services.exe 服务和控制器应用 db56e60315115a30179b9695e8057280

File info

File name: services.exe.mui
Size: 9216 byte
MD5: db56e60315115a30179b9695e8057280
SHA1: 62048f6effaebb557a4b2c1a34b99e30bc9ebcf1
SHA256: 839de652861cca5e8783d9ea869f5dc6e06b0e614e9a4f1c293d8b568c1589f7
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: services.exe 服务和控制器应用 (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
0没有操作 No action
1重新启动服务 Restart the service
2重新启动 Reboot the machine
3运行配置的故障恢复程序 Run the configured recovery program
4以单独的进程重新启动服务 Restart the service in a separate process
10%ws 服务意外终止,Windows 必须立即重新启动 Windows must now restart because the %ws service terminated unexpectedly
20启动 start
21停止 stop
22暂停 pause
23继续 continue
35preshutdown preshutdown
54正在运行 running
65引导启动 boot start
66系统启动 system start
67自动启动 auto start
68按需启动 demand start
69已禁用 disabled
80服务类型 service type
81开始类型 start type
82错误控制 error control
83显示名称 display name
84二进制文件路径 binary path
85依赖 dependencies
86服务组 service group
87标记 tag
88帐户名 account name
89描述 description
101计划外 Unplanned
102自定义 Custom
104计划内 Planned
120 None
131其他 Other
132硬件 Hardware
133操作系统 Operating System
134软件 Software
135应用程序 Application
162维护 Maintenance
163安装 Installation
164升级 Upgrade
165重新配置 Reconfiguration
167不稳定 Unstable
168磁盘 Disk
169网卡 Network Card
170环境 Environment
171硬件驱动程序 Hardware Driver
172其他驱动程序 Other Driver
173Service Pack Service Pack
174软件更新 Software Update
175安全修补 Security Fix
176安全 Security
177网络连接 Network Connectivity
179Service Pack 卸载 Service Pack Uninstall
180安全更新卸载 Software Update Uninstall
181安全修补卸载 Security Fix Uninstall
300正在关闭服务: %ws。 Shutting down service: %ws.
301服务 %ws 在启动时暂停。 Service %ws hung on starting.
302服务名 Service Name
303映像名称 Image Name
304映像版本 Image Version
306启动类型 Start Type
307服务挂起报告 Service Hang Report
308内核模式驱动程序 kernel mode driver
309用户模式服务 user mode service
0x10000031响应时间 Response Time
0x12000038经典 Classic
0x30000001开始 Start
0x40001B7B%1 服务成功发送一个 %2 控件。 The %1 service was successfully sent a %2 control.
0x40001B7C%1 服务处于 %2 状态。 The %1 service entered the %2 state.
0x40001B80%1 服务的启动类型从 %2 更改为 %3。 The start type of the %1 service was changed from %2 to %3.
0x40001B82%1 服务已成功发送到 %2 控件。%n%n 指定的原因是: %3 [%4]%n%n 注释: %5 The %1 service was successfully sent a %2 control.%n%n The reason specified was: %3 [%4]%n%n Comment: %5
0x40001B85服务已安装在系统中。%n%n服务名称: %1%n服务文件名: %2%n服务类型: %3%n服务启动类型: %4%n服务帐户: %5 A service was installed in the system.%n%nService Name: %1%nService File Name: %2%nService Type: %3%nService Start Type: %4%nService Account: %5
0x50000004信息 Information
0x80001B7F当启动 %1 服务时一个不是由服务控制管理器启动的服务进程进行了连接。服务控制管理器启动了进程 %2 但进程 %3 进行了连接。%n%n 请注意,如果配置此服务在调试程序下启动,则此行为是意料之中的。 A service process other than the one launched by the Service Control Manager connected when starting the %1 service. The Service Control Manager launched process %2 and process %3 connected instead.%n%n Note that if this service is configured to start under a debugger, this behavior is expected.
0x80001B84以下服务的启动时间超过了 %2 分钟,可能已停止响应: %1%n%n请联系系统管理员或服务供应商,以获取有关此服务的大致启动时间的信息。%n%n如果你认为此服务可能降低了系统响应或登录时间,请咨询系统管理员是否应在确定问题之前先禁用此服务。%n%n你可能必须在安全模式中重新启动计算机,然后才能禁用此服务。 The following service is taking more than %2 minutes to start and may have stopped responding: %1%n%nContact your system administrator or service vendor for approximate startup times for this service.%n%nIf you think this service might be slowing system response or logon time, talk to your system administrator about whether the service should be disabled until the problem is identified.%n%nYou may have to restart the computer in safe mode before you can disable the service.
