sdclt.exe Lethbhreac-glèidhidh Microsoft® Windows e332b93207dab4872263c0fb3704627b

File info

File name: sdclt.exe.mui
Size: 113664 byte
MD5: e332b93207dab4872263c0fb3704627b
SHA1: e82e0e2ab9f8e6e7964c3ccf47a861abb4355a29
SHA256: 990094519149014abc31240fbc4b2924221aaba18e071af30aadcfebd50dc811
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: sdclt.exe Lethbhreac-glèidhidh Microsoft® Windows (32 biot)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Cornish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Cornish English
1A' sgur dheth... Canceling...
2This operation can take a few minutes. Please wait... This operation can take a few minutes. Please wait...
100Staid is rèiteachadh nan lethbhreac-glèidhidh Backup Status and Configuration
101Tha seo a' rèiteachadh nan lethbhreac-glèidhidh is a' sealltainn staid an lethbhreac-ghlèidhidh mu dheireadh. Configures backup and shows the status of the last backup.
102Tha an draibh a thagh thu air an aon diosg fiosaigeach 's a tha am fear a tha thu a' dèanamh lethbhreac-glèidhidh dheth. Ma dh'fhàilligeas an diosg, caillidh tu na lethbhreacan-glèidhidh agad. The drive selected is on the same physical disk that is being backed up. If this disk fails, you will lose your backups.
103Tha an draibh "%1!s!" air an aon diosg fiosaigeach far an tèid an lethbhreac-glèidhidh a shàbhaladh. Ma dh'fhàilligeas an diosg, caillidh tu na lethbhreacan-glèidhidh agad. The drive '%1!s!' is on the same physical disk where the backup will be saved. If this disk fails, you will lose your backups.
112&Show Progress &Show Progress
118Draibh Drive
119Meud iomlan Total size
120Free space Free space
125in 30 minutes in 30 minutes
126in one hour in one hour
127in two hours in two hours
128in four hours in four hours
129Tomorrow Tomorrow
130Leugh tuilleadh...
131Air a stad Stopped
134Cha do chrìochnaich an lethbhreac-glèidhidh mar bu chòir. The backup did not complete successfully.
136&Try to run backup again &Try to run backup again


140The backup completed successfully. The backup completed successfully.
141Backup is currently running Backup is currently running
142A backup failed in the past, but backup is currently running. You can troubleshoot again if the current backup fails. A backup failed in the past, but backup is currently running. You can troubleshoot again if the current backup fails.
143Windows Backup has not been set up Windows Backup has not been set up
144Cha deach gleus nan lethbhreacan-glèidhidh aig Windows a rèiteachadh. ’S urrainn dhut na lethbhreacan-glèidhidh a rèiteachadh ann an “Tèarainteachd is obair-ghlèidhidh”. Windows Backup has not been configured. You can configure backup in Security and Maintenance.
145The last backup succeeded. There is currently no failure to report. The last backup succeeded. There is currently no failure to report.
146The last backup succeeded The last backup succeeded
147&Change backup settings &Change backup settings
148Windows Backup: Troubleshooting Options Windows Backup: Troubleshooting Options
149Your network credentials have expired Your network credentials have expired
150&Re-enter your username and password &Re-enter your username and password
152&Manage backup disk space &Manage backup disk space
153The disk where your backups are being saved doesn't have enough free space. The disk where your backups are being saved doesn't have enough free space.
154in 3 days in 3 days
157Note Note
160The backup did not complete successfully because Windows Backup had to skip all the drives included in backup. The backup did not complete successfully because Windows Backup had to skip all the drives included in backup.
161Sguir thu de chruthachadh nan lethbhreac-ghlèidhidh. The backup was cancelled.
163Windows cannot find the disk or network location where your backups are being saved. Windows cannot find the disk or network location where your backups are being saved.
164You need to reconfigure your backup settings because this computer has been upgraded from an earlier version of Windows. What are the changes in backup configuration from Vista to Win7? You need to reconfigure your backup settings because this computer has been upgraded from an earlier version of Windows. What are the changes in backup configuration from Vista to Win7?
166Change the location where the backup is saved. Change the location where the backup is saved.
167Review your backup settings Review your backup settings
168Your computer has been restored to an earlier point in time. As a result, your backup settings might be out of date. Your computer has been restored to an earlier point in time. As a result, your backup settings might be out of date.
169&Keep current settings &Keep current settings
172&Change the backup location &Change the backup location
180The drive %1!s! has errors. The drive %1!s! has errors.
181Windows has detected file system corruption on %1!s!. You must check the disk for errors before it can be restored.

Check the disk for errors
Windows has detected file system corruption on %1!s!. You must check the disk for errors before it can be restored.

Check the disk for errors
182%1!s! and %2!s! %1!s! and %2!s!
183%1!s!, %2!s! %1!s!, %2!s!
184You have chosen to back up drive %1!s!, which is encrypted. The backup location will not be encrypted. Make sure the backup is kept in a physically secure location. You have chosen to back up drive %1!s!, which is encrypted. The backup location will not be encrypted. Make sure the backup is kept in a physically secure location.
185You have chosen to back up drive %1!s!, which are encrypted. The backup location will not be encrypted. Make sure the backup is kept in a physically secure location. You have chosen to back up drive %1!s!, which are encrypted. The backup location will not be encrypted. Make sure the backup is kept in a physically secure location.
187Select another backup to restore files from
Select another backup to restore files from
188Windows could not access the backup location %1!s!. Please provide a valid user name and password, or restore files saved on another location.

Error: %2!s!
Windows could not access the backup location %1!s!. Please provide a valid user name and password, or restore files saved on another location.

Error: %2!s!
1007Windows Backup found errors on the media while saving a backup on it and cannot use it for additional backups. Windows Backup found errors on the media while saving a backup on it and cannot use it for additional backups.
1050Daily Daily
1051Weekly Weekly
1052Monthly Monthly
1053Quarterly Quarterly
1054Every 6 months Every 6 months
1055Saturday Saturday
1056(stop this backup) (stop this backup)
1057Because you have changed where you want to save your backup files, Windows will create a new, full data file backup now. Because you have changed where you want to save your backup files, Windows will create a new, full data file backup now.
1060Backup Device (%1!s!) Backup Device (%1!s!)
1061Uidheam lethbhreacan-glèidhidh Backup Device
1062&Stop restore &Stop restore
1063Ceart ma-thà OK
1064Restore Files Restore Files
1065A file cannot be restored A file cannot be restored
1066Filename: %1!s!

Error: %2!s!
Filename: %1!s!

Error: %2!s!
1067Dh'fhaodte gum feum an lethbhreac-glèidhidh seo suas ri %1!d!. Seach gu bheil lethbhreac-glèidhidh ann mu thràth, dh'fhaodte nach eil feum air an àite seo air fad agus nach tèid ach na h-eadar-dhealachaidhean a shàbhaladh. The backup could take up to %1!d! GB of disk space. Because a previous backup already exists, all of this space might not be required, and only the differences will be saved.
1068Don't ask me again Don't ask me again
1069Rename this file to "%1!s!" and try again Rename this file to "%1!s!" and try again
1070Try again Try again
1071Skip this file Skip this file
1072Skip this file and all files with this error Skip this file and all files with this error
1073Rename the file to %1!s! and try again Rename the file to %1!s! and try again
1074The backup catalog could not be loaded for the following reason:


Should Windows erase the backup catalog and create a new one?
The backup catalog could not be loaded for the following reason:


Should Windows erase the backup catalog and create a new one?
1075&Change settings... &Change settings...
1076Tha an gnìomh sgeidealaichte seo a' cur fios dhan chleachdaiche nach deach lethbhreac-glèidhidh Windows a rèiteachadh. This scheduled task notifies the user that Windows Backup has not been configured.
1077A&isig &Restore
1078Àite air a chleachdadh Used space
1080Cruthaich ìomhaigh dhen t-siostam Create a system image
1081Saving backup settings... Saving backup settings...
1082Disabled Disabled
1083Date of Date of
1084Windows 7 File Recovery Windows 7 File Recovery
1085Backup Status and Configuration Backup Status and Configuration
1086Save Save
1089Backup Security Backup Security
1090Catalog Location Catalog Location
1091Tagh tionndadh nam faidhlichean a thagh thu Choose a version of the selected files
1092Càit an aisig sinn na faidhlichean dhut? Where do you want to restore your files?
1093Dh'fhaodte gum bi suas ri %1!d! san lethbhreac-ghlèidhidh. The backup could take up to %1!d! GB of disk space.
1094Confirm Restore Confirm Restore
1095Ag aiseag nam faidhlichean... Restoring files...
1096Overwrite Overwrite
1097Rename Rename
1098Retry Retry
1099Keep the existing file Keep the existing file
1101The backup will take %1!d! DVDs. The backup will take %1!d! DVDs.
1102Original Location Original Location
1103Start Start
1104Ask me Ask me
1105Backup Progress Backup Progress
1106Confirm Confirm
1107Brabhsaich no lorg faidhlichean is pasgain san lethbhreac-ghlèidhidh a dh'aisigeas sinn dhut Browse or search your backup for files and folders to restore
1108Browse the backup for files Browse the backup for files
1109Music Music
1110Verifying backup media... Verifying backup media...
1111Photos and pictures Photos and pictures
1112Videos Videos
1113None None
1115Scheduled Backup Scheduled Backup
1119(stopping this backup) (stopping this backup)
1122In Path In Path
1123Updating backup monitor settings... Updating backup monitor settings...
1127&Dùin &Close
1128The last file backup did not complete successfully. (details) The last file backup did not complete successfully. (details)
1130Backup is in progress.
%0%% Complete
Backup is in progress.
%0%% Complete
1131Unknown reason Unknown reason
1132Càit a bheil an lethbhreac-glèidhidh a tha thu airson aiseag? Where is the backup that you want to restore?
1133Please write the following label on a blank media and insert it into %1!s!

Please write the following label on a blank media and insert it into %1!s!


Insert the media with the above label into %2!s! to back up new or changed files since your last backup. You can also insert a blank media if the media is temporarily unavailable.

What should I do if I lost my older backup medias?

Insert the media with the above label into %2!s! to back up new or changed files since your last backup. You can also insert a blank media if the media is temporarily unavailable.

What should I do if I lost my older backup medias?
1135Updating backup settings... Updating backup settings...
1136There is an error on the backup disc. There is an error on the backup disc.
1137Testing the backup location... Testing the backup location...
1138The location does not appear to contain the backup files. The location does not appear to contain the backup files.
1139The media is not UDF. The media is not UDF.
1140The disc in the drive is blank. Please verify that you have inserted the correct disc:

The disc in the drive is blank. Please verify that you have inserted the correct disc:

1141The drive specified could not be found. Please ensure it is plugged in and turned on. The drive specified could not be found. Please ensure it is plugged in and turned on.
1142The drive is in use. The drive is in use.
1143There is an error on the drive. There is an error on the drive.
1144The device is not responding. The device is not responding.
1145This is your last backup disc.

Please remove it from the drive and store it in a safe place.
This is your last backup disc.

Please remove it from the drive and store it in a safe place.
1146Automatic file backup is configured but turned off Automatic file backup is configured but turned off
1147The last file backup was successful. The last file backup was successful.
1149The backup will take %1!d! to %2!d! DVDs. The backup will take %1!d! to %2!d! DVDs.
1154Windows was not able to find any backup sets on ‪%1!s!‬.

Please select a different location.
Windows was not able to find any backup sets on ‪%1!s!‬.

Please select a different location.
1155Tagh lethbhreac-glèidhidh a tha thu ag iarraidh na faidhlichean aiseag uaithe Select the backup that you want to restore files from
1156Back Up Files Back Up Files
1157The last file backup was cancelled before it could finish. The last file backup was cancelled before it could finish.
1159Are you sure you want to cancel restore? Are you sure you want to cancel restore?
1160Cuir &faidhlichean ris Add &files
1161Add f&older Add f&older
1162Preparing ... Preparing ...
1163Compressing ... Compressing ...
1164Searching ... Searching ...
1165Safe guarding ... Safe guarding ...
1167Not Scheduled Not Scheduled
1168Bhris rudeigin a-steach air cruthachadh lethbhreac-ghlèidhidh nam faidhle mu dheireadh mus b' urrainn dha crìochnachadh. The last file backup was interrupted before it could finish.
1172Cha b' urrainn dhuinn aplacaid nan lethbhreac-glèidhidh a chur gu dol air sgàth mearachd innearnail:

The backup application could not start due to an internal error:

1173Backup Target Backup Target
1175Automatic file backup is turned on Automatic file backup is turned on
1176An error occurred:


Close Windows Backup and try again.
An error occurred:


Close Windows Backup and try again.
1177Gleus nan lethbhreac-glèidhidh aig Windows Windows Backup
1178KB KB
1179MB MB
1180GB GB
1181TB TB
1182bytes bytes
1183%1!s! (Siostam) %1!s! (System)
1185Unknown Unknown
1186Missing Missing
1187Backup Backup
1188Windows could not find backup devices on this computer. The following information might explain why this problem occurred:


Close Windows Backup and try again.
Windows could not find backup devices on this computer. The following information might explain why this problem occurred:


Close Windows Backup and try again.
1189There is no backup device. There is no backup device.
1193The file name is not valid (it should not include directory or reserved names) The file name is not valid (it should not include directory or reserved names)
1195File backup File backup
1197Local Disk Local Disk
1198Thathar a' sàbhaladh nan lethbhreacan-glèidhidh agad air %1!s!. Your backups are being saved on %1!s!.
1199Deiseil Finished
1200The backup did not complete. The backup did not complete.
1201File backup could not save your automatic backup settings for the following reason:


Please try again.
File backup could not save your automatic backup settings for the following reason:


Please try again.
1202The wizard could not be launched for the following reason:


Please try again.
The wizard could not be launched for the following reason:


Please try again.
1204Briog air "Brabhsaich airson faidhlichean", "Brabhsaich airson pasgain" no "Lorg" gus faidhlichean a chur ris an liosta seo. Click Browse for files, Browse for folders, or Search to add files to this list.
1205No files have been found. No files have been found.
1206This scheduled task displays a notification if one or more scheduled backups have been skipped. This scheduled task displays a notification if one or more scheduled backups have been skipped.
1207The search could not be completed for the following reason:

The search could not be completed for the following reason:

1208&Stop &Stop
1209&Search &Search
1212Dè tha thu airson aiseag? What do you want to restore?
1213You are running in advanced mode so you can restore files for any users on this computer. You are running in advanced mode so you can restore files for any users on this computer.
1214Windows could not properly access the backup catalog stored on this computer for the following reason:


The backup catalogs might be corrupt. Try loading a backup catalog from your backup media.
Windows could not properly access the backup catalog stored on this computer for the following reason:


The backup catalogs might be corrupt. Try loading a backup catalog from your backup media.
1215Windows was not able to find any data file backups on %1!s! for the following reason:


Verify that this location is valid and contains backups or try a different location.
Windows was not able to find any data file backups on %1!s! for the following reason:


Verify that this location is valid and contains backups or try a different location.
1216Ceann-là 's uair Date and time
1217Ionad nan lethbhreac-glèidhidh Backup location
1218The location could not be validated. Please make sure it is valid and that you have access. The location could not be validated. Please make sure it is valid and that you have access.
1219The location was a network path. Please make sure it is a local path. The location was a network path. Please make sure it is a local path.
1220Windows was not able to load the selected backup for the following reason:


Verify that this location is valid and try again, or consider choosing a different backup.
Windows was not able to load the selected backup for the following reason:


Verify that this location is valid and try again, or consider choosing a different backup.
1221Additional Information:
Additional Information:
1222Media Name: %1!s! Media Name: %1!s!
1223Location: %1!s! Location: %1!s!
1224Càit a bheil thu airson an lethbhreac-glèidhidh a shàbhaladh? Where do you want to save the backup?
1225Dè na draibhean a ghabhas sinn a-steach san lethbhreac-ghlèidhidh? Which drives do you want to include in the backup?
1226Backup is in progress Backup is in progress
1227The user account %1!s! was not found for the following reason:


Please ensure that you created a user account with the same name.
The user account %1!s! was not found for the following reason:


Please ensure that you created a user account with the same name.
1228Coimpiutair Computer
1229&Turn on &Turn on
1231Aisig faidhlichean Restore Files
1233Aisig faidhlichean (Adhartach) Restore Files (Advanced)
1234Windows could not launch the automatic backup job for the following reason:


Try again.
Windows could not launch the automatic backup job for the following reason:


Try again.
1235Windows could not enable the automatic backup job for the following reason:


Try again.
Windows could not enable the automatic backup job for the following reason:


Try again.
1236Windows could not disable the automatic backup job for the following reason:


Try again.
Windows could not disable the automatic backup job for the following reason:


Try again.
1239Windows could not create the automatic backup scheduled task for the following reason:


Try again.
Windows could not create the automatic backup scheduled task for the following reason:


Try again.
1240Windows could not create the notification scheduled task for the following reason:


Try again.
Windows could not create the notification scheduled task for the following reason:


Try again.
1241Windows could not launch the backup in the background for the following reason:


Try again.
Windows could not launch the backup in the background for the following reason:


Try again.
1242All Files All Files
1243&Turn off &Turn off
1244Chaidh na faidhlichean agad aiseag Your files have been restored
1245Cha do chrìochnaich an t-aiseag mar bu chòir The restore did not complete successfully
1246The Task Scheduler service does not appear to be started. Please start the Task Scheduler service and try again. The Task Scheduler service does not appear to be started. Please start the Task Scheduler service and try again.
1247The state of the Task Scheduler service could not be determined for the following reason:


Please verify the Task Scheduler service is enabled and started, then try again.
The state of the Task Scheduler service could not be determined for the following reason:


Please verify the Task Scheduler service is enabled and started, then try again.
1250Create a system image Create a system image
1251No backup is in progress No backup is in progress
1252Ag ullachadh gus lethbhreac-glèidhidh a dhèanamh Preparing to backup
1253A' cruthachadh lethbhreac-sgàile Creating a shadow copy
1254A' dèanamh lethbhreac-glèidhidh dhe na faidhlichean agad Backing up files
1255Backups are up to date Backups are up to date
1256A file backup has not been created on this computer. A file backup has not been created on this computer.
1257Backup is in progress... Backup is in progress...
1258File backup was cancelled File backup was cancelled
1259File backup was interrupted File backup was interrupted
1260Dh'fhaodte gun toir am fiosrachadh a leanas fuasgladh dhut air an duilgheadas:

The following information might help you resolve the problem:

1261File backup could not start for the following reason:

File backup could not start for the following reason:

1262Cleanup failed for the following reason:

Cleanup failed for the following reason:

1263A restore point could not be created for the following reason:

A restore point could not be created for the following reason:

1264The backup target drive %1!s! is full The backup target drive %1!s! is full
1265Empty media for backup target %1!s! is needed Empty media for backup target %1!s! is needed
1266The backup target drive %1!s! failed with the following error:

The backup target drive %1!s! failed with the following error:

1267The backup source drive %1!s! is missing or unusable The backup source drive %1!s! is missing or unusable
1268The backup source drive %1!s! is full The backup source drive %1!s! is full
1269The backup source drive %1!s! failed with the following error:

The backup source drive %1!s! failed with the following error:

1270The last backup was skipped The last backup was skipped
1274A' sganadh nam faidhle a nì sinn lethbhreac-glèidhidh dhiubh Scanning files to backup
1275To launch the wizard in advanced mode, you must be an administrator. To launch the wizard in advanced mode, you must be an administrator.
1276An error occurred when checking the status of the last automatic backup:


Verify the status of your backup.
An error occurred when checking the status of the last automatic backup:


Verify the status of your backup.
1277Brabhsaich gun phasgan-uidhe. Please browse to the destination folder.
1278Backing up to dynamic disk gives you limited functionality while performing system image restore. Backing up to dynamic disk gives you limited functionality while performing system image restore.
1279File Backup could not start a new backup using your existing settings for the following reason:


The configuration wizard will be launched so you can adjust your settings.
File Backup could not start a new backup using your existing settings for the following reason:


The configuration wizard will be launched so you can adjust your settings.
1281Cuir ainm a-steach is briog air Lorg gus faidhlichean a lorg. Type a name and click Search to find files.
1282Windows is not scanning your computer for new and updated files. Windows is not scanning your computer for new and updated files.
1283Windows will scan your computer for new and updated files and add them to your backup based on the schedule you set. Windows will scan your computer for new and updated files and add them to your backup based on the schedule you set.
1284Dearbhaich do roghainnean airson lethbhreacan-glèidhidh Confirm your backup settings
1285&Stop backup &Stop backup
1286&Use blank media &Use blank media
1287&Skip this media &Skip this media
1288See details See details
1289Hide details Hide details
1290Automatic backup is currently on Automatic backup is currently on
1291Automatic backup is currently off Automatic backup is currently off
1292The backup will take %1!d! DVD. The backup will take %1!d! DVD.
1294The drive you selected is not a valid location. Try again. The drive you selected is not a valid location. Try again.
1295Preparing to create backup... Preparing to create backup...
1296Formatting backup disk %1!s!... Formatting backup disk %1!s!...
1297Backing up %1!s!... Backing up %1!s!...
1298The backup of %1!s! was stopped. The backup of %1!s! was stopped.
1299The backup of %1!s! was cancelled. The backup of %1!s! was cancelled.
1300The backup of %1!s! completed successfully. The backup of %1!s! completed successfully.
1301Waiting for media... Waiting for media...
1302Scanning file system... Scanning file system...
1304Dh'fhàillig an lethbhreac-glèidhidh. The backup failed.
1305Creating shadow copy on backup drive %1!s! Creating shadow copy on backup drive %1!s!
1306The backup was cancelled. The backup was cancelled.
1307Most recent backup on drive: Most recent backup on drive:
1308The drive is not a valid backup location. The drive is not a valid backup location.
1309This drive cannot be used to store a system image because it is not formatted with NTFS. This drive cannot be used to store a system image because it is not formatted with NTFS.
1310Dh'fhaodte nach eil àite gu leòr air fhàgail air an draibh seo gus lethbhreac-glèidhidh a shàbhaladh. Sguab às faidhlichean nach fheum thu tuilleadh no tagh draibh eile. There might not be enough free space on this drive to save a backup. Delete unnecessary files or select another drive.
1311Most recent backup on drive: %1!s! Most recent backup on drive: %1!s!
1312Browse the backup for folders or drives Browse the backup for folders or drives
1313An t-àite a tha air fhàgail air %1!s!: Space available on %1!s!:
1315This computer has not been backed up. This computer has not been backed up.
1316The last backup did not complete successfully. (details) The last backup did not complete successfully. (details)
1317&Try again &Try again
1318The last backup was successful. The last backup was successful.
1319The last backup was cancelled before it could finish. The last backup was cancelled before it could finish.
1320An latha mu dheireadh Last day
1322This drive cannot be used to store a system image because it is compressed. This drive cannot be used to store a system image because it is compressed.
1323This drive cannot be used to store a system image because it is encrypted. This drive cannot be used to store a system image because it is encrypted.
1324Unnamed drive Unnamed drive
1325The backup location cannot be found. The backup location cannot be found.
1326Windows needs to format a disc for backup.
Please label and insert a blank disc.
Suggested label: %1!s!
Windows needs to format a disc for backup.
Please label and insert a blank disc.
Suggested label: %1!s!
1327Searching... Searching...
1328Cha ghabh an draibh seo a chleachdadh gus ìomhaighean dhen t-siostam a stòradh seach gu bheil e coirbte. Dh'fhaoidte gun gabh a chàradh leis a' ghleus "Sgrùdadh diosga". This drive cannot be used to store system images because it is corrupted. You can try to fix it using Check Disk.
1329&Tòisich air an lethbhreac-ghlèidhidh &Start backup
1330No valid backup location could be found. Please attach or install a hard drive or DVD drive, and try again. No valid backup location could be found. Please attach or install a hard drive or DVD drive, and try again.
1331The drive containing the backup is not accessible. Please make sure it is turned on and connected to the computer. The drive containing the backup is not accessible. Please make sure it is turned on and connected to the computer.
2005Faidhlichean dùmhlaichte, ìomhaigh no tasglainn sa bheil faidhlichean eile, mar .zip, .cab, .iso, .wim, and .vhd. Tha pasgain dhùmhlaichte san roinn-seòrsa seo. Compressed, image, and archive format files that contain other files, such as .zip, .cab, .iso, .wim, and .vhd. This category also includes compressed folders.
2110Preparing media... Preparing media...
2111Faidhle catalog nan lethbhreac-glèidhidh aig Windows Windows Backup Catalog File
2113%1!s! %2!s! air fhàgail %1!s! %2!s! free
2114Please insert the media with the following label into %2!s!

