adprop.dll.mui Windows Active Directory 網域服務管理內容頁 da499fb36ab9e73f49de8cb7c7c5c317

File info

File name: adprop.dll.mui
Size: 109568 byte
MD5: da499fb36ab9e73f49de8cb7c7c5c317
SHA1: 385f1352d136216947cc070bb872121abf0146f8
SHA256: fe4f596bd8ac3c13fc46316b76b5c5d1f7c7b0923370eae10b90ae4202c3e5b1
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
172公司 Business
173您必須按 [套用],才能檢視外部網域的成員。 A member from an external domain cannot be viewed until you click Apply.
175您目前正在轉換一個安全性群組到一個發佈群組。如果使用這個群組來授予或拒絕網路資源的使用權限,這個群組的成員將可能遺失存取權或獲得意外的存取許可。您確定要繼續嗎? You are converting a security group to a distribution group. If this group is used to grant or deny permissions on network resources, members of this group may lose access or gain undesired access. Are you sure you want to continue?
176這個變更會影響整個網域。提高網域功能等級之後,可能無法將其還原。 This change affects the entire domain. After you raise the domain functional level, it is possible that you may not be able to reverse it.
177新群組成員的名稱轉譯失敗,原因: %s
The name translation for a new group member failed because: %s
This may be due to a damaged trust with the other domain. Correct the trust problem and then try adding the member again.
178已順利提高功能等級。新的功能等級現在會複寫到網域內的每部 Active Directory 網域控制站。這個操作所需的時間,取決於複寫拓撲。 The functional level was raised successfully. The new functional level will now replicate to each Active Directory Domain Controller in the domain. The amount of time this will take varies, depending on your replication topology.
179無法連線到通用類別目錄 (GC)。必須要有 GC,才能列出物件的群組成員資格。GC 可能暫時無法使用。如果您的企業沒有設定為 GC 的 Active Directory 網域控制站,則應該設定一個 GC。請向您的系統管理員要求協助。 A global catalog (GC) cannot be contacted. A GC is needed to list the object's group memberships. The GC may be temporarily unavailable. Or, if your enterprise does not have an Active Directory Domain Controller configured as a GC, then one should be configured. Contact your system administrator for assistance.
180這個信任是可轉移的。在企業內來自非直接受信任的網域的使用者可以在信任網域中驗證。 This trust is transitive. Users from indirectly trusted domains within the enterprise may authenticate in the trusting domain.
181已經新增受信任的網域,它的信任也已被確認。 The trusted domain has been added and the trust has been verified.
182只為此帳戶使用 Kerberos DES 加密類型 Use only Kerberos DES encryption types for this account
183國家/區域碼資料不正確,檔案可能已損毀。請更新 dsprop.dll,然後重試。 The country/region code data is invalid. The file may have become corrupted. Replace dsprop.dll with a new copy and try again.
184內建本機 Builtin local
185不需要 Kerberos 預先驗證 Do not require Kerberos preauthentication
186UNC 名稱是必要的屬性。請輸入一個值,或按 [取消] 來保留先前的值。 The UNC name is a required attribute. Please fill in a value or click Cancel to preserve the prior value.
187某些物件名稱無法以易讀格式顯示。如果物件來自外部網域,並且該網域無法轉譯物件名稱時,就會發生這種情形。 Some of the object names cannot be shown in their user-friendly form. This can happen if the object is from an external domain and that domain is not available to translate the object's name.
188無法顯示使用者的 Windows 2000 前版網域名稱。 The pre-Windows 2000 domain name for the user cannot be displayed.
189沒有值 no value
197使用者必須在下次登入時變更密碼 User must change password at next logon
199這個內容限制在 %d 值。您必須先移除某些現存的數值,才可以新增數值。 This property is limited to %d values. You must remove some of the existing values before you can add new ones.
200樹狀根目錄 Tree Root
201Windows 找不到 %s 網域的網域主控站 (PDC)。請先確認 PDC 運作正常,然後重試。 Windows cannot find a primary domain controller (PDC) for the %s domain. Verify that the PDC is functioning and then try again.
202無法確認信任,您必須提供正確的認證。 The trust cannot be verified. You need to supply valid credentials.
203在通用類別目錄中找不到這個物件的成員資格資訊。原因可能是通用類別目錄伺服器無法使用,或是物件是新的,尚未複寫到這個網域控制站。如果通用類別目錄伺服器無法使用,則不會列出其他網域之群組中的成員資格。如果是新物件,請等待複寫完成,或使用 repadmin.exe 強制進行該物件的複寫。 Membership information for this object cannot be found in the global catalog. This might occur because the global catalog server is unavailable or because the object is new and has not yet replicated to this domain controller. If the global catalog server is unavailable, membership in groups from other domains will not be listed. If the object is new, wait for replication to complete or use repadmin.exe to force replication for the object.
204這個物件名稱無法以易讀格式顯示。如果這個物件來自外部網域,且該網域無法轉譯物件名稱,或是物件不再存在於該網域上,就會發生這種情形。 The object name cannot be shown in its user-friendly form. This can happen if the object is from an external domain and that domain is not available to translate the object's name or the object no longer exists on that domain.
296關閉 Close
311Windows 2000 前版的帳戶名稱欄位不能空白。請填入名稱再重試一次。 The pre-Windows 2000 account name field cannot be empty. Provide a value and then try again.
312使用者不能變更密碼 User cannot change password
314您在第二頁初始化前取消了第一頁。因此第二頁內的資料會不正確。請先關閉它們,再開啟這兩頁。然後等到第二頁完全顯示後,再取消第一頁。 The first page was canceled before the second page could initialize. The data on the second page will not be valid. Close the page and then reopen both, and then wait until the second page is completely displayed before canceling the first page.
315您沒有讀取通用類別目錄的權限。因此無法列出在這個網域外的群組成員資格。 You do not have permission to read the global catalog. This means that membership in groups outside of this domain cannot be listed.
316無法將內建群組加入到其他群組中。 Builtin groups cannot be added to other groups.
317這個信任是可轉移的。只有來自直接受信任的網域中的使用者,才能在信任網域中進行驗證。 This trust is not transitive. Only users from the directly trusted domain may authenticate in the trusting domain.
318無法從網域主控站 (PDC) 取得網域 %2 的資訊,原因是: %1
請確定 PDC 運作正常,然後重試。
Information from the primary domain controller (PDC) for the domain %2 cannot be obtained because: %1
Make sure that the PDC is operating properly and then try again.
319網域 %2 及網域 %3 間的信任驗證失敗,因為: %1
重設信任密碼可能可以解決這個問題。要重設信任密碼,請按 [是]。
Verification of the trust between the domain %2 and the domain %3 was unsuccessful because: %1
Resetting the trust passwords might solve the problem. To reset the trust passwords, click Yes.
320無法展開 %s,因為無法讀取 Windows 2000 前版的登入名稱。請檢查您的使用者帳戶是否有足夠權限可以讀取這個使用者的 Windows 2000 前版登入名稱。 %s cannot be expanded because the pre-Windows 2000 logon name cannot be read. Check if your user account has sufficient privileges to read this user's pre-Windows 2000 logon name.
322網域 %2 及網域 %3 間的信任驗證失敗,因為: %1
您必須先移除兩邊的信任,然後再重新新增信任,才能修復 Windows 2000 前版網域的信任。
Verification of the trust between the domain %2 and the domain %3 was unsuccessful because: %1
To repair a trust to a pre-Windows 2000 domain you must remove and re-add the trust on both sides.
606這個信任是樹系轉移。在受信任的網域中的使用者可以間接地在企業信任網路中進行驗證。 This trust is forest transitive. Users from indirectly trusted domains within the enterprise may authenticate in the trusting enterprise.
611Windows 2000 混合模式 Windows 2000 mixed
612Windows 2000 原生 Windows 2000 native
613Windows Server 2003 過渡版 Windows Server 2003 interim
615Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2003
616Windows 2000 Windows 2000
620無法連線到網域 %s 的 Active Directory 網域控制站。 Unable to contact an Active Directory Domain Controller for the domain %s.
622您沒有足夠的權限來提高網域功能等級。 You do not have sufficient privilege to raise the domain functional level.
623無法連絡 PDC,因此無法提高網域功能等級。 The domain functional level cannot be raised because the PDC could not be contacted.
625您沒有足夠的權限來提高樹系功能等級。 You do no have sufficient privilege to raise the forest functional level.
628%s如果要更新網域功能等級,則網域中的 Active Directory 網域控制站必須執行適當的 Windows 版本。



%sTo update the domain functional level, the Active Directory Domain Controllers in the domain must be running the appropriate version of windows.

domain Name

Current domain functional level

629下列 Active Directory 網域控制站執行的是舊版的 Windows:
網域名稱 AD DC Windows 版本
The following Active Directory Domain Controllers are running earlier versions of windows:
domain Name AD DC Version of Windows
630建立網域名稱記錄檔失敗,發生錯誤: %1 The creation of the domain names log file failed with error: %1
631無法提高功能等級。錯誤是: %s The functional level could not be raised. The error is: %s
632提高網域功能等級 Raise domain functional level
636提高樹系功能等級 Raise forest functional level
637這個變更會影響整個樹系。提高樹系功能等級之後,可能無法將其還原。 This change affects the entire forest. After you raise the forest functional level, it is possible that you may not be able to reverse it.
639因為無法連線到架構主機,所以無法提高樹系功能等級。請確認架構主機 Active Directory 網域控制站 (%s) 可供使用,然後重試。 The forest functional level cannot be raised because the schema master could not be contacted. Confirm that the schema master Active Directory Domain Controller (%s) is available and try again.
640%s如果要更新樹系功能等級,則樹系中的 Active Directory 網域控制站必須執行適當的 Windows 版本,而且樹系中沒有網域具有 Windows 2000 混合模式的網域功能等級。



%sTo update the forest functional level, the Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest must be running the appropriate version of windows, and no domains in the forest can have a domain functional level of Windows 2000 mixed.

forest root domain name

Current forest functional level


下列網域所含的 Active Directory 網域控制站執行的是舊版的 Windows 版本:
網域名稱 AD DC Windows 版本

The following domains include Active Directory Domain Controllers that are running earlier versions of windows:
domain Name AD DC Version of Windows

