mspaint.exe Peant de8e037aa8267f8322084ed9689cab91

File info

File name: mspaint.exe.mui
Size: 58880 byte
MD5: de8e037aa8267f8322084ed9689cab91
SHA1: aa77192ebfc787bba2c323963fe9615baf720b6d
SHA256: 7964ac7990d16ed6b0952a5c36a5fb8c9a8498ad034d350a119f9a634d009667
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: mspaint.exe Peant (32 biot)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Cornish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Cornish English
gun tiotal
Dealbh Bitmap
Faidhlichean Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
Dealbh Bitmap
Bitmap Image
Bitmap Files (*.bmp;*.dib)
Bitmap Image
6.bmp .bmp
13Bitmap aon-dathach (*.bmp;*.dib) Monochrome Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
14Bitmap de 16 dathan (*.bmp;*.dib) 16 Color Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
15Bitmap de 256 dath (*.bmp;*.dib) 256 Color Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
16Bitmap 24 biot (*.bmp;*.dib) 24-bit Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
19A h-uile faidhle All Files
28.dib .dib
29.rle .rle
30OLE 2.0 was unable to start.
Make sure that you are using the correct version of the OLE libraries.
OLE 2.0 was unable to start.
Make sure that you are using the correct version of the OLE libraries.
33A h-uile faidhle deilbh All Picture Files
110Places the text. Places the text.
601Selects a rectangular part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.
Selects a rectangular part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.
602Selects a free-form part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.
Free-form select
Selects a free-form part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.
Free-form select
603Inserts text into the picture.
Inserts text into the picture.
604Fills an area with the current drawing color.
Fill with color
Fills an area with the current drawing color.
Fill with color
605Changes the magnification.
Changes the magnification.
606Picks up a color from the picture for drawing.
Pick color
Picks up a color from the picture for drawing.
Pick color
607Erases a portion of the picture, using the selected eraser shape.
Erases a portion of the picture, using the selected eraser shape.
608Draws a free-form line one pixel wide.
Draws a free-form line one pixel wide.
651Nì seo tarraing le bruis dhen chruth is meud a thagh thu.
Draws using a brush with the selected shape and size.
652Nì seo tarraing le bruis snas-sgrìobhaidh 45 puing dhen chruth is mheud a thagh thu.
Bruis snas-sgrìobhaidh 1
Draws using a 45 degree calligraphy brush of the selected shape and size.
Calligraphy brush 1
653Nì seo tarraing le bruis snas-sgrìobhaidh 135 puing dhen chruth is mheud a thagh thu.
Bruis snas-sgrìobhaidh 2
Draws using a 135 degree calligraphy brush of the selected shape and size.
Calligraphy brush 2
654Nì seo tarraing le bruis-adhair dhen mheud a thagh thu.
Draws using an airbrush of the selected size.
655Nì seo tarraing le bruis-ola.
Draws using the oil brush.
Oil brush
656Nì seo tarraing le bruis-chrèidhein.
Draws using a crayon brush.
657Nì seo tarraing le comharraichear.
Draws using a marker.
658Nì seo tarraing le peansail nàdarra dhen mheud a thagh thu.
Peansail nàdarra
Draws using the natural pencil in the size chosen.
Natural pencil
659Nì seo tarraing le bruis dhathan-uisge.
Bruis dhathan-uisge
Draws using the watercolor brush.
Watercolor brush
701Nì seo loidhne dhìreach dhen leud a thagh thu.
Draws a straight line with the selected line width.
702Nì seo loidhne lùbach dhen leud a thagh thu.
Draws a curved line with the selected line width.
703Nì seo ugh-chruth leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Draws an oval with the selected fill style.
704Nì seo ceart-cheàrnach leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Draws a rectangle with the selected fill style.
705Nì seo ceart-cheàrnach cruinnte leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Ceart-cheàrnach cruinnte
Draws a rounded rectangle with the selected fill style.
Rounded rectangle
706Nì seo ioma-cheàrnach leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Draws a polygon with the selected fill style.
707Nì seo triantan leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Draws a triangle with the selected fill style.
708Nì seo triantan ceart-cheàrnach leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Triantan ceart-cheàrnach
Draws a right triangle with the selected fill style.
Right triangle
709Nì seo daoimean leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Draws a diamond with the selected fill style.
710Nì seo còig-cheàrnach leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Draws a pentagon with the selected fill style.
