http.sys.mui HTTP 通訊協定堆疊 e5ed34ec3358be394df3829d927d4e5c

File info

File name: http.sys.mui
Size: 24064 byte
MD5: e5ed34ec3358be394df3829d927d4e5c
SHA1: ac614a4ba1316262f10764b137e8017d071209bb
SHA256: ca7fbc1b905dcba74f7e0dcb15cb6e798cb09bb138f036bbe2c25c06b7184e69
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
1HTTP Service HTTP Service
3HTTP 服務計數器組 Set of HTTP service counters
5CurrentUrisCached CurrentUrisCached
7核心目前快取的 URI 總數 Total number of URIs currently cached by the kernel
9TotalUrisCached TotalUrisCached
11自上次服務啟動後新增至核心的 URI 總數 Total number of URIs added to the kernel since service startup
13UriCacheHits UriCacheHits
15核心 URI 快取中的成功查詢總數 Total number of successful lookups in the kernel URI cache
17UriCacheMisses UriCacheMisses
19核心 URI 快取中的失敗查詢總數 Total number of unsuccessful lookups in the kernel URI cache
21UriCacheFlushes UriCacheFlushes
23自上次服務啟動後的核心 URI 快取排清 (完整或部分) 總數 Total number of kernel URI cache flushes (complete or partial) since service startup
25TotalFlushedUris TotalFlushedUris
27自上次服務啟動後從核心 URI 快取中移除的 URI 總數 Total number of URIs that have been removed from the kernel URI cache since service startup
29HTTP Service Url Groups HTTP Service Url Groups
31URL 群組特定的計數器組 Set of URL Group-specific counters
33BytesSentRate BytesSentRate
35此網站的 HTTP 服務傳送資料的比率 Rate of sending data by HTTP service for this site
37BytesReceivedRate BytesReceivedRate
39此網站的 HTTP 服務接收資料的比率 Rate of received data by HTTP service for this site
41BytesTransferredRate BytesTransferredRate
43此網站的 HTTP 服務傳輸 (已傳送與已接收) 的總位元組比率 Rate of total bytes transferred (sent and received) by HTTP service for this site
45CurrentConnections CurrentConnections
47為此網站建立的目前連線數目 Number of current connections established for this site
49MaxConnections MaxConnections
51為此網站建立的並行連線數目上限 Maximum number of concurrent connections established for this site
53ConnectionAttempts ConnectionAttempts
55為此網站所嘗試連線的速率 Rate at which connection attempts are being made for this site
57GetRequests GetRequests
59為此網站執行 GET 方法要求的速率 Rate at which GET method requests are made for this site
61HeadRequests HeadRequests
63為此網站執行 HEAD 方法要求的速率 Rate at which HEAD method requests are made for this site
65AllRequests AllRequests
67為此網站執行的 HTTP 要求總數 Total number of HTTP requests made for this site
69HTTP Service Request Queues HTTP Service Request Queues
71要求佇列計數器組 Set of request queue counters
73CurrentQueueSize CurrentQueueSize
75佇列中的要求數目 Number of requests in the queue
77MaxQueueItemAge MaxQueueItemAge
79佇列中最舊要求的存留期 Age of the oldest request in the queue
81ArrivalRate ArrivalRate
83要求到達佇列的速率 Rate at which requests are arriving in the queue
85RejectionRate RejectionRate
87佇列拒絕要求的速率 Rate at which requests are rejected from the queue
89RejectedRequests RejectedRequests
91佇列拒絕的要求總數 Total number of requests rejected from the queue
93CacheHitRate CacheHitRate
95佇列的快取命中率 Rate of cache hits for the queue
201此服務會實作超文字傳輸通訊協定 (HTTP)。如果停用此服務,所有明確依存於它的服務都將無法啟動。 This service implements the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
202疑難排解伺服器端網路連線問題 Troubleshoot server-side web connectivity issues
0x10000001已在處理服務設定的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events dealing with service setup
0x10000002已在處理要求處理的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events dealing with request processing
0x10000003已在處理回應處理的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events dealing with response handling