0x80001B86下列服务已多次停止响应服务控制请求: %1%n%n请与服务供应商或系统管理员联系,了解有关在识别此问题之前是否需要禁用此服务。%n%n你可能需要在安全模式下重新启动计算机,然后才能禁用此服务。 The following service has repeatedly stopped responding to service control requests: %1%n%nContact the service vendor or the system administrator about whether to disable this service until the problem is identified.%n%nYou may have to restart the computer in safe mode before you can disable the service.
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Service Control Manager Performance Diagnostic Provider Microsoft-Windows-Service Control Manager Performance Diagnostic Provider
0x91000001Microsoft-Windows-Svchost Performance Diagnostic Provider Microsoft-Windows-Svchost Performance Diagnostic Provider
0x92000001Microsoft-Windows-Service Control Manager Microsoft-Windows-Service Control Manager
0x92000002System System
0xC0001B58由于下列错误,%1 服务启动失败: %n%2 The %1 service failed to start due to the following error: %n%2
0xC0001B59与 %1 服务相依的 %2 服务因下列错误而无法启动: %n%3 The %1 service depends on the %2 service which failed to start because of the following error: %n%3
0xC0001B5A与 %1 服务相依的组为 %2,该组中的组件均未启动。 The %1 service depends on the %2 group and no member of this group started.
0xC0001B5B%1 服务依赖下列服务: %2。此服务可能未安装。 The %1 service depends on the following service: %2. This service might not be installed.
0xC0001B5D%1 调用因下列错误而宣告失败: %n%2 The %1 call failed with the following error: %n%2
0xC0001B5E由于下列错误,%1 调用无法运行 %2: %n%3 The %1 call failed for %2 with the following error: %n%3
0xC0001B5F系统还原为最近一次的正确配置。系统正在重新启动.... The system reverted to its last known good configuration. The system is restarting....
0xC0001B60帐户名中不能出现反斜线。帐户名的格式必须为: 域\\用户。 No backslash is in the account name. The account name must be in the form: domain\\user.
0xC0001B61等待 %2 服务的连接超时(%1 毫秒)。 A timeout was reached (%1 milliseconds) while waiting for the %2 service to connect.
0xC0001B62等待 ReadFile 超时(%1 毫秒)。 A timeout (%1 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for ReadFile.
0xC0001B63等待来自 %2 服务的事务处理响应超时(%1 毫秒)。 A timeout (%1 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the %2 service.
0xC0001B64事务中返回的消息大小不正确。 The message returned in the transaction has incorrect size.
0xC0001B65以当前密码登录的尝试因下列错误而宣告失败: %n%1 Logon attempt with current password failed with the following error: %n%1
0xC0001B66以旧密码再次登录的尝试亦因下列错误而宣告失败: %n%1 Second logon attempt with old password also failed with the following error: %n%1
0xC0001B68%1 服务报告了无效的当前状态: %2。 The %1 service has reported an invalid current state %2.
0xC0001B69检测而得的循环依赖请求启动 %1。请检查服务依赖树。 Detected circular dependencies demand starting %1. Check the service dependency tree.
0xC0001B6A检测而得的循环依赖自动启动服务。请检查服务依赖树。 Detected circular dependencies auto-starting services. Check the service dependency tree.
0xC0001B6B%1 服务依赖组中某一稍后启动的服务。请更改服务依赖树中的顺序,以确保请求此服务的所有服务均在启动此服务之前启动。 The %1 service depends on a service in a group which starts later. Change the order in the service dependency tree to ensure that all services required to start this service are starting before this service is started.
0xC0001B6C%1 服务依赖某一稍后启动的组。请更改服务依赖树中的顺序,以确保请求启动的所有服务均在启动此服务之前启动。 The %1 service depends on a group which starts later. Change the order in the service dependency tree to ensure that all services required to start this service are starting before this service is started.
0xC0001B6D因为 %1 服务启动失败,将会转换为最近一次的正确配置。 About to revert to the last known good configuration because the %1 service failed to start.
0xC0001B6E%1 服务在启动时挂起。 The %1 service hung on starting.
0xC0001B6F%1 服务因下列错误而停止: %n%2 The %1 service terminated with the following error: %n%2
0xC0001B70%1 服务由于下列服务特定错误而终止: %n%2 The %1 service terminated with the following service-specific error: %n%2
0xC0001B72以下引导启动或系统启动驱动程序未加载: %1 The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) did not load: %1
0xC0001B73Windows 无法依照配置的方式启动。请使用以前正常的配置来启动 Windows。 Windows could not be started as configured. Starting Windows using a previous working configuration.
