0x3000000A | Inicijalizacija |
Initialization |
0x3000000B | Smanji |
Shrink |
0x3000000C | Stvori |
Create |
0x3000000D | Pripremi |
Prepare |
0x40A00033 | BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool version %1!s!Copyright (C) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool version %1!s!Copyright (C) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
0x40A00034 | Initializing, please wait... |
Initializing, please wait... |
0x40A00035 | You must restart your computer to apply these changes.Before restarting, save any open files and close all programs. |
You must restart your computer to apply these changes.Before restarting, save any open files and close all programs. |
0x40A00036 | Usage:BdeHdCfg[.exe] [-driveinfo] [-target {default | unallocated | TargetDriveLetter {shrink | merge}}] [-newdriveletter DriveLetter] [-size SizeInMegabytes] [-quiet] [-restart] [{-? | /?}]Description: This command prepares your hard drive for BitLocker Drive Encryption. Command line parameters are not case-sensitive.Parameters: -driveinfo Displays information about valid target drives. -target Specifies the target and operation. Specify 'shrink' to create a new active partition. Specify 'merge' to make an existing partition active. Specify 'unallocated' to use unformatted space on disk. Specify 'default' for the target to be chosen automatically. Examples: -target D: merge -target C: shrink -target unallocated -target default -newdriveletter Specifies the desired drive letter for the new drive. This option is only valid when a new drive is created. Example: -newdriveletter S: -size Specifies the desired size of the new drive. This option is only valid when a new drive is created. If not specified, the Drive Preparation Tool assumes the required minimum size of %1!d! megabytes. Example: -size 700 -quiet Specifies operation in quiet mode. No output from the drive preparation tool is displayed. -restart Enables an automatic restart after drive preparation. You must restart your computer before enabling BitLocker. -? or /? Displays help for this command.Examples: BdeHdCfg -target c: shrink -newdriveletter x: -size %1!d! -quiet -restart BdeHdCfg -target d: merge -quiet -restart BdeHdCfg -target unallocated -newdriveletter s: BdeHdCfg -target default |
Usage:BdeHdCfg[.exe] [-driveinfo] [-target {default | unallocated | TargetDriveLetter {shrink | merge}}] [-newdriveletter DriveLetter] [-size SizeInMegabytes] [-quiet] [-restart] [{-? | /?}]Description: This command prepares your hard drive for BitLocker Drive Encryption. Command line parameters are not case-sensitive.Parameters: -driveinfo Displays information about valid target drives. -target Specifies the target and operation. Specify 'shrink' to create a new active partition. Specify 'merge' to make an existing partition active. Specify 'unallocated' to use unformatted space on disk. Specify 'default' for the target to be chosen automatically. Examples: -target D: merge -target C: shrink -target unallocated -target default -newdriveletter Specifies the desired drive letter for the new drive. This option is only valid when a new drive is created. Example: -newdriveletter S: -size Specifies the desired size of the new drive. This option is only valid when a new drive is created. If not specified, the Drive Preparation Tool assumes the required minimum size of %1!d! megabytes. Example: -size 700 -quiet Specifies operation in quiet mode. No output from the drive preparation tool is displayed. -restart Enables an automatic restart after drive preparation. You must restart your computer before enabling BitLocker. -? or /? Displays help for this command.Examples: BdeHdCfg -target c: shrink -newdriveletter x: -size %1!d! -quiet -restart BdeHdCfg -target d: merge -quiet -restart BdeHdCfg -target unallocated -newdriveletter s: BdeHdCfg -target default |
0x40A00038 | Veličina klastera na ciljnom pogonu veća je od 4 kB. |
The target drive has a cluster size larger than 4 KB. |
0x40A00039 | Ciljni pogon nije dovoljno velik za traženu operaciju. |
The target drive is not large enough for the requested operation. |
0x40A0003A | Ciljni pogon nema dovoljno slobodnog prostora za traženuoperaciju. |
The target drive does not have sufficient free space for the requestedoperation. |
0x40A0003B | Ciljni se pogon ne može smanjiti na traženu veličinu. |
The target drive cannot shrink by the requested size. |
0x40A0003C | Ciljni je pogon komprimiran i ne može se koristiti za operaciju spajanja. |
The target drive is compressed and cannot be used for the merge operation. |
0x40A0003D | Ciljni pogon nije na istom fizičkom disku kao sistemski pogon. |
The target drive is not on the same physical disk as the system drive. |
0x40A0003E | Ciljni pogon na logičkoj (proširenoj) particiji. |
The target drive is on a logical (extended) partition. |
