File name: | prnntfy.dll.mui |
Size: | 14336 byte |
MD5: | e54d81f893ffefc21c5cd4e2ce504b20 |
SHA1: | dffe57e59b5dc92146f332c4ba4d56411a686b5d |
SHA256: | e9316e4d439d60c5378268557bad8a06e16e2bb6f1ebaa930aa8f23d34474f79 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Latvian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Latvian | English |
100 | … | … |
101 | Šis dokuments ir nosūtīts uz printeri | This document was sent to the printer |
102 | Dokuments: %1 Printeris: %2 Laiks: %3 Lappušu kopskaits: %4 |
Document: %1 Printer: %2 Time: %3 Total pages: %4 |
103 | Printerim trūkst papīra | Printer out of paper |
104 | Printerim %1 trūkst papīra. | Printer ‘%1’ is out of paper. |
105 | Šo dokumentu neizdevās izdrukāt | This document failed to print |
107 | Atvērt printera durvis | Printer door open |
108 | Printera %1 durvis ir atvērtas. | The door on ‘%1’ is open. |
109 | Printeris atrodas kļūdas stāvoklī | Printer in an error state |
110 | Printeris %1 atrodas kļūdas stāvoklī. | ‘%1’ is in an error state. |
111 | Printerim trūkst tonera/tintes | Printer out of toner/ink |
112 | Printerim %1 trūkst tonera/tintes. | ‘%1’ is out of toner/ink. |
113 | Printeris nav pieejams | Printer not available |
114 | Printeris %1 nav pieejams drukāšanai. | ‘%1’ is not available for printing. |
115 | Printeris ir bezsaistē | Printer offline |
116 | Printeris %1 ir bezsaistes režīmā. | ‘%1’ is offline. |
117 | Printerim nepietiek atmiņas | Printer out of memory |
118 | Printerim %1 nepietiek atmiņas. | ‘%1’ has run out of memory. |
119 | Printera izvades atvilktne pilna | Printer output bin full |
120 | Printera %1 izvades atvilktne ir pilna. | The output bin on ‘%1’ is full. |
121 | Printerī iesprūdis papīrs | Printer paper jam |
122 | Printerī %1 ir iestrēdzis papīrs. | Paper is jammed in ‘%1’. |
125 | Printera papīra problēma | Printer paper problem |
126 | Printerī %1 radusies problēma ar papīru. | ‘%1’ has a paper problem. |
127 | Printeris apturēts | Printer paused |
128 | Printeris %1 ir apturēts. | ‘%1’ is paused. |
129 | Printerim nepieciešama lietotāja iejaukšanās | Printer needs user intervention |
130 | Printerim %1’radusies problēma, kuras novēršanai nepieciešama jūsu palīdzība. | ‘%1’ has a problem that requires your intervention. |
131 | Printerim ir maz tonera/tintes | Printer is low on toner/ink |
132 | Printerī %1 ir maz tonera/tintes. | ‘%1’ is low on toner/ink. |
133 | Printeris tiek dzēsts | Printer is being deleted |
134 | %1 tiek dzēsts. | %1 is being deleted. |
135 | %1, kas atrodas %2 | %1 on %2 |
136 | Printerim neizdevās izdrukāt %1 | The printer couldn’t print %1 |
137 | Izdrukāts | Printed |
138 | Papīrs beidzies | Paper out |
139 | Kļūda drukājot | Error printing |
140 | Drukas paziņojums | Print Notification |
141 | Fails saglabāts mapē Dokumenti | File saved to the Documents folder |
142 | Skatiet “%1”. | View %1. |
600 | Labi | OK |
601 | Atcelt | Cancel |
1000 | Dokuments: %1 |
Document: %1 |
1001 | Printeris: %1 |
Printer: %1 |
1002 | Papīra izmēri: %1 |
Paper size: %1 |
1003 | Tinte: %1 |
Ink: %1 |
1004 | Kasetne: %1 |
Cartridge: %1 |
1005 | Apgabals, kur iesprūdis papīrs: %1 |
Paper jam area: %1 |
1006 | Radusies printera problēma | A printer problem occurred |
1007 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet, vai nav ar printeri saistītu problēmu. | Please check the printer for any problems. |
1008 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printera statusu un iestatījumus. | Please check the printer status and settings. |
1009 | Pārbaudiet, vai printeris atrodas tiešsaistē un ir gatavs drukāšanai. | Check if the printer is online and ready to print. |
1100 | Printeris ir gatavs drukāšanai uz otras papīra puses. | The printer is ready to print on the other side of the paper. |
1101 | Lai pabeigtu drukāšanu uz abām papīra pusēm, izņemiet papīru no izvades paplātes. Ievietojiet papīru atpakaļ ievades paplātē ar neapdrukāto pusi uz augšu. | To finish double-sided printing, remove the paper from the output tray. Re-insert the paper in the input tray, facing up. |