下列網域必須升級為 Windows 2000 原生模式或更高模式的網域功能等級:
網域名稱 目前的網域功能等級

The following domains must be updated to a domain functional level of Windows 2000 native or higher:
domain Name Current domain functional level
643無法連線到網域 %s 的 Active Directory 網域控制站。在 Active Directory 網域控制站可供使用之前,無法提高樹系功能等級。 Unable to contact an Active Directory Domain Controller for the domain %s. The forest functional level cannot be raised until the AD DC is available.
644無法提高樹系功能等級。可能是這個樹系包括未執行適當 Windows 版本的 Active Directory 網域控制站,或一個或多個網域仍然處於 Windows 2000 混合模式功能等級。 You cannot raise the forest functional level. Either this forest includes Active Directory Domain Controllers that are not running the appropriate version of Windows, or one ore more domains are still at Windows 2000 mixed functional level.
645與您指定之領域的信任關係已經存在。 A trust relationship with the realm you specified already exists.
646若要與這個領域建立不同的信任關係,請刪除現有的信任,然後再執行這個精靈。 To create a different trust relationship with this realm, delete the existing trust, and then run this wizard again.
649Windows 無法設定這個樹系信任的安全性通道,因為在其他網域的現存信任不是樹系信任。如果要修復這個問題,指定網域的系統管理員應該先刪除這個信任,然後重新建立它為樹系信任。 Windows could not set up the secure channel for this forest trust because the existing trust in the other domain is not a forest trust. To fix this problem, the administrator of the specified domain should delete the trust and re-create it as a forest trust.
651確認連出信任 Confirm Outgoing Trust
652無法變更轉移。錯誤是: %s The transitivity cannot be changed. The error is: %s
656已成功確認連入信任。 The incoming trust was successfully validated.
657已成功確認連出信任。 The outgoing trust was successfully validated.
658帳戶沒有網域 %2 的系統管理權限。錯誤是 %1 無法確認信任。 The account does not have administrative privileges on the domain %2. The error is %1The trust cannot be validated.
659已經確認連出信任。它已就位並在使用中。 The outgoing trust has been validated. It is in place and active.
660如果要修復這個問題,請將不符合需要的信任類型的信任移除,再重新建立它以符合合作網域的信任類型。 To fix this problem, remove the trust that does not match the desired trust type and re-create it to match the trust type of the partner domain.
661信任類型不相符。如果要成功建立信任關係,雙方網域必須都設定成使用相同的信任類型。新增信任精靈判定本機網域 %1 已經設定成樹系信任的信任類型,而合作網域 %2 已經設定成外部信任的信任類型。 The trust types do not match. To successfully establish a trust relationship, both domains must be configured to use the same trust type. The New Trust Wizard has determined that the local domain %1 is configured for a trust type of forest trust and the partner domain %2 is configured for a trust type of external trust.
662信任類型不相符。如果要成功建立信任關係,雙方網域必須都設定成使用相同的信任類型。新增信任精靈判定本機網域 %1 已經設定成外部信任的信任類型,而合作網域 %2 已經設定成樹系信任的信任類型。 The trust types do not match. To successfully establish a trust relationship, both domains must be configured to use the same trust type. The New Trust Wizard has determined that the local domain %1 is configured for a trust type of external trust and the partner domain %2 is configured for a trust type of forest trust.
664信任密碼 Trust Password
665Active Directory 網域控制站會使用密碼來確認信任關係。 Passwords are used by Active Directory Domain Controllers to confirm trust relationships.
666信任方 Sides of Trust
667如果您在兩個網域都有適當的使用權限,您可以建立信任關係的雙方。 If you have appropriate permissions in both domains, you can create both sides of the trust relationship.
668無法判斷目前的網域狀態。原因可能是正在升級 Active Directory 網域控制站。如果是這種狀況,請等待升級完成,然後再試一次。 Cannot determine the current domain state. This may be due to an Active Directory Domain Controller upgrade being in progress. If this is the case, please wait until the upgrade is complete and try again.
B&oth this domain and the specified domain
This option creates a trust relationship in the local domain and a corresponding trust relationship in the specified domain.
673信任方: 只為這個網域建立信任。 Sides of trust: Create the trust for this domain only.
674信任方: 為這個網域和指定網域建立信任。 Sides of trust: Create the trust for both this domain and the specified domain.
676信任方: 已經為這個網域和指定網域建立信任。 Sides of trust: Created the trust for both this domain and the specified domain.
678因為無法連線到所指定網域的網域主控站 (PDC),所以無法建立信任的兩端。 Cannot create both sides of the trust because a primary domain controller (PDC) for the specified domain cannot be contacted.
680路由名稱尾碼 -- 指定的樹系 Routed Name Suffixes -- Specified forest
681如果驗證要求所使用的名稱尾碼不存在本機樹系,您可以將驗證要求路由傳送到指定的樹系。 You can route authentication requests that use name suffixes that do not exist in the local forest to the specified forest.
682本機的樹系根網域: %1

因為一些本機的名稱尾碼已存在指定樹系中 (或是在受到指定樹系信任的樹系上),它們將不會通過路由傳送到這個樹系。

Local forest root domain: %1

Because some of the local name suffixes already exist in the specified forest (or a forest that is trusted by the specified forest), they cannot be routed to this forest.

