locationframework.dll.mui Framework de Geolocalização Windows dd2c63a55f1908d24ee6b21811d0c999

File info

File name: locationframework.dll.mui
Size: 36864 byte
MD5: dd2c63a55f1908d24ee6b21811d0c999
SHA1: 0887a2720b98f312462962bd79addcf3c77c5782
SHA256: 9837a051acdec86172b008776c3cd8854cfbaebb84927e66187fa7f94ecac823
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Portuguese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Portuguese English
100A partilhar a sua localização Sharing your location
101Tem a certeza de que pretende que os outros vejam a sua localização atual? Would you like to allow others to see your current location?
102%1 pretende ver a sua localização atual. %1 wants to see your current location.
103%1 gostaria de obter autorização para ver a sua localização atual. Pretende partilhá-la? %1 would like permission to see your current location. Would you like to share it?
104Alguém pretende ver a sua localização atual em %2. Someone wants to see your current location in %2.
105Pretende partilhar a sua localização atual em %2? Do you want to share your current location in %2?
106%1 pretende ver a sua localização atual em %2. %1 wants to see your current location in %2.
107Pretende partilhar a sua localização atual com %1 em %2? Do you want to share your current location with %1 in %2?
111Pretende permitir que outros vejam a sua localização? Would you like to allow others to see your location?
112%1 será notificado quando entrar ou sair de qualquer uma das áreas que essa pessoa especificou. %1 will be notified when you enter or leave any of the areas that person has specified.
113Pretende permitir que %1 seja notificado quando entra ou sair de qualquer uma das áreas que essa pessoa especificou? Would you like to allow %1 to be notified when you enter or leave any of the areas that person has specified?
114Alguém solicitou notificações em %2 quando entra ou sai das áreas que essa pessoa especificou. Someone has requested notifications in %2 when you enter or leave any of the areas that person has specified.
115Alguém solicitou ser notificado em %2 quando entrar ou sair de qualquer uma das áreas que essa pessoa especificou. Pretende permitir essas notificações? Someone has asked to be notified in %2 when you enter or leave any of the areas that person has specified. Would you like to allow those notifications?
116%1 será notificado em %2 quando entrar ou sair de qualquer uma das áreas que essa pessoa especificou. %1 will be notified in %2 when you enter or leave any of the areas that person has specified.
117Pretende permitir que %1 receba notificações em %2 quando entrar ou sair de qualquer uma das áreas que essa pessoa especificou? Would you like to allow %1 to see notifications in %2 when you enter or leave any of the areas that person has specified?
121Se não tocar em Permitir dentro de %d segundos, a sua localização não será partilhada. If you don't tap Allow within %d seconds, your location will not be shared.
122Se não tocar em Cancelar dentro de %d segundos, a sua localização será partilhada. If you don't tap Cancel within %d seconds, your location will be shared.
130permitir allow
131cancelar cancel
132fechar close
200Definir uma localização predefinida para o seu PC Set a default location for your PC
201Utilizaremos esta opção quando não conseguirmos detetar a sua localização exata (como agora)! We’ll use it when we can’t detect your exact location (like right now)!
203Localização Location
0x1O posicionamento de geolocalização está ativo. Geolocation positioning is enabled.
0x2O posicionamento de geolocalização foi desativado pelo utilizador. Geolocation positioning has been disabled by the user.
0x10000001Erro Error
0x10000002Desempenho Performance
0x10000003Selfhost Selfhost
0x10000004WiFiTracing WiFiTracing
0x10000005Inic Init
0x10000006Posição Position
0x10000007FixSession FixSession
0x10000008CompositePe CompositePe
0x10000009Gnss Gnss
0x1000000ACellPe CellPe
0x1000000BWifiPe WifiPe
0x1000000CClientApi ClientApi
0x1000000DOrion Orion
0x1000000ESupl Supl
0x1000000FCrowdsource Crowdsource
0x10000010ManagedApi ManagedApi
0x10000011GeofenceTracing GeofenceTracing