0x10000004已在處理端點的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events dealing with endpoints
0x10000005已在連線上發生的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events occurring on a connection
0x10000006已在處理 URI 快取的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events dealing with URI cache
0x10000007已在 URL 群組上觸發的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events triggered on a URL group
0x10000008已在伺服器工作階段上觸發的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events triggered on a server session
0x10000009已在要求佇列上觸發的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events triggered on a request queue
0x1000000A已在處理 SSL 互動的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events handling SSL interactions
0x1000000B已在處理驗證 (SSPI) 及驗證快取的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events handling authentication (SSPI) and authentication cache
0x1000000C已在處理錯誤記錄活動的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events dealing with error log activities
0x1000000D已在所有 HTTP 事件設定/重設/觸發逾時上設定標旗 Flagged on all HTTP events setting/resetting/triggering timeouts
0x1000000E已在處理全域驅動程式設定的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events dealing with global driver settings
0x1000000F已在執行緒集區的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events in thread pool
0x11000001已在所有 HTTP 交易上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP transactions
0x1100002A已在處理可能為個人識別資訊的所有 HTTP 事件上設定旗標 Flagged on all HTTP events dealing with potential personally identifiable information
0x12000038傳統 Classic
0x13000034SQM SQM
0x3000000BRecvReq RecvReq
0x3000000C剖析 Parse
0x3000000DDeliver Deliver
0x3000000ERecvResp RecvResp
0x3000000FRecvRespLast RecvRespLast
0x30000010RecvBody RecvBody
0x30000011RecvBodyLast RecvBodyLast
0x30000012FastRespLast FastRespLast
0x30000013FastResp FastResp
0x30000014CachedAndSend CachedAndSend
0x30000015FastSend FastSend
0x30000016ZeroSend ZeroSend
0x30000017SndError SndError
0x30000018LastSndError LastSndError
0x30000019SrvdFrmCache SrvdFrmCache
0x3000001ACachedNotModified CachedNotModified
0x3000001BResvUrl ResvUrl
0x3000001CConnConnect ConnConnect
0x3000001DConnClose ConnClose
0x3000001EConnCleanup ConnCleanup
0x3000001FChgUrlGrpProp ChgUrlGrpProp
0x30000020ChgSrvSesProp ChgSrvSesProp
0x30000021ChgReqQueueProp ChgReqQueueProp
0x30000022AddUrl AddUrl
0x30000023RemUrl RemUrl
0x30000024RemAllUrls RemAllUrls
0x30000025AddedCacheEntry AddedCacheEntry
0x30000026AddCacheEntryFailed AddCacheEntryFailed
0x30000027FlushedCache FlushedCache
0x30000028SslConnEvent SslConnEvent
0x30000029SslInitiateHandshake SslInitiateHandshake
0x3000002ASslHandshakeComplete SslHandshakeComplete
0x3000002BSslInititateSslRcvClientCert SslInititateSslRcvClientCert
0x3000002CSslRcvClientCertFailed SslRcvClientCertFailed
0x3000002DSslRcvdRawData SslRcvdRawData
0x3000002ESslDlvrdStreamData SslDlvrdStreamData
0x3000002FSslAcceptStreamData SslAcceptStreamData
0x30000031ReadIpListEntry ReadIpListEntry
0x30000032CreatedSslCred CreatedSslCred
0x30000033SendComplete SendComplete
0x30000034SspiCall SspiCall
0x30000035AuthCacheEntryAdded AuthCacheEntryAdded
0x30000036AuthCacheEntryFreed AuthCacheEntryFreed
0x30000037ConnIdAssgn ConnIdAssgn
0x30000038QosFlowSetReset QosFlowSetReset
0x30000039LoggingConfigFailed LoggingConfigFailed
0x3000003ALoggingConfig LoggingConfig
0x3000003BLogFileCreateFailed LogFileCreateFailed
0x3000003CLogFileCreate LogFileCreate
0x3000003DLogFileWrite LogFileWrite
0x3000003EParseRequestFailed ParseRequestFailed