1102 | Lai pabeigtu drukāšanu uz abām papīra pusēm, izņemiet papīru no izvades paplātes. Ievietojiet papīru atpakaļ ievades paplātē ar neapdrukāto pusi uz leju. | To finish double-sided printing, remove the paper from the output tray. Re-insert the paper in the input tray, facing down. |
1200 | Kad tas izdarīts, nospiediet printera pogu Atsākt. | Press the Resume button on the printer when done. |
1201 | Kad tas izdarīts, nospiediet printera pogu Atcelt. | Press the Cancel button on the printer when done. |
1202 | Kad tas izdarīts, nospiediet printera pogu Labi. | Press the OK button on the printer when done. |
1203 | Kad tas izdarīts, nospiediet printera pogu Tiešsaiste. | Press the Online button on the printer when done. |
1204 | Pēc pabeigšanas nospiediet printera pogu Atiestatīt. | Press the Reset button on the printer when done. |
1300 | Printeris ir bezsaistē. | The printer is offline. |
1301 | Sistēma Windows nevar izveidot savienojumu ar printeri. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet savienojumu starp datoru un printeri. | Windows could not connect to your printer. Please check the connection between the computer and the printer. |
1302 | Printeris neatbild. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet savienojumu starp datoru un printeri. | The printer is not responding. Please check the connection between your computer and the printer. |
1400 | Iesprūdis papīrs | Paper Jam |
1401 | Printerī ir iesprūdis papīrs. | Your printer has a paper jam. |
1402 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un izņemiet iesprūdušo papīru. Printeris nevar drukāt, kamēr nav izņemts iesprūdušais papīrs. | Please check the printer and clear the paper jam. The printer cannot print until the paper jam is cleared. |
1403 | Lūdzu, izņemiet iesprūdušo papīru no printera. | Please clear the paper jam on the printer. |
1500 | Printerim trūkst papīra. | Your printer is out of paper. |
1501 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un papildiniet papīru. | Please check the printer and add more paper. |
1502 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un papildiniet papīru paplātē %1. | Please check the printer and add more paper in tray %1. |
1503 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un papildiniet %1 papīru paplātē %2. | Please check the printer and add more %1 paper in tray %2. |
1600 | Printera izvades paplāte ir pilna. | The output tray on your printer is full. |
1601 | Lūdzu, iztukšojiet printera izvades paplāti. | Please empty the output tray on the printer. |
1700 | Printerī ir papīra problēma | Your printer has a paper problem |
1701 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet vai printerim nav problēmu ar papīru. | Please check your printer for paper problems. |
1800 | Printerim nepietiek tintes | Your printer is out of ink |
1801 | Printera tintes kasetne ir tukša. | The ink cartridge in your printer is empty. |
1802 | Printerim trūkst tonera. | Your printer is out of toner. |
1803 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un papildiniet tinti. | Please check the printer and add more ink. |
1804 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un nomainiet tintes kasetni. | Please check the printer and replace the ink cartridge. |
1805 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un uzpildiet toneri. | Please check the printer and add toner. |
1900 | %1 | %1 |
1901 | Printerim ir nepieciešama jūsu uzmanība. Pārejiet uz darbvirsmu, lai veiktu nepieciešamās darbības. | The printer requires your attention. Go to the desktop to take care of it. |
1902 | Printeris | Printer |
2000 | Ciāna | Cyan |
2001 | Madženta | Magenta |
2002 | Dzeltena | Yellow |
2003 | Melna | Black |
2004 | Gaiša ciāna | Light Cyan |
2005 | Gaiša madženta | Light Magenta |
2006 | Sarkana | Red |
2007 | Zaļa | Green |
2008 | Zila | Blue |
2009 | Spodrpapīra optimizators | Gloss optimizer |
2010 | Melna fototinte | Photo Black |
2011 | Matēta melna | Matte Black |