0x10000012GeofenceStore GeofenceStore
0x1000001CWebproxyTracing WebproxyTracing
0x1000001ECellPeAdvanceTracing CellPeAdvanceTracing
0x1000001FSpeedEstimatorTracing SpeedEstimatorTracing
0x10000020VenuePE VenuePE
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Iniciar Start
0x30000002Parar Stop
0x50000004Informações Information
0x50000005Verboso Verbose
0x90000001LocationServiceProvider LocationServiceProvider
0x90000002Debug Debug
0xB000000DRelatório WER: ExInfo[0]=%1, ExInfo[1]=%2, Result=%3 WER Report: ExInfo[0]=%1, ExInfo[1]=%2, Result=%3
0xB000000EInit[%1, %2]: %3 [%4] Init[%1, %2]: %3 [%4]
0xB000000Fhr=%1, file=%2, line=%3 hr=%1, file=%2, line=%3
0xB0000010hr=%1, custommessage=%2, function=%3 callingcode=%4 filename=%5 line=%6 hr=%1, custommessage=%2, function=%3 callingcode=%4 filename=%5 line=%6
0xB0000011context=%1, component=%2, istakeref=%3 context=%1, component=%2, istakeref=%3
0xB0000064LS_REQUEST_LATLON: %1 %2, dwHint=%3 error=%4 LS_REQUEST_LATLON: %1 %2, dwHint=%3 error=%4
0xB0000065LS_REPORT_LATLON: error=%8, lat=%1, lon=%2, altitude=%3, hAccuracy=%4, vAccuracy=%5, heading=%6, velocity=%7 LS_REPORT_LATLON: error=%8, lat=%1, lon=%2, altitude=%3, hAccuracy=%4, vAccuracy=%5, heading=%6, velocity=%7
0xB00000C8GnssError hr=%1, eventType=%2, numBytesTransferred=%3, eventSize=%4 GnssError hr=%1, eventType=%2, numBytesTransferred=%3, eventSize=%4
0xB00000C9Gnss[id=%1, Adapter] INICIAR %2: param=%3 Gnss[id=%1, Adapter] START %2: param=%3
0xB00000CAGnss[id=%1, Adapter] PARAR Gnss[id=%1, Adapter] STOP
0xB00000CBGnss[id=%1, Driver] INICIAR %2: param=%3 Gnss[id=%1, Driver] START %2: param=%3
0xB00000CCGnss[id=%1, Driver] PARAR Gnss[id=%1, Driver] STOP
0xB00000CDGnss[id=%1] POS: %3, Intermediate=%4, lat=%5, lon=%6, alt=%7, speed=%8, head=%9, hAccuracy=%10, vAccuracy=%11, speedAcc=%12, HDOP=%13, PDOP=%14, Status=%2 Gnss[id=%1] POS: %3, Intermediate=%4, lat=%5, lon=%6, alt=%7, speed=%8, head=%9, hAccuracy=%10, vAccuracy=%11, speedAcc=%12, HDOP=%13, PDOP=%14, Status=%2
0xB00000CEGnss[id=%1, Driver] MOD %2: param=%3 Gnss[id=%1, Driver] MOD %2: param=%3
0xB00000CFGnss[id=%1, Driver] Ioctl=%2, hr=%3, Duration=%4 Gnss[id=%1, Driver] Ioctl=%2, hr=%3, Duration=%4
0xB00000D0Gnss[id=%1] SAT: %2 Gnss[id=%1] SAT: %2
0xB00000D1Gnss[id=%1, Driver] FixEventError hr=%2, numBytesTransferred=%3, fixlevelofdetails=%4, expectedMinBytes=%5, expectedMinSatelliteBytes=%6 Gnss[id=%1, Driver] FixEventError hr=%2, numBytesTransferred=%3, fixlevelofdetails=%4, expectedMinBytes=%5, expectedMinSatelliteBytes=%6
0xB00000D2Session[%1,%2] INICIAR %3, IsClient=%9, Acquire[attached=%10, owner=%11], Age=%7, %4, AccuracyValue=%5, VenueMandatory=%8, Param=%6 Session[%1,%2] START %3, IsClient=%9, Acquire[attached=%10, owner=%11], Age=%7, %4, AccuracyValue=%5, VenueMandatory=%8, Param=%6
0xB00000D3Session[%1,%2] PARAR: hr=%3 Session[%1,%2] STOP: hr=%3
0xB00000D4Session[%1,%2] POS: %5, Status=%3, SourcePe=%4, Intermediate=%6, lat=%7, lon=%8, HAcc=%9, Speed=%10, Floor=%11, Venue=%12 Session[%1,%2] POS: %5, Status=%3, SourcePe=%4, Intermediate=%6, lat=%7, lon=%8, HAcc=%9, Speed=%10, Floor=%11, Venue=%12
0xB00000D5Session[%1,%2] CallerName=%6, CallerProductId=%3, Sid=%4, PackageId=%5 Session[%1,%2] CallerName=%6, CallerProductId=%3, Sid=%4, PackageId=%5
0xB00000DCOrion ServerTime: hr=%1, Report hr=%2, time=%3 Orion ServerTime: hr=%1, Report hr=%2, time=%3
0xB00000DDOrion Agnss: hr=%1, Report hr=%2, BlobSize=%3 Orion Agnss: hr=%1, Report hr=%2, BlobSize=%3
0xB00000DEInferência Orion: Winhttp hr=%1, Orion=%2, lat=%3, lon=%4, Accuracy=%5 Orion Inference: Winhttp hr=%1, Orion=%2, lat=%3, lon=%4, Accuracy=%5
0xB00000E6Config SUPL: hslp=%1 (src=%2), hslp_from_imsi=%3 SUPL config: hslp=%1 (src=%2), hslp_from_imsi=%3
0xB00000E7Config V2UPL: MPC=%1, PDE=%2, AppType=%3 V2UPL config: MPC=%1, PDE=%2, AppType=%3
0xB00000E8Versão SUPL definida: %1.%2 Set SUPL version: %1.%2
0xB00000E9Config. cert.: Action=%1, Name=%2, Size=%3 Cert config: Action=%1, Name=%2, Size=%3
0xB00000EACmd controlador=%1, value=%2 Driver cmd=%1, value=%2
0xB00000EBInjeção Agnss: type=%1, status=%2, dataSize=%3 Agnss Inject: type=%1, status=%2, dataSize=%3
