regedit.exe 登錄編輯程式 dd3335602c148a231885348aeb712650

File info

File name: regedit.exe.mui
Size: 30208 byte
MD5: dd3335602c148a231885348aeb712650
SHA1: cda02b07d1593e95ec2430330b2cec6a1654c082
SHA256: 0a73068e0b1f4b2ed16ceb74049ede6c054737cf6ec5e166ff01ad7440fb4f31
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: regedit.exe 登錄編輯程式 (32 位元)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
16登錄編輯程式 Registry Editor
17名稱 Name
18資料 Data
19電腦 Computer
20(預設值) (Default)
21修改二進位資料(&B)... Modify &Binary Data...
22(長度為零的二進位值) (zero-length binary value)
23新機碼 #%%u New Key #%%u
24新數值 #%%u New Value #%%u
25摺疊 Collapse
26修改(&M)... &Modify...
27(數值未設定) (value not set)
290x%1!08x! (%1!u!) 0x%1!08x! (%1!u!)
30(不正確的 DWORD (32-位元) 值) (invalid DWORD (32-bit) value)
31類型 Type
320x%1!08I64x! (%1!I64u!) 0x%1!08I64x! (%1!I64u!)
33(QWORD (64 位元) 值無效) (invalid QWORD (64-bit) value)
34我的電腦 My Computer
40您的系統管理員已停用登錄編輯。 Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator.
41登錄搜尋完成。 Finished searching through the registry.
42請按您想要連線的電腦。 Click the computer you want to connect to.
43命令列的引數需要檔名,但是沒有指定。 Command line argument requires a filename and none was specified.
48您確定要永久刪除這個機碼及其所有子機碼嗎? Are you sure you want to permanently delete this key and all of its subkeys?
49確認機碼刪除 Confirm Key Delete
50刪除某些登錄值可能造成系統不穩定。您確定要永久刪除這些值嗎? Deleting certain registry values could cause system instability. Are you sure you want to permanently delete these values?
51確認刪除值 Confirm Value Delete
52刪除某些登錄值可能造成系統不穩定。您確定要永久刪除這個值嗎? Deleting certain registry values could cause system instability. Are you sure you want to permanently delete this value?
53您確定要解除載入目前的機碼及其所有子機碼嗎? Are you sure you want to unload the current key and all of its subkeys?
54確認解除載入登錄區 Confirm Unload Hive
55這個機碼將還原到機碼: %1 上。
The key will be restored on top of key: %1.
All value entries and subkeys of this key will be deleted.
Do you want to continue the operation?
56確認還原機碼 Confirm Restore Key
64機碼重新命名錯誤 Error Renaming Key
66登錄編輯程式無法重新命名 %1。機碼重新命名發生錯誤。 The Registry Editor cannot rename %1. Error while renaming key.
67登錄編輯程式無法重新命名 %1。指定的機碼名稱太長。請輸入較短的名稱後重試。 The Registry Editor cannot rename %1. The specified key name is too long. Type a shorter name and try again.
68登錄編輯程式無法重新命名 %1。指定的識別碼名稱已經存在。請輸入另一個名稱後重試。 The Registry Editor cannot rename %1. The specified key name already exists. Type another name and try again.
69登錄編輯程式無法重新命名 %1。請指定沒有反斜線 (\) 的機碼名稱。 The Registry Editor cannot rename %1. Specify a key name without a backslash (\).
70登錄編輯程式無法重新命名 %1。指定的機碼名稱是空的。請輸入另一個名稱後重試。 The Registry Editor cannot rename %1. The specified key name is empty. Type another name and try again.
72值重新命名錯誤 Error Renaming Value
73登錄編輯程式無法重新命名 %1。重新命名值時發生錯誤。 The Registry Editor cannot rename %1. Error while renaming value.
74登錄編輯程式無法重新命名 %1。指定的值名稱已經存在。請輸入另一個名稱後重試。 The Registry Editor cannot rename %1. The specified value name already exists. Type another name and try again.
75登錄編輯程式無法重新命名 %1。指定的值名稱是空的。請輸入另一個名稱後重試。 The Registry Editor cannot rename %1. The specified value name is empty. Type another name and try again.
80機碼刪除錯誤 Error Deleting Key
82無法刪除 %1: 刪除機碼時發生錯誤。 Cannot delete %1: Error while deleting key.
