mediasetupuimgr.dll.mui Instalacija izdanja Windows 10 e29e5bb95e356e5583ce53c113fab4b8

File info

File name: mediasetupuimgr.dll.mui
Size: 48128 byte
MD5: e29e5bb95e356e5583ce53c113fab4b8
SHA1: 6052375042c14c38eaeeb837057f7ec32d15654f
SHA256: 44b6284c7571e51997854a7a080c2fafd0db31e1eb0b6ad41abce0d3ebc69f5d
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Serbia (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Serbia (Latin) English
100Instalacija izdanja Windows 10 Windows 10 Setup
101Nešto se desilo Something happened
102Da biste instalirali Windows 10, kliknite na Setup.exe na instalacionom medijumu. To install Windows 10, click Setup.exe on the installation media.
103Nije moguće utvrditi da li je računar spreman da nastavi instalaciju izdanja Windows 10. Probajte ponovo da pokrenete instalaciju. We can’t tell if your PC is ready to continue installing Windows 10. Try restarting Setup.
104Nije moguće utvrditi da li računar može da pokrene Windows 10. Zatvorite instalaciju, a zatim pokušajte ponovo. Sorry, we’re having trouble determining if your PC can run Windows 10. Please close Setup and try again.
106Nevažeći ID dijaloga Invalid Dialog ID
107Ne možemo da pronađemo ugovor o licenciranju. We couldn’t find the License Agreement.
108Dovršeno je %1!d!%% %1!d!%% complete
109Ova šifra proizvoda ne funkcioniše. Proverite je i pokušajte ponovo ili probajte sa drugom šifrom. This product key didn’t work. Please check it and try again, or try a different key.
110Vaša šifra proizvoda funkcioniše! Nastavite kad budete spremni. Your product key works! Continue when you’re ready.
111&Instaliraj &Install
113Šta zahteva vašu pažnju What needs your attention
116&Prihvati &Accept
117Priprema %d%% Getting ready %d%%
118Premeštanje postavki (%d%%) Moving your settings %d%%
119Provera ove šifre Checking this key
120Ova šifra proizvoda neće funkcionisati sa ovim izdanjem operativnog sistema Windows. Isprobajte neku drugu šifru. This key doesn’t work with this edition of Windows. Try a different key.
121Ova šifra proizvoda ne funkcioniše. Ponovo unesite onu koju ste kupili na mreži. This product key didn’t work. Re-enter the one that you bought online.
122%s nije važeći znak %s isn’t a valid character
123Instalacija ne prihvata argumente komandne linije. Više informacija potražite u pomoći za instalaciju ili pokrenite datoteku „setup.exe /?“ u osnovnom direktorijumu medijuma sa instalacijom. Setup doesn’t take command line arguments. For more information, see Setup Help or run "setup.exe /?" in the root directory of your installation media.
129Crte će biti dodate automatski Dashes will be added automatically
130Instalacija nije uspela da učita resurse jezika Setup has failed to load the language resources
131Instalacija nije uspela da pokrene radni direktorijum Setup has failed to initialize the working directory
132Nevažeći parametri komandne linije Invalid command line parameters
133Ne možemo da pronađemo informacije o instalaciji potrebne za nastavak instalacije operativnog sistema Windows. Ponovo pokrenite instalaciju da biste probali ponovo. We couldn’t find the installation info we need to continue installing Windows. Restart Setup to try again.
134Instalacioni program ne može da počne da instalira Windows. Ponovo pokrenite instalaciju i probajte ponovo. Setup couldn’t start installing Windows. Restart Setup and try again.