0x3000003FConnTimedOut ConnTimedOut
0x30000042SslEndpointCreationFailed SslEndpointCreationFailed
0x30000043SslDisconnEvent SslDisconnEvent
0x30000044SslDisconnReq SslDisconnReq
0x30000045SslUnsealMsg SslUnsealMsg
0x30000046SslQueryConnInfoFailed SslQueryConnInfoFailed
0x30000047SslEndpointConfigNotFound SslEndpointConfigNotFound
0x30000048SslAsc SslAsc
0x30000049SslSealMsg SslSealMsg
0x3000004ARequestRejected RequestRejected
0x3000004BRequestCancelled RequestCancelled
0x3000004CHotAddProcFailed HotAddProcFailed
0x3000004DHotAddProcSucceeded HotAddProcSucceeded
0x3000004EUserResponseFlowInit UserResponseFlowInit
0x3000004FCachedResponseFlowInit CachedResponseFlowInit
0x30000050FlowInitFailed FlowInitFailed
0x30000051SetConnectionFlow SetConnectionFlow
0x30000052RequestAssociatedToConfigurationFlow RequestAssociatedToConfigurationFlow
0x30000053ConnectionFlowFailed ConnectionFlowFailed
0x30000054ResponseRangeProcessingOK ResponseRangeProcessingOK
0x30000055BeginBuildingSlices BeginBuildingSlices
0x30000056SendSliceCacheContent SendSliceCacheContent
0x30000057CachedSlicesMatchContent CachedSlicesMatchContent
0x30000058MergeSlicesToCache MergeSlicesToCache
0x30000059FlatCacheRangeSend FlatCacheRangeSend
0x3000005AChannelBindAscParams ChannelBindAscParams
0x3000005BServiceBindCheckComplete ServiceBindCheckComplete
0x3000005CChannelBindConfigCapture ChannelBindConfigCapture
0x3000005DChannelBindPerResponseConfig ChannelBindPerResponseConfig
0x3000005EUsePolicyBasedQoSFlow UsePolicyBasedQoSFlow
0x3000005FThreadPoolExtension ThreadPoolExtension
0x30000060ThreadReady ThreadReady
0x30000061ThreadPoolTrim ThreadPoolTrim
0x30000062ThreadGone ThreadGone
0x30000063SniParsed SniParsed
0x30000064InitiateOpaqueMode InitiateOpaqueMode
0x30000065EndpointAutoGenerated EndpointAutoGenerated
0x30000066AutoGeneratedEndpointDeleted AutoGeneratedEndpointDeleted
0x30000067SslEndpointConfigFound SslEndpointConfigFound
0x30000068SslEndpointConfigRejected SslEndpointConfigRejected
0x33000002停止 Stop
0x40003A9F已順利新增由 URL 首碼 %2 所識別的命名空間保留區。 Reservation for namespace identified by URL prefix %2 was successfully added.
0x40003AA0已順利刪除由 URL 首碼 %2 所識別的命名空間保留區。 Reservation for namespace identified by URL prefix %2 was successfully deleted.
0x40003AA7無法轉換 IP 只聆聽清單上的所有項目。驅動程式將在所有可用介面上聆聽。 Unable to convert all entries on IP Listen-Only list. Driver will listen on all available interfaces.
0x50000002錯誤 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x50000004資訊 Information
0x70000001HTTP 要求追蹤工作 HTTP Request Trace Task
0x70000003HTTP 安裝追蹤工作 HTTP Setup Trace Task
0x70000004HTTP 連線追蹤工作 HTTP Connection Trace Task
0x70000005HTTP 設定內容追蹤工作 HTTP Configuration Property Trace Task
0x70000006HTTP 驗證追蹤工作 HTTP Authentication Trace Task
0x70000007HTTP SSL 追蹤工作 HTTP SSL Trace Task
0x70000008HTTP 快取追蹤工作 HTTP Cache Trace Task
0x70000009HTTP 記錄追蹤工作 HTTP Logging Trace Task
0x7000000AHTTP 逾時追蹤工作 HTTP Timeout Trace Task
0x7000000BHTTP 驅動程式全域設定工作 HTTP Driver Global Settings Task
0x7000000CHTTP 執行緒集區 HTTP Thread Pool
0x80003AAB因為僅接聽 IP 清單中的變更,使得主機 %2 已上升。 The host %2 has gone down as a result of the change in the IP Listen-Only list.
0x80003AAC因為僅接聽 IP 清單中的變更,使得主機 %2 已下降。 The host %2 has come up as a result of the change in the IP Listen-Only list.
0x80003BC4已刪除下列端點的 SSL 憑證設定: %2。 SSL Certificate Settings deleted for endpoint : %2 .
0x80003BC5已透過管理處理程序,針對下列端點建立 SSL 憑證設定: %2。 SSL Certificate Settings created by an admin process for endpoint : %2 .
