adsiedit.dll.mui ADSI 编辑器 e36f23f0c0cef7083ce9f9badb3890fb

File info

File name: adsiedit.dll.mui
Size: 23040 byte
MD5: e36f23f0c0cef7083ce9f9badb3890fb
SHA1: 378a58d16564de49cb5163b6d22524037ced9fef
SHA256: 0ef7c0a280c6773207bf9fabebae30e50148e3b3e52304c7c639f7d23613c224
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
11ADSI 编辑器 ADSI Edit
12低级 Active Directory 服务界面编辑器。 A low level Active Directory Services Interface editor.
34移动 Move
98计划 Schedule
99目录分区名称 Directory Partition Name
100名称 Name
101 Class
102可分辨名称 Distinguished Name
103%s 属性 %s Properties
连接到一个 LDAP 路径
&Connect to...
Connect to an LDAP path
Remove connection from tree
106查看(&V) &View
107计划(&C) S&chedule
Move current node and its subtree
View settings of connection
Filter the nodes for this connection
Create a new object
115我的连接 My Connection
116默认命名上下文 Default naming context
117架构 Schema
118配置 Configuration
119RootDSE RootDSE
Remove query from tree
View settings of query
Create a new query from here
123查询 query
&Update Schema Now
Force the schema cache to be flushed.
New &Connection from Here
Create a new connection node rooted at the current container.
N&ew Connection to Naming Context
Create a new connection node rooted at the naming context container that this object describes.
249将对象移动到的容器(&C): &Container to move object to:
250强制 Mandatory
251可选 Optional
252两者 Both
253添加(&D) A&dd
254设置(&S) &Set
255删除(&R) &Remove
256清除(&C) &Clear
500欢迎使用 ADSI 编辑器 Welcome to ADSI Edit
501Active Directory 服务界面编辑器(ADSI 编辑器)是一个用于 Active Directory 域服务/Active Directory 轻型目录服务的低级别的编辑器。它允许查看、修改、创建和删除 Microsoft 的 AD DS/LDS 中的任何对象。

若要创建与 AD DS/LDS 的连接,可以在“操作”菜单上单击“连接到”。
Active Directory Services Interfaces Editor (ADSI Edit) is a low-level editor for Active Directory Domain Services / Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. It allows you to view, modify, create, and delete any object in Microsoft's AD DS/LDS.