135Ne možemo da sačuvamo informacije o instalaciji potrebne za nastavak instalacije operativnog sistema Windows tamo gde ste stali. Žao nam je, morate ponovo da unesete informacije kasnije. We couldn’t save the installation info we need to continue installing Windows from where you left off. Sorry, you’ll have to re-enter your info later.
136Instalacija nije uspela da primeni podatke o migraciji Setup has failed to apply migration data
137Instalacija nije uspela da obriše instalacione datoteke Setup has failed to clean up the setup files
138Instalacija nije uspela da odredi podržane izbore instalacije Setup has failed to determine supported install choices
139Instalacija nije uspela da proveri valjanost šifre proizvoda Setup has failed to validate the product key
140Instalacija ne može da utvrdi koju verziju operativnog sistema Windows koristite. Setup can’t tell what version of Windows you’re running.
141Windows 10 nije instaliran Windows 10 installation has failed
144Zadrži lične datoteke i aplikacije Keep personal files and apps
145Zadrži Windows postavke i lične datoteke Keep Windows settings and personal files
146Zadrži samo lične datoteke Keep personal files only
147Ne zadržavaj ništa Keep nothing
148Preostalo znakova: %d %d characters left
150Šifra proizvoda sadrži samo 25 znakova. The product key only contains 25 characters.
151Ne možemo da pronađemo instalacione datoteke za Windows. Ubacite medijum sa instalacijom operativnog sistema Windows i pokrenite datoteku „setup.exe“ da biste nastavili instalaciju. Cannot find Windows installation files. Please insert your Windows installation media and then run ’setup.exe’ to resume your installation.
155&Osveži &Refresh
156„%c“ ’%c’
157Želite li zaista da odustanete? Are you sure you want to quit?
158Provera kompatibilnosti Check Compatibility
159Preuzimanje Download
160Priprema Prepare
161Ovo ste već rešili. Kliknite na dugme „Osveži“ da biste uklonili stavku sa liste. You’ve already taken care of this. Click Refresh to remove it from the list.
162Naišli smo na problem dok smo pokušavali da ovo rešimo. Osvežite listu i pokušajte ponovo. We ran into a problem while trying to take care of this for you. Please refresh the list and try again.
165Možda će biti potrebno nekoliko trenutaka da se proveri da li je ono što želite da zadržite kompatibilno sa izdanjem Windows 10. It may take a few moments to check if you want to keep is compatible with Windows 10.
166Ova šifra proizvoda se može koristiti samo za dodavanje funkcija u Windows. Ne može se koristiti za instaliranje operativnog sistema Windows. This product key can only be used to add features to Windows. It can’t be used to install Windows.
169Ova šifra proizvoda ne funkcioniše. Isprobajte drugu šifru ili kupite novu. This product key didn’t work. Try a different key, or buy a new one.
170Instaliranje izdanja Windows 10 Installing Windows 10
171Računar će se nekoliko puta ponovo pokrenuti. To može da potraje. Your PC will restart several times. This might take a while.
172Sačekajte izlazak iz instalacije Please wait while setup is exiting
173Ovo može potrajati nekoliko minuta. This may take a few minutes.
174Nećete moći da koristite računar dok se operativni sistem Windows instalira. Sačuvajte i zatvorite datoteke pre nego što počnete. You won’t be able to use your PC while Windows installs. Save and close your files before you begin.
175Sačekajte da se završi deinstaliranje aplikacije. Please wait while the app finishes uninstalling.
176Uklonite ovaj spoljni disk i kliknite na dugme „U redu“ da biste ponovo pokrenuli računar i dovršili instalaciju operativnog sistema Windows.

