prnntfy.dll.mui prnntfy DLL fails e54d81f893ffefc21c5cd4e2ce504b20

File info

File name: prnntfy.dll.mui
Size: 14336 byte
MD5: e54d81f893ffefc21c5cd4e2ce504b20
SHA1: dffe57e59b5dc92146f332c4ba4d56411a686b5d
SHA256: e9316e4d439d60c5378268557bad8a06e16e2bb6f1ebaa930aa8f23d34474f79
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Latvian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Latvian English
101Šis dokuments ir nosūtīts uz printeri This document was sent to the printer
102Dokuments: %1
Printeris: %2
Laiks: %3
Lappušu kopskaits: %4
Document: %1
Printer: %2
Time: %3
Total pages: %4
103Printerim trūkst papīra Printer out of paper
104Printerim %1 trūkst papīra. Printer ‘%1’ is out of paper.
105Šo dokumentu neizdevās izdrukāt This document failed to print
107Atvērt printera durvis Printer door open
108Printera %1 durvis ir atvērtas. The door on ‘%1’ is open.
109Printeris atrodas kļūdas stāvoklī Printer in an error state
110Printeris %1 atrodas kļūdas stāvoklī. ‘%1’ is in an error state.
111Printerim trūkst tonera/tintes Printer out of toner/ink
112Printerim %1 trūkst tonera/tintes. ‘%1’ is out of toner/ink.
113Printeris nav pieejams Printer not available
114Printeris %1 nav pieejams drukāšanai. ‘%1’ is not available for printing.
115Printeris ir bezsaistē Printer offline
116Printeris %1 ir bezsaistes režīmā. ‘%1’ is offline.
117Printerim nepietiek atmiņas Printer out of memory
118Printerim %1 nepietiek atmiņas. ‘%1’ has run out of memory.
119Printera izvades atvilktne pilna Printer output bin full
120Printera %1 izvades atvilktne ir pilna. The output bin on ‘%1’ is full.
121Printerī iesprūdis papīrs Printer paper jam
122Printerī %1 ir iestrēdzis papīrs. Paper is jammed in ‘%1’.
125Printera papīra problēma Printer paper problem
126Printerī %1 radusies problēma ar papīru. ‘%1’ has a paper problem.
127Printeris apturēts Printer paused
128Printeris %1 ir apturēts. ‘%1’ is paused.
129Printerim nepieciešama lietotāja iejaukšanās Printer needs user intervention
130Printerim %1’radusies problēma, kuras novēršanai nepieciešama jūsu palīdzība. ‘%1’ has a problem that requires your intervention.
131Printerim ir maz tonera/tintes Printer is low on toner/ink
132Printerī %1 ir maz tonera/tintes. ‘%1’ is low on toner/ink.
133Printeris tiek dzēsts Printer is being deleted
134%1 tiek dzēsts. %1 is being deleted.
135%1, kas atrodas %2 %1 on %2
136Printerim neizdevās izdrukāt %1 The printer couldn’t print %1
137Izdrukāts Printed
138Papīrs beidzies Paper out
139Kļūda drukājot Error printing
140Drukas paziņojums Print Notification
141Fails saglabāts mapē Dokumenti File saved to the Documents folder
142Skatiet “%1”. View %1.
600Labi OK
601Atcelt Cancel
1000Dokuments: %1
Document: %1
1001Printeris: %1
Printer: %1
1002Papīra izmēri: %1
Paper size: %1
1003Tinte: %1
Ink: %1
1004Kasetne: %1
Cartridge: %1
1005Apgabals, kur iesprūdis papīrs: %1
Paper jam area: %1
1006Radusies printera problēma A printer problem occurred
1007Lūdzu, pārbaudiet, vai nav ar printeri saistītu problēmu. Please check the printer for any problems.
1008Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printera statusu un iestatījumus. Please check the printer status and settings.
1009Pārbaudiet, vai printeris atrodas tiešsaistē un ir gatavs drukāšanai. Check if the printer is online and ready to print.
1100Printeris ir gatavs drukāšanai uz otras papīra puses. The printer is ready to print on the other side of the paper.
1101Lai pabeigtu drukāšanu uz abām papīra pusēm, izņemiet papīru no izvades paplātes. Ievietojiet papīru atpakaļ ievades paplātē ar neapdrukāto pusi uz augšu. To finish double-sided printing, remove the paper from the output tray. Re-insert the paper in the input tray, facing up.
1102Lai pabeigtu drukāšanu uz abām papīra pusēm, izņemiet papīru no izvades paplātes. Ievietojiet papīru atpakaļ ievades paplātē ar neapdrukāto pusi uz leju. To finish double-sided printing, remove the paper from the output tray. Re-insert the paper in the input tray, facing down.
