mf.dll.mui Media Foundation DLL e26680b74fdfc826554427cfdb6ae092

File info

File name: mf.dll.mui
Size: 23552 byte
MD5: e26680b74fdfc826554427cfdb6ae092
SHA1: 3ac12990738bc9562e59c0ffa405910614fbdc54
SHA256: acc99eed6e6a9b8dd9d0f37b67ee69876bd1c68b429df7cdf01afbf45587fe2d
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Turkish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Turkish English
0x30000000Bilgi Info
0x30000001Başlat Start
0x30000002Durdur Stop
0x3000000BME TransformHave Çıkışı ME TransformHave Output
0x3000000CDevproxy ProcessOutput Devproxy ProcessOutput
0x3000000DD3D Ayırıcısı Oluşturuldu D3D Allocator Created
0x3000000ED3D Ayırıcısı Piyasaya Sürüldü D3D Allocator Released
0x3000000FDevproxy yüklendi Devproxy loaded
0x30000010Devproxy MFT yüklemesi kaldırıldı Devproxy MFT unloaded
0x50000002Hata Error
0x50000005Ayrıntılı Verbose
0x70000001Medya Altyapısı Devproxy QueueBuffersToDevice Media Foundation Devproxy QueueBuffersToDevice
0x70000002Medya Altyapısı Devproxy SendBuffersToDevice Media Foundation Devproxy SendBuffersToDevice
0x70000003Medya Altyapısı Devproxy ProcessInput Media Foundation Devproxy ProcessInput
0x70000004Medya Altyapısı Devproxy Çıkışı Media Foundation Devproxy Output
0x70000005Medya Altyapısı Devproxy SetInputType Media Foundation Devproxy SetInputType
0x70000006Medya Altyapısı Devproxy SetOutputType Media Foundation Devproxy SetOutputType
0x70000007Medya Altyapısı Devproxy Flush Media Foundation Devproxy Flush
0x70000008Medya Altyapısı Devproxy KSPinStateChange Media Foundation Devproxy KSPinStateChange
0x70000009Medya Altyapısı Devproxy VideoPlugin Yüklemesi Media Foundation Devproxy VideoPlugin Load
0x7000000AMedya Altyapısı Devproxy VideoPlugin ProcessInput Media Foundation Devproxy VideoPlugin ProcessInput
0x7000000BMedya Altyapısı Devproxy VideoPlugin ProcessOnput Media Foundation Devproxy VideoPlugin ProcessOnput
0x7000000CMedya Altyapısı Devproxy D3DAllocator Media Foundation Devproxy D3DAllocator
0x7000000DMedya Altyapısı Devproxy MFT Media Foundation Devproxy MFT
0x7000000EMedya Altyapısı Devproxy MFT DynamicFormatChange Media Foundation Devproxy MFT DynamicFormatChange
0x7000000FMedya Altyapısı Devproxy MFT StreamState Media Foundation Devproxy MFT StreamState
0x70000010Medya Altyapısı Devproxy OnPinBufferCompletion Media Foundation Devproxy OnPinBufferCompletion
0x70000011Media Foundation Devproxy PhotoConfirmation Media Foundation Devproxy PhotoConfirmation
0x70000067Media Foundation LoadTopology Media Foundation LoadTopology
0x70000068Media Altyapısı FallBackToDefaultD3DFmt Media Foundation FallBackToDefaultD3DFmt
0x70000069Hedef dikdörtgen değiştirildi Destination rect changed
0x7000006AKaynak dikdörtgen değiştirildi Source rect changed
0x7000044AMedia Foundation OPM Yoklaması Media Foundation OPM Poll
0x7000044CMedia Foundation IMFInputTrustAuthority_RequestAccess Media Foundation IMFInputTrustAuthority_RequestAccess
0x7000044DMedia Foundation IMFInputTrustAuthority_GetDecrypter Media Foundation IMFInputTrustAuthority_GetDecrypter