2012 | Ciāna fototinte | Photo Cyan |
2013 | Madžentas fototinte | Photo Magenta |
2014 | Gaiši melna | Light Black |
2015 | Tintes optimizators | Ink optimizer |
2016 | Zila fototinte | Blue photo |
2017 | Pelēka fototinte | Gray photo |
2018 | Trīskrāsu fototinte | Tricolor photo |
2100 | Ciāna kasetne | Cyan cartridge |
2101 | Madžentas kasetne | Magenta cartridge |
2102 | Melna kasetne | Black cartridge |
2103 | CMYK kasetne | CMYK cartridge |
2104 | Pelēka kasetne | Gray cartridge |
2105 | Krāsu kasetne | Color cartridge |
2106 | Fototintes kasetne | Photo cartridge |
2200 | Printera durvis ir atvērtas. | A door on your printer is open. |
2201 | Printera vāks ir atvērts. | A cover on your printer is open. |
2202 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un aizveriet atvērtās durvis. Printeris nevar drukāt, ja ir atvērtas durvis. | Please check the printer and close any open doors. The printer cannot print while a door is open. |
2203 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un aizveriet visus atvērtos vākus. Printeris nevar drukāt, ja ir atvērts vāks. | Please check the printer and close any open covers. The printer cannot print while a cover is open. |
2300 | Printeris nedrukā | Your printer is not printing |
2301 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri | Please check your printer |
2303 | Iespējams, ka dokumentu nedrukās pareizi. Lūdzu, skatiet tiešsaistes palīdzību. | Your document might not print correctly. Please see online help. |
2400 | Printerim ir maz tintes | Your printer is low on ink |
2401 | Printera tintes kasetne ir gandrīz tukša. | The ink cartridge in your printer is almost empty. |
2402 | Printerim ir maz tonera | Your printer is low on toner |
2403 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un, kad nepieciešams, papildiniet tinti. | Please check the printer and add more ink when needed. |
2404 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un, kad nepieciešams, nomainiet tintes kasetni. | Please check the printer and replace the ink cartridge when needed. |
2405 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet printeri un, kad nepieciešams, papildiniet toneri. | Please check the printer and add toner when needed. |
2500 | Tintes sistēma printerī nedarbojas | The ink system in your printer is not working |
2501 | Tintes kasetne printerī nedarbojas | The ink cartridge in your printer is not working |
2502 | Tonera sistēma printerī nedarbojas | The toner system in your printer is not working |
2503 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet tintes sistēmu printerī. | Please check the ink system in your printer. |
2504 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet tintes kasetni printerī. | Please check the ink cartridge in your printer. |
2505 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet tonera sistēmu printerī. | Please check the toner system in your printer. |
2506 | Lūdzu, pārbaudiet, vai tintes kasetne printerī ievietota pareizi. | Please check that the ink cartridge was installed correctly in the printer. |
2600 | Printeris ir apturēts | Printer has been paused |
2601 | Printeris %1 nevar drukāt, jo ierīcē tam ir iestatīts pauzes stāvoklis. | ‘%1’ cannot print, because it has been put into a paused state at the device. |
2602 | Printeris %1 nevar drukāt, jo ierīcē tam ir iestatīts bezsaistes stāvoklis. | ‘%1’ cannot print, because it has been put into an offline state at the device. |
2700 | Dokuments ir izdrukāts. | Your document has been printed. |
2701 | Dokuments ir izvades paplātē. | Your document is in the output tray. |
2702 | %1!d! dokuments(i) gaida %2 | %1!d! document(s) pending for %2 |
2703 |
File Description: | prnntfy DLL fails |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | prnntfy.dll |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Visas tiesības paturētas. |
Original Filename: | prnntfy.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Operētājsistēma Microsoft® Windows® |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x426, 1200 |