Would you like to save a log file with complete details about the names associated with this trust?
683提供的認證不足,無法完成信任的建立。 The supplied credentials were not adequate to complete the trust creation.
685要開始使用信任之前,必須先建立信任關係的雙方。例如,如果您在本機網域建立單向的連入信任,也必須在指定網域中建立單向的連出信任,這樣驗證流量才能在信任之中開始進行。 To begin using a trust, both sides of the trust relationship must be created. For example, if you create a one-way incoming trust in the local domain, a one-way outgoing trust must also be created in the specified domain before authentication traffic will begin flowing across the trust.
686如果要修正這個問題,請移除這個信任,然後重新執行新增信任精靈,來建立兩個網域之間的信任關係。 To fix this problem, remove this trust, and then run the New Trust Wizard again to create the trust relationship in both domains.
687新增信任精靈無法將信任轉換成雙向,因為在指定網域上的信任是領域信任。 The New Trust Wizard cannot convert the trust to two-way because the trust on the specified domain is a realm trust.
688新增信任精靈無法將信任轉換成雙向,因為在這個網域上的信任是樹系信任,而指定網域上的信任是外部信任。 The New Trust Wizard cannot convert the trust to two-way because the trust on this domain is a forest trust and the trust on the specified domain is an external trust.
689新增信任精靈無法將信任轉換成雙向,因為在這個網域上的信任是外部信任,而指定網域上的信任是樹系信任。 The New Trust Wizard cannot convert the trust to two-way because the trust on this domain is an external trust and the trust on the specified domain is a forest trust.
690新增信任精靈無法將信任轉換成雙向,因為指定網域上的信任並不存在。 The New Trust Wizard cannot convert the trust to two-way because the trust does not exist on the specified domain.
691新增信任精靈無法在雙方建立信任,因為指定網域中已經有一個到這個網域的信任。 The New Trust Wizard cannot create a trust on both sides because a trust to this domain already exists in the specified domain.
692新增信任精靈無法在雙方建立樹系信任,因為指定樹系的功能等級不正確。 The New Trust Wizard cannot create a forest trust on both sides because the specified forest is not at the proper functional level.
693要修正這個問題的話,必須提高指定樹系的功能等級。 To fix this problem, the functional level of the specified forest must be raised.
694將這些名稱路由到指定樹系: Route these names to the specified forest:
695將這些名稱路由到本機樹系: Route these names to the local forest:
696無法讀取指定樹系的功能等級。 Unable to read the functional level of the specified forest.
697無法建立到指定樹系的樹系信任。指定的樹系不在必要的樹系功能等級。 Cannot create a forest trust to the specified forest. The specified forest is not at the necessary forest functional level.
698要修正這個問題的話,必須提高指定樹系的樹系功能等級。 To fix this problem, you must raise the forest functional level on the specified forest.
699信任已經建立,但是最初的樹系名稱尾碼組卻無法儲存在信任物件中。 The trust was created, but an initial set of forest name suffixes could not be saved on the trust object.
701您確定要移除對 %s 網域的連出信任嗎? Are you sure you want to remove the outgoing trust with the %s domain?
702您確定要移除對 %s 網域的連入信任嗎? Are you sure you want to remove the incoming trust with the %s domain?
703您確定要移除對 %s 網域的連出信任嗎? 如果是,您也必須從 %s 網域的連入信任清單中移除這個網域。 Are you sure you want to remove the outgoing trust with the %s domain? If so, you must also remove this domain from the incoming trust list on the %s domain.
704您確定要移除對 %s 網域的連入信任嗎? 如果是,您也必須從 %s 網域的連出信任清單中移除這個網域。 Are you sure you want to remove the incoming trust with the %s domain? If so, you must also remove this domain from the outgoing trust list on the %s domain.
705要修正這個問題,請從這個網域移除信任,確定它已從其他網域中移除,然後重新執行這個精靈。 To fix this problem, remove the trust from this domain, ensure that is removed from the other domain, and then run this wizard again.
706要修正這個問題,請從其他網域移除信任,然後重新執行這個精靈。 To fix this problem, remove the trust from the other domain, and then run this wizard again.
707您要從本機網域和其他網域移除信任嗎? Do you wish to remove the trust from both the local domain and the other domain?
708您要驗證連入信任嗎? Do you wish to validate the incoming direction of trust?
709您為 %s 網域輸入的認證權限不足,無法移除信任。請以新的認證再試一次。 The credentials you entered for the %s domain are not sufficient to remove the trust. Please try again with new credentials.
710%s 網域上找不到這個信任。如果您選擇 [確定],它將會從這個網域中移除。 This trust was not found on the %s domain. It will be removed from this domain if you choose OK.
711Windows 找不到 %s 網域的 Active Directory 網域控制站。請確認可以使用 AD DC,然後再試一次。 Windows cannot find an Active Directory Domain Controller for the %s domain. Verify that an AD DC is available and then try again.
712找不到信任。可能已經被其他使用者移除了。 The trust cannot be found. It may have been removed by another user.
713因為找不到信任物件,因此無法將樹系信任資訊寫入信任物件。它可能已經被其他使用者移除了。 Unable to write the forest trust information to the trust object because the trust object cannot be found. It may have been removed by another user.
714功能等級無法提高。可能是因為複寫延遲所造成。請等候大約 30 分鐘再試一次。 The functional level could not be raised. This may be due to replication latency. Please wait about 30 minutes and try again.
715本機安全性授權無法取得與 Active Directory 網域控制站 %s 的 RPC 連線。請檢查名稱是否可以解析,以及伺服器是否可供使用。 The Local Security Authority is unable to obtain an RPC connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %s. Please check that the name can be resolved and that the server is available.
719無法從 Active Directory 網域控制站 %s 讀取 Active Directory 網域服務資訊。請修復 AD DC,然後再試一次。 Unable to read Active Directory Domain Services information from the Active Directory Domain Controller %s. Please repair the AD DC and try again.
720NTDS-DSA 物件:
未正確設定,而且導致無法提高樹系功能等級。它參照的是 Active Directory 網域控制站 '%2'。如果這部 AD DC 離線,則讓這部 AD DC 重新上線可能會產生複寫動作,進而修復該設定。否則,請使用 ADSI 編輯器 MMC 嵌入式管理單元或類似的工具來刪除這個物件。
The NTDS-DSA object:
is not properly configured and is preventing the forest functional level from being raised. It refers to the Active Directory Domain Controller '%2'. If this AD DC is off-line, then bringing it back on line may cause replication that will repair the configuration. Otherwise delete this object using the ADSI Edit MMC snapin or a similar tool.
721Active Directory 網域服務尚無法完成這項操作。如果您才剛升級 Active Directory 網域控制站,必須等候大約半個小時,讓變更複寫到所有命名內容。 The Active Directory Domain Services is not ready to complete the operation. If you just promoted an Active Directory Domain Controller, you will need to wait about a half hour for the changes to replicate to all of the naming contexts.
723本機安全性授權無法連線至 Active Directory 網域控制站 %2。錯誤是: %1 The Local Security Authority is unable to connect to the Active Directory Domain Controller %2. The error is: %1
727連出信任驗證等級 Outgoing Trust Authentication Level
728可以驗證指定樹系的使用者,來使用本機樹系的所有資源或僅由您指定的那些資源。 Users in the specified forest can be authenticated to use all of the resources in the local forest or only those resources that you specify.
729可以驗證指定網域的使用者,來使用本機網域的所有資源或僅由您指定的那些資源。 Users in the specified domain can be authenticated to use all of the resources in the local domain or only those resources that you specify.
730選取來自 %s 樹系的使用者的驗證領域。 Select the scope of authentication for users from the %s forest.
734連出信任驗證等級--指定的樹系 Outgoing Trust Authentication Level--Specified Forest
735可以驗證本機樹系的使用者,來使用指定樹系的所有資源或僅由您指定的那些資源。 Users in the local forest can be authenticated to use all of the resources in the specified forest or only those resources that you specify.
Windows 將自動驗證來自指定樹系的使用者在本機樹系的所有資源。當兩個樹系都屬於同一個組織時,將優先使用此選項。
&Forest-wide authentication
Windows will automatically authenticate users from the specified forest for all resources in the local forest. This option is preferred when both forests belong to the same organization.
Windows 將不會自動驗證來自指定樹系的使用者在本機樹系的任何資源。在您關閉此對話方塊後,請授與使用者您想讓他們在指定樹系中使用的每個網域和伺服器的權限。當樹系屬於不同的組織時,將優先使用此選項。
&Selective authentication
Windows will not automatically authenticate users from the specified forest for any resources in the local forest. After you close this dialog, grant individual access to each domain and server that you want to make available to users in the specified forest. This option is preferred if the forests belong to different organizations.
740驗證 Authentication
Windows 將自動驗證來自指定網域的使用者在本機網域的所有資源。當兩個網域都屬於同一個組織時,將優先使用此選項。
&Domain-wide authentication
Windows will automatically authenticate users from the specified domain for all resources in the local domain. This option is preferred when both domains belong to the same organization.
Windows 將不會自動驗證來自指定網域的使用者在本機網域的任何資源。在您關閉此對話方塊後,請授與使用者您想讓他們在指定網域中使用的每個伺服器的權限。當網域屬於不同的組織時,將優先使用此選項。
&Selective authentication
Windows will not automatically authenticate users from the specified domain for any resources in the local domain. After you close this dialog, grant individual access to each server that you want to make available to users in the specified domain. This option is preferred if the domains belong to different organizations.
744選取 %s 樹系使用者的驗證領域。 Select the scope of authentication for users in the %s forest.
745選取 %s 網域使用者的驗證領域。 Select the scope of authentication for users in the %s domain.
746無法將組織驗證資訊寫入信任物件。錯誤是: %s Unable to write the organization authentication information to the trust object. The error is: %s
749連出信任驗證等級--本機樹系 Outgoing Trust Authentication Level--Local Forest
750可以驗證本機網域的使用者,來使用指定網域的所有資源或僅由您指定的那些資源。 Users in the local domain can be authenticated to use all of the resources in the specified domain or only those resources that you specify.
752選取本機樹系使用者的驗證領域。 Select the scope of authentication for users from the local forest.
753選取本機網域使用者的驗證領域。 Select the scope of authentication for users from the local domain.
Windows 將不會自動驗證來自指定樹系的使用者在本機樹系的任何資源。在您完成此精靈後,請授與使用者您想讓他們在指定樹系中使用的每個網域和伺服器的權限。當樹系屬於不同的組織時,將優先使用此選項。
&Selective authentication
Windows will not automatically authenticate users from the specified forest for any resources in the local forest. After you finish this wizard, grant individual access to each domain and server that you want to make available to users in the specified forest. This option is preferred if the forests belong to different organizations.
Windows 將不會自動驗證來自指定網域的使用者在本機網域的任何資源。在您完成此精靈後,請授與使用者您想讓他們在指定網域中使用的每個伺服器的權限。當網域屬於不同的組織時,將優先使用此選項。
&Selective authentication
Windows will not automatically authenticate users from the specified domain for any resources in the local domain. After you finish this wizard, grant individual access to each server that you want to make available to users in the specified domain. This option is preferred if the domains belong to different organizations.
Windows 將自動驗證來自本機樹系的使用者在 %s 樹系的所有資源。當兩個樹系都屬於同一個組織時,將優先使用此選項。
&Forest-wide authentication
Windows will automatically authenticate users from the local forest for all resources in the %s forest. This option is preferred when both forests belong to the same organization.
Windows 將自動驗證來自本機網域的使用者在 %s 網域的所有資源。當兩個網域都屬於同一個組織時,將優先使用此選項。
&Domain-wide authentication
Windows will automatically authenticate users from the local domain for all resources in the %s domain. This option is preferred when both domains belong to the same organization.
Windows 將不會自動驗證來自本機樹系的使用者在 %s 樹系的任何資源。在您完成此精靈後,請授與使用者您想讓他們在本機樹系中使用的每個網域和伺服器的權限。當樹系屬於不同的組織時,將優先使用此選項。
&Selective authentication
Windows will not automatically authenticate users from the local forest for any resources in the %s forest. After you finish this wizard, grant individual access to each domain and server that you want to make available to users from the local forest. This option is preferred if the forests belong to different organizations.
Windows 將不會自動驗證來自本機網域的使用者在 %s 網域的任何資源。在您完成此精靈後,請授與使用者您想讓他們在本機網域中使用的每個伺服器的權限。當網域屬於不同的組織時,將優先使用此選項。
&Selective authentication
Windows will not automatically authenticate users from the local domain for any resources in the %s domain. After you finish this wizard, grant individual access to each server that you want to make available to users from the local domain. This option is preferred if the domains belong to different organizations.
762連出信任驗證等級--本機網域 Outgoing Trust Authentication Level--Local Domain
763連出信任驗證等級--指定的網域 Outgoing Trust Authentication Level--Specified Domain
764連出信任驗證等級: 驗證整個樹系。 Outgoing trust authentication level: Forest-wide authentication.
765連出信任驗證等級: 驗證整個網域。 Outgoing trust authentication level: Domain-wide authentication.
766連出信任驗證等級: 選擇性驗證。 Outgoing trust authentication level: Selective authentication.
768連出信任驗證等級: 在本機和指定樹系進行整個樹系的驗證。 Outgoing trust authentication level: Forest-wide authentication in local and specified forests.
769連出信任驗證等級: 在本機和指定樹系進行整個網域的驗證。 Outgoing trust authentication level: Domain-wide authentication in local and specified forests.
770連出信任驗證等級: 在本機和指定樹系進行整個選擇性的驗證。 Outgoing trust authentication level: Selective authentication in local and specified forests.
772連出信任驗證等級: 在本機樹系進行整個樹系的驗證,在指定樹系進行選擇性驗證。 Outgoing trust authentication level: Forest-wide authentication in local forest and selective authentication in specified forest.
773連出信任驗證等級: 在本機樹系進行整個網域的驗證,在指定樹系進行選擇性驗證。 Outgoing trust authentication level: Domain-wide authentication in local forest and selective authentication in specified forest.
774連出信任驗證等級: 在本機樹系進行選擇性驗證,在指定樹系進行整個樹系的驗證。 Outgoing trust authentication level: Selective authentication in local forest and forest-wide authentication in specified forest.
775連出信任驗證等級: 於指定樹系中,選擇性驗證本機樹系和整個網域的驗證。 Outgoing trust authentication level: Selective authentication in local forest and domain-wide authentication in specified forest.
780已成功地提高功能等級。新的功能等級現在會複寫到樹系中的每部 Active Directory 網域控制站。所需時間將依您的複寫拓撲的不同而異。 The functional level was raised successfully. The new functional level will now replicate to each Active Directory Domain Controller in the forest. The amount of time this will take varies, depending on your replication topology.
999國家/地區: Country/region:
1028互動式登入必須使用智慧卡 Smart card is required for interactive logon
1029帳戶受信任可以委派 Account is trusted for delegation
1030這是機密帳戶,無法委派 Account is sensitive and cannot be delegated
1031您已選擇了 [密碼永久有效]。使用者在下次登入時不需要變更密碼。 You have selected 'Password never expires'. The user will not be required to change the password at next logon.
1032已經新增信任網域,其信任也已被確認。 The trusting domain has been added and the trust verified.
1033您的權限不足,無法變更 %s 屬性,您所做的變更將不會被儲存。 You do not have permission to change the %s attribute, your changes will not be saved.
1034您的權限不足,無法修改群組 %s。 You do not have permission to modify the group %s.
1035您不能為同一個使用者同時選取 [使用者必須在下次登入時變更密碼] 及 [使用者不能變更密碼]。 You cannot select both 'User must change password at next logon' and 'User cannot change password' for the same user.
1036%s 網域(&M): %s Do&main:
1037無法修改信任關係。網路問題可能是造成的原因。也有可能是代表信任關係的物件已損壞。如果是後者造成,您必須移除信任再重新建立它。 The trust relationship cannot be modified. This could be caused by network problems or the objects that represent the trust relationship have become damaged. If the latter, then the trust must be removed and recreated.
1038SPN 尾碼 SPN Suffixes
1039密碼永久有效 Password never expires
1040帳戶已停用 Account is disabled
1041指定的使用者登入名稱已經存在於企業中。請選擇一個新名稱,您可以變更首碼,或從清單中選擇另一個尾碼。 The specified user logon name already exists in the enterprise. Specify a new one, either by changing the prefix or selecting a different suffix from the list.
1042找不到通用類別目錄,無法驗證使用者登入名稱是否已經存在企業組織中。 A global catalog cannot be located to verify that the user logon name does not already exist in the enterprise.
1043%username% %username%
1044信任已經修復。但需要一些時間在每個網域的所有 Active Directory 網域控制站間複寫修復的資訊,以完全重新設定信任關係。 The trust has been repaired. It may take some time for the repaired information to replicate between all Active Directory Domain Controllers in each domain to reinstate this trust relationship fully.
1045無法修復信任。原因: %s The trust cannot be repaired because: %s
1046Windows 無法確認信任。如果網域間的信任運作不正常,請嘗試重設信任密碼。 Windows cannot verify the trust. If the inter-domain trust is not functioning properly, try resetting the trust passwords again.
1047您的安全性設定不允許您指定這個帳戶是否受信任委派。 Your security settings do not allow you to specify whether or not this account is to be trusted for delegation.
1048信任已經確認有效。它已經就位並在使用中。 The trust has been validated. It is in place and active.
1049並未建立 %1 主資料夾,因為您沒有伺服器上的建立存取權。使用者帳戶已使用新的主資料夾值來更新,但是您在取得所需的存取權後,必須以手動方式建立目錄。 The %1 home folder was not created because you do not have create access on the server. The user account has been updated with the new home folder value but you must create the directory manually after obtaining the required access rights.
1051FPNW 主資料夾 %2 並未建立,因為找不到它的上層目錄。 The FPNW home folder %2 was not created because its parent directory was not found.
1052FPNW 主資料夾 %2 並未建立,因為您在伺服器上沒有建立權限。 The FPNW home folder %2 was not created because you do not have create access on the server.
1053FPNW 主資料夾 %2 並未建立,因為: %1 The FPNW home folder %2 was not created because: %1
1056同一個使用者不能同時選取 [使用者在下次登入時變更密碼] 及 [密碼永久有效]。 You cannot select both 'User must change password at next logon' and 'Password never expires' for the same user.
1057Windows 無法連線到群組 %s。