0x7000044EMedia Foundation IMFInputTrustAuthority_GetPolicy Media Foundation IMFInputTrustAuthority_GetPolicy
0x7000044FMedia Foundation IMFInputTrustAuthority_Reset Media Foundation IMFInputTrustAuthority_Reset
0x70000450Media Foundation IMFInputTrustAuthority_BindAccess Media Foundation IMFInputTrustAuthority_BindAccess
0x70000451Media Foundation IMFInputTrustAuthority_UpdateAccess Media Foundation IMFInputTrustAuthority_UpdateAccess
0x70000452Media Foundation IMFTrustedInput_GetInputTrustAuthority Media Foundation IMFTrustedInput_GetInputTrustAuthority
0x70000453Media Foundation Şifre Çözme Media Foundation Decrypt
0x70000454Media Foundation IMFSampleProtection_GetInputProtectionVersion Media Foundation IMFSampleProtection_GetInputProtectionVersion
0x70000455Media Foundation IMFSampleProtection_GetOutputProtectionVersion Media Foundation IMFSampleProtection_GetOutputProtectionVersion
0x70000456Media Foundation IMFSampleProtection_GetProtectionCertificate Media Foundation IMFSampleProtection_GetProtectionCertificate
0x70000457Media Foundation IMFSampleProtection_InitInputProtection Media Foundation IMFSampleProtection_InitInputProtection
0x70000458Media Foundation IMFSampleProtection_InitOutputProtection Media Foundation IMFSampleProtection_InitOutputProtection
0x70000459Media Foundation CreateMFPMP Media Foundation CreateMFPMP
0x7000045AMedia Foundation ContentEnablerEvent Media Foundation ContentEnablerEvent
0x7000045BMedia Foundation IMFPMPHost_CreateObjectByCLSID Media Foundation IMFPMPHost_CreateObjectByCLSID
0x7000045CMedia Foundation IMFOutputPolicy_GenerateRequiredSchemas Media Foundation IMFOutputPolicy_GenerateRequiredSchemas
0x7000045DMedia Foundation RequiredSchema Media Foundation RequiredSchema
0x7000045EMedia Foundation PolicyEvent Media Foundation PolicyEvent
0x7000045FMedya Altyapısı IMFPMPHostApp_ActivateClassById Media Foundation IMFPMPHostApp_ActivateClassById
0x70000460Media Foundation Uygulama Sertifikasını Doğrula Media Foundation Validate Application Certificate
0x70000462Media Foundation OTAApplyProtection Media Foundation OTAApplyProtection
0x70000463Media Foundation Zaman Uyumsuz Sarmalayıcı İçin Giriş Gerekli Media Foundation Async Wrapper Need Input
0x70000464Media Foundation Zaman Uyumsuz Sarmalayıcı İşlem Girişi Media Foundation Async Wrapper Process Input
0x70000465Media Foundation Zaman Uyumsuz Sarmalayıcı İşlem Girişi (MFT) Media Foundation Async Wrapper Process Input (MFT)
0x70000466Media Foundation Zaman Uyumsuz Sarmalayıcı İşlem Çıkışı (MFT) Media Foundation Async Wrapper Process Output (MFT)
0x70000467Media Foundation Zaman Uyumsuz Sarmalayıcı Çıkışı Var Media Foundation Async Wrapper Have Output
0x70000468Media Foundation Zaman Uyumsuz Sarmalayıcı İşlem Çıkışı Media Foundation Async Wrapper Process Output
0x70000469MF Devproxy MFT ProcessMessage Görevi MF Devproxy MFT ProcessMessage Task
0x7000046AD3DDeviceLost D3DDeviceLost
0x7000046BMF Devproxy sample_TimeStamp Görevi MF Devproxy sample_TimeStamp Task
0x7000046CMedia Foundation Zaman Uyumsuz Sarmalayıcı Çalıştırma Media Foundation Async Wrapper Running