88值刪除錯誤 Error Deleting Values
89指定的值無法全部刪除。 Unable to delete all specified values.
96機碼開啟錯誤 Error Opening Key
97無法開啟 %1。
%1 cannot be opened.
An error is preventing this key from being opened.
98無法開啟 %1。
詳細資料: %2
%1 cannot be opened.
An error is preventing this key from being opened.
Details: %2
100值顯示錯誤 Error Displaying Value
101無法顯示 %1: 讀取值的內容時發生錯誤。 Cannot display %1: Error reading the value's contents.
102無法顯示值: 記憶體不足。請嘗試關閉一些應用程式,再試一次。
如果您還是看到這個訊息,請重新啟動 Windows。
Cannot display value: Insufficient memory. Try closing down some applications, and try again.
If you still see this message, try restarting Windows.
110溢位 Overflow
111警告 Warning
112值編輯錯誤 Error Editing Value
114無法編輯 %1: 讀取值的內容時發生錯誤。 Cannot edit %1: Error reading the value's contents.
115無法編輯 %1: 寫入值的新內容時發生錯誤。 Cannot edit %1: Error writing the value's new contents.
116類型 REG_MULTI_SZ 的資料不能包含空字串。
Data of type REG_MULTI_SZ cannot contain empty strings.
Registry Editor will remove the empty string found.
117類型 REG_MULTI_SZ 的資料不能包含空字串。
Data of type REG_MULTI_SZ cannot contain empty strings.
Registry Editor will remove all empty strings found.
118無法編輯: 記憶體不足。請嘗試關閉一些應用程式,再試一次。
如果您還是看到這個訊息,請重新啟動 Windows。
Cannot edit: Insufficient memory. Try closing down some applications, and try again.
If you still see this message, try restarting Windows.
119輸入的十進位值大於 DWORD (32 位元數字) 的最大值。
The decimal value entered is greater than the maximum value of a DWORD (32-bit number).
Should the value be truncated in order to continue?
120輸入的十進位值大於 QWORD (64 位元組數字) 的最大值。
The decimal value entered is greater than the maximum value of a QWORD (64-bit number).
Should the value be truncated in order to continue?
123無法匯入 %1: 指定的檔案不是登錄指令碼。
Cannot import %1: The specified file is not a registry script.
You can only import binary registry files from within the registry editor.
124Microsoft JhengHei UI Segoe UI
125無法匯入 %1: 選取的機碼無效。 Cannot import %1: The key selected is invalid.
126無法匯入 %1: 權限不足。 Cannot import %1: Insufficient privileges.
128在 %1 中的機碼和值已經成功加入 %2 上的登錄。 The keys and values contained in %1 have been successfully added to the registry on %2.
129無法匯入 %1: 開啟檔案時發生錯誤。可能有磁碟或檔案系統錯誤。 Cannot import %1: Error opening the file. There may be a disk or file system error.
130無法匯入 %1: 讀取檔案時發生錯誤。可能有磁碟錯誤或檔案損毀。 Cannot import %1: Error reading the file. There may be a disk error or the file may be corrupt.
131無法匯入 %1: 存取 %2 上的登錄時發生錯誤。 Cannot import %1: Error accessing the registry on %2.
132無法匯入 %1: 沒有成功地將所有資料寫入到登錄。某些機碼已由系統或其他處理程序開啟,或您沒有足夠的權限可執行此操作。 Cannot import %1: Not all data was successfully written to the registry. Some keys are open by the system or other processes, or you have insufficient privileges to perform this operation.
133無法匯入 %1: 指定的檔案不是登錄檔案。您只能匯入登錄檔案。 Cannot import %1: The specified file is not a registry file. You can import only registry files.
134無法匯入 %1: 指定的檔案不是用於這個版本的 Windows。 Cannot import %1: The specified file is not intended for use with this version of Windows.
135無法匯入 %1: 指定的檔案不存在 %2。 Cannot import %1: The file specified does not exist on %2.
138無法匯出 %1: 開啟檔案時發生錯誤。可能有磁碟或檔案系統錯誤。 Cannot export %1: Error opening the file. There may be a disk or file system error.
141無法匯出 %1: 寫入檔案時發生錯誤。可能有磁碟或檔案系統錯誤。 Cannot export %1: Error writing the file. There may be a disk or file system error.