Please insert the media with the following label into %2!s!

2115The media in the drive is not the requested media. The media in the drive is not the requested media.
2116There is no media in the drive. There is no media in the drive.
2117The media in the drive is not formatted. The media in the drive is not formatted.
2118The media in the drive cannot be written to. The media in the drive cannot be written to.
2119The media in the drive has too little space. The media in the drive has too little space.
2120The media in the drive has existing files. The media in the drive has existing files.
2121There was an error initializing the media in the drive. Discard the media. There was an error initializing the media in the drive. Discard the media.
2122The media in the drive is a previous backup media. The media in the drive is a previous backup media.
2123Windows cannot read the media that is currently in the drive Windows cannot read the media that is currently in the drive
2124The media in the drive is not the correct type. The media in the drive is not the correct type.
2125There was an error formatting the media in the drive. There was an error formatting the media in the drive.
2126The file system is incompatible with the media in the drive. The file system is incompatible with the media in the drive.
2127The media in the drive is not compatible with this device. The media in the drive is not compatible with this device.
2128You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this task. You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this task.
2129The drive is write protected. The drive is write protected.
2130Windows cannot format this drive. Quit any disk utilities or other programs that are using this drive, and make sure that no window is displaying the contents of the drive. Then try formatting again. Windows cannot format this drive. Quit any disk utilities or other programs that are using this drive, and make sure that no window is displaying the contents of the drive. Then try formatting again.
2131The media label is not valid. The media label is not valid.
2132This media can not be quick formatted. This media can not be quick formatted.
2133An unexpected I/O error has occurred. An unexpected I/O error has occurred.
2134The media is too small. The media is too small.
2135The media is too big. The media is too big.
2136The cluster size is too small. The cluster size is too small.
2137The cluster size is too big. The cluster size is too big.
2138Formatting was cancelled. Formatting was cancelled.
2139Insert a media Insert a media
2140Format media Format media
2141Are you sure you want to format this media? Are you sure you want to format this media?

The media needs to be formatted before it can be used. Formatting will completely erase all data on the media.

The media needs to be formatted before it can be used. Formatting will completely erase all data on the media.
2143&Don't ask again for this backup &Don't ask again for this backup
2144Formatting the media... Formatting the media...
2145%1!s! %1!s!
2146Formatting is complete. Formatting is complete.
2147Format was not successful. Format was not successful.
2149&Format &Format

Formatting cannot be interrupted. Do not attempt to eject the media or turn off this computer until the format is complete.

Formatting cannot be interrupted. Do not attempt to eject the media or turn off this computer until the format is complete.
2151Search pattern cannot contain any of the following:
/ " |
Search pattern cannot contain any of the following:
/ " |
2152Search pattern cannot start or end with space(s) Search pattern cannot start or end with space(s)
2153Searching for '*.*' or '*' is too generic!

Please use full restore instead.
Searching for '*.*' or '*' is too generic!

Please use full restore instead.
2154Search patterns starting with '*' could take a significantly longer time to run. Search patterns starting with '*' could take a significantly longer time to run.
2159The RUNAS command is not supported. You must run this program as the logged-in user. The RUNAS command is not supported. You must run this program as the logged-in user.
2162Ùine on lethbhreac-ghlèidhidh mu dheireadh Backup Period
2163Label and insert a blank media Label and insert a blank media
2164Cuir a-steach meadhan mu dheireadh an lethbhric-ghlèidhidh Insert the last backup media
2167There was an unexpected error:


Windows Backup will now close.
There was an unexpected error:


Windows Backup will now close.
2179The default file system for this drive cannot be determined. The following information might help you resolve the error:

The default file system for this drive cannot be determined. The following information might help you resolve the error:

2180Format encountered an unexpected error. The drive was not formatted. Format encountered an unexpected error. The drive was not formatted.
2181Chan eil ionad nan lethbhreac-glèidhidh ri fhaighinn Backup location is not available
2183Backup configuration has been disabled by your system administrator Backup configuration has been disabled by your system administrator
2184Restore has been disabled by your system administrator Restore has been disabled by your system administrator
2185This feature has been disabled by your system administrator. Contact your administrator for access. This feature has been disabled by your system administrator. Contact your administrator for access.
2186Running in Safe Mode is not supported. Running in Safe Mode is not supported.
2187Teachdaireachdan puist-d is liostaichean luchd-aithne, a' gabhail a-steach faidhlichean PST is EML. Cha dèanar lethbhreac-glèidhidh de phuist-d a tha dìreach air an stòradh air loidhne. Email messages and contact lists, including PST and EML files. Email that is only stored online will not be backed up.

Faidhle tùsail: C:\Faidhlichean air an sàbhaladh\Note.txt
Faidhle air aiseag: C:\Ionadùr\C\Faidhlichean air an sàbhaladh\Note.txt

Original File: C:\SavedFiles\Note.txt
Restored File: C:\NewLocation\C\SavedFiles\Note.txt
2190Chan eil am feart seo ri fhaighinn ann an àrainneachd stèisein-obrach so-ghiùlain. This feature is not avaliable in a portable workstation environment.

Original File: C:\SavedFiles\Note.txt
Restored File: C:\NewLocation\Note.txt

Original File: C:\SavedFiles\Note.txt
Restored File: C:\NewLocation\Note.txt
2192Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
2194This scheduled task runs automatic backup on a regular basis. This scheduled task runs automatic backup on a regular basis.
2195Less Information Less Information
2196More Information More Information

Additional Information:

Additional Information:
2201The location is on a drive that is not formatted with the NTFS file system. You cannot restore files to this location. The location is on a drive that is not formatted with the NTFS file system. You cannot restore files to this location.
2202Browse to the network location containing the backup Browse to the network location containing the backup
2203Select the folder where you want to save the backup. Select the folder where you want to save the backup.
2206The backup source drive %1!s! is corrupt. The backup source drive %1!s! is corrupt.
2208Label and use current media Label and use current media
2209Please write the following label on the current media in the drive %1!s!

Please write the following label on the current media in the drive %1!s!

2211Please write the following label on the current media in the drive %1!s!


You can use a blank media if do not want to use the current media in the drive %1!s!
Please write the following label on the current media in the drive %1!s!


You can use a blank media if do not want to use the current media in the drive %1!s!
2212Insert the last backup media Insert the last backup media
2213Insert the media with the following label into %2!s!


You can use a blank media or current media in the drive %2!s! if you do not want Windows to add backup files to the above mentioned media.
Insert the media with the following label into %2!s!


You can use a blank media or current media in the drive %2!s! if you do not want Windows to add backup files to the above mentioned media.
2214Use ¤t media Use ¤t media
2215Your system administrator has disabled the ability to create system images. Your system administrator has disabled the ability to create system images.
2224Label and insert a blank media bigger than 1GB Label and insert a blank media bigger than 1GB
2225This media can't be formatted with the Live File System. The media might be incompatible or your drive might not work with this file system. This media can't be formatted with the Live File System. The media might be incompatible or your drive might not work with this file system.
2226Details: %1!s!


Backup time: %3!s!
Backup location: %4!s!
Details: %1!s!


