do you want to use?
189新增其他電話號碼 Add Alternate Phone Number
190只撥接第一個可用裝置 Dial only first available device
191撥接所有裝置 Dial all devices
192只撥接需要的裝置 Dial devices only as needed
193請輸入可存取遠端網路網域的使用者名稱和密碼。 Enter a user name and password with access to the remote network domain.
195區碼只能包含 0 到 9 的數字。 The area code must contain only the digits 0 to 9.
196項目名稱至少必須包含一個非空白字元,而且不能以句點作為開頭。請選擇其他名稱。 The entry name must contain at least one non-blank character and cannot begin with a period. Choose a different name.
198無法載入自訂的驗證設定 DLL。請確定自訂的驗證封裝是否已正確安裝。 The custom authentication configuration DLL could not be loaded. Make sure the custom authentication package is correctly installed.
請使用 [路由及遠端存取管理] 來掛斷連線。
The connection selected was established by the Multiprotocol router.
Please use the 'Routing and RAS Admin' tool to hang up the connection.
200註解 Comment
201自訂驗證封裝設定失敗。 The custom authentication package configuration failed.
202[路由及遠端存取] 的 TCP/IP 並未安裝或已停用。請到 [控制台] 啟動 [網路],接著到 [服務] 頁選擇 [路由及遠端存取服務] 內容,然後按 [網路] 按鈕。 TCP/IP is not installed or is disabled for Routing and Remote Access. In Control Panel, start Network, go to the Services page, choose 'Routing and Remote Access Service' Properties, and press the Network button.
204您要從清單上移除所選取的裝置嗎? Do you want to remove the selected device(s) from the list?
205您要從電話簿上刪除 %1 嗎? Do you want to delete %1 from the phonebook?
206您要中斷 %1 的連線嗎? Do you want to disconnect from %1?
207名稱為 %1 的檔案已經存在。您要覆寫它嗎? A file named %1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
208在指令檔中發現語法錯誤。您要檢視錯誤記錄檔嗎? Syntax errors were found in the script. Do you want to view the error log?
209'%1' 目前已連線。 '%1' is now connected.
210請在工作列的 [撥號網路監視器] 上按滑鼠右鍵,以便掛斷或檢查連線狀態。 Right-click the Dial-Up Networking Monitor on the task bar to hang up or check the status of your connection.
212已順利連線。 Connected successfully.
214lnk lnk
215撥號捷徑檔 (*.rnk) Dial-up shortcut files (*.rnk)
216*.rnk *.rnk
217建立撥號捷徑 Create Dial-Up Shortcut
218連結 %1 失敗。重新連線擱置... Link to %1 failed. Reconnect pending...
219無法抓取框架資訊。 Cannot retrieve framing information.
220無法抓取連接埠資訊。 Cannot retrieve port information.
221無法抓取投影資訊。 Cannot retrieve projection information.
222無法載入連線清單。 Cannot load connection list.
223用戶端: Client:
224詳細資料 Details
225裝置: Device:
226網路: Network:
227(未連線) (not connected)
228連線(&C)... &Connect...
229掛斷(&U) Hang &Up
230撥號連線 Dial-up Connection
231數據機設定成預設值 Modem configuration set to defaults
232COM1 COM1
233遠端路由器 Remote Router
234數據機或裝置 Modem or device
235在遠端路由器上輸入這個介面帳戶的使用者名稱。 Enter a username for this interface's account on the remote router.
236名稱 %1 的項目已經存在。請選擇其他名稱。 An entry named %1 already exists. Please choose a different name.
237您可以允許在沒有加密的狀態下傳送您的密碼。 You may want to allow sending your password without encryption.
238密碼加密 Password Encryption
241電話號碼(&N): Phone &number:
242用這個號碼回撥給我 Call Me Back At
243編輯其他電話號碼 Edit Alternate Phone Number
244因為這個連線正在使用中,部分的設定值必須等到下次撥接時才會生效。 Since this connection is currently active, some settings will not take effect until the next time you dial it.
245沒有所有使用者都可以使用的連線。您必須在撥號之前先登入。 There are no connections available to all users. You must log on before dialing.

請按 [確定] 來新增項目。
The phonebook is empty.

To add an entry, click OK.
247因為匯入/匯出的限制,無法在這個版本的 Windows 上使用資料加密。 Due to import/export restrictions, data encryption is not available in this version of Windows.
249錯誤 %1: %2 Error %1: %2

錯誤 %2: %3

Error %2: %3

錯誤 %2: %3
診斷: %4

Error %2: %3
Diagnostic: %4

錯誤 %2: %3
失敗碼: %4

Error %2: %3
Fail Code: %4

錯誤 %2: %3

請按 F1 以取得其他資訊。

Error %2: %3

Press F1 for more information.