711Nì seo sia-cheàrnach leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Draws a hexagon with the selected fill style.
712Nì seo saighead dheas leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Saighead dheas
Draws a right arrow with the selected fill style.
Right arrow
713Nì seo saighead chlì leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Saighead chlì
Draws a left arrow with the selected fill style.
Left arrow
714Nì seo saighead suas leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Saighead suas
Draws an up arrow with the selected fill style.
Up arrow
715Nì seo saighead sìos leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Saighead sìos
Draws a down arrow with the selected fill style.
Down arrow
716Nì seo rionnag cheithir-rinneach leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Rionnag cheithir-rinneach
Draws a four-point star with the selected fill style.
Four-point star
717Nì seo rionnag chòig-rinneach leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Rionnag chòig-rinneach
Draws a five-point star with the selected fill style.
Five-point star
718Nì seo rionnag shia-rinneach leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Rionnag shia-rinneach
Draws a six-point star with the selected fill style.
Six-point star
719Nì seo gairm cheart-cheàrnach chruinnte leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Gairm cheart-cheàrnach chruinnte
Draws a rounded rectangular callout with the selected fill style.
Rounded rectangular callout
720Nì seo gairm ugh-chruthach leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Gairm ugh-chruthach
Draws an oval-shaped callout with the selected fill style.
Oval callout
721Nì seo gairm an cumadh sgòtha leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Gairm an cumadh sgòtha
Draws a cloud-shaped callout with the selected fill style.
Cloud callout
722Nì seo cridhe leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Draws a heart with the selected fill style.
723Nì seo dealanach leis an stoidhle lìonaidh a thagh thu.
Draws a lightning with the selected fill style.
1000A' giorrachadh an teacsa seach nach eil àite gu leòr gus an teacsa air fad a chur ann. Truncating the text since there is not enough room to paste entire text.
2051Paint cannot open this file. Paint cannot open this file.
2052Chan urrainn do Pheant am faidhle seo a leughadh. Paint cannot read this file.
2054This file is read-only.
To save your changes, use a different file name.
This file is read-only.
To save your changes, use a different file name.
2056This file is already open. This file is already open.
2064This is not a valid .PCS file. This is not a valid .PCS file.
2067This file is open for editing and cannot be overwritten.
Use a different file name to save your changes.
This file is open for editing and cannot be overwritten.
Use a different file name to save your changes.
2083Chan e bitmap dligheach a tha san fhaidhle seo no chan eil taic ris an fhòrmat seo an-dràsta. This is not a valid bitmap file, or its format is not currently supported.
2084This is not a valid icon. This is not a valid icon.
2085This is not a valid cursor. This is not a valid cursor.
2090Bhris rud a-steach air an t-sàbhaladh 's mar sin cha deach am faidhle a shàbhaladh. Save was interrupted, so your file has not been saved.
2092You cannot save to a read-only file.
Use a different file name.
You cannot save to a read-only file.
Use a different file name.
2096This file is already in use.
Close the program, and then try again.
This file is already in use.
Close the program, and then try again.
2110Chan urrainn do Pheant am faidhle seo a shàbhaladh. Paint cannot save this file.
2152Paint cannot save to the same file name with a different file type.
Use a different filename to save your changes.
Paint cannot save to the same file name with a different file type.
Use a different filename to save your changes.
2240Chan eil cuimhne no goireasan gu leòr ann gus seo a dhèanamh.
Dùin prògram no dhà 's feuch ris a-rithist.
There is not enough memory or resources to complete operation.
Close some programs, and then try again.
2241Low on memory or resources.
Close some programs, and then try again.
Low on memory or resources.
Close some programs, and then try again.
2247Group error. Group error.
2248Paint was unable to print your document. Please make sure you have sufficient disk space and that your printer is working correctly. Paint was unable to print your document. Please make sure you have sufficient disk space and that your printer is working correctly.
2297Dh'fhaodte nach bi càileachd nan dathan cho math ma shàbhaileas tu an dealbh san fhòrmat seo.
A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?
The color quality might be reduced if you save the picture in this format.
Do you want to continue?
2298Ma thionndaidheas tu e na dhealbh dubh is geal, chan urrainn dhut seo a neo-dhèanamh. Tha buaidh aige seo air an fhaidhle làithreach is dh'fhaodte gun caillear cuid dhen fhiosrachadh dhathan ri linn.
A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?