0xB00000ECPedido NI: id=%1, type=%2, NotType=%3, Plane=%4 NI Request: id=%1, type=%2, NotType=%3, Plane=%4
0xB00000EDResposta NI: id=%1, response=%2 NI Response: id=%1, response=%2
0xB00000EEControlador: ForceOperationMode=%1 Driver: ForceOperationMode=%1
0xB00000EFPedido Agnss: type=%1 %2 Agnss Request: type=%1 %2
0xB00000F0Reconfig. SUPL: Trigger=%1, CurrentRegStatus=%2 SUPL Reconfig: Trigger=%1, CurrentRegStatus=%2
0xB00000F1Limpeza Agnss: type=%1 Agnss Clear: type=%1
0xB00000F2Injeção Posição Agnss: status=%1, lat=%2, lon=%3, alt=%4, speed=%5, head=%6, hAccuracy=%7 Agnss Position Inject: status=%1, lat=%2, lon=%3, alt=%4, speed=%5, head=%6, hAccuracy=%7
0xB00000F3Injeção Tempo Agnss: status=%1, Time=%2, Uncertainty=%3 Agnss Time Inject: status=%1, Time=%2, Uncertainty=%3
0xB00000F4Injeção Blob Agnss: status=%1, Version=%2, Format=%3, Size=%4 Agnss Blob Inject: status=%1, Version=%2, Format=%3, Size=%4
0xB00000F5GnssAdapt GFAdd Id=[%1:%2], hwId=%3 hr=%4 GnssAdapt GFAdd Id=[%1:%2], hwId=%3 hr=%4
0xB00000F6GnssAdapt GFRemove: hwId=%1, hr=%2 GnssAdapt GFRemove: hwId=%1, hr=%2
0xB00000F7GnssAdapt GFResetTracking: hr=%1 GnssAdapt GFResetTracking: hr=%1
0xB00000F8GnssAdapt GFEvent: id=%1, triggerState=%2 GnssAdapt GFEvent: id=%1, triggerState=%2
0xB00000F9GnssAdapt GFTrackingStatus: state=%1 GnssAdapt GFTrackingStatus: state=%1
0xB00000FASC GSM MCC=%1, MNC=%2, CID=%3, LAC=%4 SC GSM MCC=%1, MNC=%2, CID=%3, LAC=%4
0xB00000FBSC UMTS MCC=%1, MNC=%2, CID=%3, LAC=%4 SC UMTS MCC=%1, MNC=%2, CID=%3, LAC=%4
0xB00000FCSC CDMA BaseLat=%1, BaseLong=%2, BSID=%3, NID=%4, SID=%5 SC CDMA BaseLat=%1, BaseLong=%2, BSID=%3, NID=%4, SID=%5
0xB00000FDSC LTE MCC=%1, MNC=%2, CID=%3 SC LTE MCC=%1, MNC=%2, CID=%3
0xB00000FEVizinhos: %1 Neighbors: %1
0xB00000FFSC TDSCDMA MCC=%1, MNC=%2, LAC=%3, CID=%4 SC TDSCDMA MCC=%1, MNC=%2, LAC=%3, CID=%4
0xB0000100[Cell Adapter]Notificação de atualização de Localização da Célula: Parms = %1, Exe= %2, UiccApp = %3, LAC=%4, TAC = %5, CID=%6 [Cell Adapter]Cell Location update noficiation: Parms = %1, Exe= %2, UiccApp = %3, LAC=%4, TAC = %5, CID=%6
0xB0000101[Cell Adapter]Estado de Erro da notificação de atualização de Localização da Célula, hr =%1 [Cell Adapter]Cell Location update notification Error state, hr =%1
0xB0000102Vizinhos Utilizados: %1 Neighbors Used: %1
0xB0000103IsMulticellUsed=%1 IsMulticellUsed=%1
0xB0000104Mac Address=%1, Signal Strength=%2 Mac Address=%1, Signal Strength=%2
0xB0000105Alteração de Wi-Fi: Name=%1, State=%2 Wifi Change: Name=%1, State=%2
0xB0000106MACs Wi-Fi:%1 Wifi MACs:%1
0xB0000109GnssAdapt GnssError Error=%1, Recoverable=%2, Description=%3 GnssAdapt GnssError Error=%1, Recoverable=%2, Description=%3
0xB000010AGnssAdapt DeviceAvailable = %1, SymbolicLink=%2, DeviceInUse=%3, hr= %4 GnssAdapt DeviceAvailable = %1, SymbolicLink=%2, DeviceInUse=%3, hr= %4
0xB000010BChegada de Dispositivo GnssPnPManager SymbolicLink= %1, IsExternal=%2 GnssPnPManager Device Arrival SymbolicLink= %1, IsExternal=%2
0xB000010CRemoção de Dispositivo GnssPnPManager SymbolicLink= %1, IsExternal=%2 GnssPnPManager Device Removal SymbolicLink= %1, IsExternal=%2
0xB000010DNova Tentativa de GnssPnPManager para SymbolicLink= %1 GnssPnPManager Retrying for SymbolicLink= %1
0xB000010ECache de Servidor IsHit=%1, PE=%2 Server Cache IsHit=%1, PE=%2
0xB000010FCache de Mosaico IsHit=%1, PE=%2 Tile Cache IsHit=%1, PE=%2
0xB0000110Análise %1: Result=%2 %1 Scan: Result=%2
0xB0000111[VenuePE] Id=[%1], Positions:[%2] [VenuePE] Id=[%1], Positions:[%2]
0xB0000112[VenuePE] IsInsideVenue=%1, Pos[Lat=%2,Lon=%3,Acc=%4,Source=%5] [VenuePE] IsInsideVenue=%1, Pos[Lat=%2,Lon=%3,Acc=%4,Source=%5]
0xB0000118[CS]InitializeDcpProfile: DcpProfile=%1, hr=%2 [CS]InitializeDcpProfile: DcpProfile=%1, hr=%2
0xB0000119[CS]SubmitData: SizeInBytes=%1, DcpProfile=%2, hr=%3 [CS]SubmitData: SizeInBytes=%1, DcpProfile=%2, hr=%3
0xB000011A[CS]DataReceived: SourcePE=%1, IsReadyForData=%2, IsValidData=%3, hr=%4 [CS]DataReceived: SourcePE=%1, IsReadyForData=%2, IsValidData=%3, hr=%4
0xB000011B[CS]RawDataProcessing begins: DataListSize =%1, IsCollectionActive=%2 [CS]RawDataProcessing begins: DataListSize =%1, IsCollectionActive=%2