0x40A0003F | Sistemski pogon ne može se koristiti za operaciju spajanja. |
The system drive cannot be used for the merge operation. |
0x40A00040 | Ciljni je pogon šifriran i ne može se koristiti za operaciju spajanja. |
The target drive is encrypted and cannot be used for the merge operation. |
0x40A00041 | Ciljni pogon nema particiju vrste 0x07 ili 0x27. |
The target drive is not a type 0x07 or 0x27 partition. |
0x40A00042 | Ciljni pogon nije formatiran pomoću NTFS datotečnog sustava. |
The target drive is not formatted with the NTFS file system. |
0x40A00043 | Sustav se trenutno izvodi na baterijskom napajanju. |
The system is currently running on battery power. |
0x40A00044 | Došlo je do pogreške prilikom određivanja statusa napajanja sustava. |
An error occurred when attempting to query the system's power status. |
0x40A00045 | DACL novog diska nije se mogao izmijeniti. |
The new disk drive's DACL could not be modified. |
0x50000002 | Pogreška |
Error |
0x50000003 | Upozorenje |
Warning |
0x50000004 | Informacije |
Information |
0x50000005 | Opširno |
Verbose |
0x80A00017 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona nije uspio dobiti status napajanja sustava. Nije mogućepotvrditi da je računalo priključeno na napajanje. |
BitLocker Setup failed to query the system's power status. It could not beverified that the machine is on AC power. |
0x80A00037 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona ne može zaključati ciljni pogon. Pogon će se nasilno ukloniti. |
BitLocker Setup could not lock the target drive. The drive will be forcibly dismounted. |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-DrivePreparationTool |
Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-DrivePreparationTool |
0x90000002 | Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-DrivePreparationTool/Admin |
Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-DrivePreparationTool/Admin |
0x90000003 | Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-DrivePreparationTool/Operational |
Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-DrivePreparationTool/Operational |
0xB0010001 | Došlo je do problema pri izvođenju alata za pripremu pogona za BitLocker.%nKod pogreške: %1%nTekst pogreške: %2 |
A problem occurred while running the BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool.%nError Code: %1%nError Text: %2 |
0xB0010100 | Kod upozorenja: %1%nTekst upozorenja: %2 |
Warning Code: %1%nWarning Text: %2 |
0xB0010200 | Izvođenje alata za konfiguriranje pogona za BitLocker uspješno je dovršeno. Ciljni tvrdi disk spreman je za BitLocker. |
The BitLocker Drive Configuration Tool successfully completed. The target hard disk is ready for BitLocker. |
0xB0011000 | Pronađena je jedinica kandidat za smanjenje ili spajanje.%nMože se smanjiti: %1%nNaziv jedinice kandidata: %3 |
Found a candidate volume for shrink or merge.%nShrinkable: %1%nCandidate Volume Name: %3 |
0xB0011001 | Pronađen je nedodijeljeni doseg dovoljno velik za traženu veličinu.%nPomak: %3%nVeličina: %4 |
Found an unallocated extent large enough for the requested size.%nOffset: %3%nSize: %4 |
0xB0011002 | Doseg diska koji je pronađen na tvrdom disku sadrži sistemski pogon.%nPomak: %3%nVeličina: %4 |
Disk extent located on the hard disk containing the System Drive.%nOffset: %3%nSize: %4 |
0xB0011003 | Parametri naredbenog retka za alat za pripremu pogona za BitLocker:%n %1 |
Command-line parameters for the BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool:%n %1 |
0xB0011004 | Pogon će se smanjiti i stvorit će se novi aktivni pogon %6. %nNaziv jedinice: %1%nVeličina smanjenja: %5 bajtova |
Drive will shrink and new active drive %6 will be created. %nVolume Name: %1%nShrink Size: %5 Bytes |
0xB0011005 | Novi pogon %3 stvorit će se iz nedodijeljenog prostora%nPomak nedodijeljenog dosega: %1%nVeličina nove particije: %2 bajtova |
New drive %3 will be created from unallocated space%nUnallocated extent offset: %1%nNew partition size: %2 Bytes |
0xB0011006 | Pogon će se postaviti kao novi sistemski pogon%nNaziv jedinice: %1 |
Drive will be set as the new system drive%nVolume Name: %1 |
0xB0011007 | Prepoznata je jedinica s okruženjem Windows Recovery Environment%nPut jedinice: %1 |
Detected Windows Recovery Environment volume%nVolume Path: %1 |
0xB0011008 | Jedinica nije zadovoljila uvjete za ciljnu jedinicu.%nNaziv jedinice: %3%nRazlog: %2 |
A volume failed to meet the requirements for a target volume.%nVolume Name: %3%nReason: %2 |
0xC0A00001 | Trenutni proces nije podignut i nema potrebne ovlastiza pokretanje. Otvorite administratorski naredbeni redak i ponovno pokrenite program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona. |
The current process is not elevated, and does not have the necessary privilegesto run. Open an Administrator command prompt and run BitLocker Setup again. |