Converting to black and white cannot be undone. This action affects the current file and may cause some loss of color information.
Do you want to continue?
2299Feumaidh bitmap a bhith nas motha na aon phiogsail air aon taobh co-dhiù. Bitmaps must be greater than one pixel on a side.
2300CFileException CFileException
2301Generic error. Generic error.
2302File not found. File not found.
2303Bad path. Bad path.
2304Too many open files. Too many open files.
2305Inntrigeadh air a dhiùltadh. Access denied.
2306Invalid file. Invalid file.
2307Remove current folder. Remove current folder.
2308Folder full. Folder full.
2309Bad seek. Bad seek.
2310Hard IO error. Hard IO error.
2311Sharing violation. Sharing violation.
2312Lock violation. Lock violation.
2313Disk full. Disk full.
2314End of file. End of file.
2315Caillidh tu trìd-shoilleireachd sam bith a tha ann ma shàbhaileas tu an dealbh seo. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart? Any transparency will be lost if you save this picture. Do you want to continue?
2350The specified printer is invalid.
Please choose a valid printer.
The specified printer is invalid.
Please choose a valid printer.
2445Cha ghabh am fiosrachadh air a' bhòrd-stòraidh a chur ann am Peant. The information on the Clipboard can't be inserted into Paint.
2447Unable to communicate with the device. Verify the device is properly connected and try again. Unable to communicate with the device. Verify the device is properly connected and try again.
2448Cha ghabh an dealbh fhaighinn on uidheam. Dearbh gu bheil an t-uidheam ceangailte 's feuch ris a-rithist. Unable to retrieve picture from device. Verify the device is properly connected and try again.
2449Downloading picture Downloading picture
2450Reading data from the device (%1!ld!%% complete) Reading data from the device (%1!ld!%% complete)
2451Processing data (%1!ld!%% complete) Processing data (%1!ld!%% complete)
2452A' tar-aiseag dàta (%1!ld!%% crìochnaichte) Transferring data (%1!ld!%% complete)
35503551 3551
6868Nì seo an taghadh làithreach trìd-dhoilleir no trìd-shoilleir. Makes the current selection either opaque or transparent.
6869Cruthaichidh seo dath ùr. Creates a new color.
6870Uses a previously saved palette of colors. Uses a previously saved palette of colors.
6871Saves the current palette of colors to a file. Saves the current palette of colors to a file.
6872Fosgail Paint 3D Open Paint 3D
7057Feumaidh tu faidhle a shàbhaladh mus tagh thu e mar chùlaibh deasga. You must save the file before choosing it as desktop background.
20000Paint Paint
20001Dealbhan o chionn ghoirid Recent pictures
20002Ù&r &New
20003&Fosgail &Open
20004&Sàbhail &Save
20005Sàbhail &mar Sa&ve as
20006Sà&bhail mar Save &as
20007Sàbhail mar Save as
20008&Dealbh PNG &PNG picture
20009&Dealbh JPEG &JPEG picture
20010&Dealbh BMP &BMP picture
20011&Dealbh GIF &GIF picture
20012&Fòrmatan eile &Other formats
20013Cl&ò-bhuail P&rint
20014&Clò-bhuail &Print
20015Clò-bhuail Print
20016Suidheachadh na &duilleige Page &setup
20017R&o-shealladh a' chlò-bhualaidh Print pre&view
20018&O sganair no camara Fro&m scanner or camera
20019Cuir air a' phost-&d Sen&d in email
20020Suidhich mar ch&ùlaibh an deasga Set as desktop bac&kground
20021S&uidhich mar chùlaibh an deasga Set as desktop &background
20022Suidhich mar chùlaibh an deasga Set as desktop background
20023&Leacag &Tile
20024&Meadhanaich &Center
20025&Lìon &Fill
20026Roghainn&ean Prop&erties
20027Mu dhèidh&inn Peant Abou&t Paint
20028F&àg E&xit
20029&Ùraich an sgrìobhainn &Update document
20030Sàbhail an lethbhreac mar Save copy as