1200Kad tas izdarīts, nospiediet printera pogu Atsākt. Press the Resume button on the printer when done.
1201Kad tas izdarīts, nospiediet printera pogu Atcelt. Press the Cancel button on the printer when done.
1202Kad tas izdarīts, nospiediet printera pogu Labi. Press the OK button on the printer when done.
1203Kad tas izdarīts, nospiediet printera pogu Tiešsaiste. Press the Online button on the printer when done.
1204Pēc pabeigšanas nospiediet printera pogu Atiestatīt. Press the Reset button on the printer when done.
1300Printeris ir bezsaistē. The printer is offline.
1301Sistēma Windows nevar izveidot savienojumu ar printeri. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet savienojumu starp datoru un printeri. Windows could not connect to your printer. Please check the connection between the computer and the printer.
1302Printeris neatbild. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet savienojumu starp datoru un printeri. The printer is not responding. Please check the connection between your computer and the printer.
1400Iesprūdis papīrs Paper Jam
1401Printerī ir iesprūdis papīrs. Your printer has a paper jam.
1402Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un izņemiet iesprūdušo papīru. Printeris nevar drukāt, kamēr nav izņemts iesprūdušais papīrs. Please check the printer and clear the paper jam. The printer cannot print until the paper jam is cleared.
1403Lūdzu, izņemiet iesprūdušo papīru no printera. Please clear the paper jam on the printer.
1500Printerim trūkst papīra. Your printer is out of paper.
1501Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un papildiniet papīru. Please check the printer and add more paper.
1502Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un papildiniet papīru paplātē %1. Please check the printer and add more paper in tray %1.
1503Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un papildiniet %1 papīru paplātē %2. Please check the printer and add more %1 paper in tray %2.
1600Printera izvades paplāte ir pilna. The output tray on your printer is full.
1601Lūdzu, iztukšojiet printera izvades paplāti. Please empty the output tray on the printer.
1700Printerī ir papīra problēma Your printer has a paper problem
1701Lūdzu, pārbaudiet vai printerim nav problēmu ar papīru. Please check your printer for paper problems.
1800Printerim nepietiek tintes Your printer is out of ink
1801Printera tintes kasetne ir tukša. The ink cartridge in your printer is empty.
1802Printerim trūkst tonera. Your printer is out of toner.
1803Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un papildiniet tinti. Please check the printer and add more ink.
1804Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un nomainiet tintes kasetni. Please check the printer and replace the ink cartridge.
1805Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un uzpildiet toneri. Please check the printer and add toner.
1900%1 %1
1901Printerim ir nepieciešama jūsu uzmanība. Pārejiet uz darbvirsmu, lai veiktu nepieciešamās darbības. The printer requires your attention. Go to the desktop to take care of it.
1902Printeris Printer
2000Ciāna Cyan
2001Madženta Magenta
2002Dzeltena Yellow
2003Melna Black
2004Gaiša ciāna Light Cyan
2005Gaiša madženta Light Magenta
2006Sarkana Red
2007Zaļa Green
2008Zila Blue
2009Spodrpapīra optimizators Gloss optimizer
2010Melna fototinte Photo Black
2011Matēta melna Matte Black
2012Ciāna fototinte Photo Cyan
2013Madžentas fototinte Photo Magenta
2014Gaiši melna Light Black
2015Tintes optimizators Ink optimizer
2016Zila fototinte Blue photo
2017Pelēka fototinte Gray photo
2018Trīskrāsu fototinte Tricolor photo
2100Ciāna kasetne Cyan cartridge
2101Madžentas kasetne Magenta cartridge
2102Melna kasetne Black cartridge