0x7000046DMedya Altyapısı Zaman Uyumsuz Sarmalayıcı SetWorkQueue Media Foundation Async Wrapper SetWorkQueue
0x7000046EMedya Altyapısı Zaman Uyumsuz Sarmalayıcı Media Foundation Async Wrapper
0x70000474Medya Altyapısı Zaman Uyumlu MFT Çalıştırma Media Foundation Sync MFT Running
0x70000475Medya Altyapısı Zaman Uyumlu İşlem Girdisi (MFT) Media Foundation Sync Process Input (MFT)
0x70000476Medya Altyapısı Zaman Uyumlu İşlem Çıktısı (MFT) Media Foundation Sync Process Output (MFT)
0x70000477Medya Altyapısı Zaman Uyumsuz İşlem Girdisi (MFT) Media Foundation Async Process Input (MFT)
0x70000478Medya Altyapısı Zaman Uyumsuz İşlem Çıktısı (MFT) Media Foundation Async Process Output (MFT)
0x70000479Medya Altyapısı Düğüm Bilgisi SetWorkQueue Media Foundation Node Info SetWorkQueue
0x7000047EMedia Foundation Video Karesi Daraltma Media Foundation VideoFrameConstrict
0x7000047FMedya Altyapısı OPMFail Media Foundation OPMFail
0x700004B0MFDS ReceiveSampleCP MFDS ReceiveSampleCP
0x700004B1MFDS SendSampleEvent MFDS SendSampleEvent
0x700004B2MFDS SamplePoolPending MFDS SamplePoolPending
0x700004B3MFDS FillSampleRequest MFDS FillSampleRequest
0x700004B4MFDS QueueSample MFDS QueueSample
0x700004B5MFDS RequestSample MFDS RequestSample
0x700004B6MFDS_GetTime MFDS_GetTime
0x700004B7MFDS_State MFDS_State
0x700004BASrcPrefetch Fill Buffer SrcPrefetch Fill Buffer
0x700004BBSrcStreamEOSState SrcStreamEOSState
0x700004BCSrcStreamNeedMoreSamples SrcStreamNeedMoreSamples
0x700004BDSrcPrefetch Zaman Aşımı SrcPrefetch Timeout
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-MediaFoundation Microsoft-Windows-MediaFoundation
0x90000002Medya Altyapısı DeviceProxy Media Foundation DeviceProxy
0x90000003Medya Altyapısı Ardışık Düzeni Media Foundation Pipeline
0x90000004Medya Altyapısı İçerik Koruması Media Foundation ContentProtection
0x90000005Medya Altyapısı AsyncWrapper Media Foundation AsyncWrapper
0x90000006MFDS MFDS
0x90000007SrcPrefetch SrcPrefetch
0xB0000001Devproxy QueueBuffersToDevice Bildirimi Devproxy QueueBuffersToDevice Notification
0xB0000002Devproxy SendBuffersToDevice Başlatma Devproxy SendBuffersToDevice Start
0xB0000003Devproxy SendBuffersToDevice Durdurma Devproxy SendBuffersToDevice Stop
0xB0000004Devproxy ProcessInput Bildirimi Devproxy ProcessInput Notification
0xB0000005Devproxy HaveOutput Bildirimi Devproxy HaveOutput Notification
0xB0000006Devproxy ProcessOutput Bildirimi Devproxy ProcessOutput Notification
0xB0000007Devproxy SetInputType Başlatma Devproxy SetInputType Start
0xB0000009Devproxy SetOutputType Başlatma Devproxy SetOutputType Start
0xB000000ADevproxy SetOutputType Durdurma Devproxy SetOutputType Stop
0xB000000BDevproxy Flush Bildirimi Devproxy Flush Notification
0xB000000CDevproxy KSPinStateChange Bildirimi Devproxy KSPinStateChange Notification
0xB000000DDevproxy VideoPlugin Yükleme Başlatma Devproxy VideoPlugin Load Start
0xB000000EDevproxy VideoPlugin Yükleme Sonu Devproxy VideoPlugin Load End
0xB000000FDevproxy VideoPlugin ProcessInput Başlatma Devproxy VideoPlugin ProcessInput Start