0xB000011C[CS]State: Level=%1, CollectionType=%2, IsBufferFull=%3 IsBatterySavings=%4 IsUserPresenceOn=%5 [CS]State: Level=%1, CollectionType=%2, IsBufferFull=%3 IsBatterySavings=%4 IsUserPresenceOn=%5
0xB0000122Acquire[Id=%2, Cpe] SelectedPes: PrimaryPe=%1 Acquire[Id=%2, Cpe] SelectedPes: PrimaryPe=%1
0xB0000123Acquire[Id=%4, Cpe] StartPrimitivePes with Role=%1, Remaining time=%2, hr=%3 Acquire[Id=%4, Cpe] StartPrimitivePes with Role=%1, Remaining time=%2, hr=%3
0xB0000124Acquire[Id=%4, Cpe] AttemptFallback com melhor posição disponível Status=%1, Sourcepe=%2, AccuracyValue=%3 Acquire[Id=%4, Cpe] AttemptFallback with best available position Status=%1, Sourcepe=%2, AccuracyValue=%3
0xB0000126Acquire[Id=%14, Cpe] DT: Wait: Dist(m)=%1, IsSpeedUnknown=%12, SpeedUsed(m/s)=%2, IsMDUsed=%3, MDPrecision(m)=%4, Speed_Wait(s)=%5, MD_Wait(s)=%6, MinWait_Budget(s)=%7, SelectedWait(s)=%8, TimeBoundApplied=%13 {Cumulative Runningtime(s)=%9, Acqtime(s)=%10, Requests=%11} Acquire[Id=%14, Cpe] DT: Wait: Dist(m)=%1, IsSpeedUnknown=%12, SpeedUsed(m/s)=%2, IsMDUsed=%3, MDPrecision(m)=%4, Speed_Wait(s)=%5, MD_Wait(s)=%6, MinWait_Budget(s)=%7, SelectedWait(s)=%8, TimeBoundApplied=%13 {Cumulative Runningtime(s)=%9, Acqtime(s)=%10, Requests=%11}
0xB0000127[Cpe] Nova Velocidade SpeedEstimate (m/s)=%1, Bearing=%2, Positions=%3 [Cpe] New SpeedEstimate Speed(m/s)=%1, Bearing=%2, Positions=%3
0xB0000128[Cpe] Entrada SpeedEstimate: Timestamp=%1, Latitude=%2, Longitude=%3, Accuracy=%4 [Cpe] SpeedEstimate Input: Timestamp=%1, Latitude=%2, Longitude=%3, Accuracy=%4
0xB000012AAcquire[Id=%5, Cpe] Posição não fiável {acc=%1, sourcepe=%2} detetada na validação com position{acc=%3, sourcepe=%4} Acquire[Id=%5, Cpe] Unreliable position {acc=%1, sourcepe=%2} detected on validation with position{acc=%3, sourcepe=%4}
0xB000012B[Cpe] TotalPeCount=%1, AvailPes=[%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7] [Cpe] TotalPeCount=%1, AvailPes=[%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7]
0xB000012C[%1] [%2], URL=%4, TrackingId=%6 [%1] [%2], URL=%4, TrackingId=%6
0xB000012D[%1] [%2]: Coordinate=[%3, %4], Acc=%7, Floor=%8, VenueId=%9, ServerStatus=[%5], WinHttpStatus=[%6], ProtocolStatus=[%11], OrionSource=[%12] [%1] [%2]: Coordinate=[%3, %4], Acc=%7, Floor=%8, VenueId=%9, ServerStatus=[%5], WinHttpStatus=[%6], ProtocolStatus=[%11], OrionSource=[%12]
0xB000012F[%1] [%2]: ServerStatus=[%3], WinHttpStatus=[%4], ProtocolStatus=[%6] [%1] [%2]: ServerStatus=[%3], WinHttpStatus=[%4], ProtocolStatus=[%6]
0xB0000132[%1] [%2] Cancelado Por [%3], Status=[%4] [%1] [%2] Canceled By [%3], Status=[%4]
0xB0000133[%1]: Request=[%2], WinhttpHandle=[%3], WinHttpEvent=[%4], Status=[%5] [%1]: Request=[%2], WinhttpHandle=[%3], WinHttpEvent=[%4], Status=[%5]
0xB0000134[%1]: Request=[%2], WinhttpHandle=[%3], WinHttpAPI=[%4], Status=[%5] [%1]: Request=[%2], WinhttpHandle=[%3], WinHttpAPI=[%4], Status=[%5]
0xB0000135Request=[%2] Request=[%2]
0xB0000136Response=[%2] Response=[%2]
0xB0000191[Cpe] MD: Iniciar MD, hr=%1, hrwifi=%2, hrcell=%3, wifi{ConnState=%4, ThrottlingOn=%5, Elapsedtime(s)=%6}, cell{ThrottlingOn=%7, Elapsedtime(s)=%8} ActivityDetection{ThrottlingOn=%9, Elapsedtime(s)=%10} [Cpe] MD: Start MD, hr=%1, hrwifi=%2, hrcell=%3, wifi{ConnState=%4, ThrottlingOn=%5, Elapsedtime(s)=%6}, cell{ThrottlingOn=%7, Elapsedtime(s)=%8} ActivityDetection{ThrottlingOn=%9, Elapsedtime(s)=%10}
0xB0000192[Cpe] MD: Parar MD, hr =%1 [Cpe] MD: Stop MD, hr =%1
0xB0000193[Cpe] MD: Notificar potencial movimento, hr =%1 [Cpe] MD: Notify potential movement, hr =%1
0xB0000194[Cpe] MD: Notificar estado alterado, hr =%1 [Cpe] MD: Notify state changed, hr =%1
0xB0000195[Cpe] MD: Obter movementPrecision hr=%1, wifi{ConnState=%2, ThrottlingOn=%3, Elapsedtime=%4}, cell{ThrottlingOn=%5, Elapsedtime=%6} AD={ThrottlingOn=%7, Elapsedtime=%8} [Cpe] MD: Get movementPrecision hr=%1, wifi{ConnState=%2, ThrottlingOn=%3, Elapsedtime=%4}, cell{ThrottlingOn=%5, Elapsedtime=%6} AD={ThrottlingOn=%7, Elapsedtime=%8}
0xB0000196Acquire[Id=%3, Cpe] StartTracking em Pe=%1, IsPrimaryNativeTracking=%2 Acquire[Id=%3, Cpe] StartTracking on Pe=%1, IsPrimaryNativeTracking=%2