錯誤 %2: %3
名稱: %4

Error %2: %3
Name: %4



錯誤 %2: %3
回應: %4

Error %2: %3
Response: %4
257失敗碼: 0x%1
Fail Code: 0x%1
258名稱: %1
Name: %1
259%1 CP 回報錯誤 %2: %3
%1 CP reported error %2: %3
260%1 CP 已順利連線。
%1 CP connected successfully.
261您可以選擇要使用哪個撥號通訊協定。 You can choose which dial-up protocol to use.
262選擇撥號通訊協定 Choose Dial-up Protocol
263按下 [完成] 以儲存 '%1'。 Click Finish to save '%1'.
264netcfg.hlp netcfg.hlp
265連線時,將成功的號碼移到清單的頂端(&M) &Move successful number to the top of the list on connection
266新電話號碼(&N): &New phone number:
267電話號碼(&P): &Phone numbers:
268電話號碼 Phone Numbers
269您可以輸入固定的 IP 位址。 You may enter a fixed IP address.
270IP 位址 IP Address
271遠端存取的網際網路通訊協定 (TCP/IP) 並未安裝或已停用。請到 [控制台] 啟動 [網路],接著到 [服務] 頁選擇 [遠端存取服務] 的內容,再按 [網路]。 The Internet protocols (TCP/IP), are not installed or are disabled for Remote Access. In Control Panel, start Network, go to the Services page, choose 'Remote Access Service' Properties, and then click Network.
273IPSec,預設原則 IPsec, default policy
275(目前位置) (the current location)
277所有可用的 ISDN 多重連結線路 All available ISDN lines multi-linked
27864K 數位 64K Digital
27956K 數位 56K Digital
28056K 語音 56K Voice
281您可能需要在連線之前執行特殊的程序。 You may need a special procedure before connecting.
282選擇登入選項 Choose Logon Options
283%d%% %d%%
284%s 的電話號碼 Phone number for %s
285新增位置(&N): &New location:
286位置(&L): &Locations:
287位置 Locations
288這個裝置將用來建立連線。 This device will be used to make the connection.
289選取裝置 Select a Device
290除非您撥接 PPP 伺服器,否則無法建立多重線路。 Multiple lines cannot be bundled unless you are calling a PPP server.
291數據機 Modem
292並未安裝數據機。 The modem is not installed.
293Microsoft 點對點加密,128 位元 RSA/RC4 Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption, 128-bit RSA/RC4
294Microsoft 點對點加密,40 位元 RSA/RC4 Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption, 40-bit RSA/RC4
295多重線路 Multiple Lines
296(按 [設定] 進行設定) (Click Configure to set)
297您可以輸入固定的 DNS 及 WINS 位址。 You may enter fixed DNS and WINS addresses.
298名稱伺服器位址 Name Server Addresses
301PPP 多重連結 PPP multi-link
304個人電話簿已經建立,並使用系統電話簿的內容加以初始化。 A personal phonebook has been created and initialized with the contents of the system phonebook.
305並未選取其他電話簿。 No alternate phonebook is selected.
306無法動態設定裝置。 That device cannot be dynamically configured.
307無法刪除項目,因為它已連線。 The entry cannot be deleted because it is connected.
308並未選取項目。按 [新增] 按鈕建立項目。 No entry is selected. To create an entry, click New.
309當您選取 '指定 IP 位址' 時,必須提供一個非零值的 IP 位址。 A non-zero IP address must be supplied when 'specify an IP address' is selected.
311(無) (none)
312'%1' 已在清單中。 '%1' is already in the list.
313幫助保護我的密碼和資料的安全性 Help secure my password and my data
314無法選取 %1 通訊協定,因為尚未安裝它,或者它已經停用了遠端存取。如果您要變更,請到 [控制台] 啟動 [網路],選擇 [服務] 頁中的 [遠端存取內容],然後按 [網路]。 The %1 protocol cannot be selected because it is not installed or is disabled for Remote Access. To change, in Control Panel start Network, choose Services page, Remote Access Properties, and click Network.
315無法儲存密碼。 Cannot save password.
316無法顯示資料。 Cannot display data.
317無法取得自動撥號資訊。 Cannot get auto-dial information.
318無法載入對話。 Cannot load dialog.
319無法停用共用存取。 Cannot disable shared access.
320無法載入內容頁。 Cannot load property page.
321無法載入電話簿。 Cannot load phonebook.
322無法載入 RAS 管理員連接埠資訊。 Cannot load RAS Manager port information.
323無法從登錄讀取使用者喜好設定。 Cannot read user preferences from registry.
324無法載入指令檔資訊。 Cannot load script information.
325無法用記事本檢視 script.log。 Cannot view script.log with Notepad.
326無法用記事本編輯 switch.inf。 Cannot edit switch.inf with Notepad.
327無法載入 TAPI 資訊。 Cannot load TAPI information.
329無法建立新電話簿。 Cannot create new phonebook.
330無法啟用共用存取。 Cannot enable shared access.
331無法與電話簿項目連線。 Cannot connect the phonebook entry.
332無法取得傳送/接收緩衝區。 Cannot get send/receive buffer.
333無法取得連接埠的狀態資訊。 Cannot get status information for a port.
334無法抓取通訊協定資訊。 Cannot retrieve protocol information.
335無法從裝置接收緩衝區。 Cannot receive buffer from device.
336無法將緩衝區傳送給裝置。 Cannot send buffer to device.
337無法抓取資料。 Cannot retrieve data.
338無法儲存 TAPI 資訊。 Cannot save TAPI information.
339無法儲存資料。 Cannot save data.
340指令檔已停止執行。 The script has halted.
341因為發生錯誤,指令檔已停止執行。您要檢視錯誤記錄檔嗎? The script has halted due to an error. Do you want to view the error log?
342無法設定自動撥號資訊。 Cannot set auto-dial information.
343無法刪除已儲存的密碼。 Cannot delete saved password.
344無法寫入電話簿。 Cannot write phonebook.
345正在將喜好設定寫入登錄中 Writing preferences to registry
346無法寫入捷徑檔。 Cannot write the shortcut file.
347確定 OK
348無法設定連入連線。 Cannot configure incoming connections.
349因為這個連線是由限制權限的應用程式所啟動的,您無法變更連線的內容。請使用網路和共用中心或網路連線資料夾來變更連線設定。 Because this connection was started by an application with restricted privileges, you cannot change the properties of the connection. Please use the Network and Sharing Center or Network Connections folder to change the connection settings.
350密碼欄位和確認密碼欄位並不相符。 The Password and Confirm password fields do not match.
351新密碼欄位和確認新密碼欄位不相符。 The New Password and Confirm New Password fields do not match.
352pbk pbk
353撥號電話簿 Dial-Up Phonebook
354*.pbk *.pbk
355開啟電話簿 Open Phonebook
356複製電話簿項目 Clone Phonebook Entry
357編輯電話簿項目 Edit Phonebook Entry
358新增電話簿項目 New Phonebook Entry
361網路連線 Network Connections
362您至少必須選取一個網路通訊協定。 You must select at least one network protocol.
363在撥接 PPP 伺服器之前,您必須安裝一個網路通訊協定。 Before you can call PPP servers you must install a network protocol.
364新首碼(&N): &New prefix:
365首碼(&P): &Prefixes:
366電話號碼首碼 Phone Number Prefixes
369當 %1 在介面 %2 上初始指定撥號連線時所使用的點對點通訊協定 (PPP) 設定: Point-to-point protocol settings to use when %1 initiates a demand-dial connection on interface %2:
370[請按這裡來變更已儲存的密碼] [To change the saved password, click here]
371移除 Removed
407重撥(&R) &Redial
若要繼續,請按一下 [是]。

