printui.dll.mui Interface de usuario da configuración da impresora dd78805b688118f42f911afeccf5015b

File info

File name: printui.dll.mui
Size: 115712 byte
MD5: dd78805b688118f42f911afeccf5015b
SHA1: f3b43b3897a2ba410d6fef99411ea3c23cfedfbf
SHA256: e52313cbb97d63b5b23d89331aec72f5505e725c90e2e27f1355213280034349
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Galician language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Galician English
502Instala a impresora seleccionada. Installs the selected printer.
503Interrompe a impresión nesta impresora. Pauses printing on this printer.
504Cancela todas as impresións de documentos nesta impresora. Cancels all print documents on this printer.
505Especifica que a impresora seleccionada é a predefinida. Specifies that the selected printer is the default printer.
506Mostra as propiedades de compartimento desta impresora. Displays sharing properties for this printer.
507Actualizar a información dos elementos. Refresh item information.
508Mostra as propiedades desta impresora. Displays the properties of this printer.
509Pecha a ventá. Closes the window.
510Mostra as súas preferencias predefinidas para esta impresora. Displays your default preferences for this printer.
511Utilizar esta impresora sen liña Use this printer offline
512Descarga e instala un controlador actualizado desde o servidor de impresión. Downloads and installs an updated driver from the print server.
602Interrompe os documentos seleccionados. Pauses the selected documents.
603Retoma os documentos seleccionados. Resumes the selected documents.
604Reinicia os documentos seleccionados. Restarts the selected documents.
605Cancela os documentos seleccionados. Cancels the selected documents.
606Mostra as propiedades dos elementos seleccionados. Displays the properties of the selected items.
702Mostra ou oculta a barra de estado. Shows or hides the status bar.
12001Asistente para a instalación de impresoras de rede Network Printer Installation Wizard
12003Título Title
12004Subtítulo Sub Title
12005Configuración de nome e compartimento de impresora Printer Name and Sharing Settings
12006Pode dar un nome amigable á impresora e especificar se pode ser utilizada por outras persoas. You can give the printer a friendly name and specify whether other people can use the printer.
12007Instalación da impresora Printer Installation
12008Escolla un método de instalación. Pick an installation method.
12009Controlador da impresora Printer Driver
12010Escolla un controlador para a nova impresora. Pick a driver for the new printer.
12011Impresora localizada Printer Found
12012A impresora está pronta para ser instalada. Revise a configuración e prema Seguinte para instalala. The printer is ready to be installed. Please review the printer settings below, and then click Next to install the printer.
12013Enderezo da impresora Printer Address
12014Pode introducir o nome de rede ou enderezo IP da impresora. You can type the printer's network name or IP address.
12016Seleccione o fabricante e o modelo da impresora. Select the manufacturer and model of your printer.
12017Escolla a súa impresora na lista. Prema Windows Update para ver máis modelos.

Para instalar o controlador desde un CD de instalación, prema Utilizar disco.
Choose your printer from the list. Click Windows Update to see more models.

To install the driver from an installation CD, click Have Disk.
12018Detectando o modelo de controlador... Detecting the driver model...
12019Windows está a detectar o controlador da impresora que desexa utilizar. Windows is detecting the printer driver to use.
12020Asistente para a instalación de impresora de rede en %s Network Printer Installation Wizard on %s
12021Busca de impresora de rede Network Printer Search
12022Escolla unha impresora para instalar. Pick a printer to install.
12023Escolla a súa impresora na lista. Para instalar o controlador desde un CD de instalación, prema Utilizar disco. Choose your printer from the list. To install the driver from an installation CD, click Have Disk.
12102Instalando controlador... Installing driver...
12103Instalación do controlador realizada con éxito. Driver installation succeeded.
12104Non foi posible instalar o controlador. Driver installation failed.
12105Instalando impresora... Installing printer...
12106Instalación da impresora realizada con éxito. Printer installation succeeded.
12107Non foi posible instalar a impresora. Printer installation failed.
12108O enderezo non é válido. Introduza un enderezo válido e tente de novo. The address is not valid. Please enter a valid address and try again.
12109O nome de porto non é válido. Introduza un nome válido e tente de novo. The port name is not valid. Please enter a valid name and try again.
12110Xa hai un porto con ese nome. Escolla outro nome. A port with that name already exists. Choose another port name.
12111Non é posible cargar as páxinas do asistente para o porto TCP/IP estándar. Cannot load wizard pages for standard TCP/IP port.
12112Non se encontrou ningún controlador compatible. Compatible driver cannot be found.
12115Non é posible iniciar o Asistente para a instalación da impresora de rede. The Network Printer Installation Wizard cannot be launched.
12116O Asistente para a instalación da impresora de rede non está admitido nesta configuración de hardware. The Network Printer Installation Wizard is not supported in this hardware configuration.
12300&Buscar novamente &Search again
12301&Parar &Stop
12302Windows non conseguiu iniciar a busca de impresoras de rede. Configure a impresora manualmente. Windows could not start the search for network printers. Please set up your printer manually.
12303Detección automática Autodetect
12304Controlador TCP/IP TCP/IP Device
12305Impresora de servizos web Web Services Printer
12306Impresora segura de servizos web Web Services Secure Printer
12307Windows non conseguiu iniciar a parte TCP/IP desta busca porque xa hai en execución outra busca TCP/IP. Para executar a parte TCP/IP da busca agarde até que conclúan as outras buscas e tente de novo. Windows could not start the TCP/IP printer part of this search because another TCP/IP search is already running. To run the TCP/IP part of the search wait until other printer searches have finished and try again.
12308Verifique que a rede e IPv4 están correctamente configurados e activados. Confirm networking and IPv4 are configured correctly and enabled.
12320Windows non conseguiu comunicarse coa impresora WSD. Verifique que a impresora está en liña e conectada á rede. Windows could not communicate with the WSD printer. Please check that the printer is online & connected to the network.
12321Windows non conseguiu instalar a impresora WSD co controlador seleccionado. Seleccione un controlador diferente. Windows could not install the WSD printer with the driver you have selected. Please select a different driver.
12323Windows non conseguiu instalar a impresora porque xa está instalada no servidor de impresión. Windows cannot install the printer because it is already installed on the print server.
12324Windows non conseguiu engadir o controlador ao arquivo de controladores do servidor. Verifique que o controlador está asinado e que é de confianza. Windows could not add the driver to the driver store on the server. Please check that the driver is signed and trusted.
12326Non é posible iniciar o Asistente para a instalación da impresora de rede. Asegúrese de que o servizo do xestor de impresión do servidor está a se executar e de que está dispoñible para computadores cliente. The Network Printer Installation wizard cannot be launched. Make sure that the print spooler service on the server is running and available to client computers.