142無法匯出 %1: 權限不足。 Cannot export %1: Insufficient privileges.
143無法匯出 %1: 選取的機碼無效。 Cannot export %1: The key selected is invalid.
144無法列印: 記憶體不足,無法開始工作。請嘗試關閉一些應用程式,再試一次。如果您還是看到這個訊息,請重新啟動 Windows。 Cannot print: Insufficient memory to begin job. Try closing down some applications, and try again. If you still see this message, try restarting Windows.
145無法列印: 列印時發生錯誤。請檢查您的印表機及印表機設定,並重試一次。 Cannot print: An error occurred during printing. Check your printer and your printer's settings for problems, and try again.
146無法列印: 讀取登錄值內容時發生錯誤。 Cannot print: Error reading a registry value's contents.
148選擇的子目錄不存在。請確定所給的是正確路徑。 The selected branch does not exist. Make sure that the correct path is given.
152連線網路登錄時發生錯誤 Error Connecting Network Registry
153你不能連線到自己的電腦。 You cannot connect to your own computer.
154無法連線到 %1。請確定這台電腦在網路上,並已啟用遠端系統管理,而且兩台電腦都正在執行遠端登錄服務。 Unable to connect to %1. Make sure that this computer is on the network, has remote administration enabled, and that both computers are running the remote registry service.
155無法連線到電腦所有的根登錄。請中斷遠端登錄,然後重新連線之後再試一次。 Unable to connect to all of the roots of the computer's registry. Disconnect from the remote registry and then reconnect before trying again.
156無法連線到 %1。請確定您有這台電腦的使用權限。 Unable to connect to %1. Make sure you have permission to administer this computer.
160建立機碼時發生錯誤 Error Creating Key
161無法建立機碼: 開啟機碼 %1 時發生錯誤。 Cannot create key: Error while opening the key %1.
162無法建立機碼: 寫入登錄時發生錯誤。 Cannot create key: Error writing to the registry.
163無法建立機碼: 無法產生一個唯一名稱。 Cannot create key: Unable to generate a unique name.
164無法建立機碼: 您沒有在 %1 下建立機碼所需的必要權限。 Cannot create key: You do not have the requisite permissions to create a new key under %1.
168建立數值時發生錯誤 Error Creating Value
169無法建立值: 寫入登錄時發生錯誤。 Cannot create value: Error writing to the registry.
170無法建立值: 無法產生一個唯一名稱。 Cannot create value: Unable to generate a unique name.
171在 [我的最愛] 中已經有相同的名稱。 There is already a favorite with that name.
172新增 [我的最愛] 發生錯誤 Error Adding Favorite
173我的最愛 Favorite
180所有檔案#*.*# All Files#*.*#
181載入登錄區 Load Hive
182無法載入 %1: 權限不足。 Cannot Load %1: Insufficient privileges.
183無法載入 %1: 載入登錄區時發生錯誤。 Cannot Load %1: Error while loading hive.
184無法解除載入 %1: 權限不足。 Cannot Unload %1: Insufficient privileges.
185無法解除載入 %1: 解除載入登錄區時發生錯誤。 Cannot Unload %1: Error while unloading hive.
186解除載入登錄區 Unload Hive
187無法解除載入 %1: 拒絕存取。 Cannot Unload %1: Access is denied.
188無法載入 %1: 處理程序無法存取檔案,因為檔案被其他處理程序使用中。 Cannot Load %1: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
189無法載入 %1: 拒絕存取。 Cannot Load %1: Access is denied.
212無法儲存子樹狀目錄: 記憶體不足。請嘗試關閉一些應用程式,再試一次。如果您還是看到這個訊息,請重新啟動 Windows。 Cannot save subtree: Insufficient memory. Try closing down some applications, and try again. If you still see this message, try restarting Windows.
213無法儲存子樹狀目錄: 讀取登錄值內容時發生錯誤。 Cannot save subtree: Error reading a registry value's contents.
214無法將子樹狀目錄儲存到 %1: 寫入檔案時發生錯誤。可能有磁碟或檔案系統錯誤。 Cannot save subtree to %1: Error writing the file. There may be a disk or file system error.
215無法將子樹狀目錄儲存到 %1: 開啟檔案時發生錯誤。可能有磁碟或檔案系統錯誤。 Cannot save subtree to %1: Error opening the file. There may be a disk or file system error.