Backup time: %3!s!
Backup location: %4!s!
2227Show error details... Show error details...
2228File restore was cancelled. File restore was cancelled.
2230EFI System Partition EFI System Partition
2231Do you want to create a system repair disc? Do you want to create a system repair disc?
2232We recommend that you create a system repair disc at this time if you don't have a Windows installation disc. The system repair disc can be used to re-image your computer and access other system recovery options. We recommend that you create a system repair disc at this time if you don't have a Windows installation disc. The system repair disc can be used to re-image your computer and access other system recovery options.
2233Don't show this message again Don't show this message again
2234Cleachdaidh tu diosga càraidh an t-siostaim gus an coimpiutair agad a bhùtadh. Tha innealan aisig airson siostam Windows air cuideachd a dh'fhaodadh do chuideachadh gus Windows aiseag ma tha droch-mhearachd ann no gus ath-ìomhaigh dhen choimpiutair agad a dhèanamh o ìomhaigh dhen t-siostam. A system repair disc can be used to boot your computer. It also contains Windows system recovery tools which can help you recover Windows from a serious error or re-image your computer from a system image.
2239&Ignore &Ignore
2240Windows Backup requires administrator privileges Windows Backup requires administrator privileges
2241To perform this task, you must log on as an administrator. To perform this task, you must log on as an administrator.
2242Unable to launch system repair disc wizard. Unable to launch system repair disc wizard.
2275Stiùir àite diosg airson lethbhreacan-glèidhidh Windows Manage Windows Backup disk space
2276Are you sure you want to delete all backups?
Your next backup will be a full backup.
Are you sure you want to delete all backups?
Your next backup will be a full backup.
2278Meud Size
2279Computer Computer
2281Are you sure you want to delete this data file backup? Are you sure you want to delete this data file backup?
2282Tagh rainse-ama de lethbhreacan-glèidhidh gus a sguabadh às Select a backup period to delete
2284Please connect %1!s! Please connect %1!s!
2288Backup Space Used: Backup Space Used:
2289%1!s! (%2!s!) %3!s! used out of %4!s! %1!s! (%2!s!) %3!s! used out of %4!s!
2290The backup location is not connected. The backup location is not connected.
2291Backups saved on CD/DVDs cannot be deleted or reduced in size Backups saved on CD/DVDs cannot be deleted or reduced in size
2292Backup has not been set up. Backup has not been set up.
2293%1!s! gu %2!s! %1!s! to %2!s!
2294Not all files and directories were deleted. First failed file is
Not all files and directories were deleted. First failed file is
2295Error Error
2296No backup sets were removed from the catalog. No backup sets were removed from the catalog.
2297The most recent backup set was removed from the catalog. The most recent backup set was removed from the catalog.
2299Stopping... Stopping...
2300Backup has been deleted. Backup has been deleted.
2301Stopped deletion. Stopped deletion.
2302There are no backups to be deleted. There are no backups to be deleted.
2307Rùm iomlan : %1!s! Total Space : %1!s!
2308Are you sure you want to delete the most recent data file backup? Are you sure you want to delete the most recent data file backup?
2309Are you sure you want to delete the only data file backup for this computer? Are you sure you want to delete the only data file backup for this computer?
2310Dùin Close
2311Tagh mar a thèid àite air diosgaichean a chleachdadh le lethbhreacan-glèidhidh Windows Select how disk space is used by Windows Backup
2315&Delete &Delete
2316Delete and &run backup now Delete and &run backup now
2317Faodaidh tu àite air diosgan a shaoradh ma sguabas tu às lethbhreacan-glèidhidh de dh'fhaidhlichean dàta. You can free up disk space by deleting data file backups.
2318Chan eil lethbhreacan-glèidhidh de dh'fhaidhlichean dàta airson a' choimpiutair seo air an draibh seo There are no data file backups for this computer on this drive
2333Tagh mar a chumas Windows seann-ìomhaighean dhen t-siostam Select how Windows retains older system images
2336Your backups are being saved on a network location. Only the most recent system image will be retained. Your backups are being saved on a network location. Only the most recent system image will be retained.
2337Faodaidh tu àite air diosgan a shaoradh ma dh'atharraicheas tu an dòigh air a chumas Windows seann-ìomhaighean dhen t-siostam. You can free up disk space by changing how Windows retains older system images.
2338Chan eil gin a dh'ìomhaighean siostaim airson a' choimpiutair seo air an draibh seo There are no system images for this computer on this drive
2341Are you sure you want to delete previous system images? Are you sure you want to delete previous system images?
2342Are you sure you want to delete all previous system images? Are you sure you want to delete all previous system images?
2343You will only be able to restore this computer to the most recent system image. You will only be able to restore this computer to the most recent system image.
2344You will not be able to restore this computer to a previous recent system image. You will not be able to restore this computer to a previous recent system image.
2345Leig le Windows an t-àite a chleachdar airson eachdraidh nan lethbhreacan-glèidhidh a stiùireadh (%1!s! air a' char as motha) Let Windows manage the space used for backup history (maximum %1!s!)
2347(this will free up to %1!s! space) (this will free up to %1!s! space)
2348Na cum ach an ìomhaigh as ùire dhen t-siostam a chaidh a chruthachadh %1!s! Retain only the most recent system image created on %1!s!
2351System protection is turned on for this drive and is using %1!s! of space. You can free up space by turning off system protection for this drive. Change System protection is turned on for this drive and is using %1!s! of space. You can free up space by turning off system protection for this drive. Change
2353You will not be able to restore files from this backup period. You will not be able to restore files from this backup period.
2354Cha bhi e comasach dhut faidhlichean on choimpiutair seo aiseag o lethbhreac-glèidhidh. You will not be able to restore files from this computer from a backup.
2356Dèan cinnteach gu bheil an coimpiutair agad ceangailte ri
%1!s! Feuch ris a-rithist
Make sure your computer is connected to
%1!s! Retry
2358Deleting system image... Deleting system image...
2359Cha tèid ìomhaighean siostaim a chruthachadh gu fèin-obrachail ach tha co-dhiù aon seann-ìomhaigh siostaim ga stòradh san àite seo. Saoraidh tu rùm ma sguabas tu às seann-ìomhaighean siostaim. System images are not being created automatically but at least one previous system image is stored at this location. You can free up space by deleting older system images.
2360The backup location is not accessible. The backup location is not accessible.
2361Enter the user name and password for the network location.Enter credentials Enter the user name and password for the network location.Enter credentials
2362The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
2363&Try to run backup again
If the drive is not connected, connect it now and then try again.
&Try to run backup again
If the drive is not connected, connect it now and then try again.
2367&Try to run backup again
After you fix the disk, you can try the backup again.
&Try to run backup again
After you fix the disk, you can try the backup again.
2368Let Windows manage the space used for backup history (Unbounded) Let Windows manage the space used for backup history (Unbounded)
2369AppData folder AppData folder
2370The backup source drive %1!s! is locked using BitLocker The backup source drive %1!s! is locked using BitLocker
2373Windows Backup cannot run because the backup location has a corrupted file system. You can try to fix it using Check Disk, or change the backup location. How do I use Check Disk? Windows Backup cannot run because the backup location has a corrupted file system. You can try to fix it using Check Disk, or change the backup location. How do I use Check Disk?
2380The backup location is locked by BitLocker. The backup location is locked by BitLocker.
2381Unlock %1!s! using BitLocker to access it. Unlock %1!s! using BitLocker to access it.
3004Backing up to some device types has been restricted by your system administrator. Backing up to some device types has been restricted by your system administrator.
3005Backing up to a network location has been disabled by your system administrator. Backing up to a network location has been disabled by your system administrator.
3011Windows Recovery Environment Windows Recovery Environment
3017Unable to access or read catalog Unable to access or read catalog
3022Thèid a h-uile faidhle aiseag dhan tionndadh a chaidh lethbhreac-glèidhidh a dhèanamh dheth %1!s!.
Tagh ceann-là eile
All files will be restored to their version backed up on %1!s!.
Choose a different date
3023Thèid a h-uile faidhle aiseag dhan tionndadh as ùire.
Tagh ceann-là eile
All files will be restored to their latest version.
Choose a different date
3100Some data files could not be restored.

Some data files could not be restored.

3101Chaidh leum a ghearradh thairis air cuid dhe na faidhlichean prògraim no siostaim a chionn 's nach b' urrainn dhuinn an aiseag dhan àite tùsail. Gus na faidhlichean sin aiseag, feuch ris an aiseag a-rithist agus tagh àite eile.

Some program or system files were skipped because they cannot be restored to original location. To restore these files, try restoring the files again and select a different location.