0xB0000197[Cpe] SessionType=%1, IsSupportsNativePT=%2, IsSupportsNativeDT=%3, IsSupportsRequest=%4 [Cpe] SessionType=%1, IsSupportsNativePT=%2, IsSupportsNativeDT=%3, IsSupportsRequest=%4
0xB00001F4GeolocationStartOperation[%1] SessionType=%2, Age(ms)=%3, Accuracy(m)=%4, RequestParameter=%5 GeolocationStartOperation[%1] SessionType=%2, Age(ms)=%3, Accuracy(m)=%4, RequestParameter=%5
0xB00001F5GeolocationStartOperation[%1] Status=%2 GeolocationStartOperation[%1] Status=%2
0xB00001F6GeolocationEventHandler[%1] PositionStatus=%2, Latitude=%3, Longitude=%4, HAccuracy=%5, Status=%6 GeolocationEventHandler[%1] PositionStatus=%2, Latitude=%3, Longitude=%4, HAccuracy=%5, Status=%6
0xB00001F7GeolocationStopTrackingOperation[%1] Status=%2 GeolocationStopTrackingOperation[%1] Status=%2
0xB00001F8GeolocationPromptAppState State=%1 GeolocationPromptAppState State=%1
0xB000020DGeofence de Adição de GFClient no Índice = %1, Lat=%2, Lon=%3, Radius =%4, Starttime=%5, Duration=%6, Dwelltime=%7, SingleUse=%8 GFClient Add Geofence at Index = %1, Lat=%2, Lon=%3, Radius =%4, Starttime=%5, Duration=%6, Dwelltime=%7, SingleUse=%8
0xB000020EGeofence de Remoção de GFClient no Índice = %1, Lat=%2, Lon=%3, Radius =%4, Starttime=%5, Duration=%6, Dwelltime=%7, SingleUse=%8 GFClient Remove Geofence at Index = %1, Lat=%2, Lon=%3, Radius =%4, Starttime=%5, Duration=%6, Dwelltime=%7, SingleUse=%8
0xB000020FLimpeza de todos os Geofences de GFClient GFClient Clear all Geofences
0xB0000210Registo GFClient para alterações: %1 GFClient Register for %1 changes
0xB0000211Anular de Registo GFClient para alterações: %1 GFClient Unregister for %1 changes
0xB0000212Leitura de relatórios de Geofence de GFClient GFClient Read Geofence reports
0xB0000213Evento GFClient assinalado no cliente para %1 GFClient Event signalled on client for %1
0xB0000214Criação de acionador de localização de GFClient GFClient Create location trigger
0xB0000215Eliminação de acionador de localização de GFClient GFClient Delete location trigger
0xB0000216Geofence de GFClient: Id=[%1:%2] Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Starttime=%6, Duration=%7, Dwelltime=%8, SingleUse=%9 GFClient Geofence: Id=[%1:%2] Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Starttime=%6, Duration=%7, Dwelltime=%8, SingleUse=%9
0xB0000226GeofenceOperation[%1] Status=%2 GeofenceOperation[%1] Status=%2
0xB0000227GFAppBoundary GeofenceOperation[%1] ClientId=%2, EventId=%3, Status=%4 GFAppBoundary GeofenceOperation[%1] ClientId=%2, EventId=%3, Status=%4
0xB0000228GFAppBoundary %3 %2 %1Event: PID=%4, AppId=%5, EventId=%6, Status=%7 GFAppBoundary %3 %2 %1Event: PID=%4, AppId=%5, EventId=%6, Status=%7
0xB0000229GFAppBoundary AddGeofence: CallerName=%11, Id=[%1:%2] Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Starttime=%6, Duration=%7, Dwelltime=%8, SingleUse=%9, hr=%10 GFAppBoundary AddGeofence: CallerName=%11, Id=[%1:%2] Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Starttime=%6, Duration=%7, Dwelltime=%8, SingleUse=%9, hr=%10
0xB000022AGFAppBoundary RemoveGeofence: CallerName=%4, Id=[%1:%2], hr = %3 GFAppBoundary RemoveGeofence: CallerName=%4, Id=[%1:%2], hr = %3
0xB000022BGFAppBoundary RemoveAllGeofences: CallerName=%3, AppId=%1, hr = %2 GFAppBoundary RemoveAllGeofences: CallerName=%3, AppId=%1, hr = %2
0xB000022CGFAppBoundary ListAllGeofences: AppId=%1, GeofencesCount=%2, hr=%3 GFAppBoundary ListAllGeofences: AppId=%1, GeofencesCount=%2, hr=%3
0xB000022DGFAppBoundary ReadGeofenceReports: AppId=%1, GeofenceReportsCount=%2, hr=%3 GFAppBoundary ReadGeofenceReports: AppId=%1, GeofenceReportsCount=%2, hr=%3
0xB000022EGFClient GeofenceReport: GfId=%1, Trigger=%2, RemovalReason=%3, Status=%4, Lat=%5, Lon=%6, HAcc=%7 GFClient GeofenceReport: GfId=%1, Trigger=%2, RemovalReason=%3, Status=%4, Lat=%5, Lon=%6, HAcc=%7
0xB000022FGFAppBoundary ForegroundEventFired ForegroundEventType=%1 GFAppBoundary ForegroundEventFired ForegroundEventType=%1
0xB0000230GFAppBoundary BackgroundEventSignalled ClientId=%1, EventId=%2, hr=%3 GFAppBoundary BackgroundEventSignalled ClientId=%1, EventId=%2, hr=%3