228%1 中的機碼和值已經成功加入登錄中。 The keys and values contained in %1 have been successfully added to the registry.
231無法匯入 %1: 存取登錄時發生錯誤。 Cannot import %1: Error accessing the registry.
235無法匯入 %1: 指定的檔案不存在。 Cannot import %1: The file specified does not exist.
300匯入登錄檔案 Import Registry File
301匯出登錄檔案 Export Registry File
302登錄檔案 (*.reg)#*.reg#登錄區檔案 (*.*)#*.*#所有檔案#*.*# Registration Files (*.reg)#*.reg#Registry Hive Files (*.*)#*.*#All Files#*.*#
304新增資訊會意外變更或刪除值,而且會造成元件無法正確工作。如果不信任 %1 中此資訊的來源,請不要新增至登錄。

Adding information can unintentionally change or delete values and cause components to stop working correctly. If you do not trust the source of this information in %1, do not add it to the registry.

Are you sure you want to continue?
305登錄檔 (*.reg)#*.reg#登錄區檔案 (*.*)#*.#文字檔案 (*.txt)#*.txt#Win9x/NT4 登錄檔 (*.reg)#*.reg#所有檔案#*.*# Registration Files (*.reg)#*.reg#Registry Hive Files (*.*)#*.#Text Files (*.txt)#*.txt#Win9x/NT4 Registration Files (*.reg)#*.reg#All Files#*.*#
如果您還是看到這個訊息,請重新啟動 Windows。
Insufficient memory. Try closing down some applications, and try again.
If you still see this message, try restarting Windows.
309登錄項目 Registration Entries
310合併(&G) Mer&ge
512包含操作全部登錄的命令。 Contains commands for working with the whole registry.
513包含編輯機碼或值的命令。 Contains commands for editing values or keys.
514包含自訂登錄視窗的命令。 Contains commands for customizing the registry window.
515包含顯示登錄編輯程式說明及資訊的命令。 Contains commands for displaying Help for and information about Registry Editor.
516包含建立新機碼或值的命令。 Contains commands for creating new keys or values.
517包含存取常用之機碼的命令。 Contains commands for accessing frequently used keys.
648重新整理視窗。 Refreshes the window.
657連線到一個遠端電腦的登錄。 Connects to a remote computer's registry.
658將檔案匯入登錄。 Imports a file into the registry.
659將全部或部分登錄匯出到檔案。 Exports all or part of the registry to a file.
660列印全部或部分的登錄。 Prints all or part of the registry.
661結束登錄編輯程式。 Quits the Registry Editor.
662在機碼,數值或資料中尋找文字字串。 Finds a text string in a key, value, or data.
663新增一個新機碼。 Adds a new key.
664新增一個新字串值。 Adds a new string value.
665新增一個新二進位值。 Adds a new binary value.
667顯示程式資訊、版本號碼及著作權。 Displays program information, version number, and copyright.
668顯示或隱藏網址列。 Shows or hides the address bar.
670變更兩個窗格之間的位置分割。 Changes position of split between two panes.
671尋找下一個上次搜尋過的指定文字。 Finds the next occurrence of text specified in previous search.
674新增一個新 DWORD 32 位元值。 Adds a new 32 bit value.
675將選擇的機碼名稱複製到剪貼簿。 Copies the name of the selected key to the Clipboard.
676新增一個多字串值。 Adds a new multi-string value.
677新增一個可擴充字串值 Adds a new expandable string value.
678顯示機碼的權限。 Displays the permissions for a key.
679將值的資料顯示為二進位格式。 Displays a value's data in binary form.
680將登錄區檔案載入登錄。 Loads a hive file to the registry.
681從登錄解除載入登錄區。 Unloads a hive from the registry.
688新增一個 64 位元組的值。 Adds a new 64 bit value.
768中斷遠端電腦登錄的連線。 Disconnects from a remote computer's registry.
912修改資料值。 Modifies the value's data.
913刪除選擇的部分。 Deletes the selection.
914重新命名選擇項目。 Renames the selection.
915展開或隱藏子目錄。 Expands or collapses the branch.
917以二進位格式,編輯值的資料。 Edit the value's data in binary form.
1280從我的最愛清單移除機碼。 Removes keys from the Favorites list.