3102Faic faidhle an loga
Faidhle an loga: %1!s!
View log file
Log file: %1!s!
3200Windows Backup Windows Backup
3201Set up backup Set up backup
3202Check your network credentials Check your network credentials
3203Back up your files Back up your files
3204Check your backup Check your backup
3205Create a new, full backup Create a new, full backup
3206Backup succeeded Backup succeeded
3207Change backup location Change backup location
3208Check backup disk space Check backup disk space
3209Check backup settings Check backup settings
3210Backup in progress Backup in progress
3215Backup not monitored Backup not monitored
3217Insert a blank disc in your CD/DVD drive Insert a blank disc in your CD/DVD drive
3301Your files are not being backed up. Your files are not being backed up.
3302Your network user name and password have expired.
Backup date: %2
Your network user name and password have expired.
Backup date: %2
3303The last scheduled backup did not run. The last scheduled backup did not run.
3304The last backup did not complete successfully.
Backup date: %2
The last backup did not complete successfully.
Backup date: %2
3305Windows recommends creating a new, full backup. Windows recommends creating a new, full backup.
3306File backup completed successfully.
Backup date: %2
File backup completed successfully.
Backup date: %2
3307The disk where your backup is saved is about to fail. The disk where your backup is saved is about to fail.
3308The disk where your backup is saved doesn't have enough free space.
Backup date: %2
The disk where your backup is saved doesn't have enough free space.
Backup date: %2
3309Windows Backup can't find one of the disks that you are trying to back up.
Backup date: %2
Windows Backup can't find one of the disks that you are trying to back up.
Backup date: %2
3310Windows Backup is running Windows Backup is running
3311The last backup was cancelled.
Backup date: %2
The last backup was cancelled.
Backup date: %2
3313The drive or network location where the backup is saved isn't available.
Backup date: %2
The drive or network location where the backup is saved isn't available.
Backup date: %2
3314An error caused your last backup to fail. Your files have not been backed up.
Backup date: %2
An error caused your last backup to fail. Your files have not been backed up.
Backup date: %2
3315Windows Backup monitoring has been disabled by an administrator or another program Windows Backup monitoring has been disabled by an administrator or another program
3316System settings have been restored to an earlier time. Windows recommends that you review your backup settings. System settings have been restored to an earlier time. Windows recommends that you review your backup settings.
3317Windows Backup needs a blank disc to continue. Windows Backup needs a blank disc to continue.
3401Your network user name and password have expired. Click to change credentials. Your network user name and password have expired. Click to change credentials.
3402The last backup did not complete successfully. Click to troubleshoot. The last backup did not complete successfully. Click to troubleshoot.
3403The drive where your backup is saved doesn't have enough free space. Click to manage backup disk space. The drive where your backup is saved doesn't have enough free space. Click to manage backup disk space.
3404Windows Backup can't find one of the drives that you are trying to back up. Click to check backup settings. Windows Backup can't find one of the drives that you are trying to back up. Click to check backup settings.
3406The drive or network location where the backup is saved isn't available. Click to check backup settings. The drive or network location where the backup is saved isn't available. Click to check backup settings.
3407Windows Backup needs a blank disc to continue. Insert a blank disc in your CD/DVD drive. Windows Backup needs a blank disc to continue. Insert a blank disc in your CD/DVD drive.
3502Troubleshoot Troubleshoot
3503Run backup now Run backup now
3504Change location Change location
3505Manage disk space Manage disk space
3506Check settings Check settings
3507View progress View progress
3508Continue Continue
3509Change credentials Change credentials
3600Last week Last week
3601Last 1 month Last 1 month
3602Last 6 months Last 6 months
3603An dà mhìos deug mu dheireadh Last 12 months
3607Na h-uile All
3609Tagh ionad an lìonraidh far an tèid an lethbhreac-glèidhidh a shàbhaladh Select the network location where your backup is saved
3610Leaving this page will remove the items that you have added to the list of files to restore. Leaving this page will remove the items that you have added to the list of files to restore.
3611Choosing a different date will remove all items you currently have in the restore list. Choosing a different date will remove all items you currently have in the restore list.
3613Please wait while Restore Files queries for backups on the network folder Please wait while Restore Files queries for backups on the network folder
3614The network location cannot be read The network location cannot be read
3615Backup on %1!s! Backup on %1!s!
3616%1!s!'s backup %1!s!'s backup
3617You have selected a location on your computer. You will be redirected to your backup folder after you click OK. You have selected a location on your computer. You will be redirected to your backup folder after you click OK.
3618The backup folder itself cannot be selected for restore. Select one of the items under the backup folder. The backup folder itself cannot be selected for restore. Select one of the items under the backup folder.
3640Tha lethbhreac-glèidhidh Windows ga dhèanamh Windows Backup is currently in progress
3641Tha lethbhreac-glèidhidh Windows air lethbhreac-glèidhidh a dhèanamh Windows Backup has completed successfully
3642Cha do chrìochnaich lethbhreac-glèidhidh Windows mar bu chòir Windows Backup did not complete successfully
3643Lethbhreac-glèidhidh Windows...%1!u!%% crìochnaichte Windows Backup...%1!u!%% complete
3644Lethbhreac-glèidhidh Windows... 100% coileanta Windows Backup...100% complete
3645Lethbhreac-glèidhidh Windows...mearachd Windows Backup...error
4605EFS certificates are not included in this backup. More information
EFS certificates are not included in this backup. More information
4606Dh'fhaodte gu bheil feum air diosga càraidh an t-siostaim gus ìomhaigh dhen t-siostam aiseag. Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh
A system repair disc might be required to restore a system image. More information
4607Any existing system images for this machine might be overwritten.
Any existing system images for this machine might be overwritten.
4608Only one system image per computer can be kept at the backup location.
Only one system image per computer can be kept at the backup location.
5000Suidhich lethbhreacan-glèidhidh Set up backup
5001A' tòiseachadh air lethbhreac-glèidhidh Windows Starting Windows Backup
5002Fuirich greiseag fhad 's a tha lethbhreac-glèidhidh Windows a' tòiseachadh Please wait while Windows Backup starts
5003Tagh far a bheil thu ag iarraidh an lethbhreac-glèidhidh agad a shàbhaladh Select where you want to save your backup
5004Dè nì sinn lethbhreac-glèidhidh dheth? What do you want to back up?
5005Ceann-uidhe an lethbhric-ghlèidhidh Backup Destination
5007Àite air fhàgail Free Space
5008A' lorg uidheaman a nì lethbhreacan-glèidhidh... Looking for backup devices...
5009Fuirich greiseag fhad 's a tha Windows a' lorg uidheaman air an tèid lethbhreac-glèidhidh a shàbhaladh. Please wait while Windows looks for devices where backups can be saved.
5010Tagh ionad an lìonraidh Select a network location
5011Tagh pasgan far a bheil thu ag iarraidh an lethbhreac-glèidhidh a shàbhaladh. Select the folder where you want to save the backup.
5012Validating network location Validating network location
5013Please wait while Windows Backup ensures it can write to the specified network folder using the supplied credentials. Please wait while Windows Backup ensures it can write to the specified network folder using the supplied credentials.
5014The specified network location cannot be used The specified network location cannot be used
5015Verify the path points to a correct network location and that the supplied credentials can be used for write access to the folder. Verify the path points to a correct network location and that the supplied credentials can be used for write access to the folder.
5016Show Details Show Details
5017Hide Details Hide Details
5018Nì Windows lethbhreac-glèidhidh de dh'fhaidhlichean dàta a shàbhail thu ann an leabharlannan, air an deasg agus sna pasgain Windows bunaiteach. Cuideachd, cruthaichidh Windows ìomhaigh dhen t-siostam, rud a ghabhas a chleachdadh gus an coimpiutair aiseag ma stadas e a dh'obair. Thèid lethbhreac-glèidhidh a dhèanamh dhe na nithean seo gu cunbhalach a-rèir sgeideil. Windows will back up data files saved in libraries, on the desktop, and in default Windows folders. Windows will also create a system image, which can be used to restore your computer if it stops working. These items will be backed up on a regular schedule.
5019Nì Windows lethbhreacan-glèidhidh dhe na faidhlichean dàta a chaidh a shàbhaladh ann an leabharlannan, air an deasga 's ann am pasganan bunaiteach Windows. Thèid lethbhreacan-glèidhidh a dhèanamh a-rèir sgeideil chunbhalaich. Windows will back up data files saved in libraries, on the desktop, and in default Windows folders. These items will be backed up on a regular schedule.
5021Pasgain Windows bunaiteach is faidhlichean ionadail ann an leabharlannan Default Windows folders and local files in libraries
5022Chan eil an t-àite a thagh thu airson lethbhreacan-glèidhidh a' cur taic ri cruthachadh ìomhaighean siostaim. The selected backup location does not support the creation of system images.
5023'S e lethbhreac de na draibhean a dh'fheumas tu gus Windows a ruith a tha ann an ìomhaigh dhen t-siostam. Faodaidh tu a chleachdadh gus an coimpiutair agad aiseag ma stadas e a dh'obair. A system image is a copy of the drives required for Windows to run. You can use it to restore your computer if it stops working.
5028Dè cho tric 's a tha thu airson lethbhreac-glèidhidh a dhèanamh? How often do you want to back up?
5029Gach latha Daily
5030Gach seachdain Weekly
5031Gach mìos Monthly
5032%1!s! (meadhan-latha) %1!s! (noon)
5033%1!s! (meadhan-oidhche) %1!s! (midnight)
5037Thoir sùil air roghainnean nan lethbhreac-glèidhidh agad Review your backup settings