若要重新啟用傳輸,請按一下 [否]。
You have chosen to disable one or more transports. Doing so requires the routing managers and routing protocols for the disabled transports to be removed from this demand-dial connection.
To continue, click Yes.

To re-enable the transports, click No.
410指定撥號介面撥入帳戶。 Demand-dial interface dial-in account.
411您現在必須設定介面 %1 用來連線到遠端路由器的撥出認證。這些認證必須符合遠端路由器上的撥入認證設定。當您連線到

Windows NT4/2000 路由器時,使用者名稱也必須符合遠端路由器的介面名稱。
You now need to set the dial-out credentials that interface '%1' will use when connecting to the remote router. These credentials must match the dial-in credentials configured on the remote router. When connecting to a

Windows NT4/2000 router, the user name must also match the interface name of the remote router.
412mpradmin.hlp mpradmin.hlp
413連線時,將成功的號碼或位址移到清單頂端(&M) &Move successful number or address to the top of the list on connection
414新增電話號碼或位址(&N): &New phone number or address:
415電話號碼或位址(&P): &Phone numbers or addresses:
416號碼及位址 Numbers and Addresses
420所有裝置都已連線。 All devices connected.
421正在接收登錄結果... Receiving registration results...
422正在傳送回撥資訊... Sending callback information...
423正在傳送新密碼... Sending new password...
424正在計算連結速度... Calculating link speed...
425正在檢查驗證狀態... Checking authentication status...
426正在網路上登錄您的電腦... Registering your computer on the network...
427正在重試驗證... Retrying authentication...
428正在確認使用者名稱和密碼... Verifying user name and password...
429已驗證。 Authenticated.
430正在透過 %1 進行連線... Connecting through %1...
431正在撥號... Dialing...
432數據機連線中... Modems connecting...
433正透過纜線來進行連線... Connecting over cable...
434正在撥號 %1... Dialing %1...
436正在透過 %1 進行後置連線... Post-connecting through %1...
437正在透過 %1 進行前置連線... Pre-connecting through %1...
438已連線。 Connected.
439裝置已連線。 Device connected.
440已中斷連線。 Disconnected.
441數據機已連接。 Modem connected.
442電纜線已連接。 Cable connected.
443正在開啟連接埠... Opening port...
444套用設定的設定 Applying configured settings
445連接埠已開啟。 Port opened.
446後置連線完成。 Post-connect complete.
447前置連線完成。 Pre-connect complete.
448正在準備回撥... Preparing for callback...
449正在檢查網路通訊協定連線... Checking network protocol connections...
451已連線,正在連結其他線路... Connected, bundling additional lines...
452無法辨識的狀態。 Unknown state.
453正在等候回撥... Waiting for callback...
454正在等候數據機重設... Waiting for modem reset...
455您要將電話號碼作永久變更嗎? Make the phone number change permanent?
456scp scp
457*.scp *.scp
458撥號指令檔 (*.scp) Dial-up script files (*.scp)
459瀏覽撥號指令檔 Browse Dial-Up Scripts
460您至少必須選取一台數據機或一個介面卡。 You must select at least one modem or adapter.
464狀態 Status
465新尾碼(&N): &New suffix:
466尾碼(&S): &Suffixes:
467電話號碼尾碼 Phone Number Suffixes
470手動數據機命令終端機 Manual Modem Command Terminal
471終端機撥號之後 After Dial Terminal
472終端機撥號之前 Before Dial Terminal
47410 分鐘 10 minutes
47510 秒 10 seconds
4761 小時 1 hour
4771 分鐘 1 minute
47824 小時 24 hours
4792 小時 2 hours
4802 分鐘 2 minutes
48130 分鐘 30 minutes
48230 秒 30 seconds
4833 秒 3 seconds
4844 小時 4 hours
4854 分鐘 4 minutes
4865 分鐘 5 minutes
4875 秒 5 seconds
4888 小時 8 hours
489 never
492您要捨棄這個項目的多重線路的設定嗎? Discard multiple line settings for the entry?
493無法使用的裝置 Unavailable device
495遠端存取喜好設定 Remote Access Preferences
500無法啟用指定撥號。 Cannot enable on-demand dialing.
502無法停用指定撥號。 Cannot disable on-demand dialing.
505VPN1 VPN1
511當網際網路連線共用啟用後,您的網路介面卡會被設定成使用 IP 位址。您的電腦可能會因此失去與網路上其他電腦的連線。如果這些電腦擁有靜態 IP 位址的話,您應該將它們設定成自動取得它們的 IP 位址。您確定要啟用網際網路連線共用嗎? When Internet Connection Sharing is enabled, your network adapter will be set to use IP address This might cause your computer to lose connectivity with other computers on your network. If these other computers have static IP addresses, set them to obtain their IP addresses automatically. Are you sure you want to enable Internet Connection Sharing?
513%1 (使用 '%2') %1 using '%2'
514連線(&C) &Connect
515讓伺服器判定是否要加密 Let the server determine encryption
516自動加密我的資料 Always encrypt my data
517使用 MPPE-40 資料加密 Use MPPE-40 data encryption
518使用 MPPE-128 資料加密 Use MPPE-128 data encryption
519目前的加密選擇需要求 MS-CHAP 或 EAP 驗證。 The current encryption selection requires MS-CHAP or EAP authentication.
520自訂驗證訊息 Custom Authentication Message
521正在連線到 %1... Connecting to %1...
523自動 Automatic
524點對點通道通訊協定 (PPTP) Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
525使用 IPsec 的第二層通道通訊協定 (L2TP/IPSec) Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPsec)
526IKEv2 IKEv2
527安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)
529虛擬私人連線 Virtual Private Connection
530使用任何需要的驗證格式,包含純文字的驗證格式。請不要加密資料。 Use any form of authentication required including clear text. Do not encrypt data.
531使用任何需要加密密碼的驗證格式。請不要加密資料。 Use any form of authentication that requires passwords to be encrypted. Do not encrypt data.
532輸入這個項目的名稱。 Type a name for the entry.
533加密密碼及資料。 Encrypt passwords and data.
534輸入一個介於 1 至 65535 間的連接埠號碼。 Type a port number between 1 and 65535.
535請使用 [設定值] 按鈕來指定自訂驗證及資料加密。 Specify custom authentication and data encryption with the Settings button.
The port number is already used by another entry.
Enter a unique port number.