如果嘗試連線到執行 Windows 2000 的 Active Directory 網域控制站,請確認 AD DC 是否已安裝 Windows 2000 Server Service Pack 3 或更新版本,或使用 Windows 2000 系統管理工具。如需連線到執行 Windows 2000 之 AD DC 的詳細資訊,請參閱 [說明及支援]。
Windows cannot connect to the group %s.

If you are trying to connect to an Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, verify that Windows 2000 Server Service Pack 3 or later is installed on the AD DC, or use the Windows 2000 administration tools. For more information about connecting to AD DCs running Windows 2000, see Help and Support.
1088無法讀取樹系信任資訊。錯誤是: %1 Unable to read forest trust information. The error is: %1
1089信任類型不相符。如果要成功建立信任關係,雙方網域必須都設定成使用相同的信任類型。信任驗證判定本機網域 %1 已經設定成樹系信任的信任類型,而合作網域 %2 已經設定成外部信任的信任類型。 The trust types do not match. To successfully establish a trust relationship, both domains must be configured to use the same trust type. The trust validation has determined that the local domain %1 is configured for a trust type of forest trust and the partner domain %2 is configured for a trust type of external trust.
1090信任類型不相符。如果要成功建立信任關係,雙方網域必須都設定成使用相同的信任類型。信任驗證判定本機網域 %1 已經設定成外部信任的信任類型,而合作網域 %2 已經設定成樹系信任的信任類型。 The trust types do not match. To successfully establish a trust relationship, both domains must be configured to use the same trust type. The trust validation has determined that the local domain %1 is configured for a trust type of external trust and the partner domain %2 is configured for a trust type of forest trust.
1091無法確認新信任,它所提供的認證無法完成驗證。 Unable to verify the new trust. The supplied credentials were not adequate to complete the verification.
1092無法儲存樹系信任名稱資訊,所提供的認證不符合要求。 Unable to save the forest trust naming information. The supplied credentials were not adequate.
1093無法儲存樹系信任名稱資訊。 Unable to save the forest trust naming information.
1094-Log -Log
1095csv csv
1096類型 Type
1097附註 Notes
1098 For
1099 With
1100以 Tab 分隔的 Unicode 文字檔 (*.csv)*.csv Tab delimited Unicode text (*.csv)*.csv
1101檢視... View...
請使用 nltest.exe 的 /dsgetfti 參數來
There are no name suffixes saved on the trusted domain object.
Use the /dsgetfti parameter to nltest.exe to read the other domain's
name suffixes.
1103名稱 %1 與網域
The name %1 is in conflict
with a name claimed by the domain
To enable this name here it must first be disabled in the other trust.
1104名稱 %1 與其他網域中宣告的名稱發生衝突。
The name %1 is in conflict with a name claimed by another domain.
To enable this name here it must first be disabled in the other domain.
1105%1 是
請使用 Active Directory 網域及信任嵌入式管理單元來移除這個排除項目。
%1 is a
name suffix exclusion and cannot be disabled.
Use the Active Directory Domains and Trusts snapin to remove this exclusion.
1106您輸入的 ToggleSuffix 參數值必須介於 1 及 %1!d! 之間。 The value you enter as a parameter to ToggleSuffix must be between 1 and %1!d!.
The trust is not a forest trust.
This operation is only valid on a forest trust.
1108並未信任 %1 網域。 There is no trust with the %1 domain.
1109名稱資訊無法使用,因為其他網域的信任類型是外部信任而不是樹系信任。 Name information is not available because the type of trust on the other domain is external rather than forest.
1110無法辨識的 FT 記錄類型 Unknown FT record type
1111SID %1 與網域
宣告的 SID 發生衝突。
如果要啟用這個 SID,必須先在其他信任中停用它。
The SID %1 is in conflict
with a SID claimed by the domain
To enable this SID here it must first be disabled in the other trust.
1112SID %1 與其他網域中宣告的 SID 發生衝突。
如果要啟用這個 SID,必須先在其他網域中停用它。
The SID %1 is in conflict with a SID claimed by another domain.
To enable this SID here it must first be disabled in the other domain.
1113無法讀取樹系信任資訊。錯誤是: Unable to write the forest trust information. The error is:
1114如果要啟用網域 %1,
請使用 Active Directory 網域及信任嵌入式管理單元。
To enable the domain %1
use the Active Directory Domains and Trusts snap-in.
1115如果要停用網域 %1,
請使用 Active Directory 網域及信任嵌入式管理單元。
To disable the domain %1
use the Active Directory Domains and Trusts snap-in.
1116名稱 %1 已停用,
請使用 Active Directory 網域及信任嵌入式管理單元。
The name %1 is disabled
by virtue of its associated domain name being disabled. To enable the domain
use the Active Directory Domains and Trusts snap-in.
1117網域正在停用排除項目 Domain disabling exclusion
1118%1 是
名稱尾碼的排除項目而且無法停用。請使用 Active Directory
%1 is a
name suffix exclusion and cannot be disabled. Use the Active Directory
Domains and Trusts snapin to enable the corresponding domain.
1119信任已經建立,而且其他樹系中宣告的名稱已儲存,但被設定成停用。 The trust has been created and the names claimed by the other forest were saved but set to disabled.
1120遇到一個內部邏輯錯誤。請通知 Microsoft 產品支援。 An internal logic error has been encountered. Please notify Microsoft Product Support.
1606您輸入的密碼不相符。請重新輸入信任密碼。 The passwords you typed do not match. Retype the trust password.
1607重新輸入信任密碼 Retype Trust Password
1608不明。電腦物件可能已損毀或遺失。 Unknown. The computer object may be damaged or missing.
1609此名稱尾碼定義為本機樹系: %1 的使用者主體名稱尾碼。
因此 Windows 將把所有使用此名稱的驗證要求路由到本機樹系。

要將驗證要求路由到樹系: %2,請移除本機樹系的 UPN 尾碼。

要移除 UPN 尾碼,請在主控台樹狀目錄的 Active Directory 網域和信任按滑鼠右鍵,然後按 [內容]。
This name suffix is defined as a user principal name (UPN) suffix in the local forest: %1.
Therefore, Windows routes all authentication requests that use this name to the local forest.

To route the authentication requests to the forest: %2, remove the UPN suffix from the local forest.

To remove a UPN suffix, in the console tree, right-click Active Directory Domains and Trusts, and then click Properties.
1610此名稱尾碼已啟用來路由到樹系: %1。
因此 Windows 將把所有使用此名稱的驗證要求路由到該樹系。

要將驗證要求路由到樹系: %2,
請停用路由到 %1 樹系的名稱尾碼。

您要開啟 %1 樹系信任的名稱尾碼路由索引標籤嗎?
This name suffix is enabled for routing to the forest: %1.
Therefore, Windows routes all authentication requests that use this name to that forest.

To route the authentication requests to the forest: %2,
disable routing to the name suffix for the %1 forest.