Please remove the following external drive, and click OK to reboot and complete installing Windows.

178Došlo je do neočekivane greške tokom instalacije operativnog sistema Windows. Proverite da li su instalacioni izvori dostupni i ponovo pokrenite instalaciju. Windows installation encountered an unexpected error. Verify that the installation sources are accessible, and restart the installation.
179[Kôd greške: 0x%x] [Error Code: 0x%x]
180Instalacija operativnog sistema Windows je naišla na neočekivanu grešku. Windows installation encountered an unexpected error.
182Dovršeno je %d%% %d%% complete
183&Zatvori &Close
184Računar će se ponovo pokrenuti za nekoliko trenutaka Your PC will restart in a few moments
185Proverava da li postoje ispravke Checking for updates
186Proverava se da li postoje ispravke: %1!d!%% Checking for updates: %1!d!%%
187Ovo može da potraje nekoliko minuta. This may take a few minutes.
188Ispravke su primenjene Updates applied
189Nema dostupnih ispravki No updates available
190Zahvaljujući ovim ispravkama instalacija će proći bez problema i one mogu da uključuje važne ispravke i da ažuriraju upravljačke programe uređaja. Ako sada ne instalirate ove ispravke, preuzećete ih kasnije sa lokacije Windows Update. These updates will help the installation go smoothly, and can include important fixes and updated device drivers. If you don’t install these updates now, you will get them later from Windows Update.
192Ponovno pokretanje instalacije izdanja Windows 10 Restarting Windows 10 Setup
193Ispravke su instalirane, ali da bi funkcionisale, neophodno je ponovo pokrenuti instalaciju izdanja Windows 10. Nakon toga nastavljamo tamo gde smo stali. The updates are installed, but Windows 10 Setup needs to restart for them to work. After it restarts, we’ll keep going from where we left off.
194Na ovom računaru nije moguće pokrenuti Windows 10 This PC can’t run Windows 10
195Već ste pokrenuli Windows 10 You are already running Windows 10
196Ovo će potrajati nekoliko minuta. This will take a few minutes.
197Šifra proizvoda bi trebalo da se nalazi na kutiji u kojoj ste dobili DVD ili u primljenoj e-poruci. Kada se povežete na internet, aktiviraćemo vam Windows.