14336Eliminando Deleting
14337Papel atascado Paper Jam
14338Sen papel Out of Paper
14339Alimentación manual requirida Manual Feed Required
14340Problema co papel Paper Problem
14341Sen conexión Offline
14342E/S activa I/O Active
14343Ocupado Busy
14344Imprimindo Printing
14345Bandexa de saída chea Output Bin Full
14346Non dispoñible Not Available
14347Agardando Waiting
14348Procesando Processing
14349Iniciando Initializing
14350Preparando Warming Up
14351Pouco(a) tóner/tinta Toner/Ink Low
14352Sen tóner/tinta No Toner/Ink
14353Cancelación de impresión de páxina Page Punt
14354Atención Attention Required
14355Memoria insuficiente Out of Memory
14356Porta aberta Door Open
14357Estado do servidor descoñecido Server Status Unknown
14358Modo de economización de enerxía Power Save Mode
14359En pausa Paused
14360Erro Error
14361Na fila Spooling
14362Impreso Printed
14363Enviado á impresora Sent to printer
14364É preciso actualizar o controlador Driver Update Needed
14594Porto Port
14595Propietario Owner
14603Estado Status
14605Nome do documento Document Name
14608Enviado Submitted
14612Páxinas Pages
14614Tamaño Size
14848PrintUI PrintUI
14849Interface de usuario da impresión Print User Interface
14850Windows (TM) Windows (TM)
14851Vai eliminar os portos seleccionados. You are about to delete the selected ports.
14852Impresora Printer
14853Vai eliminar o porto co nome %s. You are about to delete the port named %s.
14854Eliminar porto Delete Port
14855%u bytes %u bytes
14858cm cm
14859pol in
14864Abrindo Opening
14866Actualizando Refreshing
14867Non se puido abrir. Estase a tentar de novo Failed to open, retrying
14868%d documento(s) en fila de espera %d document(s) in queue
14869Erro ao procesar o comando. Error processing command.
14870Procesando o comando Processing command
14871Non se encontrou ningunha impresora no servidor. Non é posible conectarse Printer not found on server, unable to connect
14872Acceso negado. Non é posible conectarse Access denied, unable to connect
14873Non é posible conectarse Unable to connect
14874Se modifica o controlador da impresora gardaranse as alteracións e aparecerán as propiedades do novo controlador, que poderán parecer diferentes. Desexa continuar? If you change the printer driver, your changes will be saved and the properties for the new driver will appear. The properties for the new driver may look different. Do you want to continue?
14875Si Yes
14876O administrador bloqueou as actualizacións de estado Status updates blocked by administrator
14911Windows 2000 Intel Windows 2000 Intel
14915Windows 2001 IA64 Windows 2001 IA64
14917Windows 2003 x64 Windows 2003 x64
14928Windows ARM Windows ARM
14929Windows ARM64 Windows ARM64
14931Sen acceso No Access
14932Imprimir Print
14933Xestión de documentos Manage Documents
14934Control total Full Control
14935&Imprimir &Print
14936&Control total &Full Control
14937&Eliminar &Delete
14938&Modificar permisos &Change Permissions
14939&Obter propiedade &Take Ownership
14945Descrición Description
14960Páxinas separadoras (*.sep) Separator Pages (*.sep)
14961*.sep *.sep
14962Todos os ficheiros (*.*) All files (*.*)
14963*.* *.*
14964Propiedades do servidor de impresión Print Server Properties
14965Para que as modificacións teñan efecto
apague e reinicie este computador.
You must shut down and restart this computer
before the new settings will take effect.
14966Para que a nova configuración xurda efecto
apague e reinicie %s.
You must shut down and restart %s
before the new settings will take effect.
14970Propiedades do servidor Server Properties
14971É necesario definir polo menos unha impresora para utilizar formularios. At least one printer must be defined to use forms.
14980Nome Name
14981Procesador Processor
14982Tipo Type
14983Instalado Installed
14991Tempo activo Up Time
14992Hora de inicio Start Time
14993Traballos Jobs
14994Media de bytes/tarefa Average Bytes/Job
14995Total de tarefas Total Jobs
14996Total de bytes Total Bytes
15104Preferencias de impresión Printing Preferences
15105Non se puideron modificar as preferencias de impresión. Printing Preferences could not be modified.
15107Non se puido gardar a configuración da impresora. Printer settings could not be saved.
15109Acceso negado. Access denied.
15111Eliminar impresora Remove Printer
15112Non se pode eliminar a conexión da impresora. Printer connection cannot be removed.
15113Non se pode eliminar a impresora. Printer cannot be removed.
15114Engadir impresora Add Printer
15115Non foi posible mudar o nome da impresora polo nome especificado. Failed to rename the printer to the name specified.
15116Non foi posible definir un nome amigable para a impresora. Failed to set the friendly name of the printer.
15117Non se pode gardar a configuración debido a un erro anterior. Settings cannot be saved due to a previous error.
15119Só será posible activar o agrupamento de impresoras se selecciona máis dun porto. Para desactivar o agrupamento de impresoras e continuar, prema Aceptar. Para seleccionar portos adicionais, prema Cancelar e seleccione, polo menos, un porto. Printer pooling cannot be enabled unless more than one port is selected. To disable printer pooling and continue, click OK. To select additional printer ports, click Cancel and select at least one additional port.
15120Debe seleccionar polo menos un porto. You must select at least one port.
15121Produciuse un erro durante a configuración do porto. An error occurred during port configuration.
15126Non ten permiso para efectuar esa operación. You do not have permission to perform that operation.
15127Propiedades da impresora Printer Properties
15128Non é posible mostrar as propiedades da impresora. Printer properties cannot be displayed.
15129Só se mostrarán as propiedades do xestor de impresión. Only spooler properties will be displayed.
15130Non se pode establecer a impresora predefinida. Default printer cannot be set.
15131Non se poden mostrar as propiedades do documento. Document properties cannot be displayed.
15132Propiedades do documento Document Properties
15133Non se poden gardar as propiedades do documento. Talvez non teña permiso para efectuar esta operación. Document properties cannot be saved. You may not have permission to perform this operation.
15134O tempo do documento especificado está en conflito co tempo da impresora. Specified document's time conflicts with the printer's time.
15136Non se pode mostrar a caixa de diálogo do controlador actual. Existing driver dialog cannot be displayed.
15137Non se pode mostrar a configuración da páxina separadora. Separator page settings cannot be displayed.
15138Non se pode mostrar a caixa de diálogo para engadir portos. Add port dialog cannot be displayed.
15139Non se pode mostrar a caixa de diálogo do procesador de impresión. Print processor dialog cannot be displayed.
15140Non se pode instalar o monitor do porto da impresora. Printer port monitor cannot be installed.
15141A páxina separadora non existe. Separator page does not exist.
15142Windows non conseguiu engadir a impresora. Esta situación pode deberse a problemas relacionados cos recursos. Peche outras aplicacións e tente novamente. Windows was not able to add the printer. This can be caused by resource problems. Please close other applications and try again.
15146Non se puido engadir o formulario %s. Form %s could not be added.
15147Non se puido eliminar o formulario %s. Form %s could not be deleted.