1281將機碼新增至我的最愛清單。 Adds keys to the Favorites list.
7001建立連結 Create Link
7002查詢數值 Query Value
7003設定數值 Set Value
7004列舉子機碼 Enumerate Subkeys
7005通知 Notify
7006建立子機碼 Create Subkey
7007刪除 Delete
7008寫入 DAC Write DAC
7009寫入擁有者 Write Owner
7010讀取控制 Read Control
7011讀取 Read
7012完全控制 Full Control
7013特殊存取... Special Access...
7014登錄機碼(&K) Registry &Key
7015取代現存子機碼的使用權限(&E) R&eplace Permission on Existing Subkeys
7016稽核現存子機碼的使用權限 Audit Permission on Existing Subkeys
7017是否要取代 %1 內所有現存子機碼的使用權限? Do you want to replace the permission on all existing subkeys within %1?
7018是否要稽核 %1 內所有現存的子機碼? Do you want to audit all existing subkeys within %1?
Registry Editor could not retrieve the security information.
The key currently selected does not give you access to retrieve such information.
Registry Editor could not retrieve the security information.
The key currently selected is marked for deletion.
Registry Editor could not retrieve the security information.
The key currently selected is not accessible.
Registry Editor could not save the security information.
The key currently selected does not give you access to save such information.
Registry Editor could not save the security information.
The key currently selected is marked for deletion.
7072登錄編輯程式無法設定目前選取的機碼或其子機碼的安全性。 Registry Editor could not set security in the key currently selected, or some of its subkeys.
7073登錄編輯程式無法設定目前選取的機碼或其子機碼的擁有者。 Registry Editor could not set owner on the key currently selected, or some of its subkeys.
Registry Editor could not set security in the key currently selected, or some of its subkeys.
These keys do not give you access to change security information.
Registry Editor could not set security in all subkeys.
The key currently selected contains one or more subkeys marked for deletion.
Registry Editor could not set security in all subkeys.
The key currently selected contains one or more inaccessible subkeys.
7090只有這個機碼 This key only
7091這個機碼及子機碼 This key and subkeys
7092只有子機碼 Subkeys only
7500內部 Internal
7501ISA Isa
7502EISA Eisa
7503Micro 通道 Micro Channel
7504Turbo 通道 Turbo Channel
7507Nu Nu
7509C 匯流排 C Bus
7520層級感應 Level Sensitive
7521鎖存 Latched
7530讀 / 寫 Read / Write
7531唯讀 Read Only
7532唯寫 Write Only
7540記憶體 Memory
7541連接埠 Port
7542無效 Invalid
7561插斷 Interrupt
7564裝置特定 Device Specific
7580未定 Undetermined
7581裝置專用 Device Exclusive
7582驅動程式專用 Driver Exclusive
7583共用 Shared
8100: :
8101機碼名稱: Key Name:
8102類別名稱: Class Name:
8103上次寫入時間: Last Write Time:
8104 Value
8105名稱: Name:
8106類型: Type:
8107資料大小: Data Size:
8108資料: Data:
81118150 完整資源描述元 8150 Full Resource Descriptor
8151部分描述元 Partial Descriptor
8152介面類型: Interface Type:
8153匯流排編號: Bus Number:
8154版本: Version:
8155修訂: Revision:
8160資源: Resource:
8161目的: Disposition:
8163啟動: Start:
8164長度: Length:
8165等級: Level:
8166向量: Vector:
8167親和性: Affinity:
8168通道: Channel:
8169連接埠: Port:
8170保留 1: Reserved1:
8171保留 2: Reserved2:
8182插槽編號: Slot Number:
8183清單 List
8184描述元 Descriptor
8185選項: Option:
8186對齊: Alignment:
8187最小位址: Minimum Address:
8188最大位址: Maximum Address:
8189最小向量: Minimum Vector:
8190最大向量: Maximum Vector:
8191最小通道: Minimum Channel:
8192最大通道: Maximum Channel:


File Name:regedit.exe.mui
File Size:30 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:29696
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:登錄編輯程式
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:REGEDIT
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:REGEDIT.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is regedit.exe.mui?

regedit.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file regedit.exe (登錄編輯程式).

File version info

File Description:登錄編輯程式
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:REGEDIT
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:REGEDIT.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200