0xB0000258GCW: Instance=[%1], Type=[%2], Source=[%3], Taskhost=[%4], CurrentState=[%5], Timeout=[%6] GCW: Instance=[%1], Type=[%2], Source=[%3], Taskhost=[%4], CurrentState=[%5], Timeout=[%6]
0xB0000259GCW: Instance=[%1], GeoStatus=[%2], GeoPermission=[%3] GCW: Instance=[%1], GeoStatus=[%2], GeoPermission=[%3]
0xB00002BCAcionador TRK_RG: Id=[%1:%2], Trigger=%3, Lat=%4, Lon=%5 TRK_RG Trigger: Id=[%1:%2], Trigger=%3, Lat=%4, Lon=%5
0xB00002BDEstado TRK_RG GF: Tracker=%1, Id=[%2:%3], State=%4, Lat=%5, Lon=%6 TRK_RG GF State: Tracker=%1, Id=[%2:%3], State=%4, Lat=%5, Lon=%6
0xB00002BETRK_RG BeginRegionLoad TRK_RG BeginRegionLoad
0xB00002BFTRK_RG EndRegionLoad: Lat=%1, Lon=%2, Radius=%3, Geofences=%4 TRK_RG EndRegionLoad: Lat=%1, Lon=%2, Radius=%3, Geofences=%4
0xB00002C0Iniciar controlo TRK_RG para: AppId=[%1] TRK_RG Start tracking for: AppId=[%1]
0xB00002C1Parar controlo TRK_RG para: AppId=[%1] TRK_RG Stop tracking for: AppId=[%1]
0xB00002C2Iniciar Controlo TRK_%1: Id=[%2:%3], Lat=%4, Lon=%5, Radius=%6, Dwelltime=%7ms, Start=%8, Duration=%9ms, Singleuse=%10 TRK_%1 Start Tracking: Id=[%2:%3], Lat=%4, Lon=%5, Radius=%6, Dwelltime=%7ms, Start=%8, Duration=%9ms, Singleuse=%10
0xB00002C3Parar Controlo TRK_%1: Id=[%2:%3] TRK_%1 Stop Tracking: Id=[%2:%3]
0xB00002C4TRK_SW Active=%1, Distance=%2, Accuracy=%3 TRK_SW Active=%1, Distance=%2, Accuracy=%3
0xB00002C5TRK_RG Sem Controlo: Id=[%1:%2], Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Dwelltime=%6ms, Start=%7, Duration=%8ms, Singleuse=%9 TRK_RG Not Tracking: Id=[%1:%2], Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Dwelltime=%6ms, Start=%7, Duration=%8ms, Singleuse=%9
0xB00002C6Estado de Controlador TRK_RG: Tracker=%1, NewState=%2 TRK_RG Tracker State: Tracker=%1, NewState=%2
0xB00002C7TRK_%1 Enable=%2 TRK_%1 Enable=%2
0xB00002C8Adicionar TRK_RG a Controladores: Id=[%1:%2], Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Dwelltime=%6ms, Iniciar=%7, Duração=%8ms, Singleuse=%9 {TrackedGeofencesCount=%10,InternalTrackedGeofencesCount=%11} TRK_RG Add to Trackers: Id=[%1:%2], Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Dwelltime=%6ms, Start=%7, Duration=%8ms, Singleuse=%9 {TrackedGeofencesCount=%10,InternalTrackedGeofencesCount=%11}
0xB00002C9Remover TRK_RG de Controladores: Id=[%1:%2] {TrackedGeofencesCount=%3,InternalTrackedGeofencesCount=%4} TRK_RG Remove from Trackers: Id=[%1:%2] {TrackedGeofencesCount=%3,InternalTrackedGeofencesCount=%4}
0xB0000320KPI de Localização : [%1]: , TTFF = %2msec, Precisão = %3m Location KPI : [%1]: , TTFF = %2msec, Accuracy = %3m
0xB0000384Adição de GFStore: Id=[%1:%2], hr=%3 GFStore Add: Id=[%1:%2], hr=%3
0xB0000385Remoção de GFStore: Id=[%1:%2], hr=%3 GFStore Remove: Id=[%1:%2], hr=%3
0xB0000386Atualização de GFStore: Id=[%1:%2], TriggerState= %3, hr=%4 GFStore Update: Id=[%1:%2], TriggerState= %3, hr=%4
0xB0000387GFStore Get Id=[%1:%2], hr=%3 GFStore Get Id=[%1:%2], hr=%3
0xB0000388GFStore DeleteAll: AppId=%1, hr=%2 GFStore DeleteAll: AppId=%1, hr=%2
0xB0000389GFStore GetAllGeofence: AppId=%1, Count=%2 hr=%3 GFStore GetAllGeofence: AppId=%1, Count=%2 hr=%3
0xB000038AGFStore GetClosestGeofence: Lat=%1, Lon=%2, AppCount=%3, GFCount=%4 TransGFCount= %5, hr=%6 GFStore GetClosestGeofence: Lat=%1, Lon=%2, AppCount=%3, GFCount=%4 TransGFCount= %5, hr=%6
0xB000038BGFStore DeleteApp: AppId=%1, hr=%2 GFStore DeleteApp: AppId=%1, hr=%2
0xB000038CGFStore Interno: Messsage=%1, hr=%2 GFStore Internal: Messsage=%1, hr=%2
0xB000038DGFStore GetAppID: AppContext= %1 AppId=%2, hr=%3 GFStore GetAppID: AppContext= %1 AppId=%2, hr=%3
0xB00003E8Cenário de Alimentação de Geofence de Localização: [%1]: , Iniciar Location Geofence Power Scenario: [%1]: , Start
0xB00003E9Cenário de Alimentação de Geofence de Localização: [%1]: , Parar Location Geofence Power Scenario: [%1]: , Stop
0xB000044CPermissão recusada para o cliente = %1. Incondicional = %2, Política = %3, LegacyPolicy = %4, Mestre = %5, Utilizador = %6, UserLegacyPolicy = %7, Aplicação = %8, é contentor de aplicação = %9. UserSid = %10, Pacote = %11 Permission denied for client = %1. Unconditional = %2, Policy = %3, LegacyPolicy = %4, Master = %5, User = %6, UserLegacyPolicy = %7, App = %8, is app container = %9. UserSid = %10, Package = %11