15148Non se puido definir o formulario %s. Form %s could not be set.
15149O nome de formulario que tenta engadir está en conflito cun formulario xa existente. Modifíqueo e tente de novo. The name of the form you are trying to add conflicts with an existing form. Modify the form name and try again.
15150Non se pode eliminar o porto seleccionado. Selected port cannot be deleted.
15151A localización do directorio do xestor do servidor non é válida. Server spool directory location is invalid.
15152Non se pode gardar a configuración do servidor. Unable to save server settings.
15153Engadir portos de impresora Add Printer Ports
15154Non están dispoñibles as propiedades deste elemento. The properties for this item are not available.
15155Algúns dos portos seleccionados non se poden eliminar. Some of the selected ports cannot be deleted.
15156Engadir impresora en %s Add Printer on %s
15157Windows non pode abrir Engadir impresora. Windows can't open Add Printer.
15159Asistente para engadir impresoras en %s Add Printer Driver Wizard on %s
15160Benvido(a) ao Asistente para engadir controladores de impresoras en %s Welcome to the Add Printer Driver Wizard on %s
15198Non se pode instalar o porto de impresora especificado. Unable to install the specified printer port.
15201Non se pode mostrar a lista de selección de controladores alternativos. Alternate driver selection list cannot be displayed.
15202Non se pode determinar o tipo de plataforma de computador especificado nin a versión do controlador. The specified computer's platform type and driver version cannot be determined.
15203Non se pode instalar o controlador predefinido. Default driver cannot be installed.
15209Non se poden mostrar as propiedades avanzadas do servidor de impresión. Pode estar a ver a configuración dun computador que está a executar unha versión anterior de Windows. Advanced print server properties cannot be displayed. You may be viewing the settings of a computer running a previous version of Windows.
15210Servidor de impresión remoto %s. Remote print server %s.
15211O controlador da impresora non está dispoñible. Para copiar o controlador da impresora no computador, estableza unha conexión coa impresora. Printer driver is not available. To copy the printer driver to your computer, make a connection to this printer.
15212Non se poden instalar controladores alternativos. Alternate drivers cannot be installed.
15216Non ten acceso a esta impresora. Non se mostrarán algúns dos separadores. You do not have access to this printer. Some of the tabs will be missing.
15217Non se pode modificar o controlador especificado. Vaise restaurar a configuración orixinal. Unable to change to the specified driver, original settings will be restored.
15219Erro ao abrir a impresora Error Opening Printer
15220Non hai ningunha impresora %s no computador. Printer %s does not exist on the computer.
15224Pechar Close
15225Non se poden ver as propiedades do servidor. Server properties cannot be viewed.
15226Non ten permisos para ver as propiedades do servidor. Só se mostrará o separador de seguranza. You do not have permission to view server properties. Only the security tab will be displayed.
15228O nome da impresora compartida contén un espazo á esquerda. Se a páxina de proba non se imprimiu, o administrador de rede eliminará ese espazo. The printer share name contains a trailing space. If the test page does not print, have your network administrator remove the trailing space.
15229O controlador da impresora %s non está instalado neste computador. Algunhas propiedades da impresora non estarán dispoñibles a menos que instale o controlador da impresora. Desexa instalalo agora? The '%s' printer driver is not installed on this computer. Some printer properties will not be accessible unless you install the printer driver. Do you want to install the driver now?
15231Desactivou o agrupamento de impresoras. Vanse eliminar as seleccións de portos desta impresora. Desexa continuar? You have disabled printer pooling. The port selections for this printer will be cleared. Do you want to continue?
15232Hai un controlador da impresora especificada que non está instalado. Non está autorizado a instalalo. Só se mostrarán as propiedades do xestor de impresión. A driver for the specified printer is not installed. You do not have access to install the driver. Only spooler properties will be displayed.
15233Non se puido rexistrar a ventá do Asistente para engadir impresoras. Window for Add Printer Wizard could not be registered.
15234Reiniciando Restarting
15235Esta operación está actualmente en construción. This operation is currently under construction.
15238Automático %1 en %2 Auto %1 on %2
15243LPT1: LPT1:
15245Non se pode engadir a conexión da impresora. Unable to add the printer connection.
15246Seleccione un obxecto de impresora. Please select a printer object.
15248Asistente para engadir controladores de impresora Add Printer Driver Wizard
15249Debe seleccionar como mínimo un procesador e un sistema operativo. You must select at least one processor.
15250Servidor de impresión Print Server
15251Non se pode instalar o controlador %s, %s, %s. Unable to install %s, %s, %s driver.
15252Propiedades do controlador Driver Properties
15253Non se instalou o controlador seleccionado. Para engadilo, prema Aplicar ou Aceptar. The selected driver has not been installed. To add this driver, click Apply or OK.
15254Non se actualizou a lista de controladores. Os datos do controlador poden non ser válidos. The drivers list was not refreshed. The driver data may be invalid.
15255Algunhas opcións non se aplicaron. Desexa saír? Some of the options were not applied. Would you like to exit?
15257O controlador seleccionado non foi actualizado. Para actualizalo, prema Aplicar ou Aceptar. The selected driver has not been updated. To update this driver, click Apply or OK.
15258Non se puido eliminar o controlador %s, %s, %s. Unable to remove %s, %s, %s driver.
15259Non é posible eliminar o paquete de controladores %s, %s, %s. Unable to remove %s, %s, %s driver package.
15260O Asistente para engadir controladores de impresora non está admitido nesta configuración de hardware. The Add Printer Driver Wizard is not supported in this hardware configuration.
15261O controlador seleccionado debe instalarse remotamente desde un computador Itanium que use controladores Tipo 3 (Modo usuario). The selected driver must be installed remotely from an Itanium computer using Type 3 (User mode) drivers.
15262O controlador seleccionado debe instalarse remotamente desde un computador x86 que use controladores Tipo 3 (Modo usuario). The selected driver must be installed remotely from an x86 computer using Type 3 (User mode) drivers.
15263O controlador seleccionado debe instalarse remotamente desde un computador x64 que use controladores Tipo 3 (Modo usuario). The selected driver must be installed remotely from an x64 computer using Type 3 (User mode) drivers.
15264Non foi posible instalar a impresora Bluetooth seleccionada. The selected Bluetooth printer failed to install.
15265Esta é unha impresora compartida. Se renomea a impresora, as conexións doutros computadores con ela non funcionarán e terán que ser creadas de novo. Desexa renomear esta impresora? This is a shared printer. If you rename a shared printer, existing connections to this printer from other computers will break and will have to be created again. Do you want to rename this printer?
15266Windows non puido buscar impresoras na túa rede. Windows could not search your network for printers.
15301Ficheiro File
15302Ficheiro de axuda Help File
15303Ficheiro de configuración Config File
15304Ficheiro de datos Data File
15305Ficheiro de controlador Driver File
15306Ficheiro dependente Dependent File
15307Fallo ao engadir a impresora durante a instalación do ficheiro INF. Add printer failed during inf installation.