Would you like to open the Name Suffix Routing tab for the %1 forest trust
where you can disable routing for this name suffix now?
1611無法讀取指定信任的樹系信任資訊。 The forest Trust Info for the specified trust could not be read.
1612無法存放指定信任的樹系信任資訊。 The forest Trust Info for the specified trust could not be stored.
1613此信任的指定 TLN 或 Exclusion 已經存在。 The specified TLN or Exclusion already exists for this trust.
1614TLN 或 Exclusion 無法新增到樹系信任資訊。 The TLN or Exclusion could not be added to the forest Trust Info.
1615TLN 或 Exclusion 已經成功加入樹系信任資訊。 The TLN or Exclusion was successfully added to the forest Trust Info.
The TLN:
was added successfully but conflicts with a name suffix in:
1617信任上找不到指定的 TLN 或 Exclusion。 The specified TLN or Exclusion could not be found on the trust.
1618指定名稱的 TLN 或 Exclusion 記錄已經存在信任中,但它的類型
與使用的切換參數不同。請確定 Top Level Name 或 Exclusion
A TLN or Exclusion record with the specified name exists on the trust but it's
type does not match the switch used. Ensure that the correct version of the
switch is being used for a Top Level Name or an Exclusion.
1619無法從信任移除 TLN 或 Exclusion。 The TLN or Exclusion could not be removed from the trust.
1620指定的 TLN 或 Exclusion 已經成功地從信任中移除了。 The specified TLN or Exclusion was successfully removed from the trust.
1621如果未將此信任標記為「樹系轉移」信任則可能發生此情況。 This may happen if this trust is not marked as a Forest Transitive trust.
1622此信任的受信任網域物件 (TDO) 上找不到樹系信任資訊。 No forest Trust Info was found on the Trusted Domain Object (TDO) for this trust.
1623找不到指定的信任或網域。 The specified Trust or domain could not be found.
1624此操作只能在樹系根網域中執行。 This operation can only be performed on the forest root domain.

請按一下 [重新整理] 按鈕,並嘗試再次編輯名稱尾碼。
This name suffix conflicts with name suffix in remote forest.

Click Refresh button and try to edit the name suffix again.
2000一般 General
2001組織 Organization
2002帳戶 Account
2003隸屬於 Member Of
2004父系-子系 Parent-Child
2005位址 Address
2006成員 Members
2007站台 Site
2008使用可還原的加密來存放密碼 Store password using reversible encryption
2009伺服器 Server
2011電子郵件地址不正確。請修改後重試一次。 The e-mail address is not valid. Correct it and then try again.
2012您要從群組中移除所選取的成員嗎? Do you want to remove the selected member(s) from the group?
2013領域 realm
2014Active Directory 網域服務無法驗證信任。



傳回的錯誤為: %1
Active Directory Domain Services cannot verify the trust.

If the other side of the trust relationship doesn't exist yet, you must create it.

If the passwords for both sides of the trust relationship don't match, you must remove this trust and re-create it using the correct password.

The error returned was: %1
2016電話 Telephones
2017物件 Object
2018名稱 %s 不是正確的 Active Directory 網域服務物件名稱。 The name %s is not a valid Active Directory Domain Services object name.
2019Active Directory 網域服務 Active Directory Domain Services
2020找不到 Active Directory 網域服務物件。另一位使用者可能已將它刪除,或 Active Directory 網域控制站暫時無法使用。 The Active Directory Domain Services object cannot be found. It may have been deleted by another user or an Active Directory Domain Controller may be temporarily unavailable.
2021管理者 Managed By
2023連入: 本機網域的使用者可以在指定網域進行驗證,但指定網域的使用者無法在本機網域進行驗證。 Incoming: Users in the local domain can authenticate in the specified domain, but users in the specified domain cannot authenticate in the local domain.
2024連出: 指定網域的使用者可以在本機網域進行驗證,但本機網域的使用者無法在指定網域進行驗證。 Outgoing: Users in the specified domain can authenticate in the local domain, but users in the local domain cannot authenticate in the specified domain.
2025雙向: 本機網域的使用者可以在指定網域進行驗證,且指定網域的使用者也可以在本機網域進行驗證。 Two-way: Users in the local domain can authenticate in the specified domain and users in the specified domain can authenticate in the local domain.
2026停用。 Disabled.
2027成員資格移除操作失敗。成員可能已被別的系統管理員移除。 The membership removal operation failed. The member may have already been removed by another administrator.
2028無法建立主資料夾,因為: %s The home folder could not be created because: %s
2029找不到網域 %s。請確認這個網域運作正常,並且可以在網路上使用。 The domain %s cannot be found. Verify that it is operational and available on the network.
2030指定的路徑不正確。請輸入一個正確的網路伺服器路徑,使用的格式應為: \\server\share。 The specified path is not valid. Enter a valid network server path using the form: \\server\share.
Active Directory 網域控制站之間的複寫尚未完成,
The group membership modification failed possibly because:
you are trying to add an object a second time
you are trying to add a group whose type or scope is incompatible with this group
replication among Active Directory Domain Controllers has not completed, or
the object may no longer exist.
2034連線 Connections
2040信任 Trusts
2041網域名稱 Domain Name
2042信任類型 Trust Type
2043可轉移 Transitive
2044路由 Routing
2045上層 Parent
2046捷徑 Shortcut
2047外部 External
2049子系 Child
2050間接 Indirect
2051您所輸入的密碼與確認密碼不符。請重新輸入。 The password and confirmation you typed do not match. Please retype them.
2052找不到網域 %s。請檢查拼字是否正確再重試一次。 The domain %s cannot be found. Please verify the spelling and then try again.
2053網域 %s 拒絕存取。可能是因為限制匿名的設定不是預設值 Access to the domain %s is denied. This can occur if the Restrict Anonymous setting has been changed from the default.
2054您指定的路徑不正確。請輸入正確路徑,使用下列格式: 磁碟機代號:\目錄。 The specified path is not valid. Enter a valid path using the form: drive-letter:\directory.
2055無法確認密碼是否符合網域密碼原則。 Unable to verify if the password meets domain password policy.
2056信任密碼太短。 The trust password is not long enough.
2057信任密碼太長。 The trust password is too long.
2058信任密碼不是強式密碼。 The trust password is not a strong password.
2059密碼包含的字元不足,不符合網域安全性原則指定的強式密碼條件。請輸入新的信任密碼。 The password does not contain enough characters to meet the strong password criteria specified by the domain security policy. Type a new trust password.
2060密碼包含的字元過多,不符合網域安全性指定的強式密碼條件。請輸入新的信任密碼。 The password contains too many characters to meet the strong password criteria specified by the domain security. Type a new trust password.
2061密碼不夠複雜,不符合網域安全性原則指定的強式密碼條件。請混合使用符號、數字和大小寫字母,輸入新的信任密碼。 The password is not complex enough to meet the strong password criteria specified by the domain security policy. Type a new trust password that uses a combination of symbols, numbers, and uppercase and lowercase letters.
2062密碼不符合您的網域中密碼篩選器指定的強式密碼條件。請輸入新的信任密碼。 The password does not meet the strong password criteria specified by the password filter in your domain. Type a new trust password.
2074不明 Unknown
2076目前無法使用這個物件的資訊,原因可能是網路或 Active Directory 網域控制站失敗。 Information for this object is not currently available possibly due to a network or Active Directory Domain Controller failure.
2081您確定要從所選取的群組中移除 %s 嗎? Do you want to remove %s from the selected group(s)?
2082從群組中移除使用者 Remove user from group
2083工作站或伺服器 Workstation or server
2084網域控制站 Domain controller
2090您指定的路徑不正確,請輸入正確的網路伺服器路徑,使用下列格式:\\伺服器\共用\資料夾。 The specified path is not valid. Enter a valid network server path using the form: \\server\share\folder.
2091Active Directory 網域服務發生下列錯誤: %s The following Active Directory Domain Services error occurred: %s
2092Windows 無法取得網域 %s 的信任資訊。可能是網域目前無法使用,或它的信任資訊已經不存在。

Windows cannot obtain the trust information for domain %s. Either the domain is unavailable or its trust information no longer exists.
If the trust information does not exist, you should remove the trust.

Do you want to remove the trust?
2093名稱 Name
2094Active Directory 網域服務資料夾 Active Directory Domain Services Folder
2095物件 %s 已經在清單中,不能重複新增。 The object %s is already in the list and cannot be added a second time.
2096無法移除主要群組。如果您要移除這個群組,請先將另一個群組設定成主要群組。 The primary group cannot be removed. Set another group as primary if you want to remove this one.
2097Windows 群組資訊 Windows Group Info
2098用來通知 Active Directory 使用者和電腦有關內容變更的物件無法正確初始化。內容變更將無法反映到 Active Directory 使用者和電腦。 The object that notifies Active Directory Users and Computers of property changes did not initialize properly. Property changes will not be reflected in Active Directory Users and Computers.
2099站台設定值 Site Settings
2100授權設定值 Licensing Settings
2101作業系統 Operating System
2102Windows 2000 前版的名稱欄位是空的。這個欄位必須要有資料。 The pre-Windows 2000 name field is empty. This is a required field.
2104群組無法將自己設為成員。 A group cannot be made a member of itself.
2105帳戶名稱或密碼不正確。 The account name or the password is incorrect.
2106如果您要完成這項操作,您必須使用擁有可修改信任權限的使用者帳戶登入網域 %s。 To complete this operation, you must log on to domain %s as a user with permission to modify trusts.
2107無法在這一次驗證信任,因為發生下列狀況: %s Trust cannot be verified at this time due to the following situation: %s
2108信任已經存在於這個網域中。 This trust already exists with this domain.
2109無法建立信任。原因: %s Trust cannot be created because: %s
2110存放在物件中的安全性識別碼不正確。您應該刪除並重建物件。 The security identifier stored in the object is invalid. You should delete and re-create the object.
2111複本組 Replica Set
2113無法變更這個物件的 %s 屬性。 The %s attribute cannot be changed on this object.
2114訂閱者 Subscriber
2115FRS 連線 FRS Connection
2116登入工作站 Logon Workstations
2118未指定複寫來源的伺服器 The server from which to replicate was not specified
2119所有其他網域 All other domains
2200錯誤 Error
2201畫面 Page
2202例外 Exceptions
2203不再有衝突 No longer in conflict
2204新增 New
2205您輸入的名稱尾碼已經從路由中排除了。 The name suffix that you typed is already excluded from routing.
2206您輸入的名稱尾碼不屬於頂層名稱 %1 The name suffix that you typed is not subordinate to the top level name %1
2207無法將樹系信任資訊寫入信任物件。錯誤是: %s Unable to write the forest trust information to the trust object. The error is: %s
2208您輸入的名稱尾碼是已存在的獨占名稱尾碼的子項目。這個狀況是多餘而且不允許。 The name suffix that you typed is a child of an existing excluded name suffix. This condition is redundant and is not allowed.
2911這是成員的主要群組,所以無法移除成員。請到成員內容表的 [隸屬] 索引標籤,將另一個群組設定成主要群組。接著,您就可以從這個群組中移除成員。 This is the member's primary group, so the member cannot be removed. Go to the Member Of tab of the member's property sheet and set another group as primary. You can then remove the member from this group.
3029 Yes
3030 No
3032登入時段 Logon Hours
3033%1 的登入時段 Logon Hours for %1
3034排程 Schedule
3035%1 的排程 Schedule for %1
3036設定檔 Profile
3037發給 Issued To
3038簽發者 Issued By
3039使用目的 Intended Purposes
3040到期日 Expiration Date
3041[無法使用] [not available]
3042[任何] [any]
3043是否要從 [已發佈的憑證] 移除選取的憑證? Remove selected certificate from Published Certificates?
3044移除憑證 Remove certificate
3045DER 編碼二位元 X509 (*.cer)|*.cer|PKCS #7 (*.p7b)|*.p7b| DER Encoded Binary X509 (*.cer)|*.cer|PKCS #7 (*.p7b)|*.p7b|
3046從檔案新增憑證 Add certificate from a file
3047將憑證儲存到檔案 Save certificate to a file
3048複製到檔案 Copy to file
3050檔案類型無法辨識。無法開啟檔案。 File type is unknown. Cannot open.
3051已發佈的憑證 Published Certificates
3052憑證存放區已經包含相同名稱的憑證。請先刪除重複的名稱再新增。 The certificate store already contains a certificate with this name. Delete the duplicate before adding.
3053新增憑證 Add certificate
3054用來通知 Active Directory 網域服務使用者介面屬性變更的物件並未初始化,原因是:
屬性變更不會反映到 Active Directory 網域服務使用者介面。
The object that notifies the Active Directory Domain Services user interface of property changes did not initialize because:
Property changes will not be reflected in the AD DS user interface.
3055無法開啟憑證存放區。無法顯示已發佈的憑證。 The certificate store cannot be opened. Published certificates will not be displayed.
3056無法將變更儲存到憑證存放區。%1 Changes cannot be saved to the certificate store. %1
3057站台連結物件必須至少連結兩個站台。 Site link objects must link at least two sites.
3058站台連結橋接器物件必須至少連結兩個站台連結。 Site link bridge objects must link at least two site links.
3060這個物件必須要有一個 Windows 2000 前版的名稱。請輸入一個 Windows 2000 前版名稱,然後重試一次 This object must have a pre-Windows 2000 name. Enter a pre-Windows 2000 name, and then try again
3061您沒有足夠的權利來開啟憑證存放區並進行變更。Windows 將嘗試用唯讀模式來開啟存放區。 You do not have sufficient rights to open the certificate store for changes. Windows will attempt to open the store in read-only mode.
3070NW 相容 NW Compatible
3071網路位址 Network Address
3072節點位址 Node Address
3073所有的節點 All Nodes
3074您必須輸入網路位址。 You must enter a network address.
3075Windows 無法載入 fpnwclnt.dll,原因:

Windows cannot load the fpnwclnt.dll because:

3076Windows 無法抓取 NetWare 相容的使用者資訊,原因:

Windows cannot retrieve NetWare-compatible user information because:

3077Windows 無法取得使用者的 NetWare 登入指令檔,原因:

Windows cannot get the user's NetWare login script file because:

3078Windows 無法取得 NetWare 相容的使用者設定,原因:

Windows cannot get NetWare-compatible user settings because:

3079Windows 無法啟用 NetWare 的帳戶,原因:

Windows cannot enable the account for NetWare because:

3080Windows 無法更新 NetWare 使用者參數,原因:

Windows cannot update the NetWare user parameters because:

3081Windows 無法將 NetWare 使用者參數寫入目錄,原因:

Windows cannot write the NetWare user parameters to the directory, because:

3082Windows 無法更新登入指令檔,原因:

Windows cannot update the login scripts file due to error:

3083指定的路徑 %s 不正確。請修正路徑。 The specified path %s is not valid. Please correct the path.
3085無效 Invalid
3086多重值 Multiple values
This option allows the computer to be trusted for delegation. Trusting the computer for delegation is a security-sensitive operation. It should not be done indiscriminately. For more information see Help.
3089無法檢視屬性或數值。您可能沒有檢視這個物件的權限。 Unable to view attribute or value. You may not have permissions to view this object.
3090找不到指定的使用者。如果使用者存在於企業中的其他 Active Directory 網域控制站上,則需要 15 分鐘或更長的時間,才能將使用者複寫到通用類別目錄。 The specified user was not found. If the user exists on another Active Directory Domain Controller in the enterprise, it may take 15 minutes or more for the user to be replicated to the global catalog.
3093連入: 本機網域的使用者可以在指定網域進行驗證。 Incoming: Users in the local domain can authenticate in the specified domain.
3094連出: 指定網域的使用者可以在本機網域進行驗證。 Outgoing: Users in the specified domain can authenticate in the local domain.
3095Active Directory 網域服務失敗,代碼為 '0x%08x'! Active Directory Domain Services failure with code '0x%08x'!
3096這個清單僅顯示區域網域中的群組。 This list displays only groups from the local domain.
3097檢視排程(&V) &View Schedule
3098這個連線是由 Active Directory 網域服務自動產生。除非將物件標記為不是自動產生,否則會覆寫對這個連線所做的變更。您要將這個連線標記為不是自動產生嗎? This connection was automatically generated by the Active Directory Domain Services. Changes to this connection will be overwritten unless the object is marked as not automatically generated. Do you wish to mark this connection as not automatically generated?
3099這個連線是由 Active Directory 網域服務自動產生。會覆寫對這個連線所做的變更。您的權限不足,無法將連線標記為不是自動產生。您仍然想要將變更寫入到連線嗎? This connection was automatically generated by the Active Directory Domain Services. Changes to this connection will be overwritten. You do not have sufficient permission to mark the connection as not automatically generated. Do you still wish to write your changes to the connection?
3100並未建立 %1 主資料夾,因為它已存在。您可以選擇一個不同的名稱,或確定使用者是否有現存主目錄的完整存取權限。 The %1 home folder was not created because it already exists. You might want to select a different name, or make sure that the user has full access privileges to the existing one.
3101無法讀取 %1 的安全性資訊。您將無法變更主目錄的值。 Unable to read security information for %1. You will not be able to change the value of the home directory.
3102登入失敗,無法連線到網域 %1。如果信任失效時,就會發生這種情形。若要重設信任,請開啟對等網域的內容頁,然後選取此網頁並選擇 [編輯]。 Cannot connect to the domain %1 due to logon failure. This could happen if the trust is broken. To reset the trust, open the property page for the peer domain, select this domain and choose Edit.
3103網域 %3 到網域 %4 的 Active Directory 網域控制站 %2 上的安全通道 (SC) 重設失敗,錯誤為: %1 The secure channel (SC) reset on Active Directory Domain Controller %2 of domain %3 to domain %4 failed with error: %1
3104找不到路徑,因此並未建立 %1 主資料夾。這可能是因為列出不存在的中介資料夾,或是找不到伺服器或共用而造成。系統已使用新的主資料夾值更新使用者帳戶,但是您必須以手動方式建立資料夾。 The %1 home folder was not created because the path was not found. This could be caused by listing non-existent intermediate folders or by not finding the server or share. The user account has been updated with the new home folder value but you must create the folder manually.
3105網域 %3 到網域 %4 的 Active Directory 網域控制站 %2 上的安全通道 (SC) 驗證失敗,錯誤為: %1 The secure channel (SC) verification on Active Directory Domain Controller %2 of domain %3 to domain %4 failed with error: %1
3106無法確認使用者登入名稱不存在於企業中。通用類別目錄搜尋傳回錯誤: %1 Unable to verify that the user logon name does not already exist in the enterprise. The global catalog search returned the error: %1
3109您為萬用群組成員資格所選取的下列物件來自混合模式網域。必須等到您將網域轉換為原生模式後,所選取物件的成員資格才會生效。但是,Exchange 資源 (如 [公用] 資料夾) 的成員資格會立刻生效。

物件: %s

在您將網域轉換為原生模式前,不要使用萬用群組來授與或拒絕網路資源 (如檔案、共用及印表機) 的存取。
The following objects that you selected for universal group membership are from a mixed-mode domain. The membership will not take effect for the selected objects until you convert the domain to native mode. However, membership will take effect immediately for Exchange resources such as Public folders.

Objects: %s

Do not grant or deny access to network resources such as files, shares, and printers by using the universal group until you convert the domain to native mode.
3206請輸入 15 的倍數的值來表示複寫間隔。 Please enter a value that is a multiple of 15 for the replication interval.
3207請輸入一個在 %1!d! 及 %2!d! 之間的數值。 Please enter a value between %1!d! and %2!d!.
3208操作失敗,錯誤碼 %d(0x%08x) The operation failed with error code %d (0x%08x)
3209網域無法設定成信任自己。 A domain cannot be set to trust itself.
3210到網域 %s 的信任中找不到 Trusted-Domain 物件。信任可能已經被另一個使用者移除了。 A Trusted-Domain object cannot be found for the trust to domain %s. The trust may have been removed by another user.
3216找不到通用類別目錄,無法抓取成員清單的圖示。有些圖示可能無法顯示。 A global catalog cannot be located to retrieve the icons for the member list. Some icons may not be shown.
3227%1 主資料夾已經存在。所有使用者將被授與完全控制的權限 The %1 home folder already exists. All selected users will be granted full control.
3228%1 主資料夾已經存在。您要授與這個使用者完全控制此資料夾的權限嗎?

關於疑難排解主資料夾使用權限的其他資訊,請開啟 [說明及支援中心],並搜尋 Knowledge Base 文章。
The %1 home folder already exists. Do you want this user to be granted full control of this folder?

For more information about troubleshooting home folder permissions, open Help and Support Center and search for Knowledge Base articles.
3229已順利建立 %1 主資料夾。所有選取的使用者都會有完全控制的權限。 The %1 home folder was successfully created. All selected users were given full control.
3230嘗試聯絡通用類別目錄,以便確認這個 upn 的唯一性時,發生下列錯誤。

Following error occurred when attempting to contact Global Catalog to confirm that this upn is unique.