Šifra izgleda slično ovome: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
The product key should be with the box the DVD came in or on your email receipt. When you connect to the Internet, we’ll activate Windows for you.

It looks similar to this: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
198Sledeće stvari zahtevaju vašu pažnju pre nastavka instalacije. The following things need your attention before you can continue the installation.
199Odaberite šta želite da zadržite Choose what to keep
200Instaliraj %s Install %s
201Windows ponovo pokreće računar da bi se nastavila instalacija. Windows is restarting the computer to continue installation.
202Instalacija ne može da se nastavi jer Windows ne može ponovo da pokrene računar. Zatvorite sve otvorene programe, a zatim ponovo pokrenite računar. Instalacija operativnog sistema Windows automatski će se nastaviti. The installation cannot continue because Windows cannot restart the computer. Close any open programs, and then restart the computer. Windows installation will continue automatically.
203Preostao je 1 znak 1 character left
204BitLocker zaštita će biti obustavljena tokom ovog ažuriranja i nastaviće se kada se prijavite u Windows 10. Da biste zaštitili podatke, trebalo bi da budete blizu računara dok se ponovo ne prijavite na njega. BitLocker protection will be suspended during this update, and will resume when you sign in to Windows 10. To help protect your data, you should keep your PC with you until you sign in again.
205Da se podsetimo, evo šta ste odabrali da uradite: To recap, you’ve chosen to:
206%1!s!: %2!s! %1!s!

207%1!s!%2!s!%3!s! %1!s!


210Nije moguće instalirati Windows 10 We couldn’t install Windows 10
211Na računaru su vraćene postavke koje su bile podešene pre početka instalacije izdanja Windows 10. We’ve set your PC back to the way it was right before you started installing Windows 10.
2120x%1!lX! - 0x%2!lX!
0x%1!lX! - 0x%2!lX!
213Preuzimanje ispravki Getting updates
214Pripremamo nekoliko stvari We’re getting a few things ready
215Uslovi licenciranja License terms
216Provera računara Checking your PC
217Proveramo da li spremni za instalaciju Making sure you’re ready to install
218Sačekajte Please wait
219Izbor disk jedinice Drive Selection
221Instalacija se briše pre nego što se zatvori Setup is cleaning up before it closes
223Priključite računar da biste se bili sigurni da se baterija neće isprazniti tokom instalacije. Plug in your PC to be sure that your battery doesn't run down during the installation.