15308&Detalles De&tails
15309Abrir a visualización web da fila do elemento seleccionado Open the selected item's web queue view
15310Visualización web da impresora Printer Web View
15311Non se puido iniciar a visualización web da impresora. The printer web view failed to start.
15312Conectando con Connecting to
15313As únicas impresoras compatibles coa visualización web son as compartidas. Only shared printers support the Web view.
15316Seleccione o fabricante e o modelo do controlador de impresora que vai instalar. Se o controlador non está na lista, prema Utilizar disco para seleccionalo.

Prema Windows Update, se está dispoñible, para obter máis controladores para este procesador.
Select the manufacturer and model of the printer driver to install. If the driver you want is not listed, click Have Disk to select the driver you want.

If Windows Update is available, click it for more drivers for this processor.
15317Non se pode engadir a conexión a impresora por computador. Unable to add the per machine printer connection.
15318Non se pode eliminar a conexión a impresora por computador. Unable to delete the per machine printer connection.
15319Non se poden enumerar as conexións a impresora por computador. Unable to enumerate per machine printer connections.
15320Conexións a impresora por computador Per Machine Printer Connections
15321Utilizar a impresora sen conexión Use Printer Offline
15322O servizo persoal de web de Microsoft non está instalado. Microsoft Peer Web Service is not installed.
15324A eliminación deste controlador de impresora excluirao do sistema. Ten a certeza de que desexa eliminar %s? Deleting this printer driver will remove it from the system. Are you sure you want to delete %s?
15325A eliminación destes controladores de impresora excluiraos do sistema. Ten a certeza de que desexa eliminar os controladores seleccionados? Deleting these printer drivers will remove them from the system. Are you sure you want to delete the selected printer drivers?
15326Se elimina este paquete de controladores de impresora excluirao do sistema. Ten a certeza de que desexa eliminar %s? Deleting this printer driver package will remove it from the system. Are you sure you want to delete %s?
15327Se elimina estes paquetes de controladores de impresora excluiraos do sistema. Ten a certeza de que desexa eliminalos? Deleting these printer driver packages will remove them from the system. Are you sure you want to delete the selected printer driver packages?
15329Configurar porto Configure Port
15330&Buscar unha impresora no directorio, baseándose na localización ou funcionalidade &Find a printer in the directory, based on location or feature
15333Especifique un nome de impresora de rede válido You need to specify a valid network printer name
15335Non se pode mostrar a caixa de diálogo dos controladores adicionais. Additional drivers dialog cannot be displayed.
15337Non No
15338Controladores adicionais Additional Drivers
15344Especifique un enderezo de impresora (URL) válido You need to specify a valid printer address (URL)
15345Verdana Bold Verdana Bold
1534612 12
15347Escoller un porto de impresora Choose a printer port
15349Que versión do controlador desexa utilizar? Which version of the driver do you want to use?
15353Compartir impresora Printer Sharing
15357Buscar unha impresora por outras opcións Find a printer by other options
15359Selección do procesador Processor Selection
15360Cada procesador usa o seu propio conxunto de controladores de impresora. Each processor uses its own set of printer drivers.
15362Escolla unha opción Choose an option
15363Que tipo de impresora desexa instalar? What type of printer do you want to install?
15367A operación do directorio pode tardar varios minutos. The directory operation may take several minutes.
15368Este asistente axuda a instalar un novo controlador de impresora. This wizard helps you install a new printer driver.
15369Non se poden mostrar as preferencias de impresión. Printing preferences cannot be displayed.
15373Introduza un nome de servidor de impresora ou enderezo IP Type a printer hostname or IP address
15375%s engadiuse correctamente You’ve successfully added %s
15377Páxina separadora Separator Page
15381Hai polo menos un controlador adicional que non se instalou correctamente. Talvez deba comprobar se ten instalados os controladores adecuados para a súa impresora. Para ver unha lista de controladores adicionais, vaia ao separador de uso compartido de impresoras e prema Controladores adicionais. At least one additional driver failed to install correctly. You may need to verify the correct additional drivers are installed for your printer. To see a list of additional drivers for your printer, go to the printer's sharing tab and click Additional Drivers.
15382Predefinicións de impresión %1 %1 Printing Defaults
15384Cor Color
15385Dous lados Double-sided
15386Grampa Staple
15387Velocidade Speed
15388Resolución máxima Maximum resolution
15389ppm ppm
15390ppp dpi
15391Descoñecido Unknown
15392%1: %2 %1: %2
15393Preferencias de impresión de %1 %1 Printing Preferences
15394Propiedades de %1 %1 Properties
15395Está certo de que desexa cancelar todos os documentos de %s? Are you sure you want to cancel all documents for '%s'?
15397As modificacións efectuadas no cartafol do xestor de impresión terán efecto inmediatamente e non se imprimirán os documentos actualmente activos. Recoméndase a finalización da impresión de todos os documentos antes de modificar ese cartafol. Ten a certeza de que desexa modificalo? The changes to the spool folder will occur immediately and any currently active documents will not print. It is recommended to allow all documents to complete printing before changing the spool folder. Are you sure you want to change the spool folder?
15399Se ten unha impresora Plug and Play que utiliza USB ou un porto conectable como, por exemplo, IEEE 1394 ou infravermellos, non necesita este asistente. Conecte a impresora e Windows instalaraa automaticamente. If you have a Plug and Play printer that uses USB or a hot pluggable port such as IEEE 1394 or infrared, you do not need to use this wizard. Attach and turn on your printer, and Windows will install it for you.
15403Impresora instalada Printer installed
15405Cancelando... Cancelling...
15406Á procura dun controlador... Looking for a driver...
15408Descargando o controlador... Downloading the driver...
15409Verificando Windows Update. Isto pode demorar un pouco... Checking Windows Update. This might take a while...
15410Descargando o controlador. Isto pode demorar un pouco... Downloading the driver. This might take a while...
15411Concluíndo a instalación... Finishing the installation...
1541215416 Localización 15416 Location
15418Para imprimir, conéctese con esta impresora. Desexa conectarse e imprimir o documento seleccionado? You must connect to this printer before you can print on it. Do you want to connect to this printer and then print the selected document?
15421Non ten permiso para modificar a configuración desta impresora. Se necesita modificar a configuración, contacte co administrador do sistema. You do not have permission to modify the settings for this printer. If you need to change the settings, contact your system administrator.
15422%d documento(s) pendente(s) en %s %d document(s) pending for %s
15423Non se puido imprimir este documento This document failed to print
15424Este documento foi enviado á impresora This document was sent to the printer
15425Nome do documento: %s
Nome da impresora: %s
Hora do envío: %s
Total de páxinas: %d
Document name: '%s'
Printer name: '%s'
Time sent: %s
Total pages: %d
15426Nome do documento: %s
Nome da impresora: %s
Hora do envío: %s

Prema aquí para abrir a fila de impresión. Para obter axuda, prema Solución de problemas no menú Axuda.