To create a connection to AD DS/LDS, on the Action menu, click Connect To.
601对象标识符 Object Identifier
602不区分大小写的字符串 Case Insensitive String
603打印状况字符串 Print Case String
604IA5 - 字符串 IA5-String
605数字字符串 Numerical String
606DN 二进制 DN Binary
607布尔型 Boolean
608整数 Integer
609八进制字符串 Octet String
610UTC 编码的时间 UTC Coded Time
611Unicode 字符串 Unicode String
612地址 Address
613可分辨名称字符串 Distinguished Name With String
614NT 安全描述符 NT Security Descriptor
615大整数/间隔 Large Integer/Interval
617未知 Unknown
618是否确实要删除这些对象? Are you sure you want to delete these objects?
619重置密码(&E)... R&eset Password...
620大小写一致的字符串 Case Exact String
621持续时间 Duration
1112新密码和确认密码必须匹配,请重新输入。 The New and Confirm passwords must match. Please re-type them.
1113密码最多能包含 127 个字符。请输入新的密码。 The password can contain a maximum of 127 characters. Please type a new password.
5000属性编辑器 AttributeEditor
5002没有注册的编辑器能处理此属性类型。 There is no editor registered to handle this attribute type.
5003检索属性编辑器信息失败。 Failed to retrieve the attribute editor information.
5025语法 Syntax
6000属性 Attribute
6001设置/未设置 Set/Not Set
6002 Value
6017容器 Container
6018可分辨名称/SID Distinguished Name / SID
6050十六进制 Hexadecimal
6051十进制 Decimal
6052二进制 Binary
6053宽字符字符串 Wide character string
6054ASCII 字符字符串 ASCII character string
6055八进制 Octal
6070Windows 无法初始化编辑器。
Windows failed to initialize the editor.
6071Windows 无法从编辑器检索新值。
Windows failed to retrieve the new value from the editor.
11056无效格式。一个八进制字符串必须包含每组为 0 到 377 之间的三位数。每组必须用空格隔开。(例如 "000 012 345 377\") Invalid format. An octal string must contain sets of three digits between 0 and 377. Each set must be separated by a space. (i.e. "000 012 345 377\")
11057无效格式。一个十六进制字符串必须包含每组为 0 到 FF 之间的两位数。每组必须用空格隔开。(例如 "00 12 3A FF") Invalid format. A hexadecimal string must contain sets of two digits between 0 and FF. Each set must be separated by a space. (i.e. "00 12 3A FF")
11058无效格式。一个十进制字符串必须包含每组为 0 到 255 之间的三位数。每组必须用空格隔开。(例如 "000 012 100 255") Invalid format. A decimal string must contain sets of three digits between 0 and 255. Each set must be separated by a space. (i.e. "000 012 100 255")
11059无效格式。二进制字符串必须包含 8 位数字集,每位分别为 0 或 1。每个数字集以空格分隔。(例如 "00000010 00000011") Invalid format. A binary string must contain sets of 8 digits, each digit is either 0 or 1. Each set must be separated by a space. (i.e. "00000010 00000011")
11103八进制字符串大于 8KB,不在此框中显示。 The octet string is larger than 8KB and will not be displayed in this box.
11104Windows 无法加载所有属性的值。
Windows could not load the values for all the attributes.
11105列表中已经存在此值。是否还要添加? This value already exists in the list. Do you want to add it anyway?
11107True True
11108False False
11109该值必须是十进制或十六进制格式的数字。以十六进制格式指定的值必须以 "0x" 开头。 The value must be numeric, either in decimal or hexadecimal format. A value specified in hexadecimal format must start with '0x'.
11110该安全主体对象的 SID 结构无效。 SID structure for this security principal object is not valid.
11111(无) (none)
11112(从不) (never)
11113(不可映射的二进制 blob) (unmappable binary blob)
11114操作失败。错误代码: 0x%x
Operation failed. Error code: 0x%x
11115持续时间值必须采用 d:hh:mm:ss 格式。其他允许值包括“%s”和“%s”。 The duration value must be in d:hh:mm:ss format. Other allowed values are "%s" and "%s".
42981此资源记录的属性页处于显示中: 请按“确认”将其关闭。 This resource record has a property sheet up: pressing OK will close it down for you.
42982文件夹 %s 中项目太多。请重新定义查询参数或增加每个文件夹中的项目最大值。 There are too many items in the folder %s. Please refine the query parameters or increase the maximum number of items per folder.
42983一个或多个值的格式错误。 One or more of the values are not in the correct format.
42984你必须指定一个连接名称。 You must specify a name for your connection.
42985无法连接到 RootDSE。 Unable to connect to RootDSE.
42986是否确实要删除此对象? Are you sure you want to delete this object?
42987是否要删除容器及其中的所有内容? Do you want to delete this container and everything in it?
42988无法从资源文件加载一个或多个资源。 Failed to load one or more resources from the resource file.
42989输入的路径不是 x500 路径。
The path you entered may not be an x500 path.
Do you want to continue?
42990是否确实要删除“%s”? Are you sure you want to remove %s?
(例如 0x00 0x12 0x34 等等)
One or more of the values are not in the correct format.
(i.e. 0x00 0x12 0x34 etc.)
One or more of the values are not in the correct format.
(i.e. TRUE or FALSE)
One or more of the values are not in the correct format.
42996是否确实要删除此查询? Are you sure you want to remove this query?
You have existing queries for this connection. Failure to remove the queries may result in inaccurate results.
Would you like to remove them now?
42998成功更新的架构缓存。 The schema cache was updated successfully.
42999查询根 Root of Query
43001此文件夹或其子文件夹的一个或多个属性页处于显示状态。在继续此操作前,请关闭此属性页。 This folder or one of its children has one or more property sheets up. Please close the property sheet before continuing with this action.
43002无法加载连接 %s。
The connection %s could not be loaded.
43003Active Directory 服务界面编辑器(ADSI 编辑器)是一个用于 Active Directory 域服务/Active Directory 轻型目录服务的低级别的编辑器。它允许查看、修改、创建和删除 Microsoft 的 AD DS/LDS 中的任何对象。 Active Directory Services Interfaces Editor (ADSI Edit) is a low-level editor for Active Directory Domain Services / Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. It allows you to view, modify, create, and delete any object in Microsoft's AD DS/LDS.
43004请选择或键入一个现有的命名上下文。命名上下文“%s”不存在。 Please select or type an existing Naming Context. The Naming Context '%s' does not exists.
43005无法打开注册表项。 Unable to open a registry key.
43006无法创建注册表项。 Unable to create a registry key.
43007无法设置注册表项的值。 Unable to set value of the registry key.
43008无法查询注册表项的值。 Unable to query value of the registry key.
43009模块注册操作失败。 Module registration operation failed.
43010管理单元注册操作失败。 Snapin registration operation failed.
43012无法查询目录对象。 Unable to query directory objects.
43014编辑(&E) &Edit
43015查看(&E) Vi&ew
43016由于安全和/或其他限制,当前用户无法在该容器中创建任何对象。 The current user cannot create any objects in this container due to security and/or other constraints.
43017在其他选项卡上检测到更改。建议你在编辑该选项卡上的任何属性之前应用这些更改。 Changes have been detected on other tabs. It is recommended that those changes are applied before editing any attributes on this tab.
43018在其他选项卡上已进行的更改将不会与属性编辑器选项卡上显示的属性同步。如果在属性编辑器选项卡及一个或多个其他选项卡上更改了某个属性,而没有应用这些更改,则应用这些更改时将无法确定该属性的状态。 Changes that have been made on other tabs will not be synchronized with the attributes shown on the attribute editor tab. If an attribute is changed on the attribute editor tab and one or more other tabs without applying between changes then the state of the attribute will be indeterminate when the changes are applied.
&Apply the changes
Apply the changes that have already been made.
Do ¬ apply the changes
Continue to the attribute editor tab.
43021该选项卡上已发生更改。建议你在其他任何选项卡上编辑任何属性之前应用这些更改。 Changes have been made on this tab. It is recommended that those changes are applied before editing any attributes on any other tab.
43022为确保刷新其他选项卡上的数据,将在选择应用这些更改时,关闭属性对话框。你需要重新打开属性对话框才能继续编辑该对象的属性。 To ensure the data on the other tabs is refreshed, if you choose to apply these changes the property dialog will be closed. You will need to reopen the property dialog to continue editing this object's properties.
&Apply the changes and Close
Apply the changes that have already been made and close the property dialog.
Do ¬ apply the changes
Do not apply the changes and continue to the selected tab.


File Name:adsiedit.dll.mui
File Size:22 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:22528
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:ADSI 编辑器
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:ADSIEdit
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:ADSIEdit.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is adsiedit.dll.mui?

adsiedit.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file adsiedit.dll (ADSI 编辑器).

File version info

File Description:ADSI 编辑器
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:ADSIEdit
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:ADSIEdit.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200