0x80003BC6「SSL 憑證設定」已由端點的系統管理處理程序更新: %2。 SSL Certificate Settings updated by an admin process for endpoint : %2 .
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-HttpService Microsoft-Windows-HttpService
0x90000002HTTP Service Channel HTTP Service Channel
0x91000001Microsoft-Windows-HttpLog Microsoft-Windows-HttpLog
0x91000002HTTP Log Channel HTTP Log Channel
0x92000001Microsoft-Windows-HttpEvent Microsoft-Windows-HttpEvent
0x92000002System System
0xB0000001從遠端位址 %4 的連線 (連線識別碼 %2) 收到要求 (要求識別碼 %1)。 Request received (request ID %1) on connection (connection ID %2) from remote address %4.
0xB0000002分析具有 URI %3 的要求 (要求指標 %1,方法 %2)。 Parsed request (request pointer %1, method %2) with URI %3.
0xB0000003已從要求佇列 %4 傳遞具有狀態 %6 之 URI %5 的要求至伺服器應用程式 (要求指標 %1,要求識別碼 %2,站台識別碼 %3)。 Delivered request to server application (request pointer %1, request ID %2, site ID %3) from request queue %4 for URI %5 with status %6.
0xB0000004伺服器應用程式已傳遞具有狀態碼 %3 的回應 (要求識別碼 %1,連線識別碼 %2,方法 %4,標頭長度 %5,實體區塊的數目 %6,快取原則 %7)。 Server application passed response (request ID %1, connection ID %2, method %4, header length %5, number of entity chunks %6, cache policy %7) with status code %3.
0xB0000005伺服器應用程式已傳遞最後的回應 (對應到要求識別碼 %1)。 Server application passed the last response (corresponding to request ID %1).
0xB0000006伺服器應用程式已傳遞要求識別碼 %1 (連線識別碼 %2) 的實體內容。 Server application passed entity body for request ID %1 (connection ID %2).
0xB0000007伺服器應用程式已為要求識別碼 %1 傳遞最後的實體內容。 Server application passed the last entity body for request ID %1.
0xB000000A準備傳送具有狀態碼 %2 的回應 (對應到要求識別碼 %1)。 Response ready for send (corresponding to request ID %1) with status code %2.
0xB000000B已快取具有狀態碼 %2 的回應 (對應到要求識別碼 %1)。即將傳送回應。 Cached the response (corresponding to request ID %1) with status code %2. Response to be sent.
0xB000000C已將要傳送的最後回應 (對應到要求識別碼 %1) 排入佇列。狀態碼是 %2。 Queued last response (corresponding to request ID %1) for sending. Status code is %2.
0xB000000D已傳送具有狀態碼 %2 的回應 (對應到要求識別碼 %1)。如果需要中斷連線,已傳送 TCP FIN。 Response sent (corresponding to request ID %1) with status code %2. If disconnect is required, a TCP FIN has been sent.
0xB000000E傳送最後一個具有狀態碼 %2 的回應 (對應到要求識別碼 %1) 時發生錯誤。已傳送 TCP Reset。 Error occurred while sending the last response (corresponding to request ID %1) with status code %2. A TCP Reset has been sent.
0xB000000F傳送時發生錯誤 %3 (對應到要求識別碼 %1)。將傳送 TCP Reset。 Error %3 occurred while sending (corresponding to request ID %1). A TCP Reset will be sent.
0xB0000010回應 (要求指標 %1,站台識別碼 %2,位元組數目 %3) 已排入佇列準備從快取傳送。 Response (request pointer %1, site ID %2, number of bytes %3) queued for sending from the cache.
0xB0000011具有狀態碼 304 的回應 (要求指標 %1,站台識別碼 %2,位元組數目 %3) 已排入佇列準備傳送 (未修改快取)。 Response (request pointer %1, site ID %2, number of bytes %3) queued for sending with status code 304 (cache not modified).
0xB0000012已嘗試保留 URL (%1)。狀態 %2。 Attempted to reserve URL (%1). Status %2.
0xB0000013已順利讀取 IP 位址 %1 的 IP 接聽清單。 Successfully read the IP listen list for IP address %1.
0xB0000014已順利建立 IP 位址與連接埠 %3 的 SSL 認證。 SSL credentials for IP address and port %3 successfully created.