Document name: '%s'
Printer name: '%s'
Time sent: %s

Click here to open the print queue, and then for assistance, click Troubleshooter on the Help menu.
15427Nome do documento: %s
Nome da impresora: %s
Hora do envío: %s
Document name: '%s'
Printer name: '%s'
Time sent: %s
15429%s (erro) %s (error)
15430Número non válido. Os valores atribuídos ao tamaño do papel e ás marxes da área de impresión deben ser números positivos que definan un tamaño e unhas marxes válidos. Invalid number. 'Paper Size' and 'Print Area Margins' should all be positive numbers defining a valid paper size and valid printable area margins.
15432/ /
15433Está certo de que desexa cancelar o documento? Are you sure you want to cancel the document?
15434Os argumentos non son válidos. The arguments are invalid.
15435No servidor non hai ningún controlador de impresora como o especificado. The specified printer driver doesn't exist on the server.
15436Porto de impresora recomendado Recommended Printer Port
15437A impresora está sen papel The printer is out of paper
15438N/D N/A
15439Selección de controladores de impresora Printer Driver Selection
15440Instalar o controlador da impresora Install the printer driver
15441&Conectarse a esta impresora: &Connect to this printer:
15442Non se pode eliminar o conxunto de credenciais existente. The existing set of credentials cannot be deleted.
15443As credenciais fornecidas non son compatibles cun conxunto de credenciais existente. De se substituír o conxunto de credenciais existente, algunhas aplicacións en execución poderían deixar de funcionar correctamente. Está certo de que desexa substituílo? The credentials supplied conflict with an existing set of credentials. Overwriting the existing set of credentials may cause some running applications to stop function properly. Do you really want to overwrite the existing set of credentials?
15444As credenciais fornecidas non son suficientes para acceder a esta impresora. Desexa especificar outras credenciais? The credentials supplied are not sufficient to access this printer. Do you want to specify new credentials?
15445Se comparte esta impresora, calquera usuario da rede poderá imprimir na mesma. Non estará dispoñible cando o computador estea en suspensión. Para modificar esta configuración, utilice o Centro de rede e compartimento. If you share this printer, any user on your network can print to it. The printer will not be available when the computer sleeps. To change these settings, use the Network and Sharing Center.
15446Se comparte esta impresora, só os usuarios da rede cun nome de usuario e contrasinal para este computador poderán imprimir na mesma. Non estará dispoñible cando o computador estea en suspensión. Para modificar esta configuración, utilice o Centro de rede e uso compartido. If you share this printer, only users on your network with a username and password for this computer can print to it. The printer will not be available when the computer sleeps. To change these settings, use the Network and Sharing Center.
15451Seleccionar unha impresora Select a printer
15452Buscando impresoras dispoñibles... Searching for available printers...
15453Non se localizaron impresoras. No printers were found.
15454O enderezo non é válido. Introduza un enderezo válido e ténteo de novo. The address is not valid. Please enter a valid address and try again.
15458O nome de porto non é válido. Introduza un nome válido e ténteo de novo. The port name is not valid. Enter a valid port name and try again.
15461Introduza un nome de impresora Type a printer name
15463Engadiuse correctamente %s You've successfully added %s
15473Se o desexa, pode engadir novamente o porto máis tarde. You can add the port back later, if you wish.
15474Se o desexa, pode engadir novamente estes portos máis tarde. Non están a ser utilizados no computador. You can add these ports back later, if you wish. These ports are currently not in use on your computer.
15475Que é un porto? What is a port?
15476Aceptar OK
15477Cancelar Cancel
15478Está certo de que desexa cancelar estes documentos? Are you sure you want to cancel these documents?
15520Buscando impresoras de rede Searching for network printers
15601Xestionar impresoras Manage Printers
15603Ver servidor View Server
15604Xestionar servidor Manage Server
15605Ningún None
15610Só este servidor This server only
15611Só documentos Documents only
15612Só impresoras Printers only
15613Este servidor, documentos e impresoras This Server, documents, and printers
15614Só documentos e impresoras Documents and printers only
16041x86 x86
16042Itanium Itanium
16043x64 x64
16044ARM ARM
16045ARM64 ARM64
16051Windows XP e Windows Server 2003 Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
16052Windows 95, 98 e ME Windows 95, 98 and Me
16053Windows NT 4.0 Windows NT 4.0
16054Windows 2000, Windows XP e Windows Server 2003 Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
16055Tipo 2 - Modo kernel Type 2 - Kernel Mode
16056Tipo 3 - Modo usuario Type 3 - User Mode
16057Tipo 3: modo usuario Type 4 - User Mode
16060Intel Intel
16061x86-based x86-based
16062IA64 IA64
16070Windows XP Windows XP
16074Windows 2000 Windows 2000
16075Windows 2000 ou XP Windows 2000 or XP
16501Pause Pause
16502Resume Resume
16503Purge Purge
16504Queued Queued
16505Direct Direct
16506Default Default
16507Shared Shared
16508Hidden Hidden
16509Network Network
16510Local Local
16511EnableDevq EnableDevq
16512KeepPrintedJobs KeepPrintedJobs
16513DoCompleteFirst DoCompleteFirst
16514WorkOffline WorkOffline
16515EnableBidi EnableBidi
16516RawOnly RawOnly
16517Published Published
16518PrinterName PrinterName
16519ShareName ShareName
16520PortName PortName
16521DriverName DriverName
16522Comment Comment
16523Location Location
16524SepFile SepFile
16525PrintProcessor PrintProcessor
16526Datatype Datatype
16527Parameters Parameters
16528Attributes Attributes
16529Priority Priority
16530DefaultPriority DefaultPriority
16531StartTime StartTime
16532UntilTime UntilTime
16533Status Status
16534ClientSideRender ClientSideRender
16535Enabled Enabled
16536Disabled Disabled
16900Interface de usuario da impresora Printer User Interface
16902Uso: rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry [opcións] [@commandfile] Usage: rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry [options] [@commandfile]
16903Utilización do comando para a configuración da impresora Set Printer Settings Command Usage
16904rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n impresora [-|+] [-|+] etc. rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n printer [-|+] [-|+] etc.
16909| |
16910tecla: %s valor: %s key: %s value: %s
16911? ?