0xC0001B74%1 注册表项拒绝访问 SYSTEM 帐户程序,所以服务控制管理器取得注册表项的所有权。 The %1 Registry key denied access to SYSTEM account programs so the Service Control Manager took ownership of the Registry key.
0xC0001B75服务控制管理器 %0 Service Control Manager %0
0xC0001B76%1 服务标记为交互服务。但是系统配置成不允许交互服务。这项服务可能无法正常操作。 The %1 service is marked as an interactive service. However, the system is configured to not allow interactive services. This service may not function properly.
0xC0001B77%1 服务意外地终止,这种情况已经出现了 %2 次。以下的修正操作将在 %3 毫秒内运行: %5。 The %1 service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this %2 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in %3 milliseconds: %5.
0xC0001B78在 %3 服务意外终止后,“服务控制管理器”试着进行修正操作(%2),但这个操作失败,错误是: %n%4 The Service Control Manager tried to take a corrective action (%2) after the unexpected termination of the %3 service, but this action failed with the following error: %n%4
0xC0001B7A服务 %1 意外停止。这发生了 %2 次。 The %1 service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this %2 time(s).
0xC0001B7D服务控制管理器在撤消对 %1 服务的配置更改时遇到错误。此服务的 %2 当前处于无法预测的状态。如果你不更正此配置,可能无法重新启动 %1 服务或者可能会遇到其他错误。要确保服务配置正确,请使用 Microsoft 管理控制台(MMC)中的服务管理单元。 The Service Control Manager encountered an error undoing a configuration change to the %1 service. The service's %2 is currently in an unpredictable state. If you do not correct this configuration, you may not be able to restart the %1 service or may encounter other errors. To ensure that the service is configured properly, use the Services snap-in in Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
0xC0001B7E%1 服务无法使用当前配置的密码以 %2 身份登录,错误原因如下: %n%3%n%n要确保服务配置正确,请使用 Microsoft 管理控制台(MMC)中的服务管理单元。 The %1 service was unable to log on as %2 with the currently configured password due to the following error: %n%3%n%nTo ensure that the service is configured properly, use the Services snap-in in Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
0xC0001B81%1 服务无法使用当前配置的密码以 %2 身份登录,错误原因如下: %n登录失败: 没有在此计算机上授予用户请求的登录类型。%n %n服务: %1 %n域和帐户: %2%n %n此服务帐户没有所需的用户权限“以服务身份登录”。%n %n用户操作%n %n向此计算机上的服务帐户分配“以服务身份登录”。可以使用本地安全设置(Secpol.msc)执行此操作。如果此计算机是群集中的一个节点,请检查此用户权限是否已分配给群集中所有节点上的群集服务帐户。%n %n如果已将此用户权限分配给了此服务帐户,并且似乎已删除此用户权限,请同你的域管理员检查以找出是否正确删除与此节点相关联的组策略对象。 The %1 service was unable to log on as %2 with the currently configured password due to the following error: %nLogon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.%n %nService: %1 %nDomain and account: %2%n %nThis service account does not have the required user right \"Log on as a service.\"%n %nUser Action%n %nAssign \"Log on as a service\" to the service account on this computer. You can use Local Security Settings (Secpol.msc) to do this. If this computer is a node in a cluster, check that this user right is assigned to the Cluster service account on all nodes in the cluster.%n %nIf you have already assigned this user right to the service account, and the user right appears to be removed, check with your domain administrator to find out if a Group Policy object associated with this node might be removing the right.
0xC0001B83%1 服务在接收到预关闭控制后未正确关闭。 The %1 service did not shut down properly after receiving a preshutdown control.


File Name:services.exe.mui
File Size:9.0 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:8704
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:服务和控制器应用
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:services.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:services.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is services.exe.mui?

services.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file services.exe (服务和控制器应用).

File version info

File Description:服务和控制器应用
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:services.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:services.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200