0xC0A00002 | Tvrdi disk ovog računala pravilno je konfiguriran za BitLocker.Potrebno je pokrenuti program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona. |
This computer's hard drive is properly configured for BitLocker. It is notnecessary to run BitLocker Setup. |
0xC0A00003 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona zahtijeva fiksni tvrdi disk. Pokrenite taj program s tvrdog diskanamijenjenog BitLocker šifriranju pogona. |
BitLocker Setup requires a fixed hard drive. Run this setup from the hard driveintended for BitLocker. |
0xC0A00004 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona očekuje stil particioniranja MBR (Master Boot Record), no pronađen je drukčiji stil particioniranja. Možda ćete trebati ručno pripremiti pogon za BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup was expecting MBR (Master Boot Record) partitioning style, but a different partitioning style was found. You may need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A00005 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona zahtijeva da veličina klastera diska ne bude veća od 4 kB.Možda ćete trebati ručno pripremiti pogon za BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup requires the disk cluster size to be no more than than 4 KB.You may need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A00006 | Zbog promjena na računalu potrebno ga je ponovno pokrenuti prije izvođenja programa za instalaciju BitLockeršifriranja pogona. |
Changes made to your computer require that you restart before running BitLockerSetup. |
0xC0A00007 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona ne može pronaći ciljni sistemski pogon. Možda ćete trebati ručnopripremiti pogon za BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup could not find a target system drive. You may need to manuallyprepare your drive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A00008 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona zahtijeva da je datotečni sustav pogona NTFS. Pretvorite datotečni sustav i ponovno pokrenite program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona. |
BitLocker Setup requires the drive file system to be NTFS. Convert the filesystem and run BitLocker Setup again. |
0xC0A00009 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona zahtijeva osnovni disk. Pretvorite dinamički disk u osnovnidisk i ponovno pokrenite program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona. |
BitLocker Setup requires a basic disk. Convert your dynamic disk to a basicdisk and run BitLocker Setup again. |
0xC0A0000A | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona ne može promijeniti aktivnu particiju. Možda ćete morati ručno pripremiti pogon za BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup could not change the active partition. You may need to manuallyprepare your drive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A0000B | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona nije uspio kopirati datoteke za pokretanje sustava. Možda ćete morati ručno pripremiti pogon za BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup failed to copy boot files. You may need to manually prepareyour drive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A0000C | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona nije uspio izvesti BCD (Boot Configuration Data) spremište Moždaćete morati ručno pripremiti pogon za BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup failed to export the BCD (Boot Configuration Data) store. Youmay need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A0000D | Nemojte ponovno pokretati računalo dok je izvorni pogon postavljen kao aktivan! Program za instalaciju BitLockeršifriranja pogona nije uspio uvesti BCD (Boot Configuration Data) spremište i ne može natrag postaviti aktivnu particiju. Pomoću datoteke DISKMGMT.MSC postavite aktivnu particiju sustava. |
Do not restart this computer until original drive is set to active! BitLockerSetup failed to import the BCD (Boot Configuration Data) store and could notset active partition back. Use DISKMGMT.MSC to set the system partition active. |
0xC0A0000E | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona nije uspio uvesti BCD (Boot Configuration Data) spremište. Moždaćete morati ručno pripremiti pogon za BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup failed to import the BCD (Boot Configuration Data) store. Youmay need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A0000F | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona nije uspio izvesti BCD (Boot Configuration Data)spremište. Možda ćete morati ručno pripremiti pogon za BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup failed to modify the exported BCD (Boot Configuration Data)store. You may need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A00010 | Novi aktivni pogon ne može se formatirati. Možda ćete morati ručno pripremitipogon za BitLocker. |