0xB0000010Devproxy VideoPlugin ProcessInput Sonu Devproxy VideoPlugin ProcessInput End
0xB0000011Devproxy VideoPlugin ProcessOutput Başlatma Devproxy VideoPlugin ProcessOutput Start
0xB0000012Devproxy VideoPlugin ProcessOutput Sonu Devproxy VideoPlugin ProcessOutput End
0xB0000013Devproxy D3DAllocatorCreated Devproxy D3DAllocatorCreated
0xB0000014Devproxy D3DAllocatorReleased Devproxy D3DAllocatorReleased
0xB0000015Devproxy MFT Yükleme Devproxy MFT Load
0xB0000016Devproxy MFT Yüklemeyi Kaldırma Devproxy MFT UnLoad
0xB0000017Devproxy MFT DynamicFormatChange Başlatma Devproxy MFT DynamicFormatChange Start
0xB0000018Devproxy MFT DynamicFormatChange Durdurma Devproxy MFT DynamicFormatChange Stop
0xB0000019Devproxy MFT StreamState Başlatma Devproxy MFT StreamState Start
0xB000001ADevproxy MFT StreamState Durdurma Devproxy MFT StreamState Stop
0xB000001BDevproxy OnPinBufferCompletion Bildirimi Devproxy OnPinBufferCompletion Notification
0xB000001CDevproxy OutoforderBufferCompletion Bildirimi Devproxy OutoforderBufferCompletion Notification
0xB000001DDevproxy_DriverQueueInfo Bildirimi Devproxy_DriverQueueInfo Notification
0xB000001EDevproxy_DroppedZeroLenghtSampleFromDeviceInfo Bildirimi Devproxy_DroppedZeroLenghtSampleFromDeviceInfo Notification
0xB000001FDevproxy PhotoConfirmation Bildirimi Devproxy PhotoConfirmation Notification
0xB00003E8IMFTopoLoader::Yükleme başlatma IMFTopoLoader::Load start
0xB00003E9IMFTopoLoader::Yükleme %1 döndürdü IMFTopoLoader::Load returned %1
0xB00003EA%1 Dönüşümü oluşturma %2 döndürdü Creating Transform %1 returned %2
0xB00003EBVarsayılan %1 D3D Biçimi'ne geri dönüş Fallback to default D3D Format %1
0xB00003ECYeni hedef dikdörtgen: { (%1), (%2), (%3), (%4)} New destination rect is { (%1), (%2), (%3), (%4)}
0xB00003EDYeni kaynak dikdörtgen: { (%1), (%2), (%3), (%4)} New source rect is { (%1), (%2), (%3), (%4)}
0xB000044AKoruma düzeni kimliğinden kısıtlanmış videoya OTA Yük Devri (%1) OTA Failover to constricted video from protection scheme ID (%1)
0xB000044BOPM Yoklaması çıkışı(%1) OPM Poll exit (%1)
0xB000044CRequestAccess Akış Kimliği (%1) Eylem (%2) Döndürülen EnablerObject (%3) hr (%4) RequestAccess Stream Id (%1) Action (%2) EnablerObject Returned (%3) hr (%4)
0xB000044DGetDecrypter Akış Kimliği (%1) hr (%2) GetDecrypter Stream Id (%1) hr (%2)
0xB000044EGetPolicy Akış Kimliği (%1) Eylem (%2) Döndürülen İlke (%3) hr (%4) GetPolicy Stream Id (%1) Action (%2) Policy Returned (%3) hr (%4)
0xB000044FSıfırlama Akış Kimliği (%1) hr (%2) Reset Stream Id (%1) hr (%2)
0xB0000450BindAccess Akış Kimliği (%1) hr (%2) BindAccess Stream Id (%1) hr (%2)
0xB0000451UpdateAccess Akış Kimliği (%1) hr (%2) UpdateAccess Stream Id (%1) hr (%2)
0xB0000452GetInputTrustAuthority Akış Kimliği (%1) hr (%2) GetInputTrustAuthority Stream Id (%1) hr (%2)
0xB0000453Şifre Çözücü ProcessOutput çıkışı (%1) bayt hr (%2) Decryptor ProcessOutput output (%1) bytes hr (%2)
0xB0000454GetInputProtectionVersion sürümü (%1) hr (%2) GetInputProtectionVersion version (%1) hr (%2)