0xB0000015已建立新的連線 (本機 IP 位址 %3 與遠端位址 %5)。 New connection created (local IP address %3 and remote address %5).
0xB0000016將會分析指派給連線和要求 (要求識別碼 %1) 的連線識別碼 (%2)。 Connection ID (%2) assigned to connection and request (request ID %1) will be parsed.
0xB0000017用戶端已關閉連線 (連線指標 %1)。是否由 TCP Reset 關閉的狀態: %2。 Client closed the connection (connection pointer %1). Status of whether closed by TCP Reset: %2.
0xB0000018因為已傳送 TCP Reset、已接收 TCP Reset 或相互交換 TCP Fin,已開始清理連線 (連線指標 %1)。 Connection (connection pointer %1) cleanup started due to either the sending of a TCP Reset, receiving of a TCP Reset, or after the mutual exchange of TCP Fins.
0xB0000019已順利將項目 (URI %1) 新增至快取。 Successfully added entry (URI %1) to cache.
0xB000001A無法將項目 (URI %1) 新增至快取。狀態: %2。 Failed to add an entry (URI %1) to the cache. Status: %2.
0xB000001B已從快取排清項目 (URI %1)。 Flushed entry (URI %1) from the cache.
0xB000001C已嘗試設定 URL 群組屬性: %1。狀態: %2。 Attempted to set URL group property: %1. Status: %2.
0xB000001D已嘗試設定伺服器工作階段屬性: %1。狀態: %2。 Attempted to set server session property: %1. Status: %2.
0xB000001E已嘗試設定要求的佇列屬性: %1。狀態: %2。 Attempted to set request queue property: %1. Status: %2.
0xB000001F已嘗試將 URL (%2) 新增至 URL 群組 (%1)。狀態: %3。 Attempted to add URL (%2) to URL group (%1). Status: %3.
0xB0000020已從 URL 群組 (%1) 移除 URL (%2)。 Removed URL (%2) from URL group (%1).
0xB0000021已從 URL 群組 %1 移除所有 URL。 Removed all URLs from URL group %1.
0xB0000022正在初始 SSL 連線。 Initiating SSL connection.
0xB0000023正在初始 SSL 信號交換。 Initiating SSL handshake.
0xB0000024已完成 SSL 信號交換,狀態為: %1。 SSL handshake completed with status: %1.
0xB0000025伺服器應用程式正在嘗試接收 SSL 用戶端憑證,若有可使用的憑證將會提供。如果沒有可使用的用戶端憑證,將會起始重新交涉。 Server application is attempting to receive the SSL client certificate, which will be provided if available. If the client certificate is not available, a renegotiation will be initiated.
0xB0000026伺服器應用程式嘗試接收用戶端憑證失敗,狀態為: %1。 Attempt by server application to receive client certificate failed with status: %1.
0xB0000027有原始 SSL 資料可供處理。 Raw SSL data is available for processing.
0xB0000028有已解密的 SSL 資料可供處理。 Decrypted SSL data is available for processing.
0xB0000029已傳遞純文字資料以進行加密。 Passed plaintext data for encryption.
0xB000002B嘗試 (在連線識別碼 %1 上) 驗證用戶端完成。驗證類型 %2。安全性狀態: %3。 Attempt (on connection ID %1) to authenticate client completed. Authentication type %2. Security status: %3.
0xB000002C已嘗試將項目新增至 %2 驗證快取。狀態: %4。 Attempted to add entry to the %2 authentication cache. Status: %4.
0xB000002D已順利從驗證快取移除項目。 Entry successfully removed from the authentication cache.
0xB000002E已順利將 QoS 流量與連線 (連線識別碼 %1) 關聯。已將頻寬調整成: 每秒 %2 位元組。 Successfully associated QoS flow with connection (connection ID %1). Bandwidth throttled to: %2 Bytes per second.
0xB000002F無法設定 %2 記錄 (目錄 %4),狀態: %1。 Failed to configure the %2 logging (directory %4), Status: %1.
0xB0000030已順利設定 %2 記錄 (目錄 %5)。 Successfully configured %2 logging (directory %5).
0xB0000031無法建立 %2 記錄檔 %5。狀態: %1。 Failed to create %2 log file %5. Status: %1.
0xB0000032已順利建立新的 %2 記錄檔 %5。 Successfully created new %2 log file %5.