3249信任名稱 Trust Name
3250您可以使用 NetBIOS 或 DNS 名稱來建立信任。 You can create a trust by using a NetBIOS or DNS name.
3259新增信任精靈 New Trust Wizard
3264信任轉移 Transitivity of Trust
3265轉移性會判定信任關係是否侷限在網域及領域中。 Transitivity determines whether the trust is bounded by the domain and the realm in the trust relationship.
3266確認信任密碼 Confirm Trust Password
3267信任密碼不符合。 The trust passwords do not match.
3268使用者名稱與密碼 User Name and Password
3269您必須要有指定網域的系統管理特權,才能建立這個信任關係。 To create this trust relationship, you must have administrative privileges for the specified domain.
3270Windows 網域信任
指定的網域: %s(&T)
&Trust with a Windows domain
Specified domain: %s
3271您指定的名稱不是正確的 Windows 網域名稱。這個指定名稱是 Kerberos V5 領域嗎? The name you specified is not a valid Windows domain name. Is the specified name a Kerberos V5 realm?
3273名稱尾碼路由 Name Suffix Routing
3278信任方向 Direction of Trust
3279您可以建立單向或雙向信任。 You can create one-way or two-way trusts.
3282這個網域和指定的網域已經有一個單向信任關係。 This domain already has a one-way trust relationship with the specified domain.
3283現存的單向信任 Existing One-Way Trust
3284這個網域和指定的樹系已經有一個單向信任關係。 This domain already has a one-way trust relationship with the specified forest.
3289操作失敗。錯誤是: %s The operation failed. The error is: %s

The name suffix that you typed already exists in the specified forest.

In the list of existing suffixes, the routing status of this suffix will change to Disabled.
3293這個網域和指定的領域已經有一個單向信任關係。 This domain already has a one-way trust relationship with the specified realm.
3295信任有這些特性: Trust exists with these characteristics:
3297信任選取完成 Trust Selections Complete
3298新增信任精靈已經準備好要建立信任。 The New Trust Wizard is ready to create the trust.
3299這個網域: This domain:
3300指定的網域: Specified domain:
3301信任類型: Trust type:
3302方向: Direction:
3303有一個指到網域 %s 的信任是領域類型,但網域是個 Windows 網域。 There is a trust to domain %s that is of type realm, yet the domain exists as a Windows domain.
3304指到網域 %s 的信任存在,但是類型不對。 The trust to domain %s exists but is of an unexpected type.
3305信任的狀態不一致。如果要修復這個問題,請刪除並重新建立信任。 The trust is in an inconsistent state. To fix this problem, delete and recreate the trust.
3307立即變更信任。 Now making the trust changes.
3309如果要建立這個信任關係,您必須要有本機網域的系統管理特權。 To create this trust relationship, you must have administrative privileges for the local domain.
3311本機網域: %s Local domain: %s
3312指定的網域: %s Specified domain: %s
3313請輸入在指定網域中擁有系統管理員權限的帳戶使用者名稱及密碼。 Type the user name and password of an account that has administrative privileges in the specified domain.
3314輸入擁有本機網域系統管理特權的帳戶的使用者名稱及密碼。 Type the user name and password of an account that has administrative privileges in the local domain.
3315輸入在指定網域上的帳戶的使用者名稱及密碼。 Type the user name and password of an account in the specified domain.
3316如果要建立這個信任關係,您必須提供指定網域的使用者認證。 To create this trust relationship, you must supply user credentials for the specified domain.
3319這個網域是樹系根網域。如果指定網域符合的話,您可以建立樹系信任。 This domain is a forest root domain. If the specified domain qualifies, you can create a forest trust.
3321新增信任精靈無法繼續,因為指定的網域無法聯絡。 The New Trust Wizard cannot continue because the specified domain cannot be contacted.
3322可能是網域不存在或網路有其他問題,所以無法連線。 Either the domain does not exist, or network or other problems are preventing connection.
3323如果網域存在但無法使用,請在網域可用時重試。如果它已經不是 Windows 網域,請刪除並重新建立信任。 If the domain exists but is unavailable, try again when it is available. If it no longer exists as a Windows domain, then delete and recreate the trust.
3324指到網域 %s 的信任是 Windows 類型,但是無法連絡網域。 There is a trust to the Windows domain %s, yet the domain cannot be contacted.
3325和指定的網域信任關係已經存在。 A trust relationship with the domain you specified already exists.
3326您已經選擇不要變更這個信任。 You have chosen not to make any changes to this trust.
3327新增信任精靈無法繼續,因為指定的網域是精靈執行所在的網域。 The New Trust Wizard cannot continue because the specified domain is the same domain in which the wizard is running.
3328如果要建立信任,請選取其他網域,而不是您目前管理的網域。 To create a trust, select a domain other than the one that you are currently managing.
3329如果要在這個網域上建立不同的信任關係,請先刪除現存的信任,然後重新執行這個精靈。 To create a different trust relationship with this domain, delete the existing trust, and then run this wizard again.
3330確認連入信任 Confirm Incoming Trust
3331您應該等到另一邊的信任建立後才確認這個信任。 You should confirm this trust only if the other side of the trust has been created.
3332信任密碼驗證失敗,錯誤 %1!d!: %2 The trust password verification failed with error %1!d!: %2
3333信任密碼驗證測試尚未有結果。 The trust password verification test was inconclusive.
3334將嘗試重設一個安全性通道。 A secure channel reset will be attempted.
3335目標系統 %1 不支援 NetLogon 信任密碼驗證。 The target system %1 does not support NetLogon trust password verification.
3336安全性通道重設失敗,錯誤 %1!d!: %2 The secure channel reset failed with error %1!d!: %2
3337信任關係已成功建立。 Trust relationship created successfully.
3338信任關係已成功建立並確認。 The trust relationship was successfully created and confirmed.
3339信任關係已成功建立但確認失敗。 The trust relationship was successfully created but the verification failed.
3340連入信任的驗證失敗,發生下列錯誤: The verification of the incoming trust failed with the following error(s):
3341連出信任已經確認並啟用。 The outgoing trust has been verified. It is in place and active.
3342連入信任已經確認並啟用。 The incoming trust has been verified. It is in place and active.
3343連出信任的驗證失敗,發生下列錯誤: The verification of the outgoing trust failed with the following error(s):
3344排除 Exclusion
3345信任將修改成下列特性: The trust will be modified to have these characteristics:
3346樹系信任 Forest trust
3347樹系 Forest
3349信任建立完成 Trust Creation Complete
3350信任關係已成功建立 The trust relationship was successfully created.
3351路由名稱尾碼 -- 本機樹系 Routed Name Suffixes -- Local forest
3352如果驗證要求所使用的名稱尾碼不存在於指定的樹系,您可以將驗證要求路由傳送到本機樹系。 You can route authentication requests that use name suffixes that do not exist in the specified forest to the local forest.
3354指定的樹系根網域: %1

已順利建立信任,但是信任因名稱尾碼衝突而無法驗證部分或所有帳戶。部分指定的名稱尾碼,已存在這個樹系 (或這個樹系所信任的樹系) 中,因此具有這些名稱尾碼的帳戶不會路由傳送到指定的樹系。

Specified forest root domain: %1

The trust was created successfully, but it cannot be used for authentication for some or all accounts, because of name suffix conflicts. Some of the specified name suffixes already exist in this forest (or a forest that is trusted by this forest), so accounts with these names suffixes will not be routed to the specified forest.

Would you like to save a log file with complete details about the names associated with this trust?
3355Active Directory 網域及信任 Active Directory Domains and Trusts
3356信任名稱記錄檔建立失敗,錯誤: %1 The creation of the trust names log file failed with error: %1
3357指定網域所宣告的名稱: Names claimed by the specified domain:
3358可轉移: 是 Transitive: Yes
3359可轉移: 否 Transitive: No
3362尾碼 Suffix
3363狀態 Status
3366無法連線到網域 %s 的 Active Directory 網域控制站。此時無法判定網域路由名稱宣告是否已變更。 Unable to contact an Active Directory Domain Controller for the domain %s. Cannot determine at this time if the domain's routing name claims have changed.
3368啟用 Enabled
3369停用 Disabled
3370衝突存在於 Conflict in
3371無法從其他網域讀取樹系信任資訊。錯誤是: %1
Unable to read forest trust information from the other domain. The error is: %1
New naming information is not available.

Unable to read forest trust information from the other domain. The error is: %1
New naming information is not available.

The trust may not have been created on the other domain or it no longer exists.
3373目前沒有可用的樹系信任名稱資訊。 There is currently no forest trust naming information available.
3374停用系統管理 Admin-Disabled
3375停用新增 New-Disabled
3376名稱尾碼 Name Suffix
3377網域 DNS 名稱 Domain DNS name
3378網域 NetBIOS 名稱 Domain NetBIOS name
3380樹系根名稱尾碼 Forest root name suffix
3382衝突 Conflicting
3383有符合或更好的記錄 Has matching or superior exclusion record
3384網域 SID Domain SID
3385嘗試讀取所指定網域的名稱宣告失敗。 The attempt to read the names claimed by the specified domain has failed.
3387路由狀態 Routing Status
3388已例外啟用 Enabled with exceptions
3389已例外停用 Disabled with exceptions
3390帳戶選項: Account options:
3392如果您要進行確認,並視需要重設這個信任關係,請按 [驗證]。 To confirm and, if necessary, reset this trust relationship, click Validate.
3393要確認或重設這個信任關係並更新其路由名稱尾碼,請按 [驗證]。 To confirm or reset this trust relationship and update its routed name suffixes, click Validate.

If new child domains were recently added to the specified forest, this
forest might not have detected them yet. To ensure that all traffic for
this trust is routed to the specified forest correctly, update the name
suffix routing information.