0xB0000455GetOutputProtectionVersion sürümü (%1) hr (%2) GetOutputProtectionVersion version (%1) hr (%2)
0xB0000456GetProtectionCertificate sürümü (%1) hr (%2) GetProtectionCertificate version (%1) hr (%2)
0xB0000457InitInputProtection sürümü (%1) akış Kimliği (%2) hr (%3) InitInputProtection version (%1) stream ID (%2) hr (%3)
0xB0000458InitOutputProtection sürümü (%1) akış Kimliği (%2) hr (%3) InitOutputProtection version (%1) stream ID (%2) hr (%3)
0xB0000459MFPMP'yi Korumalı Başlat (%1) hr (%2) Start MFPMP Protected (%1) hr (%2)
0xB000045AContentEnablerEvent Event Type (%1) ContentEnablerEvent Event Type (%1)
0xB000045BCreateObjectByCLSID CLSID (%1) hr (%2) CreateObjectByCLSID CLSID (%1) hr (%2)
0xB000045CGenerateRequiredSchemas öznitelikleri (%1) Çıkış Alt Türü (%2) Şema Sayısı (%3) hr (%4) GenerateRequiredSchemas attributes (%1) Output Subtype (%2) Number of Schemas (%3) hr (%4)
0xB000045DRequiredSchema Bağlam Verisi (%1) Şema Kimliği (%2) RequiredSchema Context Data (%1) Schema ID (%2)
0xB000045EPolicyEvent Olay Türü (%1) Akış Kimliği (%2) hrStatus(%3) PolicyEvent Event Type (%1) Stream ID (%2) hrStatus(%3)
0xB000045FActivateClassById Class (%1) hrStatus(%2) ActivateClassById Class (%1) hrStatus(%2)
0xB0000460Uygulama Sertifikası Başlangıcını Doğrula Validate Application Certificate Start
0xB0000461Uygulama Sertifikası Bitişini Doğrula Validate Application Certificate Finish
0xB0000463OTA Uygulama Koruma Düzeni Kimliği (%1) Düzey (%2) hr (%3) OTA Apply Protection Scheme ID (%1) Level (%2) hr (%3)
0xB0000464Giriş Gerekli - Nesne (%1) Akış Kimliği (%2) Giriş İstekleri (%3) Need Input - Object (%1) Stream ID (%2) Input Requests (%3)
0xB0000465ProcessInput - Nesne (%1) Akış Kimliği (%2) Örnek (%3) Giriş Kuyruğu Uzunluğu (%4) Sonuç (%5) ProcessInput - Object (%1) Stream ID (%2) Sample (%3) Input Queue Length (%4) Result (%5)
0xB0000466MFT ProcessInput (Başlangıç) - Nesne (%1) Akış Kimliği (%2) Örnek (%3) MFT ProcessInput (Start) - Object (%1) Stream ID (%2) Sample (%3)
0xB0000467MFT ProcessInput (Son) - Nesne (%1) Akış Kimliği (%2) Örnek (%3) Örnek Süresi (%4) Giriş Kuyruğu Uzunluğu (%5) Sonuç (%6) MFT ProcessInput (End) - Object (%1) Stream ID (%2) Sample (%3) SampleTime (%4) Input Queue Length (%5) Result (%6)
0xB0000468MFT ProcessOutput (Başlangıç) - Nesne (%1) MFT ProcessOutput (Start) - Object (%1)
0xB0000469MFT ProcessOutput (Son) - Nesne (%1) Örnek (%2) Örnek Süresi (%3) Sonuç (%4) MFT ProcessOutput (End) - Object (%1) Sample (%2) SampleTime (%3) Result (%4)
0xB000046AÇıkış Var (Bitiş) - Nesne (%1) Çıkış Kuyruğu Uzunluğu (%2) Have Output (End) - Object (%1) Output Queue Length (%2)
0xB000046BProcessOutput - Nesne (%1) Örnek (%2) Örnek Süresi (%3) Çıkış Kuyruğu Uzunluğu (%4) Sonuç (%5) ProcessOutput - Object (%1) Sample (%2) SampleTime (%3) Output Queue Length (%4) Result (%5)
0xB000046CMFT Çalıştırma (Başlangıç) - Nesne (%1) MFT Running (Start) - Object (%1)
0xB000046DMFT Çalıştırma (Son) - Nesne (%1) MFT Running (End) - Object (%1)
0xB000046ESetWorkQueue - Nesne (%1) WorkQueue (%2) SetWorkQueue - Object (%1) WorkQueue (%2)