20031Sàbhail an lethbhreac &mar Save copy &as
20032F&àg an-seo 's till dhan sgrìobhainn E&xit and return to document
21000Dachaigh Home
21100Bòrd-stòraidh Clipboard
21101&Paste &Paste
21102&Cuir ann &Paste
21103Cuir ann &o Paste &from
21104Gear&r Cu&t
21105&Dèan lethbhreac &Copy
21200Dealbh Image
21201Select Select
21202Tagh Select
21203&Taghadh ceart-cheàrnach &Rectangular selection
21204&Taghadh saor-chruthach &Free-form selection
21205Tagh na h-&uile Select &all
21206A&is-thionndaidh an taghadh &Invert selection
21207&Sguab às &Delete
21208&Taghadh trìd-shoilleir &Transparent selection
21209Cumaidhean taghaidh Selection shapes
21210Roghainnean taghaidh Selection options
21211B&earr C&rop
21212Atharraich am &meud Re&size
21213Cuairt&ich R&otate
21214C&uairtich le 90° dhan taobh deas Rotate &right 90°
21215Cuairtich &le 90° dhan taobh chlì Rotate &left 90°
21216Cuairt&ich le 180° Ro&tate 180°
21217Thoir flip &inghearach dheth Flip &vertical
21218T&hoir flip chòmhnard dheth Flip &horizontal
21300Innealan Tools
21301Peansail Pencil
21302Lìon le dath Fill with color
21303Teacsa Text
21304Suathan Eraser
21305Roghnaichear nan dathan Color picker
21306Am meudaichear Magnifier
21401Bruisean Brushes
21500Cruthan Shapes
21502Oir-&loidhne Out&line
21601Meud Size
21700Dathan Colors
21702Dath 1 Color 1
21703Dath 2 Color 2
21704Deasaich na dathan Edit colors
22000Sealladh View
22100Sùm Zoom
22101Sùm a-steach Zoom in
22102Sùm a-mach Zoom out
22103100% 100%
22200Seall no falaich Show or hide
22201Rùilearan Rulers
22202Loidhnichean-griod Gridlines
22203Bàr na staide Status bar
22300Taisbeanadh Display
22303Dealbhag Thumbnail
22304Làn-sgrìn Full screen
23000Innealan teacsa Text Tools
23100Cruth-clò Font
23200Cùlaibh Background
23201Trìd-dhoilleir Opaque
23202Trìd-shoilleir Transparent
24000Ro-shealladh a' chlò-bhualaidh Print Preview
24203Aon duilleag One page
24204Dà dhuilleag Two pages
24300Ro-shealladh Preview
24301An ath-dhuilleag Next page
24302An duilleag roimhe Previous page
24401Dùin ro-shealladh a' chlò-bhualaidh Close print preview
31001Neo-dhèan Undo
31002Ath-dhèan Redo
32012Ais-thionnd&aidh na dathan Inv&ert color
33000Cobhair Help
36001Ùr (Ctrl+N) New (Ctrl+N)
36002Fosgail (Ctrl+O) Open (Ctrl+O)
36003Sàbhail (Ctrl+S) Save (Ctrl+S)
36004Clò-bhuail (Ctrl+P) Print (Ctrl+P)
36006Cuir air a' phost-d Email
36007Neo-dhèan (Ctrl+Z) Undo (Ctrl+Z)
36008Ath-dhèan (Ctrl+Y) Redo (Ctrl+Y)
36009Peant Paint
36011Sàbhail mar (F12) Save as (F12)
36012O sganair no camara From scanner or camera
36013Desktop background Desktop background
36014Cùlaibh deasga Desktop background
36015Buadhan (Ctrl+E) Properties (Ctrl+E)
36019Save copy as Save copy as
36021Paste (Ctrl+V) Paste (Ctrl+V)
36022Cuir ann (Ctrl+V) Paste (Ctrl+V)
36023Cuir ann o Paste from
36024Gearr (Ctrl+X) Cut (Ctrl+X)
36025Dèan lethbhreac (Ctrl+C) Copy (Ctrl+C)
36026Selection Selection
36027Taghadh Selection
36028Rectangular selection Rectangular selection
36029Taghadh saor-chruthach Free-form selection
36030Tagh na h-uile (Ctrl+A) Select all (Ctrl+A)
36031Invert selection Invert selection
36032Sguab às an taghadh Delete selection
36033Taghadh trìd-shoilleir Transparent selection
36034Bearr (Ctrl+Shift+X) Crop (Ctrl+Shift+X)
36035Atharraich meud is sgiubhaich (Ctrl+W) Resize and skew (Ctrl+W)
36036Cuairtich no thoir flip dheth Rotate or flip
36037Cuairtich le 90° dhan taobh deas Rotate right 90°
36038Cuairtich le 90° dhan taobh chlì Rotate left 90°
36039Cuairtich le 180° Rotate 180°
36040Thoir flip inghearach dheth Flip vertical
36041Thoir flip chòmhnard dheth Flip horizontal