16912Axuda Help
16913%s: %s %s: %s
16914%s: %d %s: %d
16915Configuración para Settings for
17010/a[file] binary file name /a[file] binary file name
17011/b[name] base printer name /b[name] base printer name
17012/c[name] unc machine name if the action is on a remote machine /c[name] unc machine name if the action is on a remote machine
17013/dl delete local printer /dl delete local printer
17014/dn delete network printer connection /dn delete network printer connection
17015/dd delete printer driver /dd delete printer driver
17016/e display printing preferences /e display printing preferences
17017/f[file] either inf file or output file /f[file] either inf file or output file
17018/F[file] location of an INF file that the INF file specified with /f may depend on /F[file] location of an INF file that the INF file specified with /f may depend on
17019/ga add per machine printer connections (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon) /ga add per machine printer connections (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon)
17020/ge enum per machine printer connections /ge enum per machine printer connections
17021/gd delete per machine printer connections (the connection will be deleted upon user logon) /gd delete per machine printer connections (the connection will be deleted upon user logon)
17022/h[arch] driver architecture one of the following, x86, x64 or Itanium /h[arch] driver architecture one of the following, x86, x64 or Itanium
17023/ia install printer driver using inf file /ia install printer driver using inf file
17024/id install printer driver using add printer driver wizard /id install printer driver using add printer driver wizard
17025/if install printer using inf file /if install printer using inf file
17026/ii install printer using add printer wizard with an inf file /ii install printer using add printer wizard with an inf file
17027/il install printer using add printer wizard /il install printer using add printer wizard
17028/im install printer using add printer wizard skiping network listed printers /im install printer using add printer wizard skiping network listed printers
17029/in add network printer connection /in add network printer connection
17030/ip install printer using network printer installation wizard /ip install printer using network printer installation wizard
17031/j[provider] print provider name /j[provider] print provider name
17032/k print test page to specified printer, cannot be combined with command when installing a printer /k print test page to specified printer, cannot be combined with command when installing a printer
17033/l[path] printer driver source path /l[path] printer driver source path
17034/m[model] printer driver model name /m[model] printer driver model name
17035/n[name] printer name /n[name] printer name
17036/o display printer queue view /o display printer queue view
17037/p display printer properties /p display printer properties
17038/q quiet mode, do not display error messages /q quiet mode, do not display error messages
17039/r[port] port name /r[port] port name
17040/s display server properties /s display server properties
17041/Ss Store printer settings into a file /Ss Store printer settings into a file
17042/Sr Restore printer settings from a file /Sr Restore printer settings from a file
17043Store or restore printer settings option flags that must be placed at the end of command:
c Color Profile
d PrinterData
s Security descriptor
g Global DevMode
m Minimal settings
u User DevMode
r Resolve name conflicts
f Force name
p Resolve port
i Driver name conflict
Store or restore printer settings option flags that must be placed at the end of command:
c Color Profile
d PrinterData
s Security descriptor
g Global DevMode
m Minimal settings
u User DevMode
r Resolve name conflicts
f Force name
p Resolve port
i Driver name conflict
17044/u use the existing printer driver if it's already installed /u use the existing printer driver if it's already installed
17045/t[#] zero based index page to start on /t[#] zero based index page to start on
17046/v[version] driver version one of the following, "%1" or "%2" /v[version] driver version one of the following, "%1" or "%2"
17047/w prompt the user for a driver if specified driver is not found in the inf /w prompt the user for a driver if specified driver is not found in the inf
17048/y set printer as the default /y set printer as the default
17049/Xg get printer settings /Xg get printer settings
17050/Xs set printer settings /Xs set printer settings
17051/z do not auto share this printer /z do not auto share this printer
17052/Y do not auto generate a printer name /Y do not auto generate a printer name
17053/K changes the meaning of /h to accept 2, 3, 4 for x86, x64, or Itanium (respectively), and /v to accept 3 for "%2" /K changes the meaning of /h to accept 2, 3, 4 for x86, x64, or Itanium (respectively), and /v to accept 3 for "%2"
17054/Z share this printer, can only be used with the /if option /Z share this printer, can only be used with the /if option
17055/? help this message /? help this message
17056@[file] command line argument file @[file] command line argument file
17057/Mw[message] show a warning message before committing the command /Mw[message] show a warning message before committing the command
17058/Mq[message] show a confirmation message before committing the command /Mq[message] show a confirmation message before committing the command
17059/W[flags] specifies flags and switches for the wizards (for APW & APDW)
r make the wizards to be restart-able from the last page
/W[flags] specifies flags and switches for the wizards (for APW & APDW)
r make the wizards to be restart-able from the last page
17060/G[flags] especifica marcadores e parámetros globais
w suprime a UI das advertencias de controladores do programa de instalación (modo silencioso)
/G[flags] specifies global flags and switches
w suppress setup driver warnings UI (super quiet mode)
17061/R forza o controlador seleccionado para que substitúa ao controlador existente /R force selected driver to replace exisiting driver
17100Examples: Examples:
17101Run server properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /s /t1 /c\\machine
Run server properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /s /t1 /c\\machine
17102Run printer properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /p /n\\machine\printer
Run printer properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /p /n\\machine\printer
17103Run add printer wizard locally:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /il
Run add printer wizard locally:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /il
17104Run add printer wizard on \\machine:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /im /c\\machine
Run add printer wizard on \\machine:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /im /c\\machine
17105Run queue view:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /o /n\\machine\printer
Run queue view:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /o /n\\machine\printer
17106Run inf install:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C"
Run inf install:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C"
17107Run inf install (with inf dependency). In the example, prnbr002.inf depends on ntprint.inf
rundll32 printui.dll, PrintUIEntry /ia /m "Brother DCP-128C" /K /h x64 /v 3 /f "c:\infpath\prnbr002.inf" /F "c:\infpath
Run inf install (with inf dependency). In the example, prnbr002.inf depends on ntprint.inf
rundll32 printui.dll, PrintUIEntry /ia /m "Brother DCP-128C" /K /h x64 /v 3 /f "c:\infpath\prnbr002.inf" /F "c:\infpath
17108Run add printer wizard using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ii /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf
Run add printer wizard using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ii /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf
17109Add printer using inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C"
Add printer using inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C"
17110Add per machine printer connection (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer /j"LanMan Print Services"
Add per machine printer connection (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer /j"LanMan Print Services"
17111Delete per machine printer connection (the connection will be deleted upon user logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /gd /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer
Delete per machine printer connection (the connection will be deleted upon user logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /gd /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer
17112Enumerate per machine printer connections:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ge /c\\machine
Enumerate per machine printer connections:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ge /c\\machine
17113Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf
Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf
17114Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3
Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3
17115Add inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "Intel" /v "Type 3 - Kernel Mode"
Add inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "Intel" /v "Type 3 - Kernel Mode"
17116Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode"
Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode"
17117Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3
Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3
17118Set printer as default:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "printer"
Set printer as default:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "printer"
17119Set printer comment:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" comment "My Cool Printer"
Set printer comment:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" comment "My Cool Printer"
17120Get printer settings:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xg /n "printer"
Get printer settings:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xg /n "printer"
17121Get printer settings saving results in a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /f "results.txt" /Xg /n "printer"
Get printer settings saving results in a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /f "results.txt" /Xg /n "printer"
17122Set printer settings command usage:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ?
Set printer settings command usage:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ?