540輸入一個以上用來做為連入回應的連接埠。 Enter one or more ports for incoming responses.
541選取您要刪除的項目。 Select the entry you want to delete.
5421 秒 1 second
543選取您要修改的項目。 Select the entry you want to modify.
57620 分鐘 20 minutes
579請指定這個連線到您工作地點的連線名稱。 Specify a name for this connection to your workplace.
581網路應用程式設定值 Network Application Settings
582請在下列方塊中輸入這個連線的名稱。 Type a name for this connection in the following box.
584請在下列方塊中輸入您的 ISP 名稱。 Type the name of your ISP in the following box.
585進階內容 Advanced Properties
586請輸入私人網路上伺服器電腦的 IP 位址。 Please type the IP address of the server computer on the private network.
587進階設定 Advanced Settings
The entry name begins with a period or contains characters that are not valid.
Choose a different name.
589內容 Properties
597診斷報告 Diagnostic Report
598目的地位址是 IPv6 位址。PPTP 無法在 IPv6 上運作。將會把 VPN 連線類型設為 [自動]。 The destination address is an IPv6 address.PPTP does not work over IPv6. The VPN connection type will be set to Automatic.
1512通訊連接埠 Communications Port
1523通道 channel
1528直接連線 Direct Connection
1529選取這個連線的裝置。 Select a device for this connection.
1530Microsoft JhengHei UI Verdana Bold
153112 12
1532連線類型 Connection Type
1533選取您要建立的指定撥號介面的類型。 Select the type of demand-dial interface you want to create.
1537輸入您要撥接的遠端伺服器或路由器的電話號碼。 Type the phone number of the remote server or router you are calling.
1538VPN 類型 VPN Type
1539選取您要建立的 VPN 連線的類型。 Select the type of VPN connection you want to create.
1540目的地位址 Destination Address
1541遠端路由器的名稱或位址為? What is the name or address of the remote router?
1548路由器指令執行 Router Scripting
1549您可以設定一個指令執行來連接遠端路由器。 You can set up a script for connecting to the remote router.
1550撥入認證 Dial-In Credentials
1551設定遠端路由器撥入這個伺服器時所要使用的使用者名稱及密碼。 Configure the user name and password that the remote router will use when it dials in to this server.
1552撥出認證 Dial-Out Credentials
1553提供連線到遠端路由器時所要使用的使用者名稱及密碼。 Supply the user name and password to be used when connecting to the remote router.
1554介面名稱 Interface Name
1555您可以輸入這個連線的易記名稱。 You can type a friendly name for this connection.
1556沒有可用的裝置 No available devices
1557本機電腦上已有名為 %1 的使用者帳戶。指定撥號介面應該設定為使用這個使用者帳戶嗎? A user account named %1 already exists on the local computer. Should the demand-dial interface be configured to use this user account?
1559允許無安全保護的密碼 Allow unsecured password
1560需要有安全保護的密碼 Require secured password
1561使用智慧卡 Use smart card
1562您至少必須選取一個密碼驗證通訊協定。 You must select at least one password authentication protocol.
1563不允許加密 (如果需要加密,伺服器將中斷連線) No encryption allowed (server will disconnect if it requires encryption)
1564可省略加密 (即使沒有加密也要連線) Optional encryption (connect even if no encryption)
1565需要加密 (如果伺服器拒絕就中斷連線) Require encryption (disconnect if server declines)
1566最大長度加密 (如果伺服器拒絕就中斷連線) Maximum strength encryption (disconnect if server declines)
1567(啟用加密) (encryption enabled)
1570所選取的 EAP 封裝並沒有提供加密金鑰。請選取一個提供加密金鑰的 EAP 封裝,或選擇不要加密。 The selected EAP package does not provide encryption keys. Select an EAP package that does provide keys or choose not to encrypt.
1571目前選取的加密需要 EAP,或 MS-CHAP v2 登入安全性方法。 The current encryption selection requires EAP or MS-CHAP v2 logon security method.
1572通訊協定及安全性 Protocols and Security
1573請選取這個連線的傳輸和安全性選項。 Select transports and security options for this connection.
1574您所選取的通訊協定包括 PAP 和/或 CHAP。如果其中一種已經過交涉,資料加密就不會發生。您要保留這些設定嗎? The protocols you have selected include PAP and/or CHAP. If one of these is negotiated, data encryption will not occur. Do you want to keep these settings?
1575如果要連線到 '%1',您必須先連線到 '%2'。您現在要連線到 '%2' 嗎? To connect to '%1', you must first be connected to '%2'. Do you want to connect to '%2' now?
1576正透過平行電纜線來進行連線... Connecting over parallel cable...
1577正透過紅外線來進行連線... Connecting over infrared...
1578已完成平行電纜線連線。 Parallel cable connected.
1579已完成紅外線連線。 Infrared connected.
1580這個連線被設定成使用資料加密方法,但所安裝的軟體不支援此方法。這個連線的資訊安全內容已被重設成使用其他可加密的方法。 This connection was configured to use a data encryption strength that is not supported by the installed software. The security properties of this connection have been reset to the available encryption strengths.
1582請輸入使用者名稱。 Please enter a user name.
1583這個使用者名稱和密碼將儲存供您自己使用。已儲存有供所有這個連線其他使用者的使用者名稱和密碼。是否要刪除供所有其他使用者的使用者名稱和密碼? This user name and password will be saved for your own use. There is already a user name and password saved for all other users of this connection. Do you want to delete the user name and password saved for all other users?
1584例如,您可以輸入您的工作地點名稱,或是您將連線的伺服器名稱。 For example, you could type the name of your workplace or the name of a server you will connect to.
1585帳戶資訊 Account Information
1586目前無法完成要求。必須先重新啟動系統才能變更任何設定。 The request cannot be completed at this time. The system must first be restarted before any configuration changes can be made.
1587無法完成要求,因為已開啟了另一個網路內容對話方塊。請先關閉所有其他對話方塊,然後再試一次。 The request cannot be completed because another network property dialog box is open. Please close all other dialog boxes and then try again.
1588無法完成要求,因為存取被拒。 The request cannot be completed because access has been denied.