36050Oir-loidhne crutha Shape outline
36051Lìonadh crutha Shape fill
36056Meud (Ctrl++, Ctrl+-) Size (Ctrl++, Ctrl+-)
36057Dath 1 (dath a' bheulaibh) Color 1 (foreground color)
36058Dath 2 (dath a' chùlaibh) Color 2 (background color)
36060Sùm a-steach (Ctrl+PgUp) Zoom in (Ctrl+PgUp)
36061Sùm a-mach (Ctrl+PgDn) Zoom out (Ctrl+PgDn)
36063Rùilearan (Ctrl+R) Rulers (Ctrl+R)
36064Loidhnichean-griod (Ctrl+G) Gridlines (Ctrl+G)
36066Làn-sgrìn (F11) Full screen (F11)
36067Cùlaibh trìd-dhoilleir Opaque background
36068Cùlaibh trìd-shoilleir Transparent background
36070Zoom out Zoom out
36071One page One page
36072Two pages Two pages
36074Previous page Previous page
36075Close print preview Close print preview
36076Cobhair le Peant (F1) Paint Help (F1)
36077Save as (F12) Save as (F12)
36078Sàbhail dealbh no tarraing de chàileachd àrd is cleachd e air a' choimpiutair agad no air an lìon. Save a photo or drawing with high quality and use it on your computer or on the web.
36079Sàbhail dealbh de dheagh-chàileachd is cleachd e air a' choimpiutair agad, ann am post-d no air an lìon. Save a photo with good quality and use it on your computer, in email, or on the web.
36080Sàbhail seòrsa sam bith de dhealbh aig càileachd àrd is cleachd e air a' choimpiutair agad. Save any kind of picture with high quality and use it on your computer.
36081Sàbhail tarraing shimplidh de chàileachd nas ìsle 's cleachd e ann am post-d no air an lìon. Save a simple drawing with lower quality and use it in email or on the web.
36082Fosgail am bogsa còmhraidh "Sàbhail mar" gus taghadh a dhèanamh eadar iomadh seòrsa faidhle. Open the Save As dialog box to select from all possible file types.
36083Tagh clò-bhualadair, àireamh nan lethbhreac is roghainnean eile mus dèan thu clò-bhualadh. Select a printer, number of copies, and other printing options before printing.
36084Atharraich co-dhealbhachd an deilbh. Change the layout of the picture.
36085Faic an ro-shealladh is dèan atharraichean mus clò-bhuail thu e. Preview and make changes before printing.
36086Leacaich dealbh ach an nochd e a-rithist 's a-rithist gus an lìon e an sgrìn air fad. Tile the picture so it repeats and fills the entire screen.
36087Cuir an dealbh am meadhan na sgrìn. Center the picture in the middle of the screen.
36088Lìon an sgrìn air fad leis an dealbh. Fill the entire screen with the picture.
36090Invert color (Ctrl+Shift+I) Invert color (Ctrl+Shift+I)
36101Briog an-seo gus an dealbh agad fhosgladh, a shàbhaladh, no a chlò-bhualadh is a chum iomadh rud eile as urrainn dhut dèanamh leis. Click here to open, save, or print and to see everything else you can do with your picture.
36102Cruthaich dealbh ùr. Create a new picture.
36103Fosgail dealbh a tha ann mu thràth. Open an existing picture.
36104Sàbhail an dealbh làithreach. Save the current picture.
36105Save the current picture as a new file. Save the current picture as a new file.
36106Sàbhail an dealbh làithreach mar fhaidhle ùr. Save the current picture as a new file.
36107Clò-bhuail an dealbh làithreach. Print the current picture.
36109Ion-phortaich o sganair no camara. Import from scanner or camera.
36110Cuir lethbhreac dhen dealbh mar cheanglachan an cois teachdaireachd puist-d. Send a copy of the picture in an email message as an attachment.
36112Set the current picture as your desktop background. Set the current picture as your desktop background.
36113Suidhich an dealbh làithreach mar chùlaibh do dheasga. Set the current picture as your desktop background.
36114Atharraich roghainnean an deilbh seo. Change the properties of the picture.