225Spremni ste You’re all set
226Instalaciju izdanja Windows 10 nastavićemo u usluzi Windows Update. We’ll continue installing Windows 10 in Windows Update.
228Da biste nastavili instalaciju i zadržali Windows postavke, lične datoteke i aplikacije, potrebno je da obratite pažnju na ovo što sledi. The following things need your attention to continue the installation and keep your Windows settings, personal files, and apps.
229Da biste nastavili instalaciju, potrebno je da obratite pažnju na ovo što sledi. The following things need your attention to continue the installation.
231BitLocker ključ sadrži samo 48 digitalnih znakova. The bit locker key only contains 48 digital characters.
232Konfigurisanje ispravke za Windows 10
%1!ld!%% je dovršeno
Nemojte da isključujete računar
Configuring update for Windows 10
%1!ld!%% complete
Do not turn off your computer
236Šifra proizvoda sadrži samo 48 znakova. The product key only contains 48 characters.
237Vrednost ključa grupe %d nije važeća, unesite ispravan ključ Group %d key value is invalid, please input correct key
238Unesite BitLocker ključ za identifikatora: Please input bit locker key for the identifier:
239Potreban je dodatan prostor za ažuriranje More space needed for update
244&Nastavi &Continue
245Operativni sistem: Operating System:
246Jezik: Language:
247Preuzimanje izdanja Windows 10 Downloading Windows 10
248Provera preuzimanja Verifying your download
249Izbor željenog medijuma za korišćenje Choose which media to use
250USB fleš disk USB flash drive
251ISO datoteka ISO file
252Izbor USB fleš diska Select a USB flash drive
253Izbrisaće se datoteke sa USB diska. Da biste zadržali ove datoteke, odmah napravite njihove rezervne kopije na drugoj lokaciji za čuvanje. The files on your USB drive will be deleted. To keep these files, back them up now to another save location.
254Bez oznake No Label
255Prenosivi diskovi Removable drives
256Kreiranje medijuma sa izdanjem Windows 10 Creating Windows 10 media
257Slobodno nastavite da koristite računar. Feel free to keep using your PC.
259Narezivanje ISO datoteke na DVD Burn the ISO file to a DVD
260Evo još nekoliko napomena:

Ako po prvi put instalirate Windows 10 na računar (ili instalirate neko drugo izdanje), potrebna vam je šifra proizvoda za Windows 10.

Ako nadograđujete Windows 7 ili Windows 8.1. ili ponovo instalirate Windows 10, nije vam potrebna šifra proizvoda.
Here are some things to keep in mind:

If you’re going to install Windows 10 on your PC for the first time (or install a different edition), you’ll need a Windows 10 product key.

If you’re going to upgrade from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. or you’re reinstalling Windows 10, you won’t need to enter a product key.
261USB fleš disk je spreman Your USB flash drive is ready
264Otvorite DVD pisač Open DVD burner
265&Završi &Finish
269Izbor putanje Select a path
270Napredak: %1!d!%% Progress: %1!d!%%
271Da biste nastavili, izaberite neku od dostupnih opcija. Please select from one of the available options to continue.
272Ako želite da instalirate Windows 10 na drugoj particiji, potrebno je da kreirate medijum, a zatim da ga pokrenete kako biste obavili instalaciju. If you want to install Windows 10 on another partition, you need to create and then run the media to install it.
274Ovo instaliranje je otkazano u fazi %1!s! sa greškom u toku operacije %2!s! The installation failed in the %1!s! phase with an error during %2!s! operation
276Ništa None
277(%1!c!:) – %2!s! slobodno (%1!c!:) - %2!s! free
278%s MB %s MB
279%s GB %s GB
280Ne možemo da utvrdimo da li na vašem računaru ima dovoljno prostora za nastavak instaliranja izdanja Windows 10. Pokušajte ponovo da pokrenete instalaciju. We can’t tell if your PC has enough space to continue installing Windows 10. Try restarting Setup.
281Utvrđuje se da li na računaru ima dovoljno prostora Making sure your PC has enough space
282Želite li i dalje da koristite ovaj izbor? Do you want to continue using this selection?
283Ne možete da zadržite datoteke, aplikacije i postavke jer ste izabrali da instalirate %1!s! na jeziku koji trenutno ne koristite. Your files, apps, and settings can't be kept because you've chosen to install %1!s! using a different language than you're currently using.
284Ne možete da zadržite datoteke, aplikacije i postavke jer ne instalirate isto izdanje operativnog sistema Windows koje trenutno koristite. Your files, apps, and settings can't be kept because you're installing an edition of Windows that's different than the one you're currently using.
285Ne možete da zadržite datoteke, aplikacije i postavke jer je trenutna verzija operativnog sistema Windows instalirana u nepodržanom direktorijumu, ili pokušavate da instalirate stariju verziju operativnog sistema Windows. Your files, apps, and settings can't be kept because your current version of Windows might be installed in an unsupported directory or you're trying to install an older version of Windows.
286Na disk jedinici koju pokušavate da iskoristite nema dovoljno dostupnog prostora. Odaberite neki drugi disk i pokušajte ponovo. The drive you’re trying to use doesn’t have enough space available. Choose a different drive and try again.
287Treba da oslobodite %1!s! na disku %2!c!: You need to free up %1!s! on the %2!c!: drive
288Disk jedinica koju pokušavate da iskoristite šifrovana je tehnologijom BitLocker. Odaberite drugu disk jedinicu i pokušajte ponovo. The drive you’re trying to use is encrypted with BitLocker. Choose a different drive and try again.
289I jedno i drugo Both
290Ovaj Bitlocker ključ ne funkcioniše. Proverite i pokušajte ponovo, ili pokušajte sa drugim ključem. This bitlocker key didn’t work. Please check it and try again, or try a different key.
291Bitlocker ključ funkcioniše! Nastavite kada budete spremni. Your bitlocker key works! Continue when you’re ready.
292Provera ovog ključa je u toku Checking this key
293Ovaj ključ ne funkcioniše. Pokušajte sa drugim ključem. This key doesn’t work. Try a different key.
295Windows nije aktiviran na ovom računaru. To znači da je potrebno da u nastavku unesete šifru proizvoda za Windows 10 ili da napustite podešavanje, aktivirate Windows, a zatim ponovo započnete podešavanje.