0xB0000033已將項目寫入 %3 記錄檔。 Entry has been written to %3 log file.
0xB0000034由於下列原因,剖析要求 (要求識別碼 %2) 失敗: %3。要求可能不符合 HTTP/1.1。 Parsing of request (request ID %2) failed due to reason: %3. Request may not be compliant with HTTP/1.1.
0xB0000035HTTP 計時器 %3 已到期。將會重設連線。 HTTP timer %3 expired. The connection will be reset.
0xB0000038無法取得 SSL 認證的控制代碼。會將失敗記錄成事件。安全性狀態: %2。 Failed to acquire handle for SSL credentials. Failure will be event logged. Security status: %2.
0xB0000039由於用戶端要求,將會中斷 SSL 連線 SSL connection will be disconnected as initiated by the client.
0xB000003A由於伺服器應用程式要求,將會中斷 SSL 連線。狀態: %2。 SSL connection will be disconnected as initiated by the server application. Status: %2.
0xB000003B嘗試解密 SSL 資料失敗。安全性狀態: %2。 Attempt to decrypt SSL data failed. Security status: %2.
0xB000003CSSL 連線參數的查詢失敗。安全性狀態: %2。將重設連線。 Query for SSL connection parameters failed. Security status: %2. Connection will be reset.
0xB000003D找不到本機 IP 位址與連接埠 %3 之輸入連線的 SSL 端點。 Cannot find SSL endpoint for inbound connection for local IP address and port %3.
0xB000003E嘗試執行 SSL 信號交換失敗。安全性狀態: %2。 Attempt to perform SSL handshake failed. Security status: %2.
0xB000003F嘗試加密 SSL 資料失敗。安全性狀態: %2。 Attempt to encrypt SSL data failed. Security status: %2.
0xB0000040由於下列原因,要求 (要求識別碼 %1) 遭到拒絕: %2。 Request (request ID %1) rejected due to reason: %2.
0xB0000041伺服器應用程式已取消其要求的處理 (要求識別碼 %1)。 Server application canceled the processing of its request (request ID %1).
0xB0000042Http.sys 無法處理 CPU 熱新增。處理器數目: %1,理由: %2,狀態: %3。 Http.sys failed to process CPU hot-add. Processor number: %1, reason: %2, status: %3.
0xB0000043熱新增資訊: 目前的 UxNumberOfProcessors: %1,註解: %2。 Hot-add information: Current UxNumberOfProcessors: %1, comment: %2.
0xB0000044初始化的 QoS 流量: FlowHandle %1,頻寬 %2,尖峰頻寬 %3,高載大小 %4 Initialized QoS flow: FlowHandle %1, bandwidth %2, peak bandwidth %3, burst size %4
0xB0000046QoS 流量初始化失敗: 頻寬 %1,尖峰頻寬 %2,高載大小 %3,狀態 %4 QoS flow initialization failed: bandwidth %1, peak bandwidth %2, burst size %3, status %4
0xB0000047設定流量: 連線 %1,FlowHandle %2 Setting flow: Connection %1, FlowHandle %2
0xB0000048指派到設定 QoS 流量: FlowHandle %1 Assign to Configuration QoS Flow: FlowHandle %1
0xB0000049[re]設定 QoS 流量失敗: 連線 %1,FlowHandle %2,狀態 %3 [re]Setting QoS Flow failed: Connection %1, FlowHandle %2, status %3
0xB000004A回應範圍處理完成。Req. %1,回應內容大小 %2,範圍 %3 (%4-%5, %6-%7,...) Response range processing done. Req. %1, response content size %2, ranges %3 (%4-%5, %6-%7,...)
0xB000004B開始建立切片。Req. %1,切片 %2 (%3,%4,...),範圍 %5 (%6-%7, %8-%9,...) Begin building slices. Req. %1, slices %2 (%3,%4,...), ranges %5 (%6-%7, %8-%9,...)
0xB000004C傳送快取的切片。Req. %1,CacheEntry %2,切片 %3 (%4,%5,...),範圍 %6 (%7-%8, %9-%10,...) Send cached slices. Req. %1, CacheEntry %2, slices %3 (%4,%5,...), ranges %6 (%7-%8, %9-%10,...)