36117Briog an-seo airson tuilleadh roghainnean, can a' cur ann susbaint on bhòrd-stòraidh no o fhaidhle Click here for more options, such as pasting contents from the Clipboard or from a file
36118Cuir ann an t-susbaint a tha air a' bhòrd-stòraidh. Paste the contents of the Clipboard.
36119Seall am bogsa còmhraidh airson "Cuir ann o" 's tagh faidhle gus a chur ann. Show the Paste From dialog box and pick a file to paste.
36120Gearr an taghadh às a' chanabhas is cuir dhan bhòrd-stòraidh e. Cut the selection from the canvas and put it on the Clipboard.
36121Dèan lethbhreac dhen taghadh air a' chanabhas is cuir dhan bhòrd-stòraidh e. Copy the selection from the canvas and put it on the Clipboard.
36122Briog an-seo gus cruthan is roghainnean a thaghadh. Click here for selection shapes and options.
36123Tagh pàirt dhen dealbh. Select a part of the picture.
36124Tagh raon ceart-cheàrnach 's tu a' tarraing air a' chanabhas. Select a rectangular area by drawing on the canvas.
36125Tagh raon de chruth sam bith 's tu a' tarraing air a' chanabhas. Select an area of any shape by drawing on the canvas.
36126Tagh an dealbh iomlan. Select the entire picture.
36127Cuir an taghadh làithreach bun os cionn. Reverse the current selection.
36128Sguab an taghadh seo às a' chanabhas. Delete the current selection from the canvas.
36129Dèan dath a' chùlaibh san taghadh trìd-shoilleir no trìd-dhoilleir. Make the background color in the selection transparent or opaque.
36134Bearr an dealbh gus nach bi ann ach an taghadh seo. Crop the picture so it only contains the current selection.
36135Atharraich meud an deilbh no an taghaidh is sgiubhaich e. Resize and skew the picture or selection.
36136Cuairtich is thoir flip dhen dealbh no taghadh. Rotate or flip the picture or selection.
36137Cuairtich an dealbh no an taghadh le 90 puing dhan taobh dheas. Rotate the picture or selection by 90 degrees right.
36138Cuairtich an dealbh no an taghadh le 90 puing dhan taobh chlì. Rotate the picture or selection by 90 degrees left.
36139Cuairtich an dealbh no an taghadh le 180 puing. Rotate the picture or selection by 180 degrees.
36140Thoir flip inghearach dhen dealbh no dhen taghadh. Flip the picture or selection vertically.
36141Thoir flip chòmhnard dhen dealbh no dhen taghadh. Flip the picture or selection horizontally.
36142Tarraing loidhne shaor leis an leud loidhne a thagh thu. Draw a free-form line with the selected line width.
36143Briog air raon air a' chanabhas is lìon e le dath a' bheulaibh, no dèan briogadh deas gus a lìonadh le dath a' chùlaibh. Click an area on the canvas to fill it with the foreground color, or right-click to fill it will the background color.
36144Cuir teacsa a-steach dhan dealbh. Insert text into the picture.
36145Suath às pàirt dhen dealbh is cuir dath a' chùlaibh na àite. Erase part of the picture and replace it with the background color.
36146Tagh dath on dealbh is cleachd e airson tarraing. Pick a color from the picture and use it for drawing.
36147Atharraich am meudachadh airson pàirt dhen dealbh. Change the magnification for a part of the picture.
36148Tarraing le diofar bhruisean. Draw with different kinds of brushes.
36149Cuir a-steach cruthan ullamh mar ceart-cheàrnaich is cearcaill, triantan, saighdean, rionnagan is gairmean. Insert ready-made shapes such as rectangles and circles, triangles, arrows, stars, and callouts.
36150Tagh am meadhan airson oir-loidhne a' chrutha. Select the medium for the shape outline.
36151Tagh am meadhan airson lìonadh a' chrutha. Select the medium for the shape fill.
36156Tagh leud an inneil a thagh thu. Select the width for the selected tool.
36157Briog an-seo 's tagh dath o phailead nan dathan. Thèid an dath seo a chleachdadh leis a' pheansail, bruis no oir-loidhne crutha. Click here and then select a color from the color palette. This color is used with the pencil and with brushes, as well as for shape outlines.
36158Briog an-seo 's tagh dath o phailead nan dathan. Thèid an dath seo a chleachdadh leis an t-suathan is lìonadh nan cruth. Click here and then select a color from the color palette. This color is used with the eraser and for shape fills.