0xB000044DPermissão recusada porque o cliente não foi encontrado, cliente = %1. Utilizador = %2, Pacote = %3 Permission denied because client was not found, client = %1. User = %2, Package = %3
0xB00004B0A desativar geofencing porque estamos a entrar em Modo de espera desligado Disabling geofencing because we are entering into Disconnected standby
0xB00004B1A reativar geofencing porque estamos a sair do Modo de espera desligado Re-enabling geofencing because we are exiting Disconnected standby
0xB00004E2WiFiAcquire: Id[0x%1], InferenceResult[%2], PositionSource[%3], PositionStatus[%4] WiFiAcquire: Id[0x%1], InferenceResult[%2], PositionSource[%3], PositionStatus[%4]
0xB00004E3SUPL Reconfig: Trigger=%1, CurrentRegStatus=%2 SUPL Reconfig: Trigger=%1, CurrentRegStatus=%2
0xD0000001OK OK
0xD0000002Sem resolução Not resolvable
0xD0000003Parâmetro inválido Invalid parameter
0xD0000004Erro de Servidor Server Error
0xD0000005Resposta de Servidor Inválida Invalid Server Response
0xD0000006Outra falha Other failure
0xD0000007WinHttp: Sem Ligação CM WinHttp: No CM Connection
0xD0000008WinHttp: Não Redirecionado WinHttp: Not Redirected
0xD0000009Erro de Conectividade Connectivity Error
0xD000000AProviderHelper ProviderHelper
0xD000000BSessão Session
0xD000000CLocationInformation LocationInformation
0xD000000DServiceProxy ServiceProxy
0xD000000ECpe Cpe
0xD000000FCpeAcquireSingleShot CpeAcquireSingleShot
0xD0000010CpeAcquirePeriodicTracking CpeAcquirePeriodicTracking
0xD0000011CpeAcquireDistanceTracking CpeAcquireDistanceTracking
0xD0000013WifiPeAdapter WifiPeAdapter
0xD0000014WifiPeAcquireSingleShot WifiPeAcquireSingleShot
0xD0000016CellPeAdapter CellPeAdapter
0xD0000017CellPeAcquireSingleShot CellPeAcquireSingleShot
0xD0000018GnssPe GnssPe
0xD0000019GnssPeAcquireSingleShot GnssPeAcquireSingleShot
0xD000001AGnssPeAcquirePeriodicTracking GnssPeAcquirePeriodicTracking
0xD000001BGnssPeAcquireDistanceTracking GnssPeAcquireDistanceTracking
0xD000001CGnssAdapter GnssAdapter
0xD000001EInválido Invalid
0xD000001FSingleShot SingleShot
0xD0000020Distância Distance
0xD0000021Periódico Periodic
0xD0000022Geofence Geofence
0xD0000023Passivo Passive
0xD0000024AccuracySpecific AccuracySpecific
0xD0000025AccuracyAny AccuracyAny
0xD0000026AccuracyHighest AccuracyHighest
0xD0000027Desconhecido Unknown
0xD000002AWi-Fi Wifi
0xD000002BCélula Cell
0xD000002CLocal Venue
0xD000002DIpAddr IpAddr
0xD000002EUtilizador User
0xD000002FLegado Legacy
0xD0000033LKG LKG
0xD0000034AccuracyHigh AccuracyHigh
0xD0000035AccuracyPowerOptimized AccuracyPowerOptimized
0xD0000036GenerateLast GenerateLast
0xD0000037GenerateFirst GenerateFirst
0xD0000038GenerateBest GenerateBest
0xD0000039Injetar Inject
0xD000003AEliminar Delete
0xD000003BRemover Purge
0xD000003CHora Time
0xD000003EBlob Blob
0xD000003FXTRA1 XTRA1
0xD0000040XTRA2 XTRA2
0xD0000041LTO LTO
0xD0000042XTRA3 XTRA3
0xD0000044AreaTrigger AreaTrigger
0xD0000045NoNotifyNoVerify NoNotifyNoVerify
0xD0000046NotifyOnly NotifyOnly
0xD0000047NotifyVerifyDefaultAllow NotifyVerifyDefaultAllow
0xD0000048NotifyVerifyDefaultNotAllow NotifyVerifyDefaultNotAllow
0xD0000049PrivacyOverride PrivacyOverride
0xD000004BCP CP
0xD000004CV2UPL V2UPL
0xD000004DAceitar Accept
0xD000004ENegar Deny
0xD000004FTempo Limite Timeout
0xD0000051CAN_Removed CAN_Removed
0xD0000052Csp_Update Csp_Update
0xD0000053Cellular_Update Cellular_Update
0xD0000054Nenhum None
0xD0000055Registo anulado Deregistered
0xD0000056A procurar Searching
0xD0000057Base Home
0xD0000058Roaming Roaming
0xD0000059Parceiro Partner
0xD000005ANegado Denied
0xD000005CCSP CSP
0xD0000060Não registado Unregistered
0xD0000062A tentar Attempting
0xD0000065Roaming nacional Domestic roaming
0xD0000066SetLocationServiceEnabled SetLocationServiceEnabled
0xD0000067SetLocationNIRequestAllowed SetLocationNIRequestAllowed
0xD0000068ForceSatelliteSystem ForceSatelliteSystem
0xD0000069ForceOperationMode ForceOperationMode
0xD000006ASetEngineKeepWarmPeriod SetEngineKeepWarmPeriod
0xD000006BSetEngineWarm SetEngineWarm
0xD000006CSetEngineCold SetEngineCold
0xD000006DSetEngineHot SetEngineHot