17123Store all printer settings into a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat"
Store all printer settings into a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat"
17124Restore all printer settings from a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat"
Restore all printer settings from a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat"
17125Store printer information on level 2 into a file :
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat" 2
Store printer information on level 2 into a file :
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat" 2
17126Restore from a file printer security descriptor:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" s
Restore from a file printer security descriptor:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" s
17127Restore from a file printer global devmode and printer data:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" g d
Restore from a file printer global devmode and printer data:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" g d
17128Restore from a file minimum settings and resolve port name:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" m p
Restore from a file minimum settings and resolve port name:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" m p
17129Enable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender enabled
Enable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender enabled
17130Disable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender disabled
Disable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender disabled
17301Pause printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" status pause
Pause printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" status pause
17302Set printer print direct to printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +direct
Set printer print direct to printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +direct
17303Set printer to spool:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -direct
Set printer to spool:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -direct
17304Set printer to hold mismatched documents and keep documents after they have printed:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +EnableDevq attributes +KeepPrintedJobs
Set printer to hold mismatched documents and keep documents after they have printed:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +EnableDevq attributes +KeepPrintedJobs
17305Share printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" sharename "Share" attributes +Shared
Share printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" sharename "Share" attributes +Shared
17306Stop sharing printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -Shared
Stop sharing printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -Shared
17307Set queue priority to 50:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" priority 50
Set queue priority to 50:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" priority 50
17308Rename printer to Printer1:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" printername "Printer1"
Rename printer to Printer1:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" printername "Printer1"
18000Conectarse á impresora Connect to Printer
18001Windows non pode establecer conexión coa impresora. Windows cannot connect to the printer.
18007Para utilizar esta impresora, precisa de contactar co administrador de rede e solicitar o permiso necesario. To use this printer, you need to contact a network administrator and request permission.
18008Debe indicar un nome de impresora válido. You must supply a valid printer name.
18009Instalar controlador Install Driver
18010Erro de configuración do controlador da impresora. Printer driver setup error.
18011Non se puido abrir a impresora seleccionada. Could not open the selected printer.
18012Windows non conseguiu atopar un controlador na rede. Para localizalo manualmente, prema Aceptar. En caso contrario, prema Cancelar e consulte o seu administrador de rede ou o sitio web do fabricante da impresora Windows can't find a driver on the network. To locate one manually, click OK. Otherwise click Cancel and consult your network administrator or the printer manufacturer's website
18013Ningún controlador encontrado No driver found
18014Buscando impresoras... Searching for printers...
18015Non pode establecer conexión con %s, xa que se trata dunha impresora local. You cannot connect to %s, since it is a local printer.
18016Windows non conseguiu atopar un controlador para %s na rede. Para localizalo manualmente, prema Aceptar. En caso contrario, prema Cancelar e consulte o seu administrador de rede ou o sitio web do fabricante da impresora. Windows can't find a driver for %s on the network. To locate one manually, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel and consult your network administrator or the printer manufacturer's website.
18017Ficheiro necesario: INF do controlador de %s File needed: Printer driver INF for %s
18019Non se pode mostrar a lista de impresoras. Unable to display printer browse list.
18020Para utilizar esta impresora, instale o controlador adecuado. Prema Aceptar para continuar. To use this printer, you must install the corresponding printer driver. To continue, click OK.
18021Escolla a súa impresora na lista. Prema Windows Update par ver máis modelos. Choose your printer from the list. Click Windows Update to see more models.
18023Para utilizar a impresora %s, instale o controlador correspondente. Para continuar, prema Aceptar. To use the printer %s, you must install the corresponding printer driver. To continue, click OK.
18028O fabricante e modelo determinan o controlador que é necesario utilizar. The manufacturer and model determine which printer driver to use.
18029Cancelouse esta operación debido a restricións existentes no computador. Contacte co administrador do sistema. This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.
18030Restricións Restrictions
18039Para executar esta tarefa é necesario ter unha conta de administrador no computador. To perform this task, you must have a computer administrator account.
18041Hai unha política activa no seu computador que non lle permite conectarse a esta fila de impresión. Contacte co administrador do sistema. A policy is in effect on your computer which prevents you from connecting to this print queue. Please contact your system administrator.
18042Escolla a impresora de rede que desexa utilizar e prema Seleccionar para conectarse a ela Please select the network printer you want to use and click Select to connect to it
18043Instalouse a impresora co controlador %s. This printer has been installed with the %s driver.
18044Instalarase a impresora co controlador %s. This printer will be installed with the %s driver.
18045&Instalar impresora &Install Printer
18048Controlador de servizos web Web Services Device
18049Instalación de impresora de Windows Windows Printer Installation
18050Exemplo: \
Example: \\computername\printername
18053Dispositivo de impresión de impresión segura de servizos web Web Services Secure Print Device
18060Sen rede No network
18061Rede Network
18062Impresora predefinida Default printer
18063%1 (conectada) %1 (connected)
18101Non foi posible realizar a instalación da impresora. The printer installation failed.
18102Non foi posible engadir a conexión da impresora. Adding the printer connection failed.
18200&Actualizar Refres&h
18300Impresoras Printers
18301A configuración desta impresora como predefinida significa que Windows deixará de xestionar a túa impresora predefinida. Setting this printer as default means Windows will stop managing your default printer.
19000%%s (Copiar %u) %%s (Copy %u)
19001Porto de impresora Printer Port
19002Porto serie Serial Port
19003Imprimir nun ficheiro Print to File
19100Páxina de proba Test Page
19101Segoe UI Segoe UI
19102Páxina de proba da impresora de Windows Windows Printer Test Page
19104%s instalouse correctamente en %s. You have correctly installed your %s on %s.
19106Nome da impresora: Printer Name:
19107Nome(s) do porto: Port Name(s):
19108Modelo de impresora: Printer Model:
19109Nome do controlador: Driver Name:
19110Ficheiro de datos: Data File:
19111Ficheiro de configuración: Configuration File:
19112Versión do controlador: Driver Version:
19113%1!d!%.%2!d!%.%3!d!%.%4!d! %1!d!%.%2!d!%.%3!d!%.%4!d!
19114Soporte de cores: Color Support:

19116Tipo de controlador: Driver Type:


19119%s %s
19120Formato de datos: Data Format:
19121Nome do uso compartido da impresora: Printer Share Name:
19122Localización da impresora: Printer Location:
19123Comentario: Comment:
19124Ambiente do sistema operativo: OS Environment:
19125Hora de envío: Submitted Time:
19126Data: Date:
19127Procesador de impresión: Print Processor:
19128Localización da páxina do separador: Separator Page Location:
19129Nome do computador: Computer Name:
19131Nome de usuario: User Name:
19200Non foi posible concluír a operación. Operation could not be completed.
19201Non se instalou o controlador. Printer driver was not installed.
19202Non se puido modificar a selección do controlador. Printer driver selection could not be changed.
19203Un nome amigable non pode conter os caracteres '\', ou ','. Especifique outro. A friendly name cannot contain the characters '\' or ','. Specify a new friendly name.
19204Debe especificar un nome para a impresora. You need to specify a printer name.
19205O nome especificado é demasiado longo. Debe ter menos de 221 caracteres. Especifique outro. The printer name you specified is too long. The name must contain fewer than 221 characters. Specify a new printer name.