5043On demand On demand
5044Every day at %1!s! Every day at %1!s!
5045Every %1!s! day of every month at %2!s! Every %1!s! day of every month at %2!s!
5046,1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th,9th,10th,11th,12th,13th, 14th,15th,16th,17th,18th,19th,20th,21st,22nd,23rd,24th,25th,26th,27th,28th,29th,30th,31st ,1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th,9th,10th,11th,12th,13th, 14th,15th,16th,17th,18th,19th,20th,21st,22nd,23rd,24th,25th,26th,27th,28th,29th,30th,31st
5047last last
5048A h-uile %1!s! aig %2!s! Every %1!s! at %2!s!
5049A' sàbhaladh roghainnean nan lethbhreac-glèidhidh... Saving backup settings...
5050Fuirich greiseag fhad 's a tha lethbhreac-glèidhidh Windows a' sàbhaladh nan roghainnean agad. Please wait while Windows Backup saves your settings.
5052The current network location cannot be used for storing your backup. Click 'Add network location' to specify a new location or different credentials. The current network location cannot be used for storing your backup. Click 'Add network location' to specify a new location or different credentials.
5058The current device cannot be used to store your backups. The current device cannot be used to store your backups.
5059Backing up to this type of device is disabled by your system administrator. Backing up to this type of device is disabled by your system administrator.
5060The ability to create system images is disabled by your system administrator. The ability to create system images is disabled by your system administrator.
5061A system image cannot be saved on non-NTFS formatted backup destinations. A system image cannot be saved on non-NTFS formatted backup destinations.
5062A system image cannot be saved on a drive that your computer boots from or that Windows is installed on. A system image cannot be saved on a drive that your computer boots from or that Windows is installed on.
5063System images cannot be saved on encrypted backup destinations. System images cannot be saved on encrypted backup destinations.
5064Because you are trying to restore your computer to a previous state, you can only back up data files. Because you are trying to restore your computer to a previous state, you can only back up data files.
5066The current drive is not large enough to fit a system image. The current drive is not large enough to fit a system image.
5067Dh'fhaodte gum faod daoine eile an lethbhreac-glèidhidh agad inntrigeadh ann an ionad dhen t-seòrsa seo. Other people might be able to access your backup on this location type.
5068The current device does not support setting security permissions on files. As a result, your backed up files can be accessed by anyone who has physical access to the device. The current device does not support setting security permissions on files. As a result, your backed up files can be accessed by anyone who has physical access to the device.
5069Windows has marked this disk as potentially corrupted. Check the disk for errors before you save your backups on it. Windows has marked this disk as potentially corrupted. Check the disk for errors before you save your backups on it.
5070The S.M.A.R.T. system has reported that this drive will fail in the near future. You should not save your backups on it. The S.M.A.R.T. system has reported that this drive will fail in the near future. You should not save your backups on it.
5071Windows Backup has detected that this disk might be corrupted. Windows Backup has detected that this disk might be corrupted.
5072The selected device is not protected by BitLocker. The selected device is not protected by BitLocker.
5073At least one of the other volumes which Windows Backup would scan for files to backup is BitLocker protected. Storing your backups on a non BitLocker protected device would make the backed up data less secure. At least one of the other volumes which Windows Backup would scan for files to backup is BitLocker protected. Storing your backups on a non BitLocker protected device would make the backed up data less secure.
5074%1 Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh
%1 More information
5075System image System image
5076The network location does not support Windows(TM) file security and your backed up files would be visible to anyone with access to that location. The network location does not support Windows(TM) file security and your backed up files would be visible to anyone with access to that location.
5077Tha an draibh seo air an aon diosg fiosaigeach 's a tha draibh an t-siostaim agad. This drive is on the same physical disk as your system drive.
5078The drive that you are saving your backups on is on the same physical disk as the drive that your computer boots from or that Windows is installed on. If the disk fails, you will lose all of your backups. The drive that you are saving your backups on is on the same physical disk as the drive that your computer boots from or that Windows is installed on. If the disk fails, you will lose all of your backups.
5079Cha b' urrainn do lethbhreac-glèidhidh Windows gin a dhraibhean a lorg gus lethbhreac-glèidhidh a dhèanamh. Windows Backup could not find any drives to save backups on.
5080Windows Backup cannot find any locations that you can save a backup on. If you have an external hard drive, plug it in to this computer and click Refresh. Windows Backup cannot find any locations that you can save a backup on. If you have an external hard drive, plug it in to this computer and click Refresh.
5082Scanning available backup locations. Scanning available backup locations.
5083The selected volume is on a dynamic disk. The selected volume is on a dynamic disk.
5085Faidhlichean dàta Data Files
5086This drive contains the Windows Recovery Environment and cannot be used as a location for your backups. This drive contains the Windows Recovery Environment and cannot be used as a location for your backups.
5087Cha ghabh ìomhaigh dhen t-siostam a shàbhaladh san ionad seo. A system image cannot be saved on this location.
5088Other people on the network might be able to access your backup. Other people on the network might be able to access your backup.
5089Data that is backed up on a network location might be accessible by other people on the network. You should only save your backups on a network location on networks where you trust the other users, such as at home, or on a network that has additional security precautions in place to guard against access to your data. Data that is backed up on a network location might be accessible by other people on the network. You should only save your backups on a network location on networks where you trust the other users, such as at home, or on a network that has additional security precautions in place to guard against access to your data.
5090Dèan lethbhreac-glèidhidh dhen dàta aig cleachdaichean ùra Back up data for newly created users
5091When restoring a system image from this volume, the disks on your computer cannot be formatted to match the layout of the disks in the backup. To have full restore functionality, select a volume on basic disk as your backup location. When restoring a system image from this volume, the disks on your computer cannot be formatted to match the layout of the disks in the backup. To have full restore functionality, select a volume on basic disk as your backup location.
5094Atharraich an sgeideal Change schedule
5095Nithean Items
5096Ga ghabhail a-steach san lethbhreac-ghlèidhidh Included in backup
5097All local data files All local data files
5098Not in backup Not in backup
5099Ìomhaigh dhen t-siostam System image
5100Ga ghabhail a-steach Included
5101Na leabharlannan aig %1 %1's Libraries
5102No data to backup is selected. No data to backup is selected.
5103Please select at least one folder or a library or system image backup to include in your backup. Please select at least one folder or a library or system image backup to include in your backup.
5104[Mholamaid seo] [Recommended]
5105%1 Library %1 Library
5106Additional Locations Additional Locations
5107A h-uile cleachdaiche All users
5108&Sàbhail na roghainnean is dèan lethbhreac-glèidhidh &Save settings and run backup
5109&Sàbhail na roghainnean is fàg &Save settings and exit
5110User files backup is disabled by your system administrator. User files backup is disabled by your system administrator.
5111User files backup cannot be performed to this device. User files backup cannot be performed to this device.
5112Windows will create a system image, which can be used to restore your computer if it stops working. These items will be backed up on a regular schedule. Windows will create a system image, which can be used to restore your computer if it stops working. These items will be backed up on a regular schedule.
5113Scheduled backup of system image is not allowed on removable devices. You can try to save a single system image on this device by clicking "Create a system image" in the Windows 7 File Recovery Control Panel. Scheduled backup of system image is not allowed on removable devices. You can try to save a single system image on this device by clicking "Create a system image" in the Windows 7 File Recovery Control Panel.
5114Chan eil àite gu leòr air an draibh seo airson ìomhaigh dhen t-siostam a stòradh. This drive does not have enough space to store a system image.
5115This drive does not have enough free space to store a system image. It is recommended to have %1!s! of free space. This drive does not have enough free space to store a system image. It is recommended to have %1!s! of free space.
5116Fuirich greiseag fhad 's a tha gleus nan lethbhreac-glèidhidh aig Windows a' faighinn nan cleachdaichean is draibhean a thèid an gabhail a-steach san lethbhreac-ghlèidhidh. Please wait while Windows Backup retrieves users and drives to include in backup.
5117A' faighinn nan nithean airson an lethbhreac-ghlèidhidh Retrieving items to backup
5119It is recommended that you move the backups taken with a previous version of Windows existing on this location. It is recommended that you move the backups taken with a previous version of Windows existing on this location.
5500File backup skipped some files during backup. The details are logged in following file:
File backup skipped some files during backup. The details are logged in following file:
6000Windows cannot find the backup location %1!s!. Make sure the network location is available and try again.