Do you want to update the name suffix routing information for this trust?
3400因為這個物件不是 Active Directory 網域服務物件,所以無法顯示其屬性。 The properties of this object cannot be displayed because it is not an Active Directory Domain Services object.
3401%s 不再是這個群組的成員。它可能會再次出現,因為 Active Directory 網域控制站之間的標準複寫延遲。 %s is no longer a member of this group. It may still appear due to standard delays in replication between Active Directory Domain Controllers.
3402這個物件不再是這個群組的成員。它可能會再次出現,因為 Active Directory 網域控制站之間的標準複寫延遲。 The object is no longer a member of this group. It may still appear due to standard delays in replication between Active Directory Domain Controllers.
3403無法連絡到通用類別目錄來抓取成員清單圖示,因為存取被拒絕。有些圖示可能無法顯示。 A global catalog cannot be contacted to retrieve the icons for the member list because access was denied. Some icons may not be shown.
3404Windows 2000 前版登入名稱 %1 包含一些下列不正確的字元:/ \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? @ "
如果您要繼續,Windows 將會用 _ 取代這些字元。
The pre-Windows 2000 logon name %1 contains one or more of the following illegal characters: / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? @ "
If you continue Windows will replace these characters with _.
Do you want to continue?
3405使用者登入名稱 %1 包含一些下列不正確的字元:/ \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? "
如果您要繼續,Windows 將會用 '_' 取代這些字元。
The user logon name %1 contains one or more of the following illegal characters: / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? "
If you continue Windows will replace these characters with _.
Do you want to continue?
3406Windows 2000 前版群組名稱 %1 包含一些下列不正確的字元:/ \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? "
如果您要繼續,Windows 將會用 _ 取代這些字元。
The pre-Windows 2000 group name %1 contains one or more of the following illegal characters: / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? "
If you continue Windows will replace these characters with _.
Do you want to continue?
3429委派 Delegation
3450服務類型 Service Type
3451使用者或電腦 User or Computer
3452連接埠 Port
3453服務名稱 Service Name
3454網域 Domain
3455不要信任這個使用者進行委派(&O) D&o not trust this user for delegation
3456信任這個使用者,可委派任何服務 (只限 Kerberos)(&T) &Trust this user for delegation to any service (Kerberos only)
3457信任這個使用者,但只委派指定的服務(&U) Tr&ust this user for delegation to specified services only
3458必須至少指定一個服務以便進行委派。按一下 [新增] 可新增要委派的服務。 At least one service must be specified for delegation. Click Add to add services to be delegated.
3459選取的物件沒有可委派的服務。按一下 [使用者或電腦] 可選取其他物件。 The selected object(s) do not contain services that can be delegated. Click Users or Computers to select another object.
3460Active Directory 網域控制站無法複寫它本身的資訊。請選取不同的 AD DC。 An Active Directory Domain Controller cannot replicate information with itself. Select a different AD DC.


關於疑難排解主資料夾權限的詳細資訊,請開啟 [說明及支援],搜尋 Knowledge Base 文章。
The home folder was set to the following shared folder:

The shared folder already exists. Because the folder is at the root of the file share, you must verify that the user has the appropriate permissions to manage the contents of the folder.

For more information about troubleshooting home folder permissions, open Help and Support and search for Knowledge Base articles.
3464%1 主資料夾已經存在。


關於疑難排解主資料夾權限的詳細資訊,請開啟 [說明及支援],搜尋 Knowledge Base 文章。
The %1 home folder already exists.

Because the folder is at the root of the file share, you must verify that all users have the appropriate permissions to manage the contents of the folder.

For more information about troubleshooting home folder permissions, open Help and Support and search for Knowledge Base articles.
3465並未建立 %2 主資料夾,因為:
按 [確定] 以嘗試用新的主資料夾值來更新使用者帳戶。您必須以手動方式建立資料夾。
The %2 home folder was not created because:
Click OK to attempt to update the user account with the new home folder value. You must create the folder manually.
3466並未建立 %1 主資料夾,因為您沒有伺服器上的建立權限。

按 [確定] 以嘗試用新的主資料夾值來更新使用者帳戶。取得必要的權限之後,您必須以手動方式建立資料夾。
The %1 home folder was not created because you do not have create access on the server.

Click OK to attempt to update the user account with the new home folder value. You must create the folder manually after obtaining the required access rights.
3469這個物件已在清單中,不可以再新增。 This object is already in the list and cannot be added a second time.
3470嘗試將選取的物件新增至群組時發生錯誤。 Errors occurred while trying to add the selected objects to the group.
3474這部 Active Directory 網域控制站是當成此網域的基礎結構主機角色。除非網域上的所有 AD DC 都是通用類別目錄伺服器,否則不應該將基礎結構主機角色放在也是通用類別目錄伺服器的 AD DC 上。您確定要將這部 AD DC 成為通用類別目錄嗎? This Active Directory Domain Controlller is serving as the infrastructure master role for this domain. The infrastructure master role should not be placed on an AD DC that is also a global catalog server unless all AD DCs in the domain are global catalog servers. Are you sure you want to make this AD DC a global catalog?
3475這個帳戶支援 Kerberos AES 128 位元加密。 This account supports Kerberos AES 128 bit encryption.
3476這個帳戶支援 Kerberos AES 256 位元加密。 This account supports Kerberos AES 256 bit encryption.
3477無法變更受信任網域物件的「支援的加密類型」屬性。錯誤是: %s The Supported Encryption Types attribute on the Trusted domain object cannot be changed. The error is: %s
3478無法讀取受信任網域的「支援的加密類型」屬性。錯誤是: %s The Supported Encryption Types attribute on the Trusted domain cannot be read. The error is: %s
3479密碼複寫原則 Password Replication Policy
3484允許 Allow
3485拒絕 Deny
3487設定 Setting
3488唯讀網域控制站 Read-only Domain Controller
3489通用類別目錄 Global Catalog
3490Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008
3496已在密碼複寫原則中指定 %1,其具有 %2 權限。這個操作會將權限變更為 %3。 %1 is already specified in the password replication policy with %2 permissions. This operation will change the permission to %3.


The operation cannot proceed because some of the specified security principals are already specified in the policy with a different permission. To proceed, select only security principals not already specified in the policy.

The following security principals are currently specified:

3498%1 : %2
%1 : %2
3500ADAM 執行個體 ADAM Instance
3503密碼複寫 Password Replication
3507搜尋符合這個準則的帳戶時發生下列錯誤: %s The following error occurred while searching for accounts meeting this criteria: %s
3508解除帳戶鎖定。目前已在這部 Active Directory 網域控制站上鎖定此帳戶(&N) U&nlock account. This account is currently locked out on this Active Directory Domain Controller.
3514%1 (%2)
%1 (%2)

Are you sure you want to remove these security principals from the Password Replication Policy?



No other Global Catalogs can be detected in the forest.

If no Global Catalogs exist in the forest, users will not be able to log on.

Are you sure that you want to remove the Global Catalog role from this Domain Controller?


No other Global Catalogs can be detected in this site.

If no Global Catalogs exist in a site, it may take longer for users in that site to log on.

Are you sure that you want to remove the Global Catalog role from this Domain Controller?
3519%1 %2
%5 %6
%1 %2
%5 %6
3520這組網域控制站是指定為這個站台的慣用 Bridgehead 伺服器,而且未包括樹系中的所有目錄分割。 The set of domain controllers that are specified as preferred bridgehead servers in this site does not include all the directory partitions in the forest.
3521以下為不是由這個站台中任何慣用 Bridgehead 伺服器所儲存的目錄分割:
The following directory partitions are not stored by any preferred bridgehead server in this site:
3522為了確保只會使用指定為這個站台之慣用 Bridgehead 伺服器的網域控制站來複寫這個站台與其他站台之間的變更,請將這個站台中裝載上述目錄分割的其他網域控制站指定為 Bridgehead 伺服器。 To ensure that only domain controllers that are designated as preferred bridgehead servers in this site are used to replicate changes between this site and other sites, designate additional domain controllers in this site as bridgehead servers that host the directory partitions listed above.
3523否則,會使用未指定為慣用 Bridgehead 伺服器的網域控制站來複寫這些目錄分割。不過,如果沒有任何目錄分割會複寫到這個網站外部,則不需要為該目錄分割指定慣用 Bridgehead 伺服器。 Otherwise, domain controllers that are not designated as preferred bridgehead servers will be used to replicate these directory partitions. However, if any directory partition is not replicated outside this site, you do not have to designate a preferred bridgehead server for that directory partition.
Full Naming Contexts:
Partial Naming Contexts:
3526嘗試設定正確的安全性設定,讓這個管理員可以管理此物件時發生錯誤。 An error was encountered when trying to set the correct security settings for this manager to manage this object.
3529注音標示名稱 Phonetic Names
3535嵌入式管理單元無法驗證目前 GC 是否為樹系中的最後一部 GC。錯誤: %1您要繼續嗎? The snapin failed to validate if the current GC is the last GC in the forest. Error: %1Do you want to continue?
3536變更沒有立即複寫至唯讀網域控制站。發生下列 Active Directory 網域服務錯誤:


The change was not immediately replicated to the read-only domain controller. The following Active Directory Domain Services error occurred:


The designated security principal will gain administrative privileges on this read-only domain controller after the change is successfully replicated.
3537Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 R2
3539Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012
3541%s 功能等級已過時。在此功能等級中,您可能無法將執行未來之 Windows Server 版本的網域控制站新增到該網域或樹系中。 The %s functional level is deprecated. At this functional level, you might not be able to add domain controllers that run a future version of Windows Server to the domain or forest.
4100操作無法繼續,因為在 Active Directory 網域服務中找不到必要的物件: "%1"。 The operation cannot continue because a required object was not found in Active Directory Domain Services: "%1".
4101操作無法繼續,因為 LDAP 新增操作失敗: 物件 "%1",錯誤: %2!d! (%3)。 The operation cannot continue because LDAP add operation failed: object "%1", error: %2!d! (%3).
4102操作無法繼續,因為 LDAP 修改操作失敗: 物件 "%1",錯誤: %2!d! (%3)。 The operation cannot continue because LDAP modify operation failed: object "%1", error: %2!d! (%3).
4103操作無法繼續,因為 LDAP 移動操作失敗: 物件 "%1",錯誤: %2!d! (%3)。 The operation cannot continue because LDAP move operation failed: object "%1", error: %2!d! (%3).
4104操作無法繼續,因為 LDAP 連線/繫結操作失敗: 錯誤: %1!d! (%2)。 The operation cannot continue because LDAP connect/bind operation failed: error: %1!d! (%2).
4105操作無法繼續,因為 LDAP 刪除操作失敗: 物件 "%1",錯誤: %2!d! (%3)。 The operation cannot continue because LDAP delete operation failed: object "%1", error: %2!d! (%3).
4106在使用下列旗標 (%2) 的網域 "%1" 中,找不到網域控制站。(%3) Could not find a domain controller in the domain "%1" using the following flag(s) (%2). (%3)
4107在使用下列旗標 (%2) 的樹系 "%1" 中,找不到網域控制站。(%3) Could not find a domain controller in the forest "%1" using the following flag(s) (%2). (%3)


File Name:adprop.dll.mui
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Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows Active Directory 網域服務管理內容頁
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:dsprop
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:dsprop.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is adprop.dll.mui?

adprop.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file adprop.dll (Windows Active Directory 網域服務管理內容頁).

File version info

File Description:Windows Active Directory 網域服務管理內容頁
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:dsprop
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:dsprop.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200