Windows isn’t activated on this PC. This means you’ll need to enter the Windows 10 product key below or exit setup, activate Windows, and then start setup again.

296Ne možemo da pronađemo USB fleš disk. We can’t find a USB flash drive.
297Osveži listu disk jedinica Refresh drive list
298Mora da bude najmanje %1!d! GB. It needs to be at least %1!d! GB.
299Ako prvi put instalirate Windows 10 na ovom računaru, potrebno je da unesete važeću šifru proizvoda za Windows 10.

Ona izgleda otprilike ovako: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

Ako je Windows 10 već bio instaliran i aktiviran na ovom računaru , a vi obavljate ponovnu instalaciju, možete da preskočite ovaj korak. Mi ćemo automatski aktivirati Windows po završetku instalacije.
If you’re installing Windows 10 on this PC for the first time, you need to enter a valid Windows 10 product key.

It looks similar to this: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

If Windows 10 was previously installed and activated on this PC and you’re reinstalling it, you can skip this step. We’ll automatically activate Windows after installation is complete.
300Instalacija izdanja Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2016 Setup
301Ponovno pokretanje instalacije izdanja Windows Server 2016 Restarting Windows Server 2016 Setup
302Ispravke su instalirane, ali da bi funkcionisale, neophodno je ponovo pokrenuti instalaciju izdanja Windows Server 2016. Nakon toga nastavljamo tamo gde smo stali. The updates are installed, but Windows Server 2016 Setup needs to restart for them to work. After it restarts, we’ll keep going from where we left off.
303Na ovom računaru nije moguće pokrenuti Windows Server 2016 This PC can’t run Windows Server 2016
307Ne možemo da utvrdimo da li je računar spreman da nastavi instalaciju izdanja Windows Server 2016. Probajte da ponovo pokrenete instalaciju. We can’t tell if your PC is ready to continue installing Windows Server 2016. Try restarting Setup.
308Došlo je do problema pa ne možemo da utvrdimo da li računar može da pokrene Windows Server 2016. Zatvorite instalaciju, a zatim pokušajte ponovo. Sorry, we’re having trouble determining if your PC can run Windows Server 2016. Please close Setup and try again.
309Instalacija izdanja Windows Server 2016 nije uspela Windows Server 2016 installation has failed
310Instaliranje izdanja Windows Server 2016 Installing Windows Server 2016
311BitLocker zaštita će biti obustavljena tokom ovog ažuriranja i nastaviće se kada se prijavite u Windows Server 2016. Da biste lakše zaštitili podatke, trebalo bi da budete blizu računara dok se ponovo ne prijavite na njega. BitLocker protection will be suspended during this update, and will resume when you sign in to Windows Server 2016. To help protect your data, you should keep your PC with you until you sign in again.
312Ne možemo da instaliramo Windows Server 2016 We couldn’t install Windows Server 2016
313Na računaru su vraćene postavke koje su bile podešene pre početka instaliranja izdanja Windows Server 2016. We’ve set your PC back to the way it was right before you started installing Windows Server 2016.
314Instalaciju izdanja Windows Server 2016 nastavićemo u usluzi Windows Update. We’ll continue installing Windows Server 2016 in Windows Update.
316Ne možemo da utvrdimo da li na računaru ima dovoljno prostora za nastavak instaliranja izdanja Windows Server 2016. Pokušajte ponovo da pokrenete instalaciju. We can’t tell if your PC has enough space to continue installing Windows Server 2016. Try restarting Setup.
317&Odbijam &Decline
318Ako odbijete uslove licenciranja, napustićete instalaciju. If you decline the license terms, you will exit setup.
319Za pokretanje instalacije je potrebno najmanje 350 MB prostora. Oslobodite deo prostora, a zatim pokušajte ponovo. We need at least 350 MB of space to run setup. Free up some space and then try again.
320Uslovi licenciranja za Microsoft softver Microsoft software license terms
321Izjava o privatnosti operativnog sistema Windows Windows privacy statement
322INFORMACIJE O INSTALACIJI: Neke Windows 10 funkcije zahtevaju napredni hardver; neke postojeće funkcije su izmenjene ili uklonjene; Windows 10 se automatski ažurira tokom perioda važenja podrške; trajanje podrške može da zavisi od uređaja. INSTALLATION INFORMATION: Some Windows 10 features require advanced hardware; some existing features have been modified or removed; Windows 10 is automatically updated during the support period; support may vary by device.
323Nešto sprečava nastavak instalacije. Da biste pregledali informacije o tome, instalirajte funkciju „Utisak pri radu sa računarom“ i ponovo pokrenite instalacioni program. Something is preventing the installation to continue. To review the information, install the Desktop Experience feature and run Setup again.
593Windows postavkama ćete moći da upravljate i kasnije. You will be able to manage your Windows settings.
594Vaše postavke i aplikacije će biti izbrisane, dok će datoteke biti zadržane. Your settings and apps will be deleted, but your files will be kept.
595Sve će biti izbrisano, uključujući datoteke, aplikacije i postavke. Everything will be deleted, including files, apps, and settings.
596%1!s!. %2!s! %1!s!. %2!s!
600Kôd greške: 0x%1!lX! – 0x%2!lX!
Error code: 0x%1!lX! - 0x%2!lX!
601Priprema nekoliko stvari Getting a few things ready
602Ova alatka ne može da ažurira računar This tool can’t update your PC
603Ova alatka ne podržava jezik ili izdanje verzije operativnog sistema Windows trenutno instalirano na računaru. The language or edition of the version of Windows currently installed on your PC isn’t supported by this tool.
604Potreban je dodatan prostor We need more space