The following message was received from your service provider:

1590重新連線 %1 Reconnect %1
1591服務名稱 Service Name
1592提供您的寬頻連線的服務名稱為何? What is the name of the service that provides your broadband connection?
1593您將需要帳戶名稱及密碼,才能登入您的帳戶 You will need an account name and password to sign in to your account
1594PPPOE1-0 PPPOE1-0
1595乙太網路上的點對點通訊協定 (PPPoE) Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)
1596所要進行的寬頻連線類型(&B): Type of &broadband connection to make:
1606您必須為此連線選取 EAP 方法。 You must select an EAP method for this connection.
1607自訂加密 Custom Encryption
1611寬頻連線 Broadband Connection
You have selected to use a preshared key but you have not entered one.
Please enter a preshared key.
1613無法認可認證 Cannot Commit Credentials
1634因為 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 服務已停用,Windows 無法顯示這個連線或家用網路的內容。

若要設定這個連線或您家用網路的內容,先啟用 WMI 服務。若要啟用 WMI 服務,請在 [系統管理工具] 控制台中,按兩下 [服務],使用滑鼠右鍵按 [Windows Management Instrumentation],然後按 [開始]。
Because the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service has been disabled, Windows cannot display the properties of this connection or the home network.

To configure the properties of this connection or your home network, first enable the WMI service. To do this, in Administrative Tools in Control Panel, double-click Services, right-click Windows Management Instrumentation, and then click Start.
1635Windows 無法顯示這個連線的內容。Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 資訊可能已損毀。如果要修正這個問題,請使用 [系統還原] 將 Windows 還原到較早的時間 (稱為還原點)。[系統還原] 是在 [附屬應用程式] 的 [系統工具] 資料夾中。 Windows cannot display the properties of this connection. The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) information might be corrupted. To correct this, use System Restore to restore Windows to an earlier time (called a restore point). System Restore is located in the System Tools folder in Accessories.
1646允許連入回應要求 Allow incoming echo request
1647允許連入時間戳記要求 Allow incoming timestamp request
1648允許連入遮罩要求 Allow incoming mask request
1649允許連入路由器要求 Allow incoming router request
1650允許連出目的地無法連線 Allow outgoing destination unreachable
1651允許連出來源抑制 Allow outgoing source quench
1652允許連出參數問題 Allow outgoing parameter problem
1653允許超出連出時間 Allow outgoing time exceeded
1654允許重新導向 Allow redirect
1655log log
1656*.log *.log
1657防火牆記錄檔 (*.log) Firewall log files (*.log)
1658瀏覽 Browse
1665傳送到這個電腦的訊息將會重覆傳回給寄件者。這一般用於疑難排解,例如,ping 一部電腦。 Messages sent to this computer will be repeated back to the sender. This is commonly used for troubleshooting, for example, to ping a computer.
1666資料傳到這台電腦後,就會出現含有收到資料時間的確認訊息,表示收到無誤。 Data sent to this computer can be acknowledged with a confirmation message indicating the time that the data was received.
1667這台電腦將接聽和回應和這台電腦所連結的公用網路有關的詳細資訊的要求。 This computer will listen for and respond to requests for more information about the public network to which it is attached.
1668這台電腦將回應有關它能辨認的路由的資訊要求。 This computer will respond to requests for information about the routes it recognizes.
1669透過網際網路所傳送的資料,如果因為錯誤而無法連線到這台電腦,將會被丟棄,並且會出現「無法與目的地取得連線」的訊息解釋失敗情況。 Data sent over the Internet that fails to reach this computer due to an error will be discarded and acknowledged with a "destination unreachable" message explaining the failure.
1670當這台電腦處理連入資料的能力無法跟上傳輸的速率時,資料將被丟棄,並將要求傳送者減慢速度傳輸。 When this computer's ability to process incoming data cannot keep up with the rate of a transmission, data will be dropped and the sender will be asked to slow down.
1671當這台電腦因收到有問題的標頭而丟棄資料時,就會以「不正確的標頭」的錯誤訊息回覆給傳送者。 When this computer discards data it has received due to a problematic header, it will reply to the sender with a "bad header" error message.
1672當這台電腦因完整傳輸需要比所允許還多的時間而丟棄未完成的傳輸時,就會以「時間到期」的錯誤訊息回覆給傳送者。 When this computer discards an incomplete data transmission because the entire transmission required more time than allowed, it will reply to the sender with a "time expired" message.
1673如果預設路徑變更,從這部電腦傳送的資料將重新路由。 Data sent from this computer will be rerouted if the default path changes.
1675為記錄檔大小輸入的數值不正確,請輸入介於 1 到 32767 KB 之間的數值。 The value entered for the log file size is not valid. Enter a value between 1 and 32767 KB.
1685您的使用者帳戶沒有使用這個連線的權限。這通常是因為您以 Guest 身分來登入。 Your user account does not have permission to use this connection. Usually, this is because you are logged in as Guest.