Error: %2!s!
Windows cannot find the backup location %1!s!. Make sure the network location is available and try again.

Error: %2!s!
6001The network location cannot be found The network location cannot be found
6002Your network credentials are not valid Your network credentials are not valid
6003&Enter a valid user name and password
&Enter a valid user name and password
6004&Try again
&Try again
6007Create a full backup Create a full backup
6008An ùine a bheir e: %1!s!
Ionad an lethbhric-ghlèidhidh: %2!s!
Backup time: %1!s!
Backup location: %2!s!
6010The backup completed but some files were skipped.
View skipped files
The backup completed but some files were skipped.
View skipped files
Details: %2!s!
Details: %2!s!
6050Backup time: %1!s!
Backup location: %2!s!
Error code: 0x%3!X!
Backup time: %1!s!
Backup location: %2!s!
Error code: 0x%3!X!
6051Na roghainnean aisig Restore Options
6052Restore my files from this backup Restore my files from this backup
6053Restore files for all users of this computer Restore files for all users of this computer
6054Manage space used by this backup Manage space used by this backup
6055Restore files from this backup Restore files from this backup
6060Choose an option below for the selected backup Choose an option below for the selected backup
6061Do you want to restore files from this backup? Do you want to restore files from this backup?

How do I manage the disk space used by this backup?

How do I manage the disk space used by this backup?
6064There was an error in getting folder options for this backup folder. Right-click and choose Open to view the contents. There was an error in getting folder options for this backup folder. Right-click and choose Open to view the contents.
6065Restore files Restore files
6066Cancel Cancel
6071Windows Backup cannot run because the backup location is locked by BitLocker. Unlock the location and then try again. How do I use BitLocker with Windows Backup? Windows Backup cannot run because the backup location is locked by BitLocker. Unlock the location and then try again. How do I use BitLocker with Windows Backup?
6080You do not have permissions to access the backup location %1!s!. You can try to restore files as an administrator by selecting Restore all user's files in the Back up and Restore Control Panel. You do not have permissions to access the backup location %1!s!. You can try to restore files as an administrator by selecting Restore all user's files in the Back up and Restore Control Panel.
6087'S e lethbhreac dhe na draibhean a dh'fheumas Windows mus obraich e a tha ann an ìomhaigh dhen t-siostam. Faodaidh draibhean a bharrachd a bhith ann cuideachd. Gabhaidh ìomhaigh dhen t-siostam a chleachdadh gus an coimpiutair agad aiseag ma stadas an clàr-cruaidh no an coimpiutair agad obrachadh uair sam bith; ge-tà, chan urrainn dhut nithean fa leth a roghnachadh gus an aiseag. A system image is a copy of the drives required for Windows to run. It can also include additional drives. A system image can be used to restore your computer if your hard drive or computer ever stops working; however, you can't choose individual items to restore.
6089Windows was trying to restore files to drive %1!s! and could not find it.

To restore your files, re-run the Restore Files wizard from the Back up and Restore Control Panel, choose the files you want to restore, and then specify a different location to restore your files to.
Windows was trying to restore files to drive %1!s! and could not find it.

To restore your files, re-run the Restore Files wizard from the Back up and Restore Control Panel, choose the files you want to restore, and then specify a different location to restore your files to.
6090There are no backups available at this location. You can go to the Windows 7 File Recovery Control Panel and select a different backup location. There are no backups available at this location. You can go to the Windows 7 File Recovery Control Panel and select a different backup location.
6091A system image backup is in progress. Please wait while it completes. A system image backup is in progress. Please wait while it completes.
6092Try restore to another location or select the Restore all users' files option from the Windows 7 File Recovery Control Panel. Try restore to another location or select the Restore all users' files option from the Windows 7 File Recovery Control Panel.
6093&Fosgail pasgan &Open folder
6095The network credentials that Windows Backup is using has expired. To update your credentials, click 'Re-enter your username and password'. In the 'Select where you want to save your backup' page, click 'Save on a network...' and type the network location and new credentials and complete the wizard. The network credentials that Windows Backup is using has expired. To update your credentials, click 'Re-enter your username and password'. In the 'Select where you want to save your backup' page, click 'Save on a network...' and type the network location and new credentials and complete the wizard.
6100Change your backup settings Change your backup settings
6101Check your backup disk space Check your backup disk space
6106The last backup did not complete successfully because Windows Backup could not back up any of the drives included in the backup. Make sure that the drives are plugged in and working correctly.
View skipped files
The last backup did not complete successfully because Windows Backup could not back up any of the drives included in the backup. Make sure that the drives are plugged in and working correctly.
View skipped files
6107Check your backup settings Check your backup settings
6108Check your backup results Check your backup results
6109Check your network credentials for Windows Backup Check your network credentials for Windows Backup
6111Tha an lethbhreac-glèidhidh crìochnaichte ach leum sinn seachad air cuid a dh'fhaidhlichean. The backup completed but some files were skipped.
6115Gabh a-steach ìomhaigh &siostaim dhe na draibhean seo: %1!s! Include a &system image of drives: %1!s!
6116Nithean a thagh thu gus an aiseag Selected items for restore
6117Toraidhean luirg Search results
6118Windows Backup has encountered a problem with the backup catalog. Windows Backup has encountered a problem with the backup catalog.
6119&Delete catalog and try to run backup again &Delete catalog and try to run backup again
6120Windows Backup has encountered a problem with the backup catalog. Please try restoring from a different backup. Windows Backup has encountered a problem with the backup catalog. Please try restoring from a different backup.
6121File restore failure File restore failure
6122Operation Operation
6123AppVer AppVer
6125TargetType TargetType
6126Any existing system images for this machine might be overwritten. Any existing system images for this machine might be overwritten.
6127Only one system image per computer can be kept at the backup location. Only one system image per computer can be kept at the backup location.
6130Some data files could not be restored, and some program or system files were skipped because they cannot be restored to original location. To restore these files, try restoring the files again and select a different location.

Some data files could not be restored, and some program or system files were skipped because they cannot be restored to original location. To restore these files, try restoring the files again and select a different location.

To restore the file to this location, stop the restore process and then click 'Restore all users' files' in the Windows 7 File Recovery Control Panel.

To restore the file to this location, stop the restore process and then click 'Restore all users' files' in the Windows 7 File Recovery Control Panel.
6132%1!lu! baidht %1!lu! bytes
6133%1 %2 %1 %2
6134%1 (%2) %1 (%2)
6135(%1) (%1)
6136Windows has detected existing backups on the selected backup location taken with a previous version of Windows. These backups may get deleted when a new backup is written to the selected location. It is recommended that you copy the existing backups to different location before proceeding. Windows has detected existing backups on the selected backup location taken with a previous version of Windows. These backups may get deleted when a new backup is written to the selected location. It is recommended that you copy the existing backups to different location before proceeding.
6137&Try to run backup again (Delete existing backups) &Try to run backup again (Delete existing backups)
6139How can I move my previous Windows version backups? How can I move my previous Windows version backups?
6140New backups might delete older backups from previous versions of Windows. You can make copies of them, or choose another drive. New backups might delete older backups from previous versions of Windows. You can make copies of them, or choose another drive.
6144%1!s! (Backing Wim) %1!s! (Backing Wim)
0x50000004Information Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-WindowsBackup Microsoft-Windows-WindowsBackup
0xB0000064Windows Backup status Windows Backup status


File Name:sdclt.exe.mui
File Size:111 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
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Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Lethbhreac-glèidhidh Microsoft® Windows
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:sdclt.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Gach còir glèidhte.
Original File Name:sdclt.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is sdclt.exe.mui?

sdclt.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Cornish language for file sdclt.exe (Lethbhreac-glèidhidh Microsoft® Windows).

File version info

File Description:Lethbhreac-glèidhidh Microsoft® Windows
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:sdclt.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Gach còir glèidhte.
Original Filename:sdclt.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x491, 1200