0xB000046FAsyncWrapper (Başlangıç) - Nesne (%1) MFT(%2) AsyncWrapper (Start) - Object (%1) MFT(%2)
0xB0000470AsyncWrapper (Bitiş) - Nesne (%1) MFT(%2) AsyncWrapper (End) - Object (%1) MFT(%2)
0xB000047EVideo Karesini %1 kilopiksele Daraltma Video Frame Constriction to %1 kilopixels
0xB000047FOPM kurulamadı hr (%1) Failed to establish OPM hr (%1)
0xB00004B0Bir MF bileşeni üzerinde Düşük Gecikme ayarlandı. Tür (%1) Ayarlanan Arabirim (%2) Sonuç (%3) Low Latency was set on an MF component. Type (%1) Set Interface (%2) Result (%3)
0xB00004B1Bir MF bileşeni üzerinde Düşük Gecikme ayarı kaldırıldı. Tür (%1) Arabirim (%2) Sonuç (%3) Low Latency was unset on an MF component. Type (%1) Interface (%2) Result (%3)
0xB00004B2MF Devproxy MFT ProcessMessage Olayı MF Devproxy MFT ProcessMessage Event
0xB00004B4MF Devproxy sample_TimeStamp Olayı MF Devproxy sample_TimeStamp Event
0xB00004B5Zaman Uyumlu MFT Çalıştırma (Başlangıç) - Nesne (%1) Sync MFT Running (Start) - Object (%1)
0xB00004B6Zaman Uyumlu MFT Çalıştırma (Son) - Nesne (%1) Sync MFT Running (End) - Object (%1)
0xB00004B7Zaman Uyumlu MFT ProcessInput (Başlangıç) - Nesne (%1) Akış Kimliği (%2) Örnek (%3) Sync MFT ProcessInput (Start) - Object (%1) Stream ID (%2) Sample (%3)
0xB00004B8Zaman Uyumlu MFT ProcessInput (Son) - Nesne (%1) Akış Kimliği (%2) Örnek (%3) Örnek Süresi (%4) Giriş Kuyruğu Uzunluğu (%5) Sonuç (%6) Sync MFT ProcessInput (End) - Object (%1) Stream ID (%2) Sample (%3) SampleTime (%4) Input Queue Length (%5) Result (%6)
0xB00004B9Zaman Uyumlu MFT ProcessOutput (Başlangıç) - Nesne (%1) Sync MFT ProcessOutput (Start) - Object (%1)
0xB00004BAZaman Uyumlu MFT ProcessOutput (Son) - Nesne (%1) Örnek (%2) Örnek Süresi (%3) Sonuç (%4) Sync MFT ProcessOutput (End) - Object (%1) Sample (%2) SampleTime (%3) Result (%4)
0xB00004BBZaman Uyumsuz MFT ProcessInput (Başlangıç) - Nesne (%1) Akış Kimliği (%2) Örnek (%3) Async MFT ProcessInput (Start) - Object (%1) Stream ID (%2) Sample (%3)
0xB00004BCZaman Uyumsuz MFT ProcessInput (Bitiş) - Nesne (%1) Akış Kimliği (%2) Örnek (%3) SampleTime (%4) Giriş Kuyruğu Uzunluğu (%5) Sonuç (%6) Async MFT ProcessInput (End) - Object (%1) Stream ID (%2) Sample (%3) SampleTime (%4) Input Queue Length (%5) Result (%6)
0xB00004BDZaman Uyumsuz MFT ProcessOutput (Başlangıç) - Nesne (%1) Async MFT ProcessOutput (Start) - Object (%1)
0xB00004BEZaman Uyumsuz MFT ProcessOutput (Bitiş) - Nesne (%1) Örnek (%2) SampleTime (%3) Sonuç (%4) Async MFT ProcessOutput (End) - Object (%1) Sample (%2) SampleTime (%3) Result (%4)
0xB00004BFMFTInfo SetWorkQueue - Nesne (%1) workq (%2) MFTInfo SetWorkQueue - Object (%1) workq (%2)
0xB0000514MFDS ReceiveSampleCP - Nesne (%1) Örnek(%2) ZamanDamgası(%3) MFDS ReceiveSampleCP - Object (%1) Sample(%2) TimeStamp(%3)
0xB0000515MFDS SendSampleEvent - Nesne (%1) AkışKimliği(%2) Örnek(%3) ZamanDamgası(%4) MFDS SendSampleEvent - Object (%1) StreamID(%2) Sample(%3) TimeStamp(%4)
0xB0000516MFDS SamplePoolPending - Nesne (%1) Örnek(%2) PendingCount(%3) MFDS SamplePoolPending - Object (%1) Sample(%2) PendingCount(%3)