1686輸入使用者名稱及密碼。(如果您忘記現有的帳戶名稱或密碼,請連絡您的網路系統管理員。) Type a user name and password. (If you have forgotten an existing account name or password, contact your network administrator.)
1688ISP 名稱(&A) ISP N&ame
1689公司名稱(&A) Company N&ame
What is the phone number you will use to make this connection?
1691遠端網路的靜態路由 Static Routes for Remote Networks
1692靜態路由是以手動方式定義、兩個網路之間的永久性路由。 A static route is a manually defined, permanent route between two networks.
1693目的地 Destination
1694網路遮罩/首碼長度 Network Mask/Prefix length
1696計量 Metric
1697需要有目的地。 Destination is required.
1698需要有網路遮罩。 Network mask is required.
1699需要有計量。 Metric is required.
1700遮罩不正確。 Invalid mask.
1701無法新增重複的路由。 Cannot add duplicate route.
1702無法載入診斷功能 Cannot load diagnostic functions
1704請輸入正確的檔案名稱。 Enter a valid file name.
1706請輸入正確的電子郵件地址! Enter a valid e-mail address.
1710沒有可用的診斷記錄檔。 No diagnostic log file is available.
1711無法啟動 explorer.exe 來載入診斷記錄檔。 Unable to launch explorer.exe to load the diagnostic log file.
1713這個處理程序可能需要數分鐘時間。您想要繼續嗎? This process can take several minutes. Do you want to continue?
1715無法將記錄檔匯出到您指定的檔案,可能是磁碟空間不足。 Cannot export log to the file you specified. There might not be enough disk space.
1717無法傳送記錄檔。請檢查是否已安裝 Microsoft Outlook,且設定是否正確! Cannot send the log. Make sure that Microsoft Outlook is installed and configured correctly.
1718正在產生報表... Generating report...
1720完成寫入檔案。 Writing to file is finished.
1722完成傳送電子郵件。 Sending e-mail is finished.
1724操作失敗。 Operation was unsuccessful.
1727瀏覽資料夾 Browse for Folder
1728完成 Finished
1749PPTP 無法在 IPv6 上運作。將會把 VPN 連線類型設為 [自動]。 PPTP does not work over IPv6. The VPN connection type will be set to Automatic.
1750目前的 VPN 連線設定使用 PPTP 作為連線類型,PAP 作為允許的驗證通訊協定。使用 PPTP 及 PAP 時資料不會經過加密。請變更安全性設定,或使用其他連線類型。 The current VPN connection settings include PPTP as the connection type and PAP as an allowed authentication protocol. Data is not encrypted when PPTP and PAP are used. Change the security settings or use a different connection type.
1751您所選取的通訊協定包括 PAP 及/或 CHAP。目前的 VPN 選項可能沒有將資料加密。您是否要保留 VPN 選項設定? The protocols you have selected include PAP and/or CHAP. The current VPN selection might not encrypt data. Do you want to keep the VPN selection?
1753TCP/IPv6 TCP/IPv6
1772無效的首碼長度。 Invalid prefix length.
1773無效的目的地位址 Invalid destination address
18506 秒 6 seconds
18519 秒 9 seconds
185212 秒 12 seconds
185315 秒 15 seconds
18546 分鐘 6 minutes
185512 分鐘 12 minutes
185615 分鐘 15 minutes
7301連入 TCP/IP 內容 Incoming TCP/IP Properties
7302您必須為這個欄位選擇一個介於 %1 到 %2 的數值。 You must choose a value from %1 to %2 for this field.
7306連入連線錯誤 Incoming Connections Error
7307連入連線一般錯誤 Incoming Connections General Error
7308連入連線 Incoming Connections
7309連入連線網路錯誤 Incoming Connections Networking Error
7310連入連線多重連結狀態錯誤 Incoming Connections Multilink Status Error
7312連入連線初始化錯誤 Incoming Connections Initialization Error
7313連入連線 TCP/IP 內容錯誤 Incoming Connections TCP/IP Properties Error
7316標準 Generic
7317裝置 Device
7318雜項資料庫 Miscellaneous Database
7319使用者資料庫 User Database
7320通訊協定資料庫 Protocol Database
7321您必須輸入新增使用者的登入名稱,或按 [取消]。 You must enter a logon name for the new user or press cancel.
7322輸入的密碼太短。 The password you entered was too short.
7323您輸入的這些密碼不相同。請重新輸入。 The passwords entered are not the same. Please re-enter them.
7324內部發生錯誤。 An internal error has occurred.
7325Listview Listview
7326嘗試認可您在本機使用者資料庫上所作的變更時發生錯誤。 An error has occurred while attempting to commit the changes you have made to the local user database.
7327您的權限不足,無法將使用者加入本機系統資料庫。 You have insufficient privileges to add a user to the local system database.
7328您嘗試建立的使用者已經存在於本機使用者資料庫中。 The user you are trying create already exists in the local user database.
7329使用者並未被加入本機使用者資料庫,因為您所輸入的密碼被拒。 The user was not added to the local user database because the password you entered was rejected.
7330因為發生內部錯誤,無法重新載入系統使用者資料庫。 Unable to reload the system user database because of an internal error.
7331發生內部錯誤: 本機使用者資料庫控制代碼已損毀。 An internal error has occurred: The local user database handle is corrupt.
7332無法載入要顯示 [使用者] 索引標籤所需的資源。 Unable to load the resources necessary to display the user tab.
7333嘗試復原您對本機使用者資料庫所作的變更時發生內部錯誤。 An internal error occurred while attempting to rollback the changes you made to the local user database.
7334裝置資料庫控制代碼已損毀。 The device database handle is corrupt.
7335無法載入要顯示 [一般] 索引標籤所需的資源。 Unable to load the resources necessary to display the general tab.