19206Un nome de impresora non pode conter os caracteres '\' ou ','. Especifique outro. A printer name cannot contain the characters '\' or ','. Specify a new printer name.
19207Debe especificar un nome para o recurso compartido. You need to specify a share name.
19208A operación non pode finalizar porque deixaría a impresora nun estado non válido. Operation cannot complete because it would leave the printer in an invalid state.
19209O nome do recurso compartido non é válido. Share name is invalid.
19210O nome do recurso compartido xa existe. Share name already exists.
19211Non se pode engadir o porto especificado. Specified port cannot be added.
19212Non se puido imprimir a páxina de proba. Desexa iniciar o solucionador de problemas de impresión para obter asistencia? Test page failed to print. Would you like to view the print troubleshooter for assistance?
19213Conflito de nome de impresora. Printer name conflict.
19214%1 en %2 %1 on %2
19217O nome do recurso compartido non é válido. Non debe conter barras '/', barras invertidas '\' ou comas ','. The share name is invalid. It should not have slashes '/' or backslashes '\' or commas ','.
19218Xa hai unha impresora con ese mesmo nome de fabricación. A printer with the same publish name already exists.
19219Solicitude incompatible. The request is not supported.
19220O directorio non está dispoñible. Consulte o rexistro de eventos para obter máis información. The directory is unavailable. Please view the event log for more information.
19221O porto pode estar a ser utilizado ou non existir. The port may be in use or may not exist.
19222Verifique o nome da impresora e asegúrese de que a impresora está conectada á rede. Double check the printer name and make sure that the printer is connected to the network.
19224Non se localizou o ficheiro do xestor de impresión. The spooler file was not found.
19225Non se puido crear ningunha tarefa de impresión. Unable to create a print job.
19226Non hai espazo no disco para o servidor. Tente imprimir o documento máis tarde. The server has run out of disk space. Please try printing your document at a later time.
19227O procesador de impresión non existe. The print processor does not exist.
19228O xestor de impresión da impresora local non está en execución. Reinicie o xestor ou o computador. The local print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler or restart the machine.
19229Non hai suficiente espazo en disco para finalizar esta operación. Libere espazo e tente de novo. There is not enough disk space to complete this operation. Please free some disk space and then try again.
19230Non ten permiso para imprimir neste servidor. Contacte co seu administrador para obter asistencia. You do not have permission to print to this server. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
19231Produciuse un erro de rede. Tente imprimir o documento de novo. There was a network error. Please try printing the document again.
19232Operación non compatible. This operation is not supported.
19233Non hai memoria suficiente para finalizar esta operación. Peche algúns programas e tente de novo. There is not enough memory to complete this operation. Please close some programs and try again.
19234Non se pode instalar a impresora. Unable to install printer.
19235Algúns ficheiros do controlador non están ou son incorrectos. Instale de novo o controlador ou utilice a última versión. Some driver files are missing or incorrect. Reinstall the driver or try using the latest version.
19236Xa hai un porto. The port already exists.
19237... ...
19238Xa hai outra impresora ou recurso compartido de impresora con ese nome. Utilice outro diferente. Another printer or printer share with this name already exists. Please use another name for the printer.
19239O controlador que está a tentar instalar non é compatible con Windows XP e Windows Server 2003. The driver that you are trying to install is not compatible with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.
19240Windows non encontra o controlador de impresora axeitado. Contacte co seu administrador para obter axuda sobre como encontrar e instalar un controlador. Windows cannot locate a suitable printer driver. Contact your administrator for help locating and installing a suitable driver.
19241Todo Entire
19242Sen localización escollida. No location chosen.
19243Windows non conseguiu atopar a impresora. Asegúrese de que a rede está a funcionar e de que introduciu correctamente o nome da impresora e do servidor de impresión. Windows can't find the printer. Make sure the network is working, and you've entered the name of the printer and print server correctly.
19245Para compartir esta impresora, o administrador debe configurar Windows Firewall de xeito que permita o uso compartido de impresoras. In order to share this printer, an administrator must configure Windows Firewall to permit the sharing of printers.
19246Para poder compartir esta impresora, Windows Firewall debe estar configurada de xeito que permita o compartimento da impresora con outros computadores da rede. In order to share this printer, Windows Firewall must be configured to allow this printer to be shared with other computers on the network.
19247Para poder compartir esta impresora, Windows Firewall configurarase de xeito que permita o compartimento da impresora con outros computadores da rede. In order to share this printer, Windows Firewall will be configured to allow this printer to be shared with other computers on the network.
19248Windows Firewall xa está configurada para permitir o uso compartido de impresoras con outros computadores da rede. Windows Firewall is already configured to allow the sharing of printers with other computers on the network.
19251O xestor de impresión da impresora do servidor non está en execución. Reinicie o xestor ou o computador servidor. The server print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler on the server or restart the server machine.
19252Windows non consegue compartir a impresora. Windows could not share your printer.
19253%s (%s) %s (%s)
19254Non foi posible concluír a operación (erro 0x%08x). Operation could not be completed (error 0x%08x).
19255A operación fallou co erro 0x%08x. Operation failed with error 0x%08x.
19256Windows non conseguiu conectarse coa impresora. Verifique o nome da impresora e tente de novo. Se esta é unha impresora de rede, asegúrese de que a impresora está conectada e de que o enderezo da impresora é correcto. Windows couldn't connect to the printer. Check the printer name and try again. If this is a network printer, make sure that the printer is turned on, and that the printer address is correct.
19257Windows non conseguiu engadir esta impresora porque xa está instalada. Windows can't add this printer because it's already installed.
19281Tipo 4: modo usuario Type 4 - User Mode
19500Nome: %s
Enderezo: %s
Name: %s
Address: %s
19501Nome da impresora Printer Name
19502Enderezo Address
19551Enviouse unha páxina de proba á impresora A test page has been sent to your printer
19552Esta páxina de proba demostra resumidamente a capacidade da impresora para imprimir gráficas e texto e fornece información técnica sobre a impresora. Se a páxina de proba non se imprime correctamente utilice o solucionador de problemas da impresora. This test page briefly demonstrates the printer's ability to print graphics and text, and it provides technical information about the printer. Use the printer troubleshooter if the test page does not print correctly.
19553Obter axuda coa impresión Get help with printing
19900Dispositivos de impresión e de procesamento de imaxes Printing and Imaging Devices
19901Seleccione na lista a impresora que desexa instalar Select the printer you wish to install from the list


File Name:printui.dll.mui
File Size:113 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:115200
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Galician
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Interface de usuario da configuración da impresora
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:printui.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Todos os dereitos reservados.
Original File Name:printui.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is printui.dll.mui?

printui.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Galician language for file printui.dll (Interface de usuario da configuración da impresora).

File version info

File Description:Interface de usuario da configuración da impresora
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:printui.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Todos os dereitos reservados.
Original Filename:printui.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x456, 1200