0xB000004D快取的切片符合內容。Req. %1,CacheEntry %2,切片 %3 (%4,%5,...),範圍 %6 (%7-%8,%9-%10,...) Cached slices match content. Req. %1, CacheEntry %2, slices %3 (%4,%5,...), ranges %6 (%7-%8, %9-%10,...)
0xB000004E將切片合併到快取。CacheEntry %1,要合併的切片 %2,要快取的切片 %3 Merge slices to cache. CacheEntry %1, slices to merge %2, slices to cache %3
0xB000004F從平面快取項目傳送範圍。CacheEntry %1,範圍 %2-%3 Sending range from flat cache entry. CacheEntry %1, range %2-%3
0xB0000050通道繫結 ASC 參數: 連線 %1,緩衝區 %2,旗標 %3 Channel bind ASC parameters: connection %1, buffers %2, flags %3
0xB0000051服務繫結檢查完成。連線 %1,內容 %2-%3,狀態 %4,目標 %5 Service bind check done. Connection %1, Context %2-%3, status %4, target %5
0xB0000052擷取的通道繫結設定。強化 %1,旗標 %2,服務計數 %3 Captured channel bind config. Hardening %1, flags %2, service count %3
0xB0000053通道繫結回應設定覆寫 %1 Channel bind response config overwrites %1
0xB0000054以原則為依據的 QoS: 連線 %1,FlowHandle %2 Policy-Based QoS: Connection %1, FlowHandle %2
0xB0000055執行緒集區延伸。集區類型: %1,使用中集區: %2。 Thread pool extension. Pool type: %1, active pools: %2.
0xB0000056執行緒就緒。集區類型: %1,使用中集區: %2,執行緒計數: %3 Thread ready. Pool type: %1, active pools: %2, thread count: %3
0xB0000057執行緒集區修剪。集區類型: %1,使用中集區: %2。 Thread pool trim. Pool type: %1, active pools: %2.
0xB0000058執行緒遺失。集區類型: %1,使用中集區: %2,執行緒計數: %3 Thread gone. Pool type: %1, active pools: %2, thread count: %3
0xB0000059針對連線剖析的 SNI: %1,狀態為: %2 SNI parsed for connection: %1 with status: %2
0xB000005A要求 %1 已初始化不透明模式 Request %1 has initated opaque mode
0xB000005B為 %2 自動產生的端點 Endpoint auto-generated for %2
0xB000005C已刪除為 %2 自動產生的端點 Deleted auto-generated endpoint for %2
0xB000005DIP 的輸入連線: %3,SNI: %4。發現的 SSL 端點: %5 Inbound connection for IP: %3, SNI: %4. SSL endpoint found: %5
0xB000005E由於設定原則,SSL 連線 (本機 IP 位址與連接埠 %2) 已被拒絕。 SSL connection with local IP address and port %2 rejected due to configuration policy.
0xB0010010回應 (要求指標 %1,對應至要求識別碼 %4,站台識別碼 %2,位元組數目 %3,編碼 %5) 已排入佇列準備從快取傳送。 Response (request pointer %1, corresponding to request ID %4, site ID %2, number of bytes %3, encoding %5) queued for sending from the cache.
0xB0010011具有狀態碼 304 的回應 (要求指標 %1,站台識別碼 %2,位元組數目 %3,編碼 %5) 已排入佇列準備傳送。 Response (request pointer %1, site ID %2, number of bytes %3, encoding %5) queued for sending with status code 304 (cache not modified).
0xB0010014已順利建立端點 %2 的 SSL 認證。 SSL credentials for endpoint %2 successfully created.
0xB0010019已順利將項目 (URI %1) 新增至快取 (編碼 %7)。 Successfully added entry (URI %1) to cache (Encoding %7).
0xB001001A無法將項目 (URI %1) 新增至快取。狀態: %2。編碼: %3。 Failed to add an entry (URI %1) to the cache. Status: %2. Encoding: %3.
0xB1000001HTTP 交易記錄檔 HTTP transaction log
0xC0003A98無法建立記錄檔案 %2。請確定記錄目錄正確,而且這部電腦在目錄上可以寫入存取。 Unable to create log file %2. Make sure that the logging directory is correct and this computer has write access to that directory.
0xC0003A99無法建立站台 W3SVC%2 的記錄檔案。 請確定站台記錄目錄正確,而且這部電腦在目錄上可以寫入存取。 Unable to create the log file for site W3SVC%2. Make sure that the logging directory for the site is correct and this computer has write access to that directory.