7336嘗試認可您對裝置或 VPN 所做的某些相關變更時發生錯誤。 An error has occurred while attempting to commit some of the device/vpn related changes you have made.
7338發生內部錯誤: 網路元件資料庫控制代碼已損毀。 An internal error occurred: The networking component database handle is corrupt.
7340嘗試認可您對網路元件所做的變更時,發生錯誤。 An error has occurred while attempting to commit the changes you have made to the networking components.
7342無法認可您對系統的 TCP/IP 通訊協定所做的變更。 Unable to commit the changes you made to the TCP/IP protocol to the system.
7344無法顯示 TCP/IP 的內容。 Unable to display the TCPIP properties.
7346無法從系統載入 TCP/IP 內容。 Unable to load TCP/IP properties from the system.
7348連入連線依賴 [路由及遠端存取] 服務,但該服務無法啟動。有關其他資訊,請檢查系統的事件記錄檔。 Incoming Connections depend on the Routing and Remote Access service which was unable to start. For more information, check the system event log.
7349系統目前不允許您編輯網路元件,因為某處正在修改網路元件。 Unable to allow the editing of networking components at this time because they are currently being modified elsewhere.
7350無法將您輸入的新使用者加入本機使用者的資料庫,因為輸入的名稱或密碼違反了系統原則 (可能是太長,太短或格式不正確)。 The new user you entered was not added to the local user database because the name or password entered violated a system policy (it was too large, too small, or ill-formed).
7351系統無法刪除您所要求的使用者。 The system is unable to delete the requested user.
7352無法移除選取的網路元件,因為它正在使用中。 Unable to remove the selected network component because it is in use.
7353連入連線警告 Incoming Connections Warning
7354您所刪除的使用者將會從系統上永久地移除,就算您按 [取消] 也無法復原。您確定要永久移除 %s 嗎? Any users that you delete will be permanently removed from the system even if cancel is pressed. Are you sure you want to permanently remove %s?
7355您正準備要切換到系統管理主控台。這個連入連線內容工作表頁將會被關閉,而且您所做的任何變更都會進入系統中。您確定要繼續這項操作嗎? You are about to switch to a system management console. This Incoming Connections property sheet will be closed and any changes you may have made will be committed to the system. Is it ok to continue?
7356您的網路遮罩值已經變更。在遮罩中的零值位元後面只能接著另一個零值位元,例如,網路遮罩值以十進位小數點表示法而言, 是正確的,但 則不是正確的數值。
Your Network Mask value has been changed. A zero bit in a mask can only be followed by other zero bits. For example, a Network Mask value, expressed in decimal dotted notation, of, is valid, but is not.
7357誰會連線到這部電腦? Who may connect to this computer?
7358您可以指定哪些使用者可以連線到這台電腦。 You can specify the users who can connect to this computer.
7359如何連線? How will people connect?
7360您可以選擇您的電腦用來接受連入連線的裝置。 You can choose the devices your computer uses to accept incoming connections.
7361連入的虛擬私人網路 (VPN) 連線 Incoming Virtual Private Network (VPN) Connection
7362其他的電腦可以經由 VPN 連線來連線到您的電腦。 Another computer can connect to yours through a VPN connection
7363網路軟體允許這部電腦接受來自其他不同電腦類型的連線 Networking software allows this computer to accept connections from other kinds of computers
7364網路軟體允許這部電腦接受來自其他不同電腦類型的連線。 Networking software allows this computer to accept connections from other kinds of computers.
7365即將完成新增連線精靈 Completing the New Connection Wizard
7371並未安裝能夠接收撥號的硬體裝置。 No hardware capable of accepting calls is installed.
7373指派特定的網路編號(&N): Assign specified &network number:
7374指派網路編號的起始編號(&N): Assign &network numbers sequentially from:
7375新增使用者 New User
7378目前並未安裝能夠接受直接連線的裝置。 No devices capable of accepting direct connections are currently installed.
7379新增連入連線警告 New Incoming Connection Warning
Because Routing and Remote access is already configured, you must use the Routing and Remote Access system console to configure this machine to receive incoming connections. Cancel changes and switch to this console?
7381自動指派網路編號(&S) A&ssign network number automatically
7384 to
7385通訊連接埠 (%s) Communications Port (%s)
7386網路連線並未顯示某些輸入連線的指定選項,這些輸入連線被設定使用 [本機使用者管理員] 或 [遠端存取原則] 主控台。您必須使用這些主控台來得到完整及正確的輸入連線資訊。 Network Connections does not display some specialized options for inbound connections that have been set using the Local User Manager or Remote Access Policy consoles. For complete and correct information on incoming connections, you will need to use these consoles.
7387您所選取的使用者回撥模式需要輸入一個正確的回撥號碼。 The user callback mode you have selected requires you to enter a valid callback number.
7388Windows 必須重新開機才能完成操作。現在可以重新開機嗎? Windows must reboot to complete the operation. Is it ok to reboot now?
7389目前選取的裝置並沒有可用的設定選項。 The currently selected device has no configuration options available.
7390不正確的範圍 Invalid Range
7391您已經要求停用 '%1' 的連入連線。為了要完成停用,您必須先停止 [伺服器] 服務。一旦停止後,其他的電腦將無法繼續使用這台電腦上任何的共用目錄或印表機。您要呼叫系統主控台以停止 [伺服器] 服務嗎?