605Potrebno je %1!d! GB slobodnog prostora na disku (%2!s!) %1!d!GB of free disk space needed on (%2!s!)
606Uklonite datoteke koje vam više nisu potrebne ili oslobodite prostor pomoću alatke „Čišćenje diska“, a zatim pokušajte ponovo. Remove files you no longer need or use Disk Cleanup to free up space, and then try again.
607Došlo je do problema pri preuzimanju nekih datoteka There was a problem downloading some files
608Nije moguće preuzeti sve potrebne datoteke. Proverite da li ste povezani na internet, a zatim pokušajte ponovo da pokrenete alatku. We weren’t able to download all of the necessary files. Check to make sure you’re connected to the internet and try running the tool again.
609Došlo je do problema pri pokretanju ove alatke There was a problem running this tool
610Iz nepoznatog razloga nije moguće pokrenuti ovu alatku na računaru. Ako se problem bude i dalje javljao, zatražite pomoć od korisničke podrške za kôd greške. We’re not sure what happened, but we’re unable to run this tool on your PC. If you continue experiencing problems, reference the error code when contacting customer support.
611%1!s! %2!s! %1!s! %2!s!
612Došlo je do problema pri kreiranju medija There was a problem creating media
613Izdanje operativnog sistema Windows podudarno sa unetom šifrom proizvoda nije dostupno na trenutnom jeziku i izabranoj arhitekturi. The edition of Windows that matches the product key you entered isn’t available in your current language and architecture.
614Vodite računa da se izdanje koje ste izabrali za medij sa instalacijom podudara sa izdanjem operativnog sistema Windows na računaru na kojem ćete koristiti medij. Ako se ne podudara, ne možete da instalirate Windows bez šifre proizvoda. Make sure the edition you've selected for the installation media matches the edition of Windows on the PC you'll be using it on. If it doesn't match, you'll need a product key to install Windows.
615Kapacitet USB fleš diska mora biti %1!d! GB ili veći. Izaberite neki drugi disk. The USB flash drive must be at least %1!d! GB or larger. Please select another drive.
616Preuzimanje najnovije verzije Download the latest version
617Dostupna je novija verzija ove alatke. Da biste nastavili, morate da preuzmete i pokrenete najnoviju verziju alatke. A newer version of this tool is available. You must download and run the latest version to continue.
618Preuzmi ažuriranu alatku za kreiranje medija Download the updated Media Creation Tool
619Prijavite se kao administrator Sign in as an administrator
620Da biste koristili ovu alatku, morate se prijaviti u Windows preko administratorskog naloga. To use this tool, you must be signed in to Windows using an administrator account.
621Moraćete kasnije da narežete ISO datoteku na DVD. You'll need to burn the ISO file to a DVD later.
700Ponovo instaliram Windows 10 na ovom računaru I’m reinstalling Windows 10 on this PC
701Moram da kupim šifru proizvoda za Windows 10 I need to buy a Windows 10 product key
703Potrebno je %1!s! %1!s! needed
7042. korak: izaberite ili priključite spoljašnji uređaj za skladištenje Step 2: Select or connect an external storage device
706Oslobađanje prostora Free up space
707Želim da ipak koristim spoljašnje skladište I want to use external storage instead
708Nemam spoljno skladište I don't have external storage
709Saznajte više Learn more
710Da biste preuzeli najnoviju ispravku za Windows 10, moraćete da oslobodite deo prostora na računaru. Kada završite, izaberite ikonu „Osveži“. To get the latest update for Windows 10, you'll need to free up some space on your PC. When you're done, select the Refresh icon.
711Nije potrebno više prostora No more space needed
712Da biste preuzeli najnoviju ispravku za Windows 10, dovršite 1. i 2. korak, a zatim izaberite ikonu „Osveži“. Iskopčajte spoljašnji uređaj za skladištenje kada završite. To get the latest Windows 10 update, complete Steps 1 and 2, and select the Refresh icon. Disconnect the external storage device when you're finished.
7131. korak: oslobodite prostor na disku %1!c!: Step 1: Free up space on the %1!c!: drive
714Izaberite spoljni uređaj za skladištenje Select External Storage Device
7152. korak: dovršeno Step 2 Completed
7162. korak: nedovršeno Step 2 Incomplete
7171. korak: dovršeno Step 1 Completed
7181. korak: nedovršeno Step 1 Incomplete
719Osveži Refresh
720Oslobodite prostor na disku %1!c!: Free up space on the %1!c!: drive
20009tok progress
20500Segoe UI Segoe UI
20501Segoe UI Light Segoe UI Light
20502Tahoma Tahoma
2050424 24
2050518 18
2050611 11
205079 9
2051010 10
2051240 40
2051420 20
20518Segoe UI Semibold Segoe UI Semibold
20519Segoe UI Bold Segoe UI Bold
2052212 12


File Name:mediasetupuimgr.dll.mui
File Size:47 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:47616
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
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Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Instalacija izdanja Windows 10
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MediaSetupUIMgr.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original File Name:MediaSetupUIMgr.dll.mui
Product Name:Operativni sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is mediasetupuimgr.dll.mui?

mediasetupuimgr.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Serbia (Latin) language for file mediasetupuimgr.dll (Instalacija izdanja Windows 10).

File version info

File Description:Instalacija izdanja Windows 10
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MediaSetupUIMgr.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original Filename:MediaSetupUIMgr.dll.mui
Product Name:Operativni sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x241A, 1200