36159Tagh dath o phailead nan dathan. Select a color from the color palette.
36160Sùm a-steach air an dealbh làithreach. Zoom in on the current picture.
36161Sùm a-mach on dealbh làithreach. Zoom out on the current picture.
36162Cruthaich a’ chiad modail 3D agad fhèin. Make your first 3D model.
36163Seall is cleachd rùilearan gus nithean san dealbh agad a chur ann an loidhne no an tomhas. View and use rulers to line up and measure objects in your picture.
36164Faic is cleachd loidhnichean-griod gus nithean san dealbh a cho-thaobhadh. View and use gridlines to align objects in your picture.
36165Seall no falaich uinneag nan dealbhag. Show or hide the Thumbnail window.
36166Faic an dealbh san làn-sgrìn. View the picture in full screen.
36168Zoom out on the current picture. Zoom out on the current picture.
36169Zoom the picture so that one page fits in the window. Zoom the picture so that one page fits in the window.
36172Zoom the picture so that two pages fit in the window. Zoom the picture so that two pages fit in the window.
36173Rach gun ath-dhuilleag san dealbh. Go to the next page in the picture.
36174Rach dhan duilleag roimhe san dealbh. Go to the previous page in the picture.
36175Dùin an ro-shealladh clò-bhualaidh is till dhan dealbh agad. Close print preview and return to your picture.
36176Neo-dhèan an gnìomh mu dheireadh. Undo last action.
36177Ath-dhèan an gnìomh mu dheireadh. Redo last action.
36178Faigh cobhair le Peant. Get help on using Paint.
36179Seall no falaich bàr na staide aig bonn na h-uinneige. Show or hide status bar at the bottom of the window.
36201F F
36202N N
36203O O
36204S S
36206A A
36208P P
36209J J
36210B B
36211G G
36213W W
36217V V
36218M M
36219D D
36222T T
36223C C
36225E E
36227X X
36228U U
36232H H
36241SE SE
36243R R
36246I I
36249RP RP
36250RE RE
36251RO RO
36253L L
36258K K
36260ER ER
36264SH SH
36268SZ SZ
362691 1
362702 2
36271EC EC
36274P3 P3
406011px 1px
406022px 2px
406033px 3px
406044px 4px
406055px 5px
406066px 6px
406088px 8px
4061010px 10px
4061616px 16px
4062424px 24px
4063030px 30px
4064040px 40px
50001Resets the text to be without any attributes. Resets the text to be without any attributes.
50002Sets or clears the text bold attribute. Sets or clears the text bold attribute.
50003Sets or clears the text italic attribute. Sets or clears the text italic attribute.
50004Selects the font used by the text. Selects the font used by the text.
50005Selects the point size of the text. Selects the point size of the text.
50006Sets or clears the text underline attribute. Sets or clears the text underline attribute.
50023Cannot save file. Cannot save file.
50024Get Colors Get Colors
50026Save Colors Save Colors
50030Select Color Select Color
50031Chan eil e ri fhaighinn Not Available
50032%1 %2 %1 %2
50033%1%2 %1%2
50034%1 DPI %1 DPI
50036&Na sàbhail Do&n't Save
50037A bheil thu airson na dh'atharraich thu air %1 a shàbhaladh? Do you want to save changes to %1?
50038Painting Painting
50043× ×
50044, ,
50045òirlich in
50046cm cm
50047px px
50050Shows or hides the thumbnail. Shows or hides the thumbnail.
5010800000000000000000 00000000000000000
501120 0
50114The file is not in the correct format. The file is not in the correct format.
50116Sù&m Zoo&m
50117+ +
50118- -
50119%s%% %s%%
50126Size: None Size: None
50127Meud: %1%2 Size: %1%2
50130%1%2%3%4%5 %1%2%3%4%5
50141%1 (Air aiseag) %1 (Recovered)
50142Bheir Peant comas dhut dealbhan a chruthachadh is a dheasachadh le diofar chruthan, bhruisean is dathan. Paint allows users to create and edit drawings by using a variety of shapes, brushes, and colors.