The new active drive cannot be formatted. You may need to manually prepare yourdrive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A00011 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona je poništen. Konfiguracija tvrdog diska možda se promijenila.Ponovno pokrenite program za instalaciju da biste pripremili sustav za BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup was cancelled. The hard disk configuration may have changed.Run the setup again to prepare your system for BitLocker. |
0xC0A00012 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona ne može dovoljno smanjiti ciljni pogon da bi stvorio aktivni pogon koji je potreban za BitLocker. Možda ćete morati ručno pripremiti pogonza BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup cannot shrink the target drive sufficiently to create the active drive required by BitLocker. You may need to manually prepare your drivefor BitLocker. |
0xC0A00013 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona nije uspio dobiti traženi element iz BCD (Boot Configuration Data) spremišta. Možda ćete morati ručno pripremiti pogon za BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup failed to get the requested element from the BCD (Boot Configuration Data) store. You may need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A00014 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona nije uspio otvoriti objekt u BCD (Boot Configuration Data)spremištu. Možda ćete morati ručno pripremiti pogon za BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup failed to open an object in the BCD (Boot Configuration Data)store. You may need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A00015 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona nije uspio otvoriti privremeno BCD (Boot Configuration Data)spremište. Možda ćete morati ručno pripremiti pogon za BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup failed to open the temporary BCD (Boot Configuration Data)store. You may need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A00016 | Biblioteka programa za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona nije pravilno pokrenuta. Možda ćete morati ručnopripremiti pogon za BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup library was not properly initialized. You may need to manuallyprepare your drive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A00018 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona zahtijeva da se sustav poveže s izvorom napajanja prije promjena. Priključite računalo u izvor napajanjei ponovno pokrenite program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona. |
BitLocker Setup requires the system to be connected to an AC power sourcebefore any changes can be made. Please plug your computer into a power sourceand run BitLocker Setup again. |
0xC0A00019 | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona ne može primijeniti sigurnosne postavke na novostvoreni pogon.Provjerite sigurnosne postavke pogona. Možda ćete morati ručno pripremitipogon za BitLocker. |
BitLocker Setup could not apply security settings to the newly created drive.Please check the drive's security settings. You may need to manually prepareyour drive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A0001A | Program za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona ne može premjestiti sliku okruženja Windows Recovery Environment nanovi pogon sustava. Morat ćete premjestiti Windows Recovery Environment spogona sa sustavom Windows prije šifriranja ili Windows Recovery Environment nećefunkcionirati. |
BitLocker setup could not move the Windows Recovery Environment image to thenew system drive. You will need to move Windows Recovery Environment from yourWindows drive before encryption or Windows Recovery Environment will notfunction. |
0xC0A0001B | Došlo je do neočekivane pogreške tijekom pokretanja programa za instalaciju BitLocker šifriranja pogona. Možda ćete moratiručno pripremiti pogon za BitLocker. |
An unexpected error occurred while running BitLocker Setup. You may need tomanually prepare your drive for BitLocker. |
0xC0A0001C | The '-target' command requires additional arguments.Examples: -target default -target unallocated -target C: shrink -target D: merge |
The '-target' command requires additional arguments.Examples: -target default -target unallocated -target C: shrink -target D: merge |
0xC0A0001D | Invalid target drive letter. Use the '-driveinfo' command for a list of validtarget drives.Examples: -target C: shrink -target D: merge |