0xD000006EResetEngine ResetEngine
0xD000006FClearAgnssData ClearAgnssData
0xD0000070SetDefaultFixResponseTime SetDefaultFixResponseTime
0xD0000071SetSuplVersion SetSuplVersion
0xD0000072SetNMEALogging SetNMEALogging
0xD0000073SetUplServerAccessInterval SetUplServerAccessInterval
0xD0000074SetNiTimeoutInterval SetNiTimeoutInterval
0xD0000075ResetGeofencesTracking ResetGeofencesTracking
0xD0000076Qualquer Any
0xD0000077MSA MSA
0xD0000078MSB MSB
0xD0000079MSS MSS
0xD000007ACellId CellId
0xD0000092TimeBound TimeBound
0xD0000093BestEffort BestEffort
0xD0000094Baixo Low
0xD0000095Médio Medium
0xD0000096Alto High
0xD000009ATudo All
0xD000009BCellInference CellInference
0xD000009CWiFiInference WiFiInference
0xD000009DAgnssData AgnssData
0xD000009EServerTimeData ServerTimeData
0xD000009FWebproxyTileRequest WebproxyTileRequest
0xD00000A0CrowdsourceData CrowdsourceData
0xD00000A1VenueTileRequest VenueTileRequest
0xD00000A2VenueModelRequest VenueModelRequest
0xD00000A3WebproxyCaller WebproxyCaller
0xD00000A4WebproxyInternal WebproxyInternal
0xD00000A5WebproxyWinHttp WebproxyWinHttp
0xD00000A6WinHttpResponseHeaderAvail WinHttpResponseHeaderAvail
0xD00000A7WinHttpResponseReadComplete WinHttpResponseReadComplete
0xD00000A8WinHttpResponseWriteComplete WinHttpResponseWriteComplete
0xD00000A9WinHttpRequestError WinHttpRequestError
0xD00000AAWinHttpRequestSendComplete WinHttpRequestSendComplete
0xD00000ABWinHttpOpenRequest WinHttpOpenRequest
0xD00000ACWinHttpSendRequest WinHttpSendRequest
0xD00000ADWinHttpWriteData WinHttpWriteData
0xD00000AEWinHttpReceiveResponse WinHttpReceiveResponse
0xD00000AFWinHttpReadData WinHttpReadData
0xD00000B0WinHttpPayloadConversionFailed WinHttpPayloadConversionFailed
0xD00000B3StopByDisposed StopByDisposed
0xD00000B4TryStart TryStart
0xD00000B5Execução Execution
0xD00000B6PostStatusToApp PostStatusToApp
0xD00000B7PostPositionToApp PostPositionToApp
0xD00000B8Aplicação Application
0xD00000B9Taskhost Taskhost
0xD00000BALocationService LocationService
0xD00000BBInternalGCW InternalGCW
0xD00000BDEm pausa Paused
0xD00000BEResumedTombstone ResumedTombstone
0xD00000BFResumedFAS ResumedFAS
0xD00000C0A iniciar Starting
0xD00000C1Iniciado Started
0xD00000C2A parar Stopping
0xD00000C3Parado Stopped
0xD00000C4A executar Executing
0xD00000C5Desativado Disabled
0xD00000C6Pronto Ready
0xD00000C8NoData NoData
0xD00000CAConcedido Granted
0xD00000CCPrimário Primary
0xD00000CDReversão Fallback
0xD00000CFInterno Inside
0xD00000D0Externo Outside
0xD00000D2Entrar Enter
0xD00000D3Sair Exit
0xD00000D4Removido Removed
0xD00000D5?? ??
0xD00000D6SW SW
0xD00000D7HW HW
0xD00000D9A controlar Tracking
0xD00000DANotTracking NotTracking
0xD00000DCGeofenceMonitor GeofenceMonitor
0xD00000DDFundo Background
0xD00000DEPrimeiro plano Foreground
0xD00000DFWin32Event Win32Event
0xD00000E0WnfEvent WnfEvent
0xD00000E1Anular registo Unregister
0xD00000E2Registar Register
0xD00000E3Utilizado Used
0xD00000E4Expirado Expired
0xD00000E7WiFiDisconnected WiFiDisconnected
0xD00000E8WiFiConnected WiFiConnected
0xD00000E9Não definir Unset
0xD00000EAAtivado Enabled


File Name:locationframework.dll.mui
File Size:36 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:36352
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Portuguese
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Framework de Geolocalização Windows
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Windows Geolocation Framework
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.
Original File Name:LocationFramework.dll.mui
Product Name:Sistema Operativo Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is locationframework.dll.mui?

locationframework.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Portuguese language for file locationframework.dll (Framework de Geolocalização Windows).

File version info

File Description:Framework de Geolocalização Windows
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Windows Geolocation Framework
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.
Original Filename:LocationFramework.dll.mui
Product Name:Sistema Operativo Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x816, 1200