50147An sleamhnachan sùmaidh Zoom slider
50148KB KB
50149MB MB
50150GB GB
50301Gun oir-loidhne No outline
50302Dath soladach Solid color
50303Crèidhean Crayon
50304Comharraichear Marker
50305Ola Oil
50306Peansail nàdarra Natural pencil
50307Dath-uisge Watercolor
50351Gun lìonadh No fill
50412An ìre sùmaidh Zoom level
5041611 11
50417Segoe UI Segoe UI
50418Chan urrainn dhuinn am faidhle seo fhosgladh. We can’t open this file
50419Cha cheadaich am buidheann agad e no tha duilgheadas le crioptachadh an fhaidhle ann. Either your organization doesn’t allow it, or there’s a problem with the file’s encryption.
50420Stiùirichidh am buidheann agad am faidhle seo Your organization will manage this file
50421Am buidheann agad a’ stiùireadh na susbaint a tha thu airson cur ann an-seo. Ma leanas tu air adhart, stiùirichidh e am faidhle seo cuideachd. Your organization manages the content that you want to paste here. If you continue, it will manage this file too.
59414Dealbh bitmap ùr New Bitmap Image
59418Dealbh Paintbrush Paintbrush Picture
59419Dealbh bitmap Bitmap Image
59420&Deasaich &Edit
59422Paint Document Paint Document
59500Deasaich le Paint 3D Edit with Paint 3D
59502Cha deach leinn Paint 3D a thòiseachadh. Dèan cinnteach gun deach a stàladh. Launching Paint 3D failed. Please make sure it is installed.
59992Sùm gu 100%. Zoom to 100%.
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000002Error Error
0x50000004Information Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-MSPaint Microsoft-Windows-MSPaint
0xB0000001Intializing current instance of the application Intializing current instance of the application
0xB0000002Exiting current Instance of the application Exiting current Instance of the application
0xB0000003MSPaint Launch Start MSPaint Launch Start
0xB0000004MSPaint Launch End MSPaint Launch End
0xB0000005MSPaint Exit Start MSPaint Exit Start
0xB0000006MSPaint Exit End MSPaint Exit End
0xB0000007Select Tool(ID: %1) Start Select Tool(ID: %1) Start
0xB0000008Select Tool End Select Tool End
0xB0000009Commit Tool(ID: %1)b Start Commit Tool(ID: %1)b Start
0xB000000ACommit Tool End Commit Tool End
0xB000000BUndo Start Undo Start
0xB000000CUndo End Undo End
0xB000000DChange Tool(ID: %1) Thickness(%2) Change Tool(ID: %1) Thickness(%2)
0xB000000EChange Stroke Color(RGB: %1) Change Stroke Color(RGB: %1)
0xB000000FChange Fill Color(RGB: %1) Change Fill Color(RGB: %1)
0xB0000010Change DrawMode(%1) Change DrawMode(%1)
0xB0000011Change Brush CrossSection(%1) Change Brush CrossSection(%1)
0xB0000012Change Caligraphic Brush CrossSection(%1) Change Caligraphic Brush CrossSection(%1)
0xB0000013Change Glitter Color(%1) Change Glitter Color(%1)
0xB0000014Error enabling/disabling RTS Error enabling/disabling RTS
0xB0000015Failed to load msftedit.dll Failed to load msftedit.dll
0xB0000016Start measure paint lag Start measure paint lag
0xB0000017Stop measure paint lag Stop measure paint lag
0xB0000018Recieved RTS Packet Recieved RTS Packet
0xB0000019Start save drawing Start save drawing
0xB000001AStop save drawing Stop save drawing
0xB000001BStart open image Start open image
0xB000001CStop open image Stop open image
0xB000001DStart flip operation Start flip operation
0xB000001EStop flip operation Stop flip operation
0xB000001FStart rotate operation Start rotate operation
0xB0000020Stop rotate operation Stop rotate operation
0xB0000021Start crop operation Start crop operation
0xB0000022Stop crop operation Stop crop operation
0xB0000023Start invert color operation Start invert color operation
0xB0000024Stop invert color operation Stop invert color operation
0xB0000025Start resize skew operation Start resize skew operation
0xB0000026Stop resize skew operation Stop resize skew operation


File Name:mspaint.exe.mui
File Size:58 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:58368
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Cornish
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Peant
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MSPAINT
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Gach còir glèidhte.
Original File Name:MSPAINT.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is mspaint.exe.mui?

mspaint.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Cornish language for file mspaint.exe (Peant).

File version info

File Description:Peant
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MSPAINT
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Gach còir glèidhte.
Original Filename:MSPAINT.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x491, 1200