0xB0000517MFDS QueueSample - Nesne (%1) Örnek(%2) SampleQueueLen(%3) MFDS QueueSample - Object (%1) Sample(%2) SampleQueueLen(%3)
0xB0000518MFDS RequestSample - Nesne (%1) Belirteç(%2) RequestQueueLen(%3) MFDS RequestSample - Object (%1) Token(%2) RequestQueueLen(%3)
0xB0000519MFDS FillSampleRequest - Nesne (%1) Örnek(%2) Belirteç(%3) SampleQueueLen(%4) RequestQueueLen(%5) MFDS FillSampleRequest - Object (%1) Sample(%2) Token(%3) SampleQueueLen(%4) RequestQueueLen(%5)
0xB000051AMFDS_GetTime nesne=%1 tsOrig=%2 sysOrig=%3 tsFixed=%4 sysFixed=%5 qpcNow=%6 tsOut=%7 fixed=%8 MFDS_GetTime object=%1 tsOrig=%2 sysOrig=%3 tsFixed=%4 sysFixed=%5 qpcNow=%6 tsOut=%7 fixed=%8
0xB000051BMFDS_StateStart nesne=%1 durum=%2 MFDS_StateStart object=%1 state=%2
0xB000051CMFDS_StateStop nesne=%1 durum=%2 MFDS_StateStop object=%1 state=%2
0xB000051ESrcPrefetch FillBuffer Başlatma - Nesne (%1) SrcPrefetch FillBuffer Start - Object (%1)
0xB000051FSrcPrefetch FillBuffer Durdurma - Nesne (%1) SrcPrefetch FillBuffer Stop - Object (%1)
0xB0000520SrcStreamEOSState - Nesne (%1) Kimlik (%2) eski (%3) yeni (%4) SrcStreamEOSState - Object (%1) ID (%2) old (%3) new (%4)
0xB0000521SrcStreamNeedMoreSamples - Nesne (%1) UseBuffering (%2) hızı (%3) IsEOS(%4) UnprocessedSamples (%5) taşınan (%6) SrcStreamNeedMoreSamples - Object (%1) UseBuffering (%2) rate (%3) IsEOS(%4) UnprocessedSamples (%5) prerolled (%6)
0xB0000522SrcPrefetch Zaman Aşımı Başlama - Nesne (%1) SrcPrefetch Timeout Start - Object (%1)
0xB0000523SrcPrefetch Zaman Aşımı Durdurma - Nesne (%1) SrcPrefetch Timeout Stop - Object (%1)
0xB0000524SrcPrefetch Zaman Aşımı İptal - Nesne (%1) SrcPrefetch Timeout Cancel - Object (%1)
0xD0000001MFAttributes MFAttributes
0xD0000002ICodecAPI ICodecAPI
0xD0000003IPropertyStore IPropertyStore
0xD0000004Kaynak Source
0xD0000005Havuz Sink
0xD0000006Dönüşüm Transform
0xD0000007Eylem yok No action
0xD0000008Yürüt Play
0xD0000009Kopyala Copy
0xD000000ADışarı Aktar Export
0xD000000BAyıkla Extract
0xD000000CAyrılmış 1 Reserved 1
0xD000000DAyrılmış 2 Reserved 2
0xD000000EAyrılmış 3 Reserved 3


File Name:mf.dll.mui
File Size:23 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:23040
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Turkish
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Media Foundation DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Media Foundation DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Tüm hakları saklıdır.
Original File Name:mf.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® İşletim Sistemi
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is mf.dll.mui?

mf.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Turkish language for file mf.dll (Media Foundation DLL).

File version info

File Description:Media Foundation DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Media Foundation DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Tüm hakları saklıdır.
Original Filename:mf.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® İşletim Sistemi
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x41F, 1200