0xC0003A9A無法寫入站台 W3SVC%3 的記錄檔案 %2。磁碟可能已經滿溢。若是網路路徑,請確定網路連線沒有中斷。 Unable to write to the log file %2 for site W3SVC%3. Disk may be full. If this is a network path, make sure that network connectivity is not broken.
0xC0003A9B無法建立集中式二進位記錄檔案。請確定記錄目錄正確而且這部電腦在目錄上可以寫入存取。 Unable to create the centralized binary log file. Make sure that the logging directory is correct and this computer has write access to that directory.
0xC0003A9C無法寫入集中式二進位記錄檔案 %2。磁碟可能已經滿溢。若是網路路徑,請確定網路連線沒有問題。 Unable to write to the centralized binary log file %2. Disk may be full. If this is a network path, make sure that network connectivity is not broken.
0xC0003A9D無法為 %2 繫結到其下的傳輸。IP 只聆聽清單可能包含了到不存在於此電腦介面上的參照。資料欄包含了錯誤數目。 Unable to bind to the underlying transport for %2. The IP Listen-Only list may contain a reference to an interface which may not exist on this machine. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0003A9E記錄檔案或目錄 %2 的擁有者無效。可能是其他使用者已經建立記錄檔案或該目錄。 Owner of the log file or directory %2 is invalid. This could be because another user has already created the log file or the directory.
0xC0003AA1初始化命名空間保留區時發生錯誤。傳回資料包含了錯誤狀態碼。 An error occurred while initializing namespace reservations. The error status code is contained within the returned data.
0xC0003AA2初始化由 URL 首碼 %2 所識別的命名空間保留區時發生錯誤。傳回資料包含了錯誤狀態碼。 An error occured while initializing namespace reservation identified by URL prefix %2. The error status code is contained within the returned data.
0xC0003AA3無法建立錯誤記錄檔。請確認錯誤記錄目錄是正確的。 Unable to create the error log file. Make sure that the error logging directory is correct.
0xC0003AA4無法寫入錯誤記錄檔。可能磁碟已滿。資料欄包含了錯誤數目。 Unable to write to the error log file. Disk may be full. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0003AA5錯誤記錄設定失敗。資料欄包含了錯誤數目。 Error logging configuration failed. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0003AA6無法轉換 IP 只聆聽清單項目 %2。資料欄包含了錯誤數目。 Unable to convert IP Listen-Only list entry %2. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0003AA8無法初始化伺服器端驗證的安全性封裝 %2。資料欄位包含錯誤號碼。 Unable to initialize the security package %2 for server side authentication. The data field contains the error number.
0xC0003AA9無法建立集中式 W3C 記錄檔。請確定記錄目錄正確,並且此電腦具有該目錄的寫入權限。 Unable to create the centralized W3C log file. Make sure that the logging directory is correct and this computer has write access to that directory.
0xC0003AAA無法寫入集中式 W3C 記錄檔 %2。磁碟可能已經滿了。若是網路路徑,請確定網路連線沒有中斷。 Unable to write to the centralized W3C log file %2. Disk may be full. If this is a network path, make sure that network connectivity is not broken.
0xC0003AAD使用端點 %2 的 SSL 設定時發生錯誤。傳回資料包含了錯誤狀態碼。 An error occurred while using SSL configuration for endpoint %2. The error status code is contained within the returned data.
0xC0003AAEHttp.sys 無法處理 CPU 熱新增事件。狀態: %2。 Http.sys failed to process a CPU hot-add event. Status: %2 .
0xD0000001W3C W3C
0xD0000002IIS IIS
0xD0000003NCSA NCSA
0xD0000004Binary Binary
0xD0000005Site Site
0xD0000006Centralized Centralized
0xD0000007ResponseLogging ResponseLogging
0xD0000008ErrorLogging ErrorLogging


File Name:http.sys.mui
File Size:24 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:23552
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Driver
File Subtype:7
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:HTTP 通訊協定堆疊
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:http.sys
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:http.sys.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is http.sys.mui?

http.sys.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file http.sys (HTTP 通訊協定堆疊).

File version info

File Description:HTTP 通訊協定堆疊
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:http.sys
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:http.sys.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200