2103CMYK kasetne CMYK cartridge
2104Pelēka kasetne Gray cartridge
2105Krāsu kasetne Color cartridge
2106Fototintes kasetne Photo cartridge
2200Printera durvis ir atvērtas. A door on your printer is open.
2201Printera vāks ir atvērts. A cover on your printer is open.
2202Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un aizveriet atvērtās durvis. Printeris nevar drukāt, ja ir atvērtas durvis. Please check the printer and close any open doors. The printer cannot print while a door is open.
2203Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un aizveriet visus atvērtos vākus. Printeris nevar drukāt, ja ir atvērts vāks. Please check the printer and close any open covers. The printer cannot print while a cover is open.
2300Printeris nedrukā Your printer is not printing
2301Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri Please check your printer
2303Iespējams, ka dokumentu nedrukās pareizi. Lūdzu, skatiet tiešsaistes palīdzību. Your document might not print correctly. Please see online help.
2400Printerim ir maz tintes Your printer is low on ink
2401Printera tintes kasetne ir gandrīz tukša. The ink cartridge in your printer is almost empty.
2402Printerim ir maz tonera Your printer is low on toner
2403Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un, kad nepieciešams, papildiniet tinti. Please check the printer and add more ink when needed.
2404Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un, kad nepieciešams, nomainiet tintes kasetni. Please check the printer and replace the ink cartridge when needed.
2405Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un, kad nepieciešams, papildiniet toneri. Please check the printer and add toner when needed.
2500Tintes sistēma printerī nedarbojas The ink system in your printer is not working
2501Tintes kasetne printerī nedarbojas The ink cartridge in your printer is not working
2502Tonera sistēma printerī nedarbojas The toner system in your printer is not working
2503Lūdzu, pārbaudiet tintes sistēmu printerī. Please check the ink system in your printer.
2504Lūdzu, pārbaudiet tintes kasetni printerī. Please check the ink cartridge in your printer.
2505Lūdzu, pārbaudiet tonera sistēmu printerī. Please check the toner system in your printer.
2506Lūdzu, pārbaudiet, vai tintes kasetne printerī ievietota pareizi. Please check that the ink cartridge was installed correctly in the printer.
2600Printeris ir apturēts Printer has been paused
2601Printeris %1 nevar drukāt, jo ierīcē tam ir iestatīts pauzes stāvoklis. ‘%1’ cannot print, because it has been put into a paused state at the device.
2602Printeris %1 nevar drukāt, jo ierīcē tam ir iestatīts bezsaistes stāvoklis. ‘%1’ cannot print, because it has been put into an offline state at the device.
2700Dokuments ir izdrukāts. Your document has been printed.
2701Dokuments ir izvades paplātē. Your document is in the output tray.
2702%1!d! dokuments(i) gaida %2 %1!d! document(s) pending for %2


File Name:prnntfy.dll.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:13824
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Latvian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:prnntfy DLL fails
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:prnntfy.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Visas tiesības paturētas.
Original File Name:prnntfy.dll.mui
Product Name:Operētājsistēma Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is prnntfy.dll.mui?

prnntfy.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Latvian language for file prnntfy.dll (prnntfy DLL fails).

File version info

File Description:prnntfy DLL fails
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:prnntfy.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Visas tiesības paturētas.
Original Filename:prnntfy.dll.mui
Product Name:Operētājsistēma Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x426, 1200