請按 [電腦管理] 下的 [系統工具],然後按 [服務],在右邊的窗格中,用滑鼠右鍵按 [伺服器],再按 [停止]。
You have requested that '%1' be disabled for Incoming Connections. In order to disable this, you must stop the 'Server' service. Once stopped, any shared directories or printers on this computer will no longer be available to any other computer. Do you want to bring up a system console that will allow you to stop the 'Server' service?

Under Computer Management, click System Tools and then click Services. In the right pane, right-click Server and click stop.
This serial port is not enabled for use in a direct connection to another computer. It will be enabled after you complete this wizard. You can then configure the port speed and other properties by right-clicking the icon for this connection and selecting Properties.
7394您輸入的 IP 位址集區不正確。 The IP address pool you've entered is invalid.
7395所提供的遮罩不正確。 The mask provided is invalid.
7396輸入的 TCP/IP 集區起始位址不正確。它必須介於 和 之間,而且不能是 127.x.x.x 的形式。 The start address entered for the TCP/IP pool is invalid. It must lie between and and it must not be in the form 127.x.x.x.
7397輸入的 TCP/IP 集區不正確,因為位址比遮罩還要特定。 The TCP/IP pool entered is invalid because the address is more specific than the mask.
7398起始位址必須小於終止位址。 The start address must be less than the end address.
7399路由及遠端存取服務正在進行停止中。在它停止之前,您無法使用連入連線的選項。請稍候數分鐘再重試。 The Routing and Remote Access Service is in the process of stopping. Until it stops, the Incoming Connections option is not available. Please wait a few moments and retry.
7400%s (%s) %s (%s)
7401%s (%d 通道) %s (%d channels)
7403您必須啟用至少一種網際網路通訊協定。 You must enable at least one Internet Protocol.
7406您沒有足夠的權限來設定連入連線 You do not have sufficient privileges to set up Incoming Connections
7410允許存取(&A) &Allow access
7411無效的 IPv6 首碼 Invalid IPv6 prefix
29900無法載入 [遠端存取連線管理員] 服務。 Cannot load the Remote Access Connection Manager service.
29901無法載入 system32 目錄中的檔案 MPRAPI.DLL。 Cannot load the file MPRAPI.DLL in the system32 directory.


File Name:rasdlg.dll.mui
File Size:80 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:遠端存取共用對話方塊 API
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:rasdlg.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:rasdlg.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is rasdlg.dll.mui?

rasdlg.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file rasdlg.dll (遠端存取共用對話方塊 API).

File version info

File Description:遠端存取共用對話方塊 API
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:rasdlg.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:rasdlg.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200