Invalid target drive letter. Use the '-driveinfo' command for a list of validtarget drives.Examples: -target C: shrink -target D: merge |
0xC0A0001E | The specified target drive could not be found. Specify an existing driveletter.Examples: -target C: shrink -target D: merge |
The specified target drive could not be found. Specify an existing driveletter.Examples: -target C: shrink -target D: merge |
0xC0A0001F | The specified target drive is not valid for shrink. Use the '-driveinfo'command for a list of valid target drives. |
The specified target drive is not valid for shrink. Use the '-driveinfo'command for a list of valid target drives. |
0xC0A00020 | The specified target drive is not valid for merge. Use the '-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. |
The specified target drive is not valid for merge. Use the '-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. |
0xC0A00021 | You must specify a drive letter with the '-newdriveletter' parameter.Example: -newdriveletter S: |
You must specify a drive letter with the '-newdriveletter' parameter.Example: -newdriveletter S: |
0xC0A00022 | Invalid drive letter. Use a drive letter in the form 'C:'.Example: -newdriveletter S: |
Invalid drive letter. Use a drive letter in the form 'C:'.Example: -newdriveletter S: |
0xC0A00023 | The specified drive letter is in use. Use a different drive letter.Example: -newdriveletter S: |
The specified drive letter is in use. Use a different drive letter.Example: -newdriveletter S: |
0xC0A00024 | The '-size' parameter requires a value of at least %1!d!.Example: -size %1!d! |
The '-size' parameter requires a value of at least %1!d!.Example: -size %1!d! |
0xC0A00025 | The minimum size for the new partition is %1!d! megabytes. Please specify a sizeof at least %1!d!.Example: -size %1!d! |
The minimum size for the new partition is %1!d! megabytes. Please specify a sizeof at least %1!d!.Example: -size %1!d! |
0xC0A00026 | The 'merge' parameter and the '-size' parameter cannot be specified together. |
The 'merge' parameter and the '-size' parameter cannot be specified together. |
0xC0A00027 | You must specify a target drive using the '-target' parameter. |
You must specify a target drive using the '-target' parameter. |
0xC0A00028 | The 'merge' parameter and the '-newdriveletter' parameter cannot be specifiedtogether. |
The 'merge' parameter and the '-newdriveletter' parameter cannot be specifiedtogether. |
0xC0A00029 | The '-driveinfo' parameter cannot be specified with any other parameters. |
The '-driveinfo' parameter cannot be specified with any other parameters. |
0xC0A0002A | Invalid command line syntax. Use the 'BdeHdCfg -?' command for a list of validoperations. |
Invalid command line syntax. Use the 'BdeHdCfg -?' command for a list of validoperations. |
0xC0A0002B | No new drives can be created. Specify a target for the merge. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. |
No new drives can be created. Specify a target for the merge. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. |
0xC0A0002C | Insufficient unallocated space on disk to create new system drive. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. |
Insufficient unallocated space on disk to create new system drive. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. |
0xC0A0002D | The target drive must be on the same disk as the system drive. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. |
The target drive must be on the same disk as the system drive. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. |
0xC0A0002E | A problem occurred while preparing your drive for BitLocker.Error code: %1!#.8x! |
A problem occurred while preparing your drive for BitLocker.Error code: %1!#.8x! |
0xC0A0002F | Disk already has the maximum number of primary and extended partitions. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. |
Disk already has the maximum number of primary and extended partitions. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. |
0xC0A00030 | There is not enough free space on the target drive. Running DISK CLEANUP maycreate additional free space. |
There is not enough free space on the target drive. Running DISK CLEANUP maycreate additional free space. |
0xC0A00031 | There is not enough free space on the target Windows Recovery Environmentdrive. 100 MB of free space is required for a Windows Recovery Environmentdrive to be made the new system drive. |
There is not enough free space on the target Windows Recovery Environmentdrive. 100 MB of free space is required for a Windows Recovery Environmentdrive to be made the new system drive. |
0xC0A00032 | The target drive does not meet the size requirements for BitLocker. The new system drive must be at least %1!d! MB in size. |
The target drive does not meet the size requirements for BitLocker. The new system drive must